#but the n*zi stuff really really puts me off.
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gomez!master is by far the best one of nuwho and I will NOT hear otherwise. she feels so much like delgado!master in that her motivations are not exclusively world domination. even before her redemption arc in s10, she has a complex agenda of her own and sometimes that means her goals align with those of the doctor’s. i love seeing the master team up with companions it’s my absolute favorite thing. her dynamic with clara is absolutely fascinating and i find the “i want my friend back” motivation to be five million times more interesting than the “i want to Destroy You Forever” motivation or whatever it was that dhawan!master had going on
#don’t get me wrong i think dhawan did a fantastic job and his performance was excellent#the way he played the character lent him a lot of depth that the writing didn’t have#but the n*zi stuff really really puts me off.#simm was excellent too but he does wear me out#and like i said i get soooo tired of the I Want To Kill The Doctor For The Sake Of Killing The Doctor#some writers don’t get the difference between fun evil and real evil#the master should be fun evil#chibnall doesn’t get that and even rtd misses the mark with that in s3 imo#i hate to give moffat the dub here but . he did good with the master. i have to say#but we do owe most of it to michelle gomez#doctor who#gomez!master#delia.txt
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NAME: Uzi Doorman NICKNAME: Purple Thing, Toaster, Hot Topic, Emo Freak, Khan's Kid GENDER: Female (She/Her) ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Bisexual
PREFERRED PET NAMES: Uzi doesn't really do nicknames. All the one's she's gotten have been insults, so she'd rather just be called Uzi. She wouldn't mind something based off her name (think Uz' or 'Zi) but anything more sappy than that would probably just embarrass her. She definitely doesn't give pet names to others.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Dating Serial Designation N (or just N). He just doesn't go here.
FAVORITE CANON/FANDOM SHIP: Why not, all of 'em. Nuzi is canon and super cute and sweet, but I also like Vuzi a lot. I also like NuziV, we love a fun throuple. Juzi is very interesting to me, I don't think it works in the canon of the show but I do like it (shoutout to Hostile Takeover). And in that vein I also like NVJuzi, or whatever it's called. Dollzi and Thadzi are also fun to rotate in my brain for various reasons, but I don't like 'em as much as ships with the disassembly drones. I haven't put a ton of thought into any other ships (there's not many other characters) but I like to mash MD characters together like barbie dolls.
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: She definitely thinks it's real, because it's something she's wanted, but she isn't quite there yet. She likes N a lot, but they haven't been dating long so she'd be scared to call it love just yet. She's afraid to be that vulnerable with someone, but also yearns for that kind of understanding and closeness. The biggest obstacle to it is herself, as she has a lot of trauma and insecurities to overcome, and she'd be afraid of pushing them away by being too clingy or whatever.
OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Uzi's a teenager, she definitely would catch a crush if someone was charming enough. Calling it love is a bit intense, but it can feel like that when you're young. If you asked her directly, she'd probably be more pessimistic about it, saying you can't trust people to be honest about themselves, so love at first sight is fake.
HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: Not very. She's awkward and not experienced in relationships, so she'd prefer to just take things slowly. She's not great at showing affection, and she's also easily embarrassed, so if she tried to be really romantic, even in a private space with someone she trusted, she'd just fluster herself and start yelling. That said, she'd probably have some funny ideas on how to be romantic from all the anime's she's watched.
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: Someone taller than her. Robots only. Bladed appendages a plus.
IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Just someone reliable. Uzi wants someone she can trust and who she feels won't leave her when times get tough. That's all N had to do, he was just there for her and assured her he wasn't going to leave, and she fell hard. All she's looking for is someone nice, caring, and honest, someone she feels safe with. And if that person is also funny and sweet and strong, that's a great bonus.
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Liars, wishy-washy people, posers. Uzi values honesty and reliability, so if someone won't be there for her, or if she can't trust them, then she won't be into them. She also wouldn't be into anyone who displayed a lot of cruelty, as she's had a history of bullying and generally sadistic villains.
IDEAL DATE: Depends on her mood. Most of the time, she'd be happy staying in and spending time with someone, cuddling and watching some anime or a movie or something. A kind of comfortable intimacy where she could fall asleep in someone's arms. Or, if she needed to get out of the house, she'd enjoy just flying around and exploring for cool junk. She really enjoys showing off her powers, so if she were allowed to stretch her wings or do some cool telekinesis stuff, she'd have a good time. She's also the kind of person to enjoy metaphorical shiny rocks, so she'd like just going treasure hunting and showing off her finds. She wouldn't think of something like going out shopping together or having a small lunch to be a date unless it was spelled out to her. In a similar vein, she might not really enjoy a fancy date and would probably prefer something quieter or more personal. Think a picnic under the stars, rather than dinner at a fancy restaurant.
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: Not especially. Does "Anyone who's shown her even a shred of kindness" count? We see her crushing on Thad a bit when the most noteworthy thing he's done was just remembering her name, so that's all it really takes. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: Let's find out! PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: I like to think that a lot of drone intimacy stems from physical proximity and touching, things like cuddling, kissing, and hand-holding. Getting really close, enough to feel someone else's core pumping oil or to share body heat, means things are serious. Although drones make babies by adding some of their data into an untrained neural network, I don't think the act of basically just sticking a USB into a port really holds any particular intimacy for them. For disassembly drones and Uzi, they might also do things with their wings and tails, like wrapping their tails around others as a sign of affection. Uzi is pretty touch-starved, so she likes stuff like hand-holding and hugging, even just with her friends. For people she's particularly close or comfortable with, she likes casual snuggling, think stuff like putting her legs across someone on a couch or sitting on the same beanbag chair. For someone she's dating, it would just be a more intimate physical contact, like spooning. She's never kissed anyone before, even her boyfriend, so that's the next big thing in her head. There's probably some small part of her that'd be into biting, but she'd be really embarrassed to admit it. I think I've mentioned cannibalism as a metaphor for romance, so that just kind of follows that thread. Easy to imagine her having a really indulgent daydream about drinking from/giving oil to someone else. COMMITMENT LEVEL: Uzi really likes N, and even though he's not in Spirale, she still considers them together and wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. She'd feel guilty if she caught feelings for someone else, but she's yet to seriously contend with the fact that N might just never show up here. Would either of them want her to stay single, possibly denying herself happiness, just because she's hanging onto a hope that might never come? We know Uzi has some self-sacrificing tendencies, but N probably wouldn't be thrilled to learn that she was doing it to herself.
OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: Gross. Only small stuff allowed. Holding hands, hugging, maybe small kisses. She's easily embarrassed, so her partner being really doting on her in a public space would just get her really flustered, but at the same time she'd probably kinda like it. Perhaps you've noticed she's a bit tsundere? Shocker.
PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: Only ever had one boyfriend, and she's still with him.
#musing.txt#memeday.exe#this is... very self-indulgent#been wanting to do more headcanon/ musing type of stuff so this is mostly just for me to ponder some stuff
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Hi, this is the poll blog for @deerboybreeder ! It's also where I'm putting some of the stuff I'm too afraid to put on main to prevent getting nuked.
You can call me Deer, breeder, cunt, whore, womb, whatever you want really! I'm ftm but fine with being misgendered so you can get off, and I'm 27 years old.
DISCLAIMER: Anything you find particularly disturbing, you can assume is fantasy. I'm very pro risk-aware consensual kink, so some content may be risky but I am an adult who knows my limits. I also support harm reduction when it comes to $H and 3D's, and I don't want you interacting if you're a bigot outside of kink. DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT IF YOURE A MINOR AND HAVE YOUR AGE LISTED ON YOUR BLOG SOMEWHERE OR I WILL BLOCK YOU!
Dark kinks will be present on this blog, including but not limited to 3D related topics, s3lf h@rm, s\/ic1d3, rape and more. The main kinks will be hunger play, rape, breeding and dehumanization related, with a sprinkle of gender play here and there.
Do not send me: Poll ideas about race play, incest/fauxcest, n@zi shit even as a kink, transphobia directed at anyone but me, fatphobia at anyone but me, piss/scat related questions, or requests for photos (I'm owned and that's a boundary).
Do send me: Graphic rape threats, mutilation fantasies, degrading porn or hypnosis files/videos, demands for trauma stories to get off to, poll ideas, fantasies about hurting me in general, insults, transphobia directed at me only, invasive questions especially about my system, and general hateful messages!
My top kinks are obviously breeding and pregnancy, noncon, intox (especially forced intox!), stalking/kidnapping, hunger play, lactation, breath play, gender play/detrans (less so misgendering directly? A focus on feminizing the body and using feminine terms aside from woman or calling me she/her, go for it/its if you want to misgender me), hypnosis, brainwashing, manipulation, gaslighting, cameras, blackmail, dumbification, degradation, and forced masc! I contain multitudes lol (literally, I have DID!)
I'm also exploring ageplay without the fauxcest (ie a Dom would be a family friend or stranger as a role instead of the usual daddy/mommy title), and religious kink in a really weird way that corresponds with my current system of beliefs- I have Christianity based religious trauma, which you're allowed and encouraged to exploit! I've considered corruption kink, but so far so much of it seems like just making someone do what I already enjoy lol, but if I'm wrong please teach me!
