#but yeah uhhhhh have a good one fellas!
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just-a-girl-with-a-pistol · 2 months ago
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Outfits :>
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aussied · 1 year ago
So I started reading the Percy Jackson series...
*creeps on up in here*
Hi yes hello
So I have been reading through the Percy Jackson series for the first time because the Pinterest algorithm kept saying that the characters in my original story were similar to characters from Percy Jackson, and I had apparently unknowingly been pinning fanart as inspiration for years. So finally I was like "Yeah okay, I should read the books since apparently I already love the characters." and yanno what! I DO love the characters! I blew through The Lightning Thief book and enjoyed it. Then I made the mistake of watching the 2010 the movie and had an unhinged meltdown livetweeting about it on Twitter. I can post that on here if you guys want because I think I traveled to another plane of existence [negative] while watching it and received psychic damage. At one point I was in so much disbelief about the quality of the movie and the changes that they made that I fell into a bout of distressed laughter that I couldn't stop until I started coughing, so that's great. I just finished The Sea of Monsters book last night, but I'm gonna give myself a few days before I watch that movie because HHHHH I am not ready. I watched the trailer right after I finished the book and already had my head in my hands going "Why did they make those unnecessary changes??!" It's gonna be a ROUGH ONE FELLAS. I am already suffering. I am sosososososososososoSO thrilled about the D+ series coming this winter. Oh my GOSH. I'm incredibly sorry to the fandom who only had those Fox movies as their only adaptations for so long. That SUCKS. I'm hoping and praying that the series is as good as the trailers look. I think it'll do very well as a series rather than a movie, since the chapters are so episodic in the first book especially. I just hope that The Mouse™ doesn't cancel it prematurely. ANYWAY. I'm in that fun (horrible) state of jumping into the fandom pool where I am stoked to look at tags and search up fanart of characters, but having only read 2/7 books, I absolutely can't do that yet, because I don't want to get spoiled. I already am foaming at the mouth ready to meet a specific character that I see everywhere, but I don't think they show up until like two more books. Ahh! I hope they are as baby as the fanart I've seen has been. Luckily I've only been spoiled on two things so far... I'm kinda plugging my ears and going "lalalala!!" for how until I can blast through more of the books. Uhhhhh that's it! Not really a point to this post. It's just me waving hello to the Percy Jackson fandom I guess. Hello there! I hope to browse your tags and have A Very Normal Time about this series when I'm safely through it all!
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userpoe · 4 years ago
hey love, do you happen to have any santi fic recs? — ✨
who?? me?? santi fics??? [blows a sheepish raspberry] me?? pfft - yeah, okay, I do. Who are we kidding? Of course I do. Now, in comparison to my Poe list...I don't have much, but I think it's a pretty good start (like I said, I slipped into the fandom a couple months ago when all my mutuals started talking about it again, so).
Same vibes as before: all these authors are hella talented and have more works that are *chef's kiss* and most write for most if not all the boys (also other fandoms too)! And of course, for even more recs, my Santi tag on @luminouspoes has a lot of cute drabbles and headcanon fics too. And for my followers who aren't into that sort of thing, fair warning, yes these are all x reader fics.
Trial By Fire by @writefightandflightclub can we get a uhhhhh chef's kiss for this one? The angst, the drama, the PROSE, the boys' dynamic with each other....we love to see it! I also adore their fic "The Next Thirty" because that shit is just plain adorable.
Cold by @waatermelon-sugaar a mission fic! snow! snuggling! fighting over marshmallows!!! bickering!!! what more do we need in life honestly? (But seriously I think about that marshmallow fight a lot).
'wearing their lovers clothes' by @yoditorian Liz coming in swinging with the soft Santi, bless 🥺 it really doesn't get more softer than this!
Exile by @okay-hotshot every time I think about this fic I have to take a moment to compose myself. Celeste's prose is just...melodic and vivid and emotional and immediately you're just caught up in this tangle of *chef's kiss* fEELINGS and HISTORY and ugh gosh I love it
'that's not what I meant and you know it' by @bee-dameron who would I be, pray tell, if I was not singing Ellie's praises. I was CLOCKED with this fic, I tell you. Clocked. Absolutely sucker punched. The banter, the bANTER, the softness, the trust between them, the fact that it's a medic dynamic...sO MUCH PERSONALITY AND HISTORY IN THIS FIC. OH MY GOD. and ofc Ellie has fics written for all the other boys too including Benny (she's determined to make me fall in love with him and fellas....they're succeeding)
And I'm also going to point you in the direction of @commandersousa and @veuliee2 because I know they both have Santi fics written, but I haven't had a chance to read them yet but they're both phenomenal writers and what I've glimpsed at look hecka soft 👀
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makuta5200 · 3 years ago
Batman for the fandom ask!
who i will protect at all costs: I think most Gothimites can take care of themselves, though I WILL take a shot for Stephanie Brown/the Spoiler. Also the Dee Dee twins. I like the clown daughter duo!
who deserves better: I REALLY like Black Mask, and I know people liked him in Birds of Prey, but I think we can do better. A really, TRULY savage Sionis could be really scary. And hey, that new Batman movie looks pretty dark AND popular...
who was killed off too early: This one's kinda hard, comic people die and come back all the time. IF he did die and hasn't been back yet, bring KGBeast back. He's cool.
who i used to hate but now i love: Never really HATED Hugo Strange or Riddler, but I will say Gotham really did a good number on improving their characters.
who i used to love but now i hate: Nobody, really. Kinda like most peeps in the Batman wheelhouse, good or bad. Except for...
who needs to be killed off asap: The Batman Who Laughs. Holy SHIT do I not like this character. Really bad, cringe edge shit. And this is from, like, the king of edge loving.
who is unfairly hated: Like... okay, c'mon guys. Joker IS a good villain. You just have the find the RIGHT Joker and enjoy THAT one, and not focus on meme culture and looping EVERY Joker together.
who is unfairly loved: There is NO way the Batman Who Laughs should be as popular as he is. Almost fell outta my chair seeing how many people liked him in an analysis video of him once.
who needs to sort out their priorities: Mad Hatter, Tetch, buddy, you're giving Scarecrow a bad rap, get your head on straight. Er, hat.
who needs a hug: That funny hyena guy from Batman Beyond, Woof. He's a fluffy hyena boy! Who's a good genetic freak criminal monster boy? You are!
who needs to get out of their current relationship: Everyone KNOWS Harley can do better. You go, girl.
who the writers love: ...yeah okay, Joker is cool. And funny. But like, Batman's got.... 50 other good villains to. Try doing other stuff, fellas. Scarecrow can always get cool comics. Just saying. Not biased or anything, no sir!
who needs a better storyline: Yo c'mon, let's give Killer Moth something rad. Teen Titans has the best version, but I think we can channel that into making this joke villain into a cool badass.
who has an amazing redemption arc: I always liked Kirk Langstrom/Man-Bat going from freakish monster guy to decent ally. He's like... a GOOD version of the Lizard, I like him.
who belongs in jail: Uhhhhh... trick question? Everyone in Arkham lol?
who needs to be revived from the dead: Onomatopoeia. One of my fav obscure one-off baddies. Try giving THAT guy some new stuff.
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callme-chaos · 4 years ago
Tommy SMP (DSMP)
H-hello? How did you get in here? Tommy doesn’t usually let randoms in. Uhhhhh lemme just consult the list real quick. What’s your name?
Huh. Doesn’t sound familiar. Buuuuuuut there you are. On the list. What’s your purpose here then, pal?
A tour? Well, the person who usually does the tours is out in the moment… But I guess I could show you around. If you would like to follow me – yeah just ignore the holes and stuff. They’re just remnants of a couple of wars we’ve had.
