#but this is for my dad. Marty or my brother are the best I got LOL. My dad doesnt know Elliot Page LOL )
nyctoheart · 1 year
I plan on coming out to my dad tomorrow so 🙏 WISH ME LUCK
while religious, he’s still a very warm man so I’m not really worried he won’t accept me, I think it just might surprise him ((he’s kind of oblivious)) and he’ll need time to digest. I’m just nervous because I frankly suck at opening up in general…
but my mom already knows and is chill with it 🧘 tomorrow we three are going out for dinner 😤 I already asked him to read Yentl the Yeshiva Boy 💪 We just watched Back to the Future so I can compare an [idealized] future version of myself to Marty (petite, clean shaven) to help him visualize ⛹️ I will answer any questions he has 🤾 because I am TIRED OF IMAGINING THE LIFE I WANT 🏋️🏋️🏋️ I WANNA LIVE IT 🏋️😤🏋️😤🏋️😤
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rugtopper · 1 month
By Rugtopper
I had debated all day whether or not I was going to talk to my uncle.  When he finally came home that evening from an art exhibition, I waited until he had finished in his bedroom before I finally knocked on his bedroom door.
"Wait just a moment, Anthony.  I'm in the bathroom."
I waited another minute or so and then my uncle told me to come in.
I sat down on the end of the bed and waited to say what I wanted to say while I watched my uncle.  My Uncle Valentine Carminello was standing in front of his dresser mirror removing his cufflinks and button studs from his tuxedo shirt.  He had removed his tuxedo pants.  Even though his shirt was loose, I could clearly see his traditional athletic undershirt beneath it.  He was still wearing his black thick and thin socks, his double grip sock garters, and his opera court shoes.  I could also see he was wearing boxer shorts that were almost knee-length with little burgundy medallions all over them. Being Italian, he had the most luscious head of jet black hair.  Although on closer inspection, it was obvious that his hair was really a toupee.  As it was 1978, his toupee was the best Kanekalon fiber money could buy.  It was thick and full and brushed off the forehead in an Italian pompadour.  It was styled with an off-the-forehead upsweep.  If you got very close you could see the mesh foundation base.  I was in awe.
"Did you enjoy the art exhibition, Uncle Val?"
"It wasn't bad, Anthony.  It was an eclectic mix.  Now, Anthony, what is the matter with you?  You have been in a mood all day long.  Did you do well on that science test?"
"I made a B minus on the test, but I got an A plus on the lab work.  That's not why I've been in a weird mood lately."
"Well, I'm proud of you.  Now, what is wrong?"
"I don't know how to tell you."
"Well, you don't look sick.  What is going on?"
I just sat there looking down, unable to really say what I really wanted to say.
"Well . . ."
I just blurted out, "I want my hair to look like yours, Uncle Val."
"Anthony, look at me.  Look at my hair.  Now I know that you are fully aware that my hair is not really my own hair.  You are old enough to know that this is a toupee."
"I know, Uncle Val, but I love how it looks and I love you.  I just want to look like you."
"Oh, Anthony I love you, too, but you are only 13 years old.  You are too young for a toupee.  Besides, you have nice pretty hair just like your mom had."
We just sat there for a few moments.  Finally I looked up at my uncle and asked, "do you know why we were late to the funeral service?"  
"That was ages ago, Anthony .  You were only six.  How could I remember.  I don't recall that we were late for the funeral, Anthony.  They were not going to start without us.  I just remember how handsome you looked in your little suit."
"Uncle Val, we were late because I kept trying to make my hair look like yours.  Dad always made fun of it.  I didn't know when I was six what a toupee was.  I just knew I liked how nice it looked."
"Anthony, your dad never liked me even before he married my sister, your mom.  I didn't want them to get married, but your mom insisted on marrying him.  When they started fighting, she made sure she named me as your guardian.  Four months later, they had that horrible car wreck that killed them and put you in the hospital for weeks."
"I know.  I don't know why I want to have hair like yours.  I just would like mine to look like yours."
"Anthony, look at me."  He reached up and started slowly removing his toupee.  I couldn't believe how bald he was.  I hadn't seen him without his toupee in a few years.  He had always tried to keep me from seeing him without it.  "Take a close look, Anthony.  Do you really want to be like this?  Does this have to do with your friends?  Your friend Danny's grandfather wears a toupee, so does your friend Marty's eldest brother.  Is that what this is about?"
"How do you know about them?"
"They both go to the same barber as I do. Is this what this is about?"
"Not exactly.  I don't know.  I just know that I'd like to have one."
"Anthony, do you really want to be bald and wear a toupee?  Do you really want to put up with the snide remarks behind your back like that I get?  What about swimming and roller coasters?  Yeah, you can enjoy them, but there is always the fear that you might have a mishap and be embarrassed.  Then there is the fact that someone might want to run their fingers through your hair someday.  Do you want to have to endure that potential humiliation?  I don't think you have even begun to think about what is involved with something like this."
As he finished telling me all that, he got up from the bed, took his toupee and put it on its leather wig stand on his dresser.  There was a slightly longer one just beside it.  He came back to the end of the bed, put on his robe, sat down, and removed his shoes, garters, and socks.  He slipped on his house shoes and went to the kitchen.  I followed him.  He filled the kettle from the tap and got two mugs.  He was going to make chamomile tea.  I knew we weren't through talking.
"Anthony, you are a sweet boy, but you haven't got a clue what you think you want."
"You may be right.  I guess I'm being silly, wanting my hair to look like yours."
"Of course I'm right.  Now, drink your tea and tell me more about this science lab.  You're a better student than I ever was.  I nearly blew my science lab up when I was your age."
I went to bed that night, but I still couldn't get the idea out of my head.  I decided to try talking to Uncle Val again after school.  It went slightly better only because Uncle Val made a concession.
"Come here, Anthony.  Put on my spare," Uncle Val said to me after I talked to him the next day.  I went into his bedroom.  I sat at the little built-in vanity.  He took the spare toupee off its stand and put it on top of my head.  It felt funny with my mop of dark wavy hair bunched up underneath it.  He tried to get it to stay in place and combed it.  I thought it looked great, even if I was only 13.
"So, what do you think?  How does it feel?"
"I don't know.  I guess I would have to get used to it like you did."
He took it off and put it back on its stand.
"I'll tell you what, Anthony.  When you are older, if you need it, I will do everything to help you get one.  However, if, when you graduate from high school, you still want it, whether you need it or not, I will get it for you before you go off to college.  Okay?"
With that, I didn't discuss it with him anymore.  However, the desire never faded.  It only grew stronger as the months and years rolled on.  As I soon discovered how to pleasure myself, I realized why I might want it.  That was something I certainly couldn't tell Uncle Val.
As the school years rolled by, I adopted a few other things I liked about my uncle.  He took me to buy some underclothes and a pair of garters.  He thought it was funny when I dyed my dark brown hair black, but he didn't make fun of me.
The week of my high school graduation, I asked him if he remembered what he had promised me when I was only 13.  I reminded him that he said that he would get me a toupee whether I needed one or not after I graduated from school.  I asked him for one as a graduation present before I went off to college.
"What!  Are you crazy, Anthony?  Look at you.  Most guys would be jealous of a head of hair like yours.  Hell, I'm jealous.  Why on earth would you want to get rid of it only to cover up with a cheap facsimile?  It doesn't make any sense."
"You're right, Uncle Val.  It doesn't make any sense.  I don't understand it at all, but you promised.  Will you take me to your barber next week after I graduate?"
Uncle Val just stood there .  He hadn't changed much in the past six years.  His toupee was just as dark and full.  It was still a synthetic fiber, though I don't know what kind.  He finally walked over to the phone and called his barber.  He was on the phone for quite some time.  When he got off the phone, he looked at me and said, "you have an appointment a week from Friday."
I know I smiled and said thank you.  I probably also got a bit excited in other ways.  I wasn't really thinking clearly.
Finals and graduation flew by without incident.  I was 25th in my class.
When Friday came, I was excited and nervous and scared.  I had no idea what was going to happen.  Over the years I had gone to the barbershop with Uncle Val.  I had watched him get his real hair trimmed while he sat there very bald and embarrassed.  I would look at the hairpiece magazines.  Sometimes I'd take a few home to look at while I played with myself.  Sometimes Danny's grandfather was there.  Sometimes Marty's eldest brother was there.  Danny's grandfather was at least 60.  His toupee was this pewter or silvery gray that was very thick.  Marty's eldest brother was named Jon.  He was about an inch shorter than Marty.  He wore a brown toupee with a traditional left-sided part.  I couldn't believe how bald he was when the barber removed his toupee to trim his fringe.  Marty and I had turned 18 a few weeks apart.  Jon had to have been 26 or 27.  Marty never told me when Jon got his first toupee.  I was going to wait and ask him myself after I got mine.
After all the customers had left, Uncle Val began talking with the barber.  About ten minutes later, he motioned for me to get in the chair.  He had a toupee exactly like Uncle Val's, only it was light brown.  There was some gray on the sides and in the back, but none in the toupee.  He began combing my hair in various directions.  Finally he got these long clips and began to segment my hair.  He took a pair of scissors and a narrow-toothed comb.  He started giving me a regular haircut on the sides above my ears and in the back.  He was extremely quick.  In less than 15 minutes, he was completely done.  I had a traditional businessman's haircut that would have been acceptable in any corporate setting around the globe.  He put down the comb and scissors and walked to a cabinet a few feet away.  He opened to reveal a dozen wig stands on three different shelves.  He took two identical off the third shelf and carried them over to the ledge across from the chair from where I was sitting.  They were similar in style to the barber's and Uncle Val's, but they were a dark brown like what my natural hair color had been before I dyed it.
He took the clips out of the hair on top.  He got clippers, turned them on, and began removing all the hair on the top of my head.  He made several passes from back to front as sheets of my dyed black hair fell onto the clear, see-through cape.  With each pass, I saw more and more scalp.  After the third pass, he got a small electric razor and ran it back and forth across the top of my head.  I had dreamed of this moment.  Now that it was finally happening, I did not know how to respond.  I just sat silently in awe of my new look.  He must have told me to get up because Uncle Val had to call my name and tap me on the shoulder.  The barber led me to the sink.  He shampooed my hair.  It had an almost acrid, pungent odor.  I soon discovered that it was to remove the black dye.  After he applied a heavy cream conditioner to my hair and scalp, he left me with my head in the basin for almost five minutes.  After he rinsed me, he applied another heavy cream, but only to the top of my scalp.  It felt like my scalp was on fire.  He told me this would kill the hair follicles for several weeks making it easier to wear the toupee on a day-to-day basis.  When he said that I suddenly got the most uncontrollable erection I had ever had in public.  Tipped backward in that chair, there was no way to hide it.  The barber just smiled and made a comment about me being like my uncle.  After he rinsed the depilatory from my scalp, he led me back to the barber's chair.  I got a good look at the new me.  I was bald.  I was almost as bald as Uncle Val.  I didn't look 18.  I didn't know how old I looked, but it wasn't anything like a teenager should look.
The fitting, and the cutting, and the styling took quite some time.  Despite his swiftness, it took over an hour to "cut-in" both of my new hairpieces.  He dealt with both exactly the same way.  There was very little styling involved.  They were mesh based just like Uncle Val's.  There was a perimeter of hardened plastic where the barber applied a heavy double-sided tape.  He used thinning shears to taper and blend the sides and back into the fringe hair.  He never trimmed the main body of my new toupees.  Lastly, he rolled this machine over and plugged it in.  It looked like a portable IV drip that you would see in the hospital except this had a huge two gallon container at the bottom full of water with a hose attached to something that looked like it came off a vacuum cleaner.  He told me it was a steamer that is used for clothes, but it worked well on hairpieces.  He turned it on.  In less than two minutes, steam was coming out of the hose.  He took the vacuum cleaner attachment in his hand and with a brush began styling my new hair.  I could feel my toupee ever so slightly lift as he used the steamer and the brush to "shape" my new hair into the same style he and Uncle Val also had.
When he finished with the second toupee, he put the spare wig on its stand and the other empty stand in two sacks.  Uncle Val paid and we left the barbershop.  Uncle Val had me place the sacks in his trunk.  When we got into the car, he looked over at me and said, "well, Anthony, is it everything you thought it would be?"
I didn't really know what to say or what he expected me to say.  Finally, I looked in the vanity mirror at my new hair.
"I like how it looks, but it feels different than what I had expected it to feel like.  I'm also slightly nervous because I'm actually bald underneath my new toupee."
"Well, you said this is what you wanted.  You better plan on wearing it for a very long time.  I don't want you to leave the house without it taped to your head.  Do you understand me?  So, are you ready to face the public as a young man in a rug?"
"I thought I'd take you out to dinner.  I know graduation was last week, but I think you need to get used to wearing it out in public as soon as possible.  Danny and his grandfather, Tom, and Jon and Marty are meeting us at the restaurant.  Danny and Marty were at the barbershop earlier this morning.  I think they will want you to see their new look, and they will want to see your new look, as well."
I just turned and stared at my uncle and finally said, "I love you, Uncle Val!"
"I know, Anthony.  I love you, too."
Six handsome men of various ages sat around a huge table at a popular local steakhouse in 1984.  It was no different than other people eating out on any given night, except these six men all shared an uncommon, but fairly obvious secret.  Sadly, they were also oblivious to the fact that most anyone with basic observation skills could deduce that special secret.
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timechange · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — “don’t need money, don’t take fame.”
APRIL 28, 2011
Marty is never, ever gonna get tired of hearing that. He immediately stops, setting his pen down and the freshly signed CDs aside and giving his full attention to Emmett, who is hanging around the doorway like he still isn’t sure, after almost thirteen years, if he’s allowed to come in.
“Hey, kiddo,” Marty greets warmly, his son flashing him a small smile. “What’s goin’ on?”
Emmett looks around before stepping inside, and Marty is reminded of when Ellie, after input from Jules and Verne, assigned everyone animals when she was nine. Uncle Doc’s a mantis shrimp, she’d proclaimed, Auntie Clara’s a bear, Dad’s a whale, Mom’s a raven, and Emmett’s a pangolin! While he’s not sure about the rest of her picks, her choice for her brother… Yeah, at times like this he can see the resemblance.
“Dad…” he tries again. “Dad, did we ruin your life?”
Marty’s kind of glad his abject, heart shattering horror at that statement coming from his son outweighs his impulse to laugh in disbelief at a statement that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Of course not,” he reassures, opening his arms just in case his boy didn’t feel like he was too big for a hug. His son folds himself into him, burying his head in his shoulder. “The day you and Ellie were born,” Marty tells him, rubbing his back, “was pretty much the best day of my life.”
“…Even though Mom almost broke your hand?” Emmett asks, voice muffled, and Marty laughs.
“Yeah, even then. Y’know, if I could go back,” which he could, but his boy didn’t need to know that right yet, “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Emmett starts to pull away and Marty lets him go, but still holds him at arm’s length.
“Now,” father asks son, “where’s all this coming from, huh? You’re not hanging around that Tannen kid again, are you?”
Emmett’s face twists in disgust.
“No, Dad, are you nuts? That whole family’s crazy.”
“Attaboy,” Marty says proudly.
“...I found some of your old concert videos on YouTube,” Emmett finally admits. “And Dad… you look like you’re havin’ the time of your life. How come you gave it all up? It was because of us, wasn’t it?” His brown eyes are big and watery and Marty squeezes his shoulders.
