#but they said they were that person so it must be legit!
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seabeck · 7 months ago
Heya, I'm guessing you didn't see this when it happened:
Re: "verification" which is clearly not actual verification, meaning either the verifier is doing a laughably bad job, or is in on it.
Donating to actual aid organizations like WCK, PCRF and Anera is always a better idea than random people on social media.
Wowza that is something alright. And there’s still people in the comments defending them I.. media literacy is dead my god.
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meayefet · 1 year ago
Here's another thing I feel like we need to talk about regarding the current war between Israel and Hamas. Minor as it may be, I've been losing my mind over this.
As a person who grew up in the early 2010s, I grew up mostly on the internet and fandom culture, and have written quite a lot of fanficition in my early teens.
Something I've realized this past week is that people are seeing Palestine as a fandom. And not only does it belittle the actual problem, it dehumanizes Palestinians and Israelis alike and allows the rewriting of facts and truths as if it were an AU fanfic.
After realizing that I jokingly told a friend that I wouldn't be surprised to see RPF about the events of October 7th. I had in mind something like slash fiction of Hamas members, but today I found out people are writing fanfiction about A HOSTAGE AND HER CAPTOR.
I also found out it didn't happen in a vaccum - apparently tiktok is exploding with this stuff, saying Maya Regev - the hostage in question - had "left her heart in Gaza", because she smiled and said "shukran, bye" to her captors.
In case you have forgotten - Maya Regev was SHOT IN THE LEG AND TAKEN HOSTAGE INTO GAZA along with her brother, who was released FOUR DAYS AFTER HER. She was released with a shattered leg and without her brother - but if she smiled, her captors must have treated her so well, amirite? (Even though there are already plenty of horror stories from Hamas captivity, and children came back pale and whispering with their heads full of lice.)
Even in the early 2010s there was a debate whether RPF is legit or not (and at 26 I can safely say it's a no from me), but in this case it's even worse. These are not public figures we are talking about. This isn't One Direction or The Beatles. The Hamas terrorists are, well, terrorists, and Maya Regev is a private person made public because she was TAKEN HOSTAGE INTO GAZA. Writing a FANFIC about actual people who were actually injured during October 7th is beyond sickening, and it's probably the most immoral thing you can do on social media for the Palestinian cause (and if you guys claim to be on the side of morality you might want to be consistent).
Another thing that's driving me crazy is the difference between Israelis and Non-Israelis who grew up on the same things at the same time. my friends and I learned a lot about justice, critical thinking, and the power of art and creativity on the internet. I met a lot of my online friends in socialist youth movements and rallies, and many of them later became my classmates in Bezalel - BECAUSE we applied what we had learned into our adult life.
Non Israelis who grew up on the same platforms as I did who took part in the same fandoms, read the same fanfiction works, learned the same truths of social justice and the power of art- are now viewing the conflict as a fandom. You're either a fan or you're wrong - there is no middle. No room for critical thinking, for "Palestinians have every right to self-determination and an independent state BUT Hamas who actively prevents them said rights has comitted crimes against humanity on 7.10 and must be held accountable", or for "the occupation must end BUT the Jewish people are indigenous to the region" - there is only room for "by all means" and "from the river to the sea". It doesn't matter if they don't know which river and what sea - because if the conflict is a fandom, then they can write an AU to deal with every truth that doesn't settle with their narrative, and rewrite reality to fit their next fanfic.
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qu0rky · 3 months ago
The day people on Tiktok learn about media literacy is the day i can finally rest, but alas they have not, guess what bullshit they’re on about today!
I saw an edit of the I.M.P. customer from Sinsmas, so far so good, then i open the comment section, and am suddenly reminded that people are stupid.
“She kinda had a point” no tf she didn’t😭😭 What are you on about, genuinely?? You can enjoy a villainous character who’s clearly a bad person without having to make up excuses for their shitty behavior.
The woman is violently homophobic, she made plenty of jabs about gay people in that short conversation, and claimed her husband “probably cheated” but it was so clear to me that she got pissy because he divorced her and then got with a man, and she already had preconceived notions about homosexuals.
I’m convinced they watched the episode with their eyes closed, because a person legit said “oh but she said nothing about hating gay people”. Maybe if you’re straight, it might’ve gone over your head, but she said, verbatim, “He doesn’t deserve to live this heinous lifestyle and poison my daughters with it” clearly referring to him being gay😭
Her husband did not cheat, she just hates gay people, but Stolas is still in that self-hatred mode which is just heightened by the lack of medication for god knows how long, which is why he took it to heart. And people on Tiktok love the narrative that they (as in Stolitz) cheated and somehow that’s the worst moral thing they’ve done in the show, must i remind you that they kill people??
For the last fucking time, whether or not what Stolas did counts as cheating, Stella did not give a shit. Had he done it with a (female) Goetia, she would’ve probably only cared about taking a slight hit on her reputation, but since not only did he do it with a man, but with an IMP at that, she felt embarrassed because she only cares about her social status. Easy as that. She said it herself.
They were never in love, Stolas was never straight, and never pretended to be. Do y’all not remember EP1S2 which legit establishes the fact that they were arranged?? And that Stella is an abusive piece of shit? So regardless, she gets no sympathy from me for being “cheated on”, since the cruelty started way before Stolas and Blitz met again.
No, they couldn’t have divorced earlier, Stolas only gained enough confidence to go through with it and finally stand up for himself AFTER and BECAUSE of Blitz. Also he most likely wanted Via to reach 18, but as we all saw he couldn’t sustain these lies anymore at the end of that episode. And while the divorce made him free, there’s still consequences, especially with the custody, so tell me a way he could’ve escaped this nightmare without being “morally incorrect”. Perhaps death. Would you have preferred that? After all, the only perfect victim is a dead one.
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ahamkara-apologist · 4 months ago
okay disclaimer: ik that categorizing female characters as the 'mom friend/figure' is a legit disease in fandom caused by general misogynistic views of female characters, and it's something that personally greatly irritates me bc its not only awful to do, it also tends to ruin the characters its put upon. ESPECIALLY in D2, which is outstanding in its cast of strong female characters
however. in the case of Eramis, I do believe that the fact that she was a mother and is a genuinely caring, nurturing person at heart is something that is a deeply important core part of her character, as well as thematically important to the future of the Eliskni moving forward. It's important because in her case, I believe that her motherly inclinations are why, pre-Witness-whispering-through-the-Darkness, Eramis was such a successful kell- because unlike some other kells who sought a future for the Eliksni via domination, her main focus for them was to create a haven for her people that could be defended from Lightbearers. Riis-Reborn wasn't something to sniff at- it was the closest thing to an actual Eliksni city in a very long while. What got her was her trauma of the Whirlwind and her desire to destroy the Traveler to level the playing field for everyone involved- trauma that the Witness preyed upon in order to get to us. Like a parasite, seeking its secondary host. Eramis certainly is not the only Eliksni who lost her family during the Whirlwind, but I think that her specific brand of anger is closest to that of a mother lion whose cubs are in danger, and is lashing out in a furious fight-or-flight reflex at anything that she perceives as a threat. It's just that in this case, her 'cubs' were the Eliksni as a whole, and the threat she perceived before the Witness started torturing her was the Traveler.
I also think that her relationship with parenthood also makes for a very interesting character contrast to Misraaks (aka the other successful kell viewed as a source of hope for the Eliksni), and helps to set them up as antiparallels to each other. Eramis was a gentle, nurturing mother with a reverence for the Traveler who turned into the bitter, cunning warrior we see now when she lost access to her wife and children; Misraaks was a fearsome, ruthless pirate before he became a father, which gentled him and turned him towards being more pious. Eramis represents the old ways, and offers hope to the Eliksni who cannot bear to cohabitate with humanity; Misraaks represents a change in the tide, and kells the open-minded Eliksni who are willing to lay down their arms to live among the humans of Sol. Misraaks is of Light (change, forgiveness, moving forward), while Eramis is of Darkness (memory, control, looking back). They're opposites in every way except for the fact that both of them were/are amazing parents, and I'd argue that their ability to nurture and overlook others is what led to their success as kells.
Most importantly, however, is their relationship to Eido, who represents the future of the Eliksni. Misraaks was her father, and he did his best to raise her to be kind and openminded, but he also shielded her from the horrors of the past a little too well. She's outgrown that, and now that she's strong enough to handle said horrors, Eramis has been acting as a mentor to fully introduce her to the tragedy of what she lost and why elder Eliksni are so angry about it- and I don't think that she would have been receptive to Eido attempting to talk to her if it weren't for the fact that under all of her prickly armour, she's still that nurturing person at heart. It's her desire to care for others and to see a better future for her people that has kept her going despite her having no hope for herself, and it's that loving heart that has saved herself and her people from utter destruction at both our hands and Fikrul's- because if she didn't look at eido and go 'oh this child is the future of our people and i must protect her with my life', then both her and the rest of House Salvation would have been marked for death. And now here she is, continuing to care for Eido even as her father declines by telling her stories about Riis and helping her track down an apothecary to try to cure him, despite her not believing in his ways. I don't think it's entirely because she used to be a mother, but...I do think that it's playing a huge role in it.
