#but we should definitely rp again sometime)
guckies · 8 months
about people being upset about how Bad gives a ton of stuff and never gives anything in return, it’s definitely something you’d only really pick up on and be upset about if you watched his pov a lot. Yeah people are being kind of dramatic about it, but a lot of people in the server (in rp of course) seem to only seem to think of him as the guy who gives them things or the guy that was awful in purgatory (when in reality he genuinely wasnt much worse than a lot of other players)
I think it’s similar to how foolish fans constantly talk about how people (again only in rp) call him a bad father, when in reality it really doesn’t happen that often, and as far as I know it’s always just been jokes. Like of course fans are gonna be dramatic about the things their fav streamer goes through, even if those things aren’t super evident to someone who doesn’t watch them often.
it’s really just a difference in perspective, but if people talking about how they’re happy Bad isn’t giving things away for free as much anymore is bothering you that much, you can always block them
I genuinely don’t mean to come across as aggressive or hating on you or anything, I just saw your post about it earlier and wanted to talk about my perspective 👍
It wasn’t that they were upset, rather they were using it as justification for Bad to have a villain arc (which imo is lazy and there are way better reasons or ways for Bad to have a villain arc).
As well this “struggle” is not exclusive to Bad. Like during the cookie quests arc, Morning crew were the ones that put most of the extra items or mobs there for everyone. Especially Phil who had a lot of ingredients and stuff they needed that he did gave even on days he didn't stream. But there are so many instances in which people give for free and don't recieve acknowledgement.
I totally get being happy that Bad isn’t giving everything away for free, been the same with the ccs I watch too. But calling Bad the only good guy for doing that and saying he needs a villain arc over something so stupid that no one asked him to is questionable. Especially when it was/is not exclusive to him and their are so many cooler ways for him to have that villain arc.
But also I'm not saying y'all shouldn't be happy about Bad not giving stuff because I also am happy he's not giving stuff away for free(personally love watching the struggle people go through looking for things). Rather just not give him this massive praise for it when it is universal experience they all face. Cause my increased annoyance is with some fans more specifically ghosties who act as if their cc is the only one that experiences these "problems" or just don't watch anyother pov so instead amplify the "problems" that don't exist or affect everyone.
And I get what you’re trying to say with fans being dramatic because some of them really are. However, it’s definitely not similar to Foolish getting called a bad father at all. Since doozers had to make a whole thread that we still refer to now to infrom people that have never watched Foolish & Leo clips ever and just hate Foolish and believe that Foolish is a bad parent over the jokes Bad or Fit have made. (Which we are so sick of because how is it 9 months in and we’re still discussing Foolish’s parenting which has been nothing but good)
Also not going to talk about purgatory because to me he was a bad guy and should have faced lore consequences for some of the stuff he did but that is neither here nor there so ✋🫥🤚
But yeah I already do block people for things I just don't agree with but also I like talking about things that include criticism so if people don't agree with me then I encourage them to block me too. Also thanks for being nice about it, cause this isn't really the biggest deal for me but I do like the discussion of these things sometimes :]
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sbrn10 · 9 months
Rapid-fire thoughts post episode that are probably half baked, but whatever:
Imogen taking off her circlet can be a lot of things, and I approached it from a different angle before, but also her considering "giving in" with Ruidus (without knowing what that actually means) puts a new spin on it, especially against the backdrop of FCG's berserk this episode. FCG did it because Fearne needed it AND because they trusted the team to keep the consequences manageable. Imogen basically said the same thing: that she's willing to fall with Ruidus because she's counting on the team to catch her. Overall, E80 recontextualizes a lot of Imogen's motivations (like, there's definitely some tension between her saying she wants to take the circlet off because she feels she should have known Ashton's plans and her telling Ashton that she's sorry he felt he had to hide his intentions, in interesting ways!) and I am Still Considering. Anyway, still delicious, and I am not normal about her in the slightest.
I do hope we get some more time next episode to unpack some of the character decisions that were made -- like why Fearne decided she was okay with the shard, or the aftermath of some of the statements made during the honesty trial (guys, Ashton needs someone to talk to them. Also, Imogen, you should talk to Laudna about Delilah. Like. Soon!). I think some of the players tried to address that in bits and pieces, but it could use some more breathing space.
The extent to which the cast is trying to push the callowmoore ship as if they could power its sails by sheer willpower and blowing really hard is hilarious. Sam and Marisha are menaces 😂
Brought to you by FCG's empathy domain stuff coming up again: an interesting way BH's mechanics also highlight their fucked up self-sacrificial tendencies is that so many of them also have mechanical (as opposed to RP) ways to hurt themselves (and sometimes others) during combat for tactical gain: Imogen has "call Ruidus" (SEE BULLET POINT ABOVE, MATT, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT?), Chetney's blood hunter shit obviously, FCG can transfer damage to himself or others to heal (and then also turn that damage on enemies), etc. I just think they're neat, man. So fucked up, but so neat.
I'm sorry, I'm gonna say it again, I'm just going to be spending like 85% of my brain's internal processing power this week just playing "hi baby boy" on loop, probably.
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 months
A few OOC things people should be aware of with me. Some good, some bad, some that explain stuff, etc...
I have a very bad memory. I have PTSD, severe social/generalized anxiety, bipolar depression with psychosis (meaning I have hallucinations; mine are not bad and not even invasive... I see bugs around my peripheral vision a lot, but I know they're not really there), and I'm on two mood stabilizers/antidepressants, Xanax for my anxiety. and a medication that helps reduce my PTSD nightmares. Not to mention the fact that last September, I spent about 2-3 weeks in a small coma thanks to pneumonia that put me on a ventilator.
All of these things together have left my memory shoddy, full of holes, swiss cheesed, and given me brain fog. There's a lot of shit I remember, but a lot of shit I don't.
This includes RP. Some threads from a while back I remember what happened, some I've completely forgotten, some ships I remember, and others don't ring a bell...
So, where that's concerned, if I ask you about a plot, or something about what's happening, any of that, and it's something I should remember because it's happened before, please don't be upset. Gently remind me and if I still don't remember, we can always do it again.
Where I am concerned OOC...
I have a very strong personality. For a very long time, I pushed myself, my spirit, down to accommodate other people in the RPC, and walked on eggshells so as to hopefully not offend or upset anybody.
That's stops.
Now, while I still don't want to offend anyone, and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, chances are that's it's going to happen. As stated before, I have a very strong personality, and I'm tired of pretending to be meek. I will probably say and do things OOC that will offend and upset, and I will probably do things in RP that offend and upset...
I can get very sexual on the dash and such OOC - there are days I am hypersexual, and there are days that I have no interest in it AT ALL - which is due to my meds. I get very friendly OOC in messages - I will bother you a lot, even if you don't message me back for a while, I'll still bug your IMs a lot, just because that's how I am. I don't do it expecting you to message me back instantly, I do it because I just do. You can read/respond to the messages as you see fit. I will flail/rave/yell about our muses, our threads, and our ships an awful lot. I will also lovebomb you because that's how I am. I like to let my mutuals know I care, I like to make friends, etc. That's who I am, and I can't apologize for being me. Sometimes I can try to curb it, but that won't happen often. And whether it's OOC or IC, I will TRY to remember to tag the threads.TRY! There's no guarantee I will, because, as I said, my mind is in an almost constant brain fog.
I will definitely lose followers for this because it happens every day. However, this is me asking you to PLEASE let me know SOMETHING about why you want to unfollow/block me to last least give me a chance to apologize and correct the offending behavior.
Yes, yes, I know you "don't owe anyone anything." This has given way, given permission, for people in the RPC to treat their mutuals like garbage, like shit, and toss them aside whenever they see fit, no matter how long they've been RP partners, and no matter if they're actively RPing and threading. It's cowardly to do this.
Yes, you curate your own online experience but give your mutuals a chance to explain themselves. The unfortunate thing is that people on here seem to think if someone does something inappropriate OOC, or other muses do something inappropriate IC, then that person is s horrible person regardless and must be blocked. This is a cowardly way when you can't even tell your mutual, "Look, this made me uncomfortable," and give them a chance to apologize and possibly curb their behavior - because I can promise, 8 times out of 10, they might not even realize they're doing something wrong.
No one in the RPC here wants to communicate and it makes RPing difficult. And it makes it difficult if you refuse to even chat OOC to your RP partners. No wonder a lot of new RPers here don't want to reach out, and it's starting to happen even with veteran RPers here where they've just stopped reaching out because they're tired of the bullshit.
I - and I know of a few others - who have difficulty RPing with someone they never talk to OOC. Most likely, if we don't chat OOC, I will probably end up dropping our thread(s) and letting you know.
It's gotten to the point where RPers don't even want to TRY to have respect for even their RP Partners. People on here love to go on and on about respect, but no one ever wants to give it.
This really has to stop and change for the better. WE need to be better, as a whole.
To wit: I am 48 years of age. And a lot of muns in the RPC are significantly younger. I will not be offended if someone comes to me and tells me my age bothers them and they feel uncomfortable RPing with me. If this does apply to you, please come tell me. I can't change it, but I can at least understand why you're unfollowing and wish you well. But this is also why I prefer to RP with anyone under 21.
Also, as I've stated in another post... if you don't like what one of my muses does in an RP, come to me, talk to me, and we'll see if there's a compromise - we can even try new muses. I have quite a few, with more being added all the time. Don't come to me blaming me and yelling at me for what my muse does IC.
I refuse to nerf my muses for any reason, UNLESS it needs to be done as a plot point, to fit the story. I will not diminish their abilities, and I will not turn my jerk muses into suddenly decent people unless it's part of a whole character arc. I won't turn my powerful muses into weak kittens just to satisfy another RPer's desire or because they don't like RPing with strong muses. I don't expect ANYONE to nerf their muses for me, I don't want anyone to expect it from me.
Mun =/= muse, and muse =/= mun. Now, a lot of beliefs and thoughts overlap OOC, but this does not mean we condone the behavior or most of the behavior and thoughts of our muses. If you've been in the RPC long enough, you'll come to realize that the muses have developed a mind of their own and will do WTF-ever they want. lol
I didn't make this post to upset or offend, I made this post for understanding and explanation. I am not going to speak for everyone, but I do know there are a handful who agree with me on what I've stated above.
Please, just communicate. Talk to each other. Talk OOC, and make friends. Make a found family. Stop ignoring each other.
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tabswrites · 1 year
Author Ask Tag
Tagged by @writernopal here 💜
Gently tagging: @pandoras-comment-box @elbritch-kit @clairelsonao3 @thatndginger
1. What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
Don’t let the past define you. Each MC is weighed down by something in their past: A reputation, a legacy, trauma. They will explore their grief in many ways, and while some of them will overcome it and grow, some will let it consume them.
