#bws sin 1
deputyrabies · 3 months
It's almost a blur, how they'd gotten to this point. Sure there's plenty of times that @backwaterscum has pinned Shane down by the back of his neck or with his wrists above his head. And each time, Shane's felt a euphoria that he's never known possible.
So the moment Daryl mentioned something that might make it more fun for them both, Shane eagerly agreed.
Never in his life had the thought of being tied down like a damn hog crossed his mind. Sure, he's put his handcuffs to good use historically, be it on him or his partner for the evening, but this? He's never paid it any mind before.
But, as Daryl finishes the upper part of his torso with a ❝  let me know if the ropes are too tight,  okay?  ❞, he almost feels foolish for not having fantasized about it before.
Still, despite the absolute trust he clearly has for Daryl not dawning on him just yet, he offers a curt nod.
"Yeah... Yeah, feels nice."
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xamaxenta · 2 months
Saw the post talking about colors and contrast--I can't wait to see how you apply this new knowledge! Franky, I already kinda wanna eat your artwork its so pleasantly smooth in execution (separate from the very lovely character design you indulge us all with). I don't know how else to describe it without sounding like a loonatic lol
A handy tip for contrast is to (briefly) render it black and white! If you can clearly determine all the important details without staring down the piece until your eyes cross, congrats! You've got contrast! Really helps bring a piece together and emphasize what you want the viewer to focus on.
That's how I can tell after it's said and done at least, cause color theory is a bitch and saturation it's unholy offspring.
Experimenting with just stark colors also helps for practice! Like a moody black and white piece with only one color to accent like it's Sin City or something.
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Thank you!! I always feel like my artistic improvement and skill ceiling evolved late compared to other artists who are like 18 and have perfect anatomy
But then i remember 1. Not a race 2. The resources I had compared to them as a kid/teen were like “anime 101” books from barnes and noble and websites where artists even shared their work online ig twitter etc didnt exist or wasnt used like that yet
But because of my late skill improvement its frustrating bc i also don’t have the time to explore new stuff
I know about the greyscale/bw pre render technique its really important for compositions too, ive just rarely implemented it but now that ive seen this artist showcase how they process an idea im like oh it can be done like THAT so ill pick that method apart and force myself through my preassigned ceiling
Im also interested in finding more texture to play with idk itll be cool? I hope
Thank you for this and for your kind words and support 😭❤️ means so much to me
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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To see Black men reacting the way they are to this Carlee Russell news is so disheartening.
Too many of y’all hate Black Women and take pride in seeing Black Women harmed.
Y’all really want to be oppressors and it shows
but if I say these hoteps deserve to be another hashtag then I’m wicked. But apparently you hate bw so much that maybe a wicked statement like this is though harsh but it is warranted
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Thing is, I'm saddened by the news because I know her actions just add more fuel to the fire when it comes to Black women being believed.
I want Carlee to get help.
Funny how that same metric isn't applied to ww, despite Sherri Papini and a slew of others.
The folks who’re more excited about the possibility of 1 hoax than concerned about the reality of 100, 000 missing Black women need to beg the rest of humanity for forgiveness.
Concern is not a sin, but callous apathy is.
I would rather believe the victim the first time only to find out that it was a hoax then to doubt them
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artcalledmusica · 2 years
SayI0 in a left hand So Mr or Mrs Marilyn Manson Scribed with marker On his left hand Say i zero Say off on Say binary Say 10 Say 1 win 0 lost (at a fence)revisit With no comments left after marking Should I understand you’re Satan Opps I mean say ten, I’ve read a book your clever ways, not a one album for promoting any thing to LIFE meaning Living infinitely forever energy But like in astrological class you fucked it up backwards my dear I always see you supposed to play Topeka in after Of Jim Rose Circus just before NIN, I would see in Koln, you cancelled show in just north Amsterdam, you had ticket title & didn’t show Soulfly played during people with kool aid colour hair, catch you later at Denver with Black Sabbath during an Ozzfest Then the pale in Tulsa Also numerology and other varieties and various thangs & things You need an oxygen tank Quick supply Don’t hyper explode I’ve seen your arteries Cloggy Like shoe Bill bird from Congo Deepest river Check out the fish with one lung Slithering throughout mud talk Same ol mm face and theme but really WB opps BW, video is on YouTube I’m sure we see the same things Look it up Get back to me Get passed get pissed by me Write some unlike all your others Something Markle Sparkle ❇️ I prefer a • Non columned don’t get offended Marilyn You are contracted or want more I understand.....court battles I’ve been through some I always tell people if it comes up it dinner conversation sorts of speak I’m a fan Just like NIN, RHCP, RATM, Korn, The Prodigy, Tool, TwentyOnePilots, Tantric, GodSmack, SteveMillerBand, SteelyDan, Mudvayne, TheDoors, CrazyAnglos, AlanisMorisette, FleetwoodMac, FooFighters, UltraSpank, RobZombie, ElleKing You’re landed in there dear mm space man make up, but take Vitamin D, paint up ghostly give your skin what it needs at least, better ten - twenty minutes in Sun, gains of serotonin also Zinc for infections and rashes but also piercings only provides more for a tattoo work B-12 conversion food energy Magnesium muscle & bone strength Folic Acid folate deficiency Vitamin C the only candy allowed in basic, immune health protect self from free radicals An Emergency packet every two to four days Make the body need Before just wasting a bunch of money on swallowing bunches everyday Now I’m for free Speaking giving away my regimen to a President and Marilyn Manson and I’m sure many others (Trump stole my regimen, after hotel sweep but missed my added others during last few years, a different story but heard the later during covid newscast when he caught his bug gathered from overseas to America from a Lab) Lest Not Forget, covid casualty numbers & Capitol Assault don’t miss a yearly $750 in taxes also MMYBSDROW For Marilyn Manson And free info for Our President 0945,02032023 23zero60 My Dear Sir Commander in Chief My sin sear dark twisted theological brain focus videos on you tube no growing or learning from Come down sit in mud Get new manager found from Interview Speak again On marketed marker-Ed now hand I m calling you out I started this around say Say Say Say Say Say 0830 even with feeding birds with two cigarette breaks Say Posthumous Posthumously Stay safe find oxygen It’s needed for fire The Antichrist Super Star ss Stud For Hate Well I’m love and light Wanna fight Just tossed an extra lung in to your COurt Co body Fuckin’ jester painted up for a 5min interview I probably paid your ride for Uber Psych I haven’t purchased since Killing Strangers It was cool hearing it in John Wick Candle blown Out But psyched again did you input to JW4 Are you gonna watch it Do you only watch for your song? Or inter tamed while watching others? When you didn’t have the money to entertain a new movie? What did you do? What you doing now? Marilyn Manson left hand black markered marketed a writing? Love or Hate You calling’ I’m calling you out! From MarkMartinez why bullshit Dr O World WordsbyMM It’s been my hashtag It’s now 10:06 I’ll post after cig Back now 10:21 For a post
;) for a rant sorry brother! Ouch
My point you are better than the two named above,
There’s a guy I think of!
0 notes
acapulcopress · 2 years
Registra México primeros casos de Covid/BQ.1
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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO * 16 de noviembre de 2022. ) AN La variante del coronavirus BQ.1, que ha sido nombrada por usuarios en redes sociales como ‘Perro del infierno’, ya se encuentra presente en México. Sin embargo, no es una variante predominante, revelan datos del Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos (InDRE). De acuerdo con el reporte de vigilancia genómica del organismo, de las secuencias registradas, el 98% son variante Omicron y el 2% per/enecen a otras variantes. Al desglosarlo por subvariantes, el 45% pertenecen a BA.5, el 20% a BW.1, el 7% son de BQ.1, el 5% de BA.4.6., el 1% de BA.2.75, mientras que el 20% son de otras subvariantes de Omicron y el 2% pertenece a otras variantes. El primer caso de BQ.1 se reportó en la Ciudad de México a inicios de noviembre y desde entonces se ha encontrado en otras entidades, acumulando 95 casos en todo el país. De acuerdo con el InDRE, ha sido identificada en el Estado de México, Nuevo León, Campeche, Tabasco y Yucatán, siendo esta última la entidad que concentra la mayoría de los casos, con 85 diagnósticos positivos. El linaje derivado de Omicron ha cobrado notoriedad en el mundo ya que en redes sociales se ha afirmado que es más contagiosa. Sin embargo, ninguna entidad sanitaria ha sugerido que realmente sea peor que otras variantes. El pasado 27 de octubre, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) explicó que es un sublinaje de BA.5 (de Ómicron). Esta última tiene mutaciones en pico en algunos sitios antigénicos clave, pero BQ.1.1 porta una mutación de pico adicional que le da una ventaja de crecimiento significativa sobre otras variantes en muchos entornos, incluidos Europa y Estados Unidos, apuntó el organismo de las Naciones Unidas. No obstante, advirtió que no se diferencia lo suficiente de otros linajes de Omicron como para justificar la designación de nuevas variantes de interés. Sin embargo, recalcó que sigue siendo parte de Omicron, la cual aún es una variante preocupante. Asimismo, reiteró que en este momento no hay datos epidemiológicos que sugieran un aumento en la gravedad de la enfermedad. Según el centro, para mediados de noviembre y principios de diciembre podría ser responsable de más del 50% de las infecciones por SARS-CoV-2 y de más del 80% para principios de 2023. De acuerdo con la OMS, a mediados de octubre tenía una prevalencia del 6% y había sido detectada en 65 países. Read the full article
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
yess lets hear the im2 natasha hc
OKAY SO from a deleted scene from Black Widow the Budapest incident, a.k.a. Natasha's defection from the Red Room, occurred eight years prior to CACW/BW -- in other words, in 2008. IM1 also takes place in 2008, and because it greatly amuses me I headcanon that the end of IM1 (the Tony and Stane fight, since IM1 takes place over a period of months) took place immediately after the Budapest incident, which means that Nick Fury got back to the Triskelion with Budapest on fire and the Black Widow that Clint Barton talked into defecting and who now he has to rehabilitate going "okay, fine, now I can relax," and then got a call from Coulson going "boss, you won't BELIEVE what just happened."
