#but when i said a swear they all clutched their fucking pearls ! idiots
the-meme-monarch · 4 months
was hoping to see if i had any Secret Lost Art (particularly for unravel bc i had a little yarny oc i drew One Time but never posted anywhere) on my Pretty Much Defunct ipad mini and i found a couple (not unravel) but it was mostly other such screenshots and one of them was from 2017 of someone from drawcast i assume i was putting on blast for being transphobic and trying to start a fight on purpose , and here and now i was just standing there hand on my hip like “wow. what a cunt.” hope they wisened the fuck up by now. and the moderator who was defending them as having ‘an opinion’.
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sebscore · 1 year
hello! i’m the one who asked for fluff with rbr seb, i meant a one shot if that’s okay with you :)
i’m going to use 🌑
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pairing: rbr!sebastian vettel x fem!reader
warnings: drunk seb. swearing.
author's note: thank you so much for requesting something for our beautiful princess that was rbr seb! I had fun writing this one so I hope you like how it turned out!! don't be shy and let me know what you think of it! also, if you get the title reference- you’re a legend and you should be my friend! 💞
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''Hey, what are you doing? Hey! Stop it!'' Sebastian drunkenly professed, pushing the unwanted arms away from his chest. ''I have a girlfriend, go away!''
''You're kidding, right?''
''It's not cool, just stop it!'' The Red Bull driver attempted to move away from the undesired touches. The person in front of him didn't seem to understand the man wanted to be left alone in his drunken state.
The countless refills of his beer must have done some serious damage to Sebastian's vision, because there was no reason for him to pry away from the person who found him almost sleeping on his friend's couch.
Sebastian hadn't been able to properly celebrate his second World Championship title with his friends from home. That's why one of his best mates had organized a party at his home to commemorate the driver's title defense.
Everyone was having a great time, especially the man of the hour. Y/N had seen her boyfriend drunk before, but this time it was quite a different sight. So when she saw him stumbling into one of the many rooms, she couldn't help but check up on him.
Upon walking into what seemed a ''man's cave'', she was met with a practically unconscious man, drool coming out the side of his mouth.
Y/N tried moving him into a more comfortable position as he almost fell on the cold floor. However, he protested and started pushing her away, claiming he had a girlfriend.
Sebastian didn't recognize her.
''You have a girlfriend, huh?''
He hummed at her words, a smile finding its way to his face. ''Yeah.''
''Tell me about her.'' Y/N smirked, sitting down on the ground next to him.
An unexpected snort left his mouth. ''Why do you want me to talk about her?'' But before Y/N could answer him, he proceeded. ''She's- she's so fucking hot.'' He grinned, his eyes still closed.
''She's just so- ugh, perfect. We first met when we were like 20 and it was before I was in F1 so she had no fucking idea who I was,'' he chuckled, ''but she smiled at me and I don't know what she thought of me, but I thought she was beautiful. I thought she looked like the most beautiful thing in the world.'' Sebastian smiled, almost in a dreaming state.
''I love her more than anything, I know I should tell her more- she's always there for me. That's why you can't kiss me, okay? It would hurt her and I don't want to do that. I would never want to do that, it would kill me.''
Y/N admiringly watched him, touched by the things he just told her. It was a given that Sebastian loved her, she would be an idiot not to see it. But when he said that it would kill him if he would hurt her, it hit different.
''Can you go find my girlfriend, please? I- I miss her.'' He stuttered out, making a lousy attempt to point at the door.
She tried greatly to not burst out in laughter, finding her boyfriend absolutely adorable. ''Yes, I'll go get her.'' Y/N got up from the floor, grinning to herself. She waited for a good ten seconds by the door before closing it with more force than usual.
The harsh sound made Sebastian flinch and he swiftly sat up, his hand on his chest as if he was clutching a necklace made out of pearls. ''Huh? Wha- what? Y/N? Oh, baby! I missed you so much!'' As soon as she saw him notice her, she quickly made her way over to him again. His arms found their way around her and he peppered kisses all over her face. ''You found me!''
''I did,'' she laughed, ''I'm gonna get you some water, alright? You've had enough drinks for a few weeks.''
Y/N made an advance to leave and get to the kitchen, but Sebastian firmly held her in his embrace. ''No~'' he whined, ''don't go! I don't want you to leave me!"
The woman got up despite his cute whining. ''I'll be back in a minute, loverboy. By the way, I won't give you a kiss until that alcohol-stinking mouth of yours has been washed.'' She ruffled his hair, dodging his last effort to get her to stay.
''Then get me some damn water!"
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Hold me Without Hurting me
Chapter 14: Hibiscus and Holding on
A/N: In which an old friend fills your life with flowers again, along a bumpy sided road.
Pairings: Ceo!Jay × Ceo!fem!reader, includes rest of Enhypen and certain other groups
Warnings: angst-fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to enemies to fake dating to enemies to lovers, Mentions of food and alcohol, swearing, nothing much but it's a bumpy story.
Story prompt: If I had a flower for every time I fell in love with you, I would walk in my garden forever. (This story is based on the language of flowers.)
A/N: Oh my god what! Mona posting two chapters in one day? It's a Christmas miracle. But real guys this is the second last chapter before the big ending and ITS GONNA BE LIT. im gonna go slow with the last chapter, make it as poetic as possible, so that these two idiots finally get a happy (sappy) ending. Also tagging @yunabi436 I hope this keeps her fed for a few days until the last chapter!
Jungwon was never one for relationships and love and all that jazz. Although his mother constantly pestered him to get a wife and give her some grandkids, he never took interest in it. After all, he was young, younger than his boss, whom he had never seen with another man wraped around her arm.
But Park Jay was different.
Although Jungwon didn't know his boss that well, he knew that she was a no nonsense woman who liked to get her job done on time. So when he saw her excitedly narrating her tales of her Jay and her played in the mud and planted flowers, he knew that this was something special, along with Jay's own assistant Kayla of course.
"Promise you'll call?" Kayla said, giving a small peck to Jungwon's cheek. Jungwon smiled down at her frame, and caressed her cheek. "I'll try to get a transfer here, alright?"
"Why is Miss Yang leaving so soon anyway?" Kayla questioned, still holding onto her lover, "I thought Mr Park were the full lovey dovey couple." Jungwon chuckled at his girlfriend's words and shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know much about that." He stated, hearing you call for him, "I love you babe, I'll call you when I get back." With a tight squeeze of her hands and a kiss to her lips, Jungwon scampered away, suitcase in hand, and a sad frown on his face.
"Congratulations Mr Park." A dreary faced man, with an awful moustache have a key to Jay, "You have earned this." Jay's hands trembled as he took the key and opened a mighty metal safe. Everything felt cold, his mother's stare, the lawyer's smirk, the metal of the key and the ringing noise in his ears. The wilted hibiscus in the corner begging for water, reminded him of your cold stare, as he shook hands with all the Ceo's, thanking them for coming to the meetings. Your hands didn't have that touch anymore, that cotton touch reminding him of why he still pestered on with life. And now, you were gone.
"Leave us." Jay commanded to the lawyer, who scampered away like a rat, leaving Jay and his mother alone.
"Why?" Jay slammed his hand on the table, making the old woman clutch her pearls tighter, "Tell me why the fuck you had to drive her away."
"She was ruining you." The woman spoke, her tone high and commanding, "Jay, this is your entire future, you can't risk it all for a girl you fell in love with fifteen years ago."
"I loved her!" Jay shouted, his voice echoing throughout the room, "And you just had to make history repeat, didn't you? Driving me away from her again and again, so that this stupid buisness can thrive." The woman clutched her pearls tighter, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Son, look on the bright side." She sighed, "You can expand the buisness now with these papers!" She looked at all the documents strewn on the table, "You can build an empire, Jay."
Jay had never felt angrier before, as he looked at his mother, greedily eyeing the papers. He would have drunk a snake's venom right now, if it meant having your hand twist in his, if it meant having to see you again, daintily flowing in a mud caked sundress, if it meant telling you, about all the times he had experienced death, thinking about you.
"You know what, mum?" He scoffed, putting the key in his hand down, "You're fired, from now on, you are excused from your position as my Chief of Management. You may leave now."
The old woman let out a pained cry, her face forming something akin to shock. "Jay, sweetheart-" "Leave mother." Jay glared daggers at the woman, "No more excuses from you. My lawyer shall be contacting you in a few days about your position from now on. You're excused."
As the woman got up slowly from her seat, pearls on the verge of breaking from how tightly she was holding them. Her face was a disgusting painting of horror and pain.
"I'll tell you this Jay." She said, before leaving, "Don't come scampering back when that girl ruins your chances of capital."
"Oh I'll take that chance." Jay spat his words with sweet venom laced in between.
He had one last chance.
And he wasn't going to waste it.
"Ma'am?" Jungwon wrapped his head around your door, frowning at the sight which beheld him. Your head was held in your hands, as you stared at all the papers in front of you.
"Yes Jungwon?" You cleared your throat, quickly sitting up straight and wiping the tears from your eyes, "Are those the reports for today?"