“Aw, Em,” Marty sighs. “I had a blast on tour, you’re right. Hangin’ out with the guys, getting to see the world… It was a lot of fun for a while, but when it stopped being fun, we quit. And I have a blast here, too, with you and your sister and your mom. If you ask me… that right there’s the adventure of a lifetime. I love music, and I’m always gonna play music, but it was never about any kinda fame or fortune for me.” What would superstardom be like? He can barely keep up with the merch and the interviews and the producers and the long nights at the recording studios and the music videos as it is. He’d hate being so far away from home, never getting a moment’s peace, never being able to breathe.
“Then… what was it about?” Emmett asks.
“Believing in myself,” Marty says after a moment of thought. “Getting my voice heard. Y’know, I was a lot like you when I was your age.”
“Really?” Emmett breathes, awestruck, as if unable to conceive such a thing. “But everybody says you’re like Ellie.”
“And I am.” It takes the wind out of him sometimes, how similar he and his daughter are. She’s just as fiery, just as creative, just as stubborn. Everyone’s always thought that, just like how people have always compared Emmett to Jennifer. But when he looks at his daughter, so often he sees his wife’s determination and intelligence, and when he looks at his son… sometimes he has to double check he’s not in the DeLorean.
“But I’m also like you, Em. It’s hard as hell being a kid, y’know? I remember. You got so many ideas and so many thoughts and you feel like you’re in this world that you don’t really understand yet and that’s gonna shoot you down every chance it gets. I just wanted somebody to see me, but that’s a scary thing. I tried real hard to pretend like I was tough and to make like I wasn’t afraid of anything… but I was terrified, kid. Still am, sometimes.” Marty rubs the back of his neck. “What I’m trying to say is, it’s okay not to be sure of yourself yet, and it’s okay to be open about your feelings. And whenever you wanna talk, I’m here for you, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Got it?”
“Got it.” Emmett smiles and hugs him again. “I love you, Dad.”
“Love you too. So damn much.” Marty kisses the top of his son’s head and ruffles his dirty blond hair, which is immediately greeted with protest.
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josendlessmonolouge · 1 month
my oc intro except I’m super tired so they’re incoherent.
Johnny manygoats
born: 1950
job: odd jobs, mostly does rodeo gigs and works his sheep
physical description bc I’m too lazy to draw him: big ass dude like 6’5 and he wears riding boots so it’s scary. He’s got Hooded Big brown baby cow eye and a broad face. Really warm undertone skin idk how to describe it other than like you would use burnt umber paint when mixing it. Very tan bc he constantly claims that bc he’s native he won’t get burnt “I’m dark already I can’t burn” (he can) when before the war he had really long (mid back length) hair but when he enlisted he cut it to military standard. The story has important parts pre war and post so it’s anywhere between long and kinda shaggy when he first started growing it back out. He doesn’t wear any pants other than wranglers. He wears either a western shirt or a really ratty redbone T-shirt that Sara hates but he will wear it until it’s shredded. He has basically two expressions; 1) I’m going to kill myself, you or punch a wall or all of the above and 2) beautiful dimpled ear to ear smile with squinty eyes and crooked teeth, that is pretty well reserved for his niece and nephew or his animals.
likes: summer treats. Like idk he just would live off watermelon and icecream if he could. He was eating frozen grapes way before y’all were. His niece and nephew, his older brother, Michael. the rodeo. reading western novels when he doesn’t have a headache. His horse. His wife, Sara. Marty robbins, Johnny cash, and hank Williams. (so jo core) Throwing shot-put. Marlboro reds. Black coffee. His dog. Sitting on his porch at night. Working on his family’s ranch. =. horseback mounted shooting.(pre war) when he had long hair he liked doing it in the same style as sara (he doesn't have much spiritual identity in his hair but his grandfather did he just liked it long because that's how his grandfather his, also he thinks it looks nice on him. he doesn't enjoy the racist comments he gets on it though obv) western suits. (actually part of how he met his wife) dancing (boy loves line dancing sm)
dislikes: any clerical/business work. Itchy fabrics. being cold, people assuming he’s just a stupid country boy. Literally anyone he went to high school with except for his best friend. Gilah monsters, He knows they don’t often bite people but they scare him still. Coyotes. Really fast talkers. Alcohol. Lyndon Johnson. Being touched without asking first. doctors. physical therapy. dark chocolate (opposite of me) the beatles (again so not jo) running. horseback mounted shooting (post war)
personality: gentleman, always wants to be polite and helpful but also extremely blunt and doesn't realize it's rude/funny/awkward he comes from a family where men are pretty open with their feelings masculinity? bitch his dad cried over hitting a barn cat with their truck. even though he's not really someone to hide his emotions because of like any societal or familial pressures, he doesn't like to be a problem or in anyone's way, so he isn't always too open. really good with kids. he really wanted kids but was exposed to agent orange and was advised to not have children, it broke his heart more than being a pow. genuinely terribly traumatized obv but especially just heart broken by the fact he'll never be a dad. protective of his friends and family to a detrimental degree, wouldn't ever hurt anyone except for when they say something cruel about mike (brother), sara (wife), theodore (best friend). only really became reserved in his emotions after the war, where he felt kinda ashamed and struggled with survivors guilt. can be a show off but he's honestly just earnestly proud of himself. likes to learn new practical skills, he was so excited when he learned to sew.
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weekly tag wednesday
tagged by: @samantitheos and @mybrainismelted
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Firsts!
Name: Lem
Age: 32
First Pet? We had an array of different dogs and animals before, but the one I remember solidly as the first one with a name that was there longer than a month was a black pug, her official name was Julianna Opal, why? We got Juliana from the movie Quest for Camelot, and Opal was my brother and dad's birthstone. But her name that stuck was Ding based on the dinging her tags made on her food bowl.
First Word? I think to my mother's dismay it was dada. BUT mom tells this good story about the first time I said fuck. I was about three and she was heavily pregnant with my brother, we were playing with barbies on the floor and i just casually slip a "fuck" between whatever barbie babble I was doing, She calmly asks ("I knew I had to be calm because you were three and if I made a scene you'd say fuck everywhere knowing it was bad because you were a little shit") "where did you hear that word honey?" Thinking I'd say my dad. my reply? "From yooooou"
First Celebrity Crush? oh hell, the only one coming to mind is Adrien Brody, which I know was in middle school because I would print pictures of him off in the school library and keep them in a special folder to look at through the day when class was lame. (no shame)
First IRL Crush? His name was Tommy, starting at least in kindergarten to when he moved in third grade. He promised me a kiss once we both turned 18 too, which he never fulfilled.
First kiss? His name was Marty, we hid in the big tunnel on the playground in first grade and the entire memory is blurry, but I remember that little kiss. Now first KIIIIISS i was 16 and we were watching Tarzan at my house and he just leaned over and kissed me during the opening song, before Tarzan's parents died.
First Car? fuuuuck I loved that thing. a 1991 grand marquis mercury. BEST BOAT ever
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? I moved in with my best friend (still my best friend) and my boyfriend at the time, into a trailer, three bed two bath, big ass kitchen, I loved the shower/bath it was huuuge.
First time on a plane? Never been on one.
First cellphone? a tracfone
First concert? Fallout Boy right before the pandemic.
First Foreign country you visited? Never been to one.
First sport you ever played? soccer when I was four or five.
First career aspiration? National Geographic photographer
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow". Middle School, wrote a four composition book length book about a girl who fell in love with a werewolf then got kidnapped by the evil werewolf creator and taken to his evil castle in the artic, where she started learning spells and when her beloved came to rescue her she helped kick ass.
Cringingly i tried to read through it and edit it a few years ago and I was APPALLED that I ASKED my 7th grade english teacher to read it and edit my grammar and spelling.
I swear to fuck she and the other teachers must have had discussions about it because they ALL made some comment about my book here and there and asked to be mentioned when I published my first one.
god the flashbacks
I'll tag @witchboywitchboywitchboy @suzy-queued @ian-galagher
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doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 23 / 31 * NOSTALGIA 」
December 7, 1985
❝Can you believe it's been twenty-seven years already since we got married, George?❞ Lorraine says, smiling as George wraps his arms around her from behind. He leans in and whispers something in her ear that paints her face a bright shade of red and has her giggling like a schoolgirl. Lorraine swats at George's hand half-heartedly, but her eyes are twinkling with the knowledge passed between them in their silent conversation.
Marty quickly looks away from his parents to look at Dave, at Linda, at the faint coffee stain on the couch—anywhere but there. Linda rolls her eyes, shrugs at Marty, and leans in toward her little brother to whisper, ❝You and Jennifer better not be this bad when you get to be Mom and Dad's age.❞
❝How time flies,❞ George says wistfully, ❝but these have been the best years of my life. I married the woman of my dreams, I have my family... You know, I was actually looking through some of our old stuff and you'll never guess what I found tossed in with the photo albums—our old yearbooks!❞
❝Our yearbooks? Oh, I haven't thought about those things in years.❞ Lorraine sighs, leaning back into George. ❝Speaking of high school, George, you remember Calvin?❞
Marty snaps straight to attention as Lorraine makes a noise he can't quite place. At his sides, Linda and Dave both groan in preparation for a story they've heard so many times they could recite it verbatim.
A lump the size of a baseball forms in Marty's throat and he feels the tension mounting in his shoulders as he pulls them tighter, willing to the powers-that-be that his parents change the topic or the power goes out. The lights don't even flicker and his silent pleas once again go unanswered.
He grabs his soda from the table.
❝Calvin. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. I wonder what happened to him. He disappeared after the dance; didn't his uncle say he went back to New York?❞
They talked to Doc? Marty chokes on his drink and Linda whips her head around, her face scrunched up in a mix of concern and annoyance. ❝You forget how to drink?❞ He waves a hand at the four pairs of eyes now trained on him to say I'm fine, ignore me. Dave pats him gently on the knee.
❝He must have been one of the strangest people I ever met,❞ George continues, humming softly. ❝Always saying weird things, didn't quite fit in—❞
❝But he was so handsome,❞ Lorraine muses, and Marty feels his stomach flip. This is all still too fresh in his mind for them to be talking about this and he fights the urge to cover his mouth when he starts feeling nauseous for fear that they'll somehow put two-and-two together.
Dave's brows furrows as he asks if Marty's feeling alright and he diverts the question with a hurried nod.
❝Mm, he was an attractive guy, wasn't he?❞ Marty's eyes widen as the realisation sets in.
❝I'll never forget his advice to me: you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. It's what I've been teaching you kids since you were little. It's all because of him I had the courage to stand up to Biff that night.❞
Lorraine smiles. ❝You were amazing, George. It was the most heroic thing anyone had ever done for me.❞
Linda groans. ❝We know, Mom, we know. And then Calvin Klein played at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance where you kissed for the first time and fell madly in love, Dad became super popular at school and became class president, and you lived happily ever after.❞
❝Why don't I go grab one of them? I think there's even a picture or two of Calvin in there. Have we ever shown you those photos, kids?❞
Marty shoots up off the couch like a rocket as his heart slams into his ribcage. ❝Shit, uh, I just remembered I was supposed to help Doc with something; I gotta go!❞
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double--cross-d · 1 year
I'm gonna share some Flipline LGBT/Family Headcannons I have lol
Chuck, Utah, and Nevada are all siblings. Chuck is the middle child, and moved to Tastyville when he turned 18
Taylor and Indigo are siblings, and Hank is their Dad. Taylor's kind of cut contact with both (mental health issues) but he and Indigo are making an effort to reconnect
Peggy and Austin are cousins! Peggy's still dreading the day he gets to be taller than her.
I read this in a fanfic (My Dearest Matilde by @yakkolicious) but Big Pauly being Penny's dad is something I totally sign off on
@magicmindless first headcannoned this but, Mary and James are siblings. James got the short end of the stick when it came to cat allergies :/
Gabitha is Treble's half sister and they either want to throw her out of a window or get her to just. Do better things with her life
Speaking of which NuMarcus is Taylor's Uncle and Taylor never wants to speak to him ever again (once was enough >:|)
Radlynn and Sarge Fan are twins and eagerly talk about their evil twisted hyperfixations
Timm is Lisa's adopted brother (based on that one Christmas image with the X twins)
Xandra is scared of big crowds and typically clings onto Xolo or Edna if they're stuck in one together. No one else, even her friends, gets this treatment.
Yippy is Wally's granddaughter! He's her number one customer.
Wylan's mom died when he was in 6th grade and was part of the reason for the move
Sue and Prudence are sisters. Prudence was the first person Sue came out to and the first thing she said was, "Called it"
Sexuality Headcannons (most are trans)
Rudy's a nonbinary he/him lesbian. Marty is the sole boy of the group
Mary and Sue are married! Their pugs were the flower girls. Love wins!
Transmasc Utah! They/Them Pronouns but they will accept he/him on occasion
Gremmie's also a transman and helped Utah realize they were also cisn't! The two are best friends.
Scooter's actually transfem, but still uses He/him Pronouns because they're fun
Penny and Alberto are T4T and started HRT when they were 15 (Alberto started a year before Penny though)
Cooper's trans and Prudence didn't realize this until he mentioned he wouldn't be at work for two weeks due to his top surgery. His binding game was off the fucking charts.
Cookie is a Devon Rex. Cooper decided on this breed because he knew how bad James' allergies were and had a big crush on him but still wanted a cat.
Quinn and Timm got a divorce because Quinn realized she was a lesbian. Timm leaving the company without warning afterwards was what ticked her off.
Wylan is transmasc, and his dad fully supports him. He even helped Wylan attain his first binder.
Mousse bullied Allan throughout highschool for "being gay" (he was bisexual) and then when he grew up he realized that A. Whippa's a lesbian (that's when his support began) and B. HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE WOMEN.
Roy and Moe are constantly on the verge of asking the other out but are both too socially awkward to do so. Ninjoy actually beat Dynamoe once because flirting with the pizza boy is more important than murding his archenemy.
Chuck and Taylor are dating, they just don't remember when the hell they even started. The B in their Bromance faded out so subtly and they never brought it up to each other until after someone asked them when they started dating.
Nonbinary Taylor! He genuinely does not give a fuck about Pronouns but if you ask you'll probably get he/they.
Transfem Mindy! She helped Liezel figure out that she was also trans.
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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January Fic Rec
It's been one full year since I've started doing recs😱 Ive got so many new followers which blows my mind and everyone seems to love the recs! I can't believe that's its been a full year! All this started because I was reading so many fics and my friend told me that I should share all the amazing fics that I was reading. I never thought that it would kinda explode like it did. I truly enjoy doing these recs and I promise that I will continue doing recs, I have so many fics to read - Im not going anywhere😘
I would like to apologize if there any repeat fics on the list. If it happens I guess just enjoy the reread like it did😉
I hope that everyone has a good new years and that this year bring only good things for everyone!❤️
Please remember to show love to our writers🥰
Feeling You by secretfanboy - (Rating: T, Words: 6158, sterek)
When Derek loses his sight and hearing saving Scott from an attack, the Stilinski's take him in. As nurse and patient Stiles and Derek grow closer, but what will happen when Derek gets better? Will Stiles be left with a broken heart?
Where to Search for Snow by suburbanmotel - (Rating: Mature, Words: 8954, sterek)
Stiles and his Gigantic Repressed Feelings accidentally affect the weather. A lot. Like. A lot.
  “It’s snowing, Stiles,” says Derek.
