#cecilia gibson
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rarilee33 · 7 months ago
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previously unreleased nonsense. sawsense?
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esoteric-princess · 7 months ago
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lastlast week
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 day ago
Look at number 77
Ghislaine Maxwell
Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre [Epstein victim]
Prince Andrew of England
James Michael Austrich
Philip Barden
Cate Blanchett
David Boies
Laura Boothe
Evelyn Boulet
Rebecca Boylan
Joshua Bunner
Naomi Campbell
Carolyn Casey
Paul Cassell
Sharon Churcher
Bill Clinton
David Copperfield
Alexandra Cousteau
Cameron Diaz
Leonardo DiCaprio
Alan Dershowitz
Dr. Mona Devanesan
Bradley Edwards
Amanda Ellison
Cimberly Espinosa
Jeffrey Epstein
Annie Farmer
Marie Farmer
Alexandra Fekkai
Crystal Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa
Louis Freeh
Eric Gany
Meg Garvin
Sheridan Gibson-Butte
Robert Giuffre
Al Gore
Ross Gow
Fred Graff
Philip Guderyon
Shannon Harrison
Stephen Hawking
Victoria Hazel
Brittany Henderson
Brett Jaffe
Michael Jackson
Carol Roberts Kess
Dr. Karen Kutikoff
Peter Listerman
George Lucas
Tony Lyons
Bob Meister
Jamie A. Melanson
Lynn Miller
Marvin Minsky
David Mullen
Joe Pagano
Mary Paluga
J. Stanley Pottinger
Joseph Recarey
Michael Reiter
Jason Richards
Bill Richardson
Sky Roberts
Scott Rothstein
Forest Sawyer
Doug Schoetlle
Kevin Spacey
Cecilia Stein
Mark Tafoya
Brent Tindall
Kevin Thompson
Donald Trump
Ed Tuttle
Emma Vaghan
Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
Cresenda Valdes
Anthony Valladares
Maritza Vazquez
Vicky Ward
Jarred Weisfeld
Courtney Wild
Bruce Willis
Daniel Wilson
Kathy Alexander
Miles Alexander
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mikashisus · 1 year ago
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Memories of You
“i’d cut my soul into a million different pieces just to form a constellation to light your way home. i’d write love poems to the parts of yourself you can’t stand. i’d stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you i’m not afraid of your dark.”
— andrea gibson
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summary: In which, Barbatos reflects on a distant past, a time where he felt the cruel sting of first love.
pairing: venti x fem!reader
content warnings: death, angst
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wc: 1.7k
author’s notes: this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile. decided to post it here since i dont want it to go to waste yk.
i recommend listening to iris by the goo goo dolls while u read! enjoy! <3
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Aether shuffled his way through the busy streets of Mondstadt, craning his neck to look for the ever playful bard.
This time of year had rolled around once again: the time of the Windblume Festival.
Mondstadt was a romantic and free city, without the rule of royalty. And although many years had passed since the people last saw their beloved archon, he still wandered the streets as a carefree bard— an archon hidden in plain sight, though his "disguise" actually should've given him away a long time ago.
At the sound of singing, Paimon gasped and grabbed Aether's attention by pulling on his arm. "Look!" She pointed ahead, where Venti had been standing in front of the mighty statue of Barbatos. "The tone-deaf bard is performing again! Let's get closer!" She floated above the heads of the crowd, glancing back at Aether while he struggled to get to the front.
Akin to Venti's many other songs, this one told a story of a harrowing tale. Of a love found through festivals and flowers, of a maiden with stars in her eyes and a smile as warm as the sun.
She was as beautiful as the sky on a cloudless night, with grace like that of royalty. Every word she spoke flowed off her tongue like liquid gold, and each press of her fingertips were as light as a feather. Crafted from the finest marble and made to be worshipped like a goddess.
She fell in love with a boy, one filled with determination and courage. A boy who cared a little too much for others and never for himself.
A boy who sought freedom, up until the very end.
The story continued, with the girl clueless as to the boy's death. Not having witnessed his final moments and final words, she was left in the dark, never to know he passed on because his form was taken on by someone else.
His memory was preserved, and she found him after a long while of wandering on her own. Tears were shed, and wine was brewed in celebration, and as the Anemo Archon bestowed a blessing of protection onto her, he whispered to her through the wind and together they created what was now known to be the Windblume Festival.
The people of Mondstadt joined in, and the tradition was carried down through the generations. The song ended on a happy note, but Aether could sense there was something more to the story.
As the people around him clapped for Venti's stellar performance and eventually dispersed, Aether took his chance to finally speak with the bard.
"Ah, Aether! Paimon!" Venti greeted with a smile, his voice a little strained. There was something clearly wrong. "How are you enjoying another Windblume Festival? Is it as exciting as the others?"
Paimon hummed excitedly. "Mhm! It's so nice seeing the city decked out! And I bet you're having the time of your life with all this wine too!" She pointed accusingly to the wine left at the foot of the Barbatos statue, along with multiple bouquets of cecilias.
Venti laughed nervously before clearing his throat. "Shh!" He brought a finger to his lips and spoke softly, "Don't blow my cover!"
"Who was that song about?" Aether questioned, getting straight to the point instead of beating around the bush.
He knew Venti was familiar with whomever was in that ballad, as he knew many people throughout history and was knowledgeable on many events. He knew how the Golden Apple Archipelago was formed (because he was behind it), the history of all the festivals in Mondstadt (because he created them), and especially— what happened 2,600 years ago during the reign of Decarabian.
Venti's face fell, a solemn smile adorning his lips. "Ah, that. Nothing gets past you, does it?" He tried to lighten the mood with a small laugh. He sighed, "Meet me at Old Mondstadt. I'll tell you the story in full there. But first, there's something I must do. I'll see you there."
Aether nodded, watching as Venti disappeared into a gust of wind and dandelions. He followed the bard's orders and began to trek into the mountains, ignoring Paimon's theories and complaints on the way.
The wind blew especially hard here, a testament to the ruins that withstood time. He wandered the outskirts as he waited for Venti, taking in the breathtaking scenery.