When I started writing again, it was to help me process some really heavy stuff that I went through last year, and I realized I had let the situation overwhelm me to the point where I didn’t recognize myself anymore. It happens in little ways over time, and I’m sure others have experienced the same thing. I want people to know that the things that have happened to them, the things people have done, they don’t go away. Not completely. But if we learn to accept them and confront the emotions, those things become easier to overcome, and you don’t have to lose yourself in the process.
2. What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
I’m inspired a lot by nature and animals, tv/movies I love, books, random and weird history facts, fairy tales/folklore. I also experience vivid dreams from time to time and they inspire a lot of my story ideas.
3. What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
Besides the whole “bring back magic” thing, I think overall the characters in ToL are trying to achieve inner peace for themselves, and I want the same thing. I do want to inspire people to realize that sometimes the greatest empathy you have should be towards yourself. Forgiveness is definitely one of the minor themes, as it has been a key part in my own personal healing process.
For the readers, I just want them to be mindful of tbe complexities of life and of other people. You never know what someone else is really going through.
4. How many chapters is your story going to have?
….more than 2, but less than 100? Honestly, I planned for 15 with ToL but it might go longer. I’m not the one behind the wheel, if I’m being honest.
5. Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original! Both of WIPs are on Ao3 and Wattpad.
6. When and why did you start writing?
I originally began writing when I was 14 when I started role playing on Goodreads. (Yes, that one.) My classmate and I started our own 1x1 and decided to turn it into a novel just casually. I ended up dedicating way more time to it and she stepped away, so I rewrote everything in my style. I finished it during NaNoWriMo a year later and even submitted it for Script Frenzy. That was the only serious writing project I ever did, 99.9% of my time was spent role playing. When my RP buddies started to drift away I got really depressed and ending up not writing for almost 6 years. Started back up again last year and here we are!
7. Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
No one will ever love your writing as much as you do, so you should love it the most! Don’t second guess yourself, and stop comparing yourself to everyone else! You chose to write the story for a reason—if that other person was meant to write it, you wouldn’t be the one kept up at night by story ideas.
I follow so many who have been tagged by other people but too bad:
@writernopal I love her writing and her OCs and she’s always supportive 💜
@outpost51 I would love to file a formal adoption request for Atria and no one else matches my deranged commenting style like him
@writingmaidenwarrior Always supportive and up for a chat, silly or otherwise!
@clairelsonao3 I love her writing and she’s super supportive too!
@sam-glade Sam has amazing world building and gives great critique!
Others I don’t know very well yet but I have enjoyed their writing and/or interacting with:
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outofthiisworld · 3 months
I see a constant source of enthusiasm, a humorous spirit, and someone else playing in the sci-fi sandbox in a way that's been very welcoming.
You've acknowledged the characterization and lore of my stuff where possible and it means a lot, having had that overlooked before. I'll speak on it again in my reply to your ask for this meme but I'm honored knowing I could encourage you back into RP-- a space I've often wondered if I should remain in, or return to after a short-lived attempt to move away from it.
What's my reputation? What do you think when you see my URL?
[clears throat] sorry im chopping onions. because im making you a digital soup and the alphabet noodles spells i wuv u
For real though, thank you so much my friend :”””) !!!!
i was so excited to see someone out there writing such a well thought out character in a handcrafted setting that I love so dearly— being not only spun on its head but treated with the same amount of love for what the superhero genre is that I was just [POINTS!!!!!!!!!POINTS!!!!!] in another world we would have played on the playground together……
RP definitely has its highs + lows, especially from the horror stories oomfies have told me; situations that i haven’t had the misfortune of dealing with in full yet thanks to my previous chronic-lurker status— but for what it’s worth, I’m really really happy I’ve gotten the chance to both write with you and read your work despite everything <3
also gosh!! sci-fi is admittedly something i’m still relatively new to playing with so i’m so happy it’s been fun and welcoming cause man!!!!!! there are so many classics i still need to catch up on, so sometimes I feel like the equivalent of ‘what’s up my fellow kids Trekkies’— but in a way, that’s what’s been making this so much more fun is finally appreciating the genre and learning more of it from mutuals as well <33
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diamondmeadow · 5 months
@elliemarchettiI tag! thank you!!!
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction? Honestly, that's a great question, but I have absolutely no recollection of how. I know I only get into fandomy stuff when I was about 17 or 18. I've always liked languages and writing, and wrote my tiny stories for myself since I was a teenager, but then they were not fic. I have no idea what fic I read that actually inspired me to start writing.
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
It actually isn't many, only about four.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Well, I wrote fic for about 5 years from 18 to 23, then I had a looooooong break and started writing again at the end of last year. It's been slow getting back into it, but ... doing my best.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read more. I have many ideas, but I've always had a love hate relationship with writing, and I'm a much slower writer than a reader.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Definitely language skills. I'm not a native speaker and writing helped me a lot with stylistics and just generally finding my voice. I learned sometimes less is more. Also indirectly helped me with my job where I now can give a pretty good guidance on how to write essays and stories (am a teacher).
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
LENGTH! Though this is funnily something that only shows when I'm roleplaying. I write too much! It's not always a bad thing, but I'd like to write more concisely.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I might be a boring writer and I don't really remember me writing anything that required a lot of research. I, however, am obsessed with time in my writing and I go to great lengths to be accurate when writing about past and time in the past. So I did research times of sunrise and sunset in certain years, so I could be accurate when writing a scene and the timing of it.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comments are love, but I love those that engage with you as a writer. Where people give me their theories, or ideas, or where they quote parts they loved the most in my fics.
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I'm a sucker for slice of life and I don't think I've ever written anything that could be considered a fringe topic.
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
A story. Period. I think I would be bad at things that are not slice of life. Obviously in Harry Potter we have all the magic and I don't count that, that's more of a setting, but I do love AUs and I still can't imagine writing an AU that's very removed from real life, like for example fantasy or sci-fi. Also writing smut is really hard (I'm willing to push through for this one haha).
🍏What is the easiest type?
None? Writing is torture. I love it thought.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I usually write at home, though sometimes ideas strike on public transport, so that's where I take notes a lot. I use mostly my computer. And I'm the most productive at night when I should be sleeping.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
In Marauders' fandom, I'm actually intimidated by canon / magical world. I've read the books countless times, but it's been a while since and even though I'm slowly getting back to it, I feel like I need to reread to make sure I'm getting things right. I'd love to write lie low at Lupin's and lost years. And then holy grail would be to write a magical canon-divergence.
🍇What made you choose your username?
I've had many usernames over the years, but the one I'm using currently is a homage to T-Rex's Diamond Meadows. It's a song I've always loved and then it made it's way to my Marlene playlist (who was the first character i picked to roleplay when I get into Marauders' rp) and it became her song in my head. And then it became my username on AO3 (and here minus S).
This has been fun, realised I really don't remember how I got into being involved in the fandom at all, but god, I'm glad I did and I'm glad I'm back after all these years. Tagging anyone who would like to try doing this plus @swoopswrites @moonwalker94 @lemndrps @lovelymasks
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English Roleplaying/Ask blog for Hua Cheng (花城, Huā Chéng), also known as San Lang. A main protagonist from Heaven Official's Blessing.
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About me
My name is Kate, 30 years old. I have more than 15 years of roleplay experience, on various platforms, and various fandoms. My roleplay journey started on Facebook. Once it ended there I came here in search of a writing partner. I also roleplay actively on Discord. I am very friendly and chill. I will try my best to avoid misunderstanding/drama or any offense toward anyone. English is not my mother tongue so occasionally there shall be mistakes here and there. Sometimes I shall be fast sometimes slow with my replies, it all depends on how much free time I have. With whom I roleplay, what kind of thread it is, a novella/humor /tragedy/horror/nsfw...
Main/Default muse Hua Cheng (tgcf)
And on-demand/request:
Lord Wind Master Shi Qingxuan (tgcf)
Shen Qingqiu (svsss)
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Guidelines/Rules Under the cut
In General, this blog is OC/crossover/multimuse/multiverse friendly. I am here to make a story to write, make friends and have fun. I prefer to role-play with mutuals, but I won't refuse new people who come and send in an ask or ask for a plot or thread. However, if I follow you and you for any reason do not wish to interact with my muse or me and you soft block me, please do tell me that so that we avoid me following you again. I am forgetful and I should follow again thinking that I didn't. I will definitely RP with duplicates because 2 Hua on one spot, can be fun and interesting. Or two Wind masters Fun never ends!
Minors please do not follow. This blog will have mature themes, every flavor of mature content. So if I can't find age on your blog, or on a pinned post I will block you, for the sake of us both.
Standard RP etiquette, no godmoding, roleplay is a hobby, mun=/=muse, and all that. No pushing me to give out a reply, cause that is the fastest way for me to lose interest. As for reblogging do whatever you want, reblog anything, memes, art, prompts free of charge, guilt-free direct from me. As long as you don't mingle in my rp thread in which you do not participate we are cool.
About Sending asks memes~ You can send me anything, from memes or otherwise, the ask box is always open. I will answer as soon as I have free time and inspiration to do so. Tagging you can tag me on anything that speaks about our muses and their interactions, I love that its encouraging and nice thing to do ^^
I will not be part of any drama, or character bashing. I will not share drama or attack anyone. I will not stop interacting unless we have personal problem between us. The Opinion of the third party is welcome but I prefer to see things with my own two eyes. If I get burned my own fault.
I welcome shipping but before it, it has to be some story to support it some plot a plan. Of course, there is also that natural easy-going rp that develops into a ship which is a valid and very precious thing, that I would welcome with open arms.
In any case, just don't be a jerk or disrespectful, treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, and we shall be okay. I reserve the right to change rules or refuse rping with someone, or to add more rules if needed.
