#but this was fun to see Takuya again
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“The Lost Boy,” Spider-Boy (Vol. 2/2024), #9.
Writer: Dan Slott; Penciler: Nathan Stockman; Inker: Paco Medina; Colorist: Erick Arciniega; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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windfighter · 8 months
Schools and bees
Or: I had no idea how to title this story
Hello Frontier-tag, did you miss me? :P
I dunno, I've been rotating Takuya and Kouji as parents in my head a bit lately and I got this idea but then it didn't want to work out exactly as I wanted it (not that my stories ever do anyway) but I'm still kind of happy with it
Kouji sounds like a headdoctor and that's because he is and Ryousuke is a little too mature for his age probably, but whatever *head in hands* Anyway, enjoy :3
Kouji was putting dishes away. Takuya had left, taken Kitty to school and was probably going to take his time coming back home. Bumblebee was in the living room, playing a game on the television. Kouji wasn’t sure which one, but he could hear shooting. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Put the last of the dishes away before heading to the living room.
Kouji’s eyes fell onto the television. Some kind of fighting-game, Takuya’s favorites. Bumblebee was sitting on the floor infront of the television, still in his pyjamas. Kouji sat down on the couch.
”Hey”, he said.
Bumblebee’s shoulders got tense. Kouji could understand it.
”It’s the third day in a row you stay home from school”, he continued.
”You told us it’s fine”, Bumblebee answered.
Short, voice tense. As if he expected Kouji to be angry. Kouji wasn’t.
”It is”, Kouji said. ”And I understand if you don’t trust me enough to say what’s wrong.”
Being a parent was still new to him. Weird. He and Takuya still argued about how to handle it. It was hard for the kids too, he could tell. Bumblebee had three families prior to ending up in their care. He didn’t talk much about it, didn't remember the first two at all, but Kouji could tell it hadn’t been great. Still, Bumblebee was adapting well to their family and Kouji just hoped nothing would happen, that Bumblebee would be able to stay with them.
Missing too much of school, however, could make the social workers take him away from them. Kouji didn’t want to stress Bumblebee out with it though. Bumblebee finished the fight, stared at the character selection for the next one.
”It’s the other kids”, he whispered.
Kouji just barely heard it. He didn’t move from the couch, just put his arm against the armrest.
”They say you and dad can’t be my parents.”
Kouji wasn’t sure what to answer, or if he even should. Bumblebee made a choice, then paused the game.
”That… that dad’s only using me to get into their parents.”
Kouji almost snorted. Takuya didn’t need anything or anyone for that.
”Papa… why didn’t mom love me?”
Oh… Kouji’s heart broke a little and he got up from the couch, sat down on the floor next to Bumblebee.
”I think she did”, Kouji said.
”But she gave me away!”
Kouji didn’t know the story. They had just been told that there had been previous families, that Bumblebee was a hard child to care for and that they had been searching for a fosterhome where he would be the only child. The only reason they let Takuya and Kouji take him despite Kitty was because Kouji’s profession. And that everyone else had pulled out when they explained all the trouble Bumblebee had given previous families.
”I’m sorry”, Kouji said. ”We aren’t allowed to know anything about your mother. I wouldn’t even know how to begin searching for her if you wanted to meet her.”
”It’s not that”, Bumblebee said.
But Kouji could tell it was. That he was desperate to meet his mother, ask her why, maybe even yell at her for leaving him.
”If it ever is that”, Kouji just said, ”once you get old enough so they let you have access to that information, we’ll do everything we can to help you find her. And your dad, if you want to.”
”You and dad are my dads.”
Kouji still felt weird being called ’dad’. Kitty just called him by his name.
”I’m glad”, he said. ”Just letting you know we’ll be here for you if you want to find your biological family.”
Bumblebee started the game again. More shooting. Kouji tried not to flinch at it, put a hand against his chest.
”Maybe we can go to the park when Takuya comes home”, he said.
To distract himself more than Bumblebee, if he was honest. Bumblebee didn’t answer and Kouji watched as the match was fought out and lost. Not every battle is a winning one.
”...why do you think she loved me?” Bumblebee asked.
Once again quietly, barely audible. Kouji leaned back, looked at the ceiling. How could he formulate himself?
”A lot of the kids who end up in foster care do so because the government take them from their families. Because their parents are starving them or hitting them or in other ways posing a danger to the kids”, he started. ”Some because both their parents died and they have no other relative who could care for them.”
Bumblebee knew all of this already. They had held long conversations with both him and Kitty about foster homes and adoption and the reality of it all. Takuya had wanted younger kids at first, to raise as their own, keep anything about the adoption quiet until the child was at least a teenager. Kouji had refused. A baby would have been too much for him, and there was always a line with people wanting babies. They could help better if they accepted an older kid.
Kouji shook his head. He didn’t need to get lost down memory lane right now.
”But she left you there”, Kouji continued. ”I’m not a mindreader, so I can’t tell her intentions, or why, I can only speculate based on experience and people I’ve met. And giving up your own kid to someone else is the most heartbreaking thing for most people, often only done out of desperation, a knowledge that they can’t care for the child at all, no matter how hard they try.”
Kouji grabbed the other controller, joined the game. He had never enjoyed fighting games, got enough fighting from the real world, but it was a good bonding experience.
”I think she loved you, and she wanted you to live and grow, because otherwise she’d have left you unattended in a corner, or out in the woods.”
He choose a character that didn’t use guns, and noticed Bumblebee do the same. They started the fight in silence, played in silence. The sounds of the game echoed throughout the apartment. Kouji lost, but he hadn’t expected anything else.
”You and dad are so weird”, Bumblebee said.
Kouji snorted. Yeah, they were. He put a hand on Bumblebee’s shoulder and Bumblebee leaned against him.
”They say no one can love me, since mom didn’t”, Bumblebee whispered.
”They’re wrong”, Kouji said and wrapped his arm around Bumblebee, ”but you probably won’t be able to convince them about that.”
He sighed. Kids could be cruel, and adults were often more hindrance than help.
”Do you want us to do anything?” he asked. ”Talk to the teachers or the principal? Look for another school?”
”Can’t I just stay home with you and dad?”
”You know what we think about that. It’s fine that you need to stay at home sometimes, but school is important.”
”I know…”
Bumblebee shuffled through the characters. Kouji gave him a sideways hug.
”I want you to spend some time today thinking about it”, he said. ”What we can do to make school better for you. We’ll talk it over later tonight, or tomorrow. Okay?”
The door opened, Takuya was back home. Bumblebee nodded, decided on a character.
”Tadaima!” Takuya called into the apartment. ”How’s my favorite guys?”
”Welcome home”, Kouji answered. ”Can you give me a hand?”
Takuya entered the livingroom, laughed when he saw Kouji on the floor.
”Sometimes you’re like 80 years old, man.”
”I know, dear. Help please.”
”Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
He stepped up to them, held a hand out for Kouji. Kouji grabbed it, let go of Bumblebee, and Takuya pulled him to his feet before ruffling Bumblebee’s hair.
”And how’s my little man doing? Enjoying the game?”
”Papa told me to figure out my life”, Bumblebee said.
Kouji snorted.
”I did not tell you that. Just how you want everything with the other kids to work out.”
Kouji pressed the heel of his hand into his tigh and Takuya glanced at him. It wasn’t painful, just annoying, and Kouji shook his head.
”I’m fine. We talked about going to the park or something as well. Whatever Bumblebee wants to.”
”I want to go to the football museum!”
”Football museum it is”, Takuya agreed. ”They open at ten so we have time for a couple rounds in the game first.”
Takuya sat down on the floor, grabbed the controller Kouji had left there. Kouji patted Bumblebee’s shoulder again.
”I’m not going to tell you it’ll get better”, he said, because he couldn’t promise that, ”but we’ll do anything we can to try. We care about you a lot.”
”Papa’s been emotionally stunted since he was a kid”, Takuya joked. ”What he means is that we love you and we want you to be happy no matter what.”
Kouji’s cheeks got hot. Bumblebee didn’t answer, just waited for Takuya to choose a character. Kouji ruffled Takuya’s hair.
”If you need help up later I will laugh”, he said.
”Me too”, Takuya agreed and laughed. ”Probably Ryousuke as well. We’ll have a laughing party.”
He leaned back, looked at Kouji.
”You’ll be okay if we play this game?”
”I’ll be fine”, Kouji said. ”But I am going to hide in the study and do some work. Racoon sent me a mail yesterday that I need to answer.”
”Tell him I love his name”, Takuya said with another laugh. ”He should come over for dinner sometime.”
”Daaaad”, Bumblebee interrupted. ”Choose someone already!”
”Alright, alright. Anyone of these play football?”
Kouji started leaving, heard Takuya choose someone, turn around.
”We leave in an hour”, he said.
”Just knock on the door”, Kouji said, ”I’ll be ready.”
”Hai, have fun working.”
”Have fun gaming.”
He left, entered the study and closed the door behind himself. Sank down in the chair, leaned back and closed his eyes, focused on taking deep breaths. He couldn’t hear the game in there, they had made sure to soundproof the room and either way the television hadn’t been that loud. He opened the laptop, started it. He’d answer Racoon’s mail and then look up school’s in their area, just so he knew some of their options if Bumblebee wanted to find a new one.
Racoon's name is actually Richard Allan Coon. He studies Racoons. Yes, I did that on purpose because it was fun. Kouji also thought it was hilarious
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
What's something bad all the character's do when in a relationship? (I think you might have done this before???? But I can't find it)
Oh lmao, a lot of these are minor issues but here's what I think!
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Mikey- wants to always sleep with his old towel that he never let's you wash, tries to share it with you too even though it's too small and then gets pouty when it doesn't cover you both.
Draken- sometimes he gets a bit too invested motorbike, will ignore you for it.
Takemichi- says he'll handle dinner but then just gets takeout instead of cooking.
Baji- will leave bed in the middle of the night to go feed cats without you waking up "damn it Keisuke, I wanted to see the cats too!"
Chifuyu- uses manga for all his date ideas (ok this actually sounds kinda cute but be prepared for him to have the manga with him on the date and peak at it like an instruction manual throughout)
Mitsuya- works too hard
Hakkai- occasionally when he wakes up he forgets he's ok to talk to you and gets nervous all over again in his sleepy state
Pah- talks too loudly on the phone (he says it's because he's excited to talk to you but still shhhhh)
Peh- wants to invite Pah with you guys on all your dates
Smiley- threatens to kill you when you sneak up on him and kiss him (he's just a bit flustered and panicking)
Angry- takes your injuries too seriously, a tiny paper cut? Be prepared to have a bunch of plasters put on it (a kiss too)
Mucho- sir we cannot fix every argument with cheese cake
Sanzu- will follow you around to make sure you're safe at times
Kisaki- just assumes you're as good at maths as he is, will ask you random maths questions while you grocery shop to figure out prices and deals. You keep having to explain the need for a calculator to him.
Hanma- will try to irritate you just because he finds your angry reaction "cute and fun"
Kazutora- is a bit too clingy at times, be prepared to be late for work because of hugs.
Hina- will tidy up your stuff and make you lose it
Emma- insists on you having a special cute ringtone specifically for her and your phone can't be on silent.