What kind of wars? Bro, where have you been?
Not from around here? Evidently. Well, first there was the Disk Wars. You see, Dream had these cool disks but Tommy really wanted them, you know? And this is /Tommy SMP/ and not /Dream SMP/ after all so there was all that. Then there was this Quackity kid who tried to start a nation and Tommy didn’t really like the look of that. And so Tommy and this Ranboo guy decided to blow it all up – I don’t remember the details. You see, I’ve been away… uhhhh… travelling so I don’t really see too much of what goes on here. That and I seem to be forgetting a lot of things… I really should fix that-
Huh? You’re confused. Buddy – I haven’t even told you about the Egg yet!
Yeah! An Egg! I can show you it right now actually. Just follow me.
The vines? Yeah! They’re a nice shade of blue but they’re a real pain to cut down, you know? They just seem to grow back stronger. Now, just pop down this hole here – yeah just straight down.
Oh! Ah. I really should have warned you about the fall damage, huh? I’m sure we can pop into George’s bakery later and fix you up. Providing George is in his bakery… He stopped baking a while back.
Why? I don’t actually know. I’m not really too involved in the politics around here (travelling and all that) buuuuut I heard a rumour that him, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle and Technoblade have started like a secret club. Not sure exactly what they do but if Ranboo is involved it can’t be good. Anyways! Here’s the Egg. Don’t step too close though – I’ve heard it has some serious manipulative powers. Niki’s best friend Foolish got transformed by it the other day. She was quite upset. I think she runs a cult in the Egg’s honour with Ponk or something now. She’s nice but pretty scary when she wants to be, I’ll tell you that much.
The Egg is giving you weird vibes? Yeah. You and me both. The blue is giving me shivers actually. Shall we continue our tour elsewhere?
Next? Hmmmmm. I know! I’ll take you to Hannah’s castle and museum. They’re a great tourist spot! Follow me.
Yes we have a museum! History has been made here on the SMP, I’ll have you know. This SMP was founded by the Tommy Team made up of the hot-headed, dashingly attractive Fundy; the greatly popular, widely enjoyed Bad Boy Halo; and, of course, the 1000IQ man himself, TommyInnit. Though, Tommy… hasn’t been about much… lately… not since… you know…
Well, if you don’t know I hardly have the time to explain now! (I’ll maybe show you later if we have time…) Anyways! Here we are: Hannah’s museum. This miserable little dark room here is a recreation of L’Manberg’s Final Control Room. Back in the first L’Manberg verses Greater Tommy SMP war, L’Manberg’s founding fathers (Schlatt, Sapnap, President Quackity and Vice President Dream) were all betrayed by a member of their own battalion: Hannah-Rose. They were dark times, kid.
You want to know more about President Quackity and his right hand man Dream? Well, they were incredibly close – practically brothers. They both went through a lot together. Until Quackity finally blew up L’Manberg and was subsequently killed by his own father, Charlie Slimecicle.
I didn’t say they were dark times for nothing, you know? Dream took it harder than anyone. And Tommy took the opportunity to traumatise and manipulate the fella further. Tommy even managed to convince Dream’s best friend, Schlatt, that he was the root of all problems on the SMP.
We couldn’t believe it either. Dream did have one friend, Ranboo, for a while. But they ultimately disagreed on their ideas of justice and went their separate ways.
Sad times, indeed, kid. Anyways, where to next… Oh! Hello, Eret! How are you doing?
Ah. He’s busy. Off being cracked at bed wars I suspect.
What’s the big black building over there?
Uhhhhhhhh… Have you seen HBomb’s hotel? It’s great this time of year! Just this way, matey. Technically it belongs Dream but HBomb briefly took it over. There was some kind of dispute between the two guys – nobody here really takes HBomb that seriously. (Personally, I blame the ancient skin he still wears. Kid really needs an update, you know?)
That? Oh, I suppose you can still see some of the remnants. That used to be Punz’s UFO. Someone blew it up but I’m not entirely sure who…
How do I know it was blown up? Look, I’m just taking Quackity’s word for it.
He did die but then he was recently brought back to life. He spends most of his time with Dream outside Las Nevadas.
Las Nevadas is basically the Tommy SMP version of Las Vegas. It’s pretty cool actually – wanna check it out?
Cool! We’re actually heading in the right direction for that anyways. So, where are you from?
Yeah, I gathered you weren’t from around here but where are you actually from?
…Not gonna tell me? Fine. So be it. You sure are a mystery, huh?
I’m not flirting! I just- I… Ah! Look at that! We’re already here! It’s pretty dramatic, right?
You should see it at night. Everything lights up and it is magnificent.
It belongs to Wilbur. He’s the head honcho around here. He’s here alongside Puffy and Phil. Oh! Speak of the devil, if you squint a little bit you can see Phil down there now, bouncing around. He’s a cutie really – though his puns do get tiresome.
What do you mean “you don’t get tired of puns”?
…Are you human?
…What a terrifying answer. Okay! Moving on!
I’m aware that it’s one of the ugliest structures in existence – but you can’t blame Wilbur and Las Nevadas for /that/ abomination. That’s what Quackity and Dream installed last time they were here together.
I know it’s phallic but you don’t have to say that out loud! Come on, man, have a little class.
That up there? That’s Schlatt and Techno’s “cookie castle” as I like to call it. When Dream was exiled, Schlatt met Techno and they started getting really close. They’re everybody’s favourite couple now. I think it’s a friendship that will last a long time, you know? They seem to have a lot in common.
Like what? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh They’re both American?
Look, if you know, you know.
Alright! Next – shall we have a change of scenery? Las Nevadas can get quite… heated, so perhaps we can give the snowy biome a visit, yeah? Now, when we get there it’s important to tread carefully: the forest is enchanted, practically everything there will eat you and, worst of all… Ranboo lives out there.
Ranboo? He’s a terrifying force of nature. I heard he slayed an entire army all by himself, owns a pet polar bear and he helped Tommy take down the entirety of L’Manberg. Ranboo and Tommy – they’re one formidable duo.
No no! There’s no need to be afraid! Apparently Ranboo’s arsonist days are over and he has his carer Charlie Slimecicle watching over him so he’s been relatively quiet recently. I like to think their neighbour Technoblade has been a good influence on them both.
Technoblade is a gentle soul. Poor kid just wants to make everyone happy, you know? I wish everyone was more like Technoblade sometimes – the world would be such a different place…
Nah, nobody can really sleep soundly – not when Antfrost and Purpled are still out there. The Eggpire and Las Nevadas never really rest when it comes to their members. Oh! But by far the worst person to come across – the real reason I haven’t slept in weeks on this server – is… Oh. Oh dear. I think I’ve summoned him. Walk this way – quickly! – and don’t make eye contact…
…Alright, no need to look at Jack like that.
Jack Manifold in a cat-maid- no. Don’t make me lock you up in Pandora’s Vault along with- uhhhhhh.
Forget I said that. Speaking of Skeppy, he built Schlatt and Techno a beautiful mansion around here somewhere-!
He also built an extraordinary diamond sculpture a while ago-
Please no.
…I guess you leave me no choice then, huh? I guess, I can show you the prison – but we have to be really, really careful, okay?
Who’s inside? Well…
I didn’t forget! It just… Tommy. Tommy is in the prison right now.
Well, of course I didn’t want to tell you! It doesn’t really look good on the server when the person its named after is locked up for life for doing unspeakable things.
No! I’m not gonna tell you what unspeakable things he did – it wouldn’t make them unspeakable then, would it?
