#birdie x quinn
birdiewriteslit · 7 months
. “there’s nothing to worry about! my family will love you.” with jack!
and maybe jack has never really brought anyone serious to introduce to his whole family but she doesn’t know that… but hsi whole family can quickly see how much jack loves her
“meeting the family”
jack hughes x f!reader
birdie’s 300 celly
i LOVE this and this is kinda short so lmk if you want a part 2!
Jack would never admit it to you, but he was a little nervous for you to meet his family, especially all of them all at once.
“Bring your girlfriend to the wedding,” they said. “We promise we won’t embarrass you,” they said.
He knew his brothers would intentionally embarrass him in front of you, and even though the others wouldn’t make that effort, he still had never brought a girl to anything like this before, especially not one that he liked so much, and he had no idea how they would react.
It was Jack’s cousin’s wedding, one that he wasn’t particularly close with, but was still related enough to be at the rehearsal dinner.
Jack sat beside you, his leg bobbing nervously under the table. You placed a soothing hand on his thigh as you made easy conversation with Luke.
You met his parents and brothers earlier, and you hit it off easily with them. His parents had already told him how much they loved you. You got along great with Luke and Quinn, but they weren’t the relatives he was worried about anyways.
“So, Jack, that fall you took on the ice last week, pretty brutal. What’d you think of that, Y/n?” asked one of Jack’s younger cousins mischievously.
“What fall?” you asked, glancing at Jack in confusion.
“Oh, you didn’t see it?” he grinned. “He was skating a little too fast, and I guess he just lost his balance.”
“You can barely skate, Johnnie. Call me when you get off that bench,” Jack combated.
You ignored him, stifling a laugh. “Jack, when did that happen?”
Jack sighed. “At the Rangers game you couldn’t make it to.”
“Well, I bet you were glad I didn’t see that.”
“I was,” Jack said, glaring at his cousin who just smiled innocently.
Luke snorted into the beer he was trying to steal from Quinn, who was distracted talking to a bridesmaid.
“Give that to me, you’re not legal,” said Ellen, grabbing the bottle from Luke and setting it back down in front Quinn before taking a seat beside Luke. “And be nice to your brother.”
“Sorry, mom,” Luke mumbled.
Jack took your hand from his thigh and interlocked your fingers under the table. He watched you as you conversed with his mother, and how easily you made his brother laugh.
Your eyes were bright and your smile was big. He’d never thought you looked so beautiful. He ran his thumb over your ring finger and smiled to himself. He knew it was too early and he was too young to be thinking about marriage, but in a setting like this, it was kind of hard not to.
When he looked up, tuning back into the conversation, he saw the look on his mother’s face and knew she had him all figured out.
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nathaslosthershit · 1 year
We all know what they say
Mat Barzal x Hughes!Sister AU
Link to rest of it
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liked by barzal97, trevorzegras, _alexturcotte, and others
birdiehughes Well you know what they say
view all comments
barzal97 Yeehaw
jackhughes no, Birdie, why don’t you tell all of us “what they say”
birdiehughes save a horse…
birdiehughes ride a cowboy
lhughes_06 what the fuck???
_quinnhughes grotesque 
trevorzegras you know what else they say?
_quinnhughes do not encourage this
trevorzegras wear the hat
birdiehughes ride the cowboy
colecaufield wow birds what would the public say
birdiehughes this is a private instagram account with 100 people on it. What “public”?
jackhughes what would mom say?
birdiehughes she thought it was funny actually
A/n: another out of order insta edit for Birdie & Mat🫶 this takes place after people know (im writing that fic rn)
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goggles-mcgee · 9 months
A Little Birdy Told Me 20
Beginning Last Chapter
Summary: Damian continues to try and get more information about the akuma class and Marinette while Dick is having an off day and just wants it to get better.
Only one brother gets what they want.
CH 20:
Damian may have jumped the gun on that one. 
He admitted that, willingly, in the privacy of his own mind. 
“To Dupain-Cheng? I mean sure but why would you like to know.” Chloe asked with narrowed sharp eyes.
Bourgeois was sharp, as were all his acquaintances so there was no point in lying, though he was confident he could do so flawlessly, his acquaintances had proved to be somewhat trustful. They all kept secrets if asked unless it was something trivial which confused him to no end. Allegra could ask they don’t tell anyone what she shared with them when it came to her having trouble mentally or her parents fighting but the group would tell almost everyone in the group how Claude had a crush on so-and-so from class-whatever. Richard said that is just how teenagers and friends are but it didn’t make sense to Damian and he tried many times to make it make sense. The only thing that made him feel better is the fact his father also didn’t understand. When he was in med school he told him how his study group kept his fear of bats to themselves but when he admitted to not being a fan of some musician that that information was shared and laughed at, but he stated clearly that the laughing wasn’t at him, just at the information as a study group member had explained. Again. It was strange, but Damian felt like this wasn’t one of those moments that they would share his information with others. 
“It goes without saying that what I tell you does not leave this table,” he began, “I know I said that if I knew something I wouldn’t tell, but given Bourgeois’s forthcoming, I too can be a little forthcoming. Dupain-Cheng is now a ward of my Father for the rest of the exchange.”
Vogel nodded and glared at everyone at the table as if to ward them off even thinking of telling anyone what Damian was saying. It was…nice and appreciated. Vogul reminded him of Cassandra sometimes and it always left him feeling warm yet wrongfooted. The blonde wasn’t his sister but sometimes she felt like it and that also confused him. Nonetheless he gave Vogel a small nod of appreciation. “After the events at Wayne Tower and what followed, it was decided that my father take care of Dupain-Cheng for the remainder of the trip and actual chaperones are being flown in. The original plan of having the class merge with ours has been effectively thrown out the window and negotiations are being made where to place everyone as they will be separated. Dupain-Cheng and her friends will join our class but it hasn’t been decided where Rossi and her sycophants will go.” 
Allaway pursed his lips together and looked deep in thought, it was like he was trying to organize everything that was said and unsaid. He was someone who liked puzzles and mysteries. “You guys are building a case?” It was posed as a question but Damian knew the other boy better. It was a statement. Damian simply leaned back in his chair to give Allaway his attention, it took the boy some time to voice his thoughts so Damian waited before responding. “The question is, who is the case against?” 
“I would think that obvious by now Allaway.” Damian scoffed. 
Allaway stared at Damian intensely until he let out a deep sigh, “Yeah, I know, I was saying it to be dramatic.”
“You’re always dramatic.” Damian countered.
“No. That’s Claude.” Allaway shot right back.
“Guilty!” Hardy sing-songed. Damian conceded. Hardy was always dramatic. Every announcement he made to the group or even the school was so rich in dramatics that Damian wondered if the boy practiced what he said every day to make sure it was the perfect amount of dramatic or if it was something instinctual. Damian felt like it was the latter. Sometimes Hardy’s dramatics confused him but Vogel was good at explaining what the dramatic boy was saying, she was basically the Hardy Translator.
“We are getting off topic.” Bourgeois sighed. “You really want to know everything that witch did to Dupain-Cheng, Wayne? Then you better buckle in and take notes.
Damian nodded and pressed the hidden button on his watch that Lucius Fox and his son Lucas upgraded at Bruce’s request, that would record the rest of the conversation. Though he did take out a notebook and pen, he never wrote in pencil, writing in pencil showed you were not confident in your writing or knowledge. He was trying to break out of the habit though as it was one Ra’s made sure ‘stuck’ with his heir. His grandfather would never settle for anything less than perfect and the one time Damian took a test in front of his grandfather and used a pencil, he was punished. Damian hid a wince at the memories of that particular lesson and instead stared at his watch, it was a replica of his Grandfather's watch , the one he wore when he was murdered. It was a bit morbid but it was the thought behind it that made it one of Damian’s most prized possessions. 
It had been a little after he had been…introduced to his father and a little before his father’s seeming demise at Darkseid’s hand that Bruce had taken Damian aside into his study to talk to him. Damian thought it would be another reprimand of his methods but had been surprised when Bruce handed him a small box with a bow on it. He had been so hesitant, so wary, so suspicious that his father had gently taken the box from him and opened it to show a watch. A rather nice watch though Damian had noted its somewhat dated design. Like someone had purposefully made it look vintage.  “ It’s made to look like my father’s watch, your grandfather, though I have no doubt you were…informed of my parents before you came here -”
“ I know everything about you, Father, and my grandparents .” Damian had interrupted, eager to prove his knowledge, his worth. 
“ I don’t doubt that, Damian, but you were told about them by people who did not know them. That makes all the difference. There is time for stories so you get to know them like I knew them but this is the first one I will tell you. ” Bruce had looked sincere yet a bit uncomfortable, Damian had chalked it up to his father’s weakness of not getting over his parent’s death. Such a weakness was not allowed in the League, but Damian had said nothing of the fact even if he could. Richard had been teaching him just because you could doesn’t mean you should. It was confusing but his father seemed to agree with the sentiment so Damian was doing his best to learn it. 
His father continued. “ When my father was ten, his father bought him his first watch. I never met my grandfather, but when I was young, my father told me grandfather wanted to start a new Wayne tradition. When the heir of the family turned ten, they would be gifted a watch. I’m afraid that the reason is lost in time and forgotten memories but my father wanted to continue this tradition. I got my watch on my birthday and 9 days later my parents died. My father had been wearing his birthday watch that night .”
Damian hadn’t wanted to interrupt but he did want to touch the watch and his father seemed to understand that so he passed back the gift and watched as Damian had caressed the face of the watch with his thumb. 
�� I admit that I have bought your brother's watches as well but I know you are struggling to accept them. I won’t lie and say I understand but I want to feel connected to them, to me, to this family. I wasn’t able to give you a watch on your birthday but I am giving it to you now. I had this made for you in the image of your grandfather’s watch because I want to show you how important you are to this family and me. I could have easily given you a new watch as I had your brother’s but you deserve a connection to your roots. I hope you like it. ”
Damian had only nodded but the small smile his father gave in return had filled him with such warmth he hadn’t known what to do other than let his father put the watch on him. Later, Alfred would explain that Bruce had the watch built with many hidden features to keep Damian safe and to make sure his son wouldn’t be without a way out of a situation. The watch was made to resemble the Rolex Submariner that Damian had seen in a case along with a broken pearl necklace and some loose grimy pearls. He knows they were keepsakes of his grandparents that Bruce kept in a protected case in the Cave. He didn’t really believe it would make him feel any more connected to the Wayne name than him already being Bruce Wayne’s biological son but wearing the watch and seeing the original in its case when he was down in the Cave actually did make him feel connected in a way he couldn’t explain. Thus it became one of his most prized possessions much like his first straight double edged sword his mother gave him for the earliest birthdays he could remember. 
Damian inhaled slowly then exhaled to bring himself out of his memory before he looked up at Bourgeois and gave her a short nod. “Proceed.” 
Dick was doing all he could to relax and show Marinette the company’s botanical gardens as it was something she had wanted to do. It was good to see her smile and flit from plant to plant like a little honey bee or something, but Dick couldn’t get rid of his tension completely. He was always like that after dealing with Two-Face even if it wasn’t the usual confrontation between the two, i.e mask to two faces but it still left him feeling the same. Angry, restless and most annoyingly, scared. He wasn’t the same little scared Robin but dealing with Two-Face always made him feel like he was. He thought he worked past all that! But seeing Marinette in his arms with a gun pressed to her head brought uncomfortable flashbacks of a different tiny black-haired blue-eyed child. A child who got cocky in his skills as Robin and helper of Batman. He could still feel the long-since healed injuries throb in phantom pain. Dick couldn’t help the flash of another black-haired blue-eyed child, older than the first when he learned that being Robin wasn’t magical or whimsical. Thinking of that never did him any good, if anything it brought about an enormous amount of guilt and anger that Dick didn’t know what to do with. 
“Mari-gold?” A very familiar voice pulled Dick out of his thoughts and he cursed himself for being so distracted. 
“Ivy!” Marinette shouted out in glee as she ran to hug the woman she had seen fairly recently. It made Dick smile though, this kid loved with her whole heart and it was something he admired. 
“Now what are you doing here, Sapling?” 
“I came here with Mister Dick and Mister Tim. Though we lost Tim pretty early on.” Oh yeah, they did. Though Dick was willing to bet Tim just went to the coffee shop nearby, he seemed to have a built in radar for knowing where they were no matter what part of town they were in. It was kind of funny though since Tim wasn’t even a big fan of coffee, he more so just needed the caffeine. The guy preferred tea but he was really particular about which places made the best tea, specifically a good ol’ Dirty Chai. 
“And what brings you to the Gardens today, Ive?” Dick asked, deciding to partake in the conversation. 
“Oh just making sure they are doing okay and to give the workers a restock of my special fertilizer.” That made sense, Ivy was, on-the-down low helping the Wayne Botanical Studies team. While Harley helped them more with their night time business, Ivy was content to help in the more official business. With the occasional helping hand stopping a threat if they “got in over their heads.” Her words. 
“You make your own fertilizer?” Marinette asked. Look, Dick was also curious about that but after finding Ivy and Jason talking one night with these big-ass smiles on their faces, all teeth, he was like 80% sure that fertilizer was some of Jason’s…problems. But there was no way in hell that Dick was going to try and confirm that, and he sure as hell would not be telling Bruce that little theory. 
“Yes! It takes time but it-”
“My Passion Lily! I got your Matcha Lemonade and look! I found a wild Wayne.” They were interrupted by Harley, which was not a surprise, and she was dragging a resigned looking Tim with her. 
Ivy merely huffed out a laugh at her wife before taking the offered drink with a kiss to Harley’s cheek. “Thank you, Peanut, I also found a wild Wayne and a little Sapling.”
“Mari-Doll!” Harley squeaked out before almost knocking the poor girl off her feet in her hurry to smother the girl in a hug. Surprisingly they didn’t fall over. 
“Hi Harley!”
“You guys saw each other the other night?” Tim said, confused. 
“And?” Marinette and Harley asked in unison. It made Dick giggle and helped relieve him of more of his pent up tension. 
“Well since we're all here, why don’t we walk around together?” Dick offered. “Bruce wanted Tim to get some fresh air so try not to let him sneak off again.”
Tim gave an offended squawk which had Marinette laughing once more. “I’m fine!”
“Yeah, okay Timmy-Boy.” Harley said with a scoff as she laced her arms together with Ivy and Marinette. “And I’m the Queen of England.”
“You do need some time outside the Manor Tim. It’s not healthy to stay cooped up.” Ivy said as she happily walked with Harley and Marinette. Though she did grab Tim by the scruff of his shirt and manhandled him toward Dick. He looked very much like a cranky kitten. 
“What is this? Pick on Tim day?” 
“I believe Damian has that scheduled for next month.” Dick wished he was joking.
Marinette obviously noticed he wasn’t if her raised brow was anything to go off. “Oh?”
“He stepped on Titus’s tail three months ago, on accident.” Dick explained. “But Damian is very good at keeping grudges and he’s very good on cashing in on favors.” 
Tim merely whined in response and Dick couldn’t help but pity his brother for a second before he remembered how Tim used him as a human meat shield when Condiment King randomly joined in on a fight against some robbers. Apparently he was also planning on robbing the jewelry store after keeping a low profile from his then-recent prison break. Needless to say it took Dick forever trying to get the mustard smell out of his costume once again and had to beg Alfred for help once again. Even though Alfred refused to help with cleaning anything CK contaminated, it spiked his blood pressure or something like that. Dick thinks it’s because of all the first times he helped clean them up when the rogue had been new on the scene. That had been a long month and Dick had seen how Alfred got more and more annoyed each time they came home covered in mustard, ketchup, you name it. It was awful. Truly. So Dick didn’t feel all that bad. Stephanie was already coming up with a list of things to tease Tim about. She specifically waits for the days Damian declares will be Pick-On Drake Days so she has lists on lists compiled for that very reason. She hoards them and never shares until the scheduled day. Duke surprisingly joined in too and started making his own list. 
“He’s very dedicated.” Marinette giggled out.
“That’s one word for it.” Tim grumbled. 
From there they had a good time touring the different gardens with Ivy acting as a somewhat tour guide and Dick could see it was really helping Marinette unwind as well. The interview with Jim and Harvey had really gotten her tense which was totally understandable, it would be intimidating for anyone. Tim tried to escape a couple times but after Dick teasingly asked if he should get Tim a child-leash and Ivy offered to make one out of vines he stopped. He even seemed to be relaxing a small bit. It was nice, really and it seemed to be something that Dick needed too without realizing it. Eventually they went out for lunch and after they went their separate ways. The drive back to the Manor had been nice too, normal traffic and a nice playlist helped. Tim and Marinette had even made some good conversation, though Dick got worried at the mention of PowerPoints. He hoped it was nothing serious, but the fact that Tim found someone as obsessed with planning and making PowerPoints was a little frightening. Maybe more than a little, Dick could only take so many Tim PowerPoints. He loved his brother, dearly, with his whole heart, but his PowerPoints were long and…thorough. He even tested people on the more important ones with a freaking Kahoot match. Cass and surprisingly Damian always won those. 
As they made their way into the manor Dick was pretty much planning on taking a good, lengthy nap to catch up on the sleep he hadn't gotten last night. His brain felt fried and scrambled, like it couldn’t decide whether to sink into the depressing thoughts from before or just remember the good time at the gardens they all had, even Tim surprisingly had a good time. As he sunk into the couch in the family living room his mind seemed to settle on both. His eyes closed and he saw Marinette laughing and smiling at their afternoon activities, then it would flash to her being held against Two-Face. He could hear the rogue’s laugh deep in his bones, then it changed to the Joker’s unique cackle. Marinette changed from her to him to Jason at blinding speeds. He could hear Marinette’s voice firm and confident in contrast to the fear in her eyes when she told him there was no time and that she would lead Scarecrow away. He could hear her yelling and telling Alfred she and they weren’t safe. He heard his own cries and shouts mixed with Two-Face’s voice. He could hear what he imagined Jason sounded like when the Joker beat him to death. He could hear the accusations of others about his jealousy of Jason being adopted. 
That unfortunately brought up memories of the talk he had had with Bruce once upon a time about Jason and adoption. It felt like he had had to fight not only tabloids but even Bruce about nonexistent hatred. Dick never hated Jason, but he had been so caught up in his anger with Bruce that he let it affect his and Jason’s relationship. He had just been so angry and it wasn’t an excuse but sometimes it seemed like he was even trying to justify his actions to himself. Though there was some jealousy and hurt there that he didn’t know what to do with, okay he did know what to do but the fact it would have to involve talking to Bruce and Jason was not something that sounded fun nor easy. He liked a good challenge but that idea sounded impossible. Like yes, he was Bruce’s son now but for so long he was just a ward, like Marinette was now, he called Bruce dad, they lived together, they fought crime together, they took care of each other, and yet it took years for Bruce to adopt him. But Jason? Dick knew Jason was Bruce’s son, his first son, his favorite son. Jason got the Bruce Dick had always wanted and it had hurt. Jason’s death had impacted Bruce more than his parents. That was a fact. 
And…And Dick had no idea where this was all coming from. He knew he didn’t know Marinette well as her class’s tour guide but seeing her held against Two-Face, mere centimeters from danger had thrown him. She reminded him too much of himself and too much like Jason before his death. She wasn’t a Robin, she would never be a Robin, but she had been a hero like one. She saved her people as fiercely as a Robin protected Gotham and its people. She took the weight of her world on her shoulders, much like a Robin. She was a child turned soldier due to circumstance just like a Robin. Marinette was a Robin in soul with no Batman to guide her and maybe that was for the best but looking at how lost she looked when she spoke about the ‘akumatizations’ in Paris, Dick wished she had had her version of Batman. A mentor who could aid in the fight, who shared the knowledge and responsibility. Yes, there were other heroes, they were like her version of Teen Titans, but that’s just it she was just barely a teen, a child, when she took up the mantle of hero. And from the pictures Tim showed the family of the other heroes, it wasn’t hard to guess that the other ‘Holders’ were teens themselves. Seeing as Adrien was also a teen and a former hero. 
Dick, in a weird, roundabout way, felt responsible for Marinette. As soon as she looked at him with hope, determination and fear in her eyes he was hit by a wave of protectiveness for her. She looked at him like Damian did when he first complimented and criticized his work as Robin, he and Marinette had also pulled off a plan as smooth and seamless as Dick and Damian had been when they were the Dynamic Duo. Or as Dick liked to call them, The More Dynamic Duo. He knew his family was kind of freaked out by how well Marinette and Damian seemed to get along, but not him, sure he teased a bit but he just had a feeling they would be friends. Damian had been trying to get himself out there and make friends and he did have some! He just called them acquaintances right now but Dick knew it wouldn’t be long till they were bumped up to friend status. Though Jon would always be Damian’s best friend even if they weren’t in the same school anymore. They still video or phone called every day and they played games with each other online. Which games? Dick could never remember but the point was, Damian had grown and was very capable of making friends, it just took him some time. 
