#but the spirit is real 🩸
cametotheshowinsd · 2 years
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She don't start it, but she can tell you how it ends. 🚨🩸⚔ VIGILANTE SHIT (2022) | Written & Directed by Taylor Swift Dial (800)013-1989 for more info. Don't get sad, get EVEN.
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getmeoutofhell · 16 days
could you do slasher house with a reader who’s a vampire :33 like which slasher would let them feed on them and etc etc 🧛🏻‍♂️🩸
Reader being a vampire in the Horror House headcanons!
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being a vampire in a house full of evil spirited murders is something you don’t think of. as you arrive at the place, the slashers act like you’re one of them. well i mean, in some way you are right?
now, let’s talk about who would let you feed on them.
well, i know for a fact freddy would definitely let you feed on him, i think. maybe in dream world only tho, because you know he’s useless in real life. in the real world he’s all like “you ain’t sucking my veins, vampie!” but in dream world he’ll say something like “drink me baby!” or something like that.
as for some of the others, not a chance. more specifically micheal is saying hell no. 😂
if you’re out hunting or whatever, one of the slashers will be there with you. they like when the get the victim close to death, and then you step in and finish them off by taking their blood.
back to freddy he may find you attractive for being a blood thirsty creature. although aren’t they all blood thirsty? 🤔
anyway, you’ll have fun in the house. sometimes jason will let you drink his victims blood, he’s so sweet you just can’t help but love him.
hannibal knows that you don’t like garlic, so when he makes your plate of food, he won’t put none on there. sometimes if he pre seasons his food, he’ll let you know that there’s gonna he garlic in it. he’s a respectful human isn’t he? :)
patrick couldn’t give less of a fuck. i’m lying he is now more freaked out and worried you might try and steal his blood. so when he sees you, he immediately runs the opposite direction. you’re slight offended. he doesn’t wanna look like a raisin, what can i say?
oh yeah let’s talk about the sun light. you, valak, and malthus hate that shit. don’t worry, you won’t really be around it, since you know you’re not the only one who hates it. the floor their on is pretty dark, so that’s good.
as for the rest of them, they’re fine with you being a vampire. once they get to know you they fuck with your vibe.
the ghostface group think you being a blood sucking physco is awesome! going into more detail mickey alteri is gonna try to smash. that’s up to you if you let him 😂👏
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piss-pumpkin · 7 months
🎃The Summerween special🩸
Douce amere chapter 12, Older!dipper pines x reader, ~3.8k words Prev Masterlist
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The upstairs bathroom of the mystery shack had never looked so good. Clean, which was relatively unusual, and even more so, decorated with candles and flashlights. Almost midnight. 
Dipper lit the last of the candles, a small tea light, and placed it on the counter. “Alright, I think that’s all of them.” 
The counter was covered and lit, despite the overhead lights still being on. Mabel shined a flashlight under her chin, and waved her fingers in the air. “Looks perfect!” she exclaimed, nearly bouncing off the little stool she sat on. “If what I read online is true, she might grant us wishes!”
You looked up at her from where you sat on the floor, legs crossed. “What exactly did you read online?” you prodded. “Like where did you get the instructions for this?”
She puckered and popped her lips, “you know, a few places… and it’s not like Dip or Ford knew anything,” she shrugged, smile creeping onto her lips. “So if you think about, I’m the most knowledgeable person here on the subject.”
”That does not answer my question,” you said, folding your arms. 
Dipper leaned against the counter, “Yeah, I’m with Y/n on this one, I really think that if she’s real, not all the shitposts are accurate.”
”Hey, hey, my sources are trusted,” she claimed, shaking her head at his dismissal. “And if you don’t believe in the wishes, why are we even doing this?” 
Dipper paused for a moment, as if unsure she was even serious. “Dude, to find out what happens,” he said, as if it were obvious.
You smiled cheekily, “Yeah, plus, it’s Halloween, we need a little spooky time.” You looked around the brightly lit room, wincing a little bit, “or at least it will be when we start.”
”Summerween,” Dipper corrected absently. “Not Halloween.” As you rolled your eyes, Dipper squinted, and started to flip through his journal. “Speaking of, Summerween has literally no spiritual or historical significance, if this works it’s because Gravity Falls is crazy, not because of the day.”
Mabel’s face contorted, “then why are we doing it today?”
You threw your hand out to hit her on the leg, “If you’re gonna get murdered by Bloody Mary, wouldn’t you rather do it on a night of horror and whimsey, and not just like, some random Tuesday?” 
Mabel nodded along, “yeah, I guess.”
”What?” Dipper asked. He looked up from his journal with his brow furrowed, “None of us are gonna die.” He was still idly reading his journal, and tapped and prodded at the counter behind him looking for his pen. When he found it, he started to chew the back end in between jotting down notes. 
You shook your head with a smile, “well, yeah, duh, but if it comes down to it,” you trailed off, waving your hand in the air. You looked up at him. He looked down at you. You smiled, and his faux annoyance faded. 
“Well I guess if I had to get murdered by Bloody Mary,” he sighed, smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Mabel kicked him as she pumped her fist and legs in the air, “That’s the spirit, Bro!”
His annoyance came back as he recoiled his shin away from her feet, “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said, glancing at the clock. “It’s almost midnight, we should turn off the lights.”
You stood, and started toward the switch. “What in the rules says it has to be midnight?” You asked, flicking it down. The room darkened everywhere but the mirror area, which stayed lit with burning the candles. 
The twins looked at you, then each other. When neither of them spoke, Dipper sighed. “Mabel, you looked up the ritual, why did we wait until midnight?” he sighed, head in his hand. 
She flipped her flashlight at him, and shrugged with pursed lips. 
“Turn that thing off,” you said, tapping her flashlight with your foot, “Only candle light, it’s spookier that way,” you said, wiggling your fingers.
Dipper scribbled something down in his journal, then set it and his pen down. He took one glance at his phone before shutting it off and pocketing it. “Okay, let’s start, we’ve got like a minute.”
You and Mabel gave a thumbs up, standing off to the side while he looked into the mirror with skeptical eyes. “You guys are standing way over there, huh,” he deadpanned, raising his brow at you and Mabel. 
You waved your hand in dismissal, “Dippy, don’t be scared,” you chided. You blew a kiss at him with a smile, “if she tries to get you, we’ll beat her off.”
Mabel snickered, “I mean, I’ll leave you two to that,” she said, earning a punch from you straight to the arm. 
Dipper waved his hands, “Okay, everyone shut up, it’s midnight, we’re doing the thing.” He sighed, looking at his reflection in the mirror, and started to speak. “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary,” he said, in a rather subdued voice. 
The room was silent. You waited a beat, then two. Then the light from Mabel’s phone drew your eye. She had open a Wikihow article. Great. 
She frantically whisper yelled at Dipper, “now you have to spin three times!” 
He sighed, quietly shouting right back, “that’s stupid,” before complying with her order, and spinning in a circle where he stood. 
Mabel cheekily scrolled through the wikihow article as the three of you waited for something to happen. Dipper pursed his lips, turning to you and Mabel, “I blame Ma-“
He stopped, and side eyed the mirror with puckered lips. Slowly, he opened his mouth again as he raised his hand to point at it. “Hey, wait a second,” he said curiously. Then all of a sudden he was leaning closer to the mirror, and squinting harder. 
You tapped your foot on the ground impatiently, crossing your arms. “Dip, Buddy,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “What’cha got there?” You could vaguely remember playing this exact prank on some friends as a kid, and Dipper was a worse actor. 
He turned toward you, and your eyes widened as you saw his wide smile. He pointed a finger gun at the mirror with one hand, and steadied himself on the counter with the other. He nearly laughed, “Guys, are you seeing this shi-“
Before he could finished, you and Mabel gasped, her hands flying up to point at her brother. Worse, before either of you could say anything, it was too late for a warning. In blink, something launched out of the mirror, and in a blur of black motion, even more obscured by the darkness in the room, attacked Dipper. 
It stuck to his head like a face-hugger, but with arms. Arms with hands that held tightly. Dipper struggled and moved and writhed, and tried to pull it off, groans and screams muffled. The dim light of the candles started to fade as he put them out with his flailing. 
Well shit. Suddenly you could think enough to tear your eyes away. Lights would be good. As Mabel screamed and pointed, you raced over to the switch, and illuminated the scene. 
Mabel was swatting away the creature, which looked a lot more like a person in the light. Its arms were still wrapped around Dippers head, and its legs pressed against his chest. A long mess of wet and dripping black hair obscured any face of hers. 
The more you looked, the worse it got. Your eyes skimmed over her sickly white skeleton thin limbs on your first look in the dark. And on that skeletal frame, a small white dress with… red stains. And dripping the same. Well fuck, that’s probably bad. 
In an instant Mabel punched it, coming at a side angle to avoid hurting Dipper. Maybe she’s learning. I should help, you thought, still staring. Yeah. Let’s do that. 
Without any semblance of a thought, much less a battle plan, you dove in. With quick step you lunged, grabbing for the creature. Or… the girl. Blindly, you wrapped your arms around her chilled torso, and pulled with all your momentum. 
Suddenly Dipper’s voice returned with a desperate gasp for breath, and then a stifled groan as Mabel punched him. 
You, on the other hand, were tumbling down to the floor at rapid speeds. The sounds of Mabel and Dipper faded away as you screamed, both at the terror in your arms, and your impending impact. At least the hair was covering her face. Your eyes squeezed shut, bracing for the fall. 
And all of a sudden the wind was knocked out of you, the creature folding under your chest. “Ugh,” you groaned. You pushed with shaky arms off the ground, opening your eyes reluctantly.
