203 posts
Welcome to InazumaTrash! Previously an Inazuma Eleven-focused blog, now a dump for a variety of fanart. Enjoy!
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inazumatrash · 5 months ago
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Gash and friends!
Zoomed version:
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inazumatrash · 9 months ago
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Bonus version:
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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A comic I had sketched a long time ago.
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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More Inazuma Eleven sticker designs!
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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A little sticker design of all Inazuma Eleven series main protagonists.
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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Redraw of the redraw!
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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Geddy's POV.
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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The brothers!
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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Some concept art for a discarted comic idea.
But I ended up adapting the script to a fanfic! (It's a little rough and I'm new to writing, so any feedback is welcome) Omori spoilers ahead.
The events of this story happens sometime after Mari's funeral.
It's sunset time with blue and soft pink tints all over the urban scenery. Basil is finishing tying up the velcro of his sandals to go out. Grabbing the door knob, he turns his head back to leave one final message before leaving.
"I'll be back soon, grandma!"
There's a chilling breeze outside and the streets are eerily empty. But Basil prefer this way. His head is full of thoughts, he needs the space. Approaching his destination, he stops looking at the sidewalk and lifts his head. He finally spot a living soul a bit ahead of him.
It's Kel. He's in front of Sunny's house. Kel seems to hesitate for a while, but gathers courage and knocks on the door. He vigorously give three consecutive knocks.
"That's a bit too much." Basil observes. Good old Kel.
It doesn't take too long for the door to open, and Sunny's mom appears. She has a dull look in her eyes. She's tired.
"Oh, it's you, Kelsey…" She looks over his shoulder. "and Basil."
Kel also looks back. Basil is suddenly there, a few steps of distance.
"What can I do for you two?"
"Uh." Kel is a little surprised with Basil's presence, but figured out he came for the same reason as him. "Can I- Can we talk to Sunny?"
"Hm…" She looks away before answering. "He's a little more unresponsive than usual..."
Basil feels a pinch of pain in his stomach.
"I wasn't able to talk to him since… the funeral." Kel fidgets a little. "I want to let him know he can count on us!"
Sunny's mom mouth corner's change to a soft, yet warm smile.
"Well, I'm sure he would appreciate to hear from you two, at least."
She steps back, opening the door welcoming the boys in. Kel perks up and calls Basil with a hand gesture. They enter the house.
"He's at their- at his room."
At the living room, the boys can see the glass door that leads to the backyard, highlighted with a menacing reddish orange light of the last sunrays. Kel immediatelly changes his attention to Sunny's mom back, while Basil has a hard time moving away his focus from it. They arrive at the staircase. Kel doesn't think twice and steps halfway through it. Basil freezes.
"Basil?" Kel calls out for him.
Basil tries to hide his anxiety and replies "C-coming!"
They are at front of Sunny's room, Sunny's mother a little further, to give the boys some space. Kel knocks the door, but this time, more gently.
"Sunny? It's Kel and Basil!" No reply.
Basil gives a quick look back at the staircase and Something starts crawling around him.
"Sunny." Kel starts again, leaning his hand on the door. "Sorry for not talking to you until now. But you know that we're here for you, right?" Kel sends a signal to Basil by raising his eyebrows and tilting his head towards the door, asking him to join.
Basil desperately tries to find the words. But the truth is, he wasn't expecting Sunny's mom, much less Kel's presence. It's not that he didn't have anything to say. He couldn't say anything he wanted to.
The creeping silence started to bother Kel, so he continued instead.
"Oh, I know! If you want, we can have a sleepover!" No reply. "Uh, it doesn't need to be anything fancy! We don't need to play games or eat snacks… We don't even need to talk. Just have each other's company, y'know?"
Kel smiled as he placed his other hand and ear to the door, waiting for the answer. He believed his idea was too good to be turned down. No reply.
"Sunny?" More silence.
Sunny's mom sighs, ready to call Kel and Basil back. Kel moves away from the door. He starts playing with his hoodie strings, looking a little less bright than before.
"Don't worry about it, it's okay." He did his best to hold a smile "I totally understand if you just need time alone."
"…like Hero." He completes under his breath, almost a whisper.
Another wave of silence. Is Sunny ignoring them? Is he even listening? Basil's mind go blank as he stares at the door.
"We'll come back tomorrow!" Kel bursts. The "we" took Basil by surprise.
"R-right! We'll be back tomorrow, Sunny." Basil faintly addes to the farewell.
Kel gives one last knock on the door, and starts walking away. Basil follows him.
"Oh, kids…"
"Can we really come back tomorrow?" Basil asks.
"Oh, yes, you may come… I'll let you know if he's available or not." It wasn't very reassuring.
