#but without ships idk how you people talk to each other lol
zmediaoutlet · 2 years
hello, hello -- happy w.w. to all who celebrate -- and as part of that delightful day, I wanted to get a sense of interest in a similar project that might have a slightly wider scope. You'll see the details in the linked google form.
Fandom's not *dead*, it's just... tired. And busy. And overstimulated-while-simultaneously-not-taking-anything-in. And sometimes people feel like they can't send a message or leave a comment or whatever because a) they just didn't have time when they saw it, or b) because they thought the post was too 'old' and it might feel weird, or c) who knows! Tons of reasons. But, in general, it's the interaction and communication that makes fandom feel alive, so -- we want to encourage that! Wouldn't that be fun? A little 'hey, I see you!' across the various dashboards.
It'd be super helpful if you'd take the little survey. (It's seriously little: two questions plus an optional short answer.) Share it widely! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! And then, at some point, a later project (with an actual title) may come your way.
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
I love when anti-rwde posters unintentionally say things that seem rwde lol. Here are my favorites so far:
The always good "Ironwood was always clearly an evil dictator" If this were true it would make the show worse than I already think it is, because not only did Team RWBY willingly work with him without any sort of recognition that it might be bad of them, but the writers have also talked about Ironwood's good intentions and the fall to villainy and how they wanted V7 to have no clear bad guy.
Whenever someone dismisses any early season as unimportant or something that no longer matters. Like, my guy, they're all supposed to matter and make up a good story together.
The people that say that the Blake and Yang ship is the exact same as Blake x Sun as a reason for why people who ship Blake with Sun but not Yang are wrong. Idk if they realize characters and dynamics are meant to be different and interesting.
The people who find redesigns of Yang where she's wearing clothing that's either the exact same level of 'modest' as the show or actually less sexualized and yell about how re-writers always overly sexualize Yang.
The people that defend every Jaune scene by saying he's just as much of a main character as Ruby. Like yes thank you for proving our point lol.
The people that constantly say important things just happen off screen. Things like main characters being friends, communicating important plot details to each other, showing grief at terrible deaths, unlearning racism... The more stuff people say happened off screen the more unintentionally insulting I think they're being because instead of saying "It was a mistake, they didn't have time, or they forgot" it's "they willfully didn't include it because they couldn't be bothered."
The people that say it's a good thing the entirety of Atlas was destroyed. Like personally I think the show could've done better at making Atlas and Mantle more varied but actually DID make it clear there were working class people and Faunus and good people just trying to make it that lived in Atlas and didn't deserve to lose everything. But apparently these people believe everyone in Atlas was some rich selfish asshole who deserved it and that would be very flimsy and bad writing.
The people who say that "drinking the tea" and "going to the tree" in V9 is actually just a metaphor for therapy. Like I know that Ruby essentially tried to commit suicide in V9. But I guess what they think what happened is that Neo was beating up Ruby while trying to make her get therapy, and everyone being a moment too late was them not arriving in time to stop Ruby from going to therapy, and when she fell down into the darkness that was symbolic of driving to her therapist's office, and when Yang was worried that Ruby wouldn't be herself anymore she actively was unhappy that Ruby was at therapy. Like how much worse written would V9 be if I actually believed what they did? XD
The people that insist that everything in RWBY was part of some super well thought out 'planned from the beginning' thing. Not only is that actually not a flex with a show that feels more disjointed, rushed, and ill-thought through with every season, but it's actively not what the writers say half the time when they do things like talk about how they 'wrote themselves into corners' and admit that at the beginning they were 'throwing things out and having to stick with it,' and having Blake's VA describe Blake as straight in official stuff and how they entirely reinvented Robin. Like either you think everything was not planned from the beginning or you think the writers are liars lol.
The people that actively just pretend or actually believe that the show is different than what it is, like the person who said RWBY was 'written by and for queer people' or the person who said Blake and Yang had been openly dating since V2 or the person who said Ruby was shown grieving Pyrrha way more than Jaune or the person who said that the RWBY villains were straight white men who weren't part of oppressed groups. What better way to prove that you actually don't like the show you're watching than to insist that it's a completely different show?
I'm sure there's more but those are the ones on my mind right now. XD Once again, I am certain that I have more love for RWBY than a lot of anti-rwde posters do.
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bigtittiecomitte · 29 days
What are your thoughts on this video?? This was recommend to me and I watched it and I didn't really care for it..maybe it's just me but it feels like this person seems more salty about V not getting together with N instead of giving actually criticisms of why he didn't like the finale, in fact I've seen most people act act this way when it comes to the finale..it's been mixed since it released and more people have lately been finding reasons to find Nuzi *Problematic* and a bad ship with saying the whole N is dating is "sister" (Cyn) because of Uzi and the solver being in one together in the same body even though that's NOT the case!! Idk, part of the reasons I was never able to fully ship Envy was because of some of the toxic fans and V fans and how they treated Uzi as a character..even after the finale Uzi is still getting undeserved mistreatment and hate and it's truly unfortunate. People need to see and realize that although Nuzi is canon people are still allowed to ship whatever they want canon or not, and just because Nuzi is canon doesn't mean anybody can be a dick and jackass. People also shouldn't be sending threats to Liam and Glitch because of the finale, yes the finale was flawed but that doesn't make it okay to to doxx or hass the studio or creator, MD is Liam's show and he should allowed to do whatever he wants with this show, I've said this in my own post but I think many in this fandom truly took this show for granted and didn't really deserve it..although I'm grateful for Murder Drones and will forever cherish it as it's my comfort show, this fandom is truly a mess and I know that's all fandoms..but the MD community is just so toxic and I wished it was a much better and healthier fanbase. :(
I saw the video and holy fuck Media Literacy is DEAD
I’m all for hearing people’s opinions but it really does piss me off when people just start saying crap without properly understanding the characters they’re talking about
For anybody not wanting to check out the video, basically the guy is saying that N and V should’ve gotten together and N and Uzi should’ve just stayed friends or even have a “sibling dynamic” (pretty much stuff we’ve already heard before lol). The issue is that if you have been watching the show with your two eyes you would know that N and V getting together in the end would actually be WORSE for N and V
N and V’s relationship is very catered to the past, present and future. In the past, N and V had a thing for each other in the manor (maybe even dated) then we have the present where N and V are now genocidal robots with the intent of killing worker drones for oil. N still has a crush on V prior to meeting Uzi while V tries to protect her and N by continuing on their path of death due to her trauma of Cyn and everything that happened in the manor, she tries pretending to forget his name and hides secrets from him, which makes him upset and lash out on her. Then we cut to the future, N and V are now friends and living in the bunker with the rest of the worker drones, they’re healing but they’re doing alright now that there’s finally no hiding secrets from one another
The problem with a lot of people complaining that Envy should have been canon instead is the fact that their entire relationship throughout Murder Drones is all about moving on and the fact that not all romantic relationships end with them being happy together. N and V could never have what they had in the manor again because not only have they moved on from each other but they’re also building up their platonic relationship brick by brick. N and V were never proper friends and never got the chance to rekindle until Uzi came along, which another thing I want to talk about
I see so many people hating on Uzi for being the reason as to why N and V didn’t become endgame but if it wasn’t for Uzi. N and V would’ve never ended up where they are today like if they never met Uzi then they would just end up killing all the worker drones and dying after all the oil is gone, N and V wouldn’t even get to rekindle their relationship because it would be stuck to how it was before Uzi came along. The reason as to why Nuzi became endgame and not Envy wasn’t because Liam favoured one ship than the other but because N and Uzi were actually communicating. They were friends and understood each other’s trauma and feelings, which is what made them work. N and V didn’t have that until N lashed out on her and she got her character growth
The only part I can somewhat agree with is that we should have seen V apologise to the real N (she did apologise but it was to a fake N instead) but I’m at least happy that real N was there to know that she was being sincere with her words. They’re all traumatised characters, none of them deserved what they went through
He says that Uzi should’ve stopped having a crush on N which leads to N and V getting together and I just full on stopped the video because how are you seeing the interactions between N and Uzi and thinking that Uzi should have just stopped having a crush on him when N’s feelings for her were also the same, them not being canon would have actually made no sense because of all the moments we had got of them, hell even them implied to be dating in Episode 7 lol. N and V getting together in the end would have been way more rushed than the ship of what some envy shippers actually claim to be rushed
Not only that but him calling V “jealous” of N and Uzi being in love because apparently that’s what she wanted with N, like hell did V tell you that? She’s happy for them even if she doesn’t look like it (I mean I don’t like seeing couples in public either lol)
Nuzi being canon doesn’t mean you have to stop shipping other ships that you find better and it’s totally ok to be disappointed that Envy wasn’t the main ship. But it doesn’t give people the right to just make fake screenshots of Liam’s twitter and blaming Nuzi shippers for the reason as to why Nuzi became canon (apparently we all did a meeting and pay for Nuzi to be canon lmao). Remember that fanfiction and fanart exist my dudes, support your local AU’s too
Basically Envy is a very tragic ship and it was always written that way and guys please stop mischaracterising V it hurts
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oscconfessions · 22 days
i dont get people's obsession with book making up with/forgiving people from her past because is her whole arc in tpot not about moving on from the past and finding new friends. idk people really want her and ice cube or match or pencil or taco or you get the point to make up and i don't see the point. let her have new friends. let her move on. not everything has to end with everybody being happy and silly together. they can be on bad terms/not talking/literally not friends. it's ok guys. I Really Just Want Them To Move On From Each Other and for people to stop forcing her back into toxic environments from her past
i think book confronting her past is important and i personally feel that she's been avoiding it (her lack of objection towards ice cube leaving her in tpot 1 and her dreading having to deal with it in tpot 10) so obviously it shouldn't just be swept under the rug but i Do Not feel like book owes match or pencil (especially pencil because match has been shown to at least be trying to improve. iirc i don tremember like anytihn gfrom bfb LOL) forgiveness. She shouldn't have to be forced to suck up and go back with people who hurt her. i genuinely think it's best that they go their seperate ways.
