#but you're committing to the maintenance
lover-of-mine · 7 months
I’m thinking on getting copper hair haha so what maintenance does it has if you don’t mind asking ?
Okay, first of all, copper pigment washes out of the hair real easy and I started off with bleached hair, so my hair was fading faster than it would if you don't start with over processed hair. Second, the dye I was using was the same level as my natural color, but since my natural color is on the cooler side, my roots deeply bothered me. And I was doing treatments to grow my hair, so the roots got big enough to be a problem real quick. So I was doing my roots every 3 weeks and a pigment mask every 10 days maybe? So that was not cheap. I was also dyeing my eyebrows because the contrast was weird, so I did my eyebrows every time I did my roots. So I believe I was an outlier in the situation. If the roots don't bother you, you can probably do that maintenance every 8 to 10 weeks, like it's the standard, but literally no one I talked to about it, and I was in a whole Facebook group lol, managed to go the time between root touch-ups without doing something to revive the color on the length. So my main issues with the cooper was keeping the length of my hair looking a nice color longer, because it can fade weird and I liked it when it was more vivid. But honestly, it would depend on how you deal with the fade and the root situation. Maybe you will like the way it fades and you can just refresh the color when you do your roots and be fine with it. But the main thing is that you will need to refresh the color on your whole hair frequently to keep it up, because it will go from copper to strawberry blonde to just golden blonde real easy. It's not the type of color you can just put it on once and let your hair grow and it will stay like that. Honestly, my maintenance with platinum was easier than my maintenance with copper. Because if your blonde gets too brassy you can use purple shampoo and fix that in the shower, but there isn't a way to do that with copper that doesn't involve taking an hour of your time to section and dye and let it process. So you're committing to frequent touch ups. How frequently will be up to how you deal with that fade, but there's nothing you can do to stop the fade so it will fade no matter what because hair doesn't like to stay copper if it's not naturally copper, unfortunately.
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honeytonedhottie · 9 days
cultivating a high maintenance lifestyle⋆.ೃ࿔*:・👛🐩
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the definition of investment is an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result. some ways that u can invest in urself include ->
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♡ making sure that u sleep on time -> and wake up early
♡ investing time into ur education and taking advantage of resources
♡ paying for courses or classes on things that you're passionate about in order to gain more knowledge
take a look at the people that u surround urself with. are they making efforts to better themselves and their futures? are they good people? make sure that u surround urself with people that u can learn from and people that u wanna be like.
if no one has told you this, you are allowed to be picky and selective with who u choose to invite into your life and your circle. its YOUR life so use ur good judgement to make decisions about who you want to be present for your life, and who u want to have access to ur energy and ur time and you in general.
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invest in quality clothes because quality is better than quantity. that way u can build a wardrobe thats timeless and that u can continuously wear, as opposed to having a lot of clothes that are cheap and fall apart when u put them to wash. things to take note of when shopping for quality clothes are ->
♡ the material/texture
♡ the brand
ask yourself before u buy something, how many ways can i wear this piece? you should be able to style the piece in multiple different ways unless it's a statement piece. and even then. actually visualize urself wearing it and how you would wear it before u commit to it and actually purchase it…💬🎀
take yourself out on dates! coffee shop dates, take yourself shopping, book appointments at the spa/salon, read good books, learn to cook your favorite dishes. ROMANTICIZE ur life and learn to appreciate spending time with yourself. literally become ur own favorite person. treat urself to nice things on a daily basis. it doesn't even have to break the bank. some nice things that u can do for urself on a daily basis include ->
♡ making your favorite breakfast food and treating urself to breakfast in bed
♡ buy yourself your favorite bouquet of flowers
♡ buy yourself some nice lingerie
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♡ book weekends at a nice spa
♡ groomed, manicured nails (FRENCH TIPS)
♡ silk and satin robes
♡ fresh flowers and bouquets weekly
♡ form fitting dresses
go to restaurants and cultivate ur tastebuds. try new foods. go to art gallery's and try to educate urself on various forms of art to just enrich yourself. read LOTS of books. literally anything u can do to make urself more refined DO IT.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Gain & Maintain Respect
In your professional and academic life, romantic or sexual enthrallments, social life, or any relationship – most importantly, the one with yourself.
Decide your needs are valid and feel worthy of having these needs met.
Reflect and refine your most authentic core values in every area of your life and then be deliberate in aligning your actions with these values as much as possible.
Be honest about your non-negotiables in every aspect of your life. Establish boundaries with these needs in mind. Then learn to communicate them calmly and assertively to others. Uphold your boundaries when they're tested or challenged.
Approach any conflict, negotiation, or difficult conversation as an opportunity to help both parties understand each other and come away from the interaction with a mutually desirable outcome. Operate out from a place of seeking mutual benefit, not a win-lose mindset.
Depersonalize other people's actions and attitudes. Communicate from a place of empathy and your personal value-add rather than responding to protect your ego.
Be discerning with who and what you let into your life (friends, romantic relationships, professional opportunities, social ties, family members, etc.). See how your value system and ways of communicating/interacting align before diving head-first into an interpersonal commitment. Vet individuals carefully to confirm they'll enrich – not deplete – your overall quality of life.
Take accountability when warranted but don't overapologize. Focus on being solution-oriented, not problem-centric, when dealing with a negative outcome, consequence, or conflict.
When in a disagreement with a healthy-minded individual, encourage an open dialogue and hear their side without judgment before making any type of accusations. With that said, always prepare and know when to walk away from a person, relationship, opportunity, event, etc.
Maintain your health, well-being, and appearance. Prioritize a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, daily movement/exercise, a full night's rest, mindfulness practices/therapy, a solid skincare routine, hair/beauty maintenance, clean and neat clothes that suit your personal style, etc.
Make time for activities and people you love. Schedule times for hobbies, indulgent rituals, social plans, etc. into your weekly calendar to ensure you're enjoying life as much as you realistically can. Owning your right to enjoy life is the ultimate sign of self-respect.
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bitterchocoo · 4 months
Can you do Boothill with a male reader who has the abilities of Absolute Solver from murder drones
Male reader went missing after the ICP destroyed Boothill's homeland. Many years later, Boothill and the other met male reader but male reader already got possessed by the Solver
I want an angst with a happy ending story please
Boothill | M. Reader as the Absolute Solver [Murder Drones]
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"The flesh demands invitation."