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shininginyourlight · 8 months
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@ichihero sent: RP MUSE VALENTINE’S APPLICATION. your name: a very secret admirer Romantic or platonic?: romantic!! I don't want to show off, but I'm pretty good at romantic gestures. I have to thank my two advisors for that. A night in or dinner out or an activity?: my plan is to have a romantic dinner, followed by a movie. I'm open to other suggestions, though! If you're tired we can just drink something and cuddle on the couch. maybe more Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: why not both? it's a special day and you deserve to be spoiled more than anyone I know. What's your perfect date?: spending time with you, doesn't mater what we end up doing. We could even have a Mahjong date! Would you cook for me?: For sure! I've been researching some new recipes, so you're in for a surprise. Just don't go into the kitchen when you're reading this. Would you let me cook for you?: Nothing beats your cooking! I know that because I visited your restaurant before, of course. Can we make-out?: Yes!!! Make out in private or in public?:I got a complaint that we're making other people feel miserable at the bar, so I'll go with private this time! Do you like to cuddle?:it's my favorite thing in the world! If it were possible I'd never let you go anywhere. Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?:it's still cold so we definitely need blankets. If not, I can keep you warm! Couch or bed?: It depends! If you want to watch a movie and get some snacks, then the couch is enough. But if you want to have sex [way too direct] make love [no I can't write that] other things, then we can move to bed. What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?:you already know all my hobbies. Only three? I'm passionate about many things, including arcade games, old movies, and you wouldn't believe, management! I actually used to be the president of a big company, so I'd say you're pretty lucky. Tell me something about you no else knows:this is difficult... Oh, remember the kid I told you about? The one whose mom was busy working, so he was all by himself at the restaurant. We were talking about birthdays and I realized I never got a gift from anyone before I met you. Never told anyone about that. Why do you want to be my valentine?: because I love you and I want to make you feel special just like you do for me everyday. What makes you a good Valentine?: my passion! I'll do everything in my power to give you an amazing day that you won't forget. Leave it to me! So, will you be my valentine? Pretty please?
"Ooo, a pretty please? Hard to ignore... Guess I should read it over properly first, though."
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As "secret" of an admirer as this was supposed to be... well, his admirer wasn't great at hiding his identity. Zhao couldn't help but chuckle, reading through it. He was so damn cute sometimes. Too cute for his own good, as far as he was concerned.
Some of the answers were way too sweet. He was having an absolutely impossible time keeping himself from smiling, feeling almost like a giddy schoolboy. Like how he'd get when he had his first real boyfriend all the way back in middle school. God, it was disgusting in the best way possible.
Getting to the end of the application, he just stared at it for a bit, rereading parts of it and grinning all over again.
"...Well, can't say no to that, can I?"
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heavens-sin · 9 months
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mainly for mobile users
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01.   »  ON  THE  TOPIC  OF  :  basics 
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  This  blog  is  used  to  write/roleplay  the  character  Doflamingo  from  One  Piece.  Before  interacting  with  him,  I  would  like  to  be  clear  about  what  you  will  find,  what  I  accept  and  what  I  do  not  accept  in  this  blog.  They  may  be  a  bit  long  and  intimidating,  but  I  wrote  them  for  my  comfort  and  yours  as  well.
   i  will  be  low  activity  &  low  energy  due  to  school  and  work.  this  means  inconsistent  discord  (  if  given  )  and  tumblr  ims  responses.  i  come  on  tumblr  to  relax,  so  pls  go  easy  on  me  for  slow  replies  (both  ic  &  ooc)!  i'll  be  a  bit  selective  in  handing  out  my  discord  as  well  for  that  reason.
   I’m  not  affiliated  to  any  group.  I  am  selective  with  who  I  interact  when  I  login.  I  only  RP  with  mutuals  (  we  should  follow  each  other  )  Although  I  try  to  follow  the  lore  that  already  exists,  he  is  my  own  interpretation.  I  do  accept : Original  Characters  (they  must  have  an  about  page  where  I  can  know  a  bit  about  them). OP  Canon  characters. OCs/Canon  characters  from  other  series/games  IF  they  have  a  OP  verse.
Mirrors!  Other  Doffys  are  welcome.
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  02.  »  ON  THE  TOPIC  OF  :  Mains  &  Ships 
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   i  tend  to  practice  mains,  and  prefer  ship  exclusives!  this  is  to  say  that  my  mains  are  the  primary  muse  portrayals  i'll  be  interacting  with  ,  but  i'm  still  open  to  writing  with  duplicates  of  that  muse.  but  because  i  am  ship  exclusive  (and  this  applies  to  platonic,  familial,  romantic,  rival,  and  antagonistic  bonds),  i  can  ship  with  duplicates  of  my  mains  if  discussed.  any  exceptions  you  see  on  my  bonds  page  were  discussed  beforehand  with  me  and  my  writing  partners. 
   as  of  pairings,  im  open  to  many.
DofuLaw,  DofuWani,  Doffy  /  oc,  Doffy/  any  canon  character  -  basically  anything  with  the  exceptions  that   i  wont  ship  doffy  with  any  minor  muses/  aged  up  muses.  i  wont  ship  doffy  with  his  brother.
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  03.  »   ON  THE  TOPIC  OF  :  Triggers
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  due  to  the  nature  of  Doffy, this  blog  will  venture  into  dark  themes  such  as  violence,  sex,  abuse,  manipulation,  emotional  /  mental  abuse,  etc. while  i  have  yet  to  imagine  what  other  content  i'll  be  venturing  into, i'm  definitely  open  to  exploring  to  most  disturbing  content! sexual  content  may  also  happen,  any  triggering  topics  /  discussions that  will  be  had  will  be  tagged  as  "  trigger  /  "  so  you'll  be  able  to  mute  the  word  i  will  be  tagging  anything  accordingly,  just  again, remember  this  blog  will  heavily  contain  NSFW,  dark  topics  such  as  alcholol,  drug  usage,  toxic  relationships.  so  on  and  so  forth.
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  04.  »    ON  THE  TOPIC  OF:  Dont's.
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i  will  not  be  following  (back)  blogs  with:- muns  18  years  old  and  below,  it  makes  me uncomfortable.  considering  im  nearing  thirty.- blogs  without  info  pages,  that  do  not  indicate  the  mun's  age  indicate  anywhere.- We  don’t  have  dices  here.  don’t  control  other  people’s  character. So PLEASE,  do  not  try  to  control  my  muse  unless  I  let  you  do  so.-  Also, do  not  assume  you  know  everything  about  my  muse,  metagaming  is  NO  fun.
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05.  »   ON  THE  TOPIC  OF  :  miscellaneous.
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i'm  rather  stuck  with  life  and  school  at  the  moment, so  if  you'd  like  to  start  a  thread  with  me,  please  message  me  for  plotting  (or  i  may  message  you!) . expect  me  to  interact  through  asks  should  i  find  the  opportunity!I  try  to  do  not  ignore  anything,  but  sometimes  I  have  to  delete  asks  when  im  lacking  inspiration. No  rush,  no  push,  give  me  time. Mun  =/=  Muse.  He’s  a  fucker  and  will  be  always  a  dick  ,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  I’m  like  him.[sometimes]  /hj
ICONS WERE MADE USING faegfxs border here
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yifftwiceplz · 9 months
do one every ten lines :)
🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
big fan of dave (yifftwiceplz) and dave (dj-shitslot) basically looking in a mirror at each other at all times, younger self in awe of "older" self (its just that dj is a guardian / has more responsibility) and older self looking back at younger self fondly. thats the good shit. they dont make shit like that anymore but we do like you pass your 13 year old self on the street and your gut reaction is to light up and say oh my god i love you and your 13 year old self is like holy shit, the parts of myself i always wanted to shine through are right there plain as day, we made it
🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
dave wakes up in the afternoon and mostly just lounges around for a few hours. due to his audhd and dysfunction he cant do Anything in any day unless 1. it was preplanned a week in advance 2. he has his obligatory four hour Do Fuck All time. where mainly he smokes weed and listens to music loud enough you can hear it across the house (even though he's wearing headphones). and then once he feels like a person he'll have breakfast, shower, brush his teeth etc and focus on work
😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
it's so hard to make dave angry. maybe it was easier in sburb but he's genuinely a very happy guy. i specifically decided to RP him after i saw that smile on daves face on the lilypad i thought. my guy can heal now. so mostly any time he gets mad it's probably just that he's overstimulated. which is nebulous and random and hard to predict and he tries to grit his teeth and not show it until he snaps, which isn't ideal but he hates looking sensitive or asking someone to back off him in terms of actual real true anger - i dont think he feels it. maybe for a brief moment if someones attacking his friends - only a moment because immediately following that he's got his body and sword between them
🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
this bitch cant drive. bro never drove; they lived at the top floor apartment in a walkable neighbourhood what good would a car do yknow? bro had the hoverboard for any long distance trips actually it would be so moe of him to start skating again maybe i should do that. but anyway mostly he walks everywhere he goes. he FREQUENTLY forgets he can fly because thats like... a super power to him. to be used during a fight. but a long fly doesnt work as well as a long walk to clear your head if you have attention issues and mildly dissociate. hed end up in tennessee
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
oh boy definitely the drinking is his worst habit. it's well-managed but sometimes gets out of hand which is HARD to recognize because dave does not typo when he's drunk. he says roxy is either weak or faking it. striders in general are high dexterity builds so it doesn't matter if his eyes work or if he's coherent - them fingers are gonna find the keys. but he's also a fun drunk! he and roxy share that trait where you get a little booze in them and it's a little easier for them to laugh and open up and be confident in themselves so dave is really good at playing off being totally wasted with being totally charming. and it leads to people letting him drink more than he should quite frequently. luckily karkat isn't as fond of drinking as he is and has a keen eye for when dave is too far gone
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
dave is very passionate about film/tv even with his limited "real" education on it, dude just has an eye for it. good editing / camerawork tickles him to death like in a reality show where the interviewee is oblivious to something and there's a slow camera zoom in... got him seal-clapping and kicking his legs in glee part of the reason he's always so busy and tired (which is hard to see because he's always online and blogging casually - that's just part of his process and he just responds to a couple things at a time) is he's such a perfectionist with his own videos. he will not hire an editor. no one understands his vision.
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Role-Play Rules/General Guideline
I normally only roleplay 'extreme' literate. That means at least over five sentences. (400 - 1000 words.) This, of course, doesn't always apply in certain cases. Sometimes a reply may be small, so be it. Feel free to DM me if you need an example of how I write. I will gladly provide you with an excerpt from a previous RP I have done, or even link you to my AO3 Account. Please have somewhat of a strong grasp of grammar. If you don't know the difference between their, there, and they're, as well as your, and you're, then we're probably not a good match. Punctuation is an exception since I myself sometimes struggle with this! I RP THIRD-PERSON POV ONLY!
I have zero triggers! This doesn't mean that I will do absolutely anything. This just means that if you have an idea and I like it/am interested, then I will accept it. Aka gore, incest, smut, LGBTQ+, Homophobia, different types of AU's, prostitution, alcoholism, drug abuse, self-harm, mpreg, etc. I should be okay with it. :) Note: I will not RP Canonverse/Canon-Divergence.
I have the right to refuse you as a partner or end the RP for any reason at any time. I am not obligated to finish it. Frankly, I don't owe you shit, just as you don't owe me anything. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I respect you as a person and I only wish the same in return. If you are unable to reply for a while, simply let me know! I will try to be understanding since real life always comes first!