After some finagling (I don't care what the official dates are) to get IM2, Thor 1, and TIH to all take place during the same week (which canon says they did), I have tentatively placed them in fall 2010. (Trying to get the Phase 1 dates to line up is a nightmare because they've all been retconned so many times.) This assumes that the "six months later" marker at the beginning of IM2 is just when Vanko Sr. dies and there's a longer time span between that and when Tony goes up in front of the Senate subcommittee and the rest of the movie occurs, and it assumes that when Fury says "last year" to Thor in Avengers he actually means longer than a year, but this is not exactly the worst timeline sin that the MCU has ever committed, it just has a lot of moving parts.
So here is my IM2 Natasha headcanon: this is her first undercover mission since she joined SHIELD. She has been doing ops for SHIELD since she joined, but it's all been relatively straightforward "go kill this dude" / "protect this other dude" stuff, and probably for the first year she was running those ops with Clint specifically. (The Winter Soldier run-in near Odessa that she refers to in TWS would have been in 2009 -- it could have been one of her earliest solo ops.) Fury puts her undercover with SI and Tony because he's curious to see if she can pull it off and also if she can deal with Tony Stark without murdering him then she's definitely been rehabilitated. Also if she can deal with the lingerie photoshoot she had to do for that without murdering anyone. Natasha succeeded, she did not have a good time, but she passed the last of Nick Fury's tests in the process.
(I had Natasha say this in Yonder, but I think she doesn't enjoy doing undercover work, and when she went to SHIELD she was hoping a little that she'd be out of that. The Battle of New York was an eye-opener for her with the realization that she didn't have to and in fact she liked not doing stuff alone in the dark.)
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Rent-A-Girlfriend
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How did I get into this anime? Let’s just say due to a few websites I frequent around decided to be little whore-ish, I became curious by this particular title. Let’s just say they were mentioning this one at least every other day prior to the premier. So out of natural curiosity and knowing nothing of what I’m getting into, I decided to add another Friday anime to my watch list. I guess Fridays are my busy day for watching anime!
Kazuya Kinoshita is a 20 year old college student. Life seems to be going well for him until his girlfriend decides to dump him.
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Not even 30 seconds into this anime and this sad-sack gets dumped!
So after Kazuya gets dumped, he ends up on a website and before you know it, he’s made arrangements to go on a date with a rented girlfriend! Yes, these are very much a thing. You can go to a website and pay a woman to go on a date with you. Apparently, Japan has a lot of these services and it does get a little ewwie with it so I’m gonna move on with the synopsis.
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The girl he ends up going out with is named Chizuru Ichinose. The first date seemed to be going well, but Kazuya felt off by this girl. He just thought Chizuru was just playing with her clients hearts, plus he’s still a little heart-broken from his previous girlfriend, so he gives her a bad review. So when they go on their second date, Chizuru’s cutesy, sweet act is replaced with someone who is tempermental and sassy.
Just then, Kazuya gets word his grandmother collapsed!
I know it’s weird in the synopsis, but just go with it!
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With word of his grandmother in the hospital, Kazuya ends up taking Chizuru to the hospital with him. Turns out Kazuya’s family jumped to the obvious conclusion that this girl is his girlfriend and they went nuts. Mostly at the fact that their son actually got a cute girlfriend! Add another layer of WTF to this cake, Chizuru’s grandmother is in this exact, same hospital as Kazuya’s grandmother. And both ladies are over the moon that these two are dating (even though that’s far from the truth). Chizuru hasn’t even told her family that she’s working at Rent-a-Waifu! Well, let’s just break things off and let the family down easy.
Oh, look! They both go to the same university. Oh look! They’re also next door neighbors. I smell shenanigans!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: At this moment, the only one streaming this series is Crunchyroll. A few weeks into the premier, Crunchyroll started airing a dub. As for the sub, this is my first time really listening to the main lead’s seiyuu, Shun Horie. But the rest of the cast has a nice mixture of memorable voices like Aoi Yuuki, Rie Takahashi, Sora Amamiya, Gakuto Kajiwara…oh fuck!
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As for the dub, Crunchyroll is currently publishing an episode once a week. The dub is just okay in my opinion, really nothing to write home about. The only thing I can say is that Aleks Le did a fairly-decent job voicing Kazuya. After voicing Zenitsu last year, he’s got a knack for voicing wimpy twats. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Kazuya is played by Shun Horie
*Chizuru is played by Sora Amamiya (known for Toka on Tokyo Ghoul, Aqua on Konosuba, Miia on Monster Musume, Akame on Akame ga Kill, Elizabeth on Seven Deadly Sins, and Yachiyo on Magia Record)
*Mami is played by Aoi Yuuki (known for Iris on Pokemon BW, Madoka on Madoka Magica, Kayo on ERASED, Yuuki on SAO II, Tatsumaki on One Punch Man, Tamaki on Fire Force, and Kinako on Inazuma Eleven GO)
*Ruka is played by Nao Touyama (known for Chitoge on Nisekoi, Koga on Bunny Girl Senpai, Nii on Blue Exorcist, Akira on Kono Oto Tomare, Momo onAi Tenchi Muyo
ENGLISH CAST: *Kazuya is played by Aleks Le (known for Zenitsu on Demon Slayer and Ake on Shield Hero)
*Chizuru is played by Lizzie Freeman (known for Cardinal on SAO: Alicization, Iwanaga on In/Spectre, Trish on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 5, and Felicia on Magia Record)
*Mami is played by Laura Stahl (known for Ray on The Promised Neverland)
*Ruka is played by Sarah Williams (known for Sayaka on Madoka Magica, Felix on Re:Zero, Nonon on Kill la Kill, Mirai on Boruto, Lisbeth on SAO, and Puck on Berserk 2016)
DISLIKED CHARACTER: And now, a poem…
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Roses are red Mami’s a cunt…
That’s the poem.
SHIPPING: I can honestly say I didn’t expect the Rent-a-Girlfriend and the Ex-Bitch to meet each other in the second episode. Even after going on a few dates with Chizuru, Kazuya still finds himself “beating his meat” to the thought of his ex, Mami. Only for the girls to beat your meat to change places just a few episodes later!
Oh yes, it’s that kind of series! Kazuya jacks off quite a bit.
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Kazuya x Chizuru: At times it feels like Kazuya is really falling for Chizuru for who she really is and not the façade she puts up as a rental girlfriend. But I guess the number of awkward setups and situations these two have been thrown in throughout the series can do that to Kazuya. I mean, how else do you expect Kazuya jacking it off to Chizuru when he’s trying to think of his ex?! Yeah, he’s lied to his family, Chizuru’s grandmother, and all of his friends about this relationship and this relationship is as fake as a three-dollar bill. But there are a few genuine moments that show these two care for each other. Kazuya was ballsy enough to jump off a moving boat to save Chizuru when she fell overboard. And Kazuya felt concerned when Chizuru was thinking about leaving the rental girlfriend profession. Though that could be Kazuya being a pathetic sack of shit and wanting to continue this farce relationship and paying a girl for some attention! It’s so hard to say something kind about Kazuya wanting this relationship to work. But for what it’s worth, I like the farce ship better than the next thing I’m going to speak about.
