#but they literally just killed off everyone???
mrsunder · 1 day
Ever since I made that post about Alone with the little joke about him being Ghoap baby I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Like imagine Soap (who isn't dead because fuck activision) finding this hulking monster while doing zombie clean up and thinking it's Ghost at first but Laswell swears up and down (and even shows him proof) that Ghost is safe. After he sees his own familiar tattoo and the unmoving arm he thought was just shadowed behind its back was actually darker skinned... he realizes what it is and is both SUPER PISSED and hesitant.
He knows what these monsters can do… but he can't bring himself to kill Ghost even if it's not actually him. He'd never sleep again if he had to put a bullet between Ghost's eyes himself. (he didn't think about the arms, didn't want to think too hard about what they were trying to do that resulted in a three headed monster and signs of the entire 141 on its body) So he just sits down in the room he found it in, stays close and lets the thing engage first while trying to be as little of a threat as possible. (It's the STUPIDEST thing he's ever done and Ghost absolutely tell him that as loudly as possible when they eventually meet up again) It takes a while, but when it sees his tattoo and realizes they share a mark on their skin Alone decides that Soap is clearly Like Him and now Soap has his very own Giant Murder Child. He goes back to the 141 because he can't keep doing what he's doing while also trying to care for Alone with just the hands off help Laswell can provide and the only reason they have a Calm Discussion and they don't all throttle him for faking his death is because said murder child doesn't quite understand different levels of violence and would just assume they're attacking him. It obviously takes a while for them to really get behind having Alone around (especially Ghost for REALLY OBVIOUS REASONS) but eventually they all realize he's got some kind of humanity in him. He was able to be taught to use a gun and doesn't just run around killing everyone he gets his hands on like the other monsters they were shown after Soap's return. While he has issues speaking because of damage to his body and how the side heads attach to the main one, they're able to teach him to read, write, and how to use BSL. It's slow going, but they make progress. Soap retires to a nice secluded place after a while so he can dedicate more time to helping Alone. Ghost follows along behind him because he's not going to let Johnny out of his sight ever again. (Price and Gaz visit often because Ghost wasn't the only one waking up from nightmares of Soap's "death") Alone will be as close to a fully functional person as he can be (what with the multiple heads, arms, random body jerking, and being a literal monster making it a bit hard to just go get a normal 9 to 5). He just needs to be taught what he missed because he was "born" fully grown. He'd probably either take up Soap's place with Laswell and get to go happily rip zombie heads off or join Kortac because they make a him a damn good offer (and if he threatens to tear out the throat of anyone that so much as looks at the 141 wrong, well that's just between him and his fellow operators).
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i'll never get over micah's death. it's just so layered.
it's oddly funny, the way his reaction to literally getting shot was "you got me good", the way he walked away and practically shrugged before dying as if he said "oh well, that's it i guess".
it's a bit tragic to me. i know, i know, everyone loves killing him, it was revenge for arthur, but i can't help it. he got caught off guard by dutch because he never expected him to turn on him. it was confirmed that dutch was a sort of father figure to him, at least he wanted him to be. in the end, that same person aided his death. all that talk of victory and he got cornered in the snow, three against one, his back turned and exposed to the world in a way he never allowed in life.
it was as in character as much as it wasn't. he said there's nothing but living and dying, not much point in anything. he gave into death in much the same "it is what it is" way. on the other hand, his central idea being "survival", you would expect him to put up more of a fight. there was no anger, bitterness, groveling. instead he went out quietly.
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literally so obsessed with the in-universe media personalities in the silt verses. sid wright, a human sacrifice to a god of labour and grind culture, who was forced to stay awake and broadcast for weeks on end with practically no breaks until he became the concept of sleepiness. diane stone, sid's replacement, who came into the job fully aware of what would happen to her, like cattle walking into a slaughterhouse, you see the blood of your predecessors, you know what the machines do. sam kincannon, apparently the only interviewer in the entirety of the peninsula who should rightfully have been a video essayist in another life, and who the entire fandom somehow collectively decided has a fuckass bob cut without even consulting each other about it. chuck harm, an on-the-ground news reporter for news from nesh, and the personification of the fawn fear response, keeping up his perpetual newscaster tone while in the midst of a battle, who doesn't hesitate for even a second to become a cameraman for an aspiring god who just killed everyone around him, and can come up with shit like "flesh-eating baby" off the top of his head.
i love them all very dearly and i hope they're all at the club in another life.
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sepublic · 8 hours
Hunter is NOT Luz’s brother, he’s not a Noceda, he’s not even that important to her compared to many other relationships Luz has and vice-versa. Like genuinely, go rewatch the show with this consideration in mind, cleanse the fanon for a fresh slate.
People just latched onto them as siblings because they found their Hunting Palismen dynamic funny, but also because they wanted to ward off Lunter. And they couldn’t articulate their dislike for Lunter as stemming from Luz’s longstanding dynamic with another female character being immediately replaced by fans for some white boy who just showed up, so they said they’re actually more siblings. It wasn’t an issue of biphobia it’s just people being tired of fandom inserting white boys into everything.
