#but this one? learning to drink milk from the bowl is NOT going well
l3irdl3rain · 2 years
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this one is my favorite. he’s going to stay with me forever and ever and he’s going to stay so tiny and drink milk forever. he’s going to go on vacation with me and I will spend the entire time holding him and loving him. (lying)
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 month
Crabs this is Noa you need to help me I'm in love with your restaurant AU I need more I love food and you combined it with the dca I can't I ca
Uhh what's in the menu? :D
legit every meal i have is inspiration for this AU 😂
as for the menu, welllll most of it is based on Hong Kong style cafe foods (because that's what inspired me at first), but the specials change regularly and go into many different cuisines.
the boys also specialize in different things too:
Sun specializes in healthy, nutritious meals. he’s also the most interested in learning all about food, from farms to cooking methods. if you ask him to surprise you, he’ll discretely scan you and determine what your body needs and will cook something accordingly.
You are surprised as a bowl of soup appears in front of you, held by a gold hand. You follow that hand to it’s owner—meeting Sun’s blank eyes staring down at you.
“I… didn’t order a soup,” you stutter.
“You appear to be low in iron today,” Sun responds in his monotone voice before turning away, then adding, “There is more if you need it. It's on the house.”
Without a further word, Sun returns to the kitchen.
The smell of the soup wafts to your nose and you decide to dig in. It’s a fairly clear broth yet surprisingly flavourful—the kind of soup that takes more than a day to properly steep and simmer to extract all the flavours from it’s ingredients. Despite that, the soup was clear of any dregs at the bottom—just the way you like it.
You feel your face warm—from the soup or from the attention, you’re not entirely sure.
You might take his offer for seconds.
Moon specializes in everything indulgent! juicy fried chicken? the cutest pastries? he loves them all and he’s always experimenting with new recipes. sure he recognizes the importance of a healthy meal, but sometimes you just need a boost, yknow? food is more than fuel, it can be something to be enjoyed.
When you stepped into the restaurant that morning, Moon could already tell you were off to a rough start. He watched from the kitchen window as you ate your breakfast, staring dryly at your phone.
And then he had an idea. Ooooohoohoohoo, clever Moon!
“Gooooood morning, starlight,” Moon walks over to your seat at the bar table. “How’s your breakfast? Would you like some dessert with it?”
You groggily look up from your phone, and nod, barely registering what he said. Then before you know it, Moon is gone and back again with a warm plate of french toast.
Moon wasn’t kidding when he said dessert—the toast is thick enough to be a cake! When you cut off a manageable bite, you realize it’s actually two slices of toast, sandwiching a gooey filling.
You take a bite and you’re surprised by how delicate and rich it is. The toast melts in your mouth and leaves behind the aroma of butter and eggs and the delightfully chilled sweetness of condensed milk coats your tongue.
Your expression must betray your reaction, because you see Moon smiling back at you so sweetly.
Eclipse is the main front of house, waiting tables and charming customers. and he’s also the barista, preparing a variety of drinks (and sometimes putting on a bit of a show while doing so). he can cook as well, but he leaves it mostly to Sun and Moon.
You have no idea how you got here. You decided to stop by the restaurant, only you forgot that today was their day off. However, you’ve learned that the chefs live in the apartment above the restaurant, which explains why Eclipse found you and let you in.
Now you were seated at the empty bar table, while the charming barista prepared you a drink.
“Here we are,” Eclipse gently places a glass in front of you.
Based on the colour, the ice, and the straw, you take a guess, “Iced coffee?”
“Half correct,” Eclipse chuckles and pours himself a glass as well. “It’s one of my old boss’s favourites. It’s called ‘yuenyeung’, a mixture of milk tea and coffee.”
“Oh, so ‘yuenyeung’,” you grimace at your butchered pronunciation, “means ‘tea-coffee’, I guess?”
Eclipse smiles. For the short while you’ve known him, you have learned you do not trust that smile. “No, ‘yuenyeung’ refers to a pair of mandarin ducks that look very different, male and female. They’re a symbol of conjugal love—a pair of two different elements coming together as one.”
You freeze as Eclipse chuckles and clinks your glass with his. “It’s more fragrant when it’s served warm, but it’s too hot for that today. I’ll save that treat for a day you need the warmth.”
He’s right. It is too hot for this today. You take your glass and sip on the straw, Even chilled, the aroma of black tea, coffee, and smooth milk is strong on your tongue.
Even after downing your entire glass, you still feel too hot.
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merakiui · 2 years
OMG with your caption of "milkshakes at monstros lounge is about to taste 10x better with Jades secret ingredient" made me have a brain rot.
IMAGEN FXCKING FLOYD DRINK IT AND NOW WANTS IT STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE 😭 in that fic you said that we were first passed to Floyd but he was too bothered so we got handed to Jade. So imagen he somehow find out and now wants us in the same position that we are with Jade but with HIM.
Or Azul is also a degenerate so taking a book from Jade we go back to working for him tasting his potions that for some reason also made us lactate..
OR SOME OF OUR FRIENDS SEE/HEAR WHAT GOING ON OR MAYBE WE TELL THEM AND THEY TRY TO "help" US BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH WE WHERE ALREADY MILKED IT STARTED TO FILL UP MORE TO AN UNCOMFORTABLE LEVEL AND THEM BEING OUR BFF AND "totally not weird or have feelings for us" CONVINCE US TO LET THEM HIM. While it's either but them sucking or playing with our nipples with a bowl under to not make a mess 🤞☺️💕
Now we can also have multiple BFF and they all help us at the same time too to get all that fullness out of us 🥰
-Yours truly, the annon that you awakened their lactation kink onces again 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
(cw: yandere, brief nsfw mentions, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, lactation, female reader, brief mentions of pregnancy)
Floyd and Azul are so incredibly fake. T-T they only want you when you start producing milk. Most fake fans ever, switching up like that… Floyd complains about how lucky Jade is, and Jade has to tell him that it was Floyd who wanted nothing to do with you in the beginning. He’s merely looking after you as you’re now his contractual obligation, though he would be lying if he said he wasn’t attached to you. He’s become rather enthralled. Jade has written the potion recipe down, even perfected it after some more trial and error (which you were more than happy to assist with) and so now he has a potion that’ll have you lactating for at most a full day. <3
Floyd’s too impatient to fill bottles and jars up, so he’ll just pull your shirt open and tug your bra up and take it straight from the source with his greedy mouth. I like to think Jade watches the both of you so fondly, so happy that his favorite people are getting along well even if you’re squirming and telling Floyd to be more gentle, to slow down, to put his teeth away.
Azul goes absolutely insane when he learns of that potion. You can’t tell me he also wouldn’t have the biggest lactation kink ever. It ties in nicely with the breeding kink. Jade has him sample some dishes made from your milk, along with a glass of your milk, and he’s easily able to tell there are notable differences. He asks if this is goat’s milk rather than cow’s and Jade smiles deceptively and says he’ll show Azul who to thank for the delicious ingredients. He brings Azul to you, where you’re currently trying to deal with your swollen, leaky tits while Floyd is doing everything he can to try to steal at least one sip. If only you could see the dollar signs in his eyes… Oh, you’re so marketable! He could definitely capitalize on this.
Now that Azul knows of this, it’s over for you. But before he decides to sell your milk or use it for Mostro Lounge dishes, he wants to touch and squeeze and fondle you. I imagine he just stares at you for the longest time because his brain is short-circuiting trying to remind himself that you aren’t pregnant; this is just the result of magic. You aren’t pregnant or filled with eggs, but you could be. You’re not pregnant. He’s never fucked you before. But what if… Azul milks you once and out of sheer instinct he places his hand over your belly and mumbles something about how he can’t wait to be a father. (pathetic tako delusions…)
Imagine they give you the potion so often that you start to lactate on your own, if only a little. Magic definitely has more of an effect on your body because you can’t use it or sense it like mages can, so it’s definitely possible it might do something to you internally. Imagine being with Ace and Deuce and you leak through your shirt and you’re so embarrassed trying to explain what’s happening and Ace is poking fun as usual, while Deuce is in shock like, “Milk comes from women?!?!?!?! The store-bought milk I drink,,,,,, came from a woman????” Deuce already had a lot of respect for you, but now he is a million times more respectful because it can’t be easy filling all those milk bottles. (Deuce, never change. You are a sweetheart.)