Speaking of time , Dick thought as his gaze lazily glanced at the clock on the wall. If he slept now, he knew he would not go to bed after patrol tonight. So with much reluctance he pushed himself up and off the couch. He figured he could see if Marinette wanted some company and maybe the two of them could get some tea and snacks from Alfred and tour more of the manor when they were done. It would help in the long term of Marinette’s stay so it was productive! When he got to her room he saw that the door was slightly open but it was still he knocked, if he could dodge a Pennyworth Lecture he would even knock his own bedroom door. As he did so though, the door opened more and with it came an overwhelming energy that left him feeling suppressed yet energized. He wasn’t around magic a lot anymore, but it always left him with the same feeling so he ditched being a gentleman and waiting for an answer and just barreled into the room to see what looked like a closing portal. 
“Shit!” That would be a dollar in the Swear Jar, but that wasn’t important. What was important however was the fact Marinette was missing, a portal had seemingly opened in her room and closed, and…and there was a note on the bed? 
‘Dear Any Wayne That Finds This,
Actually, are you all Waynes? I never asked, I should have asked. Anyways, please don’t freak out if you come to my room and I’m not here. Ladybug needed my help back in Paris and opened a portal to get me there. I shouldn’t be too long and hey! Maybe I’ll be back before anyone reads this but if I’m not then just don’t worry. Ladybug will return me once the akuma is dealt with.
 -Marinette who is very sorry if someone does end up reading this and is pleading they don’t worry or get angry.’  
“Double shit.” Dick said as he read over the letter. 
That was another dollar for the Swear Jar. 
Dick “Flying” Grayson @toflyistofall
Bruce Wayne @therealbrucewayne
RE: Dick “Flying” Grayson @toflyistofall
Richard John Grayson-Wayne. What did you do?
JBIrd @sidesteppeddeath
RE: Bruce Wayne @therealbrucewayne
       Richard John Grayson-Wayne. What did you do?
Ha! You got full government named Dickie! @toflyistofall
Dick “Flying” Grayson @toflyistofall
RE: JBIrd @sidesteppeddeath
       Ha! You got full government named Dickie! @toflyistofall
Oh come on! I didn’t even add tags! How did he respond so fast?
Next Chapter
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historyhermann · 8 months
Yuri and Beyond: LGBTQ+ Representation in Animation in 2023
2023 began with a bang, with the premiere of the yuri anime The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady a.k.a. MagiRevo on January 5th, Velma on January 12th, The Legend of Vox Machina on January 20th, and Princess Power on January 30th. It went far beyond those which premiered last year, despite less yuri anime airing in 2023. [1] As a warning, there will…
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sweetteainthesummerx · 3 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * oh, my, my, my ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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nhl masterlist !
pairings: quinn hughes x childhood friend!reader, jack hughes x platonic best friend!reader, quinn x artist!reader
warnings: angst and comfort, fluff
summary: you and quinn throughout the years, and how you fall in love <3
song: mary's song (oh my my my) by taylor swift
word count: 4.4 k
notes: I love lake quinn sm :)
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
our daddies used to joke about the two of us, growing up and falling in love, our mamas smiled, and rolled their eyes
"oh, she's so tiny!" ellen cooes, cradling the little bundle of pink, "and she has your eyes, birdie."
your mother smiles at the nickname her college friend had given her freshman year, when a bird had pooped on her head during a girl's night out.
it stuck (literally), and almost 10 years later, as her best friend holds her babygirl, she's reminded of everything they'd been through together.
"congrats, man. the first girl in the family!" jim slaps your dad on the shoulder, the two men smiling at their wives.
"oh, she's just precious." you yawn, and all of the adults are reduced to an awwing mess.
quinn toddles over, chubby toddler legs still unsure. he lands on his butt half a foot away from ellen, who lifts him up with the hand that wasn't holding you.
"look, quinny."
quinn reaches out a finger towards you, and jim is about to chide him when your tiny little fist locks around it. his wide eyes widen even more. you gurgle happily at him, and for the first time in a while, he goes completely still, enraptured by the baby in front of him.
"oh." your father whispers.
"well, that's your son-in-law now," jim laughs.
"hey, don't count out jack! they're closer in age, after all."
your mom rolls her eyes, as ellen snorts, "let's not pre-write our kid's futures before they're five, please."
i was seven and you were nine, i looked at you like the stars that shine
"y'know, birdie," ellen starts, "the boys might be right."
"no, they cannot eat four pb and j's and then go to the carnival-"
"no, not the little ones!", ellen laughs, "our husbands. they might be right."
"oh, that? the whole son-in-law thing?" your mom grins, as she watches luke chase after you with a worm.
the two women are silent and thoughtful as you - screaming at the top of your lungs - duck behind quinn, who sternly tells off his little brother. your sticky hands lace with his, naturally, albeit a bit awkward the way only kids can be.
you absolutely adore quinn. he's your protector, the one you turn to more often than not. jack is your best friend, and you remind her of that often. luke is your baby brother, the one you coddle and fuss over.
and the boys adore you just as much; jack plays pirates with you all day, Luke follows you like a puppy, and quinn...
he's staked a claim on you that makes your mom laugh, but worry a little when your older and you inevitably find someone who isn't him.
it never occurred to her that he might be the one.
"oh my god." your mom says as your dad walks in with jim.
"ha! see? I know I put money on my son for good reason." jim says gleefully, and quickly pipes down at ellen's dirty look.
"jack is also your son, man." your dad shakes his head.
"seriously? you guys made bets on the future love lives of your prepubescent kids?"
"birdie, it's just a joke!"
he eats his words as quinn leads you through the door. you're in tears, a nasty scrape on your knee. he's got your hand cradled in his.
ellen and your mom fawn over it, how brave you were, but all you could remember is how quinn held your hand the whole time.
take me back when our world was one block wide, i dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried
when you're ten, you almost have your first kiss.
you're going through a phase, really, when all you would wear were your overall jean shorts, a big t-shirt and your red converses. you have little pen drawings all over your shoes and shorts.
now, when you look at the photos from back then, you cringe a little at how lanky and young you look.
you're with the boys at one of the neighbouring lake houses, a couple of other girls and a few guys too.
everyone there lived on the same block, so it was odd that you hadn't all hung out together before.
quinn can tell you're uncomfortable around the other guys, who are loud and frankly very obnoxious. even his 12-year-old self can tell.
he tells you that you can all leave and go get ice cream near the boardwalk, but you refuse. you're 10 already, you can handle a few new strangers.
somehow, spin the bottle is brought up and you find yourself sitting cross-legged as one of the older girls - who's kind and much more grown than you - tellsdyou how to spin the bottle.
your hands shake and the backs of your knees are slick with sweat, but you spin anyways. you want to seem cool and older too.
you watch the root beer bottled patter as it turns, the ting, ting sound dissonant with your thumping heart.
it lands on quinn.
your quinn who knows all of the words to the spider man movies, who gives the last popsicle to you and lets you tuck your feet under his thighs when you get cold.
this is a disaster, you think, because you don't know how to kiss! are you supposed to use your tongue? you almost gag at the thought.
quinn can see your very apparent panic, and the only thing on his mind was to make it of away.
he wants to hold your hand, but when you turned nine you had decided that boys had cooties, so you refused to touch him or his brothers.
"...we don't have to," he offers, scratching his neck. one of the boys boo, and you flush.
you shook your head, "i want to."
he smiles, shy and boyish and your heart goes into overdrive.
his face matches yours in colour as he scoots forward awkwardly, cupping your face the way he'd seen his dad do to his mom.
as he leans forward, you burst into tears. if you kiss him, and he's disgusted by your kissing skills - or lack thereof - he wouldn't be your quinn anymore.
you run out embarrassed, leaving quinn's hand outstretched and the older girl from earlier confused and worried.
you think that you had ruined it all, but later that night when quinn offers to take you to get ice cream and lets you get two scoops, you know nothing can tear the two of you apart.
take me back to the creek beds we turned up, two A.M. riding in your truck and all I need is you next to me
the year quinn turned 16, he gets his boating and drivers license.
when the first real day of summer - he doesn't count the days until he sees you and the lake house again - starts and he finds you making eggs and bacon in the kitchen, he gives you an offer.
"hey, chickie." he tugs playfully at the string of your apron. jim had given you that nickname because of your mom's. chickie, like a baby bird. jack liked to call you chicklet, and Luke followed suit.
the adults think you've outgrown that name, and only call you chickie sporadically.
it's become special for you and quinn, sacred even,
"hi, quinny." you answer in the same tone, swatting him with the spatula in your hand.
"give me a piece of bacon and i'll take you out onto the water. i'll even let you drive a bit when we're far out." he murmurs as you turn the stove off.
"really?" you squeal, and he winces jokingly.
"yes, yes! finally!" you throw yourself at him, letting the older boy catch you around the waist. he grins into your hair, his cheek muscles unused by the seasons without you.
"okay, kid. pipe down. where's my bacon?" he grumbles, but he smiles when you turn around to fix him a whole plate.
you forget in all of your excitement that he doesn't even like bacon.
it's pathetic, really, but he missed you. he still does even though you're less than a foot away from him, salting your scrambled eggs.
he finishes his food faster than you do, and leaves to set up the boat with your promises that you would hurry.
he's excited; he hasn't seen you since christmas, and then, he had to share you with jack and luke and his parents too.
that year, you and jack had become decidedly closer, and quinn knows he has to establish that boat time was for you and him only.
so when jack and luke both follow you onto the boat, whooping and screaming, he's pissed.
and on top of that, he has to drive the boat while you and jack banter and threaten to shove each other off of the moving vessel.
it wasn't fair: you're his person. you guys did gas station runs together, you always looked at him with sad puppy eyes when you were cold.
he'd always grumbled and give you his sweatshirt when you refused to bring a jacket and ended up shivering. you always begged to braid his hair when the sun was at it's highest and there was nothing to do.
so yeah, excuse him if he was mad that your time together was interrupted by jack and luke of all people.
so when you walk up to him, hair messy and wearing nothing but your bathing suit and one of his old hockey jerseys, he tries his best to ignore you.
"quinny!" you exclaim, nudging his shoulder, and once more when he doesn't answer.
he glances quickly at you, but one look is enough to make his chest squeeze in that way that it started to do since last summer.
you had always been beautiful, but you were starting to be seriously gorgeous.
your hair is windblown, skin tanned and freckled with eyes bright from the sheer novelty of it being summer again.
you'd started to fill out more; the tiny bikinis you - and he - loved made something hot tug in his lower stomach.
tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow in the way that always makes him soften like butter, "I thought you were gonna let me drive!"
"ask jack to teach you," he snarks, and regrets it immediately at the hurt on your face.
his chest tightens, like someone has taken the hurt on your features and shoved it between his rib cage so he couldn't breathe.
the two of you don't talk for the rest of the day.
quinn feels like an asshole, and he really doesn't like how you refuse to sit in your normal spot next to him during movie night, instead opting to tuck yourself between the edge of the couch and luke.
and the salt on the wound was when you don't laugh at the stupid jokes he makes for you, especially.
his mom asks him what he had done when he goes to get more popcorn in the kitchen.
"what? why did you automatically assume I didn't something?" he asked, offended.
"because, that girl sticks to you like a magnet," ellen smooths his temple, "and because no one makes you smile and talk like she does. you've been silent all day."
the next night, he shows up at the door of your room in the lake house your two families shared.
he knocks, and pokes his head in, "chickie?
you're at your table, drawing again like you always were.
he keeps the little sketch of him you made last summer in his wallet, tucked under the picture of all of the hughes boys and you.
you ignore him, and he flops on your bed. the floral sheets your mom bought when you were 11 smells like you. he tries not to be creepy and inhale - at least too noticeably.
"gas station run?" he asks.
you finally spare him a glance, "quinny, it's past one o'clock, and it'll take at least 20 minuted to get there."
"please? I really want chips."
you sigh, ever the martyr, and agree. neither of you mention how the hughes stock up enough snacks to last at least 2 months the beginning of every summer.
the battle of who cracks first kept on, until finally, on the way back from the gas station, quinn sighs, "I'm sorry.
you frown, clearly not impressed, "I don't even know why you're sorry."
"god, this is embarrassing-"
"quintin, i swear-"
"i wanted the boat ride to be just us two!" he exclaims loudly.
there was a beat of silence, only the chirp of crickets that crept in the tall grass you could hear through the open windows of jim's truck.
the light on the radio shined, 1:59 AM.
"what?" you ask, a little confused and very much flustered.
"i missed you, chickie, and jack is always monopolizing your time! you're my person and-"
"are you jealous?"
"oh my god, you are! you're jealous!"
"no!" he splutters, grateful that it's pitch black outside, because he can feel his ears heating up.
you laugh, tugging at one of his curls, as he grumbles something about not letting you eat any of his salt and vinegar chips.
"quinny?" you ask a little while later, when he's pulling back into the drive way, "y'know that you're my person too, right?"
you look soft and sleepy, under the light of the car, in one of his hoodies and sleep shorts.
he swears he turns into liquid in the drivers seat.
well, i was sixteen when suddenly, i wasn't that little girl you used to see
"I wouldn't worry about that, chicklet." jack throws his arm around you, and you roll your eyes at the many girls starting to glare at you.
"I don't know what you're talking about." except you do.
there's a girl flirting with quinn, and she's pretty. she's got tattoos on her arms, and she's tall, almost tall at him.
you take a break from the self-deprecating comparison between yourself and her to admire quinn for one second.
he's gotten so tall and broad, all the signs of boyhood gone, except when he smiles that special smile for you. the one when his eyes get all squinty and he bares all of his pretty teeth.
your heart twists, because he hasn't smiled at you like that all summer.
you don't know what you did wrong. maybe he's outgrowing you. he'll be a college man next fall, and you're still in high school.
he's got the whole world in front of him, and well, you couldn't blame him if he didn't want to settle for you.
you realize your feelings for him the beginning of the summer.
or you uncover them, because if you're honest, they've always been there.
and right now, you're wearing your heart on your sleeve, because he looks so handsome in a tight black t-shirt and shorts, a backwards cap on his curls.
his biceps look huge, and between the teenage hormones and the two shots in your system, you want to climb him like a tree.
the more romantic side of you wished you had your charcoal and parchment, so you can copy down his likeness for when your old and greying and you can't remember how he looks illuminated by the moon and bonfire.
"yeah, sure. you're clueless." jack snorts, and he makes his way to the drink table at the party you're at.
you pass by Luke, who's preoccupied by a girl way too old for him, and go sit closer to the fire.
you're mad.
you're mad because you've dressed up real cute, in a tiny black tube top and denim shorts.
you're mad because your hair is curled the way quinn likes it.
you know that for a fact because every time it looks like that, he comes up behind you to wind his fingers through a strand. it was a hassle, and he won't even look at you.
"what's a pretty girl like you doing alone?"
it's a boy with mussed, brown hair and a nice smile.
he's cute. peter, or pierre, he introduces himself. he reminds you a bit of the boyfriend you had first semester of sophomore year.
you've had boyfriends, and quinn has had his relationships, but summer was sacred.
that's why you felt ill when you flirted with him, not because quinn was a mere 20 feet away, starting to glance over and frown.
quinn has always been a jealous motherfucker; you'd give it 5 minutes before he comes over.
you try not to gloat when he comes over in 2.
"hey, chickie. time to go." he tells you, taking you cup and winding an arm around your waist.
you roll your eyes, pushing him off, "no, I'm good here,"
quinn crosses his arms and puffs out his chest, biceps flexing in front of you.
the boy smiles - you've already forgotten his name, something p - and shrugs at quinn.
he's mad now, you can tell, but you wrap you're fingers around the other boy's elbow to egg him on.
"oh, for- that's it. c'mon."
suddenly, your feet are swept out from under you, and you're thrown over his shoulder.
you frown, realizing that you're in the air.
"hey!" you protest weakly as people turn to look at you. quinn continues his trudge all the way to where he's parked his dad's truck and dumps you on the hood like you weigh nothing.
"what are you doing?" he asks, eyes dark, "that guy is no good-"
"no! what are you doing?" all of your frustration pools in your throat, and embarrassing tears are starting to prick at your eyes.
"you won't even look at me all summer, you're flirting with some girl and you get mad at me? you're being such-"
he shakes his head, looking as exasperated as you feel.
"do you know how hard it is-" he breathes out shakily, "how difficult it is to control myself around you?"
"what?" you ask, heart beating in your ears, "what?"
"i have been in love with you since i was 12, chickie." his tone is begging, and so are his eyes.
he looks pained, and you want to relieve it so, so badly. but he still won't touch you. he's hovering away from you, like he has for the past month.
"i love you, and you see me nothing more than a brother, like how you see jack. and it hurts, here," he rubs the heel of his palm between his ribs, "to know that you'll never want me the same way."
"no, let me talk. I've spent the past 6 years pining after you. I've tried to move on, but all...nothing compares to you. I want you so bad, chickie, but..." he turns from you, head in his hands.
now, if you weren't like 3 beers and 2 shots deep, you would realize that he can't really go anywhere because you're quite literally on the top of his car.
but drunk you is clearly a dumbass, because you think he's trying to leave. so you tell him what's actually on your mind.
"i love you!" you blurt out.
he turns slowly, "what?"
"i love you too. i thought you didn't want me because you're leaving for college, but i want you so bad, please-"
the next thing you know, he's between your legs, so warm and solid, pulling you in by your cheek like during that spin the bottle game 6 years ago.
you let him kiss you for real this time, you let him push up your shorts to feel more of your skin, you let him lick into your mouth.
he pulls away, and you whine, tugging him in again.
he laughs, which makes you laugh in turn, and you slide down the hood as you giggle. he catches you, because he always does.
"i love you." you tell him, and he flushes, nuzzling into your neck.
"say it again," he demands, just because he can.
"i love you, my quinny." you coo, and he wants to crawl into your skin and settle there forever.
"i love you too, chickie."
oh, my, my, my
"told you so." Jim tells the rest of the parents.
the four of them - the weirdos - are on the second floor, leaning on the bannister as you make breakfast with quinn.
well, you make breakfast and he's distracting you.
he's got his arms wrapped around your shoulders from the back, and the two of you waddle like a pair of penguins around the kitchen gathering ingredients for pancakes.
you're giggling, and he's got a half-smile on his face.
you look so happy together than ellen and your mom are ignoring jim's gloating.
they are even kind enough to ignore the exchange of money between the two men, after all, your dad had bet on jack and lost.
"i can't wait for their wedding."
"hold on, now!"
a few years had gone and come around, we were sitting at our favorite spot in town and you looked at me, got down on one knee
you're on Quinn's lap, content and warm. the two of you had gotten up to watch the sunrise, first day of the summer at the lake house.
it's nice to have everyone in one place again, the two of you coming from vancouver, the boys from new jersey.
the past couple of years had been hard; a year or two long distance, until you went to study architecture at UBC after quinn had been drafted.
this year, 24 and 22, you finally get some rest and the promise of settling down more.
quinn's captain, and you have a good job that lets you work remote and do what you love.
and more importantly, the two of you are always together.
"babe?" quinn asks, running a hand down your arms, "c'mon, let's go to the dock?"
you don't protest, just happy to be at your childhood lake house.
he leads you there, like he always does.
"pretty." you stare out at the water, orange and pink sky meeting in the still horizon.
"yeah." quinn gives you a smile, rare for anyone else.
but he has always smiled for you, and you greedily hoard them in your memories.
"got something to show you," he pulls his wallet out, the two pictures in the clear flaps catch your eye.
one is a polaroid of you and your boys. quinn is 15, jack is 14, you're 13 and luke is 11. all of you are lanky and awkward, wrapped around each other and grinning ear to ear.
the other is also a polaroid, taken by ellen a year or two ago, when all of your parents came to visit your Vancouver apartment.
quinn's arm is around your shoulders and you're clinging to his side, one hand curled around his waist and the other on his chest. you're smiling at the camera, and quinn is smiling at you.
"cute," you tell him, but he digs a finger into the little pocket.
"fuck," he swears when whatever he's looking for doesn't come out.
