angstics · 1 year
Call for submissions for an MCR mini essay zine!
I want to collect people’s thoughts on MCR and related work in little booklets. I’m calling the series: ALL NIGHT LONG. The topic for the first issue is: general! Pick any topic related to MCR and articulate your thoughts on it.
Do you love the band? Why? Is it the instrumentation or the storytelling? The style or sets? The history or impact? Some way the band affected your life? How does the music make you feel? Does it make you cry or dance? How does it do that? What does it mean to you? What does it mean for the band members? Does it say something interesting about the world, disease, grief, love, queerness, art? Does it make you think of this other band or movie or book you love? The filmic scenes of Demolition Lovers, the rip of guitars on Hang Em High, the harrowing lyrics of Disenchanted, the personal ties to The Kids from Yesterday, the healing power of Foundations. Think about it. Then write it down.
Stick to the issue’s topic
Tone can be formal or informal, technical or personal
No fiction
As little as 50 words, as much as 800 words
If you make your own layout, make sure it’s 8.5 x 5.5 inches (h x w), 300 dpi, jpg/tiff/pdf — color is fine but ensure it looks good in BW too
Send submissions to me (angstics) through DMs, email (quezmine(at)gmail(dot)com), or tagged post
DEADLINE: October 5th — EMAIL / DM for extension
NEW: Let me know how you want to be credited (name / social media handle)
I’m planning on editing, layouting, and printing these issues :) Contact me with any questions ❤️
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margoshrmargoshing · 18 days
How many Rarepairs you got?
Lemme count on my fingeys (shows you my millipede hands) (i will probably forget to put half of them)
Bulkratch, knockop, bhbd, bulkcee (are they rare?) , predaknock ❤️❤️, optifowler (insane), optiwheel (btw optiwheel and bulkratch kiss together), the wrecker polycule (bulkjackmagnus), knocksound, magnushock, starshock, started drawing a predabulk request today and fell in love, kobdss counts i hope. And also a lot, give me some random ass pairing and i will bite and chew on it
Bulkbee count? Prowlbulk count? Ratchcee old lesbians count? Longbee (im crying) count? Waspbee count? Megadac (disgusting and painful) certainly counts. I also like opdac secretly btw. Wreckstar has my brain in a cage (ty very much lee!!) and i wrote a fic for them. Sentioplita is painful and is making me cry. I love weird gay bots and i suddenly forgot half of the rarepairs i love when faced with the question
I'm also not sure which other pairs are rare in here, so i suppose brawnceptor, cliffhound, cliffmirage, jazzceptor, beachceptor, and probably more butttt i don't remember
I think every ship in bw is rare tbh, but i like rattrap/optimus, maybe with rhinox in here too, silly
I haven't watched anything else yet buttttt this list will go one i will update it with time. I will also add it to my pinned yeah why not
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leclerc-hs · 9 months
god i really love your writing style and the last bit of part 3 was so cute ☹️ a little vulnerable side of him w him apologising.. i feel the nanny fic is going to cover all bases of it includes both of them sitting and talking about him, his life or something like that.... bc that line in part3 you're just like everyone else.. use me and leave me.. that one kinda did smthn to me lol 😭 like the physical attraction and all is sooo chefs kiss bw them.. the emotional aspect for which his backstory on the lines of why he acts so possessive would make it so good
u almost make me want to write that's how much i liked it lmfao
but anyway ill be supporting if u take in a diff direction too cuz that fic is gonna be brilliant too but just wanted to share thoughts 😭😭 sorry this got so long
no I’m literally crying i literally get so happy and inspired when people like you take the time to talk to me about my writings. like it always makes me want to write more!!!! i def plan to write more for them because i feel like there’s so much to say about them and i love it so much. i def would be interested in giving more in sight on his actions and behavior towards her for sure
thank you so so so much for reaching out it literally means EVERYTHING to me ❤️
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moonspirit · 2 months
Chapter 34 was so amazing <3. I love the metaphor for Armin tiptoeing around Annie’s emotional fragility.