And FTR I hate Lunter, for the same reason I now hate the Luz & Hunter as Siblings take; It’s the fandom’s obsession with making Hunter more important than he actually is, to the point of replacing Luz’s actual important relationships with him. And hell even replacing Luz herself in her dynamics with her loved ones, because people portray Hunter as more Camila’s child than Luz when Darius is right there.
This fandom has a massive White Favoritism problem with Hunter, and he’s not even a female character he’s another White Boy, the most bland and milquetoast choice to raise as the fandom darling. He’s not THAT interesting and while him and Luz have their parallels and shared trauma and are still friends, what about Hunter and Gus? Or Luz and King, the latter explicitly calls Luz his sister but Hunter sure as hell didn’t! What about explicit on-screen dynamics huh???
ISTFG this fandom is overrun by Hunter content everywhere, he drowns out everyone except the literal main character and even she struggles sometimes! It’s because he’s a White Boy, that’s it. It’s not illegal to like Hunter, but you need to actually appreciate and engage with other characters accordingly instead of acting like that’s illegal. Hunter does the bare minimum and is lauded meanwhile everyone else goes above and beyond and is still overlooked for him.
Stop inserting him into everything we do not need Luz and Hunter angst we can just settle for Luz angst. She has other relationships and priorities you know and there’s so much more to this show than Hunter suffering. Sometimes you’ll even take Luz’s canon angst and give it to Hunter even! And try to make him more of a main character by inserting him into everything but he’s a side character.
So yes, your AU where Hunter is the main protagonist is racist. Especially if it doesn’t even explore Darius as his mentor, and has Eda take his place despite her barely interacting with him. And constantly praising Hunter for being a weird passionate nerd gets aggravating when Luz does the exact same thing but with greater emphasis, but gets ignored in favor of Hunter as she’s relegated to just Lumity.
And all of her additional depth and angst is just ignored for Hunter’s instead, sometimes they’ll even make up angst for him when other characters actually have it; I’ve seen popular fanart of a Luz moment where Hunter is in her place. Because fandom will sooner micro-analyze Hunter’s hands for nothing, than Luz going on a suicidal rant.
They’ll cradle Hunter’s trauma and suffering in their hands as a sacred and delicate subject, gnash at Darius for not being nice; But then sweep over Luz’s trauma and not realize how much certain things affected her, and why it’s fucked up to just ignore that in favor of bad AUs where Luz is a friend to Belos, who prompted a lot of her suicidal depression and scarred her face too.
They’ll insist Hunter should’ve been a bigger part of the finale and that Luz’s nightmare should’ve been her guilt for hurting him, as if it wasn’t already about Flapjack’s death and just her guilt towards ALL of her friends. So you know what, in addition to Hunter not even needing to kill Belos, I’m glad he wasn’t in that final battle and that the show reminded fandom who the actual main characters are (Luz, Eda, and King), which obviously pissed off a lotta people. Because it’s not like Hunter didn’t have major focus in the last two specials and S2B!!!!!!
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Rodydeku headcanons part 1 :)
I'm going insane over these two hggggg-
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(this screenshot from the movie makes me cackle everytime-)
• Rody fell first, no questions asked. Deku fell a bit later when he actually had the time to consider his feelings when he WASN'T fighting villains and dealing with vestiges every three seconds.
• Before they parted after the humarise crisis, they exchanged numbers so they could still talk. And, I kid you not, as soon as Deku got home he called Rody immediately. Rody played it cool like-- "damn, miss me already hero??" As if he hadn't been staring at Deku's contact for the past ten minutes wanting to call him but not wanting to seem like he missed him or anything (he really, really missed him).
• From then on, they pretty much call each other every other night when they're free, giving each other general updates (or just to hear each other's voice) (Rody's like kicking his feet and twirling his hair during these calls-)
• Rody's contact for Deku is "mass murderer (heart emoji)" the heart emoji was added a little later on when Rody worked up the balls. Deku's contact name for Rody isn't anything special, just his name with a little ":)" on the side.
• Rody's crush is soooo bad. He definitely keeps up with anything hero-related on the news just so he can talk about it with Deku during their next call.
• I think Rody's voice helps Deku relax a lot, even if he doesn't realize why (keep this in mind, it'll come into play later).
• Rody thinks about the time when Deku spiderman-ed him around Otheon. A lot.
• Deku told everyone is class 1-A about Rody, more than he talked about the actual humarise crisis.
• During Rody's visit to Japan (in the spin off "team up missions" manga), I like to think he started developing a bit of an inferiority complex to Deku's friends.
• Like, who was he to Deku compared to all these friends that had been through so much together?? Compared to them, he was literally just some guy he saved the world with once.
• It didn't help hearing all the stories about Deku solving villain crisis after villain crisis with said friends.
• Of course Deku didn't think that way, and considered Rody a friend just like he considered everyone in class A a friend (with something a little extra there but he hasn't realized that yet).
• Deku once sent a picture of him and Eri during a little playdate to Rody the backflip his heart did when he learned that Deku was good with kids-
• Also, seeing Deku get along and be sweet with his siblings almost killed him.
