#but then when I started writing I just made all these new connections and associations
thatfandomslut · 8 months
Get Her Back!
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Trigger Warnings: messy breakups, toxic relationship talks, jealousy, language,
Hi can you write a fic about fem!reader being Regina's ex? Like they met and started dating during summer. Reader is from another town/state and Regina spent the summer there over some relatives house and they had a nasty break up but then a few months later reader's family moved to her town and she started at Northshore 😂 she sees Regina acting like a queen b before Regina saw her and she befriends Janis and Ian <3 anyways don't spare us all the drama hehe
Mean Girls requests are open.
(Y/n) sat beside Janis as the crowd parted and four girls made their way through the halls. With raised brows, she looked their way, despite Damian's pleas not to. There was Cady, the girl she had met alongside Janis and Damian in French class, a girl with wavy black hair without a thought behind her eyes, a honey-blonde haired girl who looked around at everyone, and Regina George, her summer fling from Newport, Rhode Island. (Y/n) was surprised to see Regina, and she wasn't expecting her to be so popular. Her icy glare surveyed the room as they landed on (Y/n)'s, widening when they made eye contact. Fortunately, (Y/n) had the sense to sever the contact and sit down.
"What was that?" Damian questioned, looking between her and Regina, who let her eyes latch onto (Y/n) for a few moments longer before she made her way to their usual table. Janis was looking just as expectant at (Y/n), but the girl shrugged innocently. She was new to school, she didn't want to be involved in all of the drama high school had to offer within her first week. "Girl, you better answer. I've never seen the Queen Bee break her icy stare for just anyone."
With a sigh, (Y/n) glanced up at him, then looked to Janis for help. But she was curious to understand their connection, too. "Let's just say that Regina and I met when I was staying at my grandparents and she was staying with her grandparents in Newport, Rhode Island over the summer. She left me at a party I didn't want to attend because a guy flirted with me, then ignored me when I apologized. Even though I was apologizing for something I didn't do. The official breakup was through a text." (Y/n) explained casually as she ate some of her pizza. She ignored the wide stares from Damian and Janis, knowing they had a million questions.
Leaning back, Janis tapped her knuckles dramatically on the table. "Okay, okay, so how did you end up in the same school as her?" She looked like she was going to burst if (Y/n) didn't answer her questions. She was getting so red in the face, that Damian had to remind her to breathe, but his actions were not effective. Janis was just too curious about how their relationship went down.
(Y/n) glanced at her nails before looking over to Janis with risen brows. "Unfortunate circumstances. Our fathers are doing business together." She stated simply. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at her pizza, losing her appetite. "Regina wasn't all bad. She was just jealous. Like, when I think about her, I'm in between keying her car and making her lunch. Sometimes, I think about her, and I'm still enamored by her, but then I'm like 'No fuck her, she left me at a party for a guy flirting with me.'" (Y/n) hummed as she pushed her tray away slightly.
Now, Janis was going to explode. She already was ruining Regina's life with Cady, but what if she also messed around with her love life a bit, too? After all, that is exactly what Regina did when she had a crush on her in middle school. "It's kind of like… You want to make her feel jealous and sad over her loss." She associated as Damian eyed her. He always seemed to know when she was plotting. She made this face where her smile looked a little more sly than usual and her eyes narrowed.
(Y/n) blinked at Janis's statement as she nodded in understanding. A small, bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Yeah, 'cause I miss the way she kissed me and the way she used to make me laugh even though she didn't deserve me." She agreed before standing up to discard her food and trash. She didn't mean to be wasteful. but she wasn't feeling her meal anymore. She was too busy thinking about her ex who gave her a whirlwind of a summer and then provided a whiplash type of breakup. Thinking about Regina brought back the whirlwind feeling and the whiplash after-effect every time. It made her bitter. Janis could relate to that bitter feeling. She never got over what Regina did to her. From the kiss to 'Sissy Liz,' Regina's actions were inexcusable. "All in all… I want sweet revenge but I want her again, too." (Y/n) admitted shamelessly.
Janis smirked, leaning forward, and taking (Y/n)'s hands. She knew that Regina tensed at this because she saw it from her periphery. "We can make that happen for you. Do you see those girls beside Regina? The girl with big amber eyes is Gretchen, and the girl with wavy black hair is Karen… There's a party next week on Halloween… If you flirt with them, that will set Regina off." Janis stated, biting her lip excitedly. "Hopefully, this will set Regina George straight for you," Janis confirmed, winking at (Y/n). (Y/n) considered this for a moment. Finally nodding, Janis almost squealed before the three got up and headed to their next class.
On the night of Halloween, Janis and Damian helped (Y/n) get ready. And Janis had to try not to stare at herself. She understood why Regina was so into (Y/n). She kind of was, too. (Y/n) turned around in her very revealing devil costume, smiling over at Damian and Janis. "So, what do you think?" She questioned, wiggling her eyebrows over at them to get their opinions. Damian smirked over at her as he nodded in approval, but Janis was too stunned to speak. "I'll take your faces as a sign of approval." She said happily as she kissed the little cape over her shoulders. "I'll come right over once the party is over." (Y/n) promised, heading out the door, but not before blowing them kisses.
Regina was blown away when (Y/n) walked into the party, and she was taken aback when she saw Cady's outfit. Everyone screamed when Cady popped out behind the girl in red, but she couldn't say she was phased. She was used to Cady doing things that were out there. Still, she didn't stop herself from texting Gretchen and asking who invited Cady. Regina rolled her eyes when she saw that Gretchen pointed out Cady's crush on Aaron. This was obvious to her, but still, maybe she could kill two birds with one stone. She could make (Y/n) jealous and Cady miserable. Even though a bigger part of her wondered if making (Y/n) jealous was worth it. Until she turned to see a flustered Gretchen and a confident (Y/n).
Regina realized that (Y/n) was flirting with Gretchen. Her plans on getting Aaron back and making Cady miserable were put on hold, her eye twitching as (Y/N) soon moved over to flirt with Karen, too. Was this a game to her? Before she could react, she bumped into Aaron, who almost spilled his drink all over her. That was when she realized that making (Y/n) jealous was more important than making Cady jealous. "I was just looking for you," Regina smirked as she took Aaron to the side, acutely aware of (Y/n) and Cady staring with wide eyes.
(Y/n) felt annoyed as she watched Regina and Aaron flirt, but her heart sank when Regina kissed him. Her eyes landed on Cady, who looked heartbroken in the distance. Making her way over, she led Cady out of the house and towards Janis's. "Okay, that's it." (Y/n) spoke as she barged in. "We need to go farther. She has now officially gone after Cady, too." (Y/n) said, gesturing to the mess that was Cady right beside her, her thick make-up running down her cheeks as tears helped create pathways for them.
Janis cursed as she pulled Cady into her arms. "I completely agree. Let's run this bitch into the ground. She's always been like this. She takes everything too far." Janis gritted her teeth in frustration. She looked very angry, but (Y/n) was beginning to wonder if it was for Cady or because Regina had wronged her, too.
"So, then what did Regina do to you?" Janis looked up, horrified by the question. Damian's neck also snapped up, but his eyes were trained on Janis. Janis tried to get the attention off of her, but (Y/n) raised her brows. "Janis, this is important information. Cady and I have a reason, but what is for you? Why do you care what happens to Regina George?"
Janis flushed a bright red, realizing she wasn't going to drop it. "I guess I don't want to discuss it." She crossed her arms, falling back onto the couch behind her. Not wanting to make eye contact with anyone she slipped her mask over her face. This caused everyone to glance at each other and Damian shook his head at her. Janis knew that she was acting childish, but she didn't want to tell her new friends what Regina did to her. She was embarrassed about it, and she didn't want to lose her illusion as a confident lesbian.
"Janis, it's time," Damian ignored her protesting as he slammed a box down, grabbing a Bratz doll and a Dora doll. He then went on to explain that, once upon a time, Janis and Regina were best friends. He then went on to explain why they had stopped being friends. He explained how Regina had kissed her at a party, even though she knew how Janis felt, and then he explained how Regina outed her to the party-goers and then her class using a TY baby she named 'Sissy-Liz.' (Y/n) looked at the ground with her brows furrowed. "Now you know, Cady and (Y/n), you can never trust Regina George." And thus the revenge party began.
During lunch on Monday morning, (Y/n) ignored the looks that Regina gave her. She was mad at Regina for hurting Cady in an attempt to make her jealous. She was mad it worked, and she was even more upset that she used Gretchen and Karen to try to make Regina jealous. As Janis sat next to her, (Y/n) smiled at the girl before leaning over to wipe off the paint that smeared over Janis's cheek. At the action, she saw Regina storm out. So, in an attempt to finally talk to Regina, she excused herself and followed the blonde out of the cafeteria. "What's your problem, Regina? What the fuck is up with the Sissy-Liz and why did you kiss Aaron?" (Y/n) questioned loudly, stopping the girl down the hall.
Regina looked around at everyone with a glare, pulling (Y/n) into the classroom beside her, thankful it was empty. (Y/n) stared at her for a long moment as Regina glanced her up and down with a glare. In a weak moment, (Y/n) thought about pushing her against the door she just closed and kiss her. "What's my problem? You're the one flirting with everyone at this damn school. And why do you care who I kiss? You're the one who is all over Janis Imi'ike." Regina said Janis's name in disgust as she narrowed her eyes. Then it clicked in (Y/n) that Regina was, in fact, jealous. "Besides, I only kissed Aaron. It's not like we got back together. We talked that night and he likes Cady, for whatever reason." Regina looked away, pretending not to know why Aaron liked Cady. Everyone knew Cady was incredibly sweet and pretty.
Blinking, (Y/n) shook her head in slight frustration. "Wait, you and Aaron only kissed? Also, when are you going to realize that I only like you? I'm pissed that I still love you. You left me at a fucking party, Regina, but I'm still into you. And no matter how much you hurt me, I still want you. Do you know how fucked up that is for me?" (Y/n) sniffed as she tried to hold back her tears. She was not going to cry over this. Again. She refused to.
Regina's mouth was agape as she forced herself to look away from (Y/n). Her jaw clenched, and she felt her own tears welling in her eyes. Only these were real tears, not the fake tears she usually used on people. "I feel bad about leaving you at that party. I should have never done that. Last night, I had a reflection on the treadmill and I realized… I've hurt a lot of people. Most of all, I hurt you at that party because I was scared you would leave me for that college guy. I want to make it up to them, starting with you. I want a second chance." Regina confessed, not knowing how (Y/n) was going to react. "I want to apologize, first. So, I'm sorry." Regina swallowed thickly.
(Y/n) stood there in silence for a moment, thinking about how Regina had left her, drunk at the party with no one she knew. It had stung, but here Regina was, pulling out the stinger. Nodding slowly, she took Regina's hand, intertwining their fingers. Neither of them looked at each other, the silence becoming louder than either anticipated. "I forgive you, and I'll give you a second chance. But I can't just bounce back to being your girlfriend. You can, however; ask me on a date… I will only accept if you promise to apologize to Cady and Janis though. You don't have to do it this second or even today, but you still need to say sorry." (Y/n) said, her thumb running over Regina's knuckles.
Regina felt a bit odd, feeling soft like this. She knew it was the right thing to do though. She really cared about (Y/n) and hated seeing her and Cady rush to escape the Halloween party because of her actions. So, the expectation of apologizing to the girls was only fair. "Okay, I will. I promise. And thank you." Regina whispered. The two stayed there for long moments before they were finally forced to separate, having skipped their last two periods to stand together in silence. As they left, Regina gave (Y/n)'s hand one final squeeze, ready to try again with her. (Y/n) smiled with a nod, ready to tell Janis, Damian, and Cady all about Regina and her unexpected apology.
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I love your writing, especially Mirror, Mirror! Are you still taking request? I‘ve been thinking about Ascended Astarion and female Tav/Reader attending a ball for the politicians and nobles of Baldur’s Gate, getting all dressed up and socializing, dancing and Astarion flirting with her all night long. Astarion obviously wouldn’t waste a chance to be alone with Tav/Reader, takes her on a romantic stroll in the gardens and has his wicked way with her somewhere in a dark corner 👀
I can not make Ascnedant Astarion not dark I am SORRY but I can't help myself. The intro to this is sad bad, but honestly it gets pretty fun later down the line. Gotta set up that Stockholm syndrome. You gots it here.
Tw: Murder, Violence, not much but it is there, graphic smut, 18+ sweet dark fluff. I do consider this Stockholm on your end. Very inspired by the in-game quote of locking you away for a decade. Also, never write shit only in tumblr post editor, I lost half of this right before I was going to post last and it almost killed me
Astarion was.... aware that you'd been having a hard time as of late. If anyone could empathize with the complications of being a vampire spawn, it was certainly him. Even though his circumstance were obviously much, much worse than yours ever could be.
He was no Cazador. Astarion was different, he loved you. He knew what was best for you. All that needed to happen now was for you to accept it.
And in your defense, you were trying. It had taken a long time for you to finally come to terms with the full extent of power he had over you as his spawn. He would always know where you were through sensation alone. Always ready and willing to drag you back home if need be. He could compel you to his side at any moment, though he did have a bad habit of going out to find you during your little tantrums. It seemed to work better to put you in your place, especially since he had very little self-control when it came to who you associated with. Many a possible friend had died at his hand, in front of your eyes. A waste, really, one that wouldn't be necessary if you would just listen.