Naoto- is very secretive about his police work,  will not tell you how his day has been.
Akkun- begs to do practice hair cuts on you, will chase you around with a pair of scissors begging you.
Takuya- tries to act too strong when he's sick, he doesn't want to seem weak to you so he takes on too much and ends up getting worse. 
Makoto- won't stop stealing your underwear 
Yamagishi- will tell you delinquent facts at the most random times, be prepared to hear about old fights while brushing your teeth.
Koko- panics over what to buy you for birthdays because he just spoils you all throughout the year, pouts close to your birthday.
Inui- can walk better in heels then you
Taiju- laughs too loud, if you're not expecting it then it can cause you to jump.
Yuzuha- Too many other people wanting her attention, easy to feel forgotten about sometimes.
Izana- talks to his fish about you but you never know what he's saying because he always stops when he sees you (he's actually just saying how in love he is but you don't know that)
Kakucho- is so nervous about you meeting izana and wanting the two of you to get along that he sweats the whole time during that first meeting (you and izana bond over teasing him about it)
Mochi- finds it easy to carry you so will sometimes just randomly pick you up if he feels you're walking too slow.
Ran- keeps low key insulting your hair when talking about his own (takes you to the salon often too)
Rindou- gets overly competitive with you at the gym, he may love you but he's not going easy on you (though I feel like a lot of you won't complain about the limb locking)
Shion- accidentally let slip he was planning to propose like a week early.
Senju- will randomly grab your hand and start quickly running if she wants to show you something (good luck with keeping up with her)
Takeomi- will steal the blankets as you're sleeping 
Wakasa- if he thinks you're talking too much or grinding your teeth or something then he'll just place his dango stick in your mouth.
Shinichiro- be prepared for cheesy pick up lines 24/7 (he wants you to say them back too)
Benkei- sometimes just throws his clothes at your head randomly (he actually wants you to wear them but instead of just asking you'll suddenly be plunged into darkness by a jacket landing on your head.
South- will sometimes randomly serenade you, even in public causing everyone to stare.
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saerins · 7 months
HeyYy I’m a little slow but how did eita and yn realize that they were into each other in that way or desired each other like that? (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN 😜) Like did eita just hit yn with “dtf? 😈” on a random Thursday orrrr 😭
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extra chapter: blurred
꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — part of priceless. eita doesn’t understand why it irks him seeing other guys hit on you. after one night together with you, he at least knows he’s fucked.
content: otoya eita x female reader. smut. takes place in university, before “friendship”. eita calls reader princess, alcohol, profanity, mentions of death, penetration, spanking, cunnilingus, virgin!reader, eita makes reader cum multiple times. word count: 3.3k
༝༚༝༚ hahahaha i am so normal about university!yn & otoya guys … so completely normal </3 side to nonnie: yn and eita have always found each other attractive ! they just never thought they’d go that far at first :)
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you’ve always been like this, so why does it bother him more than ever?
two months. that’s how long it’s been since you two talked. for two people who always talk shit all day long everyday, that’s a long time. it’s eita’s fault. he knows. maybe he shouldn’t have been so vocal about how you should act. it’s not his place.
he knows that.
he hasn’t apologised.
it’s a saturday night, and you’re just out having fun with your course mates—it’s not illegal. and eita’s with his bandmates, and a date to top it off—some girl who came up to him after a performance and said she was a fan; in hindsight it was probably just to get into his pants and yet she’s still here, two dates later.
she’s here, and he knows she’s probably beside him wondering why the fuck he’s staring at some other girl when she’s grinding against him but he can’t help himself. no matter how loud the music, no matter how crowded the club, no matter how miss bombshell here rubs her ass against him, he can’t tear his eyes away from you.
you don’t like to club. you barely like those people you’re with. eita knows why you’re acting like this.
so unserious. so smiley. so forced.
“oi, takuya,” eita calls out to one of his bandmates, setting his whiskey, neat on their table. “she’s all yours,” he says, shoving the poor miss bombshell to his bandmate, her cries of objection going unheard because he’s making his way to you.
there’s a guy trying to feel you up, your course mate. what the fuck is his name again?
“yes, shiro?” eita hears you coo once he’s close enough.
right, shiro takanori. notorious playboy, almost as notorious as eita. born rich, heir to one of the most exclusive resort clubs in japan, already in a couple of big modelling gigs thanks to his naturally good looks. silver spoon, trust fund idiot who has his hands on your hips and such lustful eyes and that smirk that says he knows he’s going to get exactly what he wants.
unluckily for him, eita’s here. and like hell is he ever going to be so lucky to bring you back home to his mansion.
with a firm grip around your bare waist—because of course you had to wear something so sexy tonight, that black single shoulder strap crop top of yours—eita cuts in, only shooting shiro a warning glare before pulling you aside, dragging you behind him.
“hey, what the fuck?” you protest once he stops at the empty booth near the side. you sound frustrated, and upset, and somehow eita knows what the fuck is going on inside that little still-twisted mind of yours. “i was talking to him, you know?”
eita scowls, the most judgemental look on his face as he listens to you. “yeah? were you trying to seduce him too or what?”
there’s a defiant look in your eyes. you’re only a little tipsy, so you still have the better part of your common sense with you. “so what if i was? how’s that any of your business?”
what a way to have your first big disagreement since you became friends. this is the part where both of you are thankful that the music’s too loud for anyone else to hear you.
eita scoffs, tongue poking against his inner cheek as he looks at you in disbelief. he’s not an infinitely patient person. especially not when he’s looking at you not behaving like yourself. he takes a step back, leaning against the wall, hands in his pants pocket as he looks from the bigger picture.
your father just died not long ago. you have to deal with your mother and the inhumane way she treats you. you have to make sure you score well for everything lest they take your scholarship away.
you’re losing it.
so much so that you’re willing to look for someone like shiro takanori to relieve your pain. eita doesn’t get it—he’s right here. is he worse than shiro?
“you know what? forget it,” you sigh, your eyes glazing over, the potential tears betraying your spiteful exterior. you don’t say anything else before you’re storming out of the club, with eita struggling to catch up behind you.
he’s calling out your name but you ignore him. he’s sure. your hearing isn't that bad. and fuck because it’s raining and you’re too stubborn to stop and so is he so he ends up running after you, both of you soaked to the bone because it’s quite heavy and he thinks you find solace in it since it can mask your tears.
the intersection where the both of you meet before school starts because the diner you like is just around the corner—that’s where he catches up to you. eita’s fingers connect around your wrist and you try to yank it away but it’s no use.
“let go of me.”
the rain’s pouring all around you and your voice isn’t even clear but eita can’t let you go. not when he knows he’s guilty of leaving you alone when he shouldn’t have. all because of his stupid pride.
maybe he should’ve listened to you.
is that what you need? distraction?
it’s simple and complicated both at the same time. eita doesn’t care about your small crushes and fleeting flings, but why does he care so much back there, when he saw you with shiro like that?
before he knows it, his hand is pulling you in by the back of your neck, his lips on yours and it’s so much better than he imagined. yeah, he’s imagined what it’d be like to kiss you recently, for some reason. and you must really need the distraction, because you’re kissing him back.
“what was that for?” you ask, breathily, foreheads pressing together as your fingers fist at his shirt.
it takes everything in eita to pull away, not that it’s because he has any form of self control when it comes to these things, but partly because of the rain and partly because of the conscious fact that you’re one of his best friends and that until tonight, he never thought he’d actually ever cross a line with you.
eita ignores your question because it’s too tempting not to. “let’s get out of this rain, it’s all your fucking fault,” eita murmurs, though his strong words are cancelled out by his hands around yours as he walks with you in the direction back to the dorms.
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“here.” eita tosses you one of his clean jerseys, the one he wears for the national team. you once told him that’s your favourite one. you always steal his shit. “i need that for my next game though, so don’t stash that away.”
you snort, “didn’t know you realised.”
eita looks at you from over his shoulder, white hair matted against his face, a squinted stare as he deadpans at you. “of course i did, you stole three jerseys and one windbreaker.”
just like you are when you’re around him, eita realises you’re so shameless, your grin lighting up your face. “and you let me.” because you of all people know he always asks for his jerseys back, especially after all his random dates try to wear it and never return it. (he’s already gotten in trouble for that with his coach once.)
do you even know what you’re doing? eita thinks you don’t. it’s just the way you are, it’s how you act—this is all natural to you, not forced.
his gaze falls to your bare skin not concealed by your crop top, to your legs under that pleated skirt. thank fuck he didn’t let you get too carried away with shiro.
“change and then get out,” eita tells you, pulling his shirt over his head. he doesn’t think he can stand another minute with you here looking like that; hair a mess, soaked top to bottom, makeup slightly smudged and yet still looking like a fucking vision.
it’s very annoying, actually.
why’d he have to insist on making friends with you that day?
“mean,” you mumble, and eita ignores you. because you need to get out of here, and fast, before he regresses to fifteen minutes ago when he couldn’t control himself. and you’re like a spoiled brat, purposefully saying shit that you know will get under his skin. “hm, maybe i’ll ask shiro if he’s still at the club.”
shit like that.
“are you—” but the moment eita turns around, you’re suppressing a grin. stupid, just trying to rile him up. but it’s not like you won’t go looking for it—distractions. you will. you’ll look for bad news because that’s what you need right now.
he gives up. he gives up on trying to play the role of a good friend. you’re testing his limits and it turns out they’re not really that high. and lucky for you, he’s always found you pretty. you’re so fucking pretty and you’re interesting, even with the way you’re inching closer to him right now.
“fuck, you’re too much,” eita murmurs under his breath, the last of his will being stripped away. he’s already letting his hands pull you closer.
“i can always find someone else,” you whisper, both of you avoiding each other’s gaze.
“don’t you dare.” no, eita doesn’t want that. fuck, why doesn’t he want to share? he uses his fingers to tip your chin up, searching your eyes for the answers he already knows. “you wanna forget, y/n?”
you nod, the recollection of everything that’s happened within the past few months already threatening to make the tears fall. but eita catches you before they do, because he knows you’re so stubborn that you’d rather hold everything back than let them out, even if it’s him.
“just physical, ‘kay?”
eita nearly scoffs, but his tongue is too busy to let him. “yeah yeah, if you end up falling for real i’ll kill you,” he says, in between kisses, both of you ending up on the bed, eita hovering over your body as he marks your neck.
“don’t worry, you won’t have to.”
maybe it’s the fact that he never thought that he’d ever touch you like this, make out with you in his room, that he’s already hard as a rock even without doing anything yet. his mouth travels downward—neck, collarbone, chest—and your moans only get louder.
there’s a way that your voice makes him excited more than he usually is, the way your chest is heaving that urges him to devour you right then and there. his hands travel down to your thighs, pulling them apart, and the way your head pops up to look at him when his lips press kisses on your thigh—those sweet, innocent eyes—makes him pause.