As you did, you locked gaze with red eyes above you. Shit. Sunken in and white cheeks contorted as it opened an unhinged jaw to hiss and shriek. Piercing. Your hands quickly released her to fly to your ears as you winced, kicking her off of her. The wood floor hit your back hard as you rolled away. In a ditch effort to do some damage, you threw your leg out to get another kick in as you rolled and she screamed. 
Your foot never landed though. Just as you tried, something was grabbing you by the arms. You jolted away, and whipped you head around with bated breath. 
Dipper. He was trying to pull you up. You looked at him with wide eyes for a moment before he tried again to get you on your feet. “Come on, you’ve gotta get up,” he said, shifting his arms under yours to pull you. 
Legs shaking, you managed. And looked up to see Mabel doing your job for you. With a jump and a battle cry, she soccer kicked bloody Mary’s face in. 
Dipper didn’t let go of you, and you were more than glad. His arms around your shoulder was so warm compared to the chill that came over the room when the creature let out her final shrill cry. She went limp on the ground, and your mouth fell open in small shock. 
You looked behind you at Dipper, who wore a very similar expression. 
Mabel turned around to you both with a wide smile, and a thumbs up. “How crazy was that?!” She said, beaming ear to ear. Her socks were specked with red from the creatures… mouth, eyes, nose… something. 
You pointed at her, eyes darting between Mabel and bloody Mary. “Dude, Mabes,” you started, brow furrowed. “D-did you fucking kill her?”
Mabel looked at the limp skeletal body on the ground near her feet. Then back at you. Then back at the body. She shrugged silently, lips in a blank smile.
Dipper stepped forward from behind you, and caught you eye with his worried expression. He pointed hesitantly to a detail you seemed to miss on first glance. “Uh, Mabel,” he spoke, voice level and controlled. “What’s happening there?” 
You followed his finger to her socks, and the red splatters adorning them. They were starting to move. They weren’t the only one. The body started to convulse. With jolting and jittery movement, she extended an arm, you heard a bone crack, and curled into a ball, hiding her bloody face. A small red pool was forming where her shaking body laid. And it was inching its way, almost deliberately toward Mabel. 
“Oh my god, Mabel, start moving,” you stated, not really an ask, waving arms at her, still just standing there.
She looked down, and face contorted. “Augh,” she exclaimed, jumping away from the blood. She slid her socks off with her feet, kicking them across the room as the blood overtook and enveloped them. She pointed at them very aggressively, “What the fuck is that?!”
Dipper grimaced, pursing his lips as he crossed his arms. “Yeah, you tell me, you were supposed to look up the ritual.”
”Shut up,” she said simply. She narrowed her eyes at him, “I prefer fucking around and finding out,” she snickered.
You stared with raised brow and dumbfounded expression, seemingly the only one who noticed that her now bare foot was… bloody. Mary’s body was shrivelling as the shaking started to slow, and the blood was still creeping over. And a few drops of blood must have seeped through the socks before she threw them. “Fuck around and find out, huh?” You asked. Rhetorical question. Because the answer was yes. 
The few drops started to grow. And started to seep in. Her skin started to red below the ankle, and it spread like mold in spots and streaks. 
Mabel looked down, “Oh shit.”
Dippers eyes widened, “ugh, gimme your phone,” he demanded, making his way toward his sister. “I need to see the instructions on the ritual you gave us,” he sighed, hand outstretched. 
Mabel’s eyes were wide and a shaky smile crossed her pale lips. Pale? That’s not good. Her face was losing colour as fast as her feet and hands were gaining it. Dippers face was cool and calm, but his eyes started trained on his palm rather than her. Easier that way. she gingerly handed him the phone, letting out an awkward laugh as she did. “The password is 80085,” she winced. 
Dipper sighed, rolling his eyes as he typed it in. He sucked a breath in through closed teeth, “Mabel, fucking wikihow?” He breathed with barred teeth. He waved his hand in the air, gesturing at the phone, “wikihow.” 
She shook her head, “what did you want me to do?” What’s wrong with wikihow?” She asked, pointing at him accusingly. 
You sighed, shaking your head. “Well it’s not very good, for one,” you said. “Secondly, this is not a productive use our of time right now,” you pointed at… Mabel, her whole condition. She was a rich blood red from the knees and the forearms to the tips of her fingers and toes, and ghostly white on her face and chest. “Mabel, you’re getting worse.”
You turned to the limp creature on the ground, who seemed smaller than before as she huddled into herself. Dipper seemed to have similar ideas, carefully sidestepping the blood pool creeping toward his sister as he went to investigate. He knelt before the body, and looked back to you before touching it.
You did you best to nod reassuringly, and shot him a thumbs up. He pursed his lips, smiling just slightly. 
Dipper poked the body, gently on head, on the wet and plastered hair. Nothing happened. You heard a faint grumble come from him as he wiped the finger on his pants. 
You scooted over to Mabel, who was emitting cold like an ajar freezer. Side eyeing her, you could see her breath escape her lips. The closer you stood to her the more goosebumps seemed to crawl their way up your arms. You did it anyway, nearly shoulder to shoulder with her as you both watched Dippers observations. If he wants to touch it, all him. 
Dipper moved to the shoulder, brushing away the blood wet hair with a grimace on his face. 
Ugh. You sighed, crossing your arms as you stepped away from Mabel. You knelt beside Dipper, nearly falling over as you refused to uncross your arms while you sat on your heels and balanced on the balls of your feet. 
He glanced over at you, “Are you gonna touch it?” he asked, brow raised and deadpan. 
You shots him a crooked smile and Mabel came and knelt beside you. “Mayhaps?” you offered with a shrug. Mabel nodded along, giving an encouraging thumbs up to her brother with blood red hands. 
Dipper stopped just short of touching the body, eyes locked on his sister. His brow furrowed and mouth hung ajar. “Mabel…” he started, squinting at her. “Mabel you should go see Ford, he might know what’s going on with you.”
”Uh, okay,” she said. Her voice was practically a whisper, almost echoing. But the bathroom wasn’t spacious enough for that. “Yeah, I’m looking kinda off,” she winced, staring at her pale ghostly face in the mirror. She was silent as she stood. Oddly so. The moving of her bones, skin or clothes made no sound, and you had to check to see if she was still beside you. 
And as she snuck off, with a stealth a predator would envy, the room felt a little warmer. You eyed the door she closed behind her. “I think you should text Ford to want him,” you said.
Dipper sighed, nodding as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Yep,” he affirmed, starting to type. 
You crossed your arms as you stared at the body at your feet. It was… gross. Her white silk dress was stained red all over. Definitely a good thing you couldn’t see her face. You looked at the body, stared and bit the inside of your cheek. “We should probably go see Mabel.”
Mabel was screaming. The moment you stepped out of the elevator you blocked your ears to defend from her shrill cry. Tired down to a chair, thrashing with her blood red hands, and staring you and Dipper down with her now blood red eyes. Fords basement study was askew, with books knocked off of his desk, and a few pieces of shattered glass pushed to the corner of the room. 
Ford looked at the two of you with wide eyes and furrowed brow. He pointed aggressively at Mabel, not nothing trying to speak over the haunted telling and thrashing, silently asking what the fuck happened? 
You grimaced and looked at Dipper, whose eyes were wide as he stared at his sister. You waited a moment for him to speak, but he doesn’t. You sucked a breath in through your teeth and shouted, “Bloody Mary,” with hands cupped around your lips. 
Mabel started to squirm harder, fists balled as she tired to break free of her restraints. A closer examination enlightened you to the blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, dripping on bloodied clothes from blood red lips. You recoiled slightly, lightly grabbing the sleeve of Dippers sweater. Lucky you, he didn’t seem to notice. 
Ford was livid. He put his hands to his forehead and tiredly pushed back his hair. He gestured wildly at the two of you, and then to Mabel, and then back towards you. He shook his head. “Well, now we have to do an exorcism,” he said angrily.
You raised your brow and yelled across the room, “Those are real? Like they work?” 
Ford nodded gravely. Or maybe it was tiredly. “Yes, they work,” he sighed, gesturing for you to come closer and see his notes.  
You start to step, but there’s a pause. Not in the background noise, Mabel is still going strong, but in the conversation. Usually he’d have something to say by now. You glanced at Dipper beside you, whose eyes are fixed on his sister. It wasn’t hard to notice the way his lips were twitching, and tugged down in the corners. Other than that, completely stoic. And you knew him well enough to know that wasn’t right. Carefully, you tugged his sleeve. 
In a swift motion his head jerked to face you, mouth hung slightly open, and eyes widened as he saw you. “What?” He asked, seeming startled. You still cling to his sleeve, twiddling the fabric between your fingers.
Your voice soft, you nearly mumble, “exorcism.” You hoped he could read your lips through the noise. 
Despite he banging and assortment of odd sounds coming from Mabel, he seemed to have understood you, because he nodded, and finally saw Ford. 
The old man’s face was troubled. You probably weren’t looking amazing yourself, trying to avoid staring down Dipper to gauge his reactions. He came closer to the both of you for better speaking, and carefully explained what they had to. 
And the whole time it was done, your eyes kept wandering to Dipper, praying the clouded and distant look didn’t come back to him. But it always did. Subtle, soft, but so noticeable to you, and probably Ford. The way he twitched, on occasion, when Mabel resisted with a voice not her own. The shakiness of his hands when she thrashed. His furrowed brow and distressed eyes, even when it was done, and she was back and laughing about it. It all seemed to follow him, even as you went back upstairs, completely safe. 
Mabel joked with him, picking up on his manner. And it worked, for a time. He smiled, and you watched, perplexed. And then, her body’s energy, completely wasted by the angry spirit, she slept like a rock. 
