#Rosa Reyes
mauraeyk · 1 year
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let me introduce you to the deeks-blye-reyes family :)
NCIS Los Angeles | 14.21 “New Beginnings, Part 2“
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dragcnbreak · 2 years
thanks for 14 seasons 🫂
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ejzah · 1 year
A/N: Takes place during Rosa’s second year of college:
“Hey, do you want to hang out sometime during break?” Cami, a short blonde with bright red glasses and a copy of “Twelfth Night” tucked under one arm, asked Rosa.
“Sure, if there’s time. I’m supposed to go hiking with my parents though, so I don’t know if I’ll be around much,” Rosa answered.
She, Cami, and another sophomore student were waiting out in the small courtyard outside their dorm in the sun while they waited for rides. With fall break coming up, the campus bustled with activity as students hurried to leave as quickly as possible.
“I swear you’re always doing something with them,” Cami sighed good naturedly.
“I’m sorry that I like my parents?” Rosa shrugged and stole a chip from the girl sitting across from her.
“Oh, hold up, hot parent alert,” Jasmine called out, holding both hands out towards her friends as she craned her head to get a better view.
“Where?” Cami demanded, standing on the bench when her tiptoes didn’t get the job done.
“Right there. The blonde guy and brunette woman with two little kids.”
Frowning, Rosa joined in, following Jasmine’s line of sight. When she found the people in question, she rolled her eyes. “That’s my family.”
“Really? Why didn’t you tell me you had kids?” Cami lightly smacked Rosa’s arm.
Rosa groaned. “Those aren’t my kids, they’re my one year old brothers.”
“Oh, they don’t look anything like you,” Cami said, staring at the two little blonde boys.
“That might be because I’m adopted,” Rosa pointed out, rolling her eyes when Cami blushed.
“The more important question is, how do I get an introduction?” Jasmine asked, still following the Deeks family’s approach eagerly.
“Jazz, please, those are my parents,” Rosa protested.
“I’m curious, which one do you think is hot?” Cami asked, ignoring Rosa’s groan.
“Both.” Jasmine grinned mischievously. “Though I’ve always had a thing for blondes. And those biceps are working for me.”
“Oh my god, they’re happily married! And once again, my parents.”
“I know, but that’s not stopping me from looking.”
“God, I wish my parents were less attractive,” Rosa groaned, dropping her head onto the table.
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densi-mber · 2 years
Never Let You Go
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“Hey, I was thinking we could go skating after dinner,” Kensi suggested as they finished up a meal of leftover Christmas ham and sides on Thursday evening. “They’re supposed have free hot chocolate and live music.”
Kensi paused, looking to Rosa, but she remained silent, focused on the food she wasn’t eating.
“You know I love a good cup of hot chocolate. It’s been a while since I broke out my double axle,” Deeks commented, hoping to get some reaction from Rosa.
In the last few days, she’d been oddly quiet, even taking her reserved personality into consideration. She’d seemed irritated by any attempt to cheer her up or initiate a discussion.
Deeks told himself that it was typical teenage behavior, but every day she shut down a little more.
“Babe, I’ve never seen you do a double axle.”
“Which is why I need to practice.” Deeks caught Kensi’s eye, and raised his voice a little. “What do you think, Rose?”
“I don’t really feel like going out,” she murmured, nudging a piece of broccoli to the side with her fork.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Kensi coaxed. “We’ve cooped up inside too much recently.”
“I don’t want to. Why can’t you just accept that?” Rosa snapped. She glanced up for the briefest of seconds, eyes flashing. Deeks had seen her disappointed, worried, scared, and dejected, but this was the first time he’d seen true anger.
Deeks glanced to Kensi, having a wordless conversation. She nodded, indicating he should take the lead.
“Ok, what’s going on, kiddo?” he asked gently. “I know you keep saying you want space, but something is clearly going on.”
“I’m sorry that I raised my voice,” she apologized, once again staring down, though she didn’t make anymore pretense of eating.
“We’re more worried about the why.”