“you’ve never done it before?” eita asks, softer in comparison to the loudness of the rainstorm outside.
and the moment you hesitantly shake your head, eita feels his heart beating faster in his chest. yeah, definitely a good idea to have taken you away from shiro. he swallows the lump in his throat, the idea that he’ll be your first seems strangely enticing.
it’s not surprising to him though, considering you’ve never had a boyfriend since he’s known you, and with the way you’re so stiff, anyone can tell.
eita’s hands smoothly caress your skin as he gets up, looking over your body once. “tell me if you ever want me to stop,” he tells you, hands travelling underneath your top, slowly lifting it up and off of you, your face tilted to the side, too awkward to look at him. you know he’s been with multiple girls—most of which you know are models and the like. it makes you a little self conscious of your own body, but eita doesn’t care. “look at me.”
you do, your eyes travelling to his face first, looking at the barely contained lust from behind his green irises. he’s already half naked, so you can see again now, just how toned he is, eyes shamelessly dragging over his form. but so is his, his hand now snaking up your thighs, pulling your skirt up over your stomach, the way you wear that bold lace lingerie driving him crazy.
wordlessly, you sit up on the edge of the bed, your boldness taking centre stage, fingers unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, the cunning in your eyes looking so, so attractive to him. you even know to pull a condom out of his pocket.
“i know you, otoya eita,” you whisper, and eita doesn’t doubt it. if anything, you’re probably the only person who knows him as well as you do. nobody else comes close.
he takes the condom from you, opening it with his teeth while you get rid of his boxers before handing it to you, a smirk on his face. “first lesson, innocent girl,” he says, a thumb caressing your cheek. “put it on for me.”
with a sneaky grin, you stick your tongue out, giving his tip a little kitten lick before anything else—what are you trying to do, give him a heart attack? eita can barely contain himself just looking at you like this; slightly wet and looking sexy as hell. fuck, he’s so fucked, he wants to know what it feels like to be inside of you so bad. a muffled groan rumbles in his throat, and you take that as a sign to lick a stripe up his length some more, making him throw his head back, taking the chance to roll the condom over his dick. his hand comes up to your hair and tugs on it, pulling you away.
“be a good girl and lie the fuck down, now,” he tells you, though it doesn’t matter since he pushes you down, immediately pulling your panties aside and relishing in how wet you are. soaking, and not from the rain. “nobody’s ever touched you there before, huh, y/n?” he wraps his arms under your thighs and pulls you closer to the edge of the bed.
eita’s breath is hot against your pussy, partially covered by the lace before he tugs it to the side again, kissing the area around it, watching as you clench around nothing. “e-eita, please—”
he snorts—you don’t even know what you want, do you? you just know that you can’t get rid of the frustration by yourself. no, because no matter how you’ve ever helped yourself in the past, if you ever did, eita’s going to make you feel a lot better. good enough to make you forget everything.
he’ll just give you a taste of your own medicine, giving your clit a quick little lick, watching as you squirm just from that alone. resigning, he pushes a finger inside you—just one, he doesn’t want to break you just yet—watching your face as your back arches, the pleasured moan that rolls off your tongue threatening to make him addicted. you’re so wet and so hot and you’re his best friend but fuck that, he wants you. physically. every. single. part of you.
you’re already wet enough, but his mouth lingers longer on your pussy, licking your folds and tasting every bit of you. he likes the way you moan his name, and the way your fingers grasp at the sheets and his hair. you’re a lot more addictive than any other girl he’s ever met and fuck if he’s going to let this be the one and only time he gets to have you.
eita pulls his finger out of you, lining his dick in front of your entrance, moving the hair away from your face. you’re all hot and bothered and he really wants to know what you look like when you’re getting fucked. probably better than anything he’s ever seen—in person or on video.
he leans down, hands on either side of you, silently begging you to just tell him to stop but you don’t. your hands only trace a trail down his chest and he can’t keep still anymore.
“fuck, can’t take it anymore,” he groans into your ear, body pressed on top of yours as he gently nibs on your lobe. “i’ll try to go slow, okay? but you’re so fucking hot like this i can’t promise it won’t hurt.”
“just do it, i don’t care, i need you,” you tell him, all rushed and muffled because both of you are at your wit’s end.
that’s all the confirmation he needs before he’s slowly pushing himself into you, groaning out your name as he feels your tight, gummy walls through the latex, your nails already digging into his back.
“you okay?” he asks, stilling for a moment.
“i’ll get used to it,” you tell him, feeling the burn from the stretch of your first time. “just fuck me already, please.”
shit-eating smirk on his face, he mocks you, white hair falling all over you, the messiness of it only making him look even more like bad news. he moves his hips achingly slow, watching every minor change in your expression, from the way your brows arch to the way you bite your lip.
“we’re alone in here, princess, don’t hide your sounds,” he tells you, a hint of condescension in his tone.
until tonight, you didn’t think you’d ever let him touch you like this, feel you this intimately. yet here he is, pushing your bra up and putting your nipple in his mouth while he fucks into you, tongue flicking at your perky bud, making you feel all sorts of things you’ve never experienced before.
and you listen to him, his name falling out your mouth more times tonight than it has since the time you’ve known him—his lips moving from your chest to your neck to your lips, hungry as if he absolutely needs to claim his territory on every part of you.
eita shifts so that he can look at all of you, watch as your breasts bounce as he thrusts in and out of you, watch as your slick coats the base of his dick as you beg him not to stop, as if he could. fuck, he could cum just like this but he doesn’t want it to end so soon. you’ve already creamed around him what, twice now? you’re sensitive, oh so sensitive, squirming at every slight movement, mewling uncontrollably as he pinches your clit, threatening to cum again when he turns you around, gets you on your knees, slapping your ass.
how the fuck is he supposed to fuck anybody else now when you’re the most perfect girl he’s ever seen?
you arch your back, propped up on your palms as you look over your shoulder at him, his hips still moving, controlling himself as he makes absolutely sure to savour this moment tonight. 
but, like always, you always find a way to surprise him, mischief behind those eyes as you smirk at him; you smirk at him like you know how much he loves this.
“eita.” the way you say his name is so dangerous—like he’s caught in your web with no way out. “cum inside me?”
and just like that, he obeys, unintentionally, his body toppling on top of you, the weakest, guttural moan coming out of him ever as he feels you cumming at the same time too, his fingers rubbing circles on your clit, riding you through it.
fuck, he thinks as he looks at you under him, both of you wet from the rain or sweating, he can’t even tell, but what he knows is that he’s so, so fucked after what happened tonight.
shit, he wants more of you. 
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yumeka-sxf · 2 months
There were two panels related to Spy x Family at Anime Expo this year, with the first on Day 1 being Toho Animation's panel featuring both Spy x Family and Kaiju No.8.
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The panel started with the SxF portion, with the special guests being the series director, Kazuhiro Furuhashi, and the CODE: White director, Takashi Katagiri. They also had the six SxF ThreeZero figures on the stage with them 😀
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The MC asked them some questions, like what their favorite scenes were from their respective works and who their favorite character is. They also showed behind-the-scenes footage of both the Loid/Fiona tennis match in season 1, and Yor's fight scene against Type F in the movie. We got to see both of these scenes in rough animatic sketch form and then in line art form, which was pretty cool (it wasn't clear if photo/video was prohibited at this panel, but I didn't want to risk it by being caught blatantly recording these exclusive clips, lol). Then they showed off some of Anya's unused outfits from the movie.
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At the end, they showed this original illustration by Kyoji Asano, made specifically for this event 😁
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And that was it for the SxF part of the panel before they moved on to Kaiju No.8...and to be honest, it kinda overshadowed the SxF part, mostly because it featured two of the main Kaiju No.8 voice actors, one of which was extremely hilarious and charismatic. Plus there were a lot more segments compared to the SxF part. The interview with the guests seemed longer, they did three live voice overs, showed a pre-recorded special message from the band that performs the Kaiju No.8 opening, and then they took a group photo with the audience (and maybe something else that I'm forgetting). It seemed like the SxF part took up about 35% of the panel's time while Kaiju No.8 took up 65%. Not sure why it felt so unbalanced, but it was still fun.
Next was the panel on Day 3 for Production IG and their related studios WIT and Signal MD. Heads of each studio were there, including George Wada from WIT. Photo/video wasn't allowed once the panel started, but it basically consisted of an interview with the different guests, then trailers/teasers for their upcoming projects, then a Q&A session.
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WIT is the studio that makes SxF, so I was hoping for any news about season 3, specifically if WIT would be more involved with it than they were with season 2. For those who don't know, season 1 of SxF was made by both WIT Studio and Cloverworks. But when they decided to make both season 2 and the movie in 2023, they split up the work, with WIT focusing on the movie while Cloverworks did pretty much all the work on season 2 (which is why the animation in season 1 and season 2 looks a bit different). According to this tweet, the official staff listing for season 3 is the same as season 2, meaning WIT will once again have little involvement. But despite this, they had a slide during the presentation with the season 3 promo image (preceded by the CODE: White teaser trailer, which made the crowd go wild - glad there were lots of SxF fans in the audience!) George Wada also said in regards to season 3 that they're "working hard on it."
I wanted to confirm during the Q&A if WIT would again take a backseat during season 3's production as well, but unfortunately the panel only had a few minutes left when it was close to my turn, and then they opted to pick a few random people in line for their last questions (which I thought was kind of unfair). Guess we'll just have to wait and see if anything changes with that staff listing once we get closer to season 3's release.
Overall, while Takuya Eguchi's appearance at last year's AX was more fun, it was still cool to attend this year's SxF-related panels as well. Hopefully season 3 will either be airing or close to being released at next year's AX, so we'll have even more SxF events!
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piracytheorist · 10 months
Episode 34 notes!
I was a little surprised we had a "previously on" part on this one. Were they trying to fill up time? XD
I do love, though, that they thought it very important for us to see this face (and getup) of Loid's again.
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Best Spy of Westalis, everyone.
Anyway, onto the action! Damn McMahon scared me he was going to die, with how he lay there slumped like that.
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Yor really got a second wind after her realization. Seconds ago she was barely able to lift her head up, and now she's up and fighting with multiple open wounds, and still getting the katana guy all bruised up and tired.
And I'm thinking, she believes Loid would forgive the blood on her hands and the fact that she may have to leave them, because he'd see how she's done it for the betterment of the world... and he actually would, because he's doing the same. We now need to see that she'll provide the same understanding and forgiveness when his secret comes out.
I find it a little funny that all this deathly action was taking place up above and everyone else, even Twilight, were none the wiser. Like we go from Yor and Katana Guy fighting to the death and then there's Anya jumping from excitement from the fireworks and Loid just being like "I'm glad you had fun".
And again, following what he thinks is her worries, he apologizes for not being able to find Yor. He's determined to comfort her and I find that so sweet. And then
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Anya may be realizing she's too young to have the attention span needed for a professional spy. She's prioritizing fun without realizing it, and to the detriment of her plans, Loid is actually enabling that XD I love my weird family XD
Loid finds out about the bombs and though his spy training tells him to stay out of it and leave it to the SSS to handle the crisis, his knack for amassing responsibility rears its head.
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He not only considers the worst possible scenario, he also takes it upon himself to avoid it, like he does with the cold war situation. Nothing of this is on him to blame, but he still thinks that "I can help avoid that" and he just runs straight into danger to do just that.
