#but there's also a chance the meds and treatments will make you worse.
suncaptor · 7 months
One thing about healthcare & medicine is that there are certain things that are life altering and life saving that are imo often worth (cautiously) trying. but they are not going to be helpful for everyone at all no matter how many tools within the system are used, and that's the system failing the person, but instead of the acknowledgement, it's flipped around and become even more damaging to the person than it could ever be helpful.
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scientia-rex · 4 months
Hi Dr. Kristophine, do you have any advice on what kind of information doctors need for medical issues that are more nebulous than "my knees hurt"? I've been feeling Weird and Bad in a way that has me concerned, but I'm afraid to make an appointment because I don't know what to say that will get the Weird and Bad feeling across in an actionable way. Going to the doctor takes SO much energy that I don't have to waste and I don't want them to just take a blood test and say everything's fine go home (again).
The best thing you can do with medical information you're trying to prepare for your medical provider, as a lay person, is be as specific as possible.
-Location: Is it one place in particular, or everywhere? Does it stay in one place, or move around?
-Timing: When did it start? Did it come on suddenly or slowly? Does it happen continuously? Does it come and go? Is it always there to some extent, but it gets better and worse? On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being fine and 10 being the worst you can imagine, how bad is it at its best, and how bad is it at its worst? How much time does it spend really bad vs only kind of bad?
-Quality: If it's pain, is it aching, burning, stabbing, dull, electrical zap, etc.? If it's not pain, what is it? Is it discomfort? Is it weakness--i.e., you can't do that thing? Is it fatigue--like maybe you can still push through doing the thing but it feels like you're trying to wade through mud to do it? Is it a racing heart, sweating, pressure?
-Triggers: Does something in particular set it off? A time of day, a food, an action, a medication, a thought? A surprisingly common trigger for migraines is sitting still with your neck in one position. (New research suggests that necks are critical to migraine formation, to which I yelled out loud at the paper, no duh!) There may be triggers you haven't noticed; try keeping a symptom diary, where you note down when you have episodes and what you were doing beforehand, what you ate that day, menstrual phase, etc. Any detail that you can remember, whether or not it seems relevant at the time.
I cannot tell you how many times I've dug deeper into a chronic issue only to discover that the patient can, in fact, tell me what the trigger is, but because it's something important to them, they simply haven't noticed. May subconsciously even avoided noticing. Do you get migraines every time you DM? Do you need to work a stretch break into your D&D session?
There can also absolutely be multiple triggers--I know I'll get migraines if I don't sleep, if I'm sick, if I sit still for too long, if I have dental work, etc.
So bring in all the info you can. Write it down if you're afraid you'll forget. Don't hand it to the MA, too many doctors will go "oh my GOD they brought a LIST how high-maintenance" and tune out. Hang on to it but tell them about everything.
I don't expect patients to be able to tell me "I believe I've had a left radial styloid fracture" but I do expect them to tell me "I fell and tried to catch myself with my left hand and now my wrist hurts," and that's good enough. The rest of it is my job. When it's something more vague, like "I started feeling different and bad about six months ago," any other information helps. Did you start a new med around then? Are you going through menopause? Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you have first-degree relatives (parent, sibling, or child) with genetic disorders, autoimmune disorders, etc.? Do you have a history of anemia? Are you vegan? Have you started having night sweats and unexplained weight loss? Did you recently travel internationally? This can go a lot more different directions than a hurty wrist, so bring in all the info you can.
And keep in mind that modern medicine is very limited--much more so than most people think. There is an excellent chance that medicine will not be able to diagnose your condition. It may still be able to offer treatment. It may fall on your shoulders to manage it as best you can, knowing that doctors don't have answers. Nobody can tell me why I have chronic pain, and I don't mean as in "I've asked doctors and they don't know," I mean "I've personally scoured the literature and had the relevant and appropriate tests and no one can know at this phase of medical knowledge." So I deal with it, I've stopped trying to push myself past my reserves because people who can't admit to ignorance tell me to, I keep my painful body moving because that helps, I do PT, I take a multivitamin occasionally because I know my diet sucks. I manage.
There are not always right or wrong answers--I don't take gabapentin, because I don't want the sedation and kidney exposure, but patients with my exact symptoms might find it helpful and may find the risks and costs worth the benefits. My mother, who has whatever it is that I have, right down to the tricky stomach, from whom I presumably inherited it, has taken medication at different points in her life, depending on how much pain she was in and what other responsibilities she has, and that is perfectly reasonable. Autonomy matters. People have to be able to make these choices for themselves, with assistance but not paternalism from their medical professionals, because the math is different for everyone.
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ckret2 · 1 month
Do you believe bill will eventually get better, even if it takes close to an eternity? Or do you think that is just his destiny, to forever be in denial of his mistakes?
I think on a long enough timeline change is inevitable. One way or another, Bill can't stay the same for an eternity.
He isn't necessarily getting better, though. Meds could leave him brain damaged, brain dead, or dead-dead—that's a real risk in psych wards from overmedication, errors, or adverse reactions to drugs, and I doubt Bill would have complained about the place being overmedicated unless the drugs were actually doing something to him. He could crumble under the stress and end up complying with whatever it takes to get him out of there and leave as a broken husk of who he once was. Or he could get more traumatized, more angry, more defiant, more hateful, spiraling on into infinity.
Psychiatric hospitals are, by and large, awful places to be. In fact the only time I've ever seen positive reviews of a psych hospital are from people who have been to multiple and are relieved their latest one is so much better than normal. A very common happy outcome of a psych hospital stay is literally "I absolutely needed to be there and going was the right choice, and I'll be traumatized the rest of my life because of it." And that's when the psych hospital did well.
The Theraprism uses solitary confinement + total sensory deprivation—which humans use as a torture and interrogation technique—as a punishment. I don't think they're doing it well.
I think Bill can improve—mainly because, frankly, at this point there's not a lot of ways left his situation could get worse—but if he does, at this point? It'll be in spite of the Theraprism, not because of it. It's pretty common in psych hospitals (particularly forensic psych hospitals, where all the patients also have the stigma of being criminals) for the treatment to hold patients back more than help. Things like patients that have committed more violent crimes being scrutinized much more than other patients and thus rated as more unwell than other patients displaying the same symptoms. Or patients objecting to taking a med that makes their mental condition worse, and being written up as noncompliant for it and pushed further back from being released until they agree to take the drug that makes them worse. Or patients having innocent behaviors reinterpreted as signs of mental illness ("keeps a journal" = "pathological need to write").