• Sometimes, Pino will steal Rody's phone and send a random cluster of emojis with ninety percent of them being hearts. Deku was a little confused when this first happened, but after Rody (frantically) explained it was Pino, whenever it happens Deku just goes "hi pino!"
• Deku grows to be able to read Rody pretty well, even when he hides Pino from him. Although, having a friend with a built-in lie detector is pretty convenient.
• "Have you been missing me at all??" "Pssh, nah, you cause way too much trouble for me-" *distressed chirping in the background* "PINO." "I miss you too Rody :)"
• Rody pokes fun at Deku for the mass murderer incident all the damn time. "I don't know man, do I really wanna hang out with a mass murderer??" "Oh no, please don't hurt me mister mass murderer."
• Deku going on hero rants and Rody going on plane rants and both of them listening to each other with full attention :( <3
• Okay let's get into the more angsty stuff.
• After the war, and after all the villains escaped tarturus, and planes stopped getting to Japan and stuff, Rody was kinda worried (he was VERY worried).
• He was at work when all the commotion was on the news, and he completely froze when they mentioned UA high school. As soon as he got home, he tried to call Deku to make sure he was okay, but he got no answer. Because by then, Deku had already left UA high.
• Deku didn't want Rody to worry about him, so he pretty much ignored all his calls (feeling incredibly guilty as he did so) (also for the sake of it let's pretend he still had his phone).
• Rody tried so many times to call him, wanting to pull his hair out every time he was sent to voicemail. He was losing sleep just worrying about him, and Rody's siblings noticed. They tried a lot to try and get Rody to cheer up, which he did appreciate despite still being worried.
• He wasn't picking up his phone, and leaving a text just wasn't enough. So, eventually, he decided to leave a bunch of voice messages, as some way to make himself feel better.
• They started off with him trying not to sound too worried:
• "Hey, Deku! It's been a little while since I've heard from you. I know you're probably busy with everything happening in Japan right now. Call me back when you get the chance."
"The past few weeks at work have been exhausting. People are acting like the world's gonna end, but I'm sure things'll be alright. That's why we have heroes like you, right?"
"I was able to take Roro and Lala out yesterday, I sent you the pictures. Did you know Roro grew a whole inch?? Soon he's gonna be as tall as me!"
• Until they eventually grew more and more concerned and desperate:
• "Hey, I saw the news this morning. Japan is in really bad shape right now. Is everyone in UA alright??"
"You are getting these, right? If you have, please at least send me a message saying something. Roro and Lala have been worried, you know."
"Deku, I know things have probably been rough for you over there. For you and everyone else. I know I don't know you as well as your friends at UA, and I know that in the end I can't understand what's happening over there. But whatever you're dealing with right now, I'm willing to listen. So...please. If you're getting these- if you're even alive- just let me know. I'm worried, okay...?"
• At some point, Rody gave up on trying, only hoping that somehow Deku was okay, and that maybe he just wasn't getting his messages.
• But Deku was. And he listened to every single one, resisting to the urge to send him something, or call him. But he told himself it'd cause Rody more trouble if he responded, so instead, he just listened to each voicemail over and over, finding comfort in Rody's voice (he also looked at pictures of him with his friends for comfort as well but this isn't about them/j).
• After class A dragged Deku back to UA by the ear, once he was finally able to rest, he couldn't help but think about Rody and finally responding to him, but he wasn't sure what he would say, and he had a bunch of other things to worry about at the moment, so it slipped his mind.
• But eventually, as Rody was laying in bed thinking about Deku (as he had been doing for the past few weeks), he decided to try calling him again cause god damn it why not. He wasn't expecting a response, but at least he could say he tried.
• And to his surprise, Deku answered.
• At first, Rody just kinda sat there in shock, trying to process the sound of Deku's voice. And finally, weeks worth of emotions came spilling out and he just started ugly sobbing while yelling at him and questioning where he's been. Deku tried to calm him down a little, which only made Rody even more upset because how DARE you tell him to calm after you up and disappear for weeks without any sort of communication!!
• Knowing Rody's anger was justified, Deku told him he'd explain everything. And he did.
• He spent the next hour explaining everything that had happened to Rody. From the very beginning. How he was originally quirkless, how he got one for all, one for all's vestiges, the league of villains, All for one, Shigaraki. He explained everything, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he did so. Rody, though confused and confounded, listened intently.
• Once he was finished, Deku apologized profoundly for not telling Rody any of this, and how he just didn't want him to be put in danger. That's when Rody realized just how big the burden Deku had been carrying all this time, all by himself, truly was.
• "You've already put me in danger once before, hero." Rody said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Deku let out an weak, involuntary laugh. "You didn't have to hide this from me...you listened to all voice messages right? I meant it when I said I was willing to listen. You really don't have to carry that all by yourself..."
• Deku really couldn't help but sob once again at the support he got from one of his dear friends. And hearing Deku cry, Rody said he was a crybaby while also starting to cry as well.
• Just like that one time, both of them started to laugh together while still crying.
