#but thats nothing this turned out well. not exactly as he should look but its good
waywardsalt · 21 days
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heroforge approximation of my humanoid bellum design
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normansnt · 7 months
Sweet Valentine.
(Platonic!Reader x Huskerdust)
(Implied Reader x Alastor)
Male reader
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(Again not my art idk who's sorry but its so good😭💗)
Warnings: None I think
"Stupid fucking, son of a-"
Husker was sitting by the bar and doing something that didn't look like drink mixing.
That was because it indeed wasn't he was trying to make a valentine card but that damn glue just didn't listen to him. He has a lot of glue in his fur now. And you noticed that.
"Heyyyy Husk, how's it... how's it going?" You asked a bit taken aback by what you were seeing...or the lack of understanding of it.
"Ahhh its nothing" He said back in a very grumpy tone.
You slid a bit closer to what he was doing.
You saw a heart cut out (badly) from a pink colored paper and some glitter on the side.
You stared at it for some time and than it clicked. Husk was making a valentine card for someone. The thought melted you heart.
"Husker that is so sweet who is it for?" You asked, eyes sparkling with interest.
"None of your beeswax kid." He answered, still grumpy.
You didn't get offended, this was nothing new to you, Husker was just like that.
However you could clearly see that he was struggling.
"Well, all right but if you need help you know where to find me." You answered with a smile as you left the bar to go to your room.
You knew it was for Angel. But you still wanted to ask to get Husker to admit out loud that he liked him.
You were right, of course, Husk needed help. But he didn't want to go to you. He felt like that would be admitting defeat and since he didn't want to ask anyone else either he turned to the next best thing: romance movies.
And thats how now you were standing in the kitchen with a blown up cake (somehow) a broken table in the middle burnt table cloth on top, and plates and roses shattered on the floor.
"Sooo, Husk, dear, what the hell did you do?" You asked looking at him.
"Ahhh god damn it I just wanted to make a romantic dinner for Angel but it all went to shit." Husk was looking at the floor in defeat.
You chuckled at that.
"Husk you should have just come to me, I've know Angel for a long time now and he is one of my best friends. Listen, Angel does not give a fuck about fancy dinners or roses and shit. The only thing you have to do is be yourself, as cliche as it sounds, just tell him you like him and make him a drink at the bar that would be already enough for him knowing he can spend the evening talking to you."
Husk looked at you in disbelief, but he was relieved. Just sitting by the bar and chatting over a drink was more favorable for him as well.
And so on Valentines day you went down to the bar early in the morning to visit Husk and attempt to sooth his nerves.
That was going to be harder than you thought. Husk was cleaning glasses, bottles, anything he could get his hands on in the bar out of nervousness.
"Heeeyyyy, Husk...you good?" You attempted.
"No, (Y/N) I am in fact NOT good how the heck am I supposed to tell him that I like him."
"You just said it...of course that was in third person lets try in second person next-"
"NO (Y/N) you don't understand I cant do this I'll just give him a drink like usual and we'll talk normally-"
You interrupted Husker by grabbing his ear.
"Oww mother fuck-man what are you doing?"
"Listen to me Husker, this is the day of love and you are in love with Angel there is nothing else to say you have to confess, it will make him so happy."
"How do you know that? What if he just laughs in my face and tells me get my old brain out of the gutter."
You stared at him in disbelief. Of course you knew that Angel likes Husk, you were the first person he told it too. But you cant tell Husk that.
"Husker, do you really think Angel would ever say that?"
"Exactly because he is the sweetest guy and you know that, even if he rejects you, people will always be happy if they hear that someone loves them, you will make him happy, and lets face it Angel needs it."
Husk looked at the bottle in his hand and put it down.
"I'll...try my best." He sighed at last.
At that you jumped behind the counter and hugged him.
"Ok, good luck" with those last words you jumped back out and walked away to your hiding place...where you found every other resident except Angel was already excitedly waiting for whats going to happen.
"Erhmm...hey guys whatcha doing here?" You asked them confused.
"Shhh...Angel is coming" shushed you Charlie with an excited smile.
"Ahhh...good morning Husk, have you noticed that the hotel seems kind of empty?" Asked Angel.
"I have not seen anyone except you this morning." Husk was still cleaning glasses, probably for the 3rd time this morning but it helped with his nerves.