"here, let me," you offer. you retrieve a piece of thick parchment with your smaller hands.
it's a sketch of quinn you did when you were in your early teens.
it's not great, you have to admit. the lines aren't smooth like how you sketch now, but the ink and paper is in pristine condition.
"quinn...you kept this?" you ask softly, oddly emotional.
when you look at him, he has a weird look on his face. he scratches his neck.
you stare at each other for a moment, the familiarity of your love almost stifling in the cool morning air.
and then he drops down on one knee.
you start crying, immediately.
that sets him off, and the two of you are blubbering as he tries to get through the speech he wrote in his notes 7 months ago after he got the ring and you were in the shower.
he tells you he loves you, how he's never going to leave you, that you're going to build a life together, just like how you've done everything together since you were kids.
you believe him, because your quinn is nothing if not earnest and steady.
you let him slip the simple ring onto your finger, and he lifts you up into strong arms to kiss you.
you're so deliriously happy that your teeth clash with his in a smiling kiss.
your families cheers from the porch, and you laugh, watery and heart full.
jack runs up first, swinging you around and clapping his hand down on quinn's shoulder.
Luke kisses your cheek and hugs his older brother, as ellen and your mom hug you together.
jim wraps his arms around you, pressing his lips to your forehead, "thanks for helping me win the bet, chickie." you chuckle, reaching for your dad next.
take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle, our whole town came and our mamas cried, you said I do and I did too
the wedding takes place a year later, in a small winery near the house, because ellen and your mom refused to let you have the wedding on the dock.
this was your compromise, because it's a small affair.
your dad walks you down the aisle to quinn. you're smiling, like there's a hanger in your mouth because you're just so happy.
he cries when he sees you, and so do the other hughes boys.
you hear your mom and ellen, tears meeting shaky smiles on their faces.
your own college friend, your birdie, fixes your veil and holds your bouquet.
sweet promises are exchanged in your vows, and when you have your first kiss as mr. and mrs. hughes, all of your loved ones cheer.
quinn sweeps you off your feet and bridal carries you to a change room so you can switch into your reception dress.
he sees you later as jack, who volunteered to be the mc, announces you guys as mr. and mrs. hughes.
quinn's eyes are hot and dark as he sees your smooth skin under white lace, and whispers something into the shell of your ear that makes you pink.
you dance together, with his brothers and his dad, with your own too.
but the last dance is saved for the two of you.
"i can't wait to grow old with you, chickie." he whispers romantically.
"you'd make such a cute old man," you tell him, and he rolls his eyes.
you laugh, and so does he.
forever sounds real good to you.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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seenoversundown · 7 months
Valentine's Day Fic Recs
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Happy Valentine's Day babes! 🩷
Here's the Masterlist of allll the Valentine's Fics that I have collected so far! Make sure to show all the writers some love (especially today!)
I'll leave the original post link here
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Champange, Caviar, Anyone? // SFK - @losfacedevil
Sam x Reader // 18+ Smut
Str!ke - @smoking-jakelane
Jake x Reader // fluff// Jake has planned a Date for you since you completely forgot about Valentines Day.
Succulent - @seenoversundown
Sam x Fem OC // 18+ Smut // Sam makes dinner for Birdie, but has a devious plan for dessert.
When The Morning Comes - @highway-tuna
Danny x Reader // No Warnings // Seems like it's just your luck that you get sick right before a date. But not just any date, a Valentine's Day date. But not just any Valentine's Day date, a double Valentine's Day date with your good friend, Danny. So much for being a good wingman. With nothing better to do, you settle into your coziest blanket and sulk, doomed to spend your Valentine's Day evening alone. Or so you think...
Crossroads // DRW - @losfacedevil
Danny x Reader // Fluff
The Girl Next Door // JTK - @dogwood-blossom
Jake x Fem Character // 18+ // Will Jake ever speak to the girl who lives across the street from him? Or is he destined to pine in secrecy for all of eternity? Or maybe just until one of them inevitably moves out? Stay tuned to find out!
Saccharine - @seenoversundown
Danny x Fem OC // 18+ Smut // Daniel and Melody take a cute baking class but he has some ideas for once they get back home.
Hold Me (1) Jake Kiszka - @chouxsardine
Jake x Reader // 18+ Smut // "hold me like you hold your Les Paul, have your way with me the way you play her.” || Your drunk slip-up leads to one of the best Valentine's Day gift you've ever got
Valentines | JTK | Masterlist (18+) - @vanfleeter
There's a handful of Jake fics on here and they're all wonderful!! Check the warnings before reading xoxo
Satiate - @seenoversundown
Josh x Enby OC // 18+ Smut // Quinn makes Josh breakfast in bed, which isn't an uncommon thing for them to do but, today is special.
Siren - @seenoversundown
Jake x Fem OC // 18+ Smut // Jake and Charlotte get stuck in the bar for the evening, with the promise that Jake will make it up to her after.
Absolutely Smitten - @alwaysonthemend
Josh x Reader // 18+ Smut // Check Author's Note and Warnings!
Tag me if I missed your fic and you would like to be added! 🥰🩷
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girlylukehughes · 1 year
In Between
Luke Hughes x Reader
Word count: 4.3k
a/n: this is based on the song in between by gracie abrams!
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Luke Hughes and Y/N “Birdie” L/N have hated each other since three months after they met. When Birdie joined Luke's class in fifth grade she wore pink glasses on her face and a tight braid in her brown hair. Her teeth adorned in blue braces she had gotten three weeks before, and Luke didn't notice a single thing. Well not until she ran straight into him with an open carton of chocolate milk in her hand, and it just so happened that Luke was wearing a white hoodie. After a ruined day and a ruined sweater Luke Hughes swore to hate Y/N L/N forever, what he didn't account for was her becoming best friends with his brother Jack. Jack and Birdie were attached by the hip within four months of her moving to town. Jack is the reason she has the name Birdie. The day Jack started calling her Birdie was probably the funniest day of his life and it was all thanks to Luke. Luke, Jack, and Quinn were in the midst of a prank war that had been lasting about three weeks. Luke thought it would be funny to recreate the glue and feathers prank from Home Alone, but instead of Jack walking through it Y/N did, and there and then Birdie was born.
During their freshman year if highschool Birdie and Luke got stuck as lab partners in biology, and oh boy was it a mess. Being forced to sit and work with each other the entire school year was not good for them. For the first semester every lab, experiment, and dissection ended in a heated argument between the pair. After the first semester they tried their hardest to put their hatred on the backburner for the sake of their grades, but that just lead the arguments to ensue at the Hughes house after school or during the car rides home.
When senior year came around Luke and Birdie had been successful in avoiding each other both in and outside of school. Jack and Birdie had started hanging out either at Birdie’s house or at the rink. The last time Luke saw Birdie before college was his graduation party. She had stopped by to drop off a simple present, a peace offering of sorts. She handed Luke a neatly wrapped box wishing him luck before walking out and to her car. Later that night when he was opening his gifts in the privacy of his bedroom he noticed Birdie’s was the last one left, with delicate hands he untied the silver ribbon holding the box shut to reveal a white hoodie. Even though Luke would never admit it there was a slight blush on his cheeks as the right corner of his lips quirked up into a half smile. Unfolding it a note fell out of one of the sleeves.
Dear Luke,
Consider this a peace offering so we can start this new chapter of our lives without any grudges being held and nothing to worry about from our pasts. Best wishes at umich, I've never said it but you're a superstar on the ice, continue to kill it.
Luke was stunned, but he kept that little piece of paper folded up and in a pocket in his wallet, and it's still there to this day.
When Luke was packing up his freshman dorm room to go home for the summer he stopped when he reached the picture frame that sat on the nightstand next to his bed. It was a picture from 8th grade when Birdie had tagged along for one of their family vacations, Ellen and Jim treating her like one of their own. In the picture Luke and Birdie got stuck next to each other while Jack and Quinn were on the opposite sides of them. Luke lets out a breathy chuckle as he looks at the picture. Birdie’s eyes are squinted shut behind her glasses with the biggest smile on her face as her arms are wrapped around Luke and Jack. Luke looks like this is the worst day of his life. His eyes squinted, not from a gleaming smile on his face, but from the harsh sun blaring in his face. His mouth is set in a straight line and his left arm is wrapped around Quinn while his right lays down the side of his own body. Looking at the picture he laughs at the memory, this was the year they spent on the beaches of Malibu. Birdie had never been to California before so when Ellen and Jim invited her to go along she was ecstatic, Luke on the other hand groaned and complained the entire time claiming he “can have fun” if she was there. Looking back on it he knows he was being dramatic, hell he doesn't even really hate her anymore, but he'll never admit it.
When Luke and his family arrived at the lake house that summer he was surprised that Birdie wasn't already there. When he asked Jack where she was you would have sworn Jack turned into the Cheshire Cat, a sly grin from ear to ear adorning his face. He had told Luke she'd be arriving tomorrow due to her last final being today. Luke gave him a weird look before walking up to his room and unpacking the months worth of clothes into the dresser and closet. Walking out of his room he stopped at the door right in front of his, Birdies room. The door was slightly cracked so he pushed it open to look into the room and the look of the room was just so her. The baby pink gingham comforter laid perfectly crisp across the bed, an assortment of stuffed animals she had won from the local fair they go to each summer laid neatly on the bed using the wall to rest on, the white lacy curtains that don't really do much but decorate, and next to the bed sat a vintage nightstand she had refurbished with Quinn two summers ago after they found a matching dresser and vanity at a garage sale. His eyes landed on the picture frame sitting on the nightstand, this picture wasn't one he remembered taking and he doesn't even think he's seen it before. It was another picture of the four of them, this time sophomore year of high school. Birdie had finally gotten her braces off and her white teeth were put on display once more, but this time instead of looking at the camera, she was looking at Luke. Her eyes trained on the side of his face while he stared forward at the camera, a dazzling look in her eyes and a slight blush on her cheeks. This time Luke had actually wrapped his arm around her, his hand planted on her hip. Before his brothers could catch him he placed the frame back in its spot and walked out of the room.
The next day Luke was the last one awake, as he padded down the stairs with messy hair, wearing only his plaid Michigan pajama pants he stopped when he saw a girl in his kitchen. Brown hair falling down her back until it reached the curve of her hips as she stood in front of the sink wearing a light green sundress. When she turned around Luke thought his heart was gonna beat straight out of his chest, because standing right in front of him was Birdie. Glasses no longer adorning her face and her hair no longer tightly pulled into a braid. He never realized how gorgeous the girl actually was. When her eyes met him she sent him a shy smile, trying(and failing) to keep her eyes off of his toned stomach, her cheeks heating up. “Hi Luke” she practically whispered. “Hi Birdie” he whispered back, morning voice on full display. Birdie felt her knees go weak. See while Luke hated Birdie, she always had a small crush on him. The moment between the two was broken when they heard someone clear their throat, Jack and Quinn standing at the back door watching the two with smug looks on their faces. “Boats ready for the day, Luke go get changed we have breakfast in the cooler.” Jack says and Luke just nods his head and walks back up the stairs. Tucking her hair behind her ears she continued filling the water bottles on the counter before grabbing her bag and walking out the door. Sitting on the dock she began contemplating how she was going to tell the boys she was transferring colleges. It wasn't that she hated the University of Illinois, she just didn't feel like they were her people. So when Michigan offered her a full ride scholarship and a photography internship, she couldn't pass it up, she just didn't want to step on Luke's toes. A hand in front of her face broke her out of thought. There was Luke, the sun shining around him basking him in the golden light, offering her a hand to help her up and onto the boat. Cautiously, she accepted it, blushing from her ears to her toes. A small thank you left her mouth as she disconnected their hands and walked up to the front of the boat. Placing her tote bag down on a seat she kicked her sandals off, she sat down with her back against the armrest and her knees tucked to her chest as she pulled a book out of her bag. As Quinn took off into the lake she rested her chin on her knees and looked out at the water. She loved Michigan in the summer, the way the sun bounced off the water during sunsets leaving the usually blue water an array of pinks and oranges. She loved the fact that she got to see the boys finally let the stress off their shoulders and have fun. What she loved most of all was the fact that she got to see Luke and they wouldn't argue. In seventh grade when Birdie first started going to the lake house, Jack and Quinn made the youngest two sign a contract saying they weren't allowed to fight or else they would be banned from the house the next summer. Lake house summers were the only time Birdie got a glimpse of who Luke really was behind the wall of hate he usually had built around him. She saw that he was a sweet boy that loved his brothers more than anything else, even hockey. Luke though, he never paid much attention to Birdie, blocking her out so he wouldn't start a fight. So he never noticed that by the end of that seventh grade summer, she was looking at him like he hung the stars in the sky. Jack and Quinn did though, giggling to themselves as they made a bet on when the two would finally get together.
Watching her from the back of the boat Luke sat eating a breakfast sandwich. When Jack plopped down next to him, he didn't even realize until his brother said something that made him snap his head to the side. “She's pretty isn't she?” Jack quietly said to the boy. “Yeah,” Luke whispered, “I never really realized it until this morning. She's gorgeous.” By the tone of his voice Jack knew this summer was gonna end for Luke the same was that seventh grade summer ended for Birdie, totally in love. Putting her book down as Quinn threw the anchor in the water, she pulled her sundress over her head, leaving her in a white bikini that had little yellow daisies all over it. Luke felt like there was a lump in his throat as she pulled her hair into a bun at the top of her head, small pieces falling out to frame her face. She rummaged through her bag for the sunblock before pulling it out and rubbing it into her skin. Jack and Quinn looked at each other knowing she was gonna ask someone to get her back and shoulders, they jumped into the lake leaving only Luke up on the boat to help her. She shyly walked up to him, playing with the pendant from the necklace she was wearing and quietly asked if he could help her. He choked out a yes before she turned around. When his fingers hit her skin it felt like the both of them had been electrocuted, fireworks bursting from his fingertips into her shoulder blades. It was Luke's turn to blush, he felt like he'd just gotten off a roller coaster, stomach doing backflips. When she gave him a soft thank you all he could do was nod his head as he watched her lay out on the boat seats, eyes shut lightly with a smile on her face.
That night the four of them were sat around the fire pit when Birdie finally spoke up. “I have some important news.” She rushed out. “What's up Bird, you can tell us anything.” Jack said, slightly worried. “I'm- um- I'm transferring from U of I.” Her voice is quiet, like she's awaiting judgement. “Where are you going?” The other three turn to Luke, who asked the question before he could stop his mouth. “Well, uh- UMich offered me a full ride and a photography internship with sports media, and I accepted. Being in Illinois just didn't feel right ya know? Like I didn't have any friends, I barely talked to my roomate, and watching hockey there sucked. Michigan is home and I felt like I could benefit from transferring here.” Her words rushed, finally admitting she was unhappy. “Well if you need someone to show you around when you get on campus, you have my number.” Luke said with a soft smile. Her eyes widening in shock before the said thank you and they changed the topic of conversation over to Jack and how he was doing with the devils.
Sure enough when Birdie showed up on campus she shot Luke a text asking if he knew where the library was, and the minute he opened the text he was stealing the keys to the moped and running out of the sophomore house. When he pulled up Birdie couldn't help but laugh at him, a 6 foot 2 boy sitting on a scooter was probably the funniest thing she'd seen in a while. Rolling his eyes he told her to hop on the back. He wasn't expecting her to wrap her arms around his waist, her hands resting on his toned stomach. A shiver ran up his spine and she brushed it off that he was just cold. As they drove around campus he was pointing out where everything was and the smile on Birdie's face was brighter than the sun. When they pulled up outside the library Birdie climbed off the back, “Thank you, I really appreciate this.” She said with a smile. “Anytime, I'm just a text away.” He smiled back. “Alright, well I have to get some books but I'll see you around.” And with that she walked up the steps into the library.
Two days later she felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest, she had been assigned to the hockey team's media team and it was her first day. She was worried about what Luke would think. Would she be in his way? Would he be mad? Trying to push her anxiety down she walked into Yost and headed to the media room. She was told she would get her camera and offically meet the team as they walked around the stadium giving her the tour. She luckily had her own skates, ones Jack got her for Christmas last year, so she was able to actually get on the ice today. Lacing her skates up she heard the team whizz by and onto the ice starting their warmup laps. When the coach had everyone huddle up they brought her out in the ice and Luke froze. “Alright listen up! This is Y/N, she's our new media intern. She just transferred here from Illinois so please make her feel welcome! Now introduce yourselves.” The team went around introducing themselves, some of them she could already name from following Luke on instagram and other she tried to remember as she crammed all the information into her brain. When they got to Luke, Dylan had to elbow him in the ribs so he would pay attention. “Hi Birdie.” He smiled at her and the rest of the team looked extremely confused. “Hi Luke.” She said with a grin. Luke's teammates stood silent until Ethan spoke up, “Do you two know each other?” That broke them out of their trance as Birdie answered, “Yeah we grew up together,” she softly smiled, “His brother is my best friend.” The boys all nodded taking in the information. “Why'd he call you Birdie I thought your name was Y/N?” A deep blush covered her as she covered her face with her hands while Luke let out a laugh. She looks up and scowls at him, “Tell them and I'll tell everyone what your mom found under your bed two summers ago.” Suddenly Luke stops laughing, “You wouldn't.” He scoffs. “Do not underestimate me Hughes you know full well that I will. Anyways! It's so nice to be here and I'm glad I got put with a sport I actually understand instead of one I don't.” She finishes with a smile. “Now that we are all acquainted, Y/N is going take some pictures during practice so be mindful of where you're skating, now move it!” The coach says. “Wait! You guys can call me Birdie, I haven't been called by my first name in like 10 years.” She says with a laugh. “Alright get into lines!” And with that she skated to the edge of the rink and pulled out her camera.
By the end of practice the boys were all gross and sweaty but her eyes were glued to Luke. He was talking to Ethan and had this huge smile on his face, she zoomed her camera in so she could see him clearly and snapped a picture. Little did she know they were talking about her.
When Ethan skated up to Luke he said something that made Luke blush from head to toe. “You like her don't you?” Ethan asked and that's when Luke got that big ole smile on his face. “Yeah she's great, something really changed over the summer. We had a really bad start when we were younger, I'm talking arguing constantly and I swore on everything I hated her. But then when I woke up on the second day of summer and she was standing in the kitchen at the lake house my heart just kinda stopped, and nothings been the same since.” He says with a soft smile. “Awwwww Lukey boys in loooovvveee.” Ethan says shaking the boys shoulders. “Yeah I guess I kind of am.” He whispers.
birdsworld just posted!
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birdsworld: a soph-house september!
tagged: lhughes06, edwards.73, dylanduke25, markestapa
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jackhughes: I don't even wanna ask about the pasta.
jackhughes: also why is ethan tapped to the ceiling?
—birdsworld: we got bored and he was willing
edwards.73: picture four is me finding birdie at a party she said she wasn't going to
—birdsworld: luke said i could drive the moped if I went
_quinnhughes: @jackhughes you'll owe me $100 at new years
—jackhughes: no it's gonna be spring break
——birdsworld: what
———_quinnhughes: none of your business
lhughes06: when did you take that last picture?
—birdsworld: my first day!
——edwards.73: oh I'm gonna tell her
———lhughes06: do it and I'm taking your key to the moped.
————edwards.73: god damn it
trevorzegras: I feel replaced
—colecaufield: me too
——_alexturcotte: me three
———birdsworld: losers
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Mid October was when Birdie got asked out on a date by some guy from the football team. This was her first date ever, considering she usually had the Hughes brothers scaring off every guy she ever looked at. So she sat there in the local diner waiting for an hour and her date never showed. While she was walking home she called Luke. “Hey Birdie what's up I thought you were on a date?” He answered no more than two seconds after she hit the dial button. “Yeah,” she sniffled, “He uh, he didn't come. He stood me up.” Her voice soft and raspy. “Did I do something wrong Luke? Am I just not enough?” She was fully sobbing at this point. “Hey hey Birdie no, you're beautiful, and you're funny, and you're smarter than anyone I've ever seen. He doesn't deserve you.” He pauses for a minute before telling her to stay out and he'll come pick her up. When he arrives in a car instead of on the moped she knows he stole Nolan's keys and lets out a small laugh. When she gets in the car Luke doesn't drive her home, he drives her to sonic, where they eat dinner and talk about how their classes have been. Unexpectedly Luke parks when they get to her dorm hall, “I'll walk you in.” He says opening her door. “Ok thank you.” A smile finally pulled on her face. Their walk to her dorm is quiet before Birdie toes the line between them, pulling Luke in for a hug. He stiffens for a minute before he wraps his arms around her and she nuzzles her head into his chest. “Thank you.” She whispers. “Anytime. Sorry if this hug is really awkward. I'm still new at this us being friends thing, but I'm glad we are Birdie.” “Me too.” With that she's pulling away from the hug and opening her door. She pauses when she steps through the threshold before turning around and placing a kiss on Luke's cheek. “Goodnight Luke” she smiles. His face is the color of a tomato but with the biggest smile, “Goodnight Birdie.” Closing her door and pressing her back up to it she holds her hand to her heart, feeling it nearly beat out of her chest. Luke sat in Nolan's car for five minutes completely frozen before he drove back and walked into the house with the biggest smile on his face, the boys put two and two together on where he went in such a rush.