But he could improve. Maybe being cut off from his powers & his enablers will cause him to think over his life for the first time; maybe he'll make actual emotional connections with fellow patients that help him improve; maybe he realizes "this is the worst place ever, I've GOT to turn my life around" and starts checking out self help books from the hospital library. There's even a very slim chance he might get a competent psychiatrist who listens to him, doesn't assume he's incapable of self-insight just because he's mentally ill, and sees him for more than fifteen minutes once in a blue moon—all of which aren't traits you find in psychiatric hospitals as often as you might hope.
Dandelions can grow from the cracks in sidewalks, and people can improve in shitty psych wards.
But I expect the Theraprism will have to reform before Bill reforms.
I expect even more that Bill will find a way to escape before either thing happens.
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homunculus-argument · 7 months
if you have medication resistant depression i highly recommend tms (transcranial magnetic stimulation). if youve tried a lot of medications already, your insurance may even cover it. it's an 8 week course of daily non-invasive treatments, im on day 18 & it's already been life-changing for me. you go to your nearest tms clinic & sit with a magnet on your head for 20 minutes 5 days a week. it's mildly uncomfortable but it's so worth it. this isnt a scam or an ad, i just want you to know about tms because it's basically a miracle for people like us who dont respond to antidepressants.
i did the genetic testing too & i tried the recommended meds, they still didnt work for me. it might be different for you but if youve already tried a bunch with no results i wouldnt get your hopes up... antidepressants have about a 28% chance of working first try, & that number goes down with every new antidepressant you try. tms has a 60-70% success rate, which isnt perfect, but it's far better than medication with exponentially decreases in odds of working. some people need two or three rounds of treatment to get the full effect, but believe me, it is absolutely worth it & will make you feel cured.
Yeah, that's been up on the table, but we've also been talking about electroshock therapy. The reason why we're tweaking through antidepressants now is because they want to first make sure that there's no medication combos that would work better before resorting to alternative treatments. Nobody involved seems to be entirely sure why they're so reluctant to try something that might work better, but electricity and magnet therapy are on the table, but as a last resort. I'm down to humour them with the antidepressant trials first, it's not like they'd get me any worse.
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ringomess · 1 year
last night i was with my friends and we started talking about medical negligence and our experiences.
i talked about my experience getting an adhd diagnosis and then medication. My diagnosis was declined once, and then when i got it, i was declined medication. now i’m finally on meds but my psychiatrist (from the health insurance) does the bare minimun. and i said “tbh i was just happy that she didn’t deny my adhd” and a friend turned at me shocked and said “what?”. i explained to her that being a woman and an adult it’s so common people deny your adhd.
i also told them my experience when i got my medication declined the first time because the neurologist said “adhd gets cured by adulthood” (i was 18 at that time) and a friend asked me “is that true?” and i explained to her that of course not and it can get even worse if you don’t get treatment.
then the first girl asked me how does adhd affect neurologically. i explained to her that adhd brains have a poorer development of the frontal lobe and again she shocked said “really? i had no idea”. she just sounded so shocked to learn that adhd is a neurobiological disorder. then i also explained to her we lack some neurotransmitters like dopamine and how it affects. she had no idea about anything i told her.
all my friends know i have adhd but they have no idea what that means.
they have no idea my brain is developed different, works differently and process things differently. they have no idea my body doesn’t regulate hormones the same way as them (neurotypicals). they have no idea it’s actually disabling because they can’t see it and the only perception they have of an adhd person is full of stigma.
but tbh, i’m not mad at them. it’s impossible to educate everyone in every single disability. i have no idea about so many disabilities because no one have ever taught me what it is.
i’m glad this friend started asking me about it and i had a chance to explain it to all of them. it makes me a bit sad they don’t know what adhd really is, but i think most of them are interested in understanding me.
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actuallyadhd · 11 months
Hi! Do you have any resources about ADHD and OCD? I was diagnosed with ADHD many years ago and have been on meds for a while that have made a significant positive difference in my life, but recently (aka over the past year) have been wondering if there’s something else going on too. Many of the things I’m noticing and starting to put in context from much earlier in my life don’t seem to line up well with ADHD by themselves, though I do definitely have ADHD. However when I’ve tried to research the overlap between the two, I find a lot of conflicting information (everything from people saying “it’s impossible to have both” or “it’s very common to have both”). If you have anything that could point me in the right direction I’d appreciate it, I know there’s a chance this could be OCD-like symptoms as a result of ADHD, and I want to figure out the best way to approach handling them.
Sent November 7, 2023
I actually used to know someone who had both, and I was well on my way to something related when I was finally diagnosed with ADHD. I haven't looked into it recently, so this was an interesting question to look into. Thank you for that!
First stop was PubMed, which is a catalogue of journal articles in a variety of fields including medicine and psychology. There were a number of results, but the one that looked most interesting was "A prospective investigation of impacts of comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on clinical features and long-term treatment response in adult patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)". It's a really short paper, which sucks, but the takeaways are that if you have ADHD and OCD, the OCD probably started earlier than usual and is probably also more severe. Basically, ADHD makes OCD worse.
After that, I went over to ADDitude because it's a good place to get information that isn't all science-y and hard to parse. Lots of results but the first three that I thought might be most helpful for you are these:
Could I Have OCD? Unpacking Symptoms
OCD and ADHD: The Polar Opposites That Are Not
When OCD and ADHD Coexist: Symptom Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Followers, do any of you have both ADHD and OCD? Which was diagnosed first, and how do you find treatment is going?
Also, just in general, is it helpful for people when I describe how I found the information I share in these posts? Like, is it helpful for me to give you the places I looked and how I did it?
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she-karev · 3 months
A Day in Hell (Amber Karev Angst)
Previous Part
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Fancast: Bruce Greenwood as Ian Talbert
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 1
AN: I wanted to do a story to showcase the hardships health care workers faced when covid hit. The doctors and nurses put our health first during a worldwide crisis and we should be forever grateful for that even without a pandemic to prove what should always be known.
Summary: Amber and Pierce try to convince Ian to get treatment but he refuses and tells them why.
Words: 1008
Chapter Links Here: 1,2,3,4,5,6
April 1st, 2020
Amber stands six feet from Maggie Pierce who explains the severity of Ian Talbert’s condition as he lies in bed with a nasal cannula. He has been coughing violently for three minutes straight that suggest he’s getting worse by the minute. Amber looks at him in pity trying to stay in doctor mode even with a patient she likes.
