#but yeah this is pretty much every random bit of dialogue i can remember off the top of my head that makes me lose my shit
A random compilation of early Team 7 clips, because the dub is the funniest thing in existence and people who only watch sub are missing out
Note: I do not own Naruto, that would be Masashi Kishimoto , I just mashed a bunch of clips together for personal entertainment under fair use.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Since I really enjoyed yesterday's stream I decided to do one of my overly long analysis on it
So, here's my analysis of (DSMP LORE) Healthy Competition
Dialogues will be color-coded as usual, so here's what I used: Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo
As always I am incapable of brevity, so everything's under the cut
The stream starts with a conversation between Phil and Wilbur in which Wilbur admits that he hasn't been to visit Phil in a while, which makes Phil's later threat about throwing him out feel that much more ridiculous since Wilbur clearly doesn't really live with him either way...
"Alright, it's got one for Phil, one for Ranboo, and one for Techno. Is that all that live here? Just you three?" "Yep, just us three, just chilling"
The only reason why I'm singling this out is that it was right after the mention of Techno's birthday and Wilbur was pointing at the seats occupied by the 4 members of the Syndicate so it feels slightly weird that Niki wasn't mentioned at all. But also it's technically not a lie, she doesn't live there and she only comes around for the Syndicate meetings.
Another thing to add is that Wilbur did notice the chest Ranboo left for him and consciously decided to ignore it.
"I must admit I've come to you with a bit of a- a bit of a proposition. You're into propositions Phil? Are you a bit of a 'propositions' kinda guy?" "Oh, depends, depends. You- you've had some pretty... let- let's just say, uh- not- not a great track record on propositions that you've had in the past" "Alright... I mean, I'm trying to move past that"
I wonder what exactly Phil is referring to here. Because, like, Wilbur did bad things, don't get me wrong, but what's his track record with "propositions" in particular? Because he isn't talking about "Tommy, let's be the bad guys" here since he doesn't know about that. Is he talking about Wilbur founding L'Manburg? But then again, I don't think Wilbur interpreted it that way. I think that, from Wilbur's reaction, he clearly interpreted it as a jab at him exploding L'Manburg (which is the one thing he's trying to move past) which would be extremely hypocritical from Phil since he did the exact same thing but worse.
Also, I really do think that Wilbur is trying to move forward. He's lonely and he has the lowest possible opinion of himself so it doesn't feel weird that he'd want to move on. He isn't putting the work in it right now and he hasn't really changed, but he does seem to want to (though I think he may not know how).
"He [Quackity] didn't seem afraid of me, which is cool. Not many people- I mean you don't seem afraid of me. You aren't afraid of me, are you Phil?" (little look into Wilbur's mind and his fear of isolation once again. And this is fear of isolation, he's worried that other people are afraid of him and therefore are only waiting for him to step out of line so that all their fears would be confirmed)
"'Cause I'm not afraid of you [Phil]" (bold words for someone who spent who knows how long lying to his dad because of a crippling fear of disappointment...)
"Technoblade spent his entire time taking down the establishments, what he left is, as predicted, a power vacuum for a new establishment to come in" (in case it wasn't obvious, Wilbur is not the biggest fan of anarchy. And he actually got this one criticism spot on, indeed all taking down L'Manburg did was getting 4 new governmental-like structures to sprout in its place)
"Phil, I want to make a burger van" *Phil sighs and walks away* (I'm more sure now that Phil really meant "creating L'Manburg" as Wilbur's bad track record with propositions)
Wilbur repeating 4 times that he has no ulterior motive with the burger van managed to make me think the exact opposite. That said that ulterior motive may just be to create a safe little home for himself and Tommy for all we know honestly. Also, the whole thing with Phil trying to convince his grown-ass kid to go play with the neighbor kid and Wilbur throwing a tantrum in response was hilarious...
"If he's [Ranboo] shit you gotta come help me okay? If he's shit you've gotta come be burger boy with me, okay?" (he still is mistrustful to an extreme and pretty childish admittedly)
"Why is he [Phil] treating me like a kid?! Why is he treating me like a little baby?" (remembering how Wilbur treated Fundy I think it may be a family problem)
Another interesting thing to point out is that Wilbur was openly scared of the spider attacking him here, and fights it off, but he doesn't move away from the explosion later on and he didn't move away from the exploding creepers last stream. Other people already made this connection, but I do think it may be a sort of way to punish himself. Specifically, it's brought up later on that he thinks he got off easy for what he did, so he's using what he hurt others with (explosions) to hurt himself now as a sort of punishment for that. Which is another indication of just how much his stay in Limbo didn't help with his mental health.
"Am I being- is this [Ranboo having both cows and wheat] a setup?" (the paranoia never left)
"Ranboo I'm gonna go out on a limb here: do- do you wanna be friends?" "Su-sure yeah, I don't see why not" (I think that at this point it was still just Wilbur following along with what his dad told him to do and trying to find out more about Ranboo. That does seem to change later down the line)
"And then we decided that it [the 'cookie' outpost] was too much trouble so we kinda just left it" (So we have confirmation that the cookie outpost was abandoned)
"We're not gonna annoy Quackity" "That's good" "We can't annoy- we can't annoy him because we're simply put- we're simply put gonna be making...- I got the real estate! He's giving me the area and we're gonna be making a competing business"
Wilbur says this as if he wasn't perfectly aware that this would annoy the sh*t out of Quackity. As if the point of it wasn't exactly to annoy Quackity. Or well, annoying him isn't the end goal, it's just the means to an end. We don't know the actual end goal (though I think Wilbur still wants to either be let into Las Nevadas or actually instate a rivalry between them as he said, one of the two).
"We [he and Quackity] were a part of the same cabinet during New L'Manburg or whatever" "Cabinet?" "Yeah a cabinet is like-" "Was this- was this with Tubbo?" "Yeah yeah" (...) "So you were part of the old L'Manburg? I didn't know that actually, I thought you were a bit of an independent"
Once again: Wilbur is missing A LOT of knowledge. He wasn't aware that New L'Manburg had a cabinet and he wasn't aware that Ranboo was ever part of the country either. He has a lot of misconceptions about what happened during the time he was dead so it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that his views on a lot of things are as warped as they are. Wilbur is getting to his conclusions with an incomplete and sometimes wrong set of data.
"Do you dislike anyone Ranboo?" "Not too much I don't think. I mean there are other people I don't, like, agree with what they've done of course, but I think that everyone is just a product of what they've gone through and everything so if you understand that then you understand the person!"
There is nothing inherently wrong with Ranboo's reasoning here. It's true that most people are a result of their environment and, once you understand what they've been through you can understand them better as a person. It's also fine that he personally doesn't want to hold grudges. But that way of thinking isn't applicable to those who have been hurt by others, sure they can reach an understanding, but an understanding of a person doesn't justify shit and doesn't change shit unless that person works towards repairing old broken relationships. It just all sounds like a nice way of thinking about things in theory, but in practice, it just takes away responsibility from those who have wronged others to fix things and moves it to those who have been wronged. (Ranboo isn't advocating for everyone to think that way though, but I know the fandom will).
Either way, they arrive in Las Nevadas and Wilbur talks about how their place doesn't benefit the consumer and puts down 3 signs.
"I've been trying to think of a name for it [his and Tommy's area], I'm thinking about 'Paradise'"
There are two possible reasons for the name that I can think of:
1) It's in reference to Las Nevadas itself and how Las Nevadas is based on Las Vegas, the famous city of sin
2) It could be a reference to Tommy insistently calling Las Nevadas Paradise in the last stream and Wilbur trying to convince him that their place is the true Paradise
Wilbur does decide to make the Burger Van right at the border which really feels like a very obvious provocation. The other thing is that he makes it clear that he wants the van to be red and white which could be a random choice, but really feels like a reference to Tommy (since they are famously his colors) or an imitation of their opposition. Or both considering how much Tommy liked the restaurant of the opposition and the fact that Wilbur is still trying to convince him to stay.
"I'm not very fond of blue" (at this point it's obvious that Wilbur has quite a bit of pent-up animosity against Ghostbur. I wonder if it is because it still feels like people liked the ghost more than him...)
"Like, the Cookie Shop, I don't even know if it was a cookie shop, to begin with, because it was a little... fortified if I'm entirely honest, I realize that now" "Really?" "Yeah did you not see- oh wait- that giant stone structure?" (Ranboo really did fail to realize that the cookie shop was actually a military outpost, huh?)
"See, I like Tubbo. He's strong-headed, he doesn't let people push him around, you know?" (this is both an interesting change in what he thinks of Tubbo if he actually thinks that and further confirmation that Wilbur isn't a fan of people he considers to be 'followers')
"Why do you claim that you're so 'peaceful' and 'neutral' and yet somehow appear in almost every conflict this server's had since I died?" (since I saw people claiming this is manipulation already, just know that it isn't. He's just confused because, admittedly, Ranboo is a confusing guy and Wilbur doesn't really know him at all)
"Ranboo, why did you come to help me?" (...) "And then also I just think, you know... you can, you know- I think- I think you're an alright person, you know? So I wanna- I did kinda wanna get off on a better foot with you then what happened-" "Why?" "Just because I don't really like having the thought that people don't really like me" "Nonononono not the bit about the right foot, the 'why don't you think I'm a bad person'" "Well I mean, I think that you did bad things, but like, I think that you also went through things that made you that way and then I also think that you've changed now (...) but I think that now you've- apparently you've been away long enough that I think that if anyone goes away for that long eventually they'll have a thought about their morality and everything and maybe become a better person because of it"
I know this quote was absurdly long, but it is one of the most interesting conversations of the whole stream and it is really important and it tells us quite a bit as well. For one thing Wilbur was left quite emotional from someone simply admitting that he's an "alright person" and that they think he's capable of changing and this does bring him to open up to Ranboo right after. What Ranboo says to be exact is that anyone would have changed after going through what Wilbur went through and that change could be positive and while I completely disagree with it, it's clearly something that Wilbur needed to hear.
Now as to why I disagree with the notion that 13 years of semi-complete isolation could change anyone for the better should be rather obvious. But if it isn't, well, that's torture to put it simply. Psychological torture. Just like abuse it's one of those things that only cause trauma and a worsening mental health state and we see this with Wilbur because he didn't change, he only became more self-deprecating. Hurting someone doesn't make them become a better person all of a sudden, that's really not how it works. Hurting someone makes them become more traumatized.
"I think I scare people" ( as I said, immediately opening up about his insecurities)
"I think that a lot of people share your idea, but they share your idea in trying to- trying to keep me from hurting them" (for a bit here Wilbur talks about how he feels like everyone else is just waiting for him to step a foot out of line, which does really show that he's still interpreting all his interactions with people through the lens of his paranoia and self-deprecation, because no one is really interacting with him with that objective in mind)
"Dream's had his comeuppance and I've not" (this seems to be the crux of Wilbur's insecurity. This idea that he got off scot-free for his crimes, the idea that the only difference between him and Dream is the punishment that's been bestowed upon them which, of course, is wrong, but he doesn't know this, because he doesn't actually know why Dream's in prison)
"I've been investing into the wrong areas Ranboo, I've been investing into the wrong people" (This is either a reference to Tommy, to Phil, to Quackity, or to all of them)
"We're kindred man, we get each other" (the reason why he thinks that is because he seems to think that Ranboo has a similar type of paranoia to what Wilbur experience himself and he's not entirely wrong. Ranboo is deathly afraid of conflict and of being disliked so much so that he never stands up for anything in fear of angering others)
Little definition of "neuroticism" for you all since Wilbur kept mentioning it: neuroticism, one of the Big 5 personality traits, is typically defined as a tendency toward anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and other negative feelings.
I'd say it's quite fitting for both characters...
"I feel like life dealt us the same cards and the difference is that you built your trust by showing people your cards whilst I- I keep them close to my chest and I feel like that may be the big difference" (I felt like this was interesting. Especially knowing how much Ranboo actually doesn't share and how much he actually also keeps close to his chest)
They talk about tubbo in general for a bit and about what's been going on the server in general. Ranboo also that he's part of both Snowchester and the arctic commune (mostly the latter though).
"This has been chill, this has been good, I'm excited to show Tommy. What's your opinion on Tommy?" "Oh, he's- he's great. Tommy's awesome" "I agree I agree" "Definitely gone through a lot but I think that it's made him a good person" "Well you seem to think that everyone going through something at least gives them some merit you said" "I mean, yeah. I mean if- if no one- the only really bad people are the ones who are just evil because- just because and they don't have any reason why"
Included the whole thing here because if I stopped at Ranboo saying that Tommy going through trauma is what made him a good person it would have sounded really bad. As things are I think that that was just poor wording on his part and that this mostly goes back to the mentality he expressed before about how people sometimes do bad things because of the environment they're in pushing them and this idea he seems to have that actual hardships (like 13 years in Limbo or whatever he knows about what Tommy has been through) can encourage people to be better which is... sort of naive honestly. Again, trauma isn't a catalyst for the betterment of a person, and any improvement Tommy has made came from his self-reflection, not what he's been through.
After they're done with the van Wilbur brings Ranboo to their competing establishment and asks him to smash the windows, which Ranboo does with no hesitation whatsoever. After that Wilbur proceeds to place down one single block of TNT in a corner and Ranboo starts being a little more hesitant.
"You trust me right?" (I feel like that was a trick question considering how their common paranoia is the thing that Wilbur praised in Ranboo before)
Wilbur hands Ranboo the flint and steel to detonate the piece of TNT which Ranboo does, albeit with some hesitation.
"You passed the test, good job man, you go back to the van (...) Ranboo- Ranboo... I'm proud of you man. You've taken a side, you've proven that you can choose a side"
Quite a few people have already pointed out how similar this scene was to the time Wilbur tested Tommy in season 1 to decide if he was fit to be his right-hand man. In both situations, Wilbur gave someone a chance to cause some destruction against someone on the opposite side. Tommy passed the test by refusing to do so and showing that he was willing to uphold his morals and what he believed in. Ranboo passed the test by doing the exact opposite, by showing that, as much as he talks about how he chooses people and not sides, he's not willing to prove that even when all he would need to do to do so is doing nothing.
And it's an interesting scene to analyze as a parallel to that, but it's also interesting to note that Wilbur knows about Ranboo and Tommy griefing George together. He knows that Tommy was the only one to face any consequences for it (not that exile was actually the consequence for the griefing, but this is from Wilbur's point of view). Now putting this in the context of Wilbur seeing himself in Ranboo and thinking that he himself got off scot-free explains this next part perfectly in my opinion.
It explains why he made sure to leave this sign:
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To me at least. This is only a theory honestly, we don't have an actual full explanation. But I do think that Wilbur may feel like the both of them never got the comeuppance they deserved, which is why he did something that's sure to get a reaction from one of the most powerful people on the server. Though considering that he also left 2 diamonds as retribution + a chest with all the materials he picked up it could have also been Wilbur's idea of a bonding moment and he could actually really be proud of Ranboo.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Protect You-Technoblade
#349 from this prompt list. Check out my masterlist here!
This is a Technoblade x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! I hope you enjoy!
Side note, this will not have the correct dialogue that happened in canon at all lol. I have a really hard time writing things like that, so most of the dialogue will be my own. 
Y/N tries to warn their boyfriend about the Butcher Army. The prideful man that he ignores their attempts of getting him to flee. By the time he realizes they were right, it’s too late.
“Techno! I shouted, pounding on the front door of my boyfriend’s ‘retirement’ home. I had been hanging out at Phil’s house when Tubbo, Fundy, Ranboo, and Quackity lowkey burst down his door demanding to know where Techno was. Phil, wanting to keep his son safe, refused to tell them. It didn’t matter though, they found the compass that Techno gave his father so that he could always find Techno’s house. The older man was put under house arrest for refusing to help, meaning that he couldn’t go warn his son. Luckily, I was in the backroom when they were questioning Phil, they didn’t even know I was there. So as soon as they were out the door, I said goodbye to Phil and rushed outside, climbed on my horse, and galloped as fast as I could to Techno’s house to warn him. 
“Techno! Open up!” I shouted, pretty panicked about what was going to happen to the man. The front door opened to reveal my very confused boyfriend. “Y/N? What’s going on?” He questioned. “We have to go” I rushed out, “You’re being hunted by Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, and Ranboo. They’re calling themselves the Butcher Army. They have Phil’s compass that they stole and they’re on their way right now to take you to L’Manberg, what for? I don’t know. We have to leave!” Techno grabbed my shoulders forcing me to focus on him, “Y/N, take some deep breaths and calm down. Now I want you to think about who you’re talking to. I’m Technoblade. I’m the Blood God. I think I can handle a couple of wimpy kids coming to drag me many many blocks away. I think I’ll be fine.” His words frustrated me. Why wasn’t he taking this seriously. I wasn’t able to respond to his prideful words because they arrived. 
“Technoblade!” Tubbo yelled as the four charged forward. Techno pushed me slightly behind him and descended the stairs to greet the four boys. “Gentleman!” He greeted loudly, “To what do I owe the pleasure.” The Army glared at Techno, their eyes watching his every move. “Technoblade, for your crimes against L’Manberg, you have been summoned to the L’Manberg’s court house so that you may be put on trial.” I slowly descended the stairs, getting closer to them, trying to hear better. That seems a lot more civilized than I originally planned. 