Two days later is when everything changed between Luke and Birdie for good, they were having their first argument in over a year. All because Birdie was talking to a guy at a party. “God I don't get why it's such a big deal Luke! You flirt with girls all the time! Why am I not allowed to flirt with guys!” She was screaming at him in the backyard of the party not caring that it was pouring rain. “You ain't get it do you! It's different!” Luke screamed back. “How is it different Luke? Huh? Tell me!” The next thing Luke said is what changed everything. “Because I'm in love with you Birdie! God I have been since this summer!” She freezes, her face falling, “What?” She whispers, her voice wavering. “I'm in love with you.” He reaches forward putting his hands on her cheeks, wiping the few tears that fell away. “It's ok if you don't feel the same i just had to—” Luke was shut up as Birdie grabbed his face and kissed him. It was slow at first, but as soon as Luke realized what was happening he grabbed her waist and brought her impossibly close, kissing her harder. When they finally broke apart Luke rested his forehead on hers and smiled. They sat there for a minute before Birdie spoke, “Luke Hughes I've been in love with you since seventh grade summer.” Luke's eyes widened. “You're lying,” he said with a gasp “there's no way I was a dick to you for like ten years!” Birdie just giggled, “Yeah but I got to see the real you during the summers, I learned who you really were when you weren't hating me.” Like just kissed her again, no longer a hungry kiss but one filled with love and passion. “Let's get inside?” “Yeah probably a good idea.” She giggled. As they turned around they see Ethan, Mark, Mackie, and Dylan standing at the glass door clapping enthusiastically, Ethan handing Mark and Mackie $20 each
When New Years came around, Luke and Birdie were officially together. Well only at school, not on social media and not to Luke's family. They thought it would be hilarious to fuck with Jack and Quinn.
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Birdie and Luke were laughing their asses off before winding down and packing. They arrived at the house together receiving weird looks from all the guys. “What?” They asked at the same time. “I thought you guys were bringing people?” Jack asked both him and Quinn confused. Turcs and Cole caught it right away giggling to each other as a result of the three beers they already drank. “Hey Jack,” Birdie said, “you owe Quinn $100.” A sly smile on her and Luke's faces. Quinn and jack gasp, “NO FUCKING WAY!” and “I TOLD YOU!” being shouted at each other. “Wait what just happened I'm so confused.” Trevor says frowning and Jamie just face palms. “They're dating you idiot!” Turcs says to him receiving an “ohhhhhh” from Trevor.
lhughes06 just posted!
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lhughes06: sparks fly when we kiss, i love you birdie <3
Tagged: birdsworld
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In the end Birdie and Luke had been enemies, lovers, and everything in between.
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Nemesism - König x Reader
(n.) frustration, anger, or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one's way of living.
Masterlist - Next Chapter - Series Masterlist
Summary - After a mission goes wrong, anger rises to the surface.
Content - 3k in words, Self loathing, enemies to lovers, first attempt at a slow burn, eventual smut, Reader has callsign (Birdy), König x Reader
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Scope steady, the wind blowing through the tree leaves and the ghillie suit you wore to provide much-needed relief during the muggy weather. You watched with bated breath, like a guardian angel overseeing the mission and giving callouts on what you see. You fucking hated this. You hated watching them scurry around, busting down doors, and hearing their banter over comms; the twisted sense of humor pulling chuckles out of the men. Meanwhile, you lay up on a hill; being a good little sniper. They had entered the building and your thermal scope couldn’t help them now, so you switched it off with a click but kept your focus on the windows. Any guess on how enemies waited in each room would be beyond helpful towards this mission. The last one and a half years have been spent with this group. Despite the time spent with the rowdy men, who had tried to get you to join in on their journeys to the bars and pubs, to get you away from the base. You had brushed off each invitation, each insistence that you come along. “Come on now Birdy, don’t leave us hangin’.” Birdy, what a stereotypical name, always in your sniper nest like a bird. No matter how much you begged and pleaded to be sent in with the others for once, to let you prove how good you were. At first, you had leaned into the nickname, used to send out whistles to mimic the songs of birds but it had soured over the past few years. 
Their voices crackle to life over comms, “Birdy, got any idea how many are inside the north room?” It comes in a whisper but you’d recognize that voice instantly, Rick. Mostly because he had been the one on the team since the start. You glance over to the area he was referring to, trying your best to pick out how many enemies stood on the other side of the door. 
“Four, maybe five, be prepared.” You say after a moment, you begged for another gust of window to soothe your hot skin. The mission continues, you hear gunfire in the great distance, the loud cracking of shots being fired but you hear no panicked words through comms; when you glance through the scope one more time, you see Rick giving you thumbs up from the window. You huffed as you finally got off your stiff position on the ground, desperately removing the sweaty and uncomfortable ghillie suit. Stretching your limbs as you stood before grabbing your sniper rifle and you make your way to the exfil location. Softly, you whistled back the tunes of familiar birds and enjoyed the moment of silence before you reached the clearing and waited for your team to arrive. 
As the team sat, waiting for exfil and treating minor wounds, they chatted; about leave mostly, seeing as two were going on for different reasons. Reasons you were sure you were told at some point but forgot. Mostly because you didn’t care because you wouldn’t be here when they got back. “Last mission, huh Birdy?” Taffy asked to stir you from your deep thoughts. You blink at him a few times, sniper rifle resting against the same tree you stood against. 
“Yeah.” You finally answer. Being reassigned wasn’t unusual for you but it's not like you were constantly being tossed around like a doll between little girls. This, however, had been one of your shortest assignments to date. You are spared from any more prying questions as the distant sound of helicopter blades breaks through the silence and the men continue to converse amongst themselves. You dart your eyes between each man, names or code names coming quickly to mind; Rick, Taffy, Quinn, and Gus. All good men and probably good friends to have but your wonderful personality keeps you from that. Or rather, you keep you from that.
When the helicopter landed back at base, the sun had begun to set but that didn’t stop the burst of energy from hitting your system. The idea of taking a shower, no matter how cold or hot, was invigorating. You scrambled to get your gear put up and locked away, peeling off the vest and extra tactical gear. The feeling of the cold water hitting your skin, washing off the dried sweat and dirt from the mission. Letting it run down your back and neck, shivering as your body reacted to the cold water. Goosebumps appear along your arms and legs as you scrub away the day with the knowledge that you had a flight to catch soon. 
The flight is long, and you feel like you're gonna fall asleep standing up from the jet lag that haunts you. From being in America to the U.K was a dramatic change, not just in culture but in time. You can see his mouth moving, hear him talking but it's all going in one ear and out the other. John Price, that was his name, the knowledge not coming willingly to your mind. “Birdy, are you awake?” Price asks and you numbly nod, following him through the new base towards the barracks. “We currently have a few operators from a PMC, KorTac.” That rang a bell instantly in your head. You had worked with a few operatives from that PMC, Roze, and Zero. They were good soldiers and Roze had managed to crack a joke that got everyone to at least smile after a rough mission. 
“Who are they?” You ask but Captain Price insists he’ll introduce all of them tomorrow along with the rest of your team. He brings you to your quarters, telling you to rest up before leaving the room. With a long sigh, you place what little items you brought with you in their respective places. You crawled into bed, uniform ready for tomorrow, and were whisked away by sleep.
The alarm blared, heavy eyelids lifting to make eye contact with the alarm clock that alerted you that it was officially 5 am. The very little sleep you got felt like torture, a taste test with no promise of the full meal for another day. Still, you trudged out of bed and got dressed in the uniform you had laid out for yourself. Rubbing your eyes as you struggle to remember the directions that your new Captain had given you to find the place you were meant to meet the team you were going to work with for the foreseeable future. With a mixture of wandering around and a small miracle, you found where the team was waiting. They stood in two separate groups, not by much but enough for anyone to notice these guys didn’t work together often, if at all. 
You look at the rest of the team. Another man, not nearly as tall as the giant but who still towered over you, wore a skull mask with a U.K. flag patch on his vest. His brown eyes burned into yours and urged you to pull eye contact away, which you did once you spotted the slightly shorter man beside him who had a mohawk. Mostly definitely out of regulation and a Scotland flag patch, with the most lively blue eyes you had ever come across and a smile on his face. You find the brown eyes and sepia-colored skin, with a mustache that he must be very proud of or didn’t bother to shave off. And finally, your eyes drift over to who must be part of the KorTac group, and much to your slight delight (read: massive delight), Roze was among the three people. You cracked a small smile at seeing a familiar face before you looked at the two you didn’t know. 
Immediately your eyes were drawn to the giant that seemed to consume so much space within the room, his sniper hood with what looked like bleached tear stains causing goosebumps to sprout up across your arms. Noting the Austrian flag patch, you looked at the third person, finding yet another masked man with sunglasses and a South Korean flag patch. You almost felt out of place among so many masked people. “Birdy, glad you found your way here.” Price said, who stood off not far from the two groups. “This is Ghost, Soap, and Gaz.” He said, subtly pointing at each one. Fitting, you thought, that the man with the skull mask was named Ghost. At least he knew what he was about. “And these are the three KorTac operators who will be sticking around for a while, Roze, Horangi, and Konig.” 
You make eye contact with all of them as Price lists them off and introduces you, “This is Birdy, they’ll be with us for a while so try to treat them like you would anyone else.” You almost rolled your eyes at that, having heard it too many times for your own liking. “We got a mission in a day, so better get to know each other quickly. I don’t want any fuck ups.” He said, his coarse British accent clear as he slipped clearly into his Captain role. At least you wouldn’t be the only American with Roze nearby. 
You were wrong. Roze wasn’t on this mission, much to your hidden disappointment. You were glad she wasn’t for the moment, as you ran through the forest with a pistol in hand and your heavy sniper rifle on your back. “Fuck, fuck.” You cursed under your breath. Your spot had been compromised, “I don’t have enough sleep for this.” You complain softly, ducking behind a tree to see if you have lost your attackers. “This is Birdy,” You mutter into comms, breathing heavily and labored, “My spot was compromised.” You glare at the massive masked man who had moved, silently warning him not to move another fucking muscle.
“Heard, can you two make it to the second spot?” Ghost’s voice came from the comms and you sigh heavily, thinking about calling it quits for just a moment before steeling your resolve.
“Yeah, we can make it.” You answer, pulling your sniper back into position on your back. He answers, telling you to do it quickly. That they needed eyes from above. You turn to Konig, narrowing your eyes to warn him that this is far from over as you sprint toward the second spot. Quickly resetting your spot back up, you turn to Konig. “Don’t.” You hiss, “Fucking do anything.” You say.
By some miracle, the rest of the mission goes off without much more fuss. A few near misses and new bruises bloom on the 141’s bodies. Standing at the spot you were meant to get exfiled at, everyone avoided you with the understanding that you were seething. Beyond pissed and weren’t coming down from your anger any time soon. As soon as the plane landed back on base, you cornered the giant. Your vision is nearly red with the silent anger that had been boiling the entire time. “You.” You hiss, grabbing his sleeve to pull his attention towards you. “What the fuck was that?”
You began to scream at him, not caring for the attention you were quickly drawing to the entire situation. “Are you a sniper? Because it seems like you’re just a big asshole who managed to compromise the first position.” You raved.
“Don’t yell at me,” Konig said, meeting your eyes and only finding unbridled rage in them.
“Don’t yell at you?” You scoff, nearly laughing, “How about you don’t fuck up so spectacularly? Huh? How about that?” You point a finger into his chest, ignoring the immeasurable height difference. “I have never seen anyone compromise a position that quickly. Do you understand you have to be still to be a sniper? Or does that fucking mask of yours help you ignore that fact?” You knew you were being rude. Mean and a bully, that you would feel shame for this later if not sooner. 
“Birdy, that's enough.” Captain Price snapped, you turned your head towards him. Noticing that Konig had his fists balled up and was nearly shaking, still, your rage continued.
“He’s not a sniper. Don’t fuel his fantasy of being one.” You snap before storming off, leaving the entire team with a very terrible first impression.
You sat in your quarters, wrapping the bandages around your knuckles with tears nearly in your eyes. Whether it was from how much your knuckles hurt or the deep burn of embarrassment you felt in your soul. The room smelled stale, something you hadn’t noticed until you had slammed the door so hard it shook the walls. You knew you would get a yelling from Captain Price and you ignored the part, the sick part of you, that almost wanted it. For the screaming and berating that surely awaited you after what happened. But still, an ember of anger burns inside you and you rage in your head still. What had given anyone the idea to give the man who couldn’t sit still on the way to the location, a sniper rifle? You didn’t care how good he was at practice, those targets stand still. You clenched your fist and sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
A sharp knock rapped on your door, pulling you from your thoughts. Getting up from where you were sitting on the bed, you opened the door expecting Captain Price. But it's him instead. “What do you want?” You snap, expecting him to flinch at the harshness of your tone but see no reaction from him. Those icy blue eyes stare into your soul, his mask with those bleach marks that look disturbingly like tears making goosebumps rise up on your skin. The silence draws out for a few seconds, building the feeling of uncomfortable 
“I’m sorry.” He says, his accent thick. You can’t tell if he actually means it, his eyes like a stone wall and his face hidden behind the mask. “For screwing up on the mission.” He adds on a second later after he notices the soft raging sea behind your eyes rises into a storm. He’s fidgeting again, picking at his nails and the skin. 
“No.” You respond, glaring up at him. “Fuck you.” You watch on with bated breath as his icy walls melt from the intense heat of his anger rising to the surface. You can see his brows appear within the eye holes of the mask, a soft blonde.
“What?” Konig asks, fist clenching at his sides. Konig could feel his rage boiling, staring down at you as you denied his apology. “I am sorry.” He says again. He didn’t want to do this, make trouble amongst the group he was contracted by. You scoff, crossing your arms and it sends him over the edge. “You had no right to yell at me the way you did.” He finally snaps, “None!”
Another scoff leaves your mouth, disguising the way your heart leaped into your throat at his yelling. “I had every right.” You laugh out the words. “You fucked up and I don’t even know why they would ever let you even try to be a sniper. You couldn’t even sit still on the way there.” You raised your voice.
“I don’t care! I know I screwed up, I didn’t need you screaming at me in front of everyone else!” He screamed back, standing to his full height. “If you would just give me a chance-”
You cut him off, “I did.” You growl, narrowing your eyes at him, “I did and you fucked up so horribly, that you managed to compromise our entire position. It's a miracle that no one got injured.” You look at his full height and want to roll your eyes. “You are far too tall to be a sniper anyways.” 
He opens his mouth, about to say something again before he's cut off by the appearance of Captain Price. “Konig, to your quarters. Birdy, with me.” He says. Konig immediately walks off, stomping down the hallway. You watch him go before following Captain Price until you reach his office. He opens the door and ushers you in with a grim look on his face, sitting down behind his desk and you sit down across from him on instinct. “Birdy,” He starts.
“Sir I am so sorry.” You quickly say, about to start the long apology and accept whatever punishment he saw fit for your reaction today.
“I know. But that's not the main issue here,” He says and you look at him with disbelief, questioning what he meant. “I was hoping that all of you could work together well without even a week to prepare you. It's clear that all of you need some team training refreshers.” You feel your stomach sink.
“Sir I really don’t think-”
“This isn’t what you think, it's what you need. Naturally, you’ll be paired with Konig.” He says, looking at you before pulling out a cigar from his desk drawer. “I expect no more screaming matches this late at night and leave the berating to your Lieutenant or me Birdy.” He adds after taking a puff from his freshly lit cigar, blowing the smoke away from you. “Dismissed Sergeant.” You nod, getting up and not bothering to argue anything different. There was no point, you dug your grave and now you had to lie in it. 
You lay in bed, knuckles sensitive after you went back to the gym to punch the bag a few more times despite the way they were already aching from the previous session. Your mind swam with anger and annoyance, fucking Christ. You turned over on your side to find a different position that might coax your mind to sleep.
The morning came sooner than you wanted, waking up before your alarm from your restless sleep with a groan. Getting dressed before making your way to the mess hall, where breakfast was being served. After eating, you followed the rest of the team after being informed team training started soon in the training area.
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acesofspadess · 1 year
pairing; Niall Horan x black!OC/reader (reader has a name, but read in second person)
summary: after a silly little comment on Niall's live, who would've thought it bring you...well here....
a/n: Listen
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You looked at Niall who was just staring at you silently. He got up from his seat and walked out of the room.
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You and Niall- well lets say you werent even sure what that was. His attempt at gaining you back seemed to be on and off. He would send you small bouquets of flowers everyday for the week leading up to when you saw him next, but would never talk to you outside of zoom calls. 
You knew he would be busy with other artists and the new album, but you still werent sure how to feel. 
You were going Jerome who you had grown close with over rehearsals and zoom calls now that you were on Team Niall. You were the closest to Ryley-Tate as you two were the youngest on the team and gravitated towards each other.
You walked in with Jerome next to you and you stopped moving as you saw who was sitting next to Niall. “Look at Maia, she nearly died.” you laughed at Nialls words behind your hand as you started to walk again. 
You switched places with Jerome when he was done and you hugged him as he sounded incredible. “Have you gotten over the fact that this lady is here yet?” Niall teased and you rubbed your eye with your middle finger and he laughed. “No I'm not, thank you for reminding me.”
“I'll be singing ‘Skinny love’ by Birdy.” you told them and you watched Reba ‘wow’. 
For me, this song holds a deep meaning in my heart. I went through a heartbreak that I wished I could just go back and time and hold onto a little longer. Sorry, i don't wanna cry.” you laughed looking up.
When you finished your first run through it was silent and you hid your face behind your hands. “Oh no.” you whispered but the mic picked it up. “Oh my gosh.” Reba whispered as to not break the atmosphere in the room. “I have never received a song in such a powerful way than I have just now.” you looked at her with wide eyes and she laughed.
“There isn’t anything I can say to that.” she added on. You looked at Niall who was just staring at you silently. He got up from his seat and walked out of the room. You all looked around before he came back in with a box of tissues and you all laughed.
“You can’t do that to me.” you scolded as he came back to his seat. “I-” he paused looking for something to say. “There is nothing I can say to that.” you pouted softly at his words. “Now that is the definition of speechless.”
“Go maia!” you heard Riley scream from the playoff balcony. You shook your head softly with a smile and looked up to see Niall with a small smile at the interaction.
“Now singing Skinny Love, here's Maia Quinn.”
Eyes now closed you sang with your heart,
Come on, skinny love, just last the year
“M, im telling you im gonna be there when you release your EP i promise”
Pour a little salt, we were never here
“No A, he hasnt responded in months… im not waiting any longer”
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer Tell my love to wreck it all Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
“I know you wish he was here.”
“But hes not.”
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Right at the moment, this order's tall
“M, please, i know it's been a year since the live but you can’t sit in your room all day”
And I told you to be patient And I told you to be fine And I told you to be balanced And I told you to be kind And in the morning, I'll be with you But it will be a different kind 'Cause I'll be holding all the tickets And you'll be owning all the fines Who will love you?
“Maia, you know you love him. So why are you with me?”
Who will fight?
“I know what he did Atticus, trust im the last person you need to remind;  but i'm still going to support his music.”
And who will fall far behind?
“He’s moved on, now its your turn.”
Come on skinny love Oh,oh
As you vocalised you closed your eyes finally let out everything you had been feeling and turned it into vocal power, giving yourself chills
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
As you faded off the last riff you quickly wiped the fallen tear as the lights went dark, before they all turned back on and you heard the audience cheer as Jerome came up to you and gave you a hug.
“I think you both gave amazing performances,” Chance started. “To me Maia kinda edged it out because I could tell you felt that song. If I had to advise my homie Niall, I'd say Maia.” you thanked him as you looked at Niall who still had his head in his hands. 
“I loved both performances, but damn Maia, you brought tears to my eyes. I am feeling the sting of letting you go.” you laughed and thanked her as Blake spoke up next. “The difference for me I think is Jerome, for me it felt like you were putting together versus Maia came right out singing this song like she wrote it, so for that I'd lean towards Maia.”
