deputyrabies · 11 days
As Daryl releases himself from his clothing, Shane moans lowly as his mouth and throat go dry.
The alpha smells so good. Granted, he always smells good, but there's something that makes Shane swoon and melt whenever he's about to rut into him. Part of it's the knowledge that, as always, Daryl's going to give him everything he needs and then some. Though, there's also a part of him that knows there's always the possibility of starting a family with the other, and, shit, if that isn't everything he's ever wanted and then some.
Then again, there's also that part that's just fully responding from his base needs and desires. An alpha- a good, strong, kind, caring, providing, loyal, smart, loving alpha- is here, taking care of him in ways no one else could.
Shane squirms against the expertly tied bindings, trying to move so he can pull him in closely or just hold him as he watches as the alpha's cock teases at his slit.
"P-P-P-" he stammers, face flushed as he watches the way Daryl's tip slides along his pussy.
He can't help the needy, wanton whine that leaves him as his head falls against the bedding beneath him. Shane feels his heart slamming against his sternum as Daryl tries to get him to speak whilst seemingly taunting him with what could be.
"Please, Daryl. Please," he finally gets out, begging with his eyes just as much as he is his words.
"Hmmm." The sound is low, rumbling, pressed from Daryl's tongue into Shane's cunt as he tugs leisurely at the rope around Shane's legs. It digs into his flesh ever so slightly as Daryl pulls him in close, and he sighs at the press of Shane's dick to his face as he licks him open.
Licking his lips, Daryl glances up to breathe, "Gotta get you nice an' wet for my knot."
So his tongue presses into him again, swipe after long swipe so Shane can drip onto his tongue. He tastes so god damn rich, sweet and good and omega and his, and Daryl groans as a fresh pulse of slick drools into his mouth, sucking greedily even as he presses his tongue inward like a blade.
It isn't long before he has both his hands curled around the tops of Shane's thighs, keeping the omega fastened to his lips while he devours him. Daryl's head bobs and shakes ever so slightly, and the lance of his tongue swaps to a curl to taste every inch of him. His cock aches in his pants, the front of it shamelessly gone dark where he's leaked, and when he finally pulls away with a wet pop he's panting in nothing short of desire.
"Gonna fuck you like this," he murmurs, one hand on Shane's hip as the other seeks the fastenings of his trousers. Daryl works them open, but the shape of him is clear even without it; his dick peeks ever so slightly past the hem of his underwear.
"Got you all tied up and pretty jus' for me."
And between that glorious, sickly sweet haze of omega, Daryl's own scent cuts through like a knife. His cock is full when he pulls it out, foreskin drawn back with a fist, and as he draws his hips forward the tip of him leaks a bead of pre-cum against Shane's soaked hole.
"...all you gotta do's say 'please'."
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deputyrabies · 12 days
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Happy sinday; Shane's a whore in case you didn't know. #lawfulhorny tho
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deputyrabies · 14 days
which room in the haunted house do you belong in?
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THE MUSIC ROOM. this is where the treasures of the house are kept. the fine boned piano, the lovely harp, beautiful paintings on the wall. the house knows how much you love beautiful things. the house thinks you are a beautiful thing too. how many days can you spend here, making music?
tagged by: @shilohgreen
tagging: @backwaterbrother @backwaterscum's Jack Donaghy blog when it comes eventually kek kek kek @praynot @auroradicit @polyodynos and you!
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deputyrabies · 16 days
@prebeat asked: fuck. ship meme bc the mun is rude and ruins my life
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. bold all that definitely applies, italicize what could potentially apply. feel free to add more if you think certain options are missing or you just want to add more.
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( put whatever you want here ) Imma spam you in dm don't worry
0 notes
deputyrabies · 19 days
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. bold all that definitely applies, italicize what could potentially apply. feel free to add more if you think certain options are missing or you just want to add more.
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( put whatever you want here )
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deputyrabies · 19 days
Shane is thanking God that Jeanie is fast asleep, if only because all of this would be that much more humiliating having a kind watch him stumble and stammer and be generally pathetic around Daryl.
