#but then they stumble across a piece of information that some of us have known for literal YEARS and act like it's their discovery
Bsd fandom is a jail at this point I look to the left to see whatever the fuck is going on with the current plot and I look to the right and see new fans making old discoveries and acting like it's the coolest thing in the world.
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many-but-one · 3 months
Satanic Panic, The False Memory Foundation’s Shaky Origins, and Why You Should Believe RAMCOA Survivors
(TW: mentions of RAMCOA, False Memory Foundation, child torture & death, cults, trafficking)
Pretty disappointed to see a fairly popular and well known blog on tumblr is encouraging the idea that RAMCOA doesn’t exist. Just came across this post and was pretty bummed to see the comments too.
For those that agree with them (most of my followers won’t but who knows who will stumble across this), please know that RAMCOA has been going on for much longer than the Satanic Panic. The Satanic Panic was fabricated in an effort to discredit RAMCOA survivors. It was supported by the False Memory Foundation, which was created by a man (and his wife) trying to prove his daughter’s repressed memories of trauma involving him did not really happen. [Explained further in the third article further down in this post]
For the record, false memory/planting false memories has been disproven, it’s not possible to fully plant false memories in patients. Some memories can be altered to an extent because memories can be disjointed and influence from others can cause memories to shift slightly, which is why it’s not encouraged for trauma patients to share exact detailed memories with each other. For example, if two trauma patients were abused by their father and had a similar situation happen and patient A spoke about their experience in detail, if both fathers wore glasses and patient A describes their father to have black rimmed glasses, patient B’s memory might shift to believe that their father also had black rimmed glasses, even though his glasses were gold rimmed. However, it’s not possible to fully plant memories that do not exist in a patient’s memory. The “base memory” so to speak has to be there in order for any alterations to occur, and those alterations that are possible are often rather minuscule, such as glasses or whether or not their abuser had facial hair or not, or the color of the person’s eyes. Not an entire scene of RA. [Again, explained well by the third article below.]
Repressed memory has been proven to exist. (Though it’s more accurately called dissociated memories by clinicians) It can even exist in people who have traumas that happen in adulthood. Pieces of a traumatic event may go missing in a patient’s working memory, and they may not retrieve it until they are ready to process the memory and all the emotions and information that comes with it. However, it still exists stored in the brain, just in a different area than working memory. It’s why triggers to the traumatic event (that the patient may not even realize are triggers until they occur) can cause flashbacks and memory resurfacing during said flashbacks.
Some sources explaining the False Memory Foundation and the harm they’ve caused: [a good overview of a woman who was major in the development of the idea of repressed memory being a myth, by a researcher of child psychiatry], [while this is a psychology today article, I think this explains well how misused the idea of FMS - false memory syndrome - is.] [A comprehensive article explaining the roots of the FMF and how the studies used to “prove” false memory are terrible and easily debunked, with several assertions from professionals in the field.] I want to add that while the FMF has dissolved and rightfully so, the British False Memory Society is still alive and well, as well as the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction, and both groups still cite False Memory Syndrome as being real and claim that RAMCOA survivors have false memories of their abuse.
However, before Satanic Panic happened, people were starting to actually believe in the existence of RAMCOA and the concept of DID was brought into the mainstream. A survivor on tiktok has a very good video on this situation. And that scared people, especially the abusers themselves who didn’t want to get caught. That’s when the False Memory Foundation stepped in on the heels of Satanic Panic and literally rewrote the textbooks therapists learned from, and basically taught everyone that repressed memory doesn’t exist. Any therapists that spoke about their patients’ experiences with RAMCOA were sued. Therapists stopped wanting to treat RAMCOA patients for fear of being sued and/or losing their license or being told they planted these memories in their patients’ heads and possibly losing their licenses. It led to generations of old therapists not treating RAMCOA patients and generations of new therapists learning it doesn’t exist.
But it does exist. To outright deny that child torture cannot exist is absurd. 1-2% of reported child abuse falls under the definition of child torture. [source, TW: photos of children with serious injuries from torture included on page 7 of this document] For the record, my abuse was never and has never been reported, and most survivors—RAMCOA and non-RAMCOA, whose trauma falls under the definition of torture—never reported or plan to report.
Even if you find the mind control aspect to be far-fetched, ritual abuse most certainly does exist. I’ve seen videos on the surface web on fucking tiktok of all places of child torture and ritual abuse. Organized abuse such as sex trafficking and labor trafficking does exist. Two out of those three things in the acronym are well documented to exist. And for the record, ritual abuse and cult abuse even in adults can cause extreme mind and identity alteration, upwards to the point of nearly being mind control. Look up OSDD-2 in the DSM-V. Look up just about any cult survivors testimonies and hear how they talk about how they nearly became a different person within their cult, how the cult uses torture and mind altering drugs to get their initiates to commit terrible acts of violence to each other. Now imagine if that same stuff were happening to a child whose mind is significantly easier to mold and change. Even if the child RAMCOA survivor does not develop DID, it can cause extreme conditioned responses in which the child (or now grown adult or teen) will still do the responses even now because as a child they were threatened with torture or death if they didn’t do it.
Mind control is essentially an extreme form of conditioning, and with the plethoras of research on DID and how it functions, it’s not even a difficult concept to grasp that a cult member might learn how to split new alters in a child via torture and then manipulate those alters to do what they want individually. Anyone who knows fuck all about DID knows that alters can be triggered out via positive and negative triggers. All mind control programming is, is creating a specific trigger for a specific alter and then when that child is exposed to that trigger, that alter comes out and does the task it was taught to do—usually via torture, manipulation, and threats of harm to the child or those the child loves. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp, and with how long TBMC (torture based mind control) programmers have had to perfect their work, it’s no surprise that they’ve learned how to make alters do extremely complex tasks or hold onto specific functions, always at the ready for their specific trigger.
RAMCOA research doesn’t exist in mainstream spaces because it’s nearly impossible to be taken seriously because of people who claim it doesn’t exist when it’s not even a complex topic to understand. They just don’t want to accept that it exists. The concept is terrifying, harrowing, and at some times almost absurd—and that combination makes it easier for people to put their blinders up and decide it doesn’t exist. [Edited to add: On top of this, what little research is done on it is steeped in conspiracy theories that often have roots in antisemitism. While I’ve asserted that Miller’s deprogramming books are good reads for RAMCOA survivors, she does often sound conspiratorial, and quotes Svali, a known antisemite. While I don’t think RAMCOA is exclusively related to the Illuminati stuff she often talks about, Miller’s work cannot be completely discounted because of her beliefs of where the abuse originated. Where it originates matters much less than the fact that it happens. However, not from dark, underground, secret societies—but from normal places like churches, children’s own homes (yes, RAMCOA can be done by a single parent to a single child, it just may look different than say, a trafficking ring), trafficking rings, militaristic groups, political cults, etc. I wanted to put the above put there because I know someone is going to come at me and try to say the researchers who talk about it were conspiracy theorists. Yeah, they were. Maybe they were the only ones willing to talk openly about it because of the fact they’re conspiracy theorists? I don’t know. However, I think it should also be noted that just because the researchers sucked doesn’t mean the information taken from them isn’t useful when you weed out the conspiracy stuff. For example, a LOT of modern understanding of medicine was taken from Nazi and Japanese experiments during WWII. Arguably some of the worst doctors on earth. Do we discount everything we learned because they were horrible, evil, people? No. While those who studied RAMCOA went about it in shit ways, that doesn’t discount the information learned completely. Likewise, much of modern psych understanding came from roots that included incredibly unethical experiments that would never be allowed today. Do we throw out all of that info too? No, we don’t. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t hold these people accountable, I’m saying we cannot throw out all discussion of RAMCOA because the doctors who talked about it were shitty people.]
I wish I could decide it doesn’t exist. I have permanent scarring that proves what happened did happen. I have doctor’s visits that prove I am disabled because of the traumas I went through. I have a DID specialist who didn’t even know programming to our extent even existed before our parts started telling her what they went through and she heard it from our own mouth. She had to learn how to deprogram us on the fly because she’d never done so before. So fuck off with your “oh, RAMCOA patients only have RAMCOA because they’ve been influenced by their therapist to believe they do” bullshit.
I relive my traumas in flashbacks and nightmares daily. There have been periods in my healing process where I couldn’t leave the house without someone with me for months. I couldn’t hold a job for nearly a year. I didn’t know any of this happened to me until I was in my 20s. I thought my memory was just bad and the only parts of my childhood I remembered were little blips of good things, usually involving my parent that was not involved with the cult or memories with friends at school or when I was hanging out with my sports teammates. Living with this stuff is hell. You think I want to live with this stuff? If I could permanently erase it all from my memory forever I would. But I can’t. I don’t have that luxury.
It happened. And I’m not the only child it happened to, both in the area of my country I live in and in areas all over my country and the world. This is not an isolated phenomenon. It is more common than anyone tends to realize (though still rarer than most DID cases, thank fuck). I was lucky to survive. I survived because they wanted me to. I saw a lot of children, teens, and adults who were not as “lucky” as I was. If you won’t respect survivors and their stories, at least respect the ones who didn’t survive. They didn’t deserve their final moments to be so full of pain. All of the children in these groups deserved to be loved and cared for and treated with softness and compassion. So do adult survivors like me and many others.
If I could end on one thing, it would be to urge the doubters to have some fucking compassion and empathy for people who have been through things they cannot even begin to understand. My past feels like a nightmare I will never be able to escape. I cannot erase it. I can only try to heal from it. So heal I will do, and in the process I will continue to speak the truth of my experience as safely as I can.
You want proof it’s real? Survivors are your proof.
WE are the proof.
[Edit: changed some wording for clarification + added a section after rereading a couple hours later]
[Edit 2: I realized I said my abuse has never been reported, I meant my RAMCOA related abuse. Want to make that clear. I reported sexual abuse done by my church to CPS and nothing came of it. CPS actually wrongfully claimed that since they had no reports existing of that church harming kids they wouldn’t pursue it since it happened so long ago, when a cursory google search of said location shows they’ve been reported multiple times and all reports were dropped. Why, I’m not sure.]
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beomiracles · 3 months
OMGOSHH hiii Serene my goddess
i would like to build a dreammmmm (hello you are so adorable)
so i have an idea
its a historical (or modern if youd prefer) fantasy au (w any member u deem suitable)
where reader is a fox spirit who fell in love w member who rescued her while she got injured and trapped in her animal form
member and reader spend some domestic time tgt and eventually reader recovers and reveals her true form and is worried member would be afraid of her
initially he is but things happen and he ends up falling for her too?? and they get tgt !!
