#but y'all are welcome to start leaving new asks for plot stuff now!]
eartheats · 8 months
hello hello! (again!)
been a bit since I did an updated one of these, huh??? but it's been about a year since i did my original one, so!!! time for a new introduction post!
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(art made by the wonderful @professor-amaryllis's player!!!)
anyway, hello!!! my name is ren (they/them or ze/zir!!), i'm 24 years old and welcome to my silly lil blog! i mostly use this to reblog orthworm and orthworm accessories!!! i'm a pokemart worker who's on leave at the moment, and i'm currently sort of a student at the blueberry academy! i'm currently taking some researcher courses there, and i'm tryin' my hardest to become an authority in steel type pokemon! though, uh, most of my experience is with my favorite pokemon, who i'm guessin' y'all can tell who it is. heehee
but uh, what else...i've actually got a fair amount of experience as a steel type trainer, and most of my research is focused on orthworm! their environmental impact and their role in the ecosystem is just fascinatin' to me, especially livin' near 'em in zapapico for most of my life! that's actually how i befriended my big ol' lug of a partner, lulu, who you'll be hearin' about a LOT on this blog heehee. he's been my buddy since i was a tyke, and we've been trainin' together for almost two decades at this point!
arc, i'm probs gonna ramble forever if i keep this up. i guess i can basically summarize everythin' else!!! i used to be a student at the old uva academy, and it sucked! was a student at the new one too, but circumstances have made keepin' up with that and blueberry stuff a lil harder than expected. i got my foot in the door originally workin' at the montenevera chansey supply, so i know a lil bit about pokemon medicine too if ya ever need advice.
i'll leave y'all with a trainer card, if ya ever need to contact me please feel free to shoot me an ask!!! promise i won't bite. maybe i'll make one'a them faqs at some point...and maybe a page for my pokemon!! that'd be real neat heehee
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((ooc info below the cut!))
HELLO ONE AND ALL my name is Sable (they/them exclusively), late 20s, nothing's really changed all that much but I needed to make an updated intro for Ren at some point anyway, so now seemed to be a good time!
guess to set some basic ground rules:
follows will come from @shinydracozolt! that is my main blog full of weird shit, so uh, don't be alarmed.
Pelipper mail type things are on, but I can turn them off if I wish to. I will let everyone know if I decide to do this.
I have not Tumblr RP'd before, please be gentle with me.
Blog will occasionally dip feet into the High Stakes pool, especially with current plots going on in the background regarding Ren's mother, who's kind of a messy shitshow of a person. Ren's backstory in general is kind of a mess! Mom is evil with connections to Team Flare and dad is dead so uh. Whoops.
This blog will occasionally delve into sensitive topics, mostly with ask games and such. The ones that mostly pertain to Ren are: mental abuse by a parent, bullying at the old Uva, the massive shut in arc they had between ages 14-18, underage drinking (they still partake and aren't an alcoholic, but they and the bottom of a bottle go way back, so to speak), and occasional mentions of weed. (they themselves don't do it but a friend and coworker of theirs is a stoner. these posts will be tagged accordingly)
There will be occasional shenanigans with @ribesrubrum! Basically I had Ren befriend a canon character in their Kitakami arc and didn't want to potentially make things awkward, so they will interact occasionally. Don't be alarmed!
Lemme know if you need any trigger tags accommodated and I shall do my best! My memory is not the greatest thing in the world but I will do my best. <3
Would prefer no NSFW sent Ren's way, they are ace as hell. There may be occasional mentions of it from other blogs, but they'll be tagged accordingly.
Not exactly open to shipping with Ren because, once again, the whole ace deal, but if something starts to go that way feel free to let me know? But I am going to say no automatically if the player is a minor and the character in question is not 21+.
Can't really think of anything else I wanna say, but I mostly play fast and loose with shit and Ren's kind of off in their own little world sometimes lmao
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veratasswrites · 1 year
Cross-Post of Writeblr Intro!
Writeblr Re-Intro
(Originally posted to @directionoftime - just moving my writeblr to this blog!)
Hey Writeblr!! I attempted to join the community a few years back but way too quickly found myself overwhelmed and ended up fizzling out >.> but I'm back now and hoping to make a better (less stressed out) effort! A bit worried I might have burnt-off some of the writeblr folks by just kinda peace-ing out, but I really do hope to make a better go of it this time around and post/interact more often! (I have so many writeblr posts to catch up on, yikes!)
About me: Vera (she/her) I have been writing consistenly for a solid 15ish years now, have a creative writing master's behind me, (and over a million combined words in fan-fic LOL) and finally feel in a creative place where I'm ready to (hopefully) start publishing, in whatever form it takes!
So, onto the point here: Novel Intro!
YES! Some of you (might) remember my novel Sauvarin - well, it's back, babey! And about 95-99% complete!! Currently on my last round of scene-rewrites and line editing before I begin the horrifying task of querying!
Only been ten years in the making, lmao >.>
So, what the heck is SAUVARIN??
TLDR: fantasy post-apocalypse featuring an autistic blacksmith who is utterly oblivious to the local boot-legger Trying Very HArd to be her girlfriend (pray for Yenn, y'all! She is being SO brave about it!) Said blacksmith, Isaura, is instead on A Mission Of Great Importance to inter the ashes of her surrogate father, Soo-young, in his childhood home town. Except, no one's ever heard of this town, the internet's broken, and she accidenatlly discovers that METAL IS LIVING NOW???
Why do all "simple requests" always end up being the most cataclysmic???
Want to know more? Please go ahead, if not, thanks for looking in this far :)
Well, on to major themes and elements! We've got:
NON-DYSTOPIAN post-apocalypse (we're currently living in the dystopia, y'all!), set in the near distant future where the vast majority of humanity has fled climate change to an orbital space station leaving circa 10million people on earth. The endlings determined to protect what they still can, raise their children, protect their towns, and face whatever magic storms come their way. But right now? They have food, they have community, and there's always something silly to laugh at!
It is a LOW-FANTASY, meaning we've got: freaky and intelligent animals! A magic so new to the world, most people don't realise it's possible! The corpse of god! Cool mushrooms! A darkness that watches YOU! Baba-Yaga (she's a scientist now)! Old women who Take No Shit But Absolutely Know How To Harm!
NATURE mutating - what it "reclaims" in some areas, it mutates in others, or simply allows itself to start anew. Nature in this novel is very much embodiying the quote: "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". Freaky deer. Metal predators. Plants that grab onto YOU.
NOBODY WINS, BUT NO ONE LOSES EITHER the head of Department for Zoology took one look at the "provisional government" and just fucked off into the woods (Baba Yaga). "The Hero" of the orbital space station realising what their heroism actually cost the earth in raw materials. The dead are returned, but not to the life they remembered leaving. Sometimes you do, in fact, find the ghost of a child in the woods (it's okay if you are not sure what to do next).
Well, that's probably enough for now. I'll do some character intro posts (as memes!) hopefully over the weekend - it's a fairly big cast with a lot of minor-in-screen-time-but-major-in-plot characters so it'll be a bit of a series, I think.
Any questions? Feel free to ask! But I will be moving all writeblr stuff/posts about this blog over to my new side blog @veratasswrites so if you want to follow the posts, please follow that blog!
I'll tag some of the old writeblrs I'd followed/who were so awesome and welcoming the first time - but if you're not interested or anything I really mean NO PRESSURE!
@ryan-shepard-writes, @writeblrfantasy, @magic-is-something-we-create
Anyone's welcome to be +/- tag list!
Thank's so much for reading! :)

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directionoftime · 1 year
Writeblr Re-Intro
Hey Writeblr!! I attempted to join the community a few years back but way too quickly found myself overwhelmed and eneded up fizzling out >.> but I'm back now and hoping to make a better (less stressed out) effort! A bit worried I might have burnt-off some of the writeblr folks by just kinda peace-ing out, but I really do hope to make a better go of it this time around and post/interact more often! (I have so many writeblr posts to catch up on, yikes!)
About me: Vera (she/her) I have been writing consistenly for a solid 15ish years now, have a creative writing master's behind me, (and over a million combined words in fan-fic LOL) and finally feel in a creative place where I'm ready to (hopefully) start publishing, in whatever form it takes!
So, onto the point here: Novel Intro!
YES! Some of you (might) remember my novel Sauvarin - well, it's back, babey! And about 95-99% complete!! Currently on my last round of scene-rewrites and line editing before I begin the horrifying task of querying!
Only been ten years in the making, lmao >.>
So, what the heck is SAUVARIN??
TLDR: fantasy post-apocalypse featuring an autistic blacksmith who is utterly oblivious to the local boot-legger Trying Very HArd to be her girlfriend (pray for Yenn, y'all! She is being SO brave about it!) Said blacksmith, Isaura, is instead on A Mission Of Great Importance to inter the ashes of her surrogate father, Soo-young, in his childhood home town. Except, no one's ever heard of this town, the internet's broken, and she accidenatlly discovers that METAL IS LIVING NOW???
Why do all "simple requests" always end up being the most cataclysmic???
Want to know more? Please go ahead, if not, thanks for looking in this far :)
Well, on to major themes and elements! We've got:
NON-DYSTOPIAN post-apocalypse (we're currently living in the dystopia, y'all!), set in the near distant future where the vast majority of humanity has fled climate change to an orbital space station leaving circa 10million people on earth. The endlings determined to protect what they still can, raise their children, protect their towns, and face whatever magic storms come their way. But right now? They have food, they have community, and there's always something silly to laugh at!
It is a LOW-FANTASY, meaning we've got: freaky and intelligent animals! A magic so new to the world, most people don't realise it's possible! The corpse of god! Cool mushrooms! A darkness that watches YOU! Baba-Yaga (she's a scientist now)! Old women who Take No Shit But Absolutely Know How To Harm!
NATURE mutating - what it "reclaims" in some areas, it mutates in others, or simply allows itself to start anew. Nature in this novel is very much embodiying the quote: "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". Freaky deer. Metal predators. Plants that grab onto YOU.
NOBODY WINS, BUT NO ONE LOSES EITHER the head of Department for Zoology took one look at the "provisional government" and just fucked off into the woods (Baba Yaga). "The Hero" of the orbital space station realising what their heroism actually cost the earth in raw materials. The dead are returned, but not to the life they remembered leaving. Sometimes you do, in fact, find the ghost of a child in the woods (it's okay if you are not sure what to do next).
Well, that's probably enough for now. I'll do some character intro posts (as memes!) hopefully over the weekend - it's a fairly big cast with a lot of minor-in-screen-time-but-major-in-plot characters so it'll be a bit of a series, I think.
Any questions? Feel free to ask! But I will be moving all writeblr stuff/posts about this blog over to my new side blog @veratasswrites so if you want to follow the posts, please follow that blog!
I'll tag some of the old writeblrs I'd followed/who were so awesome and welcoming the first time - but if you're not interested or anything I really mean NO PRESSURE!
@ryan-shepard-writes, @writeblrfantasy, @magic-is-something-we-create,
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asking-paradise · 3 years
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[Uncharted Road...? F1]
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tpwkay · 4 years
Medicine (h.s.)
You’re finally given permission to cover the song you’ve wanted to perform for years and a special surprise during your performance sweeps you off of your feet.
Word count: 11.5k
Rating/warnings: NSFW - A lot of this is plot but there is smut as well. Contains explicit language and consensual sex acts between a man and woman. This is a story written in the 2nd person (“self insert"). This isn’t written to be exclusionary, it’s just my preferred style! Author’s note can be found at the end!
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"Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot thank you enough for coming out tonight to listen to me and the band. We've got a couple more songs coming up for you but I just wanted to take a minute to tell y'all how much we appreciate you." You gesture to yourself and the band behind you as the lights on stage come up a bit. "We wouldn't be where we are without your support. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!"
The crowd cheers and you can't help but experience an insurmountable feeling of joy. It never gets old. You'd been in the spotlight for a few years now, already at the end of touring your second album, though the size and scope of venues this time around was much, much larger. There was nothing that compared to being able to sing your own songs and have a crowd of thousands scream them right back at you.
Being an up-and-coming singer and songwriter in the genre of country music hadn't been easy. Girls your type had been a dime a dozen, hoards of Taylor Swift-wannabes covering "Teardrops on My Guitar" during open mic night. You held nothing against them; there was a path to success for everyone, but yours had been, well, different. 
It was a karaoke cover of Brooks & Dunn's "Boot Scootin' Boogie", a song that you'd been singing since you were a toddler, that had gotten you noticed by a recording artist one night while out with your girlfriends, which led you to where you stand now, performing in front of thousands. You were liked for the range of your voice, with it's easy easy transitions from the sounds of pop to country and rock, in addition to the way you performed, and your take-no-shit attitude towards the entirety of the industry. People liked that you were forward and left nothing on the table, though you had to admit that it was mostly an act, a means of coping with the pressure of working your way to the top.
"It's refreshing!" Jax, your manager, had shouted one day, arms flailing as you had argued that maybe your attitude was going to get you into trouble one of these days.
"Aren't you, as, you know, my manager, supposed to be the one keeps me in line?"
"You aren't out doing coke, killing anyone, public indecency and all that," he had shrugged. "Far as I'm concerned, you are in line. People talk about you because of your attitude. They like it! They like you. Why is that so hard for you to accept sometimes?"
"Maybe I just haven't been caught doing those things," you grinned, effectively dodging his question. Fame hadn't helped break down the walls that you'd long ago built around yourself. If anything, you had done some reinforcing, built a moat even, in an effort to ensure that you protected yourself from getting too close to anyone that would only end up using you in the end. You had seen the way people in life had been used, and what it ultimately led them to, and you had promised yourself long ago that even if it meant being known as the Boot Scootin' Bitch, you would protect yourself and your heart at all costs. 
"Your momma would tan your hide for much less than any of those, you know. Hell, you should be more afraid of her than you are of me or anyone else… 'cept maybe God."
You shake your head, working the memories free from your mind as you grab a bottle of water from the platform on which the drum set rests.
There's one more song of yours to sing before you performed a new cover, the one you had been looking forward to for months. Although you'd gotten permission to perform it not long into the start of your tour, the set list had been rehearsed already and every other detail ironed out around it. You'd convinced Jax and the crew to let you slot it into the last concert of the tour, Austin, Texas. These folks knew their music and for some reason, they liked you so you were thrilled to be able to share something new with the crowd that had welcomed you to their city with open arms. 
You grab your guitar off its stand and slide the strap over your shoulders, adjusting it as you step forwards to the mic stand. A shimmering blue shirt catches your eye in the crowd and you do a double take because surely it can't be Harry because he's—
And it's not him, of course, though the fashion of the gentleman in the pit area would surely catch his eye as well as it's right up his alley. It's not him - it can't be him - because you know exactly where he is right now and it's not in the pit of your Austin performance. 
A grin stretches over your face as you think of him. You strum the first chord of the first song you'd ever written about him, although there had been many more since. He probably knew this one was about him, having come just after your first meeting. 
A friend of yours was good friends with Kacey, who had been the guest artist that night. Her name had been added to the VIP list and in the summer of 2018, just as you were hitting your own stride in your career, you tagged along with her to Harry Styles' live tour performance in your hometown of Nashville. 
If you were being honest, prior to his concert, you hadn't heard much of his solo work, apart from the various huge hits like his Kiwi or Watermelon Sugar and a few other ballads. You liked his sound, seemingly influenced heavily by rock stars of days past, but you'd had other influences to worry about in your own side of the industry. 
Sure, he had country music connections through the likes of Kacey Musgraves and Cam, and legends like Stevie Nicks, but his pop and soft rock style was pretty far removed from most country playlists that you yourself had graced. Your genres just didn't cross paths and the two of you seemingly operated in different realms of the music industry, topping your own charts and breaking your own peer's records. 
Of course, you hadn't been completely oblivious to The Harry Styles. One Direction had been too big of a deal to ignore and you'd often found yourself bopping along to their old hits, singing along as they played amongst the other nostalgic pop hits to which you listened. 
The concert had been in June, a hot sunny day followed by a perfect breezy evening. Downtown Nashville was always busy, but that night the city seemed to buzz, bright with music and life. After meeting for drinks at Acme on the River, you allowed yourself to luxuriate in getting lost in the crowd that milled about on Broadway. It was a surprising thing to not be recognized in your hometown, but you weren't one to complain about it. It was one reason that you value your time in Nashville over other music-centric cities like Los Angeles - it seemed that people here respected the private lives of musicians. There was an odd fan here and there, but you'd lived a majority of your "famous" life in Nashville in relative peace. 
You were early to the venue, your friend having wanted to have a chance to see Kacey backstage. You were excited to finally meet the star - though you'd been around the block of fame a bit already, there would always be people that you never had an opportunity to meet in passing. You had been greeted at will call and had been led backstage.
The arena was alive with excitement. At that point, you yourself had never toured a venue that large, so the experience of being backstage and seeing the operations first hand were thrilling and a bit overwhelming. In her dressing room, Kacey pulled you straight into a hug, gushing about how excited she was to watch your career take off. She insisted on sharing her personal cell phone number with you, urging you to call her to get together on a collaboration. You were in shock leaving her room, blown away by her kindness and the way the music industry worked in the most bizarre of ways, when you turned a corner and ran smack into a tall, solid, smiling Harry Styles. His arms had come out quickly to steady you on your heels boots. 
"Fuck," you swore, shaking your head at your clumsiness. "I am so sorry. What a great way to introduce myself."
He laughed and the sound flowed through you, warm and sweet like a cup of tea with honey. "Y'alright?" His eyes looked you over, and you couldn't help but notice the way they lingered. 
Your cheeks blushed and a wave of embarrassment washed over you. "I'm the one that should be asking you that. I don't think your adoring fans would be very happy if I took you out with a textbook tackle right before you're due to go on stage." You took a moment to give him the same appreciative glance he had already given you, admiring the way his deep blue custom-beaded suit jacket fell open to reveal a black dress shirt, unbuttoned halfway down his chest. 
"Ah, 'm fine. Lil' thing like you couldn't do too much damage to me, even in those heels. Don't think they'd be very happy though," he said, nodding his head in acknowledgement of the already-rowdy crowd while offering his hand. "I'm Harry."
You laughed as you introduced yourself, shaking his hand. 
