#but we're vibing now so it's whatever yknow
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chipistrate · 9 months ago
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^ Master of forgetting
ANYWAY Art Fighting this year<3
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last-starfighter · 2 months ago
plural playlist? plural playlist
ive been makin a playlist thats all "songs that make me think about bein plural/have plural vibes/are about trauma and systems/whatever" for a hot second. im not 100% happy with it but yknow i think we all need a distraction rn so.
have like 3 hours of ✨songs to split yr personality to✨ /s
if u vibe with this u can reblog it. this aint just for did systems or endo systems or trauma systems or whatever its for anyone who wants it.
content warnings: self-destructive vibes/suicidal ideation, drugs/alcohol, unreality, amnesia, bad choices, bad headmate relationships, breakups, fuckin kpop for some reason
tracklist + explanations under the cut
hive mind - tmbg i think this one speaks for itself
birdhouse in yr soul- tmbg listen this one has fucked up headmate to host vibes tell me im wrong. im yr only friend/im not actually yr friend/make a place in yr soul for me.
voices in my head- naked eyes pure goddamn 80s cheese but the lyrics are on point
simple and clean- utada hikaru raise yr hand if yr a sora fictive, have a sora fictive in yr system, or were personally victimized by the end of kingdom hearts 2. yeah thought so.
my truth's a lie- psylosia i think this ones supposed to be about schizophrenia but tbh it works.
where is my mind? - the pixies ik its a cliche but you cant really have a crazy playlist without it.
paranoid android- radiohead again. ik its a cliche but here we are. it fuckin works. like half of radioheads back catalog does
blow up your mind- the cramps ok i know this is mostly here cause i wanted more punk shit but it works for how i feel about this shit? idk
my own worst enemy - lit tfw you have that One Guy who keeps makin the WORST DECISIONS (its me im the guy)
the becoming- nine inch nails the me that you know/he doesnt come round much/that part of me/isnt here anymore. WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO FUCKIN SAY.
i'm not there - sonic youth ok this is mostly there for the title and for the good distorted guitar but fuck me i like noise rock
never let me down again- depeche mode ik what this song is rly about but. sometimes you just gotta let the other guy take the wheel.
carousel - tempting fate thx @eklesia-system for this one- it has THE VIBES
disintegration - the cure and now that you know that im breakin to pieces/ill put out my heart and ill feed it to anyone/crying for sympathy crocodiles cry/for the love of the crowd and the three cheers for everyone
otherside- red hot chili peppers this ones for all the fictives out there who want to blow up their lives.
bodies (ghosts) - 1000 eyes can you believe we aint never played signalis? it has the vibes tho.
myth- delerium thx @endogenesis-evangelion for this one. its on fuckin point.
voices in my head- steve aoki/bassjackers/teddy bee can you tell part of this was just searchin spotify for 'voices in my head' lol. i think it has the vibes but ymmv
my favorite stranger - depeche mode can you tell host really fuckin likes depeche mode. lmao. ht to @the-masked-bandits-system for this one tho
voices inside my head- the police again do i really need to say anything
the passenger- siouxie and the banshees this is for all of us who sit and watch while other people do shit
the projectionist- thoushaltnot another @endogenesis-evangelion banger. thx forte
disconnection notice - sonic youth the narrator may not be plural but hes profoundly alienated from everyone and everything and thats close enough /meme
clones (we're all) - smashing pumpkins can you believe that there aint anything from siamese dream that fits on here. that title is ~pluralcore~ af. but nooooo
personality crisis - new york dolls is this a new guy or am i going crazy??? who knows???
imaginary friends - splitsville i hate the 'i' word as much as the next headmate but the song is good so.
who do you want to be - oingo boingo listen i know this is about 80s tv pop culture but like. ~source separation~ vibes. who do you wanna be today?
am i awake - they might be giants ik ik ik ik. tmbg is lemon demon for 80s/90s kids. but this has the dissociative vibes
voices in my head - falling in reverse what can i say about this one other than that its got the content warnings and its catchy.
birthright - celldweller thx @eklesia-system for this one - i think i got a new fave band from yr recs cause this fucks
lucretia my reflection - sisters of mercy lucretia / my reflection / dance the ghost with me
personal jesus- depeche mode feelin unknown n yr all alone/flesh and bone by the telephone/lift up the reciever ill make u a believer
voices in my head - vicetone + chelsea collins anxiety, wanting yr fuckass headmate to fuckin shut the fuck up
voices in my head - dj univxrsel another one from the spotify mines
imaginary friends - deadmau5 we needed more good fuckin crunchy edm on here. im tryin to get more into edm so if u got recs hmu. also fuck the title but this slaps
voices in my head (they said) - jack harris instead, instead of panicking again/ i'm making friends with the voices in my head
mad world - tears for fears i know this songs kind of a meme but the lyrics man. if you got hte trauma and u dont listen to tears for fears yr missin out on a band that gets it
whistling in the dark - they might be giants theres only one thing that i know how to do well/and ive often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well/and thats be you/be what yr like/be like yrself
over my head - lit overwhelm is a v system feel for us ig? ok ill own it this is mostly here to lift up the mood at the end.
imaginary friend (english version) - itzy ok this song is the whole reason this playlist exists. hosts partner is real into kpop and was listenin to this and we started laughin about how big the system mood is with this one and how"LYRICS GUY YR EXPERIENCES ARENT UNIVERSAL." it made me wanna see how many songs i could find about the system experience tho. i dont like kpop. at all. but this one speaks 2 me.