“Alright Niall before you tell us who the winner is let's hear some thoughts.” Carson led on.
When everyone looked at Niall, he had his hand tight rubbing over his mouth, with red glistening eyes. “Niall are you crying?” Kelly gasped looking over Chance. You watched him laugh before taking a shaky deep breath. “These decisions that I have to make every time never get easier. Jerome, I really thought you put everything into it. You did get pitchy in the first verse, which is usually where you're very strong, and I think that knocked your confidence. But you are an incredible singer no doubt about it.” you clapped for him and rubbed his arm comfortingly.
“Maia, that was unbelievable. In rehearsals, you didn't tell us why you chose the song, but you didn't need to. This performance had your soul in it.”
“Alright Niall, who is the winner of this knockout?”
He took a deep breath before looking up, “the winner of this knockout is Maia.”
You looked down softly before turning and hugging Jerome. You walked down the steps and hugged Niall. This hug was different. You had never hugged anybody like this before. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” Niall whispered as you felt tears wet the top of your head. You let go of him and dragged your thumbs across his cheeks to wipe the tears before walking away waving to Kelly who waved at you.
The night the episode came out Niall was sitting in his bed after watching the episode. He had cried all over again after hearing your ‘monologue’ clips.  He heard his phone buzz against his chest and looked at the notification. It was from Lewis and he was in a different time zone and should've been asleep.
You really fucked up
And didnt he know it
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OCs + Barbie Posters (x, x)
top row (left to right): arianne martin, aurélia agreste, birdie mcdonough middle row (left to right): colton cartwright, daisy quinn, dylan efron bottom row (left to right): kirsty gilmore, joy schuester, nevaeh murphy
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birdiewriteslit · 7 months
“you read my favorite book?” with quinn! maybe he went on a long roadie and brought some of her books with him and she was looking for them and when he came back he has all of them
quinn hughes x f!reader
birdie’s 300 celly
suggestive at the end
You heard the sound of the door to the apartment opening, and you sprang out of the bed, practically throwing your phone as you hurried to greet your boyfriend.
Quinn had just set his stuff down and kicked the door shut behind him when you threw yourself into his arms.
“Hi, baby,” he said, chuckling as you buried your face into his neck.
“Hi, Quinn.” You breathed in his scent, relishing the feeling of his strong arms around you after being apart for such a long roadie.
Over his shoulder, you noticed something sitting on top of his duffel bag. “Are those my books?” you asked.
Quinn pulled away from you, hands still on your hips as he looked down at the floor. “Oh yeah, they are,” he said sheepishly, looking back at you with a smile.
“I’ve been looking for those. I knew I wasn’t going crazy. Why’d you take them?”
Quinn shrugged. “I knew I’d be bored, plus they reminded me of you,” he said, squeezing your hips.
You glanced down at the top of the pile, reading the title before your eyes shot back up to his. “You read my favorite book?”
“Of course I did. It was a little boring, but I think your tastes might be a little different than mine.” He winked, grinning down at you.
You pushed his chest away from yours with your hand, rolling your eyes. “It was not boring. You just don’t want to admit that you like Jane Austen.”
“I don’t like Jane Austen,” he denied, following you as you walked toward the bedroom, skillfully evading his hands as they tried to grab hold of you.
“Liars don’t get head,” you said simply, darting into the room before he could grab onto your waist.
“That’s so not fair,” Quinn pouted. “I’ve waited so long for you.”
“Okay, Mr. Darcy,” you snorted, finally allowing him to touch you, his arms snaking around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
You felt him smiling as he admitted, “Fine, it wasn’t boring.”
“I told you so.”
He lifted his head, kissing on your neck. “Can you give me head now?”
You rolled your eyes once more, pulling his arms off of you. “I guess, but only because I missed you.”
Quinn grinned. “That’s good enough for me.”
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nathaslosthershit · 1 year
[3] Who is Birdie Hughes?
Mat Barzal x Hughes!sister
Part of the Birdie Hughes AU
Here is the link for the Masterlist 
Summary: Why Birdie is out of the limelight and the 3 times the Hughes brothers talked about their big sister
The three Hughes brothers becoming huge hockey stars and seemingly getting those talents from their parents, was a story told over and over. 3 out of 3 Hughes boys ending up in the NHL at the same time truly showed the talent this family possessed. But there was a fourth child, the oldest and only daughter of the family, that wasn’t so much in the limelight. This was on purpose, Birdie never wanted too much attention on herself, and she thought that with three famous superstar hockey brothers, she wasn't interesting enough to warrant attention. It was shortly after Jack was drafted, and the family began to gain much more popularity, that they were all asked to be interviewed, when she sat them all down to talk.
“I don’t want to be interviewed.” She stated, firm but not unkind. “I don’t think I could handle that.”
“Well, Birdie, we will have someone there to help you out and talk you through it ahead of time.” Her dad said.
“I know that, and I know if I said anything stupid or whatever they wouldn’t include it. I just think I don’t need to add my input. They don’t want to hear what I have to say.”
“Sweetie, they asked you to do it because they want to know. They want to hear what you have to say as the oldest.” Her mom reasoned.
“Come on dude, you are part of the family, it would be weird if everyone but you were interviewed.” Jack argued. They didn’t understand, which wasn’t their fault. Birdie didn’t know how to articulate how she was feeling. She loved her family, she loved hockey, and she loved how her brothers were talented and had bright features ahead of them. What she didn’t love was the guilt she had always felt for quitting. She was good and she enjoyed playing, but she simply wasn’t competitive enough. She didn’t feel the need to practice day in and day out, she never stressed about whether her team was going to win because she simply enjoyed playing. After a particularly bad season had ended in high school, her coach had sat her down and berated her. Accusing her of not caring enough, of letting down her team. She vowed then and there that the only times she would be playing was for fun. She didn’t want big arenas full of fans and the best hockey equipment money could buy. She wanted the public rink and to play with her family for fun during the weekend and days they had off. 
When Birdie had finally told her family she was done, they were confused. After a bit of pushback they finally decided that if she wasn’t going to be happy, then there was no reason to make her continue. She missed it, of course, and she felt terrible for quitting, but over time she felt less and less guilty. 
She didn’t want to talk about that though, she didn’t want to explain. She also didn’t want to feel like she was less then because she chose a different life than what her brothers did.
“You can mention me, I don’t want to totally not exist from your lives publicly. I just don’t want to be interviewed right now.” She said firmly. 
Silence filled the room, till they all began to nod.
“Also, just call me Birdie. I don’t need my name out there so some crazy fan can dox me or something.” This she passed off as a joke, but they all knew she was serious at the same time. 
Ever since then, the public has known little about the mysterious first Hughes child. Comments here and there from the boys or their parents about their sister and daughter, but not much more. A childhood photo here and there, but since Luke’s draft day, there hasn’t been much of her, unless it was a hockey game she went to support her brothers at. 
Over time though, this began to change.
It started with Jack.
Out of everyone, Jack hated interviews the most. He knows it has become somewhat of a joke and over the years he just couldn’t bring himself to care about hiding his annoyance. Luckily, Jack was only doing a small sit down to talk about his family. Nothing about a game he had played where they would ask if he was sad they lost or some shit.
“Now your whole family is very close it seems. How have they impacted your career and helped you grow?”
“Uh yeah, obviously we are close and they all mean the world to me,” what the fuck is he supposed to say? “Growing up with three siblings has honestly really shaped me as a person. I owe so much to my brothers and sister. Beyond hockey even. Having three people you are sort of forced to love and grow with has been a blessing, even if they are annoying. Birdie, my sister, has had the most impact I think. She has always been kind of a, um, mentor, I guess- I don’t really know how to say it. She helped me become a better person, I don’t even want to know who I would be if I didn’t have her to somewhat keep me in check growing up. She lives not too far from me, compared to the rest of my family, so when I moved to New Jersey she helped along the way. She also did so much to help me when I was younger. Driving me to practice, driving my friends to practice too. Also school, she is the smartest person in the world, I swear. Always gave me shit for tests I would do bad on, but would always offer to help me study. And I gave her every single essay to proofread, which led to more bullying from her, but I never got too bad of a grade after she put her input in.” He was actually smiling and laughing, which is not common for Jack during an interview.
“She must be your favorite huh?” The interviewer said laughing.
“Oh she is everyone’s favorite. Although we all know Luke is her favorite. That's only because he is the youngest. She calls him ‘her baby’, which she has said since she was 6 and he was an infant.”
“So, Luke, a lot of talk from Jack about your sister. Something about you being her favorite?” The interviewer asked.
“Oh, of course I'm her favorite. Not even a question. She loves to tell me how I will always be her baby brother, despite how old I get, which is kind of annoying.” he laughs.
“Most people would find it endearing.”
“Yeah until she visits you in college and starts yapping about how you are ‘her baby’ to all your new friends. They all thought it was hilarious and I had to put up with them calling me ‘baby Hughes’ for like a month.” 
“Tough game today, Quinn.” The reporter said, not really a question but he still waited for the captain’s response.
“Yeah. I have family here today so the loss is a little more upsetting.” He said somberly. He really hated interviews sometimes.
“Your brothers were here?”
“No, uh my sister. She surprised me last night. Didn’t know she was coming till then. She works in New York so I don’t get to see her as much as my brothers do. Something that I am jealous about.”
“Ah yes, the first Hughes child. You two being the oldest- are you guys close?”
What a weird question. But honestly, Quinn would rather talk about his sister than the game.
“Of course. It was just us for a little bit and I was more of her younger brother then, but once the other two came along we became each other’s confidant. I love it when she visits, and she is a better guest than my brothers so,” he laughs.
“You said she works in New York. Is she also involved in hockey like her siblings? Seems like a family trend so I wouldn’t be surprised.” The reporter said. 
This pissed Quinn off and he knew he had to be careful with how he answered this. Being so close, he was the first person she told when she was thinking about quitting hockey. He knew why she felt awful and he hated it. He also knew that this question would upset her, so he had to do something to make his answer one that wouldn’t hurt her even more.
“No, she actually works at a museum. She is easily the smartest out of all of us.”
“Ah so sort of a ‘black sheep of the family’, right?”
“Not whatsoever. We all love her, and since I was young she has been like the coolest person to me. It's honestly hard to explain what she does because it is much more sophisticated than me playing hockey or you asking stupid questions for a living.” Honestly, he would have dragged the interviewer more, but was soon let go because they could tell he began to have an attitude that wasn’t very good for a captain. 
“Fucking idiot” Quinn muttered after he left.
“What's wrong?” Birdie, who had waited outside for him to be done, had asked.
“Nothing, just- you are smart and talented, and everyone is so proud of you for what you do. Don’t forget that, okay?”
“Quinn, what happened?” 
“The interviewer was just stupid. I had said you were here and they asked if you were involved with hockey. When I said no they were rude about it. Then I got mad. Fuck them though. Your museum shit is much cooler.” “Cooler than being a professional hockey player that makes millions of dollars? I don’t know about that, Quinn.” She teased. She was used to it. It was worse when people who actually knew her had added their two cents in, but some random interviewer wasn’t going to upset her. She wouldn’t let it. “But thank you. I am not upset, I promise.”
“Love you, B.”
“Love you too, Q.”
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primroseprime2019 · 2 years
Songs that fit an OC Tag
Rules: Pick ANY OC character and put down ANY songs that would fit them.
Quinn Nightingale- Rolling in the Deep by Adele
Aggie Sparrow- Learn Me Right by Birdy and Mumford & Sons
Valentina Grady- Extraordinary Being by Emili Sandé
Anthony Grady- Shooting Star by Owl City
Angelina Hope- Rise Up by Andra Day
Gemstone Clayton- Wild Things by Alessia Cara
Jay Sabater- Lease on Life by Andy Grammer
Damien Lancer- I See a Dreamer by CG5
Myles Winters- Someday by OneRepublic
Sofia Pixel- What a Girl is by Dove Cameron
Alice Ryder- Grown by Chloe x Hallie
Cornelia Hart- We’re Gonna Be Okay by Cody Francis
Darcy Cirque- Freak by Sub Urban and RE AMI
Angelo Zephyr- One Thought Away by Asher Angel and Wiz Khalifa
Kylie Beaumont- Paris by Sabrina Carpenter
Stefano Mortem- Build Our Machine by DaGames
Giovanna Mortem- Neon Lights by Demi Lovato
Tagging: @talesofsorrowandofruin @toribookworm22 @movieexpert1978 @wingsy-keeper-of-songs and anyone wants to join
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jedi-luca · 3 months
Avenger Lane Chapter 13 PT 2: Ignite The Love
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, pure smut
Previous Chapter
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Your phone began ringing as you slowly moved out from under her, grabbing your phone. “Hello?” You ask, feeling her lips against your bare back.
“Hey Tony.” You smirk feeling her hands roaming your beefy torso.
“Yes sir, I can take care of that.” You say feeling Natasha tug you back against the mattress. You quickly mute your phone as she lifts your member up and begins gobbling you down. “Fuuuuck!” You groan and unmute your phone as Tony goes on about the on boarding. “For sure just if you could-“ you clear your throat to mask the moan that wants to fall out of your mouth. “Email me with the info packet I’ll get it taken care of.” You mute the phone.
“You fuckin’ dirty little birdy!” You chuckled looking down.
“Hmmmm” Natasha moaned, feeling precum seeping out.
“Alright Tony talk to you tomorrow thank you again. I’m looking forward to it as well…bye!”
Natasha looked at you with mischievous eyes before letting you go with pop.
“Naughty Natty.” You grinned.
She giggled stroking your cock.
“C’mere sit on my face.”
She blushed crawling up your body and slowly hovering over your face gripping the headboard. You held her thighs down sticking your tongue deep inside of her. 
“Fuck daddy!” She moaned.
“Hmmm” you hummed, lapping her up as her hips began to hump your mouth. She placed one hand on the head board and the other was moving your head just where she needs it.
You could feel your cock throbbing and couldn’t help but tug on your staff.
Natasha looked back feeling your hand missing from her ass. She looked down with a smirk before lifting up out of your hold and turning around.
“There. Now hands on me.”
“Yes ma’am.” You smirk laying your hands against her ass cheeks spreading them as you go town.
“Hmmm.” Natasha moans as she sucks on your dick.
“Hmhmm.” You respond.
Your body shook, feeling Natasha shake her head as she swallowed you down to the brim.
“Ooooh fuck!” You grunted, letting your hands wander her body as you flicked her sweet little tangy bud around. Every now and then letting your tongue take a deep dive before coming back up to her bundle of nerves.
Soon she sat up and turned around. 
“I wanna ride saddle now.” She smirked.
You hiss as she sinks down on your cock. “Ahhh Natasha! Ohhh baby!”
Her eyes flutter as she raises up again using your shoulders to help lift herself up.
“You like this daddy?” She husks out managing to say.
“Hmhm, yes, fuck yes, you feel so good.” You groan.
She smirks, closing her eyes as she sinks down once more leaning her forehead against yours. “You’re so thick and long.” She moans. “You’re so hung, Y/N.”
“Fuck.” You feel yourself twitch. “You’re so tight.” You take a deep breath trying not to arrive too early let her have some fun on the stallion.
“Hmmm.” She sits down enjoying the way you fill her up. You kiss her in way that feels so fucking sexy you can feel her getting wetter by the second.
“How’s my cowgirl doin’?”
She giggles before wiggling against you. She kisses you once more before nibbling on your ear. 
“Take me daddy.”
“Alright baby let’s ride side saddle.” You smirked before wrapping your arms around her, lifting her up and laying her down letting her legs go off to the side but keeping her torso straight.
“Hmm.” She groans as you stretch her body out right before thrusting.
“Fuck baby you feel sooo good.” You groan, letting your hand grip her hip and the other massage her breasts.
“You feel so good inside me.”
“Can I go faster baby?”
“Yes daddy.”
Your hips are burning at the rate your clapping her cheeks but you're both getting closer and closer. 
Natasha bites her bottom lips as her fingers trail down your flexed abs right down to the vein that runs down to your meat.
“Come closer.” She says.
You lie down behind her raising your leg and she turns just so she can kiss you as you fuck her into oblivion.
“I’m so close daddy.” She whines.
“Me too Angel.” You pant reaching below to rub her little bundle of nerves. She lets out a rough groan pulling you closer and trying to meet your strokes.
“Cum inside me daddy.” She husks before taking your lips and clamping down around you.
You groan feeling her walls milking you so you bring her closer humping roughly into her harder and harder.
“Yes daddy!” She moans loudly wrapping her arms around yours.
“Hmm.” You sigh feeling like you’ve emptied yourself inside of her. You caress her cheek as you both kiss languishly. “You’re perfect in every way imaginable.” You whisper. Leaving a soft kiss against her lips as you move your lips against her nape.
“That’s how I feel about you.” She says before kissing you languishly.
You pull out slowly and she turns to cuddle you, pecking your chest.
“Are you hungry?” She asks, looking over at the clock. The two of you have been at it for the last 4 hours.
“Yes.” You chuckle.
“I’ll make us some lunch.” She smiles pecking your lips before trying to get out of bed.
“Wait.” You groan holding her as she sits up on the edge of the bed.
She giggles as she looks for her clothes.
“Maybe I can survive off of you, hm?” You ask dipping your tongue between her folds.
Natasha sighs feeling herself grow wet the moment your tongue hit her clit.
“That feels so good.” She groans tilting her head back letting you spread her legs a bit as you deepen your tongue. Her fingers gently take through your scalp until she hears your stomach growl. “Hmhm no im making you food.” She pushes you away gently as she looks for her underwear.
“Aw no baby that’s just the pussy monster in me. I’m hungry for you.” You chuckle and she can’t help but laugh. Natasha yelps as you yank her back in bed just as she find her panties.
“The pussy monster is hungry!” you growled, tickling her sides. 
“Oh no not the pussy monster!” Natasha laughed and trashed in your arms.
You started kissing your way back down as she began speaking.
“How about this pussy monster? Let me feed Y/N first and then you can have all the pussy you want with that monster cock of yours.” Natasha smirked tugging your meat.
“Fuck Y/N.” You huffed beating your chest.
She giggled and began moaning as you licked her up.
“Ohhhh fuuuck pusssy monster!” 
You grunted as you continued to make her moan. Her hands were everywhere; tangled in sheets to grasping her boobs to holding your head right where she wants you.
“Oh my- fuck! Right there! Right there! Right! Right fucking there fuck oh my God!” She moaned, you felt a rush of liquid hit you tongue and her shaking came to an end. You lick her clean feeling her twitch beneath you. 
You stood picking her up roughly, and sat her down right on your cock. You grunted and she moaned loudly. Watching you through the dresser mirror as you had your arms wrapped around her and one hand around her throat.
“Fuuuuuck!” She moaned as you bounced her on your meat, your grunts in her ear spurring her on. She threw her head back and you turned her by the chin kissing her roughly. “Pussy monster soooo good with your monster cock.” She groaned, gripping your arms.
“Fuck yourself on this monster cock.” Your voice was different, almost animalistic. It was low and gravelly. You grabbed her arms and held them behind her back as she began riding you.
“Ohhh my- ughhh yesss!” Natasha moaned loudly, nearly crying as she came closer and closer to her climax. It was like you knew exactly what she wanted without having to tell you.  
You growled as you watched her lift up, arch her back  and roll her hips. Making sure to take every last inch of you. 
“Like this daddy?”
“Yes baby.” You said lowly.
“Fuck I won’t last daddy you’re filling me completely up and hitting my special spot.” She moaned.
“Then cum on this cock.”
“I’ll need your help.” She said turning her head looking into your dark eyes.
“Hm.” You grunted, letting go of her arms and grasping her thighs and using her like a fuck doll. She came so hard she cried as she rode out her orgasm on your meat.
“Ohhhhh!!!! Fuuuck it’s still fucking going oh my- ughhh yessss!!” She groaned seeing your cum deep down her thighs.
You both fell against the mattress and in a panting heap.
“Fuck Y/N.” Natasha had a lovesick smile on her face.
You lifted your head in confusion seeing Natasha’s chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. “Uhh Nat? What happened? I thought you were gonna make food?”
She lifted her head looking at you in disbelief before laughing. “You’re such dork. Get off me.” She smacks you.
“Wha-? What did I do?!” You huff getting up joining her in pulling on your underwear.
“You’re such an ass.” She laughs once more, grabbing her robe.
You chuckle darkly before grabbing ahold of her from behind kissing her cheek before you both descend down the stairs.