And once again, in front of the lull of the TV, you watched it take hold of him. You were close together on the small couch. The hour was late, and despite everything, neither of you were sleep tired. More like bone tired, if anything. He was, at least. “So, are you alright?” You asked, finally. 
Dippers head turned, tipped, and toiled as his lips pursed. “I don’t like possession,” he managed, fingers running up and down the sleeve of his sweater. 
Your fingers seemed to scratch at your knuckles with a mind of their own. Ah. You glanced at him, the silhouette of his side profile. The TV running was suddenly in the background, whatever shitty reality show you were making fun of faded out. Like you couldn’t even hear it.  You nodded, lacking any worth while words. 
He let out a little nose laugh. “Yeah,” he snickered, shaking his head, “I know.” 
You sighed, shaking your arm behind him and wrapping  it around his waist, your hand gently crawling up his side. “Sucks,” you agree, pulling yourself closer to him and resting your head on his chest. You glanced up at him, seeing his soft smile. “But it’s over, at least.”
He carefully took your free hand in his, and kissed the top of your head as he spoke nearly into your hair. “It is.  I’m glad Ford got it done with quickly.” 
“Yeah, this didn’t really go according to plan,” you said, thumbing over his knuckles. 
He laughed softly, and you felt the air from his nose on your head. “Was there even a plan?” He asked, leaning into you. “I thought we were just fucking around to find out.”
You smiled, “well, yeah, but-“ you paused, thinking for a moment. “You know, I don’t think we planned for Mabel to…” you trailed off, shaking your head against his shirt as you chuckled. 
“She knows how to party,” he laughed. His grip on your hand tightened, and you looked up. Tired eyes. A little sad looking. His brow was furrowed as he looked aimlessly down at you. Past you. Through you? 
You huddled impossibly closer. “Over now. No more possession,” you said, throwing your legs across him like a seatbelt. Completely safe. 
“Yeah,” he murmured. He laughed silently through his nose, small smile returning to his lips. “Yeah.”
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Fun fact: I started writing this a little before Halloween and ended up finishing it in December. My procrastination is a menace. I’m doing it right now. I have math homework and a philosophy paper due tomorrow and I haven’t started either. Doing great btw (lie)
Another fun fact: me and some friends are gonna go into the woods and look for skinwalker a this weekend to prove to some friends that they aren’t real (real paranormal investigators?? Woah??) so if I stop uploading it’s cuz I’m dead
Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @dead-esque
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aspenonpawzzz · 7 months
HENLO! (pls read )
My name is Aspen! I’m the host of the Canis Constellation. My pronouns are They/them and It/its, so please use gender-neutral, non human terms when refering to me! I am a TransAlterine Omniromantic Asexual, and support All identities (except p3d0s, z0()s, maps, dreamsexuals, or other thing such as those!) NO POLITICS PLEASE (alterine https://yb3.fandom.com/wiki/Alterine)
term hoard sideblog: @aspens-hoard
@aspec-warriors Mafia acc
I am :
a Leo, a 5, a chaotic nutural, introvert ,and a INTJ, plus a red fox, Mexican coy-wolf, and AA wolf THERIAN!
I Mostly shitpost/reblog, but my main theme is The owl house, alterhuman, fandom and art posts!
I have dislexia, discalucla, and disgraphia, along with AuDHD, triocotillamania and MaDD. I’m a median gateway system, with a Monoconscious! I still use I/me but also we/us!
Our system side blog is @canis-constellation
I am a vulture culturist, mask maker,a cosplayer, a quadrobist, a fanfic writer, a fan artist, and my aesthetic is Goblincore and cryptidcore!
my favs:
-turn off the lights (panic! at the disco) {IT GOES SO HARD}
-Oh geeez, not again. (band)
-the owl house
-Spirit of the north
-wild rescuers
Questioning cryptid kin of some kind, possibly Runalong!
Our Alters!
✨🌳 aspen |15.5 mentally| {they/it} [Madd, AuDHD] /Omniromantic ace\ ' “human”/ Alterhuman’ <The Creator,Multiversal vessel>
💦💫 Polaris |400| {They/them} [Madd] /Aroace\ 'divine being' <Sentinel of the stars, they the divine>
briar 🪶🥀 |16| {They/Them} [ADHD] /Asexual Aromantic\ ‘Grimwalker’  <Silver scout>
Hunter/phantom🪶🐺{He/they/it/canine themed neos} |16| [Autism, C-PTSD] /Biromantic Asexual\ 'shapeshifting grimwalker' <He who guards, The Golden Guard, It who transforms>
Hycan 🐺🔩 {He/it, } |16/17| [Autism] /aroace\ ‘human’ it does have a animatironic form but it prefers human form (credit to @wolfsnooze for AU) <None currently>
Salem 🔪 🩸 |13.5| {it/Its, ok with masc terms} [Sociopathy, Unable to feel Love (A-spec)] /Aroace\ 'Void-kin'  <Death, It who comes for all, Grim-reaper>
River 🌊🐺|16.3| {it/they/wolf themed neos} [Autism] /omni ace\ ‘werewolf’ (in qpr/relationship with phantom) <none currently>
Information :
aspen yips: silly stuff
aspen speaks (REAL): importiant
aspen barks: alterhuman stuff
aspen squeals: fandom/ hyperfixtion
aspen crows: neurodivergency
aspen howls: creative
[instert word or something]] Au: a au of mine Phantom posting: fictionkin/ hunter related stuff
screaming into the void: system stuff.
anti-lgbtq+, people who ship canon (insert sexuality) with (instert gender that the person is NOT attracted to) ei, a lesbian with a male, anti-furry,anti-therian,anti-vulture culture,anti-quadrobics, 18+ or kink blogs, if you’re older that 18(unless I knew you before you turned 18, or pass The Vibe Check{stalk ur blog}) , ableists, racists, exculionist, The works.
Alterhumans (Therians, otherkin, otherkith, otherhearted, animal hearted,otherlink,copinglink, furrians[furry therians], holotheres, soul shards, phytanthropes, and ANY OTHERS PLEASE ) furries, TOH or gf fans, artists and writers and cosplayers and musicains, freaks and werdios, vulture culturists, quadrobists, mogia and liom, enbies and enbyfluxes, fictionkins and fictives, systems,LGBTQIA+and people with decency.
treat me lesser/younger than you, treat me like a child, call me human, or person/people, talk Abt politics ,or involve me in such matters, repost(reblogging is fine) my ideas.
This is a "Ship and let ship" blog. only exceptions are "insert orenation" with "a gender orenation is NOT attracted to" , Minor with not minor, [age] with [ age more than 2-3 years apart] aroace with anyone, bully x victim (ie bochlow) villian x hero with in certain bounderies, ab#sive or toxic ships, or proships.
any aggressive hating/ threats will be blocked. only z0()s, n3cr0s, p3d0s, and other harmful “philia”s are allowed to be hated on here. if you support/are these, find help and leave this blog. this is not for you.
gatekeeping is not allowed. at all.
support of KOSA and other things like this is not allowed.
take your discorse and politics elsewere. this is a fun blog for fun stuff.
I am a minor, if +18 dni unless I, a trusted person, or a mewtual vet your blog.
I use tonetags.
Biggest Mewtual- @justalexisfine
‼️If you request anything,(pfp especially) CREDIT ME‼️
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chemicallywrit · 11 months
Audio Drama Sunday!!!
Again this is far from comprehensive because I am a feral podcast monster, but here’s what stuck out to me this week! Mostly spoiler-free, unless you count vibes as spoilers!
🗡️ Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later managed to have a happy? Ending? Honestly the way it managed to be a hilarious historical sitcom with an ending that chilling was MASTERFUL. Great job writers, y’all are fantastic. It is obviously not absolutely true to what we know about Roman history, but it is true to the spirit of it in a way that’s really satisfying for me personally.
🦀 @thesiltverses oh MAN. The way this story says again and again that you cannot earn your way out of being trampled by a system that doesn’t care about you hits every. Single. Time. And what are you going to do, try to remake that system? There are always going to be people who can’t handle that and fight against you, to their own detriment. This story is fantastical and exaggerated, but it’s always so real at the same time.
👁️ @hellofromthehallowoods is trying to kill me, straight up. I have no idea what Halloween will bring for this show and i’m dying. It’s very difficult to predict storylines on Hallowoods and that’s something I love about it. Will this pair break up? Will this pair die for their cause? Will this pair find each other again, even through death? Shoutout to the great guests this episode, I always enjoy seeing who Mx Wellman invites into the world.
🔎 @knovesstorytelling okay look, y’all, I have never read Northanger Abbey, so I don’t know why Kit’s being told to pack her bags and get out, and I am so UPSET. What’s going on????
📉 Within the Wires is back!! And my WORD, the juxtaposition of this season being motivational tapes while listening to the current season of The Dream about life coaches?? I am transfixed and horrified, let’s GO.
🎟️ @longcatmedia Mockery Manor. I love these clowns so much. I love that Bette is really smart and really dumb at the same time. Everyone’s acting is top notch, but I’m especially a fan of Karim Kronfli in this show. Everyone knows he’s got the range, but it’s so fun listening to him be this fussy little guy.
👻 One of the shows I’ve been catching up on is Ghosts in the Burbs, a deceptively spooky and delightfully witty single-narrator ghost show. I’m listening through the Lilith arc and….woof. WOOF. I know how it ends and it’s still terrifying.
🩸 IT’S HEMOPHOBIA DAY, omg, everyone please check out Hemophobia, I am so excited for Hemophobia. It’s sitting in my queue staring at me with that creepy-ass logo art. I’ve talked with CSW about this show and heard the trailer—religious trauma horror with amazing sound design and an amazing cast??? You kidding???? I am drooling over here. Join me, won’t you?
