#but this is omori we're talking about
lilac-gold · 1 year
I've been working on a character study for Hero for a little while now, coming back to it on occasion when I have the time & motivation. It all flows together in a one-shot, but it's split into 12 sections to show the 12 months. It focused around the year where he comes back to Faraway, the events preceding, succeeding and including the neutral ending.
So far, it's at 10,000+ words.
So far, I am halfway through writing the July section.
...it appears that this is going to be slightly longer than I initially anticipated.
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daily-basil · 15 days
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Fat Basil yippeeeee
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artyasumi · 1 year
Oh this should have been a given but... Hero Omori in le maid outfit...
Malewife of the year!!
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marzthealien · 3 months
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I'm sorry, I had to make this.
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First it was DW Basil and not it's RW Basil flower children invasion it is then-
"I.. guess?"
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inazumatrash · 1 year
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Some concept art for a discarted comic idea.
But I ended up adapting the script to a fanfic! (It's a little rough and I'm new to writing, so any feedback is welcome) Omori spoilers ahead.
The events of this story happens sometime after Mari's funeral.
It's sunset time with blue and soft pink tints all over the urban scenery. Basil is finishing tying up the velcro of his sandals to go out. Grabbing the door knob, he turns his head back to leave one final message before leaving.
"I'll be back soon, grandma!"
There's a chilling breeze outside and the streets are eerily empty. But Basil prefer this way. His head is full of thoughts, he needs the space. Approaching his destination, he stops looking at the sidewalk and lifts his head. He finally spot a living soul a bit ahead of him.
It's Kel. He's in front of Sunny's house. Kel seems to hesitate for a while, but gathers courage and knocks on the door. He vigorously give three consecutive knocks.
"That's a bit too much." Basil observes. Good old Kel.
It doesn't take too long for the door to open, and Sunny's mom appears. She has a dull look in her eyes. She's tired.
"Oh, it's you, Kelsey…" She looks over his shoulder. "and Basil."
Kel also looks back. Basil is suddenly there, a few steps of distance.
"What can I do for you two?"
"Uh." Kel is a little surprised with Basil's presence, but figured out he came for the same reason as him. "Can I- Can we talk to Sunny?"
"Hm…" She looks away before answering. "He's a little more unresponsive than usual..."
Basil feels a pinch of pain in his stomach.
"I wasn't able to talk to him since… the funeral." Kel fidgets a little. "I want to let him know he can count on us!"
Sunny's mom mouth corner's change to a soft, yet warm smile.
"Well, I'm sure he would appreciate to hear from you two, at least."
She steps back, opening the door welcoming the boys in. Kel perks up and calls Basil with a hand gesture. They enter the house.
"He's at their- at his room."
At the living room, the boys can see the glass door that leads to the backyard, highlighted with a menacing reddish orange light of the last sunrays. Kel immediatelly changes his attention to Sunny's mom back, while Basil has a hard time moving away his focus from it. They arrive at the staircase. Kel doesn't think twice and steps halfway through it. Basil freezes.
"Basil?" Kel calls out for him.
Basil tries to hide his anxiety and replies "C-coming!"
They are at front of Sunny's room, Sunny's mother a little further, to give the boys some space. Kel knocks the door, but this time, more gently.
"Sunny? It's Kel and Basil!" No reply.
Basil gives a quick look back at the staircase and Something starts crawling around him.
"Sunny." Kel starts again, leaning his hand on the door. "Sorry for not talking to you until now. But you know that we're here for you, right?" Kel sends a signal to Basil by raising his eyebrows and tilting his head towards the door, asking him to join.
Basil desperately tries to find the words. But the truth is, he wasn't expecting Sunny's mom, much less Kel's presence. It's not that he didn't have anything to say. He couldn't say anything he wanted to.
The creeping silence started to bother Kel, so he continued instead.
"Oh, I know! If you want, we can have a sleepover!" No reply. "Uh, it doesn't need to be anything fancy! We don't need to play games or eat snacks… We don't even need to talk. Just have each other's company, y'know?"
Kel smiled as he placed his other hand and ear to the door, waiting for the answer. He believed his idea was too good to be turned down. No reply.
"Sunny?" More silence.
Sunny's mom sighs, ready to call Kel and Basil back. Kel moves away from the door. He starts playing with his hoodie strings, looking a little less bright than before.