(I also think it's personally fascinating to see how someone who used to be known for being a doting, sweet mom to her hatchlings and a caring mate to her wife can turn into someone who's a terrifying warrior on the battlefield and a cunning, politically saavy ruler, but even then, that doesn't surprise me all that much- if you've got a dearth of experience wrangling hatchlings, then being kell of a house is basically just wrangling a bunch of grown-up hatchlings. Same principles, just upped a level or two in complexity.)
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ionobjectshow · 2 months ago
Hello granddad!! Really enjoyed the new episode by the way :D I just wanted to ask something, I dont know if you already answered this so I'm sorry for bothering you if you have D:
Do you have a particular interest in nuclear physics? I'm wondering because when I watch ION it seems to me like you must be very passionate about it as well, either that or your just very good at researching (or making stuff up this sounds legit to people who dont know anything about physics, like me! /j), but it sounds like you know a considerable amount! Maybe it just seems like that to me because I don't understand physics at all :P
I really love cracklin!! So much!!! I've felt like I was too naive and childish for most of my life, I felt weak, pathetic, i cried nearly every day and my feelings of self hatred were only solidified by the people around me. And even though I act MUCH differently now and am in fact quite crude (I am much like a bird squawking outside your window that refuses to shut up!!!) and say uncomfortable things, I'm still regarded as naive and dumb sometimes! The thing Sylvia and cracklin have going on feels very similar to MANY friendships I've had with girls my age. I liked school very much and liked to work, so it made them angry that I managed to be "so stupid and so smart at the same time" (quoted directly from something a girl said to me when I was in middle school). I feel very seen.
I also want to ask if you have a particular interest in object shows, or if you just happened to choose to make your show an object show by coincidence? Object shows are my special interest and I LOVE how your show goes against (almost) everything standard for an object show. Your show is absolutely unique and there's nothing like it out there! I'm sure you will inspire many young creators to make their object shows more serious and complex, deviating from just the typical competition show. In my eyes something is qualified as an object show when there are objects (or non human characters) and the creator considers it an object show, so I love how versatile the title can be! Your designs communicate a lot about the characters and that's SO uncommon!!!! I love it!!!!! You inspire ME!!!! The art is also BEAUTIFUL, really abnormal to see in object shows, most of the time very little detail is put into it, but your backgrounds feel so ALIVE
Have a good day! :]
☢️ As soon as I saw this secret message, the words flashed through my mind: “this letter is very autistic, perhaps it was created by an autistic person.” ☢️ I love long opinions with lots of details and sincere emotions, thank you for this text, I was very happy reading it!
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☢️ Yes, you guessed it - nuclear physics (especially everything related to the operation of Nuclear Power Plants) has been my special autistic interest for about 5 years now. I love everything about it. In fact, I am absolutely bad at the exact sciences, but the dance of nuclear energies fascinates me and takes my breath away! I order manuals on nuclear reactors for myself and read them with great pleasure, waving my hands. I often go to a coffee shop to read there by the window with a cup of coffee ^^
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☢️ I created ION during the most terrible period of my life, and this project was the only thing that held me while anxious depression was rapidly developing and consuming me into some bottomless black abyss. So I put my whole soul, all of myself and what I love into ION, I made this project my mirror. ☢️ It is very important for me to see how this story touches the hearts of other people, I scream with delight if some neurodivergent people recognize themselves in Cracklin! This is extremely important to me.
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☢️ Object shows are not my special interest, but I was very surprised and intrigued by this genre of web animation. At first, I did not like the concept of an object show and I could not understand why people were watching it … and then something switched inside me and I really wanted to create my own experimental Object show. To create it entirely myself. To make an author's project that will become a part of me. I didn't even hope that ION would be liked by anyone else, I posted 1 episode with the thought that I was doing it only for myself. And now I am happy as a rainbow in the sky, reading so many kind comments and support! Thank you very much
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yurinaa-world · 10 months ago
Hello may I request Dan heng, blade, Dr ratio, and Sunday with a s/o who is similar to vill-v from honkai impact
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Dan Heng, Blade, Dr. Ratio, & Sunday x Gender-Neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a reader that's like vill-v from honkai impact
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: I legit couldn't find anything on this girl, I know she makes serval personalities for working and switches when doing certain tasks, but that was it. (I decided to pick one personality for each to make it easier on me)
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
You’re a bit of an oddball. Your personality, whichever one you’re using while working, he'll love every version of you no matter what. He’s made it this far already. What’s stopping him now?
He loves it whenever you finish one of your latest creations. Running to him and wrapping your arms against his while looking at him with a happy smile on your face, telling him about a new experiment that he has to see! Dragging him away to your room!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Dan Heng!”
You come running to him, when he sees you his eyes go wide like you were going to crash into him! Wrapping your arms around his. “What is it?”
“Guess what? I just finished my invention! You know the one I've been talking about for days! It's done!”
Hugging his arm like a teddy bear, while looking up at him with that bright look in your eyes—how can he resist?
“Come look!”
Before he could even say anything you pull him towards your room, and he just lets himself get dragged along with you. Once you reach there you let go of his arm and immediately start your little “show”
“You’re gonna love this one!” 
“I’m excited to see.”
He loves you a lot on the inside but on the outside, he looks like he wants to choke you to death whenever you’re talking about your new inventions or randomly dragging him away to see your “baby” in all its glory.
You're hot with any personality.
Whenever he comes back from a mission he comes bearing gifts, like several machine parts, but nothing compared to the parts that he comes to deliver which immediately makes him regret when you pull him into your room and you don’t let him out until hours later. (He says he regrets it every time yet he still comes)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“No way! No way! No way! Blade you got me this ” 
“You wanted it, so I got it for you.”
You shriek so loudly that your ear might start bleeding. when you received your gift from Blade you were overjoyed! it was the perfect gear for your inventions! just perfect and you didn’t even tell him! 
“Thank you bladie!” you smile holding it to your chest, before putting it in your pocket, going back into your lab and stopping immediately in your tracks. walking back over to him, pulling him by the collar and leaning in to kiss him on the lips. 
You pull away quickly, dragging his hand into your lab with you.
“you must see this as well!”
𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓈 𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜
He's so into your serious and critical-thinking work ethic personality. At the same time, you invent things, having someone think critically about what he says and take in the feedback, even pointing out negative or flimsy suggestions and coming up with a better alternate idea. (he only allows it because he’s in love with you)
When he lovely teases you. It makes it even better with that serious and concentrated look on your face when you tease him back and tell him that his heart is accelerating in speed…just watch him go speechless.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Warning: I don’t know what I’m talking about
“Metal didn’t have much support in the middle causing much more damage without a pillar in there.”
Veritas points out the obvious reason why your machine was dented in the middle. looking at it with critical eyes. 
The damages are horrible, you doubt any of the circuit boards can be fixed or kept—only if you were extremely lucky—you sigh.
 “It seems like I need to go back to the drawing board. with this terrible damage, nothing is salvageable.”  You said with regret as you stared down at the destroyed machine before you. 
“It wouldn't just be a pill but it wouldn’t fix the fact that the metal is weak. It would give it protection…yet it wouldn’t fix anything.”
You remark inspecting the machine and its defaults for the last time—with Veritas watching from beside. Well, he wasn’t watching the machine, instead he was gazing at your face.
You were frowning in deep thought—you looked adorable with furrowed brows and arms crossed.  he wanted nothing more than to lean over and kiss you, yet that's a very unprofessional little daydream of his.
“You staring, Dr ratio.” you look him in the eyes, that everyday grin you usually have on your lips while teasing him with that title.
he huffs playfully with an eye roll, “So what if I’m making no difference to your work schedule does it? if it does then it seems like we'll need to cure your idiocy.”
“Sounds like you're becoming a bit too defensive Dr. Ratio.”
The cute little inventor for the oak family. His lover. He knows about your madness yet if you complete your task on time and perfectly (also be his cute little lover) all at the same time then he doesn’t mind in the slightest.
He always loves to praise you while you're in the middle of your work, sadly you don’t call him all the pet names you usually do when you’re alone.
 To see you so respectful, calling him “Mr. Sunday”, stopping everything just hearing what he has to say. Honestly, the way you melt a little from persona when he decides to be generous and give you a little gift for working so hard.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“You look quite busy.”
You didn’t think that Sunday was going to come to see you in the middle of work and then he also sneaks up on you! you feel a little embarrassed being exposed in your workplace in front of him. 
“Sunday!—I mean Mr. Sunday!” You stutter a bit with your nervousness, “soo Mr. Sunday! How can I help you?” You ask politely, trying to calm down.