"I've heard that name before, but I'm sorry to say that I don't recognize you. You don't seem like one that's easy to forget."
"I sing, write music," you shrugged, not sure how to explain to a superstar that you were on the way up, yet still somewhere much farther down the fame totem pole than him. "Country, mostly. Not sure if that's on your radar."
"The new stuff's not, but I may have to change that." He was tapped by one of the event producers, needed for another pre-show procedure. "Where will you be tonight?" 
"To your right, in the pit."
He smiled and you had almost immediately fallen in love with the crinkles that appeared under the corners of his eyes. "I'll look out for you. It was wonderful meeting you. Oh, shit, wait, just remembered— may I?" he gestured for the phone that was in your hand and you unlocked it before passing it to him. 
You watched as he dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. He paused for a moment before he grinned. "Hi Harry, it's you from before the show. This is a message to remind you to text this number and ask the owner of it out on a date. She's the one with the beautiful smile and great tackling skills. You won"t have forgotten her. 'Kay, bye!"
You laughed at an almost embarrassing volume, blown away by his cheek. 
"Why not ask 'her' out now?" you pondered to him as he handed the phone back.
"What, and risk getting shot down? Wouldn't want to be sad and disappointed through my whole show, now would I?"
"It would make the ballads a bit more emotional," you had reasoned with a grin.
"Ouch! They're already filled with emotion, love. You'll see, I'll sing 'em right to you if I have to. Gotta run, thank you for letting me use your phone, that was a very important message!"
You laughed again as he took off. "Harry!" you had shouted to get his attention in the busy hall. He turned quickly, a small smile on his face. "She definitely won't say no, but you can wait until later to ask if you want to."
His grin stretched wider and he'd pumped a fist in the air before turning and jogging down the hallway. 
You liked to joke with anyone who knew the story that your life had changed that day all because you met Kacey. Which wasn't a complete lie - it had been her dressing room you'd come out of before slamming into Harry in the hallway. 
Singing the last lines of one of your songs, your stomach began to flutter in a bit of nervousness and a lot of excitement. Performing the next cover was something you had been looking forward to for months, and the moment that you got to share it with your fans was finally here. 
You retreat from the mic stand to pass your guitar off to a stagehand, taking another sip of water to settle yourself. 
"Doing alright?" Wyatt, your drummer, shouts over the pounding bass drum and you give him a thumbs up before turning back to face the crowd. 
"I've got one more cover to play for y'all tonight," you say, grasping the mic stand to keep your hands from shaking. "I've been working on getting permission to play this one for quite awhile now. I fell in love with it the first time I heard it played and now here I am, performing it for you all. It's an unreleased piece by a very, very good friend of mine, but his performances of it are all over the internet so some of you may know the words. This song is called Medicine."
The song starts out with a steady bass line and the rhythm centers you a bit, steadying any nerves that still linger. The intro gives you a minute to shake out your shoulders and get comfortable at the mic stand once more like Harry does at each performance. You catch yourself having fun mimicking him and feel thankful that you're able to perform one of your favorite songs of his. When the bass drops in pitch and the electric guitar riffs, you slide in close to the mic stand.
"Here to take my medicine, take my medicine," you sang the opening lines, already settling into the sexy rock sound of the song you and the band had rehearsed relentlessly over the last few weeks. No, the genre wasn't one you normally dabbled in, but part of the fun of performing was taking chances, risks. You had to admit, you liked the sound a lot. It tempted you to branch out a bit more on your upcoming album. 
The opening lines of the first verse throw you back into thoughts of meeting Harry that first night. You hadn't imagined what would follow the concert, let alone have the foresight to see it bringing you to this very moment in time. 
You had been standing outside the arena after the concert, ears buzzing and heart thumping still from the incredible show Harry had put on. As soon as he disappeared from the backstage hall earlier, you had immediately saved his number to your phone, still in disbelief over the night's events. 
Your heart had soared when your phone began to vibrate, not in a text message but in a voice call. Harry's name appeared on the screen and your friend had nudged you, clearly approving of the night's turn of events. 
"Harry," you answered, ready to praise him halfway to Sunday on his performance. 
"Let me take you out," he interrupted you. "Right now. Please? Anywhere you want to go." 
You laughed and paused. "Yeah, okay. I might know of a place."
There was a lot of shuffling on his end before his voice came back on the line. "Might've had to do another fist pump."
"Told you she wouldn't say no."
"Where are you?" You heard the smile in his voice, already familiar with it. 
"Demonbreun and John Lewis, headed towards the park."
"Give me 10, I'll pick you up." He paused. "Be careful, okay?"
"I'll stick with the hoards of your fans milling about, maybe ask some of them for the hot gossip on you while I wait."
"Don't believe anything they say," he said, and you could tell he was still smiling as he hung up. 
He and his driver arrived shortly after, Harry's hair damp and covered with a baseball cap, dressed down in black pants and a simple loose white shirt, tattoos peeking out everywhere you looked. He exited the car and opened the back door for you, helping you balance as you stepped up into the large Suburban. 
"We'll go to Pecker's," you said to his driver, laughing as Harry snorted next to you. "Shut up, it's just a bar. Take a right up here onto 24 and it'll take us all the way to Fairfield. It'll be on the right."
He looked at you and smiled before reaching out to hold your hand in the middle seat between you. 
Taking Harry to Pecker's had just felt right. It was where you'd been discovered, where all of your adventures had started, and you weren't sure why but you wanted to share that small part of you with him after watching him up on stage that night. 
"Won't people recognize you? I looked you up before the show, you're apparently a pretty big deal around here." He had asked, smirking, sipping on the locally-brewed beer that Clint, the regular bartender, was serving that night. 
"Locals are pretty good about not interrupting our normal lives. Pecker's isn't as well known to tourists either, so it's a good hideout. This is where a lot of producers, executives and all the other professionals come to unwind." You ignored his comment on your fame and had taken a sip of your margarita instead. "Unless, of course, there's a drag show scheduled, then it's a bit of a madhouse."
Harry laughs into his drink and you grin. "So," he started after a pause, twiddling with the rings on his right hand. "What'd you think?"
"It was incredible," you said without hesitation. "Truly one of the best live shows I've seen in a long time, country acts included. You've got such a magnetism about you that people can't help but want to watch." You blushed a bit, alcohol and the quick comfort of him loosening your lips. "The whole water spraying trick was hot," you admit, making him blush. "And don't tell Stevie, but I think I might prefer your version of The Chain."
"Sacrilege! That's some incredibly high praise," he said, a small smile teasing at the corners of his mouth. 
"Earned and deserved," you said, tilting your glass to his. "Honestly, Harry, you're an incredible musician. There aren't many out there that have the whole package like that."
"What about you? You seem like the whole package."
"I don't know if I'd say that. If you looked me up, you've likely seen what they say about me. 'My attitude won't get me far' and all. But I don't think it's my attitude, so much as it is my willingness to take the risks that others won't. I'm not out here to make music that's just there to be sold. Hell, I couldn't care less about the money. All I want is to create music that makes me feel fulfilled, and I think that honesty scares them." You twirled your finger in the condensation of the glass in front of you. You glanced up to his face finding his eyes already on yours, holding your gaze steadily. "It doesn't scare you, does it?"
"It's the most refreshing thing I've heard in a while. Not many people in the industry are fearless in the face of failure like that."
"I'm definitely not fearless; I just refuse to change who I am to make a buck."
"Who are you then?" Harry had asked, and telling him your story was easy. You couldn't understand how it was so natural, opening up to a stranger, but as the conversation wore on, you realized how similar you and Harry were in terms of the way you conducted your professional lives and that was without apology. 
And you also realized, as the evening continued and you and Harry crept your bar stools closer and closer to one another, feet and knees bumping, his fingers tracing the ridges of your knuckles as you shared life stories like long lost friends, that you didn't want it to end. 
"He's acting like a gentleman," you continue, changing up the lyrics slightly as you finish the first verse. The line always made you smile and you let yourself briefly flash back into your reminiscing about the night you'd met Harry, and how, even though he had acted gentlemanly upon dropping you off for the evening, you wanted to be anything but a gentlewoman. 
After enjoying drinks late into the evening at Pecker's, Harry had insisted on having his driver take you home rather than allowing you to call an Uber. 
"Such a gentleman," you commented as he opened the car door for you once again. 
"Maybe my gentlemanly actions have motives," he said, sliding his hand along your lower back as you step past him and into the car. Your grin matched his smirk as he shut the door and you decided that he'd been right - not calling an Uber was the right thing to do.
The car ride back to your apartment building was too quick and before you knew it, he was at your door again, offering a hand for you to hold for balance as you exited the car. Neither of you let go as you walked through the lobby towards the elevators. 
"You're uh— You're welcome to come up, if you'd like," you said, suddenly shy but not wanting to chicken out on asking for what you wanted, asking for some continuation of this sweet but likely brief meeting between you two. "For a drink, I mean, or to keep chatting, you know."
Harry smiled and glanced around the empty lobby. His hand in yours smoothed up the length of your arm, over your shoulder, and came to rest at your jaw. "I'd love to, believe me. You have no idea how much I want to." He leaned towards you, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead and your skin burned at the contact of his lips. "But I want to do this the right way. Don't want you to get the wrong idea of me."
"What if I want the wrong idea of you?"
He laughed, the sound open and honest and it had given you hope. "You called me a gentleman earlier and I have to admit that I liked it, coming from you. Would like to keep up the facade that I am, even if it's just for a bit." His face searched yours, each of you trying to read the thoughts that were flying through one another's minds. "You have beautiful lips," he whispered suddenly, his accent thicker than it had been all night. 
Your mouth quirked into a smile, unable to do anything but preen at his compliment. "You do too," you replied, just as softly. 
"Can I kiss you?"
"Please, yes." Before the words had settled he was kissing you, slowly and with too much care, like you would break if he wasn't gentle enough. It was over much too quick but you knew you would remember every moment of it for the rest of your life. 
"Christ, I'd wanted to do that all night." His thumb smoothed over your cheekbone, smiling when you leaned into the touch. He glanced up as the elevator doors swung open and gently nudged you towards them. "Thank you, truly, for a wonderful evening. I promise to give you a call soon."
"I'll send Kacey after you if you don't!" you laughed, stepping into the lift.
"Good night darling." He winked and the doors slid shut, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the delicious ghost of his lips on yours. 
"Give me that adrenaline, that adrenaline, think I'm gonna stick with you," you finish the first verse as Ryann rips through the chords on her guitar. You loved that the song built slowly, and even though that meant a quieter beginning, it promised an explosive end. 
Though the crowd had been hesitant at first, you can see that the first few rows of them are nodding along, countless phones out recording the performance. You know that somewhere out there at your request is a member of your press team, professionally filming the cover. You may only be doing it once, but you were determined to make sure you would never forget it.
You had enough time at home to check some of your social media accounts, shower and get comfortable in bed before your phone rang again. For the second time that day, your heart soared seeing Harry's name light up your screen.
"If you're going to say that you're downstairs because you've reconsidered my offer for that nightcap, I'll need a few moments to prepare as I'm currently in my pajamas," you said as a greeting and you were met with his warm laughter once again.
"No, no, I had to go back to the arena for a bit anyways, pack up and all of that," he said, still chuckling. "I just— I wanted to make sure you weren't offended by me declining your offer. Because I wanted to— I didn't want the night to end there. There's something about you that's… Transfixing. And I don't want to ruin that and make you think you're just a fling."
"That's quite a compliment," you said, a bit awed by his words.
"What was it you said earlier, "earned and deserved", yeah?" He said, quoting your toast to him at the bar, making you grin. "I want you to be more than that. I'd like to get to know you, the gentlemanly way."
"Okay. Will we have a chaperone at our next date then?" He laughed but didn't correct your referral to that evening as a date. You had snuggled a bit deeper into the sheets, still disbelieving that all of this had been the result of being dragged along to a concert. 
"No chaperones," he chuckled, "but yes, I do want to take you out again, if you'd let me."
"Hmm," you jokingly pondered aloud, as if answering with anything other than a resounding "yes" was on your mind. "I suppose I could fit something into my schedule."
"I hope that's a yes."
"Of course it's a yes! I didn't want the night to end either. And don't you dare say that you just did another fist pump," you had laughed, hearing the familiar shuffling of the phone on his end of the line.
"Me? Never!"
"You're adorable," you had said, a smile stuck on your face.
"And you're beautiful. Two can play this game."
There had been a comforting silence between you for a moment before you had spoken up again. "Harry?"
"Yeah, love?"
You had blushed at the pet name but loved the way it sounded being directed your way. "Thank you," you had whispered. 
"Should be me thanking you. Sleep well sweetheart." You'd fallen asleep with your phone in hand, hopeful that you wouldn't wake up the next morning to realize it had all been a dream.
It hadn't been a dream, and here you were, nearly two years later, performing one of the songs that Harry himself had sung the night that you'd begun falling for him.
The second verse continued quickly and you let the lyrics wash over you as you sang, loving the way the rock energy of the song sounded with a bit of your band's country influence. 
"Here to take my medicine, take my medicine, rest it on your fingertips," you sang, holding your pointer finger in the air much like Harry did every time he performed the song before bringing it to your lips as you sang the next line. "Up to your mouth, feeling it out, feeling it out."
Beginning to date Harry - properly date him too, not just make FaceTime calls to one another from across the world and sending texts back and forth until the wee hours of the morning thanks to the differences in time zones, sharing everything and more with one another as best you could digitally - had been the most exhilarating experience of your life, and you had performed in front of sold out crowds and accepted awards on live television. His tour was due to stretch on for almost another month throughout North America and the next time you saw him was when you'd been invited as Harry's guest to his show in Chicago just a few weeks after you'd met. 
While he had put on an incredible show for the United Center, there had been moments that felt like he was performing just for you, glancing over to where you stood in the Friends and Family area, meeting your eyes and grinning. By that point, you could sing along to every song of his and you knew he loved it, loved watching you dance along to the music that he had created and was performing. 
In a moment where you were thankful for the differences between the genres in which you two performed, you hadn't been recognized at all by his fans. You'd both talked about wanting to keep things quiet as you got to know one another, and you hadn't wanted a relationship with him, an already incredibly famous artist, to somehow influence the trajectory of yours. While it had been easy when you were apart, being together without seemingly being together was difficult. Especially in that moment, when all you wanted to do was curl up into him and soak in the post-show bliss with him. Instead, you sat on the couch with him, a cushion apart from one another, holding his hand tightly while you chatted about the concert. 
"Someone is gonna notice that you looked to my side of the pit constantly all night," you said and he grinned guiltily. 
"I like knowing you're in the crowd," he shrugged. "Besides," he scooted closer and threw his arm around you before dragging you in close, "you look incredible, how could I not want to stare at you all night?"
"Anyone could walk in," you pointed out, watching as his eyes followed your lips. 
"Just want a little taste," he said, moving in closer, "Haven't I earned a kiss from my girlfriend after all of that work up on stage?"
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you looked at him and he seemingly realized his slip-up. 
"I mean— What I meant was— Shit," he scrubbed a hand over his face but you could tell he was hiding a grin. "Wasn't exactly how I wanted to ask you, but… Will you officially be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, H. I'm all yours."
"Love it when you call me H." He pulled you in for a kiss that you both lost yourselves in, finally able to experience the feeling of one another after being denied it for so long. When a knock at the dressing room door came, Harry had to all but drag himself away from you, hair disheveled and lips swollen, scowling at the door. 
You threw your head back and laughed as he stalked over and pulled it open with a flourish. 
"The hell's your issue?" you heard Mitch ask before Harry widened the door so he could see you laughing on the couch. You raised a hand in greeting and Harry's scowl deepened as Mitch chuckled, taking in both of your disheveled appearances. "Oh, shit, hey, sorry. Uh, car's ready when you are. See you tomorrow bud." 
"Harry!" you chided once he'd closed the door in Mitch's face, giggles still bubbling out of your mouth. "He was just being polite."
"Interrupting arse is what he is," Harry said, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. "Where were we?"
You threw your arms around his neck and pressed your body as close to his as possible, hoping that he'd thought to lock the door before returning to your embrace. "Right about here, I think." With a hand on your hip, sliding under your shirt to reach warm skin and one at the back of your neck, Harry kissed you until you were breathless and not only wanting more but very seriously needing it. 
"Come back to the hotel with me," he murmured against your lips as you ground your body down on him, reveling in the way the action made him throw his head against the back of the couch and exhale sharply. 
"You sure?" Your hands smoothed over the chest of his skin, tracing the dark swallows with your fingertips as you rolled your hips. 
He shuddered at the light touch and gripped your hips tightly, pressing his up as you pressed yours down and the action made you sigh, the pressure a delicious tease of what was hopefully to come. "Absolutely," he said, his grin telling you he was pleased with the noises he was causing you to make. "Want you so bad, like I won't be able to breathe right until I properly have you."
You leaned in to kiss at his neck, his shower-damp curls tickling your cheek. "The feeling is mutual. Adored watching you up on stage tonight. Have I told you yet how much I love seeing you perform?" You nuzzle at his neck, urging him to tilt his head back farther, exposing more of his skin to you. 
"Yeah, you have, but tell me again," he sighed, his hands running up and down your back. 
"It's like when you get on stage no one else before or after you matters," you said honestly, letting your lips against his skin hide how truthful you were really being, spilling all of your thoughts about seeing Harry up on stage. It was scary, feeling so deeply for him already. But you wanted him to know, at least in part, what it meant to be able to watch him perform. "Something about your live voice just makes my breath catch in my throat, I can't get enough of it."
Harry breathed deeply for a moment, working to center himself while you nosed at the curls around his ear and heaped praise upon him. 
"It's like you connect with every person out in the crowd, like you're singing just for them. You can tell that you're having fun and people want to join you in that. They know you love the attention," you whispered and he hummed in appreciation (or agreement), the sound low in his throat. "They'd stay out there all night for if they could, screaming about how much they love you."
"And you feed into it, playing it up for them. You know exactly what you're doing when you get to act a little bit naughty up there, driving them all mad," you said with a smile. 
He chuckled and you could hear and feel the sound rumble through him. "Played it up for you tonight. Did it work?" 