"Don't worry about it, it's okay." He did his best to hold a smile "I totally understand if you just need time alone."
"…like Hero." He completes under his breath, almost a whisper.
Another wave of silence. Is Sunny ignoring them? Is he even listening? Basil's mind go blank as he stares at the door.
"We'll come back tomorrow!" Kel bursts. The "we" took Basil by surprise.
"R-right! We'll be back tomorrow, Sunny." Basil faintly addes to the farewell.
Kel gives one last knock on the door, and starts walking away. Basil follows him.
"Oh, kids…"
"Can we really come back tomorrow?" Basil asks.
"Oh, yes, you may come… I'll let you know if he's available or not." It wasn't very reassuring.
After one last goodbye, the two boys leave the house. A few steps later, they stop in front of Kel's house. Before Basil could say anything, Kel apologizes.
"I'm sorry you couldn't say much. I hogged all the time for myself."
"N-not really. I wasn't sure what to say, anyway…"
"Isn't it strange, though? Sunny… He doesn't like to be alone, why would he…?" Kel stops and shakes his head. "We just have to try again tomorrow!" Kel smiles seems forced, Basil notices.
"W-well… See you tomorrow, then?"
"No, wait- let me walk you home!"
"O-okay." Basil let him be.
In the middle of the walk, Kel turns to Basil.
"I still didn't talk to Aubrey either. Did you?" Basil shakes his head. "I thought about visiting her too, but- I think I'm the last person she would want to see." Basil thought the same of himself, but kept silent about it.
Kel is a open book, he has no reason to hide his emotions and usually can be very blunt with his honesty. But something feels off today. Or since then. That day. Looking better, Basil notices Kel was using a navy colored hoodie at least two sizes larger than it should be. A small letter "H" was embroidered on it. Kel would use passed down clothes from Hero, but this one was clearly borrowed before its time.
He was lonely too.
Soon, Basil's home is right around the corner.
"Hm, actually." Basil starts. "I promised grandma I was going to buy a few things at the convenience store. Do you want to tag along…?" Kel snorts in reply. Was Basil trying to cheer him up?
"Sure, let's go! But let's be quick, mom won't like if I come home too late." He skips ahead.
"Wait! The store is on the opposite direction!"
It's night. Between the interval of a lightpost to another, Kel can't stand the silence anymore.
"Aah, I should have brought some pocket money!" He comes closer to Basil, using his hand to shield the conversation like he was about to confide a secret. "But I already spent all my allowance."
Basil wasn't expecting chit-chat, but wasn't too surprised either. It kind of gave him a sense of normality.
"…Hero always scolds me for spending it too quickly.
Like everything that happened was just a bad dream…
"But Mari would always treat me instead!"
A shiver passes through Basil's spine.
"Are you cold?" Kel opens his arms as invinting for a hug.
"No, I'm okay!"
Kel stops and rewinds what he just said.
"N-no, don't be." Basil almost regrets calling Kel over. The uncomfortable silence is back, until Kel broke it again.
"I'll be more careful with my money from now on."
"So I can be the one who treat everyone out! How is that?"
"Are you sure you'll be able to do that?"
"What? You understimate me!!"
Basil slips a weak smile. Kel smiles back, like he planned it from the beggining. They continue their walk.
At the convenience store, Basil goes straight to what he went for. To kill time, Kel explores around until something take his attention at the candy area. Basil approaches too see what was so interesting. Kel only notices his presence after a while.
"Eek!" Kel was startled.
"…Are you going to ask for borrowed money?" Basil teases.
"No!! I was just looking… See, there's everyone's favorite flavor today…"
Basil identifies each flavor and silently pick them up.
They leave the store and Kel lifts his lollipop over his head.
"Basil, you're the best!" The compliment take Basil aback.
"It's just candy…"
"Yeah, it's just candy." Basil didn't expect him to agree so fast.
"It's the thought that counts!"
Basil just nods.
They arrive at Basil's house again.
"We're here!" Kel announces the obvious.
Basil moves ahead to the door.
"See you tomorrow!!"
Basil stops.
Basil is welcomed by his grandma with tea and cookies. Putting the groceries aside and with a cup in hands, he stares at the lollipops over the kitchen's table. Strawberry, watermelon and grape. He thinks back when Kel pointed that everyones flavors were available. All six of them. He shrugs the thought away.