Anything that isn't the polls will be tagged "not polls", and the polls will be tagged "just the polls" for ease of access! Feel free to send me Poll ideas because I love love love love being manipulated by strangers on the internet!
#r@pet0y#r@p3 m3#objectify me#abvse me#r@pe m3#detrans me#br33dable#forced impreg#impregnate her#ftm nsft#ftm sub#r@pe wh0re#dumb slvt#⭐v me
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Thank you for that post about To. and I am so sorry about everything. This was so well put together and not throwing around straight insults in each sentence. I see both sides throwing around hate without even explaining their sides of why they're sticking up for him or why they're mad. I was also one of the people giving him a chance to come back and apologize, people say stuff in the moment all the time and I felt like he deserved that chance. But, then he just left.
At first I thought his post was okay, I understand not getting neopronouns, not liking the idea of people showing too much at pride parades, or people under 18 getting surgery. Those are things I could understand but when the n*zi and racism down play happened? I was in shock and upset. Still, I wanted to at least give him a chance to comeback fresh and see if he would apologize... but he left.
If I'm being honest. Both sides weren't handled at all properly and you guys who explain it make it so much better to understand then others just writing it off as hate, telling people to kys, or getting called cis and not trans, which I am, as an insult. Everyone is still upset so I'm letting it go but I will stand by what I said and if that gets me hated just for giving him a chance or not supporting either side than that's okay. Thank you again for your amazing post and I hope you have a wonderful day.
TW: I’ll be detailing some of my experiences subtly and trying not to go into full detail.
Hi there. I don’t know who you are, but thank you for reaching out.
There’s a lot I want to say on Tom’s views, but many people have done that for me with their own time and energy and I appreciate them. I’m going to use this space to come out and say that I use neopronouns now in light of the situation. You’re allowed to use he/him, they, them, and fae/faer/faers when talking about me. I’ve been wanting to use these pronouns since first learning about them back in…idk…2014(?), but….I’m Black and of indigenous heritage, it’s hard enough being nonbinary on top of everything.
I highly suggest taking courses in gender and sociology, it was one of the most informative and open spaces for discussing gender, gender expressions, and touches on intersectionality within the Black community and being Queer during my college years as someone who was told that if I entered those spaces that I’d be molested…despite that happening more in the spaces I shared with cis/straight people .
I will echo what a lot of people have said and what I know from my own personal research as a trans person in an unsupportive family and as someone whose partner’s adopted little brother is going through: Children don’t go through gender affirming surgeries. In some cases, a 16 year old can with expressed consent from a therapist, their parents, and themselves. And honestly? It’s no one’s business. Out side of that, most children are placed on hormone blockers until they’re over 18 and able to take the right hormone replacements to experience puberty properly and develop what they need to before surgeries are viable.
On the topic of pride, in my experience in both small communities and going to San Francisco pride, there are safe spaces for children. Parades usually have an itinerary that parents can look at and guide their children appropriately. I am 100% on the side that human bodies aren’t inherently sexual as a demisexual person. It’s on the parents to PARENT their children appropriately, not complete strangers just trying to exist and feel good about themselves for ONCE instead of being afraid of hatred, death….so much…it’s so fucking much…
That being said….yes, I wanted to give him space. I really wanted to give him a chance to do better, but he’s going to have to do a lot more now before I forgive him or accept an apology and actually move on and want to engage with his content again. I just want people to really sit and conceptualize the situation and just how much people are hurting. And if I have to be that voice, then I will be. Please bare with me. 🙏🏽
Again….no harassment towards anyone. You’re allowed to realize your mistakes and apologize, but there’s work you need to do to make it stick.
Edit: Also, people are allowed to be upset, but there’s a line when you send death threats. I AM, however, in the sentiment that the only good N*zi is a dead one. Half of my family didn’t flee to America for no reason- if they weren’t already fighting against them. Those are harsh words, but it’s my truth seeing the PAIN it’s caused my family first hand. I wouldn’t ever wish that on anyone, but you are NOT in good standing with me if you support any form of N*zism.
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Intro! 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇸🇩🇱🇧
Hi! My name is Tuna! I draw and write stuff!
Fandoms I’m in:
- Pokemon (specifically URS bc those little guys are underrated, I like Adaman and N too they’re goobers :))
- The Walten Files
- Sym Bionic Titan
Fandoms I dabble in:
- My Hero Academia (not a huge fan of the manga or anime anymore and am AVOIDING the fandom until my last breath but I’ll still make posts about stuff that catch my eye or rework old OCs!)
- Genshin (I try to stay away from the fandom as much as I can due to what I’ve heard about all the toxicity, but I sometimes chat with other players!)
- Heartsteel (those guys are silly)
- I just turned 18 yesterday! But still, I won’t tolerate any creeps on my profile, like, go touch grass
- I have autism, which has been the cause of all of my hyperfixations
- I go by she/they pronouns!
- I wear varsity jacket hoodies (despite never having been in sports bc I have noodle limbs and shit throwing game), crop tops, turtleneck tops (can you tell I’m gay lol), baggy pants, big cardigans or sweatshirts, and knee socks!
- My music taste is everywhere, but I like alt rock, hyperpop, white girl music, and I do listen to some hip hop-rap
DNI if:
- You are a bigot (racist, homophobic, transphobic, TERF, sexist, abelist, anti-semitic or Islamophobic, support N/zis, etc.)
- Pro-Zi*nist
- Pro-p/doph/lia, pro-i//cest, pro-ab/use, just a pro-sh///er in general, as well as toxic shippers
- You are a creep, art beggar, or super nasty and problematic, I really do not want drama on or related to this page
- A cheater, I’ve had unfavorable past experiences with an ex I’d rather not get into, but it will piss me off
- An AI “artist”, lets be real, you have no talent, steal others work, and put no effort into it, it’s not “art”
- A zooph//e, M/P, or support either of those
Feel free to block me if you’re any of these! 😁
Art Style Examples:
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Warning: rant about negative things & controversial opinions ahead
!!this is not an active discourse post!!
Block if you disagree with the following. This will not turn into a dumb online argument. (I'm just screaming into the void leave me alone)
Not meaning to offend anybody but something that's been pissing me off lately is people who have the most outlandish intro DNI I have ever seen.
I'm talking about the people who have a whole ass 3 page paragraph consisting of every type of person they do not condone.
Semi-hyperbolic example of some of the shit I've seen:
DNI: MAPS, zoos, transphobes, homophobes, abelists, sexists, racists, proshippers, transmeds, right-wing, n*zis, murderers, cannibals, skinwalkers, cryptids, serial killers, John Travolta, vampire supporters, Ted Bundy, DSMP supporters, (insert any media with a canceled creator here)
Like it's so oddly specific. And half the stuff they put in there isn't even something to not condone. Like for instance 'proshipping' just means that you're a normal person who understands that people can enjoy dark things & thought crimes are not real crimes. There's no such thing as an 'illegal' ship/dynamic/character/personality. Characters are like NPCs in a video game, do what you want with them.
Also the 'zoophillia' they do not condone is usually referring to online attention seekers who label themselves as such for clout.
And same goes for 'transmedicalism' which is just about understanding that being trans is not a choice and there is no such thing as a non-dysphoric trans person. Like why have we as a society gotten to a point where medically proven facts are up for debate in the leftist communities?? I don't understand
It's ridiculous honestly and I blame the pandemic for making people like this. Before 2020, literaly no one cared what people wrote about in fanfiction. Now everything is 'problematic' ಠ_ಠ
The other half of the stuff in their DNI is just pointless to put on a platform like Tumblr.
Tumblr is a platform where the majority of users are leftists or left-leaning so I don't understand why people find the need to put things such as LGBTphobes, n*zis, Trump supporter, etc in their DNI. Even if there were right-wing accounts who saw your blog, they would probably just block you on sight without reading your introduction because of your instant-red-flag picrew profile picture.
My final issue with these DNIs is the fact that they usually don't condone people who view content made by problematic creators. For example, people who watch DSMP videos on YouTube. As if those people are inherently as 'problematic' as the creators. (Half the time those creators haven't even done anything really wrong)
To conclude this rant, I'd say that your average 'woke' fourteen-year-old's general DNI criteria is a waste of time to put in your bio. Besides, a lot of the time, people who see themselves in your DNI will just get offended and try to argue instead of not interacting with you. Instead, just use the block feature when you see someone online that makes you upset or uncomfortable.