@endogenesis-evangelion @lizardywizard @furyfuzz @eklesia-system @thegmsys @the-masked-bandits-system all either wanted to see this playlist or recced songs to put on it. i didnt get to everyones songs so if u want urs on here- well ill see if i can cram it in somewhere lol
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nyaagolor · 7 months ago
Howdy again, if it's the meta world VS "real world" thing in Umineko that's got you stumbling, don't worry. The assumption Ryukishi and co. seem to be going with is that the meta world IS real, and everyone's just chilling in a happy magic afterlife post-series (hence how episodes 7, 8, and 9 can even happen). The "07th Expansion All Characters Settings Collection" guidebook even has little epilogue blurbs for the cast, I can link you the translation hosted on the wiki if you want. It's still bleak in the sense that, yknow, everyone was dead from the start and the whole journey was more of a "coming to terms with what happened" kind of deal, but I think it works given stuff like the Divine Comedy references going on (if you read Battler as Dante and Beatrice as uh, Beatrice, a lot of Umineko'll start to make sense). The way I see the split is kind of an "as above, so below" type deal - while Tohya is down in the land of the living trying to write and solve things, Battler and friends really are up there fighting for their lives in purgatory, and the two reflect each other. Of course if that's not the problem you have, I'd love to hear what you're thinking!
hiii thank u for the ask!! (sorry this will be a Long One). I'll admit the meta world / real world stuff tripped me up at first, because looking at episodes 4 and 8 it really seemed to be implying that the metanarrative was the coping mechanism of Ange+Tohya and their way of pretending like their loved ones got the happy endings they didn't get in life rather than something we can actually assume happened. However extra content implies this is not the case, Ryukishi doesn't feel like the author who would do that especially after the thesis of Higurashi, and tbh even if he did there was enough plausible deniability that I would just imagine the Golden Land as real because You Gotta Cope Somehow. I love the "as above so below" vibes too, that's a fun new aspect to incorporate
My biggest hangup with the ending was basically in the idea that Sayo's narrative is fundamentally doomed. I was under the impression that the boat scene was implying that Sayo couldn't be happy even if she did escape due to the burden of the truth / her trauma. The positive framing of the catbox remaining at the bottom of the ocean initially struck me as a "her death is the happiest ending you can hope for because of how fucked up this all is" which is already a nihilistic narrative but downright unbearable when given to an intersex trans woman. I just don't vibe with hopeless trans narratives at all, and felt like I had misinterpreted smth bc Ryukishi isn't really a nihilistic guy. I'll admit I got a little soured to the narrative as a whole when I looked around online and saw people talking about how Sayo getting a happy ending was "missing the point".
After talking to @heartgold I realized that I had reversed the causality a bit. I was under the impression while playing that Ryukishi's insistence that "things had to happen this way" was him not just saying "oh everyone is already dead, the end result is already the same bc we're looking back at past events" but also "it doesn't matter what individual actions people took, it was always going to end in tragedy". I realize now it's more of a "this was totally preventable in so many ways but it already happened and now we have to grieve and cope in whatever way we can manage" kinda thing rather than a "this is fate and Sayo was screwed regardless", so I'm cool with that aspect. (Also I won't lie I prefer to imagine the boat scene as almost entirely metaphorical and more of a representation of the fragmentation of Battler's consciousness due to trauma in a similar way as what happened to Sayo, but that's neither here nor there)
The other part of it, and the thing I'm still really hung up on, is the question of whether or not the Golden Land is actually a happy ending and, if it is real, whether we're supposed to view it as a sorta perverse tragedy. On one hand, the alters are all implied to be separate people and they get their happy endings (yay), but on the other hand that doesn't really fix nor address Sayo feeling like she needs romantic love to be fulfilled (also The Incest(?) I'm genuinely unsure if the whole "alters becoming separate entities" negates the incest or not). The idea that Sayo was so far gone that even the fantasy created from her best memories does not allow her to truly be happy is just so insanely depressing to me, so I find myself stuck with that friction of wanting Sayo to have her prince and her white horse and her fantasy happy ending while also not wanting to downplay the truth. Having this little moral dilemma feels like the point of Episode 8 and really gets us into Tohya's head, which is awesome, but also gives me a lot of mixed feelings. Knowing that Sayo's truth literally has Beatrice married to Battler makes it even tougher bc I can't just use plausible deniability and say they're platonic bc they are uh. very much not as far as Ryukishi is concerned. I'm still working out my feelings on it, mostly because I desperately want Sayo to have everything she's ever wanted but also having to contend with the little part of me that's whispering "it can't and shouldn't happen and you know it". Alas. Umineko.
PS: thank you for telling me about the character booklet, that's SO cute!!! I love the little details about everyone and the cat-ear Bern is everything I've ever wanted
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the-bonfires-ember · 9 months ago
ive been thinking about that thing people say about mental illness. yknow, 'its not a part of your personality' 'dont make it your identity' etc
but when you have a personality disorder, that doesnt really make sense anymore.
which makes my feelings on cluster b pride flags a little conflicted. coz, sure, it is fundamentally a part of your personality and certainly shapes your identity, but something about pride flags has always been off to me. perhaps especially as a person with aspd.
now, sure, on the one hand i get it. theres something appealing about having that kind of validation that you arent alone, especially when you are constantly masking and shifting who you are to fit the situation best.
we might have antisocial personality disorder but we are still, at our core, social creatures. we still desire community, we're just also afraid of it.
so yeah, a banner of community and others 'like us' seems fair enough, right?
theres still something... off to me about it. what it was, exactly, only came to me after a discussion with my partner about DID and PluralKit - yeah i know, im diving into plural drama now, lfg i guess
they showed me an infographic about the process of DID recovery which showed the progression from very disconnected and separated identities to a more blended 'final fusion' (a term they take issue with but thats a different story). i said that PluralKit must be confusing for people on the later ends of the spectrum they were showing me because, at that point, how do you tell who is blending with who? when the lines are blurry, how do you know who to tag yourself as? it seemed like an inhibitor to recovery if you were constantly cutting yourselves off from each other. (this is not me saying anything one way or the other about plurals and recovery in DID or whatever the fuck else, im just using this as an example. stfu i dont care about your opinions on any of this so dont waste your breath)
i think my feelings on aspd flags is somewhat similar. coz i mean, they are pride flags, right? and i think if you are taking pride in being aspd then you are far more likely to lean into your symptoms, and i think thats a slippery slope to go down and has just a very 'anti-recovery' vibe, if you know what i mean.