As he feels the hand on his neck, the elder man finally looks up properly once more at his partner and finds he's finally steadying. It was stupid to have been nervous, Shane knows this. There's never been anyone as accepting as Daryl, not even Rick, and as their lips meet, Shane finds he'd been holding his breath prior as the sigh of relief is breathed against the younger's mouth.
There's a bashful grin as Daryl instructs him to help put it on, and he nods as he gingerly takes it from the other's hold. His fingers are trembling as he moves to put the chain around Daryl's neck, but it's not enough to prevent him from clasping it.
As the chaim falls against Daryl's chest, Shane can't help but beam as his fingers delicately brush the gold where it sits against his flesh.
"It looks good on you."
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deputyrabies · 19 days
/Hi, all! Sorry I've been almost totally silent. A lot's been going on these past few weeks. That being said, I'm almost finished replying to everything that I owe. I'm putting most things in the queue and they'll slowly come out over the coming weeks once everything is done. Hopefully, I'll be more regular here, which would be great because I miss the shit out of Shane. If I missed your reply, please don't hesitate to let me know!
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deputyrabies · 19 days
It's instinct for Shane to close his legs whenever it comes to his pussy, but Daryl's hands are surprisingly strong as they hold his legs firm. And, truthfully, after the second or third swipe of the tongue, he can't really bring himself to care that someone's eating him out.
It feels so good- better than he ever thought possible.
Shane had always thought that the greatest joy in the world was getting his dick wet, but with how absolutely godlike Daryl's tongue feels licking inside of him, he's realizing just how wrong he's been. And if someone just eating him out feels this good, he can only imagine-
He's not ready for that thought.
Sure, the imagine of Daryl thrusting into him keeps popping up in his mind's eye, but he can't bring himself to actively think about having another man inside of him.
Everything's already too much- if the inability to keep his thighs open and the way his hands fly to grip the hair on the back of Daryl's head due to absolute euphoria are any sort of giveaway- but he doesn't want it to stop.
"Yeah," Daryl mumbles, gaze ripped from the sight between Shane's legs to look at his flushed face instead. Seeing his mouth shiny with spit makes him swallow, but there's no chance in hell he'll ever admit to biting off more than he can chew.
"You're covered in cum, stupid."
In a stark, stomach-twisting way, he finally understands what Merle means about finding someone so "hot" you had "no choice but to have them". The taste of Shane on his tongue lingers, sweet and perfect, and Daryl ducks his head because he knows what he wants to do.
Propriety is a moot point, especially when you're nineteen and horny. Daryl's palms curve around the backs of Shane's knees, and without shame he lowers his head to lick the rest of Shane's mess off his thighs. Each lick is long-- relishing him, the decadence of him-- and only when Shane's flesh is clean does Daryl move in to give the same treatment to the pink flesh between his folds.
Fuck, this pussy's soft as hell.
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deputyrabies · 29 days
Dealing with a heat is damn difficult enough on its own, but having Daryl talk to him as if any sort of rational is capable of coming out of him is next to impossible.
Still, he tries his best.
Shane does everything to focus on what exactly it is that Daryl is attempting to communicate to him. He'd swear on his life that there's a genuine effort in it.
But Daryl looks so good above him and, even if the words are meant to be direct, they sound more than enticing to Shane. The thought that Daryl not only has a condom on hand, but he'd stolen it specifically so he can knot Shane sends a wave of pleasure rolling through every nerve ending in his body. He can't help but want to tell Daryl to forego said condom, but the words are lodged in his throat.
The only sounds falling from his lips as he looks the Alpha over are soft, pathetic whimpers and his thighs are spreading as wide as they can of their own accord.
The smell of Daryl's impending rut coupled with how the seemingly confident Alpha states no one else around can take care of him like he could soaks Shane more than he ever thought possible.
"Give me your knot, Alpha, please."
There's a desperate plea shining in his eyes as he looks up at the other. He needs him so badly, but there's a calmness in him because he knows Daryl is going to take care of him. After all, he's always taken care of Shane, even before he knew he needed help. Ever since he's set foot in the camp, Daryl's taken care of every single one of them.