#not tagging because i dont want this post to be found by the wrong people#ones who dont know how to block and move on#Ellis rants
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The reason why this is bothering me is also because she is literally with a man who was doing nazi salute, is a racist, is a misogynist while she herself spoke up against it and said " There’s literally nothing worse than white supremacy. It’s repulsive. There should be no place for it." As a POC WHY IS SHE WITH A MAN WHO DID THIS WHEN SHE HERSELF IS AGAINST IT? Dont even get me started on the disgusting comments he made about her
i know it, and i hear you all and share in this distress and empathize so much, it's just really hard because we can't affect or change it, which makes me unsure where we go from here.
my inbox was overflowing, but i didn't publicly talk much about the breakup because i was hesitant to speak about something we honestly have next to no information about, and for me (i know a lot of fans haven't felt this way, and that's fine, just speaking for myself), joe has never done anything to warrant vilifying him that we can concretely point to. inferences from surprise songs don't actually tell me anything. inferences from PR-speak articles don't either. i cannot claim to know what he/she/they did or said or what happened between them that ended their relationship, nor do i feel it's my place to do so. i can also admit honestly that i fell into the trap of romanticizing, because the songs she wrote were so beautiful and moving that it captivated my hopeless romantic heart in wanting to believe it would last and in rooting for their happiness (and some of that is projection, which i can also admit, because i don't know what it's like to experience a love like that, so it was a golden ideal in my head). if we eventually get more information or the situation changes in some way, then we can discuss it more, but as it stands, joe's only "crime" is...not being able to cope with the intense spotlight anymore? being too introverted (an accusation that hurts my feelings personally lol)? not showing up for her (definitely would be an issue)? we have no real idea, but to our knowledge, he also has no abusive or harmful behavior on record, and i'm still grateful she had him in her life, and that their love existed, and that the music still exists forever.
matty's whole deal is...like the opposite? which maybe that's what she's seeking right now, again, we don't and can't know. but it would be one thing if he was, like, a ~bad boy~ reputation with no verifiably harmful words and actions, and that isn't the case. he's said and done rancid stuff, and it's off-putting and confusing at the least, repulsive and bigoted at the worst.
i assume the misogynistic comments he made about her (which! ironically fans were accusing joe of thinking somehow, even though he's never once said anything close to that. um?), he apologized for or they worked out amongst themselves years ago directly, and i said this to animalanon in a comment yesterday (😞 we love you, animalanon!), but the problem here is that, while there absolutely should be space to forgive people for mistakes and for grace following growth and recognition and whatever apology might be warranted - if matty had only done these things when he was in his twenties, i'd say, hey, people change, let's not immediately judge here, but it's all very recent. we're not discussing antics from a decade ago, we're discussing abhorrent comments from, like, six weeks ago. what he said about harry, what he said about ice spice which then extended into further racism, the n/zi salute, the edgelord behavior, it's all current, and the closest thing he did as far as remorse goes was an "i'm sorry if you're offended" apology, which isn't an actual apology. so. yeah. it's not great!
(i'm also very selfishly sad as a fan that all of this has taken away from tour and the celebration of her career and now even the joy for SNTV, which we've been waiting for so excitedly!)
he 100% deserves to be called out on these things, and we should question her willingness to associate herself with him when the things he has done are antithetical to everything she says she stands for and has spoken against. idk it feels demoralizing and helpless since there's nothing we can do but watch it unfold and hope for the best (she comes to her senses and emerges unscathed). we can allow her room to be human and flawed while still disagreeing (and feeling concern, which i do) where need be.
#it's ick and upsetting and i wish i could help you all but we're stuck in the same boat#anonymous#letterbox#thrown out speeches#it's also almost comical if it weren't gross because she is so gorgeous and talented and could likely have any man in the world#*HIM*?!?! girl???#as a mutual said:#'I want her to find all the love and happiness she deserves'#'preferably with someone who doesn't make me physically recoil at the sight of them'
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Updated void post
Hiya, friends! If any of you are here because of my old "speaking directly into the void" post, let it be known now that many of those fandoms I am no longer in OR I've moved on to a different one currently.
I have decided to update it in the form of a completely new post, so PLEASE disregard the old one!!
I can never really tell when a fandom I get into is going to be a special interest or a hyperfixation until at least a month or so passes. I have some fandoms I've been in for YEARS and I'll never stop loving them, while others only last maybe a few weeks. I'm only including special interest fandoms on this post, but rest assured that they're not the only fandoms I'll post about, they're just my main interests.
My main fandoms are...
Venture Brothers
Doctor Who
The Eltingville Club (new :D!!)
And...that's about it. LMAO
Okay but seriously I only really have maybe four fandoms that I'm neck deep in, but that's not gonna be the only fandom content I post on here!!
Also, I'm gonna put my DNI criteria on this post too so I can weed out the Weirdos....
DNI if you're...
A minor (I actively promote my adult Twitter blog on here and also post suggestive stuff. I don't feel comfortable having kids follow me, especially since my main interests are catered to adults. I'm not gonna go out of my way to block minors because I don't post straight up nsfw but just know!!! It makes me feel. Weird)
A transphobe (I'm trans. Get the fuck outta here 👉)
A n*zi (self explanatory.)
Any kind of trans radicalist (there's a whole spectrum for being trans, and I may be part of the majority of folks who experience dysphoria and want surgery, that doesn't mean other trans people have to be that way.)
Ai "artists" and NFT weirdos (I hate all of you)
Ableist in any way (I'm neurodivergent, please piss off ❤)
Anyway, that about wraps up this annoyingly long post. Thanks for following if you have! And anyone who has it, feel free to stick around, I post art sometimes LOL
#the venture brothers#the venture bros#venture bros#doctor who#metalocalypse#slenderverse#welcome! i hope youll enjoy the shitshow!#bones shut up#mlp fim#mlp#my little pony
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Are there any other tf2 ships you really like/would ever write about?
honestly....? probably not lol. medic/sniper and heavy/spy are my favorite tf2 ships and while there are other ships i like/appreciate, i don't know that i'd be able to like... Write Fics about them ykwim? and i wouldn't want to put out writing that's "mediocre" just for the sake of writing for other ships... so i'm not Swearing It Off but at this time, probably not.
also i Personally navigate shipping under the basic philosophy of "none of them are romantically compatible until 'proven' otherwise" LOL as in... i think ships Are Good because the works people make for those ships are Compelling ykwim... not by default of the characters just being pushed together (though this isn't me knocking those who do this. i do it sometimes too! i'm talking about when it comes to like... Writing Full Fledged Pieces with Character Development etc!). with tf2 i feel this especially since there is not a lot of lore and all of the characters get along on a pretty even playing field... also i don't take every single voice line or canon crumb as like. The Gospel, either... sldflksjfd.,., mostly because i don't really care about canon and i think that if you're so entirely obsessed with Everything Being Canon then why even engage with transformative works in the first place lol... i don't care if you make the mercs "ooc" or whatever by expanding on their personalties and making them deeper than their voicelines... in fact i encourage it!! as long as you aren't making them Objectively Shitty [racist, homophobic, r*pists, transmisogynistic, n*zis, p*dophiles etc] i really don't care what you do with them lol.
i've never filled out a shipping chart because i think Antagonistically talking about stuff you hate (ie ragging on Harmless Ships and putting it where fans of Said Harmless Ship can see it) is just kind of lame and any time a shipping chart comes up it just invites stupid discourse that i don't care about lol. i prefer just talking about stuff i like! like this:
anyway. getting it out of the way to say that pyro, scout and sniper are all Grown Adults (27+ years old) and Very Capable people. ships with them are not Problematic unless you make them that way. people who baby them catch an instant block from me lmaooo. but anyway!
my Favorite tf2 ships are Probably:
god tier: bushmed and spoovy (<- or the 4 of them as a polycule. or medic/sniper/heavy! HEHE) i adore you immensely: admin/pauling, spy/scout's mom, sniper/spy, engie/spy/sniper, demo/sniper Cool because my oomfies and friends like it and i trust their interpretations Basically Exclusively: everything/anything else
and the only one i Hate is spy/sc*ut for obvious reasons lol. the rest... go have fun/good for you/yippee/that's awesome!!!!!!!!! hehe!
so i guess if i did make content for other ships it would probably be for these? but it would involve a lot more research/energy than i'm currently willing to devote to fics that aren't spoovy or bushmed :'( i might be open to answering lil ask memes about other ships but for the most part i think i'm content to leave other ship stuff to the suits in washington (my huge brained friends and mutuals)!
#asks#WHEEE THANK YO UFOR THE ASK I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE ;-; <3333#it's mostly about the fact that i don't know that i could produce the kind of Quality that i'd expect from myself yanno!#dutchfoolery
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What 1st made you realize how off base JC’s stan culture is? For me it was the fact that a JC stan namely the sangcheng troll sent g0re & N@zi imagery to people just for liking sangcheng & NHS, as well as the fact that a JC stan wrote a fic where LWJ murders WWX while tagging it as fluff w/ a happy ending.