Jungwon nodded and sat down on the chair opposite you, an action quite unusual, as he usually just deposited the files and ran away. "Ma'am you need to stop working so hard." Jungwon's lips formed into an adorable pout, "You haven't even eaten a morsel in so many days."
You tried your hardest to smile up at Jungwon, and ran a hand through your hair. "I'm alright Jungwon, just hand me those reports."
"No you're not." Jungwon stated simply, as if to take control of the conversation.
"Ma'am no matter how much you try to distract yourself from Mr Park, it's not going to work, and especially not if you keep drowing yourself in work like this." You were taken aback at his words. What happened to the shy, nervous assistant you had been hanging out with for so long?
"I know I'm not supposed to butt into your personal life, but it is really taking a toll on your health too." Jungwon sighed, "So please, for God's sake, would you go home and rest for once?"
Jungwon's ears had turned hibiscus red by the time he finished with his impromptu speech. The confident mask he had once worn seemed to have deteriorated now, that he was fiddling his fingers and nervously biting his lips.
"I forgot how convincing you can be." You chuckled, easing his nerves a bit, "If I go home and rest for a few days, can I trust you to manage the office, Jungwon?" Jungwon's face lit up and he nodded frantically.
"I will literally do anything for you to go home and rest." He giggled, as you quickly packed up your things with his help.
"Thank you Jungwon." You sighed, as he dropped you off at the entrance of the building, "I don't know what I'd do without you."
The warm touch of the water hit your skin like a blanket enveloping you on Christmas night. When all were asleep, and you just couldn't bring yourself to drowse off, until a boy wrapped you all comfy in his arms, and cradled you to sleep, humming a song into your ear.
You had forgotten how cold the evening was, as you wrapped yourself tightly in your bathrobe, glass of wine all prepared and your cat Perry, lazily dropped on your bed, hid whiskers untamed.
Seven pm, the clock read. Still enough time to make dinner, you thought and relax to watch a sad Disney movie. Maybe you'd watch Up or The Good Dinosaur, you didn't really have a choice.
Outside your window, the winds of Zephyrus, Notus, Boreas and Eurus ran through time like an expatriate, leaving your lips cold and dry, without the touch of someone else's on them. Someone very specific.
The sudden sound of your cat leaping off of the bed, broke you out of your deep thought.
"Why do you sit on my phone, if you know it scares you, you stupid cat?" You rolled your eyes at your cat, who by now, had rested himself on the bedside table, and picked up your phone, which showed Jungwon's caller id.
"Won hey. Is everything alright?" You said, picking up the phone. "Yes ma'am.... And also no ma'am." Jungwon's voice rang in your ear. "What do you mean?"
"Mr Park has just landed in Seoul."
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hello Franky!! I was wondering if I could get headcannons for One Piece characters with a reader who has a soft, buttery, smooth kinda voice; but speaks real vulgar and swears like a sailor (haha get it? Pirates?)
Thanks!! 💗💗
I decided to pick a range instead of JUST doing my boys so here we go!
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Marco - There isn’t much that surprises or shocks Marco anymore. - He thinks he’s seen it all. - So used to your lovely voice being nothing but polite and cordial. - Marco stared at you; his eyes wide when he heard you tell someone in that pleasant voice of yours ‘fuck off’ - He almost laid an egg when you dropped a line of colourful language when one of the vendors on a small island was trying to rip you off. - He just sort of, slow blinks at you as he tries to adjust to the contrast. Kid - Kid fucking loves it. - Your soft, calm and smooth voice just with a deadpan tone telling someone where they can shove it? - He laughs loud, howling and hitting his knee. - He’s so amused, he loves it. - He repeats what you just said, trying to mimic the tone and way you said it. - Whenever you swear, one word or an entire speech is littered with profanity. - Oh, he lives for it. - “Exactly what they fucking said.” He snorts and completely backs you up.
Thatch - One minute he’s listening to you sing along with him in the kitchen. - Just enjoying your voice, how it mingles with his. - Then you drop a jar, and it shatters on the floor. - Thatch is about to tell you it’s okay, he’s not mad. - The amount of foul words that come out of your mouth but in that sweet tone that was singing to him moments ago? - He gasps, a hand over his mouth as he stares at you. - If he was wearing pearls, he would have clutched those too.
Ace - He’s just chilling with you, sitting, and having a beer after a long day of duties. - As he’s sipping his beer, minding his own business, listening to you talk about your day. - You talk about one of your crewmates that you aren’t fond of. - Without even changing gear, your tone remaining the same you tell Ace exactly how you feel about said person. - In an attempt not to spray you with beer and spittle he ends up snort laughing, beer shooting out his nose as he laughs in disbelief. - “Whaaaaat? Say that again please?” he might have misheard you. - No, no he hadn’t. - He can’t stop grinning like an idiot.
Law - He listens to you talking one night, you are just having a casual rant about someone who annoyed you. - He doesn’t mind listening, says venting and getting feelings out is a lot better than keeping it in, look at him after all. - But when you start your slew of graphic insults and depictions of what you would like to do with the person who annoyed you. - His eyebrows both raise, and he looks at you. - “Well, tell me how you really feel.” He chuckles and decides he likes this side of you. - Something charming about such a nice voice saying ‘I will fucking murder that son of a bitch’
Sabo - Sabo is just minding his own business when you are walking next to him talking. - You’re both chatting back and forth about the mission you’d just returned from. - It hadn’t gone great and you’d messed up a few things. - Sabo tried his best to reassure you it wasn’t as big a deal as you were making out. - That was when he heard your polite and silky voice spit out some very colourful words. - He blinks, laughs, and joins you. - People hear both of you, your nice voices spitting out words that made much older and experienced members of the RA wince and cringe at. - Everyone decided you and Sabo were both nuts.
tag list:
@undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha @thatsprettycoolbro @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @angeltani @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu @useless-potatho @iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast @gonuclear
@secretsnailor @dxvilmanlev @aifozu @saisei-no-hano
@rae-vynn @childofblackmaria @donivanessdoodles @rosiinante
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leilabeaux · 3 years
In My Sights III
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Masterlist | Two
Pairing: Ivar/ Fem Reader
Word Count: 3570
Warning: None? 7 years bad luck?
Summary: A meeting with two brothers from Vestfold takes Ivar off guard.
Author’s Note: Well, this part was a long time coming. That means I will have part four ready next year.
The dining room was sparsely occupied that early afternoon with women who lunch, businessmen on lunch breaks, and their quiet chatter. The Vine had long been considered a historical landmark in Kattegat and was formerly a struggling fine dining restaurant. It had only gained popularity with the upper class once Aslaug Lothbrok, a well-known Götaland socialite who was newly married and new to the city, started to make her presence there. Though it’s popularity faded over the years, it was still preferred by the old money elite. Mostly for the staff’s discretion rather than the food and ambience.
It was for that reason why the Lothbrok sons preferred the establishment for their business lunches. Extra care was also usually taken with a generous tip to the host to ensure no other guests would be seated next to their table but today it was turning out to be a waste of money as the hushed voices from their corner of the room began to grow.
Ivar drummed his fingers against the table as he brought the cup of coffee to his lips, glaring across at his three older brothers. Apparently, the idiots had forgotten the importance of discretion as they were busy bickering over why their associates called for today’s meeting. He hoped the clinking of his cup when he set it down roughly onto the saucer would disrupt their chattering but, to his annoyance, still they continued.
Leaning back in his chair, his left hand mindlessly traced the carved out dragon on his cane, last year’s birthday gift from his dear Uncle Floki, while he scrolled through the day’s news on his phone. One particular article detailed the resignation of a Mercia diplomat after the unexpected death of her eldest son, mentioning that authorities were looking for a red-headed female who was last seen with him for questioning.
Good luck finding her, Ivar thought to himself. He had given up all attempts at trying to find you or any information about you after a year upon your meeting. After coming up empty through hacked databases and facial recognitions, he concluded that you were virtually a ghost or at least knew very powerful people who worked hard to keep you hidden. All he could do was sit and wait until he heard from you again, hoping his right hand and the memories of your last tryst would keep him satisfied till then.
He felt his slacks tighten as he got lost in a memory of you trapped underneath him as he pounded into your sweet cunt. The whines of you begging him to make you come he heard in his head were interrupted when Ubbe pounded his fist on the table, causing the glassware to shake.
“For fuck’s safe, Ivar, get off your fucking phone!” His older brother harshly whispered, checking over his shoulder at the other patrons, finally aware of the scene they were making.
“And why would I do that, dear brother?” Ivar still had his eyes turned down to his phone as he sent you the link of the article and a brief message: You’re on their radar. I wonder what you’re willing to do to make sure I don’t turn you in. Throwing his phone on the table, he raised an eyebrow as he bestowed Ubbe with his undivided attention. “So I can join you fools in biting our fingernails, worrying why they called for a meeting at the last minute?”