Ian sips his water before responding to his diagnosis, “I’m dying?”
Maggie explains, “Your lungs have glass opacities which increase the density and make it more difficult for you to breathe. Based on your coughing, the pneumonia is getting worse and we should start heavy antibiotics and keep you here for the next two weeks until you improve. If this persists, we can talk about removing the damaged parts of your lung surgically with your consent.”
“And what happens if I don’t do the meds or surgery? How long?”
Maggie thinks, “Given the rapid progression I would say a night before…”
Ian lays back in bed with a blank face for a few moments before he inhales deeply and coughs out, “No.”
The women look at the 64-year-old confused before Amber asks, “What do you mean no?”
“No treatment.” Amber widens her eyes at that in shock, “Just keep me here until I croak and call my attorney, he’s in charge of the arrangements.”
“Ian…” Amber sits in a chair next to Ian who is coughing lightly, “I know this is scary but there is a chance this could work if we do it now and we do it fast.”
“I appreciate that, really, I do. You’ve all been so good to me, and you’ve made this experience slightly less unbearable. But when this started, I told myself ‘Ian if you get this thing just let it take you and it’ll all be over’ I know that sounds bleak and you think I’m taking the easy way out but I’m not.”
Maggie steps in, “Ian, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. But I care about you, and I want to fight for you to keep going. Now if you want us to stop treatment that is your decision, but I need to know you are absolutely sure about this. It’s a big decision and you need to think about it before it’s too late. We’re at the early stages so survival is possible, you just have to be willing to fight for you too.”
Ian looks at the women in thought before pointing at the three white boards he wrote his equations on, “Can you tell me what you see?”
Amber looks at the math, but she doesn’t recognize the technique as it’s for risk factor, “I don’t know it looks like linear algebra maybe.”
Ian nods, “Your right. This board calculates the odds of having a baby over the age of 30. It also shows the odds she’ll have blonde hair.” Ian points at the second board, “These are the odds of her reading before she’s six. These are the odds of her making cadet sergeant in her high schools ROTC group.”
Ian chuckles nostalgically coughing before continuing, “These are the odds she’ll choose to enlist in the army instead of the air force.”
Ian points at the third board that causes him to freeze with agony written on his face causing Amber and Maggie to look at him in sympathy as they can already guess what the board shows.
Ian swallows and speaks in a broken voice, “These are the odds of her being blown up in an IED explosion in Afghanistan at the age of 22.” Amber looks down feeling sad for a man who knows a pain no parent should ever experience. Maggie sighs and looks up at the ceiling also affected but let’s Ian continue his sad story written on the boards.
“The odds of your marriage surviving the death of your only child…of you losing your job.”
Amber looks up at Ian who is tearing up, “I am so sorry.”
Ian nods, “I know you want me to fight but I don’t have it in me anymore. I’m just so tired, I just.” Ian starts to cough, “I just want it to-” Ian coughs violently causing Maggie to increase his oxygen intake to 90 causing him to breath more easily after a few moments. He lays there still coughing but only slightly.
Ian faces Amber who is still sitting on the chair, “I just want it to stop. Please let it stop.”
Maggie nods understanding this isn’t a light decision, “Okay it’s okay.”
Amber nods knowing there’s nothing they can do at this point, “We’ll make you comfortable and ease your pain with some meds until…I’ll be right here until the end. I swear.”
“Is there someone we can call for you?” Maggie asks, “Someone who wants to say goodbye?”
Ian coughs, “There’s just my ex-wife and I don’t think she wants to see me right now. I wasn’t the best guy after Olivia died certainly not the best husband.” Ian looks at Maggie who frowns in sadness, “Do you think she would care if I…?”
Amber nods knowing no matter how mad she is at him if it was Andrew in bed dying, she would want to know and get to say goodbye before it’s too late, “I would, if I was her, I would care and I would want to say goodbye.”
Ian looks on in thought before deciding, “Can you get me a tablet and leave me to talk to her alone?”
“Of course, Karev?” Amber stands up and exits the room with Maggie, “I have other patients to see, can you monitor and update me if he changes his mind?”
“Yeah. I’ll get his wife on zoom and leave them to talk…I really thought he was gonna make it.”
Maggie nods, “I know…just make him comfortable and let me know when we can contact his attorney.” Amber nods before grabbing a tablet and taking a deep breath before going back inside Ian’s room.
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macabrecabra · 2 years
So, uh, you mentioned you broke ties with an old fandom you were in because the creator wasn't the best. I thiiiiiiink I know what fandom is it, so-- Could you explain what went on in it? (If you'd rather not make this public lemme know, all I can say is that I also ran tf away from that shithole lol)
Oh anon...I could write a BOOK on all the awful shit that went down and how creepy "There is no war in Ba Sing Se" it was whenever you started to get a vibe something was off. Not going into detail as the inner circles of it LOVE to shit talk just about anyone (Probably already has legends of how awful I was for not following the bullshit :I) but will give a small summary of big points: (read more for posterity reasons of not taking up the dash!)
- The exploitation of LGBTQA+ for incel pleasure - Being told non-binary people need to use "proper" pronouns -Having personal OCs rewritten constantly and any protest was seen as a personal insult - Being passively aggressively "punished" for any perceived slight and then told to just forgive the person because of their mental issues -Feeling like a cult where it is built up that if you are "good" you get art and praised, but if you are "bad" you will be punished until you do something to regain favor. Like... there were people who would share they were being put through hell....and just said "just deal with it...he doesn't really mean it. He's a friend!" -Just everything you do is somehow a "slight" when it was 100% harmless.... it made it so stressful to say or do anything. -SUPER PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE. SUPER MANIPULATIVE. Once mentioned taking new meds. Suddenly my meds are the reason I'm just 'not the same" as I was and the meds are making me depressed, clearly NOT the shitty treatment 83 Just...seriously, the more I pulled away, the more fucked up it clearly was. I was barely drawing or making things. I was crying a lot more. I was depressed and anxious, feeling pressured into things. Talking about it only made it worse as I was told to just "get over it" ... since leaving that shit hole, I've been 100% more mentally happy and positive in my life. I'm doing more. I'm active in my life more. I feel more present. And 100% it was because I left that toxic community. I no longer have to police what I say. I no longer have to wonder if what I do will please and maintain a friendship that was always one-sided. I do not have to be there to someone's constant support and be shat on in response...
