#but you literally taste like cotton candy
boneheadboner · 2 months
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Tasty like candy
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
sights | James Potter x Reader
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Word Count: 5.9 k
Warnings: Smut, oral (Female and Male receiving), P in V, lots of praise, consent is sexy, lusty!James, he literally can't take his eyes off you.
Prompt: Inspired by the sense of sight, this fic tells the story of James Potter's first birthday as your boyfriend, and the secret gift you prepared for him a the end of the night.
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sights is part of The Five Senses: an anthology series where each chapter will be a stand alone story, inspired by the different ways we have of perceiving the world around us.
18+ readers only (smut under the cut)
James Potter gives the meanest cuddles. He always did. In the mornings you slept over, he wouldn’t want to let go of you, and at night time, when he would pretty much manhandle you until you were atop of him and held you tight between his strong arms as he rubbed soft circles on your back, under your shirt. He’d slowly find the hem of whatever shirt you wore, and pull it just enough to be able to slide his warm hand inside, he absolutely loved the feeling of your skin, how soft it was, how warm it was. He also loved how small you were in comparison to him, how he could warp his arms around you, and how you’d playfully push on him, but never really aimed to get out of his grasp. He loved the smell of your hair and the taste of your lips. He’d been bewitched, and he couldn’t help it. 
When you said you’d date him, after his last birthday party, he’d gone static, didn’t even sleep that night, just because he was thinking of how he’d get to give you a soft kiss in the morning once you two met at the common room. And he’d been the most devoted boyfriend you’d ever seen. The boys would always tease him about it, about how you’d get tired of his antics and date a normal boy instead, one who wasn’t eyeing you like a simp while in class, that wouldn’t send you love letters even if you lived almost across the other, Sirius once even joked you’d leave James for him since he was more handsome. The way you laughed after he said that had offended him so much he didn’t talk to you for a week. But what the boys didn’t know, was that you secretly loved all of James’ quirks, the way he’d hold your hands, the little notes he left, the way whenever he went to Honeydukes he’d bring back your favourite candy. No matter how you looked at it, James Potter was the best boyfriend in the world. And you wanted to be the best girlfriend too, so when his birthday and your first anniversary rolled around, you knew you wanted to make it the most special birthday of his entire life. 
Spring was just around the corner when Marlene and you sat over the common room couch browsing over some lingerie catalogues she’d gotten from her elder cousin. “This one’s nice,” she told you, pointing at a light green set. 
“Mhm…” you said with a nod, even if you weren’t convinced “It’s more your style thought, isn’t it?” 
Marlene shrugged “I guess… but I’m sure your golden boy would lust over you in it.” 
To be fair, James Potter would lust over you in shabby old cotton undies and a simple bra, heck he’d probably lust over you in a sack of potatoes if you allowed him to, but you wanted the day to be extra special, it had to be extra special. So you kept flipping through the pages along with Marlene, there were many beautiful sets, there was a light pink one that would look insane on Lily, so you and Marlene decided to get it for her together, half as a joke, half because you both genuinely thought it’d look incredible on her. There was a light blue one you decided to get for yourself, even if it was not the one you were looking for, there was a green and gold set you were tempted to get as well, but convinced yourself it was not what you were looking for and moved on, Marlene decided to get that one. You were almost tired of flipping through the pages and not finding what you wanted when Marlene gently flipped over one and you gasped “That’s it!”
It was a black little set, with enough layers to make James go crazy by unwrapping you. It had a black lacy bra and matching panties, the bra was sure to make your boobs look incredible with the new push-up technology the magazine claimed it had. But the set did not stop there, it came with a delicate bodysuit, also made out of lace, that would match perfectly with the bra and undies. The set was perfect.
“What’s it?” You heard James ask from the portrait as he spotted you, he was coming from a reunion with the rest of the prefects, his hair messy and beautiful as always. 
“Fuck,” you whispered as you hid the magazine in the folds of the sofa, which made James raise one of his eyebrows. 
“What were you looking at luv?” He asked with a teasing smile on his face. 
Marlene was about to say something clever to cover for you both, but you got ahead of her “p*rn.” Marlene deadpanned over at you, and you gave her an apologetic smile.
“Really?” James teased, “May I see?” 
He approached the two of you from behind and you kneeled on the sofa to face him, and to make it harder for him to just grab a hold of the magazine “Of course not James, you wouldn’t like it.” 
“Come on…” 
“They’re not your type of men.” 
“How would you know my type in men?” He pressed, half-jokingly.
You thought about it for a minute, and simply said “Regulus.” 
“What?” He asked confused. 
“Your type in men, it’d be Regulus. Sirius’ little bother.” 
The set of expressions he made afterwards was priceless. At first, he raised one of his fingers to object, and just when he was about to say something, he shut his mouth with a small little frown, after a couple seconds more he rose his eyebrows and nodded, agreeing with your statement “Maybe he would.” 
You smiled “See? (Y/N) knows best.” 
“You’re really not showing me are you?” 
You shook your head with a smile “Not apt for your beautiful eyes, sorry.” 
“Can I at least get a kiss?” He asked leaning in closer to you. 
You smiled, and leaned in to give him a quick little peck on the lips “You can always,” you told him with a smile. 
“Ugh, get a room you two,” Marlene said throwing a pillow towards your faces, that caused the two of you to laugh, and just to spite her even more, you pulled James for another kiss. 
“Don’t you have your extracurricular now?” He groaned in response. That was a yes. “Off you go then.” He leaned his forehead on yours for a moment, before nodding to go. 
“See you later luv.” He said as he approached the portrait again “Marlene.” He waved at her and once he was finally outside you let yourself lay on the couch, pulling out the now slightly crumbled magazine. 
“That was close.”
“No shit Sherlock! P*rn?!” She said with raised eyebrows. 
“I was caught off guard!” 
“Yeah, but that’s the worst excuse I’ve heard in my life.” 
“Well, I think he bought it.” 
“Yeah silly, that’s exactly my problem. Next time I see him he’ll be pestering me about showing you dirty stuff. And he’ll probably ask what type of men you were looking at.” 
You shrugged “Just say it was mine.” 
She rose an eyebrow “You really have no shame?” 
You were already opening the magazine again, looking at the set you were going to order “Whatever he thinks won’t matter, he’ll forget all about it on his birthday.” You said with a mischievous grin. Marlene leaned over the magazine to look at the set you were looking at. 
“He most definitely will.” She agreed after looking at the page. 
On the morning of the 27th, you set out to take a long bath, taking a self-care session by using all the different potions you and the girls had created together. By the time you came out of the bathroom, you were glowing. Even Mary whistled as she saw you walking out with a towel, as you looked for your uniform. 
“You already have it on?” Asked Marlene. 
“Have what on?” Asked Lily, looking up from her book. 
“James’ gift,” Marlene said with a smirk. 
“James’ gift, huh?” Lily said with a knowing smile. 
You shook your head “Not yet, I’ll put it on before the party.” 
“That didn’t stop you from lathering yourself with potions, did it?” Mary teased. 
“I have to make myself desirable, don’t I?” 
“Not to the point it’ll torture for him,” Mary said as she saw you pick your shortest skirt. 
Marlene shook her head “Nah, I’m with (Y/N), let Potter suffer for a couple of hours,” She said before grabbing one of her uniform shirts and passing it over “This one should be tighter.” You rose your eyebrows, but nodded, putting it on. It wasn’t super tight, but you used to wear rather loose school uniforms anyway. You fastened your tie and went to grab your vest, but Marlene grabbed your hand and shook her head, “Skip that today.” 
“But the prefects will deduct points from me for not wearing my uniform correctly.” 
Lily shook her head “It’s already spring,” she said “You’ll get away with it, just put on your robes on top, and say you took it off because it was hot if anyone says anything.” You rose an eyebrow at her and she shrugged in response “You’re the one that wants to look desirable.” 
“You’re the best, you knew that, right?” You told her with a smile. 
She smirked in return “So I’ve been told.” 
The first time James saw you that day it wasn’t in the common room like you expected, but in the Great Hall. He spotted you first and had to do a double take because you looked charming, even more so than normal. He wasn’t sure what it was, you certainly hadn’t gotten a haircut, or styled, but something about you was just, radiant, you looked absolutely radiant. 
When you finally spotted him, he was still short-circuiting over how stunning his girlfriend looked. From the curve of your hips, and your smooth legs, to how soft your hair looked. You, in turn, were also drooling over how handsome he looked in his quidditch sweater, the same sweater that gently stretched over his thick muscles. Once you finally reached the table where he sat with the boys, you wrapped your arms over his shoulders and planted a soft kiss on his cheeks before letting your head fall next to his “Happy Birthday Bambi!” You told him and proceeded to lather his face with soft kisses. 
By then, Remus who had been sitting next to him, moved to the side so you could take a seat next to James. You smiled, and only after you’d given James at least a kiss for every year of his life, you took the seat in the space they’d left for you. 
James was smiling from ear to ear by the time you sat beside him, and leaned in to give you a kiss on the cheek before going back to his food. You’d already planned the entire day, Remus, thank Merlin for his kind soul, had convinced the boys to sleep in the common room so you and James could have the room for the night. Sirius, the wingman he was, had gotten a hold of some special potions so you and James didn’t have to worry about any accidents. Together you’d made sure to prepare the perfect party for James, there would be music, dancing, fireworks, and then, there would be you. 
Peter had taken care of most of the party preparations, he’d already invited all of James’ friends and had also convinced the elves of the kitchen to prepare some snacks. He had been the one to find the kitchens back in first year and he’d always been really good at convincing the elves to cook stuff for him. In the middle of breakfast, you all eyed each other, once the girls were downstairs and most of your friends were on the table, Sirius made a little signal for you, and you took out the small party blower you’d enchanted to be 10 times as loud. The moment you blew on it, the entire room went silent. And after taking a deep breath, your entire table started singing Happy Birthday. Eventually, people that knew Potter from other tables started singing, and even some of the newer kids joined in too. At some point, most of the classroom hall was singing for James, and once the song was over everyone clapped, James, being head boy, quidditch captain and pretty much the golden Gryffindor boy, was liked by almost the entire school, and it showed. 
Sirius had been tasked to distract James, so while you ran around the common room making sure everything was ready, he was flying around the quidditch pitch with your boyfriend. To be fair, you were jealous, but last year you’d been the one to distract him, and that’s how the two of you had ended up all over each other on the bleachers. And you were pretty sure James would want to repeat it, so you decided it was best to let someone else distract him and save the gift for the night. 
“The fireworks have been placed, right?” Remus asked as he walked closer to you. 
You nodded in response “In position, I’ve also got the mix tape Sirius made ready on the music player.”
Remus smiled “You should stay and help with preparations more often, you’re great at it.”
You smiled “Promise I’ll help prepare your party then.”
“They’re coming!” You heard Peter say as ran inside the common room. 
You smiled and went to your hiding spot, along with everyone else, when James came inside, everyone jumped from their places and shouted “Happy Birthday James!” Your boyfriend had a massive smile on his face, as the people who hadn’t already congratulated him piled around him to fill him with hugs and celebrations over his existence. You smiled too, seeing James so happy was absolutely contagious. Especially with the war and the serious things had gotten, it was nice to see him completely forget about it, even if it was just for a day. 
As you were grabbing onto a glass of whatever alcoholic beverage the boys had managed to smuggle inside the castle, you felt James hug you from behind, wrapping his strong arms around you and laying his head over your shoulder “Why’ve you been so far away?” he asked with a pout.
“What do you mean James? I’ve been right here.”
“Yeah, here, not next to your boyfriend, where you should be.” You laughed and turned around to look at him instead, he placed his hands over your hips and started playing with the top hem of your skirt “I was kinda bummed it wasn’t you flying with me today.”
“Awww… Jammie, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” You said as you played with his hair.
You smiled mischievously, “How does later tonight sound?”
James rose his eyebrows, he’d wanted to claim you the moment he saw you in the Great Hall, and the restraint it took him not to push you over the small table with all the refreshments right then was remarkable.
“Come on,” You told him when you noticed his pupils were blown out, “We still have some party left to enjoy,” You winked, before pulling him to the little area where all of his friends were hanging out. 
You all talked for a while, until it was time for dancing, and Sirius walked towards the stereo, switching the background music to some of the more danceable tunes. You smiled and went straight to dancing with Mary, James was still sitting on the sofa, talking to Remus, when you decided you wanted to torture him, even if it was just a little bit and started swaying your hips for him to notice. At first, he’d been too distracted, but eventually, he did see you, and once he did, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop. Your ass looked incredible in that outfit. 
“Mate, you’re staring at her ass,” Remus informed, which had James snap from his trance.
“No, I–”
“–No shame for it,” Remus said raising both of his hands “Just don’t make it so blatantly obvious, people will think you’re a perцert.”
James sighed and placed his hands over his head as he leaned back over the sofa, and just as he wasn’t looking you went straight to the sofa and sat on his lap.
He almost jumped in surprise, but quickly managed to smell it was just you. And he pulled you in closer “Tired of dancing so much?” He mumbled. 
You shook your head “Came to drag you to dance with me, actually.” You told him with a smile. 
“I’m not sure I want to-“ He started but shut up the moment you rolled your hips against his lap. 
“Promise I’ll make it worth it.” You whispered, Remus heard it anyway and snickered before standing up and finding someplace else.
“Baby, now I can’t even stand up,” James said with a frown, he’d gotten a semi-hard. And just to tease him, you rolled your hips again, which had him tightening his grip on your waist. “Let’s just walk upstairs and have a quickie before-“ You rolled your hips again “-fuck (Y/N), you can’t just do that!” he pretty much groaned. 