But the demonstrations had been useful. Slowly but surely you were learning that the option of secrets between the two of you had died the second he sunk his fangs into your wrist. He had personally put an official stop to all of your extracurricular activities. The things you used to do in your spare time were silly and dangerous, always going out of your way to help the undeserving. But now he had the control to stop you, to sequester you at the estate where you were safe.
You had nowhere to be besides his side and you were finally starting to understand that. Things were so much easier when you gave in and listened, happier and more fun.
Lately, it had almost felt like another honeymoon phase, with your sudden predilection for extreme loyalty. It helped that he could still see into your mind through the new connection, fully aware that your love remained real and pure, if not a bit melancholic. It was silly really, the guilt you felt towards him for letting him ascend. Never mind the thousands he sacrificed, you were too concerned with how power had chanced him.
It was cute. Stupid, but cute. Because obviously it had changed him for the better. How else would he be where he was now? With his hands already in nearly every major part of Baldur's Gate's governance? He had made wide, sweeping moves to gain control in the past year, banking on your dual hero status to deflect from his more... unsavory attributes. But it was working, and in a few years time this city would belong to him. Then the two of you would be on to the next major conquest. A future that you were just now coming to terms with.
And Astarion wanted to reward you for that acceptance. He had been a bit paranoid of late, paranoid enough to not let you out of the house for a solid fortnight. But for good reason. The last of the Gur had come out of the woodwork recently, looking for revenge for their children and fallen comrades. With a specific interest in you. It had made sense, in a way. You were his greatest weakness after all. So of course he had to take it upon himself to personally hunt the last of them down to tear them limb from limb.
But now they were officially gone, and he was finally feeling comfortable with letting you out into the world again. Just not out of his sight. And tonight was the perfect opportunity. He had a mandatory soirée to attend, populated by neighboring nobles and a few powerful foreigners. One that would be so much more entertaining with you willingly by his side. Or forced, if need be. Depending on if you decided to be in one of your moods, though they were a rarity nowadays.
But no, you turned out to be too excited at the prospect of leaving the house to even attempt being a brat. Astarion watched you with a smile as you appeared at the top of the staircase, dressed to the nines. He whistled as he watched you descend, beyond pleased with how you looked. He met you at the bottom of the landing, easily wrapping an arm around your waist before setting a quick kiss to your temple, "You look beautiful pet. Absolutely stunning."
You truly did. A navy satin gown that matched your skin tone perfectly, fitted with delicate straps and a low bodice. Perhaps the slit in the leg was a little high, revealing too much of your perfect thigh for the rest of the world. But you looked too good for him to complain.
You really were so gorgeous, could he be blamed for wanting to dress you up?
You rolled your eyes, but Astarion didn't miss the tiny smile dancing on your lips, "You're the one who picked it out."
"And you wear it perfectly," Astarion praised, already leading you out the door. He kept you close to his side during the short journey, his eyes darting around your surroundings every few moments. His paranoia had been quelled, but it hadn't completely died out. But he had already made the decision that he was going to be on his best behavior tonight, and that included not indulging in his protective nature. You deserved nothing less.
But that didn't stop Astarion from taking some mental notes on those who stared at you too brazenly when you arrived. Part of him couldn't blame them, not when he could understand your thrall better than any one else. But the other, more fun part of himself was too busy imagining ripping them apart for the audacious, lustful stares.
But he didn't drag the two of you out for strictly fun, a fact that he was quickly reminded of when you were approached by the main host, "Lord Ancunín! I'm so pleased that you could make it."
Astarion vaguely remembered who he was, though he was much more interested in his friends than the man himself. The man turned his attention toward you, brow raised, "And who is this beautiful creature?"
Astarion could feel his brow twitch at the insolence. How dare he not know who you were? The Hero of Baldur's Gate, his consort, the love of his life, how could someone of his breeding be so ignorant? You had to many titles to choose from for introductions, so Astarion decided on the most important, "This is the future Lady Ancunín, my fiancé."
He could feel you tense at his side, staring up at him with wide eyes like what he said was surprising. Which was odd. He had been extremely clear about his intentions since the day he ascended, marriage was the obvious next step for the two of you.
"Well it's lovely to meet you," The noble said with a smile, his attention going straight back to Astarion, "Now if you'll excuse us, I have a few matters to discuss with your future husband."
Astarion was startlingly close to hurting this man. What on earth made him feel as though he had the right to dismiss you? He tightened the arm he had around your waist, sneering at him, "There is nothing that you can say that she won't eventually know. Don't waste our time."
Then he proceeded to do just that, wasting Astarion's time with useless information and worthless attempts at allyships. It seemed to be an unfortunate trend as the night progressed, just reinforcing how utterly useless the gentry could really be. Not to mention their constant passive dismissal of you. He really was going to need to start letting you out more often, though he had to wonder if they were even worthy of your presence. He would have been a bit more forceful regarding his own displeasure at their arrogance if you weren’t so distracting.
It was hard to hold onto his own indignation when you seemed so content. You were leaning into him the whole night, smiling softly through all of his inane conversations. Never failing to be adorably pleased at your introduction. It made Astarion want to fawn over you, alternating between whispering sweet nothings in your ear and sweeping you onto the dance floor. All of your pleased laughs and giggles music to his ears.
He kept you close all evening, never allowing you to wander past his sight. His arm stayed firmly around your waist, never quite shaken off after your first waltz together. But you didn't seem to mind. If anything you were glowing under the attention, happy in a way he hadn't seen for a long time. Too long. Beautiful enough for him to have the overly romantic thought that he never wanted the night to end.
Even after he had done his rounds, engaged with all whom he had planned on, he wasn't quite ready to leave. They had all been dreadfully dull, but at least a few conversations would prove useful in the future at the very least.
He started to steer you towards the back garden doors, whispering in your ear, "Take a walk with me?"
You followed him easily, happy to leave the bustle of the ballroom and step into the coolness of the night. You both started walking, hand and hand in a comfortable silence. It was a pretty enough garden, hedges and ivy lining the walkways, a white slightly weathered gazebo placed in the center.
"You know," You said eventually, as the two of you went up the gazebo steps. You leaned against the railing, looking at him with a coy smile, "I don't recall you ever proposing."
Astarion barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes as he crowded around you. It was an unnecessary question, considering how you would have no choice in the matter. But he was playing nice tonight. Astarion grinned at you, bracing his hands on the railing to cage you in his arms, "If you want a proposal, I'm more than happy to oblige."
"I do," You were playing with the lapel of his jacket, looking up at him through your lashes, "Sooner than later if you don't mind."
"Your wish is my command," Astarion murmured, shameless as he started to kiss along the line of your throat, "I'm proud of you pet. You've been an angel all night."
"You haven't given me much to complain about," You said with a small laugh, your breath hitching when his fangs scraped against your delicate skin, hard enough to make pinpricks of blood bubble to the surface.
"You know..." Astarion started, pulling back to look you in the eye. His voice gentle but serious, "It could always be like this. If you let it."
"I... I know," You admitted, biting on your lower lip as you struggled for the words, "I-I want that. I want you. Even if... it's like this."
Astarion would take offense at the subtle dig if it was anyone else. But with you? He was just happy that you were finally coming around, at long last willing to accept the fate he'd set for you.
"You have it," Astarion promised, tilting your chin up to press a light kiss to your lips, "For as long as I breathe my love, you're mine. And I'm yours-"
You kissed him before he could finish, wrapping your arms around his neck, forceful in a way that he had desperately missed. But you were pulling back too soon, your mouth swollen and your lipstick slightly smeared, smiling at him like the precious thing you were.
How could he resist?
"I think you deserve a reward for tonight my pet," Astarion said, leaning in to softly kiss along your jaw, "For being such a sweetheart."
His hands were wandering, already moving to pluck at the delicate straps of your dress, slowly teasing them to drop down your shoulders.
You made no moves to stop him as your eyes darted around the empty space, "H-Here? But what if someone sees?"
"Then I'll tear their eyes out and feed them back to anyone who stumbles on us," Astarion said simply, smiling at the way it made you laugh softly.
"Violence isn't always the answer you know," You said, your breath hitching as he lightly bit your neck. Your dress still slinking down all the while, "I thought we talked about that?"
"Perhaps," Astarion murmured, "But it seems to usually work in my favor."
He had already managed to slip the straps down enough to ease the way, brazenly tugging the fabric until your breasts spilled from the top. He leaned back in, taking the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth as you gasped; mewling when he began touching you, shamelessly pinching your nipples just to hear you whine.
He adored all your little noises, so easy to coax out of your mouth. He could feel his own cock pulsing in the confines of his trousers, the feeling getting worse and worse as you started to whimper.
Astarion let one of his hands travel further down, right through the slit in your gown. He traced the seam of your pussy through delicate lace, smiling into the kiss from how the simple touch had your hips pitching forward. He could feel you getting wet, already seeping through the fabric of your panties, your needy cunt already begging for his touch. And Astarion was more than happy to oblige.
He tore them from your hips, letting the tattered pieces fall unceremoniously to the ground before he started to rub his palm against your clit, more slick gushing out as you moaned.
You were clutching at his shoulders, panting into his mouth as he played with you. Your thighs tightened around his hand, your cunt wet enough to fill the air with messy, indecent sounds.
Whatever trepidation you had before was quickly dissolving, a small chant escaping your lips as you two kissed, Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.
Astarion was more than happy to oblige.
"Hold onto me darling," Astarion ordered, giving you a split second to tighten your grip around his neck before he was lifting you in the air, settling you on top of the thick railing with your legs spread wide. He made quick work of taking his weeping cock out, rubbing it along the seam of your cunt as you moaned. And then he was pushing inside, the slide soaked and easy.
You felt so tight around him, tight and sopping wet as he started to fuck into you. He bent his head down, popping one of your hard nipples into your mouth as you cried out, your nails clawing into his shoulders. You wrapped your legs around his hips, trying to pull him in even closer, despite the fact that he was pressed deeply inside of you. Hitting all of your sensitive places.
He could tell that you were close, your whining getting more and more high-pitched by the second, your sweet cunt pulsing around his cock. Astarion started to rub at your clit again, at the perfect angle to make you tense up and cry out. And just like that you were squirting against his hand, breathing heavy as your orgasm ravaged through you.
Astarion grinned, popping off your breast to kiss your slack mouth. Naughty thing that you were, making a mess all over your fancy dress. He pulled back to look at you, debauched and panting, your pupils dilated at you stared up at him. You looked gorgeous, fucked out and perfect.
He started to fuck you harder, the erotic image was too much for his mind to handle. You where whining with each thrust, no doubt oversensitive as he roughly slammed into you. But you were a good girl, taking it without a single complaint as you held on for dear life, tears springing to the corners of your eyes. But lucky enough for you, you didn't have to wait long.
Astarion spilled inside of you with a drawn out moan, grinding circles into your cunt as you quivered. You pulled him in for another kiss, messily sliding your lips together as he filled you up. The two of you stayed like that for awhile, lazily kissing as he softened inside of you. It felt good, it felt right, the perfect end to a great night.
Astarion pulled out slowly, cooing at you as you gasped at the feeling. Your legs were still trembling as he set you back on the ground, bad enough for Astarion to wonder if he should just pick you up before you crumpled on the floor.
But first...
Astarion dropped to his knees, ignoring your surprised gasp as he spread your legs back apart.
"Hush darling," Astarion ordered as he pushed your dress back up, "Let me have a look at you."
Astarion was aware that he had gotten a little rough near the end there. It wouldn't be the first time he made you bleed during sex, nor the last. But he would hate to do so accidently. But no, your pussy looked perfectly healthy, if not a little swollen. Flushed and pink, your hole still twitching the slightest bit. The sight of your pussy all slick and red was nearly enough to make his mouth water.
"Spread your legs a little further pet," Astarion murmured, looking just to look. He gently added pressure to your shaking thighs until you complied, "That's it. Good girl."
His cum was already starting to leak out of you, the smallest bit of white making it's first appearance amongst your wet folds. No doubt it would be sliding down your legs soon enough. He could do something about that. But then again... the alternative sounded like too much fun.
Astarion stood back up with a smile, patting your pussy once before letting your dress fall back down, "Try to hold it in darling. We wouldn't want to make another mess, would we?"
You nodded slowly, still looking half out of it. A sweet, hazy look still plastered onto your face. You were already leaning in for another kiss, naturally desperate for more contact. Contact that Astarion was more than happy to give. He pulled you closer, kissing you deeply; your fingers tangling in his hair to pull him even closer. He wrapped his arms around your back, dipping his tongue between your lips as you dreamily sighed.
You pulled away first, to his displeasure, but you didn't go far. You rested your forehead against his, smiling softly with loving eyes, "Hi."
Astarion couldn't help but smile back, taking the time to tuck a wild piece of hair behind your ear, "Hello my treasure. Did you have fun tonight?"
"I think you know the answer to that," You giggled softly, "I'm not even sure I can walk."
That he did. And there would be many more nights like it. Though for now, he'd prefer to get you home. He felt a bit reluctant to parade you back out there for the masses eyes, so obviously debauched by his hands. No, the sight of you happy and flushed was for his eyes only. Your night would be ending here.
You squeaked as he swept you up in his arms, already muttering the magic for a portal under his breath. And just like that the two of you were gone, completely uncaring to give any good byes.
The two of you popped right into the entry hall of the estate, sudden enough to nearly scare a maid half to death. Astarion paid them no mind, too busy with carrying you upstairs to the sanctuary of your quarters.