“We know that it’s been a difficult transition the last year, and it’s probably a lot different than what you imagined—”
“That’s not it at all,” Rosa interrupted. “I’ve been so happy, and grateful to live here and have you and Kensi as my parents. I couldn’t have asked for more.” Her voice hitched on the last word.
“Then what’s wrong?” Kensi asked, and Rosa finally looked up, so much sorrow in her eyes, it left Deeks’ breathless.
“I heard you talking the other day,” she admitted. “I know about the baby.”
“I’m sorry you had to find out that way.” For some reason Deeks hadn’t considered that as a possibility.
“We weren’t hiding it from you,” Kensi added, reaching to cover Rosa’s hand. “But I understand why you’re angry with us.”
“I’m not angry, I’m just going to miss you,” Rosa whispered, tears forming in her eyes.
“Whoa, hold on a second, we’re not going anywhere,” Deeks said, confusion taking over concern for a moment.
“You’ve wanted a baby though, and when that didn’t happen, you got me instead. And now I’ll have to go back…” her face crumpled and she couldn’t go on as sobs overwhelmed her.
“Oh my god,” Deeks muttered, horrified as he realized what been thinking for the last four days. Simultaneously, he and Kensi moved around the table to either side of Rosa.
Crouching down in front of her, Kensi gripped Rosa’s hands. “Rosa, sweetie, we would never, ever give you up.” Her voice shook with barely contained emotion. “We love you so, so much.”
“More than anything,” Deeks added, laying his hand on Rosa’s shoulder. “You couldn’t make us give you up if you tried. And nothing’s going to change that. Yeah, things are going to get a lot crazier in a few months, but we will not stop wanting or loving you.”
“Really?” Rosa asked with so much hope and blind trust that it was a little terrifying. Deeks gently turned her chin to look her directly in the eye.
Cupping her hands over her mouth, she let out another sob, shoulders caving with relief. Kensi wrapped her arms around her, tucking Rosa’s head into her chest. Blindly, Rosa reached out and tugged Deeks into the embrace, and he rested his cheek on top of her head.
Tears silently streamed down Kensi’s cheeks as she stared back at him with an anguished expression. He found her hand and squeezed it. They would be ok.
“Although, you might change your mind about leaving after the crying starts,” he added. Rosa chuckled wetly, rubbing her hand under her eyes.
“I’ve always wanted a little sister or brother, so I don’t think I’ll mind too much.”
“And you’ll make the best older sister,” Kensi told her.
As they stayed huddled together for several more minutes, Deeks knew that they would need to make sure they never broke their promise.
A/N: I usually write Rosa as fairly even-tempered, but even the most reserved people lose it now and then. Also, while I think Rosa is pretty mature and reasonable, teenagers can convince themselves of the worse case scenario when panicked.
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typingtess · 2 years
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As he was thinking about calling it a night, Rosa walked into the living room.  “Hey, I thought you went to bed about an hour ago.”
“Not really tired,” Rosa sat down next to him on the couch.  “Kensi went to bed early and I thought it was a good idea.”
“Until you weren’t that tired.”
“Until I wasn’t that tired.  What are you doing?”
“Reviewing material for the Continuing Legal Education class I’m taking at USC Saturday.  I have to take it by the end of the year or I’ll have issues with the Bar.”
“But you finished law school.”
“A lifetime ago.  But laws change all the time so the Bar makes lawyers take classes every year.  Did the winter class, I missed the spring class, we were on vacation during the summer class so I’m signed up for the last class of the year Saturday.”
“Is it fun?”
Lifting an eyebrow, he told her, “Eight hours in a classroom with 45 other attorneys.  It’s the lawyers version of a Taylor Swift concert.”
Rosa laughed.  “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why did Kensi seem unhappy at dinner?  Was it the gift?”
Deeks sighed.  Julia’s early Christmas gift was a Sunday dinner surprise.  It was generous, wonderful and exactly not what Kensi wanted.  “Julia loves Kensi, she loves you, she surprisingly loves my Mom – didn’t see that one coming.”