"What are you doing all smiling like that?"
"Huh? Oh nothing."
[Name] narrowed his eyes at Boothill's words, not believing it. He says it was nothing, but his scans say otherwise. The other can't help but laugh at [Name] expression, those neon [Color] eyes that narrowed on his visor. "I was just thinking about what to get my daughter."
"I see, got any ideas yet?"
"I'm thinking..."
Without saying anything else, [Name]'s visor changes to that of a shopping list. "Well there are countless gifts you could get from across the galaxy so—"
"Wait wait wait!"
His visor glitches and goes back to normal. [Name] looked at Boothill for a second seemingly confused. What was that about?
"I want to make it special."
"Oohh.." [Name] blurred out as he finally understands. "If you're going to handmade it. I could help if you like."
"Heh, thanks [Name]."
For as long as he knows [Name], the robot is a kind person who's happy to help those in need. He was a joy. Everyone was. Everyone on his home planet was a joy, like a small neighborhood. Everyone gets along with one another, there's rarely any conflict it's just a nice and welcoming place. Home.
Therefore [Name] didn't deserve this, none of them deserved this. It's outrageous. What did they do? What kind of sin did they commit to have on this planet. Their home. Destroyed in such a way.
As Boothill look at the surrounding fire and destruction of his home, he began to search around the area. Any place he thinks people will be at. Anywhere.
There are at least survivors right? Surely there are some people who survived this.. who saw the attack an immediately run towards a safe place.. surely..
But nothing..
Boothill find nothing but ashes and ruins of once someone's home.
..is destroyed.
Why.. why does this have to happen? He was happy. They were happy! What did they do to deserve this?
"Upgrading models? cutting maintenance costs? There are many reasons the client may wish to disassemble a drone individual or a series after a period of use. Following these two simple steps is key to avoid—"
"Incompletely disassemble drones may occasionally reboot from software death alone. More than undead federal fine hazards. Its corrupted AI carries an increased risk of future errors."
He stood there completely motionless. How is he supposed to react to that? After so many years...
Staying at the Express may be the best call for him. It's a free ride after all. Not to mention everyone is quite nice. Dan Heng was even willing to show him the Data Bank but...
This is one of them..? One of the information they've obtained during their travels? Don't get him wrong, it's useful, incredibly useful. But... if Boothill were to obtain such knowledge long ago..
He would have properly disassembled him.
To prevent such a fate from happening to someone he holds in high regards. If he were to do that... none of this would have happened!!
He—it screeches as it tries to get out of its restraints. That's not him. That's not [Name]!!
This was just another planet. One where the Nameless has set their sights on. They thought it was just another Stellaron Crisis. But... this is not the work of a Stellaron.. but the work of a drone that's not been properly disassembled.
It continues to screech as the researchers expose the drone to the artificial sunlight. It screeches in pain and agony as the researchers run around, trying to put a stop to this... thing..
He can't watch this.. he can't watch this any longer.
Without saying another word Boothill leave the Cathedral to get some fresh air. He can't. He just can't watch that.. whatever they were doing to someone he cared for.
"MacGuffin." The robotic voice echoes throughout an empty.. bloody.. ruined.. Cathedral.
Is this the type of thing the Nameless has to handle? Not the Absolute Solver no no... Fighting for your muddle fudgling life! Dodging an attack Boothill ready his revolver and shoot the claw-like thing.
It laughs at their attempts. It's six against one and yet they're losing how pathetic! "Thank you for the new host." It stated casually before narrowing avoiding an attach by Himeko's laser with a smirk on it's face the Solver summons it's claws once more and began it's onslaught of attacks. In a blink of an eye, all of them experience multiple near death situations left, right, and center. Fighting someone who can regenerate is cheating! They could be here for all of eternity!
Where's the cure!?
Its perpetual grin seems to widen every time any of them try to harm it which of course never worked as the Solver's regeneration rate is incredibly high. It laughs, summoning a miniature blackhole that was quickly disabled by Welt as he attack the Solver. "Have any of you find it get?" "No, we're still looking!" March replied, firing an arrow at one of it's claws while looking around for the crucifix that holds the data. The cure for the Solver. "Well I'm sorry, but fighting while searching is not easy!" Caelus cuts in, looking around the place as he ducks under the benches to avoid a stray attack. "Just focus on searching, we'll try to cover you!" Dan Heng stated firmly, using his powers as a  Vidyadhara to at least land a critical attack on the Solver.
With each attack the Solver just keep regenerating! But each time they themselves is inching closer to their own demise! Boothill took cover as he reload his bullets while looking at his surroundings for any potential threats. But something else caught his eye..
It's the crucifix!
Quickly taking it from the bloody floor, Boothill examine it for a moment, making sure it's the real deal. After a quick and swift examination, the usb connector pops out at the bottom of it. It's real alright. The cure for the Solver and the key to ending this nightmare.
"Cover for me!" He signaled before making a run for it. The Nameless did their best to keep the Solver at bay until Boothill does the finishing blow and slammed the crucifix usb model straight into the drone's visor and just like clockwork it let out a glitched robotic groan as it tries to take out the crucifix and in its efforts the cure done it's job. Motionlessly throws crucifix away the drone immediately slump to the floor.
Looking amongst themselves, the Nameless stood their ground not knowing whether the fight is over or is the Solver playing tricks on them. With caution Boothill slowly approached his old friend. Surely he's still there right? The Solver is dead. The patch worked! It has to work! Or else it....
Kneeling in front of him Boothill extended his hand. Waiting for a respond from the other. Anything! Much to their surprise the drone took the other's hand, slowly looking up, revealing it's---no, his neon [Color] eyes on his visor while the crack where they inserted the patch is slowly being healed. Yes! It worked! Letting out a dry, pained laugh Boothill gave [Name] a tight embrace. He's back. His old friend's back.