Ace will want to sample directly from you. He teases you a lot, squeezing your breasts just to watch the wet patches on your shirt become larger and more noticeable. Deuce thinks that the two of them should bring you to someone who can help. Ace supposes that’s fine, but before that he needs a taste. Be a good best friend and let him taste you. There’s nothing weird about it. Best friends help each other out all the time. Ace and Deuce bring you to Trey because he’s responsible and oh-so-wise, and Trey also has this moment where he just stares at you, mouth slightly agape, before he has to clear his throat and quickly act normal and relaxed and calm and level-headed. Did I mention how relaxed he is? You cannot lactate around Trey. He will want to use your milk in the sweets he bakes (Riddle’s strawberry tarts are about to be so delicious), but he’ll also want you against the counter while he fucks you against it, pretending the both of you are married and he’s knocked you up and you’re lactating in preparation of the baby. He’s so not normal about this; he’s so down bad.
The brain cell duo bring you to Housewarden Riddle and he is overcome with so many emotions. Riddle is so flustered and he snaps at Ace and Deuce to cover you while he figures out what to do next. But you know Che’nya’s probably lurking around, and if you happen to be outside and a pair of invisible hands grope you and you’re suppressing moans while milk trails down your tits…… Riddle is fighting a losing battle here. He has never been so,,,, conflicted. So acutely aware of the female form. So immersed in how you sound when Che’nya’s teasing you. Riddle wants you and your milk so bad, but he has to be polite and respectful. He will help you and after the fact he will not think about it again. He will not lie awake at night, staring into the darkness and wondering how it might feel to drink directly from your breasts. For once the Octavinelle trio have done something good, even if this good thing is the byproduct of dubious behavior.
Ruggie learns of this and you know he’s going to want in. Let him have a taste, won’t you? He couldn’t get breakfast because he was running all around for Leona. He’s parched! Likewise, Leona probably hears of it from Ruggie or he catches the gossip from his dorm members and now he’s demanding Ruggie to bring you to him. Leona’s much more composed about the entire thing. He’ll tease you a little with a cocky smirk, asking if you like being in the spotlight like this, if you like his hands on you, if you like being milked and treated like a commodity by some (Octavinelle). Leona actually handles you very gently when he milks you. He respects women and their bodies, so he doesn’t want to hurt you or cause you any discomfort. Sometimes he thinks you’re pregnant (which could also be another reason why he’s oddly sweet to you), but he quickly reminds himself that that wouldn’t be possible because if you were pregnant it would be with his child and his child only. If you point out his behaviors, he’ll gruffly tell you you’re delusional and that he’s not doing this for your sake. It’s just his means of having access to a little snack when Ruggie’s taking forever to bring him his lunch.
Though Malleus can’t sense life within your belly, sometimes he’ll think you really are pregnant when he sees you lactating and he thinks of how pleasing it would be to raise little ones with you. He visits every night, not only to see you and spend time with you, but to help should you be kept awake desperately trying to milk yourself empty. Malleus is also gentle when handling you, his voice so soft and fond when he speaks to you, praising you and calling you all manners of endearments to show you that you should not be self-deprecating or disgusted with yourself. He thinks you are absolutely perfect; this is nothing to be ashamed of, nor does it make you unsightly in any way. He’s probably kissed you while his hands were cupping your breasts. There’s something so intimate in kissing while he’s touching such a special, sacred place. Every day the temptation to sweep you off your feet and away to Briar Valley consumes him. He could build such a happy family with you. Lilia certainly encourages it.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 9 months
(this idea was from  @weepingredwillow I hope I did it justice)
Also, I allude to the headcanon that sweetheart and Sam are siblings 
Tender love, And-
Sam and Masc Darlin belated after care 
⚠️NSFW Mentioned⚠️bruises⚠️ mentions of past trauma⚠️ angst⚠️
No proofread 
Darlin woke up to the soft morning light shining in their face from the window. They adjusted their eyes to the glow, searching for the face that they usually wake up to…a face that is conspicuously absent.
Then the memories of their conversation with Sam last night came flooding back. He’s at Vincents. helping him with landscaping plans. 
He must’ve left before the sun came up. They could stay in bed all day, but. sadly, this was the day where they also had things to do. Darlin rolls over to sit up and is immediately met with an intense sharp pain in their side. “GOD!FuCk-”
Darlin’s POV:
“God that fucking stings!”
I sat up from the bed clutching my side, carefully walking to the mirror. Well doesn’t this bring back memories.
I look in the mirror and lift up my tank top. “Oh shit” a large dark bruise on my side “how the fuck-Oh” the memories of me and Sam escapades last night start coming back to me. We had talked about using a little more force but….he did not push me against the wall that hard. And even if he did my bruises don’t hurt NEARLY this fucking bad. I haven’t felt this bad of pain since-
“Aw shit….i must’ve re-Fucked it up” should’ve listened to Gabe when he told me to drink the milk out of my cereal bowl growing up. “it’ll make your bones stronger!” Who would’ve guessed the old man would be right.
Good going! First time your a little rougher with your mate in bed and ya fucked it up by getting hurt. I sit back down on the bed, wincing at the pain from grabbing my phone off the nightstand.
“Healershealershealershealers” I scroll through my phone contacts. Cursing myself for not learning healing magic like Marie was always wanting me and Milo to do. Then I see my saving grace 
Given how close they are to Sam it’s not my best option, but better than an earful from Marie. I dial the number and put it on speakerphone.
“investigator Greer speaking” “investigator Greer~ is this some film noir scene! Am I supposed to put on some sort of cheap jersey accent and tell you about how my husband has mysteriously vanished~” “very funny. I’m just testing it out” “it sounds nice i’m sure if Milo heard you say that he would tackle you right then and there” a chuckle can be heard on the other end of the phone “are you gonna get on the topic of why you called? Or am I supposed to guess?” “oh, right. are you free at all?” “actually I’m at work right now. why what’s up?” “Shit-never mind I thought I left something at your house..but it’s right in front of me!” “you sure? You don’t sound normal” “i’m fine just woke up. see you at the next pack meeting. investigator Greer~”
I Hang up the phone and grab my bag. Taking a few ibuprofen. Before heading to the shower. 
Nobody’s POV 
Darlin gets out of the shower and gently slithers into a tank top and boxers.
*BUZZBUZZBUZZ* invis-bitch
“can’t get enough of me huh?”
“you worry me” “you’re not the first person who’s told me that” “given your track record I won’t be the last” “so what’s up?” “your hurt what happened?” “you got all of that from a phone call? No wonder you’re one of dumps best” “Answer the question Tank” “FINE. Me and Sam wanted to get a little rougher in bed and he pushed me against the wall too hard…” “did Sam not realize it?” “well, if he did, I wouldn’t be sitting here with a broken rib talking to you now would I?” “usually Sam’s pretty careful with his strength..” “🎶it was the heat of the moment🎶-OW! shit!” “try not to strain yourself DumbASS” “why do you sound so pissy?” “I had to cancel my dinner plans because I have to work late. stop deflecting” “…asshat” “why didn’t you call Sam?” “he’s already out  helping Vinny with shit and the sun is bright as hell. He can’t go anywhere” “but that’s not the only reason” “what makes you say that?” “because you hide your emotions the same way Milo does. You give some vague general ass answer, in hopes to satisfy the person asking because you don’t want to burden them” “wow getting read to filth on a Tuesday afternoon”
“spill. i’m literally sitting here doing basic ass paperwork I’ve got time” “…..Sam takes his time with everything…and that’s time I’m happy to give him..i’m scared that one stupid accident will make us go backwards…” “….do you wanna know why me and Milo work so Well?” “…sure” “Me and Mi work so well because we communicate on everything. “Hey love the knots are a little too tight” “hey sweetheart can you use a little less teeth?” We constantly have that line of intimate communication To the point where it’s as simple as talking about dinner” “but i don’t want to-” “To scare him? Oh Honey that Man is ALL IN! because you’re his safe person. He has a level of trust with you that he’s never had with anybody else” “..so what do I do?” “have a conversation. I promise you it’s not as hard as it sounds” “….thanks for the advice” “yeah, try actually listening to it”
They hang up the phone. and grab a heating pad out from the bottom of the cupboard under the sink 
————————Time jump———————————
“I’m Home Darlin!” Darlin walks out of the bedroom “hey baby” they give him a soft kiss and wrap their arms around his neck. Their side burned in pain, but they managed to hide it  “how was your day?” “pretty uneventful. what about you?” “Who would’ve guessed Vincent is so picky when it comes to outdoor decor *sigh* but I’m happy to be home” “are you gonna go get cleaned up or do you want to chill on the couch” “we can chill on the couch. That’s fine with me” the two sit on the couch and cuddle up close, being careful as to not sit in a way that would injure them further 
“hey Sam?” “yeah Darlin?” they sit up and turn to him “um…I…I noticed something this morning that sparks an important conversation we need to have…” “is everything OK?” “yeah, everything’s fine. Justhear me out OK?” “all right I’m hearing ya” “last night was great it felt great. Everything was great. but this morning I woke up and saw the effects of it…” “..did I hurt you?” “….yeah. I didn’t want to tell you.. because I didn’t want you to feel shitty over a mistake..” “Darlin..I appreciate you looking out for me like that but I can handle a little constructive criticism when it comes to you. I wanna make sure you’re comfortable” “and I am comfortable! It just needs some tweaking..” “and I’m more than happy to do that…can I see” “how did you know the pain is still there?”