You smiled when you felt how hard he was, dick pressing to your ass the way you liked it, you wondered how it would feel to have James on that particular sofa, but shook your thoughts away, maybe on a different day. “Sorry Jemmie, we can’t do quickies today,” You said with a shrug and stood up. He didn’t even have enough time to drag you back down on him and had to grab a pillow to cover himself up instead. He narrowed his eyes at you as you smiled at him from the dance floor, still beckoning for him to come dance. He gave you a look, nodding down to the pillow and you giggled, shrugging with a smile and joining Marlene and Mary on the dance floor. 
“Girl, your boyfriend may explode if you continue to treat him like that,” said Marlene. 
You shook your head “Nah, he likes it,” you told her, turning to James with a little wink, before turning back to your friend. 
The fireworks came about an hour later, and people were starting to leave the Gryffindor common room, going back to their own houses or to their rooms. There was a couple making out on one of the sofas and someone passed out on the couch. And as more and more people left, you couldn’t help but feel excited about your own little party upstairs. 
James came towards you, a little desperate as you stood near the window, looking at the night sky, and the smoke residue the fireworks had left. “Can we please go upstairs now? Before the boys want to get to sleep, I’m sure we can have at least a bit of fun,” he pretty much begged. 
You smiled, “I was waiting for you to ask,” you responded as you reached for his hand, omitting the fact that he didn’t have to worry about the boys walking upstairs on that particular night. 
The moment James closed the door he had you pinned against it, his leg finding its way between yours as he kissed you desperately. You let him, there was something about the rush mixed with the possibility of getting caught that always turned James on. When he started to pull on your shirt, to slide his hands underneath, he seemed puzzled since he didn’t find skin, but lace instead. That's when you stopped him, placing both hands on his shoulders softly, which pulled an even more confused look out of him. 
“No need to rush darling,” you told him with a smirk “I’ve made arrangements, the boys will not sleep here today.” 
James pulled a diverted smile “Arrangements, huh?”
You nodded, the playful expression being mirrored in your face, leaning into him to whisper in a low tone “We’ve got all night.” 
“And the… uhm–“ he cleared his throat “the lace?” 
You smiled again, “Your birthday gift,” you told him matter-of-factly “wanna unwrap it?” You offered, almost casually, which had James’ head rolling with the dizziness that came along with the excitement. You gently pulled his arm and moved the two of you towards the bed, having him sit on it, before straddling him and going back to press your lips against his own, separating only to kiss his neck instead as he finally started to unbutton your shirt. 
James was not in a rush anymore, in fact, he was taking his sweet time with the buttons, as if discovering what the lacy thing under the shirt was something that he should relish on, rather than rush to. Finally, when his hand undid the final button he gently pulled your arms from his shoulders so he could fully remove the shirt. You rocked your hips against him, as you’d done earlier, but now his boner was pressing against your cunt, the friction from the lace and his hard cock making you wet instantly. 
Eventually, he pulled you from his neck, he wanted to see you. You pulled back, hands still over his shoulders as you tilted your head to the side with a little smile “Like what you see?” He buckled his hips against you in response, the little black set you’d chosen was doing things to him he didn’t believe possible. He was obsessed with the way the little leotard thing was just sheer enough for him to be able to see your skin, the curve of your breasts and your hardened nipples. “Speak baby,” you commanded. 
“Of course… I fucking love it.” He told you, which just fueled your resolve even more, separating from him, and kneeling on the floor right in front of the boy. You started undoing his belt when he gave you a look “You’re not gonna… are you?” 
You shrugged “My birthday boy deserves the best of treatments.” You replied, continuing your task, you looked absolutely stunning kneeling on the floor for him, skirt pooled on the floor around you, almost completely covering your legs. You looked like a flower, the prettiest he’d ever seen; your breasts just at the right angle for him to relish on the view he had of them. And your pretty lips, you were bitting on them, as if you couldn’t restrain yourself from sucking him a minute more. James wasn’t even sure if he was even gonna last all the way to the moment you placed your pretty lips around him, heck, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever been that turned on in his life.  
When you finally pulled the hem of his boxer and took him out, he gasped, you did not waste any time, and started to softly pump him, using your free hand to massage his inner tight. You started slow, almost agonizingly slow, until you finally started to pick up the pace, he saw the way you licked your lips before leaning down, and he had to restrain himself from buckling his hips against your face, gripping on the bed sheets until his knuckles were white. You started with a soft lick along his shaft, James shivered the moment he felt your wet tongue on his delicate skin. After that, you went for the tip, small kitten-like licks at first, like you were testing the waters. This was not the first time you’d ever blowed James, but he wasn’t one to ask for it, he felt too self-conscious to do it, like he was asking you to do something you didn’t particularly like. He couldn’t be more wrong, you absolutely adored toying with him. 
His tip was by far the most sensible part, and he was in awe, staring at you with his breath stuck in his throat as you licked away, alternating between licks and your fingers toying with the nib.
When your mouth finally wrapped around him, he let out the most sinful moan you’d ever heard in your life. Which had you hum in response, your little sound causing your entire throat to reverberate over his cock, and he couldn’t stop himself from buckling up on you. “‘’Mm sorry, kitten” he mumbled, James Potter was above else: a true gentleman. 
You smiled, and took him in deeper, bobbing your head up and down his length. “…fuck… your pretty little mouth is so–“You tightened your grip around him a little and pumped “–Aah.” You were already picking up the piece, James was so close, already involuntarily buckling his hips against you, but he then placed a gentle hand over your shoulder, and pulled you back, a thin string of spit connected you with him still when he spoke “ss-stop,” he managed to say, breathing heavily as you looked at him confused. 
You wiped your mouth with your hand “But you were about to… I- I thought…” 
“I am…” he reassured “I don’t want to yet…” he told you, and then moved his hand over to the back of your neck, you leaned your head on his touch “I haven’t even unwrapped my gift completely,” he said in a flirty tone. You rose your eyebrows at that, and he helped you rise from the floor, the little marks from the rug had itched on your knees, and he looked at you with what you’d only be able to recognize as despair “Kitten…” he reproached. 
“It’s nothing Jemmie, doesn’t hurt much.” 
He shook his head, “Next time we’ll place a pillow, my best girl will not be in pain as she gives me pleasure.” You smiled, James really was the best boyfriend in the world. He then softly wrapped his arms around your waist “May I?” He asked as he toyed with the back button of your skirt. 
“It’s your gift, James, you can do whatever the hell you want with it tonight,” you told him in a low tone, James’ pupils were so blown out after you said that, that his eyes almost looked entirely black, it was the most lustful you’d ever seen him. He carefully unbuttoned the skirt, and pulled the zipper down, allowing the skirt to gently fall over the floor as he stared. And fuck you were so pretty, he couldn’t believe you were actually his, to touch, to kiss, to love.
He stared at you, lips parted and pink, heavy breaths making his chest fall up and down gently, and then he placed his hands over your shoulders, letting them gently slide down your arms, admiring you as he pulled you towards the bed. He placed you there, and then placed himself on top, his knees around your legs and his hands next to your shoulder to hoover above you “fuck…” he all but whispered, “You look so beautiful in this thing.” 
You smiled, realizing how he looked up and down your body, not sure himself how to start “What do you want James?” You whispered seductively. 
“I want to taste you,” he responded simply. 
“Do you now?” You teased “Then go ahead baby!” 
As if he was waiting for that moment, he grabbed onto the straps of the bodysuit and started to pull them down your arms, and then down your torso, the lack of fabric had made the bra even sheerer, allowing him to see your breasts in a better light, and he stared at them for a moment before he continued his task of pulling the body suit down. Once he was done, he went up again and started to caress your legs, spreading them lightly open as he placed soft wet kisses over your inner tight.
And then, since you were expecting his mouth, you were absolutely shocked as he used his free hand to trace over your slit, still over the fabric of the lacy panties “fuck” he swore, “you’re so wet for me.” 
At that moment, James Potter lost control, he all but pushed the thin fabric to the side and started to toy with your folds “So fucking wet,” he added, still tracing kisses on your legs, and then, he finally moved his mouth to you, starting with a long lick over your slit “you smell delightful,” he added. You moaned his name as he did, and he just smiled in return, you didn’t see it, but you felt him smile against your cunt. Then his mouth went straight to your clit, and he alternated between soft licks and hard sucks. At some point your legs closed around his face, involuntarily, he chuckled, relishing how good he knew he was making you feel. 
He then placed both hands over your legs and pulled them back down, “spread open for me, will you?” 
You nodded in response, aching for him to go back to what he was doing just seconds ago, you involuntarily buckled your hips against him, looking at his playful smirk as you did, he then placed a hand over your hips, putting on a little force, to keep you on on the bed as he went back to kiss you. As he continued to suck, you started to lose control of yourself again, battling against his hand in an attempt to buckle your hips onto his mouth, but his hold was strong, so instead you lowered your hands and inter winded them onto his hair, pressing him down on you, he all but groaned as you did so and then placed one of his fingers inside of you, curling it and moving it around as he got you ready for the next part. 
Another suck and you were on cloud 9, feeling the familiar tension build up so much, you felt like you’d blow up “Jamie, I think I’m gonna, ah-“ you trailed off as he sucked. 
“Cum for me baby,” he whispered, “cum all over my face.” 
 And you did, moaning his name as you buckled your hips against his face, he had released his tight grip on you, and you could feel his smile against you again, he continued to move his hand over you, his thumb had replaced his mouth, and he was just staring at you with a lustful expression as you rode his hand though your high. He was just enjoying the view, the little fucker. 
When you finally relaxed, your breaths were heavy, lips red and parted from biting on them, and he couldn’t help himself, and went back straight for a kiss, to your lips, this time around. You could taste yourself on him, and there was something about knowing that it was you who he’d been down on that made your arousal start again. You buckled your hips against him, your sex lightly brushing against his hard cock as you did “I’m not gonna fucking last if you keep teasing me like that.” He reproached. 
“I don’t care, baby, come on!” You said as you buckled your hips again. He looked at you another time, before nodding. He used his hand to bring your underwear down and discarded it somewhere. He leaned in to kiss your neck as he traced his tip over your slit. You buckled your hips against him again, causing his skin to move up and down and he gripped the bedsheets around your face tight, “Stop teasing Jemmie…” 
And he did, with a long and sharp thrust, he was balls deep inside you. You gasped, James always took his time to get in, he really must be desperate. Regardless of his own needs, James stayed like that for a second, relishing on the sensation before you tightened yourself around him “…fuck…” he all but whispered, “You know I love it when you do thaaaaa–t,” his last word coming out strained since you’d done it again. And then you buckled your hips against him, signalling he could start. 
Long, slow trust at first, taking himself almost completely out before going back in, over and over again. At some point, he lifted himself from your neck and started to look at you, and then back down at your breasts, as he thrusted in and out he used one of his hands to softly trace over the valley of them, right where the lace ended. He was teasing you, you realized when his fingers traced just around your nipples, not daring to touch them. You used your hand to place his against your breast, nodding as you had him cup it, he smiled cheekily at your reaction and finally dragged the lacey fabric down, exposing your beautiful breasts. He pinched and twisted them softly, making you moan his name and tighten your walls sound him as he did. He was enjoying the view, and how could he not? You were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen, from the shine in your eyes, your pink lips from biting down your moans all the way to your tight little cunt.
“Fuck me! you’re so tight,” he praised, and you buckled your hips against him in response. 
“It’s what I’m doing baby,” you responded, and he started to pick up the pace, faster, shorter thrusts, he dragged his hand down and started to rub your clit, gently pressing his hand over it a couple of times before starting to circle it a lot faster. He was about to cum, he only did that when he wanted you to cum along with him. You buckled your hips against him, and you were already being dragged over the edge by this boy, you relished on the feeling, you started seeing white, and roughly gripped his thick forearm, not realizing the way your nails had dug onto him. 
James didn’t realize it either, he was too preoccupied looking at your face, trying to carve on his brain the expression you had on your face, you looked so stunning as the pleasure drew over your face, short breaths, brows furrowed for a second before opening your eyes back up to look at him, you smiled softly, and that was all it took for him to come all over you with a deep moan. Thrusting getting sloppy as he continued to move until he was completely emptied. James Potter placed a soft kiss on your mouth before gently, and softly pulling himself out of you, you almost complained, missing the way he had been filling you up so perfectly. You felt his cum drip down your legs as he lay on the side, he pulled his wand from the side of the bed and cleaned you up with a little wave of it. 
“And here I thought nothing would top last year's birthday when you said you’d be my girlfriend,” he said, breaths still heavy as the two of you stared at the top of the bed. You smiled at his words, and then sat on the bed, starting to try and spot your undies, but Merlin knows where James had thrown them too. “Hey!” He said, dragging you down on the bed when he realized what you were doing “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Clothes…” you said, as he pulled you into his chest. 
“No clothes–“  
“–But James…” you started to argue. 
“Let me finish,” he whispered sternly “No clothes… yet.” You turned to him, eyes opened wide in surprise, “You’re the one that said we had all night.” He replied afterwards. 
“But you already…” 
“Yeah,” he nodded, and motioned down to his cock, which was starting to twitch again “…but darling, you look absolutely charming tonight.”  
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A/N: this is my second smut piece ever, and holly shit it got out of hand, when I checked my word count I had already written like 3k words of pure SMUT, I was shocked. But, positive side is, I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it? The Five Senses was born as a way for me to practice writing smut for my brand new Wolfstar x Reader series that's currently being posted on a weekly basis. If you have feedback, please leve it in the comment below. I absolutely love reading your comments <3
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baby-tini · 4 months
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I'm combining these, cause they're relatively the same.