“They” were two brothers from Vestfold, owners of a large fishing company based out of their hometown and, most recently, out of Kattegat as well. To the public eye, it was assumed that it was hard work, determination, and a wise investment from Ivar’s father that turned the once struggling business into a multi million dollar success. But the young men currently seated at the table knew that the wise investment was generous compensation throughout the years for hauling more than just fish on their boats. Whether it was guns, stolen art and, for a very brief moment in time, opiates, Halfdan and Harald provided safe transport for anything the Lothbroks were running.
“You're not the least bit worried? What if they’re wanting to pull out of our deal? The Rus are not going to be pleased if we’re not able to deliver their shipment.” Ubbe wrung his hands as he thought of the worst. He was not looking forward to telling the Rus leader of any potential delays. The man wasn’t the most level headed or understanding and honestly, he creeped him out a bit.
Hvitserk nodded his head in agreement. “They might be. Remember, they were wanting a cut of our profits the last time we met with them but Ivar thought it wasn’t a good idea…” He pursed his lips in disapproval before cutting his eyes toward the youngest Lothbrok.
If Ivar had rolled his eyes any harder, he would have given himself a headache. “They’ve been doing the same job for our family for nearly twenty years, nothing more and nothing less, and have been paid fairly for it. Maybe a little too much in my opinion but I will honor our father’s wishes. Still they have no business being greedy. If it wasn’t for the Lothbroks, they would still be hauling fish into a sinking dinghy.”
“There are probably others who are looking for a way to transport their shit and all they need is a smug asshole like Harald to offer his services.” Hvitserk swirled his drink in his glass, taking a sip before continuing. “I think we should give them at least half of what they were wanting.”
Ivar gave an aggravated sigh and was ready to shoot down what he thought was the stupidest thing to come out of his brother’s mouth.
“I don’t know, I think Ivar’s right.” Sigurd chimed in. “They should be grateful for all our father did for them, not bite the hand that feeds them.”
The other men at the table sat in silence as they stared at him in confusion. It was thought that Sigurd would rather eat a bullet than agree with anything Ivar had to say.
“I changed my mind. Give them everything they ask for.” Ivar had joked, he would never admit out loud or to himself that he appreciated his least favorite brother taking his side. Officially done with the conversation, he picked his phone back up. He held back his smile as he read the new message: Anything you want me to do, handsome. But first, you’d have to find me.
Ubbe looked up from behind his nerve-wracked hands toward the lobby and gave a sigh. “Thank gods, they’re finally here...and of course he brought his fucking girlfriend. To our illegal business lunch meeting. Great.”
Hvitserk gave a quick and quiet wolf whistle as his eyes studied the woman on Harald’s arm, from head to toe. “Is that the same one he brought to your birthday party? Didn’t she have different hair and was a bit taller?”
“How can you not tell? I thought you fucked her while cake was being served?” Sigurd questioned.
“All I remember was the back of her head, to be honest.”
Ivar couldn’t hold back the snort at Hvitserk’s comment. Whatever smart ass response that was about to come out died on his tongue as he looked up at the woman that was being led to them. This was definitely a new girlfriend because if you were the one Hvitserk had fucked in the coat check room, he was going to have one less brother.
As always you looked like perfection to him but he knew your presence, or rather your outfit, was causing a bit of a stir in the restaurant especially among the older women who were busy clutching their pearls. From the plunging neckline of the loose dark green silk shirt to the matching miniskirt with a side-slit it was tucked into, your ensemble was far from the acceptable dress code of the Vine but the host knew better than telling Ivar and his brothers that their guest would have to leave, no matter how many complaints he’d get from the other patrons.
“Can you two shut the fuck up before he hears you?” Ubbe scolded Hvitserk and Sigurd before standing up to greet their guests. Shaking Halfdan’s hand before moving onto Harald, “Gentleman, I’m glad you could finally join us.”
Halfdan gave a frustrated sigh as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and plopped himself down on an empty seat. “Believe me, it wasn’t my fault.”
“Oh come on, brother. We didn’t keep you waiting that long.” Harald slapped a hand on his shoulder before parading the young woman on his arm. “Boys, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Veronica.”
Ivar instantly wished he had ordered something stronger than coffee. He didn’t want to believe for a moment that you would choose to be with someone like Harald but you did warn him before that he hardly knew you.
In his opinion, the Fishmonger wasn’t much to be desired. And if it was money you were after, Ivar’s funds could have kept your excessive shopping addiction quelled more than the mere pennies the other man had. He knew he could satisfy you in that way and others.
Patiently sitting back in his chair, he watched as you politely smiled while you shook hands with each of his brothers. Hvitserk was unaware how close he was to a dinner knife to his thigh after lingering a second too long while kissing the back of your hand. Fortunately, Harald had the good sense to pull you away.
Ivar balanced his weight on his cane as he stood up to introduce himself, taking a risk and gently caressing his thumb against your hand. “Lovely to meet you, Veronica.”
Although you said nothing back, he didn’t miss the small smirk that briefly graced your face letting your alleged boyfriend lead you to your seat.
“I hope you boys don’t mind her being here. I know we try to keep these meetings to ourselves but I’ve been a little busy and this beautiful thing has been missing me.” He kissed the back of your hand, causing you to giggle. “Didn’t even want to take my card and go on a shopping spree.”
“I swear you won’t even hear a peep from me.” You promised, miming zipping your lips closed while you took a seat across from Ivar. “Harry’s shop talk ends up sounding more like gibberish to me anyway!”
Ivar had to focus to not show his confusion when he heard you speak. The words coming out of your mouth sounded as if they were dipped in saccharine and nowhere near the lower sultry tone he was used to. He hoped to himself that you would stay true to your promise and remain silent.
Unfortunately, promises meant nothing to his brothers.
“So what do you do for a living, Veronica?” Sigurd asked while cutting into his beef tenderloin.
You gave him a closed smile, dabbing the corners of your mouth with your napkin as you swallowed your last bite. “Oh my goodness! Nothing as important as what you gents do! I worked in this cute little boutique over in Vestfold before Harry whisked me away!”
“Wow, you must have made a killing in commissions.” Ivar couldn’t resist this opportunity to make you sweat, if that was even possible.
He was sure that hint of confusion on your face seemed authentic to everyone else. “No? Actually, I worked hourly...”
You were cut off by an annoyed groan from Ubbe as he rubbed his face, the food on his plate was barely touched. “Harry...I mean Harald, why did you call this meeting?”
“You couldn’t wait a few more minutes until we were done eating? I’d expect mommy to have taught you some manners.” Harald sighed and tossed his napkin on the table before leaning back in his chair.
Ivar didn’t miss you curling your hand around your knife. The tension surrounding the table definitely wasn’t missed by you.
Before Ubbe could respond, Halfdan had cut into the conversation. “Look, we know the last meeting didn’t go well.”
“Actually, you shot one of our men in the head.” Hvitserk stated, staring at Harald as he made his point.
Halfdan quickly interjected, “One of our captains went rogue. Was convinced by some mysterious buyer to deliver your last load of weapons to them. Don’t worry, we took care of the problem”
The younger Lothbrok brother stayed silent while his brothers voiced out their displeasure. You took a sip from your glass, your eyes cutting back and forth to the men surrounding you.
“Oh, did you?” Ubbe questioned incredulously. “Because there shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place.”
“Yes, we did.” Harald finally broke his silence with an emphasis on every word. “The man liked a good drink...a little too much. It was unfortunately only a matter of time until he drunkenly stumbled off his boat. I’m sure the medical examiner we paid off would attest that it was accidental drowning. As for the guns, they’re on another boat with a crew we know we can trust.”
“The buyer? Do you think it was the Saxons?” Sigurd suggested to the table.
“No, they thrive on letting it be known when they screw us over. I suspect they either are or know someone close. In either our circle or yours. I just hope our actions show that we are loyal and can be trusted.” Harald regarded that last statement to Ivar, knowing his silence throughout the exchange meant he was the one he had to win over.
The young man grinned as he sat back in his seat “You know, before you got here, my brothers were saying they didn’t think you deserved any part of our profits but I personally think a five percent cut of every successful shipment is reasonable.”
A smirk slowly spread against Harald’s face. “I think that sounds very reasonable.”
Ivar slowly made his way to the front of the restaurant. The remainder of lunch was uneventful other than the mindless chatter of Hvitserk and Sigurd asking you 20 questions. Ubbe promptly left after taking care of the bill and with so few words.
He rolled his eyes in disgust as he watched Harald wrap his arms around you, not even trying to be modest as his hands grabbed your ass. He had to fight the urge to not cut the man’s hands off for touching something that belonged to him.
You squealed and playfully swatted his chest. You gave a quick glance at Ivar as he slowly approached. “Baby, I’ll meet you outside. I just need to touch up my lipstick real quick.”
“Okay, lovely. Don’t be too long, we have a plane waiting on us.” He pressed a quick kiss on your lips before letting you go. He walked out of the restaurant, not even noticing that Ivar was close by.
Your heels clicked on the marble floor and you peeked over your shoulder toward Ivar, giving him a small grin before you made a quick turn into the washroom.