(i like things steamy)
thank you for taking the time to read this :))
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#serene adds ✎... omg ily like ;( when I first read this I IMMEDIATELY thought, yeonjun. (maybe it has to do with the reader being a fox idk. but it feels right to have this fic about him) I'm also super into this whole idea but I've never written for a supernatural reader before so idk how good it is on that front heh..! hope you'll still enjoy :3
wc -> 1.8k
pairings yeonjun x fox spirit!reader (afab) warnings very slight dom/sub dynamics, sub!yeonjun, soft!dom reader, handjob/blowjob, hints at further sexual themes.
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It had been, three? Maybe four weeks? You could hardly keep track of time as the room you had been staying in lacked any sort of time teller, and it wasn’t exactly like your rescuer was about to sit down and inform a fox of the time. You couldn’t blame him, he had already done so much for you, from taking you in and providing both shelter and food — it was more than you could have ever asked for. 
You had grown accustomed to the company of the human man, strangely enough. Foxes were known to be distrustful of said species yet you found yourself feeling warm and fuzzy inside whenever he was around, which was almost all the time as he returned to check up on you multiple times throughout the day. 
But by now, your body had recovered enough for you to finally be able to comfortably shift back into a more presentable form. Your only worry was the human’s reaction, you scolded yourself for taking his feelings into such great consideration, it wasn’t what was supposed to happen. Yet you worried that he might be scared — dreaded that he might not like you at all in your human form. 
The cool air causes goosebumps to rise across your now naked skin, having adapted to the feel of fur after spending so long in your other form that the now mildly cold degree outside felt freezing. You stretch your fingers out in front of you, studying them as if it were your first time seeing them. A small sigh of relief escapes your lips, finally you felt more like yourself again. 
The sound of the door squeaking open causes your head to snap in its direction as the human stumbles inside. His hands are full of cut up fruits and a few pieces of raw meat, but as soon as his gaze falls on you the plate crashes against the floor and you flinch at the sound. 
Yeonjun’s mouth hangs open as he studies you with a slightly horrified expression. You could smell the fear dripping from him as his eyes darted across the room in search of your fox form, but all he found was you. Slowly rising from your crouched position, you offer the man a small smile. 
You internally cringe at how strained your voice sounded, but after not being used for almost a month it wasn’t so surprising. Yeonjun doesn’t reply as he stares at you dumbfoundedly. “...Who are you?” He finally splutters as he takes a defensive step back, your heart churns at the small action. 
“It’s me…Red”, you try as you use the nickname he had given you a few weeks prior. Yeonjun’s eyes might as well just pop out of his eye sockets as he stares at you in disbelief. “Red?” He repeats, though his stance remains wary. Eagerly you nod as you take a step forward.
“But…it doesn’t make sense I…” He stammers as his hands come up to block you from his view. “And you’re…you’re naked!” His statement causes you to stop as you frown whilst glancing down to your bare body. So? Why did that matter? It was natural when shifting forms — besides, did he really not have greater things to worry about than your naked frame? 
You surge forward once more only to be stopped by a pair of large hands against your shoulders as Yeonjun prevents you from coming any closer. “Why don’t you sit down over here”, he redirects you toward the bed in the center of the room as he hastily pulls the duvet cover over your exposed body. 
Huffing out a breath of air, you glance up at your savior as he fusses over you, much like he always did. And as your eyes roam his body; you wanted nothing more than to repay the kind favor. 
Hesitantly, Yeonjun takes a seat beside you on the very edge of the bed, much to your delight. He runs a hand through his dark hair as he studies you with a slight frown. “I don’t understand…you…you’re..” — “A human?” You interrupt as the corner of your lips curl into a small grin. “Yeah.” He breathes out a small sigh. 
In your human form, he seemed even more delectable and your gaze followed the way his teeth closed around his bottom lip as he bit it anxiously. “I’m a fox spirit.” You state as you watch his reaction. His frown deepens as he looks at you, noticing the swirling pools of orange in your eyes and your sharp canines as you grin. He supposed he should feel afraid, but he didn’t, for he could still recognize the wounded animal he had taken in all those nights ago. 
You tilt your head to the side as you listen to the now, steady, beating of his heart as the human came to terms with the creature before him. “But why didn’t you reveal yourself earlier..?” He wonders and you let out a small sigh. “Well it was impossible to, given the state my body was in”, you shrug before glancing toward him with a small smirk, “but thanks to your helpful hands and kind words I am now completely recovered.” 
Yeonjun’s eyes widen as color rushes to his face. “Kind words…you mean you..” — “Even in my fox form I understand the human language.” You say as you watch the increasingly flustered state of the human who averted his gaze, suddenly recalling the multiple comments about the fox he had made. 
“Do you really think I’m cute?” You ask as you lean forward on the bed. Yeonjun swallows as his eyes return to you, “I uh…” he begins but trails off as you close the small distance between you, trapping him against the bedpost. The duvet falls from your shoulders and his eyes dart between your exposed skin and your face. 
“I think you’re cute.” You purr as your nose graces along his cheek. The rapid beating of his heart felt like music to your ears. Under you, Yeonjun squirms as he tries to free himself from your grip, you let him go as you watch him with a slight pout. He scrambles across the bed to lean against the headboard, slightly panting as he looks at you. 
“Are you scared of me?” you ask with a small frown, a sense of hurt lingering in your words. He shakes his head, “n-no…I just..I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to…” He sharply inhales as you suddenly appear mere inches from his face, gently straddling his lap as your fingers brush along his flushed cheek. “But you’re not scared of me?” Your question comes off as more of a statement but Yeonjun gives you a small shake of his head. You smile, “good.” 
Your lips find his as your hands gently cup his cheeks. Half expecting him to pull away, you’re surprised when his arms wrap around your naked waist to pull you closer. “I’ll make you feel good, yeah?” you whisper against his lips as your hands grip onto the fabric off his shirt. Yeonjun gazes up at you with a clouded expression, uttering a small “uh-huh”.
Your sharp nails dig into the soft cotton as you rip it apart, exposing his lean torso for your hungry eyes to ravage. If he’s surprised by your quick actions, he doesn’t let onto it as his eyes rake over your naked body. The hands on your waist slowly move across your stomach before gently cupping your breasts, his thumbs grazing over your nipples. You let out a small moan as shivers course through your body. 
The roll of your hips against his makes his breath hitch and you lean down to press open mouthed kisses along his neck and collarbone. “You saved me”, you murmur against his skin, feeling the way blood rushed beneath the surface. Sharp teeth drag across the sensitive flesh of his neck as you inhale his sweet scent. 
“Not many people would take in a fox like myself.” The tantalizingly slow movements of your hips causes him to buck up against your wet cunt, drawing a small hiss from you as you grind down on him even harder. Your lips hover over his own once more as you gaze at him in a loving manner. Yeonjun looks at you with a hazy expression as his lips part so deliciously and invitingly, soft pants emitting from him. 
“I am forever grateful.” You whisper before leaning back to rip the seam of his pants apart. Your mouth almost waters at the sight of his throbbing cock, hard and ready for you. Yeonjun lets out a small gasp as you wrap your fingers around him, marveling at how heavy he felt in your hand. “So pretty and good for me”, you coo as you take your time to get a full feel of him, drawing a soft groan from the human. 
You experiment with the pace of your hand, the flick of your wrist, closely watching his reactions as Yeonjun fell apart under your touch. His fingers digging into the soft sheets of the bed, knuckles turning white at the sheer pressure. Unable to resist you lean down to get a small taste of him, relishing in the throaty moan you manage to coax from him. 
Tongue pressed flat against his cock, you slowly work your way down before licking a stripe all the way up to the red tip again. “Ah, fuck.” He groans as you suck all of him in your mouth, swirling your tongue against his slit. His hips snap up against you, his cock hitting the back of your throat and you almost gag. Your hands brush along his thighs as you moan softly around him, silently praising him before pulling off with a small pop. 
“What do you need from me, pretty?” You whisper as your hand returns to gently stroke him. Sweat sticks to his forehead as he lays panting, he swallows, “a-anything, fuck…just need you!” His words make you clench around nothing as your lips eagerly return to his cock, feeling it twitch against your lips. 
The soft whines falling from his plump lips were enough to have you take him as deep as you possibly could, pressing your tongue against him with so much pressure that it almost hurt. “Fuck, I’m c-close” he groans and one of your hands join your mouth on his cock as you encourage his orgasm. 
With one final twitch, he releases himself inside of your open mouth. The feeling of hot cum spurting on your tongue had you moaning against his slowly softening cock as you pulled away to wipe your lips. Above you, Yeonjun brings a hand to his forehead as his ragged breathing slowly returns to normal, but the beating of his heart remained rapid as you study his flushed expression. 
His eyes snap toward you as he feels you move on top of him. Teasingly pushing two fingers inside your dripping cunt for him to see. “Think you can do one more, pretty?”
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inmyminditsreal · 1 year
Can you do a request where the reader is held captive and Spencer has to save her? You can decide if they are already a couple or not.
Hey!! Yes of course!! What i wrote is kinda dark but hope you enjoy!
Fem!reader x spencer reid
Summary: reader gets kidnapped and tortured while Spencer and the team have to save her.
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Blades/cutting skin, torture.
It was a normal case. Well, not ‘normal’ but as you go along as an agent, you get more suited to the terror. The case you’re working on started out simple. Guy kidnaps and tortures girls for fun. It's eerie and just the thought makes your skin crawl. You went out on a hunch without telling anyone. Now, you’re in this man's basement after being knocked out in combat. You wake up. 
You look around, and you notice that you’re tied to a chair, in the middle of a cold, dark basement with strange drawings on the walls.
“Where the fuck am I?!” You snarl into the dark basement.
You hear a high pitched child-like voice say from behind you, 
“Just where I want you to be my love~.”
It was horrifying. You feel a shiver run down your spine as you feel the cold press of a blade on the base of your neck.
“I bet all your friends are looking for you, hmm agent? I bet they care about you so much.” It taunts.
You stumble across the courage to say, “They’re fast.”
It laughs while carefully caressing the knife over your face, lurking over you like a leech. You wait in agony as it teases you with the tip of the blade. 
Finally, walking in front of you. You see that it's a man, a full-grown man. Disheveled and disgusting. He has brown shaggy hair that hangs in greasy loops over his face. His skin looks rough and scarred. His eyes are staring maniacally into yours. Just by looking at him, you get the feeling you get when you see something you weren’t supposed to. He didn’t look right or sound right.