I wonder if he considers that a consequence of his enhanced abilities. If he believes that he's not above anyone else because he's smarter, faster, stronger, etc than the average human, but because he has all those innate skills and talents, he owes it to the world to use them for good. I don't know, maybe I'm taking it too far with this XD
Anyway. He will certainly be questioning how the very ship he happened to travel on just happened to have a ton of bombs on it to make it sink. That's another thing that will make total sense post-identity reveals when Yor tells him why she was really on that ship XD
Loid doesn't even get to start coming up with ideas for where to leave Anya, and Anya already very conveniently offers the probably best solution: a kids play room XD
Like, again, this show is comedy at its core, so even when there's action and tension going on, things will conveniently happen without making the most sense because it's how comedy works XD Endo knew what he was doing when he started it XD
But also, another thing that will make more sense to Loid after identity reveals. Because he wanted to focus on the bomb, Anya said she wanted to play and he was like "Please for the love of god not now" and she somehow went like "Imma go play on my own and have supervision so you go do your thing" and he should know this isn't common at all. He does say it's lucky but he has no idea XD
The anime added a bit more in this small section, as in the manga the daycare worker doesn't even get to speak to Anya, because she escapes immediately. In the anime Anya plays with a ball for a bit, then asks to draw, and as the woman starts picking up drawing supplies, Anya takes her chance and she's off!
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"Hello, I am most definitely not voiced by Takuya Eguchi"
I just love how he just dropped his voice a few pitches instead of putting on a fake voice. And just as I wrote a meta about how Twilight uses a different timbre of his voice when he speaks as Loid, huh XD
Again, we get a mention of "Western extremists". Loid mentioned at the start of the cruise that Princess Lorelei is "the pride and joy of Ostania", so it would make sense to take it down as a fuck-you to Ostania from a rival country. However, without relevant intel, Twilight also considers the possibility that it was simply rigged to spark the fire of war between the two countries, without swearing on it. That's some pretty good deduction without passionately taking sides.
I just think it's very interesting that despite being from Westalis, he never takes the side of its government. He's only on the side of peace and he'll protect both or either West and East interests if it means peace can remain.
It's amazing how Anya's involvement helped things! And how it was even set up!
I was just thinking, a little before I watched the episode, that indeed Yor was missing her weapons. The first dagger was left in the crow's nest where the sniper was, the second was broken by the guy with the mace, and the third slipped from her hand when katana guy first fought her. Which means all this time she's managed to bruise and tire out Katana Guy with her bare hands, while he had his katana on O_O
Ok listen.
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First of all, consider the muscle strength a five-year-old would need to throw that dagger that far. And it's not a simple, light dagger, it's strong and massive enough to break through a wooden door and a human skull at once, it's gotta carry some weight. And Anya was able to throw it up an entire story above her and then some more.
But then, it's also the placement of where the dagger ended up - in front of the pipes so that the other guys wouldn't see it immediately upon turning the corner.
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Like, they would see the pipes, and prepare to jump over them as they turned the corner, but it would be easy to not spot it and slip on it - and again, because of its position, the guy who slipped on it had the pipes on the right height to first hit his head on them before his back could land on the ground. If it was a little closer he would hit his legs or hips on the pipes, and his body would bend over backwards, and if it was further he would first land on his back and probably not hit his head and lose control of his weapon.
But as it was, he did hit his head, he did lose control of his weapon, and he did shoot the other assassin.
Okay, it was a little ridiculous that the dagger had so much velocity from being slipped on to jump around and land with its pointy end right on the ass-assin (sorry), but it's funny so I don't mind at all.
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Just according to keikaku.
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Watch out, she's armed!
I love how Katana Guy had been fighting her bare arms and was still exhausted and bruised, and yet when she picked up the weapon she's proficient in he went like "Hmph! I will finish this" like my dude where do you find the confidence, she's been mauling you bare-handed and you think you'll handle her armed??
McMahon coming to at the very right moment to kick Sniff Jobs' ass and I breathe a sigh of relief. (Thanks to tare-anime for sharing the fandom's chosen nickname for that guy! It's funnier than calling him "Turtleneck Guy" XD)
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Gotta love how she goes from "demonic assassin" to "sweet cinnamon roll too good for this world" in a single blink.
Katana Guy is down and I breathe another sigh of relief! That was intense!
Anya was so happy she helped her Mama! I still don't know if she grasps the actual gravity of the situation, she should normally be having nightmares about it XD
Twilight is more stressed of being surrounded by SSS agents than having to diffuse a bomb and I think that says a lot about him XD
And then Yor used too much power fighting all those assassins that she couldn't even wonder properly how her weapon ended up in the butt of a guy she wasn't even fighting. The family braincell was being thoroughly used by Twilight in that moment, it couldn't multi-task XD
I saw the blood on the ground from Sniff Jobs and immediately went like "O_O Where did that guy go!"
And then, even in the midst of a very important and dangerous situation, the SSS agent is being a dick and bossy. In the manga Twilight wonders it the SSS are trying to save face and that actually would make a ton of sense.
I like how in the manga, when Anya walks next to Sniff Jobs, his thoughts are shown in bubbles with a black background.
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Dark thoughts, dark background. It's happened before.
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Then he puts his nose at work and actually becomes the reason the ship is saved. He smells the explosives in the clock, Anya hears his thoughts, then casually transfers the info to someone who can take care of it.
I love how the security guy was so worried about how to find the bombs that he yelped when Anya said a simple "Excuse me" XD
The guy dismissed Anya's request at first, which got her to cry, and I wonder how real that crying was. She was, after all, facing the threat of a bombing attack. But it got the guy to check the clock in the end! And also because Anya is such a small kid that he wouldn't suspect something's up with her.
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Sniff Jobs was right - the assassin profession is one built on trust, yet he didn't follow his own advice. The informant didn't trust the assassins and put bugs on them, they didn't trust him and planned to betray him, and because of that they all died. The informant planted the bombs, and the guy followed him to kill him, and one of those bombs ended up being the death of both of them.
That said, I kinda love how that story ended. I have a weakness for a felled villain trying to reach out in despair and anger, even while they're heavily wounded and in pain, and then just getting their comeuppance for good. There's some sort of humanity shown there, but that they use to such wrong lengths that you can't feel sorry for them. But it is interesting to me, in a way :D
I guess Informant Guy didn't expect an elite spy to be on board who'd want to stop his plans. Twilight wonders what purpose the bomb in the clock had and I'm a bit confused. The bombs in the lower decks were there to create holes to make the ship sink. Wouldn't the bomb in the clock cause commotion in the upper decks, making it harder for people to escape as much as it's possible?
If anything, Informant Guy was counting on the devices being retrievable so that the Ostanian government would blame the bombs on Westalis and start another war. It's creepy, too, how lightly he was taking the whole thing.
Knowing how it goes it's actually pretty funny to see Twilight just rip the clock off and go like "Imma throw this into the sea bye" and then just run for it.
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Rip I guess, whatever that was.
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And what Olka says to her too! It's practically the realization Yor had on her own about her job. That she gets her hands bloody and risks her life to provide a better world for her loved ones, but she doesn't see those hands as worthy of affection. And yet Olka shows her that, and an innocent child does as well!
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This is what she coats her hands in blood for, and this is a moment of someone recognizing her for that, giving her physical affection and affirmation as a thanks for her sacrifice.
Yor reached that point on her own, but Olka and Gram giving them their affection reassured her of it. It's worth it. She is worth it.
Just let her work under a less abusive boss please I beg
Olka actually wishes for Yor and her family to find happiness. Yor was there simply to provide protection, but they both gave each other hope for the future. And that ties back to the main theme of the entire story. Hope. Humanity. Connection. We're not meant to fight. We're meant to love.
Excuse me while I ponder over this for the next three to five days and probably my entire life T_T
As others have mentioned, McMahon reminds Yor to not become sentimental, that they're merely foot soldiers on the trenches of the cold war, yet he gives her the last day off to relax with her family. And he actually says that is a reward for her doing her job well. The music even turns hopeful and sweet.
I just realized that it looks like Yor hasn't sleep at all during the trip? The first night she stayed vigilant while the others slept (though Olka was awake for some time, too), then she had a long fight with a bunch of assassins, and now McMahon told her to stay on alert until dawn breaks. So she's pulling two all-nighters with an extended fight in between where she got injured and hit her head. Is my girl okay???
And a bunch of steps back on the acceptance front stands Twilight.
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He worries about having left Anya on her own, not because he might look suspicious, but because he's spent most of the trip focusing on her emotions and trying to help her have fun. And in the midst of that, he had to pass her off to a daycare to go be a responsible spy saving the world. The fact that Anya had the time of her life and was excited that he was saving the ship is irrelevant, since he doesn't know she was, and he only sees that as a failure of his as a pretend father.
And then catches himself, but even then! He can't even fully justify it to himself!
Boy is starting to slip majorly and he's starting to lose his footing on his denial. His "for the mission" excuse is starting to not suffice... and he's starting to see that.
That's a big step both Yor and Loid have made in their progress of accepting their place in the family, though Yor has a huge head start and Loid will probably still hang onto his denial as much as he can. I'm really curious to see how their dynamic will develop now that they'll meet on the island, and how it will continue once they return home!
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As I said this was sweet af but it's also funny how there's so much inconsistency on Anya's size. Like! She legit looks like a baby here! I know Loid is supposed to be bigger than you'd expect but Anya isn't that small XD
The music that played in this scene was a soft variation of the theme playing when they board the ship, as well as during the fight in the previous episode after Yor secures the trio. It's very subtle cause it's mostly a piano playing the harmonies instead of the melody.
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Yor put her earring back on! As in the manga, in the end of the fight with Katana Guy she's still missing the earring that she threw at Sniff Jobs and probably ripped her earlobe with. But when she met up with Olka and helped them off, she had put it back on. So she did an absolutely insane thing and put the earring back on even though her earlobe was wounded. This woman eats hot coals for breakfast.
And off we go! Three episodes left in the season and this anime only is trying to not lose her mind 🤪 it's been a wild ride and I've loved every second of it but I am really trying to not despair over the fact that it's three weeks left and then another year of waiting 🥲
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airbendertendou · 1 year
IN CHAOS NOW! synopsis : your brother and his friends make a small trip to get you from school, only to run into the local gang.
cw ; reader is gender neutral. no pronouns used. [name] in place of y/n. high&low characters implied to be your adopted brothers.
h&l taglist ♥︎ @straysugzhpe @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @star2fishmeg @rouzuchan [if you would like to be added / removeed let me know ♥︎]
song inspo ; frost by txt
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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toman + suzuran
“…does that make a little more sense?” The group of five stay silent before letting out a drawn out oh! in unison. You grin at their antics, shaking your head.
“Thanks again for doing this, [name].” Takemichi says. He rubs the back of his neck nervously, a sheepish smile on his face. “Hina gets upset with my grades, and I don’t want to bother her with re-teaching all of us this stuff.”
You ruffle his blond hair, “I don’t mind. I’m just glad I can help.”
“You help so much,” Atsushi speaks as he looks over his notes. Takuya nods enthusiastically, Yamagishi humming between them. “I don’t understand the teacher at all.”
The window leaks an orange haze as the sun begins to set ; a crow caws in the distance.
You tilt your head only to shake it after, hiding your unease with another smile. There’s no way. You look at the boys again, “need help with anything else?”
