#but the character design won out and I wanted to mess with
pencilofawesomeness · 2 years
Hello!! I think the action thing is quite cool and your art is really beautiful. If you feel inspired for it could I suggest letter C or I with Freed (maybe in the demon form, or maybe not)? 🤗
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This was my first time drawing Demon-Freed and I had way too much fun messing with the design.
(Action Pose Challenge)
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snowstained · 2 months
one piece characters after a fight (it was their fault)
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includes: fighting, shitty apologies (that get corrected), sanji groveling, gn reader, me being too lazy to proof read
characters: zoro, sanji, crocodile, buggy
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won’t actually apologize at first. he knows when he fucks up, but he refuses to admit it because of his ego. you’ll walk into your room to find your favorite snack, a new clothing item, shoes, etc. on your bed as his “apology”. unfortunately, a gift is not an “i’m sorry” and you don’t care about shattering his ego temporarily.
you walked into your room and sat on the bed was a soft, high quality sweater with a cute design that was basically made for you. it so happened that you and zoro got into a pretty big fight last night. you were training together and zoro took your weight from you, took off a couple rings, and handed it back, “you’re way too weak for that much, taking more than you can handle is just gonna result in failure”. ohhhh he had done it. you immediately got offended and blew up at him, going at it for a solid half hour until you just gave up. you marched over to zoro, shoved the sweater into his hands, and demanded an apology. “say sorry, i won’t forgive you, much less accept the gift, until you say you’re sorry” you said, crossing your arms. “i didn’t do nothin’ wrong” he mumbled in response. you shook your head and walked away, deciding he had earned himself the silent treatment. “wait! wait, wait, okay hold on,” he said, and you paused. “okay, well, that was shitty of me and…” he huffed a little, “i’m sorry for calling you weak, i just wanted to look out for you, that was really rude of me. i’m sorry.” turning back around, you smiled, knowing you had finally won and beat the ego barrier. “apology accepted” you took the sweater back and gave him a kiss, and he looked so, so much less cocky now.
you and sanji don’t fight often, and when you do he is groveling at your feet BEGGING for forgiveness. he’ll cry and moan, offering gifts and services as a peace offering. it’s always a little fun to mess with when he really fucks up though. it also really does not take long for him to apologize, he hates making you upset.
while out shopping for groceries with sanji to restock, you decided to go to the fruit stand right outside the deli sanji stopped at. there were some new fruits you had never tried in the mix, and you were sampling some of them. dragonfruit, rose apples, rambutans, they were so good! while sampling a lychee and thinking of a dessert you could make with it, you overheard your boyfriend talking to someone. you turned around to see him hitting on someone entering the deli on his way out, heart eyes and all. “i’m sorry, could you hold my order for a few minutes?” you asked, glaring in sanji’s direction, “i need to take care of something, i’ll be back in an hour or less” you stomped over to sanji, the fruit stand owner having a ‘yeah he’s fucked’ look on their face. you grabbed your boyfriend by the shoulders and spun him around, “sanji, my dearest. what the actual fuck is wrong with you?! flirting with someone else, especially when i’m only 20 feet away from you? have you no shame? no class? the audacity is amazing me.” sanji managed to stutter out a few “uh, i uh, uhm”s but failed. you dragged him back to the ship, threw him in the kitchen, and went back to grab your fruit and everything else on your shopping list alone. sanji was not getting let off easy today. when you came back, sanji was sitting in a corner of the kitchen crying. seeing you, he immediately ran to you, kneeling at your feet. “i’m sorry! that was mean, and stupid, and cruel, and gross, and dumb, and pervy, i’m sorry! i don’t deserve to be your boyfriend, i’m a no good dirty cook! please forgive me” he begged. you could tell he was truly sorry, but this was a little funny, and you were still mad. “no, not forgiven. your actions speak louder than your words, sanji. why should i forgive you?” you asked. sanji just sobbed more, “i’m so sorry! i love you so much, nobody is better than you! you’re the most stunning, most beautiful, most sexy, more gorgeous, most cute person in the world! i’ll do and get you anything you want, anything!” nah, you liked this too much. “hmm… keep begging, this is fun.” you said. that went on for a longgg time before you forgave him… and gave zoro some bullying material.
he’s aware of when he does something wrong and makes it a quick apology with a LAVISH gift. on the few times he really made you angry/upset, he took you on a vacation or made an insane purchase for you.
crocodile had been gone for months, eleven to be exact. normally you’d still have regular communication via transponder snail, but he hadn’t called you or picked up your calls in almost two months. you grew so sad and lonely, having only house staff to talk to. you hadn’t gone out at all either, just staying at home passing time by reading or doing art. it had been officially eleven months and sixteen days since he had been gone when you were having tea with one of the guards and discussing your latest read. you both had started reading books at the same time like a mini book club to keep you occupied. then, your husband barged into the room. “sweetheart, i’m so happy to see you. missed you, c’mere and give me a hug” he said. you just froze up and the tears came without warning. all you could do was break down in your seat, teacup dropping from your hand onto the saucer, spilling onto the table. the guard immediately began to clean up the spill while crocodile just stared at you, shocked and just confused. “hey, hey, i’m sorry. i thought i’d be home sooner, or have time to visit. baby, please, i-“ he stopped, placing a hand on your shoulder and rubbing circles as you sobbed. you were sad, angry, and happy all at the same time. you were upset, but grateful to see him. “i thought- i thought you died! you didn’t call or- or write to me and…” you continued to break down. crocodile picked you up, making sure to pause to know if you’d be upset or not if he did, and carried you to your shared bedroom. the whole time he gave apologies and comfort to you. after sitting you down and letting you cry into his chest for a bit, he had you stay seated and re dressed you into your favorite comfy clothes. he laid down beside you, and you laid on his chest sniffling while he pet your hair. after a bit of silence, he spoke again “i’m sorry, my sweet angel. i didn’t mean to scare you so bad, i got really busy, i should’ve made better time for you. i should’ve made you more of a priority like i normally do. do you forgive me?” he asked. you nodded your head as a yes, and he kissed it. the rest of the day you spent with him, cuddling and reading together. the next day, you woke up to one of the most thoughtful gifts he’s ever given. “i know you have the bananawani, but they’re not really great for cuddling or playing as adults. i thought you could use a companion for the times i can’t take you with, and for the times i can. here, they’re yours, name them” he said to you as you woke up to two sweet little kittens purring in your lap. “and i packed a bag for you and the kittens, we’re going on a vacation. i think we needed a second vacation home.”
he’s so weird with apologies. he’ll refuse to say sorry and pout like a child, but the second you take away boyfriend privileges he’s crying.
you and buggy fought semi often, but it was never bad. mostly you scolding him or saying i told you so. this was one of those rare moments where buggy actually made you angry instead of mildly irritated. buggy is a clown, a silly guy! a silly guy who likes pranks, and takes them too far sometimes. buggy thought it would be hilarious to use his chop chop fruit powers to trick you into thinking he actually got seriously injured in a fight. he came on deck limping, two crewman acting as crutches. one of his legs past the knee was missing, and it was dripping with blood. “holy shit! buggy! what happened?!” you screamed, rushing over to help. he acted like he was out of it and in pain, only mumbling replies that didn’t even make sense. you got him laid down, made a tourniquet out of his bandana, and began to wipe up the blood with a cloth you snagged. and slowly, you realized he was fucking with you. you dropped the rag and stood up, “okay, no, what the fuck is wrong with you?” you asked before storming away. “it was just a joke! it was funny!” he yelled. you avoided him for the rest of the day, and he knew he had really done it this time, but like hell he was admitting it. when it was time for bed, you were cozied up and watching a storm through your window. buggy entered the room, sitting down beside you and getting ready to cuddle up next to you, until you stopped him. “absolutely not, get out. you can figure out somewhere else to sleep tonight.” you said. buggy gave you a ‘huh?’ look. “haha, you’re funny. do you want me to put on some music? i got a new-“ you cut him off, “i’m serious, buggy. out, now.” his cheery expression dropped into an agitated one. “it was just a prank, calm down! it’s not my fault that you can’t take a joke!” he exclaimed. “i said out” you said, pointing to the door. he stopped, looking defeated. he began to walk over to the door, until he turned around all teary eyed and sad. “i’m sorry! please forgive me, really, i’m really sorry! i’ll never do it again, i swear!” he begged. after a little more, you gave in and fell asleep listening to the storm in his arms. and his snoring.