“What? You don’t like what you see?” he pouts while kneeling in front of you. You can’t shake the dread you feel hearing his voice. It’s so young. So child-like and sort of off. You don’t say a word. His face contorts into a smile.
“Well, soon enough you will.” 
He walks over to the corner and returns with a camera. He sets it up facing you. He turns it on. Waving at the camera with a wide infantile grin, he walks over to you.
“I don't know what to do! Did anybody get any information about where she was going?” Penelope urged. Everyone was crowded in her office, scanning the monitors for any information that would lead to you. Spencer was the first to speak while he was pacing around the room,
“No- why didn’t she tell any of us! She should’ve known to tell us. God, why didn't she think!"
He sounds angry to the normal person, but to the rest of the team they know he’s desperately worried.
“Wait! Did you check his laptop? Like everything on it, what he was doing, stuff like that.” Spencer rushes over and questions Garcia. 
She quickly chimes back, “Obviously! Wait- oh my god. There was a page I didn’t open. You know how his parents told us he used to stream online? Maybe he still does.” 
Everyone is now huddled against Penelope.
“Oh my god.” Emily mutters. He was streaming. You were on the stream, sitting in a dimly lit basement with drawings of animals and candy all over the walls. A tall man standing behind you combing your hair, with a knife.
“Oh my god that piece of shit. Penelope can you track this? Please. Do it. Now.” Spencer hisses. He’s never normally like this. But with you in danger, something about him is feral. 
Penelope gets a little startled at his harsh tone but nevertheless stabs back with, 
“On it. Looking looking looking…..Got it! 2734 linktin ave.”
Spencer almost runs out the door. The team follows behind him but his urgency alarms them all slightly. 
You suddenly start to cry. You keep telling yourself that the team is coming and that they’ll find you. But you can’t lie that you’re losing hope. Fast. The man sets out some surgical tools on the floor and leans into your face. With a box cutter in hand, he grabs your wrist with a fierce grip and starts slowly dragging the knife into your hand, leaving you writhing in pain. You try your best not to show any emotion, hoping that maybe he’d stop. But to no avail. With a scoop of his finger, he takes your blood and asks you one simple question, “What do you wanna be?”
You wail, “What do you mean?!! What do you want!?”
“Hmm… I guess i'll decide for you!” he smiles and begins to dig his fingers into your wound, takes out the blood and begins to draw on your face, slowly with excruciatingly careful strokes he drips the warm blood over your skin. You shutter and cry when suddenly he screams,
You wail in pain as he digs the knife into your hand, drawing agonizing lines once, another time, and another. Each time drawing more and more on your face and down your neck. He begins to pull on your lips, mimicking a smile- then quickly pulling them down into a frown. All while smiling.
Spencer was pushing on the gas, speeding to get to you. In his mind, he kept thinking of your smile, your kind eyes, and all the things he loves about you. He hasn’t told you that he loves you yet, and he started to regret that decision as your absence progressed. He swerves into the man's driveway and immediately gets out running into the house. The door is locked. With a steady kick to the door, it swung sporadically open. He starts stalking inside, gun drawn. The team quickly rushes in behind him.
“Wait reid!” Derek insists. 
Spencer isn’t phased and opens every single door until he finds the basement. The basement door which was once locked, now lay battered and broken clinging to its hinges. The team quickly hurry down the steps yelling, “FBI DROP YOUR WEAPON AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!”
The man quickly holds the knife up to your neck, taunting the team with his threat.
“Don’t you dare touch her. Put your hands up and drop the knife. Now.” Spencer snaps at the man. The man laughs, and then, in an instant, a gunshot rings throughout your ears. You feel the grip on your neck start to falter, and you hear the man's body thump on the cold ground behind you. The team's eyes beam towards Spencer and his gun. 
Spencer and Emily quickly undo your restraints, and as you try to get up, your legs wobble and Spencer catches you in his arms. 
“You’re safe now, let's get you to the doctor.” 
“Wait- let me see my face-.” 
Spencer nods and lifts you up, taking you to a mirror. You look in the mirror, horrified. You finally understand what the man meant by ’what do you want to be’. He was doing face paint. There were long thin lines that resembled grotesque clown lips and nose, eye liner, blush, and detailed lines. How could he have done this? With blood and a blade. It was brutal. You begin to sob at your reflection.
Up in the driveway you’re greeted by paramedics who cater to your wounds and sit you down in the ambulance. Once you’re all patched up, Spencer walks over to you, wrapping you in a blanket and sitting beside you.
“I’m so sorry.” He mutters.
Due to the loss of blood which was getting fixed by the iv in your arm, you felt hazy.
“It-’ts okay.” you mumble.
“you're safe.” 
“mhm-mm” You hum while leaning your head down on his shoulder. You were too tired to understand any of his words.
“I love you. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.”
“M-mn yea.” you mumble.
You weren’t completely sure what was going on, and Spencer picked up on that. He decided he would tell you when you could actually form a sentence. Even though you felt horrible, Spencers arms wrapped around you replaced your dread with warmth, and that you could understand.
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lostcybertronian · 1 month
Autobot Fool
What continuity is this? IDK. Probably G1. Have some rarepair SoundOP.
It took some time. Several covert moves. The discreet dismantling of two security cameras. But Optimus made it out of the Autobot base at Iacon without encountering any other bots or otherwise being detected. He transformed and took the last intact road– easier to defend and protect Iacon if they disabled or destroyed the others, was Prowl’s logic– out of the city, skirting the base of the enormous Ark where it sat in its dock, more silhouette than ship even under the full light of Luna-1. 
All the Autobots’ hopes lay in the Ark. Their futures lay in the Ark. And all that was left here was a dying Cybertron. Surely, Optimus could convince him of that in the time they had left. 
He ended up driving for several hours before a small, falcon-esque figure came swooping in from the shadows of the crumbling skyscrapers, once majestic buildings that boasted the gilded dregs of Cybertron’s Golden Age, to float above him, just inside the range of his motion tracker. Laserbeak. 
The recordicon dipped in and out of his detection for a few klicks, then jetted out in front of him, settling into the blare of his headlights. When he turned off the official road and into the remains of a boulevard, Optimus followed, transforming and carefully picking his way through rubble and around craters, stepping over the remnant parts of dead bots and dead cons. The soft light of the moon cast harsh blankets of shadow that made it easy to get lost.
Laserbeak squawked, jolting him from the looming cascade of dark thoughts, then dove away, tumbling down into a wide crevasse; what used to be the below-ground floor of a building before the war, but, like everything else, had been razed. 
There came the soft chic-chic-whirrr of T-cog activation, then Soundwave climbed out, biolights glowing faintly in the shadows.
Optimus suppressed a smile as he strode over and bent to offer a hand. Soundwave’s ability to find a hiding spot surpassed that of any mech he’d ever known, Autobot or otherwise. “I had hoped you’d come.”
Soundwave took the offered hand and let the Prime pull him from the hole, but when he spoke there was an edge to his usual distorted drone. His visor glinted deadly red in Luna-1’s muted light. “I was sure you wouldn’t.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“‘All our efforts must be directed at the Ark. It is imperative that we leave Cybertron as soon as we are able.’” With a click of a button and the whir of tape he replayed Optimus’s own words back at him. Of course, Optimus didn’t ask how or where he’d gotten that information; it was part of the arrangement they had made, when they first began meeting in secret. Away and apart from everything else.
He looked down at their joined hands. Felt and squashed the urge to squeeze, make it so they couldn’t be parted. “We can’t leave yet. But soon. That’s why I wanted to meet. I want you to come with us. Well-” He huffed a half-chuckle, half weary sigh- “I want you to come with me.”
Soundwave jerked his hand away; the abruptness of the gesture suggested he was truly surprised. “Join your Autobots?” He scoffed. “I am loyal only to Lord Megatron.”
Optimus cringed internally at Lord, but nonetheless forged onward. “You of all mechs must know Cybertron is dying. If you stay, you will die.”
Soundwave crossed his arms and said nothing. He was silent for so long that Optimus began to think he’d stumbled on some piece of intel he wasn’t supposed to have, though for the life of him he didn’t know what. Which was why he wasn’t in Intelligence.
Finally, Soundwave looked up. Reached to tentatively trace fingertips across his chest plate. Even after all this time, he still touched Optimus like he was a bomb that might go off. Or like he was fragile. “Damned Autobot fool,” he muttered.
Optimus smiled and triggered the release on his mask, then paused as the sounds of battle burst out, distant blaster fire lighting up the sky even here. Chatter filled his comms, and from the tilt of Soundwave’s helm, he could hear it, too.
He heaved a sigh, but before he could say anything, Soundwave lifted his hand and gripped Optimus’s chin guard, pulling the surprised bot down to his level. Then, he retracted his own mask and pressed their lips together in a kiss that made Optimus’s head swim and his spark surge.
“I’d - I’d like to see you again, before the launch.” He managed, and for the first time he got to see Soundwave smirk.
“Watch for my signal.” Was all he said as he stepped back, mask sliding back into place, once more the Decepticons’ formidable third-in-command. 
Optimus took that as his cue. He left, unafraid and almost comforted at turning his back on a Decepticon; Soundwave wouldn’t shoot him.
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Honest question: how many people do you think are voting for the having never heard of option for Gaslight to make a Gaslighting joke? It just feels absurd that people haven't heard of the movie.
I was a bit concerned about this when the movie was requested TBH, but people lying/picking an incorrect option as a joke is always gonna be a possibility and there's not much to be done about it.
That being said, reading some of the tags that folks have left on the post shows that a lot of (if not most) people are being genuine in their response to the poll and I don't think the results gathered thus far are that strange. I think the vast majority of people are not going to be familiar with where the term "gaslighting" originates from, even if they're in circles where using the term is common; it's a niche piece of information that most people won't stumble across unless they're actively looking into it and most people don't really think to look into the etymology of their vocabulary.
The results also coincide with older movies being generally lesser known, regardless of their cultural significance. The Seventh Seal likewise received a sizable percentage of "haven't heard of this" votes despite being an iconic film that is referenced in TONS of other media. Most people simply don't make an effort to learn about and watch movies that are significantly older than them (as this blog's results have frequently indicated,) thus it makes sense that most people haven't seen or heard about a movie that is nearly 80 years old at this point.
[Link to the Gaslight poll in question for anyone who missed it]
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unapologeticsimp · 5 months
HOWEVER...I wanna see what the thoughts are.
"You're typically a better liar than that." Serenity spoke lowly and carefully.
Her emerald eyes burned into the unusually bright brown orbs of the large man in front of her. Leaning on his elbows, large hands laced together, hiding his mouth as those dangerouseyes peeked over. An unbroken gaze following her every move as she took calculated steps across the room.