Ivar looked around to make sure there were no eyes on him as he made his way in the same direction as you. He didn’t expect his brothers to worry too much about him. He would’ve been surprised if one of them had waited for him especially since he took his own personal town car to the restaurant.
Before he could even walk through the door, you yanked him in by his tie then pushed him against the adjacent wall. He barely had time to react when he felt your lips against his own. He wrapped his arm around your waist and groaned when your hand tugged down on his locks.
Usually you enjoyed taking your time kissing him, teasing with a soft touch of your hand at the back of his neck, savoring every small whine he made when you nipped on his bottom lip. But today was different as you rushed to deepen the kiss. Both of you knew that if you were gone too long, Harald would come hunting for you.
When you broke away from him, you looked into his eyes, stifling a soft giggle. “Hi there, handsome.” You teased, your voice finally back to normal.
“Gods, that voice you were putting on was annoying.”
“I don’t know. Harald seems okay with it.” You pushed yourself away from him, walking over to the sink and pulled out a tube of lipstick from your clutch.
Ivar stayed put against the wall, watching as you leaned over the sink to look yourself in the mirror.
He repeatedly tapped his cane on the tile, “Is he why you said no?”
“Said no to what?” You stayed focused on reapplying the red color on your lips. You couldn’t help but laugh when you looked up and saw the annoyed look Ivar was giving you.
You smooth a finger around your lips, cleaning up any smudges. “I’m not his girlfriend, Ivar. He thinks I’m the very expensive call girl he hired to keep him company over the weekend. Just your basic girlfriend experience.” You dropped the lipstick back into your clutch before closing it with a snap.
“Your client wants him taken care of?” He walked over and propped his hip against the counter next to you. “That would save me some money in the long run. One less brother to pay.”
“No…” You looked down at the porcelain instead of looking him in the eyes. “I’m just collecting information on him by any means necessary.”
“Any means necessary?” While Ivar usually admired your dedication to committing to your undercover work, he found himself not liking the idea of you following through on this one. “Y/N, please tell me there’s a target on his head.”
You quickly glanced up at him through the mirror before turning to lean against the counter. You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “At the moment, no.”
“Goddammit, Y/N” Ivar pinched the bridge of his nose. Though the thought of someone else hands over your body aggravated him, the idea of another man inside of you incited him. “Are you going to fuck him? Have you fucked him?”
“Ivar…you and your brothers were waiting for a reason. It would have been suspicious if the hooker refused to fuck him.” You stated as if that was a reasonable explanation.
“How much is your client paying you? I’ll double it—fuck it, I’ll triple it if you just walk away now.”
“No one is paying me. I’m on my boss’s orders.”
“And who do you work for again?”
“Tsk, tsk. You already know that if I told you, I’d have to kill you and I don’t want to have to mess up that pretty face. Again.” Pressing up against him, you gently brushed your thumb over the faint scar that went across his cheek. A sweet parting gift from one of your earlier encounters with him.
“Tell me what information you need and I’ll get it for you.” He leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. “Just...just don’t go with him.”
You cradled his face in your hands. For a brief moment, there was a look that Ivar had seen on your face before, a mixture of pity and sadness. You shook your head then pressed a gentle kiss on his lips before you walked away from him.
“Please don’t hate me, handsome.” Through the wall length mirror ahead of him, he saw you turn to face him after pausing at the closed door. “You can be mad and you can curse at me until we’re old and grey. Shit, you could even throw another knife at me but I think it would hurt me more if you hated me.”
You waited a moment for him to say or do anything, but when all you got was silence, you walked out of the door.
Ivar took a deep inhale to try to calm the anger that was beginning to flow through his body. He turned toward the mirror, his knuckles going white as he grabbed onto the edge of the sink. No care when his cane falls to the ground with a resounding smack.
When he was younger, he had got into some trouble after he hit a classmate with a rock. The therapist his Uncle Floki took him to after the incident told him to try counting to ten whenever he saw red.
He closed his eyes, letting out an exhale at every count in his head.
On five, he could see you.
Six, Harald slowly walking up behind you.
Seven, him taking you into his arms.
Eight, his tongue sliding up your neck.
Nine, his hand trailing down to your center.
Ten, you softly moaning out Harald’s name.
Ivar screamed out in rage and punched the mirror. He didn’t even notice the pain in his fist until his breathing evened out. He straightened out his tie the best he could with the distorted reflection in front of him. Flexing his injured hand, he reached over and grabbed one of the towels laid out on the counter, wrapping his hand in it.
If Harald didn’t have a target on his head before, he fucking did now.
Tags: @xbellaxcarolinax @castielsangelsx @revolution-starter @momowhoo @peachyboneless @punkrocknpearls
@love-all-things-writing @peoniesandbooks5 @spotgaai2000 @walkxthexmoon @youbloodymadgenius @trip2themoon @zo3st3rmonro3
52 notes · View notes
bunnimew · 3 years
Starstruck 2: Lost at Sea
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians Relationship: Jack Frost/Pitch Black Also featuring: Jamie Bennett Tags: Mermaid AU, Modern Mer AU istg, jamie is a good bro, Pitch is The Most Dramatic, There is angst here, there is also fluff, Action Plot! Rating: T Words: 3601 Summary: Sequel to Starstruck Pitch is missing. Jack has to find him. Jamie has to follow Jack, just to make sure he doesn't get eaten by sharks or something.
For RotG Mermay 2021 prompt Mother of Pearl On AO3 Here.
Jack was beside himself with worry.
No one had seen Pitch since yesterday morning. Since Jack said goodbye to him before heading off to work.
Pitch never made it to the theater. No one had seen him at rehearsal the entire day. Jack only found out when he arrived home to an empty house and his agent knocking on the door to ask if Pitch was feeling alright.
Pitch was gone.
And Jack couldn't rest until he found him.
He went straight to Jamie. No one understood how much Jack needed Pitch more than Jamie. Jack talked about Pitch all the time, confided everything to his best friend, which meant Jamie had unique insight into just how broken Jack would be if Pitch never came back. Worse, if Jack didn't even try to find him and it turned out he could have.
Jack didn't know exactly how Jamie was going to help, but he maybe should have predicted that Jamie would grab his pick-shovel and demand to come along.
They were already on their way back to Jack and Pitch's house, their plan set to trace Pitch's path to the theater and start their search there, When Jack decided to try one more time...
"You don't have to come with me, you know."
"You can't stop me, you know."
"I know!" Jack said. His voice was a little high, a little defensive, and very tense. It wasn't Jamie's fault, but Jamie got to hear it anyway. "I'm just making sure. Pitch isn't your fiancé. You're my friend, but… I don't even know what I'm doing, so. I'm just making sure you know you don't have to do this."
Jamie pressed a hand to Jack's shoulder as they swam along, their pale and true blue tails oscillating in an oddly perfect tandem. There was strength in that hold that Jack was sorely missing right now. "And I'm making sure you don't do something stupid, or that at least you don't do it alone."
Jack almost stopped dead in the water, but Jamie’s firm hand kept him moving forward. “It might be better if I did it alone.”
Jamie snorted, the brat. He didn’t even look at Jack when he replied. “Yeah, no. No way. Even if I’m just a witness to what happens to your remains, it’s better if I’m there.”
Jack blinked, taken aback. So much for optimism and solidarity. “You’re just gonna watch me die?”
Jamie shrugged. “Depends on how it happens. I’ll take on a shark for you. I won’t take on twenty sharks for you.” Jamie paused. “Probably.”
It was a bad joke, but it brought the smile back to Jack’s face. He put his hand on Jamie’s shoulder in kind and made his peace with the fact that Jamie was going to waste however much time he wanted on having Jack’s back while Jack went out of his mind searching for Pitch.
And honestly, Jack was thankful.
“I’m going to stop in and change,” Jack said when they reached his door. “I should probably be wearing real clothes when I meet my doom.” That was going to be their running joke now, Jack decided. The thing that kept the tone from getting too heavy to handle. The thing that kept Jack focused on finding Pitch and not focused on the fact that he was lost. “Do you want a jacket or something?”
Jamie started to shake his head, then rethought it. “Actually yeah. Another layer wouldn’t be a bad idea.” He swam over to hold the door when Jack went through. “Got anything fashionable? Something that will make me look badass for our rescue adventure?”
Jack almost laughed. Jamie was an amazing friend. “I’m wearing the badass jacket. You can wear the sexy one.”
“You mean they’re not the same jacket?”
Jamie was right to grab his pick-shovel. It was a tool as much as a weapon, and Jack did also have one, but the only time they needed both was for prying huge chunks of rock out of the ground. The likelihood that Pitch was pinned under something large enough it would take both of them to free him…
Was not zero.
Jack grabbed his pick-shovel.
He also grabbed a bag to put snacks in and the knife North had given him. It was so beautiful and fancy that Jack had never used it before. But it was a knife meant for work, and Jack didn’t know what he might need to cut. So he was bringing it along just in case.
