#buttercup wars
feralglitch · 1 year
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Look at that squad coming in
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lorebird · 1 year
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Once more, I find myself asking the age old question: what if dragon egg could hatch
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angelonasher · 1 year
Everything so far about the season 9 Egg War
(in case anyone wants this lol)
Edit: please read the reblog with the corrections because I did make some mistakes/miss details :D
[you're here], Part 2
The links to the other parts are at the bottom of the reblog!
Grian steals The dragon egg from Pearl, dupes it, and returns it. (This will be important later)
Grian and Scar accidentally blow up Doc's tunnel bore as a way to procrastinate from finishing the back of Grian's base.
They make an apology pile with many gifts including diamonds, Scarland merch, and a dragon egg.
Doc retaliates by doing funky chunk repressor stuff to make Grian's nether portal one block and puts a load of wither skull projectiles in Scarland's sky.
Zedaph wants one of Grian's duped eggs for the Hall of All, and completes an egg quest Grian sent him on to get it. Part of the quest was blowing up a small section of Doc's base. (Without fixing it afterwards.)
Doc retaliates by making Grian blow up Mumbo's vault door in order to get a purple crown. (Which Grian wants because he claims it will make him "Mumbo's best friend.")
Grian leaves a sign saying he does not know how to "physically, emotionally, or spiritually fix this."
Mumbo pays Scar 64 diamonds to blow up a large part of his base because he didn't like it anymore. He then makes Grian think that it blew up along with the vault door, therefore making it Grian's fault. That causes Grian to burn (what they think is?) the one and only purple crown so far due to guilt.
Grian and Scar retaliate by creating a machine to fill Doc's perimeter with chickens. However, due to the Scar and Grian are banned sign in the perimeter, they go as their alter egos Poultry Man and Hotguy.
Doc cleans up the chickens with the help of Ren (who pledges his alliance to him), Zedaph (who he seems to be a bit on the fence about since he didn't fix his base), and some foxes.
Doc leads a bunch of the chickens Grian and Scar made into Grian's base. (With Zedaph's help.)
Grian, Scar, and Mumbo form the Buttercup alliance against Doc, because, according to Grian's research, buttercups are toxic to goats.
The Buttercup alliance makes a cute little tent area in the middle of Doc's path, raise a sniffer called "Xx_GoAtEaTeR_xX", and build their eyes overlooking the perimeter so Doc knows "they're always watching." (They also discover that falling blocks make Grian's game crash.)
The buttercups learn that Doc has a robot (the Goat Walker) that faces the path. They decide to build (let Mumbo build) a robot to fight it in a cool mech battle thing.
Doc uses the dragon egg Grian had given him as an apology to dupe a bunch more, then build an insane egg duping machine that makes a whole lotta dragon eggs.
Doc and Ren put these eggs in Scarland, Grian's base, the bridge connecting Grian's and Mumbo's bases, and Mumbo's vault. Ren encourages Doc to also put them inside Scarland's castle. (With loads of shulker boxes to spare.)
Pearl, as the server's resident cleaner lady, gets hired by Scar for a salary of 32 diamonds a week to clean up all the eggs in Scarland. (He also kind of throws Grian under the bus concerning the illegal eggs and logs off when asked to give her his stock of eggs.)
Doc calls Pearl to snitch- AhEm I mean inform Pearl of his neighbors' messiness. From him she learns that Grian's base also has eggs in it, that Doc was the one that duped all these eggs, Ren was the one to put them in the bases (although he did too), and that he had thought Grian had the original egg. (He also gives her almost two barrels full of shulker boxes full of dragon eggs. He does not tell her about the machine or the eggs still in it that he could easily use to make more.)
Pearl says something about Grian facing the cleaning lady's wrath idk i think she's gonna end up entering this whole fiasco too lol
Doc builds two butterflies flying above the perimeter in order to "kill them with kindness." The one facing directly towards Scarland is for him, and the one facing directly towards Grian's base is for Ren.
The butterflies are actually tnt-duping flying machines.