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harveyguillensource · 10 months
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Harvey's full feature and photoshoot with Robert Ascroft for IRK Magazine has been published, including a fantastic interview ranging from fashion to Shadows to 'letting in' and wishes come true. Some excerpts below:
On Letting In and identity as a home:
Remember that there's no ticking time bomb. Especially with what's been happening lately where a lot of actors who are portraying certain characters and their sexuality might be questioned, and they are outed, or they are forced to come out before, um, they are comfortable doing so. Everyone's sexuality, actors, everyone included, is their business. It's no one's business. It's their business. For people to want to know or to negate us, why don't you tell us? Why are you not telling us? Why are you hiding it? Why can't you just tell us? Tell us right now.
Forcing someone to come out... And I hate that term, too, COMING OUT. Because we know what we are, it's not the first thing they woke up that day and realized, oh, my gosh, I'm gonna tell everyone today. Everyone who knows that they are gay or that they are queer has been thinking about it. Believe me, it has been on their mind. They have thought about it. They have talked about it to themselves in the mirror. It is not new to them. And so for the idea for someone to come out is always kind of, kind of, uh, a little upsetting to me. I don't think it should be coming out. It should be called LETTING YOU IN. Because I already know who I am at that point when I share this information. They already know who they are when they share this information with you. Coming out is never really for the person. It's for the people who are surrounding them. Coming out is always for the person who wants to know. [...]
Coming out is always for the parent who is questioning you and just wants to have peace of mind. Coming out was for you to feel that you are still loved in this phase of your life or this new revelation. And it should not be called coming out. It should be called letting you in. And what you do with that information is up to the par- eh, the person who just discovered. That they let you in, and what you do once... It's like welcoming someone to someone's home: please don't destroy my home. I opened the door, and I stepped right, and you stepped right in. And it's up to the person who's my guest to either wipe their shoes, be cautious of the frames, or be careful of the furniture. Please don't, you know, jump around and destroy the home I had made. It's usually... What happens is you may let people into your homes that they trusted, and it turns out these people have no respect for your home, and they make a mess out of it.
[...] I knew that I was different and that people knew I was different. But also, as a child, that makes you go back in. It goes back into your home, closing that door and looking out the window. Cautiously, I look through the curtain, ensuring no one notices the vibrant colors inside. And no one's seeing that you put up wallpaper and that you're considering changing the tapestry, but always looking out the window. Cautiously looking out the window, ensuring no one's ever too close to the door. Eventually, you get comfortable enough to open that door and let people in.
On the evolution of Guillermo's fashion:
I do fall into the character when I am dressed for the part of Guillermo. Our fantastic costume designer, Laura Montgomery, who won the Emmy for our show's costume design, is incredible at her job. We sit down and talk about the season's arc and where we want this character to go. Guillermo wears these 1980s oversized sweaters that you can find at a thrift store. But the character is obviously more layered than that. The detail in the costume is so specific. Have you noticed his outfits from season one, where his collared shirt is buttoned up to the top, and then he puts a sweater over, and it's a long sleeve? [...]
He started off not showing any skin. Dressed a little bit frumpy and a little bit oversized on him. He wears khaki pants or brown pants and comfortable shoes. He does his hair to a specific look that he's trying to emulate because he thinks that's what a person of his position should look like. It's always what he thinks people expect from him. And it's not until he finds his own inner self of who he really is, so the essence of who Guillermo is, where he finds out that Van Helsing blood runs through his veins, that he starts getting a little comfortable in his skin, and we start seeing a little more of a fitted look. We see him with the fitted blue vest when he finds that out. He wears a thin, pinstriped white shirt that he unbuttons the top, so the collars are a little looser. He rolls up the sleeves, but he wears some brown gloves for grip to get those wooden stakes quickly.
So all those things are thought out, even the tucking in of the green cargo pants into his boots to make it easier and not to get tangled in anything in a quick escape. That trench coat that flares out so beautifully, we talked to Laura about that, that he needs to feel that he could easily take several weapons out of there without anyone questioning it because you never see it. The coat flares out with an excellent movement to it. You'll see it in the "The Night Market" episode where he fights other familiars. His coat is beautifully flared out, making him such a badass. Then, when he finally takes that off, he's a badass himself. That look was more fitted to my body, making the character look more fit and in shape. In some ways, whatever size you are, fitted clothes always look better on everyone. [...]
In season four, we see Guillermo be the best man to Nandor and help him choose wives that come back to life as the right wife for him to marry and stick to her. And after doing that and being the best man at his wedding, he wears a different outfit than we usually see him. He wears, like, this cream turtleneck with a moss green tailored suit, uh, that's really nice and compliments my skin tone. And that was Laura and I talking and looking at sketches and the materials and what's soft on Guillermo and what would be another, wink of wow, he has a little bit of fashion sense there. It's just that he's never felt comfortable in his own skin.
Sometimes, I think people are too scared and timid to risk wearing something that they might say, "I liked wearing that." But they don't take the risk, and so they're like, "Nah, that's fine. I'll just stick to the norm everyone knows me to wear." It's great for people to experiment with fashion.
On fashion, accessibility, and taking risks:
[...] I mean, for so long, you know, people always ask me, "Who's your stylist?" Or "Who dresses you?" For the longest time, for a majority of events and stuff, I dress myself. Uh, because for a long time, nobody wanted to, or not that they didn't want to. I feel they didn't know where to start to dress a person of size. Designers carry sample sizes.
For people of size, it's easy to feel that fashion is not for them, but that's not true, fashion is for everyone. It should be made and accessible to everyone. Especially when you look at the body and shape and sizes of most people worldwide, specifically in America, it makes sense to be represented in Fashion Week. And when it's not, it's a little upsetting because it's like they're no different than someone who is a size zero, size four, size... It doesn't matter. They're the same. You know, the same money. The same person who likes fashion could be of any size. [...]
I don't think anyone's gonna be on their deathbed saying, "You know what I wish? I wish I would have taken less risk in this life." Said no one ever. You know (laughs)?
I'd instead look back and say, "Oh, my gosh. Do you believe I wore that?" You know what? Yeah, I do. Sometimes, we're amazed at the things that have happened in fashion. It becomes part of history. And so when you look at stuff, it's not the embarrassment of a fashion faux pas that maybe you have done. But for the most part, you were in a time, and it was captured. That is everything down from your hair to your shoes, outfit, or even makeup if you're wearing makeup. It was like a time capsule, and it was captured in that moment. And so if you don't take a risk, you're not living in the moment. You're trying to fit into a time that has already passed or is already lived by someone else. So why not live in the moment so it's captured as a capsule for yourself and a moment in time.
On channeling his success into charity:
[...] In high school, I was looking for all these grants and scholarships for low-income Latino students in the arts and whatnot. I've been creating something where we can be of help to lower-income communities with kids who have an interest in the arts. Because that's the first thing we know: when budgets get cut in schools, especially in public schools, the first thing that gets cut is the art (not sports) but the arts. These kids have no other outlets. So there needs to be an outlet then how is there a possibility for a career or a life in the entertainment industry. Even if it's, you know, the first-ever scholarship, or like the Harvey Guillén-like scholarship, for young up-and-coming artists. Something that would help because I know that going through college was such a burden of thinking, "I don't have a trust fund.
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smallidarityfan · 2 months
this is my first ever ask hi I just wanted to say.. u shared that adorable teleporting clip of scar and pearl & Ive been thinking about them ever since!!!!....... & I know this is a smallidarity account but you've infected me so if you have any more scearl thoughts in that large brain of yours. me personally. I am all ears ^__^ ^___^ ^____^
JAHSHS HI im very honoured to claim your first ask and also sorry for replying to this after months 😭 tbh I just wanted an excuse to show this art I made of them like 2 years ago that i recoloured recently
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anyways thoughts:
I watched both their POVs since the start of Season 8 to season 9 and loved their vibe of messy, ambitious architect x bright and passionate artist and caretaker?
( character rant ahead )
In Season 9 to me, Scar is this stressed out architect trying to envision his ambitious dream for his theme park within the limited timeframe of the season. He struggles taking care of himself staying up for projects and inevitably leaves messes around the place (chest monsters and lack of proper base lighting)
Even before the sudden light into his world, Scar already admired Pearl's work as an artist— frequently going to her base just to admire what she's done— and now this amazing artist was here at his theme park working as his designated cleaning lady, as someone who doesn't mind the crummy pay of 64 diamonds per week he was only able to offer...
And then Pearl comes around and decides to offer her cleaning lady services to lift his stresses yk? She offers to help him organize his chests, to clean up the area, and to teach him how to take care of himself again. Scar was appalled by that care since nobody really took that time for him, yet slowly melts into it yk?