Which he teasingly smiles at you, crossing his arms over his chest. “You don’t need to be so formal with me, even when no one’s around.” He leans into you, while you go still. 
“Someone could overhear us. who knows what kind of rumors could come out.” 
“Someone blackmailing the Oak family? Preposterous, that won’t happen. but now I believe my adorable little inventor deserves some praise” He coos at you, his hand goes to cup your cheek, thumb gently caressing your cheek.
 You blush at the affectionate gesture. before being put into absolute shock when he pecked you on the lips. “Work hard for me.”
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apolaskiart · 3 months ago
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Frost and Gricko's tattoos for the iasuw au! Moving on to the kinda complex designs that made me have a bit of a crisis (legit), these ones are just as fun to make but relatively challenging to the previous one in terms of "what do I even put?".
I'll be yapping on my thoughts/headcannons regarding these below, so feel free to dive in! A warning that it is quite lengthy because of said crises-induced reflecting session (a proud citizen of yap city indeed)
First off, we have to talk about the technicalities of Frost's tattoos. It actually put me in a crisis when making this because the first question that came to mind when finding inspo was was "how the hell do you put tattoos on a tiger?"
Aside from the issue of tattooing onto fur, there is the presence of stripes that make it difficult to create a design in the first place. So for this a.u's sake (and my well being) we can treat fur like skin where tattoos can easily be applied and expressed, but would have a shorter lifespan, aka fade quicker, as a con so retouching would be more often. It can also overlap the patterns of the natural fur if designed as such (as I did with Frost).
With this, characters who have fur (e.g. Jornir) could possibly be given tattoos designs in the future while side stepping the technical issues to avoid putting to much focus on it. This could apply to other characters who may have leathery or feathery skin types.
Now of to the designing part. Unlike Gideon and Torbek, the aesthetic/style of the tattoo was not apparent at first and took a bit of a backseat to the actual design elements for Frost. Originally, using a purely geometrical style did not feel satisfying. After revisiting his canon for some ideas, an illustrative style was added to contrast the geometry which then seemingly worked out.
"Frost's design is built mostly of geometry (circles, squares and triangles) to reflect the motion of balance between familiarity and change, logic and unpredictability, comfort and discovery. Strict in pattern and position, most are simple as to take into account the stripes of his fur.
"The only complicated design, a dragon circling a tower and followed by a koi fish, was inspired by the legend of a koi travelling an upstream waterfall to turn into a dragon, signifying strength and perseverance. It is also a sign, that behind a rigid demeanor is a fiery passion waiting to be unleashed." -> The connected yarn was to give the idea that Frost can weave this path of his, but a connection as well to my other hc that it is his main reminder of his home in Yulong.
Things also mostly come in eight (resembles infinity as well as signs for wealth and success)! It was quite fun determining how to add this in as well :D
For the actual main inspo, IVE's "HEYA" has been on the forefront. Combined with another inspired by the phrase "When tigers used to smoke…" (which is the literary equivalent of "once upon a time…" and what has "once upon a…" in their name?), I must say that culture took the reigns in directing Frost's design and imho I would say that, compared to others, his was more appropriate to have strong semblances of his home as a remembrance (e.g. yarn, temple) during his travels.
Also I used a green coloring scheme because literally all other colors did not look as good as i intended. Fate really wanted him to have a green-orange scheme.
Now we got Frost out of the way, its Gricko's turn! Despite being challenging as well, Gricko's design had assistance from punk/heavy metal aesthetics. Though the only idea that I really had mostly was the logo of different band names
I will gladly argue on why Gricko's college band name should be "Goblin Deez..." Imagine, you can say nuts if you are being funny or hands if you want a fight. Anything really, which is liberating at its finest.
From here though, the main idea really that bloomed after this was that most of his tattoos were going to be personal too him!
"Aside from the egregious tattoo of his band name, the tattoos all over him speak of his journey. A pinup of a lady troll and a crown from the hit tv series game of chairs, for his childhood dreams of being a king and bagging a hot troll. A scale and guitar for his college pol. sci days. Others speaking of his collected hobbies and knick- knacks throughout a particularly challenging adulthood. Yet on his chest is his most cherished, his center and everything, which is none other than Hootsie."
The covered half sleeve tattoos on his arm ? That's to cover up the name of his exes (Headcanon that Gricko was just as much a womanizer as Gideon, but mostly in his college to early adult life. He slowed down once Hootsie entered the picture). Also its just more badass looking with designs of the monsters his canon self uses lol.
End of yapping session. Meeting adjourned!
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whateverisbeautiful · 6 months ago
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#56: The Real CRM (1.06)
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Will the real CRM please stand up? 😁 The thing I most liked about these Rick and Beale exchanges is that while Beale was peeling back the curtain on what the CRM is really about, Rick got to let Beale know about the only CRM he and I recognize - and y’all, that’s Carl, Rick, Michonne. 💅🏽😌...
Beale sees major potential in Rick as he tells him he thinks the next decade's leader might be Rick Grimes. It’s like Okafor said, even though Rick has never wanted power, it’s undeniable that he has it and is a natural-born leader. But I think this natural-born leader is very eager to retire and just be a family man and the world should finally let him. 🙏🏽
Beale notes how Rick came back to them even after so many escape attempts and even despite having had the perfect out because they thought he was dead. They cut to several moments of Rick during his time in the CRM and then Beale says that Rick has become a powerful story that they can essentially parade around to others to convince them of why the CRM is the answer.
Even saying that is so detached and reductive - treating Rick as not a person but a persuasive story.
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gif cred: @taiturner
Beale talks about how he and Okafor have sacrificed and he says Rick has already sacrificed too as he holds up his prosthetic, a reminder of Rick's willingness to sacrifice his own hand for his family.
Then Beale gets personal yet still seems so detached as he asks, “Who’s the person closest to you who’s died in all of this?” And Andy’s acting is so good as he pauses for a moment and then says, “My son.” I could shed several tears from those two words alone. 🥺
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One; I love how often Carl was acknowledged in TOWL. He’s so impactful to Rick and Michonne so it’s only right. And the way Rick says 'my son' here, it's viscerally evident how personal this is to him. I love how there’s this vulnerability to the way he says it while also trying to keep a guard up.
Rick somberly says, “He’s who I saved tearing out that man’s throat.” Because truly there isn’t anything Rick wouldn’t do for Carl. 😭 And the pain on Rick's face when he says this hits hard. It's like you can visibly see him mentally returning to two extremely heavy moments from his past - the night he killed those Claimers to save Carl and the night he lost Carl in Alexandria.
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And then, despite the fact that this is clearly an extremely hard loss and not easy to talk about, Beale seems like he doesn’t have a heart with his insensitive response.
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Beale says, “But you couldn’t save him in the end.” And him disrespecting Rick and Carl had me wanting to swing on the Major General tbh. 🥊
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After Beale's unfeeling remark, they show a quick clip of Rick and Michonne standing at Carl’s grave. 💔 Then Rick shakes his head and somberly answers, “No.” Which is just 🥺🥺🥺. 
A big element of the pain of this is that, before Carl passed, Rick viewed the weighted act of killing a man with his teeth as an act that kept Carl alive. But now, when he thinks about that moment he also has to think about how Carl still didn't make it, even despite what Rick was willing to do to protect him. 😞
I guess normally this would be an effective tactic from Beale. He gets the soldiers thinking about the person they most loved and lost and how they couldn’t save them, convincing them that committing to the CRM would be a way to prevent those losses and that pain from ever happening again.
But fortunately, after some heart-to-hearts in a crumbling apartment with Michonne, Rick is no longer susceptible to thinking the CRM can’t be beat so they must be joined.
Beale says, “What if I told you, you would never have to suffer that kind of loss again, that wherever you were running to, whoever you were running to…you could keep them safe, you could bring them to us?” For some reason, I doubt the sincerity of this offer.
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And it seems Rick isn't buying it either. Plus, even if it was a legit offer, Rick would never just be content with keeping his people safe while the CRM exterminates mass amounts of other innocent people.
When Beale says, “Family, friends, a love…I don’t give a damn.” the not giving a damn part is clear. You can tell Beale has been so far removed from having people he loves for a long while.
Somewhat adjacent to a mindset that Rick nearly adopted before Michonne helped him return to himself, Beale thinks protecting people is a sufficient replacement for loving people.
Beale says he’ll spare the people Rick loves because he’s willing to take that chance on him. Rick continues to hang onto his knife under the table and Beale can’t tell that he has an increasingly feral Rick in front of him.
Like the way Rick looks at Beale...it was clear that the Major General was about to meet Red Machete Rick real soon. 👌🏽
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Beale goes on to tell Rick about how “The Next World will begin” and my extra self just liked hearing the title of Richonne’s s6 canon episode in TOWL lol. 😊
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The time finally comes for Rick to swear on the sword and then we’re brought back to the moment in ep 1 when Beale wanted to ask a question and get the answer by looking in Rick eyes. And then here in the finale, Beale also gets an answer from Rick’s eyes because rather than swear on the sword and 'not let it take' like Okafor advised, Rick refuses to swear on the sword at all.