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zweiginator · 2 months
thinking about actor!patrick who's such a raw and natural talent but also the infamous fuckboy of hollywood. he's in a scandal every few months (leaked sex tapes, wild nights out), deuxmoi's favorite client and he's 99 % fucked half of his colleagues. he's irresponsible but charming and noone can resist him not even the goody two shoes hollywood newbie
like you get cast in a movie with him, you're in your early 20s and he's in his early 30s so it's not a crazy age gap or anything, but it's enough to raise eyebrows. because patrick is a bonafide pornstar in hollywood; he's had three leaked sex tapes, and plenty of cheating scandals (he's always the homewrecker).
so patrick gets cast in a new movie, some high-budget action/romance/mob ties film. they want him to be the main lead. patrick sells tickets. his body and face sells tickets.
but then he sees your name. he's never heard of you. has his manager look you up and when she sends your bio to him, you have the sweetest fucking face he's ever seen. you're gorgeous and not even 25. his manager can see the fucking scandal plastered all over TMZ before he has even met you.
you're nervous to meet patrick too. this is your first movie, and you even getting an audition for the main female lead almost made you piss your pants. so when you got the call that the role was yours--you were fucking ecstatic. that bliss was soon replaced with lingering anxiety when you found out you would be acting alongside patrick zweig.
and you told yourself, after committing to acting, you wouldn't become a hot-shot celebrity. you wouldn't change and become pretentious and hot-headed and high-maintenance. you were raised too well to throw it all away for some instant gratification and a hollywood party.
you wouldn't abandon your morals. and you would be professional.
but one of the first scenes you film is a kissing scene. just to vet the chemistry. they were sure it would be great, this was patrick fucking zweig after all. but you're nervous. you had pecked lips for high school plays and local theater productions, but nothing like this.
because patrick's shirt comes off and he's hovering over you. and he lifts your own shirt up with his teeth like this is a fucking porno. you remember it's all in the script, but god, he's looking at you like this is real life. you guess it is. patrick leans in; you smell his cologne and the tiniest hint of sweat from the hot day. and when he finally slams his mouth onto yours, he feels laced with something. because then your hands are in his hair and you swear he's grinding his cock into you. you arch into him and he's leaning into you and you're grabbing onto the wrist that holds your jaw in place for him. his mouth is opened so wide it feels like he wants to give you more and more of himself until he physically can't anymore.
the crew hollers and whistles and patrick wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"well, I think that was a winner!" the director yells.
"good job. you're gonna be a fucking problem." patrick says, adjusting himself in his jeans.
you tell yourself it was just in the script. patrick's comment makes you flush.
but three nights later, you're in patrick's car tucked away in his private driveway, his fingers working your cunt open like they were made for it. and as your head tilts back and patrick latches his mouth onto your throat and whispers good fucking girl
you see a hot white flash of light.
Hollywood's Biggest Liability and its Hottest New It-Girl Caught Hot-and-Bothered in Blacked-Out SUV
your reputation is fucked. but, any publicity is good publicity.
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sunflowerzyk · 1 month
Royal Guard Simon Riley x Princess Reader
Part1. Part3.
SFW Part2.
Knight! Simón who is an exceptional watchdog, assists your aldo in all your royal duties by taking the place of your mother as queen. Budgeting for decorations, banquets, festivals, palace maintenance and making appearances when your father was unable or too busy to do so.
He came to all of that.
Even though he knew it would be extremely uncomfortable for him, Simon agreed. Because of you.
He could have sent one of his subordinates or even some of your maids to keep you company.
But he was a selfish bastard who wanted to be there, by your side, to make sure his little princess was okay.
His. Keeping away the gazes of the vultures that watched your tender, calm flesh.
He was willing to put up with your tantrums and tantrums when you asked to go out to tea parties and he denied you.Willing to listen to your little gasps behind the door that only he guarded. Listening to your little discoveries like how ants, no matter how small, would commit more war crimes for an insignificant piece of bread.
He would accept anything just to see your eyes fixed directly into his without fear. Without hesitation.
Your voice although sometimes awkward in connecting your tongue with your thoughts, you never failed to be direct and look at him as.... Perhaps if a terrifying man, but he had understood that you were strangely uncomfortable.
"Stop looking at me like that, princess" he asked quietly, standing in front of your bedroom door, not allowing you to leave. "I said you're not going to the orchard today."
You glared at him, protesting your excuses for going to check on your little new sprouts, downplaying the threat your father had given you for doing things for lower-class people. You didn't mind getting reprimanded by your old dad.
But Simon did. It made his blood boil to see you with your head down. Always.
"Wait until the waters calm down," he asked in a gentler tone. Which definitely confused you, taking the frustration away from your face.....
He liked that expression too.