“What can I do to help?” You ask as you watch her grab a few things from the fridge.
“You can-“ she looks back as she grabs the chicken. “Peel the potatoes and cut the green beans.”
You quickly wash your hands and get to work. It doesn’t take long at all for you to finish.
You hold her from behind as she makes the mashed potatoes, letting the green beans and chicken simmer.
“You’re amazing.” You say softly.
“Thank you baby.” She smiles, feeling your forehead against her spine. She looks down and chuckles to herself seeing your legs spread out so you can lower your height.
Natasha turns in place as she finishes the mashed potatoes letting the chicken finish.
“It’s almost done, maybe 10 more minutes.” She says against your lips.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to get enough of you Natasha.” You say in return.
“You just fucked me silly not even 20 minutes ago.” She smirked.
“Huh?” You acted confused.
“Stop it!” She giggled and you smiled.
She kisses you and you slip your tongue in lifting her up and on the counter.
“Baby.” She husks.
“Do you remember my birthday?” You ask between kisses. “The night you gave me this?” You bring her hand up to the necklace she got you.
She nods against your lips.
“That night, I was so unbelievably hard for you. You had me questioning everything that night.”
She moaned, arching into you as you undid her robe bringing her panties down.
“Oh baby you have no idea how badly I wanted to fuck you on that counter. I wanted to be inside you so badly that night. I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that. Every night I dreamt of you.”
She moaned as you entered her bringing you in a kiss.
“I wanted you to. I wanted your cock so badly, I could feel you.” She husked feeling you suckling against her neck.
“I knew I felt you rubbing against me.” You smirked bringing her in a kiss as you sped up and slowed down.
“I was so ready for you to just take me.” Natasha moaned. “I’ve wanted you for so long Y/N.”
“I’ve got you now. It’s you that I want and it’s not just this. It’s you. God it’s you Natalia you’re so fucking perfect.”
“Please don’t let go.”
“Never if I can help it. I wanna be with you baby.”
She pulled you into a kiss and with every thrust you could hear the cabinets open and slam close. Your moans echoing in the kitchen. 
Only for the timer to interrupt you.
“Wait, baby move the chicken.”
You chuckle and turn the ranges on warm and move the chicken before diving back into her.
Those three little words hung in the air. Both of you could feel the words in the tip of your tongue.
Natasha gasped as you began hitting her spot over and over again and again she knew what you were trying to do. She’s embarrassed to say how fast you made her squirt.
“Ohhhh daddy!” She whines and you thrust fast and faster and faster hitting her spot again and again until she’s absolutely quivering and all but screaming your name.
You finally pull out feeling a splashes of her juices hitting your abs and cock.
“F-f-f-fuuuuck!” She stutters, twitching in your arms.
“You did so good for daddy baby.” You praised her before entering her once more causing her to moan loudly gripping your forearms as you slid all the way in and out. “Fuck baby you feel so fucking good.” You hiss. “Your pussy is vibrating.”
She whines and you kiss her softly continuing your strokes.
“That’s it baby you’re taking all of me so well.”
“Hmhm.” She nods, biting her lip. “You feel so good daddy.” 
“Daddy aims to please.” You smirk, leaning in to kiss her once more as you begin to pound into her.
“I’m so close.” She gasps.
“Me too.” You reply still pumping inside of her you feel her walls clamping down tightly around you.
“Ohhh baby!” You both moan as you cum inside of her.
You groan thrusting a couple times letting her completely milk you dry. You pull out letting your cum fall on your cock before rubbing it back along her pussy and entering her once more. 
“Hmm.” She moans seeing your creams and juices falling down your long thick meat.
She brings your lips against hers and you smile into the kiss before breaking it and gently pulling out. You reach for some paper towels cleaning her up and the mess you made on the tiles.
“I don’t know how you keep doing that to me.” She sighs against the cabinets watching you clean up the mess.
You chuckle before walking over to help her down.
“Oh no I can’t walk let alone stand.”
You nod, grabbing her underwear and robe dressing her before scooping her up in your arms and setting her in her dinner chair. You walk back over to the stove making her plate and glass of water before bringing it over to her.
“Thanks daddy.” She says leaving a kiss above your waist line.
You lean down and whisper in her ear. “Don’t play with fire princess.”
“Or what? The pussy monster will come out?” She asks with a smirk as you sit to eat your food.
“What are you talking about?” You ask feigning confusion.
She chuckles throwing a green bean at you and you smile eating it.
“This chicken is cooked perfectly. My compliments to the chef.” You grin while taking a bite. Her foot is making its way up your leg. 
Natasha has to admit she loves that you call yourself ‘the pussy monster’ and then act like a caveman that’s discovered sex for the first time. God it makes her soaked just thinking of you tossing her around the bed fucking her roughly cause you’ve lost all control. Dont get her wrong she loves the sweet you in bed but the rabid you is just so fucking sexy. She kind of can't wait to bring that out of you again. 
Not to mention the way you make her squirt. She’s heard of it, she's seen it in porn, but she never thought she was capable of it. It was one of the most amazing powerful orgasms she’s ever had in her life, and you make it seem so easy. You’ve been fucking her all morning and afternoon and Natasha is so eager to hop back on the saddle. 
“You’re so quiet.” You chuckled after taking a sip of water.
“Just eating and being here with you… thinking of how well you fucked me all morning and afternoon. How good your cock tasted. How good you felt inside of me.” 
You coughed choking on your mashed potatoes and chicken.
“You know I used to dream of you all the time. Ever since you moved in actually.” She kinked her brow. “I remember seeing you through my bedroom window, you always forgot to close the curtains.” She smirked and pushed her panties down reaching out for her water before standing up, and dropping her robe.
“Fuck really?” You whispered watching her saunter over to you. You took a sip of your water before pushing your chair back.
“I would watch you with her and touch myself imagining it was me you were fucking.” Natasha straddled you grinding down against your already hardened staff. “So hard for me already.” She husked.
“Hmm, you make me so hard so fast, Talia.” You sighed feeling her slick folds against your dick. You feel her tongue against your spot on your neck. Natasha looked down to see your hands gripping the chair so hard they were turning white.
“Put your hands on me daddy.” She husks.
You let go of the bottom of the chair gripping her ass.
“Fuck, I love your ass so much it’s so fucking perfect.”
She giggled in your ear before you let your hands slap her cheeks. Natasha lifts herself up a bit before lowering herself down.
“God damn.” You groan seeing her breasts in your face as she throws her head back in a moan. You lean in rubbing your face in her mounds before bringing one in your mouth. “Tell me more.” You smirked as she writhed above.
“In the mornings I would sit outside just to watch the way your big dick would flop in your shorts when you would run, or how the outline would look in sweats.” Natasha’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her moaning grew as she rode you faster with a bit of your help with your hands.
“Ahhhh fuck! That’s so fucking hot.” You groaned. “You know the first time I ever touched myself thinking of you was after a work out. Ohhh fuck this feels so fucking good.” You moaned.
“Keep talking or I’ll stop.” Natasha paused her motions.
“I was changing and I saw you changing as well. You pulled down your underwear and I could see this beautiful pussy. I was so fucking hard for you I started tugging myself in the shower. Then Quinn came in and I thought of you when we fucked.”
Natasha’s mouth slacked open into an ‘O’ and her strokes became short and rough as she came hard around you. “FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK!!!!!!”
“The second time besides my birthday that you made me hard was Halloween.”
“Ohhh I fucking knew it.” She panted before she began rocking her hips.
“You were wearing that tight little cat suit and sitting right on my dick. God, it took everything in me to not get a chub.”
Natasha laughed, bringing you in a kiss.
“By the time you got off of me the blood rushed to my dick so fast I wasn’t thinking and fucked Quinn in the bathroom I almost lost my hardon I had to think of you.” 
Natasha kissed you roughly. You sat back watching her ride you thoroughly enjoying yourself. The redhead lifted your hands up against her breasts making you touch her. You smirk bringing her nipple in your mouth making her moan.
Your hands went to her ass helping her move up and down. Widening her cheeks so you can go deeper. One more bounce and the two of you were undone.
Her moans were like a symphony and you were the conductor. 
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You and Natasha only made it to the sofa both cuddled up napping on and off as you watched tv. Natasha was of course the little spoon, your appendage being nestled between her legs.
Being cock warmed was one of your favorite things. The feel of her warm center, and the way her body feels against yours. Every now and then you’d let your hands wander her smooth body. Kissing, nibbling her shoulders, neck, and lips. 
“Hmm, that feels so nice baby.” Natasha would sigh pushing back into you.
“I could stay like this forever with you.” You said softly as you burrowed into her neck.
“Me too.” She whispered, noticing how your ringless finger held a tan line. It brought Natasha back to reality for a brief moment. Remembering that you’ve only been separated for about a handful of days now. She knows this bliss fullness won’t last too long. At some point you’ll need to face your wife and see your kids again. Soon you’ll have to leave her, and that thought made her heart ache.
She could hear your gentle snores and so she began to move against you. She began whimpering as she rocked her hips.
“Hmm.” You hummed waking up against her lip. 
“Fuck.” She gasped.
“That’s it baby keep going.” You whisper in her ear your fingers make there way down between her legs.
Natasha turns her head, capturing your lips.
“Y/N.” She moans your name.
You wrap your arms around her before moving on your back with her back against your front. You feel her turn you by the chin she kisses you just as you begin thrusting your hips.
She moans in your mouth so you pull away letting her moans fill the living room.
“Ohhh baby!” She whines looking down to see your long staff pumping in an out.
“Natalia!” You groaned. “Is this it baby? Is this what you wanted?” 
“Yessss daddy this is what I wanted!” She whines feeling you hitting her spot. She groans as tightens around you, meeting your every thrust. “Keep going don’t stop!” She cried riding your strokes.
“Ugh oh fuck!” You groaned trying not to cum yet but being cocked warmed for hours is making it hard to not explode inside of her as she cums around you.
“Yessssssss!” She moans sitting up but you pull out.
“I almost came baby.” You pant.
“I don’t care, I need more! I still want it! I need more!” She whines as you hold the base of your cock and she strokes you before shoving you back inside of her. “Fuuuck I need more!”
Natasha’s leg crossed over yours as she holds your thigh. She’s moaning as she bounces on your meat wiggling her ass with each rock of her hips.
“Ohhhhhh babbbbby!” You moan cuming inside of her as she shakes against you one last time. You both shake from the aftershocks as you try and catch your breath. 
You grunt, feeling her get off of you and turning around to help you up.
“I’m tired baby, let's go to bed.”
You nod standing up and cleaning the both of you before following her upstairs.
You both change the sheets before putting on some underwear. The two of you lay down when you bring her against you.
“I adore you.” You say softly.
Natasha kisses you softly before you drifted off to sleep.
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Natasha couldn’t stop thinking about the other shoe dropping all night. She tried to just enjoy the present. She tried to sleep but she couldn’t.
“You okay?” You ask as you both get ready. “You’ve been so quiet all morning.”
Natasha nodded and walked into your arms.
“Do you wanna stay home? I can get everything done on my own if you’re not feeling your best.”
She shook her head negatively against your chest.
“Okay well let me make you some breakfast first.”
She watched you cook at the stove occasionally looking over at her with a million dollar smile.
You set her plate down and once again pressed her asking what was wrong.
“It’s nothing.” She whispered.
“Did I do something?” You ask crouching down.
“No baby.” She replied softly.
“Then what’s got you so glum?”
“I just.. I guess I’m just worried that you might leave me soon.” She finally spoke.
“Oh… I didn’t even… that’s not even on my mind right now to tell you the truth.” You admit.
“Really, as bad as it is I’ve just been enjoying my time with you. Yesterday was…” you gulped.
“More than that.” You say. “Being with you was the best I’ve ever felt in my life. Excluding the girls of course. It just made me realize that I want that everyday.” 
“Are you trying to say you want a relationship with me?” She chuckles caressing your face.
“Very much so.” You whisper against her lips. Your phone began ringing looking over it was the mirror guy. “Uh it’s the guy about your mirrors. Let me take it.” You stand and she begins to eat her breakfast as you set up a time for the delivery.
Natasha thought about your words and she truly wanted to say yes. She wants to be with you more than anything, but you’re still married. There's no telling how long this divorce will be.
So when you end the call she says.
“You should eat, we've got a lot to do before he gets there.”
You gulp, noticing how she changed the subject, but you didn’t press her you just nodded and ate your breakfast.
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You were building the shoe case when you began watching Natasha from the mirror. She was stretching on the bars you screwed on when she lowered herself to the floor. She began doing a routine of stretches when she bent forward causing a strain on her leotard. Your mind instantly went to dirty thoughts you felt a throb below your belt. You raised the hammer only to hit your thumb.
“Fuck!” You shouted all dirty thoughts were now gone and the throb moved to your thumb.
“I’ll get some ice!” Natasha ran out the door and came rushing back with a cool rag of ice inside. She took your hand placing it on your thumb. “Better?” She smiled and all you could do was nod.
“Thank you.” You said taking the makeshift ice bag from her hands.
“What happened?”
“I hammered my thumb on accident.”
She took your hand and kissed the top of your thumb. “Better?”
“Wow it’s not throbbing anymore.” You joked, chuckling, putting the ice bag back on your thumb.
“Thank you, for doing all of this for me. It all looks perfect.”
“Anytime.” You replied, setting the ice bag on the case.
She brought you in a hug. You leaned down going in for the kiss that you’ve been dying for only for Natasha to turn her head. Your lips landed on her cheek just as she said-
“No, Y/N.” Pushing you gently back by your chest turning around. “I’ve been thinking about our conversation from this morning. You were right yesterday was amazing it was almost perfect-“
“But?” You ask as she turns back around to face you. 
“You’re married and in the middle of a separation. The divorce could take up to a year.”
You felt your heart drop, you knew this was going to happen. You kept telling yourself to wait to not jump the gun.
“I- I understand-“ you nod as she places her hands against your chest.
“I want to be with you, Y/N, just in the right way.”
“You’re right, I agree with you. You know yesterday we- while I wouldn’t label it a mistake I would say we jumped the gun.” You take her hands. “But make no mistake. Natasha, I’ve never wanted a woman in my life more than you. I guess the question is would you… wait for me?”
The moment was cut short when Val and Thor poked their heads in.
“Wow! This place looks amazing!” Thor grinned looking around.
Natasha’s heart was thumping; she just wanted you to hold her. 
“Damn Y/N you made all this?” Val grinned.
“Yup.” You nod still feeling your nerves jumping.
They looked around for a bit, asked a few more questions but Val could tell they definitely interrupted a moment.
“Come on Thor we should get outta here.”
“Let’s go.” Val winked at you before tugging the large Scandinavian out of the studio.
“We should probably head back too.” You say softly.
Natasha can feel the tears beginning to swell in her eyes as she nods, folding her arms as she rushes out of the room.
“Nat-“ you call out with a sigh but it’s too late she’s gone.
You grab her things and turn off the light before closing her door and head outside to meet her in the car.
“Baby.” You say softly looking over at Natasha who sat looking out the window clearly crying. You begin the drive back her house and reach over for her hand which she accepts and squeezes.
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Soon you had your bag packed and stopped by the door.
“Y/N, don’t go-“ Natasha cried, taking your hand.
“Honestly it’s for the best-“
“But I-“
“I need to be with the girls, they're starting to wonder where I am. Plus Nat I miss them so much and they’re right next door.” You gesture with your arm.
Natasha nods, feeling tears prick her eyes.
“Thank you, for helping me with everything, and I’m sorry that I’m making you cry right now.”
“Please stay.” She shook her head and her voice was strained. “The girls are always welcome here.”
“I don’t even know how to break it to them yet, but I know I can’t just uproot them out of nowhere.”
“I know. I know, I just… I just don’t want you to go.  Baby we can keep our hands off each other and live with one another.” Natasha’s voice cracks as you bring her into an embrace letting your suitcase go.
“I know I can’t after having had you.” You lean down kissing her lips softly wiping away her tears. You feel her kiss you deeply once more before letting you go.
“Believe me, Nat, I don't want to leave you.” You say softly against her forehead. She squeezes you tightly you can feel her crying against your chest as you rub her back. “Just because I’m not staying here and we aren’t gonna be together. Doesn’t mean we can’t still speak to each other.”
Natasha nods sniffling before letting you go and you wipe away her tears.
“Just remember that I’m leaving because You’re right, I want our relationship to start off on the right foot.” You opened the door and her heart sank. “I’ll see you when you open the studio. I’ll bring Beth and Fin.” You smiled sadly, you kissed her hand and walked out the door, closing it on your way out.
Natasha slid against the wooden floor crying as you made your way back to the woman you couldn’t stand to be around. Wanda was on the porch reading when she noticed you with your bag packed walking back home.
“Oh no.” Wanda muttered she waited until you were called inside before running to Natasha.
She knocked and Nat jumped up quickly wiping her tears thinking it was you. She whipped open the door only to find Wanda. She couldn’t help but sob falling in Wanda’s arms.
“Oh honey.” Wanda shut the door, moving them to the couch letting Natasha cry her eyes out. Wanda has only seen her this way twice. Once when Natasha’s family was deported, and the second was when Dreykov ruined her career. She rubbed her back rocking her as she sobbed.
When she finally settled down Wanda made her some tea and asked “What happened?”
“We’re waiting.” Natasha sniffled.
“What do you mean?”
“We have feelings for one another so we’re waiting until the divorce goes through.”
“Oh honey, I’m sorry.” Wanda said, bringing her in a hug. Wanda led her over to the coach. “It’ll happen and when it does you, Y/N, and the girls will be happy together I just know it.”
“I hope so.” She whispered before looking over at your window. Natasha laid on the couch with your hoodie. Wanda turned on Modern Family stroking her hair.
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Meanwhile in your Home
“You’re back.” Quinn said full of hope.
“Dad!” “Papa!” Your girls beamed running into your arms. 
“Papa, I missed you!” Fin squeezed your neck.
“Me too.” Beth said softly nuzzling into your side. 
You felt your aching heart uplift with the love your daughters have for you.
“I missed you both as well. So much!” You say lifting them up hearing them giggle.
It wasn’t until they were washing up for dinner that you spoke with Quinn. “Please understand that me being back does not mean we are back together. Make no mistake, I want a divorce.”
Quinn nodded trying not to cry. “How does pizza sound?”
Quinn began ordering dinner as the girls ran back in to tell you about their week.
“Mom, you’re right, I don’t want a divorce I need your help... Thank you.” Quinn hung up her phone and walked back towards the living room. “Dinner will be here in 20 minutes.” 
“Yayyyyyyy!” Fin cheered.
Quinn was not letting you go without a fight. 
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Carrying the Banner Chapter 6: I Never Planned On You- Spot Conlon x Quinn Harper
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Word Count: 1.7k
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Spot watched the chaos of the strike in silence, staying hidden away until Newsies Square was almost completely empty. Once he was sure the coast was clear he made his way to Staten to inform Scout of what happened (even if he didn’t know what or who he was dealing with). He walked into the Staten lodging house in silence, looking around. He’d heard about the fact that Staten was full of girl newsies from both Gemma and Albert, but it was still odd for him to see. 
Quinn was sitting on her throne blissfully unaware of the hell that had ensued not far from her domain, though her oblivion was shattered when the leader of Brooklyn walked into her lodging house. A small laugh left her lips. 
“Well, well, if it isn’t the big bad Spot Conlon,” she said without looking at him as she fiddled with her knife, almost as if she had expected his arrival. “How nice of you to visit.” Her icy eyes darted up to meet his gaze after she spoke. 
“It won’t be nice when you find out why I’m here,” he responded simply. “Am I correct in assuming you’re Scout?” Quinn nodded with a hum of confirmation.
“I assume the strike didn’t go too hot. Are all of my girls okay?” She asked. It was obvious that she had a feeling that they weren’t, her tone conveyed that. Spot hesitated for a moment before sighing softly. 
“Your little songbird got nabbed by the bulls,” he ultimately answered. “She was trying to help that Manhattan crip and she got arrested.” Scout took a moment to process what she’d just heard. She didn’t let it show, but she was devastated. She looked up at him from her seat, completely calm and collected. 
“If you see that Jack Kelly again you tell him to stay far away from me. I’ll kill him if I see him in Staten,” she threatened. Spot stared at her sympathetically. 
“If it makes you feel better, I heard a few boys saying they were gonna see about trying to sneak the ones arrested out,” he offered. That made the girl rise from her spot, face growing red with anger. 