A gust of wind blew his braid around, and he squinted his eyes until it died down a little. There was no doubt in his mind that that had been Venti making a grand entrance. He turned to his right, and sure enough, his suspicions were correct. The lonesome bard stood there with a look of nostalgia in his eyes and a small bouquet of cecilias in his hand.
"It was over two thousand years ago, before the fall of Decarabian," he began, his tone turning serious. Aether could tell he was no longer talking to Venti, and was now speaking with Barbatos. There was always a notable difference between the two.
Venti was a carefree bard who represented the true meaning of freedom. He had no worries and lived everyday to its fullest. He traveled the world and sang songs from the past, present, and even the future. He was jovial and exceptionally fun to be around. Barbatos on the other hand, was on the calmer and wiser side. He was full of regrets, and although being labeled the god of freedom, he wasn't free in the slightest. He carried the memories of his fallen friends, and held a deep rooted fear of the heavens above. He's seen the cruelty of the world, experienced it for himself, and drank his worries away until he felt numb.
He was kind and gentle towards his people, loved them with all his heart and protected them from threats. He promised them everlasting freedom, even if it meant giving up his own in turn for it. He never abandoned them, and always listened to the prayers they whispered along the wind. He tried his best to answer said prayers, giving hope to his people and blessing them with joyful days. He walked among them, saw them as equals and never as inferior.
Among the gods Aether has met, two have struck a serious chord within him. The gods of freedom and wisdom, two who were the kindest and most loving.
"I met a girl..." Venti continued, taking a sharp inhale. "Well... my friend did. The two of them met during the rebellion. They loved each other dearly, and before I knew what was happening, I had also fallen in love with her." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.
"I watched as they lived out their days happily together, despite what was going on. I thought it cruel to wish that was me loving her instead of him, but... I supported them, because that was the only thing I could do." He swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "And then it happened... my friend passed, and his final words to me were a song. I ascended to godhood not long after, and brought his memory back into the world."
"And now his form represents what the Anemo Archon looks like..." Aether said softly, receiving a slow nod in return. It was crazy to think about that: that the Anemo Archon statue in the city, and the statues of The Seven littered throughout Mondstadt depicted the nameless bard's form, and not Barbatos'. In fact, he never realized that until now.
"I couldn't let his memory be forgotten." Venti shook his head. "And now it never will be." A small silence passed as the three of them let that fact sink in. Venti closed his eyes and continued his story. "After his death and my ascension, I found her again. She was older— she was a mortal after all. And her beautiful features had not changed at all. Our reunion was bittersweet, as it wasn't me she was looking at, but my friend. It hurt, but I dared not tell her my true identity.
"We continued on, and I got to love her in his stead. I wrote her poems and sang her ballads, even sung some of the ones he dedicated to her. As the Anemo Archon and the god of freedom, I sought out peace and freedom for my people. I made festivals, one of them being the Windblume Festival. I dedicated the festival of love and cheer to her, and in the song I wrote about her, I tweaked the story a little.
"I changed it so that both her and I created the Windblume Festival. That way, she would always be a huge part of Mondstadt's history. Just like my friend."
"What happened after?" Paimon asked, a little too invested into this story. So much so, that she didn't realize how much of an impact her question had on him.
He bit his lip, his eyes turning glossy as he looked down at the cecilias he held tightly in his hands. "She died, never knowing what truly happened to the one she loved, and never knowing that I am Barbatos." The wind picked up, a clear sign of his bubbling emotions, and he made quick work to calm down. He couldn't be seen like this, vulnerable and upset. It tarnished his image as a jovial bard.
He led them inside the ruined tower, descending a few sets of stairs until they reached a spacious room. He walked ahead as the other two gawked in wonder, and knelt down next to a masterless vision. Her vision. He placed the bouquet of cecilias overtop of the vision, closing his eyes and paying his respects before he stood back up.
"It's okay, though. She didn't need to know that I am Barbatos to know that I loved her."
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author’s notes: didn't realize until after i wrote this that the windblume festival was created FOR the anemo archon & not by him 💀 mb ig
barbatos created ludi harpastum tho, i do know that. i think i got the two mixed up when writing but wtv. we'll just pretend he created the windblume festival lmfao
this was written before the events of 4.0.
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
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Meet Our MCs and OCs: J - O
Open Heart F!MC: Lilac Allende
Crimes of Passion F!MC Carolina Miosotys Rose  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: October 2023)
Open Heart (LI: Tobias Carrick) F!MC: Casey MacTavish Carrick  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: June 2023)
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey) F!MC: Kaycee MacClennan  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart M!OC: Tobias Carrick 
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey in T/C World) F!OC: Eva Mendoza
Open Heart F!OC: Jessica Phillips  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart F!OC: Vivian Carrick  (Featured: September 2023)
Veil of Secrets F!MC: Astrid Vega 🏳‍🌈
Wake the Dead F!MC: Zoe Rivera
Open Heart F!MC: Rei Sato
Wake the Dead F!MC: Kiera Tomoe  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: March 2023)
Veil of Secrets: Ananya D’Souza 
The Royal Romance F!OC: Harper Gale   (Featured: July 2023 & September 2023 - special edition)
The Royal Romance MC: Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys 
It Lives Within M!MC: Nick Taylor 
Open Heart MC: Anya Webber
Blades of Light and Shadow: Astrid Bloom
Nightbound: Alex Clarissa Fontaine (Featured: September 2023)
Open Heart F!MC: Cecilia Gibson
Open Heart F!MC: Cassie Valentine (Featured: February 2024)
Open Heart F!OC: Sienna Trinh
Open Heart M!OC: Max Valentine  
Perfect Match: Basil Park  🏳️‍🌈
Perfect Match: Hazel Park  🏳️‍🌈
Perfect Match:  Nilukshi Sigera
The Royal Romance: Esther Noelle DuPont
Bloodbound MC: Samantha Holden
Desire & Decorum MC: Daphne Wang
Open Heart F!MC: Evelyn Bennington
Perfect Match F!MC: Natasha Park
Ride Or Die MC: Carla Mendoza
The Elementalists F!MC: Anitah Russell 🏳‍🌈
High School Story F!MC: Ria Monero 🏳‍🌈 (Featured: September 2024)
High School Story: Class Act F!MC: Mila Delgado 🏳‍🌈
Open Heart M!MC: Harshith Sharma 🏳‍🌈
Veil of Secrets F!MC: Tanya Sharma
The Crown & The Flame OC: Amira Castleroy
Crimes of Passion F!MC: Claire Rose
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey) F!MC: Charley Valentine
Open Heart (LI: Tobias Carrick) F!MC: Samantha Carlson
BOLAS F!Human!MC: Willow Parnassus
Immortal Desires F!MC: Mary Lawrence
Blades of Light and Shadow F!MC:  Arwen of House Nightbloom
Desire & Decorum F!OC: Elizabeth Foredale
Wake the Dead: Malia Jones
Open Heart F!MC: Olivia Alexandra Valentine
Crimes of Passion F!MC: Emily Rose  🏳️‍🌈
Foreign Affairs M!MC: Kennedy Grant  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: September 2023)
Open Heart M!MC: Jensen Valentine  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: August 2023)
Blades of Light & Shadow M!MC: Raine 
Laws of Attraction M!MC: Michael Quint 
The Elementalists M!MC: Dayin Torres 🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: August 2024)
Laws of Attraction: Julian Wind Velez 🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart:  A'Aek Vilaidara  🏳️‍🌈
Return to Main Masterlist
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xtruss · 1 year ago
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(Left to right) Deborah Blohm, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Gwendolyn Beck at a party at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida, 1995. The names of former associates and victims of deceased sex offender Epstein have been released. AFP/Getty Images
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Nearly 90 Names Were Included In The Documents, With Four Redacted.