with that all said, i also very much think that if you dont want to recover, you dont have to. i dont think you can force anyone to recover and i dont think you should even try to. recovery is fucking shit and its hard and if you arent ready for it, you are just going to hurt whoever you are trying to make recover.
but i also think that you can have that opinion, whilst also being a voice for recovery, and be against 'anti-recovery' thinking.
because look, like it or not aspd is a fucking disorder. and at some point that becomes unhelpful or it wouldnt be a disorder. symptoms of aspd are debilitating and pretending otherwise that helps nobody. especially with all the 'all pwASPD are evil' scum out there.
so yes, i think the pride flags are... unhelpful at best and harmful at worst. but what about the other stuff? the creatures alla tbh creature and the plushiedreadful rabbit? (i think both of those designs suck btw but thats not the point)
idk those feel like they are in a different category. theres not really a sense of pride in those, more a sense of comfort. again, community, but also a sort of softness(??) that the pride flag things seem to miss - especially when they are like 'vampire aspd' or 'evil aspd' or any of the other bullshit things ive seen out there. i guess they are also just way more 'mental illness' coded than pride flags are.
pride flags have always been a 'we're here and theres nothing wrong with us' kind of thing. but the creatures and the bears are more lighthearted and sort of making fun of the conditions a little bit. highlighting symptoms and coping mechanisms. just look at the imocreature - specifically the worm one which is my favourite - and the way its able to be so pathetic looking and cute. its not meant to be cool or badass or whatever else, its just a lil guy that gets sad without supply.
which, yknow, relatable.
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Ive been thinking about this, am I the only one whos kinda bothered when people say that ACOTAR was medieval aesthically while ACOMAF and onward are regency era/elizabethan/victorian/some other english time period? Like, again, im no history expert and this is all primarily vibes based, but the way I see it, the world of ACOTAR was already very aesthetically victorian, both the human and the fae part of it. Like, when Feyre leaves shes given this impractical dress with thin gloves and silly small hat, I dont know if she was wearing a corset which is like The thing that people think of when they think of that time period, but regardless, the vibes were all there, same goes for her sisters and their new mansion. And then in the fae world its like, Tamlin is living in a manor house, thats not exactly what I think of when I think of medieval times yknow. Honestly, I think when people say that ACOTAR felt more medieval while ACOMAF feels victorian, what theyre actually trying to express is the loss of whimsy between books, but that doesnt really have anything to do with the time-period its vaguely set in. The way I see it, Feyre was experiencing the victorian countryside lifestyle with tamlin and now that shes living with rhys shes experiencing the victorian city lifestyle, like the spring court and the night court are really not that different imo, except the way the spring court does the tithe is oddly medieval but I know that doylistically thats just to make Tamlin look backwards and archaic in comparison to Rhysand so I dont really feel like engaging with that on a deeper in-uinverse level if Im being honest
I will say that the men's clothes in both the SC and the NC do seem very medieval, but its like, 'commoner' medieval. Like, theyre just wearing normal ass pants that look like modern pants and then a shirt and then a garment thats kinda like a vest but it has a diffrent name, I dont remember what it is in english but in german its called Tunika. I bet they dont even wear stockings under their stupid modern pants! And its so annoying because its like, bro theyre monarchs, the monarchy is all about keeping up appearances and displaying their wealth whenever they can and stupid symbolism, thats why court clothing has historically slayed so hard, and here come these bozos, again, probably not even wearing stockings to emphasise their supple calves (although thats admittedly more 17th or 18th century iirc). And for Tamlin it atleast makes sense for his character, but we're told that Rhysand ascended to the throne when he was pretty young and that he actually wanted that unlike Tamlin, thats one of the reasons why hes sooooo much better supposedly, so how come he dresses like Tamlins slightly more goth cousin??
And what kills me even more is that I think actual 19th century european court clothes would suit Rhysand so well, like you know that style of suit with the shoulder pads with those weird little dangly strings, it has a kinda militaristic vibe and its often worn with a sash and a bunch of medals? Cmon, Rhys would absolutely slay that and it would fit his personality too. whatever, does he atleast wear something cool for Starfall? or for when he goes to reanact Feyre's sexual assault in the court of nightmares? Or is he just wearing that one fucking tunic thats just black but it has silverthreads worked into the fabric for thise scenes?? whatever, its midnight I gotta stop rambling about this shit and go to bed good nightttt
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mysteriaqueen · 10 months ago
sunny omori is very boygirlenby to me
also kel is bigenderfluid
hero is transmasc
mari is ALSO transmasc
aubrey is xenogender
basil is genderflux
sunny omori is very boygirlenby to me
yeahhhh bro's too traumatized to give one singular fuck about the gender. bro will play whatever roll he wants to. he wants to be a princess? he's a princess. he wants to be a knight? he's a knight. he wants to be a trashcan? he's a trashcan. he's just a silly lil roleplayer. the role don't matter
also kel is bigenderfluid
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. he's so anything and everything. he probably doesn't even bother trying to find a label. i bet (post good ending and everyone gets back together) he's like "hey aubrey how does that make up stuff work?" and then like 30 minutes later bro's like "WOAHHH I LOOK SO PRETTY"
god i can see it soooo well i kinda wanna draw it
hero is transmasc
yknow I never thought about this but tbh it makes sense. he does kinda have those vibes with how he's a lil unsure sometimes or how he's also kind of a mom friend like Mari. he's also a silly lil guy. but yeah the more I think about it the more i accept the headcannon. yep. i'm thinking he's like ftm.
mari is ALSO transmasc
okay this one is interesting. i had not considered this either but at first i was like eh. but the more i think about it. im kinda on board with this. like yeah mom friend(mary) and dad friend(hero) but it's actually mom friend who's a dude(hero) and dad friend who's a girl(mari) but then mari's trans too and yeah i see this extremely well.