^ i also feel like the whole "they should just go their seperate ways" thing applies to icebook. their relationship in bfb was mutually toxic and both of them hurt the other with a lack of proper communication and whatnot. soooooo many people want ice cube and book to make up and be friends again it tpot but they're Not Good For Each Other!!! also book hasn't proven that she's grown enough from her time in bfb to even handle being around ice cube again without repeating her same mistakes towards her. ice cube has no reason to not dislike her right now because she's just acting the same as she did in bfb towards her in tpot 12. if book wants to have a chance at being with ice cube again she needs to realize /what/ she did wrong; book and ice cube's boundaries were always a mess and a big problem in their relationship was that constant pushing of boundaries by book, something that she saw no issue with because ice cube never spoke up about it until it got to an extreme point.
i fear if book and ice cube become friends again in tpot they'll A. just repeat their same mistakes or B. have all of those mistakes conveniently disappear so book faces no consequences for her mistakes in bfb which is like Not Good
i get wanting your fav friendships to interact again but *insert nerd emoji here* it makes no sense for her character and the arc they're trying to give her this season acshually
book needs to accept that her past doesn't define her so she can move on from that and move on from her past friendships. she needs to accept that those people are gone for a reason instead of chasing after them. She Needs To Actually Learn A Lesson And Change, Tpot Writers
vaguely related but dont get me wrong i love icebook (peep the blog lol) but maaaaaaaaaan i don't like seeing it portrayed all fluffy and happy and wholesome. you do you but GAFHGFDGFDKG there's so much interesting stuff about the flsaws in their relationship and just how disgustingly attached book is to ice cube and how ice cube allows this to happen until it's too much for her to handle and how book focuses so much more on ice cube than herself and they're so awfully codepdendent and they suck at communication and boundaries and they were honestly always doomed to fail They Won't Work Out Together they're tied by fate and can't live without each other even if it's hurting them and AND AND AND make their relationship uglier it won't hurt to have ship content that's not 100% happy fluffy all the time no flaws ever fix-it fic material (obligatory you do you i don't care that much this is my opinion you are allowed to do whatever you want)
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fangirlanxiety74 · 2 months
HIII as a fellow ted enthusiast I love seeing people talk about him lol. How do u feel about the portrayals of his relationship with Ellen and what’s your favourite dynamic?
I think. The way his relationship with Ellen in the Radio Drama makes the most sense to me. Or at least the Book. I still don't know what is going on with the game, I never will.
The game, to me, is like the fnaf books are to the fnaf games. There's bits of truth in there but god it's hard to tell what is.
Lemme answer before I go off track UH
I think the relationship of them both. Hating each other and yet still needing each other, relying on each other, caring for each other in their own fucked-up way is what makes the most sense for me. Obviously, this is more true on Ted's end than Ellen's, but it still stands.
It's not a good relationship. It's not a healthy one. He's awful to her, but like. We see so little of how their relationship works in real life, because let's remember: We're seeing it all from his perspective. And the story is only a few pages. There's so much we won't ever know about them, so we can only guess from the context clues, yk??
But clearly, she cared, at least somewhat for him. And as much as he hated her, he clearly cared, at least somewhat, for him. Or the scene in the ice caves wouldn't have happened.
Ted would've killed himself over her if he really, genuinely did not like her.
Plus I think the scene in the radio drama where he can only sob and ask Ellen to hold him, who obliges... Idk. There's something so human and tragic about it. It's definitely my favorite portrayal of them.
As for dynamic, uhh... Dynamic for them? Platonic. Basically as I described above. In general, like, between characters? Ted and Ellen, still. Ted and AM are great, and I ship GorriTed, but... God I think there's something so fascinating about Ted and Ellen's relationship. If I understand foils correctly, I think they pull it off well. Especially when you put it in a platonic lens instead of a romantic one.
I wanna say. If there ever came a day when they all escaped. When they were all free of AM, and could live their lives normally. I don't know if they would ever stay in touch. I think it'd end up like Diana and Bojack's final scene in Bojack Horseman. They say their goodbyes, but they never reach out again. Because they know they will make each other worse if they ever stayed together. Does that make sense???
The found-family in me wants them to be friends. But the human in me wants Ellen to find peace, without him. She would never be happy if he stayed in her life. And he would never be better with her in his.
Also, please, if you read this; explain more what you mean by dynamics I do wanna answer!!!
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chevelleneech · 11 days
See so i think jikook are close def that much i can say, but i dont think they are in a relationship or a serious one at that , i mean we are pretty sure that jk had teh thing with the women (which people for some reason dont agree with or say its a cosplayer , who has teh exact same hairstyle, floorplan, walls, dog, sofa and lights , mannerisms, apartment and very soon after that jk said that "saesangs are still here" , so i dont whats there to disprove over here for those relegious jikook people) and then jm has with the actress who posts his apartment pics, and all of this happened esp with jk at that period when they admitted they werent talking at all, and wouldnt have if they hadnt met, throughout ct it felt that jk was sort of anxious, bored, distracted more like it and felt was upset, all of this also points that maybe they had a fallout a major one perhaps, but now they are better bc hell they went to military together. But all of this factually also puts out that jk and jm are not dating, jk is having his fun, with prob diff people, relationships and same prob with jm. Tae was with jennie, and even rm had a long committed relationship until recently it seems from rpwp songs. so all of this people fighting over taekook vs jikook and how jk seems abusive is redundant , bc they arent in a relationship either of them. what are you thoughts about it.
You including the “Jungkook was anxious and irritated and upset” line tells me you’re a Tkkr trying to hide your hands, lol.