Techno let out a deep chuckle, “Yeah, I think I’m good. I owe you people nothing. You took everything from me and so I think I’ll just stay here.” The sound of swords unsheathing filled the air as the four of them got into a defensive stance. “I don’t think you understood Blade,” Quackity hissed. “It wasn’t a question. Now drop your armor and weapons and come with us.” When Techno made no moves to follow orders, Quackity laughed. “We can do this one of two ways, the easy way or the bloody way. Which would you prefer?” Now it was Techno’s turn to laugh. “The bloody way? Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m the Blood God. I’d love to see you try” Techno taunted, moving closer to the three… Wait a moment. There were only three in front of him now. Where did Ranboo g- 
“I didn’t want to do this Techno, but you leave me with no choice. GRAB THEM!” Tubbo yelled out. I was confused, grab what? I didn’t have to wait long for my answer. I let out a short scream as I was grabbed from behind. A sword pressed itself against my throat causing me to gulp. “Sorry Y/N” I heard Ranboo whisper in my ear. It was then I realized that the reason I lost sight of him earlier was because he was sneaking up behind me. 
I glanced around and found Quackity had a hold of Carl. My eyes met Techno’s. His face was still stoic, but his eyes were swimming with fear. “Now you have two options, Techno. Either come with us or watch the two things you love the most be killed in front of your eyes.” Tubbo announced. Techno’s eyes flickered between Tubbo and me for a moment. I silently begged him to stay strong. I had all my canon lives, if I died once, I’d be fine. But Techno didn’t get the hint. “Okay,” He conceded, “I’ll go with you.” 
My chest felt heavy. Oh how I wish that he had listened to me earlier. A wicked smirk found its way onto Fundy and Quackity’s faces. “Perfect, now drop your armor and weapons.” Techno did as he was told. His shiny purple armor falling onto the snow and his weapons of the same description followed suit. “Let’s move,” Tubbo commanded. Ranboo moved the sword away from my neck, but still had a tight grip on my shoulder. He nudged me forward a bit and the six of us, plus Carl, began the trek back to L’Manberg. 
*Small Time Skip*
Once we got into L’Manberg, Carl and I were separated from Techno. Techno immediately protested and made an attempt to get to us, but once a sword was placed not only at my neck but his own, he settled and complied with the instructions. Carl and I were escorted to a nearby building that had iron doors and bars, so that once we were inside, there was no getting out from the inside. Someone would have to let us out. 
The door slammed shut as Ranboo exited the room, leaving me alone with Carl. My eyes filled with tears as I turned to my boyfriend’s beloved horse. Carl, seeming to sense my sadness, bumped his head against my hand causing him to pet him. I did as he asked with a watery laugh. “I’m really worried about him,” I spoke aloud. Carl let out a huff answering me. “Well I know it’s just a trial, but I can’t help but worry about something much more sinister. I mean they named themselves the Butcher Army. That doesn’t seem very diplomatic to me.” Carl let out another huff, looking at me almost annoyed. “I’m well aware he can take care of himself, but I fear he may not defend himself if he thinks we’re in danger.” Carl conceded and didn’t “say” anything else. 
The sound of the iron door creaking open, broke me out of the moment. My head snapped to the doorway and was shocked at the sight. “Dream?” I whispered, stunned at the sight of the green cloaked, white masked, man. “Yeah it’s me. Come with me, now. I’m going to get you out of here.” He urged, motioning for me to do as he asked. I was hesitant. Why would Dream help us? But then again, what would I rather? Stay here and wait for the butcher army to come back. Or escape now? I decided on the latter. 
I grabbed Carl’s reins and pulled him out of the house, following Dream as we snuck down the prime path. “Are we going where I think we’re going?” I asked aloud as I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Dream chuckled at my tone, “Yeah. We are. It’s where I told Techno to meet me.” I let out a sigh but nodded, “Great” 
The Final Control Room. I remember like it was yesterday. Eret’s betrayal shocked us all. I shook the thoughts from my head as we made our way inside. “Techno!” I breathed out, rushing forward and hugging him. Techno instantly returned the hug and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “Y/N. I’m so glad you’re safe.” “What happened?” I questioned, pulling back from the hug. “I’ll explain later, but we’ve got to go now.” He muttered, turning to Dream. I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Oh how the turn tables….
“Thanks Dream” Techno thanked. I turned and found Techno handing Dream a bunch of items. “Anytime Techno. Pleasure doing business with you.” Then Dream was gone. Techno turned back to us with a slightly worried face. “I can hear Quackity calling for me. He’ll be here any second. I’m going to have to fight him and I really don’t want him to know that you two are here. I’m going to block you in. Hang tight for a minute.” I nodded and moved so that I was standing next to Carl and made it so we were taking up as little space as possible. “Okay here we go.” Techno quickly put cobble down and blocked the two of us in. 
Techno finished just in time because I heard Quackity yell his name. I could barely hear what was happening through the cobble, but I got the gist of it all. After a few minutes, I got a notification. I held my breath as I read it, praying it wasn’t Techno. It wasn’t. Quackity was slain by Technoblade. I let out a sigh of relief and began breaking the cobble wall down. It went pretty quick as both my boyfriend and I were both breaking the wall. After most of the wall was down, I was able to wrap my arms around my boyfriend. We squeezed each other really tightly for just a moment before breaking apart. “Let’s go.” 
Techno hopped on Carl and then helped me on as well. Techno gave Carl a swift kick and we were off. As L’Manberg fell behind me I felt all of the stress fall off of my shoulders and the air fill my lungs. The clops of Carl’s footsteps and the constant rocking motion of the horse caused me to let out a yawn. I buried my face into Techno’s back as he looked over his shoulder. “Tired?” he gently asked. I simply nodded and closed my eyes. “Sleep then. I’ll wake you up when we get home.” I smiled at the terms used. Home. He didn’t say his house. He called it home. 
*another small time skip*
I was woken up to my body being set down on something comfortable. I let out a groan as my eyes fluttered open. Techno stood over me with a small smile. “Hey there love. We’re home.” He mumbled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips. I hummed in contentment as I kissed back. Techno broke the kiss as he moved to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to me. I gently rolled on my side to face my boyfriend. The two of us just stared at each other for a moment, soaking up each other’s presence after the crazy day we had. 
“You want to talk about it now.” I asked softly, tracing random shapes on Techno’s chest. Techno let out a sigh as he pulled me close to his chest, “It wasn’t a trial. They lied to me. There was never a trial. They took me to L’Manberg to execute me.” Techno breathed out. I let out a small gasp at his words. Those boys planned on executing someone? “I knew something was up because Dream came to me with a woodland mansion map and told me it would be worthwhile to go find it. So I did and got a few totems of undying. That’s how I survived today.” I wrapped my arms around Techno and squeezed him tightly to my chest. “I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.” I murmured into his chest. I felt Techno’s shoulders move in a shrug. “It is what it is….” “Well then I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner today to warn you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you better.” 
Techno’s chest rumbled as he chuckled, “You know, as long as I’m alive there are going to be people hunting me and wanting me dead? You can’t protect me” He murmured in my ears. I rolled my eyes at his response and peered up at him. “I can do my best. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.” I whispered, bringing my hand up and stroking Techno’s cheek. Techno’s eyes fluttered closed at the gentle contact. 
A silence fell over the room as the two of us cuddled together, falling asleep after a long and stressful day. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his chest. As I fell asleep, I felt Techno’s breath on my cheek as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. “For what it’s worth. I will always protect you. I love you so much Y/N. I would burn the world if anything ever happened to you.” A gentle kiss was pressed to my cheek and then to my lips before he settled back down. I fell asleep that night wrapped in my boyfriend’s arms with a soft smile on my face. 
I suck at endings so so much. But I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please leave a like and maybe even tell me what your favorite part was!
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sortasirius · 4 years
what makes you think the writers want deancas? not trying to be an asshole, i'm just genuinely curious as to why you think that. i know berens' episodes are pretty heavy with subtext so i can see why you'd say that he wants it, but i'm not so sure about the rest of the writers/dabb. it seems like meghan isn't a huge fan either, given her "they twisted it so fast" tweet :/ of course she's a very new writer (think she's only writing one ep this season?) but still
OKAY this is a great question, welcome to my dissertation.
I’m going to address the end of your question first. Meghan is actually DeanCas positive, she has been for quite a long time. She actually, a few years back, posted a picture of her reading a literal book about Destiel and captioned it “writing reading” or something like that.
This whole thing just comes out of a boiling over of tensions because of how nasty fandom twitter can be. Like I said here, I think this has just gotten blown out of proportion, they shouldn’t have posted all this randomly disparaging stuff, but also like...can you blame them? The fandom is a lot, we always have been, and they’re probably also under a gag order not to talk about the finale, and are annoyed that people keep asking.
So nah, Meg is not anti Destiel.
To the first part!! So let’s take a look at the show runners since Cas has been around.
Seasons 4 and 5: Kripke
Seasons 6 and 7: Gamble
Seasons 8-11ish: Carver
Seasons 11ish-15: Dabb
So starting with Kripke. Okay, yes, I will be the first to admit that we have some pretty incredible Destiel moments in these seasons, but it’s less directly written into the plot and much more from Misha and Jensen’s uhhhh ~chemistry~. The only times it was directly written into the script was when the episode was handled by someone like Edlund (“On The Head Of A Pin,” “The End,” “My Bloody Valentine”). And you have to remember, if in season 5, there are moments here and there where you’re like huh that’s suspiciously romantic dialogue, remember that Cas took Anna’s place. Anna was supposed to be endgame for Dean, but due to a myriad of issues and Misha’s general greatness, Anna was replaced with Cas.
Onto 6 and 7. Hmmm. Gamble. 6 and 7 are my two least favorite seasons and that’s no secret, and that’s not only due to the plain old weird shit in the overall storyline, but also that homegirl killed off Cas in s7 and then Bobby like four episodes later. (Also it ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way they couldn’t have Baby in that season lol). We still had some great DeanCas moments, but again, it wasn’t really written into the overall arc (until they had to change the end of season 7 because of tanking ratings and bring Misha back lol, anyone remember the fact that Dean kept Cas’ jacket and would randomly dream of him? Yeah.). But we still had those moments, those distinctly romantic moments, probably the best example in these two seasons is from Edlund again, specifically “The Man Who Would be King,” I wrote a little about that here.
We move onto Carver, who gave us, at this point, the most overt DeanCas season with season 8 (season gr8 is a better name imo), and this is the first time Dean and Cas’ relationship is directly written as an arc of the season.  I mean, you have everything in Purgatory, Dean “seeing” Cas everywhere, the fact that he felt so guilty that Cas stayed in Purgatory that he manipulated his own memories to think that he was the one that failed Cas, because he couldn’t comprehend that Cas would want to leave him, and let’s not forget Dean snapping Cas out of Naomi’s hold on him in “Goodbye Stranger.”  It was a very obvious shift, not enough to alert the general audience, but more than enough for most of us in fandom.
It’s also important to note that this is when Andrew stopped co writing with Loflin and started writing his own episodes (”Hunter Heroici” anyone?)  I like Loflin fine, but Dabb was able to stretch his legs a little bit more once he stopped co-writing, and we also began to see some DeanCas themes in his solo episodes.
In any case, them and their issues being a big part of the seasons continued with Carver, and Berens entered the scene, his first episode (”Heaven Can’t Wait”) is one of my favorites, with human Cas and the fanfiction gap and Dean and Cas just generally being awkward and funny and sweet.  This is Bobo’s FIRST episode, remember that.  He comes right out of the gate with it.
Also in Season 9, this is when Dean takes the Mark of Cain, and the Cas/Colette mirror is born, so obviously, Dean and Cas are the fabric of the season once again.  This is also the season where Metatron says Cas is “in love with humanity,” and then immediately refers to Dean as Humanity so uhhhh yeah.
Onto season 10, Dabb and Berens continue with their greatness (I could write pages on the DeanCas date in “The Things We Left Behind” alone).  And then we have one of the best scenes in the entire show in “The Prisoner” where the Cas/Colette mirror continues and Dean, driven by grief and pain and rage and the Mark, still doesn’t kill Cas.  He still can’t kill Cas.
Season 11 is important because it takes choice away from both Cas and Dean, and shows us, as the audience, how much losing each other takes out of them. We saw in season 10 how much losing Dean takes from Cas, but what about Cas losing Dean?  Dean loses his choice with his connection to Amara this season, and loses even more when Lucifer reveals he’s been possessing Cas, and plays on Dean’s connection to Cas like a mockery.  It’s also worth noting that, similarly to season 8, Dean breaks out of the connection with Amara when he’s worried about Cas, and that’s something that even SHE is surprised by.
But then season 12, the beginning to the Renaissance.  This is when we get the writer’s that become important for what Dean and Cas are today, and, truly, why I believe they want canon Destiel as much as we do.
This is the first season with Dabb’s writers: Davy Perez, Meredith Glynn, Steve Yockey, and of course Bobo all come in with their incredible talents and gave us episode after episode of good content.  “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” is probably my favorite, probably the best example of what I’m saying.  An episode where Dean is called out by an enemy directly, told to “roll the dice” on Cas’ life.  And Dean won’t, it’s not even really a hesitation.  And this comes from a character that has known Dean for ten seconds.  I also wrote more in depth about this episode here.  There are also some.....distinctly domestic details we get this season, specifically in “The Future” (written by Berens and Glynn) with the mixtape.  The most tropey of tropes mixtape.  Yeah, I’ll just leave that one here.
And then season 12 ends with Cas’ death, but also with the parallel between Sam and Dean with Jess and Cas.  Sam literally has to drag Dean away from Cas, just like Dean had to drag Sam out of his burning apartment in the pilot.  The episode drives it home in every way that it can: Dean is the one left kneeling by Cas’ body, while Sam goes to find out what is upstairs.  Dean is the one who stares at the sky, finally broken.  This isn’t a random thing, this is Dean’s whole arc, it’s the entirety of the beginning of 13.  Dean’s pain, his anguish, his anger.
Season 13 starts with them burning Cas, with Dean, who has begged God to bring him back, who has split his knuckles punching a door, standing, staring at Cas’ pyre with brokenness on his face.
I mean.....
Anyway, season 13 is where it gets interesting (well, I think all of this is interesting but I’m a writer nerd so).  So Cas comes back from the Empty in “Advanced Thanatology” written by Steve Yockey, and then a wombo combo of “Tombstone” by Davy Perez next (”Brokebacknatural” as the PR said at the time).  Listen.  This is the part that SPN crossed a line that they couldn’t come back from.  With Cas being Dean’s “big win,” the fact that Dean and Cas watch movies together, “I told you, he’s an angry sleeper.  Like a bear.” Talked about it here.
This is where, in my opinion, the network stepped in, but the damage was already done.  They had already established that Cas was Dean’s big win, that Dean’s poor coping was not due to Mary’s disappearance, but solely due to Cas, and that Dean and Cas have more married energy than anyone else.  The network had nixed blatant canon at this point, and they writing room had been pushing the boundaries of what the network would allow. 
After these episodes, we see a marked drop off of DeanCas heavy scenes.  They’re still there, still a part of the fabric of the season, but not as...obvious as it had been in early season 13.
And this continued through season 14, we’re back to scraps of Destiel scenes here and there, but to me it always felt like there was something bubbling under the surface, something distinctly unsaid in the themes of the season, even after the walk back of obvious “Dean and Cas are in love” scenes.
And then we get to season 15, which, y’all know I talk about all the time.  What’s important here is that Bobo and Glynn are both executive producers, calling more of the shots than ever before.  Additionally, it’s important to note that, though they only co write occasionally, Glynn and Berens refer to each other as “work husband” and “work wife.”  Each episode has just turned up the volume, and, not for the first time, but certainly the most obvious, Dean and Cas ARE the season.  Sure, they’re trying to beat God, they’re trying to finally find peace, defeat the final big bad, but really?  This season has been about Dean, and Dean’s relationship to Cas.
And not only do we have obvious and clear Destiel in nearly every episode, but we have episodes like “Last Call” which canonize bi!Dean (wrote about that here).
And, maybe most importantly so far, we have “The Rupture,” the breakup, and “The Trap,” Dean’s confession (both written by Berens).  And here’s the thing.  These episodes feel connected, but also feel like they’re missing something.  Beren’s last episode is 15x18, “The Truth.”  We’ve all spec’ed about what could happen in this episode, and I think *I* know what it’s leading to.  But for it to be leading to that, it means that the network has to have approved what we’ve all been waiting for years for.
Who got this change to happen?  Who got the network to change their minds?  It wasn’t us.  It was them.  I am fully convinced that Dabb and Berens quite literally put their careers on the line for Dean and Cas.  They believe in them, they’ve shown that from the beginning, but the only thing standing in the way was the network, never allowing them to take the final step. 
So, to answer your question: I think the writers want canon DeanCas because they’ve already shown us that they do.  Take a look at their episodes, at Dabb’s, at Beren’s, at Glynn’s, at Perez’s, at Yockey’s.  They’ve been telling us what’s going on with Dean and Cas for years.
Sure, I’m not in their heads, I guess I don’t know for *sure* that this has been their thought process, but if we put it all together, from the marked shift when Dabb fully took over in s12, to the change right after “Tombstone,” to the new shift, the blatantly romantic shift in season 15, what else is there?
I’ve said for a long time that we, the SPN fandom, are beyond lucky to have the writer’s that we do.  They’re all going to go on to have prolific careers and we were lucky to get them at the end of our little show.  I give them a lot of credit for what we have in the show today.
Just remember, they’ve been telling us in all of s15 who Chuck is.  He says he’s the writer, right?  But a writer who doesn’t have control of his characters?  A writer who wants to do the same ending over and over because it “works”?  That doesn’t sound like a writer, it sounds like a network exec.
They’ve been showing us what they want for years, and the way s15 is going?  I think they may have convinced the network to let us have it.
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mochiiwrites · 3 years
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🍁✨Autumn Troupe Headcanons!✨🍁
Hooray for more uncensored swearing! Sorry, this took so long! It’s hard to think of things for the Autumn Troupe since I don’t know them super well!
🍁🧡Banri Settsu🧡🍁
Whenever it's time for practice, Banri begins by smacking the back of Juza's head! (Not super hard, but enough for it to piss him off)
Diluc main, that is all. Before he got Diluc he was an Amber main, and somehow was good. Still uses her every once in a while!