A loud bang echoes around the mostly empty school, an eerily familiar cackle hitting the walls soon after. With wide eyes, you and the group of five scramble outside of the classroom to see the commotion. A set of black and gold jackets are stood against… another set of black and gold jackets.
You blink, finding who you’re looking for as you walk up to him quickly. “Why are you here? Where’s my brother?”
“Curfew.” Is all Mercy says as another bang hits the wall. He glances to you, “it’s past your curfew.”
“Is it?” You mumble before pulling out your phone. It was past time for you to be home — an hour past, actually. You suck in a breath through your teeth, sending a sheepish grin his way. “My bad…”
A loud cackle hits the area again, “you’re a fun guy!” Binzo steps out of a pile of desks, knuckles bloody and a bruise forming on his cheek. In front of him, a boy with orange hair grins as he rubs his fist against his open palm. Binzo’s eyes widen, “I can’t wait to get rid of you.”
You act quickly, grabbing the wild boy’s ear and pushing his attention onto you. You frown his way, “and why are you fighting in my school?”
“Oh, hey [name].”
“Hi, Binzo,” you deadpan before letting him go. Across the hallway, you can see a boy identical to the orange haired one doing the same as you — calming a fight. Yamaguchi appears out of nowhere, slinging an arm around your shoulders as he leads you away from the fights damage.
Your brother is face to face with a blond, glaring as they stare each other down. They seem equal height wise but your brother has a different air to him ; a monstrous rage hidden he only uses to protect his siblings.
Your small study group follows behind you meekly, Kamui and Mercy behind them. Takemichi lets out a squeak at the sight of your brother, “he’s huge!”
You snicker to yourself and unknowingly catch the attention of a different blond. Smiling to your small group, you place your hand on Rao’s back and step into his line of vision. “Sorry I stayed so late ; I didn’t realize what time it was.”
Rao looks you over, as if making sure you’re okay. You roll your eyes, “I’m just fine, brother.” You point your thumb backwards to the group of trembling boys — their eyes widen at the attention. “Was with my tutor group.”
Atsushi smiles, a small laugh escaping his lips as he waves. “Nice to meet you mister Suzuran, sir.”
“Mister Suzuran,” Mercy laughs to himself.
You send a glare his way before looking at the new faces in front of you — and their matching uniforms. “That’s not a school, is it?”
“Toman!” Takemichi pipes up. He rushes to stand beside you and almost shield you from the group’s view. “My friends. Who are here because…”
“To hang out.” His voice is deep as he speaks, that taller guy. You raise your eyebrows — like you’re impressed — and look to your brother again. The rest of the crows have wandered up and gathered around you by now, shoulder to shoulder as they stood with you. “Why is Suzuran here?”
“You’ll have to excuse my brother and his friends,” you grin sweetly. Your eyes close and the irritation seems to leak from you as you hold the fake smile. “They have no manners. I’ll go get my things.”
The middle school boys follow behind you quickly, like sheep being herded to safety. The Toman boys eye the Crows apprehensively, but stay silent otherwise. You pop back up, school bag in hand as you stand beside your brother once more.
“We’ll go first. See you next week, boys!” you excuse yourself, pushing Binzo out of the school. Rao stuffs his hands in his pockets as your eyes land on him once more. “Showing up at my school just to fight… what nonsense.”
Takemichi is stopped by Mikey, a hand on his wrist as the leader stares at the spot you were just standing at. “Introduce me to your friend next time. ‘Kay, Mitchy?”
The blond can only agree helplessly as he watches a small light of intrigue fall into Mikey’s eyes.
tenjiku + housen
“Housen…” a boy in a school uniform passes by them shakily. “Housen… it was them…”
“Kakucho,” the white-haired male speaks up. He pauses in his step, glancing from the boy to where he came from. “What is Housen?”
“A nearby academy,” Mochi answers instead. He nods ahead with his chin, hands in his pockets as a schoolyard comes into view. “They call them the Killer Corps. Four lower ranks, below the head of the school ; the strongest.”
Shion tilts his head with a hum, “sounds like us, huh?”
“What are they doing in my district?” Izana purses his lips, lilac eyes narrowing at the school in front of them. A small group of five stands there, gray uniforms sticking out from the plaid ones other students wore. He watches as the group is avoided ; people passing by averting their eyes and hunching their shoulders. “Hey. Housen, was it?”
Their heads turn, stone-faced but curious of the red clad group. Shion tries to look as intimidating as he can ; the others just stand behind their king. A blond speaks up, “is there a problem?”
Before anyone can speak, an energetic voice calls through the air. “Oh, what’s this? A surprise visit?”
The next thing Izana knows, the guy with the undercut has another person attached to him. You jump on Kenzo’s back, grin full force and pulling at your lips. “What a nice surprise! Good to see you, brother!”
“So noisy…” Yuken glares your way, but it falls into a soft smile as he watches Kenzo pull you from his back. “How was school, [name]?”
You deadpan, no emotion in your voice as you sigh. “It was school. What do you expect?” You turn to Housen’s leader unexpectedly, melting into something more gentle and quiet. “Hi, Sachio. I didn’t expect you to be here.”
“We all came to get you,” Kenzo speaks up. You swat him away absentmindedly, eyes focused on Sachio. He clicks his tongue, “I’m your brother and you’re paying more attention to him? Hey, don’t get any ideas!”
You face your brother coyly, “ideas like what?”
Yuken snorts to himself, looking to the ground. It reminds him that there are outsiders watching this take place ; other guys wanting to size them up and fight them. His face smoothed out, “right. You guys. What did you need again?”
Izana’s mind is spiraling as he watches you and your brother joke around. You don’t look alike at all ; don’t share a smile or eye shape or laugh. Yet you greet each other joyfully and bask in each other’s company. It reminds him of earlier times ; simplier ones when maybe he would've called Mikey his brother.
Kakucho clears his throat and looks on awkwardly as his king stays frozen. "Just making sure there aren't any problems. Carry on."
Your grin and playful voice lingers on Izana's mind far longer than he thought it would.
haitani's + fujio and kiyoshi's factions
You're walking out with a classmate — Rindou, he said to call him — when he lets out a small laugh. "Seems my brother is here."
"Oh, mine too!" Your brother has dragged Yasushi along with him — of course. The two are rarely separated. What surprised you, though, was the sight of a taller boy facing the two of them. He's smiling with his eyes closed, twirling one of the braids of his two-toned hair. "Looks like he's causing trouble already."
Rindou saunters up to the unknown guy, scrunching his nose at the sight of your brother and his best friend. It makes you giggle — they often received that reaction. A whistle is heard in the distance as Fujio and Tsukasa strut their way to you.
“[Name]!” Fujio grins your way. He holds out a plastic bag to you, shaking it enthusiastically. “Brought some snacks for you!”
“I didn’t realize you’d all be getting me today,” you grab the bag from him. Yasushi peers over your shoulder as you pillage through the snacks, humming at the selection. “Oh, this is my classmate… and his brother, I think.”
The dual-toned boy raises his hand into a wave, his smile growing condescending and troublesome. “Didn’t realize the middle school was so close by.”
Your eyes widen as you see the four boys beside you twitch. Fujio’s smile has fallen ; Yasushi lets out a cackle as he cracks his knuckles. You exchange a look with Tsukasa and step in front of them before anything can start. “That wasn’t very nice, Pippi Longstocking! You should apologize before things get ugly, hm?”
His grin falls flat, mirth hitting his eyes as Rindou lets a snort out at your insult. You let out a sigh and rub your forehead. “Brother, let’s get our friends away from here before a fight breaks out.”
Kiyoshi groans but agrees anyways, slinging his arms around Yasushi and Fujio. The two are still frowning — but a lollipop from you is placed in their mouths in hopes of calming them down.
Looking back to the blond, you wave as Tsukasa waits on you. “See you Monday, Rindou!” You skip up to your group, looping your arm through Tsuakasa’s as you walk.
Ran lets out a laugh as he looks at Rindou’s complacent form. “Catching feelings, brother?”
Rindou shoves him with flushed cheeks and a frown. “You’re seeing things.”
valhalla + senomon
Ryo often walked you home from school. As soon as your brother was in his car, the quiet boy was on his way to you — feeling as if he had some type of unspoken duty to do for you. You smile at the sight of him leaning against the school's wall, stark red uniform standing out against the white building.
A tap to your shoulder brings your attention to a boy wearing glasses. His longer hair is pulled back into a ponytail, a grimace on his face as he side-steps nervously. "[Name]... you don't mind looking over this for me, do you?"
He holds a mess of paper out to you — one you recognize as grammar homework. You glance at Ryo, smiling at him reasurringly as you take the paper. As you read over it, the boy in red takes your school bag and slings it over his own shoulder. "Just a few mistakes this time, Baji!"
"This one? I didn't think it was right," Baji frowns as he looks it over You walk between him and Ryo, messily and hurridly trying to explain everything Baji was confused about. "That one and— 'Tora?"
Outside of your building stands your brother and his following. Kohei's sneer is painting his face — as always — as two other boys face him. One is smoking, tattooes on his hands while the other has an intricate tattoo on his neck, his fiists clenched and eyes narrowed in. Ryo comes to a stop, "Kohei. You're here."
"Of course I'm here," he spits out. He makes his way to you, nose curling at the sight of Baji as he stands in front of you, blocking you from view. "Heard there were delinquents lingering about."
You grin, putting your chin on his shoulder. "And you decided to protect little ol' me? How sweet, brother!"
Kohei grimaces at you, "shut your mouth."
"No delinquents," Baji grins. He saunters over to the strangers, letting his hair down and taking his glasses off. "Just my friends!"
Scratching the back of your ear, you share a look with Ryo. "Well— same thing, really?"
The taller guy stomps his cigarette out, staring stonely at your brother. He breathes out a puff of smoke, "what're some rich kids doin' here? This is our part'a town."
"We don't want any problems." Ryo speaks before Kohei can. It's the best choice —your brother started and ended fights, never putting himself in the middle. He steps closer to you, "just walking this one home. That's all."
Golden eyes hit you, the jingle of his earring echoing at he tilts his head. You meet his gaze, looking away soon after and walking past your brother to Baji. You hand over another paper or two, "don't forget these. Let me know if you need anymore help — I'm still willing to help!"
"Thanks, [name]. See you tomorrow."
You pull your brother from the potential fight, letting him pout and whine as you ignore his words. Ryo smirks at your eye-rolls, nudging you and letting you tease Kohei freely. A golden gaze is still sinking into your skin as you peek over your shoulder, stealing another glance at the tiger boy. He's still staring.
"Tora," Baji speaks up. He narrows his eyes as Kazutora blinks rapidly, breaking his stare on you. "Be careful with that one. Don't want to make Senomon angry."
Kazutora smiles to himself, "wouldn't dream of it. Let's go."