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Kazuya x Mami: I don’t like this bitch and I hate this ship. From the get-go you go in hating this succubus. And when we see her again in episode 2, bitches be bitches! Getting drunk in a public setting and making fun of Kazuya not being man enough for her (in the sexual sense). Then, we get Mami trying to go home with Kazuya when Chizuru is gone. But we don’t stop there, she’s trying at every opportunity to make Kazuya drop everything and fall in love with her again. She’s the one that dumped him, but can’t stand seeing Kazuya with anyone else (no matter the awkward circumstances). It’s clear that Mami has severe jealousy issues. I mean, Chizuru is prettier and nicer than Mami. Meanwhile, Mami is a manipulative scum-wad with the charm of a poisonous snake.
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Kazuya x Ruka: Ruka was a rental girlfriend from a different agency and was on a double date with Kazuya, Chizuru, and Kazuya’s idiot friend that sounds like Asta. But due to several misunderstandings between Kazuya and Ruka, turns out Kazuya is the only man to get her heart rate up. So Ruka cuts ties with the idiot friend who hired her and has set sights on Kazuya. And she will fight for her man no matter what. She’s even ballsy enough to interrupt Kazuya’s family celebration of New Years by coming in like an asteroid to fuck things up. At this point in the series, Kazuya’s grandmother is dead-set on him marrying Chizuru. Any other girl is shit compared to her! But Ruka will continue to do her thing. Even applying to the same job that Kazuya works at!
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Kazuya x Sumi! You expect me to say something about this? They had one bleeping date! And she’s barely seen outside of the opening and ending themes. If there’s more interactions in season two, holla back at me because this ain’t happening. Although, I’ll support the fuck out of this ship over Kazuya x Mami!
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BIG SIMPIN’: So being an older millennial (or X-ennial as I’m currently classified under), I am not hip to the lingo of these youngins. Because of Kazuya, the internet uproared by calling him a phrase known as a “simp”. Well, I don’t want to seem like some out-of-touch boomer. So I’m just going to look up this “simp” term and see if this is legitimate. Let’s see what the Slang-tionary says.
“Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them.”
Okay. I think it’s time for the rap interlude of this review.
I don't know what you heard about him But a bitch will get every dollar out of him No cherry-poppin’ as you can see That he’s a motherfucking S-I-M-P
ENDING: Being a rental girlfriend isn’t something Chizuru wants to do, but this gives her practice in what she really wants to do, which is become an actor. And as of recently, Chizuru has been thinking about quitting the rental girlfriend agency. So what would happen if Chizuru quit being a rental girlfriend? That’s a question for another day and another season!
So only a few people have learned about Kazuya and Chizuru’s relationship being the most complicated farce in anime history. Halfway into the series with Ruka’s introduction, she caught on about Chizuru being a rental girlfriend. And because of that incident, Kazuya decided to come clean to his idiot friend, Shun. When Shun hired Ruka to be his rental girlfriend, dude was on top of the world. But when Ruka exposed what he did in front of Kazuya, Shun got severely depressed. Kazuya decides to pay for Chizuru to take Shun out on a date. That’s when Shun finds out that Kazuya hired Chizuru after Mami dumped him.
You know what? I have to spring this up! How long did you think Kazuya was going to hide the rental girlfriend thing to his friends? He’s friends with a bunch of stinkin’ virgins. Lonely, stinkin’ virgins! Plus, if Chizuru is rated #1 on a Google search for top rental girlfriends (as it was established in episode 10), I’m surprised no one else caught on, including the grandmothers. Kazuya’s grandmother is constantly playing on her smart phone. Shun is on the internet all the time. I’m surprised there isn’t an annoying pop-up ad in Japanese Google that would flash at them at any point saying, “Meet legal Japanese chicks in your area” redirecting them to the rental girlfriend website. Followed by giving you a gnarly computer virus!
Well, we’re 10 episodes in a 12 episode series. Why not finally introduce the fourth girl that we’ve been seeing in the opening and ending themes all season?! Chizuru asked Kazuya for a favor to go out with the new rental girlfriend at the agency to help boost her confidence. Enter, Sumi! The best way to describe this silent, moe-blob is a less busty version of Mikuru Asahina. Kazuya and Sumi’s date went over somewhat okay. Kazuya saved Sumi from a bunch of thugs. And while Sumi was silent throughout the entire date, she managed to squeak out a thank you at the end. So not a bad date, right?
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Unfortunately, during the date, Mami saw them and trailed them. And it went down just as you would imagine! Mami confronts Kazuya, Kazuya comes up with some bullshit lie to Mami, Sumi is still silent, and Mami is up to no good after she leaves.
Because Mami learned Sumi’s full name, she went to the internet to find a profile or something on a social network. That’s when Mami learned that not only Sumi was a rental girlfriend, but Chizuru as well. It’s not so bad that Shun knows about Chizuru, but if Mami finds out, game over. Game over, Kazuya! So what happens next?
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Mami catfished Chizuru by calling her out for a date using the rental girlfriend website! Then they go to the karaoke bar Kazuya works at for their “date”.
GAME OVER KAZUYA! GAME OVER! You lost all 5 lives. Please return to world 1 and may God have mercy on your simpin’ ass!
Kazuya watched their date from a distance (and this time he didn’t get caught eavesdropping like the last time he followed Chizuru). And after a cute mention of the singers to the opening and ending theme to the series, Mami and Chizuru end their date with an exchanging of words. All this proved is that Mami is still a jealous bitch with a dead look in her eyes and Chizuru likes Kazuya. We think! Either Chizuru meant what she said to Mami or she’s a really good actress. When Chizuru came back to the apartment complex, Kazuya met her outside and thanked her for what she said to Mami followed by a confession.
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Ah yes, a confession of love! As the credits roll, we see flashbacks of the past 12 episodes and end the series on a cute note and a possible opening to an OVA and we can end from…
Oh wait, there’s more!
Kazuya says he wants Chizuru to continue being his rental girlfriend. Because he knows she’s planning on quitting the rental girlfriend business! So he smooths that over! Both played this off with a wary poker face, but behind closed doors, they are sweating bullets.
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OH, and season two has been green-lit. Fabulous!
This anime was addicting to watch. I don’t know if it was as addicting as Uzaki-chan. Then again, I picked to watch Rent-a-Girlfriend over Uzaki-chan. But this was an addicting train-wreck! Watching this dumbass try to fool his family and friends that he really was able to get a cute girlfriend for a full year! How the hell could anyone fall for that mess? People still watched this dumpster fire of a relationship right, so why bitch about the stupidity of Simpy McSimperson over here? I am glad we’re getting a second season because we really didn’t get a chance to see much of Sumi. I know she’s no contender when you put her next to the great Chizuru, but good golly, give this girl some screentime aside from the one episode she got. They made her seem like she was going to be a big player in this anime, but only getting a bit role. I also want to see if Mami is going to redeem herself from the cunt we saw since 18 seconds into the series. I seriously doubt it, but it just gives me more reason to cuss at the computer, calling her every horrible name in the book. And as for Ruka…there’s nothing to say. She’s just gonna be second best no matter what the fuck happens.
As addicting as this anime was, I can’t ignore how many times I had to facepalm at every, stupid action done by Kazuya. I mean, several times per episode, butt-for-brains does something stupid that makes us say, “Dude, WTF” or “Bruh”. Lying to your family, lying to your friends, giving a bad review to your rental girlfriend for giving you great service, jacking it to your ex when you’re clearly hot for Chizuru, following a guy around because he spends the day with Chizuru, and it just goes on and on! You want to root for this twerp in hopes he gets the girl of his dreams in the end, but at the same time, you’re like, “This guy is a total dink.”
Oh, let’s see what season two has to offer…whenever that comes.
In the meantime, if you’d like to check out Rent-A-Girlfriend, Crunchyroll has all 12 episodes available in both sub and dub.
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vespiiqueen · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you (if you want !! 💛💖)
Wow I rambled a lot with this but i can't add cuts bc I'm on mobile rn DHSISHSJ sorry :"))))
1. Ik Ik "haha how cringe are you" of me to say, but honestly? Homestuck. Homestuck helped me in a time of need and when i so desperately wanted something to latch onto. Finally, I caved into my friends telling me to read it-- and it's been a blast!! The epilogues / hs^2 make me feel kinda sad though, because so much of what I loved about the original was yeeted through the nine circles of hell and into the trash. I love Y/ffany's (I call her Yippi tho) design, the art is really pretty at times, Harry is a major dork, I LIVE for seeing Vrissy bc honestly?? Her design is 10/10, very early 2000s emo style and I also live for that. Tavros is cute and a nerd and I think that's swell!
But in terms of story and how any of this happens, it makes me sad to see it happen. If Vriska could return as Vrissy, why not OTHER beta trolls? Where's my Eridan fish man, writers?? Give me the boy or perish by my fury.