All I can hope is that it is a community that eventually withers and dies under its own toxicity and doesn't get a chance to hurt others...
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How to know if you need therapy
What's up mother shuckers. As a mentally ill person of many years, with quite the impressive mental illness resume (5 years of PTSD, extra special bonus trauma, 4 years of therapy, and enough meds that I have to split them into 2 doses so I don't get high in the mornings), I remember having to have a D&D show run by a bunch of comedians tell me that it's perfectly reasonable to get medicated for "just" having panic attacks (shoutout to dimension 20). So here's your comprehensive list of when you know to reach out for help!
You are wondering if you need therapy. If you are wondering if you need therapy, you probably do! That's an indication that there's something in your life that you are unhappy with. Even if it's not directly mental health, a therapist can help you figure out what in your life is holding you back, or what needs changed. And you don't need to actually have a mental illness to have therapy, just emotions!
You feel down, melancholy, worried, paranoid, or exhausted a lot. I know that these are all synonyms for anxiety and depression, but those terms can often be stigmatized or only seen as a diagnosis. Either way, if you need someone to help you through those emotions, a therapist might be an option! If you feel like you aren't justified in seeking out therapy because "other people have it worse," a) you are fully justified, and b) it might be helpful for you to take the PHQ-9 and/or the GAD-7. These are both questionnaires that clinicians use to diagnose patients & to get a general feel of their situation and they can give you a general idea of where you fall in the "this is a normal amount of emotions" to "I should actually be kinda concerned."
You don't have any emotions. This feeling sucks majorly. I would rather be anxious. But the good news is, therapists and potentially medications can help you with this!
You are concerned that you have any mental illness. Sure, self-diagnosing might not be great, but it can be a stepping stone on your way to treatment. Not only that, but if you end up with your very own diagnosis, it's much better than just wondering if you do have it. (Spoiler alert: it's fabulous disease. You have it.)
You want someone to talk to. If you don't have anyone you can trust to talk about certain issues with, or if you think that certain issues might make relationships weird, then get a therapist! In the United States it is literally a felony for them to tell anyone what you said (with the caveat that they will snitch if someone is in danger, including you, or if your therapy records get subpoenaed. They will also tell you this in your first session.)
You find yourself on Tumblr. I'm pretty sure that this website is a mental illness in and of itself. Still, a pretty good indicator that you're a little neurospicy (and queer, but that's beside the point).
Therapy is one of the best choices I ever made, even though God kinda had to force me to. I would have died if I didn't pursue therapy. Today I am doing so much better. I have a deeper relationship with God, a loving boyfriend of nearly a year, and an incredible friend group. Not to mention, I am functional and panic attacks, flashbacks, and depressive episodes are exceedingly rare. I am in college now, and pursuing a degree that I love. It does get better, I promise. So, so, so much better. Giving yourself a chance to get better, and I mean a real chance, not just one therapy session and then getting back to writing your note can change your life in so many ways. Ofc, therapy is not the only way to recovery. But it's a pretty good one, and usually a good place to start.
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yandere-isopod · 1 month
yk what, i'll take the opportunity to vent. I've had a really shitty day.
I asked for 1 (ONE) accomodation at work because my physiotherapist said it would be a good idea and it would relieve my muscles of a lot of tension. I was fired because of that. I've been having shitty years since I've developed chronic pain but today takes the fucking cake.
I'm so stupid for trying to get accomodations but it really hurts that I was let go just because I asked for a lower chair so that my neck and muscles wouldn't be so strained. I'm not disabled, I can work and I want to work! I woke up every day at 4 am for this fucking job!!! I took 2 buses just to get there! I'm the first person in last person out, I worked even when I was sick and when my meds weren't working and this is how they treat me??? And you know what I did??????? I kept working even when they told me they had no chairs for me, I said "ok np" AND WENT BACK TO WORK!!!!! LIKE I ALWAYS DO!!!! and then they fired me, now i feel so stupid for listening to my physiotherapist, fuck my mustles idgaf ab my physical health, i needed that job to graduate, i don't even know what i'm gonna do now, i'm still begging them on messages to give me another chance, but i know they won't, i'm a liability, ik i'm dumb and i should've expected this to happen but i've never had chronic pain, this is my first time experiencing this kind of treatment and i'm just so lost, doctors aren't sure when i'll be able to get better and i can't stop my whole fucking life just because of pain, i'm so lost and i wish i could just delete this whole chapter of my life, i wish i could be who i was before i had this thing.
Everything became a struggle, studying, working, exercising, my depression pratically went to the pits of hell, no antidepressant makes me feel better. I hate hate hate HATE living like this and I can't wait anymore and I can't take it anymore!! People tell me "it's not your fault" or "i don't get it you're so young how is your body already like this" or " don't worry things will get better" THEY'RE NOT GETTING BETTER.
My biggest dream is working on a specific field that I know would be bad for my health, but I don't care, it's what keeps me from killing myself, the thought that someday I'm gonna work with what I love, but now I'm terrified that my condition may get worse in a way where I can't even hide it and then I won't be able to work in that field. It's literally my only dream and my only purpose rn and I feel it's getting farther and farther away.
btw nozomi looks like such a cool game!!! I love every little thing u post ab it!
I'm gonna go listen to my favorite songs and pretend I didn't get fired, I hope you and your spouse have a lovely day, you 2 are my favorite internet couple.
Anon I have a very excellent solution to your problem. It involves arson. Also may I suggest arson for the dumb people asking stupid questions. I’m not sure where you live but are there any protections legally for firing someone over an accommodation? Where I’m at they would be in hot water so it could be something to look up. Then arson after, I’ll bring the gasoline. Feel free to toss a vent into my asks any day. I’m terrible with words but I am an excellent listener. <3
Also love that I’ve reached internet couple status with my spouse for you. 💀 this is the highlight of my day.
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vilevexedvixen · 4 months
Like OG Fallout? Play Pathologic!
I've been a fan of various things for literal decades now, but not really participated in any fandom communities until literally this year. I've just been making cosplays, watching videos, drawing fanart and writing fan theories / fiction in my own time. So the very heated aspects of fandom flew me by until now ^^' I do completely get the more angry fellow FNV fans for what Bethesda has done to Fallout (regarding all entries after FNV), and some of the aspects I see people praising most about OG Fallout and FNV are mainly the roleplaying, writing, and bleak setting / vibe.