Rick's done playing along. So after they show a series of clips of Rick and Michonne taking down opponents in TWD, Beale quickly realizes that he’s got the wrong one as Rick’s expression shifts. He can tell Rick is very clearly in kill mode as Beale then grabs his weapon and says, “No.” But it’s too late.
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Rick chuck’s his knife at Beale and slides across the desk to tackle him down. 👏🏽
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Beale and Rick get into some hand-to-hand combat, with Rick’s prosthetic again shielding him from getting cut up when Beale swings his sword. Beale wants to know why Rick came back if he hadn’t really conformed. Rick doesn’t believe the world is gonna end and Beale says the world won’t but he’s trying to make sure that the human race doesn’t end.
When Rick gets a hold of Beale’s sword he plunges it right through Beale’s hand and Beale’s first response is one of regret that he trusted Okafor enough to give Rick a chance. Cuz clearly that didn't work out too well for Mister Beale. 🙂
And then, after Beale’s long speeches and disrespect throughout this ep, it was finally Rick’s turn to speak. 😌
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Rick lets Beale know, “I never lost my son. I lost myself. He brought me back.” 😭 I love how Rick now knows his son was always with him, even when he thought he lost him. And even after losing himself, his son was still able to bring him back.
Carl brought Rick back so many times as he lived and it’s heartwarming to know he continues to do that from the other side.
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And then y’all already know I am beyond here for the fact that Rick then says, “My wife brought me back.” The way he puts that emphasis on “my wife.” 🔥 Oh he meant this. 💯
And you know it probably felt extra great for Rick to now be able to say 'my wife' knowing he's finally been able to give Michonne a ring like he wanted. 💍😌
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Hearing Rick call Michonne his wife will always be music to my ears. And I love that he can't help but say it with so much passion each time. 😊
And once again Rick has a perfect track record of giving Michonne her flowers. He knows the reason he’s here, and back to being himself, and fighting this fight, is because of his wife. Fighting for him, believing in him, and bringing him back are some of the many ways Michonne saved Rick's life.
I love the way this connects back to Michonne telling Carl that he and Rick brought her back in their heartfelt season 4 finale scene. Carl, Rick, and Michonne all brought each other back. 😭
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(And little does Beale know that the wife Rick’s talking about is one Consignee Bethune. Looks like Beale was right to have her on his radar. 😋)
Rick says, “We’re the sword that kills. We’re the sword that gives life. One life. One unstoppable life.” I like that Rick gets to tell Beale this after the CRM thought they were the only answer.
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Again, he’s letting Beale know who the real C.R.M is and it was moving to see Rick doing this in the name of Carl and Michonne. His son and wife. He represented the Golden Trio well here. 🥹
(And I know some people wanted/expected TOWL to be super focused on CRM content. But the way I see it - it was.👌🏽 Because Carl, Rick, & Michonne sure got a whole lot of focus. 😌)
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Rick's final scene with Beale made it ultra clear that Michonne and Carl give Rick so much strength. They did back then and they still do years later. His wife and kids are why he fights. 👌🏽
And I like that Rick reframed Beale’s mantra to see that it’s the people you love who really are the ones who give life. Hearing Rick say “one unstoppable life” also made me think about how he mentioned in the TWD series finale that Michonne showed him that they’re one unstoppable life.
And that’s why they don’t have to succumb to the doomsday fear of the world ending again because, as this apocalypse has shown, - their one unstoppable life doesn’t end even when the world does. 
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Then Rick concludes by saying, “We’re not dead…You are.” as he, in a bit of poetic irony, kills Beale with his own sword. It’s nice hearing Rick declare “We’re not dead” having lived the last few years feeling like a dead man. The real Rick is alive and well now. 🙌🏽
And the real Rick is also a little crazy, but that’s how it’s always been and we love him for it. 😌
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Also, the snarl with that delivery.👏🏽❤️‍🔥 Rick can be at his most feral and every time I'm still just like...
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Killing the CRM’s most powerful leader right here and now certainly qualifies as putting a major wrench in Richonne's plan, and so Rick has to quickly cover his tracks by telling Pearl that Beale went to the woods alone.
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Then he sees a crate and gets an idea on how to remove the body which leads to another elevator scene. And while that lovely elevator scene in episode 4 was lighthearted and steamy, this next elevator scene is pure suspense. 😨👌🏽
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multi-fandomedfreak · 1 year ago
Can you write Jericho crew with a human s/o who honestly doesn’t act like one. Her reactions are kind of late, almost delayed. She doesn’t blink for a long period of time, nobody has ever seen her eat or drink before, and oddly enough, if you stare long enough, you can convince yourself she doesn’t even breathe, she could pass as an android if she wanted to!!
(She is indeed human, and she eats- quite frequently! she’s just a lil strange LMAO)
Authors note: I didn’t know whether the person requesting this meant a for it to be headcanons or a Drabble sooo pls accept my headcanons (even tho their like, super late sorry 😭)
Characters: The Jericho crew
Pairings: Markus x reader, Simon x reader, Josh x reader
☮ Markus ☮
-To be honest, when he first met you, he 100% thought you were an andriod 💀
-Like he just took one look at you and fr thought you were an Android that’s not racist right?
-And he kept thinking you were an Android for like months
-Even as you both started to date he never realized you were human
-To be fair, when you both held hands you were always cold, he never saw you eat, pretty sure bros never even seen you blink
-It wasnt until your one year anniversary that he realized you were human
-It’s when you made dinner, giving him a glass of thirium and a plate of spaghetti for yourself
-Bro was legit just standing there like 🧍
-Like…how come you can eat..?? Real food.?????
-Lead to a very lengthy and ngl, funny conversation
-He never treats you any differently what-so-ever tho ❤️
👱🏻‍♂️Simon 👱🏻‍♂️
-(can u tell I didn’t know what emoji to put for Simon?)
-Simon was honestly so confused when he met you
-At first he thought you were human since other humans introduced you to him after the revolution
-But when he stared long enough, you didn’t look like you even breath
-So he concluded you must be an Android
-But then as you began to date him and you two were cuddling one day, you were asleep so he was insanely confused
-bro said: ❓❓
-Things like this kept happening but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by asking
-So he did what any sensible person would do
-He made out with you for as long as he could to see if you would pull away for air 😀
-Long story short, you were very much human and you two had a long talk about how it’s ok for him to just ask
💜Josh 💜
-When Josh first met you, he really couldn’t make up his mind whether or not you were an Android
-But to be honest, he didn’t dwell on it for long
-He just didn’t want to judge and plus, he was pretty smitten the moment you two met
-He could’ve cared less whether you were an Android or a human
-He just cared about you
-Buuuut that’s not to say he wasn’t curious
-So he did the most insane. thing.
-He asked you.
-Once it was cleared up, he asked you out right there and then lol
-He just wanted to make sure you were comfortable dating and Android if you were human
-Literally spoils you btw
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secretress · 1 year ago
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. 𝐌𝐲 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.❞
Are you balanced with your emotions and intuition? (Detailed)
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition. I added advice and solutions.
18+ readings @enchantressiren
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Pile 1
I see you questioning if you have intuition or not; you question many things, and you’re a skeptical person. You don’t believe intuition is even a thing, and yet you read intuitive and tarot card readings for fun or to see if they are legit and work with your current life. I see that you are starting to believe it because you’re getting some signs and it is freaking you out. Some supernatural situations are happening to you, and some people mention things you said to others who do not know the person or that you thought about. You are having visions in your dreams as well, and if not, your dreams have signs you see in your waking life. I also see you having great intuition, but you brush it off, and when your intuition is right, it truly freaks you out.
Everyone has intuition or a gut feeling, but it’s our choice if we want to be in tune with it or brush it off. I believe intuition can be a scary thing because we are forced to believe certain things when they're not true. For example, we are taught to believe that psychics or mediums are crazy people; they lie, they’re frauds, and/or they’re out for money. And though some people may be doing it, not all of them. Because society has shaped us into something different, Intuition and gut feelings are unfamiliar and can feel frightening. You don’t need to brush it off, but you should learn to be in tune with it because it can also help you understand your emotions.
I can see that you aren’t inclined with your emotions either; you brush them off as well. I see you focusing on your logical mind the most because that’s how you survived as a child growing up. I see toxic relationships and environments in which you grew up. I see some of you are actually orphans or have grandparents or uncles as guardians. Bad relationships with your parents if you weren’t an orphan. I see most of you struggle with your father figure, and some of you deal/dealt with an alcoholic guardian, but father is what I see the most. Some of you don’t even have a father figure. I also see abusive and sexual abuse.