Kel is on his way back, already appreciating his orange lollipop, while waving the cola flavored one in the air. He wonders when he'll be able to deliver the little gift. He wonders when he'll be able to talk to Hero again. Or to any of his friends for that matter. He shrugs the thought away.
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bloodyodyssey · 29 days
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(Repost) Comms still up with 8 slots, 3 for busts, 3 for half body, and 2 for full body! Each listing also allows for up to one extra character to be added on at half price!
***If you don't want to commission me that's also fine i'd apreciate just a regular kofi dono or just sharing this around bc my finances are low, I've been averaging on $20 a month and struggling to pay hospital bills from earlier this year. i will also be considering opening a google doc or some other order form to allow payments via cashapp if yhere's any interest. Anyways heres a general breakdown of the pricing system and my will's/wont's under the cut:
So how do I (you, the buyer) choose what I want?
SO when you open up the request form it should look something like this!
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We're using the bust order as our example here. At its base price, $15, it is set for the black and white option. If this is what you would like, then you don't have to worry about the add ons at all and you go straight to submitting your request! Now, if you're choosing add ons, it'll look something like these:
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The first would be an example of an order of a flat color bust + an extra character bust with flat coloring as well. The color option adds the extra $10 (to match the listed price on the poster for $25), and the extra character with flat coloring adds half of that $25 to the order (well a little less bc i knocked off the .50 cents) which is why it comes out to $37.
The second would be an example of a black and white bust order with an added black and white bust character. This just adds an extra $7 to the price totaling $22.
What will you (the artist, me Brutus) draw?
If you want me to draw your oc or fanart of your favorite character I GOT U!!!
I'm also comfortable drawing blood and gore though I'll have to keep it on the lighter side (I enjoy blood if it isnt obvious by my url though so depending on what you want we might be able to go a little further with that).
I can do characters with armor as well, however I will require a reference of some sort from you, the client, as I'm frankly not going to attempt armor off the dome. I won't design armor myself either.
Pinups (not full nsfw due to how much of a struggle it is to navigate different site policies) and other suggestive works are also a-ok! a tity does not bother me if that wasn't made clear by my commission card 👍🏽
What will you (the artist, me Brutus) NOT draw?
Im not comfortable trying to draw real people as of right now sorry! I'm just not really a caricature or realistic portrait artist but this may change in the future.
I also won't do furry/anthro just because that isn't my forte as I haven't practiced drawing animalistic characters. There r plenty of talented furry artists for you to choose from and I could talk to someone to guide you to a few .
(I CAN do more humanoid fantasy characters however. like mermaids, satyrs, etc)
More extreme gore and body horror is also off the table. (so like spilling guts stuff like that)
I may love mecha but as it is like armor and a bit more extreme, I'm not drawing it sorry. And also as stated above I'm not drawing armor regardless without a good reference.
Certain fandoms are a no-go for me due to my own comfort. A quick list would be: mogeko games, omori, south park, hetalia, attack on titan, mcyt, hazbin hotel/helluva boss. if you're not sure just ask!
I reserve the right to decline any comission request for any reason. Getting paid is nice but my comfort is nicer yknow.
And that should cover everything! If you still need to ask me anything, my messages are open. Thank you so much for reading and a little extra thank you if you decide to commission me ❤️
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ohwormwood · 2 months
random thoughts i have while playing isat pt. 7
[woe, spoilers be upon ye!]
opened the game and immediately went "im gonna make odile question my sanity!!!" but of course when i enter the house Siffrin decides to turn the scripted tutorial enemy into bean paste and ruins the run--
anyways. this panel will haunt me
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i. i dont even know how but. I beat the king without him ever getting a chance to make his first attack. i just kept spamming slow and two jackpots later he was dead. i didn't even knoiw that was possible.
after a bit of fucking around i decided that i was gonna move on to act 5 and promptly burst into tears
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update: i accidentally posted this too early dont look at me
sat and cried through the entirety of the party's interactions in act 5
screaming crying throwing up
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even the king took one look at this dude and was like "are you good man like, you can take a rest before we do this you're literally about to topple over"
that post where odile says the oven copypasta during the mal du pays scene has permanently altered my brain and i literally laughed out loud when this line appeared
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i haven't talked about it before but. a while ago i made a concept for a game based off the backrooms and omori, and odile talking about someone who is forgotten may not exist is the basis for the entire game's plot, it makes me want to go back and flesh it out a bit more!!!
