#but these ones sticked
inkspottie · 15 days
How did Seb get his scars? I see you have him have some so are they from Vicisstude or something else?
Most he got in the ten years between the breakout and becoming the fish man!
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The circular scars are injection points. I always liked the ones they used in Resident Evil for Sherry (the movie version) and wanted to use those for Seb. As well as some scars from getting his blood drawn.
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And these ones are from him picking off his skin/scratching himself. He had moments where he tried to rip his scales and it left scars.
He also has scarring around his third arm from it forming so quickly. It’s almost like a stretch mark but has the thick scar material.
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mangozic · 5 months
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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precariouswizardry · 1 year
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luckyitslynn · 5 months
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the squad is simply wearing factual drip
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therealraewest · 3 months
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Laios cuts the tags outta his clothes like an autistic king confirmed
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nouverx · 7 months
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Louise never heard about puppy love, cause they don't know that term in France 💔
Lyrics are from Louise by TV Girl ! I was listening to it yesterday and that specific line on the second page screamed Alastor I just had to draw something about it
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thatgirlonstage · 4 months
Okay okay I wanna play
Spin the wheel for a Shakespeare character!
Reblog for sample size, etc. Would love to hear what you got + reasoning in the tags!
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kiyoramen · 2 months
When you started dating Tobio, you quickly took notice on his meticulousness and diligence when it came to his sport. This included taking a jog every morning without fail, filing his nails, writing in his volleyball journal, and eating the right meal. But this… this takes the cake.
“Tobio… what do you need all these shoes for?” you ask dumbfounded while standing in front of his wall filled with shelves of identical volleyball shoes.
He blinks at you before he grabs a pair and fiddles with it, “I couldn’t throw them away.”
“Yes? But why do you need this many? And identical ones at that? Did you not think to purchase a different design?”
“The mid-sole gets worn out quickly if you play every day,” he explains, “and a different design might feel different…”
You nod and take one, noticing a tag inside that has numbers on it, “but why keep them?”
“It has some sentimental value,” he says blushing, “actually this one,” he takes the shoe from you, “I was using during the time I met you.”
You beam at this, “That’s cute, Tobio! I didn’t know you were the sentimental type.”
A month later during one of your dates you gifted him a new pair of shoes.
“Don’t worry about the design! It’s the same model and brand, just a different colorway.”
He nods, his eyes sparkling as he inspects it.
“Do you like it?”
He looks at you and smiles, “I love it.”
He didn’t use the shoes during the regular season and the VNL games, claiming it was too precious to wear. So imagine your surprise to see your boyfriend on television during the Olympics wearing the shoes you bought him months ago.
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chiropteracupola · 3 months
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a little victorian boy and his elderly maiden aunts
[i love @pangur-and-grim's weird cats and wanted to draw them beatrix potter style]
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egophiliac · 1 year
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just something I wanted to try! (tumblr please don't absolutely destroy this, thank you)
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onenicebugperday · 6 months
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Purple stick insect (adult female), Orthonecroscia keatsooni, Lonchodidae
Photographed in Malaysia by Nicky Bay // Website // Facebook
Shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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violent138 · 6 months
During Tim's early days, the principal called Bruce once to report that Tim had a lot of bruises.
Bruce, pretty sure he knows where this is going: "Well there's a reasonable explanation for this--"
Tim, kind of sheepish: "It's from the Bo staff."
Bruce, turning fully on the chair to look at him.
Tim, fidgeting a little: "I've been practicing kind of a lot with it recently."
Bruce, suddenly incredibly proud: "Yes," turns back to the suspicious principal. "He insists on getting into these really niche extra curriculars. For college."
Principal, looking between them: "Bo staff? What is that, exactly?"
Tim: "I can show you if you like? Do you mind?"
The principal shrugs and Tim steps out, returning with a broom.
He does a one handed figure eight spin and wipes the Principal's mug right off the desk, causing it to shatter on the floor.
Tim: "Oh shit."
Bruce, speaking over the principal, standing up: "Excellent, just loosen your grip a little more."
Tim, rolling his eyes: "It's a pretty basic move B, and you know it--"
Bruce, excited that Tim's taken an interest: "Just the beginning, tonight we'll practice some real moves, build your repertoire in defense and offense--"
Tim, grinning: "I'd like that, I've also been working on--"
Principal, clearing her throat: "I think I've seen all I need to see."
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lotrmusical · 2 months
poll time. yes this is just a ploy to get people to recommend me poems
if yes, let me know which poems/recite some for me in the tags!
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greenglowinspooks · 2 months
DCxDP where Danny moved to Gotham to escape Amity, and decided to become an EMT to fulfill his obsession, since he’ll be found if he tries to go out as Phantom.
He encounters the bats as both civilians and vigilantes, and they’re consistently amazed (and suspicious) of his ability to survive things that by all means should kill him, and to save others in the process.
Still, despite their suspicions (or maybe because of them), several of the bats befriend Danny, and make a point of making sure he’s doing okay during larger scale threats to Gotham.
Still, they never have any solid proof of anything abnormal about him until one of the bats dies in action.
It doesn’t really matter much how it happened. Maybe they suffocated on smoke, maybe they drowned, maybe they were beaten or strangled or shot. What matters is that they’re definitely dead, and they’re not getting back up.
…Until, that is, Danny removes his gloves, rubs his hands together, and uses the little control he has over electricity to force their heart to start to beat, their lungs to expand and contract. Until he uses a thin sheen of ice to cover their more serious wounds, and helps the bats at the scene to move them to the Batmobile.
Maybe, perhaps, Danny’s cover as a normal civilian was blown after that.
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mrjeremyman · 4 months
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Phillip: absolute trouble maker, will escape and will cause chaos. Has to be separated from the group sometimes because he will start fights.
Gregory: Polite and gentle young lad, loves his berries. Ghost tends to let first time rat handlers hold him first to get a feel as Gregory isn’t fussy.
Ivo: Most skittish but over all nice. Never bites, will go bald soon.
Toms: most energetic and curious rat, is usually the one scrapping with Phillip. Fussy eater, might bite of feeling moody. But on a good day, very happy to get pets and to be held. Might run away if too excited.
I love them. So much.
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evilwizardcrab · 10 months
my main grievance with the tma fandom is that JonMartin is just, an Objectively Bad ship name. I'm sorry but in a world of Lonely Eyes, Door Keays and Terminal Velocities fucking Jonmartin? seriously?? Jon and Martin? yeah i sure hope it does. that is certainly the two main components of that ship. 10,000 people following the ship tag, 9900 fics on AO3, over 5 years of podcast and not a single person managed to popularise a ship name beyond literally just. smokshing their first names together. and don't get me started on "Jmart". that's not a ship name. that's a cornershop 12 year olds go to buy monster. wheres the magic? the ~spooky~? the "first date is essentially the apocalypse"? we are getting a bad grade in ship names, something that is both Normal To (Not) Want and Possible To Achieve.
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