TW: murder, murder insinuation
You didn't belong here, you knew that, Dabi knew that- hell, even the league knew that... but he couldn't let go. Dabi couldn't let you go. He realized that a couple weeks ago, while laying in bed with you. Cuddled up against him, you were so soft, made of cotton candy and silk. You didn't have a bad bone in your body, you were only a healer after all. You've never burned anyone so bad they turned to literal ashes at your feet, never watched men turned to ash from just your hands, never drove a blade into their heart for your own benefit. You didn't belong here and Dabi knew that, so, he made you belong.
He started taking you on missions with him, having you watch him burn people, whispering in your too, "watch doll, if you want too stay, you gotta watch." There was something... exciting about watching your expressions during these little escapades. It wasn't sexual for Dabi, atleast, at first. But when you gave him those teary, doe eyes he faltered in composure. The way you were at his jacket, eyes leaking salty tears, he just lost it, he promises he didn't mean it. But he had you against that wall, hand twisted in your hair so tight, you knew you'd have a headache by the end of it.
Teeth leaving nasty bruises on your throat, pretty shades of red and purple etched into your skin. Proving ownership of your full existence too him, too you, too everyone. Catching your tongue between his teeth, biting at your lips and shoving his desires down your throat. Who knew innocence tasted so sweet? Well, Dabi knew now, that it tasted of heaven, tasted of something he knew he'd never be, purity.
You always made the sweetest sounds when he was inside you, gave him a taste of paradise, tight grip on his hair as you screamed for him. He always felt good, he stretched you perfectly for him- you were made for him, if you will. You felt it, running your hands down his chest, so close together your arms were still touching your stomach... it was bulging from inside. Fuck- you could feel him inside and out, so connected that you were now one with him forever.
You always tightened so perfectly for him when he pressed down on your stomach, his cock protruding so much more that you felt like he was gonna burst out from the inside. Rip you open and leave you forever chiseled to the shape of his cock. Then you truly would belong to him, no man could fuck you like he does, leave you shaking like he does, no one could even have you clinging to them like Dabi does. He was going to do everything it took to break you down and rebuild you to his liking.
It's true that innocence tasted sweet, but Dabi was never one for sweets, always in favor of the salty, bitter things in life.
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weast-of-eden · 6 months
I've been thinking about how I could contribute to the ACD/Granada Sherlock Holmes fandom for a while, seeing as I'm neither an artist, a writer, or anything actually useful lol. But then I realized something I myself always treasure are curated fic recs, which I could actually do! I've read probably like 25% of all the h/w ACD and Granada fics on ao3, so I compiled a short list for anyone who is just starting out with the fandom. Without further ado, may I present
Eden’s Top Picks for Beginning ACD/Granada Fics:
(edit: i made a second list here!!)
The Adventure of the Doctor's Heart by mistyzeo 12k | Rated E Summary: Holmes has observed much of Watson's habits and tastes over time, which is why it surprises him when his friend objects strangely to a folk song sung at the conclusion of a case. Disturbed by the Doctor's unexpected display of emotion, Holmes becomes determined to lift his spirits by any means necessary, with mixed results. Notes: obviously if you're going to read canonverse h/w, you are going to read mistyzeo. this one is just so good and angsty and features music (!!). it's got some steaminess but it also has wooing. basically it has everything you ever need. this is my odyssey, my iliad, my hamlet, etc.
Cameo by what_alchemy 8k | Rated M | For Archive Users Only Summary: Holmes and Watson become embroiled in a case Scotland Yard refuses to acknowledge. A soulmate AU. Notes: i honestly skipped over this fic for a while, since i'm not the biggest fan of soulmate aus. do not make the same mistake i did, because this shit HITS. this fic has hit after hit: soulmate-mark based case for our main duo, angst, hiatus feels, MORE ANGST, and ofc a happy ending. ugh. read this fic if you enjoy being happy.
A Tide That Does Not Turn by tweedisgood 3k | Rated T Summary: Holmes is a very bad patient with a devoted doctor who adores him. Watson wishes it was safe to speak up, but his friend is a tide that does not turn. Notes: do NOT read this if you don't like angst... ok now i'm sensing a pattern. anyways this is the first hurt/no comfort fic i read for this tag and i literally have cried more than enough tears over it. poor, poor watson :( iconic author though, read everything they write!
The Adventure of the Glad Outlaw by radondoran 7k | Rated T Summary: While Sherlock Holmes solves the mystery of a student's disappearance, Dr. Watson is more puzzled by the changing dynamic between his flatmate and himself. Notes: cute pastiche! a nice little mystery and a nice little get-together. ahhhhhh.... this fic is like cotton candy to me, so sweet and fluffy. defo recommend
Hands by MinorObsessions (draculard) 1.4k | Rated T Summary: Naturally, there are some things Watson thinks about Holmes that don't make it into the books. Notes: i'm also in the star trek fandom, so if you know anything about that then you know that hands are kind of A Thing in both circles and ergo i now Have A Thing about hands. so this is a nice little ode to holmes' hands, featuring some doctoring by watson AND a nice reverse appraisal at the end. it's so sweet :)
Conductor of Light by ColebaltBlue  1.4k | Rated T Summary: A Victorian stiff upper lip won't prevent you from falling in love, but it might prevent you from realizing it. Notes: they finally get their shit together! honestly i would recommend this fic to anyone just starting out with h/w fics in any medium. the characterization and dialogue is A1, and their argument is really realistic to me, idk. also features the iconic HOUN quote for its title so props to that!
A (Mis)fortunate Man by sans_patronymic 1.5k | Rated T Summary: December, 1880. Watson writes a note which may be his last. December, 1899. Watson writes back. Notes: READ THE TAGS BEFORE READING. this was a gut-wrenching read but god i cried at the end for watson. don't worry, this one has a happy ending. ugh now i wish there was a second chapter where watson lets holmes read the letters. to sum up: oof, my heart
The Second Smartest Man in London by FairSinner 73k | Rated E Summary: Dr John Watson returns from Afghanistan to Victorian London, wounded, traumatised and alone. When he meets Sherlock Holmes, his life begins to seem worth living again. But Holmes is a man who despises sentiment and Watson cannot seem to expunge it from his heart. Notes: congrats, you've made it to the end!! so now i must confess that it's been a loooong time since i've read this fic, but the private note i left on my bookmark was just "holy shit", so i'm sure it's a banger. i'm also sure it has angst because i love angst and i love bookmarking angst so i can read it again and again and suffer infinitely. enjoy :)
anyways, now that i've put these all here i realized how much i enjoy angst and hurt/no comfort fics. if any of you guys have a favorite fic you want to link or want to plug your own writing, feel free to!
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lilmissnatcat24 · 6 months
for no other reason than i worked at an ice cream shop for eight years, here's what ice cream the mass effect characters would eat
shepard: neapolitan, strawberry for their paragon side, chocolate for their renegade, vanilla to balance
garrus: moose tracks, but will pick it apart just for the peanut butter cups and give shepard the leftovers
tali: literally any booze flavored ice cream
liara: mint chocolate chip because she secretly kind've fucks with the taste of toothpaste but will never admit it out loud
kaidan: butter pecan. it's not everyone's favorite, but it's his, and he's totally cool with it
ashley: whatever the 2183 equivalent to the tonight dough. cookie dough chunks, brownie chunks, butterscotch, chocolate chips, malt chunks, everything
wrex: this man is old as balls!!!!!! rum raisin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joker: lemon sherbet. you cannot tell me that man is not lactose intolerant
miranda: cherries garcia, little bit sweet, little bit tart
jack: the most sickening sweet shit you can think of. cotton candy with marshmallow superman with a side of sugar
jacob: some sort of dark chocolate peanut butter ice cream that sounds good in theory but in reality you can only take like 3 bites of before you get a tummy ache
zaeed: banana splits that he likes to mash together with a spoon and eat like some deconstructed milkshake
kasumi: the weird avant gard shit you see in hipster vegan shops, like some bacon sweet potato rosebud ice cream
mordin: coffee ice cream, because he likes the taste of coffee but if he were to actually drink it he would spontaneously combust
grunt: those froyo shops that were everywhere in 2014 where you could make a bowl with like 5% froyo and 95% other toppings and it cost 14 dollars
thane: doesn't like ice cream because it reminds him of how he abandoned his child and how his wife is dead and he could never go back to the life he left behind, the life of stability, because his body is engineered for a deadly purpose and he can never atone for his sins rocky road
samara: this woman is old as balls!!!!!!!!!!!!! pistachio!!!!!!!!!!!
legion: tried vanilla ice cream. too sticky, got stuck in his wiring.
james: one of those brownie sundaes that weighs approximately 5 pounds and is majority whipped cream
steve: chocolate chip. classy, just like him ;)
traynor: something smooth and rich and velvety and inexplicably sexy, like raspberry chocolate chunk
edi: takes the idea of ice cream a little too literally and just has a bowl of heavy cream with ice cubes. is confused why everyone is disgusted.
javik: ice cream is for primitives (peaches and cream)
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courtforshort15 · 1 year
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A Matter of Opinion
Pairing: Matt Murdock x femReader
Word Count: 2,800
Summary: A tale of disagreements, egging each other on, and a general disregard of the other’s opinion.
Trigger warning: So much fluff it might as well be cotton candy
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“So what you’re saying is…you don’t want to be with me anymore.”
From across the room, Foggy snorts.
The gloating smirk falls from Matt’s face, quickly replaced by a look of confusion. “What? That’s not at all–”
“That’s what you literally just said to my face.”
Matt scoffs, waving his hand in dismissive action. “I definitely didn’t say anything of the sort.”
“You told me you don’t trust my opinion, Matt,” you say with narrowed eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. You stare him down, knowing that while he can’t see it, he can certainly feel it. With a mild look of alarm crossing his face, Matt leans back on his left foot as if the force of your stare actually unsettles his balance. 
He clears his throat. “Well, not when it comes to–”
“Ah ah ah,” you cut him off before he finishes his sentence. He rolls his shoulders, standing up straight, files of case notes at his fingertips from where he stands next to the table. Matt tilts his head, still looking incredibly confused. It takes everything in you to not walk out of the room and leave him to sweat it out. “You either trust it or you don’t.”
“Come on, you know that’s not at all how I meant it.”
“How are we jumping from not trusting you to not wanting to be with you?” he asks as his face shifts to one that’s a mix of incredulity and slight anxiety, voice growing steadily louder. He takes a small step forward, frowning when you take a step backwards.
“And if you don’t trust my opinion, then how can you trust me?”
“So you admit that you don’t trust me.”
“I didn’t say-”
“And if you don’t trust me, then why would you want to be with me?”
Matt groans and tosses his head back in a gesture of God help me. “Sweetheart–”
“Foggy,” you call to the other man in the room, not bothering to shift your head in his direction, eyes still locked on Matt’s tense form in front of you as you ignore the pet name. “Did you or did you not just hear Matthew say he doesn’t trust my opinion?”
Foggy snorts again, the sound of rustling paper sliding throughout the office as he picks up his folder. He doesn’t bother looking up as he shakes his head in amusement. “Nope. Not getting in the middle of this.”
“Come on, Foggy,” Matt says, his tone bordering on exasperation. “You gonna let her tear me down this like this?”
“Not getting in the middle of it,” Foggy repeats with a wide grin that suggests he’s enjoying watching Matt be put on the spot. Foggy moves into your field of vision as he noisily slaps a hand on Matt’s shoulder. “I love you, but she scares me. I’m playing Switzerland on this one.”
“I’ll get in the middle of it,” Karen cheerfully chirps from the conference room table as she picks up her own laptop and begins gathering her stuff to take back to her office. “I’m siding with your girlfriend on this one, Matt. You threw yourself under your own damn bus when you told her that you had better taste than her.”
Matt groans loudly as you send a bright smile her way, catching her wink and flashing one of your own. “Thanks, Karen. Your tab is on me tonight.”
“I did not say that,” Matt says as he runs an agitated hand through his dark hair. You bite your bottom lip in amusement, always secretly pleased at the way you’re able to rile him up, well aware that he’ll get you back at some point this evening. “You all know that I–”
You interrupt him with a smirk. “You said, and I quote, “Why would we go to that awful pizza place she likes when I have a much better option for us? You know I have a better sense of taste.””
One masculine and one feminine set of laughter match each other from the other side of the table, further fueled by the pained look on Matt’s face as his words are shot back at him. Karen and Foggy are helpless to stop the giggles at their friend’s misfortune. He flounders for a second as he flushes, and you briefly consider taking it easy on him.
“I didn’t mean it to sound that way,” Matt tells you, his tongue sliding out as he ran it over his lips, the telltale sign of anxiety. “I just thought that we should go to the restaurant off of 37th. I’ve walked by it quite a bit since it opened and it smells amazing. So much better than–”
All sympathy for the devil leeches out of you with a snap. “I dare you to finish that statement.”
“I’ve been to where she’s talking about, Matt,” Karen pipes back in. She finishes picking her stuff up from the table, curled blond hair sliding over her shoulders as she flashes a smile your way. “It’s pretty good.”
“No offense, Karen,” Matt says with a shake of his head, red lenses glinting from the office light, ��but you’re not from New York, so you don’t know what good pizza is.”
Karen raises a perfectly arched eyebrow and you can’t help the cackle of glee that escapes your lips as Matt digs himself further into a hole. “You really want to go there, Matt? I think you’re sadly lacking in allies right now.”
“You chose her side, Karen. We’re not allies right now anyway.”
“Maybe not,” she says with a happy shrug of her shoulders, lips splitting her pretty face open in laughter. Her blue eyes glint in a sense of amusement that barely hides her sharp ability to tear a man down a few pegs. It’s one of your favorite things about her. She crosses the room with her laptop tucked in one arm, folders in the other hand. “But it doesn’t mean we’re enemies. Just take back what you said about her opinion on pizza places sucking.”