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I love them so much :(
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rpg-elf-girl · 2 days
I have a lot of thoughts right now about the latest episode (14)
Here's your warning to watch the episode before reading the post:
Okay okay okay
So I went back and watched the sequence of the whole Ace body discovery to try and see if there's anything there after the whole tape debacle this episode.
Here's a little recap of what happened for reference (episode 6 ~ timestamp: 18:36-21:55) :
-Teruko and Eden go to the workout room and see Nico over Ace, They run off
The tape is clearly by Aces feet here and remains there for some time
-The girls have a talk about the situation, Eden freaking out, and Teruko suspects Nico
-Teruko starts investigating, & Eden says she needs to process what just happened, Teruko tells her to sit down and not to touch stuff
-Teruko does her investigation she points out the tape here
-Eden comes over and offers to help after a little bit of this
-Teruko starts to investigate Aces body
-Ace gets up screaming and knocks Eden down
(it's about here the tape dissappeard)
-Eden gets up, surprisee Ace is alive
-after some more screaming Ace bolts out of the room and after Nico
-MonoTV promptly kicks everyone out
Okay, so I have some thoughts about all this. Character and story wise I have a hard time believing Eden did this but I don't think it's possible for Ace to have stolen the tape or mimicked the crime.
I can get behind him killing motive wise, but not with the method presented here.
The mans been scared to death since the start, got even more paranoid after the first case, literally everyone shits on him, he overheard Teruko saying he'd probably die, theres Veronikas whole disection of him in the cafeteria fight scene, and now he's nearly been murdered. So him getting paranoid and desperate isn't too far off. Also, him having nothing to do with Arei would be a good cover for him, so I don'treally count that as a defense of him.
That being said according to Nico, he woke up mid murder and fell unconscious again. How much of the method could Ace have possibly seen? Also, something that strikes me as odd is something in this image:
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Ace's hands are covered in blood, so even if he theoretically grabbed the tape, wouldn't there also be blood on it? How would he hide it when using it for Arei's Murder?
Also the minute he woke up he was the center of attention, so I highly doubt he would even have time to properly hide the tape from both Teruko and Eden, or that he'd even be thinking of that the second he wakes up from nearly dying.
So because of all that, I don't think it's possible for him to be the killer here.
Opportunity wise, Eden has the most chance at staying undetected, seeing as she was on the floor around when the tape disappeared. She also had the opportunity when she was resting to observe the crime scene so she could more easily figure out and mimic the murder method.
That being said, Eden as a killer confuses me so freaking much, I feel there has to be some curveball here????? Like she'd have to have a pretty clear head directly after seeing a whole ass body so?????
I get Arei said she's likely not as innocent as she appears, but this feels like a bit much. Unless she's being blackmailed leading to some traitor reveal? It's really hard to say.
Anyway, that's my two cents here.
The two people I thought would least likely be the killer are the two main suspects, and now my brain is soup.
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allastoredeer · 3 days
I dunno why when it's radiostatic then I'm either indifferent or sometimes, rarely as it is, even like top!Alastor but when it's radioapple then even a thought about top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer makes me wanna to gouge my eyes out haha
Samsies, Anon XD When it comes to radiostatic, I don't mind top!Alastor. I've actually like it on a few occasions of Alastor domming Vox. It's delicious. It's exquisite. Very yummy.
I think its the fandom-wide depiction of top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer that turns me off from that dynamic. With Vox, Alastor gets to be more himself. He's not turned into this super suave alpha male dude (probs because Vox already fits that bill LMAO). Alastor gets to keep his fun and silly characteristics. I've seen more fan art of Alastor in a dress in radiostatic than radioapple, and I would like to thank the radiostatic community for contributing to my health. Thank you for putting my pookie in a dress, he looks amazing and beautiful just like he should.
And Vox gets to be his silly self too. He's still a boyfail. He's a mess. He's suave and charming, but obsessive and goofy at the same time. They match each other's freak.
From what I've seen, radiostatic typically feels closer to their canon counterparts than a lot of radioapple, which might be why I've been so drawn to radiostatic lately.
Their dynamic is so much more complicated and interesting than a lot of radioapple too, which is INSANE because Lucifer is literally the King of Hell, a prideful son of bitch, and an insecure, depressed mess who's been shown to despise Sinners. Alastor is a silly, girlpop, murderous Overlord who's rise to power is a mystery to EVERYONE (that should've been also impossible considering the assumption that he killed the other Overlords), he had an immediate dislike towards Lucifer that was never explained or expanded on, AND he's slowly been driven to (more) insanity because someone owns his soul, and that someone could very well be Lilith, Lucifer's ex-wife. THESE TWO ARE SUCH TASTY, COMPLICATED CHARACTERS AND RADIOAPPLE SHOULD BE THE TASTIEST OF SHIPS.
And yet, they're starting to feel like the oatmeal of ships. Bland and boring.
Don't get me wrong, I DO like radioapple. I do. I promise. I wouldn't be writing radioapple fanfic if I didn't. But it is hard to find enjoyment in the ship when most of what I see turns the characters into tropes and caricatures that strip them of all their tastiest qualities.