Haven't even gotten into the life series aspect of their relationship GOSHHHH with the whole sunflower thing AGHDGGDHSD
In Double Life, there should be something said about how Scar was able to understand Pearl's loneliness after Scar's Magical Mountain in Last Life... and especially how they both loved their soulmates in Last Life/3rd Life before they abandoned them in the series about soulmates.....
And then Secret Life.... Secret task: Be Pearl's Wingman.............. "What's going on here Sunflower?"................ "If there's one thing I learnt, Pearl, is that no alliance is ever sacred." "*chuckle* Y'know what Scar, you're growing on me."............... Scar having to choose a side between Scott or Pearl and decided to side with Pearl..................... She's dead Scar, you won..............
In my head, nearing the end of Secret Life is when they both already internalized their feelings but of course so close yet so far due to their own griefs (Pearl specifically with the Mounders and her failure of sacrificing herself for them. AND MAKES IT UP BY OFFERING HERSELF TO SCAR........) to ever pronounce it to each other and now Life!Series Scar lives with that grief within him forever CANONICALLY....... BECAUSE HE ISN'T DEAD........ STILL IN THAT FREAKING SUNFLOWER FIELD........................ GAHHHHHH
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efangamez · 3 months
Ya know, none of my games have ever won an award. Probably never will, with how much I don't like social media and my social anxiety.
But you know what? It doesn't need to.
My friend group has been playing various campaigns of Neon Nights for nearly 3 years now, and they also play the game with their own friend groups too.
I have made memories I'll never forget both being a player and Gaming Neon Nights and Wrath of the Undersea for my friends. Neon Nights was the first game I ever made, and while it is an unbalanced mess (intentional and unintentional lol), the amount of silly combos, gimmicks, builds, and wacky characters made with the system has made me fall in love with it deeply.
Making GRIM was an absolute blast. Did marketing the everliving shit out of it MAYBE cause me to burnout a bit? Possibly....but I still love that game, the aesthetics it has, the quick mechanics, and the sick ass weapons all make me proud of how far I've come as a designer.
So yep, I don't have any awards, I'm not really invited to podcasts, I don't have a huge social media following, and I don't make a living, but ya know what I have?
Love. Love by others and the spirit they see in my projects, and the love I have for what I create. I make games I wanna see out there, and there are people just like me that want those too. I'd play my games any day of the week over any TTRPG. And that's what's dope.
Anyway, if you wanna support me and also get those sick games I talked about and more, consider snagging my game bundle here. No pressure, but my god the money would help LOL. Also, play my games, people, and treat them like an indie dev made them.
Much love. 💛🏳️‍⚧️💛🏳️‍⚧️
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Left: The Challenger, Trudy, proprietor of the Goodsprings Saloon. —"If you were able to get Ringo out of this mess, you'd have a decent reputation around Goodsprings. I'd even set you up with a discount."
Trudy's designated cheerleader is @sas-afras! trudy is, as the "town mom" of goodsprings, a representation of the people whose lives will most be affected by the state of the mojave by endgame. someone who just wants to live their life in peace, who has no stake in nor control over what happens to the dam, who no one in power wants to give a fuck about. she is the everywoman!! the proletariat worker!! MY MOM!!!!!!!! the fact that she can die so quickly in the first hour of the game as part of the couriers first "moral choice" (as simplistic as it may be) is a microcosm of that role, and its a shame she didnt get the development time she deserved. i love her and her hidden lesbian polycule. also, i will die on any hill if that hill is a woman. VOTE TRUDY!! Trudy was the twentieth seed in the tournament overall and a semi-finalist in the A-side bracket. She beat Ignacio Rivas, Francine & James Garrett, and Fantastic before being defeated by Keely in tournament semi-finals.
Right: The champion, Beatrix Russell, hired guard at the Old Mormon Fort and potential sex worker at the Atomic Wrangler. —"Longing makes the heart grow fonder, but I’ve always been a fan of hog-tying my lovers to make sure they can’t escape.“
Beatrix's designated cheerleader is @fnvminorcharacterpoll (@fallout-lou-begas)! That's right, it's me, your tournament organizer and the operator of this blog. In the interest of avoiding bias, I've refrained from using my platform this way to advocate for my own favorite picks during the tournament (r.i.p. ranger ghost), but now I have no such qualms. Why? Because the tournament is over. We have a winner! Beatrix Russell, a phenomenal and worthwhile character who's funny, rowdy, sexy, filthy, old, weird, rough, and immediately fascinating fights for her life to get the title belt, and now my opposing cheerleader refuses to recognize the results? The audacity! The shamelessness! The Fallout: New Vegas Minor Character Poll tournament blog would ordinarily not even entertain such audacious claims of illegitimacy, but if my opponent wants Trudy to step back into the ring so bad, then by God, she can step in the ring. We'll all go one last time. But Trudy's in over her head: Beatrix has won every bracket she's entered in a landslide. Meanwhile Trudy got knocked out by Keely, who Beatrix beat! See, Trudy, the numbers don't lie: and they spell disaster for you in the superfinals. Beatrix was the seventh seed in the tournament overall and the winner of the tournament overall. She beat Chomps Lewis, the Lonesome Drifter, Siri, Daisy Whitman, No-Bark Noonan, and Keely to become the grand champion.
[Bracket | Info & FAQs]
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gaybananabread · 9 months
@therealjacobcustos I feel like Tadashi would be kind of ticklish (the ask broke so tag)
🎧👾Tadashi Hamada Tkl Headcanons🤖🔧
AN: Sorry it took so long to respond to this, wanted to get the FS out of the way first! Kinda a flimsy excuse, but I've been wanting to do some HCs and Tadashi is such a brain happy character, so here's my brain dump!
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Okay so this boy is absolutely a switch.
He'd love messing with Hiro, but can anyone say that someone as bubbly as him wouldn't like to be tickled?
No, no they cannot.
He would absolutely program Baymax with some tickling capabilities.
Remember how he can produce a small flash drive from his finger? Yeah, imagine little nails/quill tips specifically designed for cheer-up tickles.
It's actually been found in scientific studies that tickling improves the mood and can boost our immune systems.
Of course Tadashi would stumble upon an article or something and use that as valid reasoning for the features.
He gives eager lee vibes.
Wiggling your fingers at him? He's already giggling and squirming in his seat.
Worst spots are his knees, sides and forearms. He *loves* belly tickles.
Isn't shy about liking tickles at all. He's not gonna outright announce it to the world, but he wouldn't deny it if someone points it out.
Lee mood? Everyone close to him immediately knows.
Stretching his arms above his head, man-spreading on the couch, sitting with his arms behind his head, constantly kicking someone he’s sitting by, TANK TOPS
His laugh is the purest sound around. Bright, bubbly and completely unrestrained
Depending on the amount of lee, he might just lay there and giggle his heart out.
Loves tickling as a bonding activity and cheer-up method.
Despite all that, he’d have a helluva time asking for/admitting anything.
“Do you like this, Tadashi?” “I-I, uh…that's not- mmphf…”
Blushes brighter than the red sun, though it definitely takes some heavy teasing.
As for Baymax…
He’d definitely give his bud some special care methods.
A few self-indulgent programs here for when he's sad, some tools (see Gen. above), and generally just fluff with the marshmallow bot.
Will intentionally bug Hiro until he starts a tickle war. If he's in a lee mood, he'll sass the boy until he goes for a bad spot
You'd better run for the hills-
Teasing, sassy, laughs along with his lees. 50/50 switch, swings either way based on circumstance
His favorite target would have to be Hiro. Staying up all night to work on a bot? Tire-out tickles. Refusing to go eat dinner in favor of productivity? Persuasive tickles. Bumming out about life? You know it: cheer-up tickles.
With the Nerd Crew, it's usually just sly pokes and squeezes when they reach for tools or adjust bolts.
If somebody's way stressed or hasn't slept, though? He'll lovingly wreck their shit <3
King of silly teases ♚
“Coochie coo, giggles!” “Oh, sorry, is this spot *really* ticklish? Does it tickle *really* bad when I do this?” “That's gotta be one of the cutest laughs ever! Thanks for sharing so much of it~”
If he's actually trying, can and will dominate a tickle fight.
Gets his energy back scary fast. You think you've won?
Guess again.
He'll wait until you're bragging or looking away to pounce, beginning the dreaded Round 2.
Loves it when people ask for tickles.
You come to him, for any reason, and lay on his lap / expose your spots? His heart melts before he lovingly obliges.