——♥︎—— airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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togament · 4 months
Hi Bibi, i just want to say you’re doing amazing and your post are literally ADDICTING. I was a little worried because I didn’t know if Wind Breaker would get a lot of attention on Tumblr yk? (Just because it’s new) AND YOU CAME AND SAVED ME. I love you, your brain, and your page. Please keep going and I WOULD LOVE to hear your thoughts on new episodes/chapters (only if you want). Thank you for feeding my delulu brain. Hugs 🫂
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thank you for the kind words dhdjkd i don’t know if i’m worthy of such praise too like—everyone leaving cute (and unhinged ofc) stuff in the tags and in my inbox gets me all giddy and blushy and!!!!!! Seeing you guys enjoying my stupid ramblings means the absolute world to me (i see you guys in the tags and i read every single one. Love you you freaks 😏) fun fact, I only started writing fics on this account and only for windbreaker so all the interactions and thirsty feedback I get genuinely, genuinely makes my heart do the boom boom. So smooches to every one of you!!!!!! (only if you want them. you could exchange it for a headpat if you want ig)
ok enough of the sappy stuff. WINDBREAKER TIME!
windbreaker blowing up on tumblr is so so so well deserved. i was genuinely shocked because it took a little bit for the hype to catch on???? the seiyuus are literal legends (in my eyes hehe), the animation’s SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HELLO!??, the op and ending song aren’t ass??????? I’m super excited for what’s to come for our fandom and the anime. ALSO fun fact, I have the fattest crush on Umehara Yuichiro so him voicing Togame literally brought me to my god damn knees, bro. I’m expecting Eguchi Takuya to secure a character too bc ofjfkdkd his voice would be perfect for a villain.
also may or may not have picked windbreaker up bc I saw a character named Kiryu and an eyepatched character and I 😮👈😮👈 YAKUZA REFERENCE!!!!! (probably not but the coincidence is silly to me)
I’m not super caught up on the anime (on episode 7 atm!) I wanna savor every episode and binge them back to back (also bc my hubby’s got so much screentime I wanna savor that him EVEN MORE YUM YUM YUMMY). Caught up on the manga though and I Have Thoughts.
(spoilers under the cut)
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the endo fight’s scaring me, man. also super fucking worried about ume bc WE HAVEN’T SEEN HIM FOR SO LONG??? the chair throw spooked me. also worried about ume’s vegetable garden. I know it’s getting trampled to shit. also very worried about sakura. he’s getting all banged up by endo, his nose is probably broken now wtf he was bleeding SO MUCH.
chika’s scary too. both him and endo. i honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen next like, they’re both so unpredictable and unhinged that my butthole’s clenching in sheer terror.
I’m also very concerned about suo. WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN HIM EATING (or maybe I’ve missed a panel lol) but with every food offer he’s ever been given, he turns them down. also the fact that we only know him on a surface’s surface level even when he’s one of the main boys is scaring me. we’re 140+ chapters deep and not one single suo morsel for us to nibble on. I don’t want a betrayal thing happening ok lol that would be my tipping point i fear.
if you guys want me to yap about a chapter or an episode or potential seiyuus for other characters or if you just want my thoughts on things (i am a Certified Yapper), i am directing you to the askbox! This was super fun!! Extremely forgetful too so this could help me remember all the stuff that’s happened so far.
thank you so much again for sending over an askkskfnnxnx heaven knows i needed a little pick me up today. you delivered and made my entire day, sweetheart!!!!! Ily!!!!!!! 🥹
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otakween · 6 months
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 3
For this episode I decided to check out the English dub for Frontier. I really enjoyed it! My problem is that the Digimon dubs are more fun and nostalgic to watch, but I'm always really conscious of missing out on lore and emotional beats. Maybe I'll finish the sub and then watch the dub someday when I wanna revisit this.
The American OP is hype as heck! I like the tribal vibe with the drums. I think I like the Japanese digivolution music a little better though.
I liked most of the English VAs but Takuya sounds like a 30 year old lol. For some reason, Izumi's Italian outbursts were a lot funnier in English, "Mamma mia!"
I coulda sworn Takuya said he was in the 4th grade in the last episode but now he's in the 5th? In the dub he's in the 6th, so let's just say he's somewhere in the upper elementary range.
I really loved Tomoki's digivolution sequence. I like how his hand movements are a little more childish/cheerful than Takuya or Koji's Also, in the dub I love how he said "EXECUTE" lol. I know they meant like "executing a program" but I was just thinking of the murder version of "execute" hehe.
So I guess Bokomon and Neemon have a boke/tsukkomi dynamic going on. I think they overdid Bokomon's bullying a bit tho
Lol @ the DigiCode fixing one (1) single bridge in this episode whereas in the first episode they fixed like an entire village. I guess some digimon get you better results than others? (Also they said that the bridge "protected them from bad digimon," how does that work?)
So they've established a bunch of times now that there are supposed to be 10 warriors. Betting the cast will expand with some minor characters later.
I just noticed this, but Takuya has a little symbol on his shirt and hat but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a reference to something or it's just a cool graphic.
Speaking of graphics, I finally noticed that the symbols for the spirits are literally just kanji. Like Agnimon's is the kanji for fire, Wolfmon is light, Chackmon is ice...
Uhhh...why is the dub name for Chackmon (Kumamon) way more Japanese sounding? I guess they couldn't have used Kumamon in the sub cuz...
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Chackmon is a weird name and even after reading the etymology on the wiki I don't really get it.
These kids are kinda savage. First Bokomon is pleading with them to save his world and they just look annoyed and then when Agnimon is battling all the Candlemon they're just like "wow, he's really trying to fight a fire type? What a dumbass" (paraphrasing) and they walk off (to be fair, Takuya told them to hide, but still!) It was really funny when Bokomon was telling the Candlemon that the kids were there to save the Digital World and Takuya was like "not really" lol.
I'm glad that they were at least given the chance to go home because otherwise it feels a little bit like they're being blackmailed into being heroes (save our world or you'll never see your home again)
I'm sure someone has meme'd on Agnimon being covered in white drippy wax before...I'll refrain.
I feel like we already have too much lore here. First it was Cherubimon was messing up the world and now it's actually Lucemon that was the OG world messer-upper? Now I dunno who the big bad is!
If there are 10 warriors...I wonder what the elements are gonna be. Well I guess Pokemon has managed to come up with a zillion "elements." Is someone gonna end up with "heart?" hahaha
Didn't expect Wizardmon to show up as a baddie-of-the-week. Feels weird.
I kinda like that Koji is taking his sweet time to join the party. We don't need his drama in the friend group.
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amethyst-geek · 2 months
What school clubs the Digidestined partook in
Since Japanese children are expected to join a school club in their time as students, I thought it would be fun the speculate about the school club participation (or lack thereof) of the main characters from Adventure, 02, Tamers, and Frontier. I was going to speculate on the others well, but that sounded exhausting (plus in the case of Savers, I think it's obvious that none of the main characters were participating in school clubs, at least not during the events of the show).
First, I will list the characters whose club participation has been canonically
Taichi, Daisuke, Ken, and Takuya all play soccer. Sora used to play soccer, but switched to tennis in middle school. Koushiro and Miyako are both in the computer club. Iori is on his school's Kendo team
Now that we've went over those characters, let's speculate on the club participation (or lack thereof) of rest. And since joining more than 1 club is frowned upon in Japan, I will be writing this under the assumption that the kids only do 1 club with a few exceptions .
Yamato- I got the vibe he was part of the 'go-home' club
Mimi- Mimi is probably 1 of the few characters I can see participating in more than 1 club. But if she had to only do 1 club, I say she'd be in the drama club, or perhaps a fashion club or cooking club.
Jou- I can see him joining a literature club or perhaps he could be part of a library committee like Komachi from Yes Pretty Cure 5.
Takeru- either basketball or some kind of literature club. I'm leaning towards the latter.
Hikari- Probably photography club.
Tamers- quick note, while I don't think any of them were already in clubs during the events of Tamers, I can see most of them joining clubs in junior high.
Takato- probably art club
Ruki- maybe some sort of sports team or mechanics club
Jian- probably computer club like Koshirou and Miyako.
Juri- home ec club? band? gardening? animal caretaking?
Ryo- I'm just gonna assume he's a member of the go home club
Kenta- upon entering middle school, Kenta considered joining the Chorus club, but much to the relief of everyone's ears, some of his friends out of it, and he instead winds up joining Drama club or literature club.
Hirokazu- drama club
Suzie- she's a little young for me to able to pinpoint what her interests in middle and high school would be, but maybe an animal caretaking like Kotaro in Ghost Game (Hopefully by this point, she's learned to be more gentle with living creatures).
Kouji- I can see him joining his school's Kendo or Bōjutsu team.
Izumi- maybe literature club, as she's seen reading in at least 1 flashback
Junpei- one of the CD drama revealed that he took up Opera, so maybe a club relating to music
Tomoki- Once he's old enough to join a school club, I kinda like the idea of him joining cooking club or a home economics club.
Kouichi- maybe a literature club (then again the only time we ever saw him reading a book was in Takuya's imagination). Or maybe soccer, since one of the CD drama reveals that he apparently likes soccer.
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gakkyun66 · 5 months
[Leaflet Translation] ☆IDOLiSH7☆ Fan Festival☆ vol.4 – Welcome! AI-na-night!
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Translation of the short interview to the seiyuus featured on the “ IDOLiSH7 Fan Festival vol.4 – Welcome! AI-na-night! ” leaflet distributed on the event of the same name. Dates from April 29, 2019. Oomiya Sonic City, Saitama.
⚠️ It contains mid hints about Part 4 of the Main Story ⚠️
Translated from Portuguese to English using Yuunyashi’s translation: https://yuunyanshi.wordpress.com/2021/03/23/traducao-panfleto-idolish7-fan-festival-vol-4-welcome-ai-na-night/
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🌈 Toshiki Masuda (Iori’s voice actor)
Q1: About the title “AI-na-night!” What'd you do when you get back home tired at night?
🌈 I drink chamomile tea, warm my face on the vapor machine and sleep in a room with such a comfy ambience that it’s hard for me to get out of bed. I also force myself to eat something even if I don't want to. 
Q2: The 4th part has begun! Are there any details you would like people to pay attention to?
🌈 Of course, the plot is about Nagi. Will IDOLiSH7’s bonds cross the barrier between countries? The plot is serious but it also has that easy-going atmosphere like always.
Q3: To conclude, leave a message to the fans that shows your enthusiasm about Fan Festival vol.4
🌈 I would like to talk about all our Ainana memories and how things will develop in the future. Let me hear about your likes/loves and dreams. I’ll be waiting.
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💜 Atsushi Abe (Sougo’s voice actor)
Q1: About the title “AI-na-night!” What'd you do when you get back home tired at night?
💜 I drink a café latte while I relax on a giant puff.
Q2: The 4th part has begun! Are there any details you would like people to pay attention to?
💜 There are many but i would like you to pay more attention to ŹOOĻ! And to us in MEZZO” of course.
Q3: To conclude, leave a message to the fans that shows your enthusiasm about Fan Festival vol.4
💜 When I realized, we were already at the fourth Fan Festival! Let’s all have fun together again, alright?
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🎼 Wataru Hatano (Gaku's voice actor)
Q1: About the title “AI-na-night!” What'd you do when you get back home tired at night?
🎼 To change the scenario, I try to play a game on the TV but my cat stays on the sofa so I end up leaving the game aside and play with it instead. Those are the moments where I feel more relaxed.
Q2: The 4th part has begun! Are there any details you would like people to pay attention to?
