#but you failed the vibe check
maxladcomics · 9 months
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Happy Nyeh Year!
My version of Underfell: If you dust Undyne on a neutral route
And yes, MTT and Alphys were going to insert you into their RP
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
It's always funny to me when in an lu fic the chain is offered bananas and don't accept them. Like, you're offering these high energy adventures free food?? Fruit they'll have never even heard of before??? A ridiculously expensive imported good at best?? AND it boosts your attack?
Not ONE of these idiots would ever turn down something new and interesting to eat at least once. They'd be all over those bananas and immediately get dubbed yiga and I'm honestly surprised no one has used it in a fic yet 🤭
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
@ the person in my inbox asking why i blocked your friend. i'm not going to answer your ask publicly so that your and your friend's urls remain private, but. i'm gonna be real! i don't really pay attention that much to people who i block. i see something i don't want to see, i block the account that put it in front of me. that being said, i did go through and block everyone in the likes/reblogs of a post that MAJORLY skeeved me out the other day, so maybe that was it.
also i appreciate you being polite about this, BUT - and this is the part that's the reason i'm saying this publicly - i have to say. asking people why they blocked someone who has like... never once spoken to them? kinda weird. i'm not some kinda public utility people are owed access to. i am just some guy running a blog for my own entertainment, and i block people easily because there are plenty of things that do not contribute to my ability to have fun in my little corner of the internet. it's as simple as that. so in the future, if i get questions about why i've blocked some random stranger, i will be just deleting them.
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tenspontaneite · 4 months
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(part 1) (part 2 - here)
(n.b. this comic is a retrospective dramatised rendition of my gameplay; I do not need game advice)
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zombiecicada · 4 months
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“You. Do you know where Dotty is.”
(who is this guy)
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Wolfbell: I-I don’t know who you’re talking about.. n…now please l-leave me alone.
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ask-observer-ron · 3 months
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Y O U. H A V E. F A I L E D. T H E. V I B E. C H E C K.
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prismportrait · 1 year
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eerna · 10 months
Why do you think Oak suspects Cardan would immediately jump at the chance to get rid of him? The first chapter alluded to that and it threw me off guard ngl
I am 100% sure Cardan means Oak no harm and it's all a big misunderstanding. I have two theories!
Cardan's enthusiasm for the throne! Jude very clearly only intends to stay queen until she judges Oak ready to inherit it. She even refuses to have children to avoid any and all wrenches in her plans. Based on what we know of her, I think the reason is a mixture of her trying to hold her thirst for power in check (she can't be a tyrant if she sets herself a deadline to step down) and that she still feels like she hasn't deserved the position. On the other hand, Cardan doesn't have the same issue - he knows only grew into his potential as king, and obviously loves his position. No one ever asked him if he wanted to become OR stay king, Jude decided the beginning and the end of his tenure all by herself. It could be that Oak sees Cardan doesn't want to give away his power the same way Jude does, so he jumps to conclusions.
Oak's hatred for the throne! Oak was never silent about it. He even tried to run away from home several times. Jude is the one trying to manhandle him into the role and won't take no for an answer. It could be that Cardan simply doesn't want to force anything on Oak, and Oak, being a severely traumatized guy that he is, just assumed his indifference meant malice. Let's not forget Oak is convinced he is poison that destroys everything he touches and his entire family would be better off if he never existed, so we probably shouldn't trust him completely when he analyzes his relationships.
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deus-ex-mona · 9 months
Heyooo so like do you think you could explain the Someya brothers relationship? It’s peaked my interest since the new songs with these two revolve around each other…
Yujiro and Koichirou aren’t related by blood, right? 🤔
Also, what do you think about the new songs that just came out?
Thank you so much for your time 💛💛 Happy New Years 💕
hi! happy new year~~!
this got kinda long so there’s a cut here for length sorry~~~
ngl i’m kindaaaaa fuzzy on the details about the someya bros’ relationship, but long story short, they’re stepbrothers (with koichiro spawning from the resident longleg tamagoro and yujiro being tae’s son, of course) who were kinda pitted against each other when it came to learning how to perform (kabuki) from tamagoro, because longleg’s gotta longleg ig.
then yujiro gets disinherited because the longleg’s still longlegging and koichiro takes to the kabuki stage by himself as the local “national treasure’s” sole heir. so, like, i’m guessing that the events surrounding yujiro’s disinherition may have led to their (frankly terrible) brotherly relationship of “an inferior older brother” and “a superior younger brother”?
though this dynamic carried on pretty much for as long as yujiro longed to perform on a kabuki stage, just like koichiro does (if we were to take the lxl movie’s word for it). then yujiro became an idol and started to work towards a different dream, breaking off from the path (kabuki) that he used to follow koichiro down, which i guess made koichiro start to see yujiro in a different light?
like, imagine you have a lifelong rival who strives for the same goals that you do. however, this rival of yours is less skilled than you, so you naturally grow to have a sense of superiority over your rival, taking satisfaction in crushing them while having full knowledge that they will never be able to beat you when it comes to your shared goals.