“She’s from Chicago!” Matt growls in frustration. “Of course it does.”
You throw your head back with a loud laugh, enjoying the look of your flustered boyfriend, finding the conversation too funny to even be offended. “New York doesn’t own the market on good pizza, Matthew. Why can’t you just–”
“There’s just something about Chicago pizza that isn’t right,” he cuts you off with a look that suggests aggravation. He shakes his head emphatically, hands on his hips. “The ingredients are wrong, the spices and sauces just don’t match together all that well. It’s a travesty.”
“You act like you know all there is to know about food and what things go together and what don’t.”
“I do!” Matt cries out as he suddenly throws his hands in the air. “I literally do. And even without my senses I’d know that nothing beats New York pizza.”
“So arrogant,” Karen quips. “Can’t bring yourself to admit that others simply have different tastes than you.”
“Karen, you eat your pizza with ranch. You really have no room to talk.”
“Pizza with ranch isn’t bad,” you throw in, sending Karen a wink as you shrug your shoulders in a display of casual nonchalance. “I’ve been known to enjoy it a time or two.”
Matt turns to the other man in the room, one hand gesturing towards his friend in frustration of being all but ganged up on. You can’t help but snort at the motion that seems entirely too desperate for the situation. “Foggy, back me up here.”
Foggy laughs loudly. It’s the kind of laugh that offers no pity or effort to console, just a laugh that tells the room that Matt is on his own. “No can do, my dear friend. I am an equal opportunist when it comes to pizza. A pizza connoisseur, if you will.”
“You all are crazy.”
“Says the man who only eats ice cream if it’s plain vanilla,” you say as you raise your eyebrows, watching the man. His mouth drops in a sharp sense of betrayal, as if you were giving away a private secret that no one else in the room is privy to, though you know both Foggy and Karen are completely aware of his extremely picky eating. 
“I eat sorbets, too,” he says defensively, hands back on his hips. From behind red lenses, you see his eyes narrow.
“Sorbet is not ice cream.”
Matt tilts his chin up. “It is a sweet and tasty treat that you put in a freezer and later eat with a spoon. It counts.”
“Ice cream is dairy based. Sorbet is fruit based. Big difference.”
“I’d hardly–”
“You’re so lucky you’re pretty, Matt,” you coo suddenly, taking a few steps in his direction and reaching up to touch his heated cheeks with the back of your fingers. “You had a late night last night, didn’t come to bed until three. I can tell you’re tired and not thinking straight. Maybe we should go home instead of going to dinner so my beautiful Matty can take a nap.”
“Isn’t this a form of gaslighting?” Foggy whispers to Karen in the background.
Matt gently pushes you away with a growl of annoyance even as his lips twist up in the beginning form of a smirk. “I’m fine. It’s not my fault your pizza sucks.”
“That’s super rude of you, Matthew. I hope you’re prepared to sleep on the couch tonight.”
The smirk falls. “Sweetheart–”
“You two fight like an old married couple,” Foggy interjects from the other side of the room, finally on his way out of the conference space, mouth tilted in a grin that doesn’t bother hiding her extreme amusement. “Just propose already.”
You flush, eyes wide as you give Foggy and Karen a look that’s both panicked and pointed. “We haven’t even talked about marriage yet–”
“Shut up, Foggy,” Matt hisses as you’re talking, a severe frown aimed at his friend. “You know the ring is still being sized, so I’m not–”
Your mouth clamps shut as his words hit you, effectively cutting off the rest of your response to Foggy and Karen, and Matt immediately freezes when he realizes what he’s said. The energy in the room abruptly shifts, silence sharply cutting through the laughter and teasing argument. You don’t turn to him just yet, instead letting your round eyes take in the hand that Karen had slapped over her mouth and the pale face of Foggy who clearly hadn’t expected Matt to respond the way he did. Between Karen’s shocked face and Foggy’s look of guilt, it’s enough to cause you to swallow sharply, goosebumps lighting up and down your skin.
Matt clears his throat softly, and out of the corner of your eye, you notice how tense his form has gone, his white dress shirt straining slightly at his shoulders as he holds himself stiffly. “Can you—can you give us some privacy?”
Foggy and Karen leave with jerky nods of their heads and exit the conference room without a word, though they both take multiple glances back. When they’re gone, you finally manage to turn your face back towards Matt’s, taking in the flushed skin and eyes that have suddenly lost their glasses. He doesn’t speak, though he opens his mouth and closes it a few times as if he has something to say but doesn’t know how to say it. 
The silence is almost nerve-wracking, so you put an end to it.
“So…” you trail off, raising your eyebrows as you study him fondly, eyeing the way his hand twitches at his side, glasses held in a tight grip. “There’s a ring?”
Matt nods his head slowly, tongue poking out to run slighty over his bottom lip. His eyes flutter closed for a quick moment before he takes a deep breath and snaps them back open.  “Yes. There’s a ring.”
A wide smile blooms across your face, and you’re unable to reign in the joy that pulses through you. “Is there…a specific question that’ll go with that ring?” you ask as your hand reaches out to finger one of the buttons on his collared shirt, your tone teasing. The action is instinctive, one you often use to catch Matt’s attention and encourage to step forward closer, and it receives the same response as always. Matt’s lips shift into a soft smile, the one he so often gives you in these quieter, more intimate moments, and all at once, the nerves fall away.
“Of course there’s a question,” he responds with a brief nod of his head, the apprehension in his eyes shifting to something warm in his blank gaze. “Is there an answer that you might have?”
You tilt your head in consideration and pretend to ponder the question. Matt’s eyes blindly trail over your face, a barely noticeable hitch in his breath betraying a mind that, despite the small grin lighting up his face, is on edge in anticipation.  “Yes.”
Matt raises an eyebrow at your one-word answer. “Yes, as in there’s an answer? Or yes, as in…you’re saying yes?”
“What do you think it is?”
He tosses his head back with a groan. “Sweetheart, don’t play with me. What are you–”
“If I might interrupt for just a moment,” Foggy’s voice calls out from his office, completely oblivious to the fact that he had just cut off your answer to Matt’s question, leaving the two of you standing close to each other with Matt growling in annoyance under his breath even as your lips curve into an amused smile. “As best man, I’d like to offer the suggestion that pizza not be served at your wedding. And–”
The conference room door is quickly slammed shut in a brief flash of long blond hair as Karen opens her mouth to yell at the other man. “Shut the hell up, Foggy, before I cut your tongue off and make you mime your opening argument to the jury.”
Foggy makes a startled choking noise of horror before he manages to squeak out, “yes, ma’am.”
When Matt’s satisfied there will be no more interruptions, his head turns back towards yours from where he had been glaring daggers in Foggy’s general direction. A small smile tilts the corner of his mouth up as his body relaxes, no doubt having heard your mouth open with a yes before Foggy rudely had cut off the full word.
“You were saying?” he asks as he steps further into you and presses the heat of his body into yours until all you can feel is warmth.
You send him a teasing grin before it changes abruptly into a false frown. “You know, I actually just lost my train of thought,” you say in mock sadness. “What were we–”
“Holy mother of God,” he mutters under his breath. “Why do you have to make everything so difficult?”
“If you’re referring to our pizza argument, you’ll recall that I never dissed New York pizza the way you dissed Chicago pizza. You’re the one who—”
“Shut up,” he huffs in barely restrained amusement, reaching out to settle his hands on your shoulders in a failed attempt to change the tone of the conversation. Eventually he just gives in, eyes lighting up as he shakes his head. “I’m trying to ask you to marry me.”
“Technically, you haven’t actually asked any–”
“Marry me.”
“Honey, that’s still not a question. That’s a demand.”
Matt’s hands pull your face to his, angling your head up so that he can press his lips to yours as swiftly as possible before pulling away just as quickly. “Will.” Another kiss. “You.” A nip to your bottom lip. “Marry.” An open mouthed kiss as you giggle against his lips. “Me?”
You can’t help the laughter that bubbles out, Matt’s matching grin the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen as he pulls away. It’s a question you don’t even have to consider the answer to, but that doesn’t mean you won’t tease him for it. “Of course I will, but–”
Dark eyes widen drastically. “There’s a but?”
“Hush, Matthew. You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
Matt gives you a frown that is far too exaggerated to be actually offended. “I can’t believe your answer to my marriage proposal was yes, but.”
You roll your eyes fondly as you reach out to tap his cheek in soothing matter that feels more like a teasing gesture. “Yes, I will marry you, but on one condition.”
He openly gapes for a second before he narrows his eyes in suspicion. “Name it.”
“We ditch these losers and have our own naked pizza party at home.”
“I am NOT a loser!”
“Yes you are, Foggy.”
The smile on Matt’s face is nothing short of blinding, even as the other two object in the background. “I happily agree to these terms, but from the place I suggested.”
“You’re prepared to die on that hill, aren’t you?”
He laughs, leaning down to rest his forehead on yours. “You gave your condition, I gave mine.”
“You drive a steep bargain, Counselor, but I accept.”
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munsonluhvr · 8 months
: playing with his hands - (eddie munson)
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contents: some 18+ content. your thoughts on eddie's hands, how you'd play with them. just two kiddos in love. word count - 420.
note: I got this idea from how everyone in this fandom simps over eddie's hands (me included). they're literally the hottest hands I've ever seen, I swear.
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as you sit on eddie's worn out sofa in his trailer, light streams into the living area. eddie sit’s beside you quietly, his arm placed over your shoulders as he watches tv on the large, clunky tv. you, too, were watching tv but were distracted by eddie’s large hand, his ring covered fingers, that rested in his lap. you felt so many things while looking at his hand: you wanted to intertwine your fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his palms against yours. feel the tug from his fingers as they're intertwined in your hair, pulling your head back to allow him to kiss your neck. you want to put eddie’s fingers in your mouth, tasting the sweet saltiness of the pad of his fingers. you wanted to feel his fingers flicker in your cunt, feeling the way they play against the strings of his guitar except inside you instead. around your throat would also do it, taking the last bit of breath you have from your body.
after eyeing his hands for long enough, you reach across his lap, taking his hand into yours. eddie laughs softly, turning his attention away from the tv screen to watch you analyze his hands. you look at them, thinking how they look like they were carved into stone as you brush your fingers across the veins that protrude at the top of his hand. your fingers touch the cool metal of eddie’s rings that are on his fingers, twisting them around. the designs of the rings intricate yet clunky; your favorite is the largest one, a skull nestled on top of the large, thick, silver band. eddie notices you admiring the rings and he takes one off, placing the piece of jewelry on one your fingers. the ring drops down to your knuckle, and you laugh at how it will never fit your finger properly. it makes your finger look even smaller and slimmer, if that’s even possible.
while everything about eddie ignites a flame inside you: his eyes, his smile, his lips, his cock. what does it most for you is his hands, how they’re so strong, a weapon to protect you from any harm or danger, yet at the same time they’re soft and delicate, similar to the gentleness of wisps of cotton candy. you love eddie’s hands, the way they cradle your face as he kisses your forehead or the way his fingertips graze your cheeks as he admires you. eddie, such a gentle giant, always uses actions, through his hands, to show how he loves you and will always protect you.
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14dayswithyou · 6 months
very random but I recently bought a perfume and it somehow reminded me of Ren
it's the Golden Pear & Brown Sugar Fragrance Mist from Bath & Body Works (not an advertisement lol) — it smells insanely like actual Brown Sugar. Like no joke, I was convinced that it was just liquidized sugar until I tried tasting it (yes I'm dumb like that ik)
I feel like Ren would wear this or at least, at some point considered wearing it, especially if darling loves the scent of pastry and cafes
cotton candy is a sweet scent and all, BUT HIM SMELLING LIKE LITERAL SUGAR WOULD MAKE ME WANT TO USE HIM AS A SCENTED CINNAMON ROLL PILLOW TO BRING WITH ME AT ALL TIMES (and I would probably nom nom at him during random times of the day)
✦゜ANSWERED: Ooh!! I can definitely see that! Ren does seem like the kind of person who'd smell like sugar >:3c And you're right, he would wear something that Angel prefers!!
Personally, Ren gives me clean gir/clean boy vibes! Like... he already frequently washes his clothes, maintains a neat appearance, and has flawless skin (or... at least, not including his arms); so that somehow correlates to the smell of fresh linen, mint, citrus, and something soapy in my brain lmao
If you wanna be more literal, I once smelled "Bleu de Chanel" in a store and immediately thought of Ren ;v; The cologne is suuuper expensive, though — and I don't think it's something Haruko would hypothetically buy/wear — so I don't think Ren would use it either. But it's the vibe I'd like to bring into the studio!! /silly
Similarly, The Cherry Blossom set from Bath and Bodyworks is what I think Ren's aesthetic would smell like!! Either that... or cotton candy lol
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sqtorux · 6 months
midnight fiction
an adventure of a lifetime with gojo. a comfort au of sorts?
wrote this on a whim hehe
short af and bittersweet, not proofread
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12:00 am. midnight. or what you like to call it zero o’clock.
00:00, the small segment of time where everything just resets, a magical door opens.
“hey you're here” satoru greets you with a charming smile. bright blue eyes beamed at you behind his glasses as he held out his hand for you to take.
with your hands intertwined he carried you through the wind, floating high above the sky as blue as his eyes amongst the fluffy cotton candy clouds.
“oh look a curse. lets go save the world” he grinned cheekily as he heads towards the ground. “pretty, which is your favourite colour amongst red, blue and purple?”
he asked, the curse was approaching rather alarmingly but satoru showed no signs of fear.