DON'T SPAM! This is the fastest way to get yourself blocked. If I don't reply immediately, that probably means that I am busy. I consider myself very swift to reply to you, or at the very least let you know if I will be able to reply that day/week/month or not. If you haven't replied in over a week with no explanation I might simply nudge you. It'll possibly look like this: 'Hello, just wondering how you're doing?' 'Hey, are you going to reply this week/day?' 'Are you growing bored of the RP? Need me to do anything?' etc. Again, this is not a job. I do not get paid, so I have the right to relax. We both should. Roleplaying is how I wind down for the day/is a healthy distraction from everyday life. I'd assume it's similar for you. Take care of yourself first as I will ultimately do the same!
No God-modding, please. Unless you specifically ask, or I tell you that it's alright because I recognize that the scene calls for more action on either of our parts in order to move forward, then I will have absolutely none of that. A character can be strong, yes, but it's simply overkill if you won't allow another character to fight back, make them rich and famous and the other dirt poor... I hope you understand what I mean. RP should be 50/50 so that it is enjoyable for us both. (This rule can be exempt in certain circumstances/settings.)
Starters. This is a big one for some reason. I am willing to write a starter as long as we've spoken ahead first. I'd like to know the general plot so that I don't fuck up an idea you had/have or get the setting wrong. Again, if we message each other we should have no problems. I'd prefer if you asked first as I will always ask if unsure before writing my reply.
Where do I roleplay? Good question. I DO NOT roleplay in reblogs. I DO however roleplay on sites like Discord, Chatzy, or on Tumblr in DM’s, though my favourite is most definitely Discord.
Characters/Ships. I actually consider myself a multi-shipper and thus I tend to be generally okay with any pairing. Some examples of my favourites are Jean x Eren, Erwin x Levi, Floch x Eren, Zeke x Eren, Zeke x Levi, Hanji x Levi, etc. I don’t mind if there are ships within the RP. I actually love it when there’s things like an ex-boyfriend, one is still married, cheating, etc. It gives it some flavour. ;)
Plot! Plot is very important to me. Although I do write smut from time to time, I'd much rather RP plot with a fair bit of smut rather than purely NSFW. That simply isn't as enjoyable to me as a generally nonsexual person even though what I write on AO3 seems to be hypersexual at first glance. I know how to write it- have written it well as far as I've been told -so I will initiate it from time to time if the mood is right. Friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, strangers to friends to lovers... Let's just say I eat that shit up. Bring on the AU's!
Finally, the last thing I can think of at the moment besides the whole 'I hope you understand and accept' deal, is if you have any more questions, my DM’s are always open! I may not get to them right away but I'll make sure to check as often as I can! Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it.
Once again, this is just a general guideline to follow. I am willing to be flexible, as well as disregard certain aspects if necessary!!!
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zhongster · 2 years
hi friend! you should write some eddie stuff he deserves to be talked about more on your blog 🫶🏽😎
The behemoth is here! My friends and I have affectionately been calling this post “the novel™”. So what it actually is is a disorganized heap of 7.9k words of my friend and I rambling about Eddie burping headcanons/scenarios/imagines/etc. Also we did a bit of RP so if y’all are interested in seeing that let me know. But please enjoy because compiling this took me absolutely forever.
He burps super loud in public on the regular
He’d giggle like a little kid after letting out really big burps
He’s generally a very gassy person
Like to the point where he has gerd or ibs or something
He tends to eat a lottttttt when he’s high
He’s definitely the type to slap his chest to force a burp out
And if steve were to make like a “gross dude” comment he’d laugh and burp again
His soda burps are loud and airy and his beer burps are gassy and deep
He often gets painful burps and burps that get stuck
Sometimes when his burps get stuck he needs someone else to help him get them out
He’ll beg Steve to pat his back to help him bring up a burp that’s stuck or rub his belly to push the gas out
At some point steve gets used to how gassy Eddie is so when Eddie asks him to help him dislodge a burp he’ll pat his back and/or rub his tummy and when the burp does come up (loud and long of course) Steve’ll go “god you’re fucking disgusting” and Eddie teases back going “but you love it, be honest”
Steve doesn’t exactly have a burp kink but sometimes he feels something when Eddie burps simply because it’s eddie
Eddie is very prone to indigestion
Eddie knows damn well what gives him indigestion but he eats it anyway
Specifically hot wings
If he and steve go to a bar together he’ll order them and steve’ll go “you always get those knowing it’s gonna make you gassy later.”
And later that night he makes it Steve’s problem when he can’t stop burping during the movie they’re trying to watch
His burps hurt sometimes so he’ll just lay his head on Steve’s shoulder and whine while steve rubs his tummy
As for steve he’s definitely a shy burper
He’s pretty embarrassed burping in front of anyone
Except for Robin
He burps in front of Robin all the time
Sometimes if Steve and Robin are the only ones in family video steve’ll just let his burps out as he works
And Eddie’ll walk into the store and go “i KNOW that wasn’t Buckley”
Eddie doesn’t understand why steve gets so embarrassed
Steve freaks out and apologizes over and over again if he accidentally burps in front of Eddie
And Eddie’s like “dude relax”
When Eddie gets stuffed he always either takes his belt off or unbuttons his pants
He hates feeling bloated
Sometimes eddie and steve’ll be sitting on the couch while steve rubs Eddie’s tummy and Eddie’s burping like back to back
Some of Eddie’s burping fits hurt his chest and throat
SO HE’S BURPING ONTO HIS RINGS (this one fucked me up real good)
Eddie’s definitely one to go “fuck that felt good” after a particularly relieving burp
ST doesn’t have a pandemic but the idea of him burping in a mask HHHHHHH
And then he goes “eww omg” while steve and robin laugh at him
He’d definitely get into burping contests with the kids
He always wins but sometimes Dustin gets close
And Eddie’s like “damn you almost beat me that time”
He’d be proud
The image of Eddie, zooted out of his mind, eating an entire box of pizza by himself and then he’s breathing heavily and bloated
And he’s in pain until steve starts rubbing his back wherein the burps start rolling out
The idea of Eddie pausing to burp during a dnd campaign
Also touching on the fact that he’s canonically the lead singer for corroded coffin
What if he has to turn away from the mic to full on BELCH because he was drinking something fizzy before the show
Singing makes him gassy
Like he’s always swallowing air while he sings
He’d turn and let out a massive burp into his fist (and rings hehe) on stage before he continues singing
He’d laugh and half-heartedly apologize to the audience
And his burps are so loud that he doesn’t even need to be up against the mic for the entire house to hear it
He takes the pause between songs to let his burps out
It’s just known that the lead singer of corroded coffin will burp during their shows
“Did you really see corroded coffin live if you didn’t get an eddie Munson burp”
Fans would count the amount of times he burps during a show or they’d say “excuse you”
On occasion he’ll accidentally burp against the mic and it’ll be SO loud
If they excuse him he’ll just laugh into the mic and thank them
Imagine a show where Gareth accidentally burps into the mic and eddie goes “IT WASN’T ME THIS TIME GUYS!”
Imagine a show where Eddie’s feeling really cheeky and after the audience says “excuse you” in response to him burping into the mic he goes “aww c’mon you know you like it”
In an AU where the band is like VERY popular to the point where they have signings and photos and such he’d burp before taking pics with his fans and he’d be letting out closed mouth burps while talking to them and then he just goes “sorry s’cuse me” then he’d laugh
He’d let them out closed-mouth just to try to be sorta polite but they’re just so LOUD and DEEP
People can definitely still hear them but at least he’s trying
Sometimes he gets off stage and goes to meet steve and as soon as he gets there he lets out this absurdly long burp and Steve’s like “feel better? 😐” and Eddie goes “Very much so 😁”
If the fans count his burps and went like “you burped 11 times” he’d respond by going “oh word next time i’ll make it 12”
Lol fans would make an “Eddie Munson burping on stage” compilation
Steve would get very very used to Eddie burping so much
Like Eddie would burp and steve would go “good job eddie” and move on
Eddie’s totally the “oh fuck i needed that” type
When he burps in the trailer with Uncle Wayne it’d be so loud that Wayne would go “damn boy you’re gonna bring the whole house down”
Uncle Wayne would try to tell Eddie to excuse himself but it never worked
He’s given up trying to teach Eddie manners lmao
Wayne doesn’t understand how eddie can possibly have that much air inside his body
Eddie definitely burps a lot during smoke sessions
Sometimes he has to burp before he’s exhaled the smoke so he’ll literally belch out weed smoke
He uses it as a party trick and calls them “dragon burps” lol
Steve and eddie smoking weed together and BOTH of them getting burpy
Steve tries to hide it
Eddie absolutely does not
Eddie having a hard time getting a burp out so he leans forward with his hands on his knees and essentially forces it out
Steve rubs up and down Eddie’s back to help him get the gas up
Eddie would definitely never kinkshame
Drunk eddie and robin getting into a burping contest and Steve’s just 🧍
They’d definitely try to goad steve into joining
Eddie’s a clingy drunk
And he’d probably start whining when his stomach started hurting
The image of Eddie saying “fuck i can’t stop burping”
He’s the type to let out smaller burps back to back when he’s drunk until a HUGE one just sorta explodes out of him and then he’s like “oh wow”
Sometimes when the HUUUUUUGE ones come out he and steve just sit there shocked for a good few seconds until steve goes “I bet that felt good”
Going back to steve: imagine steve, eddie, and robin hanging out in Steve’s house and steve and eddie go to get something out of the other room leaving robin in the living room. And then she hears a HUGE burp come from their direction and she yells “GROSS EDDIE!” And eddie starts cackling and goes “IT WASN’T ME THIS TIME!” And poor steve is absolutely MORTIFIED
I know damn well Steve’s capable of some big ones sometimes, sometimes it even catches Eddie off guard
Steve can definitely hear Eddie burp from absolutely anywhere in his house
Very specific image: Steve’s sitting in the living room watching eddie make eggs in the kitchen and eddie has his hair tied back into a bun with a muscle tank top and jeans on and he raises his fist to his mouth and lets out a super deep closed mouth burp into it and just keeps cooking
He sits up in bed next to steve and lets this long, lazy burp crawl out of his mouth and then he lays back down
Steve and Eddie getting ready to leave in the morning, like they’re both walking around getting dressed and doing their own thing but Eddie’s just burping the entire time
He burps when he’s putting his shoes on, burps while brushing his teeth, burps while he helps steve make the bed
Steve’ll just hear these HUGE burps come from the shower when Eddie’s in there and he’s not even surprised
The warm water hitting his back makes him burp
