#buying a washing machine
jacky93sims · 26 days
Tiny Playrooms Kitchen Set for The Sims 2 (Washing Machine is a functional toy!)
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As soon as I saw this beautiful set from Sixam CC I wanted to convert it, especially I wanted to find a way to make the tiny washing machine functional and I finally did it!
The set contains functional kitchen, sink, fridge, bookcase, shopping cart (works like a toy box) and a deco mini counter, mixer and cleaning kit.
Sink and Fridge are based on Rebecah Sims cc and there are 2 version for the toy kitchen, one with the sink and one without (choose only one because they use the same guid). In the one with the sink, it isn't functional. In the one without you can put the functional sink on the slot and your children sims will use it.
Washing Machine is something completely new I created myself, mixing as always animations from the base game ^^
The washing machine increases fun and cleaning skill. Here a look on how it works:
Hope you like it! All the cc are low poly and come with a bunch of recolors. The two laundry basket used for this toy are 4to2 conversions from Zamboxious Sims and SIMcredible!
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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maxsus · 1 year
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📢Washing and drying machines is available for FREE on my Patreon
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ohoh-inmortal · 1 year
I think we all should collectively accept that both König and Ghost's mask smell like shit like I love them but you can't convince me those men actually wash them
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gskycy · 3 months
too much smut in the tags of the guy who'd spin around really hard in a chair and then promptly fall off of it and break his nose on the floor
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bandbabe · 16 days
I found some piastricore™ at a vintage store in the middle of nowhere today.
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Photo description: [image 1, small ceramic container painted to look like an oven] [image 2, ceramic container open to show a tiny ceramic shirt]
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6sleft · 4 months
love is stored in the nutcracker
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arctic-hands · 2 months
I say this as someone who has in fact been in the psych ward, but also as someone who spends about every other month in some other ward of the hospital and that's not even including all the E.R trips
But I'm completely baffled as to how "grippy socks" became synonymous to "psych ward" specifically bc they give hospital socks to everyone who gets to and beyond the emergency room. Sometimes you're not even in the hospital proper, they'll give you gown and socks for some exams and scans
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natolesims · 8 months
I'm moving!! 🏡
The other day I was thinking on how little I share about myself in here because I think I might annoy people but you know what? Sometimes I do want to ramble a bit so bear with moi.
And yes, I'm moving out at last! My now fiancée and I have been apartment hunting for a while now, but last week my in-law offered us a house she has for rent in our city. We'll move in late-January and I'm so excited and terrified and exhausted and happy and- I'm on a crisis. A good crisis, I think.
My parents don't know yet and they won't react well (they don't want me to move out and it's a big issue we've had for a long time now), but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Send help.
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rbxl-wanderer · 3 days
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sportsthoughts · 3 months
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little vintage early birthday present from me to me i was sold by the fact that a) it’s the same age as me and b) who doesn’t want a jumper with jagr stats
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hyunpic · 20 days
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i fear the life of my skz hoodie is coming to an end like can u believe this thing used to have colors on it and THEY USED TO HAVE FACES 😭 everything has washed away
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jacky93sims · 2 years
H&B Appliance Set for The Sims 2 (functional)
These are 4to2 conversion from littledica. All of the items are functional (washing machine too, based on Rebecahs functional washer).
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This is how the fridge appears on the inside:
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Fridge Facecount=2026 Vertexcount=2309
Oven Facecount=1194 Vertexcount=1274
Coffee Machine Facecount=648 Vertexcount=668
Washing Machine Facecount=2586 Vertexcount=1831
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micamicster · 28 days
Just had such an intensely annoying experience i instantly lost all further motivation to do shit today
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imwritesometimes · 5 months
new washing machine go brrrrrr and actually gets water out of the clothes like a whole load is dry in almost half the time now holy shit
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honeybeeofficial · 7 months
did something new and exciting today 😎 it's called going to a dry cleaner
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kasumingo · 20 days
so much serotonin is coursing through my veins now especially thinking about the opportunities i have now
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