"You mean did it make me want to jump your bones the second you came off stage? Yeah, it worked."
"Fucking hell," he said, holding you close with his hands on your butt as he stood up. "Our first time is not going to be in a dressing room so we need to go now."
He let you slide down his body and held you steady as you balanced on your legs. "Would be pretty fitting though, don't you think, given how we met and what we do?"
"Yeah, but then I'd think about it every time I was in one. You wanna torture me relentlessly?" He pulled you tight against him, kissing you once more before separating to grab his bags. 
"Yeah, relentless torture sounds like something I might be into." 
He glanced up at your words, eyes dark and hungry, a smirk on his lips. "Careful what you wish for, love." 
The bass line increased behind the riff of Ryann's guitar and you leaned into the mic stand, eyes closing as you continued singing the first bridge. "I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm wasted, and when I sleep I'm gonna dream of how you…"
There were a few fans of yours and Harry's who apparently knew the words as they helped you out, screaming the unwritten word that finished the sentence: "tasted."
Harry was quick to say goodbye to everyone on the team before pulling you quickly through back hallways and down quiet staircases, sneaking quick kisses when he was sure there was no one around. You were both out of breath when you finally climbed into the car, grinning like kids getting away with sneaking around. 
The hotel ride was quick, mercifully, but Harry had been anything but patient, his hand at your knee creeping up slowly, closer and closer to the hem of your dress, toying with the hem while he chatted with the driver. 
"I'm gonna head in first with Martin and Eric will loop around and drop you off at the side entrance. I would wait in the lobby for you but this hotel hasn't been the best in the past with uh— containing sensitive information, we'll say, so Martin will meet you on your floor to get your stuff, then bring you up. Is that okay?"
"You sound like you've done this before, Styles," you said with a wink, using humor to cover the nerves that had settled in the pit of your stomach. 
He blushed and you loved knowing you got under his skin so easily. "The band used to stay here when we toured… and I was young and dumb once, yes."
"Just giving you a hard time, H."
His grin stretched as he leaned over to peck your lips once more. "See you in a minute, love."
Harry climbed out and the driver took off once again, slowly circling the block. "He's quite taken with you, you know," he said, glancing up in the rear view mirror as he parked the car at the curb. He got out and opened the door for you in the empty street then used his keycard to unlock the heavy side door of the hotel.
"Thank you," you said, both for his actions and his omission about Harry. Sure, you had talked to him as often as possible over the last weeks and had yourself been on the receiving end of his attention, but it felt validating to hear that Harry's feelings for you may have gone a bit farther than just a small crush if people around him had also noticed his behavior. 
Harry's bodyguard was waiting by the elevators and escorted you to your room to gather your luggage, then led you to Harry's door.
"Car'll be around about 9 tomorrow morning, H. Flight's at 10:30." He turned to you. "I understand you have business to continue here in Chicago?"
"Yes, meetings tomorrow and then I fly back to Nashville in the evening."
"There'll be a driver ready for you tomorrow as well. He's been instructed to take you wherever you need to go and he'll stay until you depart. Have a nice evening," he nodded at Harry, who was smiling in the doorway, before departing.
"You didn't have to do that for me, I could've managed by getting an Uber," you said, stepping into the room past Harry to set your bags down and kick your shoes off. 
"I didn't, was Martin's idea; says he doesn't want anything to happen to the one thing that's made me so happy these last few weeks."
"Oh yeah? I'm the one thing, huh?"
"You're everything, honestly," he replied a bit sheepishly, taking your hands in his. "Think I might like you a bit more than I already should. Lettin' my heart get a bit ahead of my head, I suppose."
"Yeah, I know the feeling," you said softly and he beamed. 
He moved his hands up to cup your face, pulling you close for a sweet kiss that quickly turned insistent, heat rising between the two of you. Harry slid his hands under the hem of your shirt to rest where your spin ended and yours wrapped around his neck, dragging him down to you as you stepped behind you towards the bed. His long legs tangled with yours and you tumbled backwards, laughing as you hit the plush bed and Harry collapsed on top of you.
He propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at you with a smile, pushing the hair that had fallen into your face aside. "Hi baby," he said softly.
"Missed you," he said, leaning down for another sweet kiss. 
"We were apart for like, eight minutes," you giggled between his kisses, your laughter giving way to a sigh as he moved to press a kiss to your nose, your cheek, your chin.
"Doesn't matter," he breathed into the crook of your neck, pressing small open mouth kisses to the soft skin there, "Any time apart is too long."
"The two weeks left of the tour will fly by. You should enjoy them while you can."  
"Wish you could come with me, love performing for you." He kissed his way across the base of your neck, collarbone to collarbone as his fingers trailed to the small straps on your shoulders. "Would you like to take this off?"
"Please," you sighed, desperate and aching for the feeling of his skin against yours. 
Your first time sleeping with Harry had been exactly what you'd wanted and expected - hot and fast, admittedly over a bit more quickly than either of you had wanted, but worth the weeks of wait. 
Harry's skill set hadn't ended at singing and playing instruments. If anything, his vast experience using his hands and mouth only helped him excel in other pastimes that also utilized those parts of his body. To both of your delights, he had proven his adeptness in all areas multiple times that night, and once again in the morning before he had to rush into the shower, dragging you along with him simply to get more time together before you were forced apart once again. 
You had spent the next two months away from one another, Harry having wrapped his tour and immediately beginning work on his next album. You'd spent your own time mixed between writing and recording an upcoming single. You had already written a handful of songs that were inspired by him and you'd wondered, albeit a bit nervously, if the sentiment was shared. When he stopped in Nashville on a long layover, pushing his flight back even longer to stay with you for another night, you'd tried to pry the information out of him. Unfortunately, no amount of sexual teasing or denial had convinced him — he, however, had you singing like a canary almost immediately, teasing you in the best way about how easily you opened up for him, telling him all about the music that he had already inspired.
You had been FaceTiming him late one night weeks later, both tired from long days spent in the studio. He had suddenly gotten shy, biting at the skin around his fingernails. 
"Hey, stop that. What's the matter H?"
"Wanna ask you something," he mumbled, but a smile was peeking through where his fingers were still at his lips. "Jus' don't know how to."
"Baby," you sighed, "you can ask me anything. Y'know that." 
"I know, I know." He paused and took a deep breath before a wide smile stretched across his face. "Would you maybe want to come home with me this Christmas? To London? Wouldn't be for long, maybe just a couple nights, I just wanna introduce you to my mum already, she's been pestering me nonstop lately 'bout meetin' you and Gem's joined in on it now too, so it's two against one when they call and I've told them that—"
"Harry," you said chucking, trying to interrupt his nervous rambling.
"—and she actually called me Harold last time she told me to bring you 'round and that got me a bit worried so I—"
"Harry! Of course I'll come with you. I'd absolutely love to."
You met him at the airport weeks later, desperate to pull him close and kiss him silly in the confines of his darkly tinted car, but you refrained, knowing how seriously Harry took the protection of your relationship from the press. You may not have been able to see anyone straining to capture pictures of you two, but you knew there was always the chance. 
It was an entirely different story, however, when he'd finally pulled the car past the mechanical gate and into his private drive. You both reached for each other immediately, arms tangled and shifter knob pressed uncomfortably against your side, but perfectly content so long as his lips were against yours. 
"Fuck— I missed you— so much," he muttered between kisses. He pulled away, forehead resting against yours, sly smirk pulling at his lips. "Mum won't expect us for a few hours at least."
"What is it that you're insinuating, Mr. Styles?"
"That there's plenty of time to give you a tour around the house, that's all," he said innocently. He gave you a sweet smile before hopping out of the car and coming to the passenger side where he helped you out and picked up your bags.
You were eager to be given a house tour, more than keen to learn all of the things you could about his London life. The house was decorated in a way that made you smile - eclectic but with a definitive air of cohesive taste. It suited Harry to an absolute tee. From the artwork that decorated the walls to the mismatched but homey furniture, you could tell immediately that this was Harry's sanctuary - every inch of the home screamed his name. 
"It's incredible," you said as he led you into the largest room, the master. He walked over to the dresser that sat under the window and pulled open the top two drawers. 
"I know we won't be here long, this time around, but I cleaned out a few drawers for you here, if you want to unpack some things. And there's space in the closet for you too," he nodded towards the door on the other side of the room, dragging a hand through his hair as he talked, "I had too much in there anyways and some of it needed to go and I wanted you to be able to leave some things, if you felt comfortable, of if Mum drags us out shopping and you don't want to take it all home now you can leave it here and-"
"You- you cleared out a drawer for me?"
"Well, yeah," he said, resting his hand on the back of his neck. "Made some space for you in the bathroom too, though I doubt it'll be enough, with all that you bring along to fix yourself up." He paused and thought for a moment. "I know how our lives are. I just wanted you to have some of your own space here; want you to feel as comfortable in my home as I do. Is that too much?" 
"H," you said with a sigh, your lips curling into a smile, "it's perfect, and so thoughtful. I'm sorry I haven't done the same for you in Nashville yet."
"'s alright, love. I've already got a toothbrush there at least. I can take some time when we fly back to come and help if you'd like me to. As long as you don't end up wearing all the clothes that I leave there," he chuckled.
"You know me too well," you said, reaching for his hand. He lifted your entwined fingers to his lips to brush a kiss over your knuckles.
"You do look good in my clothes," he confessed, pulling you close to face him. "Look good in my house. But you always look good anyways."
"Said the pot to the kettle," you said with a smile. "I like being here already," you shrug, hands resting on his shoulders. "It feels like you, like home. Thank you for inviting me," you add, as though the measly voicing of your appreciation is enough to convey what you truly feel. 
"You're welcome anytime, if I'm here or not."
"You trust me that much?"
"Yeah, I do. I'll get you a key and everything." He leaned down to kiss you slowly, relearning the map of your lips and mouth, before pulling away. He laughed when you made a noise of protest.
"The bathroom's over here if you'd like to freshen up." He had pulled at your hand, stepping towards the other open door in the room. "Figured a shower might sound nice after a long day in an airplane. Besides, I've gotta clean up before we go to Mum's anyways."
"Gonna join me?" 
"Yeah, thought I might, if that's okay." His smirk had been wicked as he pushed you the rest of the way into the bathroom. He dropped your hand to reach for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head quickly. As he reached for the buckle of his pants, he had met your staring eyes. "See something you like, love?"
You definitely had, though you didn't think your attraction — physically or emotionally — for Harry had stopped at something that was as weak as "like." Getting to know him over the last six months had made you worry that there wasn't ever going to be anyone else like him, anyone that made you feel like he did. You had fallen for him, desperately hard, and the realization of it as you stood in front of his half-naked self almost embarrassed you. 
"Babe? You alright?" he asked as he stripped down to his boxers. 
"Yeah, you just got me all distracted," you had grinned, pulling your sweatshirt and remaining clothes off quickly before joining Harry under the warm spray of the water.
Meeting Harry's mom that evening went better than you could've ever dreamt it would. The two of you got on like old friends, and Harry had stared, almost in wonder, at how easily you seemed to bond with her. And then he had stared in horror as Anne offered to pull out the photo albums filled with pictures from Harry's childhood, particularly when Anne offered up the album filled with photos from Harry's and Gemma's emo phases. 
As the evening wore on, you caught Harry on more than one occasion glancing your way, cheeks bright from the red wine he was sipping on and eyes warmly reflecting the bright Christmas lights. He always looked like he was a split second away from saying something, only to shake his head and look away with a small smile. 
Later, in bed, Harry pulled you close to him. He was laying on his back, you on your side, and you threw a leg over his waist, soaking in all of the cuddles you could get on this short trip together. The room was only illuminated by the ambient light coming in through the blinds. 
"Mum liked you a lot," he murmured, gently stroking the skin at the base of your spine, "said I should hang onto you". 
You returned the gesture, running your fingertips along the lines of ink that make up his many tattoos. "I liked her too. She's wonderful, I see where you get it from now."
"Hey now, 'm wonderful all on my own!" He tickled your side and you couldn"t help but arch towards him, shrieking and laughing at the touch. 
"Stop that! You are an absolute pest, you know that?" you said, grinning up at him.
"Ah, you love me," he whispered, and his joking tone made you smile but the way he pulled you tighter as he said it made you brave. 
You let the weight what you were about to say wash over you, aware that things were going to change forever with just a few words. "I do love you, Harry," you whispered, moving up his body to press a kiss to his lips.
"Thank God," he had said, wrapping his arms back around you and pulling you on top of him. "Cause I love you too."
Leaving Harry after that had been even more difficult. All you wanted to do was be with him, but you had too much coming up with the future release of your album and Harry was still in the midst of doing his own writing and recording. 
It was your professions, along with the desire to keep your relationship private, that kept you apart. You weren't sure how you did it, but your relationship had withstood the distance and odd-hours. The only step now would be deciding if, when, and how to confirm the suspicions to tabloids and fans alike that you were an item.
The wait was killing you. All you wanted was to show off to the world that Harry was yours.
The bridge of the song was followed quickly by the chorus and the heavy guitar and pounding drums had you rocking on your feet, body swaying into the mic stand as you let yourself get lost in the lyrics. "If you go out tonight, I'm going out 'cause I know you're persuasive."
The crowd was even more into the song now, many picking up on the words quickly and screaming them along with your singing. The rock and roll vibe of the song was coursing through you and the crowd, the arena electric with energy already. 
"You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it."
You remove the mic from the stand and dance towards one end of the stage, singing as you move to the beat. "We're getting dizzy, oh, we're getting dizzy, oh! La da da da da! You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh!"
You had been on the phone with Harry one day in July, nearly five months after the release of your album, having him help you decide what the setlist of your tour would be when it began in November. 
"I wish I could cover one of your songs."
He had laughed and slurped his tea, the sounds comforting to you, even over the phone. "That'd be a bit obvious, wouldn't it love?"
"I don't mean cover Golden or Kiwi," you said, tapping your pen against the pad of paper in front of you. "What about one you wrote for 1D? What about Perfect? Or Stockholm Syndrome! That was always one of my favorites."
"Getting permission on those might be a bit more difficult, s'not just me that's gotta sign off on it. Besides, do you really wanna be the artist that covers a One Direction song on her own headlining tour?"
"Guess I'll stick with singing along to them in the shower then."
You were both quiet for a moment, lost in your own thoughts. 
"What if I covered Medicine?" you asked suddenly, realizing it was the perfect compromise, not to mention your favorite song that Harry himself performed oh his own tour. The rock sound wasn't a far cry from the roots that country music had and you knew it would sound great. "Even if it was just for one stop!"
"Hmm," Harry mused. "It would sound great with the band, I'll give you that. But videos will go around, people will know it's my song you're singing and they'll connect the dots about us."
"H, I'm ready for that if you are. I love you, and I'm ready to be able to share that love that I have for you with the world. Sneaking around has been fun but I want people to know how proud of you I am and how much you're loved and appreciated. Half of our fans know already, it's just a matter of us confirming it. I think that we could really-"
Harry was laughing at your rambling on the other end of the line. "Alright, alright, you drive a hard bargain, love. I think you're right, maybe it is time we stopped sneaking around. I'll try, but Jax and everyone else still have to agree to it too. It might be easier to convince everyone if it's just a one time thing. Pick another cover, something you'd normally do, in case it takes some time to work things out."
"I'll ask him right now! Thank you Harry!"
"I just have one condition," he said, and you could hear the grin that was surely pulling at the corners of his lips. 
"What's that?"
"I get to perform it with you," he had said, and the smile already on your face widened exponentially. "If we're finally gonna make "us" public, may as well do it with a bang."
In the moment after the chorus, an 8 count beat is carried by the drummer and guitarist. For this performance, and the only performance you'd put on of this song, you had rehearsed the 8 count repeating once between the chorus and the next verse, as you needed a bit of extra time to announce your guest performer. 
"Ladies and gentlemen," you shout into the mic, grin wide and face beaming already at what was about to take place. "To help me finish this performance, please help me welcome my very good friend, Harry Styles!"
Harry emerges from behind the stage holding his own wireless mic as much of the crowd screams - he may not be a country artist, but he was absolutely known worldwide. You step back with a wave of your arm, smiling as he begins the next chorus. His performance is for the crowd but he's singing the words directly to you. 
"Tingle running through my bones, fingers to my toes, tingle running through my bones," he sings, voice smooth like whiskey, and the crowd adores him, eating out of the palm of his hand. "The boys and the girls are in, I mess around with them, and I'm OK with it." 
You can't help but dance as he sings, his voice and the energy of the crowd propelling you to move. He watches you, eyes no longer on the crowd, as he sings the next lines. Immediately, heat pools low in your belly at his glance and the words. 
"I'm coming down, I figured out I kinda like it. And when I sleep I'm gonna dream of how you…"
You gyrate your hips at the unsung line of "ride it", listening with a sly grin as some in the crowd scream the two words that go unsung. 
After giving him a key, Harry had moved some of his clothes to your apartment in Nashville some time while you were away on the first leg of your tour. He had found the city to be incredibly welcoming and inspirational for his upcoming album and had decided to stay there for a spell while you continued to tour around the country. 
You had scheduled a short break between your concerts over New Years, wanting to be able to grab at least one or two nights at home with him to celebrate the holiday before you were back on the road again. 
"So fucking glad you're home," Harry panted, pulling your shirt over your head before attaching his lips to yours once again. "Missed you like crazy."
"Missed you too," you moaned as his lips moved downwards, across your neck and over your collarbones, down the valley between your breasts. Before he could reach around to unhook your bra, you reached for his shirt, as desperate as he was to see and touch what you'd been missing. 
As he pulled the half-unbuttoned blouse over his head, you pulled your leggings off and reached for him, pushing him back onto the bed behind him. He unbuttoned his pants as he scooted up towards the middle of the bed, shoving them and his boxers off in one swoop. 
You climbed on top of him, hurriedly reaching to kiss him as you rubbed your clothed center along the length of his hard cock. 
"Fuck," he hissed, throwing his head back to allow you room to kiss his neck. "Desperate aren't you, darling?"
"Want you so bad it hurts," you whispered, sucking a bright hickey right where it would absolutely be seen by anyone.
You moved to continue kissing down his chest but he stopped you with a hand under your arm. "Not gonna last long, love. Wanna be inside you."