If eddie doesn’t let his burps out he feels sick
As much as steve gives Eddie shit for being gross he’d be even more upset if he held them in
Eddie 100% flips that logic back onto steve and steve does not like it
Coming back to steve burping in front of robin, she’s actually pretty surprised to learn that nobody else has ever heard steve burp because she hears it ALL THE TIME
Eddie comes up with creative ways of forcing steve to let his burps out
He’ll walk up behind him and slap him on the back with absolutely no warning
And when steve lets out a huge burp Eddie’s like “now doesn’t that feel better? 😁”
Steve gets soooooo embarrassed
Coming back to Eddie’s morning gas: steve going in for a kiss in the morning and eddie diverts his face at the last second to belch into Steve’s shoulder. Then eddie kisses steve lol
His tummy tends to fill up with air overnight because of how he breathes
At this point steve knows Eddie’s gonna be gassy in the morning
If he DOESN’T burp in the morning steve would actually be worried
His morning burps are airy and quieter because there’s nothing in his stomach, so it’s just straight air coming up
Eddie waking up and stretching and the stretch forcing a burp from his stomach
The image of Eddie all disheveled in his pajamas with messy hair standing up and scratching his stomach which makes him burp
His morning burps would be quieter and long and steve would just groggily pat his back in a silent “good job”
Imagine steve falling asleep on Eddie’s shoulder and then eddie burps super loud and it startles steve awake
Eddie was probably a bit insecure about his tummy issues when he first met/started dating steve
Because he’d never really had someone he was interested in reciprocate his feelings and he didn’t wanna gross steve out
Steve wouldn’t care he’d just want eddie to feel better
The idea of Eddie burping in public: eddie burping during lunch, class or when he’s out to dinner with steve
When he’s at dinner with steve he lets out closed mouth burps so he doesn’t embarrass steve
Hellfire club and corroded coffin are pretty used to it
When he first befriended Chrissy he was worried about grossing her out
But she gets a kick out of his burps and often rates them
Corroded coffin rehearsal is one of the times where Eddie’s at his burpiest since singing tends to get him bloated
He always has to pause between songs to let out a series of belches
Or he takes the opportunity to belch during guitar solos so he doesn’t mess up the lyrics
He has to take time in between songs to belch like five times in a row, each one longer and louder than the last
The band is used to it
He’ll be fully shredding a guitar solo and he just lets out a huge belch right in the middle of it before going back to singing
He’d definitely have to hold onto the mic for support when he burps like that in between songs
So he’ll be partially bent over, burping into his fist, and holding onto the mic
The band’ll just be sitting there tuning their instruments and shit while he burps
When he’s done he stands up and goes “whew okay onto the next one”
Sometimes if it’s really bad they’ll continue onto the next song and partway through he’ll realize he wasn’t done and burp in the middle of singing
He’d go “fuck wait guys stop there’s more”
And his bandmates are like “alr i’m gonna go pee rq then”
Eddie burping on a bus with corroded coffin who are all very used to it
The kids were probably concerned when they first met him like “it cannot be healthy to burp this much”
And he just shrugs and goes “yeah probably not lol”
He keeps cursing under his breath when he realizes he needs to burp again
He’ll go “ahh fuck” before a string of belches comes out
If the kids were to tag along to a corroded coffin rehearsal they’d be concerned because he tends to burp more there than at hellfire so they’d be a bit worried
And he’s like “yeah I’m fine this is pretty normal”
His burps make him feel like he’s deflating
Imagine eddie has a burp stuck and its making his chest hurt so steve starts rubbing his chest and then he can actually FEEL the air come up from Eddie’s stomach before it comes out
Eddie definitely pats his chest to help himself burp sometimes
Sometimes steve does it for him (its also probably an excuse to touch Eddie’s tits)
When Eddie burps while Steve’s rubbing his chest he can actually feel Eddie’s chest rumbling under his hand with the force of the burp
Eddie’s burps tend to be longer than usual when Steve’s rubbing his back/stomach/chest because steve pushes more air out than would have organically come out
Imagine eddie at corroded coffin rehearsal burping in between songs and he goes “fuck there’s more” and slaps his chest to get another one out
The image of Eddie holding his chest as he burps
Imagine Steve and Eddie sitting chest to chest while Eddie has his chin resting on Steve’s shoulder and Steve’s rubbing Eddie’s back. and of course Eddie’s releasing super long belches over Steve’s shoulder.
Steve can feel the rumble against his chest
Eddie’s super cute about burping too like he’ll release the longest, nastiest, most guttural belch Steve’s ever heard and two seconds later he’s like :3
Imagine Steve resting his hand on Eddie’s bare stomach, like not rubbing his stomach just resting his hand atop it, and he feels Eddie’s stomach muscles flex as he pushes a burp up
Steve can definitely feel the gas bubbles in Eddie’s stomach before he helps him get them out
Steve’ll press on the spot right where Eddie’s chest meets his tummy, or on his underbelly, or right inside his belly button
Eddie pulling away from kissing steve to burp
Eddie’s gas usually sits in his underbelly
Eddie trying to let out a closed mouth burp but it’s so fucking long he ends up opening his mouth halfway through
Eddie and Steve in bed together sleeping and Steve wakes up because he hears Eddie’s tummy making noise so he starts rubbing it while Eddie sleeps eventually leading to Eddie waking up only to sit up, let out a huge belch, and then laying back down and going back to sleep
Imagine Eddie gripping his bathroom sink just to hold himself up while he lets out HUUUUGE burps
Or the kitchen counter wherein steve’ll come up behind him and start massaging his shoulders and asking if he’s okay
Steve tries to help but there really isn’t anything he can do
The only thing that helps is to just let the air out until he feels empty and deflated, otherwise Eddie’ll start to feel sick
During the early days of their relationship Steve would get kinda worried that something was really wrong but Eddie had to assure him this was pretty normal
Sometimes Eddie’s more painful burping fits are so aggressive they actually start hurting his chest and throat
Eddie tends to bend over the counter pretty far when this is happening
And occasionally throws his back out because of it
After these fits Eddie’s usually pretty worn out so he just wants to cuddle on the couch and probably ends up falling asleep
Eddie definitely gets stress burps
So he was probably burping a lot during the whole Vecna ordeal
Since he wasn’t used to Steve, Robin, and Nancy he’d probably try to hide them
So a lot of closed mouth burps and turning his head to the side
He 100% expected Nancy to be grossed out but she actually doesn’t give a fuck
She’s like “you forget Mike is my little brother”
Robin also does not gaf because she’s Robin (and she’s already used to Steve burping around her)
She’ll usually just reply with a “Nice one Harrington”
Burping is pretty firmly out of Eddie’s control, he really can’t control it very well once it starts
Eddie just has to accept that if he needs to burp it’s gonna happen and if he tries to hold them back he’ll feel worse
Imagine Steve rubbing Eddie’s shoulders and Eddie keeps burping
Omg Steve pressing Eddie’s lower back to help him burp
Imagine Eddie belching into his pillow in the middle of the night when Wayne is home so he doesn’t wake him up
Eddie’s definitely had his tummy issues since he was young
So there’ve probably been nights where a 12 year old Eddie and Uncle Wayne were sitting on the couch while Uncle Wayne rubbed his back trying to make him feel better as he just Could. Not. Stop. Burping.
Wayne’s well aware of Eddie’s issues but Eddie still tries to keep his burps quiet so as not to disturb his uncle
Wayne definitely saved up to take Eddie to see a doctor about this issue
Baby Eddie definitely used to cry and hug his uncle because he just wanted to go to sleep but the huge painful burps wouldn’t let him
His burps don’t always hurt but when they do they really hurt
Nowadays Wayne gives Eddie shit for burping super loud but he can usually tell when it’s one of his uncontrollable and painful fits
He never makes Eddie feel bad about those
The element of not knowing why he felt like that really messed with little Eddie
And seeing Eddie in pain like that made Wayne really sad
As an adult sometimes Eddie’ll toss and turn in bed, trying to get comfortable but he can’t because he has air in his tummy
That’s when he’d sit up and either try to coax it up himself or have Steve help him
After he manages to burp steve would go “Do you feel better babe?”
And Eddie would either nod or go “I think there’s more”
Eddie drinking a bottle of beer and pausing in the middle of drinking it, burping into the bottle, and then continuing to drink
Eddie’s chugging game is definitely on point
Eddie burping super loud in the library 💀
And he’s like “sorry 🫢”
He’d probably try to keep it closed mouth but even those are pretty loud
I can totally see Steve laying his head on Eddie’s chest and Eddie lets out a super loud closed mouth burps then intentionally blows the gas away from Steve
Steve can literally hear the burp INSIDE Eddie’s chest when he does that
Eddie can definitely burp on command, the hellfire club thinks that’s pretty impressive because he can literally suck in air and then push out a huge belch
When he does that he’ll put a fist to his mouth, inhale slightly, and then release a long rolling burp
Then he’ll chuckle and go “s’cuse me”
He’s aware that sometimes his burps are nasty so he’ll go “that was disgusting I’m so sorry”
Sometimes he’ll let out a particularly grisly one and then he’ll put a hand to his chest and go “okay wow”
Or on a first date with someone (steve) he tries to hide it but ofc it doesn’t work so he just goes “fuck excuse me that was nasty I’m so sorry”
Imagine Steve accidentally burping and getting embarrassed about it so Eddie proceeds to let out a burp even nastier to make him feel better
Eddie burping into the crook of his arm
Like how people muffle a sneeze except instead it’s a burp
He does that and Steve’s like “interesting sneeze???”
And Eddie’s like “that was far from a sneeze Harrington.”
And Steve goes “yeah it was a fucking explosion”
Imagine Eddie raising both arms above his head to stretch and the bottom of his shirt rides up exposing a little but of his tummy before the action ends up pushing a burp out of him
Also imagine Eddie burping onto a forkful of food he’s about to eat or burping into his napkin
Just the idea of him eating so fast that he burps ONTO his food right before he shoves another bite into his mouth
Eddie burping while chewing, like he has to stop chewing for a sec to let out a closed mouth before continuing
Steve patting his shoulder going “please don’t choke 😅”
Just Eddie sitting on the couch chugging beer barely lifting the bottle from his lips to burp into the neck of the bottle and continuing to drink
And Wayne’s like “Damn kid maybe BREATHE!?”
Afterwards Eddie’s like panting and burping at the same time
He has a high alcohol tolerance so his friends dare him to chug at parties for shits and giggles
Imagine steve and robin gassing him up as he shotguns beer cans. Then he pauses and Nancy’s like “you alright there 🤨” only for him to rip a massive belch before continuing
Afterwards he goes into the bathroom to press into his tummy and force the gas out
And when he comes out Steve’s like “you went in there to burp didn’t you?”