Jungkook may have been nervous at the start of their trip to Connecticut, because Jimin was too, as they both mentioned it’s the first time they’re hanging out after a bit of not seeing each other. But this attempt at highlighting JK only, and saying he seemed uninterested in whatever ways, has been the one thing Tkkrs clung to since the first episode, and it is baseless.
Jungkook is allowed to feel however he felt, but we also all watched the damn show. He was smiling and happy during every single episode thus far, and reiterated his joy many times over. He also said during the first episode that he wanted to keep traveling and filming with Jimin after enlistment. He wants to do it until they’re 50. Was he exaggerating? Most probably, and him being tired at some points was a given due to him being in the middle of promoting his solo work. Outside of that though, he was happy and willing to do the show.
Jungkook and Jimin traveled together because they chose to, because they wanted to. So whatever was going on behind the scenes between them, is something we will never know the full picture of. So if you don’t think they’re together, okay, but I don’t think you ever did, because I’m pretty sure you are a Tkkr anyway.
Regardless of what you ship though, smoke and mirrors are not good indicators that people are dating. Jimin and Jungkook flirt and put their mouths on one another. They choose each other over and over, so no matter the fact that there is a woman claiming to be or trying to insinuate she is Jimin’s girlfriend. Without him ever confirming that, she’s just a weirdo.
Not to mention, why would any of their actual partners post the way she does? If Park Jimin was my man, I do not need to vague post and try to show off bits and pieces of our lives to convince his fans of it. Never mind the fact that it’s his private life. So if they are together, unless Jimin is okay with her stirring shit up in the fandom and posting his house on IG… that’s not something a grown woman, who is famous adjacent herself, dating an incredibly famous person would do.
In comparison, Namjoon and his potential boyfriend situation is the near exact opposite of what that woman is or was doing. We have no idea who the man (or men) is in the pictures Namjoon himself posted. Maybe some people do, idk, but the point is, there is no way to determine who they are nor what they mean to Joon outside of fandom speculation. Yet the speculation makes sense and is believable, because Namjoon himself played into it. He wasn’t deterred by people questioning his sexuality nor relationship status, he posted a heart over a man’s face, and was posting all types of loves songs as he traveled with his family and a man. Yet when he seemingly had his heartbroken, he deleted all photos of the emoji covered man (or men), started talking shit about relationships, and posting sad queer music.
That, imo, is how I believe a relationship between any BTS member would go. Not the heartbreak, but a “quiet launch”. Tae and Jennie were even along similar lines. They unfortunately didn’t post their pictures themselves, but even in the middle of the drama, they kept seeing each other in public spaces. They just didn’t publicize their whereabouts.
So if two members of the group can seemingly date both famous and presumably non famous people, and take pictures and be seen out and about with them, why can’t Jimin? Why is his relationship shrouded in mystery, and only fueled by the woman claiming to live with him all the while he makes no move to imply there’s truth to the rumor?
If he and JK have absolutely nothing going on, why is he out here letting his girlfriend look goofy, all the while biting hickies on a man? While flirting with a man on live and asking him to get naked? While traveling with the same man, getting his ass slapped by him in bed? Enlisting in the military with said man, using a program that keeps them together the entire time?
So again, you don’t have to ship Jikook nor think anything of them, but if you’re going to pull in Taennie and Namjoon’s possible situation to use as examples of the members dating, keep it steady across the board. Jimin and Jungkook’s speculated relationships with women do not match up with Taennie nor Joon’s situation, yet Jikook does.
They travel, sight see, share meals, stay up late, take cute selfies, and cuddle up. So what makes Jikook less likely, aside from them being in the same group for a decade? Which only adds reason to why they may have had some communication issues or whatever, and needed time apart.
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hidingoutbackstage · 5 months
Okay so Tucker and Kaikaina in Shisno Paradox. Idk how long this is gonn be but it’s gonna go below a cut jic (and so I don’t spoil anything for June lol)
I think the easiest thing they could’ve done to make this dynamic better is just have them reciprocate each others lust from the beginning. Is it funny that Tucker gets rejected by Kai when she proposes time travel sex bc he thinks she’s talking about him? Is it funny that he fucks up her attempts to have sex with people from the past? Is it funny that he has been bragging about having done her back in Blood Gulch and that’s not actually the case (despite the fact that Kai literally says that they did during the s13 climax)? I guess? But you know what else is funny? Tucker and Kai actually going back in time and having sex with people from history. Like I feel like that has just as much, if not more comedic potential than the two of them just being annoyed with each other. I know this is the “everyone is arguing with each other because fuck friendships for some reason” arc but like it didn’t have to be.
Personally I was laughing when Kai and Tucker were talking about using the time travel gun for sex, like that was funny! The episode was literally TITLED “Sis and Tuck’s Sexcellent Adventure” and then they just drop that in favor of these two arguing. Like come on that’s not as funny at all.
They didn’t have to have reciprocated feelings (as much as I personally like them as a ship), there’s nothing wrong with characters having physical attraction to each other and acting on it. Hell up until now it was implied that they did actually have sex. I suppose the idea that they didn’t is kind of a funny subversion of expectation but the direction they go with it isn’t rlly entertaining, at least for me.
And if the intent was to get to the angsty Kai backstory, you could’ve still gotten there! Maybe she and Tucker try to do the time travel sex, but she gets tired/worn out before Tucker does and he doesn’t listen to her when she suggests they take a break from time traveling for a bit, dragging her along to the time periods HE wants to go to without considering her feelings. Still kinda sucks as Tucker characterization bc he should realistically be better than that, but it’s better than what the hell we got that’s for sure.
Anyway she could still blow up at him for being selfish and then they might argue and then later on they can have the heart to heart where she talks about her childhood and being promiscuous due to her insecurity about her own self image, and instead of saying “Tucker what you said reminded me of my trauma” it’s more of a reflection, kind of “Hey as my friend I want to let you know why I’m like this in the first place and why I was so insecure/nervous about saying no to going along with your adventure” and Tucker could still apologize and all that.
Then maybe a confession of feelings from Tucker so he gets a moment of vulnerability too, and like I said as much as I ship them I do kinda like Kai’s “I used to have feelings for you too” cuz ik this season didn’t actually care about these two as a ship, and Tucker demonstrates maturity by showing he’s okay with her rejection.
Although if they DID wanna make them a ship, there’s not a ton that actually has to change in the script for that to happen. (in my version not the version of SP we canonically got) They already get along like friends, they had sex before, and when they had an argument from Tucker being a bad friend, they worked through it. All you’d rlly need is for Kai to eventually come to the conclusion that she rlly likes Tucker, and that at some point, it stops being just as friends and she really wants him, and seeing as Tucker already has feelings for her but cares about her enough to not act on them, there might be some hesitation there but I think they’d make a rlly good pairing after that. Their sense of humor is already similar, they already get along, and they’re just so cute together ugh I’m getting distracted anyway it would make the moment everyone gets thanos snapped to repeat their timelines till infinity where he says “K I need to tell you-” all the more emotional, at least to me, bc that moment lives rent free in my brain anyway I just wanted better writing for these two is that too much to ask
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tamamatango · 1 month
Friendship Power Scaling (normal thing to do)
Hello space frog fans, how’s everyone? Take another random off-the-cuff analysis post while I procrastinate on the more significant things I’m supposed to be doing (including the Project I plan to reveal when I put up the next part of said project) because I feel like my brain is melting like candle wax these days.
Here’s a topic I’m sure people have thought about but not really put a quantification to: I will be ranking the Keroro Platoon and their partners by their mutual closeness, as in which have the most believable Platonic Soulmates dynamic. (Read: strictly platonic we do not ship any of these in this house.) Why? Idk do I look like I know why I do anything?