Shane realizes just how much he wants to give back to Daryl, and, even if it's not much, he offers, "I'm all yours."
Daryl's throat dries, caught between the dissonance of what he thought would happen and what reality's giving in turn. Shane's lips are soft, and his mouth is warm, and that he's shut his eyes at all in a clear show of trust makes his stomach twist far more than the suggestive nature of each enthusiastic suck.
It makes sense in his head-- servicing an alpha is meant to be enticing, like Shane's scent, and Shane's behaviour, and Shane's fingers curling around his wrist like the taste of him is all he needs. He imagines that to most alphas, whose egos need that extra stroke as far as he can tell, this is as much of an invitation to take as anything else would be. Daryl isn't entirely immune, after all; Shane's obedience stokes a fire in him he didn't know he was capable of having.
Still, what's important is the way the man calms down in the wake of it all. And once Daryl slides his index finger in to join his thumb, he pays attention to the comfort more than anything else (even if, despite himself, the gentle widening of Shane's mouth inspires a tightness in his pants that wasn't there before).
"All right..." Daryl's leg is slung across Shane's body, but he works to straighten his posture and rest his weight on his knees. Like this, if he sat with his whole weight, he'd be on the omega's thighs. But Daryl doesn't trust his own inexperience with pressing so closely to a part of Shane that's undoubtedly begun to ache with need.
Still, he admits, "I stole a condom from Glenn.
"You said you liked me." Having to speak to a heat-sick Shane is humiliating, so Daryl wets his lip and stifles the confused laugh that builds in his throat. "...means you'd take my knot, right? You'd let me do this proper?
"I doubt any god damn stew's gonna make you full the way you need, not this deep into it. And no-one on this fuckin' farm can take care of you like me, anyway."
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deputyrabies · 1 month
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Y'all I'm in a layover and this bitch is following me....
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deputyrabies · 1 month
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Shane wants to be pissed. He wants to be angry that Daryl thought he should study him rather than practice with him. He wants to be angry that this guy is giving him tips. He wants to be angry because maybe he's acting like he's better than him.
Shane wants to be livid, but all of the resentment and rage isn't directing itself towards Daryl in the slightest. Afterall, Daryl's right. Even if he had hypothetically deceived him into thinking this was nothing more than a spar, Daryl's right.
"I ain't never been good at that shit, man," Shane admits, his eyes on the ground in front of Daryl's feet. "I don't... I've only ever had my strength and that sort of thing. Rick was the one who'd figure out the best way to utilize it. Hell, even when I played football I was an offensive lineman."
All Shane's ever been good for is his strength, and now even that's failing him.
The anger slowly dissipates as his shoulders go slack and he's left with an overwhelming knot of disappointment in his gut. As he's left feeling like nothing more than a husk of the man that he was, he finally manages to bring his gaze to meet Daryl's.
"I don't know why the Marshall wanted me back. I told her it was a bad idea, but she didn't listen to me. Told me to drift with you and then see if I feel the same, but..."
We're too close to the endgame, and there's no way in Hell we're going to mesh if our fighting styles already don't compliment one another.
Though he doesn't say the words, he knows they're true.
But then, so is knowing that they have to figure something out considering how close they really are to the endgame.
He may not understand or even agree with the Marshall bringing him back into this shit over somebody else that's more stable or less out of practice, but he isn't so stupid to think that he can just mope around. He's going to struggle and get angry and relive so many unwanted memories, but he needs to do this, if only because he knows Rick would tell him to.
He takes his staff in hand once more as he rises to his feet, not quite determined, but pushing through the reluctance as much as humanly possible.
Shane focuses too much on doing what Daryl suggests, but after a substantial amount of time sparring, he at least begins to learn not to rely on his strength solely. Perhaps he'd do better if he managed to stay out of his own head, but he's incapable, at least, for the moment.