I think Annie hates seeing him suffer and that’s why she shuts down. I think she also feels guilty for “leaving him” to be with her dad.
personally, I think Annie doesn’t really want to stay with her dad. I agree with @distortedclouds take on Mr. Leonhart, personally. But these are the two men in her life that she’s been the most devoted to and now she’s torn.
please stay with Armin, Annie, and Armin please communicate with Annie 🙏🙏 (I cannot handle anymore angst)
The chapter is beautiful as always ❤️❤️
Hello anon! And thank you so much for reading and the kind words T^T I appreciate them very much.
As for Annie and her father... yeah. I made a post on this a while ago over here, but honestly, in VBEOW it's hard to deal with it in a very cut-and-dried manner because parental relationships in general are anything but black and white, being infinitely complicated and nuanced as they are.
At the moment, Annie's very torn over her feelings about living with her father now that he's finally asked her. Prior to the Rumbling, perhaps even prior to Fort Salta, Annie wouldn't have batted an eyelash if given the same opportunity - in fact she was running towards it and only it. Now, it's been more than half a year that she's found a "home" for herself, both in Armin's companionship and the fun and frolic of living with the others, that going back to her father's house no longer holds the appeal it once would have.
And that's what makes her feel so guilty in the first place - that she's "not" happy to think about living with her father.
It's not easy to say "no", and it's not easy to say "yes."
And Annie being Annie tends to clam up and shut down her emotions. She may have talked things out with Armin once before (after the peace summit) but that hasn't radically changed her. Talking is still hard, especially when taking into account all the other problems that have been presented in Ch 34 (that Armin's an orphan, that he doesn't even have parents to think about, and so on) that only make her feel worse and unable to confide in him. It's also her reluctance to "just let him fix all her problems time and time again" (ref. ch. 24).
Like I mentioned in the other post I linked above, I really didn't think much of Mr. Leonhardt in the beginning. Among some other opinions I saw on reddit much later, Clouds' take both in BW and her posts on tumblr is something that has influenced the way I see and feel about Mr. Leonhardt. So I agree with you there.
As for the angst... T^T I wish nothing was angsting at all anon!!! this is not fun for me to write! I just want to see them being silly aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
But thank you so much for the love and I'll keep doing my best :3
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octopodeez · 4 months
One Piece OC Bio: Mara
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Full Name: Mara
Aliases: Mara the Moocher (a play on the banger of all time, Minnie the Moocher), Snail Queen Mara (courtesy of @probably-not-a-cannibal )
Age: 26 pre-timeskip/28 post-timeskip
Devil Fruit: Kyui-Kyui no Mi/Itch-Itch Fruit
Provides the useless ability to make people itchy when touched. Fr her weakness is literally someone scratching themselves. Or calamine lotion. It takes a few years for her to figure out she can give people hives/send them into anaphylactic shock.
Hometown: Loguetown
Appearance: Pre-timeskip Mara has waist-length brown hair. She typically wears high-waisted shorts and crop tops with combat boots. Post-timeskip she looks the same except she grave robs now also wears Ace’s hat, necklace, belt, and knife.
Pre-timeskip bounty: 100,000 berries
Post-timeskip bounty: 360,000,000 berries
Likes: Den Den Mushi. She treats them like pets rather than objects and has a bad habit of stealing hoarding them. A few even like her enough to tap into private Marine/World Government lines and enemy pirate lines so she can eavesdrop when possible. Oh, also she’s a whore.
Dislikes: The World Government and Marines. Any sort of physical labor, responsibilities, work, or chores. Her goal is to breeze through life by mooching off of people—like a leech with a great personality.
Goals: Mara’s dream is to find a dream. She’s encountered so many people who are driven by a singular goal or passion in life, and she hopes to one day find that thing she believes in so strongly she’d lay her life down for it. Eventually she discovers it’s the desire to kill every Marine or Government Official she sees, to the point that she becomes Very Problematic (see bio for the tea).