And, also just in case, Jack left his lovely seastar in its feeding tank for safety.
Jamie noticed all of it. “How long do you think we’ll be gone?”
Jack shook his head on his way out the door. “I don’t know. Maybe we’ll be able to come back in between. Maybe we’ll see something and… not be able to come back. I don’t know. But I’m bringing food enough for at least one night.”
“Seems smart,” Jamie agreed. His tone wasn’t in total agreement with his words. Jamie hesitated for the first time since hearing the news, on the idea that they would be at this for long enough that food would be a concern.
“You don’t—”
“Shut up and lead the way,” Jamie interrupted.
Jack turned toward the theater and flicked his tail hard. Jamie would keep up. They had no time to waste.
“This is the longest I’ve ever swam in one day, I swear.”
Jack agreed. They were following a current that ran… somewhat close to Pitch’s path to the theater. It would have been kind of ridiculous for Pitch to have gotten caught up in it, but with his huge fins and unwieldy tail and, let’s be honest, ridiculous manner, it seemed the most likely thing to have happened.
That, and Jack didn’t have the authority to investigate other mers or search their homes, so it’s not like he could search anything but the natural surrounding area for Pitch.
Jack sighed. He felt defeated. “We can take another break soon. How far do you think he went?”
Jamie slowed and rotated upright in the water. “He could still be trapped in it, Jack. There’s no way to know.” But then he smiled and met Jack’s eyes with honest enthusiasm. “Glad you brought those snacks!”
Jamie was the best friend.
Jack laughed and pulled one out for him. “I really hope my idiot of a fiance is not still tumbling tail over fin in this current. That would be horribly embarrassing and also very inconvenient.”
Jamie nodded. “And very Pitch.”
Jack sighed again, this time put upon. It was true.
Hopefully one day this whole fiasco would be a great story to tell over the dinner table to Pitch’s latest celebrity friends and not the end of his world as he knew it. The cold hand of dread began its now very familiar clutch around Jack’s heart and he struggled to swallow down the rising anxiety and keep his tail moving.
Until Jamie wrapped his arm around Jack’s shoulders, again, and shook him just a little bit. “Don’t worry until we have reason to worry, Jack,” he said. “Let’s find him and figure it out from there.”
Jack agreed, because what else was he supposed to do? Except the nagging thought stuck with him that the hours Pitch had been missing already and the hours Jack and Jamie had spent looking for him were amounting to something to worry about.
So of course when they noticed the sudden plethora of fishing nets, Jack’s worry set sail for the stars and skyrocketed.
“Shark-eye on a woodlouse,” Jack moaned with his face buried in both hands. “They ate him!”
Jamie rolled his eyes and shook Jack by his elbow. “Don’t be dramatic. Pitch has been rubbing off on you.”
Jack shook his head, but kept on. “You know how these things are. Anything and everything gets caught in them and all of it dies. It doesn’t really matter if they ate him, although I’m really hoping they didn’t eat him. If he got caught in one of these nets, he’s gone.”
Jamie didn’t reply. He swam forward with a steady beat of his tail, and that told Jack everything. Jamie was an optimist, but he didn’t want to lie.
These nets meant real danger.
Made more and more evident as they continued to follow the current and found thousands of fish caught up in them. Jack and Jamie had to swim out of the way of sweeping nets more than once and each time, Jack thought of their agility and of Pitch’s huge, billowing tail. This was what got him, Jack was more and more sure. It had to be.
Jack closed his eyes as they swam on, letting Jamie guide their way. If Pitch did get swept up onto a fishing boat, how would Jack ever know for sure? He would just be gone, and Jamie wouldn’t let him mourn if there was still hope left because that’s the kind of person Jamie was. But Jack couldn’t just hope forever and live in that house without Pitch and pretend it would all be fixed when Pitch magically showed up some day.
Jack would hope, though. Because how could he give up when he loved Pitch so much? The whole idea made Jack fear his own future, so he just… swam. And let Jamie guide them. He needed to be in his own head for a little while.
“Spawn of a…” Jamie trailed off in a faraway, disbelieving tone, and Jack opened his eyes because that was either good or very, very bad. “Is that him?”
In an instant, Jack was scanning the seas around them. Fuck, but all he saw was nets. “Where?”
“There!” Jamie pointed, but he also started swimming. Jack hurried to keep up, and then—
He saw what Jamie saw. A small, long, black and gray thing tangled in an abandoned net caught in the current’s flow. It was anchored from below, but the line was too long and Jack’s concern was too short to give it more than the glance it took to verify Pitch wasn’t about to be swept away in the current again, this time without any hope of swimming his way out of it.
The figure wasn’t struggling against the nets at all and Jack swam faster. His huge fins, twisted and folded in the spun plastic, gave him away before anything else. It was Pitch. It was absolutely Pitch.
Jack screamed his name over and over as he swam nearer, waiting, hoping, praying for Pitch to look up at the sound. He looked so pathetic and sad, immobilized and swaying helplessly in the wake of the current. He could have been dead already, except that he finally stirred from all the noise Jack was making and looked up. When their eyes met, when Jack could see for himself that Pitch’s gaze was clear and focused and that he was just stuck, the ridiculous man, relief flooded through every part of Jack’s being so suddenly and so completely that he almost lost the rhythm of his stroke and stumbled in the water.
Pitch was alive, and, other than his current circumstances, he was fine.
Jack realized Pitch was neither trapped under nor between anything heavy and so his pick-shovel would do nothing but fill his hands. He tossed it behind him for Jamie to catch and continued on unhindered.
“Jack!” Pitch shouted to him, and the sound made Jack’s heart sing. The heavy pull of the current sent it sinking again, but Jack was on a mission and skillfully rode the tide right into his chest, where he clung with all of the accumulated desperation of the last several hours and steadfastly refused to let go.
Jack pulled the fancy knife from his hip and prayed the inset mother of pearl handle survived what he was about to do to it. He pulled the netting as far from Pitch’s skin as he could, then pressed the knife into the synthetic fibers and began to saw away at it with everything he was worth.
Pitch tried to help. His wiggling wasn’t very effective, but it did get him a little further from Jack’s blade, and that was something. “How did you find me?”
Jack smiled at him. It wasn’t really anything to smile about, but Jack was just so glad that he could smile at Pitch, so he did. “Followed your tracks. Made some good guesses. Jamie helped a lot.”
Pitch looked behind Jack at where Jamie must have been hovering with the two pick-shovels out of the current’s reach. “I thought he couldn’t stand me.”
“He can’t stand me when I talk about you. That’s different.”
“Oh right,” Pitch said absently. It was obvious he wasn’t really taking anything in. His eyes were glued to Jack’s hands slowly tearing away at the nets now, and he was biting anxiously at his lip.
“Don’t worry,” Jack soothed. His voice was tense, but Jack couldn’t help that. His hands couldn’t stop moving until Pitch was free, and the netting was stronger than it looked. “I’ll get you out of this, Tigershark. I promise.”
Pitch met his eyes again, and there was so much heat there. So much love and trust that Jack nearly forgot what his hands were doing. “I know.”
It felt like forever before the first rope gave way, then two forevers for the second. Jack’s arms were burning and Pitch’s tail wasn’t even free, yet. The pace was excruciating, and after hours of constant swimming, Jack was tired.
The thought of Pitch’s safety was all he needed to keep on.
Pitch, on his part, tried to help with every limb he could wiggle out of the way. The net had tangled around him at least three times, but Jack hoped once the tail was free, the rest would come easy. When the bottom fin finally broke through, Jack wondered if he imagined the way Pitch’s soft tail brushed against him, as if it were on purpose.
But then, as soon as Pitch’s first arm escaped the plastic cage, he pressed his fingers to Jack’s cheek, and Jack knew he hadn’t imagined anything at all.
Before the last snarl was cut, Jack made sure both of them had a firm grip on the net. It would absolutely suck to go through all of that just to lose Pitch to the current again. And then they had another problem.
Jack took hold of Pitch’s arm. “You trust me, right?” he asked.
Pitch looked very much like he did not trust Jack right now. “What do you mean? What are you doing?”
Jack sighed. Why did he have to ask questions? “I’m going to get you out of the current so we don’t start all of this over again. Do you trust me?”
Pitch’s eyes widened. He looked thoroughly unconvinced. “What about you?”
“I’m a stronger swimmer,” Jack said. Then he tightened his grip on Pitch’s arm and swung him around in the water. Pitch flailed hilariously, but let him do it and that was all Jack asked for. When he let go, the force and the pull of the current tore Jack away and spun him viscously, but the net kept him anchored just as it had done to Pitch before.
When he finally got another glimpse of Pitch, it was to see Jamie holding him back by the shoulders. The idiot had honestly turned around and tried to get back to him.
Thank the universe for Jamie.
Jack held the knife between his teeth and gripped the net with both hands. All he had to do was make it far enough out that the pull wasn’t stronger than him. That… should be easy, right?