His cheeks and chest were flushed bright red, lips puffy and pupils blown wide. This was when you loved him most, being able to have him like no one else did. The same feeling always hit you at certain moments, particularly ones of domesticity, like when you watched him back the car out of the driveway or when he stood in the kitchen in the morning in nothing but socks, boxers, and his ratty old robe, singing along to old big band jazz as he waited for the coffee to brew. There was Harry Styles the musician, Harry Styles the actor, and Harry Styles the performer, but then there was your Harry. 
"Yeah, okay," you sighed, moving off of him quickly to remove your bra and panties. You climbed back onto the bed and threw your leg over his hips, straddling him. He immediately reached for you and pulled you flush against his chest, his lips capturing yours in a bruising kiss. 
You rocked your hips against him as he held you, your slick arousal gliding along his length, drawing a moan from both of you. 
"Baby, please," he panted, and you could only mod in agreement, lost already to the sweeping feeling of your close release. 
His hands rested on your hips as you positioned him at the entrance between your legs. You groaned in harmony as you worked down him slowly, the only sound in the room was your shared heavy breathing and gasps. 
"Fuck me," he sighed as you set a slow pace, rocking on top of him to reach each spot that you know will get you there. 
"Workin' on it," you grin. A quick swivel of your hips hit at just the right angle and you tossed your head back, repeating the movement over and over again until you shuddered with a final snap of tension, your orgasm rolling over you as Harry helped you move, hands tight on your hips, to wring all you could from the release. 
"You look so beautiful right now, like a fuckin' angel," Harry said, voice low and gravely, accent thick with need. 
"How's that line go?" you said as you slowed down, smirking when a harsh rock of your hips caused Harry to moan. "'Turns out she's a devil in between the sheets'?"
"Fuck," he groaned again, eyes closed tightly. "Can't just go reciting my own lyrics to me while I"m buried in ya like this, love."
"And there's nothing you can do about it," you continued, singing the line of his song this time, and his hips buck up into yours harshly.
"You're gonna pay for that," he had said, quoting another of his songs, before he had flipped you over onto your back and set his own brutal pace.
Like he can read your thoughts, Harry beams and wags a finger in your direction and the crowd screams at your chemistry together. You grab your mic from its stand and take a step towards Harry to sing the chorus together.
"If you go out tonight, I'm going out 'cause I know you're persuasive." Harry dances off to the side of the stage, performing once again for the crowd. 
You dance at center stage with your wireless mic, too excited about performing with Harry that you can't stand in one spot. The music and Harry's energy make you want to move. "You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it." 
"We're getting dizzy, oh, we're getting dizzy, oh! La da da da da!" Harry throws his head back, singing along in his own world and you can't look away from him. He really was a rockstar and getting to share the stage with him like this was an experience you'd never forget. 
"You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh!"
There's a great pause in the lyrics where the guitar, keyboard, and drums play together, increasing the tension of the song. You and Harry take off towards opposite ends of the stage, both reveling in the performance for the crowd as you dance and stomp to the beat. Eventually, with a slide down the keys of the keyboard, the instrumental quiets into just the steady beat of the bass line joined by the hi-hats. 
You and Harry urge the crowd to clap along as you both return to the middle of the stage to sing together once again. He always said that this portion of the song was one of his favorites to perform, the repeated line from the bridge ending abruptly with the lights going out before flashing back on, the added theatrics of the performance elevating the climax of the song completely. Having rehearsed that Harry would sing the following chorus alone, you let yourself get lost in his gaze as it settles on you.
You stand facing one another behind the mic stand, once again singing more to one another rather than to the crowd. You step closer towards him as the lyrics progress, nearly chest to chest now with your voices sharing one another's mics. "I had a few, got drunk on you and now I'm—"
Before you can sing the last word of the line and the lights can blink out as rehearsed, Harry leans forwards and captures your mouth in a hungry kiss. The crowd erupts with screams as the lights above the stage go dark.
You can feel rather than hear him say the words "I love you" against your lips and you have just enough time to repeat them back to him before the drums and guitar pick the beat up once again, the lights flashing back on brightly. He moves away and continues to sing the chorus that follows as if nothing had happened. You're a bit stunned, not having prepared for his relationship-revealing public display of affection to happen during your performance of his song but it was perfect and he knows it. Your smile is wide and you can't help but stand rooted where you are and laugh at what has just finally happened.
"If you go out tonight, I'm going out 'cause I know you're persuasive," he sings, smirking at you while you blush across from him. 
You join him in singing the last lines, your right hand joining his left hand where everyone can see your fingers entwine. 
"You got that something, I got me an appetite, now I can taste it. We're getting dizzy, oh, we're getting dizzy, oh!"
You urge the crowd with a waving hand to join in and they do, singing along with you and Harry. "La da da da da! You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh!"
The drums and guitar end the song on five quick beats and the crowd erupts once again in screams. You immediately jump towards Harry, throwing your arms around his neck in a close embrace. His hands wrap around your waist to hold you close, and you can feel him smile where his face is pressed close to your jaw.
"How was that?" he asks, chuckling against you.
"It was perfect, you're perfect. Thank you, H. For everything."
"Can take you on a proper date now, yeah? Wanna show my girl off to the world."
"Yes, please!" You can't wipe the smile from your face as he sets you down and Harry continues to beam at you as the crowd continues screaming, reeling from your shared performance. 
Harry nudges you gently before turning back to them, lifting his and your arms high in the air and leading you in bending for a bow. He steps away from you and turns, opening his arms wide to you for the crowd to praise and you laugh, tearing up at his gesture and the overwhelming emotions of the performance while you take another bow just for yourself. 
He pulls you into another hug and you can't help but angle your face up towards him, wordlessly asking for another very quick, very public kiss.
He glances down at you, smiling. "You're gonna love this now, aren't you?"
"Course I am. love showing them you're mine."
He leans down to peck your forehead, your nose, and finally, your lips, as the crowd goes wild. "Love showing them you're mine. You've got a show to finish, love. Go kill it."
Ahh! So much fun! This has been such a joy to write and I appreciate you taking the time to give it a chance! It’s my first (of hopefully many) Harry fics - reading all of the stories here has been immensely inspiring, and I’m so looking forward to writing more!
Tagging my love @morganlatte​ who is a wonderful hype woman and beta reader. Thanks buddy!
Anyways! Thank you for reading! My love language is words of affirmation (aka I have a praise kink) so leave me a comment here if you feel so inclined!
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spideeysense · 3 years
The cat sitter falls in love with it's owner. A Bucky Barnes/Reader fic! Chapter 1.
A/N: Hey y'all!! I'm back with a brand NEW fic for y'all! This will be a multipart series. Obviously, for fic reason, it will not follow the TFATWS plot to a T. There will most likely be plot points taken from it however. With that being said, each chapter will have a varying degree of spoilers (I'm so sorry!!), but I hope you all enjoy it! (P.S This fic will be a SLOOW BURN!) Please let me know if you'd like me to start a taglist for this series! Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Don't be afraid to request! Edit: this is will not be released following every TFATWS episode.
This first chapter centers around James (Bucky), the start of his friendship.
Word Count: 1520
Warnings: None!
“Hand me your phone James.” The therapist says, rather sternly. Bucky pauses as if to speak. But decides against it, and defeatedly hands her his phone.
He watches her scroll through his minimal contact and text messages and sighs when her eyebrows shoot upwards.
“Well, this is new. Who’s Y/N?”
Bucky fumbles for a bit before speaking, ”She’s my neighbor, moved in right after the Blip.” He murmurs. The therapist scrolls through the messages between Bucky and you.
“You-“ The therapist pauses “watch her cat?”
Bucky nods. “Yeah, when she’s out of town, she visits her sister, cause she’s pregnant with her second kid.” The therapist purses her lips together and smiles. “Well this is progress, James. This is good”. James shakes his head. “I barely know her, I just watch her cat!” The therapist narrows her eyes as she scans the text. A few pictures of a fluffy gray cat appear the cat by the door, by the window, sleeping on a couch. All of these Bucky had sent.
[Bucky]: Sardine misses you. He keeps asking me when you’re coming home.
[Y/N]: Aw. Since when can you talk to my cat?
[Bucky]: We can speak through our eyes, he’s a kindred spirit you know.
[Y/N]: Good, Sardine needs some friends other than me.
[Bucky]: I think I’m his new favorite person.
[Y/N]: Shut up
He catches his phone with ease when the therapist tosses it back. “From what you just told me, and from what I just saw, you know her pretty well.” Bucky avoids her knowing stare and instead fixates on his leather gloves.
“Is she pretty?” He groans, and sinks into the couch.
“I-,yeah I guess she’s really pretty.” He mumbles, flexing his hands. “I’m not gonna say she’s ugly.” The therapist smiles at him and puts her small notebook to the side.
“You should a-” She starts.
“Can we go back to talking about making amends?” Bucky interrupts, knowing where this conversation was headed.
The therapist sighs and leans back into her chair. Defeated.
Later, while Bucky is walking home, his phone chimes. He fumbles with it in his pocket, before pulling it out.
[Y/N]: How did your thing go?
Bucky feels himself smiling as he types out a short message.
[Bucky]: Good.
At his apartment, he takes off his jacket and cleans up the few things he has. The TV is still on from when he left this morning, but he doesn’t mind. The sound is welcome in the neverending silence. He grabs a plastic water bottle from the fridge, and then leaves his apartment. He arrives in front of your door and fishes your key from out of his pocket. It takes a few tries to get the door open, and for a second he’s worried someone is going to think he is breaking in, but he sighs of relief when it swings open.
MroOOAAAAOOOOW. Bucky cringes at the long, angry, meowl of Sardine.
“Look buddy, I’m sorry I’m late.” He closes the door behind him and crouches down to pet Sardine. The cat walked in between his legs and rubs his head against Bucky’s outstretched hand. Mroooow. Sardine says, hungrily. “Ok, ok, I’ll feed you right away.” Bucky turns on the light in your apartment, and once again is taken aback. Your apartment is lively compared to his. There are plants by the window, on the coffee table, and on the counter. There are a few boxes still lying around from when you had moved in. The couch is a bit old but has a few knitted blankets strewn across it. Not much has changed since the first time he took care of Sardine.
It was already dark outside, and Bucky internally punched himself from arriving so late. He flicks on a light switch, and the kitchen lightens up. It’s quaint, and he can tell not everything is unpacked and put into place yet. He feels movement against his legs and looks down to find, a fluffy grey cat, circling around his legs calmly.
“Hey Buddy.” He whispers.
Soon, he’s rereading your texts to make sure he’s doing everything right. He feeds Sardine, gives him water, and rubs his head a little bit. Tentatively, he sits on the couch, careful not to disturb anything. Sardine hops onto his lap, and settles, purring softly. Smiling to himself, Bucky opts to use his flesh hand and strokes Sardine’s back. He stares around your apartment some more, but careful not to look too much, he didn’t want to pry. Bucky studies the few photos you have strung up, but in the mess of things, he spots a partially wrapped wedding photo. He assumes it’s yours, but secretly hopes it’s your sisters. He goes back to staring at the empty, black void of the television. Not really sure what to do next. He just sits and waits. He didn’t really want to cross some imaginary boundary and touch your stuff.
And as if she can sense his uncomfortableness from miles and miles away, his phone alerts him of a text message.
[Y/N]: Feel free to watch TV, I have Netflix set up. No cable. Sorry :(
Bucky smiles again.
[Bucky]: Ok, thanks.
He fumbles with the sleek remote control but figures it out eventually. He ends up putting on some random show he had found earlier. Bucky doesn’t really pay attention and instead relaxes a bit more into the couch. Sardine gingerly hops onto his lap and settles.
Bucky wanders around your apartment, before settling himself on the couch, like he always does. And as if on cue, Sardine hops into his lap. The two settle comfortably. Bucky turns on the TV, and shoes some random show. It’s alright. Sardine purrs softly on his lap.
You had told him that he didn’t need to spend hours with Sardine, but he had chose to (with your permission of course). He liked his mostly quiet companion. Sardine never judged, and sometimes he would find himself mumbling stories of his past to the cat, and Sardine never hissed, or scratched, or ran away. It’s almost as if Sardine could understand the guilt Bucky felt, the sadness, and sometimes the utter emptiness.
Hours later, a soft knock at your door pulled Bucky down from the dark expanse of his head and back down to earth.
He peered through the peep hole, and opened the door.
“Hey Y/N” The way your name fell off his tongue made your heart palpitate.
“Hi,” You breathed, and for a moment you and Bucky stayed in each others trance The color of his eyes always seemed to steal your breath away. “Thank you for taking care of Sardine, you didn’t have to stay up.” You finally spoke.
“No it’s fine, I wanted to.” Bucky said softly with a smile, “I mean- I wanted to make sure you got home safe. You know, long drive and all.” Bucky turned around and quickly grabbed his coat and pulled it on.
“You need any help with your luggage?” He asked kindly, and you politely declined. “No it’s alright, thank you though.” Bucky responded with a curt nod and a soft smile. “Here I got these for you!” You push a box into his hands enthusiastically. Bucky looks down, and finds a box labeled ‘Vermont Maple Syrup Cookies’. You look up at him expanctantly.
Bucky’s a bit shocked by the sudden gift, not many people have gifted him things. “Thank you.” He murmurs softly, his thumb tracing the lettering on the box.
“Now, if you excuse me, I probably need to see my son.” You chuckle and push past him. “Sardineeee! My baby!” You dote, rubbing your cat’s head with your cheek, and cradling him in your arms. Bucky smiles and gently shuts your apartment door.
Once inside his own apartment, Bucky can feel his heart beating out of his chest. He never feels this way. This isn’t normal for him. It has his head reeling, and for a moment he needs to lean against the counter and gather his thoughts. And his heart.
He stares down at the box of cookies in his hand, and puts the box on the counter. Gently opening the top, he pulls out the plastic cookie tray. The cookies are beige, and shaped like maple leaves, and the scent of maple syrup is heavy and sweet. He gingerly takes a bite, and chews slowly. Unlike the scent, the taste of maple syrup isn’t overpowering, it’s soft. The icing sandwiched between two cookies coats his tongue.
“Damn, these are good.” He says to nobody.
Deep down inside his stomach, a feeling is scartching at his insides. Is it jealousy? No. It’s a wanting. It’s a wanting for the warmth your apartment offers, the quiet and amicable peace. He sadly looks around his dim, grey apartment. It is definetly lacking.
But like he’s done most of his life. Bucky packs those feelings inside a brain box, and locks it. Tossing it into the void of his brain. Never to be opened again. At least, that’s what he tells himself.
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staytheb · 3 years
Black Daytime
Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 3,304 Summary: It’s now the Black Day Festival and Jasmine, Katherine, Melanie, and Serena find themselves performing for the Love Stage event here as well.
Day Festival masterlist.
Warning: semi-proofread
oh hello. just a little something, something. this will have a part two. hence this one being called Black Daytime while the other will be called Black Nighttime whenever it gets shared. i know there isn’t much development in terms of story plot and the love lines, but this is more for me to enjoy writing what i’ve been working on and not being able to coherently shared it further as a chaptered story. so hopefully y’all can just bear with this and see it as its own standalone story of sorts. but yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Whenever was there a performance stage part of the Black Day Festival?" Serena asked once she and the other three were inside the Student Council room to change into their performing outfits.
"I honestly don't remember having one last year or the year  before that."
"They actually added it this year." Katherine answered while putting on her black glittering wings. "Said it didn't feel right that the others had one, but none for Black Day."
Serena sighed.
"And how did I let y'all get me involved with this stuff again?"
"Free food." The other three chorused with a giggle following afterwards.
Serena scoffed although she knew it was the truth, but still complained.
"Why is everything so early though."
Melanie rolled her eyes.
"Everything is too early for you."
Serena nodded already agreeing with her sister's words.
"I'm pretty sure it was on the fence for a while though."
Jasmine mentioned as she put on her long black wig and adjusted it to her liking.
"Like they've been getting a lot of feedback about wanting a performance stage since both the Red Day Festival and White Day Festival got it over the years. Before it wasn't such an issue since the Black Day Festival is a whole day event whereas the other two were just until three or something. Anwyays, the Student Council decided to finally have one this year for the Black Day Festival."
"That makes sense." Melanie said with a nod while applying black lipstick to her lips. "I remember Gina talking about it this school year, but not really sure if she wanted to do it or not since they still had to get the approval from the administration."
"Well, yeah, whatever. Still here we are like always."
Serena sighed as she situated the black eye mask with green accents to her satisfaction.
"It's not a bad thing, but aren't there like other better singers and performers that could do this?"
"There are some better people to do this." Gina answered with a gleeful tone as she entered the room.
"So why not ask them?"
Serena scowled.
"I get a deal with Jasmine and Katherine who actually like doing this and get two more that'll always tag along to help."
"Haha, guilty." The twins answered. "We do."
Melanie laughed before looking at Gina.
"So what's our name this time around and what songs are we doing?"
The Black Day Festival had two parts which were for the day, Black Daytime and the night, Black Nighttime. Daytime events differed just a little bit from Nighttime. There was a jjajangmyeon eating contest that settled in the semi-final round at night. If not eating then you could make your own jjajangmyeon. The Student Council also had a booth selling solo merchandises at discounted prices created by the students and those in the artistic club, but then it was discounted even more later that night. There was also a salon-like area where you can get your nails and make-up done, once again by students studying cosmetology.
Another area where you can design shirts and a photo-booth where you can take pictures with various props. This year the Student Council announced two new segments to the festival which were much anticipated. They were the Solo Karaoke which was right after the Black Love Stage event the quartet had been roped in to doing as well like the other events before. The only difference was that at night they held a speed-dating event, a solo dining, and a designated lounge to chill or rant compare to the morning which didn't offer the three at all.
"Hello everyone!" Demian, a student council member that was in charge of the Black Day Festival event, announced excitedly.
Those in the quad that was present for the stage section cheered loudly as the others were about the campus participating in the other events.
"This year we're introducing the Solo Karaoke for the first time as well as the awesome Black Love Stage!" Demian announced with excitement.
"Before we allow the rest of you to sing to your heart's desire, we actually have our special guest coming out to perform for you guys."