…I don’t believe anyone else is in there, no. Why?
Ranboo? Nahhhhhh! Ha ha! What do you know, you silly goose! Well, before we go into the prison, we’ll have to get Puffy’s permission. She’s really strict about who she lets in and out of the prison and takes her role as prison warden very, very seriously. No one has ever died or been injured or brought back to life or wrongly imprisoned while the prison has been in her care.
What do you mean – “not convincing”? If you don’t trust my word, then that’s a /you/ problem.
…The prison is this way. Now, when we get in let me do all the talking… You know what? Perhaps you should stay outside. I’ll go in, talk to Puffy and try to get permission to go in – but I make no promises, understand?
…Alright, wait here.
Puffy said no.
No, it was a pretty definitive no actually. Wh-where are you going?
You can’t! Puffy hasn’t given you permission!
There’s nobody in there /to/ save. Tommy deserves to be in there-
There is nobody else in the prison!
You’re insane.
No, I won’t let you.
…I don’t think so, matey. Feel that sharp object between your shoulder blades?
I figured you did. That’s my sword. I am not afraid to push it through your chest if it means keeping you out of that prison. Understood? Now, step away from the prison.
Thank you.
…I think that concludes our tour. Perhaps it’s best you- oh! Karl is here! Karl Jacobs! Over here!
Yeah. He doesn’t talk ever but he’s still a great guy, you know?
Oi. Wave back. It would be rude not to wave back.
My name? Oh my goodness! I totally forgot to introduce myself! (Though, you never really asked until now anyways…)
It’s okay! I know I talk a lot – it can be difficult to get me to shut up sometimes – ha ha!
My name is Callahan.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 4 years ago
@taznovembercelebration - Day 5: Rockstar
Okay, so Taako didn’t really like working at the pet shelter. Don’t get him wrong, it was a lot better than like... working as a cashier or a waiter or something where he had to be interacting with people for ninety percent of his day. But he wasn’t a fan of ninety percent of his day interacting with dogs, either. They were yappy and snappy and frankly, too much for Taako. He was much more of a cat person, but they only had so many cats and they got adopted fast enough.
But the job had its perks. Working with Lup was one, obviously. Having a decent pay, hell yeah. Having people respect what he did, sure that was great. Maybe having Magnus as his boss wasn’t the best (gods know that Magnus didn’t need another thing to hang over his head), but overall, the work was fine. Taako could manage.
He was closing today. There was only about an hour left before closing. Lup and Barry were in the back, checking up on all the animals when the bell above the door jingled and a group of two stepped in. The adult was tall, with his hair done up in locs. He wore all black and an baggy, but fashionable, overcoat. Nearly attractive enough to make Taako stop and stare. With him was a small kid, bouncing excitedly. His glasses were almost slipping off his nose, his hair was wild and unruly and he was so eager that the man had to hold him back
Taako didn’t know who brought their kid into pick a pet out at 6:30 PM, but what the hell, work was work.
“Hey folks,” Taako said in his best costumer service voice, standing behind the front desk. “Welcome to Raven’s Roost pet shelter, what can I do for you today?”
“Kitty!” the boy said. He couldn’t be more than four years old. He broke free from the man’s hold and came up to the counter. His didn’t even peak over the top. “Do you have any, sir?”
Well, at least he was polite.
“Sure do,” Taako said. “What kind of cat are ya looking for, kiddo? And guardian, of course.”
“I’m his dad,” the man.  “Um, we can come back tomorrow if it’s too late-”
“Kitty,” the kid whined, tugging on his dad’s sleeve.
“We probably won’t be able to take one home today, Angus,” he said. “We’ll come back tomorrow and-”
“It’s fine,” Taako cut in. “Don’t worry about it, there’s still a bit til we close. I can even send you guys home with the paper work if you find a cat you like.”
“Kitty!” Angus said triumphantly.
“Yes, Angus,” the dad said wearily. He was smiling though.
“Right this way, then,” Taako said.
The pet shelter wasn’t too big, but it was noisy. The past the door that lead to the dogs and Taako could hear Barry talking- probably trying to calm them down.
“What’s your name again?” Taako asked as they neared the cat door.
“Oh, uh,” the man said, looking a bit nervous. “It’s, um. It’s Kravitz McAllister. And of course, my son, Angus.”
“I’m Taako,” Taako said, like they hadn’t already read his nametag. “Have any type of cat in mind?”
“Good with children?” Kravitz said. “Angus knows not to- he knows they’re not play things, obviously, but he gets excited around cats, he really loves them. Probably not any cat that loves outdoors and uh, age doesn’t matter. Kitten, been here for ages. Doesn’t matter.”
“Got it,” Taako said, holding open the door for them. “All the cats we got are in here.”
Taako spied Lup look over from where she was giving some food to one of the older cats. And then he saw Lup drop the food all over the ground and swear to herself.
“Sorry!” Lup called over and Taako rolled his eyes.
“Lemme go help her,” Taako said to Kravitz. “Feel free to look at any of the cats.”
Angus was already staring down a middle aged tabby. Kravitz smiled and went to join him as Taako went to help Lup.
“Doofus,” Taako whispered as soon as he got close enough, kneeling down to help help.
“Shut up,” Lup hissed intensely. She peaked over Taako’s shoulder at the customers and then ducked back down. “Taako, do you have any idea who that is?”
“Uhhhhh, a handsome fella here to get his kid a cat?”
“It’s Kravitz McAllister,” Lup said, like that meant something to him. “Like? Literally the most famous singer in the country at this very moment Kravitz McAllister, Taako, what the fuck.”
“Why haven’t I heard of him, then?” Taako said back, shoving the cat food in a pile. “If Taako don’t know him, he’s not famous.”
“Well now you fuckin’ know him, dumbass,” Lup said. “Fuck, should I tell Barry? Holy shit. Get a better music taste, Ko, how do you not know him?”
“I’m sorry your music is shit,” Taako said. “Help me clean this up.”
Lup was already up, scurrying out of the room to get Barry. Taako would have flipped her off but there’s a child and a celebrity in the room. He finished cleaning up the cat food and returned to feeding the cat that Lup had left behind. Taco.
Man, Taako loved Taco. Taco was the best cat here. A shitty, grumpy, silly old man.
“Who’s that?” Angus said, suddenly right next to Taako. Taako jumped, nearly dropping the food again.
“Oh, uh, this is Taco. T-A-C-O, verses my superior T-A-A-K-O.”
“It’s nice to meet you Taco!” Angus said and it took a moment to realize that he was talking to the cat. “I’m Angus. Do you like reading?”
Taco looked at Angus with the driest expression Taako had ever seen in a cat and meowed brokenly. His voice sounded like a broken harmonica.
“Daddy, did you hear that?” Angus said and Kravitz came to look at the cat, too. Taco glared at Kravitz and Kravitz had the sense to look intimated. Taco meowed again, but swayed his way towards Angus, who petted him gently.
“He’s so soft!” Angus said. “Can we get him?”
“We’ll come back to see him tomorrow and decide,” Kravitz said. “It’s very late for you.”
“Aw,” Angus said. “But he’s such a good kitty!”
Good kitty was not anything that Taco had been called before. But he preened under the praise and meowed a B flat at Angus.
“He sure is,” Kravitz said nervously and Taco gave him a sneaky stink eye as Angus petted his back. “We’ll be back as early as we can tomorrow morning.”
“Okay,” Angus said, retracting his hand sadly. “Bye Taco! And- and Mr. Taako!”
“See ya tomorrow morning, kiddo,” Taako said, leading them back out. “You want the paperwork to work on now, Krav.”