she defo has like slightly dude vibes so yeah transmasc fits her well. i'd say she's less ftm and more like "i don't give a fuck what my gender is but you're my child now :3 we're getting soft tacos later"
aubrey is xenogender
*googles xenogender* oh. yeah. yup. agreed. once again, she could not be bothered to actually figure it out. and when she does sit down for a bit she's like "..... oh god why is this so complicated? i don't even have the words for this! wait there's one for not having the words. great. I'm figure it out. i'm done. stop asking me about it."
basil is genderflux
is that not genderfluid? *googles* ohhhhhhhh yeah okay well i guess I found a new label for myself anywaysss
yeah that sounds about basil. i mean everything about my mans is constantly in flux. he is an unstable mess and i love him for it. everything about him constantly fluctuating in intensity. he's trying to hard to stay afloat and yet he cannot stop being pulled down into the depth. and at this point he can't tell whether he's breathing or holding his breath any more. poor guy.
anywaysssss thank you for the ask!!!! i so appreciate it man.
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civilotterneer · 10 months ago
Oh come on!! Are you going to bail now??? By the by, Echo wont allow people to leave during a HYSTERIA EVENT which is built up over decades with SUF- Suffering? yeah no SUFFERING (like guilt and stuff) and is quickly released within the span of a week or month. So unless its 2015 for whatever reason, it should be well past the HYSTERIA EVENT's build up phase, should still be on cooldown... unless theres a dead gila in the waters!!!! Then the HYSTERIA EVENT never went off and is still primed and ready!!!! Tha'd be really bad! thank god a certain otter decided to come out as bi right? Right? Oh and... incase of the HYSTERIA EVENT going off... Good luck!!!! Nobody will come to help you!!!! Not even your closest allies!!!! yknow now that i think about it if you defeat whatever godthing that resides in echo.... you can probs enslave it to produce free energy! I mean you can teleport with it!!!! Oooh.... cut it up into bits and turn the hysteria into better vr specs.... but it isnt even physical (I think, unless its a large mound of flesh at the very bottom of those caverns) so my dreams are dashed, No national flesh pits for us lowly folk.... what was i talking about again????
Hey Lye, is it just me, or does this Echo place kinda have a bad vibe? Like, I feel like we're always just a few steps away from some kinda horrible fate or going insane.
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*Lye: actively restraining herself from strangling the blind otter*
Also surprise! Some of the improvements are visible now! New outfits and the updated pads are just the start, and now Lye looks less ... crinkly.
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fearfylsymmetry · 1 year ago
less of an ask and more of a compliment i love the way your tags are organized…”decay as a commodity” “bodies shifting in narrow spaces” etc is it your own original work or quoting from a song/poem/or something?
helloo angel and welcomee to the show, its always such a joy when people appreciate my silly little tagging system. they're all just random sentences i thought up ages ago, , just to make sense of the mess in front of you etc y'know how it gets love. i couldn't really get behind tagging things as "art" "people, faces places things" etc. i needed to inject a bit of flavour to the whole thing (let this not be read as a subtle jab towards any new york based tumblrinas , we're above that c'mon now). i wouldn't say these little phrases are "personal" by any means but they have been motifs i wanted to actively explore in the art i make so no harm putting them up here i guess haha
for posterity's sake i thought i'd just copy an explanation of my tags from an old ask
decay as a commodity : okay so i envisioned this as a way to just summarize modern living? i think of a whole blueish neon color scheme with this one. my line of thinking was,, with the world slowly rotting away and living becoming so expensive and exhausting, whats the one commodity we all share? wouldn't it be decay? aren't we all slowly fading together etc etc. i use this for images with cooler muted tones and anything with a futuristic vibe,, along with some grimey, monochrome photography
the setting dawn: this is the polar opposite of decay, i think of it as "hope beyond hope" a la Prior Walter's line in Angels in America. i know "the setting sun " might sound more natural but i think of it as,, dawn , when the sun breaks through - in this short period the world starts to wake. qs the dawn sets the day kicks in, with all its routine misery. Dawn i think, is the only time the sun is kind to you, because its still hidden away at least slightly. But the day truly starts and itbeats down on you. And yet we continue to live, past the boredom and the pain, we live past hope, past the quiet comfort of dawn. I use this for pictures with earthy tones and things on the more uplifting side
bodies shifting in narrow spaces: this has some overlap with the decay tag, im not as organized as i need 2 be. i use this for figures & portraits ill want to draw or just really any photography i like that features a human presence. think of it as people so dependent on an outside gaze they constantly try to reinvent themselves, or just, everyday people, getting less and less time to live, having to work and forcing themselves into relationships with any real connection
original sin and other contingencies: im trying to fit this in for more risque photography and maybe things on the more gory side. how do i explain this.. okay so... when there's nothing left to do you'll always have sin to turn to just yo keep yourself occupied, along with other methods/contingencies u get the jist
linen that lingers: my fashion tag nothing more 2 it
the canvas as testimony: for art that is made for the gallery or art that is held in higher regard i guess, more high culture. it includes painting, sculptures,along with architecture,, but maybe i should make an architecture tag. i think of the things here as more personal efforts
motion on a still surface: for art that is energetic and really pops off the page. includes comics, manga, fanart, animation. stuff here may be more low culture but really its not. i just differentiate these art tags as ,,one is stuck to the canvas whatever that canvas may be, while the other leaps off the page
word on a wing let me soar: books, poetry, articles, journals , all words that i adore
a conversation with the self: i wanted this to be for things that are very personal to me but i just use my other tags
angels in descent: my little funny haha tag for yknow ,,, funny haha. yknow the "devil's rejects" the movie? like its a way of saying people so horrible no even the devil would take them. okay so i thought " god's rejects " but that's lame. so i landed on this, like idk...imagine angels falling from grace
arcade shuffle: for my little viddy games lol. sorry for being a #gamergirl but yes it happens sadly ,,moving on
jet jump jive: for songs
at the pictures: for movies,, like imagine im going "cant talk im at the pictures wheee ^_^"
there is such a great distance between now and later: to track my art and writing progress but i barely use it cause it barely draw or write these days i blame the wave of despair that washeth over me
proof of concept: photos i took but there's like almost nothing here
misc that are just funny 2 me like i do it 4 a little chuckle i deserve it:
screw it posting hole - for hole the band
bowies in spaaace - for bowie, after the flight of the concords song cmon its a little funny at least cmon now
twink speaks- for twin peaks lol
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sageofmagic-squeaks · 11 months ago
Man, earlier I saw a post about how games don't respect older art choices and Hades II was an example because the God portraits were different and it's haunting me.