“blue” you reply. of course the colour of his eyes could rival even the prettiest of gradients of all different colours.
“alright watch, don't blink!” he smiled as he conjured his cursed technique, blue. the blue forced sucked in and completely obliterated the curse leaving behind only its filthy remains.
“cool or what” he chuckled as he peered at you. you were gaping at how amazing he was and he walked over to you proudly.
now that the curse was exorcised, satoru took you to a beautiful field, beneath the shade of a big tree to have some ice cream, as is customary.
it's something the two of you did everytime you finished your missions. well, his missions, he just took you along.
you scoop the frozen treat and put it in your mouth, savouring the taste.
“hey let me have some of yours” satoru chimed. you held out your cup only for him to lean in closer.
cupping your face with his hands, he lands his lips on yours, gently biting your lower lip for access. as if in a daze, you open it almost immediately as his tongue slid in your mouth.
after a few dance of both your tongues together, he pulls away, wiping your chin off of the ice cream stains. you took the opportunity to do the same to his chin as the both of you giggled like the lovestruck fools you are.
he gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ears as he stares into your eyes, admiring you. being this close made your heart accelerate and your stomach churn.
“you have pretty eyes” he smiled. your heart was hammering against your chest trying to speed off.
“i’d say the same if i could see yours. all i'm seeing are black glasses” you chuckled. he does too.
he takes off his glasses and there was his blue eyes on display for you to admire. you were absolutely mesmerized by it and your world seemed to freeze.
satoru takes his glasses and lets you wear it.
“i can't see anything with this.” you grumble and he takes it off for you.
“that's alright. i prefer you without them anyway.” he flashed another cheeky smile.
your sweet whimsical moment was interrupted by the same magical door opening right in front of you. you were having so much fun with satoru that time flew by without you knowing.
your smile drops and satoru notices.
“it's time for you to leave already?” he asks. you reluctantly nod and smile sadly at him.
the door glows brighter and brighter calling you to it. you stand up and made your way towards it, not before saying goodbye though.
“thanks for the adventure this time too.” you smiled at him, heart swelling both in happiness and sadness.
“see you tomorrow” you could hear his voice calling behind as you enter the door.
opening your eyes, you were greeted by the soft morning sun rays shining on your face, your body on your bed but your heart with the boy with blue eyes underneath the tree, waiting for you at midnight.
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this is literally my night routine :3
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thelunarsystemwrites · 6 months
I accidentally became moots with a lot of cool undertale/UTMV artists-
@nobodys-reblogs Like, you were my first idol on here that I befriended 🥺 AND NOT BECAUSE YOU WERE MY IDOL- you legit just seemed cool, and I am very VERY grateful each time I see '#friend tag' with you!! I also love your style, it gives a sense of comfort because of the shades you normally use!! (<- psstt I also like your doors content!)
@inka-boi I love the way you draw chubby and plus sized people, literally helped with my own drawings of different body types! You're also super nice. And well, my mum—I love the purple yarn family, I live for the purple yarn ship, you're super sweet!
@zombiestar1934 Uhm, yeah—Yoink. Your art is very yoinkable, VERY HUGGABLE!! Looks like it was drawn in a library, where you had the peace of only hearing your drawing tablet make 'lil clicks! I love the hearts you add to blush, and the smiles you give them! Yet you're just as capable of making angst, and I love Angst :3
@absurdumsid I want to hug all, and I mean ALL your drawings. ESPECIALLY horrorpills, I love the clean look they all have, I love looking at your art, and I just- aghghgh your so cool!!
@italic-doing-random-shit man you're just very awesome, idk how the hell I manged being moots w/ you but I'm vibing with it, your art is like, yum. It gives me, hm... Oh! Okay it gives me animatic vibes, like you'd be a good animator! /pos!
@inkcat1987 AWE. JUST AWE—I love how sweet your style is, and I'm especially liking the middle school AU!! Once again, soft as angel wings!
@axinfinity there's just- there's something so HOLDABLE about your art! I just wanna pick it up and protect it!
@ant1quarian ah yes, a fellow UTMV enjoyer who collects a very specific sans, that being Dust in your case! /vpos. Your style, it's like moss. It has a natural feel, it looks like it'd smell like rain, like feathers and it's so... like this song, The Moss is how I feel when I look at your pfp!
@dzasterdumpterfire Stars. Your art looks like stars, I'm fairly sure the lighting comes from the stars. I dunno it's just kinda mystifying to look at!
@endless-emptyness Your art >>>> Very pleasant to look at. I really enjoy the facial expressions you do!!
@solusminds your art feels like it was crafted in the cozy darkness, illuminated only by a single lantern, while winter blazes outside. It's so nice and warm feeling!
@kiyo-void A lovely painting! All your works feel like they were painted, painted and set in a cool breeze to dry, especially your digital art, and I am LIVING for it! Plussssss Runetale is super cool!
@denieatsart HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE that's how I feel looking at what you make!! I love the kinda like, layered look your art gives!!
@largefound can't say a bad thing about ya, you're cool, your art gives cool feelings, cool vibes everywhere!
Annd... it's late, I can't think of anyone else BUT IF I DO I will ADD YOU to the list!!
@rushin-safire. Yeah, your art? Feels like it was drawn with a cat in your lap while you've just come home from the Cafe, still sipping on your coffee. :3
@nashdoesstuff for the LIFE OF ME I can't figure out how the hell to search your art, hpw am I screwing it up?? But anyways it probably tastes like gummy bears. /pos.
@nightmarish-qeuwusha Your art tastes like cotton candy! I think that your art was woven from candy floss and glittered with stardust! ^^
@analexthatexists Containment! I feel like your art gives off SCP vibes, I feel like I'm some sort of entity when I look at it, and that, is, awesome!
@determinedfanartist okay but like, your art is "I drew this specifically bc I love my friends" and I cannot be convinced otherwise. /pos
@mrfellsans Ah, cartoony. Specifically with that dapper charm to it! I'm talking bendy and the ink machine, I'm talking swing, I'm talking pleasant to look at as you have a modern spin on it!
@the-second-reason your art is that chill older kid, the one that helps ou their younger peers figure out stuff. They're the super relaxed big sibling, your art has a mellow style, gives chill big sibling vibes. :]
@dustsansm1 I mean this in the best way possible, your art feels friendly but has anxiety. And that's okay! Your art gives me like, it wants to be friends w/ someone but too shy to do so. It has a sorta 'I'm trying my best' style, when it's already really good!
@spookuzm cover artist! I feel like you'd do well drawing the characters that you put on the cover of stuff, your art vibes me those vibes! Like it's the peak inside a new world! ^^ Hey side note this changed to comfort artist
@mellybabbles Reflections, your art makes me reflect on myself. What was behind it? Every line you etch into it makes me think, ponder, as if it were drawn from a mirror.
@wickjump ICON. Your art is SUCH an icon, you're RADIATING icon vibes. The colours you use seem to naturally give off a hue to it, giving it that pop! It's beautiful and clean and iconic! ✨️
@hialeisanimation I mean this in the most light hearted way possible—It's just happy. Like your art is the definition of :3 and I am VIBING w/ it, very lovely to look at!
@joonebugg your art has PERSONALITY, like they don't take shit from anyone. Like looking at it, feels like they'd be the decals for a 1970s diner and they're like the characters, they work too hard to take orders from ungrateful customers. THAT'S what your style looks like to me.
@milkybnnuy so your style (especially when you draw Fell!NM) is so dark and radiates that dark energy and pretty pretty please I need more angst- /pos (edit: dear cod I got that angst)
@bluu3berry - you really utilize shades of colour really well, I think you've done a wonderful job with Bluu!! /Gen! I think your style really reminds me of an older cartoon with their softer colours, like Charlie brown! And, I love Charlie brown!
@hiro-doodlez - Your art uses ALL of your canvas to your advantage! Like rarely have I ever seen you draw something and leave a blank space, which also helps you create a ton of interesting shading! I like how you draw over colours w/ other colours, so your base colours helps the top layer—Does that make sense? ^^ like, your style is very out there! Very you, very recognizable!
@dustbvnnyy Y2K INVADER ZIM like it's awesome, your artstyle gives me y2k alt vibes!! I love the soft saturated (is that a thing? ^^') colours that go into your pieces!!
@murder-clown-around-town fun!! I saw your pinned post and from what you drew IT LOOKS SO FUN!! Like a balloon animal!! I like how the lines overlap and create a structure!! :D
@miracle-negative soft and heavenly! Your art, even using a darker pallet is soft and smooth!!
@yellow-computer-mouse it's quite relaxed! I like the shading you did on that smoking Dust picture! ^^
@eco-systeme royal! You have a very royal, a very fancy looking style to me!! Like, someone paid you a good amount to draw it! I hope you forever remain creative, love your art!
@wishtale-blogs spring vibes!! Absolutely beautiful spring, butterflies, meadows and more!! I LOVE MONARCH I've literally never seen orange and pastels work well like yours does!!!
@swiftmitsu YOOO MY FIRST FRIEND MADE ON DISCORD!!! I'd like to say I'm a huge fan of your artstyle! It's a good mix between adorable, but can be taken seriously if the tone demands it! This is a hard skill to acquire, because a lot of adorable art can be hard to feel the wanted emotions conveyed — But you found just the right balance! I always look forward to you posting! ^^
@cocopebblez Detailed and stylish! I look at your art and go WOAH, I look at your sona and they're STUNNING, I look at you and I see cameras flashing as paparazzi tries to get your photo as you strut down the red carpet. So fame worthy is how I perceive your art!! And fame in the future I see!
@underfaithangelz welcome to the wall! I see your art has a very lantern vibe! Using this as my reference! I love how you can use low lighting and still make everything perfectly visual! It gives it a warm glow! I think your style is like fire, with all the intricate brush marks like flames! Beautiful and gorgeous just as your voice!
Also, we may not be moots—But honourary mention to @somegrumpynerd you're my comfort artist, I go searching for Dadmare if I'm down and I find your art—I love how it just looks like the embodiment of Marshmallows. I love how you draw each and every scene you've made, the emotions you convey even if it's supposed to just be a silly post! Just ahhhhhh I love looking at what you make!!
Have a good day, night, evening, morning, or whatever time it is for you guys!
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littlenahsstuff · 1 month
Hi! I saw you were asking for requests and stuff. I was wondering if you could do a Red or Chloe x fem reader? Where the reader is having nightmares and is scared to go to sleep and so she’s really tired all the time and has lost a lot of energy, and Red is really worried about her and confront her about it. So like a hurt/comfort.
YES, and here you go!!! Sry this took so long but I had to rewrite part of it because I didn’t like it as much. I hope it’s alright I did both because I had such a hard time picking!
Sweet Nightmares
Chloe Charming x Red x Snow White’s Daughter! Reader
Warnings: Angst, eating issues, Apple Allergy, I don’t know a lot about allergies but I do know this might be semi-unrealistic. I’ll just say it’s a side effect from the curse that was passed down. Nightmares. Not Proofread!
Word count: 2.4 k
Ever since you can remember your mother has had her food tested for poison. You were never allowed to receive food as gifts, go to restaurants, or to eat at another’s house. In addition to these rules you couldn’t have apples. The rules annoyed you at times. You understand where she was coming from of course, but just once did you want to be able to go out with some friends and have something.
When you were at the age of 16, your mother let you finally hang out with your friends alone. It was at Auradon’s annual fall fair. She let you go out on the same condition you did not eat any food there.
Normally you were so good. You would have followed that rule if it weren’t for all of the exotic foods there. It was harmless really. The food your mother had the royal chefs prepare were always healthy. Too healthy. She was obsessed with the title of ‘fairest’ in the land. It mirrored that of the Evil Queen. You wouldn’t dare tell her that though.
You were able to stay away from all of the food for the most part, the cotton candy would be too much sugar and you knew you’d get sick but the fried foods were too greasy. And then you saw it, a caramel apple. It was truly a two in one package deal. You would finally get to taste the literal forbidden fruit with a sweet twist.
All it took was one, “you should get it,” from your childhood best friend Chloe Charming. You didn’t tell her about the Apple rule and you hadn’t really hung out much outside your castles.
You felt a rush as you bit into it. It was gooey, then crunchy and the flavors exploded fantastically on your toung. The tang left a little tingle and your breath was taken away. Literally. You could feel your airways start to tighten and you spit out what was left on the ground. You fell not soon after. It traumatized both you and Chloe. She had to scream for help.
Turns out the that since you’ve never had apples, you didn’t know you were allergic to them. But all you could think of in that moment was that you were poisoned.
Fast forward a couple of years and a lot has changed. Chloe became Red’s girlfriend and then they became yours. You were allowed to branch out, so long as it came from a credible source, now that you weren’t living from home. You still steered clear from apples, however. Everything was going great. Sure you had a stressful work load. You were the heir and only heir to the White throne and you needed to be as good as you could be.
“Y/n?” You were lost in thought so you didn’t hear Red calling your name. “Y/n?” She called out louder and it broke you from your reverie.
“Oh,” you turned from your homework to her,” sorry my love. What’s up?” She flustered a little at the name. She liked to pretend it didn’t affect her still. It was a newer relationship but the ‘I love yous’ came pretty quickly.
“It’s okay, I picked up those granola bars that I saw you love. It’s the ones with the funny sun drawn on the front yeah? Here have one.” You nod enthusiastically and take it. They were your favorite new snack.
“Oh thank you so much!” You smile, absentmindedly taking it out the wrapper. You take a bite and start chewing.