"Who exactly do you think you're talking to?" He responded in a deep and promising tone, far from the witty playful response she had been expecting. Hands still clasped as he answered.
"The books surrounding us, I apologize, should I have been more elaborate?" She responded, her tone flattened to match his, her eyes narrowing just the slightest as his pupils retracted.
She had started to play special attention, a suspicion creeping up her spine.
The slight grit of teeth echoed lightly in her ear as he bit back the small rumble that managed to escape. "Your sense of humor and wit is almost as dull as your..." the sentence trailing.
She didn't deserve one of his recent explosive episodes of scornful words. Beyond anything he was known for. One of the expected side effects he had been prepared to deal with.
Hence why he had been alone. *And* had ordered Happen to keep any and everyone away from him, especially in the coming days of a full moon.
Which, from what he had learned from their last few encounters with her, this one was one draw of a wildcard.
And that tantalizing scent drifting from her direction, put together all the pieces he had previously collected on her.
Pausing, Serenity's eyebrows shot up lightly as he seemingly stumbled with a comeback, that was unusual for the infamous Sigi Reuven. Normally the bastard was quick witted and a sense of sweet during their brief last encounters.
They had played a few games of keep away with information the each knew the other wanted, during which some tensions could be cut with a blade.
But now, as he sat stooping at his desk, she couldn't help but notice something...off.
And despite the lack of the scent of an oil she had taken notice on him each time. Yet this time, he *reeked* of a rival scent despite the copious amounts of fragrance surrounding them in his bathhouse.
"So my options are...you went out wandering in the wilderness, aimless like an scared little lamb." She chuckled, the shit eating grin that was fighting to play at her plump lips, brightening her freckle dusted face with an amused glow.
"Or you've been playing with witches." She continued to smirk stopping a few feet from his desk.
Sigi, did *not* find such an implication funny.
"You're a genius considering our last conversation consisted of nothing but my distain for magical wenches."
However much he, admittedly, enjoyed the sublte resistance she was giving him. As he had nearly every encounter.
He had a feeling she was close to discovering how correct she was.
"One disgused as a whore perhaps?" Serenity's eyes flicked to the brace he had hastily thrown aside when she opened the door.
"A Werewhore?" She smirked, holding a laugh at the situation before her.
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friendofcrowsandcats · 5 months
Hello! I've stumbled upon your blog while looking through the amphitere Tumblr tag. I'm brand new to this so sorry if this is impolite in some way- I'm also a spiritual otherkin who's very recently awakened, and being an amphitere would make... A SCARY amount of sense. Do you happen to have anything you've found on them, or is it primarily your own experiences you work off of? I've been trying to find any information at all, but Google is seriously letting me down in that regard.
Hello! You cannot fathom how much joy receiving this ask has given me.
I will answer for Tigris, as they're currently not fronting.
They worked primarily with their own experiences, and when they concluded that their draconic form went into the direction of an amphitere, they consumed everything they came across regarding it.
Of what I know, the Quetzalcoatl is often decpicted as an amphitere; he's a god of the Aztec culture. Most of our information we found on Wikipedia, which describes him as a feathered serpent. He's the most known amphitere, and you'll most likely find lots of information on him.
There's also the amphitere as a design piece for armory, but that's infrequent.
Other than that, amphiteres aren't really found in mythology?
There's not a lot known about them, so Tigris decided that since they felt draconic and their shifts lined up with no legs, one tail and two wings, they'd adopt the label fo amphitere.
I'm sincerely sorry that you essentially got no answers, but you're utmost welcome to shoot us an ask or DM whenever about whatever, we never thought we'd see the day where we meet someone who's kinsidering being an amphitere <3
Good luck!
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hms-tardimpala · 4 months
Years ago, I went to an elementary school that was legit run by a museum. Like, they would display collections at our school when it wasn't on display at the museum and we learned a lot of weird and random things through hands-on projects. The one that always gets a big reaction is our 1st grade science project had us mummify a duck.
Anyway, one of the things we learned to do was very basic bookbinding, but it was taught to us sort of as a historical, people don't bind books like this anymore, type of thing. I stumbled upon some dead blogs last year showing finished, bound fics and I was so excited to learn that, no, this is still A Thing That People Do
Now, I've been pointed to you as someone active in the craft and your work is lovely. I particularly loved your binding of A Complete Kingdom by absolute legend Komodobits. It was so clean and the colors were lovely and your lighthouse motif was spot-on.
I want to learn bookbinding, too, but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice? How did you get started? What tools or materials do you wish you'd invested more in sooner? What did you wish you'd known before you got started? I would appreciate your insight and perspective.
First of all, thank you so much for reaching out. I apologize for the time it took me to answer you: I was overwhelmed. I didn't know I'd really been noticed. Thank you for your lovely compliments, they filled me with joy <3
I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability, even though I still see myself as a beginner (I started in july 2022).
I started by stumbling upon this video. It served as an introduction to some basic bookbinding steps and gestures, and the stitch shown here to sew the spine is still the one I use to this day. It will only show you how to repurpose an existing cover to bind a fic in, however.
Wanting to make the whole book myself, I looked for another way to learn and found this book. And it's so good that I haven't needed to find another source of information since then. At the time I bought it, it was easy to find and not to expensive in my country, but I don't know what its situation is today where you are.
I know others learned through youtube tutorials like Sea Lemon's or DAS bookbinding's, but I didn't go that way, so I don't have recommendations.
What I can recommend is checking out ArmoredSuperHeavy's blog (their pinned post contains a link to the free bookbinding manual they made, which seems to contain the same things I learned from my book). They created the Renegade Bindery discord server. It's a wealth of knowledge and a very welcoming place (I tried it but left because I'm not good at navigating big servers, but that's just me). That's the beating heart of the bookbinding community, in my opinion.
You can get started with very rough tools, if you're not sure you want to invest right away. There are perfectly decent bookbinding kits online that will generally contain a plastic bone folder, an awl, needles and thread, and that's enough to get started. A simple cotton or linen thread waxed by pulling across a candle works great. I bought pieces of pleather made for home decor to start with, and I'm glad I did because you're always gonna make mistakes when you start, and ruining good fabric feels terrible. But now fabric is the thing I invest in the most. I buy my bookbinding cloth from Schmedt (warning: it's expensive, and may not be the most practical for you depending on where you are in the world) and I'm slowly gathering a collection of varied colors.
If you buy good tools and good fabric from the start, don't be disappointed when your first creations don't look as good as the ones you see on tumblr. You'll have to learn and get good in order to use your tools and materials to their full potential.
The great thing about bookbinding is that you learn at least one new thing every book.
I'm thinking about your questions. There's not really something I wish I'd known before I started, I think I elvolved in the most organic way as a bookbinder. As dumb as it sounds, my best advice is: try stuff, and make plenty of mistakes. Mistakes are the most efficient and fastest teachers.
Don't waste money on a small shitty guillotine if you think you're gonna buy a real one in the future (my ream cutter cost 100€, it's very good, I needn't have bothered with a 50€ one before), you're under no obligation to trim your books.
You're under no obligation to buy a Cricut to make your books look like those you see on tumblr, with vinyll titles.
I don't quite know what to add. I hope this was at least a little helpful, and not just useless rambling. Thank you againg for your lovely message, and I hope you have lots of fun <3
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SEO and Lead Generation: What You Need to Know
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If you own or operate a business, then you know that generating leads is essential to your success. But what exactly is lead generation? And how can an SEO Agency in Houston help you to generate more leads for your business? Keep reading to find out.
Lead generation is the process of generating leads, or potential customers, for your business. There are a number of ways to generate leads, but some common methods include content marketing, online advertising, and social media marketing. 
Content marketing is creating and sharing valuable content (like blog posts, infographics, eBooks, etc.) that will help educate your target audience about your product or service. Once you have their attention, you can then include a call-to-action (CTA) that will encourage them to take the next step in the buying process, whether that’s signing up for a free trial or requesting a consultation. 
Online advertising is another great way to generate leads. You can create ads that target specific demographics and interests so that you’re only paying to reach people who are likely to be interested in your product or service. Facebook Ads and Google AdWords are two popular platforms where businesses can create ads. 
And last but not least, social media marketing can also be used to generate leads. By creating valuable content and engaging with your audience on social media, you can build trust and relationships with potential customers that may eventually lead to sales. 
There are many ways to generate leads, but one of the most effective is through search engine optimization (SEO). By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase your visibility online and attract more visitors to your site. And, when done correctly, those visitors are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. That's because they've already been pre-qualified by their search query. For example, if someone searches for "plumbers in Los Angeles," they are much more likely to need plumbing services than someone who simply stumbles across your website while browsing the internet. 
If you're not using SEO services to generate leads for your business, then you're missing out on a major opportunity. Keep reading to learn more about how SEO can help you to generate leads and grow your business.
Lead generation and SEO are both important pieces of the puzzle if you want to grow your business online. By generating targeted traffic and optimizing your website for higher search engine rankings, you can increase brand awareness while also generating higher quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales!
How SEO Can Help You Generate More Leads
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As we just mentioned, one of the major benefits of SEO is that it can help you attract more qualified visitors to your website. But how does it do that? Let's take a closer look. 
When someone uses a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo! to find information on the internet, they type in what's called a "query." That query is then matched with websites that contain content relevant to that particular search. The order in which those websites are displayed is determined by a number of factors, one of which is known as "search engine optimization." 
Search engine optimization is the process of making sure that your website contains the right mix of keyword-rich content, titles, descriptions, and other elements that tell search engines what your website is about and why it should be ranked highly in their results pages. When done correctly, SEO can help your website earn a top spot in search results—and that means more visitors (and potential customers) will find their way to your site. 
It's important to note that there's no guaranteed way to achieve a top ranking in any given search engine results page (SERP).
Search engines are constantly changing and updating their algorithms (the set of rules they use to determine which websites should be ranked highly), so what works today might not work tomorrow. That's why it's important to partner with an experienced SEO agency that stays up-to-date on all the latest industry changes and trends.
Generating leads through SEO takes time and effort, but it's worth it if you want to grow your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get started. 
Lead generation is essential for businesses of all sizes—and SEO is one of the most effective ways to generate leads. If you're not using SEO to attract visitors and convert them into paying customers, then you're missing out on a major opportunity for growth. Contact an SEO expert to learn how to get your lead generation efforts off the ground.
How Lead Generation and SEO Benefit You 
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If you own a business, then you know how important it is to generate leads. Leads are potential customers who have shown interest in your product or service. The more leads you have, the greater your chances are of making a sale. 