Slightly intimidated by languages sometimes, I dunno how to explain it, so hopefully the dialogue does!
“Banri, come here for a second.”
“Hell no, I’m in the middle of a match right now.”
“Sit your ass down and wait, Chikage! I’m busy!”
"Halika dito! Huwag kang humintay na papatayin kita at iwanan kitang dumugo sa lansangan! Inumin ng mga aso ang iyong dugo at kukunin ng mga uwak ang iyong laman. Gusto mo yan?!" ("Come here! Don't wait for me to kill you and leave you bleeding in the street! Dogs will drink your blood and crows will take your flesh. Do you want that ?!" ) I'm unsure of the translation, since the filipino was from Irumaaaaa_saaaaamaaaaa's comment on my Ao3! I just put it into google translate
“Damn! Fine, fine, I’m comin! Chill out!”
His older sister gave him a leopard plushie when he was a kid, which is why he’s fucking obsessed with animal prints!
Plays drums and almost broke the coffee table because he “jammed too hard” on it!
Constantly messing up Taichi’s hair, or he’s drumming to songs on his head.
*boom boom bap boom boom bap*
“Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday! You got mud on your face, you big disgrace! Kicking your can all over the place, singin'-”
“We will, we will rock you!”
“Haha! Hell yeah!”
🍁💜Juza Hyodo💜🍁
Likes carrying Muku or Kumon on his shoulders! Sometimes they still parade around!
“Are you sure about this, Ju-chan?”
“Yeah, you’re real light, y’know.”
“What the hell are you doing, Hyodo? Practice is soon.”
Chews on things a lot when he’s nervous! He always has gum or a lollipop to avoid chewing on his shirt, his nails and other inedible things!
Uses shorter Mankai members as an armrest, but only the ones who are okay with it! He’s polite like that.
On nights where he just can’t sleep, he’ll go on walks or drive around on his motorcycle!
Terrible with eye contact and looking like he’s paying attention. Sakyo has to snap his fingers at him to make sure he’s listening!
Y’know the awkward sibling hug from Gravity Falls, he and Kumon have done that...a lot. It’s not actually awkward though, they just liked the show!
“Awkward sibling hug?”
“...Awkward sibling hug.”
“...pat, pat.”
“Hyodos, what the hell?”
🍁💖Taichi Nanao💖🍁
Cried twice when he got his piercings, the first time was because he was very, very afraid, the second time was because he was so happy that he looked good with them!
Has Heelys! One time, he tried to 'heely' into the rehearsal room, but he immediately fell over!
Plays the ukulele! He wanted to play guitar because he saw someone serenading their partner with it at school! He borrowed Masumi's guitar but bar chords suck and his hands are kinda small, so he settled for the uke!
"Aghhh! How do you play that! That hurts my fingies!"
"I have bigger hands and more experience."
"But you're only like an inch taller than me!"
"Height doesn’t really have anything to do with this."
Has a Tiktok! He doesn't post often, it's more for looking at memes or sick outfits. (He does the dances though! He's pretty good at them but they're all in his drafts since he's not super confident in them!)
Y’know how kids crawl up the stairs really fast. He does that. Constantly. Kazunari joins in, sometimes. It pisses Sakyo off a lot, but he gave up on trying to get them to stop.
"Taicchan, what are you doing?"
"Kazu-kun! I got the zoomies!"
"Nice! Can I join ya?"
"For sure!"
*Rapid thumping up the stairs*
"Aren't you gonna stop them, Sakyo?"
"...If I had that ability, they would've stopped a long time ago. Those idiots don't listen."
He LOVES Sk8 The Infinity! Langa's his favourite character! He's also probably a Reki kinnie!
🍁💙Omi Fushimi💙🍁
(It's blue like his regular shirt and Tumblr doesn't have any other colours ;-;)
Despite being tone-deaf, he hums a lot when he cooks! No one seems to mind it!
Enjoys scrapbooking! He kind of prefers scrapbooks to albums, since scrapbooks have a more homemade vibe, you know?
Gives the best hugs, and tends to hold hands with the younger members when they cross the street!
Regularly has this conversation!
“Banri, have you eaten?”
“I dunno Omi, have YOU eaten?”
“...I have. But that's not what I’m concerned about.”
“...I had a granola bar like, an hour ago.”
“...I’m making you something.”
When he first joined the company, he took notes on what everyone liked and didn't like to eat, plus if they had allergies! He still has it, he just doesn't need to use it anymore!
I feel like something like this has happened once!
“Ah, Omi! Can you help me grab something?”
“Oh, sure. What do you need, Sakuya?”
“Homare asked me to get some of that tea, but I can’t rea-”
*lifts Sakuya like Simba*
“Ah! Omi, haha! What are you doing?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it! Do you want me to stop?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine! It’s kinda fun actually.”
🍁💛Sakyo Furuichi💛🍁
Absolutely blind without his glasses, like it’s really bad. He walked into a doorframe without his glasses. Thankfully, no one noticed (he thinks).
He has a bit of bubble-wrap in his a pocket all the time and sometimes he uses it as a threat! (Hopefully that made sense...)
“Settsu, move over.”
“I literally can’t! Your fat ass is taking too much space!”
“Just scoot your lazy ass over.”
“I can’t I already-”
“...Alright, I get it! I’ll shut up! Jeez, how is that so threatening...”
Definitely told Azami that Santa wasn’t real when he was like 6.
Sakoda got him a mug that said #1 Dad but he crossed it out and replaced ‘Dad’ with ‘Aniki’! Sakyo still drinks out of it, sometimes!
Azami also made him a friendship bracelet when he was a lot younger. Sakyo doesn’t wear it (because it doesn’t fit him anymore) but he still has it! He likes rubbing the beads between his fingers.
Good at trivia! Like, really good. He somewhat enjoys Trivia Murder Party. (I just watched a play through and skipped to a random question, I have no idea if it’s actually hard lol.)
“Which body of water connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?”
“Wh- How are we supposed to know that?!”
*Sakyo answers ‘The Strait of Gibraltar’ and is the only one who answers correctly*
“Fuck, my thumb slipped.”
“That shouldn’t be allowed. Sakyo’s shitty and old, he shouldn’t be able to know and remember things.”
“Oi, brat. I’m not that old. You’re not the one who got the answer right.”
“You’re not the one who literally never learned this!”
🍁❤️Azami Izumida❤️🍁
Has smacked too many cans/cups out of Itaru and Tsuzuru’s hands!
“Drink actual water. And jeez, go take a nap or something. Your skin is even worse than I thought it could get. Aren’t you supposed to be the responsible one in the Spring Troupe?”
“Ah... I guess, you are right. Thanks for looking out for me.”
“W-well! W-we can’t have you on stage looking like a raisin! S-so!”
Often criticizes Izumi’s eyeliner and ends up just doing it for her. N-not that he minds or anything!
Played Love Nikki at some point, I do not take that much criticism.
Because I think the troupe/play themes are canon, he definitely helped with Shake the Shape and wrote some of RESPAWN!
Always has extra hair ties on him, even though most of the others don’t really need them. Most of the time, the hair ties end up being used for...other purposes.
“Azami, I swear to whatever god is listening, if you fire that elasti-”
“...You shitty brat-”
“Oh shi-”
Part of the ‘wears nail polish’ squad! He hates stickers. (Most of the time they somehow fall off) His go-to is an alternating pattern of black and red.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Happier version of Tripsun, time travel nonsense where LMK Sun Wukong meets post-journey Sanzang with General 6?
Dialogue starters
6. “Have you been taking care of yourself?”
ah hell yeah
Every time he’d be allowed to share moments like this with his former Master, Sun Wukong would say to himself that he could never forget how at ease he could feel. How warm his chest was and the faint sweet shivers that would crawl up his spine and make his fur fluff out could never fade.
And yet every time it was allotted to him again it felt like new.
Perhaps because of how long it had been since their journey, but those random times his Monkeys would inform him someone was nearing the mountain, and when he’d poke his head out in bird form and see that golden light, made his gut jolt and heat to flood his face and neck as though he were some adolescent with a crush.
Of course he’d roll out the welcome wagon (just modest enough that Tang Sanzang wouldn’t chide him for being a showoff even after everything, but could easily be passed off as his Monkeys being as excited as he was to welcome the monk back to the island) and lay out as much food as he could get away with without again, his master scolding him for extravagance and sparing him only a few small knowing smiles over the feast of mountain fruits.
And they’d catch up of course, over food, over tea, and then just sitting somewhere pretty, His master would extoll him the stories of his new students, comparing and contrasting them to his first merry band of disciples (usually a coy smile hidden beneath a sleeve as he said someone or another was just as hard to handle at first as he had been) but a strikingly proud gleam in his smile as he praised students he wouldn’t dare speak aloud to their faces to avoid the building of ego) And Wukong would extoll the current drama of his monkeys and how this or that dispute was brought to him over plums or some other such simple yet silly thing. Truly the stories he had left to tell weren’t near as extravagant as the battles he once went on five hundred years ago, but his master always responded to the comings and goings of Flower Fruit Mountain with as much interest and immersion as he would the mightiest of battles.
And then came the moments when the stories finally ran dry and the two were allowed to simply be in eachothers presence, usually spent meditating on his master’s part while Wukong simply lounged about or read or just sat quietly with his master, enjoying the company in a way the outside world had grown far too bright and fast and loud for.
But this visit was different.
He’d woken up on the mountain, which was strange granted they were li upon li away (Kilometers, they use kilometers now) and his Monkeys were rushing up to him shrieking in fear and panic, hooting and hollering and demanding his attention to an assumed intruder.
He’d been suspicious of course, he’d anticipated anything, the calabash, an illusion, something that would REALLY need his truth seeing eyes (using them had started giving him wicked headaches; his power was so close to gone) but the golden light had already faded when he came outside, ready to fight-
And his eyes fell upon a familiar figure on the sandy shore.
And then he could only hope this was an illusion, as the idea of somehow being transported back home right in time for Master to put himself so close to the danger of the Lady Bone Demon again made his hackles rise. So despite the pounding headache that started the second he summoned the power he gazed around them with golden eyes, gliding over his master’s buzzing cicada wings, his monkeys peering at him curiously, and focusing his gaze to the city-
-where there was neither the silhouette of the skull nor the grid-like patterns of an illusion’s edge. Nor even the city itself.
There was a town, sure, but not a city. A town that had been in the… sixteen hundreds or so? About a century after he’d sealed the Demon Bull King away and dropped in on master to tell him he was considering retiring, that he’d be on his mountain if he needed him, and he was always welcome if he wanted to visit.
And about a century after that, Tang Sanzang had taken him up on the offer. And there he was.
This was the first visit. The throbbing pain in his head proclaimed this as not a dream, the golden vision proclaimed this not an illusion or a trick. This simply… had happened. He had replaced his (slightly) younger self for a time, and this was where he was. The first time.
Maybe this wasn’t for him so much as it was for the others, being given a past version of himself with his powers still in tact, Maybe his past self could protect them all in a way he no longer could.
His monkeys were giving the monk a wide berth and he watched him look around, normally serene expression slightly crumpled as he looked for a path up the mountain. At this point he could easily appear there with a flick of the wrist, but his master never believed in the easy way (except when it came to riding Longma for the entire journey, but he bullied him enough about that as is)
He called a couple of his monkey generals to him and gestured to the beach. “We’ve got a treasured guest here boys, bring out some of our best fruits! The monk drinks no wine so our most potent teas as well!” The two chittered between each other and saluted him. Ah… he missed when his monkeys could much easier take orders.
“Why if my eyes don’t deceive me! Is this the virtuous Tang Monk I spy? The carrier of the Tripitaka himself? Why if any demon consumed his flesh it is said they’d become immortal!” He crowed, and watched as his master quickly covered his mouth with a hand, suppressing a laugh before schooling his expression back into the unimpressed line.
“It seems as though I've wandered to another mountain full of dangerous demons.” he stated, monotone and dry, but playful grin quickly betraying the tone. “If only I had some gallant disciple to protect me from the oncoming dangers”
Sun Wukong tumbled from the trees and gave a mock bow. “Say no more virtuous monk! No demon worth their salt can stand a fight against I, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven!” there was a pause.
And then his master’s laugh was all he heard. It took him a second to join in, taking a hairdsbreath too long to enjoy the sound, but soon enough he was escorting the monk up to his home.
He had barely been able to wait to tell his Master about Xiaotian, and yet here he was having to avoid the boy’s name entirely while he searched to remember stories and drama from the monkeys four hundred years ago. He mentioned briefly that he was considering taking on a successor but hadn’t decided on it yet. His master told his own stories and He found himself possibly enjoying it a bit too much, Master had only recently passed by his thousand year mark of being immortal and he had still not quite gotten the hang of it yet. All the same he was doing his best and it was nostalgic to watch him try so hard to maintain what came easily to him in the future.
Then the stories ran dry and he gestured for his master to follow him, and reached his favorite spot on the mountainside, it overlooked the town that would soon become a city and they’d have the best fireworks. He didn’t share that information with master, but it didn’t matter, just his presence was enough.
But before he could vanish into the ‘somehow always like new’ feeling, Tang Sanzang turned to him with a worried eye.
“Have you been taking care of yourself?” It was a question he didn’t remember being asked on that first visit, one that took him aback.
“What do you mean, Master? I’m fine.”
“Bad Monkey, don’t bother lying to me, you keep wincing as though you’re in pain and you can take beatings that would make mountains crumble into ravines! You keep rubbing at your fur as though there are wounds that are still healing beneath when it takes so much just to pierce your flesh! Was your fight with the Bull King really so intense that your wounds act up even a century later or are you concealing other things from me?” damn those perceptive eyes. He didn’t USED to be perceptive, he used to fall for basically every demon trick!
Then again, he probably wasn’t doing too great at covering up the lingering wounds on his body either.
“I’m fine master, I’m sure everything will be back to normal when i’ve rested some.”
Well that was the exact wrong thing to say as he watched the Monk’s face pale. “Have I been keeping you from rest? Oh, you fool of an ape you should have told me!” Tang Sanzang turned to face him properly and for a moment Sun Wukong’s brain short circuited entirely as he placed soft hands on either of his cheeks to cup his face. “I can return at any time! If you’re injured you shouldn’t feel pressured to remain in my company!”
“I want to be in your company.” It came out in a way he wouldn’t have been able to mask the adoring warmth to, no matter how hard he tried. “Master, I enjoy nothing quite as much as I do our quiet moments together.” He had to go visit him himself upon returning to his time, he’d forgotten just how much he could miss the monk once again.
Tang Sanzang huffed and it seemed like that had at least turned his upset into more garden variety aggravation. “Bad monkey…” He shook his head, and in the dim light of sunset it almost seemed as though his master’s cheeks turned a pink shade of their own before he brought his hands down to take Sun Wukongs in his own, and stood. “Well if you feel so strongly about that then clearly I’m going to have to see to your recovery myself.” The monk looked off to the side and a small smile came with a featherlight chuckle. “How strange, a near reverse of how things once were between us.”
He chuckled as well at the irony and watched his master’s grin widen. “Indeed. Well, if you insist, I shall submit myself to your fucking fretting, baldy.”
Now THAT got a real laugh. and a soft 'Language!' between chuckles.
He’d get summoned back to his own time when Past Him was done doing whatever heavy lifting he’d gotten too weak to be able to handle no doubt. But for now he didn’t see the harm in enjoying the peacetime as it lasted.
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Hello :) 7 and 49 for willex? (either combined or separate if its easier!)
I eventually decided to do them separate😅 so this is
7. “Let me do this for you, okay?”
ao3 link here
soft dialogue prompts
Alex fell on the couch with a groan, feeling utterly exhausted. He was well accustomed to the feeling, but at the same time so confused. He was hunting demons for a living that should be more tiring than taking care of a four year old.
Right on cue, Matt came inside looking for something, but seemed to forget all about it when he spotted Alex. He moved in closer, coming to stand in front of his face.
“Hi,” he said quietly.
Alex smiled tiredly despite himself. “Hi,” he said too.
“Are you tired?” he asked curiously.
“Yeah…” Alex sighed.
“You should go to sleep too,” Matt concluded.
Alex chuckled, mustering up some strength to push himself into a sitting position. “Hmm, that’s a good idea. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping too?”
“I can’t find Alex,” he said. “I told Willie he must be here.” He looked around once again.
Alex sighed, but couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. Luke and Reggie had gotten Matt that stupid bear and gave it to him specifically telling him that his name was Alex all while staring at real life Alex with matching grins. He hated his friends sometimes.
“You know,” Alex said, leaning over the couch where he'd spotted the bear so he could grab it from the floor and give it to Matt. “You can name that bear whatever you want.”
“I like Alex,” Matt said, holding the bear close to him. “He has the same name as you!”
“Right,” he said with a little laugh just as Matt yawned. “Okay, back to bed now. Willie’s waiting for you.”
“Yeah,” he said, his eyes half closed already. “Goodnight,” he added, moving in to hug Alex.
Matt had been staying with them for about a month now, but Alex still got pleasantly surprised whenever he just flung himself at them. He hugged him back and soon enough Matt walked back inside his room.
Taking the kid’s advice and actually going to bed would probably be the right thing to do here. But Alex was sitting on a comfortable couch and the lights were already dimmed and the apartment was quiet and well, was it really Alex’s fault that he fell asleep right there?
He did come round at some point when he felt movement next to him, but he didn’t really bother opening his eyes. It wasn’t like he didn’t know who was there.
“We should go inside,” someone whispered next to his ear.
“Hmm,” Alex hummed.
“And you should take some time off,” Willie continued. “Before you work yourself to the bone again.”
“‘m fine,” Alex mumbled.