“you were walking weird..thought you just fell asleep on something…please let me see” Darlin lifts up their tank top and exposes the large bruise covering their side. They can hear sam’s gasp
“i’m so sorry Darlin” “Sam it was a simple mistake.. you don’t need to apologize for that” “….at least let me fix it..let me give you that tender love and care I should’ve given you last night before we fell asleep” Darlin nods and Sam gestures for them to lay down, And turns them to their side. “can I touch?” “Yea. Sammy baby you don’t need to ask. it’s not like we’re back in my old apartment after I fought those vamps. i’m familiar with these..callus hands~” they smiled  and for a split second it brought Sam back to that old apartment and hell, even through tears and blood and pain his darlin still smiled.
Sam’s hands gently shifted around their torso. Sam’s magic didn’t tingle like Marie’s or Milo‘s mate’s. It felt warm. Like a roaring fire on a cold winters night. or a warm blanket after a long day. It was a Sam feeling. it’s their favorite feeling. 
Once the healing was all done Darlin went to pull down their shirt, but Sam stopped them 
“I never said I was done” “but you finish the healing” “yeah, I plan to do much more than that kind of healing” they stopped his hands “Sam I don’t want it to take too much out of you. That was a lot of magic” “i’m fine darlin. I only got a dull headache it’ll go away in a little while. But right now I wanna do this. if you’ll let me” “..Fine”
Sam straddles their legs. And leans forward.  planting soft kisses on their side where the bruise used to be. Gently kissing up and down their torso. the feeling of his scruff against their skin tickled against their scars. “I can feel you almost laughing” “it feels nice! but it also tickles” “i’m glad” “….But..Ya know what would feel even better?~” “what’s that?” “feeling those soft lips on mine~” “is that so~” they adjust themselves  so they’re laying on the couch and Sam’s on top of them. He wraps his arms around their neck. And Darlin locks their lips. A soft and warm kiss.  one of those kisses where it just feels like everything’s right in the world. (even when things aren’t) Sam breaks away and gazes into their eyes. 
“I love you Sam” “I love you too Darlin”
This might be shit 
But that’s OK. However, I am not. 
I’m not OK 
I promise that I will write something other than Sam&Darlin soon (I just really love them)
Hope you enjoyed 
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blossoms-phan · 3 months
i absolutely adore the concept/general feeling of food as a means of bonding/making memories and literally everything they do is the epitome of romance and eternal bonding to me but it makes me soooo emo thinking about how much life and food dnp have shared over 15 years. thinking about the first time(s) dan went to visit him at the lesters and probably shared a slightly awkward meal at their dinner table with his parents. then he went from not knowing how to grocery shop on his own to having phil as a friend and life partner as he entered adulthood for the first time, the origins of their routine of shared bowls of cereal for breakfast and the most basic stir frys to sustain their needs. conversations over toasties and caramel macchiatos. toast and ribena, learning how phil likes his basic nescafe coffee he probably still prefers although he’ll happily listen to dan yap about learning how to make his fancy espresso and drink whatever latte he’s handed, as long as it has a splash of vanilla syrup and a little bit of shakily poured art on top. sharing popcorn at the movies and shakeaway straight after. perfecting their pizza orders. travelling around the world together and trying new foods from new places, already knowing phil is going to order the most sugary stack of pancakes a menu has to offer. seeing each other through fixations and healthy phases (even though dan kinda ruined phil’s one time salad motivation by bringing a goddamn cabbage home). cups of tea silently delivered to each others rooms on bad days. indulging in each others cravings because dan believes that phil doesn’t need to earn his candies and treats, if you want the thing you should just have it. using their rich boi money to occasionally buy the good olive oil and oat milk and hummus from the fancy grocery store because fuck it, they can. a clear appreciation for a well made croissant/pastry which I respect. an alcohol shelf in their forever home that’s grown over the years with the help of wanting to try making that cool drink they tried at the bar on their own, gifts from family and friends, souvenirs from japan and a backup bottle of celebratory champagne just because. their own leftover bakes and birthday cakes and breakfast buffets on vacation and sushi bars in japan and fancy date nights out at dimly lit restaurants and so many takeaways (deliveroo daddies, how great is modern life) and i sincerely hope by this point different varieties of home cooked meals and family dinners in florida and at the lesters except now they’re dan’s chosen family.
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lix88888 · 1 year
The Star Sanses were all in bed together, enjoying their sleep.
Oh well, not anymore.
Two blurry shapes cannonballed onto their beds, rudely awakening the trio.
"Ygha!" Blue said, as he tumbled out of bed. He was the lucky one, as Ink and Dream both had a child on their sternum, suffocating them.
"Dad Dad Dad!" Camellia said as he bounced up and down, making a half-asleep Dream wheeze "It's today! It's TODAY!" "Hggn, what is today?" said Ink, out of breath. "OUR CAMPING TRIP!" Palette yelled at one (1) inch from his face, making him wince.
Blue, seeing as his partners were handling the situation and that their third child was missing, made a strategic retreat and went downstairs, hoping to find Blueprint in the kitchen having breakfast.
He loved all of the children, he really did, but Camellia and Palette were very boisterous and rambunctious, and hadn't yet learned to tone it down a bit, not even at (he took a glance at the clock as he climbed the last step) 7:12 in the morning.
As Blue had suspected, Blueprint was busy eating a bowl of cereal, looking very sleepy. As he noticed his father coming down the stairs, the 9-year-old smiled at him.
"Hey buddy" Blue said, taking out a bowl from the cupboard "wanted to get away from the chaos?" Blueprint ducked his skull with a small blush and nodded. "Camellia and Palette are... very loud. Just like Mom."
Blue chuckled as he pet his skull, sitting next to him and pouring some milk in his bowl. "That's true, but that's half the fun, isn't it?" Blueprint shrugged and kept eating.
It always amused Blue how Ink insisted to being referred to as Mom by all of the kids, insisting that "he made all of them!", though that was more true with Camellia than with the other two, as Ink had made him a body and then Blue and Dream added their magic to create a soul for him.
Their youngest was the only child that was actually planned, as Palette and Bluepritn had been the results of magical accidents, but Blue wouldn't have it any other way.
A crash was heard upstairs.
Even if their house got wrecked more often than not.
"Can we... go take pictures of animals when we go camping? Just the two of us?" "Of course, buddy."
Stomping was heard down the stairs, and so Blue put his hands over Blueprint's skull to block out the noise. Ink ran down the stairs with Palette on his shoulders, while Camellia was at his side gently dragging a still tired Dream by the hand.
"COME OOOOOOON! WE'RE GONNA BE LAAAAAAATE!" Dream mumbled something about there being no timing, and so Camellia started loudly listing all of the things they just HAD to do, and that they couldn't POSSIBLY miss out on!
"Oh, I'm so ready!" Ink said, prompting a "Me too!" out of Palette as he threw his hands in the air, almost making Ink lose his balance. "Careful Palette!" "Sorry Mom!"
Seeing their third child at the kitched table, Ink tried to shush the other two, but only managed to make more noise.
Blueprint started laughing quietly, and so Blue removed his hands from his skull and got up to go help Palette come down without cracking his skull open.
No other way.