Gives amazing aftercare. Cuddles, back rubs, drowning in kisses if you're his s/o.
May or may not have developed little pieces of tickle tech to mess with his loved ones. Be weary of random gifts or surprise lab invites!
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sunnnfish · 10 months
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oh my GOD where do I begin. Uhhhmmm. Okay. So Love & Passion is a chapter is the Sasaki and Miyano: First Years novel. Every chapter in that book is from a different characters perspective, and Love & Passion is from Tashiro’s POV. It is mostly about tashiros first year of high school and his joining of the ping pong club. Here look at the cover illustration
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Going under a cut now due to exceeding length.
So like. There’s like. A Lot. Certifiably. Especially if you’re a tashiro enthusiast like me. Phenomenal characterization and narration that is usually very fun and lighthearted and tashiro-esque!
Gonzaburo Tashiro, first-year. At the moment, I’m facing an insurmountable barrier.
^ First lines of the chapter. He’s continuously very silly and like. Dramatic narrator. Yknow.
And such a personality lends itself to awfully poignant lines of crippling sincerity and simplicity that make me bawl my eyes out.
I don’t get it. What happened to the loneliness?
But of course tashiro doesn’t exist in a void to we have our delightful cast of his dear friends and acquaintances! Middle school bestie shirahama, who gets him into This Whole Mess (I’ll get to that later). Dearest Hanzawa Masato, who he makes various umh. Comments about.
“Game, set!” announced the referee, a second-year.
Man, he sounds so cool saying that.
As I stood there, drooping mentally and physically, I was approached by the guy who had refereed our match—the club’s vice president, Hanzawa.
And last but CERTAINLY not least. Dearest dearest previous president of the ping pong club!!!!
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There he is. The saulty little binch on the right.
And if you’re wondering why we call him that. Well. He’s never given a name. Ha ha! But he has such a presence. The way he speaks and moves and looks feels so intentionally intense and like. designed. He’s so on purpose. Makes me wonder if we’ll ever get a spinoff of hanzawa masato[GETS SHOT] ha ha sorry who said that. Anyways
Dearest previous president (prev pres for short) and hanzawa torment poor tashiro. Endlessly. From the moment he joined the club—which was kind of an accident (he and shirahama joined just to check it out but eventually wanted to quit, but to quit you had to win a ping pong match. Shirahama won his match against a newbie easy peasy. Tashiro got matched up against the president of the club himself. Obviously couldn’t win and thus forced to join the club permanently)—from the moment he joined the club, prev pres and hanzawa are like. All over him. Obsessed with him. He tries to skip practice but both of them come drag him out of him classroom to come practice.
But despite his desire to not really be there, he takes club so seriously. He’s so sincere about it. He knows everyone else there is really passionate about ping pong so he cant let himself be the odd man out and rain on everyone’s parade. And this paradox—being so avoidant of the club but coming to care about it and bond with other members—really catches the eye of dearest prev pres.
“I thought Tashiro’d be spoiling for a fight, but he isn’t. That’s what makes him a genius worthy of my inner circle. Remember that, Hanzawa, ‘cause when I graduate, you’re gonna be the next club president.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And I think that guy might be a good successor to you!”
Dearest tashiro overhears this and promptly realizes the two freaks he’s met will not let him out of this. Ever. But he tells himself he’ll decline the offer. Surely they’ll find “someone more appropriate. Someone more serious about the club, maybe.”
And this is what like. Gets to the heart of this chapter. Love & Passion. AND REALLY QUICK touching on the fact that all the other chapters are named in ways that refer to specific characters. They’re all in pairs, and the chapter cover art reflects that too. She & Kuresawa. Miyano & Kuresawa. Sasaki & Miyano. Senior & Junior. SO IT MAKES YOU THINK. Who is love and who is passion. Anyways Tashiro meets and knows these various people around him and they’re all so passionate about what they do and what they like. Shirahama ends up joining the basketball club and gets really into it. Miyano and kuresawa are passionate about their books and clubs. Hanzawa and previous president are passionate about ping pong. Tashiro is passionate about… ? he doesn’t really know.
We so rarely know what other people’s passions are.
“Are you into anything, Tashiro?” Ms. Toyoda asked, and I flinched.
“Uh, me? I dunno. I guess I hadn’t really thought about it.” I racked my brain for anything I might be passionate about, but nothing came to mind.”
Later in the chapter he participates in a ping pong tournament and its like. He’s like the rush of it all and cheering for him teammates and stuff but. He doesn’t cry like everyone else when he loses.
Still, when I saw players from other school practically weeping when they lost, I couldn’t help wondering: What made them so different from me? I didn’t have the passion within me to cry when I lost.
Maybe that’s what real passion looks like. What did I have, then?
But something held me back, a sense that ‘passion’ was reserved for something you really, truly loved. Something you couldn’t replace, couldn’t even dream of giving up.
Ping-pong isn’t exactly the hill I would die on. But then again…
And he kinda goes through this arc where its like. Im not passionate about this like everyone else. But it has given me a goal to work towards.
And amidst all that We also get into what tashiro gets up to outside of school. Namely, he frequents a bath house where hes become the grandchild of all the old people that also frequent the place. And he also practices ping pong with his new grandpas, because he totally doesnt care about ping pong. He just. Wants to win. So he can beat the president and leave. Yeah thats it.
But he never does get around to beating the president before he has to graduate. Queue the moment that makes me the most insane
“So you’re never coming back, President?” I said.
“I ain’t President anymore.”
“Not the point! I haven’t beat you yet…” I clenched my fists, a yawning, lonely feeling of loss opening within me.
“Ahh. You mean the thing about getting to quit if you win? The next president’ll keep that promise. Dont’ you worry.”
I don’t get it. What happened to the loneliness?
The new president—in other words, Hanzawa.
This like. Special relationship hes had with the president. This game of cat and mouse remains unfulfilled. And he feels loss and he feels lonely about it. But at the same time he can renew that relationship with Hanzawa. And it suddenly doesn’t feel so lonely anymore. And its the simplicity and bluntness of this whole exchange is what really sells it—tashiro is not particularly eloquent. He’s brash and blunt but extremely observant. And thats reflected in his chapters. He recognizes the ways other people interact with the world and their expressions and language. And its so like. Factual to him. It is the way it is. And that observancy is applied to himself too. This feels lonely. Oh. This doesn’t feel lonely anymore. But he doesnt necessarily have the self-reflection to understand why he feels certain things. Anyways.
And amidst all THAT theres these few moments where he gets this really weird adjacency to queerness. Like. If i had a nickel for every moment he asked about queer people, id have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but its strange it happened twice.
First one:
Miyano’s hobby was man-on-man romance comics. I sometimes wondered about that (like, even though he’s a guy?),
Second one, where hes relaxing in the bathhouse common area and is listening to the old ladies talk about yuri.
Finally, I asked, “What’s yuri?”
“You don’t know? It’s stories of love between girls!”
“Huh, Haven’t heard of that one before…” I guess Ms. Toyoda and her friends had been into reading that sort of thing many years ago, and now their interest was being rekindled thanks to their grandchildren. “I didn’t realize women liked stories about girl-on-girl love, too…”
And its like. ITS NOT MUCH I KNOW. But it really is so weird it happened twice. Why did author Hachijo Kotoko do this. What does it mean. AND THEN IT ALL COMES BACK TO THE TITLE. Love & Passion.
I may not have that burning love that Miyano or Ms. Toyoda have, I thought.
Like. Specifically calling out the love miyano and Ms. Toyoda have. For queer stories. It sits so strange with me. Oddly meaningful but i dont know what it means.
Anyways. There’s also a really good shirahama and tashiro moment that i could get into but. I wont. Yet.
Anyways again. All that writing and i feel like i haven’t even touched on everything. Did not talk nearly enough about hanzawa’s presence but like. It’s very specific and hard to explain. But i also have an incessant desire to just quote like the entire chapter. So just go try to read it if you can. I unfortunately don’t know of any sources online but who knows. The book also has a second tashiro pov chapter so like. Cannot recommend it enough. I love tashiro gonzaburou so so much. He’s everything to me. Peace and love on planet tashiro.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
I hadn't realized you watched the White Rabbit Fest event (I really should pay more attention to things). What'd you think of it? I loved the silly little outfits, and Ortho's thighs 👀
No worries, Anon! We never really talked about it, just started quietly posting stuff related to it on Ko-Fi lol So actually, thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about this event!