2. Also super "haha how cringe are you" but,,, murder cats (Warriors), esp the early 2005-2015 amvs and stuff. I remember watching Flightfootwarrior's "I Will Not Bow" Scourge amv for HOurs and having no clue what was happening, but all these edgy kitties were KITTIES! It's introduced me to a lot of music I still listen to to this very day (Imagine Dragons, Young/the entirety of Hollywood Undead, Breaking Benjamin). And yknow what?? This new arc is absolute chaos, but in the good way.
I'm an "OG Fan". I prefer the first arc, The Prophecies Begin, to almost any of the other arcs. I just could never get into the other arcs-- not to say I haven't read them, I HAVE and the Fire Scene was probably one of my favorite moments beside grumpy Jaypaw, god complex Lionblaze, and fear the gods Hollypaw. I thought the build-up for it was SUPER satisfying. Gray Wing is my baby and I fully embellish in the Gray Wing is Silverpelt theory.
This new arc is definitely something new for the universe. While I didn't read aVoS (but I may do that if i can find the files for it), and so I don't know the major events of it other than what I've seen M.A.P.'s (Multi-Animator Projects, for clarification,,, bc unfortunately that term is also something disgusting). There's fucking cat possession and all the Clans questioning their belief system, yo. Shit be on fire.
Also the Imposter is 100% Ashfur, that's canon now, yeah??? Also im sorry but fuck Root x Bristle that's the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Give me Root x Shadow or face the wrath of my dragon plushies.
RiverClan is my Clan and my gov assigned warrior name is Fireshell 🌟🌟
3. As much as I hate the author,,,,, Harry Potter. It's been a major part of my life for as long as I can remember. I can never really remember why, but I've always just loved it- the movies, the books, the extra little merch that would pop up in my local Walmart. Of course my favorite character is Draco Malfoy. I could go on and on and ON about how I think his character arc was SHIT and JKR didn't have the balls to make him a confident gay man that was always implied through the text (at least, my lesbian ass thought it was implied but i may just be projecting, idk). I could ramble about Draco for HOURS and what I think his character SHOULD have been and how his parents are horrible (more specifically, Lucius bc Narcissa [?] Actually showed a few good moments), and a child should never have to pay for their parents sins.
Oh noo, Draco's a villain because he's a victim of major abuse and peer pressure? He's a villain because a literal child can be horrible and they'll always always always stay as a horrible little fiend?? Fuck that. He's a child.
Unlike manchild grease pan Snape, who was a racist piece of shit and shouldn't have became a fucking school teacher but it's okay because he was ~~~in love~~~. No, fuck you, he was a creep. James Potter n Co may have been a little posh bitch to you, Snape, but that's no fucking excuse to continue to bluntly be a little cunt all the way into adulthood. You're an adult who flatly changed your PATRONUS to imitate Lily's. You have no excuse. And Harry went and named his child after you LIKE JESUS CHRIST, DID RON'S SISTER NOT HAVE A SAY IN THE NAMES TOO?????
I also fully adore the idea that Muggles can run into Hogwarts and their patronus can 100% be a made up, fantasy creature. Imagine you learn the patronus spell and suddenly fucking ARCEUS comes from your wand. Imagine learning the spell and CHTULU (i did not spell that right but im so tired) comes from your wand-- an entire ass fucking Lovecraftian, Eldrith horror is just the embodiment of you. What if it was a fucking Homestuck character like Vriska? How fucking METAL would that be?? Hskajssowjjsjs get on it fandom.
4. Hee hee very evident by my url but Pokemon is another major thing of mine. While vespiquen isn't my favorite (that title goes to Hydreigon), it is definitely up there!
I've ALWAYS enjoyed the idea of Pokemon. You run around, training up these fight monsters and collecting them. I remember playing my sister's Ruby version on her flip-up Gameboy. I couldn't even read but I ran around catching god only knows how many of the same pokemon wherever she was. Apparently, I had fought for hours in the same area and leveled her Blaziken up to lvl 50 something and left her lvl 30s in the dust LMAO.
I got my first game when it was Pearl/Diamond. It was Pearl, and it still holds a very fond place in my heart. I could barely read, I could barely write-- I had named my Turtwig something along the lines of "MmorpHy" and my player boy "ZbsibJ". Yes I remember the names slightly. I really didn't get far-- I barely got to the first gym but I was just so happy to play it.
I eventually lost the game, as a 5 year old would do, but I can still vividly remember what was happening when the game arrived. I had just came back from the dentist and was quite tired from fighting the dentist bc I was super scared. Mom suddenly handed me a box and said it was mine-- my overseas (at that time) dad had bought me Pearl and my sister Diamond, because I lost my shit about it when he visited one time.
Well, tdlr, I played it for about five minutes while struggling to stay awake against the loopy gas they made me take. I fell asleep listening to Twinleaf Town's soundtrack. Every time I play a rom of Pearl and I get to where the player's house fades in and I hear that first tune of the song, I get a huge smile on my face and cry-- as.. Weird as it sounds.
A few years later, I had gotten Pokemon Black bc I liked Reshiram on the cover. Now, this one I could actually READ when playing, but I don't remember a lot of things about it. I probably lost this one too, as a 8/9 year old would do. I DO remember, I chose Snivy and my sister chose Tepig (hrmm there's a theme here of grass/fire goin on......) and vibing to the music. I was so amazed by the sprites moving, I just kept getting into encounters to see the sprites move (oh boy, no one tell younger 7-9 y/o me about Zelda......oh wait....)
Playing Pokemon NOW, as a 17 year old """gifted""" chick, I stil have very fond memories. I recently beat Pokemon Black again and GOD the OTS SLAPS. I fucking adore the soundtrack-- the track that plays when you battle a trainer, the low health dings being turned into a legit song that also slaps, the battle! gym leader themes-- and oh my gOd, the legendary theme is amazing? It really tells you just how glorious these pokemon are supposed to be. It's not intimidating like Groudon/Kyroge/Rayquaza's themes. It's not action packed like Palkia/Dialga's is, it's not filled with tension like Giratina/Arceus's is-- but it radiates the GLORY that the beasts portray. And I live for that. (Also, Kyurem's version is my favorite because it glitches in the beginning and that's rly cool)
P/D/P and BW/BW2's stories, imo, are some of the greatest ones. Yeahhh, US/USUM's is cool and I haven't played XY nor SwSh-- but the ones I can find memorable are PDP and BW/BW2. I love N. I love Barry. They're my sons. Ghetsis is fucking terrifying, Cyrus needs a hug. Giratina scared the piss out of me when I was younger, which was NOT helped by Giratina and The Sky Warrior.
I think my favorite movies are the gen 4 ones. The Rise of Darkrai having a tear-jerking theme for such a mysterious pokemon (i still tear up when i hear Ocarion), Giratina being spiteful is a mood and Shaymin was cute, Arceus being angry is also a mood. Yeah, Pokemon 4Ever made me cry my eyes out over Celebi, Mewtwo Returns made me again cry because Mewtwo accepting who he is, I remember how vastly different the BW movies are-
I just. I have a lot of memories with the series, even if Gamefreak and Nintendo kinda do the series dirty a lot (your top-grossing thing and you made That monstrosity for the Switch? How dare you.). It's comforting to be stressed and pull up my roms for the games and to play them. Mystery Dungeon is incredibly fun to play, Pokemon Ranger is really fun with the concept (Shadows of Almia continues to kick my ass to this very day and FUCK the Jungle Relic, I hate the Water Challenge fucking gyarados bullshit). I remember the pokemon I got for MD (I got Time, my sis got Darkness) was Mudkip, if that is any help.
I love my little fictional pixel monsters.
5. Yup, someone told tiny 7-9 y/o me about console games. The legend of Zelda. My first Zelda game was Twilight Princess on the Wii and BOY did I play the fucking SHIT out of that game.
Honestly, looking back and looking at playthroughs now-- I still love TP. Twilight Princess is still one of my top favorite Zelda games-- yes, even after playing OoT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, the anniversary four swords edition for the DS where you could play by yourself (Nintendo pls bring that back, I don't have friends to play it with ;-;), Phantom Hourglass- ect.
Something about Twilight Princess grabbed me by the head and yeeted me into the world. I can remember playing it for hours with little to no breaks. I, a tiny 9 y/o, had gotten the hang of the controllers and managed to get past the tutorial quite easily. And then, I was launched into the game and I wasn't stopping for NOTHING. Mom and Dad would have to force me to save and get off to go and eat dinner. THAT sucked.
I had done everything on my own up until the first temple, the forest temple. Not where/when you saved the dumb kid, but when you were saving the spirit's light. Theeeeeeennn I got stuck on the fucking Forest Temple for deadass six months straight. I'd play for hours, running around in circles, unable to figure out where to go, and because I didn't grasp the temple's purpose of being that way- I'd get angry and get off. It wasn't until dad looked up a walkthrough and talked me through what I was supposed to do that I learned how to get through temples.