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And to that I can't help but go "Have you heard of our Lord and Saviour Icepick Lodge?"
Pathologic classic HD and Pathologic 2 are the closest games (in my opinion) that capture the same aspects of OG Fallout and FNV the more angry fans feel they've lost.
You play as one of three healers in an isolated Russian town ravaged by plague. This is going to be more of a ramble of me gushing about various aspects of the game, so I've included a less popular review (love this guy's stuff) to more concisely discuss the game in a more structured way and give an accurate picture of gameplay (which I only really discuss in terms of combat, which is frankly a really small part of it compared to the resource and survival stat management, semi-present fast-travel (at a cost, which changes as circumstances get worse and forces the player to choose between loss of time, energy, money, or risk of infection, when deciding how to get from a to b by forcing players to only fast travel between certain points if they have the right resources, or walk through infected or ransacked districts).
Never before have I sympathised so much with a certified twat (The Bachelor), or been so genuinely excited to discover my character's bf-turned-bitter enemy isn't dead but finally taking a nap.
Admittedly, Classic HD is more linear but that doesn't detract from the story for me, but I definitely think 2 actualises the player freedom classic HD pretended to have.
Also both soundtracks are bangers, but quite different (tribal electronica versus shamanistic horror).
An aspect of gameplay that took a hot minute to learn but is very engaging is the hobo economy bartering system, which subtly changes as time goes by. Different resources such as medicine (which are obviously used up a lot in a plague) become more scarce and expensive. As people get more desperate for essentials like food, they start trading more valuable items like jewellery for it. Kids want seemingly valueless things like marbles and nuts for very valuable items (food and meds - yeah, besides the pharmacies, children carry the most drugs and knives; take that as you will). Inflation goes through the roof, money is no longer accepted in some shops later on. The economy is extremely dynamic, but not overly difficult to navigate so forces the player to adapt alongside it. You can never be certain what resources will be accessible the next day, which further makes when and where you decide to use what resources you have on others an engaging moral and practical decision. Unscripted, might I add!
Leading players to act like this when rare things like Schmowder (a near-fatal cure to the plague) show up by chance:
And if you don't stay on top of your stats and resources (which is very easy to do) you end up in binds like this:
The diagnostic and treatment system is also fairly intuitive, in that there are humor-specific tinctures, and others that can be used to treat two different humors. The more resources you use trying to diagnose where the infection has settled, the more pain you'll caused the patient, which you can lower (to prevent death) by using vials or morphine. Accurate diagnosis is important to avoid wasting resources by using the wrong antibiotics (which is less effective). You can't be in two places at once, so every patient you treat is a drain on time and resources you could be using somewhere else. Sometimes it's better to let a patient be if the risk of death is too high for your treatment to have a worthwhile impact on their chances for survival.
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Given how stretched thin your time and resources always are, even if the opportunity for tender downtime catching up with old friends arises it is all to easy to pass up because you're too busy. A cruel reality most people face these days irl. What's more, if you happen to die before deciding to go to this meetup, there is a chance that Mark Immortal will tie your character's hands behind their back which then prevents you from being able to hug you friends when you meet them.
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Oh yeah, forgot to say but death has permanent consequences across all saves so reloading to before you died doesn't undo any penalty Mark curses you with unless you start a whole new run. Early on, you may be asked to help with a task which ends up not helping in the way expected (to help solve Burakh's father's murder or to help cure the plague) but does act as a small tutorial on how to listen / look for herbs you can use in remedies. You still feel irritated that a child wasted your time / was just playing with you, at least initially, so you learn to really consider what's worth chasing up and what might be a waste of time / red herring when deciding what trails in your mind map task menu to chase up. Especially since if you don't pursue them, they WILL happen without you and the consequences of your intervention or not remain uncertain until they crop back up in unexpected ways.
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Admitedly, the endings in 2 are binary (though what you do in the wider world and story do effect the ending / what happens to specific characters) which I found very disappointing, especially given how much less effort it takes to do one over the other, like the game is encouraging you to pick the diurnal ending. The game is also a bit janky, but no moreso than FNV. Combat is not satisfying mechanically, especially if you opt for using guns, though that's kind of the point. You're a doctor (admittedly Artemy was a military medic, so he has some combat training, but still). Though sometimes it can seem (but isn't) unavoidable in the early game when you're public enemy number one. The combat feels like if OV Fallout's combat was in first person.
There aren't technically "factions" per se, but rather bodies of power in the town the approach both its running and the crisis at hand from different angles. To be honest, I completely sidestepped the Saborovs for my first two playthroughs entirely. Bad Grief says I'm a fool to try and clear my name to the man who effectively runs the police force? Sure! Unless you take interest in investigating your father's death, or frequently save babies (long story), I didn't cross their path except in the town hall meeting. Which is a shame, but honestly the other families interested me more. The Kains have a lot going on and are the most philosophically driven family both in their architectural choices and in how they utilize the polyhedron. The Kains and the Olgimskies are more interlinked than the Saborovs are with anyone, especially regarding the town's children and their seperate factions (Notkin's Soul-and-a-halves and Khan's Dogheads, whom you'll likely encounter early on to help settle some gang warfare). In fact the town children functionally operate a seperate society divided between the town and the polyhedron.
I quite like the fact that the Olgymskies (responsible for the town's main / only industry of slaughterhouses, which repeatedly overlap with the older practice of bull worship and sacrifice by The Kin - wait, I haven't even mentioned them yet wtf) aren't just treated as evil robber barons (though Big Vlad absolutely partakes in corruption and prioritising the health of his children over the town / his worker, especially when investigating The Termitary and the circumstances around its closure), but people navigating stopping the spread of plague while still trying to meet the very real problem of food scarcity now that the Town's been effectively cut off from the rest of the world and their lifeline industry has been halted.