The ship children are:
Camellia (Dreamberry) by @xxspirit Palette (Drink) by @angeutblogo Blueprint (Inkberry) by @pepper-mint
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bruhstation · 7 months
I'm interested in what the trains in your humanization prefer to eat (What if Henry loves apple charlottes?)
yes!!! eating is one of life’s biggest joys! always love talking and learning about food and watching people cook and eat and express their happiness, so this was a fun one to answer.
thomas a. billington: thomas needs something to chew or suckle on in the break room. think of any candy that your grandma would store on her detailed glass bowl. tootsie rolls, werther’s hard caramel candy, jolly ranchers… you get it. he doesn’t have any particulars when it comes to filling dishes and most of his diet consist of snacks and candies hence his thinner and shorter build.
edward pettigrew: he loves a good hot black tea with a side of rich tea biscuits or scones. he’s the guy who knows too much about tea. stomach ache? ginger tea. sleep aid? chamomile’s the way. for the more filling dishes, edward prefers light savory dishes with feta cheese involved. he’s really fond of fërgesë from his home country, but there’s no place on sodor that could make a mean one, so he settles with making it at his own home.
henry stanier: sliced apples! when he’s in a good mood, he’d shape them into little bunnies. he likes anything savory with a strong taste too, like his mother’s curry. henry loves a full course, hearty meal that tastes and feels good, and growing up, he’s always had a large appetite (fast metabolism). henry doesn’t like anything greasy or deep fried because it’ll make his stomach acid flare up. I had to look up what apple charlottes is, and yeah, I can tell you that henry would love it.
gordon j. gresley: gordon has a sweet tooth but he’s self conscious about it and has an image to uphold so he’ll tell anyone who’s making him coffee to make it black (he adds a packet of cream and sugar when nobody’s seeing) without anything added (his friends see right through him). his favorite dessert is orange float with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. gordon also likes food that is usually eaten together with friends or family (something something lazy susan) like pork roast or kway teow or thick beef stew with mashed potatoes. big portions are necessary!
james a. hughes: sweet margarita is james’ favorite drink to have during outings with his friends. he also loves a good french onion soup, especially paired with croutons (do not make them too hard or he’ll riot!!). speaking of croutons, james loves fondue and he always fights over it with thomas. really, any food that looks good and makes him look well-off would be on his favorites list (please, james, why does most of these dishes involve alcohol in one way or another). he also likes sweet danish pastries.
percival “percy” avonside: he’s a simple man when it comes to food he likes. sandwiches are the way to go! carbohydrates, proteins, the tasty stuff — it’s all there! eggs benedict (he puts another english muffin on top so the sauce won't spill everywhere) is his most favorite since it makes him feel special and fancy. percy also loves good coffee, usually mixed with condensed milk or mocha, since he delivers the night mail train.
tobias “toby” holden: tiramisu is his favorite dessert and he prefers it made with more coffee content. he has helped out henrietta many times with making it to the point he’s has the process memorized. for savory dishes, he loves some good lasagna with extra beef content in the sauce. it’s gotta drench. really, toby loves his layered food huh
montague “duck” collett: he’s not picky when it comes to food given to him, so he just eats what any average joe would eat (eggs on toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, sausage with potatoes and peas for dinner). normal person food. duck makes sure he has his meal three times a day and follows the motto; “eat before you’re hungry, stop before you’re full.” also diesel made mango panna cotta once for him as a desperate token of apology and duck fell in love with it.
donald and douglas dunalastair: like thomas, they don’t really have much preference for filling meals. dessert, though? now that’s the stuff. donald loves cranachan so SO much he wishes he could eat it every day. douglas likes candies more instead of softer, silkier desserts, like black licorice or peppermint candy. they also eat only twice a day since they get full super quickly. amazing how so much strength for shoveling snow is stored behind their lanky bodies. they also drink irn bru
oliver t. swindon: oliver loves shepherd's pie because it’s practical. everything he needs is right there, fitting for someone who doesn’t like complicated things. as for the sweet stuff… even after forgetting some of his memories after his rescue, oliver remembers the feeling and taste of halo-halo on his tongue clearly, something he missed dearly.
giovanni vin diesel: diesel loves bruschetta. he puts some pepper flakes on top for that spice kick. he also loves sfincione, specifically the way his family would make it, but, like edward, nobody on sodor knows how to cook a decent one (too much sauce, too thick of a bread, or too soggy) which makes him a bit sad. diesel’s kind of picky when it comes to the meals he can consider “favorite” because he believes he’s the most qualified in the culinary field on sodor due to his upbringing.
mavis hawthorne: a slice of blackforest cake always makes her heart sing. not too heavy on the whipped cream, though, because she doesn’t like her desserts too sweet. she also likes baumkuchen. whenever toby cooks lasagna, he’d make another portion to give to mavis, which quickly became her favorite and something she looks forward to during lunch breaks.
rebecca nassif: rebecca likes snacking a lot. she finds joy in eating! she grew up surrounded by meals. like diesel, because of her upbringing, she’s always been an enthusiast of not only food, but culinary arts as a whole. she loves cold desserts that usually remind her of her old neighborhood like this pistachio kulfi that she would made when she was younger. rebecca also missed having knafeh and mafruka since moving to sodor (it’s been like... a week.)
nia e. wanjala: whenever nia feels like treating herself to something good, she’d make her own version of the gatsby sandwich at her house. she’s especially keen on the french fries and enjoys extra hot sauce with it. it’d take two meal times for her to finish it all. lately, nia’s also been enjoying pastries like chocolate muffins and bombolone (chocolate fillings are her favorite).
lady: as part of her mission to understand humanity and their intrapersonal relationships, lady developed an affinity to eating. she’d eat anything as long as it’s acceptable by human standards even though she doesn’t have to. lady wants to understand that people eat not only to survive but as a way to show their love and culture. isn’t the greatest blessing to be bestowed upon living things the ability to consume to their heart’s content? does her lack of mortal needs indicate her lack of personal desire? anyways her favorite foods are fish and chips with sweet mayonnaise on the side and soft serve vanilla ice cream.
diesel 10: his go-to is black coffee mixed with red bull (added with some other weird concoction if he feels like it). some scrambled eggs with a dash of hot sauce for breakfast. some fried bacon if he has some self respect for the day. some dried sardines if he wants to feel miserable. some baklava with extra syrup and pistachio if he wants to treat himself because the sound of the crunch eases his stress
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rovimrtheduck · 5 months
Stuff I've heard at school: Part 15
He didn't lose a braincell he lost the entire brain
So throughout the game he kept going 'you don't want my chunky dick?'
I do not care about your bowl movements
No one cares about your asshole
Strawberry twink
He would taste like strawberry mochi
It would look like someone exploded
P1: Those tasted like my gandmas house
P2: why are you eating your grandmas house
P1: "My grandpas not dead. The other one is, but this one isn't"
P2: "Give him time"
Teacher: yeah that's right! lower your head in shame! lower! lower!
Student, doing a walk of shame for overdue work: any lower than this and I'll be crawling!
Quebec French just, SOUNDS like they're cursing you out
This guy's hiding the fact that he, like, ties a kite to his phone
I was just going to say he has really child bearing hips
P1: "Debrah (a rifle gun) would be happy"
P2: "What's debrahs beef with me"
P1: "She doesn't like you because you've used her one too many times lol"
P2: "…is that a terrorist joke?"
P1: "yeah"
P2: "haha okay cool just checking hahaha"
Please lets refrain from calling teachers twinks
P1: "Guatamala"
P2: "That says Gujrat"
P1: "Guatamalaaa"
P2: "I guess I'm guatamalan now? lol"
P1: "Yeah you're guava"
P1, to P3: Yeah, well, I'm not Indian P2, distracted by his phone: You mean Indigenous P1, gesturing to P3, who is Indian: No I mean Indian P2, not looking up: Yeah, the proper term is Indigenous P1, aggressively gesturing to P3, who is waving awkwardly: No, I mean INDIAN P2, finally looking up: OHH! I thought you were talking about Indigenous 'Indian'! My bad, my bad.
what the hap just fuckened
P1: "Drank perfumes?"
P2: "What?"
P1: "All I heard was you went to bath and body works to drink perfume"
Do you know how balls deep I need to be in a story to be effectively begging my screen to kill off a character?