Ghislaine Maxwell
Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
Kathy Alexander
Miles Alexander
James Michael Austrich
Philip Barden
Cate Blanchett
David Boies
Laura Boothe
Evelyn Boulet
Rebecca Boylan
Joshua Bunner
Naomi Campbell
Carolyn Casey
Paul Cassell
Sharon Churcher
Bill Clinton
David Copperfield
Alexandra Cousteau
Cameron Diaz
Leonardo DiCaprio
Alan Dershowitz
Dr. Mona Devanesan
Bradley Edwards
Amanda Ellison
Cimberly Espinosa
Jeffrey Epstein
Annie Farmer
Marie Farmer
Alexandra Fekkai
Crystal Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa
Louis Freeh
Eric Gany
Meg Garvin
Sheridan Gibson-Butte
Robert Giuffre
Al Gore
Ross Gow
Fred Graff
Philip Guderyon
Shannon Harrison
Stephen Hawking
Victoria Hazel
Brittany Henderson
Brett Jaffe
Michael Jackson
Carol Roberts Kess
Dr. Karen Kutikoff
Peter Listerman
George Lucas
Tony Lyons
Bob Meister
Jamie A. Melanson
Lynn Miller
Marvin Minsky
David Mullen
Joe Pagano
Mary Paluga
J. Stanley Pottinger
Joseph Recarey
Michael Reiter
Jason Richards
Bill Richardson
Sky Roberts
Scott Rothstein
Forest Sawyer
Doug Schoetlle
Kevin Spacey
Cecilia Stein
Mark Tafoya
Brent Tindall
Kevin Thompson
Donald Trump
Ed Tuttle
Emma Vaghan
Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
Cresenda Valdes
Anthony Valladares
Maritza Vazquez
Vicky Ward
Jarred Weisfeld
Courtney Wild
Bruce Willis
Daniel Wilson
Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
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cursedvaultss · 2 years ago
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HPHL OC Profile: Cordelia Duncan
“Autumn is an interesting season, even in the metaphor of life, is a time of decline, of loss, but also intense and haunting beauty. Some places, like some people, never are or have been, as beautiful in their fall."
Name: Cordelia Annalise Duncan
Nicknames: Cordy
Birthdate: April 22nd, 1875 (or depending on the timeline)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Blood Status: Unknown, possibly Muggleborn
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Bisexual
I haven't actually played Hogwarts Legacy and I'm not exactly planning to, but I'm not above stealing the cool aspects of the story and using them for my own purposes, so that's what Cordelia is here for!
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Dark brown/black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 175.3 cm (5ft 9)
Weight: 55kg 
Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie
Home: An orphanage in London and Hogwarts
Cordelia is an orphan and she doesn't know who her parents are. As she grows up, she wants to find out the identities of her mother and father and whether or not they're alive or if she has any other relatives left alive.
House: Slytherin
11-17: Hogwarts Student 
17->: tbd
Personality & Attitude
Cordelia can be a little complicated. On one hand, she wants to be a good friend and kind, but on the other, she often puts her own goals ahead of those around her. She knows many people around the school and can be sociable and fun, but she doesn't let people really close to her easily. She has developed a hard exterior during her life living in the orphanage and having to fend for herself. She probably gets along best with people who can understand or even relate to her circumstances. Priorities: Making her goals a reality, success, helping her friends
Strengths: Ambitious, cunning, sociable, adaptable, wants to do good and be good
Weaknesses: Single-minded, self-centered, guards her true emotions closely
Stressed: When she feels stuck, either with her goals or physically
Calm/Comforted: While studying, while with her friends
Colours: gold, green
Weather: Clear skies, sun
Fashion: Cordelia doesn't have a lot of money so she starts out wearing whatever she has been given at the orphanage but during her time at Hogwarts she acquires a few more extravagant pieces which she values and takes good care of.
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Significant Other/Love Interest: OPEN
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Cecilia Balinor by @endlessly-cursed
Zelda Cairncross, Lillian Brokenshire, Sidonie Lewis, Benji Gerhardt, and Galen Stagg by @cursebreakerfarrier
Lettie Heyes, Milo Foy, and Ambrose Penvellyn by @cursedlegacies
Atticus Doherty, Fred Graham, Anastasia and Florence Osada by @hphmmatthewluther
Danny Gibson by @catohphm
Logan Rosseto, Haldir Eilphyra, Johnny Tazar Jr., Ayas Perphyra, Elyon Vamaer, and Elisen Chaeyra by @nicos-oc-hell
Brianna O’Rourke by @unfortunate-arrow
Sebastian Sallow
Cordelia enjoys fashion, although she hardly had money to spend on clothes. She knows how to make her own clothes either by hand and later with the help of magic.