“Yeah these are a new kind. I thought you would like them,” she says and you’re now realizing why they taste different. Something is off about it though, and as if to spell it out for you Red says, “they’re Apple cinnamon flavored.” You spit it out immediately as you feel the looming tingling sensation start to take over your tongue. She looks confused and concerned at your face.
“I— front pocket—,” your throat starts closing up a little and tears start falling, “purse—- epipen!” You choke out. She immediately realizes what that means and goes and grabs it. Red is trying to stay calm but she’s kicking herself at how she could have missed this. She is very on top of things when it comes to her girlfriends so she’s trying to figure out how this slipped through the cracks.
“Baby it’ll be okay.” She hands you the pen. You immediately take out the needle and jab it in your leg. You struggle but manage to get a good inhale finally and start to level out. Red looks like a fragile puppy but immediately grabs the rest of the bars and throws that in addition to any of the already eaten bar in the garbage. She does so with a lot of anger.
She turns to you heartbroken, “baby I am so sorry I did not mean to! I didn’t, I swear I- if I forgot I’m so sorry!” Shes crying now and you feel so bad for her. You realize now that you never actually told her. You never brought it up with Chloe because you didn’t have to.
Speak of the devil she comes in right then.
“Hey girllls- are you guys okay?” She questions puzzled.
“Yes!” You start to answer before Red can, “it’s okay I promise it was my fault I didn’t tell you in the first place! You didn’t know it’s not your fault.” You reassure, grabbing her hands.
“Oh…” Chloe sees the used pen on the floor.
“I-I’m so-“
You cut Red off, “I know it’s fine I promise, I’m okay.” You give her a hug and Chloe joins in.
“It’s okay Red. I technically am the reason she found out she was allergic,” Chloe says awkwardly laughing.
“Again that was my fault too,” you groan. You just need to be more careful. “Let’s just move on, please. Chloe how was your practice?”
You thought everything was fine, you didn’t go to sleep until you knew Red had stopped blaming herself. Unfortunately for you, your subconscious couldn’t fully move on.
You were in a small cottage in, what seemed to be the middle of the woods. It was neat and tidy and then you heard a knocking on the door. It was some nice older woman with a basket of apples, you could swear you recognized her but you didn’t know from where. She offered you an Apple in exchange for some bread. Something was telling you not to eat it.
But you did and then all you heard was terrifying echoing cackles as you fell down. Your body lay there, eyes almost falling to sleep as everything grew dark.
In the shadows a twisted version of the woman loomed over you with the widest smile you’ve ever seen, it was as if she had extra teeth. Her eyes were hollow and bubbled with black tears that burned as they fell onto your skin. You felt like you were drowning as you spluttered. The tears came out of your mouth too, burning your throat. You wanted to scratch at your throat but couldn’t move. The tiredness creeped up until you couldn’t stay awake anymore. As soon as your eyes closed in the dream you shot awake.
You were panting and sweating but remembered where you were and tried to stay quiet. You didn’t like how the darkness in the room mirrored your nightmare but chose to stay awake regardless. You couldn’t get the image of the old woman’s face out of your mind.
Those nightmares had been reoccurring for over a week now and you were feeling the effects of the lack of sleep it cost you. Every morning you had to down two coffees just to manage to stay awake through your classes. You were the class president, elected due to your commitment for planning, fundraising, and motivation. It was a motivation that you now clearly lacked. Your grades suffered. You couldn’t get anything done anymore.
Your girlfriends noticed it got really bad when you started falling asleep when you all had an indoor date night. The movie was pretty loud too so when you started slightly snoring into Chloe’s shoulder, they were confused. When you couldn’t be woken up they let you stay asleep until they made you move to your bed.
The nightmares still came that night.
The very next morning they decided to talk to you.
“Good morning Princess,” Chloe said when you sat up before resuming tying her other boot.
“Morning,” you grumbled.
“Morning,” Red copied.
Chloe sat up straight after she finished and she patted next to her for Red to sit down. That way they both faced you. You rubbed your eyes and yawned.
“Glad you got a little sleep,” Red says. She sounded more concerned than usual.
“Enough,” you yawned once more. Chloe and her shared a look.
“Are you sure about that? You seem really tired recently. You fell asleep during an action film last night.” Chloe notes. You tensed a little, you couldn’t tell them because then you’d have to admit that last weeks ordeal actually did some last harm and you really didn’t want Red to feel bad again. You had something similar the first time the reaction happened to you but you could hide the nightmares from Chloe easily back then.
“Yeah it’s just- well I’ve been really feeling school kick my ass but that’s it. I’m sure it will thin out the rest of this week,” you lie. They don’t look like they fully believe it but trust you for now.
They start to lose that trust when you pass out while getting ready to go to a ball.
You were helping dry Reds hair in your cramped bathroom while Chloe styled hers at the vanity. It was really heating up on there and you were so hungry. You weren’t eating a lot recently either. The fear of having your food be poisoned or contaminated overtook your mind whenever you thought about eating, so you were avoiding it. You had gotten a couple dizzy spells but the heat was not helping you right now. You knew you were gone as soon as the dryer slipped from your hand and fell to the floor with you.
“Y/n!” Both Red and Chloe screeched. Red unplugged the dryer to turn it off immediately lifted your feet up, but did so carefully just in case you got concussed. You weren’t thankfully.
“What happen,” you say waking up.
“We should be asking you that, you just fell all of a sudden!” Red screeched and making you wince.
Chloe sighs, “We know you haven’t been eating or sleeping, you are really worrying us. Please tell us what’s happening to you. We really want to help.”
You start tearing up. You know you can’t hide it anymore.
“I know, I’m sorry. It’s just- I’ve been getting horrible nightmares and I’m scared all the time now.” You concede and close your eyes.
They both put a hand on your arms.
“That must be scary, is it about anything in particular? Maybe there’s something causing them we can prevent?” Chloe offers. Both of them look at you so lovingly and you’re tired of hiding throngs from them.
“I- just there’s this old woman. I’m in this random cottage and this old woman knocks on my door. She needs something and trades an apple for it-“
“But you’re-“ Red is smacked my Chloe lightly.
“I know… but for some reason in my dream I don’t. And then I always take a bite from it. I start failing and she morphs into this monster and all I can see is darkness and her horrific face and her laugh isn’t human and I just- it’s terrifying. I can’t stop it but the second my eyes close I wake up!” You explain through sobs. You cover your face in embarrassment. Two hands come and pull your arms down. Chloe and Red stare back at you with sad faces and Chloe is tearing up too.
“Oh, babe. That sounds-“
“Awful.” Red finishes for Chloe. They both hug you tightly as you sob. They let you cry it out for as long as you need.
You pull away eventually and look down.
“It’s why I’m too afraid to sleep or eat. I can’t help it. I know it’s irrational, but ever since…” you close your mouth suddenly. However, they’re both pretty smart and can put two and two together.
“Since you had that allergic reaction. Is that why you didn’t tell us?” Red asks, caressing your hand. You nod.
“I didn’t want you to feel like it’s your fault. I got them before too, the first time it happened. Please don’t feel bad. My mind is just stupid sometimes,” you argue. They glance at each other and Chloe gives Red a questioning look to make sure she doesn’t feel that way. Red feels bad yeah, but she would never want you to hide something like this.
“I understand, but it’s not your fault either. You were dealt some shitty cards alright,” Red responds.
“This whole situation is bad, but never feel like you can’t tell us something this big because you don’t want us to feel bad. You are more important than one uncomfortable moment. Besides we get nightmares too occasionally, it happens to the best of us. We tell you about ours when they’re bad. You are amazing!” Chloe says. You tear up again at the heartfelt words.
“Well, you’re right. I’m sorry for making you worry though.” You feel a little ashamed at that. Red swoops you in for a kiss, you gasp and feel your cheeks heating up.
“Don’t be, we always worry about each other.” She says. You smile and see Chloe waiting as excited as a dog waiting for a treat. You giggle.
“Come here Chlo-“ as soon as she gets the go ahead she kisses you excitedly and then Red after. You sigh contently.
“Thank you both so much,” and you pause, “You know, my family got my dog so I could have someone to sleep with. The cuddling made them go away. Maybe we could try that tonight?” You bite your bottom lip and squeal when they nod yes. You squeal and hug them, only pulling away after you give them another peck each.
“We’d love to!” Chloe and Red squeal before getting a mischievous look. They both tackle you and smother you with kisses. As you giggle, you can’t wait to snuggle in with them
It’s safe to say you had a lovely nights rest in the warm embrace of both your adoring and beautiful girlfriends.
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Day two NaNoWriMo; obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
"Well, you are the plan guy," Kon says, grinning again and pushing his sunglasses up into his hair. "Supreme?" 
"Works for me," Tim says. It's meat and dairy and bread and vegetables and Kon is probably invulnerable to heart disease, so he figures that's basically health food to him, right? Especially if he needs more calories than the average guy. 
Pizza's sure as shit gonna be more satisfying than a protein bar, if nothing else. 
Tim's definitely ordering like, breadsticks or wings or something too. And maybe a two-liter or two. Cinnamon bread. Something. Hell, he'll buy all that and then some if he has to. He's got the money. 
Who the hell decided it was okay to let this happen? Really. Is there literally no responsible adult in Kon's life to intervene in this situation? Dubbilex was made by Cadmus too and has his own issues with managing to have an out-of-lab life, Rex Leech is apparently out of the picture, which might be a blessing anyway, Tana Moon is equally MIA, and Superman has apparently lost his entire damn mind, so . . .
There's literally no responsible adult in Kon's life to intervene in this situation, is there. There's no irresponsible adult in Kon's life to intervene in this situation. As far as Tim knows, every single other one Kon knows is either Cadmus-employed or a supervillain or just completely uninvested in his existence. 
Maybe Tim should be talking to Red Tornado about this. Is this something he should be talking to Red Tornado about?
. . . sure, that'd help. Red Tornado is about five minutes back into being a person and has Traya and Kathy and the whole team to worry about, and absolutely could handle something like this while also trying to figure out his own shit and keep an eye on all the rest of them too. Sure. That'd work. 
This is a problem, Tim thinks. 
This is a definite problem, in fact. 
He has no idea what to do about this problem, though, so he just orders a truly inadvisable amount of pizza and wings and double-iced cinnamon bread for pickup. They've done weirder than get takeout in the Super-Cycle and they'll do weirder again. Besides, it could use the . . . exercise, or whatever that counts as. Not like the Super-Cycle has muscles, but it does get tired sometimes and seem to appreciate getting out and–well, whatever. That's just something to figure out later, probably. 
Tim really should figure that out, though. And also if the Super-Cycle is gonna be down for going supervillain, because yeah, that's obviously a thing to keep in mind. 
He flies it to the pizza joint, and spends the flight casually grilling Kon about his coworkers and employee benefits and the Cadmus security systems. The answers are: a lot of lab-born clones and too many grown-ass adults who have no excuse not to know better, work-related health care and nothing else, and Kon and Guardian, mostly. And also some random weird death traps and a couple of cameras here and there, apparently, but it all sounds incredibly dated to Tim's ears and it really seems like Kon and Guardian are taking on the lion's share of everything more complicated than watching a feed or flipping on an alarm system. Like, it really does. 
So that's not great. 
"Jesus, man, how much did you order?" Kon snorts with a laugh while Tim's paying the girl at the drive-up window in cash. He doesn't really want to explain this particular expense on the Bat credit card. Generally he doesn't want to explain takeout and junk food on there at all, in fact, though obviously he makes a point of going to Batburger with Steph once a month, just to hear Bruce sigh about it later. Appropriate teenage nonsense and all. He gets the kids' meal and the terrifyingly purple Spoiler shake every time. It tastes like acidic cotton candy. Yes, literally. "Like just the whole menu or what?" 
"Of course I did. I've got a Kryptonian to carry it all for me, don't I?" Tim replies with a smirk he doesn't really feel after everything he's learned today. Everything Kon just told him, because he doesn't see what's wrong with any of it. 
It reminds him of the abused kids he meets on the job who insist they're fine, and they don't need Batman and Robin to save them. 
He wonders if Jason was like that, when Bruce first met him. 
He also wonders if he maybe did over-order a little on the pizza, but worst case scenario the leftovers should fit in the fridge. 
. . . maybe, anyway. Probably. 
Kon immediately cracks into the cinnamon bread on the flight back because he has absolutely no manners whatsoever, and Tim rolls his eyes at him and tries not to visibly brood over the five-alarm fire burning down his brain right now. 
He just . . . doesn't understand how Superman is apparently just fine with this situation. He doesn't even understand how Kon is fine with this situation, but is increasingly certain that the answer to that might just be that Kon doesn't think he has another option. 
He doesn't have another option, as far as Tim can tell. What would he do, crash at the base and just mooch off everyone else for food and gear and whatever else he needs day-to-day? 
Yeah, not exactly a sustainable lifestyle, that. 
Not even a little bit of one. 
Technically, Tim could just pay for whatever Kon needed, between his allowance and his trust fund and without even taking his Bat-stipend into account, but there is no possible way Kon would ever actually go for that. He's way too proud, and even someone with no pride at all would probably find "please let me pay you to quit your horrible job" a hard pill to swallow from a teammate, much less the leader they only barely recognize the authority of.
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Describing Redacted characters in one sentence or less (brackets don't count) but it gets progressively less comprehensive:
David: Big werewolf alpha dude (not the cringe kind)
Milo: Smol werewolf dude (the big kind)
Damien: Hot tsundere (literally)
Morgan: Non-existent
Guy: A heart-shaped pizza with all your favorite toppings that you can top yourself if you want-
Nick: Cat boi (definitely the cringe kind)
Ollie: Comfort food
Blake: Cold soup
Gavin: The reason I cry myself to sleep once a week
James: Needs to go tf home.