“You’re exhausted, babe,” Willie said. “You just have to work out your schedule again. Our lives have changed.”
That was an understatement. “Can’t…” Alex sighed as he turned around on the couch a bit, finally opening his eyes. “I can’t take time off now. I’m pretty sure the Clave is waiting for me to do something wrong,” he said with a yawn, “so they have a reason to say no.”
The Clave was supposed to make a decision on whether they got to keep Matt and no matter how much they hated said fact and seriously doubted the Clave actually liked them, they had to play nice. And Alex had to be a good little Shadowhunter so they could get their way. Neither of them wanted the kid to be shipped off to a random Institute.
“Your health is important too,” Willie said.
Alex turned to his side so he could face him better. “I’ll be fine,” he said. “I’ve been through worse.”
“That is not reassuring,” Willie sighed, making Alex laugh. “Maybe I can take some time off, we’ll balance things better.”
“Willie, you have a whole pack-”
“I’m not gonna renounce the pack.” He chuckled. “It’s okay if I’m not at the bar every night.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
“I want to. We’re in this together, remember?” Willie nudged his nose with his own. “Let me do this for you, okay? For us.”
Alex closed his eyes, taking a little breath. He leaned in ever so slightly, kissing Willie softly. “I love you,” he whispered.
Willie smiled. “I love you too.”
“But can we just sleep here? I’m too tired to move.”
“You’re the one who keeps saying we have a perfectly nice bed inside,” Willie said with a grin.
“Don’t listen to me, I have no idea what I’m talking about.” Alex closed his eyes again, snuggling in closer to him.
“Hm right,” he heard Willie over his head, but was already too far gone to even attempt to answer. He soon drifted off, not before hearing a ‘goodnight’ accompanied with a kiss on the top of his head.
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Seven
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warning: This chapter contains description of a heavy panic attack. Please read at your own risk.
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho (Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!)
Author’s Note: A chunk of dialogue in this chapter comes from the movie and has been expanded on to fit the storyline. 
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“And when exactly is your mother planning to visit us?” Monsignor O’Malley inquired as he followed Demetria. 
Demetria snapped a photo of the hallway before looking over her shoulder. “Most likely next month. Once I send her the photos , she’ll work on drafts and whenever she comes, we can all sit down and discuss how to go about the process.” She snapped her fingers. “You know what, I have her business card with me because she sometimes does work in Gotham City.” 
She pulled out her wallet from her purse and handed Monsignor O’Malley the thing off white card. “She’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and or concerns.” 
He smiled as he took the card. “This is awfully generous of you, Ms. Gallagher. We can’t tell you how grateful we are.” 
“It’s the least I can do,” she waved her hand. “Both Bruce and I want to make sure you, the sisters, and the boys are taken care of with whatever you need.” She paused. “How are the boys doing?” 
“They’re wonderful.” 
“Oh good! I was actually wondering if I could go say ‘hi’ or-.” 
“Unfortunately the boys are on a field trip with the sisters.”
Demetria nodded understandingly, trying to hide her disappointment. “Absolutely.” Then an idea hit her. “Do the nuns teach the boys?” 
“Some do. We’ve been thinking about incorporating more schooling into the boys schedules, but we’re a little short staffed and not all the nuns feel comfortable teaching certain subjects.” 
“I’d love to step in,” Demetria offered. 
Monsignor O’Malley raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it you would teach?” 
“I’m excellent at English. All levels. I was a TA my senior year of high school. I even minored in it in college.” 
Monsignor O’Malley nodded his head, impressed. “Well, if it doesn’t interfere with your schedule-.” 
“I don’t have one,” she laughed. 
He chuckled. “Then I suppose it’s something we can try out. Are you free next week?”
Her eyes lit up. “Absolutely!’ I would love that!”
Before she could say more, the sound of her phone ringing cut her off. She gave Monsignor O’Malley an apologetic smile as she dug into her bag. “Excuse me one second.” 
She glanced down to see it was a reminder that she had to start getting ready for the fundraiser. 
“Please excuse me, but I’ve got to head out,” Demetria said. “Remember, if you have any questions, you have my number as well as my mom’s.” 
“Of course. I also look forward to discussing you working here.” 
“I do as well.” 
The two shook hands and Demetria headed out of the orphanage.
She had taken Bruce’s Cadillac XLR, seeing as it was the only semi-low-key-looking car he owned and the only one she didn’t get anxious driving. She wished he had owned something a little less glamorous for trips like this, hating how it made her look, but it was what it was.
As she she opened the driver’s side door, she noticed a photographer snapping her from the distance. The two stared at each for a moment, acknowledging just what was going on. She exhaled softly, mentally reminding herself to keep it together.
Since her essay was published, the media outlets had backed off a bit. The Gotham Times were still insistent of doing a piece on her and published one on her, but it turned out to be a dud as no one close to her would speak to them with the exception of her former News Director and the Head Booker, her other boss. It also helped that a local mob boss was mysteriously killed and the news decided to fixate on that. 
She gave him a quick, tired smile before she slid inside and closed the door, driving off.
Back at the Wayne Penthouse, Bruce adjusted the cuffs of his pristine white dress shirt as he made his way down the stairs. 
Alfred wrapped up his conversation with the party planners and turned his attention to Bruce. 
“I think your fundraiser will be a great success,” Alfred remarked. 
“Why do you think I want to hold a party for Harvey Dent?” Bruce questioned, almost annoyed at the thought of it. 
“I assumed it was your usual reason for socializing beyond myself and the scum of Gotham’s underbelly to try to impress Miss Gallagher.” 
“Very droll, very wrong,” Bruce responded, glancing up for a brief moment. 
Alfred looked over his shoulder for a moment, noticing the party planners were not in the room. “Have you considered telling Miss Gallagher what it is you’re doing at night?” Alfred inquired in a voice low enough for Bruce to hear him. 
Bruce glanced up. It wasn’t the first time this conversation came up between the two. “Soon.” 
“Before or after you say ‘I do’?” 
“When the time is right.” 
“Perhaps she should truly know what she’s getting herself into.” 
Bruce stopped in his tracks. “What are you implying, Alfred?” 
“Miss Gallagher has given you every ounce of herself.” 
“Who says I-.” 
Bruce’s attention was caught by the low sound of the television. He looked over to find GCN airing what appeared to be a figure of Batman, hanging with a rope around it’s neck on a building.  The lower third read “BATMAN DEAD?”
Demetria walked down the stairs and into the living room, tightening the belt on her cozy white bathrobe when she saw Bruce and Alfred staring at the tv. Curious, her eyes darted to the tv when she saw the lower third. 
Her blood ran cold with disbelief and shock, heart dropping into her stomach. 
The camera cut back to GCN anchor, Mike Engel. 
“Be aware, the image is disturbing,” he warned. 
The camera then cut to a man dressed in a cheap Batman getup, his plump cheeks spilling out of the cowl. He was sat on the floor of what looked like the back kitchen area of a butcher shop with a silver cart and a large pieces of animal meat hanging behind the victim. He had his hands tied behind them, his face lowered to the game. 
“Tell them your name,” the camera man said in a menacing, sing-song voice. 
“Brian Douglas,” the fake Batman answered weakly.
“Are you the real Batman?” There was a childish, teasing tone in the voice behind the camera to a point where it was menacing. It was almost as if whoever it was took immense pleasure in this man’s torture. 
“No.” Brian was barely hanging on. 
“No?” the voice repeated back, almost in a whine to mimic Brian’s pain. 
“No?” The voice giggled. An arm reached over and pulled the cowl off Brian. “Then why do you dress up like him?” The camera pulled back, the arm dangling the cowl in front of Brian. The voice laughed a stomach curdling “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!”
“Because he’s a symbol...that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you,” Brian retorted with a slight bit of courage in his weak tone. 
“Yeah. You do, Brian.” The hand grabbed the side of Brian’s face, the camera coming in close. “You really do.”
The hand pulled the top of Brian’s head as the man whimpered. The hand turned back and stroked Brian’s cheek. “Oh, shh shh shh.” 
Demetria shook her head, her stomach growing weak. Bruce’s eyes fixated on the TV, his expression stone cold with eyes colored in disbelief. 
“So,” the voice continued on, “you think the Batman's helped Gotham? Hmm?”
Brian didn’t respond. 
The roaring voice caused Demetria to jump back, her hand slapping on her mouth. 
The camera swung around to reveal the person behind the voice, the sight causing Demetria to yelp, “Jesus Christ!” 
The red smeared smile was complimented by his chalk-white foundation and accentuated the long scars on the sides of his face. Two lazily painted black eyeshadow covered his eyes and he revealed his dark yellow teeth. 
“You see, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham. You want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask, and turn himself in.”
It was something behind the clown that Demetria recognized. A memory popped up in her mind, her jaw dropping at the realization. 
“Oh, and everyday he doesn’t, people will die. Starting tonight. I’m a man of my word.”
As the camera switched around, the man let out a menacing cackle as Brian screamed in the background. Demetria, overcome with her realization and the man’s grim promise, hurried up the stairs, Bruce and Alfred watching her. Bruce turned off the television and glanced at Alfred who shot him a look. He gave the old man a nod, indicating the message was received.
In their bedroom, Demetria grabbed a notebook from her nightstand as well as a pen. She began writing hurriedly, her cursive handwriting slightly smudged from the pen. Upon finishing, she ripped the page from her notebook and folded it. She reached back into the drawer, grabbing an empty envelope and shoving the folded paper in there. She licked the envelope, sealing tightly with her fingers and placed it back into the drawer. 
Just as she went to close the drawer, she heard the door unlock and grabbed her anti-anxiety meds.
Bruce entered the room.
“Everything ok?” he asked, gentle concern laced in his tone.
She waved her hand. “Yeah, yeah. Just that video was, uh, pretty overwhelming to watch. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” 
He eyed the pilll bottle in her hand. “You know you should probably put that in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.”
She chuckled. “You’re right. I’m just used to putting them in nightstand drawer. But considering we’re having a bunch of random people over, I guess you’re right.” She paused, a smirk playing on her lips. “Should I leave some viagra in a little bowl for our older guests trying to impress their much younger dates?”
He sat beside her on the bed, smirking at her. “I don’t have any because I don’t need it.”
She hummed, patting his leg. “I wouldn’t say that.”
He pulled her close, his breath hitting her lips. “Not funny.” 
“Oh, but it is. It really is.”
She gave him a chaste kiss, nuzzling her nose against his. “You think maybe we should cancel this party? I mean, I don’t think it’s safe.” 
“We’re going to be fine,” Bruce reassured. 
She sighed, realizing there was no point in changing his mind. “Then I guess I better continue getting ready.” 
He chuckled. “Well, don’t get too excited, sweetheart.” 
“It’s just...” she stepped back, “I don’t know.” Her fingers toyed the robed belt. “I figured you’d cancel the party and we could spend the night in here...” She continued to move back toward the bathroom area, throwing off the robe to reveal her naked body to him. “And I’d let you do whatever you want to me. But since you won’t cancel it...” She shrugged. “Oh well.” 
Bruce could feel his pants grow a little tight and he was ready to have her pay the price. His hungry eyes stayed on her, like a lion ready to pounce on it’s prey. “You get back here. Right. Now.” 
She shook her head. “I have to get ready.” She pointed to the tent in his pants. “I suggest you take care of that situation before you leave this room.” 
She grabbed the robe from the floor and closed the door behind her, locking it so Bruce wouldn’t try anything. 
She exhaled and ran a hand through her damp hair. She wasn’t sure how long this party would last, but she had to make sure Batman got her letter. 
Bruce waited outside near the helicopter landing pad, his hands in his pockets. He watched as the navy blue sky took over the sunset, but once he turned his head, his breath was taken away by an even more beautiful sight. 
Demetria walked out on to the helicopter landing pad, her black hair in an updo with long, curled strands of hair framing her face. Her navy blue gown was strapless with a subtle reverse sweetheart neckline, and hugged her small curves just right before flowing out on to the floor.  Her makeup stayed on the subtle side with her eyeliner and mascara accentuating her warm, emerald green eyes and her Goldilocks lips were the perfect shade of pink. 
“Is it too much?” she asked, stopping in her tracks. She put a hand on her stomach, feeling the knot inside tightening. Her face fell into a panic. “Oh shit, it is, isn’t it?” 
He shook his head, his thumb grazing her cheek as he smiled at her adoringly. “You look incredible, sweetheart.”
Color filled her cheeks as her pink lips curved into a bashful smile. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Wayne.” 
His lips gently crashed on to hers as he cradled the side of her face. For a moment, as they relished in their kiss, the world was still and time froze. Neither of them could remember the last time they shared such a moment, but they truly savored it while they still could. 
Bruce pulled back, resting his forehead against hers, his lips hovering over hers. “For the record, you still owe me from before.” 
She hummed against his lips. “I’ll take it into consideration.” 
He smirked at her. “You’re lucky I like you. C’mon, let’s go.”
He took her hand in his, leading her onto the helicopter. The pilot helped her up first, Bruce following right after. As the two sat in the back, Demetria turned to him.  “What’s the point of doing this again?”  
He took her hand once again. “Grand entrances are fun. Plus, wait til’ you see the view from above.” 
He felt her latch on to his arm as the sound of the choppers roared in. Soon enough, the helicopter began rising, the weight of the ground lifting. As it took off into Gotham City, Demetria watched the twinkling city below her.
As childish as it seemed, Demetria felt like Jasmine did on that magic carpet with Aladdin. Seeing Gotham from a bird’s eye view, the city looked beautiful and peaceful. 
Bruce relished in watching his fiancé’s amazement, hoping he could make her feel this way for the rest of their lives. 
She looked over at him. “You were right. This is incredible.” 
She scooted closer to him, leaning back on his shoulder as she continued to look out the window. Bruce pressed a kiss to her temple, reaching his hand over to hers on her lap, clasping them. 
Both stayed in the moment, wishing they could stay like this forever. 
But once the helicopter scoured every inch part of Gotham, it was time to descend back onto the landing pad. 
Bruce helped Demetria off the helicopter. Her eyes shifted to the once empty ballroom which was now filled with a large crowd inside staring at her. Her chest grew heavy, palms sweating.
“They’re staring at us,” she told Bruce. 
He took her hand. “They see how you beautiful you look”. He gave it squeeze. “Remember, I’ve got you.” 
She nodded and exhaled softly as the two made their way inside. 
She followed him as the door opened to the gala room. All eyes stayed on them. She flashed a closed mouth smile at partygoers until her eyes met Harvey’s. It wasn’t until his familiar, warm smile that hers became more genuine and honest. 
“Sorry we’re late,” Bruce announced. “Glad you started without us!” He let go of Demetria’s hand, clapping his together. “Where's Rachel?!”
Demetria eye’s turned to Rachel, who cringed slightly. 
Bruce motioned to her. “Rachel Dawes- my oldest friend. When she told me she was dating Harvey Dent, I had one thing to say... ‘the guy from those god-awful campaign commercials? 'I Believe in Harvey Dent?' Nice slogan, Harvey.” 
As the crowd chuckled, Demetria’s smile faltered even more. She was thrown off by the Bruce that was speaking. It was like the second his hand left hers, he’d become another man. He’d become like everyone else in the crowd - pompous and slightly arrogance.
He’s putting on a show for them, she thought to herself. This is not the real him.
“Certainly caught Rachel's attention,” Bruce went on. “But then I started paying attention to Harvey, and all he's been doing as our new D.A., and you know what? I believe in Harvey Dent. On his watch, Gotham can feel a little safer. A little more optimistic. But what he’s done for Gotham isn’t just the only good thing Harvey Dent has done.”
He then shifted his tone and his gaze, now looking at Demetria who’s heart dropped to her stomach. 
“Harvey convinced his good friend from college, Demetria Gallagher, to move to Gotham,” Bruce continued, smiling at her. “It’s because of Harvey and Rachel that I was introduced to the love of my life.” 
The crowd let out a collective “aw” as Demetria gave him a small smile.
“I spent years thinking I’d never find the ‘one’.” He turned back to the crowd. “I figured if I’m never gonna find her, why not have some fun? And I did.”
The crowd laughed. Demetria rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
“Then I ran into Rachel having a lunch with this beautiful woman and I couldn’t help myself. I asked her three times to have dinner with me.” Bruce shifted his attention to Demetria, taking her hand in his. “While I will never know who or what convinced you to say ‘yes’, all I know is that from the moment I left that dinner, I knew this witty, kind, beautiful woman was who I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Demetria, to say you are my heart and my soul is simply not enough. There will never be enough words or adjectives or uses of symbolism to describe how much you mean to me and how happy you make me. I love you more than anything.”
The crowd, once again, “awed” as he pecked Demetria’s cheek. He then grabbed two glasses of champagne off the server’s tray, handing one to Demetria. He then  turned back to the crowd, raising his glass. “To-.” 
“I just want to say something really quickly,” Demetria spoke up, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “If that’s, ok?”
Bruce smiled, her sudden burst of confidence bringing him pride. “By all means.”
She turned to the crowd. “You all know Harvey as your DA, but I know him as  my confidant, my greatest friend, and above all, my family. He’s also my get out of jail free card, but that’s neither here nor there.”
Everyone laughed as Harvey shook his head. Demetria turned to her best friend, her smile fading a bit. 
“Harvey, you’re selflessness and dedication to making Gotham City a safer one for its citizens is not just admirable, but also inspirational. You fight for the voiceless, the scared, and for those who want to make their home a better place. You’re one of the reasons Gotham has a brighter future.”
“So get out your checkbooks and let's make sure that he stays right where all of Gotham wants him,” Bruce toasted. “All except Gotham's criminals, of course. To the face of Gotham's bright future- Harvey Dent.” 
Everyone toasted and took a sip of their champagne.