That is the sauciest look I've ever seen someone give me
Because when they're going out to no-mans land that what they're thinking, 'I want a really nice tank, very visually pleasing tank, I don't want that Mark One'
"Yo, FUCK him I'd smash his mom"
+ "Yeah and after we're done I'm going to look him dead in the eye and say 'I fucked your mom'"
P1: "Thank you for violating my (oc) characters"
P2, in an uncomfortably eager voice: "I can violate them even more if you want"
"It's the cummie water from school" sips "oh yeah, that is cum"
"Where did you get these genes from"
*looks down at his jeans* "Old Navy?"
"and he goes 'My body is my resume!' and takes his shirt off, and I showed it to my manager because I had no idea what to say"
They literally pickled a baby! (in reference to Ares mythology)
You can either be gay or funny, choose one
I identify as out of this-world
The G in LGBT stands for God
OoOoh, I don't know what I did, but I am learning SO MUCH.
Dionysus is his tumor then!
This is my tumor, he's a drunken little shit who we decided to banish to earth for a while
Blowjobs, for anyone who isn't a sex worker, should be called blowhobbies
What do you call two Jewish stoner in a car? A gas chamber
It's not because you're a rabbit, it's bc you're black!
I inhaled a piece of cheese and it won't get UNINHAILED *coughing*
Who needs their liver anyway
We're the testicles
Why did you give me that look? You look like a child seeing their father for the first time after getting the milk
UM NO. I think that's YOU little miss toe-socks
Even your writing looks dyslexic
Lycan we're both failing math, I don't need this right now.
Reverse racism, but not like, in a racist way
Wow, you even SOUND dyslexic
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starres-stuff · 27 days
Day 7- Morsel FFXIV Write 2024
Morsel: small piece or amount of food; a mouthful
Vi had gotten up early that morning to make pastries for breakfast. She loved to do this when they were all home and had time to spend together. She had even snuck out of bed, thrown on one of Clement's older shirts that hung just past her knees, and made it downstairs without being caught (or so she thought for now). 
At first, she thought she would make rolanberry scones, she had just brought home half a basket the night before but this morning when she stuck her head into the cold storage she found the basket nearly empty, her lips even pressed together in a thin line so she didn't burst out laughing because of how little was left. Whoever attacked them had even taken the time to spread out what was left on the bottom or the basket, while drinking straight from the bottle of Malbec that had been mostly full when she put it in there two nights ago before bed. Other things had been picked at as well and by the time she closed the door on the device her eyes were twinkling and her shoulders shaking as the feeling of mirth took her over. 
Sadly, without the Rolanberries, Scones did not sound nearly as good. There were other types she could make of course but they just weren’t what she wanted this particular morning. This thought process eventually led to her gathering the ingredients for Croissants, stopping only to look towards the stairs when the floorboard above her made a loud *CREAK* sound. Surely someone else was up with a noise like that unless they did have Ghosts in the rafters, which being in the Shroud this long Vi had come to realize that anything could happen at any given moment. 
Putting aside the noise for now she began to make the dough measuring out butter, flour, sugar, salt, yeast, and milk, each ingredient going into her mixing bowl to be carefully combined by constantly folding them together until they formed a ball. It was at this point that she transfered it into a glass bowl, and covered it over with a damp cheesecloth, taking it to the cold storage, where she exchanged the new dough for a bowl that had already been sitting there. A trick she had learned early on to keep herself from waiting nearly half a bell while the dough rose in the cold.
It didn’t take long for her to return to the counter where she quickly moved through the other steps of making the perfect Ishgardian Croissant, the hardest part was always shaping the dough, making certain that it was the perfect square, getting the triangular cuts correct so that the folding would go easily, and then the rolling. Her fingers had become so nimble from the process that the way she went through these steps would look like art to anyone who caught her working. Once she had placed them each on her baking sheet, she put them into the oven and then moved over to the other side of the kitchen to juice a few oranges. 
It was about this time that the stairs creaked, and with where she was it wasn’t easy to tell if someone was there or not, she tried leaning back to see if she could see past the large pillar but there just wasn’t enough room for her to see, but with the smell of fresh croissants slowly filling the house she knew better than to believe her morning peace would last much longer, but on she continued with getting the rest of breakfast ready, part way through removing the Croissants from the oven to let them cool on the rack while she scrambled some eggs and sauteed vegetables the were noises behind her.
“Good Morning beloved.” Clement’s voice was almost a sign song, and she knew that meant he was up to no good, in fact when she turned around to look at him he was lingering right near where the croissants were, dressed in his linen house pants and a loose shirt he had thrown on. This was the side of him she loved the most, the one where he was just himself. 
“Do not touch the croissants dear heart.” there was a tease in her voice, and she turned back around to finish grilling the meat that would go with breakfast. 
“Why, I would never touch them Viviane.” Clement smoothly deflected the accusation, by slipping across the room to run his arms around her waist and place a kiss on her neck “Is there anything I can do to help with this? You have been working so hard beloved.” This brought a giggle from her, and she peeked over her shoulder to catch the look in his eyes “You could set the table if you like. That would be helpful. Is Kovalt awake already as well?” leaning in then she went to place a kiss on his lips but at the last moment, this was deflected to his left cheek where her lips planted right into his well-maintained skin. While he was pretending to be innocent, that sudden turn of his head told Viviane all she needed to know. 
“He is! I left him in the dining room where he was setting the table.” Clement said with a bright smile, the type that filled his mismatched eyes with this mischievous glow. 
“Well, then I guess there is nothing left to do.” which is what she suspected the two gremlins had planned as soon as they smelled breakfast cooking “The rest is almost done, you could always take the juice out to the table.” she motioned to the tray a bit further down the counter where three glasses sat “I just need to make some tea and then I will be done. 
“Oh, will it be the Marsala Chai?” backing off then to let her move he returned to where the croissants were cooling instead of getting the juice. “How about I take these out to the table! I’m right here.” he offered, and for a moment she could have sworn she heard Kovalt snicker from the other room as if he had been listening to them the entire time or waiting for the handoff of a tray from Clement.
“Yes it is the Chai love and I need to finish them up. I am drizzling chocolate on some and then doing the others with cinnamon sugar.” Vi’s ear perked to listen for an answer and what she heard was a “Mmmm” sound coming from behind her. 
“I mean mmhmm! That”s right you haven’t finished yet.” Clement added quickly, clearing his throat right at the end. 
“Why don’t you go and join our husband at the table and I’ll bring everything out when I am done.” This was Vi’s way of shooing him from the kitchen, she even turned around with the large plate that had the eggs, meat, and vegetables on it to be taken out to the table and she set it down on the tray she had gotten down for it’s transport.” 
It was then that she noticed it, the crumbs right at the corner of Clement’s lips as he smiled at her, giving her that loving look he always did when she came close to him. 
“You did, didn’t you.” Viviane gave him a playfully sour look, her lip jutting out in a pout. “You touched the sacred croissants before I could even decorate them didn’t you.” her eyes cast downwards towards the platter where she finally found the evidence, three of the croissants with their perfect golden brown finish, were missing the caps on their ends. 
“It was just a small piece beloved, a morsel I swear! A mouthful! There is still plenty left and I didn’t ruin a single one. I sampled all three to make certain they were okay for everyone else to eat. It was only a nibble!” 
As Clement defended himself against the feisty redhead who swatted at him with a towel she had grabbed from the countertop, laughter erupted from the next room where Kovalt had indeed been watching the whole thing happen instead of setting the table.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Domestic Avengers + Peter Masterlist
5 Times Tony Denied Having a Kid (ao3) - scilessweetheart T, 8k
Summary: … and the one time he just went with it.
A Parent Apparent (ao3) - happyaspie pepper/tony T, 528k
Summary: In which the author indulges herself in some shameless Irondad/Spiderson with fluff, angst and everything in between because she needs more of that in her life.
Just another one of those, oh so overdone, fanfics where Tony and Peter’s relationship grows into more of a father/son relationship after an accident involving Aunt May (who lives)
darkness will be rewritten (ao3) - princessironspider natasha/tony N/R, 104k
Summary: Peter is Tony’s biological child.
Natasha Romanoff has been married to Tony Stark secretly for years.
What would the movies be like if this were the case?
Friendly Neighborhood Superheroes (ao3) - steverogersandpeggycarter peggy/steve G, 2k
Summary: Peter Parker meets the Avengers and learns a few things about Captain America's domestic life.
glitter in the air (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/steve/sam G, 1k
Summary: Steve volunteers him and Bucky to watch Peter when Tony needs to go to an important business meeting for Stark Industries. Bucky's only been back for a few months, and doesn't quite trust himself around others, let alone a child.