He's panting softly as he looks at Daryl, almost expecting him to tell him that he's shit and that there's no hope for compatibility, as if the man didn't just help him improve the slightest bit.
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Aggression-- it's all aggression, and already Daryl can tell the Drift will be turbulent if he allows Shane even a moment in their jaeger. He can't blame him for it; in the aftermath of the Angel's last mission, he'd been shaken by the echoes of everything Merle felt watching him get torn away. The fear, the anger, the hopelessness-- it was all a miserable cocktail. And it was made worse when Merle's cancer was detected, and more so as he watched his brother get weaker from the chemotherapy.
Grief doesn't really disappear for him. Years ago, Daryl buried their father without Merle, and despite how long it's been the wound left from watching his casket disappear into the earth bleeds as good as new. He might not understand the details of Rick Grimes' incident beyond what's captured in data, but Shane's grief manifests in an anger so visceral it'll undoubtedly eat him alive.
Daryl watches, quiet, as Shane tries to catch his breath. He watches as the staff leaves his hand, and as every muscle in his body goes tight with rage. He wears his anger well, and it isn't a good thing.
"I get how you fight now," Daryl says, taking steps forward until he's only inches away from where Shane's crumpled. Pressing the end of his staff to the mat, Daryl lowers himself until he's in a crouch in front of him. "You hit heavy. You go for disarming. And when that fails, you try an' stop 'em fuckers with your own hands. All power, yeah?" And a dangerously easy place to redirect his anger, too, but Daryl keeps that observation to himself.
"Look, I ain't ever gonna take Grimes' place. I don't even wanna." Daryl feels this must be important to establish early on. He isn't here to be a replacement, after all-- simply a new partner in a new dynamic. "But if we're gonna work together you're gonna have to keep your eyes on me, too.
"Not where you gotta hit me to make me hurt-- but how my body moves. How my staff moves. And you gotta do that 'til our sticks're meeting halfway every time."
That said, the staff in Daryl's hand is tilted down a measure to tap Shane's sweaty hair ever so gently.
"Think of it like a dance," he murmurs. "Don't force your way in-- step with purpose so's I don't gotta dodge your ass. Push all that anger away and focus on me.
"Long as we can talk with our bodies, we're gonna Drift just fine."
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deputyrabies · 2 months
my bad didn't mean 2 attach myself 2 u like an abandoned dog
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deputyrabies · 2 months
Shane is thanking God that Jeanie is fast asleep, if only because all of this would be that much more humiliating having a kind watch him stumble and stammer and be generally pathetic around Daryl.
As he feels the hand on his neck, the elder man finally looks up properly once more at his partner and finds he's finally steadying. It was stupid to have been nervous, Shane knows this. There's never been anyone as accepting as Daryl, not even Rick, and as their lips meet, Shane finds he'd been holding his breath prior as the sigh of relief is breathed against the younger's mouth.
There's a bashful grin as Daryl instructs him to help put it on, and he nods as he gingerly takes it from the other's hold. His fingers are trembling as he moves to put the chain around Daryl's neck, but it's not enough to prevent him from clasping it.
As the chaim falls against Daryl's chest, Shane can't help but beam as his fingers delicately brush the gold where it sits against his flesh.
"It looks good on you."
Shane isn't usually one to stammer the way he does now. Daryl's surprised by it, but not put off-- if anything, the more he speaks, the more a striking warmth starts to grow inside him.
It's not like he thought Shane ever wanted him dead or anything, but the brief explanation of chaim inspires an almost embarrassing fluttering in his stomach. It's made worse with how sincere Shane sounds, and how shy he looks as he admits he's glad Daryl's alive.
His expression softens. Shane's sentiment is foreign to him, but it doesn't stop him from taking the side of his boy's neck in his hand and leaning in to kiss him. The chaim is held carefully in his other set of fingers; once Daryl pulls away, he hands it over.
"Help me put it on," he whispers, thumb stroking the side of Shane's jaw.