First of all, yes, the outfits were indeed silly and adorable, I really loved the pastels and all the little accessories. I had a chance to pay closer attention to all the details (you’ll see later today...) and, as it always is with twst, I was stunned by how clever and fun the design choices are. But even just in general, they’re all super adorable. Silver is like a little mint rabbit soldier, Epel is the sweetest little thing that is almost offensively cute, Ortho’s thighs and a little snout are legendary lol And Deuce looks the best out of all of them, to be honest. Deuce’s mom’s design is also very nice, I love it when twst has designs that tells you everything you need to know about the character. The moment you see her you know exactly what kind of mom she is... I get it, Deuce, I wouldn’t want to see her cry either 🥲 She’s so hardworking and sweet.
The event itself was cute. I think it was very good in terms of learning more about Deuce. Of course, we already knew that he was a delinquent that had done a lot of messed-up stuff, but it’s one thing to hear that from Deuce. Seeing the consequences of his past actions with our own eyes is a whole different thing. People either talk shit about him, or are kind of scared of him, or just yell at him for being horrible. And Deuce can’t even argue with them because he feels like this is the treatment that he deserves, and that if he wants them to trust him or even just respect him as a human being again, he needs to earn it with his actions and not his words. He knows it, and he is willing to work for it, but it still sucks when people around you treat you this way even though you are already trying your best. Watching Deuce go through that gets frustrating and even heartbreaking at times, but it feels very real, and this is why you can’t really help but feel proud of Deuce when he just keeps trying instead of giving up because people only expect bad things from him.
I really love how his go-to was to aggressively confront that one delinquent who tried to harass his mom, but even then he managed to stay calm and challenge him to a race instead. Despite being teased about his cute silly outfit... Deuce is such a good boy :”)
I can’t believe NRC boys won for once... I guess the main rule of twst universe still works: bad guys always lose. Of course, our boys won’t be able to defeat the dwarfs, but if they manage to pick a fight with someone even worse than they are, then they have a chance..!
But also, what a delight to see Deuce show his “bad boy” side and tease and provoke the other guy. You just know this isn’t the first time he does that. I would love to see some of Deuce’s actual flashbacks...
The other boys were fun to watch too. Silver is still the sweetest twst boy, and it’s unusual but fun seeing him interacting with just random kohais he has really no relationship with (aside from him kinning Deuce for his relationship with his mom). Ortho’s and Epel’s ways to describe Vil while they were getting souvenirs for him was great. Honestly, there were a lot of fun moments.
But also a lot of moments that inspire unholy thoughts, if you know what I mean. The micro/macro thing with Deuce... Ortho’s obsession with acting as closely to a rabbit as possible... The delinquent guy simping for Deuce... Epel being washed away... That one police guy that Deuce remembers so fondly... Everyone crawling through small holes... This is too much.
The twistune was also funny and cute! Especially Ortho’s little jumps and Silver’s shook face as he woke up <3
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red-panda-agere · 10 months
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Regressor! Chuuya Nakahara
(These are all just personal headcanons of mine and I project onto Chuuya quite a lot, and have for a very long time, sorry if this feels “out of character” or anything. Also, this is sort of an au where Dazai and Chuuya share an apartment or something.)
(Also- to the few IRLs who now have access to my Tumblr, I warned you, and I’m so sorry-)
(!¡!Pull-up/Diaper/Accident mention!¡!)
Chuuya really likes sharks and has a shark plushie that Dazai won for him from a claw machine at the arcade they used to go to. (His name is Finn, but Chuuya refuses to admit he named it.)
He also has a lot of space themed stuff, like those glow in the dark stars that you put on your wall, and one of those moon nightlights.
Very prone to accidents, especially with all of the nightmares he has, and often has pull-ups that he keeps hidden under his bed. He really wants to wear diapers, thinking they’d be more comfortable and with as young as his headspace is, it would help him feel comfortable in that aspect to. However, he would never consider it, refusing to accept he’s anything but a ‘big boy.’ (Unless Dazai coaxes him into it or catches him at a really vulnerable moment.)
You’d think he’d be really difficult during changes, but he gets so embarrassed he just freezes. He wants to argue and kick but he doesn’t want to even talk about the current situation the two are in, and physically can’t without getting unbelievably embarrassed to the point he’ll cry, so he just freezes and lays still for Dada.
Tends to have nightmares about being abandoned by Dazai or his old friends being killed right in front of him. When he wakes up from one, he’s usually immediately a sobbing mess and will cling to Dazai and Finn like he’ll die without them. These tend to result in a large total of accidents.
“It’s alright Chibi. Dada’s here little buddy. I’m not going anywhere.” He holds him close, revisiting the struggle he’d previously endured when just trying to settle Chuuya down for the night. He’d hardly gotten him to sleep before, now after that awful nightmare, they’d probably be up until Chuchu wore himself out and even after that. He’d start to try to lay Chuuya down and he’d scream and cry, clinging tighter to Dazai. “DADA NO! NO LEAVING! YOU HAVE TO STAY!” The fussy regressor would sob. Dazai would lay down next to him, pulling him in close. “Calm down baby…I’m not going anywhere sweetheart.” He slid a pastel yellow blanket and Finn into his arms, then offering up a paci as well. “Shhh…” he’d gently coo, lips right above his head.
Chuuya doesn’t really know how old he is when regressed, but he’s nowhere above three, but can get very itty bitty, even so little the only word he’ll use is “Dada.” Even then, he just says “Da!”
Gets very embarrassed about regressing, ESPECIALLY since Dazai is the only one who he’s told about it. Dazai is the only person he trusts enough to know about it, while simultaneously fearing that he’s went and told everyone about it, or will use it against him like the bet they made as kids where Chuuya is ‘his dog’ and will do things like use a ‘snobby rich girl voice’ in conversations. Of course Dazai would never do that with such a delicate situation, but the fear is there.
Requires lots of praise and reassurance.
When Dazai left the mafia, Chuuya didn’t celebrate like he claims he did at all, he silently sobbed into Finn, holding the shark tight. He never sleeps without it now.
His favorite pacifier is a baby blue one with small stars and a crescent moons design on it. It has a matching paci clip that tends to be clipped to Finn’s dorsal fin. Dazai has only lost it once, and when they needed it, it was not a fun situation for either parties.
Chuuya tries to regress with any free time he has while Dazai has work. Being an executive, that time is hard to find, so he usually ends up regressing while Dazai is home. Even though he’s so accepting and even taken on the role of a caregiver for him, he still tries to hide any and all vulnerability, and usually panics at first, every time Dazai finds or gets him little.
Regresses involuntary almost every time he uses Corruption. If he doesn’t pass out immediately, he’s in so much physical and mental distress when he’s finished with the fight that all he can do is sob to Dazai, telling his Dada he wants to go home, while the brunette’s brow furrows a bit over the redhead’s wet pants. He shivers against Dazai before inevitably passing out, exhausted.
-He tends to have accidents a lot after literally allowing his entire body to be corrupted and attack in a mindless rage.
-Even further, he probably struggles to regress sometimes because he has to let go so much, and let his guard down so much that it can allow his Special Ability to act on its own, sometimes even causing him to experience corruption. Dazai is always nearby during this, quickly nullifying it. This is only an occasional thing though when he’s trying to willingly regress.
Chuuya is usually a fussy and grumpy baby. Clingy and needy, but pouts at everything and whines a lot. Too stubborn for his own good.
-Will probably cry and cry until he’s held but then will fuss, wanting to be set down because “he’s a big boy.” Dazai knows better though. Even casually, he’ll try to act big and pretend he’s a “big boy” and even if Dazai knows otherwise, he’ll play along with him.
“Alright Chuuya! If ya say so! But I was so hoping I’d get to see my little star when I got home! Oh well! Guess we can have a tea party another day! I had some paperwork I need to get in anyways!” But before he walks off, Chuuya grabs his hand. “…tea party?” He asks with a flushed face. Dazai smiles slyly. “Mhm! A tea party with all my baby’s favorite stuffies! But he’s not here right now, so it’ll have to wait for now! Siiiiiigh!” Chuuya whimpers, squeezing his hand. He doesn’t want to say he’s regressed, but he also doesn’t have to. Dazai opens his arms for a hug, and Chuuya slinks into his arms, pressing his face on his chest, hiding in his hands. “And we’d make sugar cookies! And I bought his favorite strawberry milk! I heard Finn was excited too! Such a shame!” As he says this, he’s already lifting up a regressed Chuuya into his arms. “You’re so mean” little Chibi grumbles with a small sniffle. “Hi baby…” Dazai whispered.