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Something I really appreciate is that they show the children have agency and act by their own judgement, and that the adults of the town aren't inherently wiser. Early on in the game the leaders of the town main child gangs will go in search of a way to help stop the plague's spread and WILL get infected unless you intervene. They also keep track of the plague's spread, for their own sake but the player can take head of what they learn to plan their routes through the town ahead of time. They also aren't treated like untouchable saints either. Death is very much a reality for EVERY character, no matter how young, both by natural and unnatural causes from the get-go. There are several occasions where the player character will be taught by child characters, such as Sticky, about how to survive in ways they've had to as orphans. I also love how the main child factions have their own distinct philosophies that help (alongside more specific characters that play carer / leadership roles outside of the Doghead and Soul-and-a-half factions, like Capella and Maria Kaina) inform your late-game decisions, since the children are very much the town's future, and how you endorse them will inform how the town operates going forward. I especially love the dogheads, and how they see themselves as not quite fully human yet. Striving for humanity and to be better, such as the utopian future promised by their home The Polyhedron. Meanwhile Notkin's soul-and-a-halves are far more grounded in the here and now, and the fact we need to rely on each other (and our animal companions) to be whole. The two aren't a dichotomy either and work together on a few occasions since, at the end of the day, surviving the plague is a shared goal.
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Good luck trying to save everyone! It is genuinely difficult and just deciding who to use resources on and choosing what to use resources for actively effect the story and roleplaying, not just dialogue. Supplies are limited and sometimes it's better to focus on self-preservation just to live another day because it's better others die than the town to go without a doctor. The game mocks and derides players who engage in combat, but you're never barred from it and there are very good reasons to engage in it (obtaining more medical supplies to keep people alive, saving babies from infected buildings, self-defence, protecting people who would otherwise be wrongfully executed, etc.)
I think it's important to seek out the good that still exists in the world rather than stew over the bad. Ironic, I know, given I'm recommending a bleak tragedy of a game / story, but my point that it's good still stands.
So yeah, if you're a disgruntled Fallout fan please give Pathologic (especially Pathologic 2) a shot. I really think you'll like it!
Edit: I keep adding stuff to this post. Originally tried to keep it brief but kept thinking of stuff worth talking about that it's beginning to get bloated ^^'
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aasaihealthcentre · 5 months
Coronary Heart Disease Awareness | Best Heart Specialist Hospital in Salem
Coronary Heart Disease Awareness 
The prevalence of heart disease is rising to epidemic levels. Why? Smoking, diabetes and absence of physical activity are most significant factors along with adopting poor lifestyle choices.
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It is well known, altering one's lifestyle significantly lowers risk factors. You can cut your risk of heart disease by 40% if you change your lifestyle to include keeping your weight at an ideal level, exercising frequently, quitting smoking, practising yoga or meditation, sleeping well, maintaining positive social connections and a good sleep hygiene.
Concerning Rise in Coronary Heart Disease in Indian Population
The general population's poor lifestyle is one of the primary causes of this growth. These days, a typical workday for many Indians entails spending hours in front of a computer or desk. The majority of them unwind in front of the television after work. Most of them lack physical activity.
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Typical Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors
There are 2 types of risk factors: modifiable and non modifiable risk factors. Changes in Lifestyle to Lower the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
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Changes in Lifestyle to Lower the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease,
Maintaining an ideal body weight,
Engaging in regular exercise at least 30 mins of 5 days a week of walking and 2 days of strength training activity,
Practising yoga and meditation to live a stress-free life.
Additional Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors
Making changes to one's lifestyle can significantly lower one's risk of heart disease. However, this might not be sufficient for those who have underlying medical conditions. Individuals with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and excessive cholesterol are more likely to develop coronary heart disease.
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Hypertension and Diabetes have a high risk of coronary artery disease
One of the complications that might occur from having diabetes and hypertension is coronary heart disease.
Change the way you live:
Doctors urge patients with long-term conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or cholesterol, to change their lifestyle in order to control their condition. This is recommended to help control their condition and lower their chance of heart disease.
Take your medication on schedule
Medication is prescribed for patients with diabetes and hypertension in order to control their condition. Making sure the medication is taken as directed and on schedule is crucial. Neglecting to take the medication may result in increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.
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Keep Your Disease Under Control
Patients with diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension do not present with any symptoms in the initial stages and they are called silent killers. They discontinue taking their meds, routine physicals, health checkup (Best Hospital for Master Health Checkup in Salem), and recommended treatments. This is not recommended since they could cause more problems like coronary heart disease in addition to making their disease worse.
Observe the prescribed course of treatment
It's critical to follow the disease recommended course of treatment, schedule regular check-ups with the doctor, and complete any required routine testing on time.
Increasing Awareness
The significance of increasing public awareness of coronary heart disease is explained by Dr. Rajaram Prasad MD., DM (Cardio), Best Heart Specialist Hospital in Salem. He believes that a lot of individuals are not aware that they are at risk.
He also emphasises how critical it is to increase public knowledge of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. This is due to the fact that a patient's chances of survival increase with the speed at which they receive treatment.
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Rant time! TL;DR: I can’t sleep because of chronic pain. My family doesn’t understand. It’s incredibly frustrating and mentally taxing.
I hate when my parents are like “you look terrible! You should sleep at night! Why don’t you sleep?” And it’s like “gee mom and dad I’ve been saying for years that I struggle to sleep because I have chronic pain that I have been seeing doctors for FOR YEARS!”
The response?
“You need to get off your phone and fix your sleep schedule.” “Stop taking naps they make it worse.” “Maybe if you eat better and work out more, you’ll sleep better.”
I have done all those things and, sure, sometimes I manage to fall asleep and stay asleep. BUT there is no correlation. Doing the same exercises and diet several days in a row has the same chance of having a bad pain/sleep night as a week without the same schedule. I take pain medication, and it doesn’t always work (I even have a script for a pain management med - not opioids because I refuse to be on them more than absolutely necessary - and even then it doesn’t always work). My phone? I can have it turned off and away, and, just as I’m drifting off, PAIN! It’s also grand because I usually have the pain hit just when I get comfortable or just when I start drifting off, so I would be asleep if it wasn’t there.
Again, I’ve had years of doctor visits over this. I’ve gone to, like, four specialists for various body parts. I’ve had physical therapy. I’ve tried so damn hard to get my body to stop aching.
I recently got surgery and, for almost a whole month post-op and post-drugs, I was so blissfully pain free. It was a god damn game changer. I slept so god damn much.
And then I had flair ups the last few days. Not as bad as it has once been - at one point, pain was so debilitating that I’d be crying and curled up in a ball desperately trying not to move because it made the pain worse. I’m able to treat this pain, but it’s usually still interrupting my sleep and requires a few hours to deal with treatment and then subsequently try to sleep again.
My parents know about this. They know I’ve been doing better. They know this is unusual. I’ve mentioned how it’s been random and I must have walked weird or done something off.