Asher: The canonical energizer bunny
Lasko: Me
Huxley: Me on anxiety meds
Caelum: Cotton candy given human form.
Anton: A testament to Erik's voice acting and general acting skills.
Marcus: Very killable.
Kody: Looks like great cake but actually went bad five months ago.
Elliott: Had an edible for breakfast and hasn't eaten since.
Hudson: Trying to eat serotonin with chopsticks.
Brachium: An edible pretending to be a gummy worm.
Vincent: Talks like what perfume tastes like.
Ivan: Saltwater in your eyes but it might just be your tears and you honestly don't even care at this point.
Aaron: Sand in your mouth and between your teeth but you're enjoying it.
Sam: If blankets could talk, they'd sound and speak like him.
Eric: That feeling you get when looking at an empty closet.
Camelopardalis: Anxiety meds in the form of a flesh prison.
Avior: If you unhinged your jaw, you could eat him.
Vega: You can drink him with a straw (and only with a straw).
Hush: You can eat him.
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willyoubemycherryy · 4 months
➯𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕘𝕠 𝕥𝕠 𝟝...𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕤 𝕎𝕖𝕓𝕓 𝕩 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕓𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕🎀
A/N: I don’t really have any direction for these two so anything after this will probably just be random idk I’m still deciding
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 >>> 𝕟𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕪, 𝕤𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤, 𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕪𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕥’𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣, 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕛𝕦𝕛𝕦𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕁𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕤𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣, 𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤, 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕪 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗, 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕒 𝕔𝕦𝕥𝕖 𝕟𝕘𝕝 ^^ <𝟛𝟛𝟛
Mah sweetiebaes (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )♡︎♥︎ @taylormarieee @luvlydeja @b1mb0slvt @missusnora @eleanorbaybars @eymie
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“𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑜 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦, 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑠 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑔𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑖𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜 𝑖𝑓 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑤..𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑖𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝒚𝒐𝒖…”
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“Don’t look at me”, you groaned as you rolled away to duck back under the blankets.
Embarrassed was an understatement.
The complete details of last night run through your head, making you flush. You could not believe all the ways he had you, made you beg for him, and even cry. If Thomas had asked you for anything crazy last night, you most likely did it and for less than a Scooby snack and that embarrassed you to no end.
On the bright side, you two are officially official. A smile creeps it’s way onto your face because yes he’s yours and you can’t wait for all the cute couple stuff you guys will do together.
….as soon as you move past your current humiliation of facing the man you slut out 4 times a few hours ago.
Huffing out a chuckle, Thomas tugs on the thick blanket hiding you. “Why don’t you want me see you?” Grinning down at your outline, he’s never felt better.
He likes you so much, and you like him back just as much and now you two were dating. You were stunning and charming and funny and you liked him. He was already in a fantastic mood when he woke up next to you, mussed hair with a peacefully sweet expression on your face while you slept. The date couldn’t have went better. You hadn’t left his side the entire night, interested solely in being with him and it such a dopamine rush. Unsurprisingly his father wasn’t fond of you just like John Cena (Johanna) who absolutely loathed you but unlike his mother who he knew would be pestering him about when she’d see more of you.
Then there was everything he did to you after and even before you’d left.
He felt his blood get hot as he remembered how good you were for him, melting like cotton candy under him but you tasted twice as sweet. He’d even managed to temper that mouth you always drove him crazy with.
Before he gets too lost in thought, the sound of you whining brings him back.
“Because what?“ He had a feeling what it was but he’d drag it out to amuse himself.
“…you know.. you-“
“Me? What did I do that was so bad that you won’t even let me look at you?” Leaning down to whisper next to where your ear would be as he moves closer, voice low and flirty as he teased you. Your mouth drops open as you gasp. He was playing dirty.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your embarrassment, you blurt it out.
“What did you do??? You literally gave me the prostitute treatment!” Thomas laughs at how indignant you sound while you continue.
“You even saw up both of my….holes-“ he cuts you off, grinning.
“Yeah but I did way more than just see, in fact-“
“WHAT EVER!!” You cut him off with a squeal before he can give you the explicit version from his side, kicking him through the cover as he laughs. The sound filling you with adoration as you smile before deciding to come out, whipping the cover over your head as you shift to sit crisscross, naked as the day you were born, facing him.
Hickeys of varying sizes, bite marks, and other marks were blossomed all over your body as Thomas loses his breath looking at you. You really were too pretty.
Leaning over, he kisses your pout. You kiss him back but your still a little miffed.
“If it helps, you’ve also seen me naked”, he says, trying to placate you.
Somehow that manages to make you frown deeper as you look at him.
“But you weren’t upside down naked.”
Well you had him there.
Pulling you into his lap, he smiles up at you sweetly, uttering a soft ‘true’ before peppering you with powder soft kisses. Running your fingers through his curls, you soak up his attentions with a delicate sigh.
The atmosphere was nothing short of dreamy and even time felt slower as you two enjoyed each other’s presence. There probably wasn’t a thing you could say you hated about him. He was just that lovely. Blue eyes, gentle hands, a wonderful smile, creative and sweet.
He made you feel like glitter in the air. Like yoga on a slow summer morning with a fresh mani pedi. Like smiling for no reason with the wind in your hair. He felt like all of those to you.
Wrapping you arms around his neck, you kiss his cheek and rest your forehead on his.
“You’re so handsome, Thomas”, you whisper against his lips. A blush creeps onto his cheeks as he whispers back. “That’s some high praise coming from Aphrodite herself. Thank you, goddess.” The tenderness in his voice makes your heart skip a beat as you look into his eyes, biting your lip.
Shifting atop him, you freeze when you feel that familiar hardness against your ass. Thomas is already two steps ahead of you as he tightens his arms around your waist, burying his face into your chest with a soft groan.
“I can’t help it with you”, he mumbles, turning his face up again, looking at you through half-lidded heart eyes. You find yourself capturing him in a languid kiss, your lips mold against each other and Thomas gets lost in the push and pull.
Biting his lip as you pull away, you want to go another round but refrain because you two have all day for that. So, feigning casualty, you move off him on shaky legs to grab a shirt and throw it on. Turning back to meet his dumbfounded look with a cheeky smile.
Thomas shakes his head, chuckling.
“Seriously?” He asks, eyebrows raised in amusement.
“Yes. I’m hungry and I wanna show you my fancy orange juice.”
Wow. How could he turn that down?
“Alright, I’ll bite. What are you making?” The way he’s looking at you makes you nervous but you ignore it in the name of playing nice.
“What do you want?”
The silence that came after your question had your nerves suddenly on edge as your boyfriend stared you down before beckoning you with two fingers.
“Come here”. He says lightly, and you, unsuspecting of foul play, move to stand between his legs.
Thomas waves you down so you nervously bend until his face is right in front of yours and he’s grinning all the while before he speaks.
“I want you.”
Dropping your head on his shoulder, you suck in a breath to not smile.
“You do have me”, you know that’s not what he meant but it’ll have to work.
“I don’t have you on top of my tongue though. I want that juice.” Gasping you push off him and bat his hands away. You bite your lip in an attempt to not smile but it doesn’t work as you grab his hands and try to pull him to his feet.
“Well you’ll have to wait because we’re getting breakfast-“, you cut him off when he goes to open his mouth, “the kind you CHEW you freak of nature!” You huff out as Thomas finally takes mercy on you and gets up, looking down at you fondly.
“Okay breakfast, but not in bed, it is. Lead the way angel.” Brushing your hair back, he drops his hand to your cheek then flicking the underside of your chin.
Fuck he’s hot.
Clearing your throat, you turn with his other hand in yours as you walk to the kitchen. Listing all the breakfast foods you know how to make, seating him at the island as you pour him some of your fancy orange juice. To him, you looked so cute as you gave him the full rundown of your hospitality while he sipped overdressed juice that came from a glass bottle.
“-actually everything I make tastes good”, you pause and look at him and smile when he’s already looking at you because of course he was.
“You’re definitely right about that”, he says with a teasing quirk of his eyebrow, smirking at the cute scandalized giggle you let out.
Resting his head against his hand, he decides to be good.
“I’ll have whatever your having, pretty.”
Your cheeks start to feel warm at the look he levels you with so you turn to grab your ingredients and stuff before reaching over him to grab your phone to play music. The minute you decided on a song, a stinging slap to your ass stops you, the burn making your blood warm.
“Excuse you?“
Thomas nods at you with a smirk.
“Yes, pretty?” Biting the inside of your cheek, you snap back at him.
“Would you mind keeping your hands and feet inside the ride until I’m finished?”
“I’ll see what I can do”, he replies back without missing a beat and you grin at each other before continuing. Hitting play on your song as you begin to cook.
“We’re having breakfast sandwiches.” You announce, ignoring the way he watches your bare legs and everything else that peeks out underneath your oversized shirt, he hums.
“That’s perfect. You don’t have any plans today right?“ He asks because he doesn’t want to leave you and you feel the same.
“Nope”, you say. Popping the ‘P’ before asking if he needed to be anywhere else today.
“No, so you’re stuck with me.” He jokes and you laugh softly.
“Boy, aren’t you lucky?” And looking at you as you move around, happy and content, you seem to glow.
Sighing, he looks at you lovingly and whispers,
“Yes. I think I finally am…”
♡︎ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ, ᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴅᴏʟʟᴀʀ😌
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g-xix · 7 months
🔞Piercings | Chrismd
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part of all year 'round [KINKTOBER]
Cw's: nipple piercings, rough sex, Chris w a titty fixation, little bit of sadism, dry-h_mping
"Are they-" Chris's breath hitched as he saw you come out in the thin white top, his eyes fixated on the two metal prongs that pressed against the cotton, creating little indents which had Chris' jaw hanging loose.
"Pierced?" You finished his sentence for him with a little grin at his hanging jaw. "Was wondering how long you'd take to notice."
Your boyfriend dropped the shirt which he had picked up with the intent of putting on - crossing the room topless until he was crouched in front of you, inspecting your white top and the little protrusions beneath, making a blush rise to your cheeks at the intense stare he held with yo tiddies.
"Chris…" You breathed his name with a hushed voice, breaking his gaze to look up and meet eyes with yours - only then realising the embarrassed look on your face.
"Shit, sorry lovely-" He uncrouched and straightened his posture so that he was eye level with you, brushing a strand if hair behind your ear and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "They're just s-so…so…."
You couldn't bare to let Chris stumble over his words to find the adjective his mind was clearly too clouded to find. Besides, the childish glow in his eyes - mirroring a kid in a candy shop - was enough to paint the entire picture of how he truly felt about them.
Instead, you got up onto your tip toes and pressed a kiss to his mouth to stagnate his bumbling with your own lips - though as you went in for a small peck - Chris' arms snaked around your waist, hands pressing flat against your back and pulling you into his body so that he could make the kiss last longer than you'd expected. Your hands worked down his body, from resting on his neck to feeling his defined shoulders and those beautiful abs which pressed against your chest - but whilst you moved down - Christ' hands only moved up…
Whilst Chris' tongue hungrily ran over your bottom lip, asking for you to part your lips just enough so that he could slip his tongue into your mouth - you became hyperaware of Chris' hands scaling up from your arse and instead finding the bottom hem of your top, plucking and fiddling with the material - just waiting another moment to continue kissing, before he'd pull it off…
"Thissoff?" Chris slurred his words as he pulled away, likely lightheaded and completely drunk from your taste as he pulled away - oxygen deprived from the kiss that he'd been the one to elongate.
"Come again?" You couldn't help the shit-eating grin from appearing on your face as you cocked your head, Chris' eye roll indicating that he was not in fact going to ask again - pulling the top over your head as you raised your arms to swiften the movement - before Chris carefreely threw the top some distance away, looking down from your eyes, to your neck (patterned with a faint, almost-gone hickey from Chris just last weekend) to your piercings, eyes quite literally widening as he saw them for the first time under the top.
You could feel your cheeks almost glowing pink as Chris shamelessly stared, making yourself look down to observe them also - your nipples embellished with the bar through them - cool orbs hanging from either end and contrasting your skin so sexily that even Chris couldn't help his hands wandering up to your chest.
His palms cupped around the sides of your tits, thumbs curling around the insides so that Chris held a handful of you in either palm, squeezing ever so slowly and yet making the pressure in your stomach build nonetheless. Only when you felt his rough fingers slowly creeping up to your nipples, did you become slightly weary - and the mere feeling of his fingertip brushing your areola caused you to stop Chris' movements - placing your hand gently atop his and stopping his motion.
"Chris," You breathed, heat rising to your cheeks as you couldn't make eye contact, whispering "You can't touch them, they're still… like ….really sensitive…"
Chris' own breathing hitched, blood flowing south at your words, in some strange arousal at the visualisation of that.
Maybe he was discovering a new kink, the way the thought of your heavy breathing and high whines and had his cock twitching at the sadistic thought. Yet he chose not to put you through the pain of that, instead resisting the urge to pinch and pull one of your sensitive buds by placing a delicate kiss on one boob, palming the soft flesh instead, all the while making sure not to accidentally touch where you're sensitive.
Once again, Chris pulled back, literally thirsting to see what your tits looked like with the piercings inside them. The barbell threaded through them, he realises, is a light shade of blue - aquamarine blue.
Chris' favourite colour.
"You are such a fucking tease," Chris rolled his eyes and groaned, clinging to every shred of self-restraint to avoid pulling on your pretty tits and making you throw your head back and let out all those high pitched moans he so desperately wanted to hear.
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your mouth, hand coming up to your boobs to grope them yourself, fingers running around the raised peak as though you were teasing yourself, not letting your fingers touch the barbells no matter how much they were screaming for touch and attention from yourself or from Chris.