So first place is Keroro and Fuyuki. Duh. Literal world-saving levels of bestest best besties forever, would be completely devastated without each other, needs very little explanation really. I guess it is sort of funny that in terms of demeanor they are maybe the least similar out of the duos but they adore each other so much it just doesn’t even matter.
Second I would say is Dororo and Koyuki. Koyuki rescued Dororo both physically and emotionally and completely changed his outlook on everything pretty much, and Dororo is Koyuki’s only real constant in her life from the village. Dororo is pretty overtly more loyal to her and their shared duty to the Earth than he is to the platoon lmao. More pronounced in the manga but still. It’s kinda hard to pinpoint their exact relationship (siblings? Dororo is her dad? Koyuki is his emotional support human?) but their bond is definitely Very Special. Even in the new project trailer Koyuki is holding him, they are so friggin sweet dude.
For third I’m gonna be spicy and say it’s Kururu and Saburo yes I am very biased but hear me out. Despite being the only pair that doesn’t live together it is heavily implied that they are near perfectly in sync but just have a really weird indirect communication system that’s sort of obscured from the audience and even more so the rest of the cast. They act nonchalant about it but they will drop whatever they’re doing immediately if the other needs a solid no questions asked. In the manga they’re even more openly buddy-buddy with all the 親友 and マブダチ talk (anime Kururu is tsun af and pretends he’s too cool for friendship) but they get even less screen time together so rip. I’ve spent more than enough time on these two before but yeah they have extreme best bro energy everyone else just isn’t big-brained enough to Get It.
Fourth is Tamama and Momoka. They’re very much cut from the same cloth and are definitely like siblings, helps that they’re the closest in age out of all the pairs (Tamama might even be a little younger than Momoka depending on what exact Keronian age theory you subscribe to). Momoka pampers Tamama like a pet, they occasionally boost each other via training, and Tamama helps with Momoka’s Love Schemes. But despite the fact that they are kindred spirits in several ways I think they put their pursuits of Keroro and Fuyuki a little above their friendship. And Momoka is not afraid to just kinda kick Tama’s ass, sometimes for good reason sometimes for no reason lol. They still love each other they’re just not as deep in each other’s heads as the higher duos.
And finally the take that would get me tarred and feathered in earlier Keroro fandom days which is putting Giroro and Natsumi last. Okay, so we know Giroro is for better or worse extremely dedicated to Natsumi in an arguably unhealthy way (well, it’s not rly arguable lol, but it’s more innocuous if you headcanon father figure theory and not The Other Thing). But does Giroro have the same level of importance to Natsumi? Eh, I mean she sees him as a close family friend and she obviously really cares about him plus certainly favors hanging out with him well over the other little guys (though she is closer with Keroro than it seems), but I think the affection is very lopsided on one end here. They both have a warrior-like disposition and a soft side but idk how much they relate outside that. And they’re not really each other’s clear BFF in the same way the other duos are since Natsumi has Koyuki and Giroro has Keroro (and Dororo as part of the RGB trio but it’s Keroro who is specifically stated to be his Best Friend in the manga). Their friendship is very cute but they just don’t have the same Unbreakable Bond Sauce that the others have yknow. And sadly they kinda Have to be a little less good at reading each other for the Giroro pining over her jokes to land. Sadly.
Well that’s it, kind of ironic the explanations got longer the lower down the list but that’s more where I felt I had to justify my positions. Like nobody is going to argue me about Keroro and Fuyuki right. At least I hope not because then I think we might have watched a different show? I mean I guess they win a bit less overwhelmingly in Sgt Frog Abridged maybe you watched that. Fuyuki gives Keroro a speech about how fucked up he is in that one that was surprisingly metal
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jedi-hawkins · 7 months
The Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 5 Reaction
Major spoilers (duh) Just my thoughts when I was watching episode 5 because there were so many.
Tumblr media
Where was our reunion???
Omega and Lula!!
She still has the ball from J-19, Cut and Sue
They're on Pabu!! Hunter isn't in his armor, he’s finally relaxing!!
Crosshair practicing!! of course he's working with Azi and Batcher is with him (people suck)!!
Crosshair's hand... What did they do to him??
Omega getting sniping lessons!!
Of course Hunter didn't want to give Cross his rifle back, I mean I get it but Crosshair working with his rifle again has to be big for his healing. Wrecker's "Omega trusts him."
Hunter's whistle!!
53% I'm sobbing, this can’t be easy for Crosshair
Omega Echo hug!!
"No hug for me?" Crosshair you lil shit
Of course Echo is straight to business , he’s not angry or coddling over Cross’ return (see my Crosshair was the first to accept Echo post here)
"Without Tech." So when did Crosshair find out??? They way they all bowed their heads
Oof. The way Hunter just walks past Crosshair and Omega. (How is Hunter dealing with Crosshair being Omega's 'new favorite'?)
We finally got "I'm older than you, little brother" and of course it was Omega to Crosshair!!!!
Wrecker was the one to give him his armor back!! "It never felt right to get rid of it"
Snow planet... Hoth?? (Future Hawkins: “nope. Just pain.”)
Batcher in the snow!!
Why wouldn't Crosshair's armor fit? Was Wrecker calling him fat? lol
Oh no.... It's the outpost... Mayday I'm sobbing
"Kill each other later." Thanks Echo
"He started it." Nice.
Will hearing Mayday's story get Hunter to start trusting Crosshair again? (but that would taking Crosshair talking about it)
"It served its purpose." "Sounds familiar." BIG OOF
The heat lamp... The helmets of Mayday's men... Mayday..... Crosshair fixing the helmets I'm going to cryyyyyyyy
Of course Hunter was watching. TALK TO HIM.
"To check the perimeter." Like when he was there last time
RETURN OF THE TOOTHPICKS (were they in his armor?? They were definitely in his armor.)
Crosshair spitting FACTS, a lil harsh babes but yeah.
"Not alone." Hell yeah. Work together and love each other again dammit.
Echo is in the tower!! THE TOWER where Crosshair got blown out by the ship explosion and definitely said "fuck"
They're working as a team!!
Wrecker digging like Batcher I’m dead
Crosshair's hand, his lil shake, he's trying to hide it less and less. The rest of them have to know he's having issues, right??
"Glad you heard me properly." The snark!
He's using his rifle to break the ice... his precious rifle… Hunter matters more 🥹
The fact that they kept calling it 'the worm' was killing me, idk why.
Cross and Hunter’s lil nod of acknowledgement
Wrecker group hug!!
"I don't even see any blood this time. That's progress." I'm dying, thanks Echo
"There just might be hope for us yet."
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I am so unwell. Send help.
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bthump · 2 months
idk if it is wrong of me to say, but ppl's love for gtsca is very strange to me. guts has known her longer in her elaine state than when they talked to each other, i think. it is hard to find it heartbreaking in the sense that we haven't seen him interacting with casca in well over like 250+ chapters. so i question whether fans self-insert or really just keep rereading GA over and over. it is like guts recycles the same moments they had years ago, but even if those moments were the peak of romance (they were not), seeing the same flashbacks gets stale after so many years. i truly wonder what keeps fans invested lmao
Idk, to be fair you can make pretty much the same criticisms of griffguts lol. They've barely interacted since the Golden Age, Griffith is no longer his human self, Guts always thinks of the same moments when he thinks of Griffith, etc.
People like what they like. There's virtually nothing that appeals to me about gtsca, and I do definitely think griffguts is about 100x more engaging and interesting, but if people got emotionally attached to Guts and Casca's relationship in the Golden Age it makes sense to still root for them now, especially since the manga does still tease the fans of their relationship occasionally.
lol sorry btw, I know you were probably expecting agreement since I'm not a fan of gtsca at all myself and I do think they're boring and all the post-GA content makes their relationship even worse in my eyes, but idk I feel like it's best to express your dislike of a ship without making assumptions about why other people might enjoy it. And even if it is true that a lot of fans self-insert (and based on how people discuss Berserk on eg reddit and stuff, and the fact that it's just a very common way of enjoying stories) I don't think that's inherently a bad thing as long as they don't make it other peoples' problem.