You cuddled into his chest, looking up at him with a nervous look, "Did... Did I do good tonight?"
"Of course you did," Astarion cooed as he kicked the door to the bedroom open, trying to softly drop you on the bed, "Perfect creature that you are, what else could have possibly happened?"
But you didn't let go when he tried to pull back, clinging hard enough for Astarion to simply follow you. But he didn't mind, no he preferred you like this. Needy, wanting, and his. He twisted the two of your around, settling only when he had you laying on top of him. He would set a bath for the two of you later, but for now he was more than happy to lay here, watching as your tired to stay conscious. You always got so tired after sex, just one more silly thing that he was endeared by.
"I love you," You mumbled, your eyes falling closed, "Thank you for taking me tonight. For trusting me. I... thank you."
"I love you too darling," Astarion murmured back, kissing your forehead, "You get better by the day. I really am proud of you."
It was true. You were learning, adjusting. Give him a decade and you'd be completely immersed in your new life, all thoughts of useless things like "freedom" forgotten.
You were his. Until the end of time, you'd be together.
He'd make sure of that.
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lemoniiiiiii · 19 days
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(frat!kyle spencer x fem!reader)
content: fluff, angst (if you squint?), mentioned sexual harassment (by frat members)
a/n: not proofread, short drabble inspired by this post, wrote it really fast so sorry if it's not the best (it's my first time writing for kyle too so)! also, the last line is sick I'm aware I'M SORRY RYAN MURPHY POSSESSED ME
when your boyfriend kyle told you that he was joining the fraternity kappa lambda gamma you seriously thought he was joking. kyle was caring, hard-working, kind. yeah, he liked to joke around, but he was nothing like those greek alphabet degenerates you associated frats with. you told him this earnestly. it wasn't just a passing judgment, it was a genuine concern for him. trapped in a house with all those guys? kyle could handle himself well growing up in the 9th ward, but these frat guys were different to the types of people he was used to dealing with. you didn't want to see him to get hurt, or worse... start becoming like them.
when you expressed your feelings to him, kyle (of course politely) brushed your concerns off.
"give em' a chance..." he told you, caressing your head in his lap. "they're not all as bad as ya think. and even some of em' that are a bit.. y'know.. they're good people at heart, i can tell. they just hafta be put in the right direction."
"and is that why you're gonna try and become president?"
"yep! kappa lambda gamma has the potential to be one of the best chapters tulane has ever seen. that, and it gets ya some pretty awesome connections"
he was right.. a lot of past frat members had become pretty successful and kyle could use that to his advantage.
"okay fair... just, be safe okay? stick to what you know- who you are"
"oh i f'sure will" he flashed a knowing smile, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on your lips. your hands found their way into his golden curls, drawing him closer for a deeper connection.
as if on cue, the moment kyle pulled away, his phone began to ring. he glanced at the screen, and an apologetic smile appeared on his lips as he answered the call, shifting slightly as if bracing for what was coming.
"whoa, whoa, whoa, ma, slow down. what's going on? i’m at a—" he hesitated, casting a quick glance your way, "—at a friend’s, i told ya already... yeah, i’ll be home soon... what? right now?" there was a brief pause before he sighed. "okay, ma. love you too."
as kyle lowered the phone, you let out a soft sigh, already knowing what was coming. "gotta go, huh?"
"yeah, i’m sorry, baby..." he took your hand gently, lifting it to his lips in one smooth motion, the warmth of his breath tickling your skin before his lips brushed your knuckles. his fingers slid between yours, intertwining, and then he leaned in close, pressing a lingering kiss to your temple. "i’ll see you on campus, okay?"
you nodded, trying to mask the disappointment tugging at your chest. "mhm… see you," you murmured, sitting up and watching him leave.
"oh my god" your jaw dropped as kyle stepped out of the bathroom. you had gone to surprise him after move-in day, wanting to see how he was adjusting to the frat life. and oh boy did he adjust. he had the blue embroidered polo with the collar obnoxiously flipped up, a white long sleeve underneath it, rolled up to the elbows, even-
"your hair!" you gasped. kyle's once luscious curls you loved to run your hands through had now become flat and side-swept. you silently cursed yourself for ever teaching him how to use a flat iron so he could help you do your hair.
"well y'know you could say hi-" he chuckled, enjoying your reaction to his new look. "like it?"
to be honest, you didn't hate it, as much as you wanted to. kyle had a way of making anything look good. it was more what it represented that made your stomach churn.
"you certainly look the part" you said, forcing a half-smile. "all you need now is a backwards cap and a blood alcohol content of .12%"
he laughed, walking over and nudging your arm. "c'mon babe. open mind, remember?"
you sighed. "right... open mind" you glanced over him again, noticing how the fabric of his clothes hugged his frame in a way that accentuated his muscles. "okay.. you do look really hot i'm just wor-"
"gonna stop ya right there." he gently placed a hand on your arm, giving you a warm smile. "thank you. i'm happy ya came."
"i'm... happy i'm here- well, with you anyway" you couldn’t help but let the corners of your mouth lift. kyle just had that effect on you.
"..seriously though," you started again, looking into his eyes with a hint of concern.
kyle’s expression softened as he wrapped an arm around your lower back. "i promise it's stoppin' here, alright? all this… it's just surface level. you still have me." he gestured vaguely to his clothes and hair. "this is still the same me."
you held his gaze, trying to believe him, though a small part of you still worried that he may fall in too deep.
"please baby, give em' a chance..."
"what kind of chance?" you looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "because i was violated like three different ways just walking up to your room." the words came out half-joking, but there was an edge to your tone that kyle didn’t miss.
he straightened up, eyes narrowing, and his brow furrowed with a fierce protectiveness. "what happened?"
"i'm kidding... kinda. nothing crazy just a few wandering eyes" you waved it off, though the memory of being looked up and down like that made your skin crawl for a second.
"i'll talk to em' about it. if they say or do anything else, tell me. i'll cut their fuckin' balls off" his voice was serious, and though he didn't mean it literally, you knew he would go to war for the people he cared about.
"as long as i get to watch," you giggled, leaning into him a little more.
"...any chance you’ll stop using that flat iron, though?" you asked, giving his new hairstyle a gentle tease, still missing the curls that used to frame his face.
"when i'm dead." he chuckled with a cocky grin.
"we’ll see about that."
tags (ask to be added or removed anytime!): @fear-is-truth @juliamaximoff @jazz-berry @violetsghosts @heartz4peter
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Canine and His Cat
Yandere Male Dog Hybrid x Feminized Male Cat Hybrid Reader (CW: Noncon, male reader, feminization, rimjob, scent kink, non-human genitals, stalking, kidnapping, pissmarking (the reader is not scent marked just a building), bullying, general yandere behavior, heat cycles but not a/b/o and no mpreg)  Word Count: 3.1k (I wrote this between the hours of 11pm and 7am, not beta read, I proofread this to the best of my ability but I am sleepy and dizzy, please excuse any errors, I hope you guys enjoy this and I am sorry for two dog men in a row, but I had the idea of a dog man bully and a cat man victim and had to write it up immediately. Also I purposefully left the yandere’s description vague because I want readers to imagine him however they want, and I thought if he ever gets fanart it would be fun to see what subspecies of dog hybrid readers see him as.) 
 You did not know why Shale insisted on being so mean to you, he had targeted you from the moment you had first met in college, he was a junior at the time and you had been a sophomore but you still shared a few classes. And he made those classes miserable.  At first you just assumed it was because he was a dog hybrid and you were a cat hybrid, and sometimes there was an instinctual animosity between certain hybrids, but that theory was quickly discredited when you noticed that he was nothing but civil with all the other members of your subspecies.  Whatever the reason for his personal vendetta against you it would not be a problem for too much longer, the end of the year was now approaching and he was now a senior. Which meant you would only have to keep your head down and avoid the brute for a little longer before he graduated and you would never have to see him or deal with any of his bullshit ever again. It was a happy thought.  You had thought your years in university would have been relatively fun, meeting people with new interests, getting to know other students in your field, and taking part in new clubs and hobbies. But for over a year now it seemed that all of your friendships had simply fallen off and faded away, all your applications into clubs were denied, and no one wanted to be associated with you.  The conclusion you came to was that no one wanted to be associated with someone who had drawn the ire of the star basketball player. And while that was part of it the reality was even worse, Shale was using his connections and influence to make sure no club would accept you and he subtly threatened anyone who even seemed like they were starting a friendship with you.  It was not just that people wanted to avoid someone being bullied by him, it was that he was actively ruining your social life. Shale didn’t know why, at first, but he really needed you to be completely disconnected from everyone and everything. After months of tormenting you he realized that wasn’t strictly true, he just needed you completely disconnected from everyone and everything that wasn’t him.  He was going to break you down until you were a lonely little mess that needed him to come in and clean you up. Over the course of your sophomore and junior years he just could not help himself, and he had no desire to either.  Shale never missed a chance to make fun of you in class, and sometimes he made you do his homework. But the most infuriating thing he did was sometimes leave one of his jerseys or jocks in your locker, typically when they were ripe with sweat after he won a big game. How did he even get them in!? You could tell by scent that it was him, but even if you couldn’t he would always remark to you that you shouldn’t throw away his “gift” because once he went pro it would be the most valuable thing you ever owned. Ugh, the arrogance, it made your fur bristle.  And since you lived alone in an extra small apartment reserved for hybrid students that had to deal with heats, as even male cat hybrids did, singling you out outside of classes was all too easy for your tormentor. The infuriating dog man left mocking notes on your door, sometimes he waited in front of your place just to make fun of you directly, and he even fucking piss marked around the entire outside of the building as if it was his property! You could tell immediately who it was by the acrid stench in your sensitive nose.  Of course you filed complaint after complaint, but the college did absolutely nothing, even implying that you were making it up for attention. Of course they did, what did you expect, he was a star athlete that brought them a ton of profit and prestige. Why would they take any action to ruin that just to make one little cat hybrid safe?  At any rate your plan to avoid him and keep to yourself was at least partially working, it helped that you only had one class with him this term, but you interacting with him less made him decide that he needed to escalate things. During your next lab assignment he made SURE that you would have to be partnered with him.  Your class was dismissed and told to find someone to work on an anatomy project with. You had to pick a subject to study, go into great detail about a specific part of its anatomy and physiology, and explain how and why it had evolved that way.  You looked desperately around the large room for any other free classmate, a lifeboat in the rising tide of dread, but everyone else was already partnered up. All you found was Shale looking at you with his trademark smirk.  “Hey, bet you love this chance to hang out with me, don’t you loser?”  The way he looked at you with those red eyes of his made you want to scratch up his face.  “Yeah, it’s my life’s dream to be subjected to more of your bullshit,” you quipped dryly. “I just want to get this over with, when do you want to work on it?”  “Yeah, whatever, I can come by in a couple hours after practice.” He gathered his materials and went on his way. You knew this would be hell for you. But you had no idea how bad things were about to get for you.  Shale had executed his plan well, he could smell you just starting to enter your heat cycle and he knew you would be slightly more vulnerable during this time period. You were not worried about working on the project tonight though because it was only just starting to happen and you would not have to even miss any classes except for a couple days when it was most intense.  You tidied up your tiny apartment and waited for Blockhead to show up, when he did you opened the door and greeted him with all of the enthusiasm of a kid going to the dentist, and let him in. You could immediately tell by his smell that he had not showered after his practice.  “Jeez, why so cold, girly?” He smirked and looked at you with those red eyes of his, happy knowing he got the reaction he wanted as your ears moved back and you shot him a glare.  That was one of your biggest pet peeves and Shale had sniffed it out like the dog he was, despite very clearly being male he always called you a girl. Sure, you were not really strong or masculine, but you definitely did not appear to be a female either.  “I swear to god! Can we please just do this assignment!? Five seconds here and I am already sick of you.” You growled a bit to emphasize you were not happy.  “Damn, fine, you’re really feisty today princess’” You grumbled under your breath as you both took a seat at the table sitting beside one another and got out your laptops to type and research on. “What do you want to do our assignment on?” You asked, not looking up from your laptop.  “Well, I wanna do our assignment on a cute kitty girl’s heat and see if a dog man can make it progress faster!” He looked at you suggestively. “Wh-what!? Uh… how would we even do that? I don’t think I want to do a project on th-”  He interrupted your sputtering reply by rubbing his strong hand up your thigh, your face turned beet red and it took you a moment to come to your senses and swat his hand away.  “I know it takes three days for your cycle to start fully, I can always smell it on you even before it really begins, come on kitten, let’s see if we can jump start it~” He reached for you but you pulled away and got out of your chair.  “I-i’m not a cat girl! I am a man, I cannot even have kids! Uh, so we can’t do that project! St-stay away from me!” You backed up until you were up against the wall and you tossed a small vase with a plant in his direction.  He caught it and put it down and chuckled as he stepped forward, “Hey, don’t put yourself down, have you ever tried making babies? We can try real hard right now if you want to~ Even if you can’t there are plenty of women who can’t get knocked up!”  “Uh, I have a dick! I really don’t think trying to get knocked up will help…” You ran and dove past him and made it to the door but he caught you by the legs and carried you to your bed as you kicked and screamed.  “Come on, there's no harm in just trying~ And that’s kinda transphobic baby girl, plenty of girls have dicks. I bet yours is reeeeeally cute~” In Shale’s mind you had to be a girl, because he was so attracted to everything about you from your feisty attitude, to your cute cat ears and tail, even your lovely smell, and he was not attracted to men. So that must mean you were a girl.  You swiped at him with your claws extended, but he easily dodged the swipes then caught your wrists and held them over your head with one hand. The other hand stroked your face tenderly before softly touching your furry ears.  “So soft~ I always knew they would be!” His tail wagged happily as you wiggled and writhed beneath him. “You really need to calm down kitten, because I really want an A+ on this assignment, let’s see if we can get your heat started and whether or not we can grow some pups in that tummy.”  You began screaming and shrieking as loudly as you could before Shale took a shirt that had been lying on your bed and used it to gag you completely. Then he took his pants off and used them to tie your arms up behind your head after he removed your shirt.  Now you could only kick, but after he pulled off your pants and underwear he used more clothing to tie your legs to the bed posts.  “I was right! Your little cock is fucking adorable~” He leaned down and kissed the tip before climbing on top of you and sniffing you thoroughly. His eager nose probed from your underarms to your neck.  “Fuck, you smell so good, you have no idea how long I wanted to enjoy your scent up close.” You tried growling and wiggling in response but he just chuckled, “Haha, are you that needy to have my cock in you? Be patient, I'll get to it!”  You just struggled harder in response, you did not want his dick in you!  Shale got between your legs and stroked your cock a couple times while licking your nuts before putting your entire dick in his mouth and sucking it like it was the most delicious thing in the world. He went back and forth a while between sucking your cock and licking and kissing your balls.  You could not help but to instinctively thrust your hips towards his warm mouth, though you still did not want this by any means. Though Shale definitely took it as a sign that you were starting to become more willing.  Shale decided that before he tried his best to fill you up full of babies he needed to prep you. So he stayed between your legs and started lapping his eager tongue all over your hole. You squirmed in a mix of defiance and pleasure as his talented tongue lapped deeply at your inner walls. He finished by kissing your hole before spitting on it to make sure it was extra wet and ready for his cock.  The horny dog hybrid removed his underwear and you saw his cock bounce free, it was big, red, slimy, and completely unsheathed. He placed the tapered tip at your hole and slowly slid himself inside you, instantly rubbing your prostate and making you jerk and moan in pleasure through the gag.  Shale wanted to hear your moans for himself and he was sure he had jump-started your heat, judging from how warm your insides had gotten and how you had started twitching with pleasure and letting out muffled moans and gasps.  Even if he did not have any of those cues to go off of he could certainly smell that your cycle had rapidly reached a crescendo under his ministrations. He was correct in his prediction that you would not try to scream anymore, it felt so nice to have a cock in you during your heat.  It was by far the most amazing thing you had ever experienced and it was just too easy to succumb to the pleasure Shale was causing you.  As he continued to lose himself in the sensation of your hot insides his knot swole up and tied the two of you together, you were stretched well enough to accommodate it without any pain, but when it rubbed against that special sensitive spot inside of you you saw stars and came all over your belly with a loud moan.  He could feel your entire body shudder around his cock as he kept plowing deeply into your tight ass. You looked up at him with a pouting expression.  “Please let my hands go!” You seemed like you were about to cry and he trusted at this point that you wouldn’t try anything so he untied your arms and you immediately threw your arms around him and clung tightly to him.  Shale managed to then free your legs too and you automatically wrapped your legs around him, your whole body clinging to his as he picked you up and kept breeding you. You were already hard again as Shale battered your prostate. You were drooling and whining in his arms, desperate for another release, as he bit your neck possessively and left his mark there. You could feel his cock quiver as it started shooting thick cum and filled up your insides.