Kravitz looked startled at being addressed like that and Taako took even more stratification than normal, because he was a celebrity. Ha. Point one for Taako. Taako opened the door back up and paused upon seeing Lup and Barry giddily whispering down the hall. He shut the door and said,
“Actually, my... cohorts seem to be fans of yours and we could go out the back to piss them off,” Taako said offhandedly. Angus didn’t seem to mind, simply turning on his heel and waving to cat Taco again. Kravitz’s eyes widened comically and hurried to follow Taako with a quick pace.
“You know?” Kravitz said, astonished. “I didn’t think you knew.”
“Oh, I totally knew,” Taako said, lying his ass off. “I just don’t give a fu- I don’t care,” he corrected as he remembered Angus. “I mean, you can’t be as famous as me.”
“As you?” Kravitz said, amused. They reached the backdoor.
“Uh, yeah,” Taako said. “I’m Taako? You know, from TV?”
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project-zorthania · 6 years ago
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by the lovely @tsukareta-levi and @laffitine! Thanks guys!
Are you named after someone? Not particularly. To my knowledge I was named spontaneously when I was born.
When was the last time you cried? Maybe just over a month ago I think. Sometimes stress crying is therapeutic. 
Do you have kids? Nope! I have two healthy nephews and a beautiful niece though!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? It is humor that is used a lot where I work. So yeah, but I make sure to be quite obvious about it when meeting new people. Not a fan of miscommunicating since i’m an awkward lump of social anxiety.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? It used to be eyes. When I was younger I didn’t shy away from looking at people and really admiring them. Today it’s their voice. I hardly ever really look at people, I’m in my own zone and since I can’t muster up the courage to look at people directly I usually just pick up on the sound and pitch of their vocal cords. I find myself focusing more on developing and lasting impressions rather than first impressions so I don’t really notice much when I meet people at first unless it’s shockingly distinct. I’m trying to get better at it though.
Eye Color? A dark brown often mistaken for black.
Scary movie or Happy Ending? uhhhhh? I think it depends entirely on the movie and it’s context and the buildup and how it’s played out. SOOOOO both?
Any Special Talents? Not particularly? Anything that I can do, anyone else could do with given practice. I guess I just have a nack for making things happen with my hands and anything fine arts related?
Where were you born? Zorthania 
What are your hobbies? Writing, composing music, video editing, photography, video games, drawing, cooking, daydreaming until the comet hits the earth.
Do you have any pets? No friends. I’d like a massive pupper one day though. One twice the size of me please.
How tall are you? 5′2... Levi I feel you. It’s a tough world down here.
What sports do you play/have you played? I was never really that active since I was a kid. At most I did a little karate as a child, but I never pursued it actively.
Favorite Subject? Theatre. I was never really that fond of school growing up, theatre ended up being a passion and my escapism to a lot of things.
Dream Job? I don’t know currently. I want to give back to this world what it has given me in some way, but I’m not sure how yet. If I wasn’t financially dependent I’d say a collaborative theatre/dining company where artists can come together and perform interactive plays with their audience whilst enjoying cultural meals. Maybe add a little cultural education into the mix to spread awareness. Does that make sense? I tag the following lovelies to take on these questions if they have the time or are feeling rather telling! @kittyboo8015 @zedsdead1001 @azoth-ein @kufufufufufu @thebritishteapot @shadowgale96 @bayleifprime @sound-it-out @valedeccem @tiffyprior @shinjekinootp @dontworryeruri @sensitive-eruri @fiddlessticcks and anyone else who wants to take on this challenge. Good luck fellas! <3
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otome--gokoro · 8 years ago
Scenario. Modern AU. MC is a National Security and Intelligence adviser. SLBP lords; retainers; side fellas and ninjas reactions and how they would work with her on a high profile risky case, taking into consideration she loves risks.
THIS IS SO COOL. Main lords + 5 ninjas (sorry, Kyoichiro).
Also, disclaimer: I’m not 100% clear on what national security/intelligence advisors actually do, but I’m under the impression that it’s a supervisory position that doesn’t involve much (if any?) legwork.
Nobunaga is an up-and-coming political party leader who may or may not be trying to set a record for the highest number of death threats received per individual
MC advises him about security issues and safety measures, supervises his security detail
Nobu is confused and a little annoyed that some petite woman is trying to tell him what to do, eventually realises that she does know what she’s talking about, is a lot more interested after that
Tries to ask her out, gets rejected flatly, tries to cop a feel, gets decked
Plays fast and loose with his bodyguards and occasionally does reckless stuff if he feels that the situation calls for it (e.g. stopping to talk to constituents in an unsafe environment while his guards scream internally)
Partially does it so that MC will come and yell at him because she’s cute when she’s angry but he genuinely tries to take (most of) her recommendations seriously
Nobunaga’s long-suffering campaign manager and righthand man
Is fully confident in MC’s competence and lowkey turned on by it, has the utmost respect for her
Similarly, MC respects and admires his work ethic and competence
Sometimes they call each other when Nobu is being ultra uncooperative and they’re just like why do we work with him (but actually they both do respect him, he’s just… an asshole such a difficult person sometimes)
Bonding through shared suffering
Nobunaga’s second-in-command in the party
Gives excellent speeches, great relationship with fellow politicians and constituents alike
In charge of soothing the hurt feelings Nobu leaves in his wake
MC also handles his security detail but doesn’t see him very often because he is not as reckless as some other people
Tries to flirt with her occasionally because confident, capable women are awesome but she’s just like haha yeah whatever
Head of Nobunaga’s bodyguards, reports directly to MC
They go way back, childhood friends who entered the business together
MC specialises in planning, Inuchiyo specialises in executing those plans perfectly, (in)famous for being a killer combo, ready to back each other up at a moment’s notice
MC puts Inuchiyo with Nobunaga because he’s definitely her most troublesome charge
He’s slightly jealous of all those other guys who hit on MC but she always turns them away so at least there’s that
They regularly hang out in MC’s apartment, watching movies and drinking
Head of Hideyoshi’s bodyguards, only started reporting directly to MC recently
Was brought in by Hideyoshi himself, so MC and Mitsunari are not familiar with each other
Knows MC by her reputation but not super confident in her because he always wants more background info on recent threats and incidents but she tells him it’s classified
Does not get along with Inuchiyo at all, therefore MC is a little untrustworthy by association
A major showdown will come at some point, wait for it
Also leader of a political party, Nobunaga’s chief opponent
The first time they meet, he assumes that she’ll go out to dinner with him, is shocked when she’s like sorry I’ve got work to do, please bear my advice in mind, thanks for coming, bye
Constantly hits on MC, to the point where she threatens to put someone else in charge of him
Very impressed by her capabilities and her sharp mind, likes her dedication towards her job
MC secretly wonders how the hell this guy hasn’t had an illegitimate child/sex scandal yet
Shingen’s head bodyguard, reports directly to MC
Laughs at Shingen a lot when he gets shot down by MC
Gets along well with MC, likes her spunkiness and drive to excel
Has zero romantic interest in MC and vice versa (attractive but not each other’s types), they’re more like friendly bros
one of Shingen’s proteges
also under protection because he comes from one of the wealthiest families in the country
doesn’t really think he’s suited for politics but he idolises Shingen and will do his very best no matter what (Shingen thinks this attitude will work well for his constituents)
super impressed by MC to the point where he stutters and makes a fool out of himself constantly
MC’s like uhhhhh okaaaaaaaay.