Hello Midtown High (ao3) - AmyR G, 20k
Summary: This is basically domestic Avengers and Peter Parker, with a slight smattering of the Field Trip trope thrown in. It's really just domestic Avengers though.
just know you're not alone (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor tony/sam T, 10k
Summary: Tony was settling into his new life being an Avenger. Everything was going fine, great even, and then suddenly a kid was thrown into the picture. Peter Parker becomes Tony’s world, and he’s doing everything he can to keep his son out of the spotlight. Unfortunately, some things don’t always go to plan. But would it really be such a bad thing if his fellow Avengers found out about his son?
Kissin’ Dynamite (ao3) - crime_fighting_spiderling pepper/tony, mj/peter G, 27k
Summary: Where Peter and his class go on a field trip to Stark Tower.
Miscommunications (ao3) - Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so T, 14k
Summary: Five times the Avengers learn about Peter Parker, and the one time the rest of the world does, too.
My Hero (ao3) - zrysx steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Steve catches 5-year old Peter dressing up as his favorite Avenger - Captain America.
My son (ao3) - breakanironheart G, 3k
Summary: Five years after the Avengers met Peter and watched him grow up, a vigilante called 'Spider-Man' started going around in New York. They didn't care about it until a specific fifteen-year-old started acting suspiciously.
Our Results Are In and You ARE the Father (ao3) - superhusbands4ever (Potterwatch97) steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: “Dude,” Scott said, waiting until Clint turned his head to acknowledge him, “I thought we were the only ones with kids?”
Clint looked at him strangely, swallowing the last of his milk and lowering the bowl.
“We are,” Clint said before grabbing his things and getting up from the table.
“But he just called Stark…” Scott trailed off pointing in Peter’s direction when he realized no one was listening to him.
Parenting for Superheroes (ao3) - somebocly steve/tony G, 5k
Summary: AKA Peter thought coffee and energy drinks would mix well together while staying at the Avengers Tower.
The Five Times Peter Got Help With Schoolwork and The One Time It Was Done For Him (ao3) - DJ_unicornsrgr8 steve/bucky G, 19k
Summary: Peter needs more sleep. And time. But he definitely doesn't need help, or at least that's what he tells himself.
Aka Peter isn't a good self-advocate.
Aka the title is pretty self-explanatory.
The Great Disney Marathon (ao3) - MisguidedFeelingsofaDreamWeaver30 steve/natasha, scott/hope, gamora/peter, pepper/tony T, 26k
Summary: The Avengers embark on a mission: The Great Disney Marathon. As they watch, they find themselves comparing their lives to the animated stories onscreen.
Inspired by the many parallels between Marvel and Disney.
Prompts filled: Domestic Avengers, Romanogers, Peter Parker, Tony Stark
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abookishdreamer · 3 months
Character Intro: E.B (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Bud by his father & grandfather
Age- 11 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- He's a sweet natured optimistic young boy with a heartwarming naivete. He has a tendency to overthink sometimes.
After his induction ceremony in a few years, his official title as a deity will be demi-god of the grain. As of now his powers/abilities are limited photokinesis, grain generation/manipulation, being able to shapeshift into a pig, and wheat generation/manipulation.
E.B is a fraternal twin. His sister is Krysothemis (Kristy). He's named after his grandfather Eubouleus (god of the swine & ploughing), so everyone calls him E.B for short. E.B's father is Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest). Other members of his immediate family includes his step-grandmother Baubo (nicknamed Barbie), his aunt Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest), and his cousin Britomartis (goddess of mountains, hunting, & fishing nets).
He, his sister, and their father live on their small 10 acre farm in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. The walls of E.B's bedroom is covered with blue & green tree branch patterned wallpaper. There's also posters of his favorite deities, music artists, TV shows, and movies as well as some framed farmland paintings. The flooring is a light cedarwood & there's also a bunk bed that he sleeps on.
E.B is the spitting image of Karmanor with his dark golden blond hair, blue-green eyes, and golden fair skin. In the family he has always been known as a beautiful boy.
On the farm, he has his own pet- a horse named Buckeye. He can spend hours brushing his horse's mane.
E.B is aware that he has a mother. He doesn't know much about her and barely remembers her. He had the only photo of her that his father kept- her at the beach while pregnant. E.B gave it to Kristy after he kept catching her looking at it every day for a month. He doesn't know what to feel about his biological mother. How can he miss someone he doesn't even know?
At home & on the farm he has his own responsibilities. Aside from the usual chores like cleaning his room and doing his laundry, E.B is also responsible for trimming Buckeye's hooves every 6-8 weeks, feeding him & giving him water, mowing the lawn, and cleaning out the chicken coop & horse stable.
A go-to drink for him is his dad's homemade sweet tea. He also likes water, orange juice, ginger ale, his dad's homemade lemonade, apple cider, vanilla milk, fruit punch, and s'mores milkshakes from The Frozen Spoon.
E.B also gets complimented on his perfect brilliant white teeth.
In the mornings before school he'll settle for a granola bar, a tomato sandwich, or a bowl of Golden Kreme Crunch cereal. E.B looks forward to the weekends when he can enjoy a full breakfast. Some of his favorite morning dishes include hash browns with buttermilk biscuits and sausage gravy, chicken & waffles, brown sugar oatmeal pancakes, & cheesy grits (topped with a huge dollop of butter).
Apples, bananas, and peaches are his favorite fruits.
E.B is very close with his sister Kristy. With every argument and disagreement, they still have each other's backs. When either of them don't feel comfortable talking to their father, they pour their hearts out to one another. Some nights, they'll hang out in the living room watching TV, talking for hours till they fall asleep. They also like playing card games, going to the park, & going to the mall with their friends.
He's currently learning how to speak Latin and Minoan.
Two of his favorite guilty pleasures is the olympian burger with extra bacon from Olympic Chef & the homemade sandwich he makes with peanut butter, sliced banana, and bacon.
E.B has a good relationship with his dad. They spend a lot of time together- checking out a baseball game, riding their horses, and cooking. He's even getting more interested in bull riding after watching a bull riding competition Karmanor was in on TV.
The first dish he ever learned how to cook was chicken fried steak.
His favorite frozen treat is s'mores ice cream. He also likes his grandpa's hummingbird ice cream.
E.B loves traveling to Crete to visit the rest of the family. He looks forward to going fishing & hunting with his grandpa, partaking in Barbie's moist hummingbird cake, and going canoeing with Britomartis.
He has a growing baseball card collection.
For his most recent birthday, E.B was gifted a pair of cowboy boots and a cowboy hat from his grandfather.
He & his sister are sixth graders at an esteemed middle school in the city. A fellow godling and friend they share is Philia (goddess of friendship). Other godly students include Thrasos (god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage), Pandia (goddess of the full moon), Thespios (god of acting), Dysis (goddess of the sunset), Epidotes (god of purity), Deucalion, Pompe (goddess of rites), Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness), Telete (goddess of prayers), Achelois (goddess of the moon & comfort), and Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness). E.B's friend group consists of an oread boy named Asterios, mortal boys named Andreas & Ilias, a centaur named River, and a dryad named Ivy.
His favorite classes are science, gym, home economics, & history.
E.B is thinking about trying out for his school's baseball team.
A favorite school trip of his so far has been to the state of Athens where they went to the oldest city there, Plaka. E.B and the other sixth grade classes traveled there by way of chariot bus, pulled by a magnificent pegasus. He remembers drinking one too many olive juice slushies!
In the pantheon he looks up to his nonós Pathos (god of emotion), also enjoying his delicious & crispy tostones! E.B is also really close to Pathos' other kids Xenia (goddess of hospitality); who's two years younger than him and Storge, who he views like a baby brother. For maternal figures (other than Barbie & Karme), E.B also looks up to his dad's friends Thilasmós (goddess of nursing) and Pherusa (goddess of substance & farm estates). He appreciates Thilasmós' warm hugs & comforting scent of warm milk as well as Pherusa's fruit parfaits.