Very sensitive and hard on himself. If Dazai even tells him with a gentle tone that he can’t do something, he’ll be completely disappointed in himself and sit himself in the corner, punishing himself. Of course Dazai won’t let that stand, and he’s quick to coax his baby back into his arms.
He clenches his jaw, bites his lips and cheeks, and even grits his teeth when he’s angry or stressed. This tends to end up in a lot of pacis getting bitten through, so there’s always a spare somewhere. Dazai tries to offer alternatives like chewelry or teether toys. This usually ends up in Chuuya just becoming extremely embarrassed with his behavior and being very scared to use his pacis. Like most of his little things, it takes a lot of coaxing and encouragement for Chuuya to feel comfortable enough to use them.
They go on lots of aquarium trips when Chuuya is regressed. His favorite thing is the shark tank tunnel, and always insists all the sharks are his friends.
He also really enjoys arcades and has a fixation with claw machines.
His favorite nicknames are “little star” “little prince” “Chibi” (by Dazai only) “Chuchu” “little pup” (like a shark) and “little buddy”
Prefers sleeper onsies because they cover his legs, and he doesn’t like looking at his scars.
He has a LOT of Tuxedo Sam merchandise, including a sippy cup and a throw blanket that he loves to carry around when little.
Very well behaved in the bath, and likes playing with a bunch of shark bath toys. He thinks bath bombs are silly, and bath crayons are one of the best inventions known to man. Dazai always puts a towel in the drier for Chuuya for when he gets out.
Has one of those special play tents that he hides in when he’s feeling shy. It has a lot of pillows and blankies in it so it’s basically just a cozy little “hide-y hole” for whenever he needs it.
Doesn’t really care for coloring books, but loves drawing
Knows an absurd amount of shark facts, and talks about them nonstop when regressed. He will explain in detail why he thinks Dazai would like a certain kind of shark.
Despises thunderstorms, and will throw a fit if he’s alone during it. Even just waking up to storms is enough to bring him to absolutely hysterical sobbing. Dazai has special headphones for him to wear during storms, but he doesn’t like the way they feel on his ears, so he just continues to throw a fit.
Very shy about it, but loves being bottle-fed. He would deny wanting to and never EVER ask, but he loves it when Dada lets him fall asleep in his lap while being babied in such an intimate way.
Dazai is usually his caregiver, but if he’s also feeling small, Chuuya only trusts Kunikida to see him like that. They both refer to him as “Kiki.”
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gffa · 11 months
what order would you recommend reading the batman comics in? also where do you find the comics?
"What order would you recommend reading the Batman comics in?" only has one answer and that answer is for me to immediately burst into tears. Okay, this list is designed around what I think is most likely to get you into comics and having a good time, if you're enjoying the kind of posts that appear on this blog: - Nightwing 2016, you can start from issue #1 and just keep reading (well, once you hit the Ric Grayson arc, you can skim if you want) because it's a fun, light-hearted series that's just very easy to read and is my comfort series in a lot of ways. I enjoy Dick Grayson's character, it does a lot of work to establish him in his own city, but also touches on his relationships with his family, and I think is a great starting place. You can start with Better Than Batman, Back to Bludhaven, Nightwing Must Die, Blockbuster, Raptor's Revenge, The Untouchable, The Bleeding Edge, Knight Terrors (not to be confused with the 2023 event of the same name!), Burnback, The Gray Son Legacy, The Joker War, Fear State Then there's something of a 'soft reboot' where the volume numbering starts over (but issue #s keep going) with: Leaping into the Light, Get Grayson, The Battle for Blüdhaven's Heart - Robin & Batman (2022), a beautifully illustrated series from the early days of Bruce and Dick, where Bruce is not exactly the world's greatest parent, but he's trying, there's an amazingly emotionally satisfying hug, and it shows what a delightful hurricane child Dick Grayson was. - "The Murder Club" is just one story out of many in Batman: Urban Legends but it's a fantastic one, with beautiful art and a story that's about Thomas and Martha Wayne traveling forward in time to see what's become of their son, and they don't necessarily approve--until Dick and Damian are basically impossible to ignore and they see what Bruce is fighting for. For more general Batman stories (rather than ones focused on my Blorbo), I'm enjoying: - The Court of Owls [vol. 1][vol. 2] by Scott Snyder, which is a solid case story and introduces the Court of Owls, which I genuinely like as a relatively recent addition to Batman's rogues gallery! - Batman 2016 is a bit of a controversial pick, because not everyone enjoys the authors writing for this series, but I've had a blast with a lot of Tom King's writing, personally. I especially enjoyed a lot of the run-up to the Bruce/Selina wedding with Rebirth book 3 (there's a double date with Bruce/Selina and Clark/Lois that's just a silly, fun good time!), The Rules of Engagement, Bride or Burglar, The Wedding, and Cold Days. I wasn't really a big Bruce/Selina shipper before those issues, but they really won me over because I love a good hot mess of a couple that have a bunch of thorny issues between them, that Selina loves Bruce not as some mythic figure but as the dumbass guy she loves, and then some bonus quality content with Bruce's kids, especially once the wedding falls apart and he's in such a bad place and Dick Grayson is so good at stabilizing Bruce that it's unreal. (You can also read Preludes to the Wedding in around here, if nothing else the Dick + Hush one was really, really fun! Clark and Dick take Bruce to Batburger for his bachelor's party because they're horrible people who think they're funny, and it's DELIGHTFUL.) - Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) by Mark Waid is also more light-hearted, but is so much fun, the characters banter with each other, but you can see their genuine friendship and how it became to be one of foundational relationships in both their lives, and plus Dan Mora's art is always TOP NOTCH. (Plus, volume 2 is out as well.)
I limited myself to anything from the 2016 reboot ("Rebirth") because I think that's easiest to draw someone in and these are the starting places that I would enjoy, though, they do assume a fair amount of pre-knowledge about Batman characters, like personally I enjoyed Batman & Robin Eternal but I don't think it's a good starting point for what the comics are actually like. As always, if someone has a good suggestion for a newer fan, I'd love to hear them! Especially since I tend to be Nightwing-focused, that's where my area of expertise is, if you have some good Tim or Jason or Damian recs, feel free! Though, in general, I think you can pick up almost any trade paperback and it'll be designed to be read without too much confusion, so just find a character you think you'll like and jump in! :D (p.s. I'm linking to Hoopla pages because, if you have a library card with your local library, you can use it to sign in to Hoopla!)
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goldensunset · 1 year
Hey. Pspsps.
I don't 100% know who your favorite characters are.
If I asked you to pick one and go ham telling me about them, would you?
*grabs you* ok today i’m gonna change it up and talk about a pair of characters i don’t usually talk about
loooong story short (i'll dm you the story if you want or something) roxas and xion were the reason i got into the kh franchise. their story and their unique indescribable connection to our wonderful protagonist singlehandedly took me from the mindset of 'haha kh is a dumb wacky disney fanfiction' to 'this is genuinely a stunning and heartwrenching piece of media full of so much honest and serious emotion and love and i'm insane now'
here's a boy who was never meant to exist, a mistake, someone who doesn't even possess the full capability to experience emotions, someone who's just the inferior resentful shadow of another who needs to die so that the precious original can come back. but he wasn't gonna take that lying down he fought tooth and nail until the bitter end against his fate and defiantly proclaimed that he was human and he was himself and yet it was all in vain. but it still mattered. it mattered to us and it mattered to those who knew him. the love was there even if it couldn't save him it still mattered.
meanwhile, here's a girl who's just a patchwork mess of pieces of other people. a clone of both sora and roxas, meant as a backup vessel for xehanort, wielding what used to be riku's key, having accidentally absorbed select memories of kairi from the magic naminé wove. it's a miracle she exists at all. does she exist at all? she was an 'it', an empty thing designed to mimic the fighting capabilities of another, who gradually started absorbing that other's memories of some girl until it subconsciously tricked itself into thinking it was that girl. suddenly 'it' became 'she.' but she had her own life experiences and therefore was not that girl but someone new entirely. what exactly did her mind look like? what did it feel like to be her? her mind was just a fragment of sora's mind and she didn't even know who he was. the insane headaches and crises that came free with her very existence drove her to seek answers and eventually made her realize she shouldn't even be alive.
but she was so brave. she was so so brave and resolute and made the firm decision to sacrifice herself for the greater good even though she should've never had to. it was the only agency she had and she took hold of it. she knew there was never any hope for her but she at least wanted something good to come out of her demise. roxas didn't really have that same agency even though he seems more proactive as a character at first glance. roxas fought and fought but was constantly being dragged here and there by the narrative up until the end. he fought his fate and xion accepted hers and they both met the same tragic end.