WTF. I was knew about the fic thing but the troll thing?! 🙃
Personally I never liked jc because he was annoying af. He was shitty to WWX, shitty to LWJ, shitty to ppl he owed shit to, just shitty all over. I don't like that moody asshole character type even when they do good stuff, but at least then they're bearable. But jc is just an asshole and then whiny about it. He doesn't want to do good things and he doesn't want to let others do them either...but then he constantly feels bad for himself and thinks ppl owe him shit. I think WWX had the patience of a saint to put up w him as long as he did and even he lost it in the end. But I didn’t really bother w him until his stans injected his fanon self into almost every corner of the fandom and got testy w anyone who didn’t vibe w their version of events 😑
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*How* did newsie and chimp start dating?
okay well. i think first u gotta know how they met which is that pre-cherri-losing-its-arm it hotwired chimps van and drove off with it and then when chimp (exhibiting a rare and entirely terrifying rage) went to go buy it back from the hideout newsie was so overwhelmed with a combination of awe, fear, and lesbianism that zie just let chimp take the keys and leave
after she'd cooled down from this all chimp realized that a) it was actually kinda funny and b) its probably not a bad idea to be on good terms with a pair of evidently morals-free thieves so she went back with an offer that the three of them should go out for drinks sometime. cherri bowed out on account of it doesnt care about new people and so newsie absolutely flipped shit that this very sweet and somewhat terrifying girl had Come Back to ask hir on a date (!!!) (not a date, actually, as cherri was fond of reminding hir)
it went very well but neither of them made like. moves or anything they just hung out and got to know each other a bit and mutually agreed that it was really fun and they should do that again, sometime
flash forward a few moons and chimp and newsie having girls nights (cautiously gender neutral) are a fairly regular occurrence and sometimes cherri comes along but not often so it is really like, just the two of them getting to know each other Quite Well. newsie starts taking little runs to help chimp out, shipments and running messages that shouldnt be broadcasted and stuff, they start hanging out at chimps place or the hideout more and more. its still all platonic but in the way that newsie is like "yeah shes gorgeous and funny and sweet and i want to kiss her so so so bad but we're just friends" and chimp is like "oh yeah, zies in love with me but i wanna see how long it takes hir to notice" (these r all said only to themselves, theyre both pretty private abt this relationship actually outside of like, cherri doc n pony)
and then on one of these girls nights theyre at a bar proper and someone starts hitting on chimp, getting a little pushy, etc, newsie gets ready to step in and kill them tell them they arent welcome and then chimp whips out her gun and shoots them through the shoulder and goes, "you know, people would probably hit on me less if you put your hand on my thigh when you sit next to me"
its about three days later that newsie works up the nerve to ask exactly what she meant by that and another week or so before they see each other in person again and that time, when newsie leaves chimps place she completely-unthinkingly kisses chimp goodbye, drives off, then realizes what she did, turns around, goes back, and spends the night
#danger days#tlotfk#twitterverse#dj hot chimp#newsagogo#what is their ship name!!!!#also i SWEAR every day i envision a little more of the twitterverse followup thats them-centric#we WILL get it someday#kastana
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Wonders of Ohio - P.7
masterlist (catch up with the series here!)
request guidelines (yes i am taking them!)
pairing: draco x reader
request: no! this is my original idea
summary: american high school senior is in for a surprise when her family takes on a foreign exchange student with a mysterious past.
warnings: teen drinking, mentions of an armed robbery, language, a brief hospital visit, and descriptions of illness
a/n: hey. so. this is definitely where stuff starts to go down. thanks so much for waiting...i have so many more things planned for this series and i’m thrilled to see it come together the way that it is right now. thank you very much for reading and thank you for your patience!
taglist: @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @icintliviinyiniilsiji @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 6k
song recs:
murders - miracle musical
pink in the night - mitski
always, forever - cults
ice dance - ashton gleckman
Y/N should’ve felt cold when she awoke on the wet pavement. Despite a figure looming over her and blocking out most of the rain, the back of her neck and body was drenched in the cool water from the puddle to her right. It was easily in the mid 40s at this point in the evening, something that would ordinarily make her toes curl and her figure tremble, but it felt...different.
She felt like her insides had been scorched, like she’d downed an entire pitcher of boiling hot water. Every movement she made hurt--right down to wiggling her fingertips and her eyes. Her body was exhausted. If she hadn’t known any better, she would’ve thought that she’d just finished running a marathon in hell.
“Can you hear me?” A posh British voice cut through her musings as the figure above her came into focus.
“Yeah. Was there a fire?” Her words left her throat painfully, scratching their way up her vocal chords.
“Er...what do you remember?”
She squeezed her eyes shut. The memories of the night slowly began trickling back--she’d done Draco’s tie, told him to watch his drink, argued with Chad about how funny he was, and walked to...Oh, yeah. The antique store. The box. The stars inside of her.
She flinched. “I fainted. I’m sorry. That was really stupid of me.”
“What?” Draco shifted back, the light from the front of the antique store catching his face. There were lines in his forehead that she’d never seen before. “Why?”
“I didn’t eat enough today,” said Y/N. Speaking was starting to feel less and less like lighting her trachea on fire. “I was really nervous and I lost my appetite. I’m an easy fainter.”
He cleared his throat. “Er, okay. Yeah. That was it. Anyways, we have to get home. You need to, uh, eat.”
Y/N allowed herself to be hauled up onto her feet, swaying slightly once her full weight was on her feet. Her sense of gravity felt like it had been loosened. With every step, she felt pulled to the ground from a different part of her core.
“Steady. Don’t fall.” By some miracle, once Draco’s hands were gently guiding her shoulders, she was able to make her way to the backseat of Heather’s car before she collapsed.
“Where are we going?” asked Y/N. Despite no longer feeling like she was near death, her head was still cloudy.
“Home,” was all Draco said as he slid in on the other side of the car.
She didn’t bother putting on her seatbelt--she still felt like she was about to keel over--and rested her head on the car window. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Draco open the passenger car door for a moment, pause, shut it, and instead tug open the door across from her and slide in.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“My insides feel like they’re on fire.” Y/N winced as she tried to shift and get the weight off of her neck. “I think I’m sick.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” said Heather from the front, her eyes catching Y/N’s from the mirror. “You were just laying down in the middle of a rainstorm. Go home and take some Zi-cam or something, jesus.”
Y/N tried to chuckle in response, but it came out as a sorry squeak instead. No one made a move to further comment on the evening’s events as Heather pulled onto the freeway and began to gain speed. The sudden lurches and changes of speed in the car set Y/N’s stomach into a churning frenzy, her head growing light again.
Her voice was so soft it was hardly audible--the syllables jumbled together on her lips in a quiet mess--but he immediately snapped to attention.
“What is it?”
She took a deep breath. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“For the love of god, at least try and hold it until we get off the freeway.”
“Shut up, Heather,” said Draco. Y/N couldn’t help but feel the slightest twinge of satisfaction as he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back on her. “Is it the motion? Are you sick from that?”
“I don’t know,” she managed.
He sighed. “Helpful.”
Draco frowned at her, but she could see the slightest twinkle of amusement in his eye. “Can you move into the middle seat for me? Do you need help?”
Once Y/N had scooted over from her side, he leaned away from her and pointed up to the sunroof above them. “Go ahead and count all the lights that you can see in the sky. I promise it’ll make you feel better. Just keep your head pointed up.”
She tilted her head back. The night sky was largely gloomy, but the flickering lights of the planes that dove in and out of clouds provided some glowing dots. As she counted, Heather hit the fog strips and nearly threw her back into her original seat. She felt a warm hand wrap around her wrist and gently grip, the long fingers completely encircling it.
Y/N blinked. The nausea was gone. “What are you, a sorcerer or something?” she joked, not expecting to see Draco so frozen at the comment. “Kidding. I just feel better already. Thank you.”
He nodded and turned away to look out the window. His soft grip on her hand was long gone, and Y/N took Heather’s slightly uncoordinated driving as a cue to slide back into her seat and buckle up.
“If you really need to puke,” said Heather, “I have a Target bag back somewhere under the passenger seat. Please avoid the seats. They’re authentic vegan leather.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing.”
“Just don’t throw up, okay?”
Y/N was in Art History when it happened. The chills began, so intense and teeth-chattering that her teacher took one look at her and sent her immediately to the nurse. Sylvia offered to walk her, but she was only allowed to under the condition that she avoid all physical contact with her and sanitized each surface that Y/N touched. It was a wonder she made it to the first floor office--each step felt heavier than the last, and from the beginning she felt moments from simply passing out.
A temperature check revealed that she had a mild fever--100.3 F, to be exact--and a call home resulted in her mother’s full voicemail box and the remembrance that her parents were out for the week.
“Can someone else drive you?” Nurse Hazelwood asked as she stepped away to douse her hands in hand sanitizer. “I don’t think you should get yourself home in this state.”
After some deliberation, it was decided that Sylvia would take her home and call someone for a ride back. It was a bit overkill--but she didn’t know what else to do.
“And can you make sure Draco has a ride home today?” Y/N asked as they pulled into the driveway of the Y/L/N home.
“Stop stressing so much, dude.” Sylvia took the keys out of the ignition to give her an expectant look. “You’re sick. Go inside and make some soup or something. I’m sure your boyfriend will figure it out.”
“Now I really am gonna be sick,” said Y/N as she rolled her eyes.
The rest of her afternoon was a blur. Y/N tried to force down some chicken soup, but it took all her might to keep it from coming right back up. It was safe to say her appetite was gone.