Bio: Born in Loguetown, Mara meets Shanks at Roger’s execution when he sees some townspeople picking on her for crying over his death. She’s too young to understand who he is or why he’s hated—all she knows is that it makes her sad to see so many people happy that a man has been killed all alone on a platform. Seeing that someone is mourning Roger inspires a small spark of hope in Shanks, and they form a bond similar to the one he shares with Luffy.
As they get older, Mara expresses an interest in becoming a pirate. Like Luffy, Shanks bullies tf out of her for it which doesn’t upset her until one day Shanks passes through town missing his hat and his arm. Unlike Luffy, though, he takes her with to the Grandline. Naturally she assumes this means she’s part of the crew, but nah he dumps her at Whiskey Peak.
Realizing she has no real skills of her own, she ends up joining Baroqueworks, doing her best to blend in as just another low-level agent, allowing her to utilize their resources without actually doing any sort of work…but even freeloaders have morals, and once she discovers the actual purpose of BW, she dips and hitches a ride with the first crew that will take her.
And that’s how she lives her life, hooking up with randos for funsies and hopping from crew to crew then dipping as soon as they realize she’s just there for the food and shelter. Eventually she runs into a hot rookie named Ace who somehow hasn’t lost his virginity yet so she takes care of that (creating the greasy whore we know and love ❤️). Is he down bad? Absolutely. Do they hook up every time they run into each other? Of course. Does he try to get her to stay past morning? Absolutely not, that would involve proper communication and who has time for that!
Mara briefly ends up traveling with the Strawhats during Alabasta, but leaves with Ace because he fucks Sanji and it’s the final straw for her to admit that fuck, she simps for Ace just as much as he does for her. Things are good for a while until his obsession with killing Blackbeard gets too out of control so he leaves her with Whitebeard’s crew, promising to come back when he carries out his mission. Whitebeard doesn’t let her get away with being lazy and puts her ass to work. She trains with some of the others, learns that her Devil Fruit isn’t as lame as she thought,,,,but she still gets her ass handed to her at marineford. And she still watched Ace die in his brother’s arms on the other side of the battlefield.
Post timeskip, it’s on SIGHT any time she sees a marine, even if they’re minding their own. Eventually she runs into Shanks, has a toxic on again/off again relationship with him, and has to eventually learn for herself that maaaaaybe being driven by revenge isn’t super healthy. And maaaaaybe she needs to revaluate her life and her place in the world. (Except I like to mostly think about her in a world where Ace lives rather than the more ~canon~ timeline so that’s as far as we got baybeee).
Shout out to all 1 person who read this far. Thank you for learning about my little trainwreck. She has a compulsion to be liked by everyone so hmu if if you want to talk about our OC’s becoming buds ✨
Also big sup to the folks I commissioned to draw her!!!!!!!!!!
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x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
i just imagine a small idea with Cayde
this is gonna be a little messy but bear with me
also this is gonna be sad so just saying
mention of dying
Stuck together
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lets say, you are dying. you followed Cayde wven tho you dont have a light as he had to got to the one place where exos are born and broken.
he went with Banshee to discover sometging and you sneaked after them.
they got surprise Vex attacked and cause they didnt tought that you were there they didnt planned to hwar someone beinf shot at and injured badly.
you are no guardian, you dont have any other chance, or resurect. you have one life.
he hated this. he was actually mad at you but the worry was stronfer as he held you.
Banshee evwn as he was forgetful he kbow what he doing most of the time, as he told them there is a chance to save you.
you might not like it but there is no time to loose.
as they ran around the place Banshee found the machine that could help.. but the problem is, there isnt any functional shall nearby and the closes to them might be way too far and it would be too late to get.
while you are slowly loosing sight and concousness Cayde lied you down on the table..
then everything went dark with the voice of Cayde and Banshee yelling..
suddenly you wake up.. gasping. . where are you? what happene? why is it so cold? is it cold? warm? you dont know and as you looked around you saw a guy with spikes on his head.. it feels like you know him.. he's talking to you.
he telling you to breath.. breath? ok ok breath.. but then you looked down.
this isnt your legs.. you slowly turn around and saw.. you.. on the table.. with weird helmet with a lot of vires on your head.
but.. what? you look down and you slowly realize..