🧟‍♀️ This week is also the premier of The Dead! As soon as that feed appears I’ll be putting it everywhere, and I’m so excited to show everyone the first series. You’ve heard of snakes on a plane….
💐 On my end, as Re: Dracula continues its march to the finale, this week I find myself recording Inn Between and The Dead. I am still trying to make rent ahead of my new job’s first paycheck, so if you liked this post or the other things I do, would you consider sending me a ko-fi?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I will be listening to Hemophobia very quietly and very scared by myself in the dark. Until next week!
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thatliminal-wanderer · 5 months
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Crying Child (Five Nights at Freddy’s) ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Achak, Ainsley, Ajax, Akuji, Arima, Asiya, Atropos, Avatāraya, Axar, B.V, Bakar, Benoni, Bhūta, Boutoku, Bray, Brayan, Brennan, Brone, C.C, Chris, Deirdre, Desdemona, Draugur, Drogo, Espiridion, Eulalia, Evan, Garret, Gediminas, Hantu, Jabez, Jaron, Jeongsin, Lolita, Malala, Mamua, Masina, Morana, Mourning, Nemesis, Norman, Pentheus, Phi, Pneuma, Praxidice, Roh, Roho, Ruyu, Shen, Shivani, Spiridion, Spyridoula, Suli, Trista, Vaela, Vogi, Yurei, Yuta
alone/alones, anger/angers, attach/attachs, bawl/bawls, bear/bears, bite/bites, blur/blurry/blurrys, boo/boos, cry/cries, dead/deads, ghost/ghosts, haunt/haunts, lost/losts, rage/rages, remain/remains, scream/screams, sob/sobs, sombre/sombres, soul/souls, spec/specter/specters, spirit/spirits, spook/spooks, stuck/stucks, tear/tears, ven/vengeance/vengeances, wail/wails, weep/weeps, ⚖️/⚖️s, ❤️‍🩹/❤️‍🩹s, 🐍/🐍s, 🐻/🐻s, 👻/👻s, 💢/💢s, 📹/📹s, 😢/😢s, 😭/😭s, 🚪/🚪s, 🛏️/🛏️s, 🤕/🤕s, 🧸/🧸s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s
That Vengeful Crying Spirit, The Angry Spirit, The Bite Victim, The Child Who Cried, The One That’s Life Was Cut Short, The One Who’s Tears Were Real, The Spirit That Cries Forever, The Spirit of Sorrow and Rage, The Young Spirit, [prn] Who Cries Vengeful Tears, [prn] Who Died Young, [prn] Who Used To Be Frozen in Fear
Assoftmemoric, CCcharic, Chillihauntic, Cryingchildcatic, Deathgender, Fantluzne, Fnafminigamic, Genderrage, Ghostanxic, Ghostdollic, Ghostotic, Koniraver, Limbobodien, Poltergeistlexic, Ragelexic, Temporarydeathquoteic, Traumaghostix
Other mogai
Alderanger, Alderfantôme, Alderghost, Ghost Omninoun, Ghostperspesque, Ghostelic/Ghostvior, Ragevesil, Spirivesi
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draguta · 1 year
.a court of ash and smoke | sixteen.
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pairing: lucien vanserra x reader
summary: five years before feyre archeron ever stepped foot in prythian, another human girl found herself in the spring court. but the trials and tribulations of her time under the mountain left her with nothing but a certain red-headed high fae emissary, who had once resented her entire presence, to help and guide her.
chapter warnings: n/a
chapter word count: 2976
🩸 series masterlist 🩸
please remember to reblog, like, and share a comment if you enjoy this series - it is always appreciated by writers to see their hard work valued.
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Chest Pains
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Ianthe’s presence in the Spring Court was not as welcoming as Feyre and you had once hoped. She brought with her an odd air, one that seemed to ruffle the feathers of more than one servant in the manor. She had rolled in on a white steed early one morning, three days earlier than her intended arrival. Her blue robes had swirled around her, and a crystal on her forehead glinted in the sunlight. She all-but floated as she walked, so beautiful and airy, but she had this odd presence that told you she thought she was by-far the most important person there, perhaps besides Tamlin. You could tell from the way she held her chin up, and looked down her nose at you.
‘You weren’t Under the Mountain,’ you wanted to say. ‘You didn’t face Amarantha in that throne room. You have nothing to look so smug about.’
Yet, Tamlin had embraced her as the old friend that he had said she was, and his spirits seemed to be immediately lifted. There was a smile on his face that day that she arrived, and he had sprinted down the front marble steps to embrace her in a hug, leaving the rest of you, Alis included, standing on the top step looking on in bewilderment.
It was her that had pushed the ring into Tamlin’s palm at dinner that night, who had whispered in his ear as if she were conspiring, glancing over at you and Lucien as she did so. You didn’t miss the mischievous glint in her eye.
Lucien had sat stiff ever since her arrival, and his gold and red-brown eyes had barely left her form from the entirety of dinner. You watched him as he watched her, not able to ignore the slight pang of jealousy that rang through your chest at the sight. Ianthe was beautiful, yes, but the way he stared at her made everything that had happened between the two of you seem less important, less real, even with his rejection still hanging heavy around you.
Neither of you had spoken of it since that day in the library when he had returned, both the rejection and his lingering touches alike. There were times when you caught yourself wondering if it had even happened, his complete refusal to speak of the matter leaving you bemused and confused. But the memory of his fingers on her skin, of his breath against your neck, and his kisses against your throat was enough to tell you that it had been real.
“Now,” Ianthe said with a coolness that was rather alarming. You watched as she leaned back in her chair, dinner demolished, and cradled a glass of wine in her long fingers, looking at you. “Tam has told me all about Feyre, but he neglected to tell me anything about you.”
You frowned, throwing Tamlin a glare, one that made him wince ever-so-slightly in guilt. You hadn’t spoken to Tamlin either, and you certainly hadn’t forgiven him, not for what had happened in that study and not for keeping you and Feyre locked in the house. No matter what his reasoning, no matter how much he suffered, you couldn’t forgive his actions so easily. “And what is it that you might like to know?”
“Well,” she said, lips curling into a feline-like smile. “I heard a rather incredible tale about you. One that involved a certain spell, and the death of a rather terrible Queen.”
You swallowed down your dry throat down, hands twitching at your skirts as you plastered on the calmest smile that you could muster. You didn’t want to talk about that, to talk about that thing that you had become, that you could still possibly become if you ever gave into it again. “That doesn’t sound very much like a question.”
She smirked. “What was it like, to wield that type of power?” She finally asked. Lucien’s eyes flicked to you, and you could feel them trained on your face as you tried to keep your composure.
“Honestly?” You asked, your contact with her eyes unwavering. “It was terrifying.”
You glared at her. That was all it took for you to know you don’t like her, and that you resented her new position in the household and in the court. She seemed to…sure of herself, and considering the people that she now dined with, and everything that you and them have been through, for her to act in such a vain and distasteful way, to act as if she were a primary and vital member at that table, only made you grit your teeth and scowl at her.
This was the person that Tamlin had been friends with for so long? It seemed laughable.
You cleared your throat, throwing Ianthe one final glare before rising to your feet. “It’s been a long day,” you said. In truth, it really hadn’t. You had spent most of your day in the library by the window reading a romance book that you had found shoved at the back of one of the shelves, and much to your own frustration, thinking about Lucien. “I think I will retire. Thank you for dinner, Tam, and a pleasure to meet you Ianthe. I look forward to spending more time with you in the future.”
With that, you disappeared from the room, Ianthe’s croon of, “Well, she’s not what I was expecting,” following behind you.
You retired to your room as you had said, and Carla helped you to bathe and prepare for bed. You slipped under the covers and she tucked you in with a sweet smile. Watching as she poked the fire one last time, you smiled contently and watched as she slipped out the door and closed it behind her.
But not surprisingly, sleep didn’t come to you. All you could think about was the way that Lucien had been looking at Ianthe. She really was beautiful, even if her personality didn’t fit the moulding, but you wouldn’t have thought that she was Lucien’s type at all. At least, you hoped.
You tossed and turned and huffed and sighed, but still no sleep came. Warm milk, that would sort you out. You slid out of bed once again and out into the hall. It was dark outside thanks to the growing night, and you were only just able to make out Carla’s form as she made her way quietly down the steps, likely with the intention of returning home for the night now that her duties were completed. You wouldn’t ask her to wait and make you milk - you could do it yourself and give Carla a break.
You followed along behind her, being mindful to step lightly as you passed Lucien’s room, and took the steps down into the foyer slowly and carefully in the darkness. You paused when you saw the light seeping out from the dining room, and the light tones of your friend’s voices. You slunk down into the shadows and took the final step down, pressing yourself behind the wooden door that led into the dining room, peering through the crack.
There, illuminated by candlelight, various empty bottles of wine surrounding them, sat Tamlin and Feyre, in the same spots that they had been in when you’d left them at dinner. Only now, Tamlin was closer to Feyre, his hand over her own.
“I should have given you this that day we left the mountain,” Tamlin spoke softly, softer than you had heard him in a long time, and you couldn’t help but be glad to see an ounce of the Tamlin that you had known return. You didn’t miss the way Feyre flinched at the mention of the mountain, nor the shudder that slithered up your own spine. “I was a fool to wait, but I want to give this to you now.”
Your eyes widened, and your hands instinctively closed over your mouth as you watched him slip a dainty emerald ring onto her finger, slipping it over the tattoos as if it might cover them entirely. You could just make out Feyre’s beaming smile through that crack in the door hinge, and could hear her whispered reply of, “Yes, Tamlin! I will be your wife!”
You couldn’t help it if that little twinge of jealousy at seeing their happiness once again pricked at your heart.