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deputyrabies · 2 months
The haze on Shane's mind is steady as Daryl cleans him up. It's steady even as he tells him they have to lay low for a bit. It didn't make sense, but maybe Daryl was right. Maybe they all needed some time before talking to Shane's father once more. It was worse for the Walsh's than it'd ever been, after all.
But as Daryl continues to talk as if Shane will be kept from Kyle Walsh, a sense of confusion takes the forefront.
Shane's head finally turns towards the opened door, looking down the hall as if he can see into the living room where everything had transpired. It's almost as though his denial was plausible as long as he didn't look in that direction, but he knew he needed some answers.
And just like that, his world fractures around him once more.
"He didn't-" he cuts himself as his voice breaks and his eyes begin to flood with a fresh batch of tears. The realization of what he'd actually seen- of what had actually transpired- begins to shatter his heart as he begins to remember that his dad never left. His dad will never leave again. He looks up at Daryl, eyes silently pleading for him to tell him he's wrong. "He didn't mean it, Daryl. He just didn't get it. He- he'll get over it. We'll get through to him, we-we-we-"
He's stumbling and stammering as he's overwhelmed once more that the red that had stained him was his own father's. While there is a pang of fear as to what Daryl is truly capable of, it's muted by the nausea that overtakes him, causing him to throw up over himself once more.
Fortunately, anything he had managed to eat earlier in the day had already come out by then, so it's almost non-existent. Though, he's quick to apologize through his sniffles.
"I-I-I''m sorry, Daryl. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Away," Daryl says, using his fingers to comb the last of the flesh that was Shane's father's out of all those wet curls. "Least for a little while."
Fingers curling just slightly in his hair, he pushes Shane's head forward. A kiss is pressed to the back of his neck, and Daryl whispers, "We're gonna have to lay low after all that."
(Half of Kyle Walsh's head was blown off by Daryl's shotgun in a moment. Blood exploded in all directions-- fragments of his skull, too, though most of it went backwards-- and because Shane had still been beneath him even as the man stood, he'd been covered in red.
The gun was still smoking when Daryl stepped forward to collect Shane's trembling body. The bits of skin that clung to the ends of Kyle's wound had done the same, as if they were cooking barbecue. In a weird way, the scene smelled more like gunpowder than blood-- Daryl shot him one more time in the heart, though, just because he never loved his son with it anyway.
He couldn't blame Shane for panicking, for throwing up. There was a reason he didn't take his baby out hunting with him.)
Daryl's eyes are half-lidded, and he pulls away to fill the pot he'd taken from the kitchen with water again. He commands Shane to shut his eyes, pours the water slowly over his head in circles, and hums at all the clean hair and skin left in the wake of that last rinse. Though the sight of the bruises and cuts Kyle had left the day before still make his stomach turn, Daryl's comforted knowing he'll never lay a hand on his boy again.
"You'll be safer with me than your Pa." Daryl smiles, reaching over to drain the tub of all its red. He moves to grab Shane's towel after (Kyle's had been ripped off, stomped on, ground into by the boot of Daryl's heel until it was stained brown-red-dirt-blood).
"And I'll take better care of you than he ever did'." Stood at the tub once more, Daryl starts to delicately dry Shane's hair. "I promise.
"Nothing's gonna get you ever again, not while I'm here."
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deputyrabies · 2 months
That gunshot is still ringing in his ears, despite the fact it's already been so long since it's been shot off. At least, Shane thinks it's been a bit, though, he's not entirely sure. @backwaterscum's gotten him in the bath already and scrubbed a lot of his skin by this point- he must have put in some red dye into the water for some reason; but Shane doesn't remember owning anything that would tint the water like this- so it must have at least been a half an hour.
And Shane's dad's been quiet, which is nice. He'd been so loud and so angry for such a long time after finding out Shane had a secret boyfriend, but Daryl's gotten through to him. It's weird how quiet he is, though. He's not used to his dad being silent unless he was focused on work or Shane needs to study or they're praying or something.
Daryl must have gotten him to cool off for a bit. Maybe he's out for a walk.
He does that a lot when he needs to calm down.