So with all of these types of traumas, trusting yourself is already hard enough, and now you’re trying to understand whether or not you have psychic abilities or not. I see some of you are actually getting visions of the future, even if it’s those small ones—where you take another path in a hallway and you brush it off as if it’s a daydream or nothing. But an hour later, you actually do it and change the routine.
What my intuition tells me is.. “you must follow your intuition, your gut feelings, and your psychic abilities. The more aligned you are with them, the more powerful you will become and get out of the hellhole or environmental space you are in. We don’t need to be stuck in one place, questioning who we are or if we are good enough. We can rise above it and realize how strong our potential is as people. I’m aware of how strong your psychic abilities are, but are you?”
So to summarize my intuition message, you have a lot of potential to get where you want. That dream life you crave so dearly but don’t know where to start. Sometimes you start, but then you automatically give up, like it’s too challenging. You cannot have the life you want if you aren’t aligned with your emotions, especially your intuition. Our intuition leads us to answers we didn’t think were possible. Of course, second-guessing yourself is bound to happen, but you shouldn't. Trust yourself. I know it is easier said than done, but that’s what I’m hearing. You should trust your intuition, and your emotions. Instead of relying on your logic, when you do that, you will go far in life.
Pile 2
Rocky middle.
I see you’re in tune with your emotions but not your intuition. It’s not that you don’t trust it, per se, it’s more like you mistake your emotions for your intuition and vice versa. Sometimes you have anxiety for no reason; you cannot figure out the reason why. Sometimes you will bite your nail, rip the skin off your nails, pluck your eyelashes, remove a scab, etc. because you cannot tell the difference. Random anxiety without reason, even when you cannot figure it out, is intuition. Your intuition is telling you something, but because you aren’t in tune with it, you don’t understand what’s going on, thus the anxiety.
Anxiety is a silly emotion, not because it's irrelevant, but because it blocks out your intuition perfectly. It is a very sneaky disorder, and sometimes people will get diagnosed with it, but they actually have intuition. And intuition can hide in the form of anxiety. Understood? Anxiety can be intuition, what you think intuition is can be anxiety.
The only way to figure out if it is your emotions or intuition is based on how you perceive things. For example, I am channeling your message for you; all of this is written based on my intuition. But at times, I want to write more channeled messages but cannot because it’s not meant to be and I’m just bored. I can’t work it out, because I base it on my feelings. In that moment, I want to do that because I feel bored. But when I'm bored, the messages are short and miss a lot of details. Whereas, I do it based on my intuition, you get a lot of things in your messages and a detailed one at it to get you on the path you desire.
This example is like your situation right now. You need to figure out how to balance your emotions for certain things and your gut feelings or intuition for others. Intuition for me is, I just know and I go along with it. Emotion, for me, has some doubts about it. You can try it like that or use inspiration from the way I do, but, I do have a message from my intuition. It should help.
“When you talk to the people you like, you start to feel anxious sometimes and zone out from the conversation. Of course, this is unintentional, but they don’t know that. You get lost in your own world when it’s really your anxiety or emotions eating you alive. Remove those thoughts and tell yourself you can control them because you can. You are the creator of your reality. Your intuition is your friend, even though you don’t want to hear things, it is there to help you. Don’t ridicule it and keep it in touch like a friend. You like to socialize at times, so why not do it with yourself? Are you not close to yourself, or do you prefer to surround yourself with others to block out all those messy feelings and emotions eating you alive? Why don’t you try to journal about your feelings, daydream, throw it out of a window, burn it in your daydream, or meditate? It surely should align you with your future goals and make you successful!”
Summary and explanation of my intuition thoughts, sometimes you zone out and you think you’re daydreaming, perhaps it’s to bury your feelings into a bottle, ignore them, or such, but by doing that, you're making it harder to understand your intuition and align yourself with your higher self or future self. Sometimes people get annoyed that you zone out and that they want your attention on them, and sometimes you tell them, but they don’t understand it, so you get frustrated and brush it off to keep the peace of the friendship. Either you feel bad, guilty, or act like you don’t care, but you do. Intuition tells me, “tell them you don’t like it and explain it to them in the way they do understand. If it fails, set a boundary and take social breaks with them. If they do not accept, they are not meant to be in your life.”
When it comes to anxiety eating you alive, change your thoughts into the way you want to be. For example, if you desire to have a positive mindset, change it to that. When a negative thought pops up, instead of ignoring it, suck it up with a vacuum in your mind and change it to “this won’t happen because they truly care about me, and i know it’s true because they always show it.”
Sometimes you hear negative things from your intuition, and you don’t like them, so you brush them off. Don’t. It’s a warning, and you must accustom yourself to it. It is there for your benefit and your benefit only.
I see some of you want to have your own business or be successful, but how can you be if you aren’t aligned with that part of you that wants YOU to succeed? How can you brush it off just because it doesn’t make sense to you per se or because it gives you information you don’t like when you know it’s true? How else did you find this pile and know it was right for you?
You can find techniques that help you learn to balance your spirituality and emotions; you can even talk to yourself if you don’t want to do the things my intuition suggests. All of this is up to you, but take my guidance the way you see fit.
Pile 3
Yes :).
You guys are fully connected to your emotions and your intuition. You guys see your emotions as something to be taken care of, like a fragile antique doll, whereas most people would just push them away and distract themselves, but when you see that happen with other people, you feel bothered. You feel bothered because you take care of your emotions, and you wonder why they don’t. I feel that the majority of you guys had a somewhat great childhood, and the rest of you guys had to pick yourself up, so then you also question why other people aren’t like you. But you must remember that human minds are complicated, and those people are not you; therefore, they don’t have the same luxury as you. It is the same with your intuition. You have come to terms with the fact that intuition is real and that every human being has it, but they must practice for it like you have. I am proud of you guys for coming to terms with intuition because I know that a lot of you struggled to believe in it or that you now trust yourself more than you have before. I’m getting a lot of competitive energy from you guys, but it’s not from other people. It’s with your past self. You want to prove to your past self that you were able to come to terms with both your emotions and your intuition, and you have done that now. So instead of competing with your past self, start to show gratitude to them, because without them, you wouldn’t have been here today with this. I know you guys are very in tune with your emotions, but I do want to point out that you must forgive yourself for your past and show more appreciation to them. I’m just getting this pain in my chest and stomach; it’s a pit feeling, like something is missing. There is something that you have been meaning to do, but you have not done it out of frustration, anger, blame, and fear. And because of this, you are starting to doubt your intuition and emotions because you cannot figure out what this thing is. But the thing is right in front of your face, but you guys have been distracted by wanting to go into the past and fix the situation. Don’t go into the past. Keep moving forward. We do things in our lives because, in that moment, we think it’s the right thing to do, and maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t, but what is done is done. And now you have to come to terms with the fact that it has been done because, let’s say you were to do the other thing you had in mind. How do you know that was the best choice for you? How do you know that it is going to give you what you desire as of now? You don’t know. Now, all you can do is strive forward and enjoy life as it is.
I’m getting some doubts right now about this pile. Some of you guys are wondering why I put yes, as in, you have balanced your intuition and your emotions. Well, my intuition told me you had mastered it to a high degree, but human emotions came into play. If I were to say yes, somewhat, you have mastered your emotions and intuition. I would be lying to you. People have doubts; I have doubts, and I do readings for you guys, but that does not mean I have not mastered my intuition; it just means it takes time to find out the solution to something. And that’s okay. And that’s also okay if you have doubts; it’s normal, and that does not mean you guys have not mastered it. It just means you need to take some time to think about what you were missing or what is a fact about you and to deal with it.
How can I deal with this? Well, my intuition tells me, “the thing you want to deal with is within you. You already know the answer to the outcome, but you push it away out of fear and anger. Anger is there to protect you. It is showing your inner child is hurting. Your fear is there to show you what it is that triggers you. You have guilt in your heart when it’s not necessary. It’s okay to show boundaries; you must accept that. You cannot be everyone’s best friend and make sure that they’re always secure with themselves when you cannot feel that way as of right now. Move along with them. They are not worth your time. If you believe that they will leave your life because you do not speak to them, you must fix your thoughts. You have mastered both your intuition and your emotions. Masters of different forms of art or science doubt their abilities. No one truly knows what the answer is until we get feedback, so why the heck are you doubting yourself? You cannot improve yourself as a person and grow even further, if you doubt yourself. I know the situation right now is very confusing, and you do not know what happened. But listen to it—listen to your intuition and your emotions. You already know the answer. You already figured out the answer, you have it with you, so why are you procrastinating?”