“You know, you’re terrible at eavesdropping.”
Your eyes lidded themselves closed, and you drew in a deep inhale, one that, much to your dismay, smelt like autumn leaves and apple cider.
“I didn’t realise anyone would be on this side of the door,” you remarked as you turned to face the red-headed emissary. “I thought it rather late for anyone else to be sneaking around.”
“Ah, so you admit that you were sneaking around?” His voice was quiet and hushed, but you didn’t mistake the glint of humour and mischief in his russet eye. “What are you looking at anyway?”
He took a step closer to you, enough that he was standing in your shadow, his red hair tickling your shoulder as he leaned past you and looked through the little crack with his golden eye. He huffed out a sigh of astonishment. “He finally did it, then,” he said. “I was wondering when he’d pluck up the nerve.”
“You knew he was going to propose?” You asked in surprise, and Lucien simply shrugged.
“He never told me, but I assumed. It was the next logical step after all,” he said slowly. The two of you turned back to the couple in the dining room - the High Lord and the Spring Court and his soon-to-be Lady. Tamlin leaned forward and pressed a heated kiss against Feyre’s lips, one that brought heat to your cheeks with guilt of watching, and a reminder of how close Lucien was standing to you. You blinked away from them and took a step back, dipping under his arm and away from him.
“We should go,” you whispered, wringing your hands together. “It isn’t polite to watch.”
Lucien cocked his head for a moment, lips thinning as he looked you over hidden in the shadows, but eventually nodded. “Let me escort you back to your room.”
You bit your lip. ‘He rejected you,’ you told yourself. ‘He’s just being polite. This doesn’t mean anything. He doesn’t want you.’
Your small nod was enough for him to begin the trail back up the stairs. You followed in his wake, but refused to let yourself get too close. It was almost as if you didn’t know how to act around him anymore, and that after everything the two of you had survived and faced together, it was the simple fact of him asking you to leave that had led us to such an awkward position within your friendship.
‘You should go,’ that’s what he had said. ‘Just go.’
And yet, despite yourself, you had still brought yourself to completion for the first time ever, had seen stars from your own fingers, at the thought of him, of his red locks glinting in the sunlight, of the moment he had removed his mask and you had seen his face properly, at his smile.
You felt your cheeks heat at the thought, and Lucien gave you a sidelong glance, cocking his head once more as if trying to puzzle you out. “Have you ever thought about marriage?” You asked, trying to change the subject but immediately wincing at the way you had blurted the question, at the way that had been the only thing you’d been able to conjure to keep your mind from thinking of him in ways that you knew you shouldn’t have been.
His shoulders tensed, rising with a breath and falling against just as suddenly. He did not meet your eye. “Once, a long time ago,” he said quietly as you reached the top step and turned left toward the bedroom.
“What happened?”
He paused, licking his lips slightly, before answering. “Someone got in the way, and it was never the same again.”
It was then that you realised that you really knew very little of Lucien’s past, of the years - or rather, centuries - before you had arrived at the Spring Court. You had learnt enough of Tamlin’s past in those first six months to feel that you really, truly knew him, but Lucien…Besides those years Under the Mountain, he was still quite a mystery to you. Perhaps he preferred it that way. He had once said, not that long ago, that he had done things and that people had been hurt by it. Perhaps his past was dark - maybe he had done truly awful things. He had the strength for it, that was for sure, but you did not think he would have the disposition.
You reached the door to your bedroom, and as you reached for the handle, he paused. “We leave for the Day Court tomorrow morning,” he said coolly. “Are you prepared?”
“Carla has packed a bag for me, if that’s what you mean,” you said, looking up at him. From the way the moonlight cast through the window at the end of the hall, his hair looked less red and more bronze, the same bronze as that fox mask had been. You wondered what he had done with it after he had been freed from the curse - had he kept it? Or thrown it away? After fifty years with it stuck to his face, you didn’t know what you would’ve done if you were him.
He gave a small sideways smile. “That’s not what I meant,” he said. His smile dropped at his next words. “Are you prepared?”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, running a hand through that bronze mane. “Helion - High Lord of the Day Court - may be able to help you,” he said with an almost grimace-like expression on his face. “But what that help might entail, I do not know. The power that you wielded, sweet human,” - he paused, although you were unsure if it was due to what he was about to say, or because of the nickname that had fallen from his tongue that he hadn’t uttered in so long, but you waited with baited breath regardless - “I have never seen power like that before, not even in the time before Amarantha. I think that it might be…dark magic.”
Dark magic. The thought made your dinner curdle in your stomach. You had never thought there to be light and dark magic in these realms, but after seeing what Amarantha had been capable of doing, it was logical to assume that it had been dark magic. A far cry from the healing powers that Tamlin and Lucien had used on you before, or the quick clicks of their fingers that brought food to the table.
“Do you think I might be…dangerous?” You asked quietly, unable to look away from his eyes. You wanted - no, needed - to see his reaction, if only to know whether or not your greatest fears over those few weeks had been valid. To know if there was a chance that you were a monster, just like she had been.
His features softened as he reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers warm against your skin. “No,” he whispered. “I could never think that of you.”
He had pulled away and disappeared before you had the chance to savour the moment, or to savour him.
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The dawn was creeping its head over the shadows of the valleys beyond the Spring Court manor when you awoke, but it wasn’t the light that brought you back to reality. It was the stabbing, burning, aching, and unsubsiding pain in your chest. It crashed through you like an ash arrow, seemingly ripping your insides to shreds - claws reaching the grasping and pulling their way into your heart, to stop it from beating, to stop you from living.
You clenched your jaw tightly, your eyes slamming shut as you scraped at the skin over your chest, curling into a ball on your bed, covers long since kicked away. It wasn’t until that pain wretched through you once more, stronger and harsher, right by your heart, tearing at the air from your lungs, that you finally screamed, agonising and guttural and so prolonged that you would still screeched when the door flew open and Lucien appeared by your bedside. Tamlin was there next, but you were in no fit state to see the way the colour drained from their faces.
“What is it?” Tamlin asked, looking between you and Lucien and back again. “What’s wrong?”
“The pain!” You screamed from somewhere in your chest, fingernails pulling at your skin, scratching and tearing as if you might somehow be able to reach through the skin and pull your heart out yourself if only to stop the agony. “It won’t - It won’t stop!”
“What pain?” Tamlin demanded. Feyre was there now too, pulling your hand away from your chest and away from the bleeding scratches that your fingernails had left.
“Where does it hurt?” Lucien asked from somewhere behind you, warm hand rubbing the hair from your face and turning gentle circles in your shoulders. “Are you injured? Tell me where it hurts.”
You moaned and cried and whined, and then, with a scream that sounded more like it had come from the depths of hell itself, you cried, “Everywhere!!”
When your eyes snapped open and you saw the startled steps back that Tamlin and Feyre took, saw Carla in the doorway gasp at her neck as she let out a screech, and felt Lucien’s hands on me freeze, you knew what had happened.
Your eyes were blood-red.
“Get her to the Day Court,” Tamlin whispered, not pulling his eyes away from mine. “Now!”
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rubywrites-4 · 4 months
Such a backstabber🔪🩸
warning: violence, inappropriate language and more ⚠️
Johnny Storm had never been the type to settle down. He was a former playboy, known for his charm and charisma, but all of that changed when he met Y/n. She was different from anyone he had ever met before, and he knew from the moment he laid eyes on her that she was the one for him. They had been dating for a while now, and Johnny was convinced that Y/n was the love of his life. He had even started planning on proposing to her, wanting to spend the rest of his days by her side. But little did he know, his playboy ways were far from behind him.
Y/n had a close friend who she had known since she joined the Fantastic Four team, and unbeknownst to her, this friend had caught Johnny’s eye. Despite his feelings for Y/n, Johnny couldn’t resist the temptation of his friend, and soon enough, he was having an affair behind Y/n’s back. As the day of the pre-wedding party arrived, everyone was in high spirits. Johnny’s side chick was there, mingling with the other guests, and everything seemed perfect. But then, chaos erupted.
Bombs went off, sending guests running in every direction. Johnny was frantically searching for Y/n when he finally spotted her, standing with blood on her white wedding dress, tears streaming down her face. His heart shattered as he realized the extent of his betrayal.
Rushing to her side, Johnny hugged Y/n tightly, vowing in his heart to be loyal to her from that moment on. But just as he was about to profess his love, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Looking down, he saw a knife protruding from his abdomen, and when he looked up, he saw Y/n standing before him, a devilish smile on her face. “you thought I really do love you huh Storm?” She laughed at Johnny and continue pushing the knife deeper into his stomach
Suddenly Doctor Doom made his appearance while clapping his hand saying “bravo sweetheart” & kissed Y/n on the lips “mhm I missed you baby” Y/n moaned in the kiss and Doctor Doom replied “ I missed you more my baby” while kissing her back more deeper.
Johnny, Sue and everyone looked at Y/n in disbelief and was confuse of what’s going on and then a flashback played where Y/n is actually spy sent by Doom and also his girlfriend as well. Y/n acted as that innocent and sweet girl charisma and won everyone’s heart including Johnny’s and they both started to get to know each other and decided to date. Each and every time Johnny insisted sex, she would drug Johnny and goes to find evidence on the documents Johnny has secretly kept hidden while he’s unconscious and the next day she make him believe that they had sex and he passed out in tiredness. One final day she had found the important details and evidence of the Fantastic Four Team.