 "Fuck babe, your pussy is amazing, you really thought you weren't a girl when you have a cunt like this?"  Shale sat down with you on the bed, he knew his kitten needed to cum again so he gently rocked his knot back and forth with slow deliberate thrusts inside you while massaging your balls until you hit your second climax.  You were suddenly so tired, it was as if the energy expended during your previous struggles, your rapid progression through your heat cycle, being fucked into oblivion, and cumming so hard was all hitting you at once.  Your lover could see how tired his girl was so he held the back of your head and nestled it into his strong chest until you fell asleep while he waited for his knot to deflate. His heart melted as you began purring while snuggling up to him and he knew that what he was about to do was the right thing.  When you woke up the first thing you noticed was that you were burning up and aroused, right in the middle of your heat. The second thing you noticed was that you were no longer in your apartment, you were on a strange bed in a strange room. Shale must have cleaned you up because there was no trace left on your body of what had happened before you went to sleep.  You noticed that you had been dressed in a short skirt and thigh high stockings and there was a collar on your neck with a little bell on it. It felt like it was made of leather but it was something much more durable and you had no hope of removing it.  When you got out of the bed to look around at your strange surroundings you noticed it was tied to a long cord, it was long enough to let you move about the room, and get to the adjoining room which appeared to be a bathroom, but you could not get near the door.  In the corner of the room you noticed something unsettling, it looked like someone had made a shrine to you, it was covered in really odd photos you had certainly not taken yourself and laid out in front of the photos were some of your personal things. A brush that had gone missing from your apartment, a pair of underwear, some pages from assignments Shale had made you do for him, and a poem you had written that should have been in one of your journals that you liked to write in.  The implication of what someone had to do to get all those things made you uneasy.  You jumped back in fright as you heard someone unlatch the door. Shale walked in with a great big grin on his face.  “Sorry I was late, baby girl, but I had a morning class today!” He came over to you acting as if absolutely nothing was out of place. Like he had not just kidnapped you after fucking you silly.  “What the fuck!? You can’t just keep me here!” You hissed and swiped at him again.  “Awe, calm down kitten, no need to get all angry. It’s just that I am graduating soon and I could not have my girlfriend leaving me so I bought this house with my signing bonus! You can stay here while I finish up classes and after that I will only be gone to do practices and games.” He pulled you close and kissed your forehead.  “If you behave you can even come with me to those too and we never have to be apart. But this cord is staying on until I am sure you will be good to make sure you don’t try to run off.” His tail started wagging at the thought of always having you there with him, his own personal cheerleader spurring him on during every game and practice.  “What about my classes!?” You looked at him with dismay, he was serious, he was really going to keep you here.  “Don’t worry your pretty little head, you don’t need to work, you’ll be my housewife! Now let’s get you to the bed, I can smell that you’re still in heat and I want to make sure your urges are all taken care of.”  With a defeated sigh you let him take you by the hand and lead you to the bed, there was no way you could escape him, so you might as well make the most of it.
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
Hey-hey 👋
I'm absolutely in love with your writing for Narnia from M!IK!! Thank you so much for your work!
What do you think Narnia's courting human!reader will look like? Bonus points if it will be kinda rituals (since we know Naberius clan is connected with dogs 😉)
If you feel uncomfortable with that request you can ignore it, it's ok 👍
Hihi!! No, thank you so much for reading it! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I thought about waiting to start this till the big 'betrayal' of the Deviculum arc was revealed, but it'll be a two-week hiatus till the new crowns are revealed, much less that big boy of a thing. So here it is anyway!
This was written from the POV of an Iruma's parent reader, but if anyone also wants one of a non-Iruma associated reader, just let me know!
Narnia Courting a human!reader (spoilers for up to chapter 197 ahead!)
First, knowing what we know now about his feelings for humans, I honestly don't think he would have considered it in the beginning. This old dog would probably fight tooth and nail at first to deny it.
But once he admits to himself he likes you? You're in for a ride.
I'm thinking you first met at the Deviculum, having been invited as the daughter of Sullivan and as another 'guard' for Amaryllis, and he was disguised as Fenrir 'Fen-chan'.
At first, while he had set you on edge, you had simply thought him a funny little dude who had a thing for dog shaped hand gestures. And with a name like Fenrir it had been easy to write off the dog like qualities as wolf ones, probably descended and named after the Norse mythology wolf.
And so, despite your feeling, you had laughed at his jokes and little quips and thrown some back easily.
Until he scared your son.
Then all bets had been off.
You were no 13 crown head of lust, but you were a parent too. A parent who also had fangs and nails, as blunt as they may be in comparison, and was more than willing to throw down with a border patrol demon for your child.
Narnia hadn't been impressed with Iruma's quick submission, simply affirming what he thought of humans being too weak to be allowed in the Netherworld at all, much less in positions of power, but you?
You had done a complete 180 from how you acted before. The second he had leaned in to get closer to Iruma, you were suddenly there with all the rage and fire of any demon parent he had ever seen before.
Eyes that had been shinning prettily in awe of the ball were now narrowed in on him, lips pulled back in a snarl and tiny canines bared at him. Threats fired off without a second thought.
(His personal favourite was when you threatened to rip his tail off and shove it down his throat)
If he hadn't known better, he would have thought he was looking at a demon returned to origins with the feral look in your eyes.
And he was absolutely certain, that if Amaryllis hadn't stepped in and slapped him, shocking you out of that state of mind, you might actually have tried to lunge at him.
He fell in love at that moment.
Though he wouldn't realize it till later. Still reeling that a human had acted so much like a demon.
So he starts looking into you more carefully once the whole Deviculum thing is over.
Approaches you as Narnia, rather than Fenrir, so that he can get the full picture of who you are, without the negative feelings of the Deviculum in the way.
You had known it was the same person anyway from his mannerisms, the dog hand symbol he occasionally made, even in Narnia mode, was hard to forget.
The more he got to know you, though, the more he was he fell and eventually conceded that yes, humans weren't so weak, and also yes he wanted this particular human.
And once he did, he would waste no time trying to initiate a courtship.
I fully believe that demons follow courtship rituals that start with offerings.
Something meant to entice and say 'hey I'm an option, look at me' and if accepted, delve into gifts on why they would be such a good choice and spend time together.
In ancient times, this was usually a kill of some sort to prove they can provide. Nowadays, in modern times, that was far less likely and was generally more tailored to the couple in particular.
His first gift is actually an apology for the way he acted and a promise to protect both you and Iruma from any future harm.
His second gift, given right after you accepted his apology, was a circular hair brooch with two sticks chained to it, made from a material that looked most closely to rainbow obsidian.
The brooch part had an intricate design that looked quite close to Kalego's seal only with different characters, that likely spelled Narnia's name instead.
The two hair sticks had wolf heads attached where the chains met the stick. All in all it was a gift to say that you were claimed by him and therefore an attack on you was an attack on him. A rather forward gift, usually given later on in courtships, but that he felt was right. (And since you’re human, you can use it to call him when needed)
He gives plenty of other gifts too over the courtship period, from other pieces of jewellery (he custom ordered earpieces that covered the roundness of yours to give the illusion of pointed ones), to clothes in both Naberius and your favourite colours, to treats, to books, and your plenty of items to do with your favourite hobbies.
It’s canon that he has an exceptionally good nose, even among demons, and being a dog demon I firmly believe he absolutely loves and adores your scent.
So don't expect any perfumes or cologne from him.
Unless it's made from his scent, like Sullivan's pheromone perfume, so that he can indulge in inhaling the beautiful mixture your two scents combined would make.
(I personally think he smells something along the lines of a rose but darker and more dangerous, if that makes sense, and also smelling of sandalwood, parchment, and ink. Take that as you will.)
He's big on scenting you the natural way, too. Nuzzles and cuddles galore, especially when he's been away for a while.
Running his nose, and rubbing his face into your neck, was a common occurrence once you had given the go ahead.
Being in the Border Patrol and as a 13 Crown, he doesn't have a lot of spare time, so texts or letters are probably a common thing as well. Especially when he's been sent on a spy job.
While Kalego is the silent acts of service, gift giving and quiet quality time type, Narnia is much more into physical touches, quality time and words of affirmation type.
In other words, he will always be touching you and wanting praises. I wasn’t kidding about the nuzzles and cuddles galore.
With how strict the Naberius household is, I don’t think they’d be too big on touching, and doing well isn’t praiseworthy but expected. Not exactly the healthiest of households to grow up in,
Plus, I'm betting that he had to raise Kalego while also doing his schooling and training, since it doesn't look like there was a mom in the picture, their uncle is canonically lazy, and their dad was probably working like 24/7, and when he wasn't, he was training them. Bloody hell no wonder he snapped
So he craves the touch of another a lot, much like Shichirou.
I genuinely think that if the Naberius house had given them even a bit more freedom, he'd probably be somewhere in between how Clara and Shichirou acts. Not quite as in your face as Clara is, but a little more energy than Shichirou has.
But because he is trained so well in the Naberius way, he probably won't do much more than hand holding or hand on your back for PDA.
Alone, however, he's all over you. Using you as a headrest when you're cooking, head in your lap while you read, wrapped around you while you sleep, playing with your hair, letting you play with his hair
By the gods, his hair
His hair is the epitome of silkiness (minus the horn-like cow-licks, which are surprising hard yet still feel like hair. Just like over gelled hair feels, probably)
While you're courting, he will let you do whatever you want with it because he loves the feeling of your fingers carving paths through the strands, nails scratching his scalp pleasingly. It's one of his favourite things to just sit between your legs, while looking over case files, or reading, or even just laying there and just let you do your thing, whether it's a simple braid or an elaborate design.
He usually falls asleep to this, by the way.
Speaking of case files, he'll occasionally ask you for your thoughts on them.
This got so long, I had to create a new text box, oh gods. Did you know there's a 4096-character limit per text box? Because I just learned that, and now you did too!