Anyway, yeah. Totally agree that Guts and Casca's relationship is lacklustre in every way and pretty close to nonexistent after the Golden Age, but I think it's still fine for people to enjoy it. We can't all have the same taste in entertainment.
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
Alright, I think anon is going off for a little bit. If you got a (real) issue with me you're gonna have to put on your "big boy pants" so to speak and talk to me like an adult without hiding.
A few things to note:
My blog. I chose how to run it. Multiple people trying to tell me what to do. "Tag this" / "change this" / "add that" / "follow me" / "I follow you. You follow me" <- literally how lol/ "stop making personal posts" / "I thought this was a self ship blog why are you talking about x thing" / "insert anons telling me how to tag my ships" hullo? Pretty sure I can now make a check list titled "anon demands"
Blacklist/filter tags exist. Hell options on tumblr exist for long posts (I tag everything that matters like venting/not self ship/playing video games/writing etc and if a tag doesn't work lemme know!) if you still can't be bothered then just unfollow me if I'm making your experience unpleasant by existing on dash. It's not hard.
Blocking and unfollowing is free if you're incapable of blacklist/unfollowing/using features. You don't need to announce your departure. Just move on if you feel like we aren't vibing yeah might suck if we are close moots but ya know, no hard feelings there are other places to talk to each other if you still wanna connect!
I will not be harassed by people with no faces.
I do not condone s*uicide bait or any type of harm
I do not condone who the fuck ever it is who keeps dogging on my ships.
My job is not to catered specifically for everyone else.
I've sort of had enough of of whoever the hell it is or if there is more than one person. Which is truly unfortunate because a lot of engagement happens when anon is on. Idk if it will be a permanent off or if I will bring it back in the future but it sucks people ruin it for everyone else ya know.
Literally tumblr is about curating your own space it's not up to me to make every single person feel comfortable. Sometimes you gotta do things for yourself.
Sorry if this sounds super bitchy but I'm tired. I have a lot of really shitty things happening irl which a good majority of you know and this is suppose to be my happy little escape place and everyone is doing a great job of stressing me out more (everyone as in the weird demanding anons, not the nice people ilu!)
I just wanna love on my f/os and have a nice time talking with my lovely mutuals and rbing stuff
So yes this is a very long winded "I'm turning anon off" but I wanted to say why I'm doing it.
Don't reblog // keeping option on for queue
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seouldreams14 · 8 months
Heyy! Saw your post about hyuna, what is the lore with that guy? Besides obviously that he’s a criminal
Idk if this is a genuine question but I'm gonna answer it as such but tldr: I initially said that because people were comparing him to Dawn when him and Hyuna have known each other their entire careers and newer kpop fans don't know who Junhyung is so they are confused wondering how they know each other/calling him a rebound
But 1st Junhyung isn't a criminal, not excusing anything but he was never charged with anything he was a witness and bystander in the Molka situation (which a lot of people are confusing for Burning Sun because they happened around the same time but different situations). Basically Junhyung was friends with Jung Joon Yung (which a lot of people think IS Junhyung but no different guys) who was found to have a group chat spreading around illegal videos taken of men sleeping with women without their consent. Junhyung being friends with him was accused of being in the group chat, he denied it, then when the police got a warrant for his phone history it came out that he WASN'T in the infamous group chat HOWEVER! He was in a solo chat with JJY and was sent an illegal video of him sleeping with a girl. In the end he was a witness and bystander who didn't come forward with that information, which is bad of course.
I have mixed feelings about it because I was a fan of his for over a decade and was extremely disappointed in him. He admitted what he did was wrong and he should've come forward with it when it happened but yeah.... Its just a hard topic I hate him for it but at the same time idk complex feelings
Long post because I ended up writing more than I intended to... but hey 15ish years of history am I right?
Now the LORE with Hyuna and Junhyung is that they debuted around the same time in 4minute and Beast under the same company, Cube. He was featured in her solo debut song: Change. They also were paired together A LOT in Cube family performances because they had similar positions in their group (rappers). They basically became really good friends:
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They were so close in a way you don't see kpop idols do now and days with the opposite sex and of course people began to ship them because it seemed like they were flirting.
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Then Junhyung began dating Goo Hara and Hyuna joined a sub-unit called Troublemaker with his bandmate at the time, Hyunseung. They kinda cooled on their friendship in the public, probably out of respect for his girlfriend and not wanting to be shipped with his friend. And Hyuna played up a stage relationship with Hyunseung to the point people thought THEY were dating but tbh It was probably an image thing. (funny story Junhyung came up with the name troublemakers lol)
So nothing was seen about them for YEARS even after him and Hara broke up, until like 2016? After 4minute disbanded Hyuna went solo and stayed with Cube, which is a whole long other tangent. But they appeared on a show together called "Happy together". Junhyung hated going on talk/variety shows because he's incredibly shy but he did it for once and it was with Hyuna so it was kind of a big deal. They still appeared close as friends and Hyuna tried to make him feel more comfortable on camera.
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Then Hyuna had a show called X19, which is kinda hard to find now and days, but it was a reality show to prepare for her new album. During it she had a meal with Junhyung where they talked openly and you got to see more of their friendship openly for the first time in ages. I mean if you watch that video of them eating I feel like you can tell he had feelings for her idk the way he looked at her... But in that chat they talked about the public pressure to be seen a certain way that is expected of them. For Hyuna it was being hyper sexual in her music and performances because that's what people expected of her. Junhyung says he wishes for her to stop doing what other people want and do what she wanted and that he hoped she could do something she enjoyed. Then she brings up the fact that he had promised to make a song for her (he is a writer, producer and composer) and he says "ah yeah it didn't turn out"
Anywayyys it was cute and if you were curious you could watch it here with subs
After this stretch of promo with them (they also attended a fashion show together) Junhyung and the remaining members of Beast would leave Cube ent and start their own company and change their name to Highlight. This would be the last we'd see of them together publicly until well... now
I'm sure I don't have to tell people about her and Dawn and their history but they started dating after Junhyung left Cube.
There's a lot more to the lore like other collabs they did, the songs they released that seemed to be about each other (mainly from his side) but that's probably just going into delulu land so I'll avoid that.
But yeah If you read this far thanks for listening to me ramble and try to explain 15ish years of lore as brief as possible.
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Eheh Dazai
Favorite thing about them: I really like how as a character he was able to deeply touch so many people!! Seeing so many people finding relief in being able to relate to and emphasize with the character makes me happy.
Least favorite thing about them: I mean, his personality? I don't like how his many flaws are written to be interpreted as strong points / good traits for his character to the point no flaw is actually a flaw, it makes the reading experience very frustrating for me.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: Mmmmhh, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Dazai. Soukoku, probably. The Buraiha trio makes me emotional a little. Souheki, but in a very passive-aggressive, over-competitive, one-sided rivality, can't-stand-each-other way. Dazai and Kyouka. Dazai and Atsushi too I suppose, though I prefer them romantically. I think he makes for a lot of interesting dynamics with virtually all the characters, but none compells me in particular tbh.