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sirianasims · 14 hours
The Don Diaries
Most people have gone to bed, but as Nathan leaves, the night takes a decidedly weird turn.
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Big yikes. Sidney, having just found the love of his life, politely declines and takes his protein plate to bed with him.
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We quickly send Don out to distract her messy ass. I mean, if Gina is in a flirty mood...
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Miracle immediately appears out of nowhere and I've started to imagine the JAWS theme whenever she's nearby 🦈
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Miracle. Miracle, go to bed and leave them alone, they're having a moment here.
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Wait, what's this? Don, don't! You better be telling her that marriage is not an option!
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Whatever he actually said about marriage, Gina is pissed off and chews him out. I don't think you're getting lucky tonight, my guy.
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Everyone goes to bed upset, but a little later, Don wakes up early to watch a movie. Alone, until...
🦈 cue JAWS theme 🦈
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Miracle immediately appears and moves in for the kill. Don is an easy target, sad that his not-girlfriend Gina is mad at him.
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Don. Don, she literally shares a room with Gina. Are you sure this is a good idea?
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Sigh. I worry that Don will end up learning some things the hard way soon.
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Right now, though, he doesn't care.
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droidders · 21 hours
Transformers One review
I'll start off with a non spoiler review.
First of all, amazing voice acting especially from Chris Hemsworth and Brian Tyree!! I didnt think Chris would be able to do a good orion/optimus voice but boy was I WRONG. They did amazing. Scarlett Johansson's voice for Elita was an amazing pick and keagan michael for bee's voice is also good.
Stellar voice acting with so much emotion!!
The animation is amazing. And the way they showed the world of cybertron is amazing. The world building in this movie is so good, i seriously feel like cybertron is a real planet with real creatures with its own rules, history, culture. They made the planet feel so alive, its insane.
All the characters were likeable, i was really vouching for all of them to succeed in their goals. The movie knows when to be funny and when to be serious, and it can get REALLY serious when it needs to be. The movie talks about real world problems and reflects it so well.
The trailers really made it look like a kids power ranger type of movie. The trailers gave it a vibe of:
"Bumblebee, you go left! D-16, you go right! And Elita.. well, you just be elita."
When the actual movie really wasnt. I kept my hopes low cause the trailers weren't really hyping me up that much and i didnt expect much from the movie overall but holy moly my expectations were blown away. The movie does have its flaws like any movie but yeah. This genuinely feels like the spiderverse of transformers. Truly amazing.
Overall 9.8/10, amazing job to everyone who worked on this movie, YOU COOKED!!!
I highly reccommend watching it in cinemas. Its worth it, just trust me on this!!!
Waiter! Waiter! I'd like a trilogy of transformers movies that are as good as this!
Id also like to add that this movie is the best transformers movie. And you dont have to be an insane transformers fan like me to like the movie, nor do you have to watch any other transformer movie to understand it. Its a great standalone movie. Its a movie great for both new and old transformer fans and people who are just looking for a good movie to watch.
Now onto the spoiler review
I said all that i wanted to say about the overall movie in the non spoiler review. Here, I'll talk about the actual characters and story.
I had to resist screaming in theaters especially the part where Orion and D16 went to that thruster thing to get a better view of the Iacon 5000 and d16 is all like: "You did all this for me?"
The character development with D16 slowly turning into the monster that is megatron is BEAUTIFUL.
The movie writes d16 in a way that makes us NOT want him to turn evil which makes him slowly turning into megatron and betraying orion all the more heartbreaking. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
Seriously, his descension into evil makes me wanna cry. His unbridled rage towards Sentinel portrayed through the voice acting is just WOW. You can really feel his anger through his voice.
The way his eyes change as the movie progresses is just great. They did great writing him, deep down I really wanted him to be redeemed and for him to NOT turn into a brute like sentinel even though I knew it was inevitable. Some transformations are good, useful even, but in the case of Megatron it was a terrifying transformation thats unfortunately permanent.
Sentinel prime, as much as I hate him he is still such a great character. I hate him so much I love him. THE SCENE WHERE HE WAS BEGGING D16 TO NOT KILL HIM SENT CHILLS. You can feel the amount of fear in his voice. It was a striking contrast to his confident demeanor, his ruthlessness as a 'leader', and he who is the literal killer of the Primes,
to see him BEG for his life truly shows how terrifying D16 is.
A wonderful and entertaining main character. THE SCENE WHERE HE JUMPS OUT OF THE PIT AS OPTIMUS PRIME??? Holy moly that was so badass. AND THE LINE WHERE HE SAYS:
"We could've built the future together."
The expression he made when he saw D16 being absolutely BRUTAL to Starscream as he realizes that his friend is slowly transforming into someone evil is gut-wrenching.
And throughout the first part of the movie he was this reckless character who did stupid things, he had hope and determination unlike anyone. It made me question 'How could this guy possibly turn out to be the strong leader that Optimus is?'
But during that scene where he talked to the other miners and led the High Guard to sentinel made me 100% sure that yeah, this guy definitely can be a great leader. And the way he gave the miners a CHOICE to join him or not. That is PRIME.