“But you’re so young! When I was your age…”
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sugar-and-spite · 1 year
hey i hope this isnt weird with me being a total stranger but i saw your post in the tag about ocd + adhd and not knowing if that’s a Thing and i just thought i would send you my two cents, since ocd + adhd is apparently exactly what i have! in my case i got diagnosed w/ ocd first and then adhd (inattentive type) a year later. i know chances of misdiagnoses are very high from what i have read and talks ive had with both my ocd and adhd specialists, particularly misdiagnosing ocd as hyperactive adhd. but i really can tell you that i definitely definitely have both. i can read about either one, about the unique symptoms/experiences with technically no overlap, and just go “exactly exactly exactly” every line. adhd meds work wonders for helping me feel grounded and focused but does nothing to control my compulsions, while ocd therapy has been so effective for overcoming some of my obsessions but does nothing to mitigate hyperfixations, etc. it feels like i kind of have otherwise textbook cases of both, except for the fact that i just happen to have them together (ain’t life fun)
speaking completely from my own experiences, i will say my adhd tendencies and my ocd tendencies usually feel pretty separate. i would describe it spending most of the day dealing with adhd stuff with ocd moments peppered in lol. but i feel they do interact in some ways. certainly my adhd makes my worst ocd compulsions more difficult to deal with because it can overlap with bouts of hyperfocus that makes it VERY hard to stop. my adhd also makes erp therapy plans (i.e. exposure-response prevention, standard ocd treatment) harder to stick to consistently due to executive dysfunction, plus my weird rotation of more minor ocd obsessions and compulsions that come and go at varying levels of intensity almost like hyperfixations. my ocd in turn affects my adhd hyperfixations by making my engagement with them a bit compulsive at times. basically it feels like adhd and ocd are two little guys in my brain pointing at each other saying “i can make them worse” lol
obviously i cant diagnose you over a tumblr ask or at all nsgshshs im not a professional myself or anything, i also don’t know if this will even sound relatable because adhd can present soo differently and ocd can entail so many different kinds of obsessions and compulsions but i thought it might help to share my experience at least in case it’s at all helpful. good luck and stay well out there!
thank you so much for this!! honestly hearing from other people has been the most helpful thing for me with this, my brain has been trying to convince me that i can't possibly have these issues, and it's harder for that to make sense when i hear so many people saying they deal with the same stuff lol
i totally understand what you're saying abt them making each other worse - i feel like some of my obsessions have stemmed from forgetting things due to adhd, and then overcompensating and becoming obsessive over not forgetting. i also have BFRBs (body focused repetitive behaviors - skin picking in my case, but hair pulling is also common) and i've read that those are common with both adhd and ocd. i was on stimulants for a while for my adhd and fatigue, and while they helped those issues immensely, they didn't really help the picking at all, so i wonder if that's because stimulants don't usually help ocd?
anyway, this isn't weird at all and i really appreciate hearing other people's perspectives 💖 it makes me feel like i'm less alone in my brainweirdness!
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Reasons Why You’re Having Persistant Cough & Cold And How To Control It During Winter!
Allergy symptoms poster with cartoon man and text captions on white background isolated vector illustration
Common colds and coughs get worse and worse as winter approaches. You aren’t alone if it appears that you have a cold that will never go away.
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But how can you combat these troublesome viruses?
In this blog post, we’ll go over the benefits of taking anti histamine and anti-cold meds as well as how working as a pharmaceutical distributor or stockist may help you stay healthy all winter long.
Additionally, we’ll go through the advantages of working with a trustworthy pharmaceutical distributorship.
You ought to know more about what you can do to maintain your health throughout the winter after reading this article.
What Is An Anti-Cold And Anti histamine? Anyone can find the winter to be unpleasant, but those with respiratory conditions may find it to be particularly difficult. Any time of the year, but particularly in the winter owing to the temperature change, is susceptible to colds and coughs.
Here are some suggestions on how to stay healthy throughout the chilly months as well as advice on how to effectively cure a cold when it does strike.
Although the primary reasons for a chronic cough and cold are unknown, asthma or other respiratory diseases may be involved. Additionally, if you have poor circulation, smoke, are older than 50, or have poor health in general, you could be more susceptible to getting a cold or cough.
There is no cure for a cold, but there are many treatments that can help make it easier to recover.
Some common treatments include taking over-the-counter anti histamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or loratadine (Claritin), drinking plenty of fluids (especially water), getting restful sleep, using steam baths or humidifiers in your home, and using decongestants such as Sudafed DM (diphenhydramine/methylecgonine) or Robitussin ACDS (pseudoephedrine/pseudoephedrine).
However, these medications have some side effects, including drowsiness and difficulty breathing. It is important to read the label carefully before taking any medication and speak with your healthcare provider if you have any questions about its use.
At this time, there is no cure for a cold, but there are many effective treatments available that can help you feel better quickly. If you develop symptoms of a cold, make sure to take action early by consulting your healthcare provider.
They may recommend an anti-cold or anti histamine medication to prevent the cold from lasting longer or becoming more severe.
Identifying Allergy Triggers To Prevent Cough & Cold The cold and flu season is upon us, and with it comes the perennial question: what is causing my persistent cough and cold? Chances are, you’re dealing with an allergy. While there are many different causes of allergies, all of them share one common trait: they cause persistent coughing and colds.
And while you can’t prevent every single allergy attack, you can take several steps to reduce your risk of exposure to allergens.
First and foremost, it’s important to know the types of allergens that are likely to cause problems for you. Allergens can come from a variety of sources, such as dust mites in a warehouse, pollen in the air, or animal dander.
And while most people experience allergic reactions to just a few allergens at a time, it’s important to be aware that even small amounts of these allergens can trigger a full-blown allergic reaction.
To help identify these allergens in your warehouse, it’s important to have an effective allergen control plan in place. This plan should include guidelines for cleaning areas where allergens may be present, as well as strategies for monitoring the environment for changes that may indicate an allergen exposure is happening.
In addition to using allergen control measures at work, it’s also important to keep your family safe by taking precautions during outdoor activities.
By taking these simple steps early on in the season, you’ll reduce your risk of getting sick – both this winter and throughout the rest of the year!
Becoming A Pharma Distributor Or Stockist To Fight Cold & Cough! There is an increased demand for over the counter (OTC) medicines for cold and cough, due in part to the popularity of these products among consumers. However, becoming a pharma Distributor or Stockist for these products carries with it a number of regulatory and legal requirements.