Jack took a hard breath through his nose, then went for it. He swung on the net as far as physics would allow, then pushed hard with his tail and both arms to escape the drag of water trying to keep him in. He could feel the water he pushed against with his hands, but he could also feel the water slipping backwards over his shoulders and sides as the current slowly won.
Jack pushed harder, swam faster, felt himself beginning to thrash as he realized it wasn’t working. The current was going to take him and throw him out who knows where else? He had some food, but Jamie and Pitch didn’t and what if the current never let him go at all?
Then a hand grabbed his and Jack looked up to see Jamie, strained and panicked, reaching out for him into the turbulent water. Jack’s expression probably looked much the same, but some of the anxiety smoothed out when the two of them began to move, this time steadily away from the current that wanted to claim him.
Jack didn’t understand, but he didn’t care. He clung to Jamie’s wrists and didn’t look away until finally the pull began to loosen its grip and Jack could breathe again. Then he noticed the massive black tail swishing back and forth in the water behind Jamie. Pitch?
Jack blinked, startled, and accepted it without fuss when Jamie suddenly shot backward and Jack was flung bodily into a circle of four arms and two tails that seemed ready to crush him before they would let go.
It was Pitch. Pitch had pulled them out. Pitch had been tugging on Jamie’s tail and Jack was really going to have to treat Jamie to something nice because that probably hurt like hell but first, Jack was going to have to kiss Pitch senseless for saving him. Nevermind that Jack had saved Pitch first. Pitch could kiss Jack senseless, too. It was only fair.
Jack wormed one arm around each of them and held on. They were safe. They were finally safe, all three of them, and now they just had to get home. Jack’s eyes were burning and when he looked up, Jamie and Pitch’s were red-rimmed, too.
Yeah, okay. That was scary. Jack could admit that whole thing had been scary. He would do it again in a heartbeat, but… He was glad he wouldn’t have to.
Jamie finally loosened his hold and gave Jack some water. Jack, who immediately turned and smothered himself in Pitch’s chest because it had been more than twenty-four hours since Jack last laid eyes on him and the idiot had nearly gotten himself killed by accidentally getting swept up in a current that he had no business being that close to in the first place.
Pitch pressed his face into Jack’s hair and wrapped around him the way Jack liked, the way that made Jack feel safe. It was stupid, because obviously Pitch was a danger magnet, but the man had also proven himself to be strong and capable not two minutes ago, so Jack would take it.
“I love you so much,” Jack whispered into the water. “Don’t ever do that again.”
“I won’t, Jewelfish.” Pitch said against the shell of Jack’s ear. “Never again.”
Jack pressed his face up against Pitch’s throat. “I’m serious, Pitch. I was so worried. I thought I lost you. I thought I was going to have to—”
Pitch pressed two fingers against Jack’s lips to quiet him, then leaned just far enough away to meet his eyes. “I swear, Jack. I will be more careful. I will never do this again.”
Jack stared deep into Pitch’s gaze, judging for himself whether Pitch really meant that or not. Pitch held Jack’s stare, steady and calm. Calm, after all of that. How? But he was. Calm and sure, and Jack slowly started to believe him.
With a nip at Pitch’s fingers, Jack gave in. “Alright, Cuddlefish. Take me home.”
Pitch smiled and swam pointedly away from the current that started all of this. “Anything you wish, Nibblefish. Thank you for coming to find me.”
Suddenly Jamie was on Jack’s other side again, and his solid warmth was very much appreciated. “There was no way we wouldn’t. Seriously,” Jamie said, wide eyes fixed on Pitch. “I don’t think you really know. There was no other option. Jack was coming to find you. I only came to make sure Jack didn’t die in the process and, as it turns out, good thing I did!”
Pitch’s smile, adoring when it was aimed at Jack, shifted into a sort of baffled amusement. Jamie had that effect on people. “Thank you. Jack is very lucky to have a friend like you.”
“Yeah,” Jack agreed. He wrapped his arm around Jamie and squeezed. “I know.”
Jamie grinned and hugged him back. “Good thing. Because I am not looking forward to the hours it’s going to take to get back and watching you two be disgustingly sweet and all over each other the whole way.”
Jack bit his lip to keep from laughing.
“I’m going to see you home safe,” Jamie continued, “but as soon as we are, I am clearing out, because I know exactly what you two are going to get up to and I want no part in that.”
Pitch’s face was equal parts embarrassed and scandalized, and Jack couldn’t keep the laughter inside anymore.
Jack was incredibly lucky. He had an adoring fiancé who would give him anything, an amazing best friend who would do, for him, anything, and a future that didn’t scare him anymore.
Also, Jamie was one hundred percent right.
Jack couldn’t wait to get home.
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Help Me Out: Part 3
Summary: Your sister is getting married, and you desperately need a ‘boyfriend’ to bring to the wedding to get your family off your back. And maybe show your scumbag ex-boyfriend that you were fine without him. It seemed like the perfect plan, as long as you could get Bucky to go along with it, and try not to fall in love along the way.
Word Count: 1,666
Warnings: Swearing, smut to come later 😊
A/N: Hey guys, sorry this took so long! I went through a serious case of writers block, but hopefully that’s done and I can update more often. Lemme know what you think!
Previous Chapter
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           The following day, you filled Natasha in on your plan to bring Bucky to your sister’s wedding. A smirk instantly spread across her face and you groaned, already regretting telling her.
           “Before you say anything, it’s nothing. He’s a friend and he’s helping me out. That’s it.” You said as you topped off your coffee. Even though you weren’t looking at her, you knew she was rolling her eyes.
           “Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. It’s pointless and kind of sad at this point. You’re into him. You have been since the day you met him. You’re not very good at hiding it, although he seems pretty oblivious.” She said with an eye roll as she finished the last of her breakfast. You groaned and rubbed your face in frustration. You wanted to argue but you knew that it was pointless, especially with Nat. Truth was, she was right. Ever since Bucky had joined the team, you’d been harboring a rather large crush on him. At first, he was quiet and stayed mostly to himself, but as the weeks went by he slowly came out of his shell. You saw more and more of him, and the more you got to know him, the bigger your crush grew. He was kind, sweet and funny, and the more time you spent together, the more open he became with you. He told you some of the things he’d done, the nightmares he had, and how he felt completely out of place in this world. On really bad nights, when the nightmares were too much for him to handle alone, he’d come to you for comfort. You’d tell him stories of your childhood, sometimes he’d ask you to sing, but normally you would just hold him until the shaking stopped and he drifted off to sleep. Most of the team didn’t know about the late-night visits, and the two of you wanted to keep it that way. It had been almost a year since he arrived at Stark Tower and you had come to really care for him, and the late-night visits had become a routine that you cherished.
           “Y/N? Hello, earth to Y/N!” You snapped out of your thoughts at Natasha waving a hand in front of your face.
           “Sorry, what did you say?” you asked, blushing slightly for zoning out. She rolled her eyes.
           “I said, are you gonna make a move or what?” You laughed and picked up your plate, bringing it to the sink.
           “Doubtful. He’s one of my best friends, Nat. I can’t just drop a bomb like that on him, especially given what he’s been through. I don’t want to freak him out and ruin what we’ve already got.” You turned back to her to find her with her arms crossed over her chest, an eyebrow raised. She opened her mouth to say something but you stopped her. “Nat, I can’t do it. I’m a mess. Carter….he did a number on me. I hate to admit that he did, but we both know he fucked me up. Bucky doesn’t need that in his life.”
           “Don’t you think you should let him decide?” she asked softly, coming around the counter. You looked up at her and you could see the concern and sadness she felt for you in her eyes.
           “I’d love nothing more than to tell him everything, you know that.” You leaned your head on her shoulder when she draped her arm around you. You smiled to yourself, grateful to have her as a friend. Before you’d started working here, you didn’t really have any close friends. Now you had a second family.
           “Well, maybe this trip will change things. Hawaii is a very romantic place.” She said, pulling away and wiggling her eyebrows playfully. You laughed, but you couldn’t help but feel hope bubble in your chest.
Thursday rolled around and you were packed and ready to go. You had told Bucky to meet you in the lobby at noon so the two of you could use Tony’s jet for your trip to Hawaii. You arrived in the lobby just before noon to find him already waiting, a small travel bag at his feet. He looked up when he heard you approaching, a smile spreading across his face, making your heart flutter. You returned the smile, noticing that he was a bit jittery.
           “Excited?” you teased when you reached him. He nodded eagerly and bent down to retrieve his bag.
           “I’ve never been to Hawaii. This week dragged by because I was so excited.” He said, making you laugh.
           “Well, don’t put too much hope into this trip. I’m sure my family will manage to suck the joy out of you in no time.” You joked as you walked to the town car that Tony had called for you to take to the airport. The ride to the airport was short and filled with small talk. You were so at ease when you were around him and you found that you weren’t so nervous about this trip, knowing that he’d be by your side the whole time.
           You both boarded the plane and were in the air in no time. Tony had the whole plane stocked with food and drinks and you helped yourself to the bar.
           “You want a drink?” you asked as you made yourself a margarita.