When she grows up, she wants to do something to help other children who come to the Wizrding world with no money and no clue what's going on.
She cares about people deeply, although she doesn't often show it.
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political-us · 14 hours ago
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The names include:
Ghislaine Maxwell
Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre [Epstein victim]
Prince Andrew of England
James Michael Austrich
Philip Barden
Cate Blanchett
David Boies
Laura Boothe
Evelyn Boulet
Rebecca Boylan
Joshua Bunner
Naomi Campbell
Carolyn Casey
Paul Cassell
Sharon Churcher
Bill Clinton
David Copperfield
Alexandra Cousteau
Cameron Diaz
Leonardo DiCaprio
Alan Dershowitz
Dr. Mona Devanesan
Bradley Edwards
Amanda Ellison
Cimberly Espinosa
Jeffrey Epstein
Annie Farmer
Marie Farmer
Alexandra Fekkai
Crystal Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa
Louis Freeh
Eric Gany
Meg Garvin
Sheridan Gibson-Butte
Robert Giuffre
Al Gore
Ross Gow
Fred Graff
Philip Guderyon
Shannon Harrison
Stephen Hawking
Victoria Hazel
Brittany Henderson
Brett Jaffe
Michael Jackson
Carol Roberts Kess
Dr. Karen Kutikoff
Peter Listerman
George Lucas
Tony Lyons
Bob Meister
Jamie A. Melanson
Lynn Miller
Marvin Minsky
David Mullen
Joe Pagano
Mary Paluga
J. Stanley Pottinger
Joseph Recarey
Michael Reiter
Jason Richards
Bill Richardson
Sky Roberts
Scott Rothstein
Forest Sawyer
Doug Schoetlle
Kevin Spacey
Cecilia Stein
Mark Tafoya
Brent Tindall
Kevin Thompson
Donald Trump
Ed Tuttle
Emma Vaghan
Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
Cresenda Valdes
Anthony Valladares
Maritza Vazquez
Vicky Ward
Jarred Weisfeld
Courtney Wild
Bruce Willis
Daniel Wilson
Kathy Alexander
Miles Alexander
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condescendingbench · 1 year ago
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Rokesby Series Fancast:
George Rokesby - Harris Dickinson
Edward Rokesby - Will Poulter
Andrew Rokesby - Patrick Gibson
Nicholas Rokesby - George MacKay
Billie Bridgerton - Rose Williams
Cecilia Harcourt - Jessie Mei Li
Poppy Bridgerton - Georgie Henley
Georgiana Bridgerton - Mia Bruce
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maslows-pyramid-scheme · 1 year ago
After weeks of speculation and anticipation, many of the names of former associates, employees, friends and victims of deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein have been released. ... Many of those whose names appear in the documents released Wednesday aren't accused of wrongdoing or have been mentioned previously in legal proceedings or news accounts. The documents released Wednesday are not an Epstein "client list." ... Nearly 90 names were included in the documents, with four redacted: 1. Ghislaine Maxwell 2. Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre 3. Kathy Alexander 4. Miles Alexander 5. James Michael Austrich 6. Philip Barden 7. REDACTED 8. Cate Blanchett 9. David Boies 10. Laura Boothe 11. Evelyn Boulet 12. Rebecca Boylan 13. Joshua Bunner 14. Naomi Campbell 15. Carolyn Casey 16. Paul Cassell 17. Sharon Churcher 18. Bill Clinton 19. David Copperfield 20. Alexandra Cousteau 21. Cameron Diaz 22. Leonardo DiCaprio 23. Alan Dershowitz 24. Dr. Mona Devanesan 25. REDACTED 26. Bradley Edwards 27. Amanda Ellison 28. Cimberly Espinosa 29. Jeffrey Epstein 30. Annie Farmer 31. Marie Farmer 32. Alexandra Fekkai 33. Crystal Figueroa 34. Anthony Figueroa 35. Louis Freeh 36. Eric Gany 37. Meg Garvin 38. Sheridan Gibson-Butte 39. Robert Giuffre 40. Al Gore 41. Ross Gow 42. Fred Graff 43. Philip Guderyon 44. REDACTED 45. Shannon Harrison 46. Stephen Hawking 47. Victoria Hazel 48. Brittany Henderson 49. Brett Jaffe 50. Michael Jackson 51. Carol Roberts Kess 52. Dr. Karen Kutikoff 53. Peter Listerman 54. George Lucas 55. Tony Lyons 56. Bob Meister 57. Jamie A. Melanson 58. Lynn Miller 59. Marvin Minsky 60. REDACTED 61. David Mullen 62. Joe Pagano 63. Mary Paluga 64. J. Stanley Pottinger 65. Joseph Recarey 66. Michael Reiter 67. Jason Richards 68. Bill Richardson 69. Sky Roberts 70. Scott Rothstein 71. Forest Sawyer 72. Doug Schoetlle 73. Kevin Spacey 74. Cecilia Stein 75. Mark Tafoya 76. Brent Tindall 77. Kevin Thompson 78. Donald Trump 79. Ed Tuttle 80. Emma Vaghan 81. Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards 82. Cresenda Valdes 83. Anthony Valladares 84. Maritza Vazquez 85. Vicky Ward 86. Jarred Weisfeld 87. Courtney Wild 88. Bruce Willis 89. Daniel Wilson 90. Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
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zappak · 7 months ago
Andy Graydon & Luke Martin [Transparent Archipelago]
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Release date: September 01, 2024 Catalog no. zappak-015
Bandcamp Page: https://zappak.bandcamp.com/album/transparent-archipelago
Island 1
Island 2
Island 3
Island 4
Island 5
Excerpt: https://soundcloud.com/zappak/zappak-015
Composed and mixed by Luke Martin and Andy Graydon Additional recordings by Fern Silva Mastered by Luke Damrosch Cover Images by Andy Graydon Thanks to Florian Dombois, Helene Romakin, and Fabian Gutscher for the winds
About the Composition
To begin, we picked five field recordings from our sound archives; three from Andy and two from Luke. These recordings became our 'material in common' for composing the piece. Next, working independently we each made our own ‘islands,’ areas of sound and silence set in a frame of duration. To create an island, each of us selected five excerpts from the original sound sources. We then gave each sound a 'vertical cut' in the form of a narrow band pass filter, limiting it to a specific frequency range; then applied a ‘horizontal cut’ to each sound in the form of a time edit, choosing a section from the original field recording. This resulted in floating slices of sound laid out topographically within a total duration to form the features of each island. Finally, we superimposed each of our individual islands over one another, like transparencies or photographic slides, allowing their interaction to create new patterns and alternations between sound and silence; opacity and transparency; land, sea and sky. After finishing the piece, we came across a poem by Fernando Pessoa (The Fortunate Isles, 1934) that seems to articulate something we were doing musically. In each listening there is the hope that a novel 'island' will arise, somehow still linked to the indeterminacy symbolized by the sea, to the indeterminacy of our everyday lives, our archives, and the choices made along the way toward this composition: a 'fortunate island,' a 'land with no place' - something we may only stumble upon in a state of half-sleep, half-knowing, eyes and ears half-closed.