With E.B's early burgeoning puberty, he's beginning to notice himself noticing girls and guys. He paid extra attention to a poster he bought of Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge). E.B felt all warm and fuzzy noticing Apollo's chiseled chest, shimmering light golden brown skin, full lips, & thick curly brownish blond hair. He also has crushes on Thalia (muse of comedy), Hemera (goddess of the day), and Thallo (goddess of spring & new growth).
E.B had his first real kiss with Ivy while they were partnered up for a home economics project a few months ago. He remembers how she smelt of sweet wet grass & how her lips tasted like mint.
In his free time he enjoys swimming, bike riding, basketball, skateboarding, football (soccer), reading, listening to music, baking, and spending time with family.
His all time favorite meal is stifado with buttermilk biscuits.
"It is the sweet simple things of life which are the real ones after all."
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basicsofislam · 6 months
ASMA BINT YAZID (radhiallahu anha)
The era of the Prophet was an era of knowledge. The Companions who were around the sublime Prophet learned many things from the source of knowledge. They asked the Messenger of Allah about the problems they encountered in daily life and asked him various questions. Not only men but also women went into the presence of the Prophet to ask them about their problems. For, they knew that modesty did not prevent learning one’s religion. There was no need to feel ashamed while learning one’s religion.
One of the women who caused many issues, especially those about women, to be clarified was Asma bint Yazid (r.anha). Hz. Asma was a woman of Ansar.
When the Prophet migrated to Madinah, the women of Ansar paid allegiance to him and promised that they would not
“cry out loud as if they were screaming after a dead person, follow a funeral, associate any partners with Allah, steal, commit adultery and kill their children”.
One of those women was Hz. Asma. She kept her promise throughout her life. Like the other female Companions, Asma loved the Messenger of Allah very much, served her and treated her some food whenever she could. She was not rich but she was generous. She took spiritual pleasure when she shared her food and drink with the Messenger of Allah. Once, she saw that the Messenger of Allah was performing the evening prayer at the mosque. She went home. She prepared some bread and raisins. She waited for him outside the mosque and invited him to her house. The Messenger of Allah did not want to break the heart of this self-sacrificing Companions. He went to her house with some Companions. Hz. Asma put the food she had prepared in front of the Messenger of Allah and said,
“O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! Help yourselves.”
The Prophet said to his Companions
“Help yourselves! Bismil­lah!”
They ate the food. After narrating this incident, Hz. Asma said,
“I swear by Allah, in whose hand is my existence, that I saw with my own eyes. The group of 40 people could not finish the bread or raisins. After eating, they drank water and left. When the people in my family got ill, we would drink the water that was left in the water-skin by the Messenger of Allah and the Companions and got well. Our sustenance increased thanks to it.”( Tabaqat, 8: 319-320. )
Hz. Asma sometimes went to the house of the Prophet and listened to the talk of the Prophet with the other women.
When the Prophet married Hz. Aisha, Hz. Asma was there with some other female Companions. After the Prophet drank some milk, she gave the bowl of milk to Hz. Aisha. She did not want to take it because she was feeling very shy. Thereupon, Hz. Asma said,
“O, Aisha! Do not refuse the offer of the Messenger of Allah. Take it and drink it.”
Hz. Aisha took the bowl drank some milk and gave it back. This time, the Prophet gave the bowl to Hz. Asma. She took it and drank from the milk that the Prophet had left.( Musnad, 6: 458. )
Hz. Asma was distinguished among the female Companions due to her straightforwardness and eloquence.
Therefore, she was known as “the Orator of the Women”. When the women of Madinah wanted to ask the Prophet something and learn from him, they would send her as their representative. She would go to the Prophet and tell the Messenger of Allah clearly about the issue.
Once, the women chose her as their representative and sent her to the Prophet to ask about an issue that occupied their minds.  Hz. Asma appeared before the Prophet; when she was given permission to speak, she said,
“O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you!”
After expressing her respect, she spoke as follows:
“I am the representative of some women. There is no doubt that Allah Almighty sent you as His Prophet for all mankind – men, and women. We believe in you and your Lord.  We, women, live within our houses and fulfill the legitimate wishes of our husbands. Men are superior to us in that they perform Friday prayers and attend congregational prayers in the mosques, visit ill people, take part in the janazah prayer and go to hajj many times. The most virtuous of all is taking part in jihad. When men go to hajj, umrah or jihad, we to protect their property, clean and repair their clothes. We look after their children. Are we going to be given the same rewards as men?”
After listening to Asma’s talk, the Prophet appreciated her intelligence and eloquence; he said to the Companions who were there,
“Have you ever heard any women asking a religious question to speak more eloquently than her?”
Then, he gave the following glad tiding to Asma and all believing women:
“Listen and tell the other women whom you are representing! If a woman gets on well with her husband and attains his consent, she receives the same rewards for the deeds that you have listed.”( Usdu'l-Ghaba, 5: 398. )
Hz. Asma left joyfully after the answer of the Prophet. She wanted to give the glad tiding to her friends. She told them what she had heard from the Messenger of Allah. All of the women became very happy when they heard the glad tiding. From then on, they regarded housework as worshipping bringing them rewards not as a burden.
Asma, who sometimes listened to the talks of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and learned from him, narrated 81 hadiths. One of them is as follows:
“The Prophet said to his Companions, ‘Shall I tell you who are the best ones among people?’ They said, ‘Yes! O Messenger of Allah!’ He said, ‘The ones you see mentioning Allah (dhikr).’ Then, he said, ‘Shall I tell you who are the worst ones among people? They are the ones who drive a wedge between people who gossip and act as talebearers.”( Musnad, 6: 459. )
Another hadith is as follows:
“When Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet, died, the Messenger of Allah wept. Hz. Abu Bakr or Umar said to him, ‘You are indeed the best of those who glorify Allah with what is due to him.’ Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: ‘The eye weeps and the heart grieves, but we do not say anything that angers the Lord. O, Ibrahim! If the death was not something that inevitably comes to all, and that the latter did not join the former, we would be sadder than we are now.’“( Ibn Majah, Janaiz: 53. )
Hz. Asma, who was known for her braveness and heroism along with her intelligence, participated in the Battle of Yarmuk in order to take care of the wounded people and to give the mujahids water. Once, she grabbed a tent pole and went to the battlefield.  She killed nine Byzantine soldiers. ( Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 1: 442. )
It is not known where and when this great Islamic woman, who did not hesitate to sacrifice her life in order to spread Islam and to punish those who wanted to eliminate Islam, died.
May Allah be pleased with her!
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transboysokka · 7 months
Salad Bar
You don’t plan to process your Trauma Sat alone next to the salad bar But here you are You don’t plan to process your Trauma- Well, let’s stop the sentence right there. You don’t plan to process your Trauma Anywhere Complex, they say it is, And it must be because you have no idea What it is or where it starts but you know From these Feelings That it must be from childhood Because here you are In the Ponderosa on Roosevelt Road At a table for one near the salad bar Dissociating only because you remember A time at a different Ponderosa Across the world twenty years ago The greasy salad Passes over your tongue unnoticed The butter noodles and broccoli tasting Far too much like your troubled youth Than you’d care to admit You don’t feel the cheap cappuccino as it burns your tongue Or the bowl of chocolate ice cream Melting untouched in front of you On this cold winter day You go through the exercises you’ve learned over the years To bring you back to yourself Name five things you can feel But all you feel is a hole in your heart You feel angry Why? Figure it out. Think about how much you Don’t Want To Breathe. You tell yourself you’re angry because it’s Different than how you remember. But of course the buffet is different- You’ve never been here. So what are you talking about? You remember a summer on a camping trip, Going into town for an afternoon Rows and rows of carbs and fruits and desserts Steaks and drinks and chocolate milk You loved chocolate milk, it was what You always had to order on the rare restaurant outing As a kid You imagine your family laughed and joked with each other in the booth Of course you wouldn’t remember but That’s how you choose to remember that part of childhood Before you were old enough to know What was really going on You think of it now As you watch the families laughing around you The child by the coffee machine jumping up and down As her mother pours her hot chocolate As two girls in matching floral jackets Race each other to the ice cream cooler How many of these families have secrets, You wonder, and does it even matter? So long as they’re happy in this moment. Will they ever look back fondly On this inconsequential family dinner? Do they wonder (Don’t flatter yourself) About the white guy sitting alone, Letting his ice cream melt? If they knew, would they wonder Why he is all alone pretending to be happy In a city twelve thousand kilometers away From his family, but missing them every day? (And what is he missing? Their presence or their past?) Because it’s on days like these That he Doesn’t know.