Demian motioned to the other end of the makeshift stage where Serena, Melanie, Katherine, and Jasmine appeared in their get-up to stand alongside the male.
"This time around please give a warm welcome to Fallen Angels who will perform for us to acknowledged this new segment to the Black Day Festival." Demian said as he began clapping to lead the others to do the same before talking.
"Once these wonderful ladies are done then do we began the actual karaoke. So, please anticipate Fallen Angels' performance!"
Demian walked off while wishing the four good luck as Jasmine started the ment like always.
"Hello everyone. One, two..." She started while looking at the other three.
"We're Fallen Angels!"
They finished as a group with a bow before righting themselves as they introduced themselves with new stage names starting with Melanie, then Katherine, next by Serena, and ending with Jasmine.
"I'm Lady Gluttony."
"I'm Lady Sloth."
"I'm Lady Wrath."
"And I'm Lady Vanity."
There were some cheered before Jasmine continuing to speak.
"It's an absolute honored to be up here to acknowledged this new segment of the Black Love Stage to the Black Day Festival. So we hope you enjoy our performances and please watch over us kindly."
The crowd cheered and Jasmine waited until they quieted down before introducing the first song.
"So first off, the first song we'll be singing for you is It Hurts. This is dedicated to those that are still suffering from being hurt recently or in the past."
The group stood in their place as they waited for the song to start as Kyle cued them in with Katherine's voice starting off the song. Once that song came to an end did Serena introduce the next song after they took a few moments to catch their breaths and drink some water.
"This next song is One By One." Serena introduced. "And it's dedicated to those that wished for a love one to comeback to them or return to a time when love felt right."
The quatet rotated positions whenever another person sang their new line as Serena started singing first. One By One ended and Melanie spoke next after taking a break.
"The next song, What Do You Know, is dedicated to those that had broken up with their significant other without understanding why they ended up like that."
Jasmine started the song with the talking part before Melanie actually sang the first verse. They once again kept the lyrics the way they were as the song was sung by both female and male. When the song came to an end the quartet took another moment to catch their breaths and drink some water. After doing that did Katherine speak next.
"Alright, now we're actually gonna dance and sing for y'all." Katherine announced with a laugh. "This goes out to those that were placed second and wished to continued be by their special someone's side and can't leave. This is Black Tinkerbell."
The girls got into their poses before Serena sang first then started moving afterwards. Once the song ended, the quartet took a breather, drank some water, and Serena introduced the fourth song. For some reason they were using more energy than the last two festivals.
"The next song is for those that backed off from a relationship that wasn't going anywhere despite loving the person sincerely."
Melanie spoke.
"I hope you enjoy our performance of I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better."
When the song began it was Melanie who started the song and even though the twins loved doing this, the other pair of sisters didn't mind and were enjoying it just as much. The quartet momentarily forgot their worries and other things in life as they performed for others in their disguise. Anyways, when the song came to an end the four took another break before Katherine did the next talking ment.
"Hope all of you are enjoying everything so far for Black Daytime. The next song is I (Knew It). This goes out to those that don't want to deal with love again so that there's no pain. Enjoy!"
Fallen Angels got into formation and perform a new arrangement to fit their group of four compare to the original. The song came to an end and the girls once again took a moment for drinks and a breather. Jasmine spoke to announce their final stage.
"I hope you all have enjoyed our stages so far and the event itself if you got around to it. Unfortunately this will be our last performance before Solo Karaoke officially begins."
The crowd booed at the fact as Fallen Angels chuckled. Jasmine continued speaking.
"Anyways, thank you Haru for always making us look presentable, Kyle for timing us right, Demian for hosting Black Daytime by himself, and everyone else that made the first part of Black Day Festival a success."
The quartet clapped in appreciation as the crowd cheered. Jasmine spoke again when it calmed down.
"So yeah, this last song is us going back to a slow mood and this song is dedicated to those that wished it never ended or that it could've been different. So please enjoy, Goodnight Like Yesterday!"
The quartet once again got into formation as they enjoyed their last performance although they had to change the pitch to accommodate their vocal range compare to the original. When it ended the girls lined up to bow and bid the crowd goodbye as their final moment as Fallen Angels.
"One, two..." Jasmine began as they finished as a group, "This was Fallen Angels. Thank you!"
Demian came back on stage while clapping and speaking at the same time.
"Thank you so much, Fallen Angels! Please give these lovely ladies a warm round of applause!"
The crowd did just that as Demian took center stage while motioning towards the quartet.
"Thank you once again, Fallen Angels, for your wonderful performances! Please enjoy the rest of the festival."
Demian motioned to the side to indicate for them that they were free to go. The girls bowed to him in thanks before rushing off the makeshift stage as Demian began explaining how the Solo Karaoke was going to work for the remainder of the event. The pair of sisters returned to the student council room to change out of their outfits and back to their usual wear.
"So, what are we doing for Daytime?" Katherine asked the others as they wandered around the campus of Seoul University not really sure which of the events to participate in.
"Wait, don't we have to decorate the gymnasium later at four for the Nighttime part?" Serena inquired a moment later.
"Mmhmm." The trio hummed as Serena sighed deeply.
"Let's grab some jjajangmyeon. I'm hungry." Melanie suggested. "I heard that Lulu and Cheska are running the booth so they can hook us up."
"I'm down. We can even make shirts, too." Jasmine agreed. "Yeji promised me a shirt this year."
"She promised me one, too." Katherine mentioned with a slight chuckle. "She said she'll get a baggy purple shirt ready for me this year."
"Well, at least she knows you like your shirts baggy." Jasmine mused as Katherine chuckled in agreement.
"I wondered what kinda of items they're selling this year though." Melanie said. "I hope they have more designs this year."
"Not sure, but Gina said that the designs are a lot better this year as Dia and Yumi over saw the designs compare to last year's designers who came up with them last minute." Katherine answered.
"I would hope so. Last year's design was very basic and didn't sell that well that they had to marked them down." Serena said with a frown. "I remember one of them were trying to sell it for a lot more than it should've been."
"Okay. So what are we doing first or are we splitting up instead?" Jasmine asked once they quieted down from their chatter.
"This is too salty for me." Serena admitted and handed her small portioned cup to her sister.
The pair were walking around the campus after having split up from the twins. Melanie eyed her sister while taking Serena's cup.
"Then why did you lie to the girls?"
"I didn't want to hurt their feelings."
Melanie rolled her eyes, but continued to eat the dark noodles.
"Anyways, I need something to dri-"
Serena was interrupted when she and Melanie heard their name being shouted from behind them.
"Yo! Serena! Melanie! Over here."
"Oh, it's Mark. Let's go."
Melanie urged Serena to head towards their friend.
"Watermelon slush?"
Mark offered the pair each a cool and refreshing drink of said item.
"Of course you would have the watermelon flavor." Serena commented with a laugh as Mark chuckled.
"Yeah, well, Sungchan, YangYang, Shotaro, and I made it. So it's not just me."
Each one took the offered drinks.
"Wow, that's good." Serena complimented.
"And thankfully helpful."
"Thank you!"
Mark beamed happily.
"Thank you!"
He handed each of them a small package of a cake pie.
"What's this? Serena inquired while staring at it.
"Just some extra snacks. I can take it back if you don't want it."
"No. It's mine now. Thanks."
"Anyways, I didn't know you guys were allowed to have a booth. I thought it was only just Student Council members." Melanie commented after drinking.
"Me either. Hansol and Taeyong just told us that we would be setting up a booth since yesterday."
"So it's just you four running it?" Serena asked with Mark shaking his head.
"No. Besides the four of us there's also Jaehyun, Hendery, Taeil, and Haechan."
Just then Jaehyun came by with two more drinks.
"Hello, ladies." He greeted them with a charming smile as he stood next to Mark.
Serena swore she saw Melanie swoon inside, but didn't comment.
"Y'all wanna try a peach and mango slush?" Jaehyun offered a moment later. "Had some extra left over."
"Sure!" Melanie happily responded as she took one of the darkish orange drink.
Serena took the other. Both sisters were impressed by the taste.
"Wow, that's actually pretty good."
Melanie shot the two males an impressive look.
"This booth will definitely be a hit."
"Oh, we've made more than what we initially thought."
"Nice." Serena commented also impressed. "What are you guys raising the money for?"
"Besides giving half to the Student Council's funding, NCT's gonna use it for our end of the school year's event."
"And what is that?" Melanie inquired.
"Secret for now."
Mark grinned before directing the conversation.
"Anyways, will you guys be participating in Nighttime, too?"
Both replied at the same time.
"But we'll be helping in decorating for it though."
Melanie informed more.
"All that's too bad." 
Mark shot them a slight frown.
"We're gonna be a part of it."
"Why?" Serena questioned. "What for?"
Before Mark could answer the sisters were ushered away by the twins who both happened to at the same booth, but on the other side to head on over to the gymnasium to decorate early. Something about last minute changes that Gina had contacted the twins about since the other pair didn't answered their phones.
"Ah, well, gotta go. See ya when I see ya." Serena and Melanie bid the two goodbyes before walking off with the twins.
"Thank you girls for always helping us out." Christine, the Vice President of the Student Council, thanked the quartet.
"Especially for earlier today and now for the night event of it."
"You're welcome." The quartet chimed with smiles.
"I mean, it's nothing new." Jasmine commented with a laugh. "We're used to it."
"True. Well, everyone in Student Council knows, too, so thank you." Christine thanked them once more before giving them a playful look.
"Luckily it was just for this morning." Serena said with a relieved tone.
"Or so you think." Christine muttered with a secretive smile.
"What was that?"
"I wished I could've seen it."
Christine covered it up with something else with a sweet look.
"I'm sure Gina has a video of it like always." Katherine stated with Jasmine agreeing. "She always does and so you should be able to watch it."
"Oh, I will."
Someone called out for the Vice President and the quintet turned their attention to see a male coming up to them.
"Oh, Seoljun. Hey. What's up?"
"Simon and Mint need help with the jjajangmyeon for the semi-finalists since it was labeled incorrectly when they moved it over. We don't know where Chunglim is. Selin and Daniel forgot what the final prices for the rest of the discounted merchandises were supposed to be."
"Alright. Thank you. Just make sure to hand these four their envelopes."
Christine handed Seoljun four black envelopes.
"Will do."
"Wait, what envelopes?" Serena asked suspiciously.
Christine chuckled with a indifferent shrug before walking off and waving goodbye. The quartet turned their attention onto Seoljun who cast them a reassuring smile.
"If anything is incorrect, then please let me know and I can let Liyin or Sorin fix it before the Nighttime event takes place."
He handed each one a small black envelope.
"What's this for?" Melanie asked while taking the envelope.
"Please don't tell me that Gina signed us up for something tonight, too? Please let it not be for real." Serena pleaded hopefully as she opened to see the contents.
"I'm just the messenger." Seoljun answered with a sheepish laugh. "So, does it all look right?"
The four read the content and realized they were participants in the speed dating event later tonight. Seoljun saw their expressions and held up his hands in defense.
"I'm just the messenger and I'm only in charge of the arts and crafts with Seolhwa."
"Do you know anything about the speed-dating event then?" Jasmine asked as Seoljun nodded.
"Okay, so who's in charge of it?" Katherine asked next.
"Sorin and Liyin."
"What can you tell us about it?" Melanie inquired as Seoljun relaxed.
"Well, the girls are the ones who's seated this year and the boys are the ones rotating."
"But I thought only those that didn't get any gifts from the Red and White festivals were able to participate." Serena reasoned. "Right? And those that actually wanted to sign up and join, yeah?"
"Yes, that's right, but those who are also single still can pariticpate for this." Seoljun explained. "So it fits the criteria or requirement."
"Of course it fits." Serena muttered loudly, but reluctantly accepting it. "Mine's all good."
"Mine, too." The other three informed with bigger smiles than Serena's.
"Do you need it back?" Jasmine asked as she was about to hand hers over.
"No. You guys keep it. It's supposed to be your name placard when the event starts or something like that. Sorin and Liyin will let you guys know for sure when it begins."
Seoljun informed them with a smile while looking at the other three.
"Other than that, is everything else good?"
"For now." Serena commented as the others chuckled.
"Yeah, we're good. We just need to finish setting up here first before heading on over to Liyin and Sorin for further inquires." Melanie answered.
"Okay, cool. I'll let those two know and thanks for helping us out."
"No problem."
"Oh wait." Seoljun said as he remembered something while turning to face the quartet. "One more thing."
The four looked at him unexpectedly as he handed them a piece of white paper before reminding them that he was just the messenger and quickly walked away. Serena groaned upon learning that they were also going to perform for the Nighttime's new segment, Dark Love Stage.
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15, Episode 3
It's ep three, and was third try the charm? Well, we're still in that little town, which is infuriating. But don't lose hope, chickadees. There was some character arc action and some plot advancing, and just drama in general, and it moved at a decently quick clip, all of which is refreshing after last week's ass-disaster of an episode. 
If I were grading this ep, all things considered (including some damn fine acting moments that elevated the material), it's an A-. (Five points were docked immediately because we were still in the little town.) But seriously, this week's writer(s) had a LOT to make up for given the aforementioned last week as well as a largely lackluster premiere, so you know what? Props to them. 
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We got a loose end from season past tied up, got rid of some dead weight, and then there was a thing that happened that I’m not entirely sure was necessary at this interval, but I get why it happened. Of course, we had our requisite random hamfisted “solution(s)” and still-unexplained bits that should’ve been clarified ages ago, can’t not have those, it seems. Regardless, this episode was actually fairly interesting to watch. I’m still wary about the state of the season after the first two, but this one had some spark.
Spoilers below the cut, you know the drill.  
This one's in order, I was jotting stuff down as I watched. Past ep breakdowns linked at the bottom. If you’re new, hello, welcome, etc., I don’t do meta shit or reading into the symbolism of the color of a blurry wallpaper just over someone’s shoulder, I look at writing and cohesiveness and structure and flow and all that jazz. I basically just call things as I see ‘em. 
More spooky-scary still seems to be pouring from the hellpit, but at least this crypt is pretty, and Harry Potter tent-esque because the square feet inside is seemingly bigger than the outside.  
Rowena appears to be outfitted in one of my grandmother's housedresses, or a coffin lining, or a 1980s prom dress, whichever you prefer, and none of them have been pressed. I'm trying to say I don't like it. They also continue to do Ruthie's makeup in such a manner that she perpetually looks approximately fifteen years older than she actually is, so in a way I'm thankful this is likely her last episode. On the other hand, I trust these writers and the people who assemble/green light the promos about as far as I can throw them, so we shall see. In any event, Ruthie is quite the good actor and I hope she gets a million gigs after all this is done.  
This Sam-Dean moment with Creased Brow Sam and Gruff Voice Dean is falling so flat, not because of them, but because we're hearing The Same Damn Thing We've Already Heard. Move the plot along, please----- Oh wait here comes Belphagor once again with a solution, this time a nice little plot rescue MacGuffin! Lilith's Crook. Just gotta blow it like a horn. 
Motherbitch, this is stupid.
I got a thought: make it Gabriel's horn, so it calls in all the angels who should've come back with the reverse-y switch-a-roo, and they deal with sealing the hole, but bonus! At end of ep last scene is that it's also called Gabriel back, too. I'd announce to the universe that this show needs to hire me, but, welp.
Oh look, Ketch is in a hospital gown. Oh look, I bet Ketch is about to die in that hospital gown, instead of a badass suit like it should be. It looked like DHJ accidentally spoiled via a tweet that I happened to see----- 
I dodge the promo images and articles and such so I can give a view of someone who doesn't know what is coming in these things. 
-----because he talked about coming back just to leave again, that it was a pleasure, whatever, and y'all will have to fill me in on that because I kinda can't believe he whiffed that hard. I'm not looking it up, is my point. Did he whiff? Actually, don't answer that, I don't care. I mean, don’t go to trouble looking into it on my account.  
Hmmm. Was Ketch’s death entirely necessary? At least, right now? I dunno. Maybe. I’m 50/50 whether this, or have him be double-crossy then get killed later. In any event, well-acted by DHJ. He's quite fantastic. He is wasted in all the Hallmark dreck he's been in, I really hope he gets some good work after this. That's that. Moving on. 
We're 1/4 in, and I'll give it this: we've gotten some action, some drama, but they've GOT to make up for the lack of plot progression in episode 2. Belphagor is shady as shit, which we knew, and this just got reinforced by that demon who has such a hard-on for Belphagor getting axed. 
I do not mind rando badass lady hunter having lines and playing a tangentially-important role in the ep, but this means if we ever see her again, she'll likely get killed, so I'm not getting attached. 
So hell is an angry vagina. SFX, are y'all okay? Is that prick whose tweets occasionally come across my feed still working there? Y'all need some hugs? I know y'all need some better budget, that all the DC shows got it, but oh well, that ship's sailed.  
Well done set dec, I dig the ghoulish statues in that hallway. And hey costume design, I like the ring that dude was wearing, I would wear that in real life. It would also look great as a wrist cuff. I digress. 
We know this demon is not going to succeed in killing Belphagor, so once more we have a pointless halftime cliffhanger. Also, have I mentioned I'm done with Cas being a weak puss? I'm telling you, if stuff got rewound, he should be incrementally getting his mojo back, that tracks logically. See Ep. 1 notes for what I thought should've happened for a legit "Whoa" moment. 
"Do you have any idea what he is?" --- he's a poop demon. Again, see the first episode of @youtotallymadethatup​    /shameless plug
Is this show gonna end with a Jack vs. Jack battle royale? Because fuck that noise. But! Writing-wise, it's okay that ol’ Belph may become the big bad. Nash, why would you say that, you ask. Easy.
A. Ny. Thing. to get us the fuck out of this little town. I am so goddamned bored.
Cas, this is a mistake. You should leave. What are you doing. Leave. Don't fall for that. Leave. Go now. Whoosh. Okay, or glow worm and barbeque the body. That was a nice little catch of emotion by Misha at the end. Except are the demons now gonna jump into his body? Better not, we've seen that season. 
Commercials! Cannot believe I've not been inundated with the adverts for the convention here in the spring, that's usually the jam. Imma go get some frozen yogurt. Highly rec strawberry with a little warmed-up Nutella. Try it, then tell me I'm crazy. I'm not. It's heavenly. 