In this section, we’ll explore some of the data on usage and demand for OTC medicines for cold & cough, as well as discussing some of the benefits and challenges associated with becoming a distributor or stockist.
First, it’s important to understand that there is a lot of data on usage and demand for OTC medicines for cold & cough. This information can help you to make informed decisions about whether or not to become a distributor or stockist for these products.
Second, distributorship involves understanding regulatory and legal requirements in order to sell OTC medicines. This can be complex, so it’s important to have an understanding of the nature of inventory management, accounting and financial control before attempting this venture.
It’s also beneficial to have access to technology that can help you manage your supply chain more effectively.
Finally, becoming a stockist or distributor for OTC products can be advantageous in terms of pushing sales and increasing business opportunities. However, there are also risks associated with this type of business venture – both from a regulatory perspective as well as from a financial standpoint.
As such, it’s essential that you carefully consider all the implications before making any decisions about whether or not to become involved in this market niche.
Benefits Of Working With A Reliable Pharmaceutical Distributorship. If you’re looking for a way to prevent the spread of cold and flu this winter, consider working with a reliable pharmaceutical distributorship. Distributors can help to provide quality products at competitive prices, and they are often equipped with the latest technology and innovative solutions.
By partnering with a distributor, you’ll be able to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in health care, gain access to a wide range of anti histamine medicines, and receive regular customer support from experienced personnel.
As we mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of working with a reliable pharmaceutical distributorship is that they can help tackle common colds during winter. By stocking quality products that address the causes of persistent cough and cold, distributors can help to prevent the spread of these diseases.
In addition to preventing the spread of colds and flu, working with a distributor can also lead to faster recovery times from these illnesses.
Finally, it’s important to note that not all pharmacies are created equal. By choosing a reputable distributor, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re getting high-quality products at competitive prices.
And if there are any problems with your order or delivery – no problem! Distributors offer quick delivery services as well as reliable after sales service so that you always have everything that you need.
To Sum Up Colds and coughs are common during the winter season and can be very persistent. However, there are many treatments available to help make it easier to recover. Anti-cold and anti histamine medications, as well as working with a reliable pharmaceutical distributor or stockist, can help you fight off colds and coughs during winter.
Additionally, identifying and avoiding allergy triggers can also help reduce the risk of catching a cold or coughing.
If Still you aren’t getting any results with that you can try
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smilestonedentist · 1 year
Teeth Erosion: What Is It? and How You Can Prevent It?
Teeth erosion, also called dental erosion, is a condition that happens when acidic substances start to wear away the enamel on your teeth. This can cause problems with your teeth, like sensitivity, discoloration, or even tooth decay. This article will tell you what tooth erosion is, why it happens, and how to stop it.
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What is teeth erosion?
The hard outer layer of your teeth, called enamel, starts to wear away when you eat or drink acidic things. This is called tooth erosion. Even though enamel is the strongest thing in your body, acidic foods and drinks like citrus fruits, soft drinks, and sports drinks can still damage it. When the enamel is broken, it can expose the dentin, which is a softer, more fragile layer of your tooth. This can make your teeth sensitive and cause other dental problems.
What Causes Teeth to Wear Down?
There are many things that can cause teeth to erode such as:
Acidic Meals and Beverages
As was already said, acidic foods and drinks are a common reason why teeth wear down. When you eat or drink these kinds of things, the acids can start to wear away your teeth's enamel, which can lead to erosion over time.
Dry mouth 
Because saliva helps neutralise the acids in your mouth, having a dry mouth can also cause your teeth to wear away. When your mouth is dry, there is less saliva to fight the acids, which can cause erosion.
Acid Reflux
Acid often comes up from the stomach and into the oesophagus and mouth of people with acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If this acid gets on your teeth often, it can wear away the enamel.
Some drugs, like antihistamines, antidepressants, and blood pressure meds, can make your mouth dry, which can wear down your teeth.
Because of their genes, some people are more likely to have their teeth wear down. If your parents or siblings have had teeth erosion, it may be more likely that you will too.
 Here's how you can keep teeth from wearing down:- 
Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to keep your teeth from wearing away.
Trying to eat and drink less acidic things
One of the easiest ways to keep your teeth from wearing away is to eat and drink less acidic things. This includes things like oranges, lemons, and limes, soft drinks, sports drinks, and tomatoes and vinegar.
Using a Straw
When you do drink acidic drinks, using a straw can help keep your teeth from coming in direct contact with the drink. This can help stop erosion in the long run.
Drinking Water
If you drink a lot of water, you can wash away any acids in your mouth, which can help stop erosion.
Chewing gum with no sugar
Chewing gum without sugar can help you make more saliva, which can help neutralise the acids in your mouth and stop erosion.
Using a toothpaste with fluoride
Using a fluoride toothpaste can make your enamel stronger and less likely to wear away.
Regular Dental Checkups
When you get regular dental checkups, your dentist can look for early signs of erosion and take steps to stop it from getting worse.
Taking care of any underlying problems
If you have acid reflux or dry mouth, treating it can help reduce the chance that your teeth will wear away.
 Why Should You Choose Smilestone, the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur?
 Smilestone is the place to go if you want to find the Best Dentist in Nagpur. Our team of experienced dental professionals is committed to giving you the best care possible in a friendly, comfortable setting.
At Smilestone, we offer a wide variety of dental services, such as cleanings, fillings, braces, and more. We use the most up-to-date tools and methods to make sure that our patients get the best care possible.
Some of the Best Orthodontist in Nagpur are on our team. They have had a lot of training and have worked in their fields for many years. We know that every patient is different, so we work closely with each one to make a treatment plan that fits their needs and goals.
Whether you need a simple cleaning or something more complicated, you can trust that Smilestone will take good care of you. Our goal is to help you get and keep a beautiful, healthy smile for the rest of your life.
Erosion of the teeth can be a serious dental problem, but it can be completely avoided with the right preventive care and dental care. You can keep your teeth healthy and strong by limiting the amount of acidic foods and drinks you eat and drink and by going to the dentist regularly.
Smilestone is the place to go if you live in Nagpur and want the best dentist or orthodontist. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to giving you the best care possible in a comfortable, friendly setting. Contact us today to make an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile.
For Enquiries Contact us on – 9823154023,Visit our website- www.smilestonedentist.com
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