Flashback comes back to the reality where Y/n looks at her friend that she acted fake friendly and said“ I don’t have anything against you but no one shall have a friend like you who steal what’s belong to others so you know what you deserve bitch? ” Y/n winked & reloaded the gun to shoot her friend on the chest and forehead. Johnny didn’t even blink his eyes because of the shock and the fear he had for you at the moment
Evil smile presented on Y/n face and then she looked over Sue and smirked “ you would come after me for doing this to you” Y/n sighed and shot sue on the shoulder and apologized “I’m sorry Sue! You’re nice but I have to” luckily the shot didn’t affect Sue badly
Johnny scream and struggled to get out of the grasps Doom’s people had on him. Tears, fears and the pain do betrayal presented on his face and he asked Y/n with pleading eyes “ Y/n you bitch! Such a backstabber!! how could you do this to me ?” Y/n looked at him and laughed “ah little boy you don’t get to say that. You literally had a side chick and did things so you don’t get to talk about betrayal” y/n smiled sarcastically and told “lucky me I didn’t love or date a manwhore like you for real”
Y/n shot Johnny on both legs and he screamed in pain. Doom took his girlfriend’s hand “let’s go baby. I missed you so much” y/n smiled and pulled him for a kiss. Doom smirked and said “ah not here princess… let’s go to our home”. Both of them walked away holding hands and Y/n turned around to see Johnny fighting for his life while tears streaming down his eyes, Y/n smiled devilishly and showed her middle finger “this is how you do it mothafucker” then blow Johnny a kiss before walking away.
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
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🏹if u have the asteroid eris in aries 🔥☄️🕯️in the 12th house - spiritual warrior 🧿🌟- basically u are literally fighting the spirit world/bad vibes/energy vampires 🧛‍♀️🩸that lurk in the subconscious/ephemeral ✨world
🏹leo ♌️ and prominent 5th house placements: probs have a very psychic link to cats 🐈 i tend to believe that if cats are naturally drawn to you, then ur pineal 👁️ gland is a lot more open 🧿and reflective to energies beyond the physical plane 👽🛸no shade to dogs/dog lovers ( i love dogs 🐕) but dogs are def more root 🌲🏕️chakra animals :)
🏹if u have the moon 🌝 cancer or neptune 🌌in the 3rd house, people with lunar 🌛🌜or neptunian qualities will often without knowing it tell you something you need to hear 👂: like an intuitive 🪬knowing. for ex: my friend is a cancer moon, rising and i have cancer in my 3rd house..whenever she says something that comes from her higher self (like she's reading tarot) 🃏🎴i take note because it often comes into fruition 🍒🍉🍓🍊🍋later.
🏹if u want to have great seggs 🥵♨️🌶️may I recommend hookin up when the moon is in a fire sign 🔥or earth 🌲sign ? (air 🌬️is all about mental 🧠stimulation, so it’s not rly going to bring seggsy energy and water 💧 is self contained and can get lost in emotions 😩so it’s better to be alone during a water moon (maybe scorpio ♏️ maybe..but could get toxic 😬🙈real fast)
🏹people trash 🗑️🚮 8th house synastry and i get it..it can turn super super toxic ☠️real quick (obsession, jealousy, possessiveness blah blah) but if u crave and desire 🍆this kinda passionate ❤️‍🔥exchange, 8th house could be a hot synastry aspect for y’all. not to mention it’s the house of SEGGS 🍆🍑so u will def def have RLY great sex with whoever lands in ur 8th house. like eat me up, lick u all over, go several rounds kinda passion ❤️‍🔥
🏹hear me out y’all: i kno traditional 🥱synastry puts earth+water 🌲💧together and fire+air 🌬️🔥together but I think in particular capricorn ♑️ placements are better off with air 🌬️signs; why ? because we’re an extremely cerebral 🧠earth sign. we're sandwiched between sagittarius (the higher mind/scholar/teacher) and aquarius (THE intellectual mastermind) it’s no wonder we always seem to attract air signs…🌬️🌬️🌬️
or is it just me lol ? 😪🤓
🏹be careful during a mars ❤️‍🔥🔥🥵transit in ur chart- for example: let’s say u have mars in the 5th house and it’s leo ♌️ season (leo rules the 5th house) u will unknowingly attract aggressive 😡🤬😤confrontational people. basically they’re karmic peeps who come back to fight u 🤺🧯take them as you will (my strategy is always detachment) also this could attract overtly sexual ❤️‍🔥🍆🌶️energy as well- like peeps be hollering at u all day long 😮‍💨 (also peep the sign as well..if it’s in pisces, they can lash out at you by acting like a victim 😭or do the blame game)
🏹on the other hand when venus 🥰😘😍is transiting ur chart, be god dang thankful cus ur literally attracting pleasure 💘💌👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼abundance in the house it’s transiting - i mean sometimes that could be not so chill if it’s in a not so fun house but every house has its good/bad. let's say you have venus in the 11th house -then u will attract lots o’ cute af friendships 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️community support 🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️and help in ur hopes+dreams- check the sign as well to see what kinda friends, community support you’ll attract- if it’s in leo, it will be creative 🎨👩‍🎨👩🏼‍🎤artistic, flashy and beautiful 💄👸🤴peeps. venus in the most layman terms is the things you love, so when it’s being aspected, suddenly there will be an abundance of the things you love 💕
🏹astrologer robert glasscock 🙏 says that the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are ur present, cadent is ur (3, 6, 9, 12) past and succèdent (2, 5, 8, 11) is ur future. if this is true and u believe in timeline jumping ⚛️⚗️- try to understand ur planetary placements in the succèdent houses and how that future 🔮could unfold.
for ex: say you have mostly fire🔥 and air 🌬️placements in those houses/this lifetime might be about embracing more of ur masculine 💪energy/take action. also dependent on the signs and planets- i have the moon in 5th in virgo (subconscious creativity) 🎨👩🏼‍🎤🎸🎷venus in 11th in pisces: creativity and expressing this creativity as a mode of healing ❤️‍🩹 is v impt to me.
🏹also a great way to really tap into what ur soul calling is is to look at ur venus 💘and moon 🌝sign placements/aspects: think of it: ur moon is ur emotional 🥹 comfort, it’s what u are naturally gifted 🎁🧧at and venus is what you love 🥰it's honestly the easiest way to see what could bring us the greatest joy 😎🥳🤸‍♀️🎆when fully acknowledged and understood.
🏹i have a theory that u start to meet more people 🧍‍♀️🧍🏻🧍‍♂️who embody ur progressed chart. it's like they’re secret teachers 👩‍🏫 that teach u how they express being that sign: for ex; say u were a venus in pisces ♓️ and now ur progressed is venus in aries ♈️ u will start to meet more aries placements: this shows you the parts of u that u might need to shed 🥲in order to progress more in life. it doesn’t mean u aren’t a venus in pisces anymore just that some of the traits of this placement has to transform 🐛🦋so u can basically “progress” in ur soul 🌌journey ..does this make sense ?
🏹i believe masculine ♀︎♂︎♀︎♁ energies ⚛️embody their mars+sun ✿✿✿signs more and feminine energies ⚛️embody their moon+venus signs more. what do y'all think ? maybe jupiter for masculine 🔥as well and ❤️‍🔥lilith for feminine.
🏹fire signs🔥🔥🔥- how many of y’all have a fireplace 🏕️at ur place lol
🏹people who have virgo ♍️ libra ♎️ and scorpio ♏️ placements prominently in their chart : chefs kiss 🤌 y'all are the bombshell 👸💋💄🥰personified: u are both the maiden, goddess and femme fatale 😎
🏹saturn 🪐 influenced signs- (capricorn, aquarius) have the most beautiful bone 🦴🩻😇🤤structure- like no joke, y'all look like greek statues. 🗿🗽
🏹if u wanna embody ur bad bitch 💋🌶️❤️‍🔥💄💃energy: channel ur lilith placement: what sign and what house is it in and what aspects is it making. for ex: lilith in pisces ♓️in the 8th house 💀⚰️🪦aspecting saturn 🪐: u get into ur bad bitch era ❤️‍🔥when u become a spiritual warrior 🗡️✊that becomes a channel for others to transform ⛓️🔗their old constructs of sex+death 🍆⚰️and money 💰
🏹virgo placements have the best style 👗👚👖👙🥻👘🥼🩱fight me on this 🤺
🏹if the benefic 😎👏🍀🌞🕶️planets are transiting ur 12th house, u best believe ur angel 👼 guides are watching over u- expect lots and lots of synchronicities 🕍🌻🍄🐚divine timing ⏱️ and unexpected abundance 🤘🎉🍦
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that's all 🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞 i hope y'all enjoyed and got some fruitful 🍒🍑🍉insights 🧘‍♀️🧿🪬👁️🔮
happy virgo full moon y'all (iz my moon sign 🌝🌚🎑
love y'all 💜💘💌
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story-weavr · 10 months
Dresden Clan
A powerful family of wizards & magic-users, some of whom aren’t entirely human.
The clan’s patriarch is Harry Dresden 🔥, the Wizard of Chicago, Warden of Demonreach, the Eye-Killer, owner and head PI of *redacted*, Lord of *redacted*, Founder & Council Member of the Paranet, & all around scary MF.
His scion are nothing to scoff at either.
Margaret “Maggie” Angelica Dresden 🧙‍♀️🍃🌬️ _ Witch of the Ways
Maggie is the eldest Dresden girl, born of Harry Dresden & Susan Rodriguez
She travels the world alongside her sister Bonnie. Where trouble occurs, she is not far behind. She is ruled by her heart, soft & just.
Any who judge her as naive would be a fool. Her cunning and knowledge make her someone never to be underestimated. And she is quite unforgiving to those she deems irredeemable.
Bonea “Bonnie” Silkke Dresden 📖 💀 😇 😈 _ the Nephilim of Intellect
Bonnie is the second-born Dresden, daughter of Harry Dresden and the Fallen Angel Lasciel through a piece of her named Lash. She was originally a spirit of intellect. Bonnie’s father, fearing for his daughter’s freedoms, was able to give her a physical body of her own.