So what my intuition is saying is that fear is what is keeping you away from the solution. Fear can be hard to deal with, but sometimes it is important for us to go after that fear, and let it get away from our hearts. Fear comes in different forms, and right now, for you guys, it’s with your friends or connections that you are becoming attached to. It’s okay to be attached to things; it's human nature. I’m getting the feeling that you guys are feeling embarrassed to be attached to some people in your life because it has never happened for you or because you’re trying to heal from your last relationships. But intuition tells me that these are good people. These people are there to help you grow as a person, and you finally found your people who except you for you. Even when you make mistakes in your life or something embarrassing happens, they genuinely care for you, and that is hard to come by. If the feeling is still there, speak to them about it and explain how you feel, and they will help you with that fear. You know, it truly is okay to realize these people mean a lot to you, and you don’t want to ruin their friendship with your worries, but you’re not going to ruin anything. You’re actually going to make the friendship stronger. I know that sometimes when people have communicated with their friends about their feelings, their relationship has gone sour. But these people are like sweet candy; they look sweet on the outside and are sweet on the inside. You guys are so blessed to have good people in your life, and I am very glad to see so.
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daylite-writes · 1 year ago
please please please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeee continue the sagau, its so good!!!!!!!!
Hnggg okay since y’all asked nicely, here’s the next part (pt 1 here) that I originally had partially written. This is legit the rest of it, so I have no more prepped after this. It’s Dottore Centric since I was originally supposed to cycle through most of the harbingers, and is such mild yandere I hesitated as even tagging it as such.
Doctor’s Orders (on your knees before me) - SAGAU ft. Dottore (pt 2)
After being brought back to the Tsaritsa’s Zapolyarny Palace, a familiar doctor is put in charge of your health. Happily, he takes on the role, and you learn a bit why the world loves you, and why the people hate you.
cws: allusions to temporary death, mild yandere, fading memories of a past life.
700 words
As it turns out, not letting the creator, well, be the creator leads to adverse side effects. Abnormal ley line flows, early deaths, and an unprecedented amount of power given to Celestia. Something Dottore explained to you in great—very confusing—lengths as he treated your hypothermia.
You did not remember any of that from when you played the game.
Was the real world even real, or was this one the falsehood? You had a family and a life, for better or for worse.
Your skull began to ache whenever you thought of your home… logically you had a family, a world you hailed from, separated from your own. It faded from you, slowly, as if it was never even there to begin with. It was difficult to mourn it.
Dottore was speaking, you refocused your attention on him, as he strode over holding a hand out for your forearm, a syringe prepared for you. You gave it up easily.
“Creation, as we’ve found, is a hard task. After making a world, said creator often must rest for millennia. This gave Celestia time to attach to our world—to you—like a parasite. You should have awoken long ago. The archons were all expecting you to descend a few hundred years back. When you didn’t, the Tsaritsa’s war against Celestia began.”
“Ah.” Okay… sure. You’d accept that as fact for now. “What happens now that I’ve descended? Is this war against Celestia over then?”
“Hm? Oh, of course not. The Tsaritsa will personally drag Celestia down from their stolen thrones and gut them in your name, before returning their power to you.”
A violent, gleeful edge tinted his tone, then. Under his mask, a sharp smile spread as the thought crossed his mind. You paid it no attention, it was just the way he was.
“How are you so sure I’m the Creator? Others thought me to be an imposter of sorts.”
“How wouldn’t we?” Dottore laughed. “Your blood is gold, your deaths left the world weeping, the stars in your eyes shift to the constellation of whatever person you look at, and you know so much about each of us. Not to mention, we were the ones who awoke you.”
Your eyes immediately tore away from the syringe he was drawing blood with, shooting to him. “What?”
Dottore smiled, lips curling back to bare sharp teeth. “Oh, they didn’t tell you?”
“You couldn’t have awoken me.” You whispered, brow creasing. “I first appeared in Inazuma, where Kujou Sara killed me.”
The arrow was swift. After hours of wandering across familiar landscapes, the soft buzz of electro on your skin, wonder bright in your eyes. All that was cut short when the tengu woman shot you without hesitation. As you faded away, you heard her mangled scream as you bled gold.
“Awakened, not summoned. We could not control where you descended once your body awoke.”
You nodded. No wonder they were so… prepared to retrieve you, then. Brought back to the Tsaritsa’s palace, you were met with staff, a personal chamber, and every harbinger present to receive you. Even the Tsaritsa herself lowered herself from her icy throne to meet you.
You were very relieved that you met their unknown expectations for this ‘Creator’ you were expected to be.
You felt fingers on your chin, cold, the skin to skin contact separated by his sanitary gloves. He tilted your face up, locking eyes with yours, even if they were hidden by his mask.
He let out a soft, utterly enchanted sigh. “My creator.”
You brought your hand up, cupping his face in turn. Immediately, he slumped into it, like a cat, mumbling again; “My creator… my creator.”
You wondered if his eyes fluttering closed at your touch, if the slump of his shoulders, almost purring sigh, was due to your rank as creator. Was your very touch ecstasy?
His eyes remained closed when he next spoke. “The tsaritsa wishes for your presence, once you are medically cleared. It will be a little bit though. I guess you’ll just have to spend some time within my laboratory. Your health will be observed by me, of course.”
The way he said it, slightly cheeky, made you question if you actually were still sick. Alas, you were out of your depth, for now.
So, you drew back your hand, watching curiously as Dottore’s content look shifted to that of a small frown, lifting his head curiously. At his look of slight disgruntlement, you laughed a bit. “I’ll stay here, just for a few days.”
After all, you needed time to prepare to meet the Tsaritsa.
So this is all that has been prepped for the Sagau stuff, everything else is just passing thoughts. Thing is, SAGAU is way less popular, which means I read way less, and get less ideas. This is a very traditional SAGAU au tho and I’m happy people liked it!
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mintytealfox · 4 days ago
"Investigation Field Notes 1" 👀🙏🙏🙏
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So its sounding like Alice showed up to look into the mining industry and the corruption there instead of looking into the accident itself! So a good amount of time could have passed since the accident 👀and judging how Norton had '1 Para' on him, sounds like he was traveling and traveling FAR.
This has me wondering what were all the places he went to before returning to find Benny rotting away in an alley. And what drew him to those places 👀🙏 Mans has his drive to grind for that money so why go all the way out there? the pay off must have been worth it to do all that travel. Then what brought him back to Benny? It isn't likely anyone contacted him to say that 'Benny is hella dead'. Maybe he was returning to check on him only to find him laid out and abandoned in such a horrible state. Which then makes me think that he wants to despise Benny so bad but he can't help himself, he cares and he can't help but care ;; He tries so hard to be dead inside to match how he looks on the outside but he just caaannnn'ttttt ;; BUT I wonder what would have happened if he returned and Benny was still alive? Cause again, there was no way anyone was like 'this dude dead come get him' he was returning to see an alive Benny. What was his plan? Was he actually returning to potentially get Benny out of there to somewhere better? Did he find something on his travels that made him go back to Benny??
(I still think Benny was manipulating Norton to do all the work and Norton peaced out of there after everything was said and done. But the fact that he returns to Benny after all that....gosh)
Cause by the sounds of it Norton would bring the freshest bread to Benny and not bother getting any for himself. He would save up to give Benny the best. That is NOT the actions of someone only there to use and take. He would have had some fresh bread for himself as well, but he didn't, he would eat nasty bread always and then only Benny got the good stuff ;; LIKE?? Makes me think that maybe Benny was getting dementia or something and thinking that Norton was just using him and yelling and screaming about Norton being a thief but maybe Norton was legit trying to do it for the both of them and not just himself 🙃 ITs difficult dealing with elderly who are loosing their minds.... Getting berated and accused of stuff simply because they are throwing a tantrum in the moment just 180 flip flops in mood and actions ;; So Norton not visiting as often when Benny started to get too much, makes perfect sense to me. Life is hard enough without the person you view as family loosing themselves and attacking you now cause their brain is just gone ;; and you just want to remember them for who they were. And maybe he got so desperate to get them both out of there that he locked the eff in so he could get Benny to a doctor instead of this nasty moldy place they are currently in. But Benny and his twisting thought process, due to illness, thinking that Norton was just doing all this for himself and going to abandon him -sigh-
ITs just the fact that Norton returns after his travels makes me think he found something for Benny and was coming back for him orz but was obviously too late
and just became another nail in his own metaphorical coffin that leads him to agree to anything for money so he doesn't end up like a dead rat in the street. Just the massive disrespect to human life to have Benny just left out there for so long just to decompose in the alley like that is just beyond horrible.
---- Extra Thoughts: Norton bringing those Hades vibes back again ;; Tied to death and paying Benny's way into the after life ;;
I also think its interesting that the other miners are talking about Norton like he is some mythical creature that they think they have spotted pff
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jjjjeonww · 11 days ago
wen junhui - "silent boarding gate"
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featuring moon junhui and you.
~~inspired by silent boarding gate by jun. ~~angst, fluffy at the end (?)
word count - 1,189. a/n: this. is. dedicated. to. my. soony. @wonkierideul. u said to only post this when you're crashing out and i legit witnessed that so ... <33 enjoy nini .