As the crowd went back to their party, Bruce turned to Demetria.
“I’m going to go outside for a bit,” he told her, pecking her cheek. “Make yourself comfortable.” 
She opened her mouth to protest but it was too late - he’d wandered off. She sighed, wondering how he could he just leave her to fend for herself at their first gala together. She took a sip of her champagne, giving up and giving in to the situation at hand.  
“You’re a very lucky woman,” an elderly woman marveled. “And quite adorable. I bet Martha would’ve loved you.”
“Thank you, that’s so kind,” Demetria remarked. “Were you a friend of hers?”
“We were both on the chair for many charities. Such a wonderful woman. If you’re interested, I would love to bring you aboard some of them and get you acquainted.”
“I would love that! I’m actually working with the boy’s home and helping them with renovations and whatnot.”
“How wonderful!”
“I’ve also expressed interest in helping them with schooling and whatnot.” 
The gleam in the woman’s eyes softened. “Oh...really, now?” 
“Yeah, I would love to do some teaching.” 
“She’s going to do a fantastic job,” Harvey remarked, chiming in. He threw his hand around Demetria’s shoulders. “Those kids are going to be well looked after thanks to her.”
“I don’t doubt that,” the woman agreed before walking off. 
Demetria turned to Harvey. “I think she realized I wasn’t one of them.” 
“Who cares?” he shrugged. “But forgetting that, you’re seriously going to become a teacher?” 
“I brought it up to Monsignor O’Malley about the possibility of teaching English. Besides, it would give me something to do that I actually like. You know, talking to them about novels and what it means to express yourself in your writing.” 
“That’s fantastic!” Harvey remarked. “You would be perfect for that.” 
“I hope so. How are you handling this...whatever it is?” 
He sighed. “I’m...just here. How about you?” 
“I wanna go into my bedroom and go under the covers and wait til’ everyone leaves.” 
“Well for what it’s worth, you look beautiful tonight.” 
“I’m working with what I’ve got.”
“Bruce is very lucky.”
“Yeah, he should be. But he decided to give up on the party.” 
Harvey furrowed his eyebrows as Demetria motioned her head to the outside. He then turned his head, the two watching Bruce and Rachel engage in what appeared to be an intense conversation. 
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Demetria wondered aloud. 
He quickly glanced over and took a look sip of his champagne. “Probably nothing.”
Her lips curved into a smirk as she eyed Harvey. “Don’t be jealous.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re getting defensive.”
“And you’re annoying me.”
“After that heartfelt speech I gave, that’s the thanks I get?” 
“It was alright.” 
She punched him in the shoulder, causing him to cringe. “Asshole. I gave a beautiful speech.”
He rubbed his shoulder. “Well, hopefully it will be just a nice ad one you’ll give at my wedding.” 
Her eyes widened. “Shut the fuck up. You proposed to Rachel?” 
“Not yet. I’m planning to.” 
Her mouth hung open as she leaned in close. “Holy shit, dude! When?!” 
“Well first there are some things I gotta-.”
“So you two are friends, yes?” another female guest inquired, cutting him off. Her arm was linked with a man who looked at least 20 years older than she did.
Harvey and Demetria turned to her. “We most certainly are,” Demetria agreed, pinching his cheek. 
“So how long ago did you two date?” one man remarked, chuckling. 
Harvey and Demetria’s eyes went wide.
“We never have,” Harvey answered.
The man elbowed Harvey, laughing. “Aw, c’mon son. It’s alright.” 
“He’s basically my brother,” Demetria said. 
The man shook his head as he and his concerned date turned away. Demetria and Harvey turned to each other.
“Oh my god these people suck,” she giggled to Harvey. “At least they’ll fund you.”
“Yeah, I could give a shit,” he retorted. 
“Mind if I steal him for a bit?” Rachel asked, chiming in. 
“By all means,” Demetria motioned. 
Harvey and Rachel went off when Demetria  noticed Bruce still standing outside. She made her way out.
“Doing ok there?”
Bruce turned to her, smiling. “So far, so good.” 
“I love you but you’re not the best liar,” she chuckled, her fingers gently combing his hair. “Babe, if you want to leave, say the word and we’ll sneak out. We can go anywhere.” 
“Tempting,” he remarked, smirking. “Where do you propose we go?” 
She cocked her head back, shoulders shrugging. “Anywhere. We could literally get in a car and go anywhere we want.” She paused. “Anywhere you want.” 
Bruce’s body turned to face her, giving her his full undivided attention. She set her glass down on the railing. 
“While I think it’s sweet that you threw this for Harvey, I don’t want to be alone in a room with people I don’t know let alone give a shit about. I would rather be with you in the middle of nowhere where we don’t have to pretend we’re people that we’re not.”
His smile faltered, his eyes going to the ground. Demeteria shoulders tightened, fear creeping into her now uneasy stomach.
“What’s the matter?” she asked.
“There’s something I have to tell you.”
She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. “What did I do?” 
He shook his head. “No, you did nothing wrong. It’s...” He sighed. “I never want to keep anything from you.” 
“What have you been keeping from me?” she questioned, her voice low 
He scanned the area as well as the inside of the ballroom. Realizing he wasn’t the safest, let alone most secure place, he leaned closer toward her. “I’ll go in the bedroom and grab a couple things. Go tell Alfred we’re heading out. We’ll meet at the elevator, alright?” 
He kissed her cheek and made his way inside. Bruce pushed through the crowd, fielding attempts of conversation from partygoers. She threw her hands up in defeat as an annoyed exhale left her mouth. 
“At least we’re leaving,” she muttered under her breath.
In their bedroom, Bruce grabbed a set of keys for one of the cars from his safe in their closet. Realizing it was probably best to bring her anxiety med, he went into the medicine cabinet only to find it wasn’t there. 
He then remembered her saying she always kept it in the drawer in her nightside table. 
Figuring she put it back, he went over to it and opened the drawer and there it was. When he pulled it out, he noticed an envelope underneath with ‘For Batman’ written on it. 
He quickly glanced back at the door to make sure the door was closed. He then set down the bag and opened the envelope to find a handwritten letter.
My Night Friend ,
There’s something you need to know about that viral video of the copycat. 
I recognize the kitchen in the video. It’s the Fatted Calf on East 28th. A guy I briefly saw in college worked there and I hung out with him in the kitchen while he was closing up the shop. 
What people don’t know is that there’s a secret room. The guy told me the owner had it made to be used as a bomb shelter back in the day. It’s located right beside the freezer. If you can get into the boss’ office, there’s a special key inside a safe that can open the door. The Joker may be taking shelter in there. 
Take what you will with this information. I hope it serves you well.
Your Rooftop Friend 
Bruce’s couldn’t believe what he was reading. His fiancé, the love of his life, was helping the Batman. The severity of the situation as well as time the huge piece of information made him realize he needed to get both of them out of the penthouse and into the Batcave. He could explain everything to her there. 
Shoving the letter into the bag, he zipped it up and made his way to the door when something on the security camera screen made him stop. 
It was The Joker followed by some henchmen. 
He threw the bag in the closet hurriedly, closing the door, and made his way to the party. Seeing Harvey Dent close by talking to Rachel, he figured he’d had enough time to get Harvey to safety and then grab Demetria. 
He came up behind Harvey, putting Harvey in a headlock as Rachel’s eyes widened in fear. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” she exclaimed. 
“They’re coming for him,” Bruce said, using his Batman voice. “Go grab her and get yourselves to safety.”
Demetria spotted Alfred near the wall area. She made her way over, catching the old man’s attention. 
“There you Miss Gallagher,” he greeted. “Are you having fun?”
“I feel like a zoo animal. I’ve had more people stare at me than actually talk to me. Anyway, Bruce and I are heading out.” 
Alfred chuckled. “You and Master Wayne are a truly perfect fit.” 
She eyed the room before leaning closer toward Alfred. “Alfred, he said he had something he’d been meaning to tell me. Any idea what it could be?” 
Just then, the sound of a single gunshot silence the room. Everyone turned, including Demetria and Alfred, to see The Joker, the man from the video, enter the ballroom with his posse of men behind him wearing clown masks. 
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen,” he greeted in a sing-song voice. 
His posse pointed guns at the crowd, a silent order to step back. The crowd formed a circle around The Joker. 
Alfred, who was a few rows behind the crowd, stood in front of Demetria. 
“Stay behind me,” he whispered to her. 
She watched from behind his shoulder. 
The sound of tray hitting the ground, broke the silence. The Joker looked back for a moment before turning back to the crowd. 
“We are...tonight’s entertainment.” He grabbed a piece of shrimp from a table, stuffing it into his mouth. He looked around. “Only one question - where is Harvey Dent?”
He eyed around, pointing the gun at a group of women before ripping one of their glasses of champagne from their hands and taking a swig of it. He set back on the table and began questioning those he passed, occasionally grabbing at them. 
“You know where Harvey is? Do you know who he is?”
He squeezed one guy’s cheek. “Do you know where Harvey is? I need to talk to him about something. Something little.” 
He went up to an old white man. “You know I’ll settle for his loved ones.” 
Meanwhile, Demetria felt someone grab her hand. She turned to find Rachel. 
“We need to get you out of here,” Rachel whispered. 
Demetria went to follow Rachel when she felt someone grab her hand. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, sweetcheeks?” one of the masked men retorted. 
He grabbed Demetria, despite her attempts to break free. Her heart rate quickened, stomach growing weak as the man pushed her in front of the crowd. 
“Hey boss!” He called out. “It’s her!”
The Joker turned to her, his fixation on her making her blood run cold. She stood frozen and helpless. He got into her face. “So this is the future Mrs. Wayne. You’re also Harvey Dent’s best friend.” 
He grabbed Demetria’s face, cradling it forcefully. 
“Harvey is your best friend, isn’t he? Your buddy ol pal?” He let out a vicious cackle. “Possibly an old lover? An unrequited love? Either way, you’re somewhat of an asset to him.”
She moved her eyes, looking around as the crowd watched her in fear.
“C'mere, look at me.” 
She whimpered, closing her eyes. 
He tightened his grip on her hair “LOOK AT ME!” 
She yelped, opening her eyes as tears filled to the brim.
“Please,” she begged, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh shh, shh, shh,” he hushed her teasingly. “Well you look upset.” He asked, pointing to scars on his mouth with his knife. “Is it these? Is it the scars? You wanna know how I got ‘em?”
She didn’t have time to answer, at least he didn’t bother to give her a chance to. She went to move her head when he grabbed her again. “Hey, look at me.”
She stopped moving, her eyes on him. “So, I had a wife, who was beautiful...like you, who tells me I worry too much, who tells me I oughta smile more, who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks.” 
She squirmed when The Joker pulled her back. “One day they carve her face. And we got no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again. Hmm? I just wanted to let her know that I don't care about the scars. So, I stick a razor in my mouth and do this to myself. ”
She squeaked, frightened as he put the knife to his scars. 
“And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves! Now I see the funny side. Now, I'm always smiling!” 
He pulled her back, took the knife, and slashed her forearm, the sharp stinging, sensation causing her to let out a blood curdling scream.  She collapsed onto the ground, blood spilling down her arm and onto the marble floor. 
Demetria couldn’t move, her body frozen, mind unable to process what had just happened. She opened her mouth to speak, her chest stinging in pain and her head growing lightheaded as the Joker stepped on her bleeding arm.
“Please help me,” she begged in between her hyperventilating. “Please...I’m...I can’t...help!”
“Why doesn’t Harvey Dent come save his best friend?!” The Joker called out.
“Let her go!”
Rachel made her way. The Joker stomped on Demetria’s arm one last time.
Alfred rushed to her side. “Deep breaths, Miss,” he whispered. “Deep breaths.” 
“Alfred...I’m gonna....don’t let me...” 
“You’re going to be alright.” 
“Step back!” one of the masked henchman ordered, pointing a gun at Alfred. 
Alfred held up his hands stepping back from Demetria. The henchman walked away as Demetria continued to hyperventilate. 
She was going to die in front of everyone. Her vision became blurry, her breath uncontrollable. She watched in what she thought would be her final moments Batman attack The Joker. 
In and out of blackness, she heard glass shatter followed by footsteps. 
Tears strolled down her face as she struggled to breathe, trying to hold on to whatever breath she had left, her body shivering. Alfred rushed to her once again.
“Don’t just stand there!” he cried out. “Someone call a bloody ambulance!” 
He gave Demetria his hand, which she held onto tightly. 
“Stay with me,” he told her. “Stay with me.” 
But she wasn’t sure how long she could last. Between the chest pains and the pains from her wound and the light-headedness, she was barely holding on. 
How badly she wanted to see Bruce....and how could he leave her like this?
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Rate/review the productions of Don Carlo(s) you've seen so far
yeah!!!! I'll try to keep this short because heat + exhaustion = not fully in the mood to Think Super Hard.
London 1985: the OG for me. mostly like the edit, although I wish the full Act III, Scene 1 and the Lacrimosa were there. cast is superb top to bottom; I particularly adore Luis Lima's practically-perfect-in-every-way Carlo. and the Dramatic Zoom In On Filippo Is Iconic.
London 2008: same edit as the above so no comment on that. I mostly like this production although I'm not a fan of the spoken dialogue during the auto-da-fe or the ending. Pappano is excellent as always; I also really like this cast though the Met 2010 one is better across the board IMO (yes even the people who were in both).
Met 2010: basically the same as above except swap in Nezet-Seguin for Pappano. Furlanetto is the One True King.
Paris 1996: thanks for including the extended bits. not a fan of the production aesthetic (golly golly why did you do that to Alagna and Hampson). the cast is excellent.
Paris 2017: cast is great, the Cage sucks, the ending sucks, the costumes are amazing, the projections are kinda confusing but still cool, I would die to look like Elina Garanca in this production.
Parma 2016: cast is mostly good (although I'm not a fan of the Éboli), production has an interesting aesthetic vibe I like but isn't particularly interesting, lads that Filippo/Rodrigo duet is GAY, four act versions can go die.
Amsterdam 2004: once again, screw the four act version. cast is very good although nowhere near my favorite. love the idea of setting it in a tomb. the transition from Rodrigo's death to "Tu che la vanita" breaks my heart.
Vienna 2020: the cast is amazing, I love that this one is virtually uncut, I'm a huge sucker for how they did the ballet, wasn't a fan of the end of the auto da fe, WHY did Éboli get killed off.
Vienna 2015: the cast is pretty good. the production just seems like they threw a bunch of randomness on the stage. I don't even know honestly
Met 1980: the production is every period drama lover's dream. the cast is excellent, in particular Tatiana Troyanos My Beloved, who somehow looks even better with an eyepatch.
Met 1983: tbh I don't remember much about this though it's the same production. but I do remember that Mirella Freni My Beloved was excellent as always.
San Francisco 2016: THIS BE GAY. THIS BE GAAAAAAAAAAY. that is all. actually this is very nice as a whole lol. not a huge fan of some of the cuts (no fainting???) but it's nice and the cast is great.
Liège 2020: incredibly pretty, I liked this staging overall, and the cast is great.
Turin 2013: it's been a while but this production from what I remember was marvelously period although once again screw the four-act version. I mostly remember Abdrazakov and Tézier nailing their big duet (and the latter nailing his death scene later on).
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amandajoyce118 · 4 years
Agents Of SHIELD Series Finale Easter Eggs And References
This is it. The last two hours. What is it they say? It’s all been leading to this? Yeah. 
As always, and for the last time, if you haven’t yet watched the episodes, you should stop reading now. This list of Easter eggs assumes you’ve already seen the episodes.
Also, I’m going to say, since I’m writing about two episodes at once here, and I’m assuming everybody reading this has actually watched the earlier episodes of the show, I’m probably not going to explain every single callback to earlier storylines. When series end, they tend to do even more than usual, and I think most people will pick up on the majority of them. So, they might not all be here.
Now, let’s go.
S7E12 “The End Is At Hand”
Malick wants to set Kora free
I’ve pretty much said this since Kora met Malick, but yeah, their dynamic is so, so, so much Ward and Kara. It’s creepy. But I think Kora recognizes it more so than Kara did.
The Fitz stance
I love that Deke recognizes that Fitz has a certain stance when he tries to jog Jemma’s memory. Does he know that they stand the same way sometimes? Probably.
The blue and purple of it all
Okay, so maybe this is just my tv, but the stuff in space is very much in Daisy’s color palette. Purple has always been her color, and a lot of the stuff in space the last two years has had either a lot of red or blue. When Daisy heads into the chronocom ship, there’s a lot toward the blue end of the colors, showing that this is still Daisy’s story.
Garrett being left to die
I know they call this out in the show, but I do like Garrett being left to die by the bad guys too and realizing he can switch sides, just like in the original timeline.
The shock stick
Admittedly, I don’t remember what this is called, but this a very Whedony throwback. It was first used in the second episode of the series by Grant Ward in Peru. It’s based on a weapon used in the series Firefly. I don’t think it’s been used on the show in quite a while.
Jemma wants a suit
Is Jemma the only member of the team who hasn’t had a formal tactical suit/super hero costume. I think so. She’s had the standard SHIELD ones like everyone else, but not the suits like Daisy, Bobbi, and May have worn. Even Elena doesn’t wear the standard one. Of course she wants one.
Jemma’s rambling
While DIANA is melted away in her brain (which, uh, seems like it would not be good for your brain, just saying), Simmons starts to ramble a whole lot. She references a lot of past events in the show, but also, she kind of sounds like dialogue in Alice In Wonderland, which just seems fitting for a woman who keeps ending up in strange places she doesn’t want to be in by strange travel devices.
The 084 Meet Up
I love that we get slightly familiar faces without them being named. I mean, Victoria Hand is obvious, but not sure who the rest are. I also love that we get pay off for what Enoch and Koenig bonded over when he was left behind way back when. The two of them (and the rest of the Koenigs) distributing 084s throughout time to loyal agents for this moment is genius.