Yukimura’s bodyguard, one of the best in the business, reports to the Sanada family but also in contact with MC
He and MC both know each other by reputation, they circle around each other like wary cats
Intriguing… but alas they’re both very busy people
also he thinks personal life and work life should be kept separate as much as possible (Yukimura objects to this and is like BUT SAIZO WE’RE FRIENDS AREN’T WE? HEY SAIZO ARE YOU LISTENING???)
head of another political party, tentatively allies with Shingen
MC does not work with him, but they have met several times
Thinks she has both beauty and brains, impressed
Asks her out once but is turned down, smiles and gracefully accepts the rejection
Gives her his number and suggests that she call him instead if she ever changes her mind (she appreciates this because the other men just keep badgering her endlessly and it gets annoying)
son of the current president
keeps out of the spotlight due to his reclusive personality and blinded eye, dislikes being dragged into politics
polite but slightly distant to MC, never causes any trouble
he appreciates her competence and her straight-to-the-point attitude, follows her advice calmly without arguing
MC wishes more of her charges were like him
Masamune’s personal assistant/manager/nursemaid/whatever-is-required
very, very thankful to MC for treating Masamune like a regular person
Very much enjoys her professionalism
Also thinks she’s gorgeous and wants to ask her out but thinks that professionalism he admires will lead to a straight refusal, decides to wait a bit more and see how things go, smiles at her a lot whenever they meet (which is, sadly for him, not that often)
MC likes the relationship between Kojuro and Masamune, thinks that he’s a very good person and appreciates that there’s clearly mutual care and support between the two
Masamune’s bodyguard
despairs when he sees MC coming because work is going to become More Troublesome
always badgers Masamune for a pay raise after talking to MC
whines a lot when MC tells him about this or that new threat and the actions he has to take to circumvent it
constantly yelled at by Kojuro for slouching too much and being a bad influence
secretly happy that Masamune is such a homebody because then he gets handsomely paid to just chill and wait around
(is actually good at his job, whining aside)
MC’s work colleague and equal
they have a (seemingly) polite, long running rivalry
Ieyasu is better at collating and analysing information, MC is better at acting on that information
Constantly trying to one-up each other
No one knows whether that tension between them is purely hate or just sliiiiightly sexual in nature
dependable informant who works with MC
always gives MC reliable, accurate information and trusts that she will take appropriate action
mutual work relationship based on trust and competence
they appreciate each other very much (but they don’t tell each other so), especially given the other people they have worked with
MC was 100% shook when she realised Sakuya and Genya are brothers like wtf how did that even happen I want to ask so badly but I really don’t think I should??
Ieyasu’s spy/informant/minion/honestly no one really knows, not even HR, but he seems to get a paycheque anyway
super amused by Ieyasu’s and MC’s rivalry
never fails to say hi and flirt with MC when he sees her, preferably in Ieyasu’s vicinity
Ieyasu’s just like if you like her so much go work with her instead and Hanzo just smiles and smiles and smiles
MC absolutely knows what he’s up to and eggs him on, lots of smiling, shoulder touching, hair flipping
annoying Ieyasu is their Goal and they will stop at nothing to reach it
MC’s utterly confused intern
tbh he’s not sure why he’s there and she’s not sure who the hell hired him but she really wants to know because she has words for that person
tries to be helpful but just… doesn’t succeed very often…
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mindfulwrath · 8 years ago
HTCIC Excerpt: Too Drunk For This
Meesh stepped back from her whiteboard, trembling. She was still drunk, and couldn't quite focus her eyes, but she was absolutely convinced that her calculations backed up her intuition.
There was the Asphaleia, drawn in profile, the long cylinder with the five perpendicular rings. There was Rhodea, a large circle to one side, and Beta Com, far off on the other side of the board. All of the white space was covered in calculations, approach vectors and orbits and statistics. It was conclusive. She let out a slow breath. It didn't settle her at all.
Someone banged on her door. She nearly jumped out of her skin.
"Cameesha?" Sam called from outside. Meesh tottered to the door and opened it. Sam, Emma, and Sasha were standing outside, although Emma was leaning heavily on Sasha to stay upright.
"Come in," said Meesh. "Come on. I'll show you."
She stood aside, and the other three women filed in. Meesh shut the door behind them. She gestured to the board, then went and sank into her chair.
"It's worse than I thought," she said. "It's not a million-to-one chance. It's literally impossible. You can't get a bit of space debris hitting the Number Seven field generator at three in the afternoon. You just can't do it. Rhodea's in the way. I checked, the station's not gone through significant apsidal precession since then. At three in the afternoon, you can't pop the hull on that side with a bit of space debris. It wasn't an accident."
The other three stared at her. Emma lowered herself to the ground and put her head in her hands.
"Fuck," she said. "Oh, fuck." She burst out laughing, manic. "Oh, fuck!"
"I think someone had better get her some water," Meesh said weakly.
"I—yeah, I got it," said Sam. She wandered to Meesh's little bathroom and started hunting about for a cup. Sasha was looking at the whiteboard, her face pinched with distress.
"This is . . . certain?" she said. "You are very certain?"
"Completely," said Meesh. "I mean. I'll check it again in the morning when I'm sober, but . . . yeah. I'm pretty sure."
"So . . . the message," said Sasha. "Which Emma got. The one it said murder. It was . . . for real?"
"No," said Emma. "No. Nope. Nuh-uh. I won't have it. I won't have no goddamn ghosts talking to me. I'll kick a ghost's ass. I'll kick anybody's ass. Shit. Fuck that ghost. That doesn't exist. I'm gonna kick somebody's ass. Fuck 'em. Fuck."
Sam came back and sat down next to Emma, handing her a coffee mug full of water.
"Drink this, hon," she said.
"Fuck you," said Emma, taking the mug from her. "I'll kick your ass too."
"Okay, thanks," said Sam. "Drink your water."
Still grumbling, Emma complied.
"I think it's probably more likely that . . . whoever sent Emma that message figured this out," Meesh said. "Or they've got some other sort of evidence, or knowledge, or something. I don't think it's a ghost, but . . . well, maybe it's not a joke, either."
"But—come on, man," Sam said. "If somebody knew, why wouldn't they've gone to Security? Or Admiral Bhattacharya? Or—or anybody, shit! Why hide it for like, three years, and then—go through all this bullshit?"
"If somebody murders Orion," Sasha said, "maybe whoever knows is scared they will also be murdered. Is not impossible, especially if they do not have good proof. Somebody says something, dies mysteriously before can give—thing, how do you say, eh . . . gobaeg. Jiánzhéng. Shoot, what is—dokazatel'stvo, where is my English?"
"Testimony?" Meesh suggested.
"Yes! Testimony! Maybe someone is afraid they will be also murdered before can give testimony. It happens, many times."
"But why now?" Sam insisted. "Why not before? And—and why Emma? Why us?"
"Maybe they've only just worked it out," said Meesh. "Or something's happened. Or—oh, fuck, or somebody else is on the bloody chopping block."
"Noooooo, nope," said Emma. "Not having any of that shit. Not today."
"You think whoever kills him is still here?" Sasha said, aghast.
"Why not?" said Meesh. "If he was murdered—and, well, it sort of looks like he was—there must've been a reason."
"Okay, all right, no, murder's a little too far," Sam said, holding up a hand. "Okay, we just—we know it wasn't space debris. Right? That's all we know. Maybe it was some other kind of accident, or—or—or something, but no, we can't just jump straight to murder. There's—there's no evidence, of that."
"Right," Meesh said. She rubbed her face with both hands. "Right. Sorry. Got a bit ahead of myself. But—I dunno, I feel like this is important. We ought to tell somebody. It's worth looking into, at least, especially with all the weird shit going on in that field generator. I mean, by your own admission, Sam."