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xo-cod · 1 year
soft!Dom price my beloved 😩😩😩
you didn't specify whether you wanted nsfw/sfw so i did both, but this can probably be read either way lolz 😩
soft dom price ♡
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soft dom!price being your little fixer around the house. you need anything sorted out he's the man to go to. leaky tap? he's already under the kitchen sink with screwdrivers. walls need painting? he's already off in his truck to the nearest maintenance store picking out a pretty colour. draws need building? his toolbox is already whipped out with a cigar placed delicately between his lips as he looks over the instructions. don't usually worry your little head about these tasks <33
soft dom!price that makes you eat proper food and not live off coffee and a breakfast bar. he makes sure you're eating good healthy meals, making sure you have plenty of water throughout the day. he can become stern with you when you're not eating right and he'll even feed you the food gently when it's been a long day for you. and he reminds you on text if you're both working and his are already timed just in case he's on the field and can't type it himself <33
soft dom!price who loves to take long baths with you purely for comfort and relief after a stressful day. he has you in his lap as he gently rubs the bodywash over you, nuzzling you close as he does so. sometimes he can't help it, he needs something a little more and so he spreads your legs a little wider as the head of his cock rubs against you making you both moan softly together as he thrusts forwards. his strong arms holding you close as he does so <33
soft dom!price that picks you up and put of the way when he wants to get somewhere. if you're brushing your teeth in the morning and in front of the sink or if you're in front of the kettle and he needs to grab a glass, he just picks you up from your hips and gently moves you to the side with a soft chuckle and a gentle kiss to your forehead. you're his lil play thing and he can't help it to pick you up constantly <33
soft dom!price that is in love with missionary and just gazing into your eyes as he watches your face crumple with pure pleasure. every single whimper and moan he's cherishing, his hands grasping onto your thighs while he's completely lost in how you feel and how you look writhing underneath him in pure pleasure, "fuck- oh you feel so good around me, sweetness" he can't help but look at where your eager little cunt swallows him whole, his own breathy moans falling from his sinful lips when he sees himself disappearing in you. his hand snakes down your body to rub your clit, enjoying the way your body shakes and trembles for more, how your head swims with pleasure only he can give. price caging you between his strong arms, holding you close while your forehead rest against his. his breathing is slightly erratic as you clench and clamp around him. he loves every single second, his hands smoothing down your hair while he encourages you take a little bit more of him. his lips occupy yours, kissing you slowly and with passion while he moves slowly inside you. it's not to be a tease, he's trying to commit every single action to memory, "so good for me, aren't you sweetheart?" <33
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soobibabe · 4 months
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MOA bitchFUL era 6 members - 6 active
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yeonjun: GUYS SOMEONE GOT FUCKING PRoPOSED TO INFRONT OF ME yeonjun changed group's name to "moa bitchFUL era"
taehyun: thats nice. good for them. yeonjun: AT SEND OFF? ??? I THOUGHT MOAS WERE LIKE US??? you: bitchless? yeonjun: YES? WHAT HAPPENED TO TOGETHERNESS? kai: no you've got a point
soobin: that's crazy me personally if someone proposed to me in front of bebe rexha I would looking at them with a blank expression and ask "who dis?" ngl beomgyu: don't speak, peasant soobin: ? you: what's up with you two? kai: soobins is in another dating scandal with the same guy as last time and beomgyus mad because (a) soobin didn't deny it (b) he didn't tell any of us and (c) the week prior, they were on another bromance trip again :3
yeonjun: ik its pride month, and I'm happy for you beomgyu or condolences BUT WE AS A COLLECTIVE NEED TO PREPARE FOR DISASTER! CRISIS! SSSSOOOSSS beomgyu: kys soobin: im NOT dating Seonghwa, Q, Keonhee or Zhang Hao guys ^.^ kai: WHORE why do you remember all their names you: exactly!!! why do you have other friends Choi Soobin?????? beomgyu: oh but when I say it I'm gay huh 😒 yeonjun: HELLOou*oo))000? ARE WE JUST GOING TO IGnORE THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM? MOA NO BITCHLESS ERA??? beomgyu: you're an elephant in the room taehyun: Oh, dear god. I fear you may actually be onto something yeonjun. What if we lose our fanbase? Should I start posting thirst traps again? Guys seriously. you: NO 🙅‍♀️🚫🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ we cannot go back to the dark ages PLSLLSLLSLS those tik tok posting schedules era was BRUTAL
yeonjun: Taehyun I love your big sexy wrinkled brain please don't change no jungkook kai: remember that time Namjoon exposed tyun for his JK wallpaper LMAOOOOOOOOOO taehyun: huening kai. kai: apologies. sorrows. soobin: oh my god no yeah pls TAEHYUN U ARE SO RIGHT y/n start first!!! guys!! this is an emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!! you: SHUTUTUT UPPUPPUPU yeonjun: Hes right, youre our main visual
beomgyu: guys if MOA start marrying each other does that mean no more fan service? if so I say lets support the movement!!! SICK and TIRED of seeing those "Y/N MARRY ME" comments on my welives soobin: hey I comment those taehyun: ??? you: well yeonjun: this reminds me of that one time I was on tik tok and a yeonjun x y/n imagine came up about us getting married and leaving txt OH MY GOD WAS THAT GOD FORESHADOWING kai: since when did you believe in god??? yeonjun: GUYS WHAT IF MOAS GETTING MARRIED ACTUALLY MEANS THAT Y/N AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED AND WE'LL LIVE HAPPILY E VER AFTER AND TXT WILL NOT GO EXTINCT AND WE KISS AND WE HOLD HANDS AND ONE DAY WE FALL INLOVE DEADASS AND HAVE 3 KIDS AND WE LIVE TOGETHER FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES AND RAISE LITTLE MODEL FASHION BABIES I CAN STYLE AND THEYD HAVE SUCH GOOD GENES DO YOU SEE THE VISION
beomgyu kicked yeonjun from moa bitchFULL era beomgyu: now that that's over, how about we go get ice cream? taehyun: sure. kai: ICE CREAM >>>.<<< ^////^
soobin: can we add him back i kinda like when he's off his hinges wait yes we can because I'm the leader and I say so HAHA soobin added yeonjun to moa bitchFUL era yeonjun: thanks soobin soobin did you know that I love you you know soobin? soobin kicked yeonjun from moa bitchFUL era soobin: boy wth was that you added yeonjun to moa bitchFUL era you: guys what if I said i have a long term low maintenance long distance low commitment casual boyfriend
you left moa bitchFUL era kai: ????? soobin: there's a g*n in my mouth actually yeonjun: did I just get cheated on? taehyun: wasn't I the long term low maintenance low commitment casual bf? wdym long distance?? kai: ????? x2 beomgyu: ☹️☹️?? I THOUGHT WE WERE SOULMATES?? soobin: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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A/N: they’re all a little insane in today’s ep. sorry!
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faithshouseofchaos · 10 days
SAW UR ALEX POST AND RAN RIGJT TO YOU 🙏 Alex Albon jealously smut maybe?? Or hes having a bad day because of him crashing (Australia type shi) Or a Alex fluff where him and reader have a bunch of animals and shes trying to convince him to get more
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Bunny — Alex albon x reader
Word count 852
You've longed for a bunny for years, and finally, an opportunity has arisen to bring one into your life. The only hurdle is persuading Alex, who is content with the 23 pets you both already have. You understand that it won't be easy to convince him, but you're prepared to put in the effort and plead your case to bring a little bunny into your home.
"Alex, can we please talk about something?" you ask one evening as you both relax on the sofa. Alex looks over at you, a mixture of curiosity and skepticism on his face.
"Sure," he replies cautiously. "What's up?"
"Well," you begin, a hint of nervousness in your voice. "You know how I've always wanted to get a bunny?" Alex groans internally but tries to maintain a neutral expression. "Yeah, I remember. But we already have 23 pets, and they're already a handful. I'm not sure we need another one, especially a rabbit."