“If it makes me feel better? This should’ve never happened in the first place! Jack Kelly has no regard for anyone but himself. I’ll bet you a buck he ran off to Santa Fe to spare himself the embarrassment and hassle of dealing with the consequences of his actions!” She shouted, approaching him with her knife clenched in her hand. “I don’t need your sympathy, Conlon, I want justice.” The boy raised his brows at her, though he remained surprisingly calm as he crossed his arms. “You don’t want sympathy? Fine, I won’t give it to you,” he soothed in a neutral tone. “What’s your plan, then?” After a moment of thoughtful silence, she sighed and looked to the side. 
“I don’t know,” she admitted in a moment of weakness. “I’m locking down my lodging home, no girls are going to Manhattan, and nobody from Manhattan is coming in. I need to go see Birdie but I don’t know after that.” Spot nodded. 
“This probably doesn’t mean much, but Brooklyn’ll be there if you need anything” he offered. “And before you say anything, it ain’t pity. Call it camaraderie.” The girl looked up at him, her big eyes locking onto his. She quickly caught herself and shook her head, holding her hand out for him to shake. 
“‘Preciate it,” she muttered as they shook hands. 
“No problem,” he responded simply, just staring at her for a moment. “I gotta say, when Albert and Gemma first told us that Staten was run by girls, I didn’t believe them.” That brought a small smile to Quinn’s face. 
“Oh really? I don’t know whether to be charmed, proud or offended” she half joked.
“Maybe both,” he admitted with a laugh. “Toughest borough in New York ain’t no small deal. I shoulda known that it was run by girls.”
“Well thank you,” she said plainly. “We all know there are tall tales out there, I’ve heard some about you but I know better than that. There are kids out there saying that I’ve killed a man.” 
“Yeah, from what Gemma tells me no one except her wanted to see you when they first started the strike,” he laughed out. “I don’t doubt it’s because of that.” 
“Gemma and that other kid were brave souls venturing into this part of town. The boy almost got a taste of my knife, he barged right in,” she laughed with him. 
“He probably deserved it,” he shrugged amusedly. “He’s not the brightest kid, but he cares about Gemma. He wasn’t gonna let her come in here alone.”
“She should honestly be staying here. Jack runs a shit show over there, I oughta take all the girls out of Manhattan,” she surmised.
“Not to be the bearer of bad news - again, at least -  but just about every lodging home not run by girls is like that. You’re a lot more efficient than Manhattan or Queens or anywhere else. You take the girls from Manhattan there are still others elsewhere dealing with the same thing.” Quinn crossed her arms and shook her head. 
“I know that. I don’t even want to imagine the lodge you run,” she joked with a small laugh. Spot huffed out a laugh. 
“You’re even meaner than they said,” he jokes back, which made her giggle as she turned to walk back to her throne. 
“Good. I gotta keep up the facade, words already out that I’m not the Scout they were hoping for, have to keep some sense of danger about me.” Spot grinned and sat in a chair off to the side of hers. 
“So how’d you do it?” He asked with interest. “You became the baddest leader in New York and yet almost no one knows what you look like. I doubt rumors can get you that far.”
“I ask myself that a lot,” she admitted. “Not too long ago I was a kid without a penny to my name, dirty and starvin on the street, I took on the name Scout cause I would scout out the best spots to sell. I’d walk miles to get the best spot, even if it was on someone else’s turf, and I fought good and hard for spots, even knocked a few kids out over turf issues. I lived as a boy for quite some time cause girls don’t fare well on the streets, sleepin’ in alleys and all that… I mean- I settled in Staten here and kinda worked my way up the chain and once I got close to the top I realized that this was all wrong, there are lodging homes for boys everywhere, but no sanctuary for girls who need some privacy and a good start to life, ya know?” 
Spot listened to Quinn in complete silence. Though he’d only just met her, he found himself enamored by her. Anything she said, he’d listen to without interruption. After a moment he nodded. 
“Yeah, I get it. I try to do best by my boys- and girls, but it’s hard to make those types of decisions sometimes. I had to fight my way to the top. I ain’t proud of it, but if it meant getting to the top of the chain then I was willing to do it. No one else could take care of my boys the way I could, we may not have your luxuries, but I think we do good for what we got.”
“I hear good things about Brooklyn. Sprinkled into the allegations about Spot Conlon, once and a while I hear that they have a nice leader,” she admitted with a laugh. “And I’d have to say I agree.” The boy couldn’t help but laugh softly, shaking his head amusedly. 
“And you exceeded my expectations about you. You’re extremely smart, and you know how to protect your girls. And, surprisingly, you're actually really nice.”
“Damn. I was hoping you wouldn’t say that,” she muttered with a small smile, cheeks dusting red. 
“And why is that?” He asks with amusement, earning a smirk from the girl. 
“Because I wanted to hate you a lot, really I did.”
“Too bad, I’m too lovable,” he joked with a cheeky grin. “No one can resist.” Quinn laughed at that. 
“So what are you doin’ about this strike goin’ on? About the rise of the prices?”
“We don’t like it, but my boys can’t live without the money they make from sellin’,” he shrugged. “We’ve just had to deal with paying the sixty cents, but it ain’t been easy. Especially with the headlines lately.”
“I hear that,” she nodded. “Headlines have been awful, it’s like he’s punishing us.”
“You know, I was honestly thinking about joining the strike when Jack first asked about it,” he mentioned. 
“As did I, but he needs an ego check first. I have full intent to join at the right time, but from what I’ve heard of this brawl he fled the moment that the bulls showed,” she said with bemused eyes. “And I’m not taking on that leadership, that’s his strike, if he’s not gonna stick around for it, why should we join?”
“I guess you’re right,” he nodded, though he still found that he was having mixed feelings about it. Quinn seemed to sense that because she sighed. 
“Things will go right, we just need to wait it out a little longer,” she offered encouragingly.
“Will it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “Or will Pulitzer and Hearst keep raising it for their own selfish needs because we didn’t fight back?” 
“I don’t know, but I know that I’m not throwing my kids out there to get their asses whooped and arrested for a few cents. They’re priceless to me.”
“And what happens when they raise the price to seventy cents? Eighty? Ninety? A dollar? Still gonna force them to work and barely make a living?” He asked softly before standing, ready to head home after a long day. “Just something to think about.” The girl sat in silence for a moment, then looked up at him. 
“Nice to meet you, Spot,” is all she said. 
“You as well, Scout,” he tipped his hat at her before heading out, leaving her with a lot to think about as she slumped down in her throne.
0 notes
seenoversundown · 3 months
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Eight
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: DRINKING / ALCOHOL (bigger warning because they are actively drinking in this one, not just in the bar) Swearing, Sex is mentioned (not had) A LOT of ridiculous puns and jokes, Slow Burn is REAL, Halloween Costumes, Brotherly Banter (gentle bullying) and finally, our favorite warning, YEARNING.
Word Count: 7k (longest so far!!)
Summary: IT'S HALLOWEEN BABES; Josh decides to decorate the bar for the holiday and so, they make it into a little party. Jake hesitates on what to do about Charlotte, but goes with his gut. And BOY IS THAT A LITTLE TREAT.
Author's Note: I said this week would be a sweet treat and I think that you'll find that it is! I don't want to spoil the surprise but, I think you'll be excited to see what it is 🤭 See you on the other side!
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Crush - Tessa Violet "You make it difficult to not overthink, And when I'm with you, I turn all shades of pink, I wanna touch you, but don't wanna be weird."
Jake POV 
“You know, whatever you decide to hang up, we need to be able to get down, right?” 
I stand there watching Josh not so carefully hanging off the ladder’s top step. Quinn looks less than impressed while they stand on the bottom step.
“Maybe Jake is onto something, Josh Groban,” they tell him. 
Josh stops, looks back with a glare, and then returns to whatever he is trying to do. 
I look over at them, both of us shaking our heads, knowing that Josh will do whatever he damn well pleases. 
“He’s your problem to deal with now,” I tell them, gently squeezing their shoulders as I pass by. 
Deciding to make sure the bar is fully stocked for the night, I can’t help but eavesdrop on Sam and Willa as they try to get ‘cute post-worthy’ pictures for the bar’s Instagram. 
“Sam, can you just work with me?” Willa asks, letting out a frustrated sigh. 
“Birdie, you know this is also my job?” 
“Yeah, well, last time you took promo photos, you stole all my flowers, AND you hated the outcome. So, maybe just listen to me?” 
“I’m not trying to be difficult, little bird,” Sam says, “You just need to relax.”
“When has telling a girl to relax ever ended well for you?” 
I was chuckling to myself as I listened to them and took notes of what needed to be pulled from the back. I hate dragging myself away from the free entertainment, but I need to keep moving so the bar can be ready tonight. 
I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea to do a themed night; you can only imagine who suggested it, but people have been talking about it lately, so maybe it was a good choice. Even though I had to explain to Josh that we cannot require people to wear costumes, I think it’ll be fun to see everyone dressed up. 
Looking at the back stock and pulling out the things we’ll need, I hear footsteps approaching me. I simply glanced at the doorway to finally be met with Josh’s presence. 
“So.. are you going to invite her?” 
My eyebrows pull together a bit, “Who?”
“Your First Mate,” Josh says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Oh shut up,” I quip back, “I was thinking about it.” 
Regret has never hit me quicker. 
“I mean… you saw her the other day, Josh. She’s obviously not having a great time and the fact she has to keep coming here, I may as well at least extend the offer.” I tell him, “Even if she’ll probably say no.” Quickly, I look back at my notes to make sure I’m not forgetting anything before walking back out to the bar. 
“Well, you have been talking to her,” he says. 
“We’ve texted .. a little bit,” I tell him, knowing that he will pry for more information, “BUT– it’s nothing crazy. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” 
He follows me, offering no assistance carrying anything but absolutely still trying to make something out of nothing. 
“That’s very you… of you to do.” 
Both of us looked vaguely unimpressed at that statement. 
“Okay, that wasn’t my best work. I’m just saying that maybe there’s a chance you two could be something of an item,” he tells me, a little too giddy for my liking. 
Setting everything on the bar abruptly, “Jesus Christ, Josh. Just because I’m nice to the girl doesn’t mean I want anything more.” I’m trying to sound convincing, even though I know he will call me on it at any moment. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, though. But for god’s sake, Josh doesn’t need to know that. 
“Okay, okay, alright, I’ll stop,” he starts, holding his hands up. But know that I will find out if anything happens between you two,” he squints at me before turning around to continue helping Quinn decorate. 
I watch as he finds himself busy again, but I can tell from a distance that he updates Quinn on his interrogation. If there is anything I know about my brother, it is that he will know everything about everyone all the time, which in turn means Quinn knows everything as well. I let out a small sigh while piling bottles of Modelo back into the fridge. Maybe I should just text her. Is that weird? She’s going to say no anyway. 
Still squatting down behind the bar, I pull my phone from my back pocket. Unlocking it to a handful of email notifications and a few texts from Sam that I ignored earlier.  I love him, but he doesn’t need to ask me every time if he can take some promo pics for the bar. 
I tap on her conversation; my thumbs hesitate for a second. Is this stupid? Am I wasting my metaphorical breath? Maybe she’ll appreciate the thought. 
Me: Hi there. How are you? Are you busy tonight by any chance?
I shove my phone back into my pocket before standing back up, grabbing the few loose cans and bottles across the bar, and tossing them. Looking around at the new decorations, they all have managed to get hung up already, and it’s definitely feeling much more festive. 
“Josh, can you–” I start, but I feel my phone vibrate, stopping me mid-question, “Uh, lost my train of thought. I’ll get back to you on that,” 
I grab my phone and see her name sitting there, making the heat rise in my face. 
Charlotte: No, I’m free. Why? 
The three dots pop up before I can reply, making me more nervous. 
Charlotte: Do you need help with something?
Me: nooo I don’t need anything from you. We’re just doing a little thing here for halloween and I thought I would see if you were interested. No pressure or anything lol.
Those god-forsaken three dots come back, then disappear, and reappear. There is no worse form of torture in the modern day than waiting for a text to pop up. 
Charlotte: Maybe
Okay… Well, it isn’t a no. I look up to find Josh directly in front of me, scaring the shit out of me. I didn’t realize he could be quiet enough to do that. 
“Can I help you?” 
“You looked very intrigued by whatever was on your phone there, brother,” Josh says, with a shitty little grin on his face. 
“Don’t you have things to be doing other than watching me use my phone?” I ask, not able to stop the slight eye roll that came along with it. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” he says, “ Quinn and I are going to run upstairs to get ready, and then I can take over so you can go put on whatever pirate bullshit you want.” He says, staring at me with a matter-of-fact expression and his arms folded across his chest.  
“Sounds good to me, bub.” 
 Sam and Willa left shortly after Josh and Quinn, leaving me with the usual regulars to tend to. They weren’t a rowdy bunch, so I got a good amount of cleaning done before the rush of people. 
Maybe. The fact she didn’t say ‘no’ was basically haunting me. It’s not a big deal if she does show up because she is just a ‘friend’. That’s even a strong way of wording it. 
At this point, the sun has been set for a while, which is attracting costumed customers. Some are more clever than others, but regardless, I’m just glad that people seem to like the idea. 
I’m talking to Linda, who’s dressed as an 80s Aerobic Instructor, when I hear the sounds of my dear brother entering the building. He always has a way of making his presence known, whether he means to or not. We both glance over to the door, where he lets Quinn through first, quickly following behind. 
Hand in hand, they joined us at the bar. I just looked at the two of them for a minute, my head tilted slightly. 
“Peter Pan and Tinkerbell?” I finally manage to ask.
“Yes!” Josh says, fluttering the tiny wings he has on. 
I let out a small sigh; I should have known, giggling to myself. 
“I think you two look adorable,” Linda compliments them, eliciting a curtsy from Josh while Quinn does a stage bow. 
“Alright, Tink, come tend bar so I can go change into something more festive.”
After I finally got upstairs, I started digging through my closet, looking for everything. I know it’s in here. I finally found my cream button-up; it was a bit looser on me than most of my shirts, so when I tucked it in; it definitely fit a pirate theme. 
I pull on my black slim-fit jeans, tucking the bottom of my shirt into them. I slide on my brown dress vest over the shirt, leaving it fairly open so that my chest is exposed. I grab the necklaces on my nightstand and walk into the bathroom to make sure they are sitting properly. I don’t need Josh telling me I layered my necklaces wrong again. 
I know Josh has some sort of scarf or belt that would make more sense for a pirate outfit, so I decide to bravely go into his room. Good lord, Josh.  Walking into his room, I always forget that he likes to have things. I mean that nicely; he just loves art, decor, and tchotchkes, so his bedroom would be overstimulating to most. Considering how long I’ve known him, I’m generally accustomed to his ways, but when he keeps his door shut more often than not, it starts to slip my mind. 
Rummaging through his closet, filled with colorful pieces, I find the clothes hanger loaded with scarves. I pulled out an olive green one; earth tones will work, right?  I tie it around my waist, moving in front of his full-length mirror; I look much more piratey than before. 
I look at the time, not realizing how long it’s taken me, I hustle back into my room. I grab the rings from the drawer in my nightstand, quickly sliding them on and spraying myself with another round of cologne to hopefully hold me over the rest of the night. I pull out a single cigarette from the drawer, shutting it a little harder than I mean to. 
Maybe? Her text is still sitting in my mind. What if she does show up? I grab my phone from the counter, slide it back into my pocket, and head out the door. 
“Excuse me, sorry,” I mumble as people pass me on the stairs. I’m moving a little quicker than I usually am because I don’t want to leave Josh bartending alone for too long. Maybe Melody is helping him out? I should have pulled everything out earlier, so this didn’t happen. 
I pull open the door, letting the couple outside into the stairwell. I pull my lighter out, placing the cigarette between my lips and covering the filter end with my hand to block the wind. I take the long way around the building so I can enjoy this while I have a second. Josh is fine, the bar is fine, if she shows up, that’s also fine. I think to myself as I’m rounding the corner. Taking one final drag before putting it out, I hold in the cloud of smoke for a moment before releasing it. I close my eyes for a second, breathing in the cool fall air. Glancing over to the most delightful sight, I’m unable to come up with words fast enough before I hear– 
“Well, hello there, Captain.” 
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Charlotte POV
You’re allowed to have fun, Charlotte. That’s the mantra I’ve been repeating in my head since Jacob told me about this party, though the alternative is that this is incredibly unprofessional. 
I’ve been parked and sitting in my car for 10 minutes, building up the will to get out. You bought a costume, and you got ready, and you smiled at the text for about 15 minutes straight. Just go have fun. My hand finally reached for the handle, opening the door. 
My boots make a little click on the pavement as I get out of the car; I smooth out my pants and readjust the little corset so it’s more comfortable. I look at my reflection in my car windows, leaning in to make sure my lipstick is still in place. Okay. Just go. 
Rounding the corner, I see the entrance to the bar, making me slow my pace a little until- 
Jacob? I watch as he walks towards the bar; he looks .. good– No, Charlotte, cut it out. I slowly walk towards him, still watching him as he lets out a quick stream of smoke; why is that kinda…  He sets the rest of the cigarette in the ashtray placed on top of the garbage can. He stops for a second, clearly trying to calm down. Is he okay? His shoulders drop as he lets out a long breath. Suddenly, we’re making eye contact. Shit.
“Well, hello there, Captain,” I say to him. Smooth Charlotte, real smooth. 
He giggles at the name, “Well, blow me down. I didn’t know if I would see you tonight, Red.” 
“I decided that I deserved a little fun after this past week and all.”
“I think you made a good decision,” he says calmly, “Also, your costume choice is just lovely.” I don’t know if I ate too much or if he is actually giving me butterflies right now. 
“Oh, thank you,” I say quietly; I’ve never been good at receiving compliments. We both stand there for a brief second before he grabs the door to the bar, gesturing for me to go through. 
“Ladies first.” 
“What a gentleman– oh, I mean, gentle-pirate.”
The bar is full of costumed people, Halloween songs playing loud over the speakers that you can barely hear over the chatter from everyone.  It’s nice to see how busy the bar is finally.  I had only really been here earlier in the day and honestly, it’s refreshing to know that the bar is doing well, considering how many people are here. 
I followed Jacob to the bar, sitting down, only to notice that his brother was dressed as Tinkerbell. It seemed like an odd choice until I looked down to the other end of the bar to see Peter Pan sitting there. Oh… OH. 
“Charlotte! You came!” Josh says excitedly, “Y’know, I told Ol’ Captain Sparrow that if he just asked you that, you-” 
 “Oooookay, Tink, that’s enough,” Jacob cuts him off, making me laugh. 
He slid a glass over to me on a napkin. I looked down to see that he made me a Boulevardier. He remembered? My heart feels weird. 
“Let me know if it’s terrible, I’ll remake it for you,”
I take a small sip; it’s incredible?
“No, it’s perfect, thank you,” I tell him. 
He smiles at me, even his eyes light up. I watch him walk down the length of the bar, checking in on other customers and replacing their drinks with fresh ones. He’s so soft-spoken that I’m shocked he feels so comfortable bartending. The way he looks at every single customer, giving them his full attention, even for the twenty seconds it takes for them to place their order. He’s so-
“So Charlotte,” Josh starts, pulling me out of my thoughts, which may be a good thing at this rate. 
“How are you doing, dear?” he asks while wiping a wine glass dry. 
“I’m okay,” I tell him, “I am sorry about the other day, I hope you weren’t trying to get out of here.” 
“I was actually coming back from lunch, and you weren’t a bother at all,” he tells me, relieving me that I didn’t mess up his entire day. 
He continues, “Also, never apologize to me for having feelings. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad that you were able to let them out. Jake is good at handling situations like yours, so you picked the perfect time, honestly.”
“Oh,” I say before taking a bigger sip. 
“Are you here alone?” he asks. I nod quickly, “Let me introduce you to someone. Hold on!” 
I watch as he waves over the person in the Peter Pan costume. They make their way over to us, and with how Josh’s face looks, I’m assuming this is a special person to him.
“Charlotte, this is Quinn,” Josh said, gesturing between the two of us. 
“Hi, nice to meet you, Quinn,” I can’t help how professional it comes out. 
“You as well,” they start, “If you haven’t pieced it together, yes, I’m Josh’s partner.” They let out a small laugh, gesturing at the Peter Pan costume. Okay, thank God, I didn’t want to say that I assumed.  
Looking at the two of them, they really are precious. 
“I love your costumes,” I tell them. 
“Oh, thank you!” they both say simultaneously. 
“So Charlotte, what exactly is your job?” Quinn asks. 
“Well-” I’m cut off by the group of people approaching us loudly. 