Stiles looks up. He nods. “Yeah. Yeah it is.”
Derek looks at him. “It’s snowing, Stiles. In your bedroom.”
This Burn We Feel by HappyJuicyfruit - (Rating: G, Words: 3614, sterek)
“It hurts here?” His mother asked, running a hand over his knee. 
Derek nodded. 
“You didn’t fall down? Or hit it on anything?” 
Derek shook his head, his lip wobbling. 
“Oh sweetheart, this is a good thing,” his mother cooed. Derek bit his lip and stared at her. He did not see how this could be a good thing. “It’s your soulmate.” 
Soulmate? Derek blinked, looking down at his knee. He knew about soulmates. He knew his parents were soulmates, and that they always knew what the other was doing. Mommy felt what Daddy felt, and Daddy felt what Mommy felt. 
He didn’t think it was supposed to last this long though. 
— From the prompt: Soulmates can feel when their other half is in pain; emotional and physical.
Even Greenberg has a Soulmate by Beerwolves, Deancebra - (Rating: T, Words: 22628, sterek)
Stiles was of the firm belief that he didn't have soulmate. Not even as a kid had he had unexplained damage to his skin, showing where his soulmate had hit themselves. Sometimes he felt as if he saw the ghost of a bruise, but it was always gone faster than he could take a picture to prove it. So yeah. Probably just his damned imagination. And if Derek and his gang would stop pointing that out... well, it would be really fucking great now, wouldn't it?
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill - (Rating: T, Words: 32052, sterek)
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain? 
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
my heart's been offline by thepsychicclam - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 58893, sterek)
31/M/New York. Rich, lays in bed all day, likes to read (aka Derek Hale, son of an Oscar winning actress, brother of one obnoxious reality star and one rebellious fashion designer, hates the paparazzi so much he's a recluse)
26/M/California. Boring office job, likes to read (aka Stiles Stilinski, co-owner of a 100 acre organic farm with his dad and two best friends, writer of obits for a newspaper, has absolutely no life)
Or, where Derek and Stiles meet online, and Stiles has no clue Derek's part of a famous family.
The Music (Howls) Of The Night by tumtatumtum - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5326, sterek)
The Phantom of the Opera AU where Omega!Stiles plays Christine to Alpha!Derek's Phantom.
Except in this version, people hit high notes for completely different reasons.
The hurry's gonna bring you to your knees. by Alysaria_Jones - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6640, sterek)
Stiles is experiencing an odd side effect of the witches curse. Strangely enough, he finds that Derek is the only one who can dull the ache between his thighs.
The New Teacher by everchanginginks, TwistedAmusement13 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 9562, sterek)
Derek, a world-weary English teacher pushing 40, is roped into a wet night out by his best friends. He finds himself charmed by a flirty college student who introduces himself as Stiles. They share an incredible night, but Stiles leaves before Derek wakes up. Thinking that he'll never see Stiles again, Derek bitterly gets ready for work at Beacon Hills High School. He's in for a bit of shock when he's introduced to the newly hired science teacher...
appetite (until your hunger is satisfied) by orphan_account - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2803, sterek)
In a surprising twist of events, he hadn't come home covered in blood (or monster slime, or other gross bodily fluids that are supposed to stay insidethe body and not smeared on his clothes), he wasn't bleeding and neither were his friends when he left them. For the first time in, well, ever, it seemed like they finally managed to find the one supernatural creature with a bit of sense of preservation who, miracle of miracles, didn't think killing everything that moved was a perfectly good way to pass the time. Stiles had been suitably impressed.
Or: Derek walks in on Stiles' alone time and decides to join in.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Devastated || 11. Motive
Paring: (Christopher "Sully" Sullivan x Original Female Character Mance!)
Word Count: 2189
Warnings: slight language
Last: Register | Next: Remorseful
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"It's just-," Henry starts so Sully cuts in.
"Dude, can't we stop please? Right now we're looking for Trish. So why don't we just head to the sheriff's station? Trish could have went there looking for Danny."
"Danny's dead." Henry lets him know.
"You don't know that."
"So it Trish." He makes Sully turn to look at him, "I killed her."
"Hey, shut up, man. Seriously, just shut up."
"I killed my brother too. At the marina. I'm the rain. Remember? Abby almost caught me." Henry tells him the truth as Sully gets scared.
"Okay, what are you doing, Henry? I don't..."
"Coming clean. It's time to start a new life. You're my friend. You deserve to know before I... Well it's not like I killed then all. My dad did a lot." Henry walks towards him as Sully walks backwards.
"Your dad is dead. I went to his funeral."
"Oh, no, man, not that guy. Not that liar. My real dad. John Wakefield. He's the only person who's told me the truth." Henry keeps stepping forward.
"No. Y-y-you've been my best friend since junior high."
"Yeah." Henry takes out his knife.
"Oh, come on. Henry don't." Sully tells him gets scared more. "Don't make me shoot you." Sully raises his gun.
"I decapitated Reverend Fain. I harpooned Richard Allen. I even stabbed Katherine in the Candlewick while everyone was running around looking for Madison. Pretty exciting stuff."
"Do you want me to kill you?" Sully asks, causing Henry to chuckle.
"Hey, here's something funny. Do you remember that money we found? It was Uncle Marty's. He wanted to invest in Malcolm's brewery, be the big hero, save the day. I wanted Malcolm to find the cash see what would happen. He made good beer, didn't he?"
"You son of a bitch." Sully goes to shoot but nothing happens so Henry shows the shells he took out of it.
"Sorry. But it's gotta happen."
"So you're going to kill Jennifer when you get the chance?" Sully asks him.
"Of course not, no. That was never the plan. Just like how you're not supposed to get her either." Henry lets him know as Wakefield walks up.
At that moment, Jennifer finally sees Henry and Sully then Wakefield walking up to them. She runs from the side, full speed, basically tackling Henry as he stabs Sully. As Henry was on the ground, Wakefield tries to finish Sully, but Jennifer grabs Sully's hand running, only to tumble down a small hill then a larger one with a slight drop off.
Henry looks in the distance they went, "They won't get far. We can come back to them after the other two. Now, time to ring the bell." Wakefield makes his gun go off into the sky.
Meanwhile, Sully and Jennifer lay on the ground groaning in pain, "Sully!" She crawls over it him as he groans in serious pain. Jennifer sees blood and starts to cry, "We need to stitch you up to stop the bleeding. He just got a stab in. We can still do something about it." She panics.
"I think my arm is broken." He groans.
"Come on. We gotta get going." She helped him up but his ankle was sprained. "Sully, push through, please. I can't let you die now." She puts his good arm around her and they slowly walk away.
While they make their way out of the woods, Abby and Jimmy run into Henry. "Where's Sully and the others?" Abby asks him.
"I haven't seen them. I've been looking for Trish." Henry says, not realizing he messed up.
Abby tells Henry about Trish, and they discover her body is missing when they return to show him. Henry suggests that Trish could still be alive, and they must continue the search. Jimmy informs Henry, Trish is really dead, and Henry blows up. Henry runs into the woods looking for Trish, and Abby and Jimmy follow.
"I think we're getting closer." Jennifer tells Sully, still holding up his weight.
"We should go to the marina." He tells her, out of breath.
"You won't make it there if I don't take care of you." She tells him.
"Just leave me so you can get out of here. He wants you, Jen." Sully tells he.
"I don't care right now because I'm not leaving your side. Especially now." She huffs.
"I can't believe it's Henry... How did you know?"
"I had a bad feeling about him for the last few hours. Then he said something Wakefield said word for word as you guys left. Then after some thinking it hit me." She explains to him, Also,  you owe me an apology for thinking it was Jimmy." She gives him a weak smile.
"I'm sorry." He groans in pain with a smile.
Soon they hear the helicopter and look up, looking for it as they keep walking. At that moment, Abby runs outside from the church to signal for help while Wakefield yells to Henry that Abby is getting away, and Jimmy catches on.
Abby searches for the helicopter outside as Jimmy lights a flare and shoves it into Wakefield's stomach before tossing it into a curtain and running.
Wakefield instructs Henry to finish, and he is seen firing a shot toward Jimmy. Abby runs through the woods searching for the helicopter, and Henry runs after her.
He meets up with Abby, informing her that Jimmy didn't make it. Henry asks where to meet the coast guard as Abby begins to realize that Henry has been lying, and Henry pulls out his pocket knife.
Wakefield appears behind Abby as Henry shows her the knife. Henry pushes her out of the way and stabs Wakefield.
"Henry..." Wakefield says his name, so Abby runs as she realizes Henry is Wakefield's child. Henry grabs her and pulls her backward, knocking her unconscious on the ground.
After taking Abby to the house and locking her in the room, he goes to look for Sully and Jennifer. It didn't take him long to find them since he knew where Jennifer would want to take Sully.
"Jenny," Henry says her name making them turn to face him.
"Stay away." She tells him.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He walked closer to them, and Jennifer was basically holding all of Sully's weight up now since he was doing really bad at the moment.
"Henry, please." She begs him.
"Wakefield is dead. I killed him." He walks closer, and as she tries to back away, Sully falls to the ground causing her to bend down to him.
"Sully, come on. Stay awake." She cries. "Henry, please. Just let me take care of him. I'll do whatever you want but please. For me." She turns to him, looking up at him sobbing.
He didn't want to, but he agreed, taking them to where he took Abby. Sully was unconscious but was still alive, so Jennifer was happy he still had a heartbeat. She stitched up his stab wound, wrapping his ankle and arm best as she could before Henry dragged him out, tying him up where he had Jimmy.
"What did you do with him?!" She shouts as Henry comes back inside.
"He's fine. I didn't hurt him." He grabs her shoulders.
"Don't touch me!" She screams at him moving away. "Why? Why do all of this?" She cries.
"It's okay, calm down. I'll explain everything once you go clean up, please. I promise. You're safe, Jen." He tells her, so she listens, only wanting to get her surroundings and will play along till she can make a move.
When she was changed, she goes back downstairs to Henry, "Start explaining." She holds herself.
"It was all part of the plan. The three of us. You, Abby, and I. When we were kids how we hated that I had to leave the island. Remember how you and Abby said you both wish I could live here forever with you two. Just the three of us? Now we can." He smiles, and Jennifer thinks he was out of his fucking mind.
"You killed everyone for this?"
"Not everyone. I just killed Ben, Fain, Thomas, Richard, Malcolm, JD, Katherine, Trish, and Dad." He walks towards her, and she stays still.
"You killed your own brother?"
"He had to go for this, and he wasn't my real brother. I despised my parents for never telling me I was adopted, and I hated Sarah for throwing me away. At least your mother kept you, Jenny." He explains to her.
"How did you meet him?"
"I met him the day of the rampage. I didn't know he was my father then. But when I looked at him, there was a connection. I was inspired by him. Then about a year after the rampage, he tracked me down. He told me I was his son, that he's been searching his whole life for me. And trying to figure out how to see you and tell you the truth that you were his daughter. He taught me how to kill, and we had a plan. He wanted to get his daughter and get back at Abby. But I had other plans, of course." He rubs her shoulders as she listens to him.
"You betrayed your dad?" She keeps eye contact with him.
"Our dad, yes. Because I love you and Abby more." He makes her finally move away out of his touch.
"No, no, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't have put us through this." She walks backwards as he walks forward. "Where's Jimmy? Where did you take Sully?" She raises her voice.
"Jimmy and Sully are together, but I can't keep him here for too long. He has to go, Jen. You know that. It's only supposed to be us three."
"What are you going to do to Jimmy?" She asks, scared.
"I've kept Jimmy alive to set him up as Wakefield's accomplice." He says so she tries to think of how she can save Sully for some time, "The police believe we're all dead, thanks to blood samples I planted at the church."
"You're going to kill Sully?" She says, so he nods his head.
"I'm sick of him always asking throughout the years for me to help him get you. Do you think I like hearing him want you when it's my plan to have you here? He doesn't deserve you, yet here you are, caring for him and kissing him now? What happened to never going to happen?" He gets loud with her.
"As I told Danny, shit happens! And I told you, I have always had a thing for him."
"YOU ARN'T SUPPOST TO! Not him. You are smarter than that, Jen. And I'm going to make sure he stays out of the picture." He slightly snaps at her.
"You don't have to kill him! At least not yet...." A lightbulb goes off, "Wakefield can have two accomplices... Sully could have given them details about where Thomas would stand and helped them get around the hotel by distracting the others. And Sully can say that he only helped Shea and Madison get away because he would feel bad if a child died... He was their provider for information while they did the killings." She tells him, "He'll agree to do it for me. I promise. And Jimmy will too. If he knows Abby and I are okay."
Henry thinks it over before agreeing, "You're so smart, aren't you." He kisses her forehead, making her scream on the inside.
"Can I see them?" She turns to ask him as he walks into the kitchen. "Please, Henry. Just let Jimmy see me." She walks over to him.
"Fine." He grabs her wrist, taking her to where they were tied up.
She goes to Jimmy first, wrapping her arms around him and crying, "I promise I'm trying to figure something out." She whispers in his ear, "You're my only brother." She says before seeing Sully watching her, so she rushes over to him. "How are you feeling?" She cups his face so he moves his head from side to side.
Sully looks over at Henry, watching them closely, "Few more seconds, Jen." He tells her, so she pulls Sully's gag down so he leans forward to kiss her.
"I love you." He tells her, so Henry walks over pulling Jennifer up roughly, dragging her out and back to the house.
"Let go of me!" She fights him.
"He doesn't really love you." Henry says through his teeth, shoving her into a room and locking her in. "I'll let you out when you realize he doesn't love you like I love you." He walks away to see Abby walked downstairs.
While he tried to talk to her, Jennifer tried to get the window open, but of course, it wouldn't budge. She could hear Abby up so she banged on the door for her, but she never came because she ran back upstairs. Jennifer hears everything going on, so she gives up on trying to get out sitting on the floor in a corner. 
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The Best Medicine
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Steve Harrington x Reader
Words: 2127
Summary: Your boyfriend finds out you’re sick and calls off work to take care of you. 
Notes: I’ve written one like this with Stiles Stilinski and I’ve been miserable and sick recently, so I needed this. No plot, just fluff. Seriously, this is kind of a mess. 
More imagines: HERE
It was supposed to be the best summer ever. You were going to lay in the sun, hang out with your friends, and, most of all, spend more time with your newly-graduated boyfriend. Steve was having a hard time since he didn’t get into any colleges he wanted, so you were going to be sure to give him a summer he wouldn’t forget. 
And so far, he’s been working, you’ve been working and anytime you actually have together, Dustin typically tags along. You loved the kid, but it was two weeks into the summer and you and Steve haven’t had a moment alone together. 
You were going to surprise him today with a picnic after he got off work. Instead, you’d spent the morning lying on the couch with a cold towel on your forehead, feeling like certain death. It was hard to imagine a romantic night out when you were coughing up a lung. 
“Sweetie, phone!” Your mom called from downstairs. 
You were so out of it you hadn’t even heard it ringing. 
Once you got to high school, your parents finally let you put a phone in your room, though you rarely used it since your mother liked to eavesdrop. 
“Hello?” You answered. Even your voice sounded disgusting, clouded with congestion and hoarse from coughing all morning. 
“God you sound awful, are you okay?” 
“Oh,” you sniffed. “Hey, Steve.” 
“The twins told Dustin who told me that you weren’t feeling well.”
“I’ve been better.” 
Your mom popped her head in your door. 
