#but the voices always win
machiavellli · 4 months
bro was just a silly goofy thing
inspired by what @lunlumo said in this post
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hinamie · 2 months
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ik i've done like 5 panel redraws from 265 alone but this is the last one promise
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Advanced Interrogation Technique: Dog
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cringefailvox · 3 months
vees + alastor polycule but vox has to be very careful about leaving alastor alone with valentino and velvette for too long because alastor WILL start plotting a coup d'etat to oust vox from both the relationship and the company. and val & vel are spineless traitors
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thedreamerstoryteller · 10 months
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allyallyorange · 10 months
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Ateez AT AU Time!
Yeosang joins team Wooyoung, San and Yunho (unintentionally).
As mentioned in another post, San had been having crazy visions/dreams and Seonghwa had been a constant presence in the dreams, leading San to believe that they need to find this strange dream guy and go on some incredibly important quest. The running theory from the team was that they needed to find and slay The Beast (who is actually just Mingi) and that Seonghwa was somehow going to be some very powerful being that would help them.
Meanwhile Yeosang is just going around looking for Seonghwa who completely disappeared one day when Yeosang was asleep. Yeosang had pretty much never been apart from Seonghwa for more than 24 hours in the past 900 years, so it’s very stressful going from town to town asking people if they’d seen Seonghwa. He eventually ends up in a town at the same time Wooyoung and San are out looking for side quests. After seeing his picture of Seonghwa, Yeosang is dragged back to the woosanho treehouse.
Friendship is forged and this half of the group is formed!
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starcurtain · 6 months
I think my favorite breed of RenHeng is definitely:
Even in the Shackling Prison, Dan Heng had just enough memories of Yingxing to be hopelessly, achingly in love with the man despite never meeting him in his current life, spending years agonizing over the cognitive dissonance of wanting to leave every single shred of his previous incarnation behind but being unable and unwilling to let go of the exquisite gentleness and warmth of that one person--
Only to be told that Blade is Yingxing. That his greatest source of horror and anger is the same person whose calloused fingers nightly trace the line of his cheek in his favorite dream, the one that used to make Dan Heng feel like a treasure, like something worth keeping--
And how, how is it fair that he's still being punished? How deep are the sins of his past that he isn't even allowed to keep the illusion of being wanted? How could Dan Feng take every fleeting glimmer of Yingxing's love and leave Dan Heng with only his hate?
How is he supposed to live, having all these broken, beautiful memories--and still having nothing at all?
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vaugarde · 1 month
i know we joke about mirabelle being the beloved token cis because of her quest, but tbh there’s something there maybe about a trans person who doesnt wish to get surgery and feels like they have to to be taken seriously as a trans person…. idk is this anything
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insomnya777 · 1 month
rip ethoslab you would have loved dti lana lore 😭🙏
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aceniixx · 1 year
Australians think we are so much better than everyone else and we can see through political crap, and then we overwhelmingly vote no to give first nations people what amounts to a pity committee because "if you don't know, vote no" and "THEY ARE GONNA STEAL UR BACKYARDS"
We are a disgrace.
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opikiquu · 5 months
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hhahhehehehahgeehshdgshheehehh HAHAHAHAHAH so i did the story
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bluerosety-blog · 6 months
Please look how happy they are!! 😭💝 This is them after graduating~😏🥰 You can't look at them and say they hate each other, they just want to be heroes besides each other! 😌
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allfortzu · 1 year
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what if i EXPLODE
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totaled-drama · 7 days
I’m still drawing ship requests but y’all can also send me some general td headcanons you have and I’ll draw those as well :) headcanons can be platonic or romantic
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martyrbat · 3 months
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habeas corpus – detective comics #1086
(ID in alt!)
#loved this back up feature so much and seeing that bruce timm shit made me annoyed enough to actually transcribe it#first the way hes depicted as having to stand trial and ARGUE and fight for the rights of using the coin#rather than it just being a compulsion and something he must do before a decision....#like every time. every time when he's 'leaving it up to chance'—thats a time when harvey won. thats a time when harvey fought for the right#to use the coin and make it at least a 50/50 chance instead of 'crawling away until the hard part is done' like two face pushed for#every single time. regardless of the results regardless of knowing theres only a halfway chance of it actually achieving anything#or lessening the damage two face can/will do. every time hes fighting for and still believing in a fair trial and that everyone deserves on#it isnt him being weak. it isnt him avoiding responsibility. its him fighting and forcing and pushing for it as hes internally at war#with himself 24/7. even when two face wins he doesnt give up & continues to fight for what he believes in despite the injustice done to him#the way he tells Judge Janus that it isnt about HIM (himself!) while defending the right of existence to the jury of other societal rejects#the way he gestures to himself only at the very end. he asks the judge does that sound like anyone he knows and janus replies in two faces#voice but harvey keeps going. he keeps fighting for others. but at the end in actually acknowledging two face being part of him#(and by extension harvey being part of two face) and how harvey is fighting just as much to have a place as two face is#(but more within his own mind & upholding his belief system still despite knowing how it continues to fail them) and just FUCK#and two faces snaps! how theres no jurisprudence system above there either ! just no one will admit it!#how harvey knows!!! look what happened to him when he was doing the right thing!#look how many criminals and mob bosses paid their way out! look how the police are corrupt!#but still believing in it and how a system has to be in place despite being a direct victim of it as well and just GOD#I LOVE YOU GOOD HEARTED AND WANTING TO HELP PEOPLE HARVEY DENT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS TO ME !!!!!!!!#taking away how he genuinely wanted to help people and bring wrongs to rights takes away literally everything hes built on#it takes away the entire fucking tragedy of his character (and in many ways it changes how bruce himself operates and believes because#harvey WAS a good man doing everything by the books. he was trying to bring justice in the 'right way' and believed in the system. he was#what people tell bruce he should be and look where it got him. look how the system failed 'even the good ones' because the system itself is#corrupt. it isnt flawed—it was operated to oppress and thats why it cant just be fixed but must be entirely rebuilt and why bruce must#operate outside of it. it also gives more depth because harvey is one of batmans first and biggest failures. he didnt protect him.#he didnt save his parents as a helpless child (as bruce) but he couldn't save his parents as BATMAN.#it wasnt just random chance like his parents tragedy but this was calculated and something bruce didnt stop. its ALWAYS going to eat at#him if he could of prevented it by telling harvey his identity. by doing something different. by being more prepared or somehow#knowing it was going to happen. harvey is the face of tragedy in so many ways that cant fit in these messy rambly tags but its ALLL!!!!!!!#bc harv was (and still is despite it all! despite two face!) a good man!! because he originally was a glimmer of hope to bruce & the city!!
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landfilloftrash · 20 days
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use your teeth on those who don't deserve you use your claws on everything that hurts you
rotting chaos
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