"Interesting I guess the couples are celebrating valentines day but I don't know about the others."
You guys just sat behind the corner where you were just out of view and tryed to listen to their conversation.
"Can you hear anything?" Asked you Charlie.
"Yes, someone just said: 'can you hear anything'"
"Ow come on, Alastor cant one of your shadows go closer or something?" Asked the radio demon Veggie.
"My dear it is 9 o'clock in the morning there is no shadow where mine could hide, I'm afraid they would notice me."
You were still busy listening but couldn't hear anything due to the voices behind you.
"Guys, cut it out I'm trying to listen."
"Wow he isssss grumpy thissss morning" commented quietly Pentious.
"No, this is just very important for my dear, he left the bed without even saying good morning to me." Alastor said somewhat grumpy.
To this you turned your head.
"Awww honey I didn't know that meant so much to you I'll make up for it I promise." You answered quickly while you turned back around. Only to be met with Angles chest.
"What the heck are you nosy nellies doing here?" Asked Angel looking at all of you.
"Well...ermm." You looked at Husk for help who showed you a thumbs up. This was all you needed as you jumped to hug Angel.
"We want to congratulate you omg you guys are such a cute couple" you almost yelled excitedly.
Angel chuckled and hugged you back.
"Yeah I guess we are." He answered as he put you down and took hold of Husk's hand.
And with that, the Hazbin Hotel got richer with another couple.
Huskerdust is everything, nothing else matters.💗🥹
Hope you guys liked the story🥰
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kissitbttr · 5 months
LMAOO bae ik u heard of that j cole nd kendrick beef 😭😭 what would frat!mig’s reaction be bc i think its so funny since thats both his fav artists
“unbelievable. eso fue muy estúpido” he scoffs, scrolling through his phone by the bed.
you peer over your shoulder to look at him, abandoning the open book and pencil. “baby, you have been grumbling for the past ten minutes. are you menstruating or something?”
“what the hell? no! of course not! it’s just that” he sighs heavily, eyebrows pinching in frustrations as his eyes settled on his phone screen. “the fuck is j. cole problem?”
raising an eyebrow, you stand up before walking over towards him. miguel has his sweatpants with no t-shirt on, showcasing his bronze skin with rippled muscles that never fails to make you wet. his other hand playing mindlessly with a ball, throwing it up to the ceiling before catching it back so effortlessly.
“this is about j cole and kendrick beef?” arms crossed over your chest while asking, amused by how your boyfriend gets quite worked up over this,
“technically, kendrick has no beef with the man. j cole just loves to starts shit which is so not him. what the fuck is going on?!” he answers with a tone, eyes looking up at you momentarily. “like look at this shit, muñeca!”
miguel turns the screen towards you, showing a headline of j cole writing a diss track as a response to kendrick’s first jab against him and drake. your eyes squinting to read the news carefully,
“you done reading? my hand is getting tired” miguel jokes, earning a warning glare from you. “see?! and look at this part right here—he even said that kendrick was not that good if he only produced an album once in a blue moon” he rolls his eyes, turning the phone back to him.
“baby that’s not what he said” you watch how his focus is turned back onto the news. “you’re taking it out of context. it even said that kendrick wrote the diss first”
“who’s side are you on?!”
“i’m not siding with anyone!” you defend, almost bursting out a laugh at how serious he is looking at you. as if this beef between his two favorite artists somehow is a matter life and death. “you love these two guys, i don’t think you should put too much thought into it and just rather listen to the music”
“that’s a very loser ass response of you, muñeca”
“fucking excuse me?!”
“this shit is important! because i gotta know what really drives j cole into doing this shit to kendrick. and you know me better, hermosa! if i had to choose between the two it’s always going to be kendrick!”
“well I didn’t ask that”
“well you should have!” he mocks your tone, scoffing. “and why the fuck is drake even gets dragged into this shit?! ‘7 minute drill’ yeah your career is a 7 minute drill compared to kendrick, homie” he tsks, head shaking at the lame attempt of j cole trying to embarrass kendrick.
it’s both cute and annoying when miguel acts like this sometimes, heavy on the annoying though. he really is obsessed with the two men who he will argue to hell and back how they changed his perspectives in music,
“i am not arguing this with you. jackass” you mumble, rolling your eyes. “and since you’re very very preoccupied at the moment, i am cancelling my plan to let you fuck me from behind tonight” you say before walking back to his desk
and that somehow catches his attention. both his hands stop moving, whipping his head towards you and eyes go wide.