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Use this magic wand to drink your fancy coffee at home instead of in traffic.
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It doesn't matter what brand. They are all basically the same with a different alphabet soup of letters on them. A rechargeable holds a charge for over two weeks of daily use and froths up milk like nobody's business.
Hey, would you like to avoid waiting eternally in line for a sip of that sweet elixir to be found only in your pretentious neighborhood Starbucks?
Would you like less of the few dollars you still have control over, after paying out all your hard earned money just to frickin exist as a biological organism with basic needs like food, water, and shelter. And maybe some love, if you're lucky. How much of that money do you want going to companies of morally and ethically questionable views on civil rights, fair trade, abuse and enslavement of indigenous people who grow the coffee, and genocides?
I don't want to give Starbucks corporate my money either. And it's not like they pay their workers enough to benefit the community either.
But I need that sweet elixir and I can't get by on Dunkin.
Well, have I got a life hack for you: Make your own damn coffee and put it in your own damn cup yourself.
Heavy cream is 5 bucks a quart. Heavy cream lasts for 3-6 weeks in some households in an opened cardboard container. It's pure fat and bacteria generally cannot consume fats. Cool fact of the day.
Heavy cream is the elixir of happiness. You can't feel bad while eating a whole bowl of newly whipped cream. Next time you feel down, put an inch of cream in a cup. Add some of your favorite sweeter. Use your magic milk frother wand for a minute or two. Then just spoon it in. Trust me.
Buy the best coffee beans you can afford. You can more than afford 2 week's worth of ethically sourced, super high quality beans, from whatever origin or blend you like, if you just skip 3 Starbucks runs.
Buy a coffee grinder. Fresh ground coffee. There is nothing like it.
Did you know that the newer coffee makers all come standard with timers. Even the dirt cheap ones. You don't even have to get out of bed to make the coffee all cold and fumbly. Just set it up at night and push the timer button before you brush your teeth. Wake up to the smell of that golden cup.
And then, while you enjoy that first sip of coffee neat and black, you take your magic wand and you use it to froth up milk. After you have enjoyed your pure coffee bliss, and pour your foamy milk onto your coffee. Full fat milk. Or half and half. Maybe indulge in cream. I suggest cream.
Frothing the milk is a learned skill. It takes some practice but you'll grasp the idea.
You can vary the froth by how long you froth the milk or cream. If you froth cream you will immediately get whipped cream and I highly suggest that.
Better, easier, more inexpensive, ethical morning coffee. In your own way. Thanks to today's technological wizardry!
Here's the better part. Instead of gulping down Starbucks in traffic, use your own darn coffee to help you center yourself for the day.
We can all find an extra 15 minutes in our morning to just sit down and drink your coffee before you face this day. (Hell, you probably have to budget at least 15 minutes to spend in line for your coffee every day already. Take it back.)
Find yourself in the moment, drink your coffee, contemplate a bird or a beetle or a cloud. Something of this cosmos. Drink your coffee and focus on something of this living cosmos. Not to become one with it or anything like that. Just to focus on something real that is alive and feel the kinship. It has a wonderful effect of resetting our view of ourselves into a more positive one. Sip your own darn coffee in comfort.
Then enrich your soul with 5 minutes of poetry, scripture, or philosophy. Sip your coffee as you ponder its meaning and significance.
Ready yourself to face your day. Do not review your to do list. Just prepare yourself to roll out. As you sip your coffee.
It can be the silliest dumbest mug in the world. It can be a crumbling creation from a 5yo or a more aesthetically pleasing form. Now fill it with a gourmet whatever the frick you want for 50 cents a day. Heck yeah. Every morning coffee is a uniquely you experience.
Build a better morning coffee ritual than gulping it down like a drug while cursing at other drivers. We can evolve as a society and join the rest of the civilized world.
Make your own darn coffee. Have a morning coffee ritual. It's a human right. Make a better morning coffee ritual for yourself. Be creative. Be yourself. Drink your own darn good coffee. Your way.
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
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After a few excellent days, I'm in one of those "Meh, can't be bothered" moods tonight 😒.
Might take a night off.
Who or what can I blame?? 😂😂
But hey, it's not like I'm eating pizza and doughnuts.
Fresh fruit, plant based "cream" and peanut butter.
I'm being a healthy renegade, at least!
So that leads me on to my current obsession with my current restrictions.
Been stressing over using dairy alternatives.
That pretend cream was the last drop I had in the fridge.
Won't be getting more.
Why do we feel we actually NEED milk, cheese and yoghurt?
Ok. To be honest I love those things. But do I need them? Of course not.
Nobody needs dairy. Apart from babies.
Now, I'm not giving milk up. Yes, I know what I just said, but hey, the heart wants what it wants.
So I'm sticking with oat and soya for my hot drinks and porridge.
But what to put with my bowl of fresh fruit?
I've always had plain greek yoghurt and nuts.
Well, I bought some unflavoured pea protein powder recently. It's not too expensive, and lasts ages if I only have one small scoop per day.
I'm thinking of blending that with oat milk and a spoon of peanut butter. Throw in either cinnamon or nutmeg.
If I warm it up before blending it'll maybe thicken up a bit and be more puddingy.
So I'm going to try that tomorrow!
And I've already been sprinkling nutritional yeast on both my big salads at lunch and hot dinners. Kind of cheesy.
The learning curve continues......
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azertyrobaz · 2 years
Comfortember 2022 - Day#13: Losing track of time
It was the first time he was sitting down since that morning, and his back complained fiercely when he leaned against the barn’s doorway. Cara had remarked earlier that he was blatantly letting the villagers take care of the child all day long and it had unnerved him, because she was absolutely right. He hadn’t done it deliberately – not at first at least. He’d been busy planning the attack with the ex-rebel shock trooper, and the boy hadn’t seemed to mind. Or the villagers, for that matter. On the contrary.
Din could no longer use the raiders as an excuse, but the fact remained that he thought they were doing a better job than him anyway. They certainly looked like they knew what they were doing raising a kid and seemed to have everything the little swamp rat could yearn for: other children to play with, nutritious food at regular intervals, warm blankets at night, reassuring hugs when he needed comfort… There was simply no contest, as he’d never be able to provide such a safe, nurturing space.
And yet that didn’t mean he wouldn’t like to give it a try. Especially if he could prove Cara wrong in the process. He’d learned to change diapers, surely this wouldn’t be that difficult either.
He’d observed parents carefully and noticed they used baby bottles to feed the very small kids. He’d seen the child drink on his own from various cups and bowls, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t like it. Hell, it could even prove useful on the Crest and he’d be less likely to make a mess every time he gave him some soup, or broth.
This evening, he was trying something new: milk. He’d been advised to warm it, which he had done, and he now waited patiently for the child to realize he’d returned to the barn early for once. This didn’t take long at all, and the boy immediately abandoned the game he was playing with a couple of kids who hadn’t been summoned home yet to join him on the porch.
Din smiled as he observed him toddle in his direction, clearly interested in the bottle he was holding in his hands. He’d probably used them in the past – that was reassuring, he would know what to do, and this was one less thing Din would have to figure out himself.
But that didn’t turn out to be the case.
“Ah!” the child cooed happily, raising his arms in his direction.
Thinking he wanted the bottle, Din handed it to him, but the boy frowned and lowered his arms. Puzzled, he pulled back his hand, and set the bottle on the floor. Perhaps it was easier for him to grab it like this?
“Ah, ah!” repeated the boy, holding his tiny arms up again, staring straight at him. Maybe he wanted to be held before he ate? A pat on the back? A kind word of reassurance? So Din picked him up, then felt a little silly, so he gave him an awkward hug. The kid made a tiny, pleased sound, but before Din could set him down again, he’d managed to turn around in his arms, slide against his chest, and now sat on his hip, his small back against his side. It had all happened so fast he’d only been able to grab him reflexively, one large hand preventing him from sliding further.
But the child was all set, he wasn’t going anywhere, and Din realized this when he placed his own ridiculously small hands over his.
“Ah,” he emitted one last time, his eyes now fixed on the bottle.
He’d been well and truly had, and Din could only sigh.
“Alright,” he conceded. “But this won’t happen again, and then you’re off to bed.”
An hour later, the sun had set, and Cara found the two of them asleep, the Mandalorian’s hand still held in place against the child’s full tummy.
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