Bonnie travels with her sister Maggie, usually as a skull perched on a wizard’s staff. She desires to gain knowledge in whatever category. That includes experiences which can only be done in person.
She chooses to stay in her skull because, according to others, her appearance “scares the ever-living hell out of people, vanilla or not.” Just looking at her ethereal beauty makes one feel they are looking into the abyss and sensing that something with teeth is grinning hungrily back.
Usually, Bonnie is a quirky and sweet lass with a repository of knowledge she easily shares with those she trusts. But in hostile situations, god forbid she comes out to play.
Faith “Faye” Justine Raith 💗💘💖💅 🌸 🌹 💰 _ Witch of Love
Faye, the daughter of Thomas & Justine Raith, was under the guardianship of her paternal uncle, Harry Dresden, since birth. The reason being *redacted*
Faye is a creature who exudes sweetness, charm, & charisma. Her playful girlish charm, however, is not all there is to her. Her sharp mind and dedication to her craft has allowed her to set up several thriving businesses within Chicago.
Jaqueline “Jackie” Rose Dresden 🗡️ 🩸😈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 👩‍⚖️ _ the Renegade Valkyrie
Jackie is the third-born Dresden scion, daughter of Harry Dresden and Karrin Murphy the Einherjar.
Jackie, despite being 5ft tall, is a force of nature, one who bucks at being controlled. Her blood sings during battle. She does, however, have a softer side. One that loves and desires to protect what matters. One who’d follow someone and something she truly believes in to the depths of hell.
She and her lover turned husband, Hendrick Gard, work as PI’s at her father’s firm. They also act as agents for her father’s less mundane territories.
Warning: ‼️ Below is Wizard Baron
Amanda “Mandy” Beckett Marcone 💀 👻 🥀 👩‍🦽👰🏻‍♀️👸🏻_ Goddess of Death & Rebirth
Amanda was born to Greg & Helen Beckitt. Her normal life was ended when she received a gunshot intended for another. Amanda languished in a coma on death’s door, her only real happiness when her guardian Johnny came.
Then it changed again. She felt better, but Johnny didn’t come as much. She soon however got a visitor.
It wasn’t until much later, after Amanda had woken up and was taken in by Baron John Marcone, that the young woman discovered the identity of her friend.
Zagreus, Greek god of Rebirth, son of Hades & Persephone, married his true love only after a very long, painful courtship. It would have been longer if not for Harry Dresden managing to persuade his consort Johnny to finally let the young couple marry.
The couple took their duties as gods quite seriously. However, they still managed to make frequent visits to visit their friends & relatives in Chicago.
Mandy blossomed under the love and protection of her family. She became a wise ruler with dedication, love, & serenity in her heart.
Malina “Mali” Alessandra Dresden 🌊 🌲🌆_ the Lady of Chicago
Malina is the youngest of her sisters, born from Harry Dresden after an “incident” with his now husband Gentleman John Marcone, Baron of Chicago.
Mali is a witch who feels a deep connection with Chicago. She is also a sweet girl who puts others first, often volunteering at local charities. Sweetness and goodness shine from her dollar bill green eyes.
If she needs to, she’ll fight. She won’t like it, but she will fight.
Very well.
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astrxthesiai · 24 days
🩸 ...bleeding out. (For Chrome to find Gokuder or Mukuro bleeding out, your choice, from the whump masterlist.)
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It had been days since Tsuna gave Mukuro a mission and things have so far gone as planned.  Chrome obediently stayed behind in the hotel.  Mukuro would check on her in their dreamscape to give her the updates, and she would report them to Tsuna.  Again, things were going well, until a couple of days ago.
Mukuro did not look very good as he visited the dreamscape.  He did not appear pristine.  A bruise was beginning to form on his very spirit within the serene astral plane.  He gave Chrome one cryptic message, and then he was gone.  She repeated it to Tsuna who had gone pale on video call.
Chrome lifted her brows before furrowing them in frustration.  She hated to be kept in the dark, but there was nothing she could do but wait for orders from Tsuna.  “Boss, is there something you’re not telling me?”
“I…” the Tenth stated.
“The mission can’t be disclosed, yet you put me on standby.  Mind filling me in?” Chrome asked.  “Mukuro-sama doesn’t usually send me urgent messages like that unless he’s in trouble.”
Tsuna looked as if he wanted to say something, but Gokudera butted in.
“Chrome, we’re doing all we can to locate Mukuro, can you please be patient?” Gokudera asked but regretted it when he saw Mist flames engulfing her.
“Mukuro-sama’s message states he’s clearly in danger, send me the coordinates.  I’m nearby, or I’ll bribe Viper to,” Chrome calmly stated, narrowing her visible eye.  Her eyes skimmed Tsuna’s silhouette before Tsuna replied.
“Very well, I’ll send you the coordinates.”
Three hours later after the video conference, Mukurou arrived battered but holding its box and the Mist ring.  Chrome’s eye widened.  Without a moment’s notice, she prepared for the mission to rescue Mukuro.  Fastening her secondary box weapons to her waist along with the one she shared with Mukuro, she hurried out the door.  Nodded to the guardsmen on duty, and hurried down the corridor of the luxury hotel.
It was hours and a tough battle since, and Chrome pushed herself off the floor.  She let out a small grunt as she noticed her stomach caving in.  She could feel the warm liquid trickle down the side of her lips.  Her eyesight was dimming.  She hovered a hand over her imploding stomach and stabilized her organs.  Chrome wiped the blood from her lips and continued going as Mukurou pointed the way.
Her eyes widened when she saw a figure lying in a pool of blood.  His dark blue hair fanned out behind him.  His eyes closed.  Chrome stepped forward but stopped.  He was in a bad state, but there was a possibility the enemy was luring her into a trap.  Chrome’s one eye closed and opened before she pulled out Chandra’s box.  She held the box as a flaming moth spread its wings and fluttered a fan of Mist flame sparks around Mukuro.
The moth’s flames would be the foundation of an illusion and buy her time to stabilize Mukuro.  Chrome entered the illusion and knelt next to Mukuro after proving the body was not a trap, but the real Mukuro.  She had to work quickly.  She could not tell when he was this hurt, but he did not have much time left.
“Don’t you dare die on me, Mukuro-sama,” she says.
Luckily, she knew a little bit of medicine thanks to her condition.  The man had lost a lot of blood.  Chrome checked Mukuro’s vitals before she stabilized him with some of Chandra’s flames and her own.  Chrome shrugged out of her coat and tied it around Mukuro as a tourniquet.  She sent coordinates via radio to headquarters.
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naturallyadventured · 4 months
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Day 26. 🩸⭕️🌚
As the moon in the night sky dances her waxing way… the star dew drops fall down upon us.✨💦
Here in my internal waters my moon is going through its darkest hour.
As my uterus plumps with energy in preparation for the un-seeded eggs to be released from their home. I find new found weight in my base as the earth mother tugs at my roots for my offering, my gift, my fertiliser to be shed back to sustain her. This can bring about a pleasurable euphoria singing through the veins.
Here in this phase I feel so close to death. “The veils are thin” and what does that really mean exactly? Its where the senses can articulate the language of spirit where one can reclaim the unseen. 🧚🏻
What a real honour to be a woman and experience this tangible understanding each month. I understand too this welcoming may not be easy, not for the faint hearted, their can be discomfort, pain, anger and depression that comes about.
The psyche reels a showcase reflecting over the experience of the past moonth…. 🌀Giving teachings in the ways that we may deem not be so kind… but are necessary for growth. Offering a more refined understanding of our shadow nature. 🧟‍♀️
This is magic, this is transformation to welcome home the rites of our blood and remember this inherently interwoven philosophy that nearly every woman on earth experiences. 🌹
Be gentle, slow and rest in this chapter of the cycle also known as the inner winter. ❄️
First image by: @andreayea___ with @woven.rooots
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blackcatpawz · 2 years
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✧˖° name; selene
✧˖° autism + adhd
✧˖° 18
✧˖° bisexual
✧˖° pronouns; she/they/cat/vamp
✧˖° shapeshifter
✧˖° theriotypes; black maine coon and melanistic fox
✧˖° otherkin; vampire and faun
✧˖° interests; overwatch, good omens, kandi, ofmd, ghosts, wwdits, apex legends, spirit farer
✧˖° music; hozier, mitski, oh hellos, the crane wives, evanescence
✧˖° no real dni i’ll just block if you make me uncomfortable :))!!
✧˖° nonhuman related posts = nothuman / 🌙
✧˖° catkin related posts = catposting / 🐈‍⬛
✧˖° foxkin related posts = foxposting / 🐾
✧˖° vampkin related posts = vampposting / 🩸
✧˖° faunkin related posts = faunposting / 🍂
✧˖° anything unrelated to kin = 🌑
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minutiaewriter · 1 year
Happy STS! Seasons are changing. Tell me how one or more of your characters would react. Are they dressing cozy? Obsessed with everything pumpkin? Have they been prepping for Halloween since last year?
Happy STS, I love this ask!!
Rynn is definitely looking forward to all of the candy and sweets he'll get to eat at the annual harvest/spirit festival! Aome would absolutely be addicted to pumpkin spice everything were the HERA characters to inhabit the real world. Yojackson still looks forward to the Dance of the Masks that happens every year on the streets of the capital city (very fascinating artistic theatrical display of various mythical and animal figures of legend. Highly recommend attending if you ever visit Thruhairth, Arsteine in the autumn). As for Kilderan, he's never really had a proper celebration but enjoys the smell of leaves and may be harboring a secret (intense) craving for apple cider.