You nod understanding his concern, "I know we have a lot of animals, but a bunny would make such a wonderful addition. They're so cute and fluffy, and they don't take up much space. Plus, they're relatively low maintenance."
Alex rubs his temples, a habit he does when he's thinking. "I get that they're cute and all, but they can also be destructive, and we have so many other animals to take care of. It's not just about space; it's also about time and energy."
You take a moment to collect your thoughts before continuing. "I understand your concerns, but I've been reading up on pet rabbit care, and it's really not that demanding. We could set up a dedicated space for them, and I'll take full responsibility for their care. I promise it won't add too much to our workload."
Alex considers your proposal, his love for you warring with his practical nature. "It's not just about the work; it's also about the cost. Rabbit care can be expensive – vet bills, food, toys... it adds up. We already spend a significant amount on our current pets."
You anticipated this argument and have prepared a counter. "I've already researched and budgeted. I'd cover all the expenses related to the bunny, so it wouldn't put a financial strain on us. I really want to do this, and I'm willing to make sacrifices elsewhere to make it happen.
Alex can't help but soften a little at your determination. He sighs, his resolve weakening. "You always have an answer for everything, don't you?" You smile, sensing his resistance is softening. "I'm just thorough. I've thought about this a lot, and I truly believe a bunny would bring us joy. They're incredibly affectionate and therapeutic; their soft fur and playful nature can be a huge stress reliever."
Alex scratches his beard, processing your words. "Alright, I can see how much this means to you, and you've clearly done your research. But 24 pets... it's a lot. Are you sure you can handle it, and that I won't end up doing half the work?"
You reach for his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "I promise, I'll take care of everything. The bunny will be my responsibility, and I'm fully committed. I'll give them all the love and care they need without relying on you for anything."
Alex looks into your pleading eyes and finds it impossible to resist. "Okay, fine. We can get a bunny. But you have to promise me that it won't be too much work, and it won't affect the attention we give our other pets."
Your face lights up, and you can barely contain your excitement. "Thank you, Alex! You won't regret this. I promise to take care of the bunny, and I'll make sure it won't take away from our other pets. I'll be the best bunny mom ever!"
Alex chuckles, unable to stay mad at your enthusiasm. "I hope so. I don't want to end up cleaning up after a tiny, furry menace."
You give his cheek a playful pinch. "Don't worry, I won't let that happen! I'll make sure our bunny is the most well-behaved and tidy little fluffball. You won't even notice they're there."
Alex rolls his eyes but can't help but smile. "Famous last words. Just don't come to me complaining when the bunny gnaws on your favorite pair of slippers or poops in your shoe."
You let out a lighthearted laugh. "Hey, no bunny slander allowed! They'll be an absolute angel, and I'll train them not to do any of those things. Trust me, the bunny will be the most well-behaved member of our little zoo."
Alex shakes his head but can't help but be amused by your optimism. "Alright, I'll take your word for it. But if that bunny turns out to be a troublemaker, I reserve the right to say 'I told you so.'"
You nod, a mischievous grin on your face. "Challenge accepted. I guarantee you'll be eating your words. Our new bunny will be the most perfect addition to our fur-mily, and you'll fall in love with them just as much as me."
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natlovesls2 · 7 months
Project Valentine
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚warnings: no use of y/n, swearing, feels a little rushed
*ੈ✩‧₊˚word count: 1.1k
*ੈ✩‧₊˚summary: You're lonely and Logan wants to be a good friend
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"I'm tired of being lonely every year for Valentine's Day," you groan into one of the heart-shaped throw pillows on your couch. You hated Valentine's Day– absolutely despised it. You always sat alone, watching the intoxicatingly cute couples on dates. This would be the fourth year in which you would have no date for Valentine's Day, and if it were up to you, it would be your last (you would destroy the holiday, obviously). It wasn't a choice you had willingly made, but no matter how hard you tried, you always managed to be single during Valentine's Day. 
Logan laughed at your distress, finding your overreaction to being single hilarious, "I'll help you find a date if that will make you happy."
"Oh fuck off, stop laughing at me," you threw the throw pillow at him, laughing as it smacked him in the face. 
"Rude, and I'm not laughing at you. I'm being very serious right now."
"You'd help me find a date?" you asked, sitting up and turning to face him, waiting and expecting him to burst out laughing. Sure, Logan was a great friend, but he never turned down the opportunity to tease or make fun of you. You had expected him to poke fun at the fact that you had once again managed to find yourself without a partner to spend the day with. 
He nodded silently, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, head slightly tilted to the side. His smile widens the more he stares at you, "So, what do you say, can I start Project Valentine?" 
You can't help but wonder how he could possibly help when you've struggled for so long. The uncertainty of whether or not this could negatively impact the structure of your friendship. You often spoke about your romantic relationships with Logan but never went into depth about why they all seemed to fail. You suppose it was fear, fear of commitment, or fear of getting too attached to then be abandoned. That fear also held you back in your friendship, which brings you back to that uncertainty you felt– everything was connected. 
"Stop staring at me like that; do you want my help or not?"
"I do, but– yeah, I want your help."
"Good, now tell me what your type is," he says, standing from his spot across from you to sit beside you on the loveseat. 
"I don't know. I guess I just want a nice guy." 
"A nice guy? Are your standards truly that low? I always thought you would have higher standards."
"They are not low." They truly weren't low, in your opinion. Of course, they were more complex than just a "nice" guy, but you didn't want to seem picky in front of Logan. It was a running joke that you couldn't hold boyfriends because of your high standards and maintenance.  
"Yes, they are," he teased, jokingly shoving you.
"Are not."
"Are too," he reached over– tickling you, and you desperately attempted to push him away, laughing loudly at his actions. 
"Stop it," you say, continuing to laugh– holding onto his shoulders as he finally stills. He looks into your eyes, deep in thought, making you wish you knew what went through his mind. He always seemed to be thinking about something, especially when he's around you– it's something you've noticed as your friendship grew. "What's going through that brain of yours?" you ask, running your hands through his hair. 
"I don't think I can help you..." he whispers, resting his head on your chest.
"I knew this was some sort of joke for you," you shoved him off of your chest, sitting up. 
"This isn't a joke."