Aaaaand, we're back!
Don't look so distressed Cas, y’all were gonna burn it anyway. But this takes Jack v. Jack off the table. Hopefully this means we'll be headed back to the Empty to get some progress on that hanging thread from last season sooner rather than later. Still, I'm glad we are down a character for awhile, this character in particular was starting to work my nerves and honestly, is just dead weight. I want it back to Sam and Dean for the most part this final season with sprinklings of Cas. Everyone else is secondary.
[claps] Very excellent Ruthie and Jared. One critique: Wish there could've been some sort of line from Rowena, re: "And perhaps I'll get to see my boy again", something of that ilk.
But I want to say this, and say it emphatically:
The nonsensical spells pulled from asses must stop
The soul-catcher thing is an example of a great move because it drew upon the past, then built upon for the present. This heart and angel blood and salt shit, and then this “Oh by the way it needs my dying breath” stuff is just obvious “um um um well how about bleh” writing stumbles, and it shows. The only reason that lameness worked? Ruthie and Jared’s performances. Period. Because y’all gave them absolute garbage to work with, and they made it shine.
Hey! There's the two convention promos with one short local ad in between, followed by the same local ad again! I was beginning to think they'd forgotten! 
Oof, Dean. I mean, I figured this convo would have to happen one day, it's been building, because even though his intentions are good, Cas has been involved in his fair share of shit taking left turns. Hopefully Cas is going to go seek out other angels. Also, re: Cas saying he's getting weaker - because, why? WHY. This has never been addressed in a definitive, satisfactory manner. 
Right, so, like we do each time, let's check in to see if we've had any character development and/or plot progression: 
Do Ketch and Rowena and Belphagor count, since they've progressed to being dead? Dunno, that's more of a finality to their overall arcs. Dean's being an asshole and Sam's being weepy and Cas is being an Eeyore, that's about par. Meh. Okay. So did the plot get advanced? 
YES THANK YOU FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER SWEET LORD YES. But, eh... a little weaksauce. Yes, that chapter of the initial onslaught is closed, yet we know it's not over. So I feel like the ep should've ended with, after the bunker door slams, a cut to a little scene that serves as a clue about what lies ahead. I mean, ahead-ahead, season-wise. Like, twenty second blip, not even, then hard cut to black screen, then on to promo which appears to be MotW. 
So that's it, really. More adept writers could've made the material of #1 and #2 into the premiere (minus several things, most specifically minus Kevin, should've saved Osric for something else down the line), then this should've been episode #2 instead of #3. Can't unring that bell, though. Let's hope we hit some speed before Buckleming comes along to run us into a ditch, then (fingers crossed) we have a few eps after that to rebound for the finale.
See you next week.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 2
Episode 1
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mage-cat · 7 years
Unbubbled, Chapter 5
Holy cow, it’s finally done, the plot-necessary chapter that’s going to lead to the fun character stuff that really likes to play out in my brain. I did fit in a funny scene that’s I’ve loved to giggle over since before I knew it was going to be Bismuth that would be in it, so I did have some fun with this. I hope you all enjoy it. The wait for the next chapter should be much shorter.
Story under the cut. Link to the AO3 version can be found through here.
Peridot's practice range was around the back of the Barn. There were a handful of roughly-made bulls eye targets and a larger number of poles of varying heights and distances that she began to place empty cans on top of. At the same time, Bismuth began to lay out the contents of her bag.
“These are supposed to have some spin when flying,” she explained as she placed the shuriken and chakrams on the ground. “It wouldn't matter much if you want to control their flight all the way to the target, but if you want to launch and left them go, they'll still cut through the air better if you put that spin on them. The other options I have here are a bit less picky about how you handle them.”
Peridot snickered as she extended her powers to take control of the weapons Bismuth had brought her.
Bismuth grinned, “I swear you little ones are always the most vicious.”
“And here Lapis always says that it's because I've spent too much time around Quartzes. My longest assignment was in a Quartz Kindergarten. Maybe something did rub off, but I think you have something there. The Shorty Squad has more to prove.”
After a few minutes of watching Peridot make her first experimental throws, Pearl turned to Amethyst. “Why do you care so much about this whole Jasper situation?”
“Something she said while I was losing that fight to her: 'You could have been me.' It's true. The only difference between me and Jasper is luck. And then she called me a joke.” Pearl looked to be about to say something but Amethyst cut her off. “Oh, don't act like me being a joke wasn't at least a little on purpose. Do you remember what y'all were like when y'all found me? Y'all needed a laugh bad, and that turned out to be the first thing I was actually good at. I was always going to be the smallest and least experienced person on this team, so I settled into being a joke. It wasn't until Steven came along that I realized things didn't have to stay that way.”
“And it was awful seeing her corrupt like that,” Steven added. “Even if she is scary, she was hurting.”
Peridot was paying enough attention to the conversation to join in. “It's easy for me to forget how intimidating Jasper can be to someone on the opposing side.”
“How can you forget that?” asked Amethyst.
Peridot shrugged as she launched a shuriken. “Jasper's only scary when she's your enemy, and she's never been mine. She was a guard at my last Kindergarten for centuries. Within the bounds of Homeworld's dislike of sentiment, she could be considered the closest thing to a friend that I had.”
“You said just being around her made you tired,” Steven said, confused.
“Being around allies does not make her any less fond of high drama. Being on a ship just the two of us plus Lapis, who was saying as little as possible, was exhausting. The difference between her and a lot of other guards was that I could tell her she was being exhausting. Not every Quartz is perfectly safe for non-combatants to be around. Especially not fully-trained ones. It's amazing what they can get away with within regulations, even more if they can keep a straight face while they say you provoked them and the Agate doesn't like you very much in the first place.” A chakram glanced off of a soup can.
Steven was about to ask a question when Amethyst put a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. Now wasn't the time to ask Peridot to elaborate.
Peridot turned to Bismuth, floating a few throwing knives in front of her. “I think I like the feel of these best.”
“Good choice. The knives can be used for close quarters in a pinch better than the other options.”
“They also seem to do the most damage at a distance,” Peridot said as she examined fallen cans' new dents and holes. “Though these ball bearing things come close.”
“That's slingshot.”
Pearl snapped her fingers. “That's what it is! I've been trying to place them all day. It's been so long since I've seen slings on a battlefield that I couldn't think back any farther than muskets. Remind me to give you a primer on gunpowder later, Bismuth. We've never had much use for the stuff, but it never hurts to keep track of human arms development.”
“Keep the shot. There's not much I could change about how I make that, but I'm going to want to try a few different knife ideas. Do you still have that aluminum scrap? It could be useful.”
“I have a small mountain of it. Does aluminum hold an edge all that well? It's not something I've needed to know before.”
“That's something I need to test, but the lower density would let them fly farther and faster. The speed is where most of the punch will be coming from. I'm going to leave some of the shuriken and chakrams here too, just in case you want to give them another try.”
After they filled the empty space in her bag with crushed aluminum cans, Bismuth asked Garnet, “Are we still good on time?”
“Leaving soon would be best.”
As Amethyst pulled Peridot aside for a more private goodbye, Pearl took Bismuth's arm. “I assume that you'll want to head back to the Forge as soon as possible.”
“Not if this is you asking me to stick around for a while. On the other hand, Doll, you're more than welcome to come with me. You always have interesting input.”
“I actually want to start drawing up a list of warp pads that we might be able to move. Now that you're back to stay, the length of that hike to the Forge is going to get bothersome quickly. Still, perhaps we can walk to the Temple and you can use the warp there instead of the closer one?”
Steven chimed in, “It's a beautiful day for a walk. Amethyst and I can hang back so it feels more like alone time.”
Amethyst returned. “I can't promise we won't make fun of you two, but we'll keep it quiet enough that y'all won't hear it.”
“That all sounds like a good plan to me,” Bismuth said.
Steven turned to Garnet and Peridot. “I'll be back. I've got Buddy Budwick's journal at the Temple, and I think Lapis might want to see it. He recorded some stuff about the pyramid. There's a drawing of a mural with Celestine in it in there.”
“That could be very helpful. Thank you, Steven,” Garnet said.
The walk to the Temple was nicely uneventful until they reached the boardwalk where they heard a voice call out, “Ms. Pearl! There's something I need to discuss with you!”
Pearl and Bismuth stopped as they turned toward the voice, Steven and Amethyst soon catching up to them. “Oh, Mayor Dewey. Bismuth, this is Mayor William Dewey,” she said as the man in question walked up to them. “He's the democratically elected leader of the human settlement.”
“Nice to meet you,” Bismuth said.
“Likewise,” the mayor stuck out his hand. By Bismuth mirroring his actions, they navigated a handshake with a minimal level of awkwardness. Once that was done, he turned to Pearl. “Another new recruit?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite,” Pearl said as she tightened her arm around the smith's. “Bismuth was with us for a very long time, and we're thrilled to have her back.” She leaned against her. “Especially me. What was it you needed to discuss?”
His face turned red as his eyes repeatedly skipped from Pearl's face to Bismuth's to their entwined arms. He pushed up his sleeve to look at his bare wrist as he said, “On my, is it really that time? I'm afraid I must be going. We can return to the muscles, I mean, the matter later.” Bismuth blinked in confusion as he beat a hasty retreat.
Once he was out of sight, Pearl's theatrical cuddle turned into a slump. “Oh I hope that's the end of that. The man has been trying to flirt with me for the past decade. It's been incredibly tiresome, but it's too important to maintain good relations with him as the human authority of Beach City for me to be as blunt as I would like to be.”
Amethyst doubled over laughing. “Oh man, Pearl, that was brutal. You couldn't have let him down a little bit easier?”
“That would have meant letting him think there was any chance of me ever thinking about him romantically. Even if I did see the aesthetic appeal in human men the way Rose did, which I don't, I met his late wife, so I know what he would expect from a relationship. I swear the only difference between the typical politician's wife and a Pearl on Homeworld is that a wife is not expected to open doors for her husband.” She sighed. “The gender situation has improved so much in the past century, yet some people take such pride in being 'old-fashioned'. I'll never understand it.”
“After being part of that performance,” Bismuth said, “are you sure you don't want me to stay with you a little longer?”
“No, no,” Pearl said as they stepped onto the beach. “We both have work that needs to be done, and we'll get it done better if we aren't around distracting each other.”
With the romantic mood now actively in the process of being killed, Steven thought it was a good time to voice a question that had been on his mind for the whole walk. “What do you think would happen if I tried to heal Jasper?”
“I honestly don't know,” Pearl answered. “That really is more of a question for Garnet.”
“Where would we even keep her?” Amethyst asked. “We can't just kick Lapis out of the Barn, and I couldn't even start listing all the problems with her staying in the Temple.”
“There's the Forge,” Bismuth said. “It's safe and isolated, though it'll less isolated once we move the warp pad.”
“Corrupted Gems can't activate the warps. Not even if they're half-healed,” Steven said.
“Not sure if I would call a place filled with more kinds of sharp objects than I knew existed counts as 'safe' though,” Amethyst added.
“I would like to see someone try to fight me on my home turf with weapons I made for other people. Selenite needed to do a lot of talking after she split from Lapis Lazuli. This Jasper is probably going to need the same. I'm good at listening. I want to help.”
“Of course you do,” Pearl said fondly. “We still need to run it past Garnet before we do anything about it.”
“You're right, and it's best to let her have her talk with Lapis first.”
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You're a Fine Girl ( Yondu Udonta x Reader)
Plot: Yondu has not always been the most touchy-feely man. But in a time of guilt for a terrible act he’s committed, he buys a Terran girl who was previously a slave. He starts to get this weird feeling of attachment to her as time goes on. So now both him and this girl have to get used to their new situations. ( This shall be a multi-part series.)
Tagging: @musicalcoffeebean 
 Yondu and his crew had just dropped off the newest kid Ego told him to find. But what he had found was terrifying. Ego had been killing all of those kids, each and everyone of them. A cloud of guilt waved over him. He had been taking those kids to their death and for what? Units? He started to be disgusted with himself. When the crew noticed his sudden mood change he shrugged these emotions off. He was their captain he had to move on. He couldn’t let his crew see him go soft. 
 One day they went to ravage a random ship that they detected. It had plenty of cargo which meant they could steal some goods and then trade them. Of course it went well and they had plenty of fun while doing it. They could get a few million units from the cargo. There was a potential buyer some rich guy no one heard about, but hey rich meant a lot of money. His name was Frope he was some high up official on his planet. The ship they ravaged was a rival planet’s that they had wars with previously. So naturally Frope was willing to pay any price for the cargo. And really who could pass that offer up? 
 When they arrived on the planet everything was very, well shiny. Just about every building was covered in gold or silver. The people seemed to be decorated in piercings of jewels. This was a very wealthy planet indeed. But that also could mean a lot of annoying beings with pride and greed. When they arrived at the meeting place with Frope, Yondu was surprised when a girl who didn’t look at all like anyone else on the planet. “ Are you the ravagers that the master is trading with?” She asked at barely above a whisper with slight shaking in her voice. 
 Yondu replied and she led them inside. When they got inside Yondu noticed that the girl had a chain around her neck that linked to ones on her arms. Her clothes were dirty compared to everyone else’s. She had cuts and bruises everywhere except her face where only a few were that were barely noticeable. But dispite all of that the girl didn’t look half bad. Trying to shake this feeling, the girl went up to Frope and all she did was tap him on the shoulder when he didn’t notice them the first three times she said his name. He reacted with grabbing her wrist hard enough that they noticed a hand print forming on her wrist. And whispering harshly to her. 
 " Greetings ravagers I do hope your trip was well. “ he said as he approached them. ” It was. Now let’s get to business.“ Yondu said as he told one of the men to bring the cargo. ” Thank you so much for bringing this to me. It will be very helpful to the planet. “ Frope said as his men took the boxes from the ravagers. One of Fropes men ” accidentally “ knocked into the girl making her spill the bucket that she was carrying from where Frope was sitting previously. ” Girl! What I tell you about your clumsiness! You useless little bitch, learn to keep your balance you could ruin these like you ruin everything else!“ He yelled at the girl.
 ” Guards please take care of her while I do business.“ Frope said while two clearly larger men approached her. Yondu could tell that she was scared. The men attached her chains to something that caused electricity to surge through them. The sound of her screams caused an ache in his heart. ” Excuse her, I shouldn’t have bought her from the Kree. They assured me she could work. Last time I do a trade with Kree that’s for sure.“ That caused Yondu to stop in his tracks. He remembered what monsters the Kree were when he was younger. They would take young beings from other planets and either use them as slaves or as slaves to sell.
 When he looked back over to the poor girl she was covered in tears and blood. The one Employee had been hitting her with a heated metal rod. Just as the Kree had done to him once. No one should go through such torturous activities. The other employee thrown her to the ground causing the girl to hit her head. That was enough for him, he couldn’t stand seeing a girl like that being abused. “Hey!” Yondu yelled at the man anger rising in him. They then dragged her out of the room when they blamed the girl for being a distraction . “ Oh it’s alright. She’s nothing more than a slave. A Terran nonetheless, so not much potential there.” The man said. “ Now to discuss your payment…” He was then cut off by Yondu “ The girl." 
 The man at first thought it was a joke. But Yondu had a stone cold look on his face. No one should have to go through the same thing he did. Especially when your owners are such assholes like this planet had. He didn’t know why all of a sudden it became of importance, maybe because of the whole Ego thing. But he couldn’t stand by and do nothing.
” You can’t be serious.“ Frope said. ” We trade you what ya want and as payment you give us the girl.“ Yondu explained. The man declined saying that she was good property. ” That’s a shame cause, these trinkets could be resold at about a million units each. Wouldn’t ya say Kraglin?“ He said looking back to his crew member. ” Captain?“ 
 ” We could just bring these back to their rightful owner. Seems to me Mr. Frope, that you ain’t interested in these fine items. So we’ll be on our way.“ He said turning away about to get the cargo and leave. ” Wait! Fine, is that all?“ Frope asked reluctantly.” Her things if y'all didn’t sell'em.“ Yondu said with a smirk. He could see the anger rise in this man. 
 And with gritted teeth Frope said ” Deal” Yondu gave that charming smile of his as Frope was angered. “ We’ll also be needing half a mil for each box and for wasting time.” Yondu added. Frope reluctantly agreed and told one of the employees to go fetch the slave girl. When the transaction was over they brought the girl out in a cage no larger than one for a pet. They had cleaned her up a bit from that beating she just had.
 Yondu hated seeing someone who is capable of rational thought, opinions, and so much more be diminished like that. “ Pleasure doing business withcha, Mr.Frope.” Yondu said. “ What do you plan to do with it? She can’t work correctly, completely useless. Just like all Kree slaves. So what results are you expecting to get that’s different from mine?” Frope asked in a rude tone. Yondu had just about had it with these people. “ Well at least I ain’t no asshole who acts like I’m all high and mighty that I can’t give any respect to anyone.” And with that the ravagers headed toward their ship. 
They laid the cage on the floor in Yondu’s quarters. When everyone left Yondu knelt down and opened the cage. The girl quickly scurried to the back of it, still scared. “ Come on out girl. Its okay I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” Skeptical of this strange man she came out very slowly. “ That’s it girl you got it. Are these your things?” He said holding up a small bag that had been attached to the cage. She nodded slightly happy those terrible beings didn’t try to pawn her stuff. Yondu handed her the bag and then some clothes he had gotten out of a drawer. “ Here go clean yourself up, make yourself look pretty. And then we can see about gettin’ you some clothes from the tailor . ” the girl nodded and went to where he said the showers were. 
He walked back to where the others were when he was met by Kraglin. “ Captain what are we going to use it for?” Before he could even answer the entire crew started asking questions about her. Like can they use her for when they need something fun to do? What they needed her for? Why they bought her? Then there was a loud whistle and his arrow swooping through the air caught everyone’s attention. “ Y'all listen up! She ain’t a slave no more! Especially on this ship. We are going to make her one of us. Now I want you to treat her as a member of this crew or a little bit better. She will not be doin’ your work for ya, she will not be at our services. You will treat like a person. Is that understood?!” Yondu yelled. They all agreed. 