After a failed attempt at walking up the stairs to crawl into bed, she collapsed onto the couch. The last thing she remembered was the sound of footsteps outside the front door.
Y/N hadn’t been to the hospital since she had to get stitches in middle school. Then, all she did was lie back in the chair and try to shut her eyes as the needle wove in and out of her torn thigh (bad bike accident, in case anyone was curious). But now was different.
Her eyes hurt to open, like someone had thrown soap in them and the very line where her two lids met were lined with knives. Everything inside of her was on fire--a manic, all-consuming fire that made it impossible for her to keep anything down.
The nurses and doctors were no help--not like Y/N actually had her eyes long enough to see any of them--but their voices were enough to let her know what was going on.
“Fever of 104--”
“Can’t keep anything down--”
“Severely dehydrated--”
“Tested negative for everything we tried--”
“Never seen anything like this before--”
“No viruses were detected--”
“Not mono--”
As she wove in and out of consciousness, one fact stuck in her mind: I think I might die here. Something is very wrong.
When she did dream, images of the box she picked up plagued her mind. The symbol, etched lightly into the black top, glowed menacingly in her hands. Open it, open it something around her urged, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t.
It was during one of these dreams that her world suddenly shifted back to her hospital room. She was suspended above her body, looking down at the tangle of IVs and various other wires that imprisoned her...but she wasn’t alone.
The dim lighting and darkness outside confirmed her suspicion that it was indeed late at night. A figure, tall and slim, was sitting to her left. It was whispering something unintelligible as it gently took her hand and squeezed.
If Y/N could scream, she would’ve. The sudden pull back to her body was so strong that she was yanked across the room so she just barely hovered over her corporeal form. She could feel a grip, steady and firm, wrapped around her hand as a rush of cool ran through her. Each breath, each pulse, each heartbeat pulled her back to herself. It felt like a bucket of water had been poured over--into--her, extinguishing the flames that were eating away the inside of her.
The figure’s whispering finally came to an end as she settled back into her physical body. Before she drifted off to a peaceful slumber, a familiar voice rose above the quiet whispers.
“I’m sorry.”
Her eyes shot open to see her mother, heavy eye bags and all, standing over her bed. “Hi Mo-”
“You scared me half to death!” Mrs. Y/L/N interrupted, placing her hand on her forehead. “No fever. Thank god. You know, when you were a baby, you were horribly ill with…”
Y/N sat and pretended she was listening as she relinquished in the fact that she was awake, she was here. The fire inside of her was long gone, replaced with the familiar...whatever was there before. Nothing? Maybe. Nothing was good, or at least better than the painful fire. It struck her with a sudden urgency that she had no idea what day it was, much less time. What about her homework? What about her UChicago application? Her counselor was supposed to submit her letter of rec a week ago...or a week ago from whenever she was brought to the hospital.
“Honey, are you even listening?”
“Uh, yeah,” she said.
“That’s what I thought. The food here is horrendous--of course you’re excited to go home.” Mrs. Y/L/N took her glasses off to wipe at the lens in a gesture that seemed more habitual and less effective. “You poor thing. Your father is still in New York--John simply couldn’t have him leave--but he’ll be back as soon as he can. Let’s get you out of here.”
The next few hours were a strange blur of paperwork, changes of clothes, and a bag of medication. The nurses and doctors were bewildered at her miraculous recovery and expressed this at every chance they had on her way out, reminding her to immediately seek attention if she feels anything similar again.
“What day is it?” Y/N finally asked once they were on the way home.
“Wow, you really were out of it.” Mrs. Y/L/N flicked her blinker on as she merged onto the freeway. “Sunday. You were there almost a whole week.”
“Huh? What about school? Do my teachers know? How did Draco get to school? Is he ok?”
“Of course your teachers know, hun. They’re all being very forgiving with their late work policies. As long as you’re putting effort into learning the material you missed, they have no problem letting you skip out on the homework. As for Draco...I think he’s fine. Sylvia’s family took him under their wing for the week. He’s still alive.”
And such a statement was proven when Y/N walked through the front door. Draco shot up from his seat at the living room couch the moment they locked eyes, his hands wringing back and forth.
“You’re okay.”
“You’re okay too,” she responded airily. “When I wasn’t dying I was worrying myself about how you’d do without me. I see my fears of you walking into moving traffic didn’t come true, thank God.”
His lips, tight, offered her the slightest upturn.
“Y/N, dearie, no need to harass the boy,” her mother said. “Up to your room. I’ll bring you some soup in a moment. You need to rest, young lady.”
She sent one last teasing grin at Draco before she was ushered up the steps, her mother fussing over her the entire way.
“So,” Sylvia said, crossing her legs over the other and giving Y/N a wicked look, “Consider this your last formal invitation to my Halloween party. It’s this Friday. It’s not even the night before the ED deadline. You should go.”
“I don’t know, Vy,” said Y/N. Her art history notes lay untouched in front of her as the teacher droned on about something related to how mannerism as an art style came to fame during the...Reformation? She didn’t know. “I’m kind of tired. I feel bad about leaving Draco alone, too.”
Sylvia rolled her eyes. “Will you just do us all a favor and admit that you like him? It’s getting exhausting. Just ask him to come with you.”
“You’re absolutely off your rocker if you think I’m gonna do that,” Y/N said.
“I’m just saying, you’ve done weirder things. Like almost dying from...literally nothing.”
“Hey, hey, don’t be rude. I’ll think about it but no guarantees. I don’t really think Draco is the partying type, though.”
“I’d be careful about making such a wild assumption. You never know what goes on in those posh private British schools for rich kids or wherever he went.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
Her friend laughed. “No. Just an optimist.”
Y/N swung the sleeve of her cardigan at her, whacking her pretty good on the bicep. If Sylvia was bothered by it, she didn’t show it. “Fine. I’ll ask him as a friend.”
Y/N was never the type to enjoy background noise as she worked, but there was something nostalgic about hearing the identical voices of her local news anchors in the room over as she sat at the kitchen table and worked on a last minute Physics review set.
“Hey loser,” she called out as she saw a head of blond hair pass by her to get to the kettle. “Care to join me?”
Draco turned, his mouth open and ready to issue a retort before he appeared to change his mind. He’d been oddly distant lately, avoiding her in the common spaces they often saw each other and choosing to get breakfast and his evening tea at times that he knew she wouldn’t be down in the kitchen for. Perhaps that was the reason why she was sitting at the kitchen table at present, but of course she’d never admit that. Not even to herself.
“Can’t. I’m a bit busy with work.”
“Draco,” she chided. “What work is it? I can help you, you know.”
He paused for a few seconds, taking in the scatter of papers on the table and the nearly complete review sheet. “The Physics review is taking me a bit of time,” he said, his tone forced and resigned.
“Go grab it!” She grinned as his scowl deepened. “If you’re nice I’ll let you copy.”
She lost track of time as they went over his work, his pencil marks filling the page with symbols that were unfamiliar to her.
“Your handwriting is really nice,” she noted. “Like, so nice that I feel like you could really make it as a study youtuber or a study blogger or whatever. You have that potential if you want to tap into it, dude.”
“I have no idea what that is,” he said neatly as he punched an equation into her calculator.
She sat still for a few more moments, watching as her study partner’s chest rose and fell with each breath he took. Sylvia’s Halloween party was just a few days away, and she needed to ask him at some point. Every time she mustered up the courage to open her mouth and hitch her breath, the words would die on her tongue.
The silence weighed heavy in the air as the words of the news anchors floated over…”multiple reports of an armed robbery….suburbs surrounding Cincinnati...cautioned to lock doors...potential link to the missing persons case…”
“Draco,” she said finally. He jolted up from his work to gaze at her. His eyes were probably the prettiest things she’d ever seen--all pale and metallic and silvery. “Uh, I’m going to this Halloween party this Friday. You should come with me, it sounds like it’ll be fun. I think that Heather will be there.”
Y/N mentally groaned at her admission to Heather’s attendance but didn’t know what else to say. She wanted him to come--even if it was so he could spend the whole time being woo-ed over by her.
“Er,” he began, twirling his pencil around his fingers. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Homework, you know.”
“Just finish it before--That’s what I’m doing.”
“I think I’m go--”
The slam of the front door made both of them jump, scattering Y/N’s long forgotten work and threatening to knock Draco’s mug over.
“Hi kids,” Mrs. Y/L/N greeted as she entered the kitchen, an armful of grocery bags in tow. “Studying?”
“Yeah,” Y/N answered. “By the way, Mom, Sylvia invited me over to her house on Friday for a sort of Halloween get together. Can I go?”
Her mother was silent for a few moments as she methodically unpacked the paper bags on the counter.
“I don’t see why not. Is Draco coming too?”
“No,” he replied before Y/N even had the chance to open her mouth.
“I don’t think you should be home alone at night, my dear,” said her mother. “Have you seen the news? There’s someone on the loose. I’d feel much better if you were with Y/N--Robert and I are going to an auction that night. We won’t be around.”