"Yeah," Sam sighed. "But—not right now. When everybody's sober and . . . ideally not hungover, but we might not have that luxury. Or—I don't know, or we might wake up in the morning and go wow, what drunk idiots we were and it'll all just be—drunk idiocy. Y'know, like, fingers fucking crossed."
"Hah haaah, you said finger fucking," Emma said, going red. Meesh made a face.
"Is she all right?" she asked.
"No," said Emma. "No. Fuck this ghost. I'm gonna kick this ghost's ass."
"You said," Meesh assured her. "But—okay, so . . . so what? We all sort of sober up and . . . that's it?"
"Leighton is right," Sasha mumbled. "Should not drink alcohol. Is all trouble."
"It probably doesn't matter," Sam said. "I mean. Admiral Bhattacharya's probably asleep right now, and this—this isn't like, this isn't waking people up important. It's not waking up the admiral important. I mean. So even if we were all sober, like . . . yeah."
"Yeah," said Meesh.
"Fucking ghosts," said Emma.
Meesh woke up in the morning with her mouth full of cotton and her brain full of needles. She groaned, rolling over to bury her face in her pillow. Sam and Emma and Sasha had all left, at some point, although she wasn't completely sure when.
Somehow, she managed to drag herself out of bed and get a cup of water. She sat on her bed, sipping it miserably. Her eye was drawn to the board, still covered in last night's hasty scrawl, numbers and equations. Meesh screwed up her face and looked away. She'd bother with it when she didn't feel quite so much like absolute death.
There was one thing she felt up to doing, however, and she set about it with stolid determination. She got out her communicator and pulled up the entry labeled Florida Man. The ping was answered within a few seconds.
"Howdy do, this's your friendly neighborhood gator-hater, what can I do ya for?"
"Billy," she said, "I hate you."
"Aw shucks, what'd I do?"
"You know what you did."
"I do about a million things a day," he said. "You want me to start guessin'? 'Cause that's a no-go, London Bridge."
"Billy," she said. "The potatoes?"
There was a moment of silence.
"So you had you a fun night, huh!" he exclaimed, clearly amused.
"I'm going to sell you back the second one," said Meesh. "I can't be having that shit lying about. It's dangerous."
"Aw, c'mon, ain't my fault you got potato-sick. That's on you."
"Billy. I'm selling it back to you."
"Well, okey-doke, but I ain't givin' you a full refund," he said.
"You're a monster."
"I'm runnin' a business! C'mooooon, London Bridge, don't go shootin' the messenger."
"Messenger of what, hangovers?"
"Ix-nay on the angovers-hay," Billy said, gritting his teeth. "You wanna get me usted-bay?"
"Maybe," said Meesh.
"Gawd, fine, I'll get you your money back, if it ain't been opened. Fair?"
"Very fair."
"Okay, good. I can do uhhhhh, Wednesday at eight? Pee-em, don't go showin' up at my lab."
"Why not today? Or tomorrow? Or any other time this week?"
"I'm a busy fella, man, c'mon."
"It's Saturday, Billy."
"Shore 'nuff!" he said brightly. "I got a social life, London Bridge, I cain't be doin' business every damn day."
"Fine," Meesh sighed, rolling her eyes. "Wednesday at eight. If we're not all dead from the solar flare."
"Shoot, if we're all dead, I damn sure ain't givin' you a refund. I'm at least gone be rich in Hell."
"You're an inspiration," Meesh said dryly. "So either Wednesday at eight, or I'll see you in Hell."
"You got it," said Billy. "Ya done bustin' my butt?"
"For now."
"Okey-doke. See ya Wednesday and-or in Hell, London Bridge."
"Bye, Billy."
She hung up, then heaved a long sigh. She rubbed her face. She looked at the whiteboard again.
"Right," she muttered. "Can't be doing this on an empty stomach."
With that, she heaved herself to her feet and shuffled off to find something she could stomach.
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lafortis · 6 years ago
⭐️hey nice job. what’s the book recommendation you’ve posted about a couple times lately?
thanks virtual gym buddy, it’s thanks to you :3.
i’m. glad you asked. :DDDD
it’s R. Scott Bakker’s The Darkness That Comes Before, the first book in his Prince of Nothing trilogy. it’s about uhhhhh... it’s complicated. but basically it’s like. the main character is a hybrid of batman, sherlock holmes and a supercomputer. he goes out into a fantasy world after his people spent 2000 years in seclusion, brought on by a giant fuckoff apocalypse that destroyed this world’s version of the roman/greek empires. the rest of society has carried on and the hub of humanity is sort of meditteranean, indian, persian ish? other main characters include the biggest toughest barbarian, who comes from essentially a scythian type culture? a prostitute who lives in what is essentially the vatican i guess. and a wizard spy who is part of a sect of wizards whose life mission is to uhh prevent another apocalypse basically? basically there’s like. weird fuck aliens. who want to murder everyone on earth. cus uhh then they won’t go to hell. becauuuuse... 
“There are no crimes,” he mumbled afterward, “when no one is left alive.”
so basically yeah! uhh there’s an ancient conspiracy to bring about the apocalypse but for real this time, the wizard spy guy is spying and tryna stop it, except no one respects him or his other wizard friends cus no one has seen the evil fuck aliens in like 300 years. there’s a new pope who is oddly good at everything, he’s gonna call a holy war on the muslims basically cus they control jerusalem. everyone listed above kinda worms their way into the holy war one way or another, and then it’s basically a speedrun of the first crusade. 
it’s uhhhh COMPLICATED and HARD TO EXPLAIN so sorry if that does not sound very appealing. i have yet to really perfect the pitch of it (to be fair neither has the fucking author or his publishers marketing team lmao they don’t know what to do with it). another way to pitch it is basically a realllllly dark high fantasy world, with some lord of the rings influence, with the twist that there’s objective morality. the author’s stated intent on making it was to make a fantasy world religion influenced by like old testament and old hindu morality, where like if you fuck up you’re just damned no take backsies. so this is that, and everything kinda stems from that. he’s i think a philosophy phd dropout, with a sharp interest in neuroscience, and it’s also kinda about his philosophy, which can kinda be summed up as neuro-skepticism? where he thinks that the further neuroscience advances the more we’ll realize that motivation comes from nothing, that man’s search for meaning will end in the realization that meaning was a useful evolutionary tool. that also plays a really big roll: the title refers to what the main characters cult thing refers to motivation as, i.e. the “darkness that comes before” the self, the place they can’t understand where their decisions etc. stem from, i.e. their soul, which they’ve made their life mission to understand and therefore comprehend the absolute. the stuff about there being no crimes when no one is alive is also a neat philosophy thing, which i don’t necessarily understand fully but it’s part of the metaphysics of the universe too
IF YOU CAN’T TELL I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS FUCKING BOOOK. as unappealing as i may have made it sound, it’s my favourite fucking book/series and it’s hardly close. i’m hoping to meet the man himself soon, i missed the last fan meetup a year or two ago. i fuckin moderate the subreddit for it cus i started a reread/first time read discussion thread for it. it’s just. so nuanced and complex and intelligent and heartwrenching at times and kicks so much ass at times
NOW. uhh. fair warning. the content even when it’s not requiring a trigger warning is somewhat really dark. in Those Scenes it really need a TW attached. there’s uhhh. r*pe. a lot. as drama, in war, by creepy aliens, by one of the main characters (the barbarian). the reason i still like the series as much as i do is because i know bakker knows what he’s doing when he does it; he’s not putting it in for fun or to get off to it like some fantasy writers i could mention, it’s an intentional horrible morass of evil shit (i think he also said it was intentionally to alienate his more progressive readers, make them go “holy fucking shit”, that type of thing. not cus he hates them but just cus sorta sympathizing too much with any particular character or liking the world too much really doesn’t go along with the themes lmao). i was real suspicious he would end up being a fucking terry goodkind type of fella (there i mentioned his name) cus there’s like a fifty fifty when you read this type of book. like several main characters are obvious power fantasies for a while for instance. but no he knows for sure what he’s doing.
that tangent aside, yeah, consider there being every content warning you can easily imagine being on this book. if any of that sort of thing triggers you or anything you should probably avoid. if it doesn’t it’ll still squick you out to be entirely fucking honest, but you can probably make it thru
i guess that’s another thing i like about it, it’s part horror. also part lovecraftian metaphysical horror but it’s reeeeeeeaaaaally subtle. like just barely there except for one recurring part in the second series and one specific part in book five or six. so YEAH.
i guess the best recommendation would be “if you liked game of thrones” maybe? that’s the best cultural touchstone, but it’s not that similar. just in the sense that they both are dark and serve as deconstructions of a lot of standard tolkienian fantasy tropes. 