Shane finally manages to turn his head to look at Daryl, furrowing his brown as his boyfriend mentions their need to leave. It doesn't make sense. Sure, his dad may have overreacted and beaten him worse than he ever had, but Daryl got him to stop. Even Shane got sprayed with whatever Daryl spritzed at him.
Because it was a spray bottle, right? Filled with warm water?
Yeah, it had to have been. Shane doesn't remember seeing what was being sprayed, but that's the only thing that makes sense.
"Where are we going?"
His voice is soft and low, the exhaustion beginning to overwhelm him from what had transpired earlier in the day.
Thank God Daryl calmed him down. Maybe they can talk it out tomorrow.
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deputyrabies · 2 months
While Shane's never seen what Daryl's capable of, he admittedly underestimates him. He should know well enough that the younger guy would be quick enough on his feet, but, ignorant and blind as he is, he'd have never be able to avoid or block his blows all together.
Shane charges at Daryl over and over, getting more and more frustrated that this kid is besting him time and time again. It's not like Shane is so out of practice that he's incapable of fight, but every fucking time he gets close to landing, Daryl so easily steps aside or holds up his staff.
Not only is he good at defending against Shane, but he's nonchalant about it, as if Shane isn't a good opponent.
And fuck does that piss the Coyote pilot off.
He's always been emotionally driven, he's not so stupid to think otherwise, but he feels the rage bubbling in his gut, and soon enough, he's barreling towards Daryl, a visceral growl ripping from his chest as he strikes at his new partner.
But, as expected, he bests him, and as Shane drops to his knees on the ground with his body and jaw wound tight, the frustration leaves him and he's met with nothing but the heartbreaking emptiness that he's become all too familiar with.
Shane's always known he's nothing without Rick, but being incapable of landing a single blow onto Daryl solidifies it.
Why'd the Marshall want you back?
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"They told me you was a veteran," Daryl says, twirling his staff in his right hand and bringing it behind him. Smoothly, Daryl shifts to distribute his weight on both feet. It's an even, steady stance-- confident without being prideful. Daryl is noticeably smaller than the Coyote hero, and in preparation for what he assumes would be a fairly challenging partner, he keeps his core tight.
"The usual should be fine for someone like you, then, yeah?"
He nods. Not once does his gaze waver from Walsh's noticeably withdrawn one: even more obvious in the tightness of his body language, the way he grips his staff. The first order of business should be to strip him of that control, and already Daryl decides he'll be dodging and defending in an attempt to crack that false layer of calm.
Merle used to swear at him for his endurance. Daryl can only hope he can play it to his favour here.
Sorry, he thinks dimly, for lying about it not being special.
But Shane Walsh doesn't seem the type to react positively to the idea of being broken, even in something as inconsequential as training.
In any case, Daryl's voice is calm. "Come at me."
And when Walsh charges at him, Daryl's quick to respond in kind.
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deputyrabies · 2 months
A  PEAK  AT  WHAT’S  INSIDE  THEIR          .    .    .
[  *  ]      writing prompt      )         :             send a number  1 - 30  to take a closer look inside this characters life.        /        below you will find a series of various prompts offering a look inside a characters every day life.        these are meant to invoke character development     &     can also be altered as seen fit to better suit the character in question.         bonus if you explain why it’s there!
01.     pockets. 02.     bag   /   purse. 03.     car trunk. 04.     car glovebox. 05.     closet. 06.     bedside table drawer. 07.     medicine cabinet. 08.     wallet. 09.     “junk” drawer. 10.     pantry. 11.     phone home screen. 12.     frequently used emojis. 13.     to do list. 14.     computer home screen. 15.     bookcase. 16.     cd collection. 17.     calendar for this month. 18.     “secret” hiding spot. 19.     five most recent in contact list.  20.     refrigerator.  21.     home safe.  22.     amazon shopping cart.  23.     bank account.  24.     first aid kit.  25.     five most recent in google search history.  26.     most used playlist.  27.     least used playlist.  28.     five most recent sent text messages  29.     five most recent received text messages  30.     netflix watch history. 
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