I had gotten to the last little fight with Ganondorf before the Wii broke and i could no longer play. Despite the Wii being broke and we got rid of it, I was ADAMANT on keeping the game, and I kept that game for YEARS. It was an original copy out of a sealed box, and I eventually lost it when I left it accidentally at my now ex-friend's house.
She had a Wii and I went "hey I have a Wii game!" And I brought my Zelda over. Worst fucking choice of my goddamn life. Mom called me to come home and said I couldn't sleep over like the original plan was, and that was it. My ex-friend stashed my Zelda and I never saw it again. And, even if I wanted to-- I couldn't get it back, which makes me upset. We had a BAD falling out. She likely doesn't even remember it's there, or sold it to the local game junkie kid who buys ALL games.
But I still love the game. Midna was amazing, and I loved how snarky she was and she has a very cute design! The game's OST is fucking phenomenal. Midna's Desperate Hour makes me cry bc goddamn it really sells how serious that situation is. I love Hyrule Field's theme in this game. I love the Twilight Realm's song. Zant was fucking hilariously scary. Ganondorf's design in this game scared the piss out of me when I was younger.
Midna and this game's Link and Zelda are def my favorites. Yeah yeah, Sheik is cool and all I Guess but dhsushwishs Midna holds the special place in my heart. She was totally my gay awakening BUT
For other game antagonists, I adore Ghirahim-- let's go you funky little queer-coded villain. Skull Kid was great, I love the entire dynamic of him. Prankster lost soul stumbles upon Majora's Mask and the mask makes him act out due to powers-- which, I actually took very heavy inspiration from for one of my OCs. The moon falling to Hyrule was a fucking terrifying looming threat.
But the game series holds a place, and I've yet to be able to play BoTW-- although, I'm fairly certain I'll like it. The playthroughs I've watched of it are all fairly decent! I just. Gotta save up enough money to buy it haha.
Dang guess I gotta go watch a Twilight Princess playthrough again.
Honorable Mentions:
Avatar: the Last Airbender, specifically Book 3
my OCs definitely make me happy, they're my children and I'd ramble A LOT longer if given the chance WHEEZE
My friends, but I didn't add them here bc it's more fictional stuff, I presume
Baking. I love to bake cupcakes.
Painting is fun. I'm an artist and goddammit im going to use painting as an excuse to make a mess.
Fire. I rly like fire, down to a pyromaniac level. However, i hate the fires that happened to my home town, the Great Smokey Fires of 2016-- THAT pissed me off. How dare you burn mountain landscapes to the ground. Perish.
History. I'm a history nerd.
I'm also a science nerd.
But fuck math, I cannot comprehend math to save my life.
For some reason, I rly like learning how the human body works??? like did you know, organs are actually sticky when touched by a bare hand?? Did you?? How fucking cool is that.
Bakugan. I love Bakugan, esp the DS game. I love my Darkus Leonidas. Give me back the online world, you peasants-- I want my Darkus Dragonoid. (Also fuck all my friends from when I was in kindergarten- my theory that Alice was Masquerade was somewhat correct.)
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dangermousie · 5 years
So, my long and random thoughts of eps 3-4 of My Country
Right before 5 airs. I am so prompt :P
One of the things I find interesting about Seon Ho is that while he has fully embraced his inner Darth Vader, he still has submerged glimpses of conscience - I think it’s that which pushes him to openly acknowledge his sins AND take on extra both with HJ and Hwi - he may have shipped Hwi to the army but he is not the one who bribed the examiner. But he admits to both, as a sort of “I want to be hated/I should be ever badder than I am” sort of defiance, even though you see it hurts him too. I think also, despite the mess his headspace is in, he knows his own inadequacies clearly, he is just either resigned to them or wants to believe they can be an advantage.
And that leads me to his interesting interaction with HJ - where he tells her he loves her and acknowledges she loves Hwi without pushing further (at least so far.) On one hand, he is actually surprisingly decent. On the other, that furthers my theory that he only likes HJ for two things (a) relic of Hwi, who he cannot have because it’s a sageuk kdrama and not a BL Thai lakorn and (b) out of everyone, HJ has the clearest, most uncompromising character and a sense of justice, even more so than Hwi (who has more heart than any other character, but for whom life did not give a luxury of being so utterly unbending.) There is absolutely no give in her. SH, floundering in his emotional and moral morass, is drawn to that clear-eyed certainty.
To switch gears, I love how battle is portrayed. One on one fights may be fluid and gorgeous but war overall is portrayed as hell and butchery, like one of  Hieronymus Bosch paintings. There is no grace or honor, just death and shell shock - Hwi, who was so good at practice fights, is stunned into PTSD when his first battle hits and you can feel his revulsion viscerally. He gets over it eventually and becomes a superb killing machine in any environment, and while on one hand it’s awesome to see him become so competent at survival, it’s also heartbreaking. I think something breaks in him - the small bit of peace that was left after Seon Ho’s betrayal. And yet, he manages to maintain his soul even in war, in a system designed to drag it out of him - he spares that one enemy soldier, he demands medicine for that one wounded soldier in the face of the awful commander, when he has a choice to kill the man threatening him or another soldier, he chooses another and gets wounded because of that. There is digging graves even when wounded because his men should not be left for animals, when the others are looting - his humanity goes hand in hand with his unshakable honor. There is a steely core in him, sure, but also an innate, burning, active sense of fighting against injustices of the world he is in. Unlike his former friend, he never accepts “well, this sucks, but this is how it is, so I will just use it to best advantage.” He has an innate selflessness that SH lacks. Even before SH went over to the dark side, he would care for his small in-group but general humanity - not really. SH is capable of great sacrifice (he took that almost fatal wound for Hwi, after all; he helped dig the grave for Hwi’s father as a kid even when his own father refused) but for a stranger - nope.
SH and Hwi’s worldviews are completely different at their base. Compare Hwi trying to save and protect everyone, refusing to treat others as pawns and SH repeatedly sacrificing people for the supposed greater good - that one man with dysentery, the whole advance party. And the problem with that is that greater good is supposed to be “to help people” - but you are killing those same people to supposedly help them. When is the balance too much. SH sees most people as disposable and that is not true for Hwi. Hwi seems to live by the Jewish precept “he who saves one life, saves the world entire.” And it does pay off for Hwi, not that he does it for that reason - people follow SH for profit or because they have to. People follow Hwi because they love and trust him - watch how the advanced unit follows his orders and not their official commander’s. And it’s his natural air of command but also because they know he cares, he will put himself on the line for them.
And his humanity, his very deep humanity, does not make him weak - he fights a battle with an arrow literally sticking out of him, he barely grunts when undergoing his wound being stitched without anesthesia. When he goes feral, with the scum commander who tries to burn HJ’s ribbon, he is terrifying - he could be a monster easily, but he won’t. The one time we see him cry is over HJ’s ribbon - his last tie to peace and happiness and the little bit of his own hopes; doubly precious as a reminder in his hell. He never cries through battles and wounds and fire but he does here. (It makes me think of his father, who was a deadly swordsman but had his kids’ names inside his armor - both men managed to keep their humanity even in war.)
I wonder if it’s that which draws SH to Hwi - I mean, even leaving aside the decidedly slashy undertones (SH’s confession that Hwi was the one thing he couldn’t bear to lose is pretty much a love confession; then being SH he lies Hwi’s sister is dead in his “I love to push people away because I want to feel nothing and to be hated; though now that I got what I want, I am devastated” way), I think he is drawn to the generosity of soul that he lacks. And Hwi - Hwi is amazing. This is a man who sent him to hell to protect his own skin. And yet Hwi keens over him, literally begs the doctor to save him, sits with him for two days straight without moving, grins like the sun when SH wakes and even after the devastating conversation, tells him he could forgive the betrayal (but not his sister’s death.) Regardless of whether one reads the relationship as romantic or platonic, it takes a special kind of person to overlook that sort of giant betrayal. In a way, his never-ending compassion and capacity to be surprised by evil (like SH’s father) even after all he went through, is a weakness. But it’s one he can’t give up. And why he ends up working for the devil to save his sister while refusing to tell her who she is because she is happier that way - his capacity for sacrifice is something else.
To talk about other characters, I found Yi Seung Gye repulsive. He, like Seun Ho, does not see people as people, and it’s worse because while he mouths pious platitudes, he prepares to kill his own soldiers, men who fought for him - sending a death squad - to score political points, advised to do that by the moral wasteland that is Seun Ho, true, but ultimately the decision is on him (ps I did not realize right away that advanced guard was basically like a penal battalion - you get sent there to die. I bet evil daddy was the one who made sure Hwi ended up there.) I think he is different from Bang Won (and Jang Hyuk is so feral and magnetic OMG. I am still impressed HJ was able to go toe to toe with BW) because while BW is ruthless, I get the sense he would risk himself also, something YSG is not willing to do.  I also get the sense that BW used to like Hwi’s dad so if that is going to be the ground for their bonding because obviously Hwi is not going to betray him but become his right hand. I also think the way BW dislikes SH’s dad and talked about Hwi’s dad to him indicates that SH’s dad was responsible for Hwi’s dad’s death.