 Later Yondu went to check up on the girl . When he opened the door she was there sitting quietly in a corner. “ Come on girly get up, we ain’t doing this shit.” He said offering his hand for her to stand up. She was wearing the bottom half of her slave garments and a shirt of his. For some reason Yondu thought she looked really good in his shirt. He started to get this warm feeling, she looks so sweet and innocent. He shook himself out of this trance and began to speak “ Now if you don’t mind we are going to get you some better fitting clothes. Then you can either try to join us or just come back in here, it’s up to you.” She nodded.
 " Now you got a name or are me and my crew gonna have to keep callin’ ya girl?“ She didn’t answer at first. Yondu sighed and said ” That’s fine girl it is.“ He then turned to leave. Then heard her say ” (Y/N). M-my name is (Y/N).“ Yondu smiled ” I like that name. I’m Yondu Udanta, captain of this fine ship.“ She bowed her head as Terrans did as a nice to meet you thing. ” Well (Y/N) welcome to your new life as a ravager.“
 They both then headed to the tailor to get her properly fitted into a ravagers uniform. Yondu for some reason felt like he had to stay there. When she came out Yondu felt like his heart was going to fly out of his chest. She had on a blue shirt that was the same as his skin, her boots stopped right at her knee, and the leather suit hugged her curves just right. ’ Damn this girl looks fine!’ Yondu thought. Where the hell did that come from? ” Now you look like a ravager. Do you want to join us the rest of the day or do you want to go back to my quarters?“ He asked . She said she wanted to go back, but as earlier it was barely above a whisper. 
 ” I’ve got some things I gotta take care of, I’ll be back later. One of the boys will bring ya some food.“ Yondu said dropping her back off at his room. As soon as he left she took a seat on the floor and curled up in a ball. What had her life become? She couldn’t have expected any of this to happen and yet here she was, she only hoped this master was nicer than her previous one.
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thefangirlslair · 7 years
FIRE (A Touken One-Shot Fanfiction)
Note: This is my very first fic so please bear with me. This is a work of fiction so I hope you understand if ever there is flaw with the plot with regards to the original source which is the manga itself. There might be grammatical errors as well so sorry in advance. Please, if ever you’re just a hater of this ship or the fandom or Ishida or just life in general, leave the premises, thank you. Hahaha!
This is actually made just for myself coz I want to. So y'all actually can’t do anything about this shit. Lol. But I wanted to share this to my co-shippers because I’m a bit proud with this one and this is my first. This is how I would want and have imagined the story will go, if only I was Ishida-sensei. But I trust him tremendously. I love that man. He made our OTP canon as fuck! Fucking hell yes!!!
Finished this after 7hrs and a few hours before the next chapter, this is how I imagine would happen after Chapter 130. Enjoy and thank you for reading! I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Love lots! Xo
IMPORTANT PS. This is the new tumblog that I made for my fangirl moments. So this is where I will fangirl hard on TouKen and the rest of Tokyo Ghoul :Re, and the other manga’s that I read, and the other things that I really love. Thank you! FOLLOW ME!!!
Touken Pairing (5,052 words)
A Poor Attempt at Writing Fics TouKen Edition I
If there’s one word to describe his feeling, it’s definitely this: fire. He feels like his whole body, heart and soul are burning in a hot, blaring fire. Kaneki never really felt like this before. Not until he saw what happened to Touka.
The said girl is sitting with her head down, obviously in pain. She’s clutching her right arm with her left hand and biting her lip to supress her groan because of her injuries. Fortunately, she only got few cuts in her arms, legs and face. But she hit her head while dodging her opponent’s attack so she feels a little dizzy.
Kaneki continues to seethe internally so he wouldn’t have to take his anger on Touka in full force. They’re in his room in their base at the underground located at the 24th ward.
—– After the fight, he immediately took Touka’s unconscious body to escape the scene. He didn’t want to risk being found by the back-up teams heading their way. He took a little damage since his body can’t heal properly but he managed to carry Touka all the way to their base, even in his worried state. He almost thought Touka’s dead while holding her in his arms. He felt so helpless and scared for her life. He had never felt so weak.
Entering their base, they were immediately surrounded by few Goat members including Tsukiyama, Nishio, Naki and Miza. Hirako also went up to them to check what happened. He shouted to ask if someone could check on Touka’s condition while laying her somewhere safe. He was ushered away by Tsukiyama to check on his head for there is a slight gash on the side of it, bleeding slightly. Tsukiyama tend to his wounds and he silently welcome the sting of it while never taking his eyes off Touka being treated by Nishio.
Nishio quickly went to her side and checked her limp form. He was a pharmaceutical student, but he knows a few things about medical stuff, thanks to his human ex-girlfriend, Kimi. He noticed that there was a quite deep wound in her right arm and few cuts and bruises all over her arms and face. Her legs have bruises and cuts too but nothing deep and serious. He checked for broken bones and discovered none. Other than that, there’s nothing to worry about. He cleaned the wounds and put bandages on them, and told Kaneki that she would be fine. She probably lost consciousness because of her current body condition.
A forbidden image of Touka receiving what she asked of him comes to mind. He remembered his curiosity when she asked him to buy human food. But then, it’s not his place to ask questions so he did what she asked. Besides, she asked him quite nicely. That was unusual of her. He told Kaneki that Touka was just exhausted and probably wake up in a few hours. He did not tell him anything else.
Kaneki breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately picked up Touka and carried her all the way to his room where he laid her down on his bed. He knows that Touka is strong. Hell, she’s one of the strongest people he ever met in his life and it’s not just as a ghoul, but as a person. Her personality and her whole being just screams braveness. But the fear of losing her because of his incapability to protect her overwhelms him every time. He’s the One Eyed King and yet, he still can’t protect the ones he care about; the ones who depend on him; the ones he love.
—– Seeing her right now, finally awake and looking down while hiding her pain from him, infuriated him more. Only God knows if it’s at Mutsuki who’s the sole reason of all this, at Touka because she’s as reckless as him, or at himself for being such an idiot. He should’ve burned the report regarding Yoriko’s death sentence. He knew it was wrong that he kept it from Touka but he just wanted her to be able to take care of herself. Especially now that he’s aware of her condition. She haven’t said a thing about it but he already have his suspicions right after his talk with Nishio, and it further strengthened when he saw her calendar and was literally thrown out of her room.
Kaneki stopped pacing back and forth and just focused on Touka. He wanted to say a lot of things. But his current burning feeling doesn’t help. Instead he quietly said, “You scared me.”
He finally saw Touka lift her head and their eyes locked. Her wide, suprised ones to his fearful and angry orbs. Slowly, his gaze went from her eyes down to her nose, and lips, and chin. His eyes roaming around her face, noticing purple bruises and ugly cuts on her cheeks and the corner of her lip. His gaze slowly going down, down, down; to her neck, her chest and her arms. Her long sleeved shirt and her tights were torn all over the place when he carried her so when Nishio finished her bandages and they’re in his room, he took off her torn shirt and her ripped tights and gently put her in his white t-shirt. It was too big for her so it covered half of her body, ending just in the middle of her thighs.
If not in their current situation and his mild rage inside him, he would’ve been aroused by her image – her hair messed up, her eyes wide drinking him in, her lips a pinkish color beside the small bruise on the corner of her mouth.
Touka in his clothes.
He committed this image to memory to think about when he misses her, a few rooms away from him every night. But his eyes flew to her thighs and saw cuts, her knee scraped, and a gash on her leg. He saw her consciously try to conceal them from his eyes and he saw her writhe in pain from moving. Her whole body aches and it can be seen clearly from her face. His anger went on another level. Touka clutching her deeply wounded arm did not help at all.
He continued, saying his words a little louder because of anger, with his voice a bit shaky and breathy at once, “You fucking scared me, Touka-chan.”
He lessen the blow of his remark with that suffix following her name but inside he wanted to scream. And it’s already evident in his voice when he continued to speak.
“How could you risk your life like that? How could you follow me knowing that it would be dangerous? How could you fight Aura in your condition?! Do you know how frightened I was when I saw you there?! I knew you were right here, safe and sound, and suddenly you appeared there and didn’t think about yourself! You should’ve trusted me! I know I could save Yoriko myse-”
At that remark, he saw Touka’s eyes flashed with anger and suddenly Kaneki’s heart lurched. He have never seen her this way before and his words got stuck in his throat until he heard her talk.
“Yoriko is my friend,” Touka said with her voice hushed laced with venom. Directing her eyes back at Kaneki’s, she continued, “Do you expect me to just sit here and wait for her to die? Do you expect me to just watch until the news of her death suddenly break me?” Her voice cracked a little, and Kaneki felt his heart did too.
“And what about you? Do you expect me to just do nothing while you risk your life? Alone? For fuck’s sake, Kaneki! Why do you always do this to yourself?!” Her eyes suddenly filled with angry and frustrated tears. Her voice dropped down a few notch until it’s almost like an anguished whisper, “Why do you always do this to me?”
Kaneki stood there, feeling his anger wane a little, but the fire remains. Whether it’s the fire of rage or fire of fear or maybe the fire of love, he doesn’t even know anymore. All he could see is Touka’s tears starting to form in her eyes, staring defiantly at him. His heart dropped as a tear did as well, spilling across her injured cheek.
He always thought Furuta and his games will be the death of him. Maybe his hunger or his recklessness. But now he realized that perhaps Touka’s tears will be his ultimate demise.
She took a deep breath and wiped away the tear from her cheek. She composed herself before opening her mouth to speak, “I know it was reckless. And I know you only meant good. But she is important to me and I would do everything I can to save her. You would’ve done the same if you were in my shoes.”
And then she added quietly, “I would’ve done the same thing over and over again.. just like I would if you were taken away by anyone.”
He put his hand over his heart by then, feeling like something squeezed it. Kaneki continues to stand there across from her sitting form, a few feet away from his bed. His anger being replaced by shame, longing and exhaustion. He wanted to gather her in her arms to console her for not being able to take Yoriko away.
—– Yoriko was never there in their meeting place. Mutsuki told him that he should go to the chateau as Mutsuki will break out Yoriko from the CCG headquarters, then bring her there to prove Mutsuki’s loyalty to him. He knew it was a trap but he was desperate to help Touka’s friend. For Touka’s sake. He knew how important Yoriko was to her. He was such an idiot for believing Mutsuki. When he got there, Mutsuki was there waiting for him. That’s when he knew he fucked up miserably.
They were fighting for a while then and it was evident that he got the upper hand until he sensed another force coming from behind and it was Shinsanpei Aura, a few feet from him and ready to strike with his quinque. Kaneki got distracted and Mutsuki used this as an opportunity to attack him. He blocked Mutsuki’s attempt and was struggling to dodge Aura’s quinque when shock gripped his whole body completely.
And that’s when Touka appeared behind him to block Aura’s attack. She managed to block Aura with her kagune and counter-attacked with her close combat skills. Kaneki didn’t have the chance to see Touka and Aura’s fight for he was busy with his own fight with Mutsuki but he was shaking the entire time, desperate to knock Mutsuki out to get him and Touka away from there.
After a few minutes of fighting, he was finally able to disarm Mutsuki of his quinque and damage his kagune. Mutsuki was lying down, knocked out from their battle. If Tsukiyama was there with him, he would’ve told him to kill Mutsuki and not just leave him be. Hell, his right hand man would probably kill Mutsuki himself.
But as torn as he was whether to do it or not, he did not have the time for that. His mind was occupied by Touka who was facing Aura, a very cunning opponent, and they’re nowhere to be found. Kaneki went cold all over.
He quickly searched around the area and scanned it frantically. His heart thumping wildly and his mind giving him possible scenarios of what happened to Touka are making him shake uncontrollably. Then, he stopped midway his frantic running and saw a body.
It’s obvious that its left arm was twisted and broken. A small puddle of blood pooling under it and the stench of it filled his nostrils. He fought the hunger and swallowed his fear. He ran closer to it when he recognized it as Aura’s bloody limp form. It was slumped a few meters away from Touka’s unmoving body and that’s when he saw her.
That’s when he knew he fucked up more than he did before.
He wanted to kill Aura right then and there but knowing that Touka is more important, he dismissed his initial reaction and took his Touka in his arms. Besides, Touka took care of Aura already, evident with his broken arms and perhaps spilled organs. He’s either dead or nearly dead. He doesn’t give a single fuck.
That’s my girl, Kaneki thought. Pride, fear and love swelling inside him. He’s taking them home.
We’re going home, Touka-chan.
—– And now, as he stood there in front of Touka, with her looking at him the way as he was looking at her, he thank whoever it was to be thanked for because she’s alive. She’s here. She’s safe.
Kaneki walked the little distance between them and kneels in front of her. She looks down on him as he raise his eyes on hers. He whispers, “I’m sorry.”
Tears starts to form again in her eyes. He raises his hand and use his thumb to wipe them away as they spill along her wounded face. Touka closed her eyes and cried silently.
“I know I should’ve told you,” Kaneki said, his hands still on her face. He wanted to kiss her tears away so bad. But first, they need to talk. “But you should’ve told me, too.”
Touka opened her eyes then. She starts to say, “There was no time and you were already gone so I-”
He immediately cut her off, “I’m not.. talking about.. that.”
A long silence ensued. They’re both looking at each other without uttering any word. Touka opened her mouth a few times, only to close them. Kaneki patiently waited for her to gather her thoughts and speak.
After a few minutes, Touka looked down and bit her lip. She was clearly avoiding his eyes.
Kaneki struggled to keep his smile. She’s so cute, he can’t help but think.
“I guess you knew when you saw my calendar.”
He smirked a bit, “Actually, it was when Nishio-senpai told me.”
Touka looked at him abruptly and angrily retorted, “What?! Four-Eyes told you?!” She struggled to get up but Kaneki, still kneeling in front of her, gripped her hands and put his arms on the sides of her thighs to keep her from standing up.
“You’re not in the right condition, Touka-chan,” he said, softly. Suddenly amused, he realized that his anger is finally gone and he actually find their situation quite amusing and endearing.
But Touka obviously don’t think so.
“Oh, I still have strength to kick his damn ass! I’m gonna kick them so hard he’d need another glasses coz I will shove it together up in his butt,” Touka furiously remarked while still struggling under his grip. Kaneki couldn’t help but chuckle.
Touka heard this and turned her attention to Kaneki, her intention of kicking Nishiki’s ass slowly being turned towards the white haired man kneeling in front of her.
“Why are you laughing?”, she asked, her teeth gritted.
“I can’t let you do that,” Kaneki told her. He’s keeping his face neutral, for his sake. “I can’t let you roam around our base looking like a feast for every man’s eyes. I won’t.”
The girl stopped struggling and just looked at him. She looked down at her attire. He saw how her face changed from an angry shade of red because of her pissed off attitude to a deep glow of pink because of shame.
She’s so fucking beautiful, Kaneki thought with a skip of a heartbeat.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up and pushed Touka down his bed gently. She wanted to struggle but Kaneki hovered over her and she felt like the cat got her tongue.
Kaneki smiled softly at her and he gently lay down beside her. His left arm went under her nape to wound around so he could grip her shoulder, his right snakes around her waist and gently tug her body against his. Her face is red now, and Kaneki put his head a few inches from hers. He never knew Touka can be shy.
Of all the times they were alone, whether talking or doing unspeakable things to each other (which is really not often, to his dissapointment and relief at once), she was always the one who initiates it. And to be honest, he doesn’t mind at all. He secretly likes it. Besides, Touka is really far decisive than he is. She’s fierce, and passionate, and wild, and sweet, and everything good in this world. If she wants to do something, she will do it. Fuck the consequences. It may be her biggest flaw, but to Kaneki, it’s what makes her Touka. And he loves her for that alone. Her beautiful face, and her more beautiful body, and her most beautiful heart are just another extra bonus. A big, fat one at that.
He continues to stare at her face, relishing the quiet around them.
I missed you. I missed this, Kaneki thought to himself.
As if she heard his thoughts, she blurted out a hushed “What?” She tried to sound annoyed, but her blushing face says something else.
Kaneki patiently smiled at her, “We should talk. We could’ve avoided all this if we did this a little sooner.”
Touka silently looked at him, then nodded. “I thought so, too.” She laughed a bit and added, “We’re so stubborn, you and I.”
Kaneki couldn’t agree more. Because of their situation with their food and the issue with Furuta’s plans above ground, plus their plans on the counter-attack, Kaneki doesn’t have the time to talk to Touka and check on how she’s doing. They barely see each other and the only reminder he has of her is her sweet scent, the feel of her body pressed against him, and her parents’ ring now wrapped around his neck by a silver chain.
Touka is eyeing the said ring while she said, “I didn’t want you to worry too much about me. I know you have a lot on your plate right now. And I cannot be much of help. I can’t burden you with another thing.”
She said it really softly that if he was not paying his full attention, he would’ve missed it entirely.
“Why do you think you are a burden, Touka-chan?”, he asked her. He cannot believe Touka would think like that about herself. She have never been so wrong.
“I’m afraid, Kaneki,” she admitted. Her fingers unconsciously toying with her parents’ ring. “I’m afraid of what’s to come. What if this situation will be used against you? What if this pregnancy fails?”
Her fingers stopped fiddling with the ring and she splayed her hand against his chest. She looked at his eyes, fearful and sad at once.
“What if I don’t make it?”
His grip on her body automatically went tighter. “Don’t,” he half shouted, half whispered. “Don’t even think about it.”
“But what if, Kaneki? We don’t know what’s gonna happen. We don’t know if this baby needs a human food or what,” Touka cried. Tears started to form again and this time, they’re the scared kind. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t-”
Kaneki abruptly cut her words with his mouth. He kissed her lips, tasted tears and love and sweet, sweet Touka. He kissed her cheek, her wounds on them, her nose, her eyes. Everywhere his lips could reach. He could hear her quiet sobs and he doesn’t know how to ease her pain but he’s trying. God, he’s trying.
He buried his face in her neck, his hands rubbing her shoulders and her back as she quietly cries. Her hands now grip his shirt between their bodies, he could feel her shaking.
He continues to soothe her as much as he can. He couldn’t even imagine how hard must it be for her. All he could do is just be there for her.
After a few moments, she visibly relaxes. He turn his face towards her face and see her looking at him, tears drying on her perfect face.
Beautiful, he thought.