“what did you say?! wait—wait—i’ll take it back, baby! these two mean nothing to me! oh my god, please come back! i am going to die if you don’t hop on my dick tonight!”
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my-name-is-calypso · 11 months
Okag so this Au can be mainly used for everlasting trio (platonic or not), but you can use anything else
Alot of things are basically the same, EXCEPT this is halfa trio au, BUT THERES IS ONLY ONE PHANTOM/HALFA HERO! Or at least thats what everyone else thinks, BECAUSE SAM, TUCKER AND DANNY ARE ALL HALFAS
But theres something missing here right? How are they all halfas but theres only "one" ghost hero?
My friends...THEY ARE KINDA OF AN AMALGAMATION BUT ALSO NOT, their main form is a mix of the tree of them BUT they can also shapeshift a bit
Not enough to change their WHOLE appearence, for example:
if they are gonna deal with a ghostly tech (or magic) problem, the ghost will look more like Tucker, if its a nature the ghost will look like Sam (and other theme that you think will fit Sam, because i want to give at least 2 themes for each) one), if the problem is Space/Ice they will look more like Danny.
But it will still be a mix, only that more traits of each of them will appear more (if the problems is focused on the areas of only two, both traits will appear more)
And their thoughs? Can they each think separetly or not? Well i like the idea of their thoughs beaing separed, which will cause a lot of problems at their start on being a hero.
OH AND ALSO!! The main form will have 2 legs and 2 Arms, and the body will look human, but certain times, if 2 arms are -for example- stuck, at least 2 more país can appear, i think it will look good if that mainly happen with arms and legs, but fuck it, anything else works, like their head will just turn in a less fucked up version of like...v0ldemort face being on the back of that one professor head.
ANY WAY GETTING THIS OUT OF THE WAY, lets give more details!!!
The Start:
Their backstorys and family relations is all the same, danny parents are still the "crazy" scientists that believe in ghost, and all that jazz
We know how it goes, the portal gets ready, does not work, The Fenton parents get sad and bla bla bla (you can choose the details here)
But the trio wants to check it, they go see it and for whatever motive you choose they wnat danny to go inside the portal, AND THATS WHERE THINGS CHANGE
Because danny refuses to go unless the three of them go, they agree, take on of the others Danny's extra HAZMATS suits, and they go inside (they hold hands because its dark and they don't want to get hurt)
Their death:
The portal turns on with the three of them still inside, and well they go trough alot of pain and well they have one form and they are tripping everywhere and can't use their(?) body very well, and everyones panicking and hearing each others thoughs and crying and they see a mirror (you choose how they look like exactly but i think their form is changing constatly, and the faces is not exactly right ...until they open their eyes, and are all fallen in the floor, human, breathing and most important, normal!
So everything is the same, except some details, like when vlad sees danny, he doesnt see that danny is an halfa like him, but knows that he is not exactly normal, so he keeps his eyes closes to him, but nothing happens. UNTILL HE SEES PHANTOM (and think the name should be only one and still be phantom) and realizes that is danny, so he follows while hidden to talk to him, and sees the trio destransform
His obsession still has something to do with marrying maddie and adopting Danny (be it him wanting a family, and being delusional that only these two will love him), but he ONLY wants danny to be his halfa son, so he kinda wants to find a way to only have danny as an halfa (be it killing Sam and Tucker)
And then he goes to cloning, and Danniele is born, she is still mainly a clone of Danny, but she still has Sam and Tucker DNA (Vlad failed to truly get rid of these two DNA, so he stuck to having just the minumum of their DNA), they help Danniele (who chooses to now be named Ellie) and she goes to travel the world (in this, she has a phone, and keeps in touch with the trio)
Jazz still is the one to first fully alive person to find out their secret, she doenst change a lot, she just worries more because of the trio
Valerie still is Red Huntress and hates ghosts, but she gets a truce with phantom sooner and gets rid of her hatred of ghost earlier (her Dad still loses his job, and she gets kicked out of the A-Listers, and she still works a part-time job at Nasty Burger)
Amity park thinks Phantom is one person and just shapeshifts (not that crazy of an idea once you realizes ghost exists) and so does the ghost at their first meeting untill they se the trio destransfrom.