in kh2fm we saw what was left of roxas, angrily fighting back inside of sora. he was full of hate and anger and who can blame him? he should've won. he was stronger. almost. but victory eluded him once more. it was all for nothing and roxas faded again and sora was so confused and full of sadness he didn't even understand.
then in ddd we again saw roxas within sora's mindscape, but that time he was so so different. that time he was calm and smiling and gentle. roxas had surrendered. but sora told him what we'd all been wanting to tell him- he was his own person and deserved to be treated as such. to which roxas said like the best line in the series: 'sora, see? that's why it has to be you.'
roxas wanted things his way, he wanted his own life, he was bitter and sick of people telling him he had to make sacrifices for others. roxas would've gotten rid of others for his own sake. meanwhile sora had always been intensely loving and selfless. sora was always reaching out to people, seeing the light and humanity in them, caring about them. i'm not saying roxas was bad for wanting to live or that sora's insane constant self-sacrificial behavior isn't deeply worrying but the point here is: sora was the hero roxas wasn't.
roxas recognized this. that's why it had to be sora. if it was the other way around, roxas wouldn't have had the strength to be the person sora was. he would've never surrendered on his own. he had to be forced to surrender and then spend time within sora's heart to begin to understand him and to begin to love him.
roxas resented sora because roxas had to be sacrificed in his name. he didn't want to die to save someone he didn't even know who was apparently his real self and the only person who mattered. roxas was sick of hearing about him. but then once roxas met him he couldn't help but love him too. both because sora is just that easy to love, and because something in roxas resonated with- well, his other. that was him and that wasn't him and that was who he used to be and that was who he would be and they each held a piece of each other within them and even though they were their own people they would obviously be forever linked.
the bond that was created between sora and roxas transcends anything i really even have the language to say. or anyone who speaks this language to say. or possibly anyone in existence. that's self love and love of another in one. they're part of each other. i'm really normal about it
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The two idols with the most votes will go on to join the bracket.
Propaganda below the cut:
Laala Manaaka
No propaganda submitted.
Mirei Minami
- Catgirl coded
-completely different in and outside of pripara
Sophy Houjou
- sophie is disabled but incredibly talented and passionate so she became an idol anyways. she switches between her cool effortless performance mode and a weak and disoriented private mode. her family / manager have tried to protect and support her but really they isolated her and made her think noone would like her when they find out about the other side of her.
she ended up feeling trapped and like she couldn't even perform how and with whom she wanted to, so she started trying to speak up and do things for herself. it's been hard but she's very determined to figure out how she can do things her way and cope with her limitations without giving up her freedom. she ditched her manager and her sister now lets her decide how she wants to be supported and she now knows she is loved by her friends any way she is <3
Sion Toudou
No propaganda submitted.
No propaganda submitted.
Mikan Shiratama
No propaganda submitted.
Aroma Kurosu
No propaganda submitted.
No propaganda submitted.
Amari Katasumi
- She's a beautiful chaotic anxious mess, a bit of a tonal shift from the older show's continuity that feels almost like a real, older girl stumbled into a candy-coated idol show and is rediscovering herself and her childhood. Her forgotten edgy OC came to life and they hatelove each other as a metaphor for her own self-hatred/love (that's canon). She has bi autistic bunnygirl swag (that's slightly less canon but I have seen her in an autistic character tourney and I think she won a round or two so I'm not the ONLY one seeing this). Her character song is a freaking BANGER and the lyrics hit way too hard. Both her normal and magical girl-idol designs are iconic.
But more seriously speaking it's a lovely story that resonates with me in particular because she's the same age I was when I was the biggest fan of the old show, and I imagine other fans around my age would say the same - so both her story itself and the metanarrative make her one for the books, even though her show was super delayed so it hasn't even finished yet.
Dorothy West
- silly. yells a lot. is sort of a ninja sometimes and cooks monjayaki. kind of sucks he's my really awful daughter.
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puellamagishowdown · 4 months
Round 1 Has Finished!
Thank you all for voting! Some results are exactly what I expected but quite a few were confusing to me. Sometimes I wish I knew why people voted the way they did. Also, just for the record, I did randomize these. None of these pairings were planned.
Now for something important I'm going to say before things get too bad.
I've seen a few heated replies that are getting too close to aggressive for my taste. Guys, this is for fun. There are no real world consequences to the result of this poll bracket. If I believe someone is getting too aggressive or insulting towards other voters (or me), I will block. I don't want any true negativity here and if preventing some people from interacting keeps peace, I will do it. You all are free to try and convince others to vote the way you want, but keep it civil.
If you would like a list of results along with some commentary, feel free to click the keep reading button. Otherwise, see you all soon for the next round.
Suzune Amano vs Ayame Mikuri (54.3%) - The first result gives me sadness. I'm a real fan of Suzune's character.
Niko Kanna vs Miyuri Yukari (63.8%)
Pia Undo (59.2%) vs Yuuri Asuka
Tsubasa Hanekawa (50.4%) vs Alexandra Kurusu - This one was close. It was switching back and forth until the end.
Toyo (81.1%) vs Ebony
Sasa Yuuki vs Madoka Kaname (91.2%) - I wonder how Sasa would have done against someone other than Madoka. You know, the magical girl who will probably be in the top 5 if not win the whole bracket.
Livia Medeiros (67.1%) vs Hikari Kirai
Hayate Yagami vs Rena Minami (81.3%)
Tart vs Sana Futaba (67.1%)
Arisa Narumi vs Asahi Miura (68.1%)
Manaka Kurumi vs Kaede Akino (68.9%)
Ranka Chizu vs Sudachi Suwa (52.6%)
Mikoto Sena (81.5%) vs Hagumu Azumi - I'm sad we'll probably never see Mikoto animated. Her design is really pretty.
Hotaru Yura (83.3%) vs Moka Megumi
Himika Mao vs Saki Asami (60%)
Melissa de Vignolles vs Mikage Yakumo (58.9%)
Yukika Nanase vs Sasara Minagi (55.4%)
Amaryllis (61.3%) vs Shizuka Tokime
Ren Isuzu (83.1%) vs Pernelle
Shizuku Hozumi vs Kokoro Awane (56.1%)
Kuro (58%) vs Kaoru Maki - The character without eyes won. Okay.
Kagome Satori vs Nanaka Tokiwa (54.1%)
Kagari Hinata (66.7%) vs Mayoi Hachikuji
Alina Gray (69.1%) vs Ria Ami - I really love Ria's design. I would like to think she would have moved on if she wasn't against a major character like Alina.
Mikura Komachi (60.3%) vs Umika Misaki
Yu (77.5%) vs Lavi Himuro - Why? Is there some real love for Yu out there for some reason or is it just voting against Lavi? I really don't understand this one.
Kushu Irina vs Himena Aika (50.6%)
Sayuki Fumino (51.7%) vs Chika Aoba - The first of two tiebreakers. What a peculiar duo to be a tie. And I messed up the title of the poll like a loser.
Ashley Taylor (73.2%) vs Akira Shinobu
Yuuri vs Meiyui Chun (87.7%)
Hinano Miyako vs Mel Anna (67.1%)
Satomi Usagi vs Ryoko Natsu (76.1%) - Satomi was the reason I decided to use fan art for the Kazumi girls. The only colored art of her I could find had SAMPLE across the front of it. And she didn't even win.
Ayase Souju vs Hazuki Yusa (75.7%)
Tsukuyo Amane vs Eternal Sakura (75.3%)
Kanami Honoka vs Mayu Kozue (92.3%) - Poor Kanami got bodied.
Kako Natsume (58%) vs Hanna Sarasa
Maria Yuki vs Rui Mizuki (65.8%)
San Kagura vs Kanoko Yayoi (65%)
Chizuru vs Masara Kagami (70.4%)
Ryo Midori vs Juri Oba (66.7%)
Isabeau vs Kyoko Sakura (84.6%)
Tsubaki Mikoto (70.8%) vs Chisato Shion
Riz Hawkwood (83.9%) vs Temari Kira
Kanna Hijiri (52.6%) vs Jun Kazari
Sunao Toki vs Chiharu Hiroe (55%)
Aimi Eri vs Mito Aino (66.7%)
Kuroe vs Corbeau (51%) - The cloak girl showdown was really close. I really never knew who would win.
Nemu Hiiragi vs Tsuruno Yui (70.2%)
Kazumi vs Yuma Chitose (52.6%)
Hitagi Senjougahara vs Mitama Yakumo (59.6%) - I'll be honest, I kinda thought the Monogatari fans would have risen and voted. Then again, I have no idea how large the Monogatari fanbase is in the first place.