“Hey, your dad and I are heading out,” she said. She examined you, wrapped in your blankets surrounded by piles of tissues. “Are you sure you can watch the boys this weekend? We can always reschedule this trip-”
“No, mom, I’ll be fine.” You tried to make your voice as chipper as possible but it was a poor attempt. “Besides, the boys are getting to the age that they don’t need a babysitter.”
“Well, what about you?” 
“I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I promise.” You gave her a pathetic smile. “Enjoy your trip.” 
“Okay.” She surrendered. “But call if you need something, alright?”
You nodded and shooed her out of your room. 
“Wait, your parents are leaving you like that?” Steve said. You’d almost forgotten he was on the line. 
“Yeah, they’ve had this trip planned for months now. I told them I could watch the twins and I don’t want her to worry. I’m okay, really.” 
Just as you said that you erupted into a fit of coughs. On the other end, there was shuffling followed by the sound of jingling keys. 
“I’m coming over.” 
You sighed. “Seriously, Steve, I’m okay-”
“Bullshit. I’m calling off work so someone can stay with you and help with the boys.”
“No buts, I’m already on my way to the door. I’ll see you in a bit.” You started to put the phone down but heard his voice again. “Oh, Y/N.”
“Yes Steve?”
“I love you.” 
He’d see you in less than five minutes and he was worried that he almost let you hang up without him saying it. 
You smiled. “I love you too. See you soon.” 
Your brothers were at the arcade with their friends, so you had the rest of the morning to yourself. Cam and Marty were a little bit younger than Dustin and his friends- closer to Lucas Sinclair’s sister Erica’s age- but the older boys let them tag along. 
You were pretty sure it was because Steve made them play nice, but you appreciated it nonetheless. 
The doorbell’s chime rang throughout the empty house. You gathered your blankets around you and shuffled down the stairs. Sure enough, you could see the brown quaffs of hair through the window. 
“Sorry I’m late, honey,” Steve greeted as you opened the door. “I dropped by the store.” He held up the pile of supplies in his arms. From snacks to soup to extra tissues, he’d thought of everything. He kissed your cheek and brushed past you inside. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said. 
“And you shouldn’t be walking around.” He laid out everything on the kitchen table and glanced over his options. “I’m going to make you some tea. You like tea, right? I found this stuff that’s supposed to be good for congestion and stuff.” 
“I really don’t need you to do that.”
He put his hands on his hips and gave you a stern look. “Hey, I don’t want any stubbornness out of you, so just shush and go lay down.” 
You raised a brow at his tone. “The mom voice? Really?” 
“You’re right. Sorry,” he sighed and put his hands on your shoulders. “But seriously, I want you to rest and let me handle everything.” He kept one hand on your arm and moved the other to your forehead, then your cheek. His soft brown eyes looked into yours and even though your head was hazy from the fever, you still got butterflies in your stomach. “Just let me take care of you, okay?” 
You gave him a small smile and nodded. 
While Steve filled the kettle, you found a spot on the couch and burrowed into the cushions. Sweat dotted your forehead despite the chills running up and down your body.  
“Babe, do you want me to make you some soup?” 
You groaned in response. 
“I’m gonna make some soup.” 
You coughed, which then turned into another, and suddenly a whole coughing fit started before you could stop it. Steve was beside you in seconds, his hand rubbing soothing circles along your back until you could finally breathe again.  
“This… sucks…” you wheezed. He gave you a sympathetic smile and kissed your forehead. You pulled back. “You know, you’re probably going to get sick too.” 
Steve just shrugged. “I’ll take my chances.” 
The squealing sound of the kettle pierced the air and he gave you one more kiss atop your head before walking back to the kitchen and pouring you a cup of tea. You sat up to take the mug from him and brought the hot liquid to your lips. He was right. The tea obviously wasn’t a magic healing potion, but once you’d had a few sips, your coughing let up a little bit. 
Healing potion?
You were spending too much time with your brothers. 
The front door burst open and the two little devils themselves came crashing in, chasing each other and screaming and making your head feel like it was going to explode. 
Okay, headache too? What kind of sickness was this bullshit? 
“Hey, Ewoks,” Steve barked, his ‘mom voice’ returning. “Both of you, sit down.”
“Ewoks?” You whispered with a laugh. 
He paused, realizing what he said. He shook his head. “God, I’m spending too much time with Dustin.” 
Cameron and Marty looked dubiously at Steve but did as he said and sat in the chairs across from you. Steve leaned over the back of the couch, staring down your brothers with the expression you’d seen him use on Dustin on a few occasions. 
“Alright boys, this is a one-time offer. Break the terms and I will make your weekend a boring hell,” he said sternly. “Obviously, your sister isn’t feeling great, so you two need to be extra caring little brothers. I’m talking angelic, alright?” 
Marty stroked his chin thoughtfully, trying to look older than he was. “What’s in it for us, Harrington?” 
Steve crossed his arms. “In exchange for total obedience and minimal annoyance, I’m willing to grant both of you an extra hour of TV time every night all weekend long.” He held up a finger. “With complete control of the remote.” 
The twins looked at each other, then back at Steve. Cam sat back in his chair. 
“Make it two and you’ve got a deal.” 
Steve nodded and the twins exchanged a victorious high five. 
“Until then,” Steve started, keeping his stern tone, “you two will get your sister anything she needs. I’m talking tissues, snacks, blankets, and if she wants you to fan her, you fan her. She is the queen of the household. Do that, and you’ve got your TV time and a slightly extended curfew.” 
“Define slightly extended.” 
Steve narrowed his eyes. “Don’t push it.” 
The boys shuffled up the stairs and you just stared at Steve in amazement. 
“How did you do that?” 
“I told you. I’m a damn good babysitter.” He jumped over the back of the couch and plopped into the seat next to you, slinging an arm over your shoulders. “Plus bribery always works with these kids.” 
You shook your head and smiled, leaning into him. 
Steve had you eat some soup and, when it was time for the boys to take over the TV, he carried you up to your room.
“I can walk just fine,” you scoffed. 
“Will you just let me be romantic?” 
You ended up laying in bed with your head in his lap. He picked out your favorite record and a new issue of Teen Beat and played with your hair as he read silly articles the two of you made fun of. 
“Hey, Steve.”
“Hmmm?” He hummed. 
You looked up at him through your lashes. “I’m really glad you’re here.” 
He beamed and ran a finger along your cheek, to your shoulder, all the way down to your hand. He brought your palm to his lips.
“I’ll always be around when you need me.” 
And you knew he would. 
At the beginning of your relationship, you never understood why he hung out at your house so much or stayed out with Tommy and Carol even though they were terrible friends. But the more you came to know him, the more you understood his desire to stay away from home. 
Steve hated being alone in that big empty house. 
By taking care of you, he was helping to heal himself, in a way. Like being together was some kind of medicine for the both of you. 
“Alright,” Steve sighed, looking down at his watch, “I should probably start dinner so the gremlins don’t starve.” He started to move, but you groaned and wrapped your arms around his middle. 
“Just order a pizza,” you whined. 
He chuckled and pulled you fully into his lap. “You know, what are you brother’s going to say about me spending so much time in your room?”
You shrugged and cuddled closer to him. “I don’t think they’ll say anything.” 
“Why’s that?”
“Because,” you drew out the word teasingly, “if my parents found out, they wouldn’t let you come over anymore and the twins would hate that almost as much as I would. They kinda love you.” 
You nodded. 
“Huh,” he said. Changing his attention back to you, he cocked a brow and smirked. “And what about you? Do you kinda love me?” 
You tapped your chin in mocking thought and he pouted his lips. After a moment of dramatic pause, you attacked his sides with tickling fingers. 
“Hey, woah!” He exclaimed. His hands latched onto your wrists and you erupted in a fit of giggles. “I can see you’re feeling much better.” 
“Oh no, I’m still very sick, Dr. Harrington.” You threw a hand over your forehead and coughed. “I think I’m going to need much more attention.” 
“You think so, huh?” 
You grinned and kissed his nose. “Definitely.” 
“Well, you have my full and undivided attention, miss,” he said. He held up a finger. “After I get you and your brothers some food.” 
Now it was your turn to pout. 
Steve pried himself out of your arms and laid you down against your pillows. He tucked your body under your covers and pressed his lips to your temple. 
“I want you to sleep while we wait, okay? Then maybe we can put in a movie or something. If we’re lucky, you might feel well enough next week for us to have that big date day you had planned.”
You felt warmth spreading in your chest. He remembered. 
“Okay,” you agreed. He almost seemed surprised by your lack of resistance. 
“Alright, I’ll go wrangle the boys for dinner.” He turned off your light as he started to close the door. 
“Hey, Steve.” 
“Yes, Y/N?” 
“I love you.” 
He peeked his head back in your room, grinning from ear to ear. 
“More than kinda?” 
You laughed. “Yes, you idiot, more than kinda.” 
He started to leave again. “Okay, now get some sleep.” 
“Okay mom,” you jabbed playfully. He froze. 
Steve chuckled and shook his head. “God, if you weren’t sick…” You followed his train of thought and cursed this stupid cold.
As soon as you were better.  
Damn, as soon as you were better. 
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks; @kendahl0216; @yellowbubblewrap
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Masterlist | Taglist | Request
Dave Lizewski x Reader | Todd Haynes x Sister!Reader
Summary: You’re Todd’s popular little sister, and you like one of his not-so-popular friends. What happens when a couple of words leaves the two on non-speaking terms?
Warnings: Language! (“Is anyone gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said “language”?”) Get it? A superhero joke for a story based on a superhero.
A/N: It’s the Evan Peters version of Todd. I just love Evan, so that's how I imagined it. If you want to picture Augustus, you can. There are no rules here. Make it your own.
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Todd and Marty were both standing around Dave as he grabbed his books for his next class. When he finished grabbing his Chemistry textbook, he slammed his locker door shut. They start walking to class, but not without a little chit-chat.
“So, you guys down for Atomic Comics this weekend?” Dave asked his two best friends. Ever since the boys met each other, they’ve always loved comics. They would be able to tell you the exact comic from one line if you asked.
“Yeah, I’m down,” Marty said with a shrug of his shoulders. Dave nodded at his response before both of them turned their head to Todd.
“My sister is grounded, so I have to make sure my sister doesn't invite anyone over this weekend. My parents are going out of town. If I went she would have to go,” Todd contemplated his options. You don’t like superheroes as much as Todd, so you’d probably complain. And if they go to Todd’s house, he’d be spending his time making sure you aren’t doing things you’re not supposed to.
“We-“ Dave couldn’t even finish his sentence before a herd of people crowded around the hallway. “What’s going on over there?” Marty asked in confusion. Todd and Dave looked towards the mob. Every day, since Y/N started school, kids would crowd around her like she was a celebrity. She could get things done at the speed of light. She once threw a party at the last minute, and it ended up in a magazine.
They stood, watching as the mob of people started to disperse. They moved a little closer to see Katie and her friend, but also Y/N. Y/N looked to be handing out a flyer. Todd quickly walked over and took the flyer from his sister’s hand.
“Y/N, you’re grounded. You know you can’t do anything when you're grounded,” Todd yelled at his little sister. Y/N rolled her eyes before they landed on Dave. She stared at Dave with admiration in her eyes.
She continued to look at Dave as she spoke, “Mom and Dad said no one in the house, but they said nothing about going out. Here, take a flyer. If you want to hang with the cool kids, you’ll go.”
She tried to walk off before Todd grabbed her arm, snatching all the flyers from her hands. “Call it off, Y/N. What happens when pictures end up online? If mom and dad see them, we’re both going down. So, how about you go to Atomic Comics with me and the boys, and I won’t tell mom about her favorite dress that mysteriously ripped,” Todd said with a smirk.
Y/N looked at her brother furiously. “Fine, but only if you let me sit by Dave,” she whispered to her brother, so her brother’s best friend doesn’t hear. Todd knew about his sister’s crush on Dave. He also knew that Dave has a crush on Katie, so he allowed it.
He nodded his head, making Y/N smile. She started walking to class, but as she passed Dave she gave him a wink. Dave looked at his best friend’s sister with a nervous chuckle and watched as she walked away.
“I guess I’m going to Atomic Comics with you guys,” Todd told his friends as he side hugged his friends around the shoulders. They all understood that his going would also include Y/N, so they nodded their heads and started walking.
Y/N and Todd walked into Atomic Comics. Y/N was not happy. She could be throwing the party of the century, but she was now hanging out with nerds and her crush. They sat down at the table with Todd’s friends. Todd sat with Marty and Y/N, as promised, sat next to Dave. Y/N was welcomed to a Y/F/F/M (your favorite flavor milkshake) milkshake.
“I ordered you guys a milkshake. Uh, I didn’t know what flavor you like, Y/N, so I got you Y/F/F/M,” Dave said nervously. Y/N blushed, turning her head, so the others wouldn’t see her. He knew my favorite milkshake flavor. Eeeep!
Y/N took the gesture as a sign that Dave liked her. She silently put her hand on Dave’s thigh. Dave’s body tensed up at the feeling of the girl's hand on his thigh. No one had ever touched him there before. He looked at the girl to see her on her phone playing candy crush. He slowly moved her hand off of his leg, only for it to once again place itself back on his leg, only higher. This went on for a couple of minutes before Dave had enough.
“Y/N, can I talk to you real quick?” he said through his teeth. He wasn’t upset. No, he was uncomfortable. They got up and walked towards the comic section.
“What was that?” Dave asked the girl he considered his sister.
“What? My hand on your thigh?” He nodded at her question. “I thought you liked me. Wait, do you not like me?” Dave didn’t speak for a couple of seconds. Y/N’s eyes started to tear up, knowing she just embarrassed herself.
Dave didn’t know how to handle the situation. How do you tell your friend’s kid sister that you don’t like her the same way she does? The next thing Dave said really set Y/N off. “Everyone knows I like Katie,” Dave said nervously.
Y/N was furious. “Are you for real? That Bitch?! You know she thinks you’re gay? That’s why you guys have been hanging out together so much. Not because she likes you, but because she thinks your gay! I didn’t tell her that you lied, but now...” Y/N yelled, not finishing her sentence out of anger. She grabbed the attention of her brother and Marty.
Dave must have forgotten who he was talking to because he just kept saying the wrong stuff. “I know. Please don’t tell her. I’m trying to find a way to tell her that I’m not,” Dave begged.
“You’re a loser and a dick. You probably have a loser dick also,” Y/N said. She didn’t mean it, but she was angry. She walked over to the table and grabbed her milkshake. She walked back over to Dave. She looked him in the eye as she poured her milkshake all over his head. Some of it slid off his head and down his face and body. With that, she ran out of the Comic shop in tears.
A cold and sticky Dave walked back over to his friends after watching Y/N run out. “You really hurt her feelings. You know, she told me while we were having a spa day that she rejected all the boys that asked her at school because she would rather be with either you or Kickass. You were the more predictable choice, but I also knew you didn’t like her like that. This is my fault. I should have been the big brother and told her the truth,” Todd looked down.
“Wait, you have spa days with your sister?” Marty laughed.
“That’s all you got from that? You know what? My sister is crying her eyes out on the streets, which makes her vulnerable to bad guys, so I’m gonna catch up with her,” he said, getting up and leaving the comic shop. Dave felt sorry, but there is only one thing he can do.
Later that day, Todd tried to cheer Y/N up with a spa day. It helped a little but she was still heartbroken. He sat next to her on her bed and rubbed her back.