"CAYDE?? WHAT? What happened to me??!?" you shouted in a panic as Banshee tried to calm you down.
"kiddo i need you to listen to me-"
he tried but cling to your gear.. Cayde's gear.. fuck how did this happened??
"Hey hey hey. listen to me sweetheart-" you gasped as you backes away into the corner of the room and curled up in a ball. you can hear Cayde..
"Listen... its all right ok? Banshee have everything under control. we managed to save you, ok?" he spoke in your head as you tried to catch your breath.. even tho you dont exactly need it anymore but its a comfort..
"listen.. we will fix this we will help you but for now you suck.. with me.. and in my body." you want ro cry.. but you cant ahed tears.. not anymore.. you want him near.. but he is near he's literally with you.. but you want his arms around you... like it was used to be..
"Cayde.. im.. this is wrong.."
"i had to save you somehow.."
"i want you here.."
"im right here."
"you know what i mean."
".. i know sweetheart.. i know.."
you felt your body goes numb as all you can do is watch.. as he took control.
"we'll fix this.. i swear."
i would say it would be the same as uploading an exo mint to another, and honestly i just imagined that as a human you would be 100% be rly panicky if you are suddenly in the same body as your lover/best friend..
and the lonely feeling about wanting to bw in their arms but you cant.. cause you are in the same body.. but its just not the same.
he wont be able to play with your hair or mess it up like he used to and he cant rly cuddle up with you until you get your own body..
my brain just kept imagining someone else panicing in Cayde body as they freaking out being in his body and controlling it.. like it felt wrong. that its not them.
but anyway, enjoy this idea, i dunno if i should take credit of it cuz im sure someone else tought about this idea already
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elbafian · 7 months
shout out to that one bw member who was like 'baroque works? i can assure you i've never heard that name in my life officer' while wearing a cape that says 'baroque works i ❤️ miss valentine'
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distortedclouds · 1 year
Hi Cloud!! A bit too shy to say hi to you at first but I just got my tiny dose of confidence from @moonspirit to say hi to you so here goes nothing. HIIIIII❤️❤️❤️ Love love your ‘Since when did you start looking at me that way’ series!! I’m somewhat sad that Black Water is ending soon🥹 Just like how I’m not ready to see AOT officially ending by this fall!
The fact that people are too shy to say hi to ME is just... ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄ oh woww
But no hiii hello! We're all awkward beans around here! Despite what our AO3 accounts may make us look!
I'm soooo happy to hear your liked my stories enough to actually reach out 😭😭😭 I'm honored when I started it all just writing into the ether under the anonymous tag aaaaaaa
Thank Moon for sprouting confidence in people! (⁠+⁠_⁠+⁠)
I'm also kinda sad knowing BW is coming to an end. A sense of existential dread like wtf am I supposed to do now with my life if not thinking about it 24/7
But hopefully the journey would be worth it, the same way the ending of aot while sad, got us all together 💜❤️
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stevie-petey · 9 months
im SO excited for season 2!! your set up was perfect and if you'll allow me can i just. talk about. how good you made the entirety of season 1???????? your framing of each event was SOO good and the way you left y/n in the dark for things we alr knew about, the relationships between each of the characters???? dustin being sweet and literally EXACTLY like a younger sibling (i have 3 little boy cousins who ive practically raised and they act EXACTLY like how Dustin did when they see me unexplainably sad), her WANT to like nancy with the jealousy and hurt bubbling under the surface and even though she doesnt blame nancy you see that little resentment that occurs when someone you love likes someone better its so HUMAN?????, the relationship bw her and the little boys and how even though everyone keeps reinforcing they listen to her better she KNOWS that at the end of the day they're silly little preteens so they'll listen to her but just barely, her relationship w jonathan anf how she doesnt immediatly gloss over their arguments and his actions and she actually holds him accountable??? LOVE. i also love how steve is just a kicked puppy constantly trying to get validation and approval from both her and nancy and the buildup of security only to a crushing realization in the bonus chapter was brilliant AND real!!!! bc ofc you'll be nervous about letting in someone who you could potentially fall in love w in your life while you're currently suffering w the feelings of hopelessness and resignation at the feeling of believing that someone you love doesn't love u back. ugh. brilliant. all in all. i LOVE this series and im absolutely foaming at the mouth for season 2 bc i KNOW its gonna be so good. i binged this series like before ch8 came out and it helped me stay sane amidst my finals so thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!