Doc tells Ren about and shows him the butterflies. Ren (apparently) thinks they are just flying machines, and Doc does not tell him about the tnt. (Doc's pov only)
Doc and Ren discover a beacon in the perimeter and that someone had been mining there. They conclude no one respects the Goat anymore, and Doc determines to find out who it was. (Idk if this is gonna be relevant but I've added it just in case.)
Ren tells Doc about his super awesome spy plans, which involves the cave right under the Buttercups's camp. (It's not elaborated on very much in Doc's episode.)
wooh. That is all I know so far :D
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tinycowboyart · 3 months
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My friend is dming a oneshot based on the root rpg system, which means I get to play the silliest little lady <3 everyone say hi to Buttercup
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nicki0kaye · 5 months
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Buttercup!Kallus and then some more canon-compliant long haired variants bc mmmm love that long hair
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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chromacryptid · 1 year
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So that boss battle was simultaneously the lamest and coolest thing ever huh. Props to mumbo for that “mid battle” repair too :0
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artsymephy · 6 months
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Powerpuff Girls Medieval fantasy AU ⚔️🛡
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Coloring ☺️
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okurrroye · 9 months
OK BACK uP cause wt- you mean to tell me Hermes is literally the god of thieves and these idiots think a child of Ares stole the masterbolt???
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katalyist · 1 year
In celebration of Grian starting another war (I love buttercup trio so much they mean everything to me I'm so glad they are allies in this war) I want to make a list of all the wars (that I remember) that he has started or be really involve:
Hermitcraft season 6: The original prank war "It all started when Grian touched my redstone"
Hermitcraft season 7: Mycelium war, self explicatory and gave us Mother Spore.
Third life: Desert duo and flower husbands vs the rest of the server (I do not remember how it was called or if it even had a name, but I'm counting it has a war)
Hermitcraft season 8: Not technically a war but Grian leading Pearl and Impulse into a laggy and glitchy marketing strategy with boats in others peoples bases after finding the publicity in their zone (If the answer of the Big Eye crew wouldn't have been that good I'm sure this could have lead to another prank war)
Double life: Not technically a war also but Scar and he managed to get all the server against they
Hermitcraft 9: The rebellion, because he basically gave Impulse the task of generate content in Grumbot and put "Remove" "King" "Claim" there (even if he was referring to the shopping thing) + help the rebellion + help the thing to betray him at the end with the armor for everyone.
Limited life: The yellow peace, try to kill every green name on the server until there were just yellows.
Hermitcraft 9: Prank war part 2 Electric Boogalo, "It all started when Grian and Scar touched my redstone".
History doesn't repeat itself but sure it rhymes.
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raileurta · 1 year
I can't even try to defend Grian on this, like what the hell are you doing man??!? Have you gone genuinely insane or something?! Once Doc finds out he's going to send a pipe bomb to your fucking house. He's going to go absolutely mental. You're not going to survive this at ALL.
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agni-ashes · 1 year
HELP i love how doc’s just planning against the buttercups by going “hmm how would a child react to this?” and going on from there. he’s so real for that
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fruitcakebro · 1 year
At this point this next Hermitcraft prank war is just gonna go until Pearl kills everyone involved because she's tired of cleaning up after them.
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russetfoxfur · 1 year
exploding screaming throwing up
Zedaph on Imp and Skizz podcast
Bots go to fucking WAR
two favorite hermits (grian and zed) doing THINGS
guys I’m insane about them
I havent even watched the videos I’m too excited
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cachow-it · 1 year
Doc: haha I’ve finally won, there’s no way the buttercups can counter this!
Grian: live, laugh, love.
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tyxaar · 10 months
I love how the way the Perimeter War ended was by the Buttercups and friends doing something so insane that Doc physically could not counter it. Like this was half the server coordinating a massive coordinated rebel operation against The GOAT that resulted in the banishment underground of almost his entire season’s work… He’s already bombed their base, tried to ruin friendships, spread dragon eggs everywhere, and spread propagoata, how in the world do you escalate this?
Simple, you can’t.
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