And Eddie’s like “yes I did 😁” before patting Steve’s shoulder
And steve just huffs a laugh and follows after him
Imagine Eddie and Steve laying in bed, both shirtless, after Eddie ate something that really fucked his stomach up. It’s like 12-1 am and Eddie just keeps letting out belch after belch while steve pushes into his tummy to help him get them out
And Eddie’s so over it and sleepy and he just wants to go to bed
Eddie and Steve both bloated at the same time >>>
It would take Steve forever to get even remotely comfortable burping in front of Eddie
He’d finally get comfortable when he realizes neither one of ‘em can hold them in
But Steve definitely still covers his mouth every time
Eddie thinks its cute
We actually have a video we’ve been using to visualize this one:
In some of those clips the guy behind the camera burps and then he and his friend laugh… steve and eddie 😏
Steve laughs when he can hear Eddie burping at stoplights
That vid is honestly what I picture Eddie’s everyday burps sounding like
He and steve park their motorcycles and Eddie rips his helmet off to belch so he doesn’t suffocate himself
And he’s wearing his leather jacket, and his studs, and rigs, and has his hair tied back
And imagine he laughs and goes “I’ve been savin’ that one for you Harrington”
Also imagine: steve on the back of Eddie’s motorcycle with his arms around Eddie’s middle and the pressure’s making him burp
Eddie has to take his mask off to air it out because he kept burping in it
Also imagine Eddie driving his van, blasting metal music, and belching openly AS HE DRIVES
He’s driving Dustin home or something and just ripping belches at turns and shit
Imagine Eddie at least tries to hold back during corroded coffin shows so as soon as he gets backstage after the show he starts ripping HUGE belches that he’d been holding back the entire time
So Steve gets to witness THAT after the shows 💀
Eddie burping while multitasking is a really good thought too like he just does it so casually
Like burping while he unlocks the trailer door
And Wayne hearing the burp because as soon as he steps in the door he goes “I guess Eddie’s home” from another room
Eddie burping while doing homework, burping while starting his car, burping while tuning his guitar, pulling his hand out of Steve’s to burp into it, burping while washing his hair, burping while washing his hands, burping while looking for something to eat
Summertime heat making Eddie super groggy and gross so eats a bunch of popsicles and shit which ends up making him really bloated
Imagine Eddie and Steve making out and Eddie goes “stop for a second i gotta burp”
Imagine Steve and Eddie grocery shopping together and Eddie keeps letting out super deep closed mouth burps
People keep giving them dirty looks but he can’t really hold them in very efficiently
Eddie’s wearing a baggy sweater and he’s like… hiding his face in it to burp
He thinks the burp is gonna be relatively small and it ends up being super loud even when he stifles it in his mouth
And he’s surprised by it
And Steve turns to him with big eyes all surprised like “woah I didn’t expect that” and Eddie’s like “yeah me neither 😭”
The idea of Steve being surprised by just how loud Eddie can burp >>>
It’s always shocking bc Eddie burps SO loudly out of nowhere
Imagine Eddie burps super loud behind his fist AND in his mouth (and its still SO loud) and Steve looks over at him and Eddie just mouths “sorry”
Eddie has a gas bubble stuck and Steve isn’t there to help him get it out so he bends over to try and push it out
It usually comes out super explosive when he does that
Eddie bending over the counter or a table to help himself burp
And Steve sees him and he’s like “😃???”
Eddie tries so many things to get it out and when it finally does come up it’s super sudden and huge
The idea of Eddie being surprised by the volume of his own burps
Like “whoa I didn’t know i could do that”
His forced burps are loud and he knows it but the natural ones usually aren’t quite as big
But sometimes something super massive will come out naturally
And he and Steve just sit there gaping at each other
They’d probably have the same reaction if Steve managed to let out a burp that was on Eddie’s level
As I’ve already touched on, Steve tends to be more of a shy burper so if he did manage to burp that loud both Steve and Eddie would be shocked
Eddie would reply either “I didn’t know you could do that Harrington, impressive” or “i know you had it in you big boy” LMAO
And Steve’s just standing there with both hands over his mouth, cheeks completely red
Imagine Eddie and Steve cuddling in bed together and Eddie goes “I need to sit up” and then starts belching as soon as he sits up
And Steve rubs his back of course
Imagine Eddie burping while tying his hair back in a bun
Imagine Steve and Eddie getting ready to leave the house and Eddie goes “hold on” and hits his chest before letting out a string of burps
Then he goes “okay now I’m ready”
Imagine Eddie slapping Steve on the back and then immediately burping and Steve’s like “how did you manage to make YOURSELF burp doing that?”
Eddie is totally the type to let out a super loud burp in public and then go “omg Steeeeeeeeve you aren’t even gonna say excuse me? 🫢”
Steve would make that face that says “bro we all know it was you”
Eddie going “oh thank FUCK that was so hard to get out” after a stuck burp finally comes out
The idea of Eddie really PRESSING into his tummy is so FHHJDSHFKDSHFKJDS
Eddie would absolutely laugh after he burps and Steve would be like “omg eddie eww”
Back to the motorcycle thing
Imagine Steve on the back of Eddie’s bike holding onto his middle and he presses into Eddie’s stomach which makes him burp and Steve goes “whoops did I do that?”
A burp gets stuck while he’s driving and as soon as he stops at a stoplight he thumps his chest with his fist and lets out a super long one
Eddie practically suffocating himself by burping with his helmet on
He’s like “damn i can taste the nachos we ate last night”
And Steve’s like “okay eww”
Imagine Eddie on his motorcycle belching for 14 seconds in his helmet and being able to taste/smell what he ate before and he’s like “okay yeah even I’m grossed out”
Imagine Eddie burping while getting a tattoo on his stomach
And Steve’s like “of course that makes you burp”
Imagine he’s serenading Steve and he has to pause to burp in the middle
Eddie burping during P.E.
Eddie in elementary school grossing the girl out with his burps
He definitely hyper focuses on whatever he’s doing (planning a new campaign, writing a new song, etc.) and forgets to eat
So when he does eat he scarfs his food down and it makes him gassy
We created a sort of OC named Marianne, she’ll get her own post bc she deserves it
She’s the Hawkins High librarian
She eventually marries Wayne bc he needs someone
Imagine Eddie hiding behind his DM screen to burp
Or his hair
Imagine Eddie burping during the woods scene with Chrissy
And he hides it behind his hair like “sorry s’cuse me 😬”
Chrissy would be really cute about it like “that’s okay 😊”
But as they get closer she’d start making fun of him like “you can do way better than that Eddie”
She definitely encourages it I can feel it in my bones
She’s really funny about it and sometimes she thinks she can out-burp him
Sometimes she can lol
Sometimes she burps really loudly and unexpectedly and Eddie’s like “WHOA Cunningham?!” And she’s super bashful about it
Eddie was super surprised because Chrissy’s the “pretty cheerleader”
Eddie thinks the reason she can burp like that is because she hangs out with him
Imagine Chrissy and Eddie drinking + smoking together and Eddie’s burping of course but eventually Chrissy can’t hold ‘em back anymore
And they come out just as loud as Eddie’s and he’s actually SHOCKED that this small petite girl can burp as loud as him
He tells her that hanging around him rubbed off on her because she wasn’t burping like that before
Then he’d show her his “dragon burps” and she’d definitely be impressed
Wayne doesn’t understand how Eddie can possibly have so much air in his stomach
Imagine Eddie letting out some relieving belches with his hand on his stomach and fist against his mouth as he closes his eyes and lets them out
And they’re the ones that feel sooooooo good to let out and sometimes he fucking MOANS afterwards
Eddie’s definitely used to how much he burps at this point
His painful ones are the only ones that really bother him anymore
Eddie’s burps are definitely 14 second monster belches
And the only thing that helps is to just let them out till he’s empty
His friends know the drill at this point
If they’re in the middle of a campaign and he disappears for 45 mins they know something probably messed his tummy up
If it gets really bad when he’s with a group he’ll excuse himself to the bathroom but if he’s just with Chrissy or Steve or the kids he just lets them go
Imagine Eddie burping and making comments about how he can feel it in his chest
Or how loud/gross it was
Imagine Eddie lets out a huge closed mouth burp in class and someone turns to look at him and he whispers “sorry”
Imagine rubbing Eddie’s back while he eats and he starts burping WHILE eating
Imagine Eddie complaining bc he usually doesn’t burp THAT much while he eats but you rubbing his back is making them all come up
Imagine Eddie getting back rubs while he’s eating pizza and it makes him burp onto the pizza slice
And then keeps eating it
Like he burps, goes “ooh” and puts a hand to his chest, and then he keeps eating
Joseph Quinn said Eddie’s choice of drink is Dr. Pepper
he’d burp into the bottle hehe
And then lets out an obscenely long belch when he finishes the bottle
Imagine rubbing his back and you can FEEL it come up
Even he’s surprised by how long it is like “that one came up on its own”
Eddie gripping his pants to brace himself when a particularly aggressive burps tears out of him
Just Eddie having to brace himself because the burp was THAT big
Eddie letting out an UNGODLY belch into the crook of his arm
Imagine Steve trying to do Eddie’s makeup for Halloween and Eddie keeps having to turn away to burp
And Steve’s like “Sit still dude!”
And Eddie doesn’t wanna burp in Steve’s face so he tries to stay still and just let out closed mouth burps
Omg imagine he pulls a Clay Guida and pushes Steve’s face out of the way so he doesn’t burp on him
There’s a video of it:
Imagine a pro boxer Eddie AU
He definitely swallows a lot of air during the fights
Imagine Steve talking to him and cleaning him up between fights and he keeps ripping these MASSIVE belches
And Steve just kisses his cheek and gives him a “well done”
And everyone watching is like “😃???”