ok im done ❤️ again thank u mwah
this is the sweetest thing ever and the way u broke down everything made me so <333 im so so so incredibly happy you loved season 1 so much i truly cant explain how elated that makes me 🫶
writing the relationships was my absolute favorite part. getting to incorporate my favorite characters and interact with them through my writing as such a fun and amazing experience and im absolutely hooked on writing them (especially dudtin n reader. theyre my babies).
and im SO relieved you understand steve n reader rn !! U GET IT !!!! all in all this was such a lovely ask and im giving u the biggest forehead kiss as we speak MWAH !!!!!
(and i hope finals went well !!! theyre a pain and i understand immensely)
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Here are some of my Anipoke BW head cannons since I feel like I’m going to explode.
1. Trip, Bianca, and Stephan all grew up together and lived in the same neighborhood.
I know that Bianca and Trip are from from nuvema town . I don’t know about Stephan since his hometown is unknown according to bulbapedia but I like to hc that he and Bianca were childhood friends anyway. The three of them have a tight bond thanks to this. Bianca and Stephan were also Trip’s only friends as a little kid which made him appreciate them even more. 🥹
2. Georgia grew up in Icirrus city.
I hc this since Icirrus is known for its ice types (correct me if I’m wrong) Georgia would often play with the ice type Pokémon and would try to challenge passers despite her being too young to be a trainer. I also hc that her first Pokémon was a cubchoo from the wild that her parents let her keep. Since she didn’t really have a backstory in the anime, I figured this would be a nice one for her.
3. Iris got her thick skin from being bullied at the dragon academy.
I know in the anime she was homesick at that school, but I hc that her peers would taunt and tease her constantly for being different then the rest of them. The teachers wouldn’t really do much about it so Iris had to fight for herself from a young age. I also like to think this was why she wasn’t to trusting of Ash at first since guys weren’t nice to her in her youth.
4. Georgia and Burgundy are long-time besties.
I hc that they went to nursery school together and played every single day at play time and were very sad when the year was over since they had to leave each other. They somehow unexpectedly reconnected at a battle tournament when they were 13 years old and started hanging out again. They became very close during this time. Their friends would refer to them as “partners in crime” since now that they were teenagers, they started getting into more and more mischief together such as sneaking out during tournament breaks to get food, breaking curfews by attending concerts or other events late at night, and gossiping and pulling pranks on others. I like to think that the mischief is Georgia’s idea since I hc that her parents were super strict and she wanted to break free and live life. Burgundy goes along with her despite being kind of a “goody two shoes” since she always has fun and she loves spending time with Georgia. 😌