Elita was a straight up girlboss. I love how they didn't make her just another love interest for Orion or made her just this girl who was a good fighter. She was sassy, witty, and a hard worker. I almost feel bad for her getting demoted and having to deal with the mess that is Orion, D16 and Bee. But anyways, shes an amazing character, really likeable personality who is way more than just a bot who's a good fighter (which was the impression i unfortunately got from the trailers)
Her pep talk with Orion was both funny and beautiful. She knows how to break someone down with her words and build them back up to be stronger. I loved her. Not to mention her design looks gorgeous??? Probably my fav elita design of all time.
At first I found Bee a strange addition to the movie and I was scared they were gonna make him an annoying character but thank god he really wasnt! He was a great comic relief character who had a lot of funny lines. He adds so much silliness into a serious movie and not in a bad way.
He knew when to be serious and the gravity of the situation with Sentinel being a terrible, corrupt leader. I loved the portrayal of him as this almost crazy guy whos been stuck being alone talking to inanimate objects in a place where all he does is burn trash all day (makes sense as to why he talks so much).
A really good character, thank primus they didnt make him annoying or overbearing.
Lastly, Cybertron itself. THE WORLD BUILDING IS SO GOOD. It's environment, its people (or bots?) make the planet feel so real. All of these cool mechanisms with the road and trains, the landscape during the train scene with the vapor wave-esque sun is just gorgeous. Such a beautiful portrayal of Cybertron that I love.
I personally dont think the movie NEEDS a sequel since the rest of the transformers just takes place after this, but if they make another movie thats as good as this, Im not complaining. If they do make a new movie though, I'll guess that it probably has something to do with the Quintessons or something idk.
Its a really beautiful take on Megatron and Optimus' backstory. And though there are many takes on it like how megatron was a gladiator and not a miner, etc,
This is still probably my favorite take on their story, its a really interesting portrayal of them and their fallout.
Anyways thats the end of my yap, honorable mentions to the music, it helped the immersion of the movie, and its really good.
Do note that Ive only seen it once, i might've gotten some stuff wrong but ill be looking to watch it again somehow in the future. My review may be subject to change but yeah.
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horizon-verizon · 1 day
Something that is rarely mentioned in the context of the maester conspiracy are the suspicious fertility problems among some Targaryen women. I saw people shrug it off as the result of inbreeding, but the Targaryens are quite literally stated to have magical blood and if their genetics worked like the real world genetic does, everyone with any drop of Valyrian blood would be more misshapen than the Habsburgs and be completely infertile by that point, yet Valyria did not collapse due to lack of babies or everyone being disabled. And if that the inbreeding argument truly was the case, then surely most if not all of the Targaryen women would have these issues, yet it’s only a handful of them... at awfully convenient times.
Take Aemma Arryn, for example. She just so happens to die the moment she gives birth to a son Viserys wanted so much (after several miscarriages and one child dying in the cradle, no less) and is immediately replaced by the Faith and Citadel aligned Alicent Hightower, whose machinations start a devastating war, which results in dragons dying out, and with them, magic disappears from the world (just like, per Marwyn, the Citadel wants things to be). Then we get Rhaella, who also has a staggering amount of fertility issues: three miscarriages, two stillbirths, three kids who lived for less than a year. And that is right after Summerhall and the birth of Rhaegar, when the numbers of the Targaryen dynasty were greatly reduced due to the tragedy. Call Aerys mad and paranoid for the precautions he took after Viserys’ birth, and yet it is precisely when the child turns out perfectly fine. Legit, this may be the only thing that Aerys was right to be suspicious about, just that he could not see who was truly to blame.
When Marwyn talks about “who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around”, he may also mean it figuratively, dragons, as in Targaryens.
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I don't remember where I said this online, but I mentioned once how the Targaryens really didn't have issues reproducing amongst themselves before the Conquest once you look at their family trees. And there's no legends or stories of how hard it was for their women to birth kids, not even passed down rumors. And i don't think GRRM did this accidentally, either.
Notice how after the dragons are gone, there's hardly a real, stark pattern of Targ women losing their lives in childbirth like there is before the Dance?
So, anon, thanks for bringing this up and I love the point about Aerys and Rhaegar. It's tragically ironic and very likely. Something had to have made Syrax so crazy (not with Joffrey V, afterwards).
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My Spn Finale Thoughts:
As the ending of a show: 7/10
As the ending of Supernatural : 2/10
Let's start with the super obvious: things that Dont Make Sense.
Dean didn't know vampires were real until some way into s1 (ep16?) and yet knew John's journal almost off by heart, but never saw the clown mime vampires written into the journal? Hm.
At the start of the episode, we have Dean saying something like "to honour their legacies all we have to do is keep living" then literally dies 20 minutes later, completely dishonouring Cas' sacrifice
Where the Hell did Miracle go???
Who was Sam's blurry wife? Why wasn't she in any of the photos on the mantelpiece? Speaking of, where were all of Sam's friends, like Charlie, Kevin maybe, Ellen and Jo etc? Jody and Donna??