After one last goodbye, the two boys leave the house. A few steps later, they stop in front of Kel's house. Before Basil could say anything, Kel apologizes.
"I'm sorry you couldn't say much. I hogged all the time for myself."
"N-not really. I wasn't sure what to say, anyway…"
"Isn't it strange, though? Sunny… He doesn't like to be alone, why would he…?" Kel stops and shakes his head. "We just have to try again tomorrow!" Kel smiles seems forced, Basil notices.
"W-well… See you tomorrow, then?"
"No, wait- let me walk you home!"
"O-okay." Basil let him be.
In the middle of the walk, Kel turns to Basil.
"I still didn't talk to Aubrey either. Did you?" Basil shakes his head. "I thought about visiting her too, but- I think I'm the last person she would want to see." Basil thought the same of himself, but kept silent about it.
Kel is a open book, he has no reason to hide his emotions and usually can be very blunt with his honesty. But something feels off today. Or since then. That day. Looking better, Basil notices Kel was using a navy colored hoodie at least two sizes larger than it should be. A small letter "H" was embroidered on it. Kel would use passed down clothes from Hero, but this one was clearly borrowed before its time.
He was lonely too.
Soon, Basil's home is right around the corner.
"Hm, actually." Basil starts. "I promised grandma I was going to buy a few things at the convenience store. Do you want to tag along…?" Kel snorts in reply. Was Basil trying to cheer him up?
"Sure, let's go! But let's be quick, mom won't like if I come home too late." He skips ahead.
"Wait! The store is on the opposite direction!"
It's night. Between the interval of a lightpost to another, Kel can't stand the silence anymore.
"Aah, I should have brought some pocket money!" He comes closer to Basil, using his hand to shield the conversation like he was about to confide a secret. "But I already spent all my allowance."
Basil wasn't expecting chit-chat, but wasn't too surprised either. It kind of gave him a sense of normality.
"…Hero always scolds me for spending it too quickly.
Like everything that happened was just a bad dream…
"But Mari would always treat me instead!"
A shiver passes through Basil's spine.
"Are you cold?" Kel opens his arms as invinting for a hug.
"No, I'm okay!"
Kel stops and rewinds what he just said.
"N-no, don't be." Basil almost regrets calling Kel over. The uncomfortable silence is back, until Kel broke it again.
"I'll be more careful with my money from now on."
"So I can be the one who treat everyone out! How is that?"
"Are you sure you'll be able to do that?"
"What? You understimate me!!"
Basil slips a weak smile. Kel smiles back, like he planned it from the beggining. They continue their walk.
At the convenience store, Basil goes straight to what he went for. To kill time, Kel explores around until something take his attention at the candy area. Basil approaches too see what was so interesting. Kel only notices his presence after a while.
"Eek!" Kel was startled.
"…Are you going to ask for borrowed money?" Basil teases.
"No!! I was just looking… See, there's everyone's favorite flavor today…"
Basil identifies each flavor and silently pick them up.
They leave the store and Kel lifts his lollipop over his head.
"Basil, you're the best!" The compliment take Basil aback.
"It's just candy…"
"Yeah, it's just candy." Basil didn't expect him to agree so fast.
"It's the thought that counts!"
Basil just nods.
They arrive at Basil's house again.
"We're here!" Kel announces the obvious.
Basil moves ahead to the door.
"See you tomorrow!!"
Basil stops.
Basil is welcomed by his grandma with tea and cookies. Putting the groceries aside and with a cup in hands, he stares at the lollipops over the kitchen's table. Strawberry, watermelon and grape. He thinks back when Kel pointed that everyones flavors were available. All six of them. He shrugs the thought away.
Kel is on his way back, already appreciating his orange lollipop, while waving the cola flavored one in the air. He wonders when he'll be able to deliver the little gift. He wonders when he'll be able to talk to Hero again. Or to any of his friends for that matter. He shrugs the thought away.
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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11th time's the charm.
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inazumatrash · 1 year ago
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inazumatrash · 2 years ago
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For some reason the dub voices+dynamic of them reminds me of Sonic and Tails.
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inazumatrash · 2 years ago
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More Omori 4-komas.
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inazumatrash · 2 years ago
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All three wheels are done! Thanks for the suggestions!
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inazumatrash · 2 years ago
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Pardon me, my blood is low in sugar.
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inazumatrash · 2 years ago
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Suggest a videogame character of any of the colors left!
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inazumatrash · 2 years ago
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It's the final stretch—there are 3 more days until preorders end!
We're so close to unlocking our final stretch goal; order today to help us reach it, and don't forget to use code "WINRY" to get 10% off your order!
✨Art previews by @kxyoph (top) and @littlesat (bottom)
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