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i am deadset on the idea of making an edit with mirabelle's reflection craft but it's an uno reverse card
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simultaneously in my brain: an edit where the sound mirabelle's reflection craft makes is the metal pipe meme
i am. such a fucking sucker for sickfics. i cannot get enough of them. act 5 has enough sickfic tropes to make a million spinoff fics on its own, it brings me life and i love it dearly
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this line sends me into orbit every time i see it
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odile attacking siffrin. hurts so, so so badly on an emotional level for me. Because like??? i get it. i get it and it sucks and she obviously doesn't want to, but she's scared. But siffrin is even more scared in that moment, and the immediate association of that pain with being hated by odile hurts me so much.
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they're so soft and squishy and cute in this image i c a n t
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incoherent WAILING. this. this image. this image just about broke me. THEYRE SO HAPPY and RELIEVED, IT HURTS,,,
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the tone shift to talking to the party afterwords is still so funny to me HJBDFBSBFH like lookit him. hes so smol. so silly.
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we're kidnapping bonnie guys it's official
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my honest reaction to this line: LESBIANS??????
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and then she hits me with:
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more silly guy siffrin,,,,, my favorite
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bonnie and odile clapping for isabeau confessing will never not be funny but ALSO it implies the bonnie knew about Isa's crush. and i for one personally believe that they picked up on it from Odile's relentless teasing of Isabeau as the #1 Isafrin shipper
mirabelle: wait you had a crush on sif?????? and i didn't know????
my roommate, who is ace: this is the aroace experience for real,,,
literally all of the second interactions with Isabeau had me and my roommate SCREAMING
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siffrin: i kissed you once,,,,
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the words "im being perfectly normal about this" is something i say on a daily basis so i relate to this wholeheartedly
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LIKE???? HOLY FUCK SIF JESUSSSSSSSSSSS CHRIST???? how did isabeau not implode on the spot from that look bro howwwwwwwwwww
annnnd scene!
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i will continue playing to get some of the different loop endings and i totally plan on doing two hats in the future!!! so im not quite done with this game yet i just got impatient in act 4 and i needed the Emotional Catharsis of Act 5
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woodchipp · 8 months
Currently replaying OMORI because I'm a masochist with my best friends @beevean and @the-crow-binary providing emotional support lmfao. Even despite how soul-crushingly boring it is, I think we're still having some sort of fun with this clusterfuck of a game
Highlights (and the misc. problems we've managed to spot) so far include:
I already knew that this game's length was detrimental to it during my first solo playthrough, but this playthrough is helping me put into perspective just how bloated OMORI is, even when it comes to an aspect like dialogue. For example, a single conversation between Space Boyfriend and the main cast took us approximately 5 minutes to get through, and it's not like the writing is gripping enough to make us give a shit about the characters or anything they're saying
Speaking of the dialogue, you can just see how hard it tries to be witty and Quirky™ the way Earthbound and indie RPGs like Undertale were. Needless to say, it fails horribly, and the end result of that was me having to fast-track some conversations because they were unfunny and weren't relevant at all
I got unintentionally (!) stuck in White Space for 15-20 minutes because I couldn't find the map the game needed me to find to let me open the door. Beev came to hate the repetitive 8-bit BGM the area had by the time I finally found the map lol. game_design.exe
Headspace's music is so ear-gratingly abysmal oh my god. I can only call it "dollar-store Kirby music" because that's the most appropriate description that comes to mind and I'm pretty sure Lost at a Sleepover gave Beev severe PTSD. Of course, the music of Faraway Town isn't any better: the "track" that plays in the first fight with Aubrey is less music than it is the result of an .exe file being put through an audio player. Sonic Chronicles might have some serious competition in the "worst video game soundtrack" category asdfghjkl
The plot of the Faraway Town segments is so cookie-cutter that it genuinely hurts to sit through. Character writing (or the lack thereof) aside, Sunny and Kel spend half a day loitering around the town and asking Aubrey's cronies where she is even though Kel could've easily gotten that information from Mikhael had he just indulged the latter's delusions of grandeur a little bit
Faraway Town's daytime sky is literally a scrolling JPEG of a cloudy sky. The battle backgrounds of the real world segments are edited JPEGs as well. Everyone's houses look exactly the same on the outside save for some of them being a different color. The developers spent six years and more than $200,000 on this game.