And it was not enough just to think about it so he told her, “You’re so beautiful, Touka Kirishima.”
She closes her eyes and smile. And when she opened them, her hands went to his face, tracing his eyebrows, down to his nose and lips. He puckered his lips to kiss them.
“I lost everything important in my life already,” he started. His gaze never leaving her.
“My dad at first. Then my mother. After being with my auntie and her family, I lost that too. I lost my whole family. I had Hide and then I became a ghoul. I thought it was a punishment. Because I knew I might lose Hide along the way because of it. And I did. I lost Hide. My bestfriend in the whole world, and I lost him. And I’ve never felt so alone. So lonely.
Then Anteiku. I was angry and scared when I became a ghoul. But Yoshimura-san’s solemn face made me at peace. I was happy for a while, being with all of you there. Only to be taken away from all of you after the raid. I felt angry towards myself again, for I wasn’t able to protect everyone I care about.
Then I became a Dove. I had friends there, Suzuya for one. And I got my so-called parents, Akira and Arima. My Quinx. The moody Urie, the shy Mutsuki, the sweet Saiko.. And the kind Shirazu. And I lost them all. Shirazu who I wasn’t able to see before he died; Tooru who went to a terrible path; Juuzuo, Urie and Yonebayashi who I haven’t seen for such a long time and probably sent to hunt me down and kill me; Akira who I lost as I lost Haise; and Arima, my only father figure that I had, who died in my arms. I lost them all.
And now, recently, the :re cafe. You worked so hard for that cafe, Touka-chan. Just to wait for me to come home. To you. And I lost it too. We lost it.”
Memories and feelings flooded him. His heart hurt remembering all these people and all these things that happened to him. His life really is a tragedy.
But every time his eyes fall on Touka, something blooms inside him.
“But you’re still here. With me,” he tells Touka. His hand caressing her face, soothing her injuries. His arm wounded around her shoulders slowly tracing her bones with his fingers. His eyes roaming around her face, committing everything to his memory.
His hand stopped on the junction between her shoulders and neck, his thumb moving rhythmically. “I won’t lose you again, Touka. I can’t lose you.”
His emotions started to grip him powerfully at once, “I can’t lose you, too.”
He closed his eyes and felt hot tears spill on the left side of his face, tiny drops obvious on his white pillowcase.
He can feel Touka’s eyes on him. Then a split second passed and her arms are around him, his arms immediately doing the same, his body desperate for the comfort of her arms and her heart.
They cried together for a while. Because that’s what you do for the one you love. You don’t do anything alone. No I, no me. Always us. Always together. Always.
Kaneki loosen his grip on her after a moment then takes her face in his hands, “We can do this, Touka-chan. You and me, together.”
He looked down below at her stomach. Feelings of fear, anticipation and love overwhelms him.
That’s my child right there, he mused in his thoughts. My own flesh and blood. Touka and I’s child.
He looks back at her, “I’ll do my best to protect you. Protect you both. I’ll make our future safe. I won’t fail you, Touka-chan.”
“Kaneki,” Touka stated. His heart hurts just by seeing her like this. He waited for what she’s gonna say next.
“Promise me one thing,” she whispered. Her voice soft but determined. Her eyes wet but steady on his. “Whatever happens, save the baby.”
Kaneki stopped breathing. “What are you saying? How ca-”
“Promise me!” Touka urged him. She’s hurting him and she knows it, but she wants to make sure the safety of her child. Their child. “Please, Kaneki.”
She’s asking him to choose their child if it ever comes to that point. That means he would lose her. He wouldn’t want that. He can’t take that. He might as well just die.
But knowing Touka, she might resent him when they meet in the afterlife, if ever there is one. And he can’t take that as well.
The thought of leaving a mark in this world, in that case, his child, is a pretty exhilarating idea. Knowing that his child will be there to witness the world he fought hard to create and protect. A world where humans and ghouls live together in peace. He will do everything in his power to achieve that goal.
Looking at her, he sees endless possibilities. And knowing that one day, he might not see her again; hold her like this again and kiss her senseless again – he made a promise to her and to himself.
“I won’t stop,” he started slowly. “Never, until my goal is achieved. And if there may come a time that I have to choose between you and our child..”
His voiced cracked a little but continued, “I promise to choose our child.”
Touka breathed an almost mute ‘thank you’ until she heard him again.
“But not without putting up a goddamn fight,” Kaneki declared, his gaze steady and determined on Touka. “I will always fight for you, Touka.”
She was breathless. His eyes are full of fire and determination that it took Touka’s breath away. Her heart skipped a beat.
I love you so much, she thought to herself. You’re so brave, my love.
Kaneki saw her eyes flash, full of unsaid feelings. He thinks he must look the same for there are words unspilled in his mouth. He can’t contain them anymore.
“I love you,” he quietly mused. He looked at her and saw her staring with shock. It’s the first time he said it and it just felt so right. “I love you, Touka Kirishima. I love you so much like my heart could burst.”
There, it’s out, he breathed a sigh of relief. What will she say? Does she feel the same? Nah, I don’t care if she doesn’t. I just wanna say it out loud. She doesn’t have to answer now, I could wai-
“I love you too,” she murmured. She’s looking down on the ring around his neck. She’s licking and biting her lips nervously. A slight blush creeping on her wounded cheeks.
After and despite all the heavy burdens they threw out of their chests, he smiled. A big, goofy one. She loves him, and he couldn’t ask for anything better.
Touka saw this expression and said, “What’s with that annoying face?”
She didn’t seem annoyed, she’s more like trying to be annoyed. It’s hard when his cute smile is right in front of her. Meanwhile, Kaneki feels like a real king.
“Nothing,” he answered happily. She chuckled under her breath and felt his body shake with mirth as well. They’re so weird. Crying, then laughing the next second. Perfect for each other.
Kaneki kissed her then. He kissed her like it’s gonna be the last time. They both know there are too many problems to solve, and friends to save, and plans to create. But right now, they kiss. They kiss and they love. And it would be enough, even just for right now.
Kaneki’s kissing Touka’s neck, hearing her softly moan against his ear, making him shudder because of too much pleasure and love. At this rate, they’re gonna end up banging each other’s brains out. But Touka’s injured condition may not take that. So Kaneki needs to stop this before he forgets her wounded form and pounce on her. It’s so hard especially when his hand is already gripping her exposed thighs and he could see her underwear because his shirt she’s wearing just rode up. He’s losing it.
Think! Kaneki pressed on his thoughts as he kisses her mouth, drinking her sighs as he stroke inside with his tongue.
Fuck, think you idiot!
He suddenly thought of something and he knows he’s gonna be in trouble for saying this but he had no choice.
He broke the kiss and breathed out, “What about Nishio-senpai? What are you gonna do about him?”
He haven’t told Touka that Nishio didn’t even tell him directly that she’s pregnant. He just hinted at it but well, Kaneki’s desperate now.
Sorry, Nishio-senpai.
Touka looked taken aback at first because they were making out when he blurts this shit out. She immediately thought of the four-eyed bastard and seethed under her breath, “Oh he’s gonna be in trouble. I can’t believe he told you I’m pregnant. I haven’t told anyone. Not even Hinami or Ayato.”
“What did you just say?! And what the hell is this?!” a loud voice suddenly came into the room.
Kaneki stood up abruptly and saw a very mad, very fuming Yomo in front of them, his face contorted in anger.
Touka and Kaneki looked at each other worriedly. Kaneki actually looked a little green. Yomo is either angry at the both of them because Touka is pregnant, or because he saw them barely making out like teenagers with raging hormones. Touka thinks it’s the former plus the fact that she was injured, the latter appealed to Kaneki more.
Well, Kaneki thinks to himself. At least Touka is safe from me. She’s still in no condition to be made love to.
But looking back at Yomo and his very angry face made him doubt his choices in life. Especially the choice to refuse his desire for the love of his life and the choice to use his Nishio-senpai as a cover to save his girl from his hormones.
Eitherway, karma is real.
One Eyed King or not, Kaneki thought to himself. You’re still an idiot.
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#28: Season 2, Episode 16 - “Wombat Wuv”
Louis is infatuated with the new cheerleading coach, so he decides to become the school mascot in an extremely farfetched attempt to win her over. Meanwhile, Ren becomes a cheerleader and goes into pep overdrive.
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We start this episode at cheerleading practice where we see that Ren is a cheerleader now...? Okay. The girls are getting ready to welcome Ms. Morgan, the new cheer coach. Louis and Twitty are nearby and play the most immature but hilarious prank on Ren. She goes to do a split and Louis sets off a fart noise. Okay.. As I typed that sentence, I was overcome with juvenile cringe. But the noise is so perfectly timed and Louis gets such a kick out of it that I can't even be mad.
Eventually, Ms. Morgan appears and Louis has an out of body experience. Literally. His soul leaves his body and does an interpretive dance for this woman. It's a very memorable moment. He's seriously in awe of her beauty. I love how Twitty wasn't even phased by her, though? Louis was all "DUDE WHO IS THAT?!??" And Twitty said "Eh, idk... some lady" omg.
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Louis’ transparent soul leaving his body to express his feelings in the most random way possible. Only on this show, man. 
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that in addition to seeing that Ren is suddenly a cheerleader now.. we also see that she’s kinda terrible at it. So, how in the world did she make it onto the squad in the first place??? This is a question that always pops into my head every single time I watch this episode. Then, without fail, I always breathe a strange sigh of relief when the writers actually bother to explain the situation through dialogue between Louis and Twitty! Louis casually says that Ren needs the credit for her resumé to show she has school spirit or something... which actually makes sense. A lesser show would’ve made Ren be a cheerleader for this one episode with no explanation whatsoever. But, still. I find it hard to believe they'd just let her on the team for a reason like that. You have to at least be physically capable! Which Ren clearly is not:
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If ya couldn’t tell, she’s the one in the middle causing the entire group to collapse. 
They fall on Kenny the mascot guy -- who you can see was totally out of the line of fire, but purposely threw himself on the ground because the plot demanded it. He quits on the spot and now our story truly begins. Louis gets the bright idea to swoop in and save the day by taking over the mascot gig. He immediately sees this as an opportunity to basically start dating Ms. Morgan. Lawd help me honeychild. YOU'RE 13, LOUIS. It’ll be difficult to have a relationship with Ms. Morgan when she’s busy spending time in prison. 
Louis goes to Ms. Morgan's office and she talks to him in such a sweet and sultry voice which is probably the worst thing she could do in this situation. Louis' heart is beating so loud, he's able to pass it off as some ruckus going on outside. Wow.
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Later that day, Tawny sees him with the mascot suit and assumes he stole it for fun. I love how she says "You should’ve told me! I would've done it with you!" Look at these lil rebels over here! They're so cute. Tawny looks extra goth here too which is awesome, lol. Louis tells her that he's the new mascot. She’s so shocked she shoves him against the lockers, and Shia does the greatest scream here!!! You can see him laughing a bit. I love it. Unfortunately, part of Louis' ugly side comes out right around here. He starts totally blowing Tawny off now because there's a ~new woman~ in his life. He cancels plans with her because he has mascot practice and cryptically won't explain why he took the gig in the first place. "It's just something I had to do" - Wow, Louis. The Dramatics™.
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I just had to include a screenshot of Tawny’s outfit. Black Doc Martens and some peasant flowy gothy dress. Yes. (This was a fast-motion bit, so this is the best cap I could get)  
Louis calls Twitty over for an emergency meeting after school. Idk why but I think it's hilarious how Twitty comes jogging into his room out of breath lol. "I ran all the way over here, what's the emergency?" Friendship goals honestly. Needless to say, Twitty is less than impressed when Louis confesses "I'm in love with Ms. Morgan." Twitty can see right through the infatuation and knows that Louis is living in lalaland. But according to Romance For Boneheads, (a total "For Dummies” knockoff) he has the classic symptoms of a man in love. 
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It's pretty adorable to see Louis all worked up like this, but kinda sad at the same time because this is obviously not going to end well. Twitty suggests "Maybe you just ate some bad bean dip" which is so funny to me, like.... what.
Louis continues ranting about how perfect Ms. Morgan is and says "I think we'd be a fun couple" as he gazes out his window and we get the most ridiculous daydream ever I can't even deal with this. He and Ms. Morgan are returning from a vacation to the Bahamas. Louis randomly starts playing mini bongos (the same ones that are on his windowsill actually! I never noticed that before!) and Ms. Morgan dances around him. Eileen concurs “You two are a fun couple.” Gotta love how his parents approve even though Louis IS THIRTEEN YEARS OLD and Ms. Morgan is definitely at least 30 lol. EDIT: I just checked. The actress was 36 here! omg.
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I love how they made sure Eileen and Steve look somewhere between happy and highly disturbed. Fun fact: This episode was actually directed by Donna Pescow! So... perhaps these facial expressions were her own idea lol. 
Louis starts drooling at the thought and we see THE RETURN OF THE ANNOYING CGI TONGUE FROM GET A JOB. 
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Seriously. Who thought that was a good idea? It just looks awful and so out of place. Y'all know by now how I feel about this surreal stuff they randomly throw in. It just feels weird to me. Anyway, Louis reveals that his master plan is to go to mascot bootcamp and make Ms. Morgan fall in love with him. Easy peasy! Louis is one confident guy, sheesh! Twitty immediately asks "Wait. What about Tawny, dude?" Awwwww. Then we get one of the greatest moments ever. Louis tries to say he thoroughly explained everything to her and that she fully understands, but a flashback to that moment paints a very different picture:
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“Thoroughly explained”? Yeah, not so much. Tawny is so confused, haha. (gif credit)
Cut to Wacky Walter’s Mascot Bootcamp! Where a bunch of mascots come together and learn techniques such as “the basic booty shake” and sizzling on the ground like a strip of bacon.
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What school would have a cow for a mascot? 
Louis has basically found his calling at mascot bootcamp. Wacky Walter was seriously impressed so he decides to give Louis his old jetpack. Yeah, let's just give this 13 year old kid a dangerous, fire powered means of transportation. Good idea. Someone shut this guy down! Have I mentioned that Louis is 13 years old? 
After a successful day at bootcamp, Louis excitedly rushes into Ms. Morgan's office to tell her about the jetpack thing and how he plans to fly around at the pep rally later on... And one of the greatest moments of the entire series happens. THE MORGAN UNIBROW IS REVEALED!!! This is absolutely iconic. Nothing beats this series of Louis Stevens faces. My favorite quote has gotta be “OH YA SHAVE IT, DO YA?!” Here it is in all its glory: 
Since Louis was under the impression Ms. Morgan was a flawless goddess, he cannot handle this flaw of hers... like, at all. So he quits being the mascot and gives her some lame excuse. Eventually, the two of them have a little heart to heart and he confesses the real reason. It's a touching moment. It’s sorta cringy, but I can’t help but laugh when Louis admits: "I wanted to hang out with you. Well..... actually more than that" oh my god. Ms. Morgan tells him that he'll find someone who's just right for him. Louis says “I found her. But I think I messed that up too” in reference to Tawny. I’m dead. So sweet. Yay for Louis/Tawny development!!!
Louis then makes a poor attempt at making up with Tawny and she flat out calls him a jackass. Yes. A JACKASS. On Disney Channel. Holy crap, guys. Tawny is the freaking best honestly. She won’t put up with Louis’ bs for a second and it drives him insane. Dats love. It’s great.
Oh, god! I forgot about Ren's subplot! I’m the worst. Okay. Basically, the other cheerleaders think that Ren isn't perky enough. They encourage her to find her "perky place" and let's just say, Ren goes overboard. She starts cheering for everything. Algebra, the mail, and even her laundry. It's so bad that Steve has to do a mini-intervention. Dang. Once she’s aware of how stupid cheering seems, she starts to think that cheerleading is pointless. Ren shares her negative feelings with the squad before the pep rally and all of the cheerleaders get super depressed. Ren was literally telling the girls that their cheering does no good at all in the grand scheme of life and that they shouldn’t do it anymore. I never understood this, because when they go out to do their routine Ren is still putting in the effort to be extra peppy! It’s almost like she set them up so she’d be the only one who looks good. I never got that. Am I missing something? EXPLAIN!
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The lack of spirit from the cheerleaders spreads a wave of depression across the entire gym. Oops. It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Ms. Morgan tries her best to rally up the crowd but is failing miserably. She gets one kid to do the wave with her... that’s about it.
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Twitty tells Louis “Dude, your ex-girlfriend throws one lousy pep rally” which is pretty funny. Louis decides to save the day once again and puts Wacky Walter’s jetpack to use. He comes running out in costume ready to fly around. Ren screams “HEY, EVERYBODY! LOOK! IT’S THE WOMBAT!!” which sounds so ridiculous like the kind of melodramatic dialogue from movies in the 1930s and 40s -- where the actresses are ~so passionate~ they always sound one breath away from passing out. It makes me laugh.
Louis flies around to some royalty-free “Rocky” theme rip-off before he comes violently crashing down (and lands in a convenient pile of pompoms) because he’s 13 and shouldn’t be trusted with a jetpack -- especially indoors. 
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Tawny takes care of him right away and she’s about to get the nurse when Louis stops her “Tawny, don’t leave. I have to tell you something. You have..... the two most beautiful eyebrows I’ve ever seen” - How precious is that?! Tawny’s brows would unfortunately not be on fleek by today’s standards though. You need to have freaking caterpillars on your face these days. Funny how styles change. BUT THAT’S BESIDE THE POINT. That eyebrow line was such a cute and clever thing to say!!
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The cheerleaders kick Ren off the squad, which is good news for Ren because she wanted to quit. As she walks away from them, the girls do this catchy cheer: “She’s going! Bye bye, farewell, adios, hey hey!” This always gets stuck in my head. 
That’s it! I like this episode a lot. Louis learns the age old lesson of “nobody’s perfect” -- a message Hannah Montana would later drill into our memories for all eternity. It’s really nice. There’s Louis/Tawny content here, so this episode is already winning. It’s just pretty iconic overall imo. Ren’s plot is pretty cute, too! I don’t even know what to say in this little summary paragraph because all of the episodes at this point in the list (#29 - #20) are all solid episodes leaning towards positive for me instead of neutral like most of the episodes in the #50s - #30s.
Thanks for reading!
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