The G.I.W is not much of a joke here, because goverment, but they suck ALOT on catchin ghosts
If you wanna go with dissection, i have no idea what will happen so be creative
May add images later?
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months
Rising - 1610!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
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This is just a teaser of the fan fiction I have brewing in my drafts. Its probably going to be pretty long and maybe even end up becoming multiple parts, so lmk if thats something you're interested in or if I should continue this story, because its got a lot of lore and I'm not gonna get into it all if no one's interested
Synopsis: Miles knew he would have to battle with his guilt from his Uncle Aaron's death, but he never expected to get involved with the Prowler again. This time, the Prowler returns with a new face.
10:36 A.M. Aaron Davis's Funeral - Miles' POV ________________________________________________________________
"Thank you for coming." Miles watched as his mom quietly whispered her thanks to the numerous family members approaching them with their kind words and back pats. He forced a smile as a woman he didn't even know cupped his face in her hands, her condolences barely audible over the loud murmurs of the rest of the funeral crowd. The cold Brooklyn breeze sent shivers down his spine, his thin suit coat doing little to prevent the goosebumps from rapidly spreading across his skin.
It was a gloomy day, dark clouds on the horizon blocking the sun, the inevitable chance of pouring rainfall growing closer and closer as the wind pushed the overcast towards the funeral service. It had been exactly one week and two days since his Uncle Aaron's sudden death. The cops, well Miles' dad Jeff, had done a good job covering up his uncle's involvement in the collider sequence that generated the tens of tiny earthquakes, shaking New York to its core and leading to thousands worth of property damage. It was as if the Prowler had never existed. They said that his uncle died during one of the earthquakes, trapped under the rubble while trying to help evacuate a neighborhood but Miles knew better.
He knew the truth. He knew that his uncle wasn't a good guy. He knew that he'd been working with Kingpin. He knew about the Sinister Six. But worse than all the rest, he knew that it was his fault his uncle was dead. Because if he hadn't been bit by that damn spider, Aaron Davis would still be alive.
"Dear friends and family, we gather here today in grief and love to remember the life of Aaron Davis and to support one another during this difficult time. As we come together, let us take a moment to offer a prayer of comfort, healing, and strength..."
It was starting. Miles quickly took a seat next to his mom who was silently dabbing the corner of her eye with a small, white napkin. She put her hand on top of Miles' squeezing gently and shooting him a slight smile before they both turned their heads to look back over at his father, who was approaching the podium to give his farewell speech. Miles watched as his father pulled out what looked like a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, looked at it for a moment, and then shoved it back in with a sigh. He placed his hands on both sides of the microphone, eliciting a small, high-pitched screech, evoking subtle winces among the crowd.
His dad cleared his throat, and began to speak, his voice wavering slightly with every change in tone. It was hard for him, probably harder than it was for Miles. Miles couldn't help but feel a little proud of his dad for being able to stand up there and talk about the man that they'd lost, because he knew that if he himself tried to go up there, he'd break down and never be able to build himself back up again.
"Aaron was my baby brother. But more than that, he was my best friend." His dad chuckled slightly, memories flooding his mind as he continued, "I remember when we were young, how the two of us would go out causing trouble like we were invincible. Like nothing could break us..."
As Miles's focus slowly wavered, he felt his father's voice becoming more and more muffled. Miles' mind was overwhelmed by unwelcome thoughts, flooding his senses and making his swallowing sharper and his eyes heavier. If I hadn't been bit...would he still be here today? He closed his eyes quickly, to prevent himself from breaking down right there, swallowing back his tears before opening them again and looking back at his father. If I hadn't been followed...would he have survived?
If I'd shook him off my path that day, he would've never realized that I was going to Aunt May's house. And he wouldn't have caught me. And I wouldn't have taken my mask off. And he wouldn't have been shot.
Miles heard clapping and opened his eyes again, forcing a smile onto his face and clapping along with everyone else while his dad sat down in the seat next to him. Another person went up to the stand, someone Miles didn't know. As the person began to talk, Miles felt his