ANYWAY YEAH! that’s my spiel. i impart you all with that recommendation and the ability to infer my reddit username if you so choose i guess
0 notes
spiderfan22 · 8 years ago
Hello. So here’s a little story all about how I totally gave up on a short play I was writing. The proof is what follows. In short, I started with a very small idea: the fact that I, personally, hate flip-flips. (Sorry to any flip-flop lovers or even just wearers out there, but it’s true, I do.) I decided to take that idea and run with it. But over the course of the few days I’ve been working on this play, I’ve grown increasingly bored with the outcome. So I made the executive decision (the executive board consisting of me, myself, and eye-yi-yi) to put this sucker out of its misery. But I didn’t want to leave the story unresolved either, so enjoy the tacked on ending wherein the main character tries to kill himself, fails, and then there is a dance party.
I know.
A hotel room in a tropical locale. Probably Hawaii.
In shambles. Leftover room service, overflowing suitcase, soiled towels, etc.
But most peculiarly, hundreds of pairs of flipflops--different colors and sizes, but the same basic Old Navy model—hundreds of flip flops, ALL MUTILATED in some fashion. Cut up or ripped apart. Obviously the work of a psychotic.
Late afternoon. Sound of ocean and beach-goers not far off, below.
At first glance the room appears empty. But the door to the balcony is open, and a second later a young man backs into the room--shirtless, deeply tanned, in faded cutoff jeans—slowly lowering a pair of binoculars from his eyes.
Meet TONY.
He stops, clutching the binoculars, lost in a trance for a moment.
Then Tony goes quickly into the bathroom. We can hear him peeing loudly into the toilet. He reemerges (not washing his hands), grabs a stray chicken strip from a plate, and proceeds suck on it like a lolly pop.
He sits at the foot of the bed. He takes up a pair of pinking shears and an “unmolested” flipflop. Then with a delicate, studied precision, he snips off the toe-end of the shoe.
Followed by the heel.
Then the bands that keep the flipflop on your foot.
Snip, snip, snip. Quite happily. Relishing every cut.
Then he savagely goes to town, taking apart the rest of the shoe in a matter of seconds, Tasmanian Devil-style.
By the end he’s breathing heavy. On the verge of delirium. Likely aroused.
The phone in the room rings.
Tony freezes. He listens to the phone ring seven times. Then it stops.
He looks at the remains of the flipflop he’s holding, fixated. Then he nonchalantly tosses it over his shoulder.
Tony is about to start on another flipflop when his mobile phone (plugged into the wall by the TV) sounds an alarm. He inhales sharply, exasperated. The alarm continues to chime, until he gets up and swipes it off.
He brings up his contacts and presses a number. Spits out the chicken strip (if he hasn’t already). Waits.
The line picks up.
TONY “Mom”?
           Yeah, I’m just checking in.
Because I said I would – no reason. Because you made me promise – same time, every day.
Of course it’s inconvenient. I’m working. But it was your rule you forced down my throat. I agreed to it just so I might have some semblance of control, or to even the playing field just a little in this relationship – if you can call it that. It’s so one sided – lopsided.
No, that’s not up for debate, “Mom”.
Because it’s the way it is. It’s true, that’s why. Ask anyone.
No, not Jim. Not one of your cohorts, your little cronies – but an outside, unaffiliated, like objective hopefully, so they can see their way to view the situation with the necessary distance and not for an opinion just based on what you can do for them or what you did do for them, but unbiased. Non-biased.
Well I don’t think that’s too much to ask and I don’t think I’m going overboard or it’s “making a mountain out of a mole hill.” That’s a stupid expression anyway, I just want to tell you so maybe you stop using it in the future.
Yeah, the project’s going well. A lot of movement – we’re making a lot of headway. I mean, it was slow going at first but now things are really starting to pick up stream.
Steam. Steam.
Stop it, you know I meant steam.
No, and stop asking.
Because you know I can’t tell you my location.
Because it’s an experiment and that’s called an outside variable and you could ruin – you could spoil the whole outcome.
My hypothesis, “Mom” – which so far, if you must know, has been right on track, thank you very much. I’ve been right on the money. I mean if you saw the results I was getting…
Well, you’d be impressed. This is revolutionary, this could change the whole field.
No I’m not seeing anyone. What kind of question is that?
No I haven’t met a “nice girl” – that’s not my purpose. That’s not my purpose here.
Because – at this point? At this point in proceedings – it would just be a distraction. And my focus must be laser – like a laser, laser-focused. Laser………….
Sharp, yes. Now I must go. I must be getting off the phone. Lots of intensive – real work to do. Yet to go.
OK, love you too.
No I love you more.
No I love you more.
Love you more.
No I love you more.
I love you more.
Love you more.
Love you more.
Love you more.
No I love you more.
Tony ends the call. Tosses the phone on the bed.
He takes up the pinking shears again. He snips at the air in small, quick, delicate movements.
He looks for the TV remote. But after a good deal of searching around the room, under the detritus, can’t find it.
He sniffs his armpit. Recoils from the smell. He thinks about taking a shower and goes looking for a clean towel. There are none, so he chooses the cleanest towel he can find.
He is about to step out of his shorts when there is a knock at the door.
Tony stops, quickly pulls up his shorts.
More knocking.
CONCIERGE, off     Excuse me, Mr. Reynolds, sir? This is the hotel concierge. I don’t mean to trouble you. If I could just have a minute of your time, please, then I’ll be out of your hair. Hate to disturb you, sir, just be a minute.
Tony stays quiet. More knocking.
                                   Mr. Reynolds? Uhhhh, anybody home? Again, I hate to trouble you, just have a small matter to discuss. Then, like I said, I’ll leave you be. However, it is quite urgent and, well, I’d hate to bring in hotel security on a thing like this. Really prefer to solve the problem just between ourselves. Simpler that way. I’m sure you feel the same, keep things easy, light.
TONY                         ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
CONCIERGE, off     Mr. Reynolds??
TONY                         ummmmmm Just a minute! Uno momento!
Tony frantically moves about the room trying to hide all the flipflops and pieces of flipflop that he can. He shoves pieces under the bed, into the suitcase, in the closet, in the bathroom, anywhere, so not a vestige of flipflop remains in sight. At the same time, he keeps calling out “Uno momento! Just a minute!” over and over again.
The concierge continues knocking and he raises his voice.