“She also loves you,” Rosa assured Deeks.
“Yes, I’ve made it into the Julia Feldman circle of trust.”
“But…Kensi and I were talking about going to Las Vegas with you during your holiday break, getting the Adele tickets and starting the New Year off right.  Julia must have heard about you wanting to go from a little birdie or a regular-sized Bertie and suddenly we’re booked into adjoining suites to Julia and my Mom with New Year’s Eve tickets to see Adele.”  Deeks already saw how much three Adele tickets were going to cost the night before New Year’s Eve – more than the cost of his first two cars – he could only imagine what Julia paid for five New Year’s Eve tickets.  And that doesn’t even include the hotel rooms.
“You don’t want to go?”
“I want to go.  I want to go with you, with Kensi, with Julia and God help me, with my Mom.  I want to do Christmas and New Year’s and every other holiday with the four best women in my life because the four of you are the family I always wanted, the family Kensi always wanted.”  And that Kensi deserved.
“Between you and me – don’t tell Kensi, Julia and my Mom, promise.”
“Julia should have checked with Kensi.  We wouldn’t have said no,” Deeks assured Rosa, though there would have been some negotiations about who was paying for what and the size of the hotel rooms.
“The best Christmas gifts are supposed to be surprises.”
“They’re usually surprises like a bike or a new phone.  Kensi just wants her Mom to understand that we want everything good for you.  Kensi and I just want to know it’s coming.  And yes, we’re still going.  And we want to go.  And we’re going to have a great time.”
“Kensi told me that she and her Mom didn’t talk for a long time.”
“True.  Kensi’s parents split up and Kensi stayed with her Dad and then with an aunt.”  Deeks would let Kensi tell her full story.  “But they’ve been talking for a long time and really love each other.”  
“She’s very nice.”
“She is.  And she is thrilled you’re part of our family.”  
“I’m excited about everything that’s coming up.”
“We all are.  But none of that fun starts until you finish your classes and I sit with a bunch of lawyers learning about the changes in California’s criminal code,” Deeks stifled a yawn.  “I think we probably should call it a night.”
Standing, Rosa asked “Can I go with you to USC Saturday?  Take a look at the campus.”
“Of course.  We can drive out and you can get an Uber home.  Are you interested in USC?”
“Some of my friend are talking about colleges.  I want to see what USC looks like.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he gave her a kiss on the forehead as she walked to her room.
Good lord, Deeks thought as he started turning off the living room lights, they were going to be on the college tour really soon.  
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Apparently Natalia is on Quantum Leap. Don’t know if she’s recurring or just a one off.
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freaksgeeksandeeks · 2 years
Major guilt trip
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zosa95 · 2 months
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“T.K.: I want to do something special with the kitchen. Let’s draw from a wide variety of sources. Anything from Cameron Diaz’s kitchen in “The Holiday” to Kate Winslet’s kitchen in “The Holiday”.
Carlos: Is that such a huge range?
T.K.: Carlos, why would Iris and Amanda swap houses if they had the same kitchen?”
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mauraeyk · 1 year
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NCIS Los Angeles | 14.21 “New Beginnings, Part 2“
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ejzah · 1 year
A/N: Here’s my first post-series fic. Sigh.
Happy Ever After
Deeks stepped in through the patio door, a blast of cool air shocking compared to the heat outside. What had started out as a suggestion of drinks with Sam yesterday had turned into a full blown cookout with the inclusion of Anna and Callen.
Quietly padding through the house, he found Kensi curled up with one year old Caleb cradled against her chest. She’d brought him inside to escape the heat for a little while she nursed him. She looked up from her phone with a smile as he walked in.
“Hey, I thought you were manning the grill.”
“Hotdogs, hamburgers, and fowl all cooked,” Deeks replied, leaving over to kiss the top of Caleb’s head. Caleb looked out of the corner of his eye, distracted from his current task.
“I really wish you would quit calling the chicken that,” Kensi said with a roll of her eyes.