5. Cilan is Burgundy’s mentor.
I like to hc that Burgundy gets help from Cilan when studying for her PCA exams. Burgundy is currently a B class connaisseuse and she wants to rank up so Cilan helps her out with studying. They grew close and Burgundy will spend every weekend at Cilan’s place not only to study, but to spend time with him and she always enjoys it. I like to believe that Burgundy has a crush on Cilan and he noticed it so he started to be more affectionate with her and she returns it. ☺️
I hope you like these. 😀❤️❤️❤️
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muad-dib-uk · 2 years
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❤️ Love is.... #bnw #blacknwhite #blackandwhite #bw #blackandwhitephotography #photography #bnwphotography #art #monochrome #blackandwhitephoto #photooftheday #cat #blacknwhitephotography #portrait #catsofinstagram #black #bnwmood #perfection #photo #love #life #ig #mycat #instagood #monochromatic #picoftheday #greatshots #nature #white #bnwphoto (at Hyde, Tameside, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHXJtbsedL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metalsludgeceo · 2 years
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Where are the Guitar Pick collectors? Check out the 30th Anniversary “What Comes Around Goes Around” gtr pic pack… includes 6 pics, 2 each from Stevie Rachelle & Todd ‘Chase’ Chaisson, and also 1 each from classic members Jorge DeSaint & Michael Lean. All pics are 2-sided, with logo, slogan and member names / position on reverse.., also color coordinated as they were in 1991 to the various members, and are laid into a WCAGA themed package with front & back graphics. These are avail in the TuffCds.com Store, also found in the Metal Sludge store, on eBay & the Big Cartel store link found at the top of this IG page bio, thru the Linkt.ree link. Thanks for reading, Stevie I ❤️ My Life - So Much! 😀💪❤️🔥🎤☀️🌴🤩 #stevierachelle #stevietuff #$tEvil #tuff #goodguyswearblack #platinumzerotimes #americanhairband #allnewgeneration #ruckapitbridge #metalsludge #sunsetstrip #spitlikethis #hollywood #1989 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6UGgPP-Bw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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startinglights · 2 years
young single dad! f1 max and teammate dan! max is like 17, on the edge of getting into F1, when he gets his gf pregnant and it’s so so scary & daunting but max would never abandon his kid. him and his gf end up separating and a little after their son, Luca, is born, she just can’t handle it. they both agree that max will take care of Luca. it’s a terribly stressful time for max bc while he’s handling an infant, he also has to worry about racing. and his dad is a massive dickhead throughout the whole thing ofc— which makes max even more stressed. in true max fashion he bottles it all in. so anyway, max’s almost never sleeping, and his mom, family friends— they all help out whenever they can. it really does take a village. and he’s traveling all the time—sometimes with his son, sometimes not—and it’s terrible but he’s doing it and he’s always always thinking about Luca. maybe in this AU, max gets into F1 later, in his early 20’s. max goes straight into a team with Daniel and the rest is history! Luca is absolutely OBSESSED with daniel. he’s always asking to be picked up and doing fake shoeys and even tho max is his absolute hero— daniel is his fave driver. anyway they slowly start to fall in love but something always holds daniel back from making that step forward. daniel loves Luca— has literally watched him grow up in the paddock—& daniels biggest fear is them breaking up and him never being in Luca’s life again. he’s asking himself if he’s even ready to be a full time dad?! (he is!!— he basically is one part time bc he somehow ends up in max’s apt with luca 24/7 in bw races). then one year after the Aus GP, max+ Luca finally visit daniels farm— and Daniel gets a preview of their life together as a family and it’s the best thing ever so he finally kisses max❤️ 
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sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
Dear Rabbit. Ma'am. You NEVER cease to amaze me with your exceptional and exquisite storytelling. Part 4 was *chef's kiss* 🤌🏻
Sy's conversations with Marshall and with Geralt was quite interesting. I really like the way you gave us an insight of their mindset concerning Lori, and a glimpse of their bond as brothers. I love each Walter and Geralt's comments on the "situation" with Lori, ultimately both of them making Sy accept that it's anything but nothing, and it's a good thing. Especially, Walter saying "You think she feels safe with you just because she met you first? You hate yourself that much?" melt my heart in a way i can't really explain. I thought it was soft and caring, and there's some strong brotherly love there. I believe Walt felt a little bittersweet, but his love for Sy makes him want the best of him, and instead of jealousy, he suggests that the thing w/ Lori is kinda what Sy was missing in his life. It's just my take tho, i might be reading too much between the lines here.
I understand Sy's hesitation towards Lori because of the brothers' agreement, it's only fair, and it'd be super 🥵 reading smut for all of them, but hell, i can't help but to root for him. Tho i certainly wouldn't mind some steamy intimacy between Lori and the others, Sy is my ultimate guy, and i always love the way you write him. His caring nature, thoughtfulness and kindness towards her is just... I appreciate that there's respect there, too, from all of them which i hope continues thoughout the series. I'm also looking forward for any further interaction bw August and Lori. I think it'll be quite interesting and entertaining to read, and i'm excited to see where it's gonna go 👀
God, Lori is definetely has quite the work cut out for her with these five. I can't waiiittt!!