Speaking of SH’s dad - I found it fascinating he was both OK with giving his kid up and genuinely glad to see him (as much as he is glad to see anyone.) I do wonder why SH, who gets how his dad is and plans to take him down, is defending him to the death in flashforward in ep 1.
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uncomicmas · 5 years
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Reseña exclusiva de #Barbarella/#DejahThoris #3 ya publicado por @dynamitecomics. Este cómic coloca a dos féminas de armas tomar juntas sin importar que viven en diferentes eras. Barbarella es creada por Jean-Claude Forest regresa con más aventuras de esta heroína espacial que lidia entre otros muchos riesgos con la intolerancia de géneros en el universo. Dejah Thoris es la  princesa de la ciudad estado marciana / imperio de Helium en la serie de novelas marcianas de Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan). . . . ¿De qué viene? En Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #2 Dejah Thoris y Barbarella se adentran en un mundo distinto y sortean sus acciones para poder salir de esa prisión acuática con secuencias interesantes de ciencia ficción, donde logra escapar de una prision acuatica en un planeta desconocido. . . ¿Qué sucede? En esta entrega descubren que están en un planeta cubierto en su totalidad por agua, por lo que deben investigar lo que sucede, en esta entrega florece un compañerismo necesario para lograr sobrevivir, claro esta, Barbarella ve este acercamiento como algo más. Resumen Barbarella y Dejah Thoris estan por descubrir la razón de estar juntas en ese mundo Calificación 3.8 de 5 Créditos Escritor: Leah Williams Ilustradores:  German García Fecha de lanzamiento: 1 de mayo Publicado por: Dynamite Comics Fuente de imagen @dynamitecomics Portada arte de Laura Braga . . . #comics #dccomics #marvel #comicbooks #marvelcomics #dc #comic #batman #lgtb #endbabygate #babygate #bullshipper #ishiplarry #larrysex #bravery #larrystylinsonisreal #lourry #girlpower #girlboss #spicegirls #womensupportingwomen #strongwomen #womenempowerment #bosslady #femaleempowerment https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-IOJbH4vD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15tlhktn1zcbz
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On Writing and Reading in Fandom
Earlier this week, I received a couple of asks about Baghdad Waltz that were,  frankly, quite rude. I’ve taken them - and my responses - down because I don’t think the conversation was ultimately productive. I have also undone edits that I felt compelled to make to assuage people’s anxiety about the story and characters. These asks and my responses made me think about how readily I defended my words and choices and apologized for things that I’m not sure I needed to apologize for. I’ve thought a bit about this based on my own experience and the input from some of you offline, and wanted to make a few remarks.
1. Fic writing is a hobby. Maybe it’s a serious hobby, but it’s a hobby nonetheless. People who write fic work. They go to school. Many have families. Children. Sometimes they juggle all of these things and more. Oftentimes, they write in stolen minutes and seconds on their cell phones while feeding babies or on breaks at work or while cooking/burning dinner. I take my hobby a bit too seriously, but this is something we do for free in what little free time we have. And in addition —
2. This is supposed to be fun. Period. Yes, there is suffering. Sometimes there is incredible suffering. But at the end of the day, it’s supposed to be something that is satisfying for the writer. Which brings me to —
3. We don’t owe you anything. This is not intended to sound dick - it’s really, really not. It’s just the truth. We are sharing the stories we enjoy writing because we think you might also enjoy them. We can craft them however we choose. We can change our minds. Sometimes stories unexpectedly evolve, because that’s the nature of character-driven fiction. Personally, I make most of my story decisions based on what I think would actually happen to my characters in the cold, real world. It’s not always what I want to write, but I do it anyway because I believe their psychological makeup, history, and circumstances demand it.
You might not like it or agree with our choices, and you are either onboard for what we choose to write or you are not. It’s okay if you’re not. There is something for everyone in fandom. If you are not onboard for a particular author’s work, you have some choices — you can choose not to read more and go find something else, or you stop reading and also get mad and write rude comments. I think you know which one we would prefer, because it’s undoubtedly the one you would prefer if you were sharing your work. Which leads me to—
4. Writing is a profound expression of vulnerability. Yeah, this is a hobby. But it’s also not just bullshit for us. Writing is deeply personal. You think a fic is personal for you as a reader? That may be, and we love when readers connect strongly with our fics. But these stories literally come out of us. They are an extension of us. The characters, relationship dynamics, and plots we painstakingly (and I mean PAINSTAKINGLY) craft, the emotions we explore, they are deeply, deeply personal to us. This is us putting our insides out into the world on the off chance that someone else might also get something out of experiencing them. So when people make shitty remarks about our stories or accuse us of being manipulators/liars who make creative choices for some secondary gain like reads or kudos, this is both hurtful and wildly off the mark.
5. Tumblr is supposed to be fun. Many writers come here to have enjoyable and thought-provoking interactions with readers who want the same. Please don’t drop bags of shit in our inbox. It makes us not want to come back. Most of us appreciate honest and challenging questions and comments, and it doesn’t take much effort to just be polite.
All that said, my fic is one of the most important things in my life. I think about it more than I think about anything else. It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing on my mind as I fall asleep. It completely consumes the hours of my commute. I drift to it inevitably during every single staff meeting and training and class. I spend hours upon hours discussing it with by long-suffering beta, @pitchforkcentral86. I calculated that I have spent - at a bare minimum - 1,350 hours on BW since I started researching and outlining it in 2016. I have dumped my fucking soul into this story, and I am not being hyperbolic.
I’m honestly not looking for any “attaboys”; the overwhelming majority of you are already shockingly, beautifully generous with your praise and support and messages telling me how much you connect to my stories and characters, and I really do love you for this. I’m merely trying to convey the immense amount of emotional commitment and time and plain-ass work that people put into fics.
So I implore readers to not shit on writers when they don’t give you exactly what you want in the stories they are choosing to share with you. The thing you want may be plot or character-related stuff, or it may be comfort regarding the future of a fic. I do, however, warmly welcome you to shit on my characters for behaving in ways you don’t like. Get angry at them. Criticize their motives and behaviors. That’s all fair game, as far as I’m concerned. Ad hominem attacks on the writer for fucking with your OTP or whatever other sin you believe they’ve committed, however, is not appropriate.
For those of you with difficulties tolerating the ambiguity and uncertainty with BW, I get it. I really do. This is a very difficult story with huge emotional and relationship stakes. I get your anxiety around the ending in particular, because after so much suffering, we just want everything to be okay.
However, from here forward, I will not be answering any more asks, messages, or comments about future plot points. This includes whether there will be a happy ending, whether Steve and Bucky will end up together,  etc, etc. I’ll address issues about content warnings etc., but only enough to say that people will be warned if anything super triggering is addressed in future chapters.
Focusing so much on outcomes diminishes the journey of these characters, and I’m choosing not to say anything more about their future so that you can live in their present reality with them. That is unpleasant, I know. But it’s where we are all at right now.
I am very happy to answer many other types of questions and comments about the fic, so long as they are about present, past, hypothetical, character, or meta stuff and they don’t involve revealing future plot (or historical information that will be revealed later). I will, however, immediately delete any asks that are rude or otherwise disrespectful.