"No? Then what is it? Because right now, it feels like you're going to say some bullshit about me never being content in my relationships. And honestly, Logan, I'm not in the mood for this shit. I genuinely wanted your help and was trusting you with this," you angrily rambled, refusing to look at him. It felt as if your blood was boiling; you felt like those cartoon characters with the steam coming out of their ears. You could see his lips moving as he worked up some, in your humble opinion, lame excuse– but the ringing in your ears impeded you from hearing. 
"I love you, okay," Logan said as the ringing in your ears subsided. You froze, staring blankly at him– this had escalated quickly, too quickly. The ringing returned as your heart began to beat a million miles an hour. 
Logan frowned as the silence in the room grew; he sighed looking up at the ceiling and resting his head against the backrest of the love seat. "I'm sorry– please say something; I don't want to ruin our friendship. And I know I'm stupid... god, this was so fucking stupid. I'm sorry, okay?" 
You continued to stare at him, shock evident on your face. It felt impossible to speak, though you had so much to say. From the moment you heard those words, you felt thousands of repressed memories flood your mind. Memories in which you felt things you had thought were inappropriate to feel between friends. Memories that at this moment you wished to share with him. 
He quickly turned to face you again, "Actually, I'm not sorry. I'm tired of pretending that I don't feel this way– tired of hiding my love for you."
You felt as if your body had been possessed by someone else as you grabbed his face and smashed your lips against his. It was a desperate kiss, something you had both been waiting for– rushed and messy. He gently pushed you down, resting you against the couch as he deepened the kiss. You felt your head spin as his hands tangled against your hair, somehow pulling you closer than you already were. "I love you too," you pulled away for a moment– wanting him to know that you reciprocate his feelings. 
"I thought so," he pulled you back into a kiss, seemingly not wanting the moment to end as he slid his hands down to rest on your hips. "I think Project Valentine was a success," he whispered, planting a few kisses on your neck, and smiling down at you. 
You had hated Valentine's Day– absolutely despised it. But as you lay there with Logan, tangled in each other, you couldn't help but love it. You loved everything about it, the cultural meaning of it, and even the intoxicatingly cute couples. You wanted to experience everything about the day you had hated just this morning. You couldn't wait to spend next Valentine's Day with him– and all the Valentine's Days after that.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 9 months
BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP W/ EDDIE BROCK & VENOM (generalized canon | 616 | venom movie-verse)
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random Headcanons
SFW, minor canon action, one(1) mention of sex
pic sources: Venom #20 - “All Out” (2023) & Venom #23 - “Symbiote Daddy Issues” (2023)
part one
First post of the year!!! Alright bye.❤️
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Eddie’s not a bad writer, and he can come up with a showstopper of an opening line off the top of his head. Because of this - and to Eddie’s constant objection - both you and his second half beg him to hit you with his best pick up lines. He hates it but always caves to elicit a smile or laugh out of both of y’all.
V fusses over you big time. They treat you like the most delicate flower and it annoys you even though you know they're intentions aren't to belittle you.
Problem is V gets very high maintenance and clingy whenever you’re hurt or sick, and not only does they’re stalking get incredibly obvious, but you also can’t go to the bathroom without Venom forcing Eddie to come sit in the bathroom with you. And god forbid you need to go while out in public.
Can you get jealous? Yes. Do Eddie and Venom outdo you? Also yes. They do the most. Someone just looks at you up and down and Eddie's got his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body and Venom’s snarling at the pest.
Don’t let somebody try to get with you either, having to talk Venom (and Eddie, he’s not innocent of this either) out of committing murder is not a particularly fun experience.
Venom is the dominant one in the bedroom, thank you very much. Problem is Venom is also a creature of sensation, he craves it and as such so does Eddie, so it’s not exactly hard to switch your dynamic up whenever any of you are in the mood.
Getting Eddie to be okay with submitting during sex is a labor of love. At first he’ll refuse to touch it and you’ll respect that just fine, but over time he’ll get little glimpses of being taken care of when you're being intimate and his curiosity coupled with the symbiote’s prodding will make him decide to take a venture in being submissive for you. Only you though.
Venom makes the first move in y’all’s relationship. If you want to consider a little mild stalking “making the first move”. It starts with the Lethal Protector showing up every time you’re in even the slightest bit of trouble or near a big fight going on, and escalates to Eddie frequently ‘running’ into you and striking up a good conversation.
He rings all your alarm bells until he reveals himself to be Venom though, don’t get it twisted. Eddie’s nice and he’s charming but he’s also too blunt and outwardly calculating to not seem at least a little sketchy.
Eddie has a tendency to naturally sneak around the house. Part of it is the remnants of a life lived under Brock Sr.’s roof, but most of it is Venom.
Long story short Eddie’s big and doesn't make much noise unless he wants to and when he just pops out of places a regular non-enhanced person has every right to be taken off guard.
It’s no secret that they would sacrifice their body, mind, and soul to keep you safe, but their jealousy can cloud that virtuosity.
Venom's an asshole when he's jealous and it's not particularly endearing. The hissing when the symbiote feels like it’s being challenged is really pushing it. Them feeling like they can start dictating the shit you’re “allowed” to do is also really pushing it and you nip that shit in the bud real quick; alien hormones be damned.
Both Venom and Eddie's soul purpose is to broadcast the fact that you are indeed off limits to ANY hormonal driven being, which is just the vast majority of humans at this point.
Because of this y’all engage in near constant pda (sometimes a little scenting is involved too). If Venom doesn’t get his fill he will be miserable for Eddie to be around until he does.
You’ll admit though - even if only to yourself - that you do find it kinda hot when they catch someone ogling you and Eddie's eyes flash white in a threat.
The symbiote tends to take control and outright ask the person if they like what they see too.
If they say yes they're basically putting their lives in Venom's hands.
You can't even be mad sometimes either, so you do find their jealousy a little bit endearing… sometimes.
The inevitable hissy fit sex is cool too.
It is aggravating never being able to leave the house alone (especially if you’re wearing something extravagant, form fitting, or revealing) without Venom and Eddie feeling the need to “reestablish” y’all’s relationship before you go out just so that you and everyone else don’t forget you’re taken.
Overall, boundaries must be set, but they’re not unable to be reasoned with, and they’re both far too sweet on you to risk truly upsetting you or breaking your trust (too much).