Sorry for my long rambling, and a huge thank you for your beautiful work, as always. You've definetely made wednesdays my fav day of the week with this 😍
Hi Anon,
Thank you for your comments and I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner.
Please never apologise for leaving awesome long messages like this. Seriously, they are a drug for writers and really motivate us to keep writing.
I'm glad you enjoyed their conversations and that you are able to pick up the strengths of their bond. Honestly, the hardest part of this story was making it feel a little believable. I couldn't write it without making it clear that the Brothers are basically a chosen family. Even August and Sy, their issues are like a sibling rivalry rather than a true animosity. And so you are reading between the lines in exactly the way I intended you to. For Walter especially, it is bittersweet. In a couple of chapters you'll get a Walter POV and understand more where he is coming from.
Ok so it is a reverse harem story... I'll just say that. But Lori and Sy will bond quickest and hardest, the others develop their relationship with Lori more over time. Yeah, its no secret Sy is my guy too. I'm really glad you like how I write him.
I think the thing about respect is important and I hope to continue it through the story. Lori is in control, she isn't forced or coerced into the relationships and thats important to me. And August and Lori, it's been fun to write the two of them, there will be plenty of little snarky interactions along the way until August can just pull his head in hahaha.
Thank you so so much. I really hope I can keep the story entertaining for you. I mean, this story in particular I wrote for myself because I just couldn't get the story out of my head, but I'm really happy other people are getting something out of it too.
❤️ Rabbit
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marioshane · 2 years
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“Sampai masa tuamu Aku tetap Dia dan sampai masa putih rambutmu Aku menggendong kamu. Aku telah melakukannya dan mau menanggung kamu terus; Aku mau memikul kamu dan menyelamatkan kamu. 👼. “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he,I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. ❤️ . . . . . . . #bw #old #life #bnw #love #grey #figure #verse #photo #potrait #person #Jakarta #isaiah #promise #Indonesia #photogram #photography #iphotography #photographer #shotoniphone #blackandwhite #seniorcitizen (at Gandaria Jakarta Selatan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeGB7lDBYBq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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distortedclouds · 1 year
I think it’s important in chapter 14 BW that Armin had enough courage to bring up her father and hint the relationship issues they have. I think there’s no intimacy without conflict. Annie is avoidant and hates conflict, i think it makes her nervous system completely overwhelmed with Armin and he knows that, he’s seen it first hand. But him still pushing ahead and highlighting the issue and actually engaging in conflict at his house while they were eating breakfast together just signals that Armin wants to draw closer to Annie. He wants to be in a relationship with her so much that he’ll experience the discomfort of making her uncomfortable and Annie possibly rejecting him.
Im doing a re read of BW and you’ve written a masterpiece!! Everytime I read it i find a new thing to analyse and you understand the characters so well!! This is my favourite aruani story by far ❤️ please never stop 🥺
yeah chapter 14 was a doozy to write. It was really important for me to push them both to the lowest point possible, because if they don't reach rock bottom now, they'll reach it some other time in their relationship
By the time of the confrontation, Armin has really hit a wall, with Annie and with the rest of his life in general. He understands Annie's hate (and straight-up) fear of conflict, especially with people close to her, so he tried his best to avoid it, give her all the time she might need until she herself comes around but the past few chapters where proof that her father will remain a thorn in their side as a couple and Annie's own health and wellbeing
For Armin, this wasn't pre-meditated. He didn't think about what he was going to say and just let the frustration of the past few days pour out, overwhelming Annie in the process. I think it's really important that it happened in their (his) house and during a meal they share, it's like they're playing family without actually being one
Like he said in the previous chapter, he just wants her to be happy, and he'll silence his own critique of the way she lives her life if it meant that. But now that he sees her suffering and scared while he knew the reason, he couldn't stay quiet
I really tried my best to build a coherent and consistent emotional arc for Armin and Annie (but mainly Annie) in black water over the past few years i've been working on it. You have no idea how happy it me makes me to know what actual people out there are re-reading the fic and search the text for deeper meaning and over-arching themes <3
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