“Hey, you know that not everyone is going to like you back. You're gonna have crushes who reject you, just like today. But I want you to know that Dave does love you, just not the way you want him to,” Todd told his sister before leaving the room.
Y/N cried a little more before a knock was heard at her window. She walked over and moved her curtain to see Kickass at her window. She quickly opened it.
“Kickass? What are you doing here?” Y/N asked, confused.
“Well, your friend Dave messaged me saying that you needed some cheering up. He wanted me to tell you that he’s sorry. He didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Dave told Y/N.
“If Dave’s so sorry, why can’t he tell me himself. He totally hurt my feelings, and no offense, Kickass, but this meeting means nothing to me without Dave,” Y/N told the masked superhero.
Dave opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He thought about what he was gonna do next for at least two minutes. He walked towards the girl sitting on her bed.
“I think this will cheer you up,” Dave said, checking to make sure no one could see or hear anything. He reached for his mask, and slowly started to lift it up. Y/N looked up at the superhero, and she saw her brother’s best friend.
Her eyes widened in shock. “Dave, you’re Kick-“ Y/N got out before her mouth was covered. Dave had covered her mouth with his gloved hands to keep her from yelling his secret out to the world.
“I would really like it if your brother and the rest of the world didn’t know about this. But, I really am sorry. You mean a lot to me, and seeing you sad really hurt me. You're like a little sister to me. I’m sorry I can’t be what you want me to be, but I really do love you,” Dave told Y/N confidently.
Y/N nodded her head, still releasing the tears from her eyes. Dave took off his glove and started to wipe her tears away. When Dave finished, he pulled Y/N into a side hug and laid a kiss on top of her head.
They stayed like that for about a minute before Y/N spoke, “Dave, I know you don’t wanna be with me, but would you like to stay and hang out?”
Y/N looked at the boy with hopeful eyes. The ones that make you feel bad if you say no. The ones a lost dog gives you when you find it shaking, cold, and wet from the rain. Dave tried not to look, but it was impossible not to give in. He agreed to Y/N’s proposal. The girl's face lit up like Christmas.
She grabbed her headphones and started to make her way towards her brother’s room. One time, she went to borrow something from Todd but was met with the sight of her brother jerking off to porn.
Y/N opened the door to Todd’s room, to see Todd jamming out to music on his laptop. Y/N snuck in, quietly. She made sure not to bring attention to herself as she grabbed clothes from his drawer. She successfully completed her mission and made her way back to her room.
Meanwhile, in Y/N’s room, Dave walked around looking at Y/N’s things. He looked towards her desk to see a photo. He walked towards it to see a photo from 4 years ago held in a grey frame. It was a photo of Y/N, Todd, and Dave at Y/N’s 10th birthday party. Y/N had cake all over her face.
Dave remembered that day. Y/N and Todd’s dad bought two cakes. He was always one to pull pranks. They put the candles on the decoy cake, and they sang ‘Happy Birthday’. When the time was right, Todd and Dave snuck behind Y/N, picked up the cake, and pushed it into her face. Everyone laughed, even Y/N.
Y/N quietly walked back into the room with her brother’s clothes. She saw Dave looking at her 10th birthday picture. He seemed to be lost in thought, so when she cleared her throat to let him know she was there, he jumped like a cat next to a horn.
He stuttered trying to explain what was going on, but Y/N just threw the clothes at him and left the room. She sat outside the door as he got dressed. She heard a couple of clattering sounds but knew it was Dave being clumsy.
When he opened the door, she almost fell back. She picked herself off the floor and made her way into her room. She picked up her laptop, and relaxed on the bed, watching random movies on Netflix. And that’s how they fell asleep.
Around 4 am Dave woke up to see a snoring Y/N laying on his chest. Careful not to wake her up, he lifted her up and moved from his spot. He made sure he had all of the items he came in with and left, but not without a quick glance at Y/N. He smiled at the girl, and quietly closed her window.
I don't deserve her. She deserves better.
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Dad Mode
A/N: Can’t remember if they ever said how old he was but we’re gonna go with 9.
He feels the panic rise with each passing second. Pacing back and forth across the living room, nervously running his fingers through his hair as he tries to come up with a plan to stop the inevitable from happening.
“Babe, relax.”
He stops in his tracks, turning to his wife wide-eyed, flabbergasted at the words that just came off her lips. “Relax? You want me to relax?”
“It’s just a date.”
“Oh, no, it’s not just a date. It’s our daughter’s first date.”
“Yeah, and it’s not gonna be her last.”
“Are you trying to make me have a stroke?”
The brunette huffs a laugh, shaking her head. They’ve known about this date for a week now and somehow her partner’s gone into overprotective dad mode more and more each day. All she can do now is what she does best…calm him down. “Babe, she’s gonna be fine.”
“It’s not her I’m worried about. I know how teenage boys think. I was one of them.”
“Very funny. Why are you not freaked out by this, I mean for all we know the kid is a super douche.”
A  small smile curls at her lips as she steps up to her husband, rubbing her hands across his shoulders and down his arms before taking hold of his hands. “And that’ll be for her to figure out but we can’t stop her from going out with him. You know the more we try to dictate what she does the more she’ll pull away.”
He feels the tension somewhat release from his body at her touch and then completely when his eyes meet hers. His solstice. “I know. You’re right.”
Before anything else can be said, there’s a knock at the door and his head immediately falls to her shoulder. “Do you want me to get it?”
Still resting on her shoulder, he shakes his head. “No, I got this.”
Lifting his head, he takes a calming breath before receiving a quick kiss from his girl and taking a few steps to the door. There’s a knock once more making him turn back to his wife. “He has no patience, I don’t like him even more now.” She takes a deep, calming breath, signaling him to do the same. He does as told before turning back to the door and pulling it open. His eyes go wide in shock once he sees the person on the other side. “Byron?”
“Marty? You live here?”
This is not the 9-year-old he was a big brother to 8 years ago. The kid standing in front of him is his height, chiseled jawline…that frat daddy look. “Yeah, what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to pick up Rosa or at least I thought I was.” His brow furrows in confusion, taking a quick look at the number on the house to make sure he had the right house.
Seeing her husband staring blankly at the person on the other side of the door, Kensi comes up behind him and suddenly realizes why he’s frozen in place. “Byron, how are you?”
“Kensi, hey, I’m doing good. How are you?”
“Other than trying to calm down my husband, pretty good. What are you doing here?”
“I came to pick up-“ The teen stops mid-sentence when Rosa walks into view. “Hi.”
Kensi notices the boy’s eyes light up and that’s when the pieces finally come together. “Come in.”
“Oh, actually, we need to get going. I saw that there’s a large pile-up on the highway and we’re gonna take the longer route to the Observatory so we can avoid any possible accidents.”
A smile spreads to the special agent turned mom’s face. Their girl’s in good hands. “Hear that babe, he’s taking extra precautions.”
“Yeah, he better be.” The shaggy blonde sends the teen boy a fake smile, but it goes unnoticed as his attention is still on their oldest.
Shaking her head, Kensi wraps her arm around Rosa’s shoulders, giving her a quick squeeze. “You better go before he has a stroke.”
The teen meets her adoptive mother’s eyes and smiles. “Thank you.”
Stepping out the door Rosa and Byron share another smile before turning towards the car.
“Bye. Have a good time.” Kensi calls out, curling her arms around her husband’s, taking in this big moment of parenthood but also stopping him from chasing after the kids.
The pair take a few steps before Byron turns around, sporting a charming smile. “We will. I promise to have her home by 10:30 at the latest.”
“Better make it 7:30.” Deeks smiles, nodding his head in all seriousness.
“He’s kidding. Ten thirty's fine. Be careful.”
Before her partner can embarrass their daughter anymore, Kensi shuts the front door before stepping over to the window, watching as Rosa and Byron reach the car and him opening the door for her. ‘Babe, you need to chill.”
As Kensi watches the pair pull off and Deeks stays near the door, brooding, Pilar steps out of the hallway to join her parents with a grin on her face. “Are you still freaking out?”
“I’m not freaking out.” He meets the young girl’s eyes, pouting.
“He’s totally freaking out.”
“Well, then I guess this is a bad time to tell you that I have a date tomorrow with the high school basketball star.”
The blonde’s eyes go wide, feeling his throat dry up at their baby girl’s words. This is how he dies. “What?”
The high-pitched yelp that leaves Deek’s throat and terror in his eyes forces Pilar to turn to Kensi, both unable to hold back their laughter. “You were right…that was fun.”
Shaking his head, he lets out a sigh of relief as he watches his wife and daughter retreat to the kitchen, laughing at his misery. Honestly, he doesn’t care as long as their little girl stays little for just a while longer.
“Come on, dad. Let's nurse your wounds with some ice cream.”
And just like that, everything becomes even more real. Dad.
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In the Beginning // Alive!Luke Patterson
Summary: Reggie (Rhodes)’s older sister is the epitome of cool in his, and his friends, eyes with her in a band. Pushed by a hazel eyed brunette with a huge crush on the eldest Rhodes teen the boys decide to start a band. While at first the band is for Luke’s dream of landing you he finds his passion with music.
Warning: Swearing, angst, fluff, dad!Luke
Words: 4.1k
A/N: I couldn’t resist writing another alive!Luke fic with Luke crushing on his band mate’s sister. Ugh, just imagine Luke suggesting a band to impress his crush only to fall in love with music instead.  For my fics it will be Alex Mitchell and Reggie Rhodes until JATP reveals their canon names. 
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Los Angeles, 1992
The guitar case was a familiar heaviness as you walked into the home for the first time in months after a practice. You ached from the long travel, and all you wanted was your bed. The yawn came first, then the startled yell at the living room.
Four pairs of eyes met the girl standing in the entryway, surprised at a sleepover with her brother and his full friends. Eyebrows coming together you shook your head wondering why they had come here instead of the typical Patterson home.
“Hey!” Fourteen-year-old Reggie beamed towards his older sister excited she was back from her weekend band practice. Your eyes blinked at his usual upbeat personality before switching to the brown eyes from Bobby, too shy to full meet yours.
Spread around the living room watching a movie was Reggie’s best friends; the socially awkward Alex, the shy Bobby, and the Patterson boy Luke. The young typically spent their time at Luke’s place, so seeing them in your home was strange.
“Reg, what’s up?” You asked crouching to untie your shoes confused at the sharp audible gasp coming from Luke. Standing straight up, you saw Luke awkwardly looking away with bright red cheeks.
“How was practice?” Reggie inquired with the smile he got from your mom and his dark hair from your dad.
Reggie usually wasn’t interested in your band leading you to wonder what the hell was going on with them. Being sixteen you didn’t socialize with Reggie’s friends, thanks to the two year age gap, but you were happy he had good friends. Well, less than two years between you and Luke.
“It was good. Since when are you interested in Crimson Queen?” You questioned moving more into the room with the four young teens, “You haven’t even touched your bass in years.”
One eyebrow raised you individually looked at the boys in the room all with sheets of paper around them. From a distance, you couldn’t tell what was on them, but it couldn’t be homework. They all attended the same high school while you had done correspondence with the band and a tutor.
“Luke’s parents got him a guitar,” Reggie spoke gesturing to the decent brand new acoustic guitar on the floor beside the Patterson. Luke’s hazel eyes widening as you came closer to the group.
Your hand picking up the guitar to look it over finding it was decent for a beginner, but it was definitely not tuned. The sheer sound made you wince.
“So, you guys want to be a band?” You questioned sitting on the floor beside Luke. The boy shifting nervously, you weren’t blind that he got shy around girls, “Do you guys even play instruments?”
“I got the bass, Bobby can play rhythm guitar, Alex plays dru-“
“I wouldn’t call it proper drumming. It’s just something my therapist suggested with my anxiety and frustrations.” Alex raised his hand leading to everyone in the room looking at the tall male, recently had a growth spurt, with the backward black hat.
“And Luke will learn guitar as well.” You added, looking at the quiet, “How well can you play?”
“I don’t even know how to properly tune it,” Luke admitted playing with his fingers adorned with a ring.
Luke had chosen a cutoff shirt in an attempt to gain your attention to his arms he hoped had gotten more muscled. He had a massive crush on you but with the guys your own age he had step up; he started working out. He actually enjoyed it, but he’d enjoy it more if you were checking him out.
“You’ll need a place to practice.” You mumbled glancing out the window at the ocean waves thinking. The house was on the prime real estate edge of the beach all thanks to your well off parents; Dad, a doctor and Mom, an interior designer.
Your fingers tapped on the ripped blue jeans you had chosen that day with the flannel shirt opened over the black AC/DC t-shirt. You started standing up, grabbing Luke’s hand to pull him up as well; the boy’s cheeks grew pinker, and his heart fluttered.
“What?” Luke spluttered, staring at his hand, caught in yours in sheer awe.
“You’ll need a place to practice.” You answered, dropping is head to reach in your pocket for your key chain.
The key chain had a few keys on it: one for home, one for your car, one for the band van for gigs, one for the garage, and lastly one for the house the garage belonged to. The boys piled into the car, apprehensive for where you were taking them. The only sound was the radio playing local greatest hits, your foot slammed on the brake at the house of your bassist.
“Well Marty, this song has blown up on the charts. New band Crimson-“
“Holy shit.” You breathed staring at the radio. Your door opened as you sprinted down to the steps that led to the garage. The footsteps of the boys following.
The garage was open already with your band members lounging around the space filled with instruments and amps. Their heads swivelling as you frantic turned the radio on.
“Come on.” You mumbled, turning the radio station to the right one, “Guys listen!”
“-Crimson Queen is an LA-based band making waves in the LA Nightlife and hit the top ten with their newest song Sorry Now.” The radio host spoke, “If you haven’t heard the song before, this is the band’s new single.”
The song was blasted from the radio leading to the four girls screaming the song out dancing around the room. Euphoria was the only way you could call the feeling rising in the bodies of the girls in the place. The room burst into more screams as your drummer. Faith switched the radio station.
“Today history was made, Crimson Queen is an all-female rock band fronted by Y/N Rhodes. They started as a hobby at fifteen, but a year later at sixteen they’ve made waves.” A hit radio station, the second one so far, was talking about your band. Holy shit.
“Lucy, this band is going places. My daughter is seven years old, and she’s telling me this band is the talk of her school. I can’t tell how much Lucy listens to their demo.”
Your eyes saw Reggie having a meltdown of excitement for older sister and her band, and you were so unbelievably happy you should care the moment. You rushed over to Reggie to pull him into a hug.
“Girls…and boys.” Mrs Taylor spoke furrowing her brows at the young boys in the garage her daughter had begged to use for the band. Shaking her head, the middle-aged woman turned her attention to her daughter.
“Hey, Ma.” Dawn, your bassist, spoke spreading her pink painted lips to her perfectly straight teeth too hyped up on energy, “What’s up?”
“First congratulations on the single. Secondly, we’re gonna need to get a personal line for the band because our phone is blowing up.”
A sharp gasp from Dawn before the three of the four girls rushed to the house of the Taylor’s. You hung back to look at your brother and his band.
“So? What do you think?” You inquired with the group, “This idea of yours has to be one hundred percent what you want. It won’t be easy in LA, it will come with hardships, and Reggie Mom and Dad won’t let you drop out.”
The four boys nodded their heads because the excitement they saw in your big break was something they wanted. To be able to connect with people cemented their decision.