Having your literal out of this world thinking has solved far more things than he would like to admit, but he's also so damn proud? Because yes, that's his partner solving these cases that no one else had been able too. (He constantly gets in trouble with Henry for sharing confidential info. He does not care and continues to do it.)
I also headcannon that Narnia can sing and dance will often do so for you.
Can hold long notes like a wolf howls, so very long.
Will just randomly pull you into his arms, humming a tune, and dance with you.
Also, while you're courting, he will be both surprisingly helpful and absolutely useless with Iruma. He's already raised Kalego, so he thinks he can raise a human teen too.
He's dead wrong.
So, so wrong.
But he tries, and it leads to a lot of funny moments.
(Kalego is horrified that his most troublesome student and co-worker has a very real potential of being a part of his family, but also secretly pleased)
Listen, Narnia's also pretty much confirmed as returned to origins, or at least heavily implied. The only reason he is drifting back to your side is because Baal's group would 100% hunt you for sport, along with other things.
Obviously, he can not have this. So Baal's group has to go. However, that means that all those instincts he's been letting lose? They have to be channelled somewhere, and they are. On you.
He will definitely have some yandere tendencies, is what I'm saying.
Gotta know where you are and who you're with. Needs to know your schedule by heart, and any deviancies will give him a heart attack.
Literally hates the fact that you're always surrounded by others, and he almost never gets alone time. But is also happy and proud that you're so needed and an integral part of so many demon's lives.
Tries to get you on your own so much, but you literally have the entire staff of Babyls, the misfit class, several crowns, and the three greats wanting your attention. Oh, and one deity because of course Toto wants to know all the stories and knowledge you have from the human world too, not just Iruma's.
Has thought about just straight kidnapping you and Iruma (because you wouldn't be happy without him, and he may or may not have grown attached to the little blue bean) on several occasions, but almost every single one of these beings is high ranked and 100% would hunt him down for you because of course they are.
Also thought about trying to convince you to join Border Patrol so that you could go on cases together, therefore able to keep an eye on you and spend more time together. But you enjoyed working at Babyls, and there's no way Henry would allow a human to join.
So he takes what he can get, but will pout and occasionally honest to gods whimpers when you have to separate.
He takes this out on captured prisoners. They thought he was bad before, now he's got feelings, and they're going to understand real quick what real no mercy feels like.
May or may not have tried to convince you to return to origins with him at one point, but a quick whack with the school's newspaper said what you thought of that.
In conclusion, he is a feral dog who is only tame for you.
I have more I could shove in this, but it's already so long and so all over the place ಥ ͜ʖಥ
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byghostface · 7 months
//long rambling
There is a vent in the last part (about pro ship:/+ wired shipping + block list) it's naturally negative so reading at your own risk.
So in the new Batman and Robin issue #7 Nika's sister making an appearance, got me thinking of other possibilities for sibling characters to come back.
Mostly I’m thinking about Respawn since he is Joshua Williamson's own character. And He made Respawn appeared in the last issue of Robin(2021), he also brought back Mara in that run too (just some appearance in the later issue).
And now Joshua Williamson is writing Batman and Robin, so naturally he can bring some characters back in this run. He had said in an interview that he might have figured out a way(try) to bring back Maya.
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Throwback to 2022 of this old wip/art I made, is about what I think the emo teens of Lazarus squad dynamic would look like.
I imagine Nika and Respaw are irritated/tolerate with each other but would stay for Damian because Nika is Damian's girlfriend and they want to stick together. Meanwhile, Damian likes to include his half-brother in some fun activities (Respawn is acting reluctant bc of his own issues but he actually likes to have friends and feel include).
I haven’t finished this art bc I was going to add more wips (with other characters like Rose and Hawke) to make it a post. I didn't finish this art back then bc I was afraid Talia fans would be mad at me for drawing Respawn.
Trust me, I hate that Talia gets associated with Deathstroke like this, but I think Respawn is a confused/mistreated teen character and Damian (bless his heart and soul) still wants to be his brother regarding the whole mess. I will explain/talk more about my thoughts on Respawn as a character and his situations once I finish these drawings and get ready to post them.
Writing/typing words is harder than drawing for me personally. Drawing is like channeling my energy into a picture and forming an atmosphere and hopefully people will understand what thoughts and feelings I was trying to convey. Writing is using more brain powers to choose the correct and cohesive words, so people would not misunderstand what I'm talking about. Especially when English is not my first language, and even so I normally don't talk(write) much in my mother tongue either…(I'm not a quick thinker, it took me a longer time to think things through, writing literally exhausted me physically and mentally more than drawing.)
It doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing, it's just not my first choice to convey thoughts… but considering I can't draw everything I have in my mind and it takes even longer time to finish any art, I just need to write down things first from now on. Tumblr is the only place I can think of that has this longer text feature blog post and I'm more familiar with this platform format. So I will still be here posting my fan content.
(↓Vent, if you want to avoid being block by me then read down below.)
I must say I will forever hate respawn x flatline as ship, cus I know who started this ship and their reasons behind it—Don’t let the new character develop naturally as the story goes, let’s put them in made-up weird situations first so I can prop up my own ship!😍 And get both of the new characters out of the way, since no one would defend them so I can fanon the hell out of them by making them look bad all around!🤞 (What if I stone you first hand🪨🪨💥)
And I will continue to dislike/against any shipping Damian's sibling to Nika. I simply don't like the unnecessary sibling conflict just for romance tropes! So go away boooo I hate you‼️ Not to mention the ignoring of different age range multi-ship hide behind poly… that's straight up proshipping I hate you even more!!👎
Also for people who said Nika should be crush on Damian's mother instead of him… I hate you twisted proshipper rotten smooth brain‼️‼️ She dating a boy her age and has mutual connections with him, why would she crush on her boyfriend's mother instead?? Just because Nika is a big fan of Talia??? So you telling me young ppl can't idolize adults normally without being labeled as romantic nowadays huh??( Not saying you can't crush on adults, but why crush on your boyfriend's mom? ) Your weird ass mind is showing with this ass hc be fr. Again, why would you imagine that? You just wanted to push a fake narrative of Nika being wired so you could have an excuse to make Talia and Damian dislike her (which is not true), but in fact is YOU are the weird one projecting your twist thoughts/hate onto Nika‼️💥🪨🪨
I will start to block ppl who are shipping/liking respawn x flatline (+proshipper) and STILL interact with me, read the room!! My art is not for you weirdos‼️Go away BOOOO💥 🪨🪨🪨💥💥
Can't believe I need to type this all out cuz some of you weirdos will still do these things and think is okay to interact with me and my post/showing in my notifications BOOO👎🪨🪨💥🪳🪳🪳🩴🩴🩴
(sorry for venting about random weirdos/Nika haters again, and thanks for reading.)
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"So far in what could loosely be called your life, you have made a living watching others. Society would call you an informant. a rat, a snitch, I call you unworthy of the body you possess, of the life you have been given."
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Hello. I am Michael. I don't want to be on this app but I was told it'd be a good place to connect with others like myself, start new bonds, possibly "have fun". I don't know what to say here. I am 30 exactly, I'm a male and I own a hamster named Rusty who has one eye, I don't like loud people and I like to sleep.
Talk to me if you want, I won't stop you but I don't want any weird stuff. I'll ignore you. It's easy.
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Hi! Back at it again, making another blog. If you guys don't know me, I'm Richie, he/him, a gay trans man with a love for horror movies, video games and photography! I own @riotsnrebellion, @nintndo64, @metalhead-painter and my main blog is @1nervegas1. This blog is extra special to me as Michael is my absolute fav character ever.
Going through the usual warnings of talk of violence, gore, sexual themes, drug addiction and self destructive behaviors, so if that's not your thing? You've been warned for it
Im okay with shipping and nsfw asks! Im all up for oc x canon, canon x canon and rarepairs! Just message me beforehand so we can discuss the ship!
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Some more info on him because hes not too talkative about himself just yet: Michael is a cisman, he goes by he/him and he's also bisexual (something he struggled with when he wasa teen), after a particularly bad drug charge and while he was trying to go through therapy for those with addiction, he had the choice of either becoming a police informant or having more charges dropped onto him by non other than Eric Matthews, so he picked the 1st option, no matter how much he disliked it. He spent most of his childhood looking after his younger sister, Madeline, so she's really the only person he trusts fully. Michael isn't one to open up too easily, but he'll try his best. JUST as he was getting better, he was grabbed by jigsaw. He goes to the survivors meetings but hardly speaks, he also wears a set of rounded shades to hide his missing eye
More info on him and his backstory can be found HERE! (once I get to work on writing the post)
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-#👁️‍🗨️>MICHAEL CHATS (interactions/rp)
-#💬>MICHAEL TALKS (hisbown posts/rambles)
-#‼️>MICHAELCORE (things I associate with him
-#🔃>MICHAEL REBLOGS (self explanatory)
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
How would you write Nettles in the season if it was you adapting it? Curious to hear your thoughts and how would you introduce her character,
Oh my goodness.
Thank you for giving me this platform.
Episodes 1 - 3
First thing, we introduce her as an Alladin/ Robin Hood character. Demonize the greens and by proxy Viserys for all I care, but Nettles isn't just starting to be hungry. She steals and does it well but is moral about it. Go the easy route and have her share with a kid, or teach a child how to get clams or even leave all the coins she does have for bread. She can have a job or two, but she has a need to provide for more than herself because she was a kid once.
We also see her selling Addam goat. They seem closer than strangers. Like he sees her often enough. She even gives him her congratulations on Alyn returning
Later on, we see that she is a bar maid as well this time with a little less clothes but a face veil. We get the notion that she doesn't like it, but she has to work two jobs because people pay her less due to the scar. The boys can see her again, or someone can allude to the idea that she's never in the same place in a day. They don't know much about her.
Episodes 4-6
We meet her washing blood of her hands from killing and bleeding a sheep. First job introduction for the goat selling. We see Nettles has a place in the Driftmark eco system. She's a member of their society, scar and all. Have people condescend about her, be like she was a thief, look at the scar, but I made her into what she is. She doesn't have that connection to anyone.
Then after that, we see her wandering, just behind people on to grass, then unto a hill with a pan down of a sheep in between the time for both jobs. And we all know why but we will leave it be for now.
Episodes 7 to 8
News about Addam reaches her, and all of a sudden, she looks scared. The first full dialogue with get from her is about what they are doing with the seeds who do that. If he's okay and then she hears about the sowing. Someone says Sheepstealer kills anyone he comes near, so they don't understand why people try. She tries to fight back a smile, but you can tell she's fond of something in the conversation.
We see the same motion. This time, we see the origin of the sheep as one she 'borrows' from another butcher or a run away sheep from herding and carries it up to feed the dragon. She's talking to him like a person as he eats, and you hear someone coming up on another side. She hides in the cave behind her (she clearly trusts this dragon). we see Sheepstealer massacre a random seed with Cannibal and when Cannibal tries to sniff out Nettles, he gets really defensive.
Cannibal flies of and Nettles kind of feel the bond build, he heels, and she climbs on her boy for their first flight, but we don't see her at the table with the seeds.
She's the last claimer in the narrative and yet very undecided on what that means or what to do, We hear her curse for the first time, and the season closes out.
So yeah, she'd be kinda subdued and away because she does exist at a lot of intersections in the narrative. I'm tying to Addam for the bastard association, but we never hear it from her, giving us the mysterious parentage arc. She starts to claim Sheepstealer early because he's on a quicker route to work that people clearly don't take, and it makes it easier. She can tell he's hungry, too. That's where the smart and fearless association comes from. She isn't foul-mouthed just yet, but cursing on dragon back is a great way and reason to be labelled. I think that's how you do it.
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brightbrightpink · 5 months
The way Zara offered Fig an out, an idea about how to leave school without screwing things up for her friends, was so thoughtful but it also has me so concern for entirely selfish reasons.
I Don't Like Change. If the bad kids' lineup changed in the 4th season, that would destroy me. My high school senior year was wrecked by online school and loneliness and uncertainty. I need the bad kids to have their senior year Together or I'll lose my mind. And if there's no Fig, how will we get figayda content, cig figs content, sandra lynn my favorite hot mom, bad girls sisterhood, all of that would be over and I'd Cry.
But also, from a marketing standpoint, I kind of seriously don't think they would let the lineup of their flagship series change in the fourth quarter. It's just, it's not a good business decision. It could alienate fans, it will at least mean that everyone has to learn to love a new character when we already love fig. Plus, they made that really cool merch of Ayda, who is a character in her own right but is so associated to Fig that it would be odd to sell it without her in the show. The same goes for the Gilear plush too, tbh. And all of the "sets" of merch for the bad kids, especially the fancy dice set, would become like, obsolete with a change in lineup. I don't think they would want that.
Idk this post is all over the place but I really hope Emily has changed her mind about wanting Fig to retire and drop out of school. She has all these new powers and all this cool stuff going on, hopefully that makes her more fun for Emily to play.