“So why aren’t you being the gracious and enigmatic host?”
Deeks shrugged. “I missed you guys.”
“Oh, well that’s a very good reason,” Kensi decided, kissing Caleb’s cheek. “You’re going to be too big for me to hold like that soon,” she to,d him, rearranging her shirt.
Caleb regarded her seriously for a second, the smiled, revealing to tiny white bottom teeth.
“How’s everybody doing out there?”
“Well, I heard Callen talking with Rosa about the best way to dissolve a body and I’m pretty sure Sam’s giving Sophia state secrets,” Deeks responded flippantly.
“Excellent,” Kensi said with a nod. “Can you take him back outside?” She stood, giving him a last squeeze.
“Yep. You need anything?”
“Just this.” Kensi beckoned to him, drawing him closer by the back of his neck, kissing him soundly. “Now I’m perfect.”
“Mm, me too,” Deeks murmured. Between them, Caleb made a smacking noise, looking at each of them expectantly. “And a kiss for baby too,” he added, kissing his round little cheek.
“Ok, I’ll be out in a few minutes. I gotta cut up some more fruit.”
When Deeks walked back out, things were much the same as he’d left them, though Anna was now standing with Rosa and Callen, and they seemed to be mapping out some kind of game in the grass.
Deeks wandered over a few yards where Sam sat on a law chair, Caleb’s twin, Sophia, balanced on his knee. “Uncle Sam,” Sam coached her slowly, emphasizing each sound.
“Dee,” she said.
“That was a good try, but not quite. Watch my mouth. Ssssam.”
Sophia screwed up her little face. “Deeeee!”
“We’re still kind of working on the basics,” Deeks informed Sam with a smile. “Like mom, dad, up. We’re very good at saying ‘no’.”
“No!” Sophia and Caleb shouted together right on cue, reaching for each other.
Deeks set Caleb on his feet, letting the little boy hold onto his index fingers as he toddled forward to his sister. Sam set her on the ground with a reluctant sigh.
“You know, I swear the only reason you come around anymore is for the babies,” Deeks teased him.
“So what if I do? Nothing like a baby’s laugh,” Sam said without any embarrassment.
“You got that right, brother.” They watched the twins “talk” to each other in a combination of almost words and incomprehensible jargon. Apparently it made perfect sense to them though.
“The one you should be questioning is Mr. I-Don’t-Know-If-I-Want-Kids over there,” Sam told him, pointing across the yard. “Every time I come here, he manages to find some excuse to tag along.”
“Hey, we’re happy to have you guys. Makes up for not seeing you every day at work,” Deeks said.
Picking Caleb up under his armpits, Deeks swung him around to face him, then tossed him a few feet in the air. Caleb squealed, face delighted as he safely landed back in Deeks’ hands.
“Mo!” he shouted, clapping his hands together. Grinning, Deeks obliged. Sophia pulled herself up using Sam’s leg as leverage, clinging with one hand as she reached towards Deeks with the other, and chanted,
“Da! Da! Da!”
“Of course I wouldn’t forget my baby girl,” Deeks crooned, giving her a couple turns.
“Which is why you’re going to be in so much trouble when she gets older,” Kensi observed, approaching them with a partitioned plate full of strawberries, watermelon, and blueberries.
“Heh, tell me about it,” Sam chuckled.
“Bebe?” Sophia requested, pointing to the plate and Kensi handed a halved strawberry to her. Caleb chose “meme” (watermelon).
Sam winced as a sticky had grabbed onto his clean shorts.
“Yeah, you’re probably going to wanna keep your distance until these guys are done and we have a chance to hose ‘Em down,” Deeks suggested wisely.
“Oh, Uncle Sammie wouldn’t mind a little stickiness for his favorite little niece and nephew, would he?” Kensi asked innocently.
“First of all, it’s Uncle Sam and they’re my only little nephew and niece at the moment. And I’ll change diapers and burp them, but I draw the line at sticky and gooey,” he disagreed. “But I bet their Uncle Grisha would feel differently.”