Andy Graydon and Luke Martin are both artists based in the US. Andy Graydon is primarily involved in the study of ecosystems and also works as a filmmaker. Luke Martin is a performer and composer who focuses on music with a focus on silence. In this work, the space is mainly formed by silence, fine sounds, and occasionally very strong bass. They used field recordings as "material for composition" and likened the area of sound and silence to an 'island'. Through editing, the individuality of each 'island' came to the fore, and by mixing the sounds of both artists who had worked independently, the result was a work that was both extremely delicate and strong.
Andy GraydonとLuke Martinはともにアメリカで活動する作家。Andy Graydonは生態系についての研究を中心とした活動をおこなっており、映像作家としても活動している。Luke Martinは無音に着目した音楽における演奏家/作家として活動している。本作は主に無音と微音、そして時折非常に強い低音によって空間が形づくられている。彼らはフィールド録音を「作曲の素材」として利用し、音と静寂の領域を「島」に見立てた。編集によってそれぞれの「島」の個性が表面化し、独自に作業してきた2人の音が混ぜ合わされることによって、結果として非常に繊細かつ強靭な作��へと仕上がった。
Andy Graydon
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Andy Graydon is an artist and filmmaker originally from Maui, Hawai’i. Recent projects have focused on island ecologies, and the listening practices and narrative forms employed by the natural sciences. His work has been presented internationally including shows at the New Museum; Mass MoCA; Berlinische Galerie, Berlin; Frye Art Museum, Seattle; and the Honolulu Biennial. Graydon has collaborated widely as a sound artist and composer, including work with Jennifer Walshe, Jan St. Werner, Ernst Karel, Michael Pisaro, Richard Garet, Delia Gonzalez, Stephen Vitiello, France Jobin, Cecilia Lopez, John Hudak, Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder.
Luke Martin
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Luke Martin is an experimental musician and writer living in Minneapolis (U.S.). He plays guitar, sine generator, and no-input mixing board, often with friends in and around the Wandelweiser Group, and is part of the ensemble Ordinary Affects. Luke's work focuses on silence and the relation between music and truth. www.lukecmartin.com
Transparent Archipelago is the first duo record by Luke Martin and Andy Graydon, following years of collaboration in performances and screenings in both Boston and Minneapolis.
【Reviews】 Bandcamp Daily "The Best Field Recordings on Bandcamp, September 2024": As artists, Andy Graydon’s work focuses on island ecologies and Luke Martin’s on sound and silence. For Transparent Archipelago, the two combined their interests by making “islands of sound” from their archives. From each field recording, they independently selected five sections apiece and isolated the bass, mids, or treble. The duo then laid these over one another, mixing and matching them into new configurations. Though the original recordings were not necessarily related to islands, the theme permeates the resulting mix. Unidentifiable ringing tones hover like clouds over voices that sound as though they’re underwater. Rumbling bass connects segments of each track as if a submarine is traveling from island to island. And as the listener surfaces to explore each one, a unique ecology reveals itself, similar yet distinct from all its neighbors. (written by Matthew Blackwell) https://daily.bandcamp.com/best-field-recordings/the-best-field-recordings-on-bandcamp-september-2024
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baligi · 10 months ago
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Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art
Barbican, London
Artists pictured:
Igshaan Adams
Hannah Ryggen
Jeffrey Gibson
Kevin Beasley
Antonio Jose Guzman and Iva Jankovic
Cecilia Vicuña
Mrinalini Mukherjee
Acaye Kerunen
Exhibition guide and Large print guide (with description of pieces) online at the Barbican website.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months ago
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Zina Lynna Garrison (November 16, 1963) is a former top-five professional tennis player. She was the women’s singles runner-up at Wimbledon in 1990, a three-time Grand Slam mixed doubles champion, and a women’s doubles gold medalist and singles bronze medalist in Seoul at the 1988 Olympic Games.
She turned professional in 1982 and skipped her graduation at Ross Sterling High School to compete in the French Open, her first tournament as a professional, where she reached the quarterfinals. She was awarded the WTA Newcomer of the Year in 1982.
The highlight of her career came in 1990 at Wimbledon, as she defeated Samantha Smith, Cecilia Dahlman, Andrea Leand, Helena Suková, then French Open champion Monica Seles in the quarterfinals 3–6, 6–3, 9–7, and defending Wimbledon champion and world #1 Steffi Graf in the semifinals 6–3, 3–6, 6–4 to reach her only Grand Slam singles final, becoming the first African American woman to do so since Gibson. Moreover, it ended her record 13-time streak of Grand Slam finals. Then, she lost to Navratilova 6–4, 6–1, who thus won her record ninth women’s singles title at Wimbledon. She claimed her third mixed doubles title at Wimbledon that year. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphakappaalpha
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dfhsheh · 1 year ago
Who are named in Jeffrey Epstein documents? Big names like Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell, Alan Dershowitz confirmed
The people whose names were revealed include sex abuse victims, litigation witnesses, Epstein’s employees, and people with a passing connection to the scandal
Hundreds of pages of documents from a lawsuit connected to Jeffrey Epstein have been publicly released. The list has mentioned big names like Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Michael Jackson.
The names revealed were listed in court documents filed as part of accuser Virginia Giuffre's lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell. The names, before being unsealed, were listed in court papers as variants of J Doe. Many of the names had been previously revealed as well.