OTP: Odazai is plain canon to me, idk what to tell you. I think they make for a beautiful, tragic love story. Get you a man who is willing to change the path of his whole life for another man just like that, nobody does it like them (actually, wait, I can think of another man... ). Although I always distantly liked them, dazatsu has grown on me like, an INSANE amount in the last few months. I'm not sure what happened. I think it was an unfortunate (lol) coincidence of growing a little fonder of Dazai and just wanting to give more space and agenda to Atsushi. Like to me a lot of what dazatsu is really is about giving Atsushi more agency and autonomy and independence and overall just respecting him as a complex, full fleshed out character. I don't see ANY kind of power imbalance in it I keep finding people talk about. Dazai pushes Atsushi to be better every day, and Atsushi does exactly the same for Dazai. Atsushi admires and respects Dazai, and Dazai admires and respects Atsushi equally. I really don't know why the ship isn't more popular and instead just gets discarded most of the time tbh. I feel like everyone should sit down a second and actually give Atsushi the dignity to choose for himself. And fyozai!!! The investment in this ship mostly goes on waves for me but despite that I firmly believe that they really make for an engaging and interesting dynamic to be interpreted romantically. The epitome of “You're both just enabling each other's mental illnesses. You're both perfect for each other. Never change. Just never involve anybody else in what you've got going on.”
nOTP: Nothing comes to my mind.
Random headcanon: Not canon related, but in modern aus I feel like he'd be one to always end up working at ceo roles and he would HATE it. He fires himself and starts working at some cheap frozen yogurt place and one month later he'll find himself as the ceo of the most important oil company of the country AGAIN without him even realizing it / despite his active efforts to avoid that. And he HATES IT. He fires himself again but the loop only repeats forever. He's just that kind of person for whom all doors open automatically.
Unpopular opinion: ............ I could be here forever. I regretfully fail to relate to a lot of characterization / readings of the character I've seen the fandom give him. I really don't want to dwell on this so I'll just mention something mostly unrelated to his characterization: I wholly can't share the take of him being physically built like??? At all??? Which got REALLY popular a few months ago. Dude feels like he never lifted a finger his whole life, I really don't know where the idea comes from???? And I personally don't take his manga visual portrayal as a telling factor for this; pretty much all the characters have the same body type, it's impossible for me to base the buff Dazai assumption on how he's drawn in the manga. Just one thing about his chracter though stop making him matchmaker for ss/kk he really isn't stop don't do it please
Song i associate with them: HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE associating him with my favourite vocaloid song ever but. Meltdown by iroha is a very Dazai song. So many other songs though... Parade of Liars by ryo. Abstract Nonsense by Neru. God-ish by Pinocchio-P. So on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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chromotps · 8 months
*immediately pounces on you to talk about CoraLaw bc no one else does anymore (at least, not on Tumblr and not English speakers)* I wanna know so bad how adult Law and Cora would interact bc that'd seem so interesting. Especially on a Cora Lives AU. Imagine coming back to life to find out the boy you saved turned out to be a pirate and a(n) (ex)warlord but also a doctor slash (advanced, bc of his devil-fruit lmao) surgeon. It was probably what most would expect what Law would occupy when he was given the devil-fruit (minus the whole pirate and warlord thing I guess) but at that time all Cora expected and hoped what law would be was free. And thinking of that, Cora would realise just how much Law had grown and how he's far from the kid he was then and how little he knows about the man (not that he knew much about Law even when he was a kid anyway, both their pasts were a touchy subject for them but they did get to know each other a little bit and got close, and at that time that was enough for both of them. They didn't need to know about each other's past or something to love and care for each other. I'm not saying your past defines you but sometimes it kinda does. Not fully, no, but it does help shape you into what you are now). And Cora realises that he missed out on so many things. They both wanted to live together, fully and freely. But Law spent 13(?? Or so) years without him but also, Law hadn't been exactly free, not when Doflamingo was alive and Cora-san's death was a wound that will never be healed. Yk what I'm spitting nonsense at this point and I'm probably projecting but yuh... I just badly wanna know how adult Law and Cora would interact when Cora steps into the light again (AKA brought back to life lmao).
Argh I wanna talk about them but I don't know what to say!!!! These idiots make me cry and sob and scream and smile and laugh and I cannot get them out of my head.
But oh! Regarding of their relationship dynamics, I do love the idea of Law being so openly devoted to Cora (and also possessive and obsessed but the latter is almost a fact that he doesn't even need to so anything or say anything for anybody to notice. I mean, look at this guy. He has tattoos dedicated to his lover. The Jolly Roger on his ship is dedicated to his lover. One of his techniques is dedicated to his lover. He steals hearts because his lover's name is Corazon which means heart in Spanish. Yes the last is a HC of mine but idc he'll still be obsessed even when my HC is removed lol). Idk if Cora would leave a kiss mark on anywhere on his skin he'd leave it there until it gets accidentally (and only accidentally, if anybody tries to wipe it off he'd replace their heads with a mop) wiped off. Cora would also be open about their relationship and would proudly gush about his lover who grins when he's kissed on the nose and could cuddle whenever Cora wants to (then he'd introduce said lover to the people and they're a bit shocked to see a 6 foot tall emo looking mf—). They'd fr be the Mom and Dad of the Heart Pirates. But that doesn't make them any less troublesome lmao.
...I had another thought pop up in my head and I— sigh... thinking about Strawhats meeting Cora and him and Sanji bonding over make-up (implied Zosan. Yes I did just imply Zosan without saying anything that could imply Zosan. I'm brilliant. Also implied Genderfluid Sanji. I love my HCs). And also— what. What does that have to do with– sorry, I was talking to my brain bc it suddenly brought Cross Guild Polycule (+ Shanks) in too. I remembered a fanart where Crocodile, Buggy and Cora were talking about jewellery and make-up while their significant others (Mihawk, Shanks and Law) are staring intensely at them xD not sure if that was a ship fanart tho! Also, I made it into Cross Guild (+ Shanks) polycule bc I can *blinks cutely*. So yeah. Just Bottoms bonding over treasure, jewellery, cosmetics and maybe their lovers (Pls we don't get enough Bottom Cora fics I am begging on my knees for them—).
I am making zero sense and I'm yapping at this point but *breathes heavily* I love talking about CoraLaw. I need more fanart. I need more fics. I need more content, posts about them. I– *dissolves into thin air*
hello!! wowza that's a lot of headcanons ahaha. I need to organize my answer lmaoooo
My brain caught on one of the points you made about adult Law and Cora—like, how surprised Cora would be at Law being a pirate. Maybe, after only really having Doflamingo as an idea of what pirates are like, Cora is a little... not disappointed, but like, worried when he finds out. Part of that worry goes away when he sees that Law isn't cruel. But he does slowly understand that, like you said, Law wasn't totally free after living with all that anger and guilt. I think I saw a post a while ago that talked about how Law never claims that he wants to be the King of the Pirates or anything—his "dream" was really just to avenge Cora, and might not have expected he'd survive after that. SOOOOOOO. I think once Cora totally catches up on who Law is as an adult (and realizes he still loves him :3c), he forces Law to sit down and have a conversation about what his new dream should be—it isn't about what he'd die for anymore, but what does he want to live for? Then, I guess the headcanons could be anything... maybe they decide they want to focus on bringing medical help to people who need it, and Law becomes some kind of renegade pirate doctor who goes into places the world government has quarantined... i don't know!! the world is their oyster!!
Ah... the two of them being lovey-dovey around the Heart Pirates........;w; I do also like the idea of them being a little secretive about it, at least maybe at first—like, Law is such a private person, and he doesn't want to "share" Cora after just getting him back... even if it's his own crew just seeing Cora blush or something, haha. And I love cute, open-with-his-feelings Cora, but also liked that rough side of him that would curse out useless doctors and stand up to Doflamingo—I could see him actually being more flustered than Law telling others about their relationship... Like, Cora is talking to Sengoku over transponder snail, and saying stuff like "yeah... I'm... kind of getting dinner with Law tonight. Yes, that Law—don't laugh, damn it, Dad!" and struggling to get his words out. Then Law comes up and takes the receiver from Cora to say, "Then we're gonna make out afterward. Have a nice evening," and hangs up.
my brain is unfortunately too obsessed full with ace/lu and lawcora to come up with anything fun for those other characters, but I'm sure someone out in the world could add on! I'd also love more fics for themmm. I know sometimes you have to "make your own food", but I'm still too deep in my Ace Era to do anything about it yet haha
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
We’re at the S1 finale. Hard to believe. Thank you all for staying on this journey with me it’s been super rewarding. When I started didn't expected the support I got. Also been fun to fill the hiatus with this since we're all waiting for S6. Not sure when this strike will end. So fun to rewatch the series this way. Rewatching s1 with analytical eyes and knowing where they are now has been eye opening. I’ve seen a lot of people writing about how writers said Chenford wasn’t meant to happen this early on. Idk that’s true with the incredible foundation that has been laid in s1.