🎼 I think Nagi and those who surround him. I would also like you to pay more attention to the new characters. As for TRIGGER, there’s such a realistic scene, so look forward to it!
Q3: To conclude, leave a message to the fans that shows your enthusiasm about Fan Festival vol.4
🎼 This is a fan’s festival to enjoy the ainanaverse! This time the veterans of Re:vale will join us! I’m sure it will be fun! Let’s rock together!
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🐉 Takuya Sato (Ryunosuke’s voice actor)
Q1: About the title “AI-na-night!” What'd you do when you get back home tired at night?
🐉 I relax my body while I watch a video of “easy yoga to do at home”. By just doing that I see a difference the next day, so even if I feel tired at night, I try to take at least 5 minutes to do this.
Q2: The 4th part has begun! Are there any details you would like people to pay attention to?
🐉 Yes! I wanted to talk about this, this and that but there are things I cannot say. What I would like to say in the first place is that there’s no challenge that cannot be surpassed. Many things have happened in the past but we’ve seen them lift their heads up and keep going forward each time. I would like you to expect the same this time.
Q3: To conclude, leave a message to the fans that shows your enthusiasm about Fan Festival vol.4
🐉 I’m really happy to be at the Fan Festival once again! I’m so grateful to spend this time with those who always support me. And I'm not the only TRIGGER member this time! This is incredible! Let’s do our best together! Everyone, let’s have fun!
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🍑 Soichiro Hoshi (Momo’s voice actor)
Q1: About the title “AI-na-night!” What'd you do when you get back home tired at night?
🍑 I like to take long and relaxing baths~~ Well I’m someone who enjoys doing that but on the other side i end up not having much time to sleep. I wish i could do both~~ 
Q2: The 4th part has begun! Are there any details you would like people to pay attention to?
🍑 We finally arrived to Part 4. Wait, no, isn't it a bit early??? Things have started to diffuse again! What–? …Well, everything: there are so many things happening in Ainana. Have you managed to catch up~? I also end up a bit overwhelmed (laughs). With Momo and Yuki, part 4 will be really fun!
Q3: To conclude, leave a message to the fans that shows your enthusiasm about Fan Festival vol.4
🍑 My first appearance at a Fan Festival! Rather than with excitement, I would like to spend a relaxing time with you. I hope it’ll be like a big rest for everyone. A lot of fun things are waiting for us in Ainana, so let’s enjoy together with the excitement that represents it!
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💚 Shinnosuke Tachibana (Yuki’s voice actor)
Q1: About the title “AI-na-night!” What'd you do when you get back home tired at night?
💚 Well, I play. Instead of mobile games that I can carry on wherever I go , I prefer to sit down and play PC or console games, even if it’s just a bit.
Q2: The 4th part has begun! Are there any details you would like people to pay attention to?
💚 Now…body…Yu-...from…Re-...suffers…expo- Aaaaaaaah i can't say it!! (laughs)
Q3: To conclude, leave a message to the fans that shows your enthusiasm about Fan Festival vol.4
💚 We have members of three groups this time at the Fan Festival. We’ll have an amazing event from beginning to end, so let’s enjoy it from the bottom of our hearts! ☆
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legendheroes · 4 months
Protag game night:
Who'll get their egos destroyed to smithereens and who will be the one to destroy everyone in Mario kart
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Takuya: Geez Dai, it's just a game. It's not like we will be fighting each other in the end, besides... I CAN'T EVOLVE INTO A DIGIMON FOR AGES, I WAS FORBIDDEN, SO STFU AND LET PLAY THE FRIGGIN GAME, YOU WORRYHART! 💢💢💢
Tagiru: I guess... we should play something that might not end up in a dimensional war or something...
Takato: Like a card game?
OG Taichi: As long as it's not UNO, nobody will die tonight.
Hiro/Haru/R-Taichi: [agree with the ol' Taichi in a nod]
Takato: 😐 [← He meant Digica]
Tagiru: ... What's wrong with UNO...?
Masaru: Have you ever played UNO in your life...?
Tagiru: Uhh... No? Is it that bad?
OG Taichi: Think about a game which had the equivalent of a Blue Shell hitting you one mile before you reach the goal line when you're at 1st.
Tagiru: Uh... W-what...
Taiki: Games are fun, but the best ones are definitely the most challenging ones, especially the ones in which you have to come up with a strategy to win.
Daisuke: Takki... Yeah, you're right. Kudou really has a hidden side nobody but Tagiru and I know.
R-Taichi/Haru: Huh??
Hiro: ... Does it mean the ranking will get updated? [← He's hopeful]
OG Taichi: Nah, Taiki already is ranking high. Wait, who was the top 1 again?
[Everyone glances at the old Taichi]
~awkward silence~
Daisuke: I think it's... Hiro, yeah Hiro.
Tagiru: Wasn't Tai-- [Takuya covers his mouth asap]
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Takato: [whispers on Tagiru's ear] You wouldn't like to see his reaction if he discovers WHO is the number one in that list. And if you tell him... You might not sleep tonight. So keep your mouth shut about it.
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Tagiru: [Nods in silence]
※ in the end they all decided to watch Lilo & Stitch and call it a day.
The End.
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nami-moittli · 2 years
My headcanons behind all the dub names for digimon:
Taichi —> Tai. Very simple, making the name shorter
Yamato —> Matt. Took a try or two to get to this nickname, but also a pretty simple nickname
Koushiro Izumi —> Izzy. At first he was called “Kou” but then one day someone called him “Izzy” instead, because it was ‘more fun to say’ and it stuck
Takeru—> T.K.. When he was like, in kindergarten or first grade, there was another kid named Takeru, so T.K. Ended up being called that
Hikari—> Kari. Once again, a very simple nickname
Daisuke —> Davis. Noticed that all of his friends have nicknames, and wanted one too. Davis was the first thing he thought of
Miyako —> Yolei. Probably was just hanging out one day and decided that she wanted to give herself a weird nickname, Yolei was the one that made it out
Iori—> Cody. Yolei’s the only one who really calls him this, furthering the idea that they were just hanging out one day, and gave each other nicknames
Extra: Wallace—>Willis. Someone mispronounced his name, and now no one knows which is right
Jianliang—>Henry. He got tired of everyone mispronouncing his name, that he just started saying, “Call me Henry”
Ruki—>Rika. A mispronunciation of her actual name. She hates it, but it won’t leave her alone.
Shaochung—>Susie. One day Henry told her that people have a hard time saying their names, so she should pick out a nickname.
Hirokazu—>Kazu. Once again, a very easy nickname.
(Think that’s all?)
Takuya—>Taky. Very easy nickname.
Izumi—>Zoe. A nickname she got from her friends in Italy. She liked it so she kept it when she got back to Japan. Sometimes shortened further to Z.
Junpei—>J.P.. he wanted to act cooler, so along with the magic and chocolate, he started to introduce himself as J.P. Zoe called him out on this when they first met on the Trailmon.
Tomoki—>Tommy. Again, very easy. Like how Thomas becomes Tommy.
Data Squad/Savers:
Masaru—>Marcus. I’m not even sure. His name just got corrupted one day and it stuck. He sometimes doesn’t even respond to his actual name now
Thoma—>Thomas. Thomas is his name, though sometimes people take off the ‘s’
Ikuto—>Keenan. Ikuto is his birth name, though when he got to the digital world, no one knew that, so they just called him “Keenanmon” Keenan eventually dropped the “mon” though
Chika—>Kristy. A corruption of her name that came about one day.
(I think that’s all?)
Xros wars/Fusion/Young Hunters:
Taiki—>Mikey. Jeremy wanted to see how many people he could get to believe Taiki’s name was Mikey, so one time when he was helping out a club, he yelled, “Go Mikey!” It confused the heck out of Taiki, but now people don’t know which is right. Tagiru just calls him “T.M.” At this point
Zenjiro—>Jeremy. First it was shortened to Jiro, then Jiro became Jeremy. Probably through a mispronunciation mixed with how the name Thomas became Tommy
Akari—>Angie. Jeremy is also behind this one. Probably the same reason he calls Taiki Mikey.
Kiriha—>Christopher. Christopher’s just his middle name.
Yuu—>Ewan. Tagiru gave him this one. Though, he’s not sure how the “an” part of that nickname came to be.
And, I think that’s it. Cause Hunters and Appmon weren’t dubbed, 2020 is just a reboot, and I’m not sure if/when Ghost Game is getting dubbed, so I can’t say.
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Hey hey, I'd it OK if u come up with Toman hcs...
But you slander them
Whoops ok maybe I didn't slander them exactly, these kinda ended up being more annoying things they do in a relationship but here we are, one for everyone
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Mikey- wants to always sleep with his old towel that he never let's you wash, tries to share it with you too even though it's too small and then gets pouty when it doesn't cover you both.
Draken- sometimes he gets a bit too invested in his motorbike, will ignore you for it.
Takemichi- says he'll handle dinner but then just gets takeout instead of cooking.
Baji- will leave bed in the middle of the night to go feed cats without waking you up "damn it Keisuke, I wanted to see the cats too!"
Chifuyu- uses manga for all his date ideas (ok this actually sounds kinda cute but be prepared for him to have the manga with him on the date and peak at it like an instruction manual throughout)
Mitsuya- works too hard, will fall asleep at his desk instead of coming to bed sometimes.
Hakkai- occasionally when he wakes up he forgets he's ok to talk to you and gets nervous all over again in his sleepy state
Pah- talks too loudly on the phone (he says it's because he's excited to talk to you but still shhhhh)
Peh- wants to invite Pah with you guys on all your dates
Smiley- threatens to kill you when you sneak up on him and kiss him (he's just a bit flustered and panicking)
Angry- takes your injuries too seriously, a tiny paper cut? Be prepared to have a bunch of plasters put on it (a kiss too)
Mucho- sir we cannot fix every argument with cheese cake
Sanzu- will follow you around to make sure you're safe at times
Kisaki- just assumes you're as good at maths as he is, will ask you random maths questions while you grocery shop to figure out prices and deals. You keep having to explain the need for a calculator to him.
Hanma- will try to irritate you just because he finds your angry reaction "cute and fun"
Kazutora- is a bit too clingy at times, be prepared to be late for work because of hugs.
Hina- will tidy up your stuff and make you lose it
Emma- insists on you having a special cute ringtone specifically for her and your phone can't be on silent.
Naoto- is very secretive about his police work,  will not tell you how his day has been.
Akkun- begs to do practice hair cuts on you, will chase you around with a pair of scissors begging you.
Takuya- tries to act too strong when he's sick, he doesn't want to seem weak to you so he takes on too much and ends up getting worse. 
Makoto- mutters when he's sleeping, keeps you up sometimes, it's always such random things too.
Yamagishi- will tell you delinquent facts at the most random times, be prepared to hear about old fights while brushing your teeth.
Koko- panics over what to buy you for birthdays because he just spoils you all throughout the year, pouts close to your birthday.
Inui- can walk better in heels then you
Taiju- laughs too loud, if you're not expecting it then it can cause you to jump.
Yuzuha- Too many other people wanting her attention, easy to feel forgotten about sometimes.
Izana- calls you his queen in public (no matter your gender) and wants you to call him your king.