He’s bragging about Eddie and someone’s like “the one who just shook the entire stadium with his burps???” And Steve’s like “yep that’s him 🥰”
In the video there was a clip where Clay Guida went “I need to burp” and everyone around him went “burp please, get it out”
That but Eddie and Steve
There’s a clip of people rubbing Clay Guida’s back with ice and he keeps belching, also Eddie
I love the idea of Steve helping him and he’s not phased AT ALL by how loud Eddie’s burps are
Imagine Steve rubbing Eddie’s back with ice and brushing Eddie’s sweaty hair out of his face as he releases belch after belch
Eddie during the break going “fuck I need to belch” and Steve’s already patting his back trying to help him and he goes “okay let it out”
Eddie’s tummy is so turbulent all the time, he pretty much always has to burp
Eddie does that back to back belching thing to empty his tummy during the breaks
If Eddie stopped burping Steve goes “i know you got more in there babe let me help you”
And when he stops again Steve’s like “do you think you’re done?” And Eddie either nods or hits his chest and lets out another one
In universe there’d be compilations of Eddie burping on stage (corroded coffin making it big AU) or in the ring (boxer AU)
Imagine Eddie burping during the actual fight
Eddie talking and having to pause to let out giant belches
Vampire Eddie getting burpy and bloated from drinking blood
Imagine Eddie’s late night gas sounding like this:
He tries to do some closed mouth burps but it doesn’t really work for him
Imagine Steve wakes up to find Eddie belching like that video and he automatically begins rubbing Eddie’s tummy to help him get the air out and kisses him good morning
I found this video:
And 100% picture it as a compilation of Eddie burping on stage with Corroded Coffin
This one too:
The way he would definitely burp in the middle of songs and just keep singing
Imagine Steve bringing Eddie to meet his parents and Eddie’s super nervous so he gets a nervous tummy and has to stifle his burps
Eddie’s trying but utterly failing to be polite
Imagine Eddie using a bunch of excuses for why he’s burping so much like: “i drank too much”, “i have to let them out”, “I had too much to eat” or “I’m super gassy right now”
Imagine Wayne gets off work and he talks to Eddie about his day and Eddie just lets out this monster burp and Wayne’s like “oh my god Eddie Jesus Christ enough!” And Eddie goes “sorry I’m just super gassy right now”
Eddie would also contort his body to make the air come out easier
Imagine Eddie at a concert in a crowd of people and he just belches super loud and long
And everyone can hear it over the music and they’re like 👁👁
And he’s like “SHIT excuse me”
Imagine Eddie and Steve sitting on the couch and Eddie chugging beer and he keeps letting up these long loud closed mouth burps that sound like a car engine and Steve’s like “babe just let those out”
Steve would rub Eddie’s back and tell him not to hold them in
And of course when Eddie does let them out they’re absolutely deafening
Eddie describing how his burps feel>>>
Like “ooh that one kinda hurt” or “that felt so good”
Imagine Eddie and Robin getting high and getting the munchies and having a burping contest
Robin would definitely lose but she’d claim she won
Meanwhile Steve, the sober DD: 😐
Steve’s over it till Eddie sneaks up behind him and jabs him in the stomach and he lets out a huge belch bc of the soda he’d been drinking all night
Imagine they get Steve so high he actually joins in on the contest and while they’re doing it Steve lets out a huge burp, like bigger than he’s ever done before, and Eddie’s like “Whoa Harrington?!” And even Robin’s shocked
Steve’s super bashful about it and Eddie laughs it off saying “Damn we have a winner just because I’ve never heard Steve belch like that before”
Steve’s totally the type to accidentally win burping contests
Like he doesn’t wanna participate but he really needs to burp
Sometimes Eddie gives up his crown to Steve
And Steve’s like “KEEP IT 😭”
Eddie verbally acknowledging his burps is so HHHHHHHHH
Like “I think i have a burp stuck” or “i feel like i need to burp”
Imagine Eddie out with Robin and Steve and he goes “ooh I kinda don’t feel good” so he puts a hand on his stomach which makes it gurgle and then he lets out this super long burp behind his fist and then he’s like “okay nevermind I feel better”
And then he moans because his stomach feels soooooo much better
And it would be an absolutely grotesque monster of a belch too
and Steve and Robin are like: 🧍🧍
Because there’s no way that WASN’T Satan himself escaping from Eddie’s body
Imagine Eddie having a bubble in his tummy and Steve trying to rub it out but he can’t seem to get it to come up so Eddie’s super uncomfortable and he’s whining and moaning and Steve’s like “I’m trying my best baby but it’s not coming up” and Steve keeps trying until Eddie finally manages to get it up
And poor Eddie’s miserable the whole time while he waits for it to come up
Steve feels so bad because he just wants to help his boyfriend to feel better
Eddie being miserable and saying stuff like “it wont come up” or “I need to burp so bad”
Also the way you can hear it in someone’s voice when they’re about to burp
Eddie definitely does that
Like whoever he’s with can HEAR that he’s about to burp before he actually does
You can hear the gurgle in his throat and when he’s talking his voice starts getting higher and higher till he inhales slightly and then the belch comes out
Imagine Eddie hugging Uncle Wayne but having to pull away really quickly because the pressure on his stomach made him burp
Eddie letting this aggressive belch roll out of his mouth and then he goes “ohhhh that felt good”
Imagine Thanksgiving, Eddie’s eating with your family and he’s rubbing his belly under the table and he’s like “i really need to burp but not in front of your family”
He’s like “i need to burp so bad fuck” before putting a fist to his mouth and swallowing it back down
And he ends up burping during the drive home
As soon as he gets in the car they start rolling out and he’s like “fuck i needed to get that out” or “I’ve been wanting to belch like that all night”
The seatbelt is pressing against his bloated tummy but he has his pants and belt undone
The car windows are up so it starts to smell and Eddie’s like “sorry babe I don’t mean to be gross but my stomach feels really tight”
He’s periodically belching and moaning in relief and it starts to get gross so he’s like “okay eww” and rolls the window down
After some gross ones he’s like “excuse me” or “that felt so good” or “ugh the relief” until another burp comes up and he belches again
Eddie isn’t the type to say excuse me often
But if he knows he’s being super gross he will
Imagine while he’s driving he’s asks you to pat his back so he leans forward while holding the steering wheel
Eddie driving a stick shift and burping as he switches gears
Imagine going to a bar with Eddie and he gets drunk and lays your head on his shoulder and he starts hiccuping until he turns and muffles a belch into your shoulder
And he’s like “sorry :(”
And you’d reassure him and tell him it’s okay because his drunk burps are pretty gross sounding
Sometimes he burps when he’s been drinking and he’ll go “whoa that was nasty”
I love Eddie being aware of how gross his burps are 💀
His drunk burps are super gurgly, long, and deep and they go on foreeeeeever
Imagine the burp finally ends and he gives a small sigh and settles back in
Eddie expressing contentment when a burp feels good >>>>
Eddie’s totally the type to share how good it feels
And he has his hand on his tummy and/or pats his tummy in satisfaction
Imagine Eddie with a flat tummy still letting out monster belches
The contradictory nature of it is so good
Imagine rubbing Eddie’s flat tummy just because it feels good and he burps and you’re surprised cause you can FEEL that he’s not even the least bit bloated
That’s how you know he’s just naturally gassy
He can rip super good burps without even being the least bit bloated
He can force a pretty good burp at literally any time
If you point at him and tell him to burp he absolutely can
In a modern AU, Eddie would definitely burp on call with his friends
They’d come to expect it
They’d be like “oh my god eddie!!! 💀” and he’d be like “sorry *burps again* s’cuse me sorry *burps yet again* oh my god they won’t fucking stop”
And Dustin goes “ohhh my god Eddie shut the fuck up”
Eddie would also definitely burp on FaceTime with Steve in this modern AU
Imagine Steve and Robin are together and Robin hears Steve on FT with someone and she just hears a burp come outta the phone and she’s like “ahh must be Eddie then”
Or Eddie’s mic mutes out of nowhere and Steve’s like “???” And Eddie goes “sorry I had to burp”
He goes “hold on I need to burp” then Steve hears his mic mute and it turns back on a few seconds later and Steve’s like “why’d you bother muting” and Eddie’s like “didn’t wanna blow your eardrums out Stevie”
And Steve’s like “how did you know it was going to be loud” and Eddie’s either like “I just knew” or “they’re always loud Steve”
Imagine Steve and Eddie are on FT and Eddie leaves the room and Steve can hear a loud burp come from the other room through the phone
And he comes back in the room and Steve’s like “nice earthquake impression Munson” and Eddie’s like “HAHA SHUT UP 💀”
Also imagine Eddie doesn’t mute his mic but instead puts his hand over it and turns his head away so Steve can still hear the muffled belch
If Steve’s annoying him he’ll just belch directly into the mic as loud as he can
Imagine Eddie holding his stomach before inhaling and saying he needs to burp
Imagine he puts a hand to his chest and goes “I think I need to burp” and then he tries but it doesn’t come up but ten mins later it comes out and he’s like “oh there it is”
Imagine Eddie on FT with Steve idly playing his guitar and he burps while leaning over it trying to tune it and he just goes “s’cuse” and continues with what he was doing
Eddie nonchalantly excusing himself without really being apologetic is so HJHFKDSHFJKDH
As we’ve already touched on, Eddie’s burps are super loud
And the trailer walls are really thin so people can probably hear his belches from outside the trailer if they’re close enough
I feel like max has probably walked by Eddie’s trailer and just heard a huge belch come from inside and of course she knows damn well who’s responsible
Imagine Wayne burps (certainly not as loud as Eddie) and Eddie’s like “HAH OLD MAN ITS NOT JUST ME”
Wayne can definitely burp pretty loud but not as loud as Eddie
Eddie probably couldn’t out-burp Wayne when he was younger but right around the end of middle school is when he started beating him
And Wayne’s like “Jesus Christ kid 👁👁”
And that’s when he realized Eddie’s burps were absolutely massive
Sometimes the neighbors can hear Eddie playing his loud ass music then they’ll hear a huge belch sound with the music
And they’re like “i guess the Munson boy’s at it again”
Imagine Eddie putting a hand to his chest and going “ooh that one hurt”
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akuma-homura · 10 months
oh fuck yes akuma kourin made it on here too
I desperately want to make a V3 cover of this song, but uh. I do not have the range to get near a lot of the notes for this song, and since it's so distorted, using a vocal remover to rip the vocals for a midi doesn't work either.
eyelash flutter at anyone who might be able to have have a better time doing midis so i can do the cover,,,,? >KICKED
also i'm gonna ramble about this song because... i have a history with it
but also I have a history with this song. Like. Okay, first off, fun fact, it-- or at least the video?? was apparently an april fools project! Like I'm pretty sure at least the video for it was definitely >lets push its dark and ~disturbing~ nature for the giggles-- some parts making this obvious tbh.
But as a kid like, I didn't know this. It struck a chord in me in actually horrifying me. Plus like, admittedly, I was still in my deeply christian raised mindset too, despite some of my likes, so seeing something translating to Devil Ascends or whatever, seeing a pic of baphomet, seeing KAITO on the cross was like. Felt very blasphemous and scared me in that way too wheezes
but I was also. deeply fascinated with it. like it genuinely piqued 14 y/o me's interest despite being scared of it. (this also isn't surprising, my interest and love for KAITO literally started from me actually being creeped out by Yandere KAITO stuff but... being fascinated. Then RP's started, and that sealed it.)
so eventually I, a 14 year old who only knew english despite living in an area and family where I should have also learned Spanish too but it didn't catch with me, wanted to translate it myself to see what the fuck was going on in the song.
Of course, I didn't know Japanese at all. I didn't know how the language worked at all, I didn't even know how sentence structure or word structures worked for it.
But what I did have?
.....2009 era online machine translators.
You can imagine the quality that was spit out by them.