Junhui stood frozen at the boarding gate, his heart a whirlwind of emotions he could no longer contain. The dark clouds that had been his constant companion for so long finally began to dissipate, revealing a sky divided - half orange from the setting sun, half grey with the approach of twilight. It was a poignant reflection of his own divided self, yearning to fly towards a future that no longer included the one person he had always envisioned sharing it with.
After years of trudging through a desolate landscape of heartache and regret, Junhui had finally emerged on the other side, his spirit battered but not broken. The love he had carried for you, the words left unspoken, had been his cross to bear. And now, as he stood at the precipice of a new beginning, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever truly heal from the pain of the separation.
A chill crept into the air, and Junhui instinctively tightened his collar, as if trying to ward off the cold that seemed to seep into his very bones. He knew there was a path laid out before him, a road to a life without you. But his heart, stubborn and faithful to the memory of your love, refused to take that first crucial step. It was as if an invisible force held him back, tethering him to the ghost of your shared past.
Junhui's gaze drifted to the clouds, watching as they remained unmoving in the grey expanse above. In that moment of half-conscious surrender, he realized that the one waiting to board at the gate was not him at all, but a specter of the man he used to be. The man who had loved you with a fierceness that now bordered on obsession, unable to let go of the dream they had once shared.
Tears stung the corners of his eyes as the weight of their separation pressed down upon him like a physical force. He knew, with a sinking certainty, that even after he boarded and took to the skies, your timelines would remain in parallel - two diverging paths that would never again intersect. The pain of that realization was a cruel reminder of the love he had lost and the future that would never be his and yours to share.
You watched from a distance, your heart aching as she witnessed Junhui's internal struggle playing out at the boarding gate. You could see the tension in his shoulders, the way he seemed to be wrestling with some unseen force. A part of you longed to rush to him, to take his hand and promise that everything would be alright. But you had remained rooted to the spot, knowing that you needed to give him the space and time he needed to heal.
As you observed him, you couldn't help but reflect on their own journey over the past few years. The path had been filled with heartache and pain, as they both navigated the complexities of your lives and the weight of their past. For a long time, you had been lost in a haze of grief and regret, unable to move forward knowing that Junhui was suffering just as much as you were.
But lately, something had shifted within you. A glimmer of light had pierced through the darkness that had consumed you for so long, and you had begun to heal. It hadn't been an easy process, and there were still moments when the pain felt as raw and fresh as it had the day they had parted ways. But you knew that you needed to focus on herself, to become the best version of herself before she could ever hope to move forward with someone else.
And now, as you watched Junhui at the gate, you realized that the same must be true for him. He needed to find his own path, to heal and grow and discover what he truly wanted out of life. Only then could he be ready for a new love, a new beginning.
you knew that she couldn't force Junhui to let go of you. Just as you couldn't force herself to forget the incredible love you had shared. But you also knew that sometimes, letting go was the greatest act of love one could offer. It was a testament to the strength and resilience of your bond, even in the face of adversity.
... With a deep breath, you turned away from the gate, your heart heavy but also filled with a tentative sense of hope. You knew that you would always cherish the memories of your time together, the love you had shared with Junhui. But it was time for both of you to move forward, to embrace the next chapters of your lives. As you turned to leave, Junhui suddenly felt a rush of clarity wash over him. The weight that had been pressing down upon his chest for so long lifted, and he knew with sudden certainty what he needed to do.
He couldn't let you go.
Not like this.
Not without telling you everything that had been left unsaid.
Junhui took off running, his heart pounding in his ears as he raced through the airport. He didn't care about the stares or the surprised murmurs of the other passengers. All that mattered was reaching you, before you would disappear from his life forever.
He found you at the elevator, your back turned to him as you waited for the door to open. "Y/n," he called out, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Wait. Please, wait."
You froze, your hand hovering over the button. Slowly, you turned to face him, your eyes wide with shock and a tentative glimmer of hope.
Junhui skidded to a halt in front of you, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He dropped his luggage bags, and reached out, gently taking your hand in his own. It felt warm and soft, just as he remembered.
"Y/n," he said again, his gaze locked with yours. "I can't let you go. Not without telling you how much I love you. How much I've always loved you, even through all the pain and the heartache."
He took a deep breath, his heart racing as he poured his soul out to you. "I know we've both been lost, both struggling to find our way. But I realized that my way, my future, will always lead me back to you. You're the one constant in my life, the one person I know I can't live without."
Junhui squeezed your hand, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "Please, give me another chance. Give us another chance. I promise I'll spend every day showing you how much you mean to me, how much I love you. I'll be the man you deserve, now and for always."
He held his breath, his heart hanging in the balance as he waited for your response. The moment stretched out between you, filled with a lifetime of love and the promise of a new beginning.
And suddenly, the boarding gate was silent.
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dramaticallytotal · 3 months ago
I've Been Around The World
I just realized that I never made an official post for my TDWT Rewrite despite the fact that I've made headcanon posts for it already, and I feel like I must rectify that!
Noah, of course, works as Chris's personal assistant, though it would be more accurate to say he was Drama Productions' most capable production assistant. Which is sad, considering he's only 17. He knew Chris was trying to get the network to recognize all the work he does and to actually give him the title of production assistant so he could also get the pay, but alas, the producers are dicks. The cherry on top of it all is that they wanted Chris to fire him so he can be in the new season of Total Drama because apparently he was a fan favorite. Yeah, he knew Total Drama Dirtbags was a cover for the new season. It may have been Noah's idea to dupe his old castmates with the announcement of a new show, but he had totally said it as a joke after reading some of his sister Nidhi's old psychology text books. (He got bored.)
Of course, Chris ran with the idea, and here they are. Planning a fake show but making it seem as real as possible, even the new cast, believe it, which is sad but not Noah's problem. He knows that there is one of the new guys that Chris wanted to be on World Tour, so he makes sure to make the budget a little more flexible because he made a chart of all the people he believed would make it onto the show.
Then, the plan goes into effect, and he's "fired" and joins the rest of the cast for the new season with surprises here and there. He definitely did not think the new guy would be his type, nor did he think the new girl would be a legit stalker. He also didn't see Trent making it onto the show, but he was grateful Eva didn't leave the bus. It changes nothing for him. He's still going to try and get eliminated so he can go back to work, but he's going to at least make it farther than he did on Island.
This story is pretty Noah centric, but with other character POVs thrown in! Because even though it'll focus a bit more on Noah, I do want to showcase the other characters, too. Especially Eva and Trent, who will always make it into World Tour in any of my aus.
It will focus a lot more on the relationships of everyone with the competition kind of being the background for it. I will still focus on the competition, but like I said, it's more so the background for everything.
Chris and Chef have definitely pseudo adopted Noah like I said in the headcanons. Chris is better than in canon but is still pretty insane. He loves his husband and his kid/assistant, but like...he still is kind of horrible to everyone else XD. There's not much room in his heart for others. He's somewhat fond of his contestants, but not enough to make his show actually OSHA safe.
Plus, so many people have deals with the network to help keep the drama alive! One deal is Noah getting voted off so he could get back to his job as Chris's personal assistant.
Once Noah was voted off, he found out the producers wanted him to basically get on board a sinking ship and fix everything. He was not about to do that, not without a raise which they were unwilling to give, so he fought his way back into the show in the Second-Chance Challenge. He literally wins out of pure spite.
Once back on the show, he is more determined than ever to win. Even with Alejandro being...weird with him. Alejandro may have a small, so small, crush on him. (It's a big fat obvious crush)
This au features plenty of Team E-Scope shenanigans, Alejandro being pathetically in love, relationships making it or breaking it, new relationships forming, more thought out competitions/challenges, and background stories explored!
Headcanons so far!
• Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 •
• Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 •
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bi-bi-buckleys · 4 months ago
Can I just throw this out there after seeing that post and the reply to it:
We don’t know WHY Oliver never posted a picture of Lou. I think the immediate thought was “oh they must not get along” or “lol clearly Oliver hates Lou” and that just stuck but we genuinely don’t know?? Maybe they aren’t close (Lou pretty much said as much in that one interview where he said he didn’t really know Oliver that well), but why does that automatically mean hate? Neither of them have ever said anything negative about the other in interviews. It could just be that they weren’t close.
One could just as easily theorize that Oliver didn’t post photos of Lou out of worry that it could invite more negative comments. Oliver posts a photo of Ryan, and people comment weird shippy stuff, which is obnoxious I’m sure but it’s not hateful. If he posted a photo of Lou, I can imagine the results would be some people being happy to see them, and certain others being awful and gross and upping the hate. It wouldn’t be Oliver’s fault, but I personally would feel like I just made things worse.