Thanks again to those of you who have offered support and encouragement along the way. I’m especially moved by those of you who have let me know how much the fic has impacted you personally. It means so much to me to know that, and you know I’m right there with you <3
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mobile partner/mobile friend/mobile buddy
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any ally/trainer/duelist/helper may have their ace partners, but they have their super human partners to fight their enemies with their honorable rules, in the original series, every human heroes can have their pogiformers & their pokemon & duel deck & their transformers as their ace partners, but in mobile series, all the mobile human will take place of pogiformers & pokemon & duel deck & transformers to become the mobile partners/mobile heroes of the normal human heroes as the main mobile human heroes of the mobile series, because both human can work together as a super human teams, however their pogiformers & their pokemon & duel deck & their transformers from the original serries are still here in the mobile series as their support characters for the main human characters of the mobile series.
generation century.
hankur‘s partner: kai jent & doubluredourr.
vechkur’s partner: sparkplug/william/irving/daniel witwicky/spike/sparkle/csuka/pike/cnank/daniel witwicky & daniel witwicky & generation one/1/g1 convoy/optimus prime.
stakur’s partner: solomon/sugoroku muto/mutou & mister/mr. muto/mutou & yugi muto/mutou & burakku majishan/dark/black magician.
beaskur’s partner: ash/satoshi ketchum‘s father & ash/satoshi ketchum & pikachu.
generation 1/one.
gearkur’s partner: clark jent.
jetkur’s partner: buster/centelha/giga witwicky.
bladekur’s partner: dark/shadow yugi muto/mutou.
werekur’s partner: red/satoshi ketchum.
generation 2/two.
lordkur’s partner: stave roter.
jeepkur‘s partner: professor haruma go/gō & shuta/shūta go/gō & doctor/dr. minakaze & jan minakaze.
divinekur‘s partner: pharoah aknamkanon & pharaoh atem/yami/dark yugi muto/mutou.
apekur‘s partner: ethan/gold/takashi/soul.
generation 3/three.
emperorkaier‘s partner: pen gofield.
ironkaier‘s partner: doctor/dr. kenneth onishi & koji onishi & aerobot & bw optimus prime primal & big convoy prime & lio/leo convoy prime & lio/leo junior.
crosskaier‘s partner: koyo hibiki & jaden/judai/jay/yukey yuki.
ligerkaier‘s partner: norman/senn normen & brendan/yuki/sapphire/ruby/rald normen & pmd pikachu & team go getters/ganbarus squirtle & ginji the torchic.
generation 4/four.
elementunioner’s partner: jim/jimmy kudo.
wheelunioner’s partner: doctor brian jones & kicker jones.
zamunioner’s partner: doctor/dr. mister/mr. fudo & mister/mr. daniel/herr muller/müller/taro daimon/yusei adams fudo.
featherunioner’s partner: kaisei/kaise/kaisē & lucas/kouki/diamond/dia/hereta & hono/honō the chimchar & team pokepals/poképals/pokedans/pokédans piplup & pmd riolu.
generation 5/five.
gaimarmorer’s partner: jima fumo.
cyborgarmorer’s partner: mister/mr. darby/dabi/dābī & jack darby/jakku/jieke dabi/dābī & chief charles charlie burns & cody burns & kade burns & graham burns & tfp/prime optimus prime & tfp bumblebee.
raiderarmorer’s partner: grandpa tsukumo & kazuma/romaji/rōmaji tsukumo & yuma/yūma tukumo tsukumo.
foxarmorer’s partner: hilbert/hiro/touya/black/monta/shin & nate/kyohei/kyōhei/arata/blake/lack-two/lack two/black 2/number/no. 2 & pmd oshawott.
generation 6/six.
original/originaler/heroic heroer’s partner: zuya sakudo.
vehicle/vehicler heroer’s partner: sekishusai/sekishūsai tatewaki & mister/mr. tatewaki & isami tatewaki/tobio fuma/fūma.
music/musical/musican/musicer heroer’s partner: yusho/yusyo yuseung shin sakaki & yuya/yūya sin sakaki.
beast/beaster heroer’s partner: mister/mr. kadoo & x/calem/manabu kadoo.
generation 7/seven.
double/doubler heroer’s partner: zusaku sakujiki.
trunk/trunker heroer’s partner: denny clay & russell rusty clay.
hoving/hover heroer’s partner: playmaker yusaku fujiki.
were/werer heroer’s partner: sun/elio/yo/yō’s great/grand grandfather & sun/elio/yo/yō’s grandfather & sun/elio/yo/yō’s father & sun/elio/yo/yō.
generation 8/eight.
triple/tripler heroer’s partner: zuga ohjiki.
cyber heroer’s partner: mister/mr. watson & otis watson.
rush/rusher heroer’s partner: mister/mr. odo/ōdō ohdo & hwang yuga/yūga ōdo/odō ohdo.
liger heroer’s partner: victor/masaru/sodo/sōdo tsurugi/henry sword‘s father & victor/masaru/sodo/sōdo tsurugi/henry sword.
generation 9/nine.
grand/grander heroer’s partner: zudias ohjiki.
road/roader heroer’s partner: alex malto & robby malto.
ronin/roniner heroer’s partner: mister/mr. odo/ōdō ohdo & yuhi/yūhi odo/ōdō/ohdo & yudias velgear/yuudiasu berugyā/berugyā.
fox/foxer heroer’s partner: scarlet/violet/florian.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
2/27/2022 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Psalm 43:1-5, Proverbs 10:18
Today is the 27th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you around the Global Campfire today as we step into a brand-new week, reminding ourselves, we may have made every conceivable misstep last week and maybe there's some holdovers from that but this is a new week and we can decide how we’re going to live it. And so, let's remind ourselves wisdom is a category, wisdom is available, let’s seek it and let's seek the next step forward in the Scriptures. So, we got a brand-new week here, we’ll read from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week and pick up where we left off moving our way through the book of Leviticus and the giving of the law today. Leviticus chapter 20 verse 22 through 22 verse 16.
Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand-new, shiny, sparkly, week that we are entering into. We we’re talking about wisdom at the beginning today, and here it is, whoever conceals hatred has lying lips and whoever spreads gossip is a fool, may we carry that with us into this week as a signpost, this is the way, don't go that way, go this way, this is the way of wisdom. Which means we will not conceal hatred and be a liar and will not spread gossip and be a fool. Come, Holy Spirit into this and help us, help us catch ourselves, when we are moving into those directions. We pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Morning DAB, I would like to pray for a young man named Hasan. He is in Texas. He’s been in the hospital for a month, I know his mom and that’s longer story. But his mom and I were both delivered from crack cocaine addiction, 16, 10 years ago. She is trusting in God, her faith. She lost one son which brought her home. Please Lord, have mercy, breath Your breath of life in Hasan. He’s on a respirator, I don’t know if he’s off but his name is Hasan, Daily Audio Bible family, please lift him up. Lord, Your word says that Your son came to destroy the works of Satan. Satan tempted and doubted that You were good in the garden, which brought on our rebellion, which brought on the fall of all mankind, which brought on sin and disease and all the brokenness, we see in the world today. You have conquered the world and sin and the thought of sin. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for calling us out from the darkness with your marvelous light, we love You, we worship You and I’m, we’re all trusting You with Hasan’s life, breath the life, the breath. He’s not yours, make him a new creation in Christ Jesus. In Jesus name. Amen.
This is Kathy from Kentucky. I would like ya’ll to celebrate with me. I’m 30 years clean and sober today, February 23rd. And I appreciate everyone who prayed for me. Also, I think the man’s name who was, who was BW, who prayed for me and I wanted to thank him for that. So, this, thank you for your prayers. I got through Uncle Tim’s funeral. I’m okay but now my Aunt Helen is not doing well. I just texted my cousin and she, I said I can’t come till Sunday to see her and she said I’m not sure she’s gonna be here by Sunday. So, anyways, thank you for your prayers, continue to pray for me, Uncle Tim’s family and Aunt Helen’s family.
Good morning DAB family this is Simone from Houston. And I was just having my quiet, private time with God and felt led to share with everyone. I haven’t spoken publicly about my life and the things that I’ve endured but you know, I’m not ashamed of it either because I believe like the Word says, we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies. So, our testimonies are pivotal because it’s through our testimonies that others can see and experience God and understand how amazing He is. I have been fighting depression all of my life, since about 10 years old. And I am 45, about to be 46 years old. Not even, ten years ago, I attempted suicide and through therapy, finding an amazing therapist, who’s also a preacher and a pastor and really getting, having a relationship, an intimate relationship with God, I’ve been able to overcome depression and be victorious. So, I want to encourage everyone and just know we have to put on the full armor of God to guard, to have God guard our minds, our hearts, our spirit, what comes into our ears, our eyes, our gates and most importantly what comes out of our mouths. So, I just want to encourage everyone on today and just know I am praying for each and every one of you and we’ve got you and God’s got you. And I just love ya’ll so much, this community is amazing. Be …
Hi, this is Tony from Germany. I hope everyone is doing okay. Yeah, keeping the faith. I wanted to just leave a message that for Brian today, what you offered regarding the fungus, that you know how it can be like thoughts that are external and then become internal and cause harm, right. To our minds, the way we’re looking at things and to our body and to others. And that was important for me. You were talking about in association where someone has wronged you and I’ve had something pretty, wow, horrible happen. A wrong but this is what I wanted to say is you know, when people do wrong it’s usually because of things that have happened in their past and they have areas of that need healing. And sometimes they react and sometimes they intentionally do wrong. And we, I guess I think of what the Lord said on the cross, forgive them Lord, they know not what they do. And so, my thing is, our thing is just to do as the Lord would have us you know, in a way that we can honor the Lord and feel good about the way we handle things. Anyways, I typically support the DAB in different ways but I did make another contribution today because I wanna, I wanna feed the, feed it.