Thanks for the ask! 🍁🎃☕️
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Be sure to check out HERA: To Catch a Star here and stay tuned for the upcoming release of book 2 in the HERA trilogy!
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corvid-lullaby · 6 days
××𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕜𝕚𝕪𝕒 𝕊𝕠𝕛𝕠𝕓𝕠××
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Most of these bios need to be touched up and / or rewritten, but they'll do for now. RP Hooks and pics follow after the background.
×🩸× For FFXIV (Final Fantasy XIV) An eternal rival to the WoL due to a connection in the distant past going horribly wrong. The experiments he put himself through has ruined his soul, and the Sundering ruined his body by fusing his creations into it. A cursed being that can die but their soul can never be cleansed and doomed to remember every life and death he has gone through. His ten-thousandth life is now. Will he finally know enlightenment through the WoL?
×🩸× For DMC (Devil May Cry) Once an ordinary man, a moment of desperation unknowingly called upon a demon. In exchange for power the creature fused with him while casting away his past memories and happier times to be forgotten. It leaves him as a monstrous corvid-like being, but sustaining such a thing drains his body severely. He feasts on the flesh and negative emotions of others to keep up with his emaciated body.
×🩸× For LaD (Like a Dragon / Yakuza) For Nishiki, all he strived for fell apart before him. From losing his close friend, losing his sister, and being beaten and dragged by his fellow Yakuza. Eventually finding himself alone and low, his cravings to be loved and to have power to protect those he loves conjures something horrific. A second personality to those on the outside. On the inside, the creature was of the makings of Nishiki's desires turned rancid, and the being that would eventually take over the body the moment Nishiki finally snaps.
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There are many versions of this being but--
At his very core, Shiki is a sort of malevolent spirit. One that feeds off the negative emotions of others. His tried and true method is by becoming a sort of mental parasite by wriggling his way into others. From there, it was only a matter of breaking them down mentally by weaponizing their traumas and intrusive thoughts against them. He would drive them mad by controlling their senses and forcing them to experience the horrendous in such vivid explicitness that they would believe it to be real. If it got bad enough, he'd be able to take temporary control of the body, which would grow longer the weaker his host became.
When it came to becoming visible to his victim, he often enjoyed taking on the form of who or whatever his host hated to see the most. A common concept was actually themself, where Shiki would end up as a grotesque doppelganger to the other. If his victim couldn't recover and push him out then Shiki would eventually eat their soul and fully inhabit the body as his own.
Where he comes from is unknown and dependent on the verse itself. He could be something that already exists, but he could just as easily be something that is born inside another due to them having a horrible mental state. Maybe they were so depressed and lonely that their emotions birthed him into existence. He would be someone that would want to take the role the other was yearning for, but spinning the whole thing onto it's head in the worst ways.
Even his personality can often vary by verse, but there will always be the same underlining traits. He was designed to live off of doing harm to others and therefore revels in it. At the same time there is a clear sense of ignorance to that which is considered ‘good’ and even more so towards that which is considered ‘human’. He understands hatred but does not understand honest love, and it's these more positive traits and emotions he is both weak to and intensely curious about. This is a monster that doesn't quite understand how to be a human.
Otherwise he's depicted as having his own vessel to house his spirit in. In these cases he's actually a tengu that can look as beastly or as human as he so wishes. Voice Claim.
The malevolence and hunger he experiences as a spirit is extended into his physical self. Killer and assassin suits the needs of a cannibal best.
Shiki is purposely very ambiguous as he's designed to suit the needs of my RP partner. 💕 He's typically meant to be an antagonist, and as such is meant to push and develop the protag, who is your muse. Being ambiguous enables him to fit many scenarios and worlds and to better fit your muse's story and agenda.
If you'd like to RP but are unsure how to incorporate him into your story then don't hesitate to shoot me a DM! You can also refer to the verse specific backgrounds linked at the top for more solidified versions of him. DMC & FFXIV are examples of himself with his own body, while LaD is an example of him being purely a spirit within another.
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××RP Hooks××
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×Host× : Are you seeking to break your muse? Do they have inner skeletons that you wish for them to face in a devastating way? Maybe you're just curious how an AU would turn out if someone were to eat their soul and take them over? Shiki would certainly do them right as someone that can posses and manifest into reality the worst inside your muse. Who knows, something could happen where he instead makes a pact with the muse. Maybe even fall for them?
×Rivalry× : If your muse is looking for someone to seriously butt heads with, look no further. Shiki can and will get nasty when need be. How the rivals eventually end up being is up in the air. They could continue to bring the worst out in each other, enemies to lovers, or maybe just enemies with benefits. It'll be entirely up to you.
×Death AUs× : No one likes to have their character truly killed off, but what if you were curious about it? Or maybe you're curious about how it would be for your muse to kill someone? I'm always up for AU threads that end in character death, be it your muse or mine.
×Hired Strength× : As a physical being, this tengu is adept at being an assassin. He revels in harming others, and would gladly dispose of a body by straight up eating it himself. He's also just as well off being hired for other roles that require a strong arm, such as a body guard or bouncer. It has to be interesting though or there's a risk where he may just leave mid-job. Hiring him can also be extended to him even as a spirit.
×Black Trading× : Human trafficking? Organ 'donations'? Drugs? Whether you need it for money or some unspeakable black arts, Shiki may be interested in trading or helping you. It depends a lot on what you have to offer.
×Dark Romance× : The Crow is clearly someone terrible. Naturally, any kind of romance he may be involved with could turn out just as terribly. He's both very manipulative and possessive at his core, plus his volatile nature only adds to the flames. His twisted enjoyments goes both ways since he's masochistic just as much as he is sadistic. There's incredible risk to your muse, but if your muse is the type, then there is always the possibility of Shiki becoming a willing victim to them instead.
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agayvampire · 7 months
~♡ pinned post ♡~
Welcome! My name is Moss, I am a non-binary artist who has many original characters, both humanoid and furries, and even some uncategorized creatures :3
Furries are tagged 🌿furries , humanoids are tagged 🌿humanoids and other creatures are tagged 🌿creatures . Art is tagged 🌿art and text fiction posts are tagged 🌿fiction
The following is a list of my OCs with a short description and the tag to find them at in this blog!
List under the cut
Tag: 🩸Aaron [He is the one this blog is named after, the gay vampire lol. He is the oldest OC I still create about :0 I created him in like 2013 or so?] [He/him] [cis, gay, aromantic] [in his 30s in human years, probably several hundreds of years old fr] [appearance: tall/lean, muscular, hairy and bearded, long brown hair and a tanned skin tone, many piercings, a tattoo sleeve] [he is a vampire by night and during the day he acts like he is just another gay vegan hipster, next to hipster, his "real" vibe is baroque-esc goth, mostly feminine clothes like dresses en corsets]
Tag: 🪻Moss [yeah I know they have the same name as me idk man lmao... he is my main fursona, basically me if I was physically a furry] [23] [he/they] [nonbinary transmasc] [neurodivergent] [aro/ace spec] [appearence: average height, soft/curvy in a masc way??, lavender grows from his neon green hair, their main fur color is lilac, they are based off a maned wolf, he has many piercings, his vibe is soft grunge/artist core]
Tag: 🔪Angie [one time someone called him a "scene queen" and tbh yeah. Also big anarchist] [he/they/it] [20s] [transmasc agender] [neurodivergent] [aroace] [energetic af] [appearence: it is based off a skunk, dark brown and soft white are their main fur colors. His hair is hot pink with a checkered pattern streak. The same pattern is on its tail, he has many piercings, their whole vibe is 2000s emoscene]
Tag: 🍓Dante [my oldest fursona that still exists! I made them in that era of the Internet where the "soft boi aesthetic" was a thing, so that is his vibe] [early 20s] [he/they] [ftm] [gay] [theatre kid and a big emotional softie] [neurodivergent] [appearence: they are based off an otter, his main fur colors are a soft brown and a soft white, added details are pastel blue and pink (can change), he has pastel blue, teal, purple and pink hair, and from his head grows a strawberry, they have a band aid on their nose and an earring in one ear]
Tag: 🎃Bobbie [it is a shape-shifter, it's shape can alter from humanoid, furry, animalistic, monstrous or anything in between. It has no facial features, except from when it experiences strong emotions, then features show up] [ancient] [it/its] [agender] [neurodivergent] [semi verbal] [appearence: it can have different shapes, but it's color scheme is always the same, dark and light brown, orange, black and glow in the dark yellow/green, when wearing clothes it's vibe is goblincore/nature grunge]
Tag: 🌈rain [he is based off the colorscheme of the album In Rainbows by Radiohead. He is based off a rat as well] [just a little clown guy, short] [early 20s] [he/him] [transmasc] [gay t4t] [ace] [very energetic when anxious, calm when comfortable] [uses humour to cope] [neurodivergent] [appearence: his colors are all color picked from the Radiohead album In Rainbows. His fur pattern makes it seem like he is wearing clown makeup, he wears a clown hat and a big clown collar, his fur pattern has rainbow colors underneath his top surgery scars]
TV-head (unnamed)
Tag: 📺TV head [He is a spirit/angel who protects forest animals against being hunted by humans, he is a big fluffy guy with a TV for a head because he is both nature and technology in spirit] [ancient yet modern] [he/him] [gender and sexuality are not for him] [big sweetheart, loves hugs, but very good at fighting when needed] [he lives alone, but is always aware of every forest animal in his forest and can sense when they are in pain or fear] [appearence: huge! Big hands/arms, covered in beige fur, on his back grows moss/grass and flowers (may change with the seasons), his head is a TV with glowing red eyes on the screen for a face]
I have more OC's but their concepts are currently unfinished.
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