Like...ngl I expect to see people praising Hadea over Hades II cuz that's how people work. They like the og thing so any mis step or change is tarnishing it. Will say having early game available to a wider audience with the popularity Hades established will make things interesting for the team. Cuz yknow, during Hades og development it wasn't like the internet was overflowing in Transistor or Pyre fanart. But Hades got so much attention.
That being said, the person who commented on Hades II ignoring older art details didn't like the newer portraits. Valid to dislike something but the reasoning and talk around it really put me off. Saying it looked like AI? Asking if a newer artist took over and if the old one left???
Im taking a stab in the dark as someone not on their team, but the new direction feels intentional and meant to compliment Melinoë's story. She's not in the underworld for her journey, which could explain lack of harsh black shadows. Everyone is dressed in armor which suggests they're all at war. We don't see Hades, Persephone or Zagreus and trailers suggest Chronos did something to them. That probably has the other Gods pissed and alert as opposed to vibing like in the first game. First game, Zagreus was basically calling random family and they really had little stake in it beyond 'yeah man, you're family! :D cant wait to see ya' whereas now, seeing how one God is actively on the field and implied to have more interaction with our lead, we're actually in their world and able to chat them up directly and they have a common enemy.
Again, anyone can feel free to dislike the changes but I really don't like this assumption that this is a downgrade and the team is forgetting their style or whatever. This isn't a studio that's rushing to meet deadlines like a Pokemon or Sonic game. This very much reads like intentional art direction to match the new tone and story.
...I will though, say that the complaints about Artemis' new portrait is hilarious after how many people complained about her og portrait and kept mistsking her hair for a wig or hood.
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cemetery14 · 1 year ago
me comparing akashi to billie songs : )
the time has come for me to rant about why almost all of my akashi playlist is billie eilish, sometimes im bad at wording my thoughts and i just wanna go "yknow that one billie eilish lyric? yeah thats him"
idk why i just really relate music to whatever in into at the moment, like obsessively
a couple are just gonna be vibe based but some will also be very detailed 0_0 im just gonna go in order of my playlist
i dont need to explain myself on this one but,,, he literally had a "nah im gonna be the bad guy" moment
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"I had a dream I got everything I wanted Not what you'd think And if I'm being honest"
akashi winning everything and being perfect at everything and realizing that it brings him no joy
"It might've been a nightmare To anyone who might care"
"Nobody even noticed I saw them standing right there Kinda thought they might care"
'kinda thought they might care' this song really makes me think of akashi in teiko and realizing that none of the miracles care about him the way he cares about them, and none of them tried to help him if anything they made it worse
"I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter"
"And it feels like yesterday was a year ago But I don't wanna let anybody know 'Cause everybody wants something from me now And I don't wanna let 'em down"
"If I knew it all then would I do it again? Would I do it again? If they knew what they said would go straight to my head What would they say instead?"
i love that last line for him 'would i do it again' 'what would they say instead' if only they knew how fragile akashi was would they have treated him differently? would akashi have wanted them to treat him differently?
"I used to float, now I just fall down I used to know but I'm not sure now What I was made for"
"Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real Just something you paid for What was I made for?"
akashi struggling with his own identify after being used by other his whole life
"I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday, I might"
"When did it end? All the enjoyment I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend"
akashi going from loving basketball to just seeing it as another thing he needs to win at
"Think I forgot how to be happy Something I'm not, but something I can be Something I wait for Something I'm made for"
this song makes me think of akashi and mayuzumi :>
"I'm getting older, I think I'm aging well I wish someone had told me I'd be doing this by myself There's reasons that I'm thankful, there's a lot I'm grateful for But it's different when a stranger's always waiting at your door Which is ironic 'cause the strangers seem to want me more Than anyone before"
i bet akashi has a hard time making friendships with people his age, or just friendships in general
he deals alot with people older than him, like teachers and im sure his dad already had his talking with business partners and such
"Can't shake the feeling that I'm just bad at healing And maybe that's the reason every sentence sounds rehearsed Which is ironic because when I wasn't honest, I was still being ignored (Lying for attention just to get neglection) Now we're estranged"
neglect neglect neglect akashi is a victim of neglect, GIVE HIM ATTENTION OR HES GONNA ACT OUT
"Things I once enjoyed (ah-ah) Just keep me employed now Things I'm longing for Someday, I'll be bored of"
akashis love for basketball being twisted into just another thing hes expected to win
"I'm getting older, I've got more on my shoulders But I'm getting better at admitting when I'm wrong I'm happier than ever, at least that's my endeavor To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure 'Cause to be honest, I just wish that what I promise Would depend on what I'm given (not on his permission) (Wasn't my decision) to be abused, mmm"
'im happier than ever at least thats my endeavor to keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure'
THIS LINE AAAAAAAAA this is how i would describe akashis character post birthday over, i just think it perfectly encapsulates him and how hes doing
"They're gonna tell you what you wanna hear Then they're gonna disappear Gonna claim you like a souvenir Just to sell you in a year"
akashi being taken advantage of
"I'm overheated, can't be defeated Can't be deleted, can't un-believe it I'm overheated, can't be defeated Can't be deleted, can't be repeated I'm overheated"
kinda vibes based but it makes me think of akashi and how he constantly has to be ON for interviews or just interacting with people he knows since hes extremely popular and how overwhelming it must get
"Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? (No) Had to save my money for security Got a stalker walkin' up and down the street Says he's Satan and he'd like to meet I bought a secret house when I was seventeen (Ha) Haven't had a party since I got the keys Had a pretty boy over, but he couldn't stay On his way out, made him sign an NDA, mm"
"You couldn't save me, but you can't let me go, oh, no I can crave you, but you don't need to know, oh-oh"
"At least I gave him somethin' he can cry about I thought about my future, but I want it now, oh-oh-oh Want it now, mm-mm-mm You can't give me up"
"Did I take it too far? Now I know what you are You hit me so hard I saw stars Think I took it too far When I sold you my heart How'd it get so dark? I saw stars Stars"
vibes based but like, heavy vibes
being rich and popular at such young age like EVERYONE knows akashi, having rapid success at such a younge age must be crazy
i also have I Didnt Change My Number, Therefore I Am, and You Should See Me In A Crown but those are mostly vibes based
i love you should see me in a crown for akashi, pretty boy on a power trip <3
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atpages · 2 years ago
april tc challenge 10 - 17
what is the longest time you have gone without seeing them?