There are many ways to generate leads. Traditional methods include advertising, attending trade shows, and networking. However, in recent years, digital marketing has become one of the most effective lead generation tools. 
Digital marketing is the process of using the internet to promote your products or services. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing. 
One of the main benefits of digital marketing is that it’s highly targeted. For example, let’s say you own a business that sells Widgets. With traditional lead generation methods like advertising, you would have to market your Widgets to everyone and hope that some of them are in the market for a Widget. But with digital marketing, you can use SEO to make sure that your website only appears in search results when people are looking for Widgets. 
This allows you to focus your resources on generating leads from people who are actually interested in what you’re selling—which leads to higher sales conversions and lower customer acquisition costs. In other words, digital marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to generate leads and grow your business. 
Lead generation is essential for businesses of all sizes—and digital marketing is one of the most effective lead generation tools available today. If you’re not using digital marketing to generate leads for your business, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to grow your company. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
Visit these pages to know more about Local SEO and Lead Generations through Houston Digital Marketing:
Houston Digital Marketing Facebook Page
Houston Digital Marketing Instagram Page
Houston Digital Marketing Twitter Page
Houston Digital Marketing YouTube Page
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Houston Digital Marketing Reddit Page
Houston Digital Marketing Reddit Page
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otere06 · 2 years
The Chinchilla Kingdom
*DISCLAIMER* Basically what I did was tell humanity's newest friend, ChatGPT, to write about "The Chinchilla Kingdom in West Texas from 800 C.C - 1500 C.E." with some other details like their clay castles. Then I gave it a piece of my Cahokia post and told it to replicate that writing style, then accompanied it with AI generated pictures from Dall-E 2. It obviously didn't replicate my style of writing at all, but I am now a strong supporter of chinchilla sovereignty.
Take it away ChatGPT!
While perusing my historical archives, I came across an intriguing tale of a kingdom that reigned supreme in the West Texas region from 800 C.E to 1500 C.E. This remarkable civilization was known as the Kingdom of the Chinchillas, and their customs and traditions are truly a sight to behold.
What's most striking about the chinchilla people is their fashion sense, which is quite unique. They donned cowboy hats and bandanas, fashioned from natural materials found in the surrounding terrain. These accessories served as both functional and decorative components, protecting the people from the blazing sun and whipping wind, while simultaneously adding a touch of stylish flair to their garments.
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Additionally, the chinchilla people's architectural style was equally distinctive, as they constructed their homes and castles entirely from clay. These sturdy structures have stood the test of time, offering a fascinating glimpse into the lifestyle of these people and their building techniques.
Despite their impressive fashion and architecture, the chinchilla people were not impervious to external factors. In the early 16th century, the Spanish encountered the chinchillas and were so captivated by their cute and cuddly appearance that they began to capture and keep them as pets. This action marked the end of the kingdom's long reign, and its legacy has since faded into obscurity.
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Nonetheless, the Kingdom of the Chinchillas remains a vital chapter in the history of West Texas, and the surviving artifacts, such as the clay castles, serve as a tangible reminder of the region's diverse and captivating past.
Interesting piece of history! But I thought it was still too formal and well typed, so I asked ChatGPT to make it a bit more relaxed and informal, and I got this:
Hey, check this out, I stumbled upon a pretty rad story about a kingdom that used to be the boss of West Texas from 800 C.E. to 1500 C.E. The kingdom was called the Kingdom of the Chinchillas and they had some seriously wild style!
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Like, they were all about wearing cowboy hats and bandanas made from stuff they found around them. They looked cool and practical at the same time. And get this, their castles were made entirely out of clay! Can you imagine? That stuff lasts forever too, so some of these old castles are still standing today.
But, you know what sucks? The Spanish rolled up on the chinchillas in the 16th century and thought they were so darn cute and cuddly that they started snatching them up as pets. And, that pretty much sealed the fate of the Kingdom of the Chinchillas - their reign was over, man.
Still, it's pretty cool to think about a whole kingdom of chinchillas running around in cowboy hats and bandanas, living in clay castles. It's like something out of a wild west cartoon! Anyways, this story reminds us that there's always something unexpected to discover in history, even in our own backyard.
Some seriously wild style! If there's one lesson to get from this, it's something I think scared people are gonna learn about AI very soon.
It still needs human input. Trust me, ChatGPT is most effective when you input your prompt and THEN go back and revise and edit it so your vision is fully realized. The first article about the Chinchilla Kingdom is okay, but not great. The second speaks for itself. (It's bad)
I truly believe ChatGPT and other future AI programs will not replace us. It's a tool that can help get the hard part out of the way. Imagine a future where AI can automatically animate cartoons from storyboards. The AI can't read the director's mind, there will still be a need for animators to just go back and tweak minor details and fully bring the whole thing to life. Writers can input a prompt of their vision of a story and an AI can shoot out a really rough draft. Then, the writer can go back and revise and edit the story to bring out its true potential.
What makes art important is the human's vision of what could be. AI could help with the rough stuff, while humans go back and polish things and fully realize what's going on in the artists mind, because at the end of the day art is based off people's views of the world. Their whole lives, experiences, hopes, fears, viewpoints, etc all melt together into something. AI can't replace that. But it can help with the process of realizing it.
Sure, people will lose jobs. But they'll probably be the type of creative people who worked on that GrubHub ad. (Because let's be honest, an AI could create that.)
Humans will be fine.
0 notes
catboyebooks · 2 years
continuing the investigation in komaeda's room. nanami suggests they check to see if there's anything stashed under the bed, since people often hide things under their beds. hinata thinks "yeah, like porn" but checks anyway. no porn, but there's a plastic shopping bag containing a gas mask and rubber gloves. they look like pretty legit equipment, likely obtained from the military base.
for the sake of being thorough hinata looks around under the bed some more and spots what he thinks is a piece of paper, but it's actually a round piece of aluminum foil. the two of them don't put it together right away but i'm near-certain this is the seal that would have been on the poison bottle.
komaeda also has a bookcase in one corner, and nanami tells hinata he should go through it himself because what if there's private boy stuff in there or something. i take it this is also why it was up to hinata to check under the bed. while sorting through the books looking for anything that might be a clue, hinata comes across the hope's peak files komaeda received from beating the final dead room. though he didn't question it at the time, hinata now doubts that this file was solely about him, especially now that he sees it's a pretty hefty volume. he also hopes komaeda might have been lying about him not being talented.
as soon as hinata starts looking through he sees that komaeda was indeed lying — there's stuff about everybody in here, not just him. he flips through till he finds his profile thinking maybe he's got a talent after all, but nope, his profile clearly says "reserve course." hinata starts angsting about his talentlessness all over again, and also wonders why he's the only reserve course student here on the island.
nanami notices him going through the file and asks to see it. she finds her own profile and comments that it's disappointing, there's nothing in their profiles that gives them a hint as to what memories they're missing. she thinks these must have been written before they actually started classes at hope's peak. nanami seems to be implying it's a waste of time going through the file more closely, which, yeah, i bet there's stuff in here she doesn't want hinata to be seeing. hinata suddenly notices something, though — looks like a particular classmate of theirs has his info missing from this file. there's nothing in here about a byakuya togami.
monokuma shows up just then to laugh at them and ask hinata if he thinks twogami is the traitor based on the missing info. hinata says, well, it's not just that. he was in a previous killing game too, wasn't he? seems a lil sus. monokuma says hinata's drawing the wrong conclusions and he'd better actually read the file if he wants to figure it out.
looking through it another time, hinata stumbles on a profile that's mostly blank. no photo and question marks left in most of the information fields, just a talent listed, "shsl imposter." monokuma confirms at this point that the "byakuya togami" they knew was a fake. the profile is deliberately mostly blank because the imposter has no identity of their own (and i may as well use they/them, because their gender identity, if they have one, isn't known — this more or less explicitly comes up and now i'm recalling why nonbinary twogami headcanons were popular. it does seem to be essentially canon actually.)
hinata feels a bit betrayed at the realization that "togami" lied to them, but nanami says the imposter didn't really have a choice because, well, being an imposter is their talent. she says having a talent can be restrictive, because if you're recognized as being skilled at a particular thing, you're expected to do said thing whether you want to or not. monokuma backs her up and says hinata's lack of talent is actually rather liberating in that sense. (hinata isn't happy to hear this from him.)
i know this post is getting super long and i'm sorry but there are two other things of importance here. first, about the bit back in chapter 1 where twogami alluded to having a dark past, making one think he's talking about the dr1 killing game: monokuma doesn't seem to actually know what imposter was talking about there (nor care) but figures that having no identity of your own probably sucks, so maybe that. tl;dr it was a red herring. second, about the identity of the traitor. monokuma says one of the student profiles is a fake he created, since there were only meant to be fifteen of them on this trip, and there's no way they could tell which profile is fake just by reading the file. nanami asks if that means komaeda wouldn't have been able to figure it out either and monokuma replies "...probably."
0 notes
ninjakk · 2 years
LWJs confession in the cave wasn't selfish, he was trying to save WWX!
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Recently I've seen quite a few people talking about LWJs confessions after the Bloodbath of Nightless Sky. A lot of posts are claiming LWJ was being selfish, unburdening his feelings for WWX at such a moment. Personally, I just don't think people are fully appreciating the circumstances that led up to his confession.
Obviously the timeline is given to us somewhat fragmented. MXTX masterfully flips between the present and flashbacks in order to give the reader snippets of information here and there, for them read to piece together once everything has been revealed. WWX recalls what he thinks happened during the Bloodbath of Nightless Sky later in the novel. Looking at the conversation WWX has with LWJ before he confesses, we can see the motivation behind it all.
Chapter 78
Suddenly, the limpid notes of a zither interrupted Chenqing. Wei WuXian put down Chenqing and turned around to see a person sitting on another of the ridges, guqin laid across his lap. His snow-white robes seemed to burn the eye amid the dark of the night. Wei WuXian spoke in a cold voice, “Lan Zhan.” After he greeted him, he again placed his flute to his lips, “You should’ve known since long ago—Sound of Lucidity is useless to me!” Lan WangJi flipped the guqin onto his back. Instead, he pulled out Bichen and attacked straight at Chenqing, as if he wanted to sever the flute playing such wrongful notes. Wei WuXian spun around to dodge the attack and laughed, “Fine, fine. I knew since the start that we’d have to fight a real fight like this one sooner or later. You’ve always found me disagreeable no matter what. Come on!” Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s movements paused, “Wei Ying!” Although he shouted the words, any sane person would be able to tell that Lan WangJi’s voice was clearly shaking. However, right now, Wei WuXian had already lost his judgement. He was already half-mad, half-unconscious. All evil was being augmented by him. He felt that everyone loathed him and he loathed everyone as well. He wouldn't be scared no matter who came at him. It wouldn't matter no matter who came at him. It was all the same anyway.