And if her story seems like it's kind of concluded, that's okay, she still has friends to support. Not all of the bad kids' personal lives have been super relevant to the main plot at all times. If I remembered correctly, Gorgug didn't have a lot tied up in the freshman year plot until he started dating Zelda, but Riz was super involved because of the penny stuff and his dad's stuff. Adaine was super involved in the plot sophomore year because her parents were working for the nightmare king, but this year she's obviously been super helpful and useful to the party, but her main storyline is just trying to make money, it's not tied up into the big bad like fig and kristen are with their goddesses. Fig could have a year like that for senior year, where she just helps out her friends and spends all her free time writing dope songs and starting podcasts with ayda. Maybe she could get an ADHD test. Honestly, kristen could use a similar year, where she's trying to connect with her brothers but not because her Goddess is unmade, just because she cares about them. The really plot-driven stuff could maybe be more gorgug or fabian heavy, and maybe adaine's mom could come back. Idk. I just don't want fig to have to give up her adventuring party just because she found self actualization with a lesbian goddess of the dawn.
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plantinghobbies · 1 year
Growing Pains
One: On the Day That I Met You
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Long time reader, first time poster. This is my first time writing, well almost anything, especially a chaptered fic. The biggest thanks to @solipsisticno1 for being the best beta this newbie could ask for. Would love to hear what you think, thanks for reading!
He clocks her when he first walks in, partially because she’s sat reading a book - in a bar, who does that - but mainly because of what she’s eating – a caprese salad. The menu here has basically been sustaining him since he flew in, which is how he is certain that what she’s eating is not on it. Up until now, the proximity to the studio has largely made up for the lackluster food options. But the sight of fresh produce in this mecca of fried food has him gravitating toward the open stool next to her like a water-starved man to a desert mirage.
While Matty had initially given Jack shit for relocating to a place he’d never heard of – one that seemed diametrically opposed to the big cities that had soundtracked and marked their friendship up until now - he was starting to see Asheville’s appeal. It definitely didn’t have the physical anonymity that London or New York had, that feeling that you could live there your whole life and never even come close to seeing all it had to offer. On the other hand, Matty is pretty sure that he’s covered every inch of this town, walking to clear his head in between writing sessions and dicking around in the studio. He can navigate from his rental to the studio downtown already without Google Maps. Where this kind of familiarity used to bore him, he now finds comfort in it instead. It might be the only thing around him these days that feels impervious to change.
He settles on the bar stool and glances around, still not quite used to the visual onslaught that greets him, even after three weeks. The walls of the otherwise brightly lit bar are absolutely littered from floor to ceiling with signs. And not the street and beer signs that he’s come to associate with American pubs. Instead, aggressively inspirational sayings and pseudo-biblical quotes scream at him from every direction in a variety of sizes and fonts. He can’t tell if it’s ironic or not. He hasn’t wanted to ask for fear of offending someone, an instinct he pats himself on the back for as a sign of significant maturity.
After the bartender leaves with his order, he glances over at her and her mystery salad, drumming his hands on the table as he takes her in. Short, dark hair frames her face and she brings her hand up to bite at her nail, a habit that he can tell from her hand she does often. She looks to be slightly younger than him and for a second, Matty wonders if she’s a fan. That may just be a tiny bit of wishful thinking on his part – he hasn’t been recognized once since he got here and if he’d never admit it but it’s starting to grate on him. He tries to tell himself it’s because he loves the connection he has with his fans, has missed it during their hiatus. But if he’s honest, it’s picking at a worry that he has in the back of his mind, that it’s the first indication of a slide into irrelevance that he’s been bracing himself for since he first heard a crowd roaring for him and his band. And each day that goes by without an impassioned interaction on the sidewalk or request for a selfie in the grocery store, the worry grows bigger.
When her gaze shifts from her book to the clock on the wall, he realizes he’s been staring and averts his eyes quickly in a way that he hopes is not obvious. He briefly considers getting his food to go, shuffling back to the studio or his house to find something to distract from his current thoughts. But he forces “for here” out when he orders his food, knowing that all that awaits him at home is Internet rabbit holes and more wanking than is probably healthy.  
He’s starting to envy the book and her foresight to bring it as the noise around him is overtaken by the noise in his head. He’s trying to get better at being alone with his own thoughts, which is fucking hard when your mind resembles the inside of a tornado, disconnected thoughts spiraling around each other like debris, forever circling the calm of the eye but never reaching it. Jesus, he’s so sick of his own thoughts at this point. He makes it a heroic - by his standards - amount of time before the thoughts in his mind force their way out of his mouth.
“Bloody hell, what is with these signs?!” He mutters.  
Tess hadn’t really been paying attention to the guy next to her, appearing intentionally focused on the thriller she was reading to ward off conversation from anyone she might know. It’d been a tough day at work and she needed time to decompress before her chit-chatty brother realized she was there. When she hears his comment though, she can’t help the snort that escapes her. Real ladylike Tess. Turning to her right, she can tell from the way he sits up straighter as their gaze's meet that he relishes getting a reaction, even if it’s from a complete stranger.
“You know, my brother owns this place and he might not take kindly to that question” she says, expecting embarrassment from him but getting only a smirk back.
“Aaah well that explains your access to off-menu items” he says, nodding to her salad. “I’ve been coming here for weeks and wasn’t sure if they even had a vegetable in the place.”  
“Exclusive for VIPs only.”
“Good to know, had a hunch you were special” he says with a wink, enjoying the slight tinge of pink it brings to her cheeks. “Anyway, I’ve been dying to ask someone about these” he gestures up at the wall “for ages but didn’t want to put my foot in it. Which I obviously just did anyway.” Brown eyes stare back at her, wide-eyed with curiosity and childlike impatience that would be unattractive on another man his age - she’s guessing mid-thirties, maybe forty - but on him seems almost endearing.  
When she doesn’t respond, he prods her. “Well? What’s the story? Is it a gag? I know you Americans love to live, laugh, love and all that but even you have to admit this is a bit much.”  
The words are tumbling out of her mouth before she has a chance to consider the ramifications of prolonging the conversation, which she had been actively avoiding in the first place. “Wait, nobody’s told you?”
He shakes his head slowly, warily. She’s got him, can’t help herself.   “Oook, well..” she hesitates, glancing down at her own food “you know what, another time, don’t want to ruin your dinner.”
“No, no go ahead, it hasn’t even arrived yet” large hands hovering over the empty place setting in front of him.
Looking over her shoulder and leaning into him for dramatic effect, she whispers “Well, it’s not something we like to talk about, been one too many true crime junkies coming through asking questions,” she pauses, eyes trailing over his upper body “but you don’t seem like the type. You seem trustworthy.” He looks thrilled with this absolutely unfounded vote of confidence in his character.
“So, the previous owner, Marge, she was this real battle ax. Didn’t take shit from anyone. Her husband – I forget his name - had run out years before with the next-door neighbor, leaving her alone with their daughter and this bar. When he left, people said he took the last shred of love that she had left. Except when it came to her little girl. You know that saying they use on the news when someone dies tragically, that they ‘lit up a room’? Well, that was Lauren. She was a sweetheart, her and my brother actually dated for years. Until…” the shudder is a little over the top but Tess has always fashioned herself a great story teller.  
Her silence is punctuated only by the slight skid of wood across the floor, his body unconsciously leaning forward and taking the bar stool under him with it as he almost whispers “Until what?”
“Until she was murdered…here” Glancing away, she hears him take in a stilted breath.
“Here? Here as in Asheville?” He blurts out, voice thick with shock.  
“Here as in at this bar” Her knuckles rap agains the wood with every word and he jumps back as if it’s on fire.
“Anyway, Lauren – the daughter - she loved these things” Tess gestures to the walls around them “so every year on the anniversary of her death, Marge bought a new one and put it on the wall. When she died last year and my brother bought the place, it felt wrong to take it down. Like removing a shrine or a cemetery or something, you know?”
He nods slowly, still stuck on what she had said before. “Holy shit, that’s mad!” His eyes gravitate toward the worn wood even as the rest of his body instinctually leans away from it - as if the misfortune that occurred on it was contagious.
“Did they ever catch who did it?” he’s aware of how breathy his voice sounds, that he’s just being nosy now.
“No, but the police think whoever it is was likely a regular. Maybe still is, honestly” her eyes flit around them, sizing up the bodies as if they’ll give themselves away.  
“Jesus, really?!”  
Tess’s gaze comes back to him, assessing him more closely than she had before. She couldn’t ignore his conventional good looks, with a lithe frame that hinted at toned muscles just below and a riotous mop of untamed dark curls on his head. The words cute and sexy float to the front of her mind. Six packs and success didn’t do much for Tess, though she wouldn’t hold it against a guy. But funny, nerdy, personable? Those were like kryptonite for her, a combination that made her weak in ways that were concerning to feminism. And this guy seemed to have them in spades, she thought. Add in the accent and woof… She shook her head subtly to refocus, remembering she had left him in suspense.
For his part, her story is the most interesting thing he’s heard in a while. He’s already thinking about how to mine this for lyrics, the tragic story hidden in the walls of this charming dive bar. They’re staring at each other, and he watches with confusion as a slow, mischievous smirk replaces the grim look on her face.
“No, not really ” there’s a hint of a laugh in her voice “but that would be way cooler than the actual story.” After a quick sip of her Diet Coke, she launches into the truth about the signs, which are her sister-in-law’s doing. Well, sort of. When Sadie and Ben moved into their first house, Sadie’s mother started giving them to her for near every holiday. There was no way they were going in their home, but they didn’t want to offend Becky either. At first, they buried them in the bathroom and the garage but quickly ran out of wall space. Fed up, Sadie threw them in a box and shipped them off to the bar. It’s become a running joke among the regulars to see who can add the “best” one to the collection.
“So that whole story about Marge and Lauren and the murder, that’s all made up?” The pink in her cheeks accentuates her already enticing features as she nods. “Wow, that’s like, proper fucked up - and that’s saying something coming from me” His harsh words are softened by the hint of playfulness in his voice. She clearly enjoyed taking the piss out of him, he kinda digs it. “Is that what you all do for fun in small towns? Just lie around and think up grim tall tales to sell to handsome strangers?”  
“Small town?! Come on new guy! Asheville is a city thank you very much” Tess is indignant - she’s not this town’s biggest fan but she’s from here, she’s earned the right to make fun of it. Asheville is like her fourth sibling – she mocks it mercilessly, but if someone else talks shit about it, the gloves are off.
“Please. London, where I live, is a city. Manchester, where I’m from, has 500,000 people in it. That’s a city. This….” He shrugs and trails off, gesturing around him as if it was obvious.  
Exasperation is evident on her face. It’s adorable, he thinks, surprising himself with the thought.  
“You clearly just haven’t availed yourself of all this city” she emphasizes the word “has to offer.”
“Is that an invitation to show me around?” The comment is punctuated by a flit of his eyes across her frame that she should find skeezy but is somehow hot. Tess’s friends often remind her that her flirtation index is not the best on a good day – girl, you wouldn’t register a guy was flirting with you if he tattooed it on his naked chest, Fern often said - and especially not when it’s been this long. Well, fuck you Fern, even I picked up on this.
But just because she knows it’s happening doesn’t mean she knows how to respond to it. His comment jolts through her, sparking excitement and then almost immediate anxiety as she struggles with what to do next. Playing it cool isn’t Tess’s list of strengths – understatement of the century, she thinks - and she’s painfully aware of the time passing by where she’s failed to cobble together even a simple response. Matty senses the shift in her mood, goes to change the subject but gets interrupted by his food being delivered.
In the end, faced with flirt or flee, Tess choose’s flee. She takes advantage of the momentary distraction his dinner provides to extricate herself, gathering her book and sliding off the stool. The abruptness of her departure doesn’t sit right with him, it’s not a reaction he’s used to these days – and yes, he’s aware of how much of an absolute wanker that makes him sound like. He doesn’t think it’s something he said but he can’t seem to be too careful these days. With a polish he typically reserves for his professional persona, he tests the waters with a final comment.
“Nice talking to you,” he says to her back as she puts on her jacket.
“Yea, you too, have a good night,” she throws over her shoulder without even a glance back. Ok, based on that he’s at least 75% sure she’s not rushing off to shit talk him on Instagram for daring to wink at her without her consent. He thought she’d been into their conversation? He misses the days when his knee jerk response to interactions wasn’t to play out how it could be perceived online. Plus, she wouldn’t have wished him a good night if she was pissed off, right?
This last thought gives him some comfort, but he’s still left with a feeling he can’t put his finger on. It follows him home and fucks with his sleep. George would tell him he was obsessing, take the piss with the rest of the guys – but they weren’t here. And that was the problem, wasn’t it. It’s then - as he’s staring at the shadows the moon casts on the ceiling of his expansive bedroom – that he’s able to put a label to the dull itch that’s plagued him since he watched her leave. Loneliness. He hadn’t been alone this long for at least twenty years, since the start of the band. And Jack helped, but their time together was spent mining his feelings – pain, happiness, uncertainty, self-loathing – for lyrics, which was his passion but also really fucking draining. His conversation with her – god, he was such a simp, he didn’t even know her name – had felt fun, carefree, familiar. Easy. He hadn’t had that since he arrived here, probably since he hugged the boys goodbye backstage after the final show. And, unsurprisingly – addict, after all – he craved the feeling again.
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Midsummer/ Litha
This one is a litte late, as Tumblr decided to eat a couple of my drafts. But its here! The Litha/ Midsummer prompt! We'll start with some informative posts here on tumblr and elsewhere on the internet about the holiday!
Litha On Tumblr
Celebrate Litha
Ideas for Litha
Litha masterpost
Litha on the Internet
Celtic Connection
Learn Religions
The Prompt
Okay! Make a new page, solely for Midsummer!