Why would Bobby say Cas helped when we don't even get to see him (i will come back to this thought later on)??
Stuff I liked/tolerated:
The CONCEPT of the emotional Sam and Dean talk
OG number plate on Baby
Ellen's Roadhouse
Sam getting to have a family
Stuff I didn't like:
How the emotional talk was done. 1st off, why is the camera focusing on their hands so much, why did they touch foreheads ew? Also Sam's "you can go now" was completely uncalled for like, did he want Dean to die???
Obviously how Dean died. He could have been sent into outer space with the Mark of Cain, he could have been locked at the bottom of the ocean in a Mal'Ak box, he could have stayed in Hell forever, but no. A rusty nail on a hunt he probably didn't even want to do,, he was applying for a JOB.
Jack didn't get to have a childhood and grow up. It would have been so much better for emotional connection to have Jack de-aged to grow up as a normal kid instead of Dean Jr whom we had NO emotional connection to, and only existed to say the same like to Sam that Dam said to Dean.
No representation for the girls or any of the side characters in general.
No resolving Dean and Cas. At this point I wouldn't care what they talked about but they should NOT have only briefly mentioned him just so he wouldn't have to show up.
DEAN DIDNT GET TO LIVE A LIFE. Thats all hes ever wanted. At some points even more than Sam. He had a job application and could have made himself a life but no it was his destiny to die like that or something (more on this later too). Tbf id rather him live his life alone than with a random person we've never seen before (that or Cas but they obviously couldn't choose that one)
My idea of what Actually Happened (aka Chuck Won Theory):
They try to separate the idea of destiny and Chuck's pre-written path, but they are one and the same. 15x20 is exactly the unsatisfying, mediocre ending Chuck wants to punish them with.
Dean's heaven is designed to make him want to stay. Everyone he loves within reach, the mention of a Cas that isn't in the empty (leaving Dean with no motivation to free him of hes 'already out') and the promise Sam will eventually arrive.
Chuck's ending still happened. One of them still got killed. Chuck's still pulling the strings and they are all still in the Hamster Wheel.
Overall: it ended the show. It didn't end Supernatural.
@hostofthepersever @duomaxwellandducks
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jackiepackiee · 3 days
𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇 𝐻𝒞
𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁! 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲/ 𝑀𝓊𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓇𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓂𝒾
@zandik-kidnaz request
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It’s not too often that Muichiro sees something he is taken aback by so much he stops
He is the sort of boy who doesn’t look twice, acting at first and not backtracking
Then… he met you
Wings on the back of your head, perfectly entangled with your hair
Soft and bright skin, such kind and gentle eyes
You even had eyes on the back on your hands!
He never before considered beauty to be a factor he cared much more… but wow
You changed his mindset a little
He didn’t for a second think you were a demon
Even with your otherworldly appearance
He knew demons
Their coldness, hunger, and evil eyes
A sort of aura of destruction
But not you
You seemed to brighten up everything you came in contact with, not kill
And he was floored
He follows you around like a puppy, unaware of anything else
Staring at your wings and comparing them to the clouds he sees
He’ll even make paper airplanes the same colors as your wings
If you get closer, he doesn’t ask very many questions
It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s actually the opposite
He doesn’t want to come across as rude he also just don’t mind too much for details
The mist hashira may have a lot to learn, but an angel would definitely help ;)
Sanemi is a man… a complicated man
Even if you are the kindest, and most loving person on earth he won’t immediately be kind to you
It’s not that he doubts your credibility in kind character, he is just like that
He doesn’t want to become to close with anyone
Now… when you first met
He is ashamed to say it, but he did mistake you for a demon
It’s not that he was going to attack, he is just so paranoid
Ready to fight anything and everything
That’s until he really looks at you
A gentle smile that takes your whole face in expression, eyes that seem to comfort him wordlessly and reassure him everything is okay
He freezes… how could one person be so perfect?
As you get closer, don’t expect many questions from him
It’s not that he’s not curious, he’s actually dying to know
It’s simply that he doesn’t wanna come off as overbearing and he’s afraid of offending you
When you two get together most everyone is surprised
How is that hotheaded man with a literal angel?!?!
It’s easy, your kindness is perfectly reflected by his
He’s just not the best at showing it
He always makes sure to detangle any hair of yours that gets stuck in your wings
And holds your hands/waist gently as to not bother your eyes
He is immensely protective
He would do anything to keep you safe
Especially with how you are, he trusts very few people with you
The wind hashira is a harsh man, so an angel is just what he needs
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 days
It's the anon of the erm bsp "found family" mistreating Killer again
Killer, stage 2, he's fine with this life. He has a purpose, do these things his boss tell him to do. The things always have something new in store. So, he gets what he wants, no reason to care about being sorrounded by lovebirds.
But then the truce happens. Now the only 'missions' would be shopping sprees, but Killers not trusted with that either. So Killer gets nothing new. To make up for that, he tries getting something new out of his co-workers instead. There's probably plenty of things that could give Killer what he wants, but the others doesn't help him figure things out. They don't help him with his problems and needs as they do each other. He already messes with them a bit, but now with nothing else to sustain, he makes it everyone else's problem. And they HATE him for it.