At this point WWX feels like the whole world is against him. He feels so alone. When WWX sees LWJ trying to stop him, it just breaks him even more. He always wanted LWJ's attention because deep down he had romantic feelings towards him. But over the years, due to a lack of communication, constant misunderstandings and JCs relentless poisonous words seeding doubt in WWX's head and heart - he wrongfully concludes LWJ really does hate him. Unfortunately WWX was already losing control over himself, clouding his judgement and mind - so he doesn't notice how much his accusation has effected LWJ. LWJ is clearly in distress and extremely worried about WWX.
Because we aren't privy to the actual scene where he confesses, we only have LXCs account of that. But, it still gives us some understanding of what happened.
Chapter 99
��Young Master Wei, in that night, you took the two halves of the Stygian Tiger Seal and pieced them together. After you were satisfied with the killing, you were a spent arrow as well. WangJi was injured on your rampage. He was in no better shape than you, barely supporting himself by leaning on Bichen. In spite of this, as he saw you stumble away, he immediately followed. “Right then, not many people were still conscious. I, too, was almost unable to move, and I could only watch as WangJi, whose spiritual powers were clearly about to be drained, staggered towards you. He brought you onto Bichen as soon as he grabbed you, and you two left. “Four hours later, my spiritual powers, having finally been restored, I hurried back to the GusuLan Sect in search for assistance. I was worried that if those from another sect found you first, WangJi would be considered your accomplice. The best scenario was his name being forever tainted, and the worst his life being taken away right then. Thus, along with Uncle, we chose thirty-three seniors who had always thought highly of WangJi and searched for two days on our swords in secrecy. Only then did we find signs of you two within the Yiling region. WangJi hid you in a cave. When we arrived, you sat blankly on a rock within the cave. Holding your hand, WangJi was giving you spiritual energy. He kept on whispering to you. But throughout the whole time, you repeated the same two words at him. “ 'Get lost'! " Wei WuXian’s throat was dry. His eyes were red as well. He couldn’t say a single thing.
From what we know, we can surmise LWJ could see WWX was in utter turmoil, feeling totally alone in the world now he's lost everyone dear to him. Not long ago, he had shouted in distress that he always knew LWJ hated him. LWJ wanted to comfort him and make him understand he didn't hate him at all. He wanted him to know he wasn't alone and LWJ was by his side, because he loved him. He wanted him to understand he still had someone fighting in his corner. That is why he confessed his feelings for WWX - granted it wasn't the best of times and WWX was totally catatonic by this point, but it was all he could do to try and get through to him and comfort him.
Already seriously injured, with diminishing spiritual powers they were both incredibly worse for wear - it might have even crossed his mind that they both might die soon anyway. LWJ knew it wouldn't be long before someone found them and another fight would ensue - possibly costing their lives. He was fully prepared to risk everything to save WWX. So yes, a tiny part of him might have confessed because he needed to. But the fact that it was to try and help WWX is more than apparent. He didn't expect anything in return, he didn't expect WWX to confess his undying love, he just wanted WWX to know he wasn't alone. He was just desperately trying to save the man he loved, however he could. LWJ wanted to show WWX that he had, and always would be here for him.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Royal Flush - Seventeen - Series Intro
Seventeen Masterlist
Royal Flush Masterlist 
Note: This will be an interactive story, so the speed at which pieces after the prologue come out will depend on responses to the cliffhanger at the end of each section. So remember to interact! 
Pairing: Female Reader x Seventeen
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut(in nsfw version)
Summary: Your father’s deteriorating health has been a concern for sometime, but with the latest turn it forces action upon you. It’s up to you to prepare yourself and your kingdom for your father’s inevitable death. His wish for you to wed someone worthy of leading the kingdom along with you before he goes. He’s not leaving you entirely on your own in that regard though, he suggest you both request the presence of the princes of  Taerean, sister kingdom of your own. Any of whom are not betrothed to come and see if there’s a suitor fit for you and your kingdom of Ecairia. Only perhaps too many of them are fit for that position.
Profiles of the Princes of Taerean below:
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Known As: Crown Prince Seungcheol
Age: 25
Most Known Personality Traits: Calm, leadership traits, he’s often the one taking charge. Yet, he’s open to suggestion and often thinks about what everyone said before acting. Known to be very trustworthy and loyal, considered to be just.
Normal Behavior: Found walking outdoors often or sparring as a way of clearing his head. He also looks into things so it’s not uncommon to stumble across him in the library looking over information or discussing with people.
Known For: Being one that people can bring their troubles to without worry. He will resolve any issues in a quick yet reasonable manner.
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Known As: Prince of Seduction
Age: 25
Most Known Personality Traits: FLIRT! He’s even subconsciously a flirt. He means well, even in breaking hearts not a soul can hate him. He’s a little devious, but with a kind soul and as he never means any harm no one can ever fault him. 
Normal Behavior:  Taking his time, not that he’s picky about things being perfect, though he is a tad of a perfectionist. He just doesn’t like to rush things, but instead take his time and appreciate them. Often appreciating the arts or sipping tea.
Known For: Being immaculately dressed at all times, flawless hair that he likes growing out. He’s often surrounded by others, especially those attracted to him both men and women alike. 
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Known As: The Peacekeeper
Age: 25
Most Known Personality Traits: Quieter in the group, listening to be able to help resolve things. He’s calm, not quick to anger and not for violence. A negotiator by nature. He’s gentle as well, and always learning.
Normal Behavior: When not helping resolve situations he’s likely either in the library or learning things out in nature. He tends to some plants and has an interest in my academic ventures.
Known For: Having good balance, he can reasonably see both sides to everything. One minor example being how he knows to balance between learning through books and through life experience.
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Known As: Prince of the Night
Age: 24
Most Known Personality Traits: Known to be both quiet and outgoing. He’ll be quiet when needed, but he loves going out and being boisterous and partying all through the night. People in the kingdom are used to seeing him for any and all night festivities, making him well liked by many.
Normal Behavior: A playful observer. He will pop up random places, but likes to determine a person’s nature before interacting. If he determines that he likes you, he’ll instantly start showing up and will be like your friend.
Known For: Dragging the other princes into situations that while not inheritably bad are trouble. Another who is a bit seductive, when he’s in the setting for it. Never seems to tire out when he’s dancing through the night with others.
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Known As: The Tiger Prince
Age: 24
Most Known Personality Traits: He’s somewhat territorial, or at the very least very defensive. He can get worked up a tad easily, so sometimes the others have to calm him down. He’s quicker to act. His heart is always in the right place, he just often lets whatever emotions are at the forefront guide his actions.
Normal Behavior: Often sparring or with the soldiers, it’s as familiar to him as the other princes and home is. Standing up for whatever he believes to be right, and will do so loudly and unwavering.
Known For: He’s the one who will lead armies for his kingdom. The people view him as protection, safety from others and for justice. While he can be a bit hot tempered, the people never fear him.
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Known As: The Poet
Age: 24
Most Known Personality Traits: Reserved around those he’s not more familiar with, and even still compared to many of the others he could be seen as reserved. He has more of a teaching personality, people often come to him for help and knowledge. He’s a gentle soul.
Normal Behavior: If not in the library where he spends most of his time, you might find him speaking with any musicians at the castle. Or joining one of the others for a calming activity. His retreat however is in the garden under his favorite oak tree with his journal.
Known For: Being a free spirit without ever having to leave. He lets himself have a sort of freedom despite never running away, and he helps others find it too. Not that he would stop anyone from exploring for freedom, but that’s not the kind of freedom he enjoys.
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Known As: The Cold Prince
Age: 24
Most Known Personality Traits: Intimidating and sometimes off putting at first. Doesn’t intentionally try to scare people (usually), in fact he doesn’t even realize it most of the time. Resting bitch face, but once you get to know him he’s not so scary. Though can be protective, so he’s not one to piss off.
Normal Behavior: Drinking a coffee while catching up on politics to help Seungcheol with running things. When he needs to relax he’ll often practice with his instruments or check in on the others as a break. Often checking in on or joining Soonyoung or Seungcheol, but occasionally the others as well. 
Known For: Being Seungcheol’s right hand when it comes to kingdom rulings. Having a shielded soft spot, despite having a cold exterior. Being overlooked or underestimated by many of the people.
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Known As: Prince of the Day
Age: 24
Most Known Personality Traits: Almost always an infectious kind of bubbly. Will befriend anyone in an instant, but is a tad too trusting. He’s not clueless, but he is a bit naive. He looks for the good in everyone and refused to see anything negative which can lead to him getting hurt. He never lets that stop him though, he’s always a ray of sunshine wherever he is.
Normal Behavior:  While Junhui is more interested in the nightlife of the kingdom, Seokmin is more interested in the daily happenings in the kingdom. It’s not uncommon for him to go out and see what’s happening in the kingdom on any given day and will sort his schedules around day festivals to ensure he can go have fun.
Known For:  Being giving, both in positive energy and material things. While exploring town it’s not unlikely he’ll be seen giving food to the needy or helping out in other ways. Just wants to make everyone smile on any given day.
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Known As: Prince Charming
Age: 24
Most Known Personality Traits: A good speaker and people person. He’s able to charm just about anyone even if it’s not in a romantic way. Besides Joshua he’s another one who will negotiate, but he’s also willing to fight. He’s often negotiating trade agreements or the like instead of potentially violent disputes however. 
Normal Behavior: He likes going for rides or checking out the ports. He’s a free spirit, who enjoys learning from others what he hasn’t yet had an opportunity to experience himself. He travels, but never just up and leaves without advance warning, he will drop it if anything comes up however.
Known For: Securing even seemingly unlikely trade agreements, especially when the people are in need. He’s a people person, so when talking to everyone he treats them respectfully and encourages them to follow whatever path their heart tells them.
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Known As: The Troublemaker
Age: 23
Most Known Personality Traits: Mischievous and somewhat devious, but in a playful way and not in a harsh way. While he is one who loves mischief his intent is never to harm. He seems to almost become a different person is someone is harmed, his knee jerk reaction being to help. Though he can be quite fierce and will not hesitate to protect people. 
Normal Behavior: Likes to pair up with Junhui, so he can carry out his antics under the cloak of night. Will play innocent, even if everyone knows it was him. Somehow very very rarely gets into trouble for whatever he stirs up.