“I’ll be fi--”
“If Y/N is going, you’re going,” Mrs. Y/L/N said as she finished unloading and brushed her hands off on her thighs. Her no nonsense demeanor rarely showed itself, but when it did, she was difficult to argue with.
Y/N shrunk down in her seat as Draco sent her a sour look.
Sorry she mouthed. If he noticed, he didn’t show it.
“Remind me again why we’re walking?”
Draco’s snotty tone carried through the crisp fall air as they neared the street that Sylvia lived on.
“Because,” said Y/N, “Quite frankly, I don’t think I can get through being in an enclosed space with Heather for an entire night without being at least a little buzzed. And I’m not gonna have you drive us home.”
“Hmph.” His dress shoes, odd pointed tips and all, kicked at the fall leaves below them. His costume was literally nothing different than what he wore when he arrived--a crisp white dress shirt, an oddly cut blazer, and a weird looking green and silver pin attached to his lapel.
“If anyone asks,” she had told him from the hallway as they were getting ready to go that afternoon, “Just say you’re a corporate rat or something.”
He’d snorted at her choice of clothing--a completely dark brown set up with a picture of a shoe taped to her chest.
“I’m the shoe that that Iraqi reporter threw at Bush,” she had explained.
He just stared.
“If you aren’t having fun, please just let me know,” Y/N said as they turned one of the last corners. “We can tell her our fish died or something. Sylvia would totally understand.”
“We don’t have a fish.”
“I know, genius,” she teased, giving him a little punch. Instead of balking, he just crinkled his nose. “But she doesn’t.”
“I think she does.”
“You’re missing the point. You’ll tell me if you want to go back home, promise?”
“I want to go home.”
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
He grinned as they waited for Sylvia to open the door.
The next few hours were a bit of a blur. Y/N didn’t drink much at first--maybe the equivalent of 2 or 3 shots, spaced out in between a couple of sips of water--but the energy in Sylvia’s home definitely had her more buzzed than usual. There was something about her home that always felt twice as spooky, a type of underlying energy that pulsed at the seams.
To her surprise, Draco actually took a cup of whatever Sylvia offered him and downed it. She laughed when she saw him finally lower the cup as he furrowed his brow at her.
His features looked softer in the dim lighting of Sylvia’s living room--all the tension that he carried in his shoulders and face seemed to be gone. When he smiled at her, it was all she could do to keep herself from disintegrating into the couch.
As the night wore on, Y/N felt herself getting progressively more tipsy, and, in her haze, she could see that Draco was going down a similar path. He was touchier than she would have expected--hanging onto her elbow or sleeve whenever Sylvia or Y/N said anything funny, not moving his leg when her thigh was pressed against his, stretching his arm out behind her and resting it on the back of the couch--and she found herself wishing she was sober enough for it to feel real. Maybe she was so drunk that she was imagining it all. Maybe she was actually asleep next to her toilet at home after throwing it all up and was just dreaming.
“Fuck!” Someone exclaimed, prompting her to look up. Abby, a girl she kind of knew from her grade, had spilled the entirety of her drink on the coffee table.
“Y/N,” Sylvia whined, “I’m too tired to get the paper towels. Will you and Draco go?”
Despite the half-hearted protests from Draco, she managed to haul him up by his arm as she pushed back the pleasure that Sylvia saw them as a sort of team, a sort of unit.
“I think she keeps the extra paper towels in her pantry,” she told him as they made their way over to the quiet part of the house. The light hanging over the kitchen island was on, but the rest of the room was bathed in darkness.
“Right he--”
Y/N froze as she saw it--or, as she would come to discover, them.
Heather and Chad stared back at them, looking much more disheveled than one is permitted simply sitting on the kitchen counter. It was hard to make it out clearly, but Heather’s cheeks looked flushed. Chad’s matched.
“In a fucking kitchen? Chad, I thought you were better than this,” Y/N said, turning and grabbing the paper towels from the cabinet behind them. “Get a room, you weirdos.”
Chad laughed, a short lived and awkward sound.
Once they were back out in the living room, Y/N tossed the paper towels to Sylvia. “I think we’re gonna head back. We have to walk, you know.”
Sylvia dramatically threw herself back onto the couch. “I suppose. Thanks for coming guys, it was nice to see you outside of class again.”
“Likewise!” Y/N called over her shoulder as she walked out of the door with Draco by her side.
The walk home was silent for the first few moments. Despite the fact that it was late October, the night was pleasantly crisp and not too cold. The only sources of illumination were the scattered street lights, casting a soft orange hue on the two.
As they turn the corner onto the main street, Y/N’s shoe caught on a crack in the pavement in a movement that would’ve sent her sprawling face-first into the cold concrete if it hadn’t been for Draco’s hand grabbing her own and yanking her back up.
“Thanks,” she said. His hands were warmer than usual despite the coolness of the air.
He just sent her a small smile as he untangled their fingers and placed his hand back into his pants pockets.
“Weird to see Chad and Heather, right?” Y/N nudged him with her shoulder. To her surprise, he nudged back.
“I guess. I thought it was obvious, though.”
“What?! No way.”
“Are you blind? Heather’s been all over Chad,” he said.
“Are you? I thought she was obsessed with you!”
“No, definitely not.”
“Are you sure about that?” she asked, turning to look at him. The dim glow of the streetlights made his hair look almost like a halo. “She wouldn’t leave you alone.”
“Dunno.” Draco shrugged. It was then that Y/N remembered how much he’d had that night.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re probably not in the right mindset to be analyzing other people right now,” said Y/N.
His lips twitched upwards. “No, no, it’s ok. I’m fine. I just couldn’t be bothered over the whole ordeal. Entirely uninspiring, I think.”
“You’re such a nerd, even when you’re drunk,” teased Y/N. “It’s honestly a wonder that you spent the first month near failing physics.”
“Sod off.” He nudged her again, hard enough to make her sway. “You’re the one who’s still an insufferable smartass. I figured drinking would make you more tolerable.”
“Don’t be a dick,” she muttered as she shoved him back. “You know you love me.”
He froze in the middle of his retaliatory shove, his hand rested on her forearm.
“Sarcasm, king,” said Y/N. “I don’t mean it. I wouldn’t blame you if I were right, though. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m quite the commodity.”
“Oh, yes, most certainly.” His tone was dripping in faux genuity as he gave her a gentle push.
As he was doing this, Y/N grabbed the offending arm and took him down with her, landing in the soft garden bush in poor Ms. McCoyle’s front yard.
“Gotcha!” she cheered as he frowned from his spot on top of her. It took all her might to ignore the fact that his face was inches away. “It’s just my smart physics brain at work.”
“Your neighbor is gonna kill us.”
“She can try.”
Draco sat up, grabbing her hand and hauling her to her feet. She took the opportunity to hang onto the sleeve of his coat as a sneaking suspicion overtook her that things wouldn’t be like this again without the clever excuse of intoxication.
“What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
Y/N let go of his sleeve to look up at his face in confusion. She followed his eyes, suddenly hardened with an emotion she couldn’t quite place, to their house at the end of the street.
“You shut the door behind us, right?” Draco asked.
“And locked it.”
Their front door, hanging wide open and swinging in the breeze, told a different story.
Sobering up was easy once the police sirens showed up and searched their house. Y/N could tell the responding sheriff knew they’d been drinking, but since they weren’t driving and were speaking clearly, he didn’t mention anything.
“We’ve searched the house,” he told them as they sat together outside on the curb. “It looks like it fits the profile of the other armed burglaries in the area, but nothing was taken this time. The bedroom that looks out into the garden is completely trashed--it seems like the suspect was looking through your things for something. The bedroom across the hall was displaced a bit, but nothing compared to the first.” He took another look at his notes, adjusting the thick rimmed glasses that were perched on his nose. “You kids are lucky. Whoever this is means business. There’s unfortunately not much we can do except set up a patrol to watch over the street for now. Please give us a call if you see anything or hear anything.”
They nodded. Y/N had placed a call to their parents while they waited a safe distance from the home for the police to arrive. She’d been shaking as she pressed their number into her phone, and Draco, to his credit, rested his hand on her thigh.
“We’ll be fine,” he’d said before retracting it. “Don’t worry.”
Draco seemed considerably calm for someone experiencing a home break in in a foreign country as they made their way into the house. The first responders had left the lights on, and the wash of LED bulbs did nothing to hide the disturbance of her bedroom. Everything of hers was thrown into the middle of the room from her drawers, closet, and dresser. Her laptop, open and plugged in, was left completely untouched.
“Draco,” she said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Depends, what is it?”
Y/N noted that he was getting considerably paler as they stood in her doorway. “I don’t think I can sleep here. Knowing what happened. Especially when it’s still a disaster.”
His features looked hardened again, like he’d gone through a filter of seriousness. She decided that this was probably her last chance to ask for any act of intimacy before the effects of alcohol dissipated in his system. “And I don’t want to sleep alone.”
“Er...Oh.” He stared at her. “What?”
“I know that this is really awkward, but can I, like, sleep on your floor or something? Just for tonight.” When she swallowed her throat felt painfully dry. “I don’t snore or anything. It’ll be like I’m not even there.”