Sunny's fights against his fears are boring. You just need to wait until a particular turn when the game grants you a special skill you use to end the fight immediately. What was the point of designing these hallucinatory monsters if the player doesn't get to fight them at any point during the main route?
Aubrey (ostensibly) swinging a nail bat at Sunny is not treated with the same degree of realism as Sunny slashing her with a knife. Additionally, Aubrey rides away on her scooter just fine even though she's supposed to be bleeding
Mari's picnic baskets are inexplicably scattered all across the town and fulfill the exact same function as they do in Headspace. So much for realism!
I won two of the fights against Aubrey's goons even though I was trying to lose. gameplay.exe
Sunny is even more unpleasant than I remember. He doesn't respond to Basil - who is supposedly his best friend - when the latter talks to him, stays silent while (and after) Kel vents to him about Hero yelling at him and barges into the church despite Kel advising him to wait until the sermon ends. Why should I feel bad for him again?
Kel generally seems to treat Sunny like an actual baby, spelling out incredibly obvious things to the latter (e.g. that Sunny shouldn't be carrying a knife or walking in the road because it's dangerous) and making all of Sunny's decisions for him, to the point of not allowing Sunny to return into his own house until nighttime under the pretense of "there's so much to do! it's a brand new day!"
Finally, the "fight" against Sunny's fear of spiders comes completely out of nowhere since nothing triggered said fear during Sunny's adventures outside
Peak game, everyone.
And it's going to get way worse down the line!
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ask-bad-end-sunny · 4 months
Very well then, Stranger. I trust you. And Sunny, I encourage you to do the same. I know it's a lot to ask, and I will not pretend to know how horrifying fighting Omori will be for you, but ultimately, this is what you need to do.
You came back as a spirit for a reason and I believe it is to console your friends still among the living and to tell them your death wasn't their fault. It’s painfully evident that they're headed toward lives of self-destruction, Basil especially. However, I'm confident that you have the power to steer them away from that path, because I know that isn't what you want for them.
You probably won't believe what I'm about to say, but they need you, Sunny.
But before you can go to them, you must confront what you created. Omori will be relentless, there's no denying that, and you have every right to be scared, but you can't stay that way. You can't punish yourself like this for eternity as much as you may think you deserve it. Doing so will benefit no one but Omori. You must learn to carry on, and however way you achieve it, we will be right here with you.
We're all rooting for you, Sunny. Now go show Omori who's boss!
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{"I agree with them, Sunny. You came back as a spirit, not by luck but by purpose, much like your sister..."}
{"...Maybe, you even came back by choice."}
{"Deep down, you have unconditional care for your sister and your friends...even after your mind had been fogged by your evil form, you are still concerned for them. You know that your death has caused them more suffering, but you wish to mend that, and mend what had happened all those years ago...you always have."}
{"But, first you must mend yourself. You must face your guilt. It may be terrifying and unruly like the first time...maybe even worse now, but, you have the strength to defeat it. With the love that you know that your sister and friends have for you, you can overcome your evil form."}
{"And with these positive voices, Mari and me behind you...you cannot fail. And even if you do fail, we will be right here to support you, again and again."}
{"So...what will you do, Sunny?"}
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"...I...will try my best. I do want the best for everyone...and...I caused all of this to begin with, it only makes sense that I have to be the one to mend it back together, so everyone can heal..."
"...Maybe...Maybe I can just try talking things over with Omori first...I know it may not do any good, he doesn't really listen to me anymore, but, maybe if I---"
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Another AITA about incest and Discord servers (I am in no way connected to the other person it's just a funny coincidence)
So, my girlfriend has been really into this video game. After me and her played the game together on video call, she invited me to the game developer's server.
Now, it's very important to note that this is an indie game by an indie studio. A fairly populous server and a somewhat well-known game, but we're not talking like OMORI or anything.
One of the few rules in the server is about a specific character in the game. Essentially in the game this character is your blood relative, and so the rule is essentially "you're allowed to say you, the player, want to kiss her, but you're not allowed to talk about any actual incestuous scenarios"
Totally fine. There's also an embargo on any explicitly NSFW stuff, although there are "horny" channels where you can thirst over the characters within reason. Within one of these channels, I eventually talked about how I had an idea for a dark/smutty fic (I forget my exact wording) and I was prepared to just leave it at that, but some people actually did ask for me to DM them more about it.