Known For: Being well liked among the teenagers throughout the kingdom (they think he’s cool), and somewhat of a bad influence on them. It’s all in good fun though. He often cleans up his own messes, even if it was silently or anonymously.
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Known As: The Judge
Age: 23
Most Known Personality Traits: He can be blunt and almost intimidating in the sense that he doesn’t sugar coat things. While he doesn’t hold any punches (and is a bit picky) he’s fair though. Hence why he’s a good judge. He’s good at balancing the information/logic side of things and the emotional side of things to ensure that things work out the best way possible. Except in situations he’s personally involved in, then throw all logic out the window.
Normal Behavior: He’s known to seek out groups and attention, it helps him get information from everyone about everything. He might be slightly conceited as well, but he has some good intentions in surrounding himself with people seeking his approval.
Known For: Being in the center of gossip circles and cliques everywhere. Not snobby though, he uses it to his advantage instead. Blunt, loud, and to your face though. You know where you stand with him at all times, just like everyone else.
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Known As: The Interpreter 
Age: 23
Most Known Personality Traits:  He’s relatively calm and reasonable. He’s not picky about tasks that need to be done and is reliable, so if people ask something of him they can consider it as good as done. He’s reasonable with others as well, though he need to work on that some towards himself.
Normal Behavior: His favorite spot is on the roof or a balcony where he can appreciate the breeze, but otherwise you can find him anywhere doing just about anything. He has a knack for languages though and will often study up on them.
Known For: While his nickname refers to his being able to interpret between languages, he’s also known to be able to interpret emotions as well. When people are too emotional to express themselves properly he’ll step in and help. Or when delivering messages between two emotional parties he will present them in a reasonable manner.
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Known As: The Young Prince/ The Baby Prince
Age: 22
Most Known Personality Traits: He’s honestly known to be quite a reasonable mix of the others, always being around them. Probably most like Hansol in that he’s a good balance and doesn’t mind doing just about anything that needs to be done. Usually though, he’s allowed to do as he pleases as the others usually have things under control. 
Normal Behavior: Around Seungcheol and Soonyoung a lot to learn from them, or with Jihoon who will also teach him but is more protective in all honesty. It’s actually quite rare to see him alone instead of with one of the others.
Known For: Being a rather kind hearted and bright person, he’s the youngest so he’s one of the most carefree of the bunch. He’s known to have grown quite a bit though and become quite loved by the people, and quite popular among suitors.
Prologue Coming: Dec 31st
Until them let me know which prince appeals to you the most based solely on this.
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It’s 🍪!
You have this ‘My Sunshine’ (?) fic where the reader is an absolute ball of sunshine and I LOVE it! Could you do a part two with Zhongli, Childe and Albedo please?
My Sunshine
( what an incredible choice of characters! Thank you for adding to one of my favorite fics!! ) 
Warning -> SFW, Fluff
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Albedo, Childe, Zhongli 
It was the way you greeted the world around you - with pleasant smiles, patient hands, caring and compassionate eyes. You saw the world for what it could be, the beauty of it and while Albedo searched for the answer in the universe, you already seemed to have found them 
He noticed you on his wanderings through the city. His hands were already moving to draw your expressions in a hope to capture everything that he possibly could - how could he capture the intensity of the sun itself, of a flower basking in the afternoon glow, or a firefly so vibrant that it burned orange and beautiful 
You were bouncing on your toes, smiling kindly at the people who walked by while you patiently waited for anyone to stop by. Not many people purchased flowers every single day, but you found it wasn’t hard to proposition people with your generous smile and pin-point compliments. 
“My! I have never seen something so beautiful in all my life.” You began, bending to rest your hands on your knees while catching the attention of a small young girl who had been glancing at the array of flowers at your side. She looked at you confused, a bit nervous but didn’t back away. 
Reaching for a small white flower, you trimmed the leaves and hummed a little tune before turning back to her. “A lovely flower like you must attract so much goodness. Even this daisy is impressed by your radiance!" She giggled and you continued, "Would you do me a favor?” You smiled at her, eyes showing only the purest of shine. The little girl nodded her head and you began again, “Could you carry this flower and help it grow? If it's you, I'm sure it'll turn just as beautiful?” 
The little girl wrapped her small fingers around the stem, her smile and giggle so powerful that Albedo was sure you cast a magic spell because as he watched her gallop away back to her parents, the flowers near you began to glisten and the sketch on his page came to life. 
He was unsure how to make a connection with you, so more often than not he would find himself purchasing flowers he didn’t really have the necessity for - but perhaps if he gathered enough up, he’d have a bouquet glorious enough to equal your soul 
“Mr. Albedo, pleasure seeing you again.” You brushed off your apron and turned to him. Your eyes closing and head tilting, a standard greeting of yours. “I have some rather rare flowers in stock today if you’d like to take a look.” 
“I am actually here to inquire if you had any Asters; the research institute has just run out.” 
“Hmm, let me check for you.” You bowed slightly before disappearing behind the many stalls and carriers of your wares. He scanned the flowers as he waited for your return. Gloved fingers inspecting the petals of flowers and, in his wandering thoughts, he began to investigate which one reminded him the most of you. “Mr. Albedo, I am sorry, it seems we are fresh out.” 
“I see …” 
“Ah! However, I needed to gather several other plants today. If you come back tomorrow I will set them aside for you.” You waved at the other worker as if to inform them of your intentions and quickly reached for the basket near the stall. 
“Actually, would it be too much of a bother if I were to travel with you?” 
You paused, staring at him with eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. What was this feeling in his chest, it hurt. “I would never pass up an opportunity to share in your company! What a splendid day this is turning out to be.” 
“Thank you, I will keep out of your way.” 
“Not too much I hope. So, Mr. Albedo, are you ready?” You turned to head toward the front gate and he followed after you. 
“Yes, and please, just Albedo is fine.” 
“Alrighty then, Albedo.” Ah, yes, that’s why his heart hurt. 
There you were, the wind wrapping around you as you stood in a field of flowers - the reflection of light difficult to pinpoint for as bright as the sun shined down onto the plane below, you were just as intense and, in fact, you may be the most luminous creature to ever exist -- how could he possibly reach something like you 
His world had never been bright -- from the snowy landscape that threatened every day to freeze the warm hearts that beat on its surface, to the dark void that he fought through as an adolescent, to the harsh and demanding ladder he climbed in service to his cause -- he’d never known the light … his had been seized so long ago 
So when he found a flicking candle, a small flame in his dark corridor, he walked to it - ran for it - and to see the glory reflected on the other side was something he fixated on until he could hold the candle safe in his arms 
He clenched his jaw and sighed. These boring briefings were never something he cared to participate in. He was more for action rather than words, so instead of listening to the updates from the short, purple-haired harbinger, he instead gazed out the open window at the city below. 
Liyue had shifted from a temporary destination into a permanent one as the tasks and duties continued to lengthen his stay. At least he didn’t mind the city, not like some of the other places he’d stay at. Just as he was about to drift back to the boring discussion, he heard a voice drift up to him. A lively, giddy voice that stole all of his attention and focus, but as soon as you entered into view his minimal interest piqued into desperation. 
“Wait up! You can’t tell me that this isn’t a beautiful day, just take it all in!” You spread your arms wide and spun with so much energy that the inertia made you stumble, luckily you caught yourself before running into some poor passerby. Childe smiled and rested his chin on his palm as he looked down at the loveliness that was your everything. 
You laughed, and the way your hands flew to your lips to cover the sound made him jealous of those fingers. You spoke, words falling off of your tongue like sugar and he grew antsy at the thought of not tasting it. You existed, and he needed a piece of it. 
Waving to his subordinate, he spoke in a hushed whisper, and while the meeting continued to drone on, he made his first step at capturing a star. 
The more information he gathered, the more interactions he had with you - the more he fell into your luster, the richer his feelings grew for you 
His actions were that of a child just looking for a comforting glow in their endless darkness, hands cupped to keep it alive, breathing held for fear of accidentally blowing it out - stay, please stay 
He called your name, the sound of his voice dissipating in the open space as he searched for any sign of you. 
“Hey there!” You called out to him, and when he looked up toward your voice, he smiled. Your legs dangled off the tree limb, your hands wrapping around the bark as you balanced there. 
“How is the view?” He asked, crossing his arms and staring at you from below. How did you get up there, he wondered. 
“Beautiful, I can see so much from up here. It’s like a whole different perspective.” You breathed in deeply and lifted your arms to reach for the sky above you. “How about you join me?” 
“I’m not sure I can, I don’t even know how you got up there.” 
“Sheer will and determination!” Giggling, he thought maybe you were actually a mythical creature in the fairytales he used to read as a kid. There was no way you could live in this world and be so positive, it had to be you were something beyond this world. “I’ll come down to you.” Twisting, you wiggled onto your stomach before letting yourself drop onto the ground below. It was further than you thought and as soon as your feet hit the earth, your body became off balance and tumbled backward. 
Childe easily caught you, his sturdy chest supporting you and arms extended so your hands could have something to grab onto. 
“Ooh, that was exhilarating.” Tilting your head, you turned to look at him and for a moment he felt his lips scream for yours. He wanted to let you go, but how could you when you fit so perfectly in his arms. “Childe?” 
“You’re something else.” This was dangerous, you were dangerous, and now that he knew what it was like to feel the brightness of the light, he would never let the dark creep back in. 
He needed you - it was apparent - and he hoped one day you’d realize you needed him too. A light like yours truly needed to shine in the darkness of places, so choose his, please choose his 
There is no one in this world that would understand luster better than he - no one who could see the shine inside a being as clearly as one with eyes who’ve witnessed the birth and eventual death of the universe. The great Morax, the ruthless Rex Lapis, the gentle and patient Zhongli are one and the same, and the visions they’ve witnessed cannot be forgotten 
So, to see a person with purity so refined, that even the dullest observers could clearly recognize, he found it nearly impossible to look away 
He heard tell of a new performer joining the Pearl, someone who had shown great elegance and glorious promise at wowing the crowds. As a man who fancied the arts of all kinds, he was intrigued by the rumors and whispers. So, when the schedule showed the name of this new performer, he made his way to the boat drifting on the sea. 
His lips tasted the sweet flavor of tea but his eyes soaked in the delectable movements of your body. The graceful bow of your spin, the bending and twisting of your limbs as you moved just enough to tell your story on the swaying stage. He felt the history in your dance, the pride in your fluttering fan as you moved it across your face, the snap of truth as you forced it up toward the sky. He was transfixed, as he was sure all were. 