“Ok, but last chance to smell like strawberries and watermelon for the rest of the day. No takers? Fine.” Letting Kensi take Caleb, he hefted Sophia onto his hip, ruffling her golden brown curls. “There’s more beer in the white cooler if you want it.”
Stepping into the grass, they made their way over to Sam, Callen, and Rosa.
“You guys give up on the game?” Deeks asked.
“Callen wanted to play volleyball, but Rosa and I convinced him it was too hot,” she explained, nodding hopefully at Sophia. Kensi handed her over with a good-natured smile.
“And also really difficult without a net.”
“So why’s Sam pouting?” Callen asked.
“He was trying to get the kids to say his name.” Deeks pulled a face. “Sophia keeps calling him “Dee” for some reason.”
Callen snorted, face breaking into a delighted grin. “Really?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Uh, I’ve been teaching them to call him Mr. T,” he said, barely containing his amusement.
“Dee!” Caleb shouted excitedly while Sophia pointed and waved at Sam.
“Oh no, Callen, you didn’t,” Kensi said, covering her mouth. Rosa just laughed outright.
“That is amazing,” Deeks chuckled.
“I honestly didn’t think they’d pick it up that quick.”
“Callen, that’s terrible,” Anna admonished him. “Funny, but really, really terrible.”
“Hey, this stay between us for now,” Callen said, looking between them.
“Of course,” Kensi agreed.
“Or, at least until the twins learn to pronounce ‘t’,” Deeks amended.
“And Mister,” Rosa added under her breath.
A/N: Yes, I’m sticking with twins and their names are officially Caleb and Sophia. Also, they’re very fresh one year olds, which is why their words still sound a more baby like.
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densi-mber · 2 years
Our Mistakes Are Carved in Stone
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A/N: This story was suggested by @mashmaiden. As you can imagine, there’s a bit of angst.
Deeks glanced up from the monthly bills, smiling at Rosa. It was a welcome distraction from his current task.
“Hey Rosamund. You know anything about annuities or term life insurance?” he asked, holding up a couple papers.
“I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about them right now,” she answered with a grimace.” Deeks smiled at her honesty.
“Fair enough.” Noticing the way she lingered in the doorway, a little uncertain, he gestured to the other chair in the small office. “What’s on your mind?”
She came in slowly, perching on the edge of the chair. “Um, I was looking through some boxes for pictures to use for my art project. Kensi said it was alright.” She added the last part quickly, like he might accuse her of snooping.
“Ok. I’m guessing you found my seventh grade pictures. I’ll admit it, the hair was a lot. I was going through an experimental stretch,” he joked, but Rosa didn’t so much as break a smile.
“No.” She sighed deeply and pulled something from her pocket, laying it flat on the desk.
It was a copy of Deeks’ mugshot. He picked it up, brows furrowing as he stared at it.
“Where did you find this?” he asked softly.
“It was in an envelope with a bunch of papers. I promise I wasn’t looking for it,” Rosa said, sounding worried once again.
Damn. He’d kept everything from his IA investigation, just in case he ever needed the evidence to defend himself. That box must have gotten thrown in with their photo albums when they were renovating the house.
“Did you read any of those documents?” If Rosa had gotten a look at the police report, or anything else, no wonder she was upset. Deeks closed his eyes briefly, never having imagined this particular conversation. He should have though.
Rosa shook her head quickly, hair bouncing on her shoulders. “No. This picture was on the top, and I didn’t look at anything else,” she explained.
Hesitating again, Rosa gestured to the picture. “Marty, were you in prison?” Deeks looked up. There was concern, but also blatant curiosity in her eyes.
They’d come so far in their relationship from the beginning; he hated the thought of destroying that hard-won trust.
“I was arrested,” he answered slowly. “Looking down at his clasped hands, swallowing heavily. He didn’t need Rosa to speak to know her next question. “Several years ago, Internal Affairs, the part of LAPD that tries to keep cops in check, started an investigation against me. My first partner had been shot, and they thought they found evidence that I had murdered him.”