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dougyforleo · 3 years
tabela | brasileirão série b | ge | brasileirão série b | ge
Jogos de amanha da serie b - Jogos de hoje - 13/06/, | Transfermarkt
Academia das Apostas Brasil Entrar. Fazer um Prognóstico! Artigos de apostas Artigos de Poker Artigos de jogos de amanha da serie b. Logar via facebook. Este site utiliza cookies.
Joggos mais. Xerie » Estatísticas » Série B Brasil. Série B Estatísticas Ver todos. Premiere Clubes. ESPN Brasil. Fox Sports BR. Band Rede. Fox Sports BR Bet Termos e condições Política de privacidade Service code: Rodada 2. VfL Alfter. Fortuna Köln II. SV Eilendorf. Hennef SV Breinig.
Spvg Wesseling. VfL Vichttal. FC Düren. Frechen Siegburger SV. FC Pesch. BW Friesdorf. FC Gütersloh. FC Kaan-M.
Jogos de Amanhã
TSG Sprockhövel. ASC 09 Dortmund. Holzwickeder SC. Münster II. SpVgg Vreden. SC Paderborn II. TuS Haltern. Westfalia Herne. Wattenscheid TuS Ennepetal. SV Schermbeck. TuS Erndtebrück. Sardar Bukan. Naft Omidiyeh. Shahrdari Bam. Miladmehr FC. Jogos de amanha da serie b Azar. Atrak Bojnourd.
Mes Shahr Babak. Shahid Jogos de amanha da serie b. Nirooye Zamini. PAS Hamedan. Oghab Teheran. Shahin B. Volna Pinsk. FK Lida. FK Baranovichi. Slonim WAF Brigittenau. FC Stadlau. FC Portalban. FC Echichens. FC Aegeri. SC Zofingen. FC Widnau. FC Uzwil. FC Bassersdorf. FC Kreuzlingen. FC Rüti. FC Bazenheid. FC Wil II. FC Amriswil. Winterthur U Team Ticino U Lubin U Escola U Korona U Pogon U Arka Gdynia U Lechia U Lech U Noah Jurmala.
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Hoi King. Sham Shui Po. Hammarby TFF. FC Trollhättan. Fortuna Hvidovre IF U Kolding IF U HB Tórshavn.
Tabela do Brasileirão | Série B 2020
NSÍ Runavík. KÍ Klaksvík. B68 Toftir. B36 Tórshavn. Quartas de final - jogos decisivos. Brisbane Roar. Adelaide United. Dreams FC. Bechem United. Berekum Chelsea. King Faisal. Great Olympics. Karela United. Legon Cities FC. Ashanti Gold.
Ebusua Dwarfs. Aduana Stars. Liberty Prof. Hearts of Oak. LD Maputo. CF Jogos de amanha da serie b. CDM Mocuba. CD Costa do Sol. UD Songo. Katsina Utd. Enyimba Aba. Wikki Tourists. Ifeanyi Ubah. Warri Wolves. Dakkada FC. Adamawa United. Rivers United. Kwara Jogos de amanha da serie b. MFM FC.
Kano Pillars. Akwa United. Abia Warriors. Lobi Stars. Nasarawa United. Plateau United. FC Heartland. Enugu Rangers. Sunshine Stars. Torino U Juventus Sub Genoa U Roma U AC Milan Sub SPAL U Sassuolo U Inter Sub Bologna U Inter U Milan U Fiorentina U Lazio U Cittadella U Pordenone U Empoli U Sampdoria U Venezia U Udinese U Ascoli U Frosinone U Entella U Reggiana U Pescara U Benevento U Chievo U Brescia U O jogador de 38 anos chega para ser a referência no ataque alvinegro na Série B do Campeonato Brasileiro.
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eluniversoinfor · 4 years
Indexación en hardware moderno: Hekaton y más allá - Microsoft Research
El soporte OLTP reciente aprovecha nuevas técnicas, que se ejecutan en hardware moderno, para conseguir un rendimiento sin precedentes en comparación con enfoques precedentes. En SQL Server, el motor de base de datos de memoria principal de Hekaton incorpora este nuevo soporte OLTP. Hekaton emplea el árbol Bw para lograr su gran rendimiento de indexación. Bw-Tree es un índice de árbol B sin pestillos que también explota el almacenaje estructurado por registros cuando se utiliza "más allí" de Hekaton como un almacén de valor clave separado. Está diseñado desde cero para abordar dos tendencias de hardware: (1) Jerarquía de memoria principal y de múltiples núcleos: el árbol Bw está absolutamente libre de pestillos, y usa una instrucción atómica de comparación y también intercambio para instalar cambios de estado en un " tabla de mapeo de direcciones de página "; efectúa actualizaciones como "deltas" para evitar actualizaciones en el lugar. Estos mejoran el rendimiento al quitar el bloqueo de subprocesos mientras que mejoran las tasas de aciertos de caché. (2) almacenamiento flash: el árbol Bw organiza el almacenamiento secundario de una manera estructurada por registros, utilizando grandes escrituras secuenciales para evitar el impacto desfavorable en el desempeño de las escrituras aleatorias. Si te gustó este artículo informativo y quieres percibir más detalles sobre xbox one asegúrate de visitar nuestro sitio web. Demostramos la utilidad arquitectónica y el rendimiento del árbol Bw en dos escenarios: (a) ejecutándose en vivo en Hekaton y (dos) ejecutándose como un almacén de valor clave independiente en comparación con BerkeleyDB y una memoria en memoria de última generación índice de rango (skiplists sin pestillos). Al utilizar cargas de trabajo de aplicaciones del mundo real (Microsoft XBox Live Primetime y deduplicación empresarial), mostramos que el árbol Bw es 19 veces más veloz que BerkeleyDB y 3 veces más veloz que los skiplists.
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vicecitydiary · 4 years
10am. Desde las 7 am estaba arreglando la casa para estar listo y grabar esos videos que tanto quería con Julián Echeverry, el papá de mi sobrina, mecánico de motos de alto cilindraje campeón y subcampeón de carreras de motocross y superbikes. Mi hermana me lo advirtió; que no estaría listo a esa hora. 
4pm. 6 horas esperándolo, para salir a grabar, pero ya no íbamos a grabar la SuperDuke 1290 ni la GSR ni la BWS, él decidió llevar la R1m, la suya. 
Maya, mi mejor amigo, había comprado el OSMO 3, un juguetico para celular, y con su celular haríamos las tomas. Llegamos a la curva de Santa Lucía que saca de el Danubio a la estación del metro en recta para hacer un par de tomas. Teníamos todo listo, y en el momento en que Julián aceleró la moto, comenzó, fuertemente a llover. Perdimos la oportunidad de hacer el trabajo fotográfico que había esperado por semanas, desde que se me ocurrió la idea de crear contenido de motor para mis redes sociales, pero Julián vio los 5 segundos que logramos grabar y todo cambió. Ahora sí quería grabar, ahora sí quería madrugar, llevarme y aprovechar esas herramientas para tener recuerdos suyos como no los había tenido antes. Yo no estaba satisfecho, pero por lo menos ya sabía que él quería salir a realizar el proyecto. Le expliqué bien para qué quería hacerlo y me apoyó, dijo que quería ayudarme y también participar. Fuimos a tomarnos una cerveza y hablamos de motos todo el rato, siempre me gustó tener esas conversaciones y que fuera con él era más bacano, porque él sí sabe de todo lo que yo quisiera saber de motos. Alcancé a grabarme acelerando la moto de Julián, no quería moverla, solo quería montarme. Me llevó a la casa y me sentía muy alto ahí de pasajero, en esa hermosa R1m de Yamaha; ese sonido, esa sensación robusta y de potencia ilimitada... es mejor de como uno se lo imagina.  Al llegar a casa, mis vecinos estaban asando carne, jugando parqués y entré al juego. Me apodaron el francotirador, porque siempre que me pasaban por el lado los mandaba a la cárcel, no gané, pero les hice eterno ese juego. Fue épico, si necesitaba un 8, salía un 8, o si estaba detrás y lo que necesitábamos era un “pata de perro” (si salen los dados 2 y 1 se juegan hacia atrás), me salía y los mandaba a la cárcel. Bebimos Ron, Cerveza, y entre risas y un poco de lluvia, porque volvió a llover, como cosa rara en Medellín, dieron casi las 12 de la noche así que fui a dormir. 
El día no fue como lo planeaba, pero la pregunta era la misma. ¿Qué aprendí hoy?  -En primer lugar, que esperar a alguien 6 horas no es tan malo. Sin importar si vas a recibir algo a cambio o no. -En segundo, que necesito más portafolio y exposición para lograr grandes cosas.  -Y tercero, que aunque no tengo dinero, tengo amigos que, a pesar de todo, están dispuestos a apoyarme. 
Creo que cada día que me rodeo de ellos, me doy cuenta de lo importante que son para mí y de que yo brillo gracias a ellos. 
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