Draco sucked in a long breath, casting his eyes up to the ceiling. Y/N wished she knew what he was thinking about. “Yeah. That’s fine.”
“Thank you thank you thank you,” she sang, darting into her room to grab a blanket and a pillow as he watched wordlessly by the doorframe.
The walk to his room was dead silent except for their sounds of shock when they saw the broken glass in the middle of the floor.
“I think that was from the picture frame,” Y/N said as she carefully walked into the middle of the room. Sure enough, a framed photo of her and their late dog that had been left on the wall was face down on the carpet.
“Is this when you ask me to sleep in my bed, too?” quipped Draco as he sidestepped the wreckage and sat on the opposite side of the queen mattress.
“Um...we can make a pillow barrier so we don’t touch.”
He rolled his eyes and tossed his blazer over his chair as he took off his shoes and buttonup, leaving nothing but his undershirt and dress pants. “I’m going to get changed. If you’re asleep before I get back, this is me saying goodnight.”
With that, he grabbed something from his dresser and walked into his bathroom, Y/N ripped off the picture of the shoe and placed her phone on the bedside table. Before she knew it, she was completely passed out.
It was barely dawn when she next woke up. Her head was heavy--no doubt the beginnings of a hangover--but she’d never felt more electrified.
A small huff prompted her to look to her left where Draco was just a few movements away from her. He was very clearly still sleeping, each breath leaving his lips with a whisper. His hand, draped over the covers, was millimeters away from touching her. The pink of the sunrise made his hair, now ruffled and sticking up in the side, glitter in the light. She resisted the urge to reach out and brush it away from his face.
Y/N lay there, admiring the boy sleeping next to her, until the urgency of her situation struck her. She was absolutely parched, and if she wanted to mitigate the damage she’d already done, it was in her best interest to drink a glass of water and take 4 Ibuprofen.
With a sigh, she quietly slid out from under Draco’s covers and made her way to her room, careful to avoid the glass scattered all about. She knew she had a packet of Ibuprofen somewhere in one of her dresser drawers.
The pile in her room was bigger than she remembered. She began by just throwing her clothes that had been on the ground onto her bed, sorting through everything in rough categories. When this proved unhelpful, she turned to the mini pile by her door which, to her surprise, had a few sweatshirts that definitely weren’t hers.
Draco she thought absentmindedly as she combed through the pile. Aha. A small green pouch, just like the one she kept her over the counter medications in.
Her hands struggled to undo the tie--Did she normally knot it like that?--as she admired the lining. She never noticed that the edges had silver thread stitched in.
Once she finally opened it up, she grabbed her water bottle and prepared to be faced with a variety of pill bottles as she tipped it over; however, what came out was very different.
A collection of letters. Namely, Draco’s. She knew it was wrong, but he was sleeping, and every letter looked official, stamped with a seal and etched with some sort of crest. They couldn’t have been that personal.
After a bit of bargaining, she decided to open one. If it was personal, she made the deal with herself to put it away and never speak of it again.
The parchment was heavy and clearly expensive. Her hands were shaking as she unfolded the first one, feeling guilty the whole way.
Foreign words flooded her vision. It wasn’t like the letter was written in a foreign language--but there were so many terms she didn’t understand.
Death eater...Voldemort...Crimes against the ministry...Conspiracy against Dumbledore...Hogwarts-sanctioned punishment...
She read on until a word popped out that made sense--Magic. And there it was again--Magic. Wizard. Magic.
Swallowing hard, she shoved the letter back into the envelope and opened one more. This one was much more coherent.
“Dear Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy:
It has been made apparent to us that, while serving the punishment of your accused crimes, you have unlawfully used magic (namely, a Glamour spell) in front of a muggle. Consider this to be your first strong warning. One more slip up and the Ministry will be forced to reconsider your dropped sentence of Azkaban.
Sincerely and warmly,
The Ministry of Magic -- Justice Sector”
What. What the fuck. What the fuck.
Her racing mind was put to a screeching halt at the sound of someone clearing their throat behind her.
#draco x reader#draco malfoy x reader#draco imagine#draco malfoy imagine#draco x oc#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy#draco lucius malfoy
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So, the White Trash Family Drama Saga continues.
I’m assuming people kinda remember me talking about Cousin’s Husband being from Germany and being a literal n*zi, and also that Cousin’s Son was buying a house and eventually taking his 2 cats with him.
I’m glad HE’S leaving but I really love those fucking cats. But... they are HIS cats so that’s fine, I guess. He’s an asshole to me, but he’s good to his cats, if he can bother to get off his ass and clean a litter box or fill a food bowl for once in his worthless life.
Anyway, about a month ago we had to get the septic tank pumped, AGAIN. Covid shortages on TP meant we couldn’t get the septic friendly stuff since it just... wasn’t available, and cousin’s son eats nothing but chicken nuggets and frozen pizza and takes half a roll of toilet paper each time he takes a colossal shit once every 3 days like a sloth. The guys who came to pump the septic (a $600 fee we’ve paid 3 times in just the 7 years we’ve been here, just to put a frame of reference on how much these people cost my family!) recognized the cross on cousin’s husband’s truck as being n*zi iconography and a fucking dog whistle and commented on it.
Mom was HUMILIATED. She tried to play it off, saying she didn’t approve, that it was my cousin, I just apologized because like... DUDE’S RIGHT TO BE SUS. Even if she doesn’t agree, she lets this fucker live here and wear his hateful shit on his sleeve and roll around in his truck with it to make people feel unsafe. I’ve wanted him gone for like 8 years now, but it’s not my name on his immigrant sponsorship or the house, so that’s kinda on my mom to decide when enough is enough. We’ve been noticing unmarked vans coming up to our house and just sitting there since January (starting around, oh, say, January 6th...), probably feds keeping an eye on our literal n*zi, but apparently my mom thinks getting shade from the septic guy is the final straw.
She had a talk with my cousin about everything a couple of weeks ago, mentioned she knew about the n*zi shit, and how she noticed how she, cousin’s husband, and cousin’s son have all been avoiding her. Cousin swears up and down that her husband isn’t a n*zi, she didn’t know what the flag and the cross meant, he’s just a German nationalist who believes in a Jewish illuminati conspiracy....so.... y’know... COMPLETELY different from a fucking n*zi despite looking and quacking and goose stepping like one... sure.
She said she wanted the car painted over and all other symbols from the truck and the car port and all their other shit flying around in HER house on HER property removed. Whatever they kept in their trailer was their business, but she wasn’t gonna tolerate that shit anymore.
This is getting long, I will post about Cousin’s Son and his house and uh, basically her kicking him out in another post, because.... it all escalated pretty quickly these last couple weeks.
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ok on the special.... I’ve only seen it once and some bits cut out from bad connection, so I might have more to say tomorrow when I've rewatched and been able to pay closer attention. But here is my jumble of thoughts so far (under cut for spoilers):
okay.......... the ending fucked me up so badly that its hard for me to focus on anything else jsjdsjdjsd.... so i’ll talk about that first 😭
my main issue is that I don’t really understand why they broke them up at the end despite everything, especially after it seemed they had reunited??? like when they finally got the vaccines to the teachers and Cartman had that line about how “their broship could survive anything”.... it felt so much like that was the resolution and they were back together. But then the final scene came out nowhere anyway, why?? 😭 it makes no sense to resolve something then unresolve it at the last second?
I don’t think they will stay split up though... I’m sure it will get fixed eventually. It’s too sad, and also wouldn’t make sense for the show in general to keep them apart??? My first guess is that the next season (hopefully a season and not another special) will be beginning the process to get them back together. I think one possibility might be that as soon as they start going off with different friend groups they will realise it’s not the same and that they miss each other too much....... or another possibility might be Kenny intervening? Because even though they were trying to do everything for whats best for him, they never actually consulted him about any of it?? Plus even though they were putting him in the role of their child for the sake of the joke, he is actually the most emotionally mature of the boys. So I wonder...
That said though the stylennyman content is still making me scream, Cartman bringing his boyfriends to couples therapy.......... and (even if they got “divorced” by the end ;_; ) the way it was framed as if Stan/Kyle/Cartman were married is gonna be making me crazy for weeks jsdsjdjsdjsjdjs, all of Cartman’s dad/husband behaviour with the custody schedules PLEASE lmao.....
And the kenman at the beginning with them being little shits together jsdnsdsdjsd I love them so much aaaaaah.... I need to add that scene to my compilation video of kenman laughing super hard at each other’s jokes while everyone else is like 😐 lmaooo
Ok I have been complaining a lot, but OVERALL I thought it was actually really good and I loved it actually. The very last scene like obliterated my heart, but everything before that was so good, and we got SO MUCH good main 4 content fucking finally 🥺 I’m so happy to see them joining forces again and being adventurous. And we even got more Kenny screentime too!!