The beautiful base that continues to solidly with each ep. Especially this finale. I think the finale is when if you hadn’t been shipping them before you were after this ep. I was all in day one I just knew it would be a slow burn before we got there. Also Eric and Melissa are amazing together. Drew me in right away. Their chemistry is unparalleled. Can’t deny that. Like I said in my first review I started watching for Nathan and Eric. Never knowing the beautiful ship I was gonna get along the way. Anyways off to the finale we go :)
1x20 freefall
It’s the week of their big test. It decides whether or not they get to continue on in the FTO program. You can get a score as low as an 80 and pass. To the T.O.’s that’s a fail. Tim tells a Lucy if she gets anything less than a 93 it’s an insult to him LOL Lucy doesn’t even let it phase her how far we’ve come. She continues on asking what he’s going to do with all his free time when she passes?
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Tim is confused at first then realizes she’s talking about her daily evals. She suggests a book club haha Tim as far as he’s come is still Tim in T.O. mode around others. Gotta keep up the hard ass act. Tells her ‘Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly. I will continue to judge you every minute.’ haha damn Tim way to shut down her playful banter lmao
First call of the day for our lovely duo is at a psychic shop. Silent alarm has been tripped. Guy is going after this psychic because she ‘saw’ he killed his wife and is losing it on her. It was a fluke she figured it out and she says as much haha Afterwards she brazenly hits on Tim and he has no idea how to handle it.
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His embarrassed face is everything. He wasn’t expecting that at all. It’s like he doesn’t know he is gorgeous ass man. The way he looks back at Lucy is priceless. Like please help me baha Lucy is enjoying it immensely. Her face says it all I’m dying. She isn’t helping him out of this one. He awkwardly walks away from the psychic it’s too damn funny. Tim Bradford left speechless. What world we live in haha
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After a light start to their day it comes to serious halt. There’s a deadly virus and possible outbreak they all have to prevent. This came from the dead body Nolan and Bishop found earlier at the bus station. He was tied into the terrorist threat. This postpones their test naturally. Lucy and Tim are tasked with talking to one of the citizens that took same bus as this guy.
As they’re rolling up to this guys house Lucy says she thought the test was going to be the most stressful part of her day. Tim tells her best case scenario it’s tomorrows problem. Lucy makes a nervous joke 'What’s worst case scenario? Never mind don’t answer that' haha Oh Lucy the most stressful part of your day starts now.
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The gentleman thinks they’re there to bring back his luggage. Tim enters the bedroom without Lucy. They tell Pete they are there just to interview him. He pulls out the bag he grabbed by mistake and shows Tim the ‘weird science equipment ‘inside. That he cut his finger on it looking for an address. Tim’s red flags are immediately up when he says this. Lucy can instantly tell something is up but Tim tells her to stay at bay. First instinct is always to protect her. Tim see’s the guys cut finger and alarm bells are going off for him. Lucy calls it in while she waits outside the bedroom for Tim.
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The guy then coughs up blood on Tim. He freezes and looks the most panicked I've ever seen him. I LOVE how Eric can express so much with just a look. He's such a good actor I can not. After he collects himself a bit he hears Lucy coming to check on him and shuts the door instantly. Despite Lucy yelling ‘No!’ When he does.
Tim refuses to let her be around whatever this is even a second. Creating an immediate barrier to keep Lucy safe. He locks the door to keep her out there. Pete starts to freak out. Tim tells Pete that his partner has called an ambulance for them. Makes me happy while he’s trying to keep this guy calm he calls Lucy his ‘partner’ not his rookie but his partner. It’s the little things ❤️ Lucy is panicking like crazy on the other side of this door. She wants to be let in to help him. It’s killing her they’re separated right now.
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Lucy is begging him to leave that guy in there and join her outside. Tim being the honorable man he is refuses to. Tells her they need to keep this as contained as possible. Lucy is panic stricken and wants to help him but is trapped outside. Tim is doing his best to keep her calm. The words he says I think are for them both. He just had blood spewed onto him. Tim is being as calm as one could be in that type of situation.
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He’s the one in danger and his first thought is to put Lucy at ease. To try and keep her calm. To 'keep her head in the game' If she could see his face as he says these things...She would see how very not fine he is. The most rattled we’ve seen him the entire season. This moment and honestly this entire episode is definitely another huge crack in his wall with her. Letting that Lucy light seep in just a little bit more.
The CDC finally arrive and they set up a quarantine zone much to Lucy's dismay. She’s on the edge and wants to get Tim out of there ASAP. Can’t stand the idea of him sitting in there for an hour or more while they wait for the vaccine. Dr. Morgan asks him if she can put him to work while he’s in there. Tim says yes. Lucy tells him to please be careful while he’s in there. Such a worried wifey.
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Tim uses his body cam to help them see inside the bag more. They figure out how they’re going to spread it through a mist fan. As Tim continues to search the bag they see Pete lifting a chair. Lucy freaks out and yells for Tim to watch out. All they see is him getting knocked out. Lucy is losing her mind outside not knowing what’s happening in that room. The absolute terror in her voice. My heart. How helpless she feels on the other side of that door.
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Tim wakes up inches from the blood stain on the carpet rolling toward him. He’s able to get away from it and tases Pete. After that Tim gets him locked to the bed frame. All the while Lucy is losing it outside. Desperate to hear from him. Calling out his name multiple times. Begs Tim to answer her. She is out of her mind with worry. If she was allowed to break that door down she would.
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Tim finally responds to Lucy tells her that he’s ok. She asks him if he’s really is. Because she knows him and how he tries to put a strong facade for her sake. Tim attempts to make a joke about it. His voice cracking a bit with worry. Trying to make jokes about this but his armor has been cracked. This a deflection right now more than anything else. His vulnerability coming out of him with her whether he likes it or not.
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He can't hide anything from her and and Lucy picks up on his worry quickly. Knows he's attempting to mask how he is really feeling right now. She can hear it in his voice. From there she turns into ultra worried wife mode. She demands they get that damn vaccine here right now. She is losing her patience while he’s trapped in that room without her. Love me some assertive/worried Lucy.
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I can't imagine what he is going through all by himself in that room. Poor Tim has to sit there and watch this guy die right in front of him. Can't help the man just has to sit there and watch him die. The look on his face ugh. The utter terror on his face. Lucy is already freaking out if she could see him…she would break down that damn door virus or not and drag him out of there.
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Next begins the iconic wall separation scene. As I said earlier if you weren't shipping them before you sure as hell were after this moment. Lucy tells him she just checked with Dr Morgan. That the vaccine is minutes away. Tim instantly knows this is a lie to comfort him. Its here we see a chunk of his wall break off and hit the ground as he compliments her. Naturally she’s going to rib him about it (because she can't actually process when he does compliment her) but it's also to keep his head clear. Just like he's done for her so many times before.
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The role reversal is so evident in this scene. Lucy is doing what he normally does for her. Trying to keep him calm by making jokes. Keeping it light. The smile on his face when she ask for it to be in writing is too precious. He needs Lucy and all her sunshine ways right now. He's holding onto to every word she is saying. She comforting/calming him just by being there for him.