Now, this is all totally fine. In fact a mod even came in and say "alright yall take it to DMs, have fun". Unfortunately when I was talking with one specific person, I must've misspoken or something because they didn't really understand what I meant when I told them the CWs for the idea, and they ended up really not liking that and reporting me to a mod (for the record the fic idea was incest rape)
Another person, though, really was into my ideas and expressed that they also wished there was a place to talk about such things, and so I pitched an idea I had thought up before, which was to make a splinter server for all the freaks of the fandom. Now I had circuitously asked about this in the server previously and I was told it probably wasn't a good idea, but importantly I was not told or warned not to do it and it was not against the rules, nor was I advertising the splinter server in my bio or posting the link to the splinter in the main or anything like that
I sent the link to some of the people who responded to wanting me to DM them. Unfortunately one such person was a snitch and reported us to the mods apparently, because both me and my girlfriend were banned from the main server without warning or recourse. I feel like I didn't do anything wrong. I completely understood (and still understand) not wanting gross convos like that to happen inside one's server. But what's the problem, then, with having a separate space dedicated to it? And why just ban us without any warning whatsoever?
What are these acronyms?
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mousepuppyboy · 4 months
Welcome to Mouse's Small Space!
Hi there, my name is Mouse, and this is my cozy little thicket on Tumblr, a safe haven where I can share a slice of my world with you!
Here, we frolic in the meadows, sip on sweet juce, and giggle until we can't. You're always welcome to join the fun and be part of our little community!
What to Expect?:
- Regression positivity and encouragement!
- Reblogs of posts that I want to share!
- A whole lot of love and gentleness!
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Otherlinks that help me regress and I post about!:
- The Crying Child from FNAF!
- Gregory from FNAF!
- Basil from OMORI!
- Puppies!
- Fox kits!
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⚠️ Please Do Not Interact If:
- You're involved in NSFW or kink communities. This is a strictly SFW and wholesome space.
- You partake in hate speech, discrimination, or bullying. Only love and kindness here!
- You don't see age regression as the healthy coping mechanism it is. We're all about healing and positivity!
- You're an adult following minors exclusively. Safety first!
- You're here to stir up drama. We're all about peace and giggles!
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🖍 Please Interact If:
- You love FNAF, OMORI, Gravity Falls, Markiplier, Blues Clues, Paw Patrol, Daniel Tiger, or Jake and the Neverland Pirates!
- You're seeking friends in the agere, agedre, petre, or petdre communities!
- You desire a safe blog that keeps your feed wholesome and happy!
- You're on the lookout for more boyre blogs and content!
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My main account is @foxboy-thing
My sfw animalboy account is @wolfdogfawnboy
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Tag Guide for my Blog:
#Mousechatters / Where I just talk about whatever comes to mind
#Propertyofmouse / The posts that are fully mine
#Littlemousebro / Talking about being a little brother or about my big brother
#Foxandmouse / Old stuff from main account that I want to move to here
#Puprequests / Requests that I have fulfilled
#Pupsuggestions / Suggestions that I have accepted
#Mouseboards / My moodboards, stimboards, and mixboards!
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deusvervewrites · 7 months
Dragon Ball is possibly one of the most narratively convenient settings, as no matter what weird idea you have there's multiple ways to justify it in-universe.
Weird stuff on Earth? Dragon Balls (in fact we're straight-up told that the world government was established by some guy wishing himself king, and Pilaf tried it multiple times), or a literal wizard did it, or one of the mad scientists did it (we have Doctor Brief, Bulma, Gero, Frappe, Vomi, Gedo, Senbei Norimaki, Turbo Norimaki, Mashrit, Mashrit jr., Tsuruten, and Tokunoshin Omori... That we know of).
Weird guy on Earth? Maybe he's an alien, or they learned magic, or maybe King Piccolo spat out a mutant with some specialized skill.
Weird stuff or guys on other planets? There's at least two other sets of Dragon Balls around (three counting the Black Star set), aliens capable of using magic, and the creator god had all his teachers killed early in his instruction and may have screwed up.
We do not talk about the Black Star Dragon Balls.
Anyway yeah one of the reasons I prefer earlier Dragon Ball over Z is the fact that weird shit happens and nobody bats an eye. Puar is a cat who talks and went to Shapeshifting Kindergarten with Oolong. That's just a thing.