however, one day, your rival decides to aim for a different goal, completely ditching your shared goal and stuff, and they actually seem to be doing pretty well in their path to achieve their new goal. how would you feel?
because i get the feeling that koichiro’s initial response to that was to feel betrayed, in a “why are you running away (from kabuki)?” sense.
though, over time, koichiro seems to have gradually come to terms with yujiro’s idol activities, and their relationship naturally (albeit slowly) improved as the days passed, with them going on walks together and bickering with each other like brothers would. which, y’know, is cool of him in a way. he’s learning. he’s still kind of a brat, but he’s growing despite his past mistakes.
as for yujiro, well, he seems to have been looking out for koichiro in his own way from the very beginning? like, man chose not to go against koichiro’s mistreatment, opting to just lower his head and accept it instead.
was it an act of self-sacrifice to protect koichiro’s ego or something? heck, even in the lxl movie, he just took everything koichiro dished at him, and only fought back when koichiro dared to mock his bf aizo. which is. pretty unhealthy, yujiro bro. just tell him you have a proper brotherly love for him for goodness sake. your communication skills s u c k.
um. anyway.
tl;dr: stepbros made to learn kabuki because of their father. older bro gets disinherited, younger bro gets an attitude and mistreats older bro. this continues until older bro becomes an idol and begins to walk his own path. younger bro feels betrayed/annoyed at his older bro for “giving up” on kabuki. younger bro does eventually accept the fact that they have different dreams and supports older bro. seems like older bro has always been looking out for younger bro though, even though he doesn’t say it.
thoughhhhhh seriously, i’m not a someya expert or anything, i just like making fun of the longleg, so… if someone with a degree in someyaology could chime in, it’d be greatly appreciated~~~
as for the new songs, nagisa’s new song is the best of them all, no question. thanks for coming to my ted talk—
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horrocious · 1 year
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these localizations are super funny to me
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horce-divorce · 17 days
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Is this really a problem for people rn? Cus I won't lie, I also got a lot of stuff in my inbox the last few weeks, and because I had heard so much about scammers, I turned off asks and made sure to check each one myself.
Over the past 2 weeks I've had about 50 requests for donations or shares, and frankly most of them were very easily verifiably real people. The small handful that hadn't already been vetted also seemed very likely to be real as they all had original images associated with them. Not a single one struck me as a scam. I'm just a random american so maybe that's not true, it's not like I can vet those people for you. but idk Id find it VERY interesting if I was the ONLY person on Tumblr getting 50 genuine requests in a row.
There are a hell of a lot of people who need help right now and where else are they supposed to get it? What did you think people were going to do with all the esims we were sending
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scalproie · 7 months
death to The Customer and all that like hell yeah rock on brother but I feel we are sleeping on another predator of the working space : The Coworker
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dyk3djarin · 2 years
din to luke, after seeing him for a grand total of two seconds: your vibes are rancid. i am going to ask this random dusty space cowboy to take my son at the event of my death instead of you
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hotmess-exe · 2 months
it's been soooo long since i was forced to endure some dude condescending to me about hip hop i don't care about in the passenger seat of his car omfgODDD
i accidentally called Lupe Fiasco "mainstream" before I immediately clarified and used the word "known" and this dude harped on it for so fuckin long jfCHRIST. that sort of "Not only do you not know what you're talking about, but now you're getting your ignorance on ME" kinda harping on it.
apparently Lupe Fiasco doesn't count as anything even approaching mainstream because he "doesn't sell" and when I looked at him, fucking incredulous, I asked idk how many times "Are you saying people don't know Lupe Fiasco? Hip-hop doesn't know Lupe Fiasco???" for him to finally STFU and at that point it wasn't even a conversation I wanted to be in anymore lmao
all this because he just had to talk about how Eminem is a more culturally appropriate rapper than Drake because he wrote the song White America (me summarizing but I don't really care for his opinion anymore lol), like it's some revelation that I would never have connected the dots on 😂 all this because he just needed to know I was paying attention to his music
....anyway, I need a new ride to and from rehearsals 😅
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Hmm. Thoughts on... Okay sure, let's go with the one that I've been playing with in my head lately and maybe will eventually finish (although you personally will not read it because oh boy it's angst and dark and triggers), but I've been mentally playing with trans!Anthony and God it fascinates me
i've been flipping back and forth on being honest about this, but full disclosure, the less i think about anthony, the happier i am. ian too, if i'm honest. i have no actual reason to dislike either of them, neither of them have done anything wrong that i'm aware of, i just. have very little interest. i am not compelled. i've been kind of sketchy about any ian or anthony ship prompts bc of this, but if i'm being honest with myself, i'm likely never going to be happy enough with my writing of either of them to write something heavily featuring ian or anthony to publishable completion so,,, c'est la vie. on the specific concept, though, i do always fuck with some gender bullshit, so yeehaw
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raziraphale · 3 months
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this was on some Jon / Martin art with some stabbing and kissing and some canon typical horrors. what fucking planet are you living on that this happened to the rat man from the boy wizard book ?????
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