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This is such a huge moment of vulnerability for Tim. The biggest one of the entire season really. That bond they’ve built up to this point is result of that. Lucy tells him its going be ok that she truly believes that. Tim is so defeated at this point. He doesn't take much stock in her words. Eric and Melissa crush this scene. To have this good of a dynamic with a door between them. My goodness they're amazing. Like I said earlier Eric is incredible with how he conveys what he's feeling with a look. This scene has it in spades. Look at this poor man's face down below. Makes me wanna cry.
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You can see his normal resolve is dissolving rapidly. Which is why Lucy is there to keep it intact. Tim looks like he’s on the verge of tears while she’s trying to comfort him. Lucy is trying to be his rock. Its why I think he is spilling his guts to her. He trusts her with his thoughts/feelings. Tim is being the most vulnerable he's ever been with her right now. Telling her everything. That if he ends up showing symptoms he’s not going to allow himself to die that way.
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Gotta love Lucy trying to pick up the pieces and keep him together. Being as optimistic as she can while he is hopeless. For him to share such a dark thought is huge. That he would rather kill himself than die like that. He is emotionally exposing himself to her right now. In a way I’m sure he hasn’t since Isabel. This is a massive step for him entrusting her with his thoughts and emotions. Because right now Tim thinks this is it for him. If he's going out he wants to make sure she knows his plans.
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Lucy is very aware what he is saying but is trying to talk him out if it. Desperately trying to keep his head level. She finally lets out a tear she's been holding the whole scene. He's considering killing himself and she can't do a damn thing about it. The stress of the situation finally getting to her when she sheds that tear. This is an iconic moment for them. Tim being so openly vulnerable with her and Lucy being there to receive it best way she can. Gah it’s all so good. This scene 'hurts so good' as they say. This moment is a milestone for them and their relationship. Where they go from just TO/Rookie to friends.
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The vaccine finally arrives and Lucy tries to follow the doctor in. Dr. Morgan won’t let her since she is not protected. You can tell its killing her to have to stay back. That look they share between them when Dr. Morgan is checking him out. Phew lord. She says he dodged a bullet. The looks in this scene are so telling. These two have a masters in silent communication. That look of worry/panic on her face. She wants to run up and hug him. That clearly isn’t in the cards. So she just intently watches him. Lucy doesn’t take her eyes off him the entire time.
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The way he stares back at her and lets her know it’s ok. I’m ok. Even the small smirk towards the end. They just went through something very emotional and intense together. Tim says so much with just a look for her. Yeah he dodged bullet and he did so because of Lucy. She didn't leave his side for a second. He recognizes this and conveys it in a look. Such an intimate moment for them with no words. God I love them.
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Before this episode ends Let’s take a moment to enjoy Tim Bradford in a tight white T-shirt shall we? Mmm. Yum. The rest join Lucy and Tim at Pete's house. Having returned from taking down the other culprits. They’re all making jokes now that they know he’s ok. Saying how he’ll refuse to take the ambulance or wheelchair haha
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As they’re making their jokes Tim walks to said ambulance. As he does he looks light headed and collapses. All jokes stop and they rush around him. Lucy being the first they hold her back. Thus ends s1 with a cliffhanger.
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I think I watched this finale a disgusting amount of times haha I was so eager for s2 and more of Tim/Lucy. To see what happens to Tim in the premiere and all that.
Side notes-Non chenford moments
Did love the Wopez in this ep they’re very cute. That’s about it haha very focused on the chenford goodies for this ep.
We made it through s1 woo amazing. Thank you all for the support I was given through our entire season. Your likes/comments/reblogs inspire me to do more. I shall see you all in s2 :)
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mister-mickey · 11 months
Tim x Darry headconnons plz (like if they can get married or what is it like if they have an adopted child) SORRY TO ASK SO MUCH I just love this ship and its really my favorite one
Omg tarry is my favorite pairing, I have made these little ship headcanons as well (tarry hcs)
BUT onto these ones
They mostly bond over being both the leaders of their respective gangs and over taking care of their younger siblings ❤️
They are terrible with emotions, communication between them is like pulling teeth 😭
They also have a hard time with each others siblings. Darry CANT STAND curly and is scared of Angela. Tim gets along with both pony and soda but anytime he gets them into trouble darry gets mad at him.
He’s really rather not piss his beau off
They’ve known each other since they were kids (thanks to living in the same area) but were never friends. It was only really after Darry got more involved in greaser stuff that they got along lol
Tim can’t cook for shit. He tries but it sucks so bad. Darry keeps trying to help him but Tim is unhelpable.
Darry is aware that Tim can handle himself, but still gets protective when ppl talk about him. Tim gets mad every time (but also does the same thing)
And omg I’m all the way into this list realizing that I did not answer the other part of the question so I’ll do that now
So for marriage (not legal for homos in the 60s sadly, so I’m sure it’s just a celebration among friends and family) it probably takes them awhile. I can’t imagine either of them really wanting to settle straight away. Maybe they’re in their late twenties/early thirties
Tim probably moves into Darry’s house after pony and soda move out (and after angie and curly are well off enough to be alone)
Tim probably stops gang life in his twenties, just because he gets older and more mature (and not cool anymore) darry stops once the others stop.
For the wedding, again, family and friends. Probably in the form of a cookout at their house. They get rings but I don’t think either of them wear them (they don’t seem like jewellry wearers. They probably keep them on chains around their necks)
Pony officiates lol. Idk I just feel like he would. Soda cries the whole time (Steve has to physically pull him off of darry)
I imagine dally and curly pulling some sort of nonsense at the wedding to piss Tim off (yes I’m choosing to keep dally and Johnny alive)
Tim’s gang isn’t really his family, at this point in his life, he probably doesn’t even know them anymore. So it’s just curly and Angela at the wedding for him.
Darry ofc is the one that people came to see (mr star of the show)
As for a kid, I’d like to say they probably wouldn’t have one, at least not for a while. They both raised their little siblings, they aren’t eager to do it again.
BUT it’s also cute to imagine them having a baby (especially because of how tim is canonically good with babies)
Idk where they got it. Maybe it was left in their doorstep, idk. Fact is, they have a child
Tim wants to be the cool dad but darry has taken that spot without even trying.
Baby adores darry because he’s strong and can throw it in the air ❤️
Tim is jealous ofc. He’s way cooler than darry, the baby just isn’t smart enough to see that yet
Baby still loves him a lot though 🌸
They’re good dads. Not perfect ofc, but they love the baby and the baby loves them.
Now as for the baby’s one million uncles and one aunt.
Angela LOVES the baby. Like, darry is worried she will steal it. She’s always trying to get the baby to say her name (baby calls her “Ana”)
Twobit is next on people taht are obsessed with the baby. I’m sure he has his own kids (seems like the type tbh) but the baby is DARRYS kid. He can’t wait until it’s old enough to be a bad influence on
Dallas is not allowed near the baby because Tim refuses to put the baby down when he’s around (he thinks dally will somehow corrupt his >1 year old and make it dally jr)
Soda is the best uncle by far. He and Johnny are very soft with the baby. Soda is, however, guilty of dropping the baby. He is no longer allowed to hold the baby.
Johnny is scared to hold the baby, but once it’s walking he will play (very gently)
Steve, curly, and pony are the babies worst enemies. Baby fucking hates them so much and it breaks their hearts.
Baby bites steve any chance it gets. Hits him, grabs his nose (which everyone else thinks is adorable but Steve sees it for the attack that it is) Steve has no clue what he did but the baby is his #1 hater
Baby doesn’t like pony. Wont even look at him. Pony adores the baby and this rejection hurts.
Curly and the baby tussle quite often. Baby loves yanking his curls (getting its grubbing fingers tangled in, as someone with baby experience, ow ow ow) if the baby pulls his hair, he pulls the baby’s hair right back. They are sworn enemies.
He loves the baby ofc but keeps a careful distance.
Baby grows up to be an okay kid. Can’t do anything without darry or tim finding out since they both know EVERYONE.
Idk someone name the baby my brain is mush
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