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tosteur-gluteal · 1 year
It's me! Toaster!
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My art is the window through my mind: pure chaos >:)
Omori MLB AU (also on @omori-mlb-au ) OMOFALLS AU
the discord
#toaster draws: For my drawings!
#toaster writes: My writing
#toaster talks: basic ass posts
#omofalls & #omofalls au: everything regarding my omori au!
#mlb au: omorixmlb au
#persona lore: All about Sny and Pioni girl!
S/H is a very sensitive topic for me (don't worry, I never committed to it but uh i might feel extremely uneasy when it's mentioned). So uh I might not answer immediately if the topic is on the table, just so you know.
I'm okay with nsfw content/jokes but if the age gap is too big/we're not friends/the jokes are getting more and more personal i'll feel uncomfortable so. Uh. Yeah.
I'm open to interact with anyone as long as you're respectful (i'll just personally block the tags for the content I don't want to see)
Don't message me to "make me aware of that one toxic person" dude I don't care; I won't listen to a rando on the internet without SOLID proof :3
I am very, very sensitive, a harsher tone and I will cry and feel like the most horrible person on earth and that's not really pleasant so
Don't call me cringe i will cry/j
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earlgreygirlfriend · 2 years
sunnflower content BIG POST 🌻
first of all, ao3 !! i really just wanted some good, nontoxic sunflower fanfiction because both sunny & basil deserve to be happy after the shit they've gone through! also, i wanted to feel better because BASIL IS CLEARLY HEAD OVER HEELS FOR SUNNY AND HE DOESNT KNOW IT (video by nerdy arty) hdjvhdjvhdn he JUST LIKE ME FR!!
ive categorized them by AU / canoncompliant with additional tags! completed fics are marked with 🌻, long fics (5k+ words) are marked with 💡
canon compliant:
Culinary Conversations by ShardOfHope💡
A Mug of Sundrops in a Wave of Sadness by karma_kalanchoe💡
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by smiles2m
Suddenly, Sunny by diagnosed_shitposter
Bloom Later by witheredahlia💡
Catch a Glimmer of Your Star by UdonPuddle 🌻💡
au / mari lives:
Secondhand Sequitir by Soppypup💡🌻
He's Impossible by HowardR💡
to bask in your warmth by im_clo💡🌻
Flower Language by mirror_to_the_past💡
hmestwbf by ME (yes yours truly)
next up is yt animatics because uhhh idk i really like watching homo idiots!! i have 🕹️ that indicates the video depicts some omori plot involving spoilers for the game (the accident, angst, etc) or covers the entire game happening.
OMORI MV - Eine Kleine by Bear🕹️
Try Again by eggsoupery🕹️
OMORI MV - Love Me by white_tulips_
Nonsense Speaker by Nerdy Arty🕹️
in defense of sunflower: (major omori spoilers here cw!!)
why are people antagonizing them this badly? seriously i don't get it. they were children when the accident happened and gameplay shows that both of them got shittons of trauma
"what the hell were you guys thinking when you decided to ship two mentally unstable teenagers that participated in the same manslaughter??"
it was an accident. looking at the incident, i firmly believe it was very seriously fucked up, and they weren't in the right state of mind when it happened. consider the situation, the person you love most in the world is gone forever. in this situation, sunny completely closes in on himself and creates headspace. basil on the other hand sees sunny (his childhood best friend and the one he describes as 'perfect' and puts on a pedestal) completely having a mental breakdown. basil panics, not knowing what to do, because both of the people he idolize are gone - mari is dead, a part of sunny died with her. obviously he has a mental breakdown figuring out what to do, too?
obviously we should also consider basil's mental state at this point - pure speculation here, but basil, due to his feminine gender expression, would have been a victim of bullying, and the gang would have been his first friends. and basil photographs things he cherishes. that would mean he sees himself losing his friends when mari dies because sunny is most likely gonna be legally convicted of manslaughter right? in his disoriented, panicked mind, he wanted to protect sunny, the friend he most likely did have feelings for but was unable to admit them due to already being bullied, (that's just my hc dw) and did something that is super fucked up — he did more harm than good, but i believe he was just trying to fix everything back the way it was. we're absolutely going to talk about why Basil knows how to tie a noose, which adds to my point — basil might already have been mentally unwell (no doubt taking more shit from life than one is supposed to) BEFORE he met his friends, and he was desperately trying to salvage what little happiness he had left.