And yes, both episode titles are said out loud in both episodes.
S7E13 “What We’re Fighting For”
Quantum Realm
Yes, that’s the same realm they use in Avengers: Endgame to gather the infinity stones and move between timelines. Fitz is using some Ant-Man tech.
1983 NY
I just want you all to know that there was a major blackout in New York in 1983 in Manhattan…. On August 11, as reported in the New York Times on August 12. The same day this episode aired. I did not know this random bit of information. I googled it.
Back to the season 6 finale
When we get the first tidbit of FitzSimmons backstory for Jemma’s refrain of “we had time,” we get to see Fitz, Simmons, and Enoch go back to the events of the season six finale as they intercept Piper and Flint. Not only that, but the people Jemma brings with her to the temple to save everyone are the actual team. That is some paradox level science fiction right there. Very comic booky. (Edited to say: I can’t believe none of y’all corrected me because I had season five here when this just happened in season six! I literally woke up in the middle of the night remembering that I wrote it wrong. Hahahaha)
The stars in their skies
I love that this episode really laid it on that Jemma’s first love was astronomy. We get the scoliosis story again, but we get to see how Jemma has worked her love of the stars into her life. Her favorite star system as a child is where she starts her family, what she names her daughter after, and she even repeatedly utters the phrase “stars in your skies” as a nod to love. Nice.
A situation in Moscow
Look, all I’m saying is that last time SHIELD was in Russia, Bobbi and Hunter were disavowed by the agency. And Mack is now there with a helicarrier? Hmm.
The anniversary meeting
This is very reminiscent of how Natasha leads her meetings from afar in Avengers: Endgame, though probably enhanced by whatever alien tech Fitz and Simmons have put together here. It’s perfect that Daisy, Sousa, and Kora are in space while Mack and Elena are still part of SHIELD and May is teaching at the Coulson Academy. I really thought Mack would retire, but he just can’t let go, huh? Fitz and Simmons are really the only ones to truly retire. Though Coulson has more time.
Piper’s wish
She gets an LMD/Chronocom version of Davis. I just - that’s adorable. She wants her best friend back. And yes, he’s tech. They didn’t go back and save him. Fitz and Simmons built him because he mentions being programmed to be stupid.
Code 136
The code Coulson puts into his briefcase to get the keys to his new Lola? Yeah, that’s how many episodes there are of the show.
Edited to add: And one I missed, courtesy of VFX guru Mark Kolpack:
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And that’s it. The end of the SHIELD we all know. I hope some of these actors will come back to play these characters once in a while for Marvel all over again because I think, despite it ending at a solid point, we’re all going to miss this show a lot.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 13
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Still in the custody of SHIELD, Loki hears some troubling news from his brother. He can only hope that there relationship is repaired enough to be allowed to help set things right. Chapter Warnings: pretty dialogue heavy A/N: Not too much happens in this one, but it’s setting up for the grand finale! The last chapter and epilogue will both be posted next week, so keep your eyes peeled. Updates every Friday. Enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @marvelousdaydreams​ @parkastoria​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @sourpatchspinster @gaitwae
✥ Start at Beginning ✥ | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
“And why in the Nine not?” Loki demanded of his brother, desperate to know why he wouldn’t be set free. “You said you believed me. Even after all this, was it still not true?”
“Of course it is true, but father will not allow it,” Thor explained, unable to mask the hurt in his voice. “He still demands you be brought back to Asgard.”
Loki frowned at that. If Odin had plans for him, he doubted he could weasel out of them. He wondered if you would ever find out what happened to him if he died. Probably not. Put up against the possibility of being made to live out his many years without ever hearing from you again, death seemed like the merciful option. He couldn’t handle any more torture and being kept from you would be the worst he’d gone through yet. Though the thought of you with anyone else, especially Denzel, made Loki’s stomach roil, he would rather that than you be lonely. Hopefully, you could be happy without him, even if he could not without you.
“Loki, I will speak with him. It will be alright, brother,” Thor assured him.
“So when do we leave?” Loki asked, trying to make himself numb to the pain he was feeling. He dared not hope that his brother could set everything right.
“As soon as you are cleared to leave Midgard.”
“May I make a request?”
“With all due respect, Reindeer Games,” Stark added, though the question was most obviously not addressed to him, “I don’t think you’re in the position for that.”
“I will hear you out, Loki,” Thor said, making no comment on Tony’s remark. “I cannot promise anything more than that.”
“I understand,” Loki anxiously agreed. “The family I was staying with, I do not need to see them again, but may I have some news on them before we go? Just to know they are alright?”
“I have already given you my word that no harm will come to them.”
“I am aware, but-”
Loki was cut off by the door swinging open. The young agent made a beeline for Fury, who was standing there observing the scene with his one good eye, making no remarks of his own. The God of Mischief arched an eyebrow as the agent whispered something in the director’s ear before the two walked outside.
“I’m still wondering why you care so much about a random family from Oklahoma,” Tony said. “What were you even doing there in the first place?”
“I must confess, it was not originally my choice. When I used the Tesseract to escape, I told it to take me somewhere safe,” Loki recounted. “I have not the slightest clue as to why it chose there.”
“Well, that explains how you got there, but why’d you stay?”
“I was,” Loki responded, clearing his throat, “persuaded.”
“In what way?” Thor puzzled.
“They did not know who I truly was, so they welcomed me with open arms,” Loki sighed. “I suppose I... I bonded with a few of them.”
“Yeah, they did all give glowing reviews of you,” Tony said.
“Wait. So you have heard from them? How are they? You must tell me. How is... everyone?”
Loki would not yet risk showing he had any particularly special connection with you, lest it put you in any more danger than you were already in. Thor and Tony exchanged a look, though, that said they could tell he wanted to know about a specific member. He hoped you hadn’t had to tell the agents too many details about your relationship. Somehow, it seemed like a mortifying prospect for them to know such a personal thing. Especially his brother. He was not yet ready for another heart to heart.
“They are all fine,” Thor hesitantly said. “Brother, I don’t suppose you bonded with one of them more than the others. Say, as something more than a friend. You can tell me, you know.”
Yup, Loki was right. Absolutely mortifying. Back on Asgard, he and his brother never really talked about relationships. Their own was already too far gone by the time they reached an age where they thought much about it. The trickster god still remembered his first kiss. It was with one of the palace stable boys. He’d even started riding more just to have an excuse to go and see him. Of course, Odin found out and deemed it improper. Loki never did find out exactly what had happened to him, but he remembered wanting to go and talk to Thor about it. Needless to say, he didn’t. But maybe, just maybe, this was an opportunity to make up for that. So, against his better judgement, Loki told Thor of his special connection with you, though not to the full extent out of the desire to still guard his emotions. Unfortunately, that meant Stark heard, too.
“Not a word out of you,” Loki menaced as Tony opened his mouth. Thankfully, he backed off, putting his hands up in surrender. “Thor, please tell me that they are alright. If they were hurt because of me... Well, just tell me how they are.”
“They are a little shaken up, I will admit, but they are ok. Safe. As I have already said, you have my word that they will remain that way.”
Loki choked out his thanks before Fury burst back into the room. That man was so unreadable that Loki couldn’t make out a single damn expression on his face. How he wished he could have that talent to be so guarded again, but once the floodgates were opened the first time, he never could quite get them closed again. Regardless, the raven haired man knew something was up—something bad. It was the same feeling he’d gotten the day prior, and look where he ended up. But he couldn’t be apprehended by SHIELD again, so now it was back to the question of what. But deep down, he knew. He whispered your voice so low that only Thor heard, and the thunder god shot his brother a concerned glance. Before he could say anything, though, Fury spoke.
“I need your asses out here now,” he said, addressing the two Avengers. “It’s urgent.”
“Wait, brother,” Loki called before he could exit. “I feel in my gut that there is something very bad happening to my beloved. You will tell me if that is the case, correct?”
“I do not know if that is wise.” Thor looked like he was thinking very hard, brows furrowed in concentration. The desperate, pleading look written plainly on Loki’s face must have convinced him because he finally relented. “But yes, I will. As soon as I can.”
Loki gave a quick nod of gratitude before Thor left again. Now that he was left alone in the room, there was very little stopping him from descending into a full on panic. If you were in any sort of trouble, it was undoubtedly his fault. He never should have done that to you. Then again, if he hadn’t stayed around you for so long, he would still be being crushed by the weight of loneliness. His heart would still be fractured. Perhaps it would have been better than having you violently ripped away from him, though. He feared this cycle of guilt and hypotheticals would never end.
He wasn’t sure if it was minutes, hours, or only mere seconds that passed before Thor was coming back in, but he was relieved to see him. After all, his thoughts were a very scary thing to be trapped with. Even scarier was the deeply worried expression upon Thor’s face.
“Brother?” Loki asked, though he was more nervous for the answer than he ever imagined possible.
“The Chitauri. They are back.”
“In New York? But you closed the portal, did you not?” A sickeningly horrifying idea occurred to Loki, and he swallowed thickly. “Is it Thanos? Has he returned? If he is here to make good on is threats to me, then I beg you, brother, just turn me over. It will be easiest, safest, for everyone.”
“If you think for one moment that I will allow that, you are further out of your mind than I suspected,” Thor raged. Loki was shocked into silence. Never before had Thor yelled at him like that. Sure, he’d shouted at him, but it was always because he was angry at him, or because he was pinning the blame for something on Loki. Not because he cared about him. Thor calmed himself down a bit before he continued explaining the situation. “The portal is still closed. We just did not actually round up all the ones that had already come through, apparently. And, they are not in New York, either.”
“Then where?”
Thor looked nervously around the room. “It hardly matters, brother. You will not be able to come.”
“Thor, where?” Loki growled.
“Oklahoma City.”
Loki sucked in a sharp breath and went pale as a ghost. There was only one logical explanation as to why they would be there of all places. Him. They must have tracked him somehow and were there to get revenge. But he wasn’t there anymore, thanks to SHIELD. And if they truly were tracking him, they wouldn’t stop at the city. They would keep going until they reached your farm. Until they reached you.
“Let me go. I can stop this.”
“Were you not listening to what I just said? You cannot come.”
“Brother, please,” Loki whispered, “I beg of you, just let me take care of this. What if it was your mortal who was in danger? You would stop at nothing to save her, I know. That is how I feel, except it is not only the one I care so dearly about. Yes, there is my beloved, and I would die a thousand deaths for them, but it is their whole family, too. I would give my life to keep them out of danger.”
“Thor,” Captain Rogers said, appearing in the door. “We have to hurry.”
“I am sorry, brother,” Thor told Loki before turning away. There was some look in his eye that Loki did not get a good enough look at to place, but he was certain he was trying to tell him something with it. Regardless, he turned and left. “I am coming, Captain.”
Helplessly tugging at the chains holding him to the table, Loki began to hyperventilate. He started cursing himself. If only he were a stronger sorcerer, then maybe these chains couldn’t restrain his magic. If only he hadn’t become so bitter and hopeless, then maybe he never would have let go on the Bifröst. If only his will wasn’t so weak, then maybe Thanos never would have gotten him to attack Midgard in the first place.
He gave up the futile struggle as the blinding anxiety slowly faded. Letting his head drop into his hands, Loki allowed himself a few quiet sobs before trying to clear his head. He needed a plan. For so long, he was ten steps ahead of everyone, but now? Now he was about a hundred miles behind, locked in a room, unable to protect you. But, no. He wouldn’t give up. He was going to get out. He only needed to think. Surely there were still some cards to play, right?
“Psst, brother.”
He looked up to see Thor sneaking back into the room. Maybe this was a hallucination. It was quite possible that he’d finally cracked under the never-ending pressure. Because, really, when had the God of Thunder ever done anything like this before? Though, the fact that he was unlocking the cuffs did seem to be in favor of the idea that this was a jail break.
“What are you doing?” Loki hissed, rubbing his now freed wrists, still not entirely trusting this wasn’t a trap.
“Is it not obvious? I’m freeing you.”
“Well, how daring of you, brother. I admit, I did not think you had it in you.”
“Yes, well, I can see how much you truly love your little Midgardian.”
“Nonsense. It is like I said, I am concerned for all of them. They did, after all, take care of me.”
“Oh, yes. I am sure that is it.”
Loki just rolled his eyes and made his way over to the exit. Almost every instinct in him was screaming to just teleport away from the scene, get to you as fast he could. The thing stopping him was that for once in a very long time, Thor wasn’t dismissing him. In fact, he was trusting him. He couldn’t just turn his back and betray that now, not if he had any hope of getting their brotherly bond back.
Banner was standing right outside the door as Loki opened it, making him jump a little. Before he could whip out a weapon, though, Thor was reassuring Loki that he was just standing guard during the break out. It was quite the strategic move, Loki thought, to have the one Avenger who could really do damage to him be right outside the door. Perhaps he wasn’t giving his brother enough credit. Or perhaps there were just others involved in this scheme.
Sure enough, after dodging a number of agents, the rest of Thor’s friends were waiting in the Quinjet. The tension in the air was palpable as they stood there in silence, sizing each other up. It was obvious Thor wanted to say something to get them all amicably chatting, but knew whatever he was going to say would probably just make things worse. Though the very idea made him gag, Loki knew what he must do if he wanted to reach you in time.
“I apologize,” he said, trying to make it sound completely sincere. “I know that I have hurt some of you—all of you—in some way. I cannot erase the past, but I am trying to do the right thing now. I was not in my right mind the first time we met. Let me prove that now.”
The Avengers all made eye contact with each other, communicating without words. It was agony waiting for their approval, both because he was anxious just to get to you, and it was sickening to have to be judged by them in such a way. Knowing that it was his only opportunity of helping you without complications, however, he waited with bated breath for their reply.
“Ok,” Romanoff finally spoke up. “We forgive you. For now, anyway. Right now, we have to get to Oklahoma.”
“Yes. Please, let us be on our way now,” Loki urged.
And that’s how the God of Mischief ended up flying around with the Avengers. At least he wasn’t chained up like the last time. It was, though, perhaps the most tense situation he’d ever been in. But it didn’t matter, not now. No, now he was on his way, and there was only one thing in his mind, repeating over and over like that one song lyric you can’t get of your head.
He was going to save you.
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lem-20 · 4 years
Summary: Frustrated that Ethan won't let their relationship develop, will MC find some time alone with Bryce too much of a temptation? Rewrite of Bk 1 Ch 11 Bryce scene.
Book/Pairing: Open Heart/Bryce x MC / Ethan x MC (Cecilia Gibson)
Category/Rating: Smut/Explicit
Word Count: 1.7k
Authors notes: I thought I'd try something a bit different for this fic. I had an idea in mind, but I'm not sure if it has come out as I'd hoped 🤣
I have included this weeks @wackydrabbles prompt Hold still
Also inspired by @choicesmonthlychallenge prompt Day 18: Waiting
Characters and some dialogue owned by pixelberry
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Cecilia never meant to fall for Ethan Ramsey.
She had always admired his work and had been hugely inspired by him, but a romantic relationship wasn't something that had ever crossed her mind - she hadn't even known what he looked like before her first day at Edenbrook.
When she first met him his condescending behaviour had actually led her to think that he was a bit of an asshole - admittedly she didn't realise it was him at that point, but he definitely hadn't left a good first impression.
It didn't take long for her opinion of him to change though. Working together when Dolores came in and then trying to help Naveen had brought them much closer together than either of them could have imagined. What was blossoming between them certainly wasn't a normal attending/intern relationship.
When they finally kissed in Miami, she'd hoped that it would be the start of something between them. They had got so close to ending up in bed together—something she had been fantasising about for some time—but Ethan had stopped things going any further and she had been feeling frustrated ever since.
A few days after returning from Miami, she had questioned Ethan about what was happening between them.
"Be honest...about us," she said.
"I'm...not sure what you mean," he replied, avoiding her eyes.
"I think you know exactly what I mean."
He turned his back to her and she walked up close behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Please Cecilia, this is hard enough already."
"Then why keep fighting it? We both want this. We both feel this. It almost seems inevitable..."
He turned to her, his eyes filled with longing...and pain.
Reaching up, he gently stroked her cheek. "We're doctors, Cecilia. Fighting the inevitable is our job description."
Without another word he walked past her and out of the lab. She hung her head—her heart sinking—as the sound of his footsteps faded away.
She couldn't deny the hurt she felt. Even though part of her understood his reasoning, she couldn't just pretend there wasn't a connection between them.
Several nights later Cecilia was at home in her apartment researching Rhodes disease for Mrs Martinez. Her friends had volunteered to help and several hours had passed when her reading was interrupted by snoring. She looked up to see that everyone had fallen asleep, except for Bryce.
"And then there were two," he smiled before looking back down at his research. "Wait a second...Cecilia, come look at this."
"What'd you find?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.
"Wound up on a message board. Looks like a pissed off employee leaked some old R&D memos from Panacea Labs...Check it out. It says a drug used for Huntington's cured some test subjects of Rhodes disease."
"If they've found a cure...why isn't it on the market?"
"This is pretty recent...Human trails can take years before a new drug gets F.D.A approval."
"Bryce, you found the answer!" Overwhelmed with excitement, she threw her arms around him and he hugged her back tightly.
The hug lingered and she feel reluctant to let go of him...
"I dunno about you, but I feel like celebrating," he whispered.
She looked into his eager eyes, knowing exactly how he wanted to celebrate.
If she went along with this she knew she may end up regretting it. Her feelings for Ethan were undeniable and there was definitely more to it than just a sexual attraction. But their interactions over the past few weeks had left her so confused and sexually frustrated that she was seriously considering taking Bryce up on his offer. She didn't know if Ethan would even allow anything to happen between them in the future and she couldn't wait around for him forever.