Kakucho- is so nervous about you meeting izana and wanting the two of you to get along that he sweats the whole time during that first meeting (you and izana bond over teasing him about it)
Mochi- finds it easy to carry you so will sometimes just randomly pick you up if he feels you're walking too slow.
Ran- keeps low key insulting your hair when talking about his own (takes you to the salon often too)
Rindou- gets overly competitive with you at the gym, he may love you but he's not going easy on you (though I feel like a lot of you won't complain about the limb locking)
Shion- accidentally let slip he was planning to propose like a week early.
Senju- will randomly grab your hand and start quickly running if she wants to show you something (good luck with keeping up with her)
Takeomi- will steal the blankets as you're sleeping 
Wakasa- if he thinks you're talking too much or grinding your teeth or something then he'll just place his dango stick in your mouth.
Shinichiro- be prepared for cheesy pick up lines 24/7 (he wants you to say them back too)
Benkei- sometimes just throws his clothes at your head randomly (he actually wants you to wear them but instead of just asking you'll suddenly be plunged into darkness by a jacket landing on your head.
South- will sometimes randomly serenade you, even in public causing everyone to stare.
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jira-chii · 1 year
On Spiderverse, Shoumetsu and the nature of canon
Ok, you don’t need me to say it. Across the Spiderverse is amazing: the visuals are gorgeous, the animation is out of this world, the music is beautiful, and while the story is definitely fun, it also strikes a chord with a lot of its audience.
I’m just adding to the countless posts out there, but I really want to share some thoughts about how Spiderverse deals with ‘canon’, an idea so integral to the concept of a ‘story’ that without it, characters’ worlds literally break to pieces.
This idea is incredibly interesting to me because my favourite game, Shoumetsu Toshi explores a very similar concept - and its story has finished! So we can explore it fully and maybe come up with some new insights on what direction Spiderverse 3 could take? 
Spoiler warning for midway through Across the Spiderverse (which I am abbreviating to Spiderverse 2). And spoilers for the ending of Shoumetsu Toshi, including Epilogue.
Deviating from canon in Spiderverse ruins that world
So, I admit I am not a diehard Spiderman fan compared to some of you, but many features of the ‘traditional’ Spiderman story are familiar to me: the powers come from a radioactive spider; there is usually a great feat of strength involving the Spiderman pulling two large objects together; at some point they have to choose between saving a loved one or saving the lives of the general public; and of course, there are those famous dying words: “with great power comes great responsibility”. 
These features have been reused, recycled, readapted so many times as to basically become tropes. And Spiderverse makes full use of this, both as easter eggs and as a story mechanic.
In Spiderverse 2, these events are known as ‘canon’ events. They are the integral events that basically define what could be considered ‘authentic’ Spidermen
But, what happens when canon is broken? Well, they show that in the movie. The world, representing the story of that particular Spiderman, collapses in on itself and basically is destroyed. Because the story is over. There is no more to see. The implication is that things that don’t belong to canon disappear.
In the context of Spiderverse 2, this serves as the motive for almost all Spidermen to alienate Miles, the anomaly, the deviant from canon. It is also an excellent way to reinforce his insecurity that he doesn’t belong anywhere.
What happens to a story when it 'ends'?
Just like in Spiderverse 2, the concept of a story plays a major role in Shoumetsu Toshi. The Japanese mobile game starts off as something of an action adventure mystery, as a courier takes a young girl with mysterious powers to the aftermath of a disaster. But around the halfway point, you’ll realise that was never intended to be the point at all. Shoumetsu Toshi is essentially a study of the nature of storytelling.
Fairly early in the story, main characters Takuya and Yuki find out they are being ‘observed’ and controlled by a God-like being (us, the players), and beg us to help them overcome impossible odds to defeat the enemy in front of them and complete their goal.
And we do! But guess what happens when they reach their end goal? Tragedy befalls them again, as another story unfolds for us to ‘observe’. 
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(This is not my photo, this is literally a screenshot from the game)
Watching the story continue starts to become synonymous with making the protagonists suffer, something that is made painfully evident in Yuki’s monologues.
In fact, seeing the story continue into infinity is the desire of the final antagonist, Beo, a stand-in for us god-like Observers, and someone who will go as far as to artificially manufacture conflict himself just to see how Takuya and Yuki will resolve it. 
The final goal of the main story then becomes figuring out a way to end the canon story. In a way it is a fascinating critique on (the sadly too many) stories that continue way past the point they were meant to end, just for the sake of more content for an audience willing to pay.
But then, what happens when do finally get to the end?
We get a couple of lines about the world becoming peaceful…for a while. And then, it gets destroyed.
It’s not made clear exactly why it happened, but the fact the attacker is a giant invincible tarot card with Beo’s image implies this is the will of the Observers. The characters, in their last moments, lament how quickly the world can still take what little happiness they have away from them. It’s worth mentioning that ‘Shoumetsu’ literally means to disappear, or be annihilated.
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If we take a Beo-like Observer’s perspective, could this be saying that a story that doesn’t continue has no value in existing?
Isn’t it kind of similar to how once canon is broken in Spiderverse, the world has no choice but to collapse on itself? Because there is no more story beyond canon for the world to support.
What actually happens to a story when it ends? The characters in the story, as well as all the events that have happened until then, the entire world, the universe contained within that story, also end, right? That seems to be what happened in Shoumetsu Toshi. And it seems to be what the other Spidermen in the Spiderverse are actively trying to avoid.
It’s an interesting conundrum. To save everyone else’s worlds, Miles basically cannot be allowed to coexist alongside them.
I am very excited to see where Spiderverse 3 takes their story. I have no doubt they will come up with a poignant and creative way to resolve the conflict. Perhaps a way for Miles to trailblaze a new story just for himself; a twist on the original canon that is just as legitimate as any other Spiderman’s story.
But while we wait for that, I want to share Shoumetsu Toshi’s answer to a very similar problem, from chapter one of its epilogue.
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How Shoumetsu Toshi chose to end its story
At the start of Epilogue, Takuya and Yuki are separated. Takuya (with Yuki’s brother Souma), attempts to move forward even when nothing is left in front of him. Yuki, on the other hand, follows a voice and finds herself in a triangular room with many doors. She then has a conversation. Literally facing the fourth wall. Talking directly to us.
Yuki talks about how she’s wanted to meet us, and that she is grateful to us for always cheering her on. But also, she does not want to be the one being observed anymore. She knows the Observers want the story to continue forever, but she doesn’t want that. She invites the Observers to come with her to the end of the journey, and find their happy ending together.
At some point, the voices of the Observers become a single voice - the voice of the first Observer, Sora, who is also the creator of this story.
Sora fears the end of the story. She doesn’t want to say goodbye to the characters she loves. Yuki will disappear if the story ends and she is forgotten.
But Yuki says that won’t happen. She will always be here (just in a place you can’t see her). No longer being together doesn’t mean the past never happened. They are connected now, through the journey they have taken together. 
Sora is actually afraid of being left alone. She has been using Shoumetsu Toshi as a form of escapism. But all good things must come to an end, and while continuing the story has its own value, Shoumetsu Toshi teaches us there is meaning as well in waking up from the dream and embracing the reality in front of you. That’s what it means to live.
Sora, Yuki, Takuya and Souma then open the doors to the epilogue together, embarking on one last journey to save their friends, tie up loose ends, and drive the story towards a true happy ending.
The end of canon is a gift
I want to pause for a moment here and talk about what the game creators are implying through this message. Basically, when the canon story ends, these characters and ideas don’t 'die'. A part of them remains with us, the Observers. And in a way, that means they surpass canon.
The creators want their characters to keep living on, through us, the players. And this is consistent with many other aspects of the game: from parallel worlds that serve as a convenient explanation for nonsensical April Fools situations and collaborative crossovers to exist (X X X), to their willingness to literally write a fan's OC into a canon ranking event. Heck, one of the chapters in the main story is straight up fanfiction of Takuya and Yuki, played off as a dream. 
Shoumetsu Toshi is a story the creators want to share with their audience. They actively encourage fan participation to shape and add a new layer of meaning to the game, in ways both good (like 'saving' a character at a live event to enable their story to continue) and bad (audience voting killed off a different character).
Shoumesu Toshi’s main message is ultimately a love letter to future creators. This is a story they want to share with you. This is a story they want you to pass on. Canon has provided the foundation, but now the rest is in the Observer’s hands. 
The characters will thank you in game, but they will live on, in the fanart, the fanfiction, the stories inspired by it, created by the Observers, the fans.
And I think this is the perfect way for a 'story' like this to ‘continue’. Canon is not everything. Canon is a gift to the imagination. The true power of canon is to inspire even greater creativity. 
It is rare to see such a positive and respectful message aimed directly at the fans embedded so deeply in the identity of a game, and I really want to see these messages more often in mainstream media.
How wonderful would it be if the ending of Spiderverse touches on this message even just a little bit? Spiderman is a franchise with such a long history, spanning so many stories, so many worlds, so many different types of media, touched by the hands of so many creators, and touching the hearts of so, so many more fans. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to find a way to pay tribute to every single one of them? Regardless whether they are young or old, liked the comics or preferred the movies, a Marvel or Sony fan, diehard lore loyalist or secretly have their own Spiderman OC, whether they express their love through art, fiction, roleplay, or even just daydreams.
I just think it’d be really cool.
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Sorry one more thing:
While I was going through old screenshots to research for this post, I realised the finalisation of Souma’s character arc is incredibly similar to Miles’ dilemma. Souma is the first antagonist of Shoumetsu Toshi, who goes through a redemption arc and basically joins the main character roster by the end. However, in Epilogue, he gets told over and over again by another version of himself that the plot will refuse to progress unless he sacrifices himself. That’s just how the story is meant to go. 
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When I have time, maybe I'll write this bonus case study.
But if you want to read (a lot) more on Shoumetsu Toshi, I have summaries of the first two parts of main story here and here.
Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to writing any more story summaries yet, but for those who are curious about Epilogue, I did make a fangirl tweet when I first played it.
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yumeka-sxf · 3 months
Off to Anime Expo~
My Ita backpack and badge lanyard are ready 😊 (decided to give Frieren some love in addition to SxF)
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In a few hours I'll be heading to Anime Expo, which is the largest anime convention in North America! Since it's local, I go every year that I can - this will be my fourteenth year attending 😃 But only my second year since becoming hyperfixated on SxF, haha.
Takuya Eguchi, the voice of Loid, made an appearance at the expo last year and I was able to attend his panel. Wrote about it here, but yeah, it was fun! There was quite a lot of SxF appreciation all over the expo last year (photos here and here), so I'm hoping we'll see more of it this year too! No SxF guests have been announced this year, however Toho Animation will be having a SxF panel (together with Kaiju No.8) later today.
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There are no specifics yet about what will be discussed in that panel, but I have my fingers crossed for season 3 crumbs 🤞 WIT Studio will also be having a group panel with other studios on Saturday, but from what I'm hearing, they may not be involved with season 3. We'll see.
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Last year I made a few posts while I was at the expo. I might do that again this year, or just make one big post when I get back. Depends how much time I have while I'm there. Also, since the last day of the expo is on Sunday, my post about the new SxF chapter will be delayed. I might not get to it until later that day, or the next day depending on how tired I am 😅
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