I used multiple of them though, not just Google-- I don't remember the names now, but. I basically translated lines with what was at least 4 different machine translators, also cross referenced some kanji and words with... fuck, was it wikipedia at the time? other google sites? I don't remember, and like. Wrote down my best understanding of the combination thereof.
again. you can imagine the quality of the translation.
BUT. it did at least give me SOMEWHAT of an idea of what was going on in the song... somewhat. Honestly I still felt a bit confused, but there was the general gist of
>...possible demon possession? Demon possession from computer....??? mental breakdown. Trying not to hurt a loved one bc of it I guess???? are they fucking crucifying him. oh he's hoping for god to save him in the final days or something
Honestly. It's one of the 'founding' songs in my head for Proto(the KAITO muse that eventually became 'mansionKai' with retwrites which bacame Kai / Kadin), among other certain yandere KAITO songs.
...because that's the thing, it's also a yandere KAITO song! So that's also some context to think of it in!
I always hoped someone else would see the song and want to do a Proper translation of it, but like... that never happened. Over a decade passed and I never saw a proper, good english translation for it. It's a shame, honestly.
Nowadays, with machine translations, Google Translate has actually notably improved-- and we have the likes of DeepL, too-- but. That doesn't always take into account of context, and other little intricacies when it comes to language and lyrics and such.
And like, I have a cleaned up DeepL translation on the reupload for the song now-- and it IS better than the one I put on it with annotations over a decade ago. But...
It definitely feels like >man. I need someone who actually knows the language and could see things I'm definitely missing to give this song a proper english translation.
(also, I admit, I also sometimes have a hard time grasping even just. how things are said in english sometimes, and what could be better said in english, and such things, so like, that doesn't help)
Anyhow, I do legitimately like the song. The fear of it has obviously passed, and finding out it was an april fools project kind of also has me like >haha. wow. i sure Experienced over what was a joke.
but hey, that's just how art is, I guess.
Honestly, with the DeepL translation, I do feel it still fits as a founding song for Proto, hahaha.
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
(I feel like my ask keeps getting eaten 😭 sorry if it's still in there!)
Hello hello! My name is Kat (20 enby, she/they afab) and I am looking to do some Genshin Impact roleplays! I've been playing since the game came out, but I took a several month break and now that I'm back, I'm entirely obsessed again.
What I'm looking for:
-Anyone 18+ who's willing to write canon characters (or even ocs!) from Genshin Impact!
-Anyone who'd love to talk ooc and world-build, gush over characters, maybe even exchange UIDs, ect.
-Anyone who's literate, and enjoys length replies that really set the scene and help build the story.
- Anyone who is willing to understand that life is busy! Sometimes I won't respond for a couple days but I'll always let you know what's going on and when I should have the next reply out.
What I bring to the table:
-I've been writing for 7 years and I usually stick to multi-paragraph, literate rps. I write at least 2 paragraphs per reply, but I usually write 5-7, sometimes more depending on the scene. Don't worry! There's absolutely no pressure to match me, as long as you give me a couple paragraphs to work with that's fine ^^
-I roleplay on discord in either DM or servers, just let me know!
-I am open to smut! I like a good mix of plot and smut, but smut is something I'm very okay with! I can write tops/bottoms/switches, ect. We can talk about limits and triggers before we get started so we're both comfortable!
-I will write canon characters against your ocs! Also, I will double if that's something you'd like. And hey, if we write well together, who knows? I'd be fine with having more than a few rps if we really click ^^
-I will do most pairings (none of the minor characters obv), and absolutely love rare pairs! I'm fine with fxf, mxf, and mxm (also, nb and trans ocs are very welcome!). Also, I'm definitely down for either canon verse or aus!
Characters I have written:
-Diluc, Kaeya, Lisa, Ayato, Amber, Ayaka
Characters I'd like to try writing:
-Dottore, Itto, Ei, Yoimiya, Eula,  Kokomi, Sara, Beidou, Heizou, Ganyu, Kazuha, Gorou, Sucrose, Thoma, Childe, Miko, Zhongli, Venti
Ships I enjoy:
-Diluven, Chiluc, Eulamber, Thomato, Eimiko, Kaebedo, Chiscara, Kokosara, Ittorou, Itteizo, Itthoma, Jeanlisa, Zhongchi, Yoimiyayaka, Thomayaka, Beigguang
I look forward to hearing from you!! You can like this post, shoot me a message here on Tumblr, or add me directly on discord at @♡𝘒𝘢𝘵♡#5580
(Thank you mods for all you do- you're awesome! 💜)
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underno9 · 1 year
From 'Good Omens' FACE CLAIM: Reece Shearsmith.
under construction.
'Pre-Fall' verse icons created featuring artwork, used with permission, by @elizamaru.
Furfur is 'mutuals only', so must be following back from @vocesusurro. This means that asks, memes, starters, etc are only available to those I am following back on @vocesusurro.
Muns inspiration can vary from time to time and sometimes she can only get herself to reply to certain threads/asks/muses/muns. This is in no way a reflection of you or your muses & is solely down to mun. Mun cannot force herself to reply to something as it will cause her to lose interest and inspiration in more things. We are all here for fun after all.
Furfur is 'mutuals only', so must be following back from @vocesusurro. This means that asks, memes, starters, etc are only available to those I am following back on @vocesusurro.
If you do not have a rules page, mun will not follow back from the main blog.
It is okay for a non-rp blog to follow FurFur and to like an ‘in-character’ thread. But reblogging one is a definite no (the same would go for an rp blog reblogging a thread they are not involved in). If it is done once, you will be contacted and then asked to please remove said reblog/post. If it is done again, you will be soft blocked. If it is done a third time, you will be blocked completely.
Mun will not rp with any comic/animated/game characters.
moths (and to a lesser extent, butterflies).
( if you could tag any pictures of moths & butterflies with tw: moths & tw: butterflies, it would be greatly appreciated. )
Mun will do their best to tag triggers, but some may still be missed (not intentionally). If something triggers you, or you feel something should be tagged, please let mun know.
As Furfur is a demon, dark content may be found within. Mun will do their best to tag everything accordingly.
Mun would prefer to be asked about shipping before something is started. Exceptions may happen if I have rped with you before.
There will be nsfw content found within, which will all be tagged with ‘nsfw’ ( and nsfwish to a lesser extent). If mun misses something, please let them know so that it can be tagged.
Furfur will not participate in smut immediately with anyone. Furfur is not someone who will take being even flirted with easily so even memes of that kind will need something to have been developed before. Mun prefers to have things to develop naturally.
If you would like to plot, do a starter or just talk about a wishlist idea I have for one of my muses, you will have to either comment, IM or send an Ask as my anxiety makes it extremely difficult to approach, even for these.
Muns name is Shelley.
They is in England.
Both mun and Furfur are 21+ (Furfur is 6000+ & Immortal).
Mun has a special needs daughter who is autistic with severe learning difficulties. If muns daughter takes her away from Tumblr, please be patient.
Mun is autistic (diagnosed January 2021) & is still learning about what that means for her. Please be patient with them.
Mun has a condition called ’hypermobility syndrome’ which affects all ligaments in their body.
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Anon asked: munday no-no and yes-yes list ☠️ ✋ 💘 💞 🔍 😊 🐶 munday no-no and yes-yes list
Ohhh boy, here's a long one-
Send ☠️ for something that will result in a instant unfollow from you
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This one is simple. One thing I absolutely will not stand for is guilt-tripping on the dash. If I see you posting stuff that makes people feel guilty about something, especially things they can't help, then I definitely won't stick around for it. I see people all too often hating on the dash because they don't get any interactions, or some sort of drama that's going on. Most of the time, it's people who get interactions, but they ignore most attempts, and drama that does NOT need to be brought up to other people.
I also am heavily against people who use their mental health as a guilt mechanism. It's incredibly selfish to do, and as a person who also suffers from mental health issues, I hate seeing it. Don't make people feel bad because of your mental health. It just means that perhaps a difference in how it's being treated is needed. If you really need to get it out somewhere, your RP blog isn't the place for it.
Send ✋ for a prompt/plot/concept/ anything you refuse to role play
I have actually, surprisingly, never come across anything I won't RP. So I can't offer a proper answer to this, but one thing I will mention is that I don't see what I write as reality. Just because I write something, doesn't mean I condone it. This seems to be a hard thing for people to grasp nowadays. But I do write some of the topics I do because of trauma, and it's a way to relieve it, especially when it's heavy on my mind. If you don't like something I write, please block the trigger tag, as I try to be as careful as possible about it.
Send 💘 for your policy on shipping with your muse(s)
Chemistry is one of the biggest things in regard to this. I do not write to ship. I do not write to get sexual interactions. If it leads to that, that's great! But I want chemistry in my relations for my muses. I want things to be explored for the characters in these relationships, to see how they tackle various things that can come up.
I have some ships that I like more than others, but that does NOT mean I will instantly ship. We need to interact first, to gain chemistry and see what kind of relationships our muses can have. Just because A muse is in a relationship with one version of a character, does not mean it'll end the same way between our muses. Sometimes it just doesn't click, and sometimes it does, and that's okay.
Send 💞 for your policy on pre-established relationships with your muse(s)
More often than not, this is mainly in regard to canon characters. I don't mind preestablished relations, for most types. I only really accept romantic relations after talking with the mun in question. This should be a given, but sadly it isn't anymore.
As long as it's talked about beforehand in regards to something outside of canon, I don't mind doing it. It'll take effort on both sides and once again, communication is key for this sort of thing. If you can properly communicate with me, I'm all for it.
Send 🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs
There are a handful of things I look for, and I doubt I'll be sent anymore for this meme, so I'll answer for more than one thing here. Muse pages, rules pages, intractability status (Mutuals only, Hiatus, etc.), and mun age are big ones. These are considered common courtesy and should be on every RP blog. Sadly, it isn't, and it leads me to usually result in not following.
Are people mobile-friendly? It's more common now, but there are still people who refuse to admit to the fact that not everyone has the time to get on a computer, and there are even people who don't have one to use. However, I also just prefer to use mobile-friendly links a lot on my own laptop, if only because it's literally one of the only ways to see links on some blogs. People have them so hard to find anymore, so these quick links make it easier to see their pages.
These are the biggest ones I look for, though there are other things, too.
Send 😊 for likable quality for a role play mun to have
Communication. Please. I feel like my answers so far make that obvious.
Send  🐶 for a role play related pet peeve.
The. Grainy. Icons.
The tiny icons where you can barely even see who the character is, much less what they look like. The fact this is so common makes me question if people recall the purpose of icons. Sure, they're not needed, but I'd prefer people not use them at all to interact with me than put a heavily bordered 80 x 80 PSD heavy icon in a reply. I have bad eyesight, and even if I didn't if I can show people that icon and they can't tell what's on it while knowing the characters, then there's an issue.
Make icons great again 2024-
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