It wasn't as though Bryce was a random stranger. He was a good guy...kind...sexy. They had already been physical with each other before—after her housewarming party—so she knew he could definitely help release some of her frustrations there and then.
She gave him a smirk as she made her decision.
She grabbed Bryce's hand and led him to the bathroom. They bumped hard into the door as she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
"Shh, don't wake the others up."
"I'm not the one you're gonna have to worry about," he teased.
He pinned her against the closed bathroom door and kissed her, while she pulled off his shirt.
His strong hands roamed her body, gliding under her clothes, trying to feel every part of her.
"Pent up much?"
"I'm always pent up when I see you," he replied.
She could feel the blush reaching her cheeks.
"Before we go any further, you should know...we have to keep this casual."
She knew this probably didn't need to be said, Bryce was a casual sort of guy, but she didn't need any extra drama in her life right now.
"No strings...fine by me," he grinned, pulling her clothes over her head.
She kissed up his neck and across his smooth jawline as she undid his trousers and pushed them to the ground.
She snapped the band of his underwear with a cheeky smile before sliding her hands beneath the fabric.
"I really don't need to keep those on," he whispered.
She kissed his chest as she slid his underpants down, her fingers brushing against him.
The sight of him standing to attention for her was a massive turn on.
She kissed him again as she took hold of him, enjoying the way his breath stopped and started as she pumped his length.
"Who has magic hands now?"
"You're giving me a run for my money," he replied before pulling her bra down and kissing and licking his way across her breasts.
A moan was the only sound she could make as a shiver ran throughout her entire body.
"How 'bout we have some good clean fun," he said pushing her backwards, guiding her toward the shower.
She turned to step in.
"Wait, hold still, "he grabbed her hand to stop her. "Before we get in, I want to get a proper look at you."
He spun her back to face him, before looking her up and down—eyes filled with lust.
"You're gorgeous," he stated while flashing her a grin.
She couldn't help but giggle. "You're quite the charmer Lahela."
Continuing into the shower, Bryce gently pushed her against the shower wall, turning on the tap. Warm water poured down on them as he kissed her, his hands exploring her body.
She returned the favour, running her hands over his slippery muscles.
Bryce reached between her legs and began to move his fingers, slowly but surely. She let out a moan.
"I told you I wasn't the one you had to worry about making noise..."
"I don't think I care anymore..."
She leaned her head against the shower wall and sighed as Bryce's hands worked their magic, circling round her most sensitive part. His lips traced across her collarbone as he dipped a finger inside her.
Her breathing grew heavier as he added another finger.
"Bryce...I need more..."
He gripped her by the back of the thighs and lifted her, pinning her high against the cold tiles.
She sighed with pleasure as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he slid himself inside her.
A whisper of guilt flickered across her mind, but it was too late to take it back now, this was happening and she wanted to enjoy it. It felt too good not to.
She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing any doubts out of her head. Instead concentrating on the sensations, the pleasure.
Bryce moved his lips down her neck, softly sucking and kissing as he went.
For a brief moment her mind took her back to Miami where it was Ethan's lips on her neck, his stubble gently scratching her sensitive skin. She remembered the taste of wine on his tongue as his mouth crashed into hers.
She lifted a hand up and ran it through Bryce's hair, gripping tightly as her pleasure started to build.
He plunged himself deep inside her over and over again and she moved her hand down to his chest, feeling his heart thundering as she neared her climax. Her fingernails clawed into his back as she lost control.
"Yes Eth—, Bryce."
She clung on to him, breathing heavily as he thrust a few more times, until he got his own release.
As she came down from her high she cringed as she recalled the fact she had started calling out Ethan's name while having sex with someone else.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Bryce. He smiled at her and kissed her on the lips.
"That was amazing," he said.
"Yeah, it was," she replied through her heavy breathing.
Somehow she seemed to have got away with her slip up. Either he was too wrapped up in the moment to notice or he had decided not to mention it. Either way, she was extremely relieved.
He lowered her back down to the ground and they held each other close for a moment before getting dressed.
Bryce looked at the time, it was 2am.
"I'd better head home if I'm going to get any sleep before work tomorrow."
She grabbed his arm.
"You don't have to go, you could sleep here tonight."
He gave her a little smirk. "I think if I stayed here, you would prove to be way too distracting for either of us to get any sleep."
They both laughed.
"Okay, I'll walk you to the door."
They threw their clothes back on before stepping out into the corridor, where they could talk without waking the others.
"Thank you for tonight Bryce. For the help with the research and the...other thing. I really needed that."
He smiled broadly at her.
"Anytime, Gibson. And I mean it. Any time you need a special release, I'm there. Supply closet, on call room, gym, shower, locker room, your place, my place..."
"Yeah, okay Bryce," she chuckled, playfully pushing him away. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight Sien—, I mean Cecilia."
She tilted her head quizzically and he winked at her before turning to leave. Her eyes widened suddenly with realisation that she hadn't got away with her slip up after all.
Although she felt her face burn with embarrassment, she couldn't help but giggle to herself as she watched him walk down the corridor, before disappearing out of sight.
Next part (What is this?)
Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to like, comment and reblog 🥰
I only tag those who ask, so please feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to my list 😃
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
if it's not much of a bother, can i ask for a scenario where izumi has a little sister (reader) and she visits the mankai company one day because she misses her? how would the actors (you can pick who!) react knowing that all the acting genes went to the little sister and how do they find out about it? uwu thank you very much~ ღ
So sorry for the delay! It was really nice to come up with the idea so thank you very much for the prompt sweetie! 💕 
 Hope you like it 
Mankai watching Izumi’s sister! reader acting for the first time
It was Thursday morning and being weekday, everyone was running in and out around the dorm; students were in school, adults were on their jobs and you were about to ring the doorbell for the fifth time, when a man in a green suit with patches came out followed by a talking bird.
“Stupid Matsukawa, stupid, stuuupid!”
You wondered if that was the norm around there.
“Will you shut it!” the man with old clothes scolded the animal as he turned to concentrate on the call. He bowed repeatedly to an invisible person “I’m so sorry sir!, I must have taken it to the opposite place…ugh?! Y-you need it that early?! I-I’m outside now, so I’ll run to-!
Unsure, you tried to catch his attention, seeing he might be gone before you could talk “Uh…” He turned, breathing so heavily that you jumped a bit “Hi, sorry I’m Izumi’s-”
The man didn’t even let you finish, “Director! She has gone to help a fellow theatre so you can wait inside! I need to solve some matters but Kamekichi will show you the way” he pointed to the bird flying over you two. At this point, you were barely following what was going on “Now, if you’ll excuse me!”
Before you could even respond, the manager of Mankai had already sprint to try and fix whatever accident had happened. You scratched your neck. 
“Come inside, visitor, it’s too hot outside!” he yelled, “I’m going to get a sunburn!”
You pulled out your phone as you eyed the talking bird. Hadn’t expected your surprise visit to turn out like that. You were thinking about actually calling Izumi but...
You lifted your head “Okay little bird, guess I’ll enter. You’re right that it’s too hot to wait here anyway”
“My name’s Kamekichi, you dumbo!”
The bird turned and you followed him inside the big dorm. Excusing yourself before taking your shoes off, you waited for a response that didn’t come. For being such a big place filled with people, as Izumi always said, it sure was empty.
You roamed around the area, not sure if to stay in the lounge or investigate a bit as you waited. It was spacious and something smelled great over what you guessed was the kitchen “Curry…?”
A happy smile reached your face when you saw it was indeed curry. You had missed Izumi’s cooking so much now that she lived here. But you heard her so happy about the theatre that instead of asking her again to try and make time to go home, you took the first train in the morning to go to Veludo.
Gaining more confidence, you decided to look around some more, finding in no time the big courtyard.
“Everyone lives around the garden!” placing himself on your shoulder, Kamekichi had taken the guide role seriously. The bird had been talking non-stop, pointing with his beak different places and random objects you two found on the way.
…There was an insanely big amount of triangle objects laying around, now that you noticed.
“Mmm?” reaching one of the benches, you found what seemed to be a script. Not surprising, taking into account there was always supposed to be a few plays in motion.
You hesitated, but in the end, you couldn’t help but want to take a short look. You had read such great comments about Mankai, it had been a pity you lived so far to make it between your classes and works “Oh… this is pretty interesting?” flipping the pages, you found yourself needing to know more about how that play would turn out. The characters' dialogues were really good and, at some point, unconsciously, you found yourself reciting the lines out loud, enthusiastically.
So enthusiastically, that you had effectively caught the attention of the few dormant that hadn’t noticed a new person from inside their rooms.
“Thank god we are finally here!” Izumi left the bags on the entrance as Tsumugi held the door so Tasuku could bring some boxes inside “Matsukawa-san…?” she hummed as she opened again her phone. 
“Something wrong?” Tsumugi walked next to her as they both headed towards the living room.
Izumi frowned, her fingers moving around the screen “Yeah, looks like he mistook another… Uh, guys? What are you…? Banri-kun, what are you doing here?!”
The autumn leader rolled his eyes while Citron greeted them with a whisper and Azuma smiled. All three of them were looking at the courtyard in silence.
“We were enjoying the performance. Cute, right?” Azuma pointed at you, moving around in the garden “She has been reading out loud the script someone from the summer troupe must have left. I have to say, I’m impressed”
“Yeah, don’t know who she is but she sure has some freakin’ skills man”
Izumi’s eyes opened wide when she heard your voice. No way that was you. When...?
“Yes, she is very amazing! No matter how much noise Banri or me made when we left the rooms, she did not get distracted!”
It was true. You were so immersed in the script that you had barely paid attention to what surrounded you. That’s how good you thought the script was. You were just about to turn when something grabbed you, making you scream.
“Why are you here? Wait, I’m confused, did we arrange anything? Sorry not being here! I’m usually around the dorm but a fellow theatre asked us to help carry some props and they usually help us so much that-“
You smiled. Your sister was one hell of a bouncing ball since you had memory “We didn’t decide anything! I just really missed you so I decided to drop by”
Izumi gasped and tightened the hug, saying over and over how happy she was to finally see you again and how much she had missed you too. You laughed, squeezing her too and enjoying her warmth and familiar smell.
“Were you here long?”
“For a bit. I think it was the manager who let me in and, uh, the bird showed me around?” 
She nodded, understanding the confusion in your voice “Yes, they are… anyway” releasing you, she looked at you up and down “You look great! I’m so happy you are here. Come, let me present you some of the actors. Others are working and the youngest in high school… well, at least all were supposed too” she glared at Banri.
The crowd that had awaited watching the sibling exchange approached you, still shocked by finding out you two were related.
“So you are director’s sister?”
“Pleased to meet you, Y/N-san”
“It is so happy to meet you, yes! Let us hear stories from young times later!“
“Yo, little director, not bad”
You now understood why Izumi said they had a vast variety of personalities within the dorm “Nice to meet you!” 
“These are Citron, Azuma-san, Banri-kun and… Tsumugi, where’s Tasuku?”
“Was she the one acting?” a man the age of Izumi, pretty well built, had appeared from inside, eyeing you with an intense look in his eyes “I could hear from the entrance. Good voice projection”
“This is Y/N, my sister”
“That delivery was indeed really beautiful” the young man with light blue hair smiled at you and you couldn’t help but blush at the compliment “I’m assuming it’s not your first time”
“Fufu we did have fun seeing your acting”
“After deciding you were not a spy, of course!”
…You wanted to hide embarrassed. Just how many people had been watching you? “I’m so sorry! I took this script and read it out loud” you held the script and gave it to Izumi.
Banri whistled, hands inside his pocket “You gave it a good read too. So that’s where all the actin’ from Yukio-san went to, uh”
“We will have a talk later about you being here on a school day, Banri-kun… I wouldn’t be speaking so cheekily”
Tsumugi laughed nervously at the exchange, turning again to you “Do you act, perhaps?”
You considered it “I’m doing theatre but it’s a small club. It’s a hobby rather than the passion Izumi and our father had”
“Don’t say that, you guys are great! You really need to rethink about doing theatre, I could help you with…”
Every one of the actors could already picture just how many times you two must have had that same conversation, judging by your face. Tasuku decided to interfere.
“You know, I wasn’t able to watch you, care if we do an improv here?”
“Ah, as expected of one of our biggest acting addicts” 
“I too want to perform the improv!”
Azuma looked at you, smiling softly when he noticed you fidgeting. Before you could reject anything though, Izumi answered for you “That’s such a great idea!”
Guess you didn’t have a choice.
“We’re back!”
“I can smell curry even from here…”
“Masumi-kun, stop! I’m sure director will be there even if you…!”
“F in the chat, I’m so tired, Tenten…!”
“Why are you looking at me like I should do something about it?!”
“You guys tell me, I still need to get to my part-time job as soon as we finish lunch…”
The summer and spring members entered the dorm chatting with each other, as always, when Sakuya stopped and headed to the garden, hearing the noise “Why is everyone outside?”
The rest followed. There you stood facing Tasuku with a Citron hiding behind in the middle of the courtyard. The others were sitting on the benches listening to you three.
You kicked the floor “What do you mean we can’t go?!” you pointed to yourself and Citron “You promised us!”
“I’m not repeating myself. Work piled up”
The green-haired designer of Mankai raised his eyebrows “Who’s that?” 
“Are they doing a skit?”
“Looks like it”
Tenma crossed his arms, watching your movements… you were actually pretty good.
“...Is it me or she looks like director?”
“That wasn’t half bad” Tasuku smiled when you all finished.  
“I too did enjoy it in the performance of us siblings against a strict father!”
“You are even better than I remembered, Y/N!” you couldn’t help but chuckle when you saw your sister’s happy face. Opening your mouth to call her out, applause followed behind you.
“That was so amazing!!”
When did all those people come from?! You turned to see more actors watching you from the lounge. You glanced at your sister and she smiled “I guess we could take a break and have lunch together, you all deserve it!”
You nodded, entering inside to introduce yourself to the rest of them. You couldn’t wait to see what else was to find out about Mankai.
“So you two are sister...?”
“Never would have guessed it, acting-wise”
“Same! Your acting skills were EPIC! Do you have instablam?” 
“Sister-in-law... need to get her blessing- muhpm!”
“Masumi, don’t!” both Sakuma and Tsuzuru shut him up covering his mouth before you heard anything. You narrowed your eyes, letting it be.
“....anyway, I saw there’s curry? I’m so excited!” you mentioned as you all entered inside.
Izumi gasped beaming as she grabbed your arm “Oh, you just wait to try it, Y/N! I found these spices the other day that…!
You two chatted heatedly about new recipes you both had created as the actors looked at each other with entertained expressions. Maybe you two didn’t share acting genes… but it looked like the curry obsession really ran in your family’s blood. 
Have a wonderful day! 💕
Edit: If interested, here is a kind of sequel to this Sister! reader with the autumn troupe
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thevagueambition · 3 years
Tagged by @everyonewasabird - thanks!
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
2) what’s your total AO3 word count?
3) how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Let me go count 😂 I tend to write oneshots for random things then never write more for that fandom (when it even has what can be called a fandom lol)
Hmm, something like 24?
Les Mis and Harry Potter are definitely what I’ve written for the most. I’ve written a fair bit of Star Wars stuff as well, but most of that is unpublished wips.
4) what are your top five fics by kudos?
Oh god, I don’t like the first two anymore
1. Mr. Harry Potter, a trans guy!Harry ficlet (this was originally just a headcanon post)
2. Practice, a B99 bi trans guy!Jake ficlet
3. Aching for You, MDZS Wangxian porn with plot (that novel blue balled me lmao)
4. Just Like That, Disco Elysium Harry/Kim (I still really like this one, it was one of the first in that tag too)
5. Handsome as ever, Doctor Who fic where Thirteen and her companions meet Jack Harkness (written before his canon reappearance)
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Usually, yeah. Not if it’s just a heart of a single word comment, though. Not that I don’t appreciate those comments, there’s just not really anything to respond to. If someone does it on every chapter of a longer fic, I might go like “thanks for taking the time to comment!” on one of them to show that I appreciate it.
6) what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I’m more of a hurt/comfort than outright angst sort of guy... particularly in terms of endings, I really like things to be really angsty but then end on that note of “things are going to be okay”?
That said, it’s probably In Other Circumstances, a fic based on the movie Joyeux Noël, which is already fairly angsty, given the subject matter (that time during WW1 opposing armies celebrated Christmas together). That, or the Dumbledore fic To Be At Peace.
7) do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really. I do have a little bit of a Les Mis/Order of the Phoenix mash-up where Dumbledore’s Army do a student activism after Dumbledore is sacked (Lamarque is dead!) lying around somewhere, but I think that’s about it. God, that was a good idea though. I should get back on that some day.
8) have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think I once got one from a terf on that trans!Harry one but it was pretty vague lol
9) do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yeah, occasionally. I have a lot of kinks in the bdsm area of things, so that’s always pretty apparent in the smut I write. I just think power dynamics are sexy lmao
A lot of the smut I’ve written is original work stuff though, so that’s not up in the same place as my fanfic.
10) have you ever had a fic stolen?
Doubt it
11) have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, Just Like That was translated into Chinese.
I’ve also personally translated a Odin/Loki fic I wrote in Danish into English. Fun fact, it’s way harder to translate than if I’d written it in English in the first place. I like to write fic in Danish where it makes sense to, though.
12) have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I’ve partcipated in events where I’ve drawn and the other person written, but never co-written. Frankly I’m not even sure how that works.
13) what’s your all-time favourite ship?
Gah, idk. All-time, huh? I shift between fandoms too much for that.
Obviously I ship Enjolras/Grantaire a lot and have for a long time, but then I’m also super particular about what I want that to look like lol.
I still really love Sirius/Remus even after all these years. Disco Elysium’s Harry/Kim deserves mention here as well, although that’s a lot newer, so it’s difficult to talk about in an “all-time” sense.