during winter break, i didn't see him in person for 7 weeks. but completely not seeing him was probably the first two weeks of winter break.
what do other people think of them?
he's super popular but also controversial, although i think the general consensus is that hes the best teacher our school has. most people like to use him in jokes and like him.
do you often make up excuses to talk to them?
yeah i try but i'm so socially awkward it comes off as being weird and creepy. but whenever my friend has a question she doesn't i offer to ask him the question just so i can talk to him. i don't really do that anymore though because i think i sensed he found that annoying.
what else are they passionate about? (apart from their subject)
ok i will now expose myself as a fraud because i know NOTHING about what this man is passionate about apart from math and like mahjong. hes leading an engineering club so i guess hes interested in that? but honestly idk we're not that close :(
what is a skill you wish your tc had?
i wish he had the ability to hold a legit conversion because that man is the most hermit and socially awkward person i've ever met. it's impossible to talk to him or try to talk to him because he always has his head in his phone, and never speaks more than 10 words together.
what hogwarts house would he be in?
ravenclaw bc he's so smart and hardworking and quiet yknow. but i could also see him in slytherin cuz he got that quiet cunning dangerous vibe on him. i need to ask him about it before the end of the year.
if you could go back in time and choose, would you choose to still develop feelings for your tc?
yes and no. i feel like i would not have found this community and i feel like i would have lacked the little moments of joy i feel when we have a valuable moment together. i think having a tc has allowed me to dependent on something other than my grades (which idk is healthy 😭 but whatever) but on the other hand i feel so much self disgust and self hatred towards having these feelings because this is a grown ass man with a wife and child, and he's just trying to do his job but he has this weird af student liking him. i also think saying goodbye to my school is going to be a lot harder.
if it was the last time you would ever be able to see your TC, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them?
well this question is hitting too hard to home because the last time i'm ever going to see him is in less than a month so yay. i saw so many people saying that they're going to confess and i feel like a chicken because i will definitely NOT do that. i would probably just thank him, and ask him for his number/social media so that we can stay in contact.
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pinkadork · 2 years ago
The funniest thing about that is realistically that nigga was just vibing the whole day and im over here dying about wheter or not we'll ever be able to yknow.
Doesn't help that my homies think hes finna pimp me out, or keep me as a side nigga so if whatever dont work out the nigga got a selection.
I know im not well because before i even thought of how fucked that would be on any front, i was acting like, "shit and I'll do it. Im gonna be better than all them made up niggas"
This is why he fucking wanted to leave my ass
Oh and then i try making fun with certain things and then immediately feel bad because, he looks at my stories (not that idont want hin to look. Idk that might add to the other shit) and i probably look like an asshole the whole time. I try not to look at his blog (been doing good for awhile) because we're supposed to be broken up yet i feel the jealousy. I feel the pit in my stomach thinking about all the people talking to him, maybe sending pictures back in forth, and i wanna scream.
Thats some mental shit right? Fucking idk. I just miss the nigga and have a lot of confusing feelings regarding the entire situation, and also the aftermath. I hate that sometines i feel better and then i go through a worldwind of feelings through the day its like i was barely holding it together i was barely keeping the mask on and now theres nothing im just out there all the fucking time, running my mouth, digging the hole deeper and deeper. I can't even begin to try fixing because i actively make it worse everytime i fucking freak out. You wanna know what hurts the most though? Is knowing he felt like he was walking on eggshells with me when i feel like that all the tine with everyone. Especially him. Its my fault. Everything is my fault.
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weaponsdrawn · 2 years ago
yknow what, fuck it, sleep deprived properganda post for the litigation team. i think i know enough about these goobers to make a good point
SO like the properganda stated above yes they're work acquaintances that end up caring about each other more than anticipated, yeah thats like a good nutshell summary i wanna elaborate on that a bit more. also just say some stuff too. BULLET POINT LIST TIME
ok so in the lore of the funny toontown game the Litigation team is a group of specialized cogs (thats what robots are called in this universe. the capitalist ones anyhoo) that were hired to help the CLO (that women with the glasses in the above picture) not get her ass kicked by funny cartoon animals. yes its as weird as it sounds yes it goes hard as fuck
so as such their entire thing is that they can beat up toons by using these sick ass strats of theirs. but uhhh thats not the main focus its about found family stuff
FOUND FAMILY STUFF well ok we dont know a lot about the team but there are a buncha implied/i guess just obvious but not directly spelled out dynamics within the team
there's mundie, he's the teams leader and he thinks hes hot shit, i'd argue in the found family sense hes probs the dad/weird uncle/whatever that kind of category is given that he.... has old fuck vibes to me, at least. also hes the leader and there are fanworks out there that have it correlate to the found family. look here he is he is so proud of his team
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he does often hype them up in the in-game dialogue that happens before the battles. ofc its all formal like "we can do our job well we're the litigation team" but hes got the spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tbh i will state the team are at each other's throats a lot. kilo and mundie fight over shit in the in-game dialogue, and in general there is A Lot Of Them Being At Each Other's Throats, but at the same time its not like super super hatred if you ask me its like found family who like to play fight if you ask me. im not brushing off how mean all the team members can be to kilo btw- for any corpclash fans reading this- but tbh the team has been kinda stagnant character-wise/we dont know a LOT about them outside of the given cutscenes so theres like development potential and a lotta ppl enjoy writing it!!!!! and i totally see it too
tbh if you want my opinion in this propaganda i say that they're the type of found family thats like comically fighting each other for fun. fistfighting behind the arbys and thats family bonding. a "im going to throw you into the sun but if anyone else lays a hand on you they are no more" kinda deal if that makes sense.