I watch quietly from my seat while they all greet each other. 
“WILLIAM,” Quinn hollers.
“QUILLIAM,” the two of them yell at the same time, falling into a fit of giggles. 
I can’t help but wonder what I’m currently witnessing. 
“Oh my god, you look so fucking good.”
“Stop it- no, YOU guys look so good.”
Quinn looks back over to me, grabs the two girls’ hands they have been chatting with, and hustles back to the bar.
“Guys, this is Charlotte!” Quinn starts introducing us. “This is Willa,” they gesture to the petite girl with a cute bob haircut that frames her face so nicely. She’s dressed in light pink. Loofah? Which is quickly clarified when Sam comes into view dressed as a bar of soap, whom I met briefly the first day I came in. 
“I still can’t believe I’m soap, Bird.”
“It was this or Twilight, be glad!”
“And this is Melody, obviously. You’ve met already, though?” gesturing to her, who’s also absolutely beautiful. She’s dressed as Arwen, which means that Danny is dressed as the Aragorn man.
“Hi,” I manage to get out, “Yes, we have, and you both look so great,” 
“Thank you so much!” Melody quickly responds. 
“Oh, thanks!” Willa quips back. 
“Drinks for everybody,” Jake’s voice came from behind me as he slid a bunch of glasses towards us. A chorus of ‘thank you’ surrounds me. Before I can turn to acknowledge him, he’s grabbing my glass. 
“Another one?” He asks, fairly quietly this time. 
“Please,” my nerves are getting the best of me, and the best way to fight them off is not to be sober. 
“Oh, sick! We’re all in couples costumes,” 
“Sam,” Willa hitting Sam’s arm, “Shut up?”
I could feel the heat rising into my face; I had been ignoring that Jacob and I wore the same kind of costume and wishfully thought that nobody would mention it. I guess that ship has sailed.
“We have Peter Pan and Twinkerbell, Lord of the Rings, and Calico Jack and Anne Bonny at the bar– I thought it was safe to assume!” Sam says, his loud laugh following it.  
“Oh guys,” Jake sounds defeated, “Don’t embarrass her. You just met her.” 
He looks back at me, handing me a new drink, “I’m sorry about that. I swear sometimes my brother hates me.” 
“It’s okay. I was kind of waiting for it to happen,” I laughed, “I mean, we are matching so..” 
He laughs at my observation for a moment. 
“Between you and me,” he leans a little closer, whispering, “I think we’re the best dressed here,” flashing me a small smile; oh, how I wish he wouldn’t do that. 
“Charlotte, come with us!” Quinn says, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the barstool. They pull me over to a table where the other girls are sitting. Oh god.  
“Josh told me you were here alone, and well.. that’s not fun,” they tell me. 
“I don’t actually live around here, so I don’t really know anybody,” I start, “Well, aside from you guys, now.”
A slew of ‘oooohhhh’s come out from all of them. 
“So, I’m under the impression you’re all partners with the boys?” I ask. 
“Yes!” “Yep,” “Mhmmm,” quickly followed. 
I take another few sips of my drink, feeling the anxiety starting to melt away. 
“I’m secretly a sucker for romance, so who wants to let me in on the situations here?” I tell them, rapidly pointing around at all of them and the boys. I’m going to be around for a little bit. I may as well get to know them. Plus.. it probably wouldn’t hurt for me to try and make some friends… right? 
“How much time do you have?” Quinn asks bluntly. The other two erupted with laughter. 
I look down at my drink, swirling it around, and then drink the last few sips quickly before looking at them and delivering a monotone, “I got time.” 
“Well, in that case,” Willa starts, “Let me tell you about my sweet, dumb, but hot boyfriend Samuel.” She says while cracking her knuckles. 
“So– I met him at the farmers market, where he proceeded to be an absolute dick to me. And THEN, he was here when I came here on an unsuccessful date, we had to WORK TOGETHER, went on a trip where we got with ONE BED-” Willa pauses for dramatic effect before taking a breath to practically yell, “LIKE THE BOOK TROPE, CHARLOTTE.”
“You sure you wanna hear this?” Quinn interjects. 
“Oh, I’m invested now,” I quickly spit out. I catch a small glimpse of Jacob as he’s grabbing some empty bottles from a table across the room. He smiles and nods at whatever they say; oh, there’s that feeling again. 
Willa continues her tale, but I barely hear her. My eyes fixated on him, watching how he makes eye contact with anyone who talks to him. Making sure that he hears them, nodding along and giggling often. Every so often, letting someone have a genuine smile–
Willa’s voice hit me again, “–and now I guess I like him back.” 
“Oh, my god?” I respond, “That is uh.. A lot?” Oh, I’m the worst person ever. 
“It is a lot, but I guess he was worth it or whatever,” Willa rolls her eyes at the statement. 
Quinn smacked her arm, “You loved that silly string bean for so long. Don’t even act like you didn’t.” 
Everybody was giggling at the call out. I saw Melody look around the table at all the empty glasses before standing up and grabbing them all.
“Let me get us another round, but Quinn, feel free to start whenever,” She grabs their arm, “I obviously know how this goes already.” 
We all watch her for a minute as she walks up to the bar, getting the boys’ attention. 
“Melody is so pretty?” I say out loud, “Oh god, is that weird?”
“Not at all.” 
“We all think she’s hot, don’t worry.”
Before I can look back over to them, Jacob is in my line of sight again. This time, he’s behind the bar, talking to one of the older ladies he seems so fond of. The way they make him laugh is sweet. He’s stood there for a second before he leans over the bar to grab something from them, but the way he leans makes his shirt fall open more; I can see his stomach flex for a split second. Holy shit. Where is Melody with those drinks, dear god- 
“Alright, Quill, let’s go.” 
Melody sat back down at the table, dispersing the drinks to everyone. 
“Welllllll,” Quinn says, “I met him at Hobby Lobby- don’t ask me why HE worked THERE.”
I have got to stop getting distracted by this man. He walks past our table, gently squeezing Quinn’s shoulders as he passes them. They just glance over at him as they’re talking. It’s precious how much he seems to like them. Maybe he’s just a loving person? Oh, god I don’t like that. 
 “But, now we’re just in love, and he’s perfect, so!” 
“...in the cooler?” Willa mumbled, covering her mouth, “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
What did they do in the cooler? Shit, I need to be paying closer attention. 
“Yeah… I probably could have left that part out, huh?” Their eyes widened, looking over at me, with the realization of who they were telling that to. “We cleaned up after! Promise!”
“Wait a second- so, you and Josh.. here?” Willa says, pointing at Quinn, before turning to Melody, “And you and Danny …ALSO here..?” 
Never mind, I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me, don’t tell me, don’t tell me. 
The two nod in sync, holding back their laughs. 
“Well, that’s not fair!”
“This is truly taking years off my life,” I tell them while rubbing my temples, making them all giggle at my pain. 
“I’m not about to make it any better,” Melody says with a laugh, followed by the other two losing even more.
I hold up one finger while inhaling the rest of my drink, “Okay, I think I’m ready.” 
“So Daniel and I actually started dating in High School,” Melody says, pulling a quiet ‘awww’ from all of us, “We were together for a while before I decided to go to college out of state,” she tells us. 
I see him in the background, just scanning the room while Josh is making drinks, well, until he sees me looking back at him. Shit, shit, shit, shifting my eyes back to Melody.
“Anyway– I ran into Josh, who got me the job here, and I’m so thankful for it. The boys are so great, and I’m obviously not going to complain about getting to see Daniel again.” 
“I bet you’re not complaining,” Willa says suggestively with an exaggerated wink. 
“HE sure complained at first, though,” Quinn pipes up with a laugh.
“Oh hush,” Melody tries to brush it off, “I do love him for more than our sex life.”
Willa is quick to reply, “Whatever you say, girly.” 
“So.. what’s the part that will ruin my day?” I nervously ask. 
“Conveniently, the day you came in actually, Jake had sort of… walked in on us.” 
“Walked in on WHAT?” 
“The thing is.. The roads were terrible, so I asked Jake if he minded grabbing Iris-” Quinn quickly cuts off Melody. “YEAH, WE HAD A SLEEPOVER WITH THE CHILD,” Quinn can’t tell us fast enough. 
“Hey,” Willa, chuckling, gently grabs Quinn’s arm, “Charlotte was the only one not involved. You don’t need to yell.” 
“Sorry, I just love Iris a lot, okay?” 
“And she loves you back,” Melody reassures them, “Anyway, yes, so everybody else had a fun sleepover with my daughter, and I closed the bar with Daniel while having a weird argument–” 
Jake comes up between Quinn and Melody, placing one hand on Melody’s back, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I come bearing not watered-down drinks.”  
He starts placing the drinks on the table, having to slide mine and Willa’s across the table. 
I watch as he makes a little small talk with everyone and how much they all seem to like him. He seems too nice to be real. Everyone laughing with him, I look up at him before he slides my drink over to me. His hands. Oh my. He has rings on… oh my GOD. Trying not to be obvious, I quickly flit my eyes back up to meet his. 
“Thank you,” I mouth to him while the other three are talking. He mouths back, ‘Of course’, flashing me a smile. The boy is beautiful when he smiles. 
He turns to go back to the bar, and I just focus on him walking there; unknowingly, I am being watched.
“Yes?” I quip back; I can feel the heat in my face, but is it embarrassment or the alcohol? The world will never know.
“Are you… into Jake..?” Willa asks quietly. 
The other two leaned in on our little secret session, which I was not prepared for. 
“Nooo, no, no, no,” I can’t spit it out quickly enough.
Quinn lets out a laugh before choking out, “You were practically drooling over him,” 
“Ha ha.. Nooo.. I wasn’t,” I try to defend myself, scratching the back of my head, “Was it really that obvious?” 
A chorus of yelps elicited when I loosely admit to thinking he’s attractive. 
“Oh stoooop,” I cover my face. 
“Don’t be embarrassed– those Kiszka boys are incredibly charming,” Quinn states, “It’s hard not to fall for it.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about ‘charming’ per se, but they do have some good genes in that family.” Willa taking a light jab at Sam. 
“Really though,” Melody chimes in, “Jake is honestly very charming,” 
“Oh, he is absolutely,” 
“He’s too nice,”
Quinn and Willa tend to talk at the same time, and being a few drinks in does not help my deciphering of who said what, but at least when they’re on the same page, it helps. 
“He has been very easy to work with, so I would believe that,” I try to regain my composure,  even though the fact everybody thinks he’s sweet is not helpful to where my brain has been going all night. 
“I’m sure his brain just shuts down when you’re around,” Willa says into her glass before taking a sip. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Have you seen yourself?” Quinn questions, “You’re so hot?”
‘Yeah, you are.’ 
I know that my face is absolutely pink at this rate; I just shake my head ‘no.’
“I’m sure he sees plenty of pretty girls being a bartender,” I roll my eyes at the idea that he wouldn’t hit on other girls while he’s working. 
“Pretty sure the only one he entertains is Eleanor,” Melody giggles. 
“I’m almost positive he told Josh that he’d just marry her if he stayed single for too much longer,” Quinn says, looking over at Josh, who just blows a kiss to them. Wow, they’re so cute together. 
I watch as Melody taps on her phone, seeing the time, “Well, guys, I need to go relieve Josh for a bit.”
Quinn quickly stood up with their drink and nodded to the bar. Willa and I followed suit, migrating up to the bar. Claiming a bar stool and watching as Josh comes to find Quinn, quickly kissing their nose and then their forehead before Quinn snuggles themself into him for a brief moment. 
“Pretty cute, aren’t they?” Jacob whispers, scaring the living daylights out of me. 
“They really are,” I say, “And you need a bell or something because Jesus Christ.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he laughs, placing his hand on my back for a second, “I just need to get out of there for a minute,” he tells me.
 “So I’m going to run around to clean and just saw you fixated on them.” 
“Well, since you’re here, Jake,” Willa says loudly, leaning over to me and whispering, “Wanna see the boys squirm?” I simply nod with a grin plastered across my face. 
“Don’t you guys think Melody is insanely hot?” She questions everybody.
Daniel violently shakes his head, ‘Yes,’ while Melody laughs behind the bar. 
“I.. uhh,” Jake mumbles, holding the back of his neck, “I have tables to clean,” and quickly walks off to grab glasses. 
Sam’s eyes are wide, and his face is filled with panic. “Birdie, I can’t answer,” he begins to say before his brother abruptly cuts him off. 
“SMASH FOR SURE,” Josh confidently shouts, being met with a high five from Quinn. 
“You’re right, that was worth it,” I whisper, leaning into Willa. 
I sat with everybody while they talked, well, yelled. This is a much louder group of friends than I’m used to. Granted, I have like..no group of friends. I listen to a lot of very odd conversations filled with Sam instigating Willa so that she would get a little pissed at him. There are plenty of lengthy stories from Josh, which probably wouldn’t take as long if he didn’t tell us every side story that goes along with it, but he’s so animated I guess I can’t really complain. 
“Here, Charlotte,” Melody says, “Jake told me how to make your drink, so .. I hope it tastes right,” 
I take a sip, oh lord, that is STRONG, “It’s great!” 
Why did I do that? She needs to learn… Not that I could even correct her right now. 
I sip on my drink for a while, feeling it hitting harder than I’m used to. Every so often, Jake comes out from behind the bar to make small talk with some of the customers or come bug his brothers for a few minutes. I always hope it’s the latter. 
“How are we doin’, Red?” 
I blink rather slowly, “I’m thriving,” slowly cracking a smile, knowing it sounded terrible coming out of my mouth. 
“Well, I’m so glad,” he tells me. The way he makes eye contact but also watches my mouth when I talk makes me want to scream. 
“You know,” I tell him, what are you doing? , “I dare ye to resist me booty,” the alcohol starts speaking. 
“Are…are you trying to flirt with me?” He laughs out. 
“Maybe, is it working?” I ask, biting the inside of my lip. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
“Oh– well,” he giggles quietly; leaning in, he rests one hand on the back of my barstool to support himself, but his face creeps in closer to my ear before he whispers, “You don’t even have to try with me, honey.” Fuck me. 
I spend the rest of the night chatting with Quinn and Willa about the most random things. But I think that is what friends are supposed to do? 
Slowly, people start trickling out as it nears 1 a.m. I say my goodbyes to Sam and Willa, which is shortly followed by Josh and Quinn. Jake was nice enough to let Josh go to bed since he was here decorating so early. 
“Ready to go, ducky?” Daniel asks Melody;  party of one officially. 
“Oh, I am beyond ready,” she stretches her arms out before turning to me, “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” 
Shit. I already forgot that I told her about the training earlier today. 
“Yes, you will! Can’t wait,” I do my best not to show that I definitely forgot and that I’m definitely NOT going to feel like shit in the morning now. 
“I’ll see you then,” she says with a little wink. 
I turn to the bar, leaning into my hand with a very minuscule smile painted on my face as I watch him. Just waiting for him to look over at me, I can’t help but stare. 
“I can feel you watching me,” he grins from the other end of the bar. 
“I’m debating on how I’m going to get home, is all,” I say with a sigh. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks. 
“Okay, so, first of all, you’re not going to do that,” he tells me. 
“And why not?” I protest. He sauntered over to me, leaning against the bar. 
“You’re so pretty,” he says to me, glancing down at my lips until I finally pull the bottom one in with my teeth, “Yeah- you’re not driving.”
My jaw drops; he really got me there. 
“I can just call an Uber,” I tell him.
“Charlotte, I don’t love that idea. It’s almost 2 am, and I literally live just upstairs,” Jake continues to tell me I need to stay here, and I don’t know why I’m fighting it so hard. 
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I’m offering?” 
“Touche Captain,” I giggle a bit at the nickname. I bet he likes it. 
“Just hang out for a couple minutes so I can close the bar down,” he tells me. 
“Don’t you want to clean?” 
“It’s so late. Josh can help me in the morning,” Jake speaks low as we walk into the stairwell. 
“Oh no,” slips out, “oh, I didn’t mean to actually say that,” 
Jake lets out a quiet laugh, “I got you, don’t worry,” 
Before I can react, he has his arm underneath mine, gesturing for my hand. I lace my fingers into his; the butterflies are back. How fun. He holds my hand tightly, letting me put a lot of my weight into him as we carefully go up the first flight of stairs. 
“I think I can do it,” I tell him; I absolutely cannot? 
“You sure about that, sport?” 
I squint at him and immediately stumble up the first couple of stairs of the second flight, letting out a small ‘oop.’
“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” He makes fun of me gently while supporting me again. 
This may be the longest stair climb of my life.
We finally make it to his apartment.
Jake whispers, “You can take my bed, and I’ll just sleep on the couch.”  He’s so cute when he’s concerned.
“Noooo, I can sleep on the couch. I’ve already inconvenienced you.” 
He blinks at me slowly, unamused. 
I can’t stop myself from walking towards his couch, and it’s a humbling moment for me as my legs wobble in the process. 
“No, you don’t,” Jake says from behind me. 
“Jake, really, I don’t mind,” I look back at him, disorienting myself from turning too quickly. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he grabs my arms to stop me from falling over. I just stare at him like a deer in headlights. 
“Yeah, I didn’t want it to come to this, but,” he says before he wraps his arms around my thighs, lifting me over his shoulder. 
Childlike laughter erupts from me as he carries me through his apartment into his bedroom. I can feel his chest vibrating subtly from giggling with me. 
“Here ya go,” he says, moving one hand to my back so he can set me down.  So carefully, making sure not to drop me, he leans down slowly. The feeling of falling became so real suddenly, that I instinctively held onto his shoulder, which pulled him back with me. He stumbles forward a bit, catching himself before landing on top of me. 
I prop myself up on my elbows as I laugh. He’s hovered over me, with a hand on either side; our faces are so close. 
We both freeze as we realize how close we are. I wonder how soft his lips really are… My eyes defy me, shifting down to look at his mouth, just for a second, as he watches me. 
Clearing his throat as he stands up. 
“Uh- here, let me get you a sweatshirt or something,” he sounds timid. Quickly shuffling through his closet, he pulled out a navy sweatshirt and handed it to me. 
“It’ll probably be a little bit loose on you, but better than sleeping like a pirate?” 
I chuckle, smiling up at him. Simply grateful for something comfortable to wear. 
“I’ll go so you can do that,” still clearly very nervous. 
Pulling my shirt over my head, I quickly pull the sweatshirt over me. I lock the bottom of it under my chin so I can see what I'm doing. Oh no. No, no, no, no. My zipper is stuck, and staring at it makes me cross-eyed. I drop my head back, letting out an angry sigh. Please just unzip. My hands get increasingly sweaty, making the stupid plastic zipper hard to grip. 
I hear a few soft knocks on the door before it cracks open. 
“Can I come in?” He asks. 
“Actually… I um… I need help.” 
Coming in quickly and shutting the door behind him, I just stare at him pathetically. 
“My zipper is stuck,” I tell him, embarrassed. 
He chokes back a laugh, setting a glass of water on the nightstand next to his bed. 
He kneels in front of me; oh, this is terrible. I lift the sweatshirt, revealing the catastrophic mess from me, yanking the zipper every which way. 
“Where the hell did you even get these, Red?” He asks, looking up at me with a soft giggle. 
I wish he would just focus. I don't need to look at him like this. Making eye contact causes my brain to short-circuit, and I stare back at him silently. Watching him try to figure out how the zipper got caught, he’s so carefully moving the fabric around. 
“How much do you care about these?” He asks, gently tapping my hip. 
“At this point,” I raise my eyebrows in defeat. 
“Are you sure?”
I just nod ‘yes’ in response. 
He grabs either side of the zipper and tears it apart quickly. The sound of the fabric ripping was relieving, well, for a second. Both of us smile at the fact that I’m free until he looks back down to see the lace of my thong peeking out. 
I see his eyes go wide, and the pink creep into his cheeks as he pinches the fabric together. 
“Oh,” slips out of me. I let the sweatshirt drop, falling to the tops of my thighs as the now ripped pirate pants hit the floor. 
“So, uh, well,” Jake says, holding the back of his neck while avoiding eye contact, “I will let you get some sleep.” 
I don’t know what possesses me to say, “Wait-“ 
Closing the gap between us, I lean up onto my toes slightly, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you,” I tell him before crawling into his bed.
“Of course, m’lady,” he says with a bow. His little English accent laces the words, which makes me laugh. 
“Sleep well,” he whispers, shutting off the light as he leaves. 
I fall back into his bed, wrapping myself up in the blankets. They smell like him, comforting, warm. 
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | FDOG Playlist
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