When you finished, you began to greet the many interested patrons eager to hear the sound of your voice. There was no way he could have known how transfixing you would be when he heard it. 
“What a stunning performance.” Zhongli mused, his head bowing, a mirror of your own gesture. 
“That is great praise from someone such as yourself.” You smiled and he was reminded of glaze lilies. 
“Pray tell, what was the inspiration for your dance?” 
“Ah, an insightful question, not unexpected I must say.” You laughed and moved your hands to your chest, elegant fingers resting over your heart as you answered his question. “The light of a soul has so much insight, don’t you think? If the soul is radiant, the vessel's beauty is so easily seen, and if there is beauty shining so brightly that it can communicate out to those who look, it may shift just the tides of the future.” You laughed again, a bit more unreserved than the last, and somehow more telling to your honesty. “I’m sorry, I hope that answered your question.” 
“Splendidly, and then some.” He found himself transfixed, captivated by a spirit shining before him. 
Spending time with you was as refreshing as standing in a mountain stream, as filling as a warm meal, as bright as the basking stars that littered the sky above and reflected in your eyes even in darkness 
“Zhongli, hello again.” He wandered into the garden, the gentle bubbling of the water as it fell along the rocks provided a lovely background to your visage. Carefully, you rested your fingers against the pages of your book as you looked up at him. The shadows of the shifting trees let highlights of the sun dance across your face and he couldn’t help but capture this image in his mind. 
“Good afternoon, you seem to be enjoying the day.” 
“As I always am. Nature has provided such elegant and lovely conditions that it would be a waste to not thank it, don’t you agree?” 
“Wholeheartedly.” He smiled, his hands gripping tighter around each other as they rested against the small of his back. It was incredible how nervous you made him; for a man who was a powerful as the mountains that looked down over the city, you made him feel like a tiny pebble in the stream begging to be touched by you. “May I join you?” 
“Absolutely, anything in this world can be improved by good company, and yours is always my favorite.”
“As yours is mine.” He sat on the stone bench next to you, his hands resting on his lap as he looked out across the scenery. You moved closer to him, your arms touching as you shared in the company of each other and, while his eyes drifted to your face, he watched how your smile and good nature made the flowers bloom. 
You were a compliment to his life. A perfect addition to the drift of time and as he looked at the future that stretched before him, he found your red wrapping perfectly around his amber 
tag list
@star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @angel-melt @lucacandy @shesleire @marianadi @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @anatthesavage @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage @mkazuyuh @excitedlysuffering @kaidou-pie @yujiia @cytomegalia @natxxu @ilyshelb @fvushiguros @nua-fromliyue @yoshikuno @kaidou-pie @anonymousficreader @cyphermagic @chichikoi
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theroomofreq · 3 years
can you give me muggle jily recs pleaaseeee <3 :D
HOW MANY HIGH-QUALITY MUGGLE JILY FICS ARE THERE?? TOO MANY TO COUNT. *cracks knuckles* BUT I am here for the challenge. Jily AUs are my JAM.
Again, shoutout to our amazing @jilyarchive friends who tag every wonderful muggle jily au they come across. here is the link that will take you to their tags page. You'll find links to specific tropes and AUs :')
I've searched through my own AO3 bookmarks and history tabs, and I present to you 28 jily muggle fics that I LOVE. I am THRILLED thinking about all the good things in store for those that read these wonderful stories. This list took me ages to make because I went through and reread most of these brilliant fics. Happy reading !! xx
properly improper by @lizardcookie
“Marry me,” Mr. Potter repeats, closing the distance between them by striding back up towards the sofa, only to stop and crouch to one knee right there at her feet, looking up at her. Burning. “Pick me,” he elaborates. “Pick me, choose me, love me instead.”
- this fic is the reason why I comment the way that I do (spoiler it's because it's amazing)
The Wedding Ring by @mppmaraudergirl
What is undeniably worse than attending your sister's wedding looking as desolate and forgotten as a wilted houseplant? Drunkenly ringing your ex-boyfriend and asking him to be your date.
Oh my god, they were ROOMMATES by @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world
Silly one-shot, Muggle AU with Fem!Jily as pining roommates and Marlene as their matchmaker.
- the fic that brought me back to jily and inspired my deep obsession of fem!jily
Swipe Right, Swing Left by @downn-in-flames
The unspoken rule of using dating apps in D.C. is that you always start with where you work.
James Potter, it seems, never picked up on that one.
- giddy just thinking about this gem
'Tis the Damn Season by @petalstofish
It doesn't feel like Christmas for Lily Evans, not after losing her parents to COVID before the Holiday season. She anticipates spending Christmas all alone until a boy from her past shows up and offers her a mutually benefiting deal that has her calling him 'babe' just for the weekend. 'Tis the damn season, after all.
- cries in respect for lyrical writing
Watch Me Unwind by @maraudersftw
Lily Evans hates her job, hates the bigoted customers she has to serve as a bartender at the richest club in the city. But the one person who makes bearing all of it worth it has someone else in his arms tonight. (Rated: M)
- obsessed with the way the plot jumps around the time line in this
oil be there for you by @abby10fanfic
Texting/Social Media AU: Lily and James haven't spoken for 2 years. But that's all about to change thanks to Peter and his involvement in an essential oil pyramid scheme. Featuring boss babes, toxin-free lifestyles, binding contracts, and a very oily journey.
a matchmaking mission by @downn-in-flames
James Potter has a mission: get Sirius Black and Remus Lupin to finally admit that they both fancy the pants off each other by Valentine's Day.
His partner in crime? Lily Evans, Remus' flatmate, who he also happens to be slightly in love with
- DOUBLE the amount of pining idiots in love :")
about time by @jilyss
'sure, yeah, I can accompany you to that black tie event for your work tonight. wait. why are we on a red carpet?'
- this is my emotional comfort fic, your honor
whiskey business by @elanev91
Sirius Black has a (bad?) habit of picking up hobbies that take over his and James' flat -- this most recent one? Homemade vodka that James now has to try and peddle to everyone in the building.
- hysterical! must read!
Fashion Disaster by @maraudersftw
James Potter is roped into an awful dare by his best-mate, which involves him wearing atrocious pieces of clothing for all days until Christmas as dictated by Sirius. If this wasn't terrible enough, he now has to contend with his maddening crush on the beautiful saleswoman at the clothing store.
- classic hijinks that I live for
it wasn't a pity invite by @elanev91
Part of the December "Winter Tropes" Jily challenge. Prompt: my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and omG i’m so sorry
- awkward Christmas date that owns my heart
spice and honey by @clare-with-no-i
tagging along with her food reporter sister to profile James Potter, London's hottest young chef, is not how Lily Evans pictured her Monday going - especially if he's anything like Petunia’s described.
needless to say, she's in for a whirlwind at Chez Maraudeur.
- I'm one re-read away from printing this out and putting it on my bookshelf.
Waffle Wars by @elanev91
There's only one waffle maker in the dining hall and it literally always breaks. So, naturally, the only reasonable course of action is to meticulously map out when it's working and, ultimately, do a heist.
- the witty narration in this fic can not be matched
You Can Hear It In The Silence by @alrightginger
Lily is non-verbal and deaf in a world where the things your soulmate says about you end up written on your skin. She has known about her soulmate since she was seven, but knows they don't have a clue she exists and possibly never will.
- exquisite, cue me sobbing forever
out the window by @displayheartcode
A new family moves to Ottery St Catchpole.
- everything I could ever want in a fic, forever in my mind rent free
The Christmas Guest by @thegodmachine
An Evans Family Christmas: Petunia is bringing her fiancé and Lily is bringing her…Friend…
- petunia pov that gives me WINGS
Football, Calculus, and Cappuccinos by @moonawrites
At eighteen years old, James Potter has a lot going on. He's a rising star navigating the politics of professional football, the pitfalls of sudden fame, the fallout from choosing his dream over his father's company... and a serious crush on the red headed new barista at his favourite coffee shop.
- I'm still working my way through this fic, but trust me when I say its a GEM
if u like pina coladas by @zephyrcove
Lily is desperate for a date to Petunia's wedding, James has been pining, and their friends meddle ;)
- explain to me how characters can be so perfect via texting fics?
Shelf Awareness by @ghostofbambifanfiction
It's too far out of her way and she's wasting so much money, but Lily can't help but return to the bookstore every weekend, where her passion for good literature has, perhaps, been unexpectedly reignited by the messy-haired, pun-making, rather handsome bloke who works there.
- you absolutely must know that I binge read this and then immediately REREAD it
How to win a witch in 10 days by @adenei
“She’s going to find some unsuspecting wizard, get him to fall for her, and then do all the things that turn men away to get him to break things off! Won’t it be the best way to see what witches do that drives men crazy?” But what happens when the man in question is a blast from Lily Evans's past? A Jily Magical AU based on the romantic comedy "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days."
- fic based off of a rom com? YES PLZ :’)
The Fight Before Christmas by @ghostofbambifanfiction
The heartwarming Christmas tale of Lily Evans and James Potter - two plucky kids who hated one other, until the day they really, really didn't.
- complete sucker for this one
All This Time by @thejilyship
James and Lily grew up next door to one another. Their bedroom windows giving them glimpses into the others life, and also offering prime opportunities to argue with each other over every little thing. They never figured out how to be friends when they were kids, but now that they've graduated from college and are home for the summer, they have a second chance to get things right.
- one of my favvvv tropes
Let Me Love You by @thejilyship
With only a month until she's set to take the throne of Gryffindor, Lily is informed that she'll have to get married or choose to give up her throne. She never thought she'd have to even entertain the idea of an arranged marriage. Enter, James Potter.
- cries in princess diares AU
The Fabulous Baker Brothers by @frustratedpoetwrites
Lily walks a different route home from work and stumbles upon a cute little Bakery with an even cuter baker in the window.
- yes yes yes to embarrassed pining.
Marigold Mornings by @mppmaraudergirl
This is a fun game she thinks, as she removes her hand from his side and reaches up to run it down his chest.  He catches her hand in his own, takes a step forward so that her nose nearly brushes against his shirt. She can feel the heat radiating off of him—or maybe it’s from her. He licks his lips and her eyes are drawn to the motion.  She knows it is a bad idea, absolutely knows it.
- incredible storytelling featuring dynamic characters :') a favvv
Welcome to Pettyville by@women-inthe-sequel @alrightginger
When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn’t expecting to find the right person behind it. She can’t stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can’t stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
The Kiss a Stranger Project by @alrightginger
“What’s your name, then?” she asks, realizing they haven’t even properly introduced themselves yet. She nervously crosses her arms.
You shouldn’t kiss a guy without knowing his name first.
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