Write out a description of the holiday. What is it? When is it? How is it traditionally celebrated? Why were things celebrated the way they were? What are the things that this holiday represents and stands for? This is the meat and potatoes of the holiday. Any and all bits of info aside from this are just the seasoning. Mine is a few small paragraphs about the holiday itself.
Now make some lists. What are the colors used to decorate for this holiday? What are some incense/ oils/ candle scents that are commonly associated with this day? Gemstones? Herbs? Is there a moon phase or particular god/goddess associated with this holiday? What about animals? Flowers? Were there any traditional offerings left out on this holiday? And what foods were made on this day?
What are some of the activities you can do to celebrate this holiday? And what about magic and rituals. Are there any specific kinds of magic to perform on or around this day? Are there any poems or blessings associated with this holiday?
That’s a lot of info, I know. But now for the second part of the holiday prompt!
Make it your own!
Now, given all the information you’ve gathered, make your own small ritual to be performed on Midsummer. To do this, I suggest a scrap paper to brainstorm on. Here’s some things to keep in mind and help write out your ritual.
What is the theme/ purpose of the ritual? (Healing ritual? Cleansing? Renewal of intentions? Welcoming the light?)
What are the tools you’ll use and what is the purpose/ association it has? (candles, athame/ sacred blade, incense, gemstones etc)
What power(s) are you calling upon for the ritual and why? (elements, deities, sun/ moon, personal power, etc)
How do you set it up? Is there specific placement of the tools? Direction to face when calling the above powers? Do you cast a circle? Or do you simply light a candle and bow your head in a moment of silent prayer/ meditation?
Good luck and Happy crafting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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hyakinthou-naos · 8 months
Hythiereia Farhan, it's so wonderful to see your/the new account! I was wondering if you might have any advice for worshipping Apollo specifically? Would love to hear your thoughts!
Thank you kindly!
Khaire Doorlatch!
Thank you so much for your question and for following this new account! The support is truly appreciated <3
Now onto the question:
Advice for Worshipping Lord Apollo
The first step in worshipping or working with any of The Theoi is to understand and connect with their domains (the areas of life and existence they rule over). Lord Apollo has numerous domains, but is primarily associated with the following:
Prophecy & Oracles
Music, Song, & Poetry
Plague, Disease, & Healing
If you (or anyone) is seeking to worship Lord Apollo, the first step would be to identify which of Lord Apollo's domains align with you and your life. As an example, I have a deep love for divination and tarot - and am also a musician. In such, it would be best and easiest for me to connect with and worship Apollo by utilizing these domains.
When worshiping Lord Apollo, consistency is key and something He values from His devotees. Whether it's once a month, once a week, or once a day - having a set schedule for your worship is something I would heavily advise.
As far as what you should do in order to worship Him - it is again important to align your worship with His domains. Pulling from my own alignments, I have found joy/success in dedicating acts of creativity to Him. I've done this for both crafts made specifically for Lord Apollo, but also for artistic projects that have nothing to do with my worship.
[The following is UPG]
In my experience ,Lord Apollo is a god who values gifts and the dedication of objects. I own a kalimba and recently gifted this instrument to Him. In the context of my worship what this means is that the kalimba is always stored on my altar so that it is kept in His "house". I also, as part of this gift, made the commitment that all the music I ever play on that kalimba will be an offering to Him.
As someone who believes The Theoi are a reflection of us (just as we are a reflection of them) I would also like to acknowledge some different qualities I have found when working with Lord Apollo. He can be a jealous god and is not keen on sharing the spotlight. And while I would not categorize Him as angry or vengeful, He is quite human like in that if you do not keep your word with Him, He can be put off (and is not above giving a devotee the cold shoulder).
Additionally, it has been said in myth that Lord Apollo leaves in the winter to spend time with the Hyperborea:
"Alone among the Twelve Olympians, the Greeks venerated Apollo among the Hyperboreans, and was thought to spend his winters there amongst them." (Wikipedia)
I personally have found this to be an accurate reflection of His attendance (for lack of a better word). Starting at the Winter Solstice and ending at the Spring Equinox, I do not hold specific rights for Lord Apollo. I still call on him and honor him during my daily rituals - but I view this as more akin to writing him a letter; whereas holding a right for him is like throwing him a party.
I hope this has been helpful to you (apologies for the long-winded reply - once I got started I realized I had a lot to say haha). I wish you all the best in your practice and if you have any more questions feel free to pop back into the Ask Box :)
Eirene, peace and farewell.
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ceranovis · 8 months
Some musings to do with this celltw pic
As a fandom I feel like we could be doing So Much More with Other Side Elements being canon + all the connected Ordem worldbuilding it introduces by association.
Canonically, Cellbit chose to align himself with the knowledge element. So I hopped on over to the ordem wiki page for Knowledge to look for things to put in the paperwork on the table. Then I realized there's a memory alteration ritual (accidentally pulled the wrong ritual circle image for the art though oTL ...let's just pretend Cellbit identified the right one at some point).
The [Change Memory Ritual] can erase all or only some specific memories of the victim. In both cases, if the victim comes into contact with people, places and certain objects that were part of this past erased, it will begin to gradually recall some elements and have quick flashes of some moments, being able to recover its memory completely after a while.
Now listen. If there's one thing I think of as core to q!Cellbit's character, it's that as far as he's concerned the ends always justifies the means. This includes doing things he knows people he loves will hate him for because he thinks it will be better for them in the long run.
In the regret arc letters, he told Tazercraft he loved them, that Cell was dead & he didn't want them to think he was reverting to that type of monster. While there were a few moments where he brought up clearly unresolved feelings of anger and betrayal/abandonment regarding how things went with Fuga, I do think at that point he cared for the Favela crew as a found-family, and was making decisions he felt were in their best interest (usually without consulting them, or like...running those ideas by anyone else ever...)
If he discovered a way to erase specific memories, I could fully see him using that to 'make things better' for Pac. I doubt he'd try to erase all the Fuga memories (especially as he'd have to also erase Mike and Felps) but I also don't think he'd feel like he had to go that far anyways.
Earlier on in the Quesadilla timeline, Pac seemed to think of Cell as basically dormant and was relatively comfortable with having a fairly close and positive relationship with Cellbit. He only grew paranoid about Cell re-emerging when he saw signs of Cellbit snapping, and he first responded by actively trying to keep Cellbit in a headspace that wouldn't lead to that. There have been multiple instances of Pac extending a bit of grace, an unspoken offer not to forgive or forget but to move forward. He wants Cellbit to be a good man, not a monster.
So I think Cellbit would use the ritual to smooth over events that put a strain on their current relationship. Things that made Pac scared he was turning back into Cell. And he'd probably justify it as 'helping' Pac, but there's also a selfish element there too, of him desperately trying to keep hold of this new start and family he probably doesn't deserve but somehow got anyways.
It's small things at first-- just wiping away little instances that put Pac on edge around him. Pac is prone to glossing over Cellbit's red flags anyways, so even if other people remember what Pac doesn't, it wouldn't set off immediate alarm bells. Nobody would catch on to the manipulation.
Pac himself would write off most of the weird, vague flashes he gets sometimes. It feels sort of like deja vu but with an extra helping of uneasy dread. He's not very self-confident when it comes to his brain; he's just being unreasonably paranoid because of his memories of Cell-- those half-memories are so foggy because his brain is panicking and conflating the past with the present, right? More importantly, wants to trust Cellbit.
Now, there's a clip of Pac (which I can't find now but it lives in my head rent free) where he implies that, if Cellbit and Roier hadnt been introduced, he and Cellbit would have been together.
There are a few points in the canon timeline where guapoduo could have been derailed. Cellbit may never have even gotten to that point with Roier if he and Pac were already a little bit closer. If he was fucking with Pac's memories in a way that made Pac less cautious of him, I think it's entirely possible their relationship would have had a chance to develop in place of guapoduo's.
Cellbit didn't start erasing memories with the intention of getting Pac to fall for him though. He wanted the olive branch Pac extended. He wanted Pac to not be terrified of him. But it never occured to him that Pac might be capable of falling in love with the man who ate his goddamn leg. So it completely blindsides him when Pac does, in fact, very deliberately step over the line between platonic and romantic in their relationship.
It feels a lot more morally dubious to be manipulating Pac's memories once that happens. But he's in too deep. He knows Pac would hate him if he found out the truth. But isn't it better this way anyways? Pac, somehow, impossibly, wants to love him-- it's not like he's forcing Pac feel anything about him, right? He knows how terrible betrayal feels-- and he doesn't have to make Pac feel that way, doesn't have to hurt him like that! All he has to do is omit the truth. It's not even a lie, really.
He wants Pac to be happy, wants to preserve the warmth Pac looks at him with now, and if holding his tongue is what assures that... well he can swallow down the guilt gnawing at him and bear that mental burden for both of them. Theres so much in their history for him to feel guilty about anyways, what's one more thing?
Unfortunately for Cellbit, he's never used the ritual on people prior to this, and the books he got it from were light on details as to how it works. He has no idea that the locks on Pac's memories start to slowly erode as soon as he encounters a trigger. And since all of the erased memories are of Cellbit, their time together is just speeding up that process.
Eventually, Pac regains a memory he can't just brush off. And he has to come to terms with the fact that something is very, very wrong between them even if he doesn't understand exactly what's happening to him. He'd figure it out eventually, go through Cellbit's notes in secret and piece things together. When he does he's horrified and angry and heartbroken. But he's torn too because it's not like he can just forget the relationship they've built either, even if he now knows the foundation is half rotted.
He still loves Cellbit, despite every fucked up thing Cellbit has ever done to him.
The question is really whether Pac loves himself enough to pull the plug on this unhealthy dynamic.
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goblinpuppy35 · 1 year
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The Punk and the Wolf
(Previous chapter, Part 3, Next chapter)
Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Summary: Set during OFTP, Y/N is Mad Eye Moody's assistant and while staying at Grimmauld place, him and Remus develop a connection.
The next week was grey and cold, frequent rain showers kept the pavement slabs outside damp and reflective. At night the winds blew, rattling the windows and echoing through the halls. To keep the inside of the house from matching the bleak atmosphere outside most of the warm table lamps were kept on throughout the day and at night they looked like paths of yellow tinted orbs guiding you down the hallways. All the students had returned to Hogwarts, a little nervous and reserved to leave.
Remus was helping Sirius as much as he could, rumours were growing that the dark lord was hunting down werewolves, forcing them to join his side, so for the time being the two friends agreed it was safer for Remus to stay in the house and help with meetings and strategy planning. During one of these wet mornings, Remus and Sirius were hunch over the dinning table together reading and replying to letters from members of The Order and associates. The task was draining but there was an unspoken sense of commodity between the two, they had been friends for so long and been through so much together Remus always felt at ease in Sirius' company.
"Forget the war this, THIS is what's actually going to kill me" Sirius groans as he leaned back in his chair rubbing the palm of his hand with his thumb. Remus only laughs and rolls his eyes as he continues to write his letter. "These ones will need to be sent out before midday" Sirius sighs as he scoops a pile of letters into his hands "when Moody comes back tell him". "Moody and Y/N already came back about an hour ago" Remus interrupts not looking up from his parchment. Sirius jolts up and stares at his friend who is still focusing on his writing, "and how do you know that?". "Because .." but Remus trails off and only then dose he look up from his work, not at Sirius though, he keeps looking forward hoping this moment will just pass.
"Because Y/N has felt our book on the side table across the room which means he's sleeping in the other room now" was what Remus has stopped himself from saying. Our book. Over the past week Y/N and he had developed a system with thier shared reading of The Odessy, when either of them were going to sleep they would leave it on the side table for the other to pick up and carry on where they left. Only once was the book disturbed when George pick it up to hit Fred's head when he was annoying him to which Remus took the book and hit George over the side of the head lightly and told him not to hit others with things that didn't belong to him. Afterwards Remus carefully made sure Y/N's bookmark was still in the same place.
Remus had noticed that Y/N had started underlining quotes within each chapter and making little comments in the sides of the pages which Remus would rely back to. 
"Do you think this imagery links back to the first chapter?" -Y/N
"Possibly! the part with the Cyclops has always been my favourite" -Remus 
"I'm enjoying it, tho Moody keeps telling me to stop reading about one when I have a Cyclops right in front of me that I should be listening to :) " -Y/N
Along with communicating through annotations, every morning that week Remus had been greeted with a premade brewing cup of tea in the kitchen and every other day a new type of chocolate based snack Y/N had picked up for him in the muggle world. This charming ritual always made Remus smile but the gesture also reminded him that Y/N was already back and collapsed in the living room with Moody, door closed behind them. Remus was constantly fighting the urge to go in and take Y/Ns hand and thank him for these small moments which were becoming the highlights of his day. However in the few meetings they attended together, another situation were Remus was pained by not having Y/N alone, Y/Ns eyebags were starting to give his a run for their money. He must be exhausted. On the particularly fierce nights Remus would lie awake in bed and worry about Y/N being out somewhere in the rain, all their missions were obviously essensail but at this point Remus had fully submitted to his deepening feelings for Y/N and simply wanted to know he was safe. Not that he was going to admit this to Sirius right now if he could avoid it.