“Feel free to hang around.” You suggested glancing around the garage that started it all, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
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The Orpheum, Los Angeles, 1995
The crowd screamed as Crimson Queen, the song that started this road played with the girl crouching to grasp the hand of fans. At the beat of the chorus, you stood up eating up the energy of the last show of the tour. You went jumped on the drum riser rocking on the guitar as Faith did her magic.
Dawn on her bass made her way to rock with your rhythm guitarist Sara sharing grins with you still feeling the euphoria of this success. As the song came to an end, your entire band went to the front of the stage.
“We’d like to thank our fans for the last nine months of our world tour. We started this band in LA in 1991, so we thought it fit to end our tour at The Orpheum.” You spoke to the crowd, feeding off the energy as the concert came to an end.
The road crew would load your instruments up in the van to take home after months of travelling. You were so excited to see Reggie, who would be seventeen now, having celebrated his birthday while you had been in Europe. Too excited were shocked as Reggie backstage.
“Reggie!” You exclaimed tugging the teen into your arms, leaning back to take him in, “Damn you grew!”
Reggie grinned not giving a shit you were coated in sweat from performing your setlist, but your eyes went over his shoulder. Standing close and just as excited was Reggie’s friends. Alex was taller, Bobby looked more confident, and Luke could meet your eyes. Luke also had changed, no longer baby faced.
“Sunset Curve.” You spoke, stepping back to look them over, “I haven’t seen you guys in months, how did you change so much!”
“That’s what happens when you go on tour for almost a year.” Luke teased tugging you into his arms for a tight hug.
It was odd seeing Luke taller and more muscled than when you left for tour, and the confidence was honestly hot. You had seen Luke as anything other than your brother’s friend, who tended to stare a little too long.
“You played the fucking Orpheum!” Alex screamed, holding your shoulders with a wrinkled nose at the damp red thin flannel shirt. The girls wandered up behind you each with a grin at the guys.
“Well if it isn’t Sunset Swerve,” Sara spoke swinging her arm over your shoulder with a teasing smirk plastered on her face. Her blonde hair swept up in a bun high on her head from a recent shower.
“Sunset Curve!” The male quartet snapped at the name before they fell back into a happy demeanour. Luke and you both staring at each other with a pink-hued face.
Faith was quieter in the group leaning closer to your band to whisper in your ear, “Jay scored us some drinks. But MJ got us into a party.” Faith’s textured hair tickling your neck.
Grins split the three girls at the suggestion each excited for the party with fellow musicians and plus ones. Sure, the parties had drugs and alcohol, but they were fun and part of the scene. Half of you wanted to go, but the other wanted to spend time with your brother.
“I’ll think I’ll pass.” You spoke up to the girls motioning to the guys, “I’ll head back with them. Meet you at the house later?”
Your black vans moving backwards as you moved to be closer to be flush against Reggie’s side grinning as he bumped his hip against you. Sara, Faith and Dawn each raising an eyebrow at your response since you often dragged them to parties.
“Orrr…we could each take one of them.” Faith cajoled mocha skin gleaming in the light with her hands, tugging her hair into a thick braid.
“You want me to take my seventeen-year-old brother and his friends-“
“-I’m like two weeks from being eighteen-” Luke cut into the conversation buzzing at the possible date, but not date, with the girl he had been crushing on for years. He was pretty sure he was in love with you at this point; he did date a little, but nothing stuck.
“-To a party in Hollywood.” You finished pinning your gaze on the three girls ahead each with mischievous grins. Your cheeks puffed as you breathed out, thinking of the positives and negatives.
Bobby was bouncing on his heels with Reggie leaving Alex shifting uncomfortably in his place. His partially relaxed when Luke squeezed his forearm through the distressed black jean jacket that bought his outfit together. Luke himself was apprehensive on your decision because either way, he got to spend time with you.
“Come on.” Dawn implored, pulling out the big guns with her ocean blue eyes widening into the puppy gaze that did you in each time. Her curtain of short dyed pink hair framing her heart-shaped face.
“I’m going to pass this time. Do some shots for me! Not tequila though, that was a huge mistake.” Faith’s grin widened at having you carry you out of the house in the early morning after a wicked party.
“Did you ever find your tho-“
“Faith!” You hissed turning a bright red at her revelation that you definitely didn’t want Reggie to know. The atmosphere turned awkward as everyone realized what the sentence would end with.
Okay so maybe you had hooked up with a few people over the last three years but nothing permanent. It was fun, drunk fun, but still fun and nothing had gone wrong. Your eyes avoided looking at Luke for a reason you couldn’t decipher.
“I’ll see you later.” You spoke motioning for the guys to follow you to the dressing room you had settled in early in the day. The corner of your lips quirked at the awe on each of the boys’ faces.
“I’m in the dressing where bands become legends.” Reggie gasped circling the room with wide-eyed interest. Alex was interested in the band posters on the walls from previous performers.
Luke, however, was more interested in your curves covered by your sweaty stage clothing that stuck to your form. His Adam’s apple gulped as you grabbed your shower bag moving towards the connected bathroom.
“I’ll grab a shower, and we can head out.” You supplied, “I’ll just need to stop at Rudy’s office for our portion of the concert.”
The guys mumbled a response finding a place to wait without hushed conversations of when they would get to play. Luke’s eyes found yours at the low call of his name from the bathroom; a crack opened he walked over.
“Do you have a sweater?” You mumbled at the taller teen with widening eyes as he realized that you were naked behind the door.
Luke stumbled over his feet, retrieving the black pullover Crimson Queen merch he had had for months now. He had saved up money to buy the merch to support the band. The door closed as you tugged the sweater in the bathroom momentarily before walking out.
“Thanks Lu. I forget to pack a shirt.” Luke awed as your nose scrunched up adorably to the amusement of his friends, “So, do you wanna hit the beach? Or maybe give me a concert in the garage?”
Luke intertwined his fingers in yours as he tugged you out of the room with your bag in hand. His heart fluttered as you held on to his hand even in the little office of the Orpheum’s management for the thick envelope of money.
“Thanks, Rudy!” You called over your shoulder at the short, stout man going over the financials and upcoming performances.
The smell of Sunset Boulevard brought a smile remembering the first time you performed and the small group that had waited outside. The first night of autographs and recognition.
“So, Reg how’s my car?” You questioned the teen who impishly grinned tugging the key chain from his black jeans. You had given him the keys when you revealed Crimson Queen had a world tour.
“Right there.” Reggie pointed leading the group of five to the car that would take them to the garage. Reggie drove with Alex in the passenger while you were crammed between Bobby and Luke; Luke was delighted in your warmth against his side.
While your band members partied, you got a first-row seating to Sunset Curve’s talent in the garage where you had started out. It was amazing to see how much they had accomplished in the three years since they started.
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The sudden knock on the door had you flailing off the couch onto the floor with a sheet of paper stuck to your cheek. Your spine cracked as you sat up glancing at your watch, finding it was after midnight, only an hour of sleep after inspiration for a new song.
The door was knocked on once more and coming close the sound of crying could be heard, and you wondered if it was Luke. He had been over a few days in the night following a fight with his parents and needed to crash; helped you were giving dating a chance after his well-rehearsed speech.
Imagine your shock when it was Reggie sobbing, “Reggie.”
“C-can I stay here?” Reggie whimpered cuddling himself into the leather jacket he received at Christmas from you. You had inside in your arms in moments, “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Are they fighting again?” You murmured to your younger brother content to hold him as he cried. Bringing him to the living room, you held him as he cried humming under your breath the first song you ever let him see.
“Yeah. The music doesn’t work anymore.” Reggie murmured leaning back to wipe his tears off, “Sorry for crashing. I can go stay with-“
“Here. Reginald, you can always stay here.” You soothed the seventeen-year-old boy with sad eyes and a sombre look. His sad eyes shattered your heart, knowing he had suffered the fighting for months alone, “This house is empty Reg. You can move in here.”
His lip quirked up, “Can we play country music?”
“And eat breakfast at night.” You teased him grinning as his lips pulled up into his trademark grin, “The guys can come over whenever they want. I’d actually prefer they know they can stay here, they deserve a safe place to stay.”
You knew that Alex endured living with his parents, who had gone out of their way to avoid him after he came out. Luke couch surfed at your old house, never at Alex’s home; after coming out, Alex didn’t feel comfortable bringing anyone over.
“Good, because they’re outside.” Reggie sheepishly admitted raising his thumbs-up, “Go thinking ahead!”
Snorting the human version of a golden retriever you opened the front door to the house finding two guys in strange positions. Alex was inspecting the light fixture, and Luke was leaning against the wall with his elbow, foot across the other.
“You guys need lessons in the art of pretending you weren’t eavesdropping.” The sigh fell stepping aside for the two to enter the home—each carrying a backpack and small duffle bag for wherever they would have crashed.
The male trio got comfortable in the living room curiously glancing at the mess of papers, sticky notes and pencils. While with good intentions, they didn’t follow boundaries well, even for Alex.
“Whatcha working on?” Luke inquired, leaning closer to a sheet of paper. His pout coming over his face when you quickly tidied up the papers.
“Nothing. I fell asleep on the couch. The label wants new songs.” You groaned rubbing your eyes, “I got inspired last night. Oh! Hey, I took a message for you guys.”
Jogging to your office studio for the band you quickly grabbed the envelope along with the note that you had been given.
“So, Rudy called me, and I had a meeting with him.” You started sitting on the coffee table in front of the trio. The trio leaned forward.
“Rudy?” Luke questioned, pursing his lips together at the male name. While you and Luke were dating it wasn’t official, he was just really nervous with his dream girl liking him back.
“He’s the management for a venue. He asked if our band was available for a concert, but we collectively decided to focus on songs and recording, which you can’t tell anyone about, but he’s in dire need. So, I might have given him something. Specifically a demo of yours and knowing your home situations I gave my information.”
“Okay…so?” Alex questioned, leaning forward. His eyes growing wide as you pushed the envelope in his hand.
Alex quickly opened the cream envelope finding inside a paper along with a mock-up promo poster with Sunset Curve. The squeal was shocking from the teenager as he read the letter and note out loud.
I gave the demo a listen, and we usually wouldn’t do this, but Crimson Queen has been gracious with us. Always mentioning where the band got its start and closing the tour here. To repay the favour, we would formally like to invite Sunset Curve to perform. In the envelope is a mock-up poster as an option for the promo. Get the Sunset Curve’s people to get in touch. I can get the word out to some friends from some labels to come for a listen. Get in touch as soon as possible.
Manager of The Orpheum in Los Angeles,
Rudy West.
 “The Orpheum?” Luke screamed, yanking the paper from Alex to re-read it in complete shock, “We don’t have people!”
“But Crimson does.” You smirked, “On a temporary basis Crimson Queen formally offer our manager’s help.”
In his excitement, Luke lunged to pull you into a kiss freezing the room in shock.
“He got the girl.” Alex breathed elbowing Reggie in the side who’s mouth was open at his best friend kissing Reggie’s older sister. The older sister who was the driving force behind Luke wanting to form a band to impress her, “We need to tell Bobby!”
1995 was the best year for Luke Patterson. He got the girl, his band made it, his parents finally saw his dream was worth it.
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The sound of music hypnotized the woman as she wandered down the hall to the open door of the large home. Nothing too over the top like Bobby’s mansion, but it was a nice size in a gated area. Your neighbours being Reggie on one side and Alex on the other side with his partner Willie; Willie had skated into Alex and into a love story pretty much.
Resting against the door edge of the designated home studio you saw Luke had moved a rocking recliner in. Softly playing in the room was a soft acoustic song recorded months previous as a surprise for you.
“When are the lessons starting?” You questioned bringing Luke’s attention to your soft smile and the love in your eyes. Luke’s grin widened glancing down at the miniature version of his love-filled eyes.
“Given her legendary parents, I think at two.” Luke chuckled shuffling the baby to the crook of his arm shifting, so you could curl into his side as well. Both eyes gazing at the little baby you had welcomed what felt like yesterday.
Stevie could fall asleep only to the lullaby her father had created during the pregnancy, and he had written. Stevie had Luke’s eyes, and so far her blonde hair had yet to darken so the question of if she’d take after your hair or his hair was unanswered.
“Hey sweetheart.” You whispered to your daughter falling asleep to the sound of her father’s voice in the room. An adorable yawn pulled from her little body as she nestled into Luke’s arms.
“She’s so gorgeous.” Luke breathed tears welling up as he could understand the reasoning behind his parents’ opinions in his teens. He truly felt terrible at hurting his mom now that he felt the love for his child.
“We did good Patterson.” You murmured back to the man who had held your heart since you were nineteen and back from tour. Your finger tracing Steve’s soft cheek, “I think she has your mom’s mouth.”
Luke’s lips lingered on your cheek heart full of love for his family with you and his little girl. He had known since his eleventh birthday he would marry you even if you were a year older. A year that made the difference when he was months older than his friends, so the year felt like two for you. At eighteen when was tentatively dating you, he knew he would marry you. He never anticipated the sheer amount of adoration for the little girl he would have at twenty-one.
God, he loved his life. He made up with his parents, his best friends, had the girl of his dreams, the most beautiful daughter and it all thanks to music. Can you see why he lives and breathes music?
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15 @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @ssprayberrythings​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Hope To Cling To: Zane x Reader
-requested by someone on Wattpad -I was struggling for a while but finally got this done -sorry, unedited because I’m actually really tired lol
Summary: Zane is dead after the fight with the Overlord. You search for him without help.
What was this feeling? Deep inside, you knew something was wrong, and it drew a pit further and further into your very soul. It had been days since you've seen Zane. Maybe even months. You weren't sure after all that happened after the Overlord's final defeat.
A part of you still clung to the hope that Zane was alive, wherever in Ninjago he was. Yoku never did see him die, and all that was left of him was a plate from his face.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and pushed back the odd feeling in your stomach. "Hi Cole." You didn't mean to soumd so offhanded, but with all rhe thoughts swirling in your mind, how couldn't you? "I'm a bit busy right now."
He leaned on the threshold and crossed his arms sullenly. "If it's Zane you're after, then I can't let you leave." You stuffed a gi into your bag and zipped it tight. "I'm not after Zane." you quietly grumbled. Cole raised a brow sceptically.
He knew what you wanted. After months of searching, you still hadn't given up on him. It was only a matter of time before finding him became your obsession, and that was simply something he couldn't allow. "You can't get past me." he stated. "Even Sensei said you should give it a rest. You have to learn to--"
"Let go?" You shouldered the bag and turned to the window. The low creaking of the Bounty offered in comfort to your running thoughts. You found it fueling your desire to leave, as if in its wooden splinters it knew you were on to something all along.
"I can't let go when there's a chance Zane's alive. If it were me, he wouldn't have given up on me."
Cole pushed off the threshold with a furious frown. "But you saw what happened! There was ice everywhere after the final battle! He may have been the Master of Ice, but even that--how can anyone survive that?"
"He's still the Master of Ice." you said through gritted teeth. "I know he's out there." Cole made his way into the room. His brows were knitted together tightly, and by the way his shoulders tensed, he was doing his best not to burst. "Where? If you know then why don't you tell us?"
"Because I have to trust my instincts! I don't know where exactly he is, but he's alive. I know it!"
"You can't trust a gut feeling like that."
"It's not your decision Cole," you retorted, turning to face him. "You may be my brother, but you won't boss me around like dad did." That hit a nerve and you knew it. The absolute look of betrayal in his darkened eyes made you fall short. His past at Marty Oppenheinmer was not something anyone brought up. It didn't matter how many times his relationship with dad mended--there was still a hole that couldn't be filled in his rock-solid heart.