           “I’ll have whatever you’re having.” He replied, making you smile. You finished making the drinks and handed him his, sliding into the seat opposite him. He took a sip and hummed in satisfaction, making your face heat up slightly at the sound.
           “Oh, I almost forgot! I have a bunch of pictures I want to show you.” You said, putting your drink down and fishing through your bag.
           “You saucy little minx!” he teased, making you roll your eyes at him. You retrieved your photo album and placed it on the table.
           “It’s pictures of my family, perv.” You joked. “I want to make sure you have at least an idea of who these people are before you meet them.”
           “Makes sense. Alright, teach me about this hellish family of yours, doll.” He said, standing, and nudging you over so he could sit next to you. You swallowed hard as you were hit with his intoxicating scent. A mixture of vanilla, cinnamon, and something uniquely him. It was overwhelming and it made your knees weak. You opened the album and began giving him details about some of the people he would be meeting this weekend.
           “This is my Aunt Judy. She’s the sweetest woman in the world, unless you piss her off. She’s kind of scary when that happens.” You smiled fondly at the picture of the two of you. “This was taken right after Tony hired me. She took me out to tell me how proud of me she was. And to tell me that I’m better off without Carter.” You glanced up at Bucky who was smiling softly as he looked at the picture. “She never liked him. She always told me that I deserved better than him, but I always brushed it off.”
           “You do deserve better, Y/N.” he said quietly, looking at you with such adoration it made your heart ache. You smiled at him, hating that even after two years, thinking of Carter still hurt.
           “I thought he was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.” You said, looking back at the picture so he couldn’t see your eyes watering. “I spent three years of my life with him and I just wish I could take that time back. He humiliated me. Made me feel like it was my fault that he cheated on me. I wasn’t pretty enough, didn’t put out enough, worked too hard. When I was the one making all the sacrifices for the relationship!” Angry tears threatened to fall but you fought them back, not wanting to spend another second crying over that asshole.
           “He’s an idiot, Y/N. If he’s too stupid to realize what he had, that’s not on you.” He placed his flesh hand over one of yours, taking it and giving it a reassuring squeeze. You looked up at him, a single tear managing to escape despite your efforts. He reached up with his metal hand and brushed it away gently and you thought your heart was about to burst out of your chest.
           “Thank you, Buck.” You muttered quietly, letting him pull you into a tight hug, and you instantly felt your anger and sadness disappear. He held you for a few minutes, rubbing your back soothingly until you were completely at ease. You pulled away and cleared your throat, turning back to the pictures.
           “So, be honest with me.” He started as you flipped through a few more pictures. “What’s your family going to think of me?”
           “Well, Judy will love you. As for everyone else, they won’t say anything to our faces, but they’ll spend the entire weekend whispering about their rebellious relative bringing a scruffy looking man to her perfect sister’s wedding.” You said with a laugh. He chuckled and shrugged.
           “I’m sure they’ll all clutch their pearls when they see my arm.” He said with a laugh. You couldn’t help but admire his features when he smiled, the scrunch of his nose, the crinkle around his eyes. He really was beautiful. You snapped out of your daze, blushing slightly that you’d been blatantly staring, but he didn’t seem to notice.
           “Well, it’ll be an interesting weekend to say the least.” You said, flipping to another picture.
           “Well, I knew what I was walking into. I won’t take it personally.” He reassured you.
           “Thank you, Bucky. This really means a lot to me.” He smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, making your heart flutter. You had been dreading this weekend for months, but now that Bucky was by your side, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Next Chapter
Tags: @captain-bibi-universe, @ok-ladies-lets-get-in-formation, @Ccrossfire, @quietonne, @stargirl-posts, @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19
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folklore-musings · 7 years
After School Special Part 5
Summary:  In an alternate universe where Jughead greases his hair more than Danny Zuko and Betty Cooper gives Sandy Olsson a run for her money at being the nicest girl in town. (No Danny Zuko and Sandy do make an appearance in this fic). Set in the early 1960s at Riverdale High. Slow burn leads to rapid fire (all the bughead smut you can imagine)
Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four
Read on AO3 here
tags: @thejugheadshow @xobughead @de6ressive @starlitsummersky
Once inside her home, Betty released herself from Jughead’s jacket and snuck it upstairs into her room before her mother had a chance to catch her. Her mother, Alice, was not a fan of the Southside Serpents. Whenever the topic of them came up at the dinner table, which wasn’t often, she would scoff and begin to go on and on about how they were scum low lives who didn’t give a damn about anybody but themselves. Betty had always believed anything Alice said when it came to the Serpents, but the more she spent time with Jughead, she realized he was nothing like what her mother described.
At school on Monday, things had returned back to normal between the Jughead and Betty. She returned his jacket when she saw him, apologizing for keeping it over the weekend. He thanked her and kept on walking, swinging the jacket on over his shoulders as he did.
What she didn’t mention to Jughead was the fact that she’d slept in the jacket all weekend long. Despite smelling like an ashtray, the jacket was warm and inviting, swallowing Betty up into her own little black hole. Ironic as it was, when wrapped in Jughead’s jacket she felt safe, even if the boy who owned it was the most dangerous boy in town.
She’d been mulling over what happened all weekend, still thinking it was some weird, twisted dream. She didn’t know how to react so she asked him to take her home. And three days later she still didn’t know what to think; if she was another conquest or if Jughead actually liked someone other than himself and Archie Andrews.
Needing another’s opinion, Betty confided in Veronica and Kevin at lunch, making them swear they wouldn’t tell a soul what she said. “Cross my heart.” They sang in unison, giving Betty their full, undivided attention.
She went on to explain every detail of her drive down to Blue Bend Park with Jughead. Their expressions were priceless, and when she mentioned the almost kiss, Kevin clapped a hand to his mouth and Veronica clutched her pearls. “What?” she cried, earning the threesome a few side glances from the tables surrounding them.
“Ronnie!” Betty cried, burying his face in her hands.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t expecting such a turn of events.”
Kevin interjected. “Girls girls, please! Betty, continue. What happened next?”
She drew her lip in and sighed. “I asked him to take me home. I didn’t know what else to do.”
Ronnie took a deep breath. “Shut up. You mean you’re telling me you were sitting in the front seat of Jughead’s car, he had his arm around you, he tried to kiss you…and all you do in response is ask him to take you home? Am I getting this right?”
Betty nodded, the end of her ponytail tickling the nape of her neck, sending a light shiver down her spine. “Sounds like it.”
Kevin looked from Betty to Ronnie, his mouth still agape. “Well, I definitely wasn’t expecting that. Why didn’t you let him kiss you?”
Betty threw her hands in the air. “It’s Jughead; would you let him kiss you? Actually – don’t answer that. You’ll kiss anybody.” Betty placed her hands in her lap, clenching her fists until she could feel her nails gouging tiny little crescents in her palms. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Well do you like him?” Ronnie asked, popping a grape into her mouth.
Betty shrugged, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “I think so.”
“Then talk to him about it.” Ronnie urged, Kevin nodding in agreeance. “I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“No. And remember, this conversation does not leave this table.” Betty glanced over into the corner of the cafeteria where Jughead and Archie sat in the middle of a circle full of greasers. She watched him as he laughed at a joke she couldn’t hear. He looked up at that moment, catching her in her stare as she looked away. Her previously pink cheeks were now a violent shade of red. There was no way she was telling Jughead anything about her feelings for him. She was still trying to figure them out for herself.
It was the end of November, and Jughead had three weeks left of his time on the Blue and Gold. His English grades had improved, solidifying his chances of graduating in the spring. Posted all around the school on lockers, walls and doors were posters for the Winter Dance. Each time Jughead passed one he tore it down, tossing it into the nearest garbage bin. Dances were stupid. Why spend a Saturday night in the school gymnasium with crappy music when he could be cruising in his rag or hanging out at Pop’s? There was just one issue: Betty was going to the dance.
He’d overheard her talking to Ronnie about it during study hour the other day. Each girl going on and on about who they wanted to go with, his heart sinking when Betty didn’t mention his name – or anyone’s name. Ronnie kept going on and on about Archie, since he’d broken up with Cheryl a week ago.
Ever since he’d found out she was going, Jughead’s malice toward the dance softened. He even considered asking her – until he remembered the night by the river. He didn’t want to risk making an idiot of himself again.
“Hey Jug.” Archie called from behind him, dodging other students in the hall to try and catch up. “I called your name like three times. You didn’t hear me?”
Jughead shook his head, a piece of perfectly greased hair falling into his face haphazardly. “Sorry Arch. What’s up?” Jughead followed the ginger boy outside to the parking lot, stopping to talk between their cars. The weather was unusually cold for November. He shivered in his leather jacket; sure his hair would freeze if he stayed out there too long.
“Cheryl won’t leave me alone. I was just using you for a getaway.” Archie replied. He offered Jughead a cigarette, the dark haired boy accepting it and striking a match to ignite it.
“Glad I could be of service.” He could see his breath looming between them in frigid air. “Want to continue this conversation at my place? My dad’s gone and I don’t want to miss the new episode of Leave It to Beaver.”