"Well if they are back now then I can go in and ask them" Sirius declared abruptly rising from his chair and briskly walking towards the living room door. "Pads no! Y/N needs to rest" states Remus getting up and swiftly chasing after his friend, Sirius had started to open the large door until Remus places his long fingers in the gap keeping the door in place just a jar. "Oh Remus .. buddy.. you've got it bad haven't you" Sirius statement makes Remus frown and blush simultaneously thought this reaction is broken by his ears honing in on a small noise coming from the living room sofa. Looking over Remus can see Y/N, alone, outstretched and slumped on his side across the sofa, legs lifted up over the arm and boots still on. His gaze travels up to Y/Ns face which is half hidden by his Y/H/C hair sticking to his face and neck damp, he is shivering in his sleep. The poor lad must have been caught in the storm on his way back this morning Remus thinks and leaving Sirius in the doorway he makes him way into the room. Carefully trending his way over to not wake Y/N who's face was scrunched up and twitching slightly. Remus thinks he must be dreaming. Leaning over Y/Ns sleeping body like a stone arch Remus reaches up for the blanket laid over the back of the sofa and slowly draps it over Y/N. Before pulling it all the way up he stops and listens, Y/N is muttering in his sleep.
"I ... I ... no ... we... we cant.... please.." followed by soft whimpering. Remus' eyes are stricken with concern. Then with an ungraceful whack the other door to the room swings open and Moody marches in "Y/N! Up! Those death eaters we've been tracking have been spotted on the other side of London". Before even opening his eyes Y/N promptly lifts up his torso "hhhmm sure Moody just one sec I.." and then he opens his eyes and is staring up and a stunned Remus, still leaning over him and half way through draping a blank over Y/Ns body. The taller man is like a shocked doe, frozen in spot not sure what to do. Only taking a few seconds to process the situation Y/N smiles tirdly up at Remus, placing his hand on Remus' upper arm "Thank you, tho Im going to have to ask for a rain check on the tucking in" and putting more of his weight onto Remus' arm he lift his body fully upright and over the arm of the sofa, beginning to trail on after Moody. Remus was caught breathless by this physical contact and it wasn't until the sound of the back door shutting, signalling they had left did he clear his throat, straighten up and begin to slowly fold up the blanket that was still in his hands.
"I know what your going to say" Remus says in an annoyed tone to the room sensing that Sirius is still standing in the doorway, arms folded and looking at him, "Oh good because I know what your going to say, you cant possibly tell him how you feel because he shouldn't have to be burdened with the likes of you and your condition and you deserve to die alone and brooding, Mooney if you weren't so loveable your level of self deprecation would be suffocating ". With a huff Remus places the blanket back onto the sofa "I say those things for a good reason Sirius, Y/N is already run off his feet I ... I just want him to be looked after" he says looking defeated at his friend. There's a moment of silence. "I will talk to Moody, see if he can give the lad a day off" Sirius says with a understanding nod, then leaves the room.
Two nights later Remus is lying awake listening to the rain, unable to sleep. The full moon was approaching soon and his senses were digging into him like pins from all directions, his ears picked up a clicking sound which he knows is the sound of the back door latch being opened two floors down. Y/N? Making his way down and towards the kitchen the sound of rain grows louder and opening the kitchen door Remus observed the pale blue light of the night filling the kitchen as the backdoor was wide opening, creating a perfectly framed rectangle of rain coming down steadily. A silhouette is standing in the frame, a small orange glow appearing under their face as they take a long drag from their cigarette, Y/N was staring out into the rain and didn't notice Remus until he closed the door behind him and began to walk towards his direction. At first Y/N looked shocked but upon seeing Remus face his own face relaxed "hello stranger" Y/N says with a smirk before dropping his cigarette to the floor and crushing it with his boot.
"Mind if I join you?" Remus was leaning on the opposite side of the door frame to Y/N pointing down at his packet of smokes. Y/N starts to take two fresh cigs out as a gust of wind goes by making him shudder slightly. "I enjoy watching the rain so much I forgot about the cold" he says with a nervous laugh looking down. Shadow falls over Y/N as he realise Remus is towering over him, arms rolling back and then moving forward as the taller man removes his cardigan and gently places is around Y/Ns shoulders. Slipping his arms into the sleeves Y/N doesn't protest and instead silently looks up into Remus piercing blue eyes. Maintaining eye contact he puts one cigarette into his own mouth and guides the second towards Remus's lips, the older man parts his lips slightly letting the cigarette be placed in his mouth. Leaning in closer till the cigarette tips are almost touching Y/N brings up the lighter and lights them both at once. Smoke begins to build up between them but their eyes stay connected.
Remus adored how deep Y/Ns Y/E/C eyes were, their intense stare made his heart flutter. He clears his throat and takes a drag. Within Remus felt like he was burning up. He had to tell Y/N about how he felt and how they couldn't do anything, it just wouldn't be fair on him. "Remus I need to tell you something" Y/N said breaking the intimate silence between them. "Okay" Remus tilted his head and looked down at Y/N as he brought his cigarette to his lips between his fingers. "Over the past week I've developed strong feelings for you.. really strong feelings" Y/Ns eyes are fixed on an unknown point outside as he taps ash onto the wet ground "I doubt you share them but regardless I need to let you know what nothing can happen here. Im not worth the trouble and it wouldn't be fair on you" Y/N looks up at Remus with a smsll sad smile. Remus is dumbfounded. This guy just stole my line he thought.
"Y/N.. how could you say that about yourself! You are extraordinarily considerate and caring. If i had to go a day without seeing your handwriting in our book i don't think id bother getting out of bed", Remus was taken aback by his own honestly, everything was coming out now so why stop. "Remus. Stop. This cant happen. I will cause you nothing but pain." Y/Ns tone is much more stern and has straighten up folding his arms across his chest, his chin just about the height of Remus' shoulder. "The only thing you currently cause me is worry Y/N" Remus blurts out "Your working yourself into the ground , I know everyone's missions are important but .. but I cant help but want to look after you." The rain is getting harder. "Im beyond help" mutters Y/N has he flicks his cigarette away "just stay away from me okay". "Y/N you are being ridicules" Remus says reaching out to touch Y/Ns shoulder but Y/N shoves it away forcefully. "Fuck you Lupin. You. Dont. Know. Me. You cant help me. No one can!" Y/Ns eyes are pricking with tears and with a spin of his heel he storms out into the rain. This time Remus reaches out and successfully grabs Y/Ns cardigan covered shoulder "wait please!". Y/Ns tears are mixed with the rain and he starts to struggle against Remus grip.
Remus's cardigan hung lose over Y/Ns upper body so with his thrashing and Remus tight grip and piece of clothing began to slip off Y/Ns body with ease until it was left in shambles in Remus arms. He stood hunched in the door frame, Y/N stood up straight, breathing heavily in the pouring rain, both staring at Y/Ns outstretched arm from where the cardigan had left. Remus' eyes widen in disbelief. A distinct red mark flowed up Y/Ns arm like a curling spiral with a thin whiter lined mark within the red, almost looked as it it was glowing. It looked as if Y/N had barbed wire under his skin. Remus had read about this many of time but had never seen it in real life but there was no mistaking the permeant mark of the Unbreakable Vow.
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toothlespoggers · 1 year
I think instead of focusing on the grass comment we should be collectively analysing this
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The grass isn’t what’s important here, it’s the fact that there was a sans mitosis, unlimited sans glitch joke. And the fact that Papyrus and sans don’t have baby pictures, they don’t have childhood photos.
I’m not saying it confirms Gaster or anything. I’m just saying.. “what do you two think?” Sans’s lab, sans’s blood. Their abilities being vastly different to all the other monsters. (I still believe Papyrus and sans are just supposed to be unexplainably whacky and silly and of course the very nature of them allows them todo crazy stuff, but toby foxes writing style shows that there’s always a funny side and then a lore side to everything he does, even if it’s not conclusive or super edgy, we know for a fact there is something going on here)
I don’t think they’re from deltarune because again.. it’s supposed to be a seperate thing, toby has said he wants it to be seperate. However, sans and Papyrus’s nature showcases how they’re so spontaneous and they are the method of which most of the jokes take place, not to mention how undertale is often filled with references to other games.
It’s likely that they have connections to Gaster that Papyrus can’t remember, it’s highly likely whatever happened to them both sans was either unable to take baby photos, uncomfortable by the fact (we know sans has always been like a parental figure to Papyrus by the comment on him being papyruses mother, and it not changing very much) something either happened that made it so sans wanted to leave behind his old life and start fresh in Snowdin, making sure Papyrus wouldn’t remember the past or his life before then. (We know Papyrus is younger than sans by a sizeable gap because Papyrus doesn’t know a lot of the things other older monsters know)
Basically, it narrows it down to 3 possibilities. 1. Sans’s previous life in the underground, likely in newhome far away from Snowdin was dangerous, something happened there..possibly relating to Gaster that caused sans to move to Snowdin with his little brother and start a new life, having removed all traces of his past as to protect Papyrus and not be associated with whatever happened previously.
(maybe it had something todo with gasters disappearance)
we know that the underground is much bigger than it appears in game and that Snowdin is on the outskirts of everything, since the ruins is really far away from newhome. So it makes sense that they’d move there, no one would recognise them, and sans still has obvious ties to the capital and of course hotland.
2. Sans and Papyrus were made by Gaster and stuff happened somewhat handplates style, leading to sans erasing papyruses memory so he wouldn’t be haunted by his past and allow him to start a new (this is unlikely due to it being too predictable and Toby’s writing style contradicting this as he likes to subvert expectations)
or 3. A slightly less outlandish one but it still makes sense considering Toby’s writing style and everything that’s been established with undertale and deltarune, with deltarune coming first and undertale being second.
deltarune has 1 ending, your choices don’t matter. The roaring is probably almost certainly going to occur, there’s a bunch of sketchy dangerous stuff going on, everything is controlled by the player or Gaster or whatever. It’s sketchy.
sans and Papyrus have evidence to being from deltarune, sans knows about the set path deltarune is on, he built a machine to escape deltarune and go to undertale, a universe where your choices do matter, monsters had magic they can use, and they were safe underground.
(Sans probably didn’t know about the genocide when he was researching this, which is why when they arrive he starts studying everything about the world and preparing himself to defend the underground when he finds out genocide is possible. But his actions in undertale suggest that he’d much rather take the chance of a happy ending and heaps of replay of Papyrus living his life then the one ending they have in deltarune.)
this explains all the things that come from deltarune and why sans treats the human differently to other monsters and knows more about the world and things that happen then in the rest of the world. It explains why sans ends up so happy after the winter alarm clock and why he makes so many friends.
sans and Papyrus came from the worst case scenario, Papyrus doesn’t remember because he was too young, sans ends up making friends and having fun in the underground and let’s loose on the pacifist ending, everyones happy and comfortable, sans continues to keep the world In check to ensure their world never ends, and tries to avoid the worst case scenario as much as possible.
He doesn’t tell Papyrus the truth because he knows if he did tell him where they came from he wouldn’t understand the dangers that awaited them in deltarune, and just want to be there because of the surface without understanding the greater issue.
and the papyrus and sans from deltarune are the sans and Papyrus that existed in the underground BEFORE the deltarune Papyrus and sans went there, and so it’s a time loop. Because obviously there would be a sans and Papyrus from that universe to, so it makes sense that that universes sans would be weary of the genocide ending and being trapped underground and study to become a scientist so he can construct a way to transport, they move to deltarune at the same time that the deltarune Papyrus and sans moves to undertale, so no one notices, bingo bongo that’s why sans and Papyrus in deltarune are new and recognise kris and interact whilst simultaneously undertale Papyrus and sans being new and everything working out.
this explains all the evidence we have in deltarune for the Papyrus and sans being from undertale, and the evidence for undertale Papyrus and sans being from deltarune.
it’s a time loop, that’s why they have no baby pictures, that’s why they’re silly that’s why theyre associated with timelines and quantum physics, that’s why the sans doors and sans boxes are called that, they exist in two places at once, they do whacky stuff. It explains the ties to both things, explains the ties between deltarune Gaster and undertale Gaster, bingo bongo.
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literaticat · 1 month
hi, I was reading your reply about assistant agents and how they don't make any money the first year etc. and all -- it just made me think as an author that getting an associate agent will require more time to be published? i was under the impression that submitting to editors would be similar to how authors submitted queries but is everything really more connections based?
OK but hold up -- you misunderstood.
First of all -- an "Assistant" level position is not usually repping authors -- an assistant is generally a paid position, assisting an agent, but you would probably not be querying an assistant.
An Associate Agent -- which is what MY agency calls newer agents, but other agencies might have slightly different titles -- is AN AGENT. There is no reason to think that an Associate Agent would "require more time to sell" an author's book than any other agent. It can take a long time to sell ANY book for ANY agent. Some books NEVER SELL.
That post was quite specifically for somebody who wanted to BE an Agent. I was saying that a newer agent might not make money at first because THEY ARE NEW, not because they are BAD or anything like that. Just like -- numbers-wise, if you are a new agent, and you've JUST started taking on clients -- you are building your list, you may only have one or two clients / projects in play at a time. If each one takes months to sell, and some things never sell, that might mean that when you are new, you have relatively few sales in a year.
Whereas I have been doing this a long time. I have 60 or so clients, many of whom write a LOT. Obviously, just numbers-wise, I have a lot more projects on submission than that new agent could possibly have -- so even though it still takes the same months to sell any one given project, and some things never sell -- things are regularly selling simply because there are MORE of them in the mix. Do you see?
(As for the second part -- it's very connections based, yes. However, a new agent at an established agency DOES have connections!)
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