Notably, every individual named in the list is not accused of wrongdoing. The people whose names were revealed include sex abuse victims, litigation witnesses, Epstein's employees, and people with just a passing connection to the scandal. Some names were redacted.
Here is a list of big names that have been unsealed:
Ghislaine Maxwell
Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
Kathy Alexander
Miles Alexander
James Michael Austrich
Philip Barden
Cate Blanchett
David Boies
Laura Boothe
Evelyn Boulet
Rebecca Boylan
Joshua Bunner
Naomi Campbell
Carolyn Casey
Paul Cassell
Sharon Churcher
Bill Clinton
David Copperfield
Alexandra Cousteau
Cameron Diaz
Leonardo DiCaprio
Alan Dershowitz
Dr. Mona Devanesan
Bradley Edwards
Amanda Ellison
Cimberly Espinosa
Jeffrey Epstein
Annie Farmer
Marie Farmer
Alexandra Fekkai
Crystal Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa
Louis Freeh
Eric Gany
Meg Garvin
Sheridan Gibson-Butte
Robert Giuffre
Al Gore
Ross Gow
Fred Graff
Philip Guderyon
Shannon Harrison
Stephen Hawking
Victoria Hazel
Brittany Henderson
Brett Jaffe
Michael Jackson
Carol Roberts Kess
Dr. Karen Kutikoff
Peter Listerman
George Lucas
Tony Lyons
Bob Meister
Jamie A. Melanson
Lynn Miller
Marvin Minsky
David Mullen
Joe Pagano
Mary Paluga
J. Stanley Pottinger
Joseph Recarey
Michael Reiter
Jason Richards
Bill Richardson
Sky Roberts
Scott Rothstein
Forest Sawyer
Doug Schoetlle
Kevin Spacey
Cecilia Stein
Mark Tafoya
Brent Tindall
Kevin Thompson
Donald Trump
Ed Tuttle
Emma Vaghan
Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
Cresenda Valdes
Anthony Valladares
Maritza Vazquez
Vicky Ward
Jarred Weisfeld
Courtney Wild
Bruce Willis
Daniel Wilson
Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
Epstein allegedly sexually assaulted multiple teenage girls. Some of his victims were as young as 14 years old, prosecutors have said. He committed the crimes at his homes in Manhattan; Palm Beach, Florida; and his private island near St. Thomas.
In 2019, federal prosecutors charged him with one count of sex trafficking conspiracy and one count of sex trafficking with underage females. Epstein died by suicide in his Manhattan jail cell about a month after being arrested, and the charges against him were thus dropped.
His partner Maxwell, who was also involved in the crimes, is now serving a 20-year prison sentence after being convicted in December 2021. She was accused of helping Epstein recruit and sexually abuse minor girls.
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chrancecriber · 2 years ago
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (July 12, 2023)
23:57 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 23:52 Sine - Smooth Relaxation 23:49 Sans Souci - Nanda 23:45 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 23:41 Chris Coco - Letter From Erika 23:38 Kamrad - I Believe 23:35 Melosense - Polarization (Original Mix) 23:30 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - La Serenissima 23:26 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 23:20 Groovecatcher - Never Alone In New York 23:17 Moby - My Only Love 23:11 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 23:06 Nora En Pure Feat. Ashibah - We Found Love 23:03 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 23:01 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 22:52 Trinidad - L'oiseau (Original Mix) 22:45 Worakls - By The Brook 22:42 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 22:38 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 22:35 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 22:30 Buttha - Oceanic (Original Mix) 22:27 Together Alone - Let Go 22:23 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 22:18 Ohm-g - Hulectric Soul 22:15 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 22:13 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 22:08 Aakarshan - Tantra Café 22:04 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 22:00 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 21:57 Tiesto - Everything (Acoustic Version) 21:53 Eli & Fur - Come Back Around 21:50 Mount & Emdey - Venus 21:47 Alle Farben - Bad Ideas 21:43 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 21:39 Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits 21:33 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 21:28 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 21:21 Boris Dlugosch Feat. Risn Murphy - Look Around You (Original) 21:18 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 21:16 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 21:13 Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me 21:09 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 21:06 Shouse - Won't Forget You 21:01 Roger Shah, Feel, Zara Taylor - One Life (Pedro Del Mar & R.i.b Chillout Remix) 20:57 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 20:51 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit) 20:48 Patchy - Friend (Original Mix) 20:44 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 20:39 Massive Attack - Safe From Harm 20:36 Cyrillic Feat. Lara - Zero Gravitation 20:34 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 20:30 Rithma - The Return 20:27 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 20:20 Blank & Jones - Coh 20:17 Klingande & Krishane - Rebel Yell 20:13 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 20:09 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 20:07 Jubel Feat. Neimy - Dancing In The Moonlight 20:03 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 20:00 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 19:53 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 19:49 Klangperlenspiel - Million Words 19:45 Adele - Skyfall 19:42 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 19:39 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 19:35 Eelke Kleijn - Mojo's Tale 19:30 Pete Tong & Tale Of Us Feat. Jules Buckley - Time 19:27 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 19:19 Orange & Tusnelda - Stay Asleep 19:14 Atb & Anova - Route 66 19:12 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 19:06 Markus Hakala - Curacao 19:03 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 19:00 Sono - Trusting You 18:57 Federico Aubele - Besos De Sal 18:55 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 18:48 H. Garden Feat. Joi - Gentle Rain 18:40 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 18:36 Mefree - Horizons 18:33 Lost Frequencies, Janieck Devy - Reality 18:29 Lstn - Floral Decor 18:23 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 18:18 2raumwohnung - 2 Von Millionen Von Sternen 18:11 Edx - Conundrum 18:04 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 18:00 Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot - 6 Days 17:56 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 17:50 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 17:43 Claptone - No Eyes Feat. Jaw 17:40 Klangperlenspiel - Fraction Of Your Love 17:37 R Plus - Summer Dress 17:34 Melonia - Sweet Child O' Mine 17:30 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 17:25 Maa, Seven24, R.i.b. - Frozen 17:19 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 17:16 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 17:13 Blank & Jones - Fall In Love 17:10 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 17:03 Atb - No Fate 16:58 Waldeck - Defenceless (Mushroom Dive ) 16:54 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 16:51 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 16:45 Mollono.bass, Ava Asante - Feeling Good 16:38 Bay Area - Dolphin Rider (Pianodreamsession) 16:32 Sunlounger & Zara - Lost (Chillout) 16:30 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 16:27 Italobrothers - Stay 16:23 Schiller X Ro Nova X Tricia Mcteague - Illuminate 16:18 Lyke - Stay With Me 16:15 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 16:12 Sam Feldt Feat. Deepend & Teemu - Runaways 16:09 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 16:06 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 16:00 Noraj Cue - Story At The Campfire 15:57 Hallmann - Always Be 15:54 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 15:48 Rodg - Jacqueline (Chill Mix) 15:46 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 15:43 Lilly Wood & The Prick And Robin Schulz - Prayer In C 15:39 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 15:36 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - Saltwater (Rework) 15:30 Oliver Koletzki - A Tribe Called Kotori 15:27 Shallour & Riah - Lie 15:23 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 15:18 Agnostica - Lost 15:15 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 15:11 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 15:05 Schiller - Harmonia 15:03 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 14:57 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 14:51 Diamans - Perception 14:47 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 14:43 Alan Walker Feat. Anthony Keyrous & Henri Purnell Feat. Romy Wave - Alone (Remix) 14:39 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 14:36 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 14:33 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous 14:31 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 14:28 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 14:22 Fatboy Slim - Praise You (Maribou State Remix) 14:20 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 14:13 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 14:06 Richard Grey - Need Your Lovin (Murjd Remix) 14:03 R3hab, Timmy Trumpet, W&w - Distant Memory 14:00 Vinai - Hide Away 13:52 Boris Pillmann - Love You 13:49 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 13:44 Thomas Lemmer - Fatigué 13:40 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 13:36 Kidsø - Finja 13:29 Tapesh And Dayne S - How I Do (Original Mix) 13:26 Shapov & Avian Grays Feat. Kifi - Light Up The World 13:23 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 13:20 Rihanna Feat. Mikky Ekko - Stay 13:15 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 13:08 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 13:03 Frank Borell - Epic Dreams (Fifty Shades Of Dreams Mix) 12:59 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 12:56 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 12:51 Dj Skillmaster, Deep Dive Duo - Hey Little Girl (Slow Motion Mix) 12:48 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 12:43 Jasmine Thompson - Adore (Teemid Remix) 12:42 Above & Beyond - Quieter Is Louder (Original Mix) 12:39 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 12:35 Marit Larsen - I Don't Want To Talk About It (Nelsaan & Matoma Tropical Remix) 12:31 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 12:28 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 12:23 Ivan Jack - The Dock Of The Bay 12:19 John Summit & Hayla - Where You Are 12:17 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 12:11 Alexander Remus Feat. Liza Flume - Sheets 12:07 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 12:03 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 11:56 Nora En Pure - Come With Me 11:45 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 11:42 Chicane - Fin Des Jours 11:39 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 11:34 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 11:31 Lions Head - Begging (Rami Remix) 11:28 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 11:24 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 11:18 Fous De La Mer - Ocean 22°e 11:15 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 11:11 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 11:04 Klangwald - Sadame 10:59 Schiller - Free The Dragon 10:56 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 10:52 Dead Composers - Starlight 10:48 Nora En Pure - World Of Rules 10:40 Eskadet - Solitudes 10:33 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 10:30 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 10:27 Martin Jensen - Solo Dance 10:22 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 10:18 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 10:14 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 10:10 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 10:07 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 10:03 Kate The Cat - I Was Made For Lovin You 10:00 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 09:57 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 09:47 Schiller - Empire Of Light 09:45 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 09:41 James Newton Howard Feat. Jennifer Lawrence - The Hanging Tree 09:38 Hagen Feetly - Cry 09:35 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 09:31 Sting - Mad About You 09:28 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 09:26 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 09:21 Lumininius - I Believe In You 09:15 Beyhude - Akasha 09:06 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 09:00 Calavera & Manya Feat. Maja Aleksic - Seta 08:56 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 08:53 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 08:50 Xillions - Somebody Like Me 08:46 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 08:40 Spooky - The River (Ambient) 08:34 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 08:31 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 08:26 Soho Lounge Feat. Dea Li - Chiaro Di Luna 08:23 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 08:20 Nora En Pure - Branches 08:15 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 08:13 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 08:10 Famba Feat. Brando & Mkla - Games We Play 08:04 Joel Jungell - Autumn Painted Leaves 07:58 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 07:54 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 07:52 Lost Frequencies Feat. James Blunt - Melody 07:45 Blank & Jones - White Light 07:40 Jazzamor - Way Back 07:38 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 07:34 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 07:30 Jan Blomqvist, Elena Pitoulis - More (Original Mix) 07:27 Hanns Feat. Lu - Chemistry 07:24 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 07:20 Eelke Kleijn - Transmission (Joris Voorn Remix) 07:17 Nora En Pure - All I Need 07:14 Lizot - Daddy Cool 07:07 Nikolay Mikryukov - If It Were Easier (Original Mix) 06:56 Monkey Safari - Hi Life (Cheeky Bold Cover) 06:52 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 06:48 The Presets - Promises (Nils Frahm Version) 06:46 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 06:40 Max Manie - Sunday (Klangtherapeuten Looking For Summer Remix) 06:36 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 06:32 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 06:27 Lustral - Everytime 06:21 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 06:17 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 06:13 Beatkonexion - On Air 06:10 Hypnosis - Pulstar 06:05 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 05:57 Framewerk - Electric Religion 05:54 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 05:51 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 05:46 Federico Aubele - Postales 05:40 Valeron - Jamal 05:33 Gregory Porter - Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix) 05:30 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 05:27 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 05:21 Djuma Soundsystem - Les Djinns (Trentemøller Remix) 05:18 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 05:15 Lstn - Sïstër 05:10 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 05:07 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 05:04 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 