Killers constantly bothering everyone else, maybe playing with their feelings or messing with their stuff. It makes him all the more insufferable. No one is happy with this, not killer either.
Also thinking about another thing... Killer having times when everything gets too much and he gets really anti social. Or more like, he shuts up for once and doesn't keep his constant grin. It's so obvious that he's not okay but that fact is so easily ignored because the others just don't care. Killer shows that an insult actually hurt him and they'd just brush it off or think he's being dramatic "because that's the kind of person Killer is
Hello bsp ‘found family’ anon (for lack of a better nickname 😔) 👋. Glad to see you again, and I love that idea.
Especially given how i think boredom would probably be the worst sensation/feeling for Stage 2. It’s overwhelming and probably extremely aggravating. Denying him access to something new, novelty, is probably akin as to locking him in a dark room for years on end or like, extreme sensory deprivation.
To him, it’s literal torture. To them, it’s just killer being annoying and acting out for attention. Even as he gradually escalates into increasingly more and more self destructive and violent behavior, unable to communicate his needs because he’s so dissociated and disconnected from them.
There may even be a period where he lashes out at all of them by continually killing himself and Resetting, if he’s able to in Nightmare’s castle, forcing them to relive the same day over and over until they give him..something, he wouldn’t have the words to explain it in a way they’d understand.
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aihoshiino · 12 hours
Chp 160 was so??????? that I am straight up unable to form an opinion on it.
Like I can see the story going one of two ways. 'Kamiki is the evil mastermind actually he faked his reaction to the dvd' or 'Kamiki is playing the villian but is actually not the culprit'
And like both directions have massive problems.
The former would mean that the movie (which we spent nearly 40 chapters on) amounted to fucking nothing. Other characters ominous talking about Aqua trying to kill his father with it? Ruby's so called revenge arc? Nah, that meant nothing, the movie didn't do a damn thing.
And while I prefer the latter interpretation as it's the tonally and thematically consistent way, it would also mean that Akasaka has been circle-jerking us with the 'Kamiki is an evil serial killer.' -> 'No wait actually he isn't.' -> 'SIKE, HE IS EVIL.' -> 'Nvm he isn't.' for some inconceivable reason.
It's a mess no matter how you slice it, honestly I am so tired of oshi no ko and I just want it to be over already.
In general, I just don't know why we're having a second confrontation with Kamiki. Narratively and emotionally, it's redundant - having him come back into the story and get his final resolution would be fine but playing out Yet Another Big Dramatic Showdown between him and Aqua just falls so flat for a number of reasons. We've already had the huge release of tension that was Aqua and Kamiki facing off like nearly an entire volume ago and everything that was emotionally riding on that confrontation was emotionally resolved. I know some people are still mad that Aqua didn't hit Kamiki with an orbital laser or something, but the absolute fucking gutpunch that was 153-154 was so incredibly effective and also just more interesting than this much more generic standoff. Not only is it kind of mid on its own merits but I feel like it retroactively makes that first confrontation weaker because like... it ends up not really mattering and we get a take 2 where Kamiki is acting like an entirely different character.
@yuseirra made an excellent point in their discussion of ch159 which is that (thematically speaking) the movie has to be the method by which Aqua achieves his revenge because Ai's tragedy was the result of the public's perception of her. If it isn't able to do that then not only was that arc just kind of a waste of everyone's time, reader and character alike, but it means the movie itself as an object in the narrative loses what little shaky thematic ground it has.
An issue the Movie Arc always had that it never really engaged with to my satisfaction is the underlying discomfort of watching Ai's life being turned into a movie. I said this over and over as the arc was ongoing, but there's something almost repulsive about taking this character whose life was warped and eventually ended up the exploitation of the entertainment industry and the voyeristic gaze of the public and indulging in that voyerism by creating fiction out of her life, chopping it up and outright making shit up to invent a version of her that the public can devour. It claims to be a movie about 'Ai Hoshino' but literally and explicitly fictionalizes the most pivotal events and relationships in her life - the 'Ai' of 15 Year Lie is just as fake as 'Ai of B-Komachi', just sold with an even more insidious lie to make her go down a little sweeter.
If the manga actually engaged with this idea or was even the slightest bit aware of this underlying discomfort, the Movie Arc as a whole would've been much better off for it and so would all the resolutions in the arcs following that rely on it as foundation. But as it stands, the movie is thematically dead on arrival and the fantastic emotional resolutions we got out of it, in spite of everything, have been seemingly retconned into irrelevance.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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oh, uh, this...this isn't Silver's backstory after all.
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assiraphales · 1 year
one of the funniest things is during all nine episodes luffy did not actively have one single plan except "become the worlds greatest pirate and find the one piece". he spent at max a month? less? at sea and everything he accomplished (taking down FOUR feared pirates in like a week, stealing the grand line map, finding a faithful and loyal crew, getting a bounty of 30 million on his head, etc) was mostly by accident. he stumbles into trouble and then proceeds to become the trouble
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