THOUGH I would like to highlight this. COURTNEY CASE AND BARRY BRIEF
according to the lore they used to run an insurance company together called A Brief Case Of Insurance (gettit) that collapsed after a cog died (long story)
and now they work under the litigation team
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should note that barry cannonically like. barely speaks/its like scary as shit or something when he does???? its not really told why its such a tense/worrying thing (like at some point in the comic barry opens his mouth to speak after being asked by his boss if. well. he can speak. and the entire team is tensing up like "HOLY SHIT DUDE" and then he just. says normal ass words and theyre like "PHEW") but its implied its because he. yells all the time. so like. yeah that probs means something
its unknown what exactly they have but whatever it is real caring about each other moments
wrapping up this longass list with a few things
i'd like to highlight some epic fanworks with the litigation team that i really enjoy
the snobbism animatic by maxiemcsoda that they made!! its based off of the events of their introduction comic and their in-game battle
the limits of litigation by king pants. its basically just him adding lore to a challenge he made for himself and his club to make the oclo even MORE hard, if i recall correctly. but theres really good art AND voice acted "cutscenes" that tell the lore. i really like the cutscenes honestly, you can tell the team really cares for each other in them
this art of them robbing a grocery store (if op wants me to remove this point i will as soon as i get back on /srs)
and if you've made it this far have some images too
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 26 Group 126
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Litigation Team: Mundie Mudsnapper, Courtney Case, Barry Brief, Kilo Kidd
Monkie Kids: MK, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Mo
Submissions are still open!
Litigation Team:
Typical work acquaintances that ended up caring about each other a little more than they originally anticipated. Still kind of rude to each other, but what family doesn't argue?
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Monkie Kids:
Listen, listen,,, sometimes a family can be a boy, his bestie, his adoptive pig father, said pig father's bestie with a violent history, that guy's therapy cat, and a freeloading scholar who definitely totally isn't married to the pig father mhm mhm
ahem. screams so, the mk found fam are just all around wonderful and just are a family. the show itself makes it obvious that Mk and Mei are not romantic interests and in fact are just platonic best friends, and dare I say, siblings. Tang and Pigsy are just married, its not canon but, c'mon, its obvious if you look at them. They're also just the dads of the group, Pigsy outright raising Mk and Tang calling himself "kinda like a father figure" to Mei. Sandy is Pigsy's old friend and now he's the uncle of the group and the crazy cat lady at the same time, Mo is his therapy cat and is always with Sandy, do not separate them. Not much of a rant but tbf all that's in my head when i think about themis just "EUEUEUEU".
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arvensimp · 2 years ago
What are your thoughts on the up coming dlc? I personally am kinda bummed out they only announced the Scar/Vio one, i was hoping for one for pla too ://
On the bright side im excited to see kalos again
I hope this doesn't sound too streak of conscious-y lol
Not to be too Old Woman yells at cloud but I've literally been playing Pokemon for 23-ish years now? I'm still not entirely sold on a Pokemon game needing DLC, much less DLC that costs $35 when the base game cost $60 and tax. THAT SAID I already bought it anyway lol and I'm still super excited to spend more time with my character. I have her decked out in her new clothes already.
I think there's been some confusion on what the DLC is too, so let me recap my understanding of it really quickly.
This fall, pt 1 The Teal Mask will be released. This has like old school Japanese festival vibes.
This winter, pt 2 The Indigo Disc will be released. This takes place at Blueberry Academy.
Both will be playable on scarlet and violet (I saw some folks saying they were game locked?)
I'm super excited to have my baby espurr back, since espurr has been one of my favorites for years.
I'm a little disappointed that we're not obviously going to Kalos, but at the same time I'm glad that we're not PAYING to go to back to a place that they already showed us years ago.
I also saw folks who were disappointed that the wait for the dlc is so long? But idk I'm happy to wait for a good product (so long as it's good!!!). I really don't mind waiting for good content, especially when so much stuff lately has been rushed and not as good, yknow? Especially when rushed content comes at the cost of the well being of employees too
AS FOR CONTENT AND STORY AND STUFF. idk all I really care about is more arven, outfits, and an explanation for paradox Pokemon being in area zero before the time machine's existence.
Like 1. Don't let arven stay trapped in his room all day. Let him come outside with me and have adventures again.
2. I hate the school uniform so much. Let me wear something else please I beg you.
3. I don't generally put much faith in the pokemon company to tell a good story but they KNOW they've left us hanging with the paradox Pokemon mystery. I mean Arven literally says it for himself how strange it is that the scarlet/violet book talks about paradox Pokemon in area zero in a time before the time machine could have ever existed. What does that mean???
Personally I'm interested in the theory that the disc Pokemon or hexagon Pokemon or whatever alters reality based on the desires of those near to it and that terastalization is just a manifestation of a Pokemon to be another type/stronger. The paradox Pokemon are the desires of the professors and the original research team. The time machine and the AI are the same thing as well. With the AI in particular I feel that way because the professor's journal literally says something to the effect of "that man/woman walked out not long after the boy was born. There's so much to do, and I need more help, but how long would it take to train someone else? Would they even understand? If only there were two of me."