04:58 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 04:56 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 04:52 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 04:48 Max Johann Feat. Pearl Andersson - Bette Davis Eyes 04:45 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 04:39 Camiel - Take Me To This Place 04:35 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Sweet Lullaby 04:32 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 04:28 Be Svendsen - Drop The Gun 04:25 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 04:21 Edx - Vommuli 04:17 Armin Van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 04:13 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 04:09 Monoir, Eneli - 3 To 1 04:02 Humate - 3.2 (Bedrock Ambient Mix) 03:58 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 03:54 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers 03:50 Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones - I Got U 03:47 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 03:44 Syn Cole Feat. Caroline Pennell - Californication 03:41 Sans Souci - Condor 03:36 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 03:33 Chymera - Umbrella (Beatless Mix) 03:30 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 03:27 Duboss - Losing My Religion 03:23 Lost Frequencies Feat. Flynn - Recognise 03:21 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 03:18 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 03:16 Troels Hammer - Azur 03:13 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 03:08 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 03:03 Aguaflames - Moiman 02:56 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 02:53 Klingande - Jubel 02:49 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 02:46 Alok, Zeeba And Iro - Ocean 02:41 Schiller - Das Glockenspiel (Live Aus Der O2 World Berlin) 02:38 Parov Stelar - Fire 02:33 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 02:29 Trentemoller - Miss You 02:26 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 02:17 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 02:14 Alessandro Taccini Feat. Pierre Soyer - Higher Love 02:12 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 02:06 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 02:01 Moby - Extreme Ways (Bourne's Legacy) 01:56 Worakls - Caprice 01:53 Dash Berlin & Dbstf Feat. Josie Nelson - Save Myself 01:50 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 01:47 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 01:43 Alphawezen - Into The Stars 01:40 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 01:38 Gamper & Dadoni - My Lovin' 01:33 Lux - Secret Fish 01:29 Ambyion - Motion 01:25 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 01:23 Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me 01:15 Blank & Jones - California Sunset 01:11 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 01:08 Aural Float - Be As You Are 01:05 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 00:59 Alex Cortiz - Enter The Matrix 00:56 Klingande & Bright Sparks - Messiah 00:53 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 00:49 Kygo & Rita Ora - Carry On 00:46 Clément Leroux - Memories 00:41 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 00:37 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 00:34 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 00:29 Hakan Kayis, Furkan Sarikas, Cinar Gedizlioglu - A Night In Alacati (Original Mix) 00:19 Worakls - Nocturne 00:14 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 00:09 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 00:04 Solaris Navis - Blissful Memories 00:01 Kamrad - I Believe
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lem-20 · 4 years ago
The most important person
Summary: MC finds a photo in Ethan's wallet. Set post bk 3.
Book/Pairing: Open Heart/ Ethan Ramsey x f!mc (Cecilia Gibson)
Category/Rating: Fluff/ Teen
Word Count: <600
Prompts: Inspired by @wackydrabbles prompt “You keep a photo of ________ in your wallet?” (will appear in bold) and @choicesmonthlychallenge July Day 10: journey
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"Are you ready to go, Chief?"
He smiles at her, although she can tell he's really trying not to. "Why do you have to say it like that?"
"Like what..." She places a hand on his chest, looking up at him through her long eylashes and lowering her voice to a breathy whisper, "...chief."
For a second he looks like he wants to completely devour her, but then he regains his composure. "Yes like that," he says with a roll of his eyes.
"What can I say? I'm sleeping with the Chief of Medicine, it's kinda hot," she chuckles.
"Sleeping with? And there was me thinking we were in a committed relationship."
"Ooh, careful Ethan. Carry on with sexy talk like that and I'll have to drag you to the bedroom," she teases as she runs her hands down his chest.
"Ha ha ha. Very funny," he replies sarcastically.
"I'm not joking. I love it when you say things like that," she says while fluttering her eyelashes.
"Well in that case," he presses his mouth to her ear and whispers, "committed relationship."
"Oh wow," she replies as she jokingly fans herself.
He smiles at her before pressing a kiss to her lips. "As much as I'd love to spend the day in bed with you, we really need to get to work."
She lets out a groan, "I suppose you're right."
Ethan grabs his keys and wallet, but the wallet slips from his hand - popping open as it lands on the floor.
Cecilia looks at it, then swoops down to pick it up.
“You keep a photo of us in your wallet?” She turns to face him, a big grin on her face.
Ethan looks a little awkward. "Well yes, that's what people do sometimes when they love someone."
"But this picture was from the Hopeful Hearts Gala - that was last year. How long have you had this in here?" she smiles.
"Umm..." a slight blush creeps up his neck, ".. since the day after the gala. I asked the photographer to have a copy delivered to the office."
"Really? But we weren't even officially official back then," she giggles.
"Maybe not, but it was close enough for me."
"Aww Ethan..." Cecilia sighes.
"I know I didn't communicate it well enough, and left it a lot longer than I should have to tell you how I really felt. But that night was special to me. When I kissed you in front of everyone - that was the moment when I finally accepted that you were the most important person in my life."
Cecilia takes his hand in hers, her eyes brimming with tears. "I wish you had been more clear. I always wanted to be with you - even long before that night."
He brushes his fingers down her cheek. "I know, I was a fool to make you wait."
"You were," she smiles, "but we got there in the end."
He pulls her in close, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm so lucky you didn't give up on me."
"You were always worth the wait Ethan."
"I love you," he says before kissing her passionately.
After a long moment Cecilia breaks the kiss. "We're definitely going to be late if you're gonna do that."
"So what, we're a few minutes late. Who's going to say anything? I am the chief after all."
She giggles as they melt back into the kiss.
Thank you so much for reading ❤
I know this is super fluffy. I really wanted to write some angst, but apparently I can't do that 😆 It could only be fluff for those prompts though 😁
Tags: @binny1985 @pixie88 @queencarb @starrystarrytrouble @alina-yol-ramsey @udishaman @irisofpurple @caseyvalentineramsey @lucy-268 @wingedhairstylemusicweasel @txemrn @maurine07 @mercury84choices @shewillreadyou @iemcpbchoices @dorisz @ethanramseylover @mainstreetreader @coffeeheartaddict @stygianflood @kiara-36 @gryffindordaughterofathena @quixoticdreamer16 @mrs-ramsey @genevievemd @emmasumbrella @mysticalgalaxysstuff @headoverheelsforramsey
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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