It was fair to say Chris' cock was rock hard at the sight. His gorgeous girlfriend with a new piercing - barbells laced through your pretty tits - aquamarine blue and practically begging for attention which he couldn't give… Chris' boxers came off quickly, and you would've helped him in taking off the thin, material shorts which you wore, it not for the impatience Chris showed with his actions - running his cock down your clothed slit, making your sensitive parts feel his head through your shorts.
Chris' impatience, the desperation to have friction against his cock was only mirrored by you as you rutted your hips into his cock, squeezing your thighs around his length to hold his cock against your aching heat, grinding and closing your eyes at the euphoric feeling which the little friction provided.
It was like you two were doing it for your first time again - libidinous virgins just craving to feel one another - so lusting you could barely take your clothes off without the need to feel something, anything.
Chris' hands wrapped around his length, his mind clouding with the buzz of thought, want to see those tits fuckin' shaking when I pound her, a finger trailing down from your stomach to those shorts - snapping the waistband against your fuzzy skin before moving down to the crotch-piece, pushing it to the side and seeing your bare, glistening pussy beneath - smirking as he noted you hadn't worn panties.
"God, if I wasn't so fucking desperate right now I'd eat you out until you were crying on my tongue," Chris muttered, pumping his cock in his hand as he spread your folds with two fingers, his cock pressing against your clit with enough pressure to have you legs shaking as you leaned back against the kitchen counter, resisting all instincts that urged you to buck your hips forwards and grind over his head.
His words had your legs feeling equivalent to jelly, and you thanked the stability of the kitchen table for taking all of your weight as Chris pushed his head into your hole, using your arousal for lube as he slowly pushed his cock into you - filling you inch by inch until you felt truly stuffed from Chris' length.
Chris barely let you adjust before he pulled out, slamming back into you roughly, making you gasp from the intensity of the first stroke alone. Your whole body jolted with the motion, and a hand jumped from your side to grip his bicep for support, your body wobbling as you looked up at Chris with unfocussed eyes, your whole body tingling, and your nipples feeling achy from no stimulation.
Despite your already partially broken mind, Chris was didn't stop - relentlessly thrusting back into you with no mercy - using the same, pitiless roughness which had your insides curling, breath ravaged from your lungs as you gasped for air, feeling your head fuzzying as the ruthless pace which Chris maintained, thrusting into you so hard it was almost inhumane.
You were a broken mess, no thoughts crossing your mind other that unfiltered pleasure from the way Chris' cock hit your g-spot with every hard thrust, kissing the tip of your cervix and making your stomach twist, clit throbbing and making your mind spin.
Alternately, Chris was like a machine.
He was in a complete rut, thoughts all only centred around your tits, and seeing them bounce with each hard thrust he gave - only growing rougher by the second as he aimed to see your boobs shaking even more - the soft flesh jumping with each hard thrust.
The smell of sex surrounded the horny mess you two were, and the pornographic whines that left your mouth only fulfilled Chris' fantasies, though he could only fixate on how much louder you would be if he took one of your nipples between his lips, biting down just a fraction to have you screaming his name and pulling on his hair.
A cry left your mouth at the thrust Chris gave, fuelled by those sadistic thoughts and shoving his cock inside you with such force you felt your head pounding - body crumpling and falling into Chris, who held you back against the counter with a strong grip.
Chris was nearing his orgasm and he could tell you were too, by the twitches of your wall around his cock and the way your eyes rolled into the back of your head as though you were going to cum at any second. Chris could feel his thoughts turning more and more vivid by the second as he got closer to orgasm - the sight of your nipples pierced with aquamarine barbells, each one shaking synchronously with each thrust was truly unholy - and Chris was fighting every animalistic urge in his body to not grab them or at least put his mouth around them.
Instead, Chris lifted one of your legs to your chest - holding it there with one arm and finding a new angle which accessed your g-spot far more easily, hammering it with fluid erratic thrusts growing sloppier by the second as he nearer his climax - burying his head in the crook of your neck, between your shoulder and jawline.
You could feel yourself slipping into your orgasm, nails ripping down Chris' back and leaving angry red train-tracks in their wake, letting out lewd moans and cries as you felt yourself coming undone on Chris' cock - your legs shaking and pussy crying as Chris continued to hammer into your overstimulated, post-orgasm pussy as he reached his high after yours.
"Give me a second, Darling, almost there, so close-" Chris' pants were hushed by grunts and groans, before he sunk his mouth over a tender part of your neck - teeth pushing down into the soft skin and silencing his own groans as you felt his strokes become sloppy, followed by the warm fluid filling you up as Chris pulling out - withdrawing his mouth from your neck to brush his fingers over the marks accidentally made against your skin.
The euphoria after that climax was insane, and as soon as Chris removed his hand from your side, you felt yourself stumble - legs still weak and barely holding you up until Chris reattached his arm to your side, snorting whilst you yourself let out a giggle too.
There was only one set back of the piercings you now had - the waiting time for them to heal. Your nipples ached from no stimulation, stiff peaks practically begging for attention or someone to play with them, even after your body was spent and orgasm-high. You loved having your nipples played with, and Chris loved showing them attention too, and months of waiting time for them to heal wasn't going to be fun for the either of you.
Not that Chris knew how long they'd take to recover.
He'd already started getting your clothes back anyways - putting on a pair of shorts for himself, and picking up your crop top so that you could cover your top half with the soft cotton shirt once more.
"Those piercings were a good choice. They look damn good, sexy," Chris commented as he walked by, smacking your ass on the way to the bathroom to run your a bath,making you snort at the action. "How long did you say those piercings would take to heal? A week or two?"
You gulped.
"A couple months…?"
Chris' head popped around the door with a blank look, the perfect picture representation of reacting with numbness in the face of grief. You didn't know whether to apologise at the genuine look of hurt on his face, or to laugh and use that as a motive to tease him for the next few weeks.
"I cannot wait until those things heal up," Chris lowered his head and shook it sorrowfully, as if mourning the time he'd have to spend without your titties. "It's going to be a long month, isn't it."
"Maybe you can spend the time without my tits to try find the clitoris for your first time, though?"
Chris let out a gasp in mock offense, pressing a hand to his chest at the unnecessary violation. You could tell where Chris was going to take that shot, and got yourself a head start - running into the corridor to get escape the inevitable result of Chris manhandling you onto the bed and whacking you with the pillow until either one of you broke your pillows and agreed to a truce and shared bath.
The ChrisMD desert was DRY and I CAME TO DELIVER. 😤😤 The format of the pics at the top is inspired by @pus557 (ik loads of ppl do it but i rly love the way it looks so i think a change is in oder 😜🤭
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 5 months
Spicy cake
Katya finds a new way to communicate her needs.
• Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC • Wordcount: 1.4k • Warnings: suggestive talk (this is a given at this point) Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!! Masterlist
A/N: I owe this whole idea to @nataliasquote <3 ty girl
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Listen, Katya in the kitchen wasn't anything new. She cooked dinner three days of the week, and sometimes she liked to bake simple cakes or cookies, the ones from those boxes.
But she'd been in the kitchen, mixing and rummaging, for the past two hours, and Natasha was starting to get confused. No cake or cookie would take that long to make. Not even including prep and baking time.
On top of that, an unfamiliar smell filled up the house. It was cake, but a special kind of cake. Flavored? It had a hint of strawberries.
Now, it could be that Natasha's senses were still confused from the cake tasting they'd done just this morning. Four hours of trying different flavors and textures of cake to decide which one they should serve their wedding guests. Her tongue was still confused. 
Initially, she simply wanted to pick a flavor from the menu and tell the bakery to go with it, but Katya had pouted like a little kid who was robbed of going to the candy store. So they went cake tasting. Whatever makes the wife happiest.
Would Clint and Tony make fun of her for agreeing to go with Katya's choice and have a white chocolate cake with raspberry cream? Probably. It screamed, "my wife picked this and I went along with it because I'm a simp for her, and I couldn't care less about the flavor of the cake, and white chocolate is way too sweet for my taste". But Katya left the bakery with the biggest smile on her face, and that's all that mattered.
Blinking the sleep from her mid-day nap from her eyes, Natasha wandered down the stairs, curiously creeping up to the kitchen. The smell was even stronger here, seducing her into following her nose towards the source. She couldn't deny it, it smelled great, her mouth watering despite the abundance of cake currently being processed in her stomach.
"What are you—" 
A towel flew through the kitchen. One second, Natasha saw everything, the next, her vision was black. The smell of wet cotton filled her nose, filtering the one of freshly baked cake, much to her disappointment. Katya had thrown the towel with such precision and skill that it covered her face and stayed there, like a makeshift ghost costume.
"Don't look! It's a surprise."
Natasha felt like a complete idiot, standing there in the door opening with that thing on her head, but she didn't fight it. "What are you doing in there?"
"Making a cake for you."
Even blind, she knew what expression her wife was making based on the tone of her voice. Giddy, adorable excitement, the most endearing, bright smile on her face.
Natasha furrowed her brows, her heart swelling. "For me?" It wasn't her birthday, and she didn't accomplish anything exciting lately.
"Just because." Katya beamed. There was some clattering, a few silent footsteps on the ground. Natasha sensed her body as it moved around the space.
"How can you even still think about cake after this morning?" She teased lightly.
It was meant to be a joke, one Katya would respond to with something witty or sarcastic, but Natasha's question was met with a pause that was a bit too long instead. Slowly, the smile faded from her lips.
"Should I have made something else?" Katya asked softly.
"No!" Natasha exclaimed in a hurry. She nearly tore the towel off her head to show Katya exactly how soft and grateful her eyes were. Even if she was literally puking from eating too much cake earlier, she'd still thank her wife for being so sweet. "No, baby, I love it." 
"Okay." The enthusiasm returned to Katya's voice, to Natasha's great relief. "Give me ten more minutes and I'll be done. Then I'll show you what I've been working on."
Doing a 180-degree turn in her spot, Natasha pulled the towel from her head. Oxygen-rich air filled her lungs as she walked to the living room, plopping on the couch with her phone. She had to fight off a thoughtful frown as she scrolled away and liked some posts on her Katya fan account.
Something in her gut told her that she should be suspicious. Katya baking a cake wasn't weird, but Katya baking a cake after the cake tasting this morning was weird, and Katya hiding said cake was even weirder. Usually, she was happy to indulge her family in their curiosity. 
Natasha was knee-deep into another Katya fan account, and just about to zoom in on a bikini picture of her, when Katya's voice rang out.
"You can come back!" 
Cautiously, she locked her phone and returned to the kitchen. Katya shielded her masterpiece with her body, a huge grin on her face as she waited for Natasha to be ready. Ready for something mysteriously. Her enthusiasm would be more endearing if Natasha was less suspicious.
The cake revealed itself when Katya stepped aside. Natasha narrowed her eyes at it, taking a few steps closer to see it better. 
Heart-shaped, it was at least ten inches tall and covered in pink buttercream. No fancy decorations, no other colors. Just a pink heart. Simple, classic, sleek
Oh, and two words on top.
Natasha just managed to keep her face straight, but it caught her off guard so badly she nearly choked on her own spit. Her heart skipped a few beats as she composed herself, putting on a nonchalant demeanor. 
Surprised, Katya perked up. "Okay?"
"Okay. I'll bang you," Natasha said casually, shrugging her shoulders.
Katya's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, her previous confidence faltering because of her wife's casual use of vulgar talk. "Nat."
"Is it not what you wanted?" Natasha asked, slowly backing the brunette up against the counter. "It's a very clear suggestion. Very on the nose."
"You want me on your nose?" Katya feigned stupidity.
"I-" Natasha closed her mouth and shook her head with disappointment, much to Katya's amusement. The woman's blue eyes sparkled with mischief, a sly smile exposing her teeth. It was hard not to roll her eyes at it. "I love your writing," she commented, looking at the cake over Katya's shoulder. It was the worst example of capital block letters ever. Any six-year-old could do it better on paper.
Katya frowned in offense. "Don't shame my writing. It was my first time using a smaller piping bag."
"I can see that."
The frown deepened. "It was between, 'Bang me', and, 'I love your tits'. I went with this one."
"Amazing choice, baby," Natasha said dryly, running her hands from Katya's hips up to her waist, sliding them under her shirt. "I'm honored that you felt a need to declare your love for my boobs on a cake."
"Maybe I can do that next time." Katya abruptly perked up. "Oh! I can make the cake in the shape of actual boobs!" She was so excited about that prospect that she looked ready to make that cake right now.
Natasha chuckled lowly, giving her waist a playful squeeze. "How about you work on some actual, actual boobs right now?"
Katya froze. Her gaze flickered to Natasha's boobs and lingered there, a shimmer of lust mixing into her enthusiasm. "Actually?"
The prospect made her mouth water, yet her joy faltered a bit as she looked back up at Natasha's face. "What about my cake?"
The redhead smirked, pressing Katya further into the kitchen island with her hips. "Oh, I'll eat your cake."
Brooklyn perked up as she followed Maya into the house, kicking her shoes off by the door. "It smells so good in here!"
"My mom must have baked something." Maya smiled, always happy to try one of Katya's masterpieces. Stress-baking has made a good baker out of her.
Without waiting for her girlfriend, Brooklyn hurried into the kitchen, following the aroma that drifted into her nose. She spotted it instantly. "A cake!" 
"What ki—" The girls stopped in their tracks, side by side as they read the words once, then twice, then another time to make sure they said what they said. 
Slowly, Maya's face turned red. And even Brooklyn, who usually didn't get flustered easily, started to pale. They were both familiar with the Russians' shenanigans, but they hadn't stumbled upon something so embarrassing yet.
"We're never talking about this again," Maya muttered, dragging her girlfriend out of there.
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