You ripped open the window and met Cole's eyes one last time. "If I don't come back in five months, consider me dead." He let out a scream, made a run for it, but it was too late. You jumped out of The Bounty.
Cole watched as you flew through the air. A moment later, you opened your parachute and made a descent towards the ground. That would be the last time he saw you for a long, long time.
This was the last time you ever rented a cheap hotel for an overnight stay. You shouldered your backpack and pulled up your hood. The blankets, curled up into the shape of a body bag, was a nice final touch you were sure Zane would never approve of.
It served the hotel right. Your room was absolute rubbish anyway.
You made your way downstairs and nodded towards the receptionist. She took the key from you. "Thank you for booking your stay." You disappeared out of the hotel. The darkness of night made your veins pump with a newfound emotion you hadn't felt in forever: serenity.
"Zane would like this." you whisper to yourself. The trek was going to be long, but with the guidance of moonlight and stars, you didn't mind. The first few miles were fine. Then there was another three and your tired legs began to ache. This was a cycle you had endured for the past two months. Hotel hopping, living off scraps, and then making your way through back country during the dead of night.
Attention was something you'd rather not have in these trying times.
That was when the faint lights of a dojo caught your eye. You followed the light in a blind daze. The weariness of travel wasn't doing you any good, and frankly, seeking refugee wasn't a bad idea. "Maybe rest would be a good idea."
You hurried along through the grass, then up the front steps. "Hello?" You tapped on the front door. "Is anyone here?" Of course someone was here. The lights were on, the grass was groomed well, the large wheel churning through the waterfall still ran. This was a well-maintained place, there was no way anyone would just leave it.
A muffled voice came from the other side. "What would anyone want this late at night?" You knitted your brows together as it got closer. Maybe it was just you, but the voice sounded familiar. It was smooth, coiled, yet serene and rather kind despite the grumpy tone. The doors flew open and you wished you had continued your treacherous trek through the dark.
His eyes widened. "Ah," he said rather softly. "If it isn't (Y/n), Master of (element)." There wasn't a drop of malicious intent in his voice, and that set off all your internal alarms like crazy. He isn’t evil anymore, you reminded. Even then, you weren't so keen on asking for his assistance.
He did help you and the ninja with all the nindroids though. And he also helped keep Lloyd safe from the Overlord.
"Is there anything I could help you with this?" he warmly inquired. You pursed your lips together uncertainly. Was it possible to make a run for it? No. Was it possible to disappear into the shadows and forget this ever happened? No. Was it possible to not ask for his help? Also no. A long sigh escaped your lips. "I'm in need of shelter, I've been walking all night."
Garmadon's brows raised. "All night?” He didn’t seem to like that. “And you’re all alone? Where are your friends?" You glanced at the wooden door as if it were the most interesting thing in all of Ninjago. "Oh, they're...away right now." Garmadon nodded in understanding. He looked like he wanted to say more, but with the tired look on your face, he thought better. "Come in," he kindly said. "You may stay as long as you need."
Your eyes widened. "Wait, really?" A chuckle escaped Garmadon's lips and it was everything gentle, fatherly, and kind. He wasn't the same man you once fought. That was a fact you had to drill into your mind.
Garmadon led you inside. "After all I've done to you in the past, this is the least I can do." You tried your best to smile in thanks, but it came out as a grimace. "I...thank you."
The dojo was a nice place. It reminded you of the monastery, but it it were stacked up in a three-story building. The calm of the running water outside helped to soothe your worries, even if it was briefly. You made your way up the stairs after Garmadon. There was a long hall on the second floor that stretched out for as far as you could see.
"The guest room is here." Garmadon slid open a large set of doors. Inside was a plain room with tatami mats, a futon, a nightstand tucked in the corner of the room, and a small lamp. "In the morning, I'll have breakfast ready, so you may join me if you'd like. The bathroom is down the hall to your right and yes, there is a shower there."
You didn't know how to articulate a polite string of words. It all stuck in your throat like glue. Thank you, you're very kind, you didn't need to. How were you supposed to say any of that? Garmadon was still your former enemy, the one who came for your neck and called you stupid insults like 'petty ninja' and 'insolent fool'. Now here he was. Smiling kindly.
The very thought of it was baffling.
"Thank you." you said. Garmadon nodded. "Good night, (Y/n)."
The moment you finished a quick shower, your head hit the pillow. You hadn't realised how tired you were until your eyes fluttered open and closed. "What a day."
You wondered where Zane was, or if he was safe.
"I'd better get some rest."
Had Zane gotten into trouble? It seemed to find him wherever he went.
“No, I can’t think like that,” you mumbled, tossing and turning on your futon. Zane was more than the Master of Ice, your lover, and your best friend. He was strong, intelligent, and sharp-minded. Rarely anything ever got past him. Including you.
When you offered yourself up to defeat the Overlord, Zane refused and did something he’d never done in his life. Push you away. But it was for the sake of Ninjago. What choice did that give him, or you?
Your thoughts buzzed like a restless animal to its prey. It swarmed your head until it hurt, and after sitting around in the darkness for what felt like centuries, you stood. With a shaky hand, you slid open the doors and made your way to the first floor.
The stairs refused to creak under your quiet feet. If it weren’t for the running water outside, you were sure the silence would have driven you crazy already. The open space of the first floor was a welcoming scene. In the moonlight leaking from the open window, your shoulders finally relaxed.
“Is there something wrong?”
You immediately took a battle stance. Your hands raised into fists, your feet formed a box, and you tensed. A voice deep inside screamed that you were in danger, that the final battle hadn’t ended and that nindroids were out for your blood. But then you met Garmadon’s eyes. They were kind, soft, and almost empathetic, as if he understood exactly what went on in your mind.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Your hands limply dropped to your sides. “Thank you for asking Sensei.” His brows raised. If they were any higher, they might’ve been able to fly. “I can’t say I believe that (Y/n).” You shrugged half-heartedly. “I’m just thinking is all.”
Garmadon motioned for you to follow him. “It’s high time I brew some tea. Do you have a preference?” You shook your head and he nodded. “Will chamomile do? It does wonders to calm a weary mind.”
The parlour was as traditional as Garmadon’s dojo could get. You settled around the wooden table, silently thanking the First Spinjitzu Master for chairs. If there was a low-table around, you weren’t sure you’d want to have a long chat. Your legs would go numb long before Garmadon got anything out of you.
“May I ask what you’ve been doing by yourself?” he inquired. You took a long sip of tea. “Nothing much. Just a bit of sight seeing.” That wasn’t a complete lie, but ti wasn’t completely true either. Walking across all of Ninjago for who knows how long allowed you the opportunity to meet various people, as well as see wonderful places you didn’t even know existed.
“Sight seeing?” Garmadon echoed. “I never thought you to be one for that.” You shrugged with a small smile. “Neither did I.” There was a short pause as Garmadon studied you carefully. It was as if he were taking you apart and reconstructing you like a puzzle.
“I don’t mean to be nosy,” he set his cup down, “but are you looking for someone?” You drained your cup. Garmadon graciously refilled it. “Uh, not necessarily.” you mumbled. “I’m just...”
He patiently waited for you to come up with an excuse. You weren’t sure if you could lie straight to his face like this, especially since he was offering so much to you. But then again, he did nearly kill you a couple times in the past, as well as turn Nya evil, steal the Bounty, cause trouble for Lloyd and...
You heaved in a tight breath. What if he could aid you? Garmadon was wise, as well as smart. He knew Ninjago just as well as the back of his hand. “To be completely honest,” you ran your thumb over the rim of the cup, “I’m looking for Zane. Or more like...hoping to find him.”
Garmadon didn’t look impressed. It was no secret that you and Zane had more than a simple friendship going on. He loved you like you were his life line, and you loved him back like he were the sun to your moon. A look of pain passed over Garmadon’s eyes. You wondered if he felt guilty. “How can you be so sure Zane is alive?”
“I have a feeling.” That wasn’t a lie. Every waking moment, there was a tug in your gut. It led you further and further around Ninjago like a guide. The more you traveled, the closer you knew you’d get to finding him. “Zane and I share a special bond. I can’t ignore what I know to be true.”
“And if it’s not?” Garmadon carefully offered. “If what you seek cannot be found, I don’t want to see you lose yourself.” He was speaking from experience. That wasn’t something you could easily brush off, much less blissfully ignore. You heaved in a breath and sipped your tea. “I can’t give up on Zane. If it were me, I know he wouldn’t sleep until he found me.”
“And that’s what you wish to do?”
You met his gaze with solid eyes. “Yes.” There was not an ounce of hesitation in your voice. What was this feeling deep inside? The one that churned again and made the blood roar in your ears? This time, it didn’t draw pit further and further into your gut. Instead, it made your heart flutter, and your chest blossom with hope.
Even if it was blind hope, you’d cling to it. Zane was alive. He had to be, and you’d scour every inch of Ninjago just to find him.
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burkymakar · 3 years
Can you please post screenshots from the new Athletic post from Peter 👉👈🥺🥺
i got you!!! i'm just gonna post the text and the pictures!
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About half an hour after an intense playoff practice ended, Jared Bednar wandered back to the concrete circle surrounding the boards at Family Sports Ice Arena, where he greeted a smiling, blonde-haired 22-year-old. The 49-year-old Avalanche coach and his visitor shared a connection, both having played for the same junior hockey team as teenagers: the Humboldt Broncos in Humboldt, Saskatchewan.
Graysen Cameron, the guest at the Avalanche’s practice Tuesday, was a winger for the Broncos in 2018 when a semi-trailer hit the team bus, killing 16 people, including 10 of his teammates. Cameron suffered a broken back as well as a concussion and an eye injury. At the time, doctors thought he wouldn’t be able to play hockey again, and a photo from the hospital went viral of him and two teammates grasping hands.
“Bonding and healing,” read the caption, written by the father of Derek Patter, one of the other injured players.
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“Just to see the strength of the people of that community and the families that were affected has been amazing,” said Bednar, who played for Humboldt from 1989 to 1991, on the three-year anniversary of the crash. “A bunch of amazing people there.”
In the aftermath of the crash, Cameron met Marty Richardson, the president and CEO of Dawg Nation, a Denver-based nonprofit dedicated to helping hockey players and their families in times of crisis, and the former Broncos player came to two of the organization’s events in Colorado. This week’s visit was less organized, as a cross-country road trip brought Cameron to town. He and his girlfriend, Madi Lynch, had been visiting his brother in South Carolina and were driving back to Alberta. He reached out to Richardson last week to see if he could stay with him while passing through Denver.
He’s gotten much more than a spare bed.
“I wasn’t going to just have him hang out here,” Richardson said. “I said ‘let’s make this a really neat trip.’”
Richardson took Cameron and Lynch to Game 1 against Vegas on Sunday, and they sat in a box with Avalanche great Milan Hejduk, an honorary board member for Dawg Nation. At one point, a few people slipped out of the box and returned with a jersey of Cameron’s favorite Avalanche player: 22-year-old defenseman Cale Makar, who Cameron watched play junior hockey while they grew up in Alberta.
Then, on Monday, Richardson texted Bednar to ask about attending the Avalanche’s skate Tuesday. The coach responded that practice would be closed to the public — but not to them.
So the three came to Family Sports Ice Arena just ahead of the 11 a.m. skate and, shortly after their arrival, met broadcaster Peter McNab, who played 14 years in the NHL and, like Hejduk, is a Dawg Nation honorary board member. They then picked out second-row seats and watched the Avalanche get to work.
“It’s a really cool experience, and I’m very grateful to watch these guys perform at their best and get ready for a big game tomorrow,” Cameron said as the players skated.
He of course enjoyed watching Makar, and he appreciated seeing Nathan MacKinnon’s speed up close. When practice started winding down, McNab walked back toward him and they talked about how fast the game looks at ice level.
As players started leaving the ice, Bednar put Richardson in touch with security, who led them down to the area next to the rink. That’s where Bednar came and met them.
“I really didn’t know what was going to happen,” Richardson said. “It was way better than (expected).”
Bednar, who is from near Humboldt and helped create the Humboldt Broncos Memorial Golf Tournament, talked to Cameron for around 15 minutes about his trip and the Avalanche’s second-round series, which they lead 1-0. The coach signed a photo for Cameron and is also giving him and Lynch tickets for Game 2 on Wednesday.
“You definitely see his character and the type of person he is,” Cameron said of Bednar, who he had met previously at the golf tournament. “He has a big heart and likes making people’s days.”
Added Richardson: “He’s clearly someone that thinks of others before himself, even when he’s in a really stressful time, which he is right now (with the playoffs).”
The special moments weren’t over. Richardson asked Bednar if he could have Makar sign Cameron’s jersey they’d bought two nights before as well as one for the son of a Dawg Nation’s sponsor. Bednar took both sweaters into the dressing room.
“He came out and handed me the jerseys back (unsigned),” Richardson said. “And he said ‘Cale wants to sign them out here. He wants to meet Graysen.’”
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Graysen Cameron, Avalanche defenseman Cale Makar and Madi Lynch pose for a photo together. (Photo courtesy Marty Richardson)
Moments later, the star blueliner, who will likely be a Norris Trophy finalist this year, walked out of the dressing room area. He approached Cameron, shook his hand and posed a picture with him and Lynch. Then, as requested, he signed the white No. 8 on Cameron’s jersey. He stuck around for about five minutes, and then Bednar returned with forward Tyson Jost, the only other Avalanche player from Alberta.
“It was pretty low-key,” Cameron said. “Talked about the last game a bit, how they did and what they’re kind of expecting coming up. Just some hockey talk.”
Though he initially thought his own hockey career was over after the crash, Cameron recovered from his injuries. His first hockey game after the bus accident came in October 2019, at a Dawg Nation charity event in Colorado. He suited up alongside 10 current or former NHL players — including former Avs players Paul Stastny, now with the Jets, and Kyle Quincey, who retired in 2019 — and even scored a goal, bringing tears to his dad’s eyes.
Shortly after, he made his return to the Broncos, becoming the team’s first captain since the crash.
“Following in (the late) Logan Schatz’s footsteps there — my former captain — it was really emotional,” he said. “I just felt really honored and grateful to be a leader on that team.”
He played in 46 games that season, collecting 13 points, then suffered an ACL tear in his last game. But he rehabbed the injury and was able to play three games this past season with Northland College, a Division III school in Ashland, Wisc.
At season’s end, though, he decided to call it a career. His body had been through a lot.
“It just was starting to weigh on me mentally and physically,” he said. “ I’m happy and content with (the decision), but you always miss the game and miss being a part of practice.”
And that made watching the Avalanche skate Tuesday even more special.
“It’s really cool to see these guys do that,” he said.
Cameron is an Oilers fan thanks to his father — “he corrupted me at a young age,” he joked — so his childhood favorite team is out of the playoffs. But thanks to Bednar, Richardson, Makar and others around the organization, he didn’t hesitate when asked who he’s pulling for to win the Stanley Cup.
“Go Avs,” he said.
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lu-undy · 3 years
Un-alone, Chapter 7
Here it is!
“Hello…? Yeah, Dad, we’re here. Yeah, everything’s fine. No, no, we’re at Uncle Phil’s… Mum? Yeah, she’s alright. She’s talking to him right now so I thought I might just call and tell you we’re here, for you not to worry too much… Yeah, I can put her on the phone, hold on… Mum? Dad wants you on the phone!”