The jokes were legit funny and I think it made me laugh more and was just generally better written and just overall better than SP has been in a while. I’m relieved they didn’t depict qanon as being sympathetic in any way (since I made some posts before worried abt that lmao... and I forgive Butters for being part of it bc all he wanted was be out of his house/away from his dad and didn't care what they believed as long as he could escape, so it didn’t mean anything jsjdsmdsdsd) I’m also glad we have confirmation that Cartman would never believe in like the alt right or any of that garbage, so please no more depicting him as any kind of n*zi in fics ever again thanks 🙏
The scene with the 4th wall break and all of the animation stuff was really good too, it was wild omg.... also all of the little cameos and stuff at the end, I’m weirdly so happy to see background visitors again omg!!! It reminds me of old school SP 🥺 I did straight up think Stuart and Kanye were gonna make out for a second though LMAO
UHHHHH a few other things:
There were some scenes from the trailer that didnt appear in the special??? Cartman threatening Stephen and him giving that speech in the boy’s bathroom..... I wonder what happened to those, cut for time maybe? Give me the buttman content 😭 they better release that as a deleted scene 😤
Garrison..... IDK........ I know some people are happy to see him back but I hate him so I’m kind of 🥴 about it, though he was more tolerable in this ep than normal so maybe he’ll be ok in the future lmfao.
And finally...................................... NO RANDY!! 🎉 We did it guys. I’m actually kind of surprised they didn’t try to resolve any of his storylines that were left open or anything lmao, but I also don’t care about him at all so god bless.... we finally got a break 😔🙏
#x#sp spoilers#south park spoilers#THIS POST IS SO LONG SJDJSDJSDS IM SORRY............#im having a lot of emotions so i'm gonna just use this blog to vent LMAO
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Yeah but people really should use SS to refer to TSS because of n*zis and it's hard to differentiate
Anon, I just want to say, this rant is nowhere near directed at you, and I know what you’re trying to do and I appreciate you spreading awareness, but these asks have found me in a really bad mood so if you need a reason to push me off the pedestal this fandom has put me on, I’ll give you several reasons.
1) I don’t tell remrom shippers to go fuck themselves. I know why people do, but I don’t. In all honesty, I find it deplorable how this fandom jumped all over the ship before I actually saw support of it. I don’t ship it. I will never ship it. But I also let people ship whatever they want because I’m not their mom, and I’m not going to tell them how to live their life. Plus, they’re all literally the same person. They’re all Thomas. It’s all selfcest. There is no “unproblematic” ship here, we just choose to see it through a certain lense.
2) I don’t tell people not to abbreviate Sanders Sides as SS. I know why people do, but I don’t. Social Security is shortened to SS. Steamships are named SS. Space shuttles use SS. Hell, some people’s initials are SS, like Samantha Smith or Steven Spielberg. I get why people don’t use it. I get why it makes them uncomfortable. But I also am not going to tell people not to use it.
3) I don’t tell people they’re portraying the sides wrong. If they wanna look at canon Patton and say “unsympathetic” whatever. They wanna point at Janus and say “unsympathetic” whatever. They’re not talking about me, no matter how much I relate to the character, so why should I bother them? Now if they come at me and try to defend their unsympathetic sides opinion on my Patton or Janus positivity post, I’m gonna dish them a whole can of block, but if they’re off doing their own thing, live and let live.
4) I actually hate that I can’t discuss this show with my friends without some activist coming into my inbox on anon and telling me what to do.
5) I realize there’s a lot of eyes on me. I realize that a lot of people are looking at the way I present myself and I influence the way people think and stuff. But, I’m a person. A human person. A person they only know 5% about. I’m a stranger on the internet, not some moral spearhead figure people should 100% listen to. I make mistakes. I say stupid things. I’m not always going to fix everything someone doesn’t like about me and I’m not your martyr. Get someone else.
6) I’m tired of being nice just so people don’t hate me. I’m logging off.
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tw; n*zi mention and stuff. if you don’t like it, don’t read???
Let’s talk about Rockfort and Steve. Looking back on a few consistent files and timeline of the game, it could have been about a year’s worth of time which would have had Steve taken from his home by Umbrella when he was about sixteen. He would have served his days out in the detention center with other inmates as well. That’s a long fucking time for someone underage to be serving with a bunch of possibly dangerous male-only criminals. I use the term ‘criminals’ actually lightly, due to the nature of Steve’s imprisonment. He was simply in the wrong place, the wrong time, and was involved. He knew too much.
It’s any wonder why he was allowed to keep his hair while the other prisoners were shaved down. Maybe it’s because of his age they found some modicum of mercy.
More deliberation forces me to think that Alfred, in his SENSITIVE STATE of mind, might have had more torturous plans in store for someone with vigor and youth. Naturally, the anatomist could have some sphere of influence too - as a ‘man’ of science and distinguished taste (ie; torture). There could have been differentiated experiments forced on a person Steve’s age, or there could have been a form of conditioning involved that resulted in different turnabouts.
The actual implications that Steve got off easy compared to the rest of the prisoners sits with the proof that he retains his hair, while the other zombie inmates you see have their heads shaved. Most look malnourished. They all bear the same uniforms while Steve manages to cloth himself with mildly different materials. Vest, a nice cotton shirt, camo pants and combat boots. Its also possible he managed to snag these during his escape, but it seems highly unlikely.
Sidenote, he wears these... which are essentially bondage cuffs? These aren’t found on any other inmate in the game, zombie or not. Both versions (DSC and CV). It seems to be capable of binding one’s arms behind their back.
The little differences didn’t leave Steve without some wear and tear of his own. Burnside was still tagged with both a numerical collar and a ‘branding’ of a barcode by the facility’s militia -- (or in the worst case scenario, Alfred himself). Much like N*zi concentration camps, this is a form of perma identification. ( NOTE: DSC is the only version of Steve with a branding. But both have the same collar and issued vest with the tagged uniform. )
[ please defer to myrmecitis’ post found here for a better overview of rockfort and viral analysis ]
Moving along ... one of the interesting files that you find in the barracks is from a prisoner that mentions another cellmate called “Bob”. Suspicions point to it having belonged to Steve Burnside. Code Veronica doesn’t give a huge amount of insight on where he’s placed beforehand, alas, it seems DSC does a better job at this despite removing other key components of the lore.
You find out that room with the security computer and tables with a separate bunk-bed room is where Steve was kept and escaped essentially right after the explosion happened on the island.
However, in the original game there is no computer, and where it was in DSC, there is a second level where another set of tables magazines, an old tv, and some uneaten food sit. Interestingly enough, you also find a small kitchenette area where Claire states that the soup is still warm; indicative that the outbreak must have rapidly infected those still within the detention center.
The Prisoner's Diary is found in the prison building bedroom on the left-hand side bunk bed from the door.
May 13th This room stinks of death. Based upon the information I've found, I believe that I'm far south of the equator. Lucky for me that Bob in the bunk below me, is one of those interesting types of guys...
May 16th Today Bob told some crazy story of why he was put this place with me. Bob said that he used to be an attendant to the head of this place. This "boss" named Alfred supposedly placed him in here because of a tiny little mistake.
What does that mean? What's going to happen to me?
May 20th Without warning, a group of military men took Bob to the building behind the guillotine stand. At midnight, I'll sneak out of here to see him.
I've been hearing that anyone taken to that building never comes back. On top of that,there are these REALLY large plastic bags constantly being removed from that place. I'd better pray for Bob...
May 21st I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone there. What is going on in there?! All I could hear was some insanely creepy laughter and the sound of Bob screaming! I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about it...
Is that going to happen to me?! I can't let it... I just can't...
May 27th Since my last entry, all of my fellow inmates have been taken to that building! I know that I am next... It's obvious that we were all here to be used as Alfred's guinea pigs. There's no way out! What am I going to do?!...
It makes a little more sense on how and why Steve is able to shoot a gun, knows how to fly a goddamn plane, and understand military coordinates to find the basic location of their island versus Australia, where they eventually aim to hit in the escape measure at the ripe age of seventeen.
He had help from good ol’ Bob and probably some of the other inmates. Rockfort was both a military training facility and later a camp that held Umbrella’s transgressors captive. It wouldn’t be a shot in the dark how many knew about planes, guns, and the like. A gear-head isn’t hard to find in those ranks.
Striked out above was what I initially believed -- but if you’re a person who thinks that some portions of the written novels are canon, you’re like me. Let’s be real then. According to Steve, he’s been in the cockpit several times of private planes. It’s also stated by Steve that his father was a private truck driver that distributed/brought Umbrella’s products to their labs. For the longest time I believed he was a techy and was datamining information, but this works too.
But ari-- how the hell did Steve manage to be avoid infection with the air-borne T-virus strain? Yet again, I tell you to reach out to myrmecitis’s post regarding the virus. But the best explanation that sits in the lore is that Steve had a natural immunity, as do the STARS members. Certain chemical and DNA reactions issue different results and it’s possible that Steve was immune to that particular strain. Herd immunity or the game of chance.
However, we know for a fact that directly implementing a higher potent virus such as T-alexia in an injection results in something far different for our unfortunate Steve. I’ve got more brewing but that’s for another time.
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