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
This is just a little quick something, but I have been sitting on it for a while now. Also, yes, Eddie’s shirt does say “Himbo Frankenstein”!
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I won’t always respond, but I’d very much appreciate it!
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hagelliot · 2 months
I should give Elementary more credit for changing my brain chemistry when I was 16;
I mean, how could I not after hearing:
Sherlock- “If you must know, Watson… I've been feeling a little bit down of late.
It's the process of maintaining my sobriety. It's repetitive. And it's relentless. And above all, it's tedious. When I left rehab, I… I accepted your influence. I committed to my recovery.
And now… two years in… I found myself asking, is this it? My sobriety is simply a grind. It's just this leaky faucet which requires constant maintenance. And in return, offers only… not to drip.”
Joan- “You have your work. You have me. You're alive.”
Sherlock- “I've told myself that many times. So many times that it has become unmoored from all meaning.
I, uh… I used to imagine that a relapse would be the climax to some grand drama. Now I think that if I were to use drugs again, it would in fact be an anticlimax. It would be a surrender to the incessant drip, drip, drip of existence.”
Sherlock- “You said you'd had two serious relationships in the past. It might surprise you to learn that puts you at least one, and arguably two, ahead of me. I had one great romance in my life.
One would be hard-pressed
to call her a girlfriend.
And even harder pressed to call
that relationship a success. I never felt the need beyond that. Part of the reason for that is that relationships are hard for me. You sensed that I was making an extra effort to make things work with you. 
In that, you were correct.
But you presumed that that was because you're different.
It is not.
It is because I'm different.
And because you are the rare woman
I have come across for whom I believe
that extra effort is worthwhile. So whatever the future holds, whether we see each other again or not, I wanted you to know.”
Sherlock- “Look… I've never felt any pressure from you that I co-parent. But your idea that I take no responsibility in raising your child is naive. It's not that I think you're not capable of raising a child on your own– of course you are-- but... short of us dissolving our partnership, I'm not capable of not being involved.
N-Not as the child's father, but as its mother's friend. I mean, I'd lay down my life for you. So, if you succeed in adopting a child, I'll lay down my life for him or her. It's... it's as simple as that.”
And of course:
Sherlock- “I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me over the last six years.”
Sherlock- “I was dying when we first met. I mean, I looked well enough. Just got out of rehab and all that. Thought that I knew everything, but I didn't. I didn't realize how much....how much work I would have to put in and how much time it would take. But most of all, I, I didn't realize that things could get better. And that I could actually be...yes, I was dying. And no one could see it but you. You saved my life, Joan.”
Joan- “We're partners.”
Sherlock- “No. We're much better than that. We're two people that love each other. We always have been.”
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
I've never lived by the coast, but I bet if you do, you have to be constantly aware of crabs. Think about it: nothing is really stopping the ocean-bound crustaceans from crossing the road and heading towards your home. Only convention will prevent them from coming to snap up your vegetable garden. "It's never been like this before," you wail, as you watch the foundation of your house be denuded by a million snapping claws.
When I was a kid, I got to visit my city's Chinatown on a school trip. Keep in mind that the sum total of my pan-Asian cultural exposure up to this point was "sometimes cartoons look a little funny." I couldn't tell you what happened on the rest of the trip, but I can tell you this. There was a giant-ass snow crab sitting in a water tank, in the front window of a seafood shop.
His(?) glass prison was far too small. He was truly immense, about a meter wide in each direction, unable to do much of anything except for stare out the window at the passersby. Having been in either the ocean or some kind of nursery tank previously, I have to wonder what he thought of the whole thing.
I had fantasies of saving him, as you do when you're a kid and an injustice makes itself really blatant instead of even a little bit subtle. He was only like thirty bucks, and I figured I could put a leash on him, walk him into the bus, and head home. After that, it would be a matter of figuring out what crabs like to eat (lettuce?) and keeping him happy and healthy until he either passed away of natural causes or escaped. Again, I live very, very far from the ocean, so returning him was out of the question. Kids can commit (in their minds) very easily to almost twenty years of crab maintenance. They're famous for that kind of thing.
Ultimately, I left that crab behind. The tour was moving on, and I had to fulfill my obligations to education, rather than to rescue another living thing. It was probably a mistake. If you live near the coast, please give me a little bit of warning when the crabs turn on us. I figure they won't know to snip the fibre internet lines immediately, but hopefully I can turn their relentless, brutal pincers back from my soft human parts by telling them I sympathize with their plight.
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play-now-my-lord · 2 years
good signs at your new job
- coyotes keep attacking you on the road - deer scream at you and charge when you approach - your boss, whose face you can never seem to commit to memory, keeps praising your team for "loyalty to the bitter end" even though you've all been there a week - get served with divorce papers despite not being married - I love my job - your "new maintenance guy" (obvious government employee but nothing like any cop or fed you've ever met) keeps installing bugs in your house, but they're not good at hiding it and seem afraid of you - false memories implanted by job about working the job when you were a child, before it was even a thing people did - pleasant grinding sound barely perceptible when there's no other sound. Seems to follow you around - payment includes "generous exposure package" but what you're being exposed to isn't specified - I love my job - the news announces that hell is real, they discovered how to make a portal to Hell using something called "slow photons". It's definitely hell but it's full of long-dessicated skeletons, not even geologically active. Everyone's always talking about it, like, what are the implications, what does it mean for us, does that mean Heaven is real or is it just Hell. The next day they lead with how the Dow Jones is doing and don't mention Hell and then they never mention it again, and at first people are upset but they increasingly go along with it, and you start feeling like you're nuts for remembering about Hell being a physical, real place that humans have visited and found empty and barren - first listed benefit for 1 year seniority is "Undeniable Proof"; proof of what? no one will say - your boss, whose voice is at once familiar and novel, calls you on your weekend and he's crying and saying shit like "it's all over" and "what the fuck have we done" and then on Monday you come in and everything's normal - I love my job - I love my job
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You Are My Soulmate
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
Status: In Progress
Last Updated: July 30th, 2024
Disclaimers: Female!Reader
A/N: This is a Soulmate!AU with a spin. Instead of having a single soulmark, a quarter of the population have multiple. Tinkerbell and Rooster are two of those people. I love Soulmate AUs, and well, the Top Gun Brain-Rot is still ever present, so here we go. This one is going to be a bit different for me, as I'm going to be trying out flipping perspectives within the chapters between Rooster and Tinkerbell (Reader's Nickname throughout the fic).