Then the next entry is them talking about what is presumably the AI.
Like I don't think the professor who just became a parent and is drowning in research and work and stuff would put EVERYTHING DOWN to work on all new technology that hadn't been invented yet.
So with ALL THAT I'm really hoping that we get more information on what the FUCK is going on with area zero and that Arven can be a part of it.
I also saw a theory that maybe the other professor is involved with blueberry academy??? That'd be nice.
Also some of the folks at blueberry seem to have that cooking motif going on so I don't want my man being left out on the fun
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years ago
How do you think an interaction between Tomura and Eri would go? I have my own post about it that I'm working on, but I would love to hear your thoughts!
Hmmm hard to say
It's hard to imagine Tomura around little kids
Sometimes I imagine that he'd accidentally scare Eri with how he looks (not just looks but. The Villain Vibes. plus yknow she saw him destroy half the city on tv, thank you very much for that core memory all might) and he'd be all "...whatever" about it but still feel sorry for her, maybe even try to make her feel comfortable afterwards? Not get too near and let Eri have her space
I think he'd be cautious around her. You could put it down to him just not knowing what to do around kids or being afraid he might hurt her somehow, whatever
I do think Eri would be at least a little scared of him at first but if Tomura were to behave carefully, she wouldn't be tempted to run away. Or maybe she'd just find him both scary and strange for a while
I don't know how exactly they'd get to any bonding
Sometimes I like to imagine that Eri, for whatever reason, is self conscious about her scars. Maybe she's trying to hide them or she's upset and clinging to whoever she feels safe with, however she shows it. And then Tomura just shows her his scars, the ones on his face and such, maybe just as a "hey I'm the same, I have scars too, a person who was supposed to take care of me did this" thing
(Tho when I imagine that scenario, I also think about Izuku being in the same room and watching this, and maybe showing his own scars too on his arms. Just the 3 of them talking about it and Izuku is the balance of positivity about it, because I doubt Tomura would have a lot of positive things to say about his scars. So Izuku would be the one to say "these are proof that I've lived, and that's the same for you! for Shigaraki as well!" etc ndsfnisdjk)
Honestly not sure how Tomura and Eri would interact if the League were still together (you know those League-Eri au's?). I always imagine them meeting in scenarios where Izuku has already saved Tomura and the two just end up interacting somehow (maybe through association with Izuku? the I Was Saved By A Teenage Hero And Now He's My New Brother club)
Part of me thinks Tomura would also have a little bit of awareness about what she thinks? Idk, maybe it's just me jumping to conclusions but those comments he made in his backstory narration about kids being simpler and sneakier and saying "when you're little, a grown ups words are absolute" tipped me off to that. Maybe he wouldn't have an exact knowledge about it, but he'd be able to guess with how he felt when he was younger? If that makes sense
I do think, despite how distant or awkward Tomura might be with Eri, he'd be kind to her too. Again, the whole "I know what it's like to be that scared as a child" thing coming into play. This also ties in with the above paragraph, how he could relate to her in a way?
If we're to go with the After Tomura Is Saved scenario I mentioned before, with how Eri seems brighter in canon now and a little more eager to do things, I think she could also help him improve somehow. Not in a huge way, but just. in small ways. Maybe seeing someone much younger than him recover from a similar situation could help Tomura feel better and want to do better
Finally, I can't help but think Eri would love to braid his hair. Imagine Nejire taught her how to do it and now she can't stop, and she sees Tomura's long hair and she's like 🤩. And if Tomura is okay with being touched, he'd let her do it while he's playing a game or something. He doesn't really pay much attention to her actions until she's all done and he's looking in the mirror and he's like "hm. oh 😳 huh"
(I'm living vicariously through a 6 year old. I wanna braid his hair so bad)
Sorry this is kind of a messy scattered way to lay out my ideas but. thems the thoughts
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 2 years ago
That's 100% of good idea to just delete them As The vibekiller themselves I say go ahead I really thought that I was making sense but with the both of you say not that yeah you probably right fuck now I feel bad I'm literally not even trying to be aggro what the hell is happening??? I literally feel like I'm just talking normally
alright, i typed up this response in regards to a longer thing you sent, but i'm going to paste it into here bc this anon is shorter and i don't want to take up an unreasonable amount of peoples' dashes
let me review some quotes here because i feel like you maybe did not register how aggro you were being:
"Yo dude that's a horrible plan"
"Sorry Op you can't your ex machina your way out of this one."
"OP I'm literally trying to come up with one right now I Am The Keeper of the Canon lore you do not get mad at me"
you understand that these are. rude things to say to people, i hope? like can you get why i got a little prickly when you led with that?
and also, to be very honest for a moment, you're an anon. i don't know you. i don't even have like, a name to go off. i don't even know which asks are yours and which are other people's. we can't have a rapport because i don't know who you are besides a faceless person in my inbox.
when i said people (people as a general rule! i didn't mean you specifically!) could tell me demon slayer lore or whatever i made the very specific caveat that i was going to throw out whatever didn't vibe with this au. i thought i was pretty clear about that. we're using canon as a springboard.
like i think i've said before, if you like an idea i have but want to take it in a different direction you are welcome to go write your own version. on your own blog, in notes, on ao3, in scrap paper, whatever, i don't care. you have that power! but even if i get a lot of asks about stuff right now, this is, ultimately, still my blog, and i don't think it's unreasonable to want to have ultimate say in what i plot out. if i say i want to go a different direction, it's not saying your version is bad. it's just that this is like, still my thing, yknow?
like, i also don't think i'm being that unreasonable right now, but it's hard to tell, right! i just think there's maybe a miscommunication about how this whole thing works, from my perspective. so.
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