“Alright, I’ll follow you there.”
Archie was the only friend of his that he invited over. Jughead wasn’t proud of his family home – if you could even call it that. His parents split up a few years ago, his mom taking his little sister with her, leaving Jughead to fend for himself with his dad. He wouldn’t call his dad horrible, just misguided when it came to his family. FP couldn’t keep a job even if his life depended on it and he spent more time at the bar with his buddies than at home. Within the last week Jughead maybe saw his dad once – and he’d been passed out cold on couch, a bottle of beer dangling from his lifeless hand.
Sometimes it bothered Jughead how fucked up his family was. He dreamed of a perfect family, with a mom who stayed home and baked all day and a dad that worked a normal 9-5 job to provide for them. He knew that was the reason why he was hooked on so many family sitcoms. Jughead just wanted a boring, normal life with a family that cared about him. But he wasn’t that lucky. So instead he kept around friends like Archie, who stood with him through thick and thin.
The two of them had plans for after graduation. Plans they’d had since grade school. To pack everything they had into the back of Jug’s car and never come back to this hell hole of a town they hated. He and Archie were going to travel down the coast of the Pacific, all the way to Hollywood to live out their dreams. But as of late, there was another who snuck her way into his futuristic daydreams; a girl with bright blue eyes as deep as the ocean and golden hair like the sun.
Jughead punched the edge of his steering wheel. He couldn’t have a singular, solemn thought without Betty’s face fogging up his brain and making him smile like an idiot. It was starting to drive him crazy. Desperate for a distraction, Jughead was happy to see his house in the distance. He took a stiff turn into his driveway, Archie pulling in right behind him.
“Do you think your dad has any beer in the fridge?” Archie asked.
“Most likely. Knock yourself out if you want one.” Jughead led Archie through the living room and into the kitchen. He grabbed a soda while Archie grabbed a bottle of Miller High Life from the fridge. Jughead turned the TV and Archie flopped onto the couch, setting his feet on the table. “So, Cheryl issues?”
“Right,” Archie took a swig, swallowing quickly. “She keeps cornering me to try and get me to take her back. The bitch is crazy Jughead. I swear.”
Jughead opened his eyes wide in feigned surprise. “What made you come to that conclusion?”
“She likes – weird stuff. And that’s all I’m saying. I just don’t know how to get rid of her. It’s like she’s everywhere. Starting to really freak me out actually.”
Jughead placed the soda bottle to his lips, thinking of the pickle his friend was stuck in. “You know, I overheard Ronnie and Betty in the library the other day. Your name may have come up in their conversation.”
Archie places his beer on the table and stares at Jug. “What did they say?”
“Veronica Lodge is smitten with you Archie.”
“Well I’ll be damned.” Archie exhaled loudly, absorbing this new information with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Maybe I should ask her to that dance next Saturday?” He nudges Jughead’s shoulder. “And you could ask Betty. We could all go together.”
Jughead shakes his head. “No. I’m not going to some stupid dance so you can try and score with Veronica Lodge.”
“Apparently I won’t even have to try if she’s already thinking the same thing.” He arched an eyebrow. “But why not? You and Betty, me and Veronica. I think it’s a great idea.”
“You also thought dating Cheryl Blossom was a great idea. And look at you now. Slumming it on my couch, watching Leave It to Beaver with me on a Friday afternoon.”
Archie flipped him the bird. “Whatever. I’ll ask Veronica either way. Maybe she’ll be at Pop’s tonight.”
Jughead sighed and took another sip of his coke. “It’s Friday night, everyone is going to be Pop’s.”
“Perfect.” Once Archie was a set on a decision there was no talking him out of it. Jughead sighed, praying his friend wouldn’t drag him into the whole charade. Last thing he needed was another awkward encounter with the girl of his dreams.
Betty stood by Ronnie in the bathroom at Pop’s. Ronnie admired her pearls while Betty fluffed the curls in her ponytail. She puckered up, dabbing her lips with her signature Pink Perfection lipstick. “Ready?” Ronnie asked Betty. The blonde nodded her head, clenching her fists in anticipation as she followed her friend out of the girl’s room.
The greasers had walked in a few minutes before, claiming their regular booth in the corner of Pop’s diner. Archie forced his way through a throng of freshman crowded around the jukebox while Jughead and Joaquin waited for him to pick some songs.
Betty and Ronnie grabbed two stools at the bar near Jughead’s table. They each ordered a milkshake and shared a basket of fries. “Do you really think this will work?” Betty asked Ronnie under her breath, playing with the silk handkerchief around her neck.
“Oh my little naïve Betty, of course it will. Have I ever steered you wrong before?” Ronnie smiled her thousand dollar smile and fingered the pearls dangling from her neck.
“I mean if you want to be technical – “ Betty started, Ronnie cutting her off before she had the chance to finish.
“Stop it. Jughead is so totally gone for you. Anyone can see it. And Archie? Well he likes any girl with a pulse, so that keeps me in the running.” Betty laughed and pushed her negative thoughts to the side.
Pop brought them their shakes and their fries, refusing their money for payment. “It’s already taken care of ladies, courtesy of the hoodlums behind you.” Pop reached back to the counter behind him, turning around with two plates, two burgers on one and a hot dog with fries on the other. “Mind taking these over to them? That way you can thank them and I can catch up with line of people at the register.”
Veronica and Betty graciously accepted the plates and smiled at Pop. “No problem. Thank you.”
The girls hopped off their stools and headed for Jughead’s table. “Goldie Locks, are you looking to add waitress to your resume?” Betty handed him the plate with two burgers, stealing a pickle slice from the side. “That’s coming out of your tip sweetheart.”
“And what tip would that be?” Betty asked, biting her lip and looking at him under fluttering eyelashes.
“To thank the boys that paid for your milkshake. Nothing in this world is free.”
Before Betty could speak, Veronica beat her to it. “Thank you Jughead. We are forever in your undying debt.”
Archie cut in, “Well in that case, do you want to join us? Joaquin get out of here, make some room for these lovely River Vixens.” Betty felt bad for taking Joaquin’s place, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Joaquin tugged at the opening of his jacket and ran a hand through his slick hair. “Whatever, I’ve got better things to do anyway.”
As Joaquin fled, Betty and Ronnie grabbed their shakes and fries, slipping into the booth with Jughead and Archie. Jughead reached for a fry from the basket and popped it into his mouth.
“So ladies, you’ve decided to take a walk on the wild side. How does it feel so far?” Archie asked, taking a biting of his hotdog and sipping from his coke. Betty never understood how people could do that. Take a drink while they were still chewing. It grossed her out.
“Feels pretty tame to me, Archiekins.” Ronnie joked, catching Betty’s eye from across the table and smiling.
“You haven’t witnessed anything yet.” Archie said, wrapping his arm around Ronnie’s shoulder. “Are you girls going to the dance next weekend?”
Betty’s heart beat a little faster in her chest. She noticed the sparkle in Ronnie’s eyes at the mention of the dance. She’d only been waiting for Archie to ask her all week. “Maybe, it depends.”
“Depends on what?” Archie asked.
“Are you asking or just making small talk?”
Archie looked at Jughead, some silent conversation playing about on their features. Betty tried to follow but was lost. Instead she directed her attention to her milkshake, lazily stirring the creamy texture with her straw and tossing the cherry into her mouth. A thud was heard beneath the table and Betty noticed the way Jughead was wincing in pain. Boys are strange, she thought.
Stifling a laugh Archie spoke up. “Would you want to go with me, Betty, to the dance that is?” Ronnie’s and Jughead’s jaws dropped almost simultaneously. There was a fire in the raven haired boy’s eyes that Betty had never seen before. Her stomach flipped at the sight.
“D-Don’t you mean Ronnie?” Jughead stammered.
Archie tapped his chin thoughtfully. “No. I’m pretty sure I know who I want to take to the dance Jug. I don’t need your input.”
“Betty, he’s joking. Don’t listen to him. He’s just being an ass.” Jughead took a bite of his burger with a sour look on his face.
“But why would I joke about something like that Jughead? Unless there’s something you want to ask Betty? Is there?” Jughead continued to chew his burger, staring daggers at Archie. The ginger boy leaned into Ronnie and whispered something in her ear, making her smile and her ears turn pink. She nodded happily and took a bite of fry.
Jughead finally swallowed and cleared his throat. “I fucking hate you Andrews.” He kicked Archie under the table, harder than he’d been kicked the first time.
“Wait, what’s going on here? Is there something you want to ask me Juggie?” Betty crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“Not really – but I guess I have to now.” Jughead took a quick sip of his coke and continued. “Do you want to go to the dance with me next Saturday?”
“I’d really like that.” Betty reached out to grab Jughead’s hand resting on the tabletop between them. Everyone at the table was smiling, but none compared to his. Betty swooned at the sight – it wasn’t often she saw him smile. Sure, he would grin smugly smirk all the time, but actually smile? A smile from Jughead was a rarity. And Betty loved being the reason behind it. 
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