Maybe Lou didn’t want his picture taken on set because of the death threats and hate. He doesn’t get those when he posts about SWAT, but god forbid if there was a pic by Oliver, that side of the fandom would froth at the mouth. Maybe he asked for Oliver to not post any and Oliver agreed not to. Maybe it’s the same thing for why no one stood up the hateful comments, the idea of “don’t give them attention, it’ll only make things worse.” Imagine if Oliver had said something with the hopes of making it stop, do any of us really see that as happening? He probably would have been harassed just as much, and Lou would have gotten more. Like the thought is nice, and the side of the fandom that doesn’t send hate would have been supportive, but the other side would have absolutely gone on the attack, directed at both of them.
Point is, we Just. Don’t. Know. We have so little real insight that any idea that gets tossed out could be legit. We could say they hatred each other, we could say they were indifferent to each other, we could say they didn’t want to spur on the more negative side of the fandom, hell we can say they didn’t interact on social media or post about each other because they’re dating and want to keep it a secret! All of it could be feasible because we have so little to go on. It’s just telling that a certain subsection of the fandom has decided it must be hate.
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months ago
Sometimes it's not just a vibe; the bigger thing is to not divide
((warning: loooooong post with lots of talking sorry))
So recently (like, this day) @starlit-soothsayer made a comment about Sai Scribbles that I was about to honestly agree with because it sounded right to me. But then I happen to see that one of Lily's most prominent victims is deeply against Starlit's reasoning. They (this victim) is adamant that pp:"they not compare a person they don't vibe with [Sai] to a literal PREDATOR/GROOMER [Orchard]".
I get the said victim's take here, both on it's own and especially in relation to the last month/weeks. Recently one of the Lorch critical blogs, Fennec, decided it was a good idea to make a document calling Courtney Peet, Lily's abused sibling, ALSO a groomergooner just like their sister. Fennec's reasoning was shaky at best, vindictive, and stunk of the same kind of narrative Zena and Poppy, also grifters, took about Lily Orchard drama: "Lily's critics are the same kind of awful as her". Keep in mind, the reason I AM invested in the Lorch-drama is I've been worried about Lily Orchard's fans and base for years now. I've been mad at and staying on Lily's case for awhile. Say for Patchworkhearts, Sparky and Poppy herself, I wouldn't exactly call the want to see Lily put away and the push by different types/sorts of people to see that happen as analogous to what I just called Lily - a predator and a deflecting one at that.
I will say that " we ", aka all of the combined critics of Lily Orchard, aren't a fandom of even an exact community and besty buddy-buds, even if we support each other. Courtney, Lily's sibling, got on a lot of different people's cases here on tumblr before she was ultimately mass blocked by Lily's base. I remember. I saw it. Courtney and her story and testimony is a smoking gun, I'd say, in the truth of what kind of a person Lily is, but she's in no way a leader or even liked by all of us. On a personal petty basic-level I disagreed w Courtney over how she violently overstanned Johnny Depp and then over how Courtney talked about their niece and nephews offhandedly. I can't do anything about that, but, I'm allowed to support Courtney as a person without stanning her outright for what I think are her own demons. Courtney is not as bad a person as Lily Orchard because she is not the same kind of person as Lily Orchard.
Courtney is her own kind of a mess. And frankly so is Sai.
Two days ago, following drama from a different Lorch-critical blogger skeleton-bat implicated Sai to be as bad as Lorch and a groomer (no. Sai isn't a groomer. sns also don't do your 'proshippers = groomers' dance on me, Bats), one of the blogs that talking down skeleton-bats unpromptedly said skeleton bats was a joke and a phony for reblogging Palestine-gofundmeblogs. Their words were literally "all Palestinian bloggers are bots and scammers". I disagreed with that, because I know from my sources, lived experiences and someone with Palestinian family that that's simply untrue, to which this person proceeded to splain to me how ebeggers must be scams -Sai agreed with this person.
I am pro-Palestinian justice and aid in getting these people away from Gaza. I've been that way ever since I saw an ISRAELI film strait up say that what Israel is doing is wrong, long before Oct 7th 23'. I don't want to dwell to long on it or the explanations and fact checking for yourself with nonEnglish-speaking fundraisers how legit they are beyond going "look at the way it's written; it looks like begging", but now's not the time. This was my breaking point. I had to block Sai.
Personally I think Sai is a recovering edgeduchess who likes to pick on people first and then can get into the weeds of 'taking down' people if and when it benefits her. That doesn't make her a grifter ala skeleton-bat, Poppy and Zena or Fennec...but I do think that means she's more into the attention of p0wning Lorch, another queer creator, than she is other concerns. I do think she cares about the harm done by Lorch now, but in the beginning and definitely with her own non-Lorch-stan detractors, Sai struck me as being into dunking on Lily for attention. What bugged me about Sai's and that other user's comments was not only that it was unneeded/not relevant to what skeleton-bat is doing; it was that she tried to splain to me, a person who knows gofundme bloggers irl how they 'must be' scams especially in times of crisis. That was insensitive and wrong of her to do even if she doesn't mean anything hurtful by it. There ARE ways to say "hey, don't believe/reblog every fundraiser that comes your way sum might be scams" and there are ways NOT to do that; Sai chose the later option and frankly I see her as pretty racist at the moment by the confidence she chose in it. But obviously, I know some ppl are going to still support Sai, stand by her and that includes the victims of Lorch who are just happy that someone is helping them spread news of Lorch's crimes.
Bigotry is a different problem and a different evil than predation. One can be committed without the other and I'm not interested in splitting hairs over which one is "worse". ALTHOUGH Lily has been caught doing a lot of bigotry of her own, including just now, ON TOP OF being a grooming-predator. For Sai's case I don't think she even compares to Lily Orchard's racism and antisemitism. Sai seems like the kind of person who could learn if she really had to what she said was wrong. Lorch, if she were in Sai's place, would probably demand for days on end that Palestinian donations are inherent scams, that she is the only TRUE ally for both Palestine and then in the next two months delete the post and gaslight her audience into believing she's never said anything about Palestine ever.
Still though, personally, I'm allowed to not like Sai. I can admire her will, I think she's genuinely wanting to help ((she's absolutely a better artist than you, Orchards, stop criticizing Sai's damn art)) but I'm sorry I really don't like her after what happened two days ago. I left the convo because clearly I was making the sitch worse and I'm just not gonna step on Sai's toes about this if that's really how set she and that other blog I was arguing with feel. I'm genuinely hurt; deeply offended. I left. If other people of any other demographic feels differently about Sai I'm not going to get on their case about it. And I think part of the problem is that a lot of people ARE WANTING others to do something about it.
People dislike Sai and the cut of her jib in a serious enough way that they just can't stomach her even when she's on the side of 'good'....that's a really fair thing to do. For comparison, I really love Lindsay Ellis's stuff and agree with much of her takes. This does not mean I think people who say Ellis virtually forgave herself over her canceling are " wrong ". I personally hate being told I only 'stan' Ellis cuz I -"hate poc and Ellis is white so I 'MUST' feel more comfortable with her as a white girl". Not only is that a VERY weighted thing to throw at someone casually for why they must like a reviewer they grew up watching but....wtf!! do you seriously presume everyone who likes Ellis is a white girl? What if I were asian or black and still liked Ellis? What then? Because, if you're at all the kind of person -the kind of Lily Orchard-ish person- to start saying 'you aren't actually bipoc'/'you're a BAD bipoc' over a damn youtube personality that's definitely on you, hon.
I think that was skeleton-bats' problem [one of them] with all this. They can't leave it at Sai being an edgeduchess who used her own disability terms to her advantage and liking- they had to make it a matter of " tolerating Sai = Sai grooming people ". Which was unnecessary, foolish, and deeply insulting.
That's why skeleton-bat, you're also blocked atm alongside Sai. Blocks are created equally on tumblr but you don't need to use them equally. I block serious things like neon@zis and scambots as much as I do people who I know aren't going to listen to me, seem toxic and/or want to fight. I guess that was a blessing since you've been spamming the lily orchard tags with shit on everyone else who so much likes Sai or doesn't agree with you???
Look here- we are a bunch of adult strangers who at most found some comradery with each other over our mutual hurt, pain and anger at what Lily Orchard has done to us or to other people. We are not a fan base or even an anti-fanbase. With those of us who have actually known and hurt by Orchard and her fans, maybe don't insinuate that they're ally is now their 'savior' or that their personal beefemy is the same thing as their abuser.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this after awhile and focus on the bigger picture. If someone is here because they honestly want to see Lily Orchard go down because of her predation/gaslighting/grooming/bigotry, that person is your ally in this fight whether you like it or not. Sai is. That's how this works.
If someone says they want to see Lorch go down but really is more preoccupied with her being trans or 'progressive'(phony or not doesn't matter to people who unironically use 'woke' in 2024), wants to see a dumpster fire or is playing devil's advocate for Lily because "her critics are just as bad!! 8U"...enjoy your block too, hon.
We have a serial groomer to catch and make sure she doesn't hurt anyone again.
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