CONCIERGE, off     Mr. Reynolds, I’m not sure what’s going on here, though I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this and if you would just open the door we’ll clear up any misunderstandings. But I must insist, you see, as much as I would like to let us both go about our business and call it a day, that this is my job – well, I’m sure you understand being a working man yourself – and while we may not enjoy every aspect of our jobs to the same degree, what’s expected of us, of how we conduct ourselves, doesn’t change. It can’t change, otherwise there’d be chaos. Or not full-fledged chaos, not looting in the streets, but just general disorder – and so I guess if we could avoid that, I’d greatly appreciate, like I said, you opening the door, so we can sort this all out. Now how does that sound? Sound good?
At that moment, immediately after the concierge has finished this speech, Tony opens the door.
The concierge stands on the threshold, surprise dissolving to an awkward smile.
CONCIERGE Thank you, sir. Mr. Reynolds, sir.
TONY Oh, yeah, no problem –
CONCIERGE Thank you for opening the door, sir.
TONY You’re uhhhhhh, welcome, yeah.
CONCIERGE Straighten this up right away –
TONY What?
CONCIERGE Pardon, sir?
TONY                         Straighten – I’m sorry – you said “straighten this up,” “straighten this up right away,” but what like – I mean, I mean, what would need straightening? Because I’ve just been in my room. I mean I went down to the beach for a little bit, I’m not gonna lie – but the sun, I don’t – I don’t think it’s agreeing with me so much. Kind of disappointing if you must know. I booked this trip –
CONCIERGE            Yes, thank you, sir, we can talk about all that, but first would you mind if I stepped in the room.
TONY                         Inside? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
CONCIERGE            No reason to be alarmed, sir.
TONY                         Yeah. No, of course not, it’s just – I’m in the middle of something kinda here, and –
CONCIERGE            Two minutes, sir.
TONY                         Two minutes? Two minutes what and you’re outta here? You’ll leave? Not that, you know, not that that’s uhhhhh –
CONCIERGE            Two minutes is all I need.
TONY                         For?
CONCIERGE            For?
TONY                         Yeah, what for? Two minutes for what?
CONCIERGE            Well, to clear up a matter.
TONY                         Clear up?
CONCIERGE            I promise, a few questions and I’m out of your hair.
TONY                         You said that already.
CONCIERGE            Well, I meant it. Sir.
TONY                         Uhhh, uhhhhhh. Yeah. OK. Come on. Come on in, I guess.
He steps back, allowing the concierge to enter the room.
                                   Sorry about the, you know, the state of things –
CONCIERGE            No problem, sir.
TONY                         - as they are. Or aren’t. I’m usually much better if you can believe it.
CONCIERGE            No doubt, Mr. Reynolds.
TONY                         Tony. It’s Tony. You can call me Tony – if you want. If you don’t want, it’s fine too. Ummmmmmmmmm
The concierge takes a position as close to the center of the room as possible. During the following, he does a slow 180, scanning half the room top to bottom. Then turns and scans the other half. All as inconspicuously as possible.
                                   So what can I – what I can help you fellas with? You said you had a few questions for me? Though I can’t imagine the subject matter.
CONCIERGE            Yes, sir.
TONY                         Now please, I’ve told you, please call me Tony. It’s what I would prefer and, well, you know what they say –
CONCIERGE            No, what do they say, sir?
TONY                         I was getting to that. About the customer –
CONCIERGE            The customer, sir?
TONY                         Tony, please, for the last time. Jesus…
CONCIERGE            Apologies, sir.
TONY                         So is this – uhhh. Was there a problem with my credit card or something? I mean is that it, is that all? Because I can give you another one, no problem. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure of the limit on the Visa I had you put down. That’s my fault. If you need a new card, just ask. Because you know I should have gone with the American Express now that I think about it. Crazy limit – way too much, more than I would ever, could ever charge. I don’t even know why they approved me for such an amount. Not that my credit’s not bad or anything, it’s actually on the high end of – of the scale.
Tony watches the concierge, waiting for him to respond. Nothing.
                                   So is that it, is that what?
CONCIERGE            Is what what, sir?
TONY                         Why you’re – why you needed to talk to me.
CONCIERGE            I’m afraid not, sir.
TONY                         (small) Boy I wish you’d call me Tony.
CONCIERGE            No, the matter I came here to discuss was a complaint.
TONY                         But I didn’t lodge any.
CONCIERGE            I know that. Not you, sir. Another guest.
TONY                         What? Who?
CONCIERGE            Well, you understand we like to keep these things anonymous, sort out one end, then the other – to avoid any contention.
TONY                         Oh. So is uhhhh – so is this complaint – it’s not – I mean, it’s not like it’s against muh-muh – me, is it? Because I don’t see where it could be. Because I’ve pretty much stuck to my room, as I’ve told you, since checking in. Had very few encounters, if any, with other guests. I guess I just don’t see how. And if anyone was complaining about me, they would very well, most likely be a liar. Because I’ve mostly stayed to my room. I don’t like the sun, you see. A little sun goes a long way with me. I burn – I burn so easily, doesn’t matter the SPF, I can lather myself and it – the rays still get through somehow. So best to avoid altogether is, uhhh, is my general policy.
CONCIERGE            So you weren’t down by the pool yesterday afternoon?
TONY                         yesterday? What time yesterday? Uhhh, no. No. I think I was taking a nap.
CONCIERGE            Around 2pm.
TONY                         No, no. I was up here – in my room, uhhh, umm – resting. Yes.
CONCIERGE            At 2pm.
TONY                         Or thereabouts, yeah. Yeahh, uhhhhhh
CONCIERGE            Because we have a report –
TONY                         A what?
CONCIERGE            A report, sir.
TONY                         But I thought you said you had a complaint.
CONCIERGE            They’re one and the same, sir, the report was a complaint.
TONY                         The report was the complaint?
CONCIERGE            Yes, sir.
TONY                         And this report was about me?
CONCIERGE            That’s what I’m trying to get to the bottom of, sir. Of course, we’d like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt –
TONY                         Why don’t you just do that then? Why don’t you just go with that and we can – we can put the matter behind us? Because I really don’t think we’re gonna get anywhere with this line of questions.
CONCIERGE            You didn’t go down to the pool yesterday afternoon?
TONY                         Uhhhh, not at 2pm.
CONCIERGE            So, are you saying you went down to the pool at a different time?
TONY                         Uhhhhh. Well, I mean – yes. Yes. I was there a bit earlier, closer to one forty-five.
CONCIERGE            1:45?
TONY                         Yes. So you see it couldn’t have been me, whoever this complaint was about, because while I might have been down at the pool –
CONCIERGE            You just said you were.
TONY                         - I was, but – as I pointed out, at an earlier time.
CONCIERGE            Fifteen minutes.
TONY                         So the timeline – your timeline – it doesn’t – I mean it doesn’t work out anymore. Does it? It’s just off now. It couldn’t be me.  The person you – the person the complaint’s, the report’s – which I’m still confused over because those things seem like they should be different, be separate – the person it’s – whatever it is – is about.
CONCIERGE            A guest of the resort is claiming he saw you take his –
Tony throws open the closet – the bathroom – pulls flipflops out from under the bed, everywhere he’s stashed them – until the room is brimming with flipflops once more.
The concierge’s reaction is huge!
Then, before a word can be said, Tony rushes to the balcony and flings himself off the side. Concierge rushes after him. Looks down.
A couple seconds. Then we hear a small splash below.
The concierge walks downstage and addresses the audience directly, in a dopey Southerner Gomer Pyle voice:
CONCIERGE He landed in the pool.
Music kicks in. Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” featuring Pharrell Williams.
The concierge starts to dance in a really cool, idiosyncratic fashion.
Soon, he is joined by Tony, who comes back through the hotel room door, soaking wet.
They dance to the music. The audience is encouraged to get up and join them.
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