i cannot deny that sunnflower has full potential of being a very unhealthy and toxic relationship, but i might add that the true + secret ending has both Somethings disappear, implying that both of them are capable of healing. thats why i ship them manyyearsafter-canon or AU, bc therapy can fix shit ive seen it myself
ill end this little rant by a comment from j0kerclash on reddit:
Pairing them together is the implication that they are able to completely heal from their trauma, the actual dynamics of their relationship isn't toxic, it was the circumstances of their interactions combined with the context of the event itself. Sunny and Basil aren't permanently fucked up, I'd say it's quite harmful to imply that people are forever broken and can never truly recover. Considering the choices in the game are about confronting, accepting, and moving on from guilt and trauma, the best scenario for both Sunny and Basil, is if they were truly able to let go and not become triggers for each other, which is illustrated by them being unaffected by the potential toxicity of their past.
sorry for the rant! here are some links also defending the ship
if you enjoyed, i also have another sunflower headcannon post
from diagnosed_shitposter
idfk how to link the original text im sorry
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glitterypopcorn · 8 months
haii!! i’m glitter!!!! you can also call me katya if you want !!!!!!!
i go by any pronouns :3 he/she/they preferred, no pref between the three >_<
click this link for additional info!
^^ best viewed on ipad as that is what i used to create it. some things are a bit weird on phone and im not sure how it looks on any computers :3
if u know what pafl is id really like you to treat me how you'd treat katya it'd just make me really happy >_> cuz i am kt after all
i'm a katya fictionkin :,3 i mention this later but if you're a double plz dni and block me, it's not personal but that sorta thing makes me feel super super bad
more stuff below the cut!!
I AM A MINOR!!!!! please don’t be weird ^_^
i have autism and adhd (both diagnosed)
possible bpd although it is currently undiagnosed
CANDYLAND ASK BLOG @ask-candyland
i have another account that was a basil omori ask blog but i don't use it so it's just. there @glittersendsasks
KATYA PAFL RP ACC @katyas-cool-account405
ANYA PAFL RP ACC @beletskanya69
i have an omori au called the prism au! info can be found here :3 @omori-prism-au also not active there, and the au has been basically discontinued although i may come back to state what the ending was supposed to be,
i am fictionhearted with basil (omori), sydney o sargent (camp here and there), katya/kt (parties are for losers) and anya (parties are for losers)!! i relate to them a lot!!! when i say "me" under art, i don't mean it literally >_< someone else talking about how they relate to the character makes me uncomfortable (i get jealous over a lot of things easily) so if you do it too much i may unfollow you . please please don't take it personally, youre allowed to relate to characters, this is just so i dont feel super shitty all the time,,
sorry bros i dont do copypastas dont take it personally
if i ever make you uncomfortable in ANY WAY please dm me! i won't get mad i promise ^_^ i'm always looking to better myself but i do make mistakes and forget things sometimes and im sorry about that
likes: omori, parties are for losers, ghost and pals, luluyam, the post-traumatic manifesto, welcome to night vale, camp here and there, in stars and time, evidentlyfresh, ferry, cotton candy flavored stuff, candy + other sweet foods, drawing, singing, bugs, isopods, and cosplaying!!!!! n my favorite color is pink
here's a link to music i like because i don't want to make this post too long!! i will probably forget to update this so it will likely be outdated if you're looking at it a month or more after it's posted
please don’t call me pookie, thank you <3
rbs > likes but do whatever you want lol idc !!
hearts meaning:
🩷 : romantic. if i do it with you and i don't know you irl, i accidentally clicked it. i will probably notice this.
💚🩷 : platonic.
💚 : platonic. only used when i want to send a single heart.
<3 : depends. if we're not partners, it's platonic.
no dni i just block <3
EXCEPT for doubles it makes me uncomfortable im sorry
by the way i’m burnt out currently and may not respond to asks/do things i said i would do. don’t take it personally ^_^
also. i can only speak english </3 i'll use google translate if spoken to in another language so things i say might sound weird
i LOVE following people even if they've interacted with my posts once !!!
profile picture by ferry! @.nopanamaman (people tag her in fanart n stuff but this . isn't that )
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