Shinobu Oshino vs Yuna Kureha (62.5%)
Yuuna Kaharu vs Riko Chiaki (70.5%)
Ayaka Mariko (53.5%) vs Takina Inoue
Meguru Hibiki (60.8%) vs Akari Mai
Nadeko Sengoku vs Momoko Togame (55.6%)
Mirai Wakaba vs Ui Tamaki (86.2%)
Ao Kasane (57.3%) vs Matsuri Hinata - I'm actually a bit crushed. I love both Matsuri's design and character. The fact she didn't get through but her sister did is almost worse.
Suruga Kanbaru (52.8%) vs Fate T. Harlaown
Seira Mihono vs Gunhild (69.8%)
Rion Yuzuki vs Homura Akemi (93.1%) - Rion was destroyed. I almost feel bad.
Asuka Tatsuki vs Sae Kirino (58.1%) - Fun fact, when the poll ended the first time it said 50.6% Asuka. Only the next day did it say it was tied. That's why the tiebreaker poll went up so much later.
Nagisa Momoe (83.2%) vs Sakuya Suzuka
Iroha Tamaki (66.9%) vs Chisato Nishikigi - I have no idea what Lycoris Recoil is about, but both of the crossover girls had really nice designs.
Mitsune Miwa vs Yachiyo Nanami (74.6%)
Seika Kumi (61.9%) vs Emika Kisaki
Nayuta Satomi (52.6%) vs Tsuyu Mizuna - The first time I saw Tsuyu, I just thought Ayaka Kamisato. Keep in mind, I was not playing Genshin at the time.
Yozuru Sasame vs Karin Misono (50.9%)
Urara Yume vs Kanae Yukino (75%)
Konoha Shizumi (61.5%) vs Eliza Celjska
Shigure Miyabi (62.4%) vs Haruka Kanade - Really? I thought Haruka had one of the better designs but apparently I'm wrong. Or maybe Shigure's story is really that good.
Tsukasa Amane vs Oriko Mikuni (63.8%) - Also a little sad neither Amane twin got through. I like their designs but that might just be my personal bias towards kimono-styled outfits.
Hotori Yuzuki vs Lapin (72%)
Tsumugi Wakana vs Olga (75.2%)
Mifuyu Azusa (59.2%) vs Mabayu Aki - Mabuyu has a design I think would have fit with the Holy Quintet if she was released back in the day (and the clothes were green). But I have heard Scene 0 is pretty meh so that probably held her back quite a lot.
Natsuki Utsuho vs Felicia Mitsuki (83.3%)
Mami Tomoe (71.4%) vs Touka Satomi
Rika Ayano (58.7%) vs Heruka
Sayaka Miki (86.1%) vs Nanoha Takamichi - I also thought the MGLN fans would have risen from depths and really voted for their titular character. But then again, Sayaka is a force to be reckoned with in this bracket.
Mitsuru Inami (73.6%) vs Luca Souju - Every single one of the characters I used fan art for didn't even move onto the second round. I could have just not included them and nothing would have changed. And that's a shame because I feel Kazumi has some real underrated designs, especially the Soujus.
Ikumi Makino (66.3%) vs Minou
Kanagi Izumi vs Kirika Kure (52.9%)
Konomi Haruna (76.5%) vs Leila Ibuki
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spiritthemoron · 2 years
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|Possible TOH Spoilers|
Hahaha I’m back with another character design!! This time it’s Salems other Parent. For a while I could decide if I wanted Salem to be adopted or biological but I’ve decided biological. This lovely fella is Nova, Philips partner and Salems other dad :) In this AU I was thinking that the collectors won whatever dispute they had with the Titans, now bored most collectors left the boiling isles except for a few. Nova being one of those few, for the next few centuries he chilled out and messes with the inhabitants of the isles that was until he saw Philip, a human he’s ever seen a human before. So obviously he was interested and became pursuing the mildly homicidal human who was making his way throughout the isles.
I might just keep the information about him here at the moment, as I want to show some lore (like Philip first meeting Nova, the cult business, and there romantic relationship) in comic that are to come, I already have a little comic for Philip and Salem so that should be coming out next!
Ask box is open if anyone has questions about the AU!
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t00nyah · 2 years
so. i was very bored. and on character ai there's an alternate timeline ai that can come up with things that could happen and such. so i was like. okay let's go wild let's make an au were octarians won the great turf war. so there it is, an au created with ai deciding what would change in characters' lives, what would they end up doing, and, of course, me finilazing it with my headcanons and adding some flavour to some of ideas.
so. yep. octarians won, and, just like in original series, the losing side, inklings, are living in the domes. in my head they still have the great zapfish, while octarians go into a more sci-fi direction and make their own power sources. inklings are...kind of almost erased from their history. i don't know why it clicked in my head, it just did, maybe there's a better way to implement things, okay. x)
onto the characters...
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callie and marie didn't form a duet without contest and end up having the most ordinary jobs. i know, right?
callie is a teacher and marie is a journalist! i personally really loved callie as a teacher and i'm just. yeah. marie. you know. marie had me suffering.
i would have design notes here but there's not much to tell so if there's something catching your eye that you think might mean something - it probably does. idk.
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i took pearl's money. that's right. now she's forced to work as barista. by me. i want you to know that it was VERY hard to decide what would pearl do now that i stole her money but holy fuck coffee shop aus got to me. (i'm also very proud of the logo i came up with hehe)
alright. so. there's a hard one. and by that i mean in my headcanons three's family is ... one of those traditional families ... you know what i mean. so... here goes kaori, using she/her and having a big identity crisis she's not really able to solve. a little hard when you're not so sure what to make out of it and don't know if you can tell anyone how you feel. kaori does not like when adults make the distinction between girl things and boy things, she's not that into skirts honestly, she's just wearing it to please her parents. kaori is studying to become a scientist to work on improving life in the domes. that's good, right?
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speaking of scientists, of course there's an extraordinary - marina ida. we all know marina, she's too smart for all of us. she's helping in multiple researches and is very widely known. (and also gets lots of MONEY for that). *re-reads ai's entry on marina and looks away* UMM okay i totally forgot that part where she's also a professor in university. WELL NOW I KNOW the context to something else. maybe.
so, eight... nana in this au *looks at coroika*, is a student (idk, highschool maybe...i dunno i dunno i think i messed up) who got a bit carried away with a project. and started her research on inklings, because there's a theory going among the historians that the inklings still do exist... so nana, as a very passionate when she has interest octoling, goes to explore on her own! she gets into the domes and meets kaori eventually, who's...got a good eye on weird features and recognises nana as an octoling. not exactly friendly at first, but what can a squid like her do anyways?
eventually they kinda get stuck along because nana wants to KNOW. kaori just desides to go against her better judgement and give her a tour. and leads her to the best coffee shop she knows. they bond with each other eventually and become friends :) and nana works hard to get heard and get inklings to surface somehow maybe, though it doesn't seem like they want it THAT much? i mean, they're established their society already, why would they? they be chillin'. (but yes kaori gets to see the surface FOR SURE.)
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i REALLY didn't want to leave four alone on her introductory pic poor lonely squid</3 so there she is! surume, that one school student who's drawing on each lesson(me). she's also *looks at ai's statement* is popular on social media for her art.
she doesn't really meet kaori that often, but when their class goes to see a college where kaori studies, you know, to show their possibilities, where they could go after school or something like that, so they sort of...know of each other? very awkwardly and formally have met each other? kaori will probably die of embarassment when sees surume again because thinks she made a bad impression? lol!
if you follow me you may have noticed that i'm projecting my gender crisis on three hard and usually the one they're consulting with is four... and it stays true to this au, i really want kaori to talk things out and, ay, it's way easier to open up to a stranger sometimes. so yeah. i think it will happen in my au. surume explaining kaori all the stuff about gender identity and sexuality because there's a little more of society pressure in this au... they'll get there eventually.
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bonus: ref for marina in her regular clothing! she's so pretty...
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another bonus: marina meeting a pretty barista...
so yeah. yeah. marina gets into the domes because nana has caught her interest with her project, so she meets pearl. because if pearlina doesn't happen the universe will explode and we all know that.
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also there were doodles i made on our first wbf that you now know the context for :]
thank you for reading this far! it was... a long one... yep. i also really want to thank everyone who's following me fr fr i'm very happy to get feedback and to know that you enjoy my art! love ya'll<3 /p
separate versions under cut
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