Themes: Angst, Smut, Soulmate!AU, Bradley is a bit of a dick, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Unrequited Love (Slight, One-Sided)
Summary: You're ecstatic when you find out you have five soul indicators at midnight on the day of your twenty-first birthday, right before you start Officer Candidate School for the Navy in Rhode Island. OCS is so complex you can’t devote time to searching for your soulmate. On graduating from Officer Candidate School, Naval Aviation Command School, and Aviation Maintenance School at the top of your class, you are given the primary selection of detachment and travel worldwide as an Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer. The excitement you felt on your twenty-first birthday has changed over the past seven years, and you’re impatient to see who your soul is. After years of constant movement, it’s a relief to learn you have been assigned to run maintenance on a squadron’s planes out of Naval Air Station North Island. San Diego is sunny and gorgeous, an absolute dream after being stuck on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean for the past six months. The Dagger Squad is a newly-permanent squadron based out of NAS North Island. Each member welcomed you to Miramar as a part of their maintenance crew with warmth and friendliness. Except for one pilot, callsign: Rooster. He’s the most unpleasant pilot you’ve ever met. He’s full of himself, cocky, arrogant, rude, and condescending. If only he didn’t feel so familiar. If only you didn’t feel so drawn to him. 
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Bradley Bradshaw is sure he’s never going to find his soulmate. He’d been in mourning on his twenty-first birthday, still grieving the loss of his mother, followed by the loss of the only father he’d ever known, his Uncle Mav. It isn’t until Bradley is across the country at Officer Candidate School that he realizes he never received his soul indicators. Years later, and thousands of miles away, recovering from a plane crash, Bradley, now known as Rooster, jolts awake to the half-remembered scent of citrus and glistening hair in a thick braid. Without any other indicators, Rooster gives up. After all, who’d want a soul disfigured by something they loved? That’s when Bradley gives up. He sinks into the reputation of the piano-playing, mustachioed casanova and gives up on his dreams of finding a love like his parents had found in each other. And he’s content with his life until he runs into the feisty, loud AMDO officer newly assigned to NASNI. Something about her feels like everything Bradley’s been searching for, at least, if she weren’t completely committed to Bagman already. You can call him what you want, but Rooster doesn’t steal another man’s girl.
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You Are My Soulmate on AO3
You Are My Soulmate on Wattpad
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Tinkerbell
Chapter 2 - Rooster
Chapter 3 - Rooster
Chapter 3 - Tinkerbell
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Tinkerbell
Chapter 5 - Rooster
Chapter 6 - Tinkerbell
Chapter 6 - Rooster
Chapter 7 - Tinkerbell
Chapter 7 - Rooster
Chapter 8 - Tinkerbell
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year
Hypnotized Help: Henry
"You sent for me, Master?" the actor's deeply masculine voice asks, rolling a cart of cleaning supplies into the sitting room.
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"I just spilled my drink," I answer tersely, "Clean it up."
"Of course, master," the man quickly replies, swiftly grabbing the mop and bending over to wring out the dusty water.
"Wait?" my friend gasps beside me, "Superman is your janitor?"
"Yeah," I chuckle, "At least, the stud who plays him is."
My buddy is easily impressed. He doesn't realize that celebrities are people too, and they are just as easy to manipulate as anybody. That still doesn't stop him from being absolutely starstruck. This guy was my night janitor and he was still practically drooling over him.
"I ran into Mr. Cavill on his way to an interview," I explain, "You went under easily, didn't you, Henry?"
The guy pauses, casting a nervous glance.
"Oh, yes," he affirms, "You had me under in less than a minute, master."
"That's right," I add, "And you remember what you learned, right?"
"Oh yes, master," he reports, grabbing a towel to soak up the puddle of mop water, "I don't want to be idolized by fans all the time. I want a man like you to give me some humility."
"You feeling humbled yet?"
"Definitely," the actor sighs in exasperation, "Master, I've never done such menial work, and I've definitely never worked night shifts."
"Wait, so what all does he make you do?" my friend asks with a look of pity.
"Well, sir, I report here by nine to get started," Henry casts a nervous glance at me, "The master of the house insists on timeliness, so I've made a few excuses to get out of my old commitments. I, of course, arrive dressed and ready to go before coming in through the maintenance entrance. Once I'm here, I get right to work on the nightly cleaning routine."
The janitor finishes sopping up the remaining puddle from the floor. My friend and I can't help but stare while he works on his hands and knees. I doubt Henry realizes how on display his muscle butt is in that cheap jumpsuit. His body is even easier to study since the fabric sticks to his sweaty skin.
Unfortunately, he quickly rises from the floor.
"Is there any other way I can be of service, master?" he asks, waiting by his supplies cart.
"Wait, so you clean this place every night?" my friend jumps in, "That's a lot of work!"
"He likes it," I retort, "and I'm not letting him scrub the floors during the day. And Henry, there is something else. Go ahead and polish my guest's shoes while you're here."
"Yes, master," he responds, immediately fetching a rag and polish before dropping back to the ground.
My buddy flinches as the actor approaches, but he ultimately allows Henry to hold his foot up with a broad hand. The old sneakers have probably never been cleaned, but my janitor is already determined to wipe off all the years of dirt and grime.
"You know, I have a Superman costume I sometimes put him in," I smile nonchalantly.
My friend's eyes open wide.
"Dude," he says slowly, "I need to see the real Superman scrubbing some toilets."
I chuckle at his sudden enthusiasm. My friend is finally starting to loosen up around all my hypnotized celebrities.
While still polishing the shoe, Henry Cavill looks up to meet my friend's longing gaze, "Would you like me to go change, sir?"
"Don't forget the cape," I answer after a long pause of awestruck silence.
"Of course," he rises to his feet, obediently stepping out, "I'll be right back, master."
Me and my guest sip our drinks by the fire, silently anticipating Henry's return. I can tell my friend's cheesiest fantasies are all coming true. Soon, Superman will march back in, and ask to be of service. I'm going to leave it up to my guest to boss the Man of Steel around...
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