Despite not really caring about any aspect of Marvel anymore, I also still really love Matt/Foggy from the Netflix version of Daredevil.
14) what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A lot of unposted stuff 😂 Maybe once I finish Elysium I’ll pick one of those up again... If it’s a wip I care about, I won’t start posting it till I have a good sense that I’ll continue being able to update.
15) what are your writing strengths?
Hmm, I think I’m good at inserting myself into the mindset of the protagonist. This is also why I practically never write alternating pov, I’m filtering everything through that protagonist so shifting around would be harder. Dialogue tends to come easily to me as well.
16) what are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, moving characters around in space in particular. On a more meta level, plotting things out to the right degree where I still actually want to write it but I’m also going in a particular direction. Just... plot, in general, really.
17) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Generally speaking, if my character speaks the language in question, the dialogue will be rendered in the same language as the rest of the text with a dialogue tag like “he said in German” or w/e. If they do not, the dialogue will be rendered in the actual language being spoken.
Of course this is also hugely guided but what languages I personally speak. I will never use google translate for something like that because I personally find it infuriating when people do that lmao. It’s like saying “Hey, you, who actually speak this language? This isn’t for you. Fuck you. This is just here for flavor. Surely no-one who actually speaks this language will ever come across this.” I’m sure that’s not what most people who do that are thinking, but that’s what it feels like to read. So I won’t do that.
I can’t recall if I’ve done this in anything that’s up anywhere, but if I wanted to include a foreign phrase I would either use Danish, use triple checked German or ask someone I know who speak a given language about the phrase in that language. Or, you know, just use an established quote.
An exception is Latin, particularly for Les Mis fic, where I follow the brick’s habit of rendering Latin untranslated, despite the pov character understanding it (but again, these are always established phrases).
If I wrote something in Danish taking place in the modern day, I would render English untranslated as well, since that is just how young Danes talk and I can assume that 99.99% of potential readers will be able to understand it either way (this, I think we can assume, is also what was going on with Latin at the time Hugo was writing).
18) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably Harry Potter. That, or Avatar: The Last Airbender. I don’t really remember. The first thin I put on FFnet was certainly Harry Potter, though.
19) what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Predictably it’s On the Path to Elysium. As I’ve mentioned before, I wasn’t really able to write long things before Elysium. Most of my fics are oneshots and while I really like oneshots, I had long been frustrated that I never managed to get any of my longer ideas off the ground. Elysium represents a lot of growth for me as a writer.
Apart from that, like I said, I’m still very fond of Just Like That, if nothing else then because I wrote it in an emulation of how the game itself is written.
I tag @thebearmuse @teddy-stonehill @antirococoreaction (no pressure ofc, just if any of you think it looks fun)
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coreastories · 4 years
A Drive Around the Coast
Well, several drives.
They go on a trip.
Like normal people, they get to know--and love--more about each other. 
The King: Eternal Monarch RPF (Real People Fiction) Yep, this is LMH/KGE. Don’t worry. No cringe. Never. :) 
Inspired by July 13 - My Love By My Side
Extended MEGA version of Twitter thread fic I posted on July 13
With thanks to Joyce @singersleeps on Twitter and RCL. On July 16, she shared her translation of the Weibo speculative posts that in turn inspired how I could extend the thread fic I originally posted July 13 on Twitter. 
For @collectsfallenstars and Patty @pateetsie again, because RPF shenanigans, and just because. 
Companion to A Ride Along the River, but can standalone. 
ON AO3 for kudos and download :) 
July 9
He was such a tall tree man that when she got into the driver’s seat, she fully stretched her legs and her feet just thumped uselessly on the car floor. She couldn’t reach the pedals at all. 
He laughed his weird laugh while he adjusted the seat for her. 
Once he had put on his seatbelt and the van passed them, she started the car and followed. 
They were on a coastal road now and everyone’s business was to drive along it, so both of them felt safe enough to open their windows. They grinned at each other at the delicious wind that buffeted their hair and faces. 
It was so good. She felt so good. 
She handed him her phone and she pursed her lips and tried not to smile when he expertly navigated it, and in another second, the speakers played exactly the song she had in mind for a drive like this, with someone like this, on a trip like this, in a life like theirs. 
She realized he was looking at her to see if he’d done right, and she scrunched her nose and smiled. Without taking her eyes off the windshield, she reached for his hand, and it was already there waiting to catch hers. 
Sometimes their sync scared her. Or was it how he was so attuned to what she wanted? She had never felt so carefully... observed. He observed her. Out of the corner of his eye or with both those beautiful eyes, he saw and catalogued everything. 
And when all this began it had made her feel conscious of what he saw and whether he liked it. 
And apparently he did. Everything about her. Her truest self. She hadn’t hidden anything, to test him, to test herself, and he’d passed every test. 
So now she was well beyond the point of being conscious and well into the territory of getting used to it and loving it. 
He flipped the visor for her just as the angle of the afternoon sun started poking her in the eyes.
He offered her a sip of water just when she felt a little parched.  
He reached across her waist to shut all the windows just when she felt the wind start to bite and sting. 
This time, she turned to him with an eyeroll. “I could have done that.” 
“You didn’t have to. I can do all the buttons for you.” 
It took three seconds. Then he realized the ridiculousness of what he said. The lip bite came first. Then the grin. Then the laughter. 
She kept both hands on the wheel, trying to keep her eyes open as she shook with her own giggling. His hand was on her shoulder, keeping her upright because her body was curving over toward the dashboard. 
She ended up pulling over because her fit of giggles refused to stop. 
He was still chuckling, probably more at her laughter now. She felt him put her ball cap on her head, put his on, and then she saw him climb out and round the car to her door. She opened it herself but she was still too far gone to do much else.  
She had both hands over her cheeks now, alternately covering and fanning her face as she tried to calm down. He gently grabbed both wrists and pulled her up and out of the car. 
The wind helped. The change in temperature helped. His closeness helped. She took a deep breath and she was done. 
The visors of their ball caps collided and dovetailed as he peered down at her face. “It wasn’t that funny.”
This just triggered another giggling fit and she pretty much collapsed against him with her hands sliding from his chest to his waist so she could hold on to his hoodie and not fall to her knees. 
He held her and laughed a little again, rubbing her back a bit. “What?” 
She took deep breaths. When she was sure that answering wouldn’t make her giggle again, she said, “I… I remember the… the... button scene. You know…”
“Ahh.” And he grinned. 
“Yeah.” She ducked her head because he was looking at her intently and-- just when she thought she was getting used to it, he always managed to show her she was still not used to it. Would she ever be? His gaze was so intense, so unbelievable, because it made her feel like all he saw was her.  
He twisted her ball cap on her head, and once she was visible to that gaze, he said, “Our first kiss.” 
Almost on instinct as a defense, she said, “That wasn’t us.” 
He blinked. “Oh. Right. So when was it us then?” 
She looked up at him and realized, after all their text messages and phone calls, that they’d never talked about this yet. 
Instead of pressing in that direction, he pushed her gently in another-- toward the car. “Let’s get you back in the car. It’s getting a bit cold. I’ll drive now.” 
“But I only drove for an hour.” He had already driven the two hours from Seoul to their meeting point. 
“You drove a bit more than that.” He gestured for her to get into the passenger side. “I think we’re less than thirty minutes away now.” He adjusted the seat before getting in. 
Only when he was seated did she drop back in. She took off her ball cap and tossed it to the back seat, where it joined his. The caps sat bill to bill like they were having their own dialogue. 
She faced him just as he started the car. “It was me when we kissed by the window.” 
And she was glad the sun was going down, because she felt her cheeks burning. 
He maneuvered the car back onto the road. As soon as they were cruising again, he turned to her for a bit and reached for her hand. And she loved it that whenever he did that, his eyes always sought hers first. For permission. Or maybe he just really enjoyed turning her to mush by making contact with his eyes before making contact with his hand. Or with his lips. 
She really was thankful it was getting dark, especially when he said what he said next.  
“It was me when we kissed by the bed.”
He squeezed her hand. 
July 10
She was sitting in the passenger seat on her side, clutching her middle. The lights from the street lamps showed him she was grimacing a little. 
“I think I ate too much.” 
He grinned. “They served too much.” He cursed when he hit a random pothole. “Sorry about that. You okay?”
Her expression and position hadn’t changed. He was afraid that would unsettle her currently full stomach. Apparently not. She really was made of sterner stuff. All she said was, “Let’s not have bibimbap again while on this trip. Not like that anyway. How many side dishes was it? I lost count.” 
He laughed. He remembered how well she ate. He loved that she loved food and had no compunction about eating with enthusiasm, wherever she happened to be. They’d booked a dining room at the restaurant so it was just them and their teams, so she probably felt at home. But he had seen her eat with everyone else before. She was consistent with everyone, everywhere. 
Her unchanging character was what intrigued and charmed him when he finally met the person behind those magnificent and diverse roles. 
“I’ll grill meat tomorrow. The guys got fresh fish and ojing-eo and saeu, too.” 
“That sounds awesome,” she said, carefully sitting up and adjusting her seatbelt across her body. “Is it weird to fantasize about food when I’m still about to burst from food?”
He laughed again. She could always make him laugh. “No.”  
“You lost weight during the shoot too, right?”
He nodded. “About eight pounds, I think. You?”
“About the same. Do you want ice cream?” 
She was smiling as the light of the convenience store fluorescent lamps filled the car. He pulled over, shaking his head and grinning. She flitted out of the car fast-- for someone with a heavy stomach-- and he wondered if she should have put her ball cap on. But sometimes being in plain sight helped better than any attempt to hide. People didn’t expect you to be bare-faced if you really were a celebrity. 
And it was a godsend that everyone wore masks right now. 
She came back to the car and he didn’t need to ask her if anything happened. She was usually blushing and a little unsettled when she was recognized. She was shy. Eight years in the industry and she still blushed when she was at the center of attention off-camera. 
But now she neither blushing nor rattled. Just excited with her loot. 
He started the car and they ate ice cream. She fed him as he drove, and he pretended nonchalance that he was sharing her plastic spoon. 
That was new. 
Another new thing to add to the list so far. 
Sharing a blanket when they were all hanging out together. 
Good night kisses before they went to their separate rooms with the team-- girls and boys together. (No funny business on this trip-- he took care of his people).  
Her hand playing with his hair and ear when he laid his head on her lap.
The cute way she nodded when he agreed with what he or anyone else said. 
The silken softness of the skin where her back met her nape, when he lost thought one time she sat by his leg while he was on the couch, and he didn’t realize where his hand had gone and stayed. 
She must have felt him freeze, because before he could casually remove his hand, hers was there on his wrist, stroking and patting his arm, before letting go and going back to strumming the guitar on her lap. 
He moved his hand to her shoulder, but his thumb was stubborn and stayed glued to that new delicious place. 
July 11
He leaned back on the passenger seat and closed his eyes, but he was grinning. She took her hand off the wheel for a second to poke him at his side. He dodged the second poke and caught her hand. 
“What?” he asked, eyes still closed. 
“Did you really not plan that? They just also happened to be here?” 
“I don’t believe you.” But she was smiling. It was so good to see the girls. The three of them hadn’t really gotten the chance to spend more time together during filming, but both women had become close friends. One she shared an agency with, and the other was such a nice and warm unnie. 
He had driven them to the bay today, with their staff staying behind at the villa, completely off the hook for their own plans. The bay was a perfect, secluded place for a sunset walk, and her heart recognized the romance of it and was thrilled at it. 
And then she saw two people approaching them, crossing the sandbar, waving and calling out annyeong. 
They had dinner right there, on a blanket on the sand, wrapping meat and sides in sangchu as fast as they talked, catching up with each other as the sun set before them. 
And throughout all that, he had sat slightly behind her, his back perpendicular to hers, so that whenever she leaned back she had something to lean on, and whenever her hand rested on the blanket, it was beside his, their fingers touching or overlapping. 
He let the women talk. He asked and answered questions, but for the most part, he let them talk. At some point he even leaned on her, so her instinct had been to lean back on him, and they stayed like that, until it got too dark and they packed up everything with the light of their phones. 
She and the girls had promised to meet again in Seoul. Her mind was already buzzing on how exactly to get that done. 
But she was also completely, entirely in awe of the man napping--or pretending to nap-- beside her as she drove his car. She hadn’t expected this sunset to turn out like this, with new friends she’d sorely missed. 
But then he always did surprise her. Not always in big ways like this one. But in quiet, small ways. 
Like how he always got embarrassed when their teams teased them. 
And how he intently listened to her all the time and looked surprised sometimes, even with his uncanny ability to intuit what was on her mind and what she needed or wanted. 
Or how he never assumed she would give him anything-- whether it was her hand, a kiss, or her head on his shoulder. 
Earlier on the blanket was the same. He had offered to be there for her to lean on, but he hadn’t pushed. He had this ability to get close to her without invading her space. 
Or was that her? Was he simply welcome now, his touch and presence beside her something she now wanted that it was never an intrusion in the first place?  
She leaned back on her seat, extended and locked her left elbow as she held the wheel with one hand, and looked at him again. 
She was almost startled when his eyes opened and looked at her. Almost. 
Because over the last few days, she had gotten used to him meeting her gaze. And holding it. 
Of course she couldn’t lock eyes with him just now because she was driving but she felt her lips turning up in a smile. 
She glanced at him again, and when he saw her smile, he grinned that boyish grin, reached out and took her free hand in his. 
“Did you have fun today?” 
She nodded.
“And my grilling is five-star, right?”
He laughed. 
Just to mess with him even though he did grill so well, she wrinkled her nose. “You’re pushing it.” 
She was in danger of loving that silly laugh too much. 
July 12 
They’d fallen asleep on the living room couch. 
Every single one of them was a little or a lot drunk. And judging from the blanketed lumps scattered around the living area, every single one of them hadn’t made it to the bedrooms either. 
He was on his back on the long white couch, his arm around her, securing her against him as she lay half on the sofa and half on him, her head fitting perfectly against his shoulder and neck. Her arm was around his waist, her leg thrown over his thigh. 
She sang last night. And he could still hear her singing voice in his head. 
She was an angel. And he couldn’t believe his good luck in meeting her, knowing her, and now holding her like this. 
With just a small movement, his lips reached her forehead, and he kissed her there. 
He closed his eyes again. 
She felt that kiss and smiled to herself, tightening her arm around him and relishing how warm and solid he was. She could feel nothing but space behind her back and beyond his hold, but she felt safe in his arms. He wouldn’t let her fall off the couch. 
After all, he had kept her secure while they were both on a horse. He hadn’t allowed her to be forced into anything she wasn’t comfortable with, even a tiny thing like calling him “oppa” in public. He had always… always made her feel safe. He was her sunbae and now he was… 
He was an angel. He was kind and he was funny and he was a dork and he made her heart race and made her feel at peace at the same time. 
With just a small movement, her lips reached his jaw, and she kissed him there. 
She closed her eyes again. 
This was their last day here. Maybe they could prolong it by sleeping. 
July 13
She was asleep, her legs tucked under her, both feet at her hip, the shape of her toes discernible through her yellow socks.
Her cheek was slightly squished where it rested on her shrimp neck pillow.
And he catalogued these details, these mundane details, because he was driving.
But when the lights turned red, he stopped the car and looked his fill of the details that stole his breath away, no matter how many times he'd already seen them before.
Those lips, slightly open, pink, and unadorned with any artificial color.
Their script had never called for him to touch those lips, he just did. And he had clung to the thought that it was because he was dedicated to his craft, and Lee Gon couldn't possibly NOT touch those lips when he kissed her. 
But HE couldn't either.
It was-- he was fascinated that she never had any artifice, especially on those lips, which in all the time he'd known her had never uttered a single word he couldn't like or adore.
If she wasn't saying respectful, thoughtful, or generous things, she was laughing or smiling.
Laughter that always made him laugh. Smiles that stuck to the back of his eyelids so that he saw them even when he was away from her. Just the thought of it made him smile right now. 
He pursed his lips, but his grin was too persistent, unstoppable, not when she was right there.
She stirred and scratched her nose. His eyes followed her hand as it went back to join the other on her lap. 
He loved those hands, too. 
Soft, and brave, because those hands never shied away from handling anything she thought worth the effort.
Including him. Apparently, she thought he was worthy, because here she was beside him.
And nothing else mattered. 
Everything else could be finessed.
But in the meantime, she was on a furlough before the mad rush of winter.
They had months, or realistically, weeks together. 
Or practically, perhaps days and nights scattered here and there. 
They'd be busy. So busy.
But they’d just spent four blissful days together. He had seen so much of her to fill his mind on their days apart. 
And in the meantime, she was right there beside him, sleeping and slightly... 
...slightly snoring. 
He grinned. He'd tease her about that later. And she'd probably punch him.
He loved those hits and punches. 
Like the image of her smiles, those punches gave him solid ground, made him think, anchored him to wisdom. 
He wasn't going to make mistakes this time.
He took her hand and waited for the light to change.
And then they were at the park, and her car was pulling up beside his. He squeezed her hand to wake her up. 
She saw her car the same moment she opened her eyes. 
She looked at him. He didn’t know what she saw. He hoped he didn’t look pathetic and woebegone. He tried to smile, but she had already taken off her seatbelt, already crossed the console, and already gently taking his cheeks in her hands. 
And then she was kissing him, and his arms were going around her, pulling her tight against him. She melted against his embrace and he loved the way her cheeks stroked his when she hid her face against his shoulder. 
He turned his head and pressed his lips against her neck. “I’ll talk to you later?”
She nodded against him. 
She kissed his cheek. He kissed hers. And then they were smiling at each other. “I’ll talk to you later,” she repeated. 
He hugged her again and it was her turn to nod against her hair. 
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