“Tell him I’m coming!” Caroline looked at her brother. “Hold on Phil, Mike’s going to worry otherwise.” 
“Go ahead, Carrie.”
The sixty-odd year old woman rose from the sofa and went to the telephone, leaving her brother on his sofa. 
"Thanks, Micky, go with your Uncle, I'll be a minute." She gently tapped her son's arm and the tall man nodded.
He went to his uncle and sat on the armchair next to the sofa. The Aussie put his hat and his aviators on the coffee table.
"So, Micky, how're you? How was the flight and all? Oh by the way, here… Your mum's poured you a cup of tea while you were on the phone…”
“Oh, thanks…” Mundy took the cup that his uncle was handing him and nodded in thanks. Micky was the nickname that his family used with him. “Flight’s been bloody long. America’s so far from home and New Mexico’s not on the East coast either so, eh... I slept for most of it but Mum was a bit restless.”
“Ah, I’m not surprised. I know your Mum, she’s always been active and energetic like that.” Phil chuckled. “But all went well on your way here?”
“Yeah, not too bad.” Mundy took a sip of his tea. “Had to drive to the airport for a few hours first. Dropped the van to be delivered here soon hopefully, and then we took the plane with Mum.”
“I see. And what're you doin' now? Still hunting?" Philip drank his tea and offered some biscuits to his nephew.
"Ah, thanks. And uh, yeah, same old." Mundy smiled. "I still hunt."
"Dad still angry about it?" 
"Not really angry. He's more than used to it by now. But he'd rather I just helped in the farm, for sure." 
"Ah, can't blame him. Guns are dangerous, eh."
They nodded and both took a sip of their tea. 
"You make tea exactly like Mum." Mundy chuckled.
"Bah, y'know your mum, she didn't let me do it! She made that herself… Gosh, Caroline! I told her, you took the car for hours and then the plane for hours, you must be dead tired. But y'know how you can't reason with your mum, eh?"
"Yeah, I do…" Mundy smiled.
"So what's new back home?"
"Bah, not much… Mum and Dad are still lookin' after the chickens and geese. I help in between contracts. But you, Uncle Phil? You got injured? Mum told me it was at work…?" 
Philip nodded. 
"Yeah, y'know, bein' a policeman here ain't always easy."
"What happened?"
"Got beaten up by a group of thugs."
"Mum said something about gunshots." 
"Yeah, it was two gangs goin' at each other. Young folks, really. Such a shame to see kids like this these days. But yeah, there were a few gunshots and one caught my leg."
"Oh wow…" Mundy nodded. "When did that happen?" 
"About a few weeks ago now…? Yeah, a couple of weeks ago." 
"And you still walk with a cane and a limp, eh?" Mundy asked, nodding at the cane resting against the side of the couch. 
"Yeah…" Philip frowned and scratched his bushy moustache. "Goin' through therapy, but y'know, I ain't young anymore so it'll take a long time before it'll go back to normal."
"That what the doctors said?" 
"Yeah." Philip nodded. "They said I might even retire before it's complete history." 
"Oh, bugger… Can you work again at least or…?" 
"Well, I'll only do desk stuff but no field work." Philip seemed saddened by it. 
"Ah, I'm sorry, Uncle Phil…" Mundy scratched his short, brown hair.
"Bah, I was due to retire in a few months, so it doesn't change much. Just means I can take it easy a few months in advance." 
"But you really liked your job, right?" Mundy asked. 
"Oh yeah, as much as you yours." 
They smiled and nodded at each other. Caroline came back and sat next to her brother on the sofa. 
"Alright, Mike's alright. I told him about the van." She said, looking at her son, Mundy. 
"What's wrong with it?" Philip asked. 
"They said it's gonna arrive in a week or so." Caroline answered. "They’re having delays for some reason."
"You're welcome to use my car whenever you need, eh." Philip offered. “You didn’t need to get Mike’s van over the ocean.”
"Oh, thanks, Phil'. It'll come in handy, I'm sure. And it’s Micky’s van now." She chuckled and was interrupted by Philip's dog coming to lay on Mundy's lap. 
"Marty, get off of Micky's lap, you big boy…!" 
Marty was a German shepherd. He was Philip's life companion for the past decade now. 
"He's fine, Uncle Phil, let him do… Yeah, good boy…!" Mundy was spoiling the dog with pets and scratches. The canine went to fetch a toy and brought it to the Aussie. 
"You can take him to the backyard and play there with him if you want, Micky." 
"Oh, for sure, c'mon, let's go, big boy…!" Mundy collected his hat and aviators from the coffee table before he exited the living-room through the French window, closely followed by the dog. 
That left Caroline and Philip chatting together. 
"Micky's told me Mike still doesn't like his huntin', eh?" Philip asked and his sister nodded. 
“To be honest, we never agreed to it or liked the idea. It’s dangerous. I mean, you’re livin’ proof that carryin’ a gun can get you at the wrong end of another one.”
“Yeah, but he’s not huntin’ people, is he? They're just beasts.”
“Beasts that could rip your leg off better than that bullet you took, Phil’.” Caroline sipped on her tea. “Nah, we’ve tried to get him interested in anything else. We got him to play in a pub.”
“Play?” Phil repeated.
“The sax. He’s quite decent.” Caroline explained and pushed her pink glasses back up her nose. 
“But?” Phil anticipated.
“But he likes to do it on the side… He really likes huntin’ and he’s the best at it. He’s now got a reputation. Sometimes, he says he has work, takes the van and drives off for days. We don’t know where he goes, what he does, but he comes back with heaps of money…!”
“You don’t think he’s doin’ anything dodgy, is he?” Phil asked, his policeman instincts kicking in.
“I don’t know. We’ve asked him countless times and he always says that it’s the price for capturing rare game but…” Caroline shook her head. “I can’t help but think there’s more to it. Once, the police came along with some men who didn’t look like regular police. They took him away to have a chat. In the end, he told us he landed a contract that paid generously, and oh boy it did! We redid part of the house with that money…! But what the job was exactly, he couldn’t tell us. He said the police asked him to be quiet about it.”
“Well if it’s the police askin’ and he’s free, that means he helped them, he wasn’t against them, so I wouldn’t worry.”
“I can’t help it…” Caroline raised her eyes and saw Mundy play with the dog through the French window.
"Hey, Carrie, the boy's a grown up man now. And if the police comes for him to work, that means he's real good… How old is he now?"
"Almost forty."
"And still livin' with you and Mike?" 
"Nah, yeah…" 
"He doesn't wanna go?" Phil asked. 
"I don't know. We never really discussed it."
“D’you think he does the huntin' work only for the money? If he earns a lot of it, he might just continue it for the cash.” Phil asked.
“Yeah, nah.” Caroline shook her head. “It's not for the money. He takes a lot of work for free…"
"For free? Hell…" Phil chuckled. "And what about, y'know, findin' a good woman and all?" 
"Oh God, if only I knew what was goin' on with him…" Caroline shook her head. "He never brings anyone home and he never talks about these things. Even with his dad. He's never, y'know, just checked a sheila out or let his eyes linger. It's like he doesn't feel a thing for them."
"I can ask. Maybe he can't talk to y'all about it but is happy to open up to someone else?"
There was a pause. 
"He doesn't seem too unhappy about it all, eh?" Phil nodded to Mundy who was playing fetch with Marty. 
"Nah, he doesn't but… We'd love to see him bring someone home, y'know. I wonder if he does have someone but just hides it."
"Why would he do that?" 
"I don't know. Last time he talked about a pretty sheila, he was back in primary school. Since then, it's been different." 
"Hm." Phil finished his tea. "And what about Mike? How's he? You left him alone to come and see me?"
Caroline shook her head.
"Yeah, nah, he’s got his brother over and it’s rugby season. I just have to call them to stay away from havin’ barbies everyday.” She chuckled. 
“Oh I’m sure he’ll be reasonable.” Phil joined her chuckles. 
“Yeah, as long as I call him enough…!”
“I’m happy you could visit, Carrie.”
Brother and sister exchanged smiles. 
“It’s been a while since we last saw each other. Micky was much younger. He’s a man and a half now. And not bad-lookin’ at all!” Phil added.
“Yeah, he’s a fine bloke. And you need someone to help with that leg of yours… You should have called and told me right when it happened! Why wait a few weeks?”
“Yeah, like I’d stop middle of the shootin’ to go to the nearest phone, call in Oz’ and tell you about it…!” Phil joked and chuckled.
“You know that’s not what I meant, Phil..!”
“I know, I know, just jokin’. But I just didn’t want to scare y’all. You’re far from me and if I’d called you and said ‘oh hey, Carrie, I just got shot but everythin’s fine’, you'd have jumped in the first plane with your old age and your even older Mike to come and see me…!”
“Oi, you’re older than me and Mike’s your age!” She answered with a laugh. “Besides, here I am anyway with Micky.”
“Yeah, thanks for visitin’, really. I’m sure you’ll help a lot.”
“Of course I will…!”
“But yeah, you convinced Micky to come and Mike to stay?” Phil asked, his tone coming back to being a bit more serious.
“To be honest…” Caroline cast a glance over to Mundy. He was busy and far in the backyard, beyond the French window. In a word, he was out of earshot. “We had to kind of push him.”
“Push him to do what?”
“To come with me.” Caroline explained. 
“He wanted to stay with his Dad?”
“Yeah, nah, he just… He didn’t wanna stay with his Dad per se, but he likes to stick to the van. He practically lives there, you know, when he disappears off.”
“Ah, I see.” Phil nodded. “But don’t worry, Carrie. I’d be proud if I were you.”
“What? Why?” She raised a curious eyebrow.
“If the police come to him for help, he’s really good.” The old man poured more tea for his sister and himself. “We don’t get other folks to do our job, and if we ever do, we’re either forced to, or they’re so good that it hurts for us to admit it. Micky might be both.”
Caroline nodded but bobbed her head left and right.
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Why force him to come?”
“I’m old, Phil, and I don’t like travellin’ that much.”
“Neither does he, from what you’re tellin’ me.”
“Yeah but... “
Caroline raised her eyes to her elder brother.
“I know you’re hidin’ somethin’. Tell me.”
She bit her lip and looked through the window again. Mundy was still absorbed in whatever he was doing with the dog.
“I’m a bit worried. I think he… He might be happy at work but…”
“But what?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t even know…!”
-- A few days later --
“Here, let me help…”
“Nah, it’s alright, Micky.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah! Look, I just need to put the cane first, then this leg and - oof!- this one…! Ah, thanks, son.”
  Mundy helped his uncle get in the car anyway. 
“Alright, you’ll have to guide me, Uncle Phil.” The younger man hopped in the car.
“Yeah, it’s not too far. Let’s get to the café that I like and you’ll tell me what you think of their coffee, yeah?”
“Mum’s not comin’?” Mundy asked.
“Nah, she wants some quiet time without boys ruinin’ her cleanin’ the house. I got told off this mornin’ cause the house wasn’t clean enough for her standards!” 
“Sounds like Mum alright.” Both chuckled and Mundy adjusted the mirrors and the driver’s seat, fastening his seatbelt.
“Alright, let’s go, son.”
The drive was quiet. Phil told his nephew about the neighbourhood and how it had changed over the years, on the few occasions that they stopped at a red light. 
“Where can we park?”
“Behind the thing, take it left here… And there.”
Mundy parked and went around to help his uncle out. 
“The place looks nice and cosy, eh?” The young man said.
“Yeah, that’s why I like it.” Philip answered and they made their way in. “Here, that’s my table.”
The gentle smell of coffee wrapped them up as Mundy discovered the decor. Cosy was the right word for it. It practically looked like a living-room with the sofas and fireplace, the coffee table and magazines. The rest of the room had the classic restaurant/café layout with tables and chairs but that living-room corner looked very comfortable indeed. The walls were wooden and the beams of dark wood in the ceiling were clearly quite old. It reinforced the overall rustic yet familiar atmosphere.
“Oh hey, Phil!” The café owner greeted him.
“Hey Bob, how are ya?”
“Alright. Who’s this friend with you?” Bob asked as he made his way to Philip and his younger nephew. He was a big man in his late fifties for sure. Salt and pepper hair with more salt than pepper already and big square glasses on a nose that went with the proportions of the large man. Bob wore an apron with the colors and logo of the café and threw the tea towel he was holding on his shoulder.
“That here's my nephew, Micky. He’s come with his Mum to help out, while my bad leg heals up.”
“Oh, brilliant! Where are you guys from?” Bob looked at Mundy who took a seat opposite his uncle. He removed his hat but kept the aviators on. 
“From Australia.”
“That’s quite the trip, eh?”
“Yeah.” Mundy smiled.
“Alrighty then, I’ll let you make up your mind. Coffee’s on me, Phil. No, no, don’t even try to argue!” 
The three men exchanged a chuckle.
“Alright, Bobby, can you give us your classic. Make it two, I want the kid here to try it. Careful, he knows his way around coffees, eh?” Philip answered. 
“Sure thing! Two of Phil’s usual, on their way…!” Bob left Phil and his nephew in peace.
“So, how d’you find America so far, Micky?”
“Not so different from home. You just drive on the right, which confused me a bit but now I think I’m getting used to it.”
“Here, two classics. Enjoy, folks!” Bob put the two cups on the table and added a packet of chocolate for each before leaving them. 
Mundy and Phil were sitting in a corner of the café, next to the window. 
“Go ahead, son, and tell me.”
Mundy took a careful sip and let it invade his mouth, cover his palate and hug his tongue warmly. It was the beginning of October now and the weather was colder than in his native Australia, so the hot coffee was very welcome. 
“Mh… I like it.”
“Yeah?” Phil insisted.
“Yeah, I think so. It’s not too strong or bitter. It’s well balanced without being fruity or too sweet.”
“Gosh, listen to you talk,...!” Phil laughed. “You sound like one of those so called experts they bring on TV or somethin’, heh.”
“I’m just used to drinkin’ loads of coffee.” Mundy explained.
“Drink it when you work?”
“Yeah, all the time.” Mundy nodded and smiled. “I really like it.”
“Even when you’re in the desert, scorchin’ sun and all?” Phil asked.
“Oh yeah, absolutely.” Mundy answered. “It’s really good to drink something hot when it's hot. Helps you sweat and regulate your body temperature. They do that in the Sahara, only with tea and not coffee.”
“Right, right, I didn’t know that, but now that you say it, it kinda makes sense. So talkin’ about your work, tell me what it’s like.”
“What?” Mundy chuckled.
“You a hunter, right?”
“So tell me how and what you hunt, son!”
“Oh, uh, you sure?” Mundy asked, raising a surprised eyebrow.
“O’course! Why d’you sound shocked?”
“Cause Mum and Dad don’t really like what I’m doin’ so I don’t really uh… I’m not used to talkin’ about it, is all.” Mundy lowered his head, as if ashamed.
“Yeah and I understand your folks but I’m not them. Besides, I’m a policeman. I’m sure your Mum doesn’t like my job either for the same reason she’s not fond of yours.”
“Fair, yeah.” Mundy nodded, raising his head back for his eyes to meet with his uncle’s.
“So, go ahead! Tell me everythin’!”
Seeing his uncle’s enthusiasm made him blush for an instant. Mundy felt put on the spot. He looked around them and the other customers in the café didn’t pay the last bit of attention to them. He smiled and took a bit of air before starting.
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