“Why would they think you killed him?” Rosa asked. It wasn’t what he’d expected, but she always surprised him. Catching her eye for a moment, he didn’t see any anger or fear. He could tell she was trying to put all the pieces together though.
“My ex-partner was not a good man, and an even worse cop. He did a lot of terrible things and got away with them, which is why I switched departments soon after we were partnered together.” He licked his lips, dragging his hand through his hair as he tried to find a palatable way to explain the next part. “He also liked to, um, hurt young women who were in unfortunate circumstances.”
Rosa’s brows furrowed with immediate understanding, something that broke Deeks’ heart. She didn’t look all that surprised though.
“They should have stopped him,” she said softly, but he still heard the anger underneath.
“A lot of people tried,” Deeks said, not able to conceal his lingering bitterness and disgust. “But more even more people, the important ones, didn’t care. He always found a way to get around any charges, or someone covered it up for him. Until the day he was found dead in a motel room.”
“Anyway, in the end, IA didn’t have enough evidence to prove I had killed him, so they had to let me go.”
Rosa remained quiet for several moments. Deeks waited for her judgment. Her gaze focused on the picture, and Deeks wondered if she saw him differently now.
“Was your ex-partner hurting someone, another girl, when he was killed?” she asked eventually, once again surprising Deeks with her shrewdness.
“That was the running theory.” Lie by omission, he through wryly.
“Then I’m glad that someone protected her,” she decide. If you did kill him, I wouldn’t blame you,” Rosa told him, lifting her chin defiantly.
Deeks felt immense pride that she wasn’t afraid to hold firm to her beliefs, and fear that he’d made a grave mistake in telling her at least a partial truth.
“Thank you for telling me.” She took the picture back, effectively closing the subject for further discussion. “I’ll put this away.”
On her way out, she squeezed his hand. Bracing his chin on his clasped hands, and Deeks closed his eyes.
It was all kinds of wrong, but to a certain degree he still agreed with Rosa. At least Boyle couldn’t hurt anyone else.
A/N: I know it’s somewhat unlikely that Deeks would just tell Rosa about Boyle and all that, especially without consulting Kensi.
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alec-1016 · 2 years
i rebloged an ACAB post yesterday and I'd like to say: all the cops we like are fictional. Like, Carlos would never have been able to be a cop, not because he isnt damn good at it, but because he is too good. Jake Peralta and the B99 folks wouldnt be cops in real life.
I feel kinda bad sometimes for watching "copaganda"(ik this is serious but this word sounds so silly for no reason), but i realized that watching it knowing that its fictional is what makes the difference. These good, great people and characters wouldnt have their jobs in the real world and that is what makes us like them
That said, I did want to be a cop when I was younger, but I now realize that I probably wouldnt be able to, so I wanna become a first reaponder/paramedic. TK had nothing to do with this. Ok maybe he had a bit to do with it.
If you know a cop, dknt take it personally, no hate, but please look at the post im referencing bc it literally talks about how the (U.S.)police system doesnt allow good people inside it out of fear of being changed.
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freaksgeeksandeeks · 2 years
Aw poor thing
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m-sfits · 3 days
vincent works at a bar called the river spirit inn, named after an old legend about a beautiful young woman who lost her lover to the local mines. she'd come out to the river and watch it day and night until finally she filled her pockets with rocks and waded out into the middle of the gushing river, never to be heard from again. her spirit has been seen in the center of the river, watching the goings on of the pub that had once been her home. he's a bartender. a pretty decent one too, if you don't talk to him much. reyes and rosa stop by daily. it's about a ten minute drive from vincent's parents' house and reyes' apartment. reyes' apartment is across from a lake, big and open, spreading into new york state. named earhart's lake after the pilot amelia earhart flew over the lake in her final flight. rosa lives on campus, but lives with their mom during summers up until they move in with reyes after their junior year of college.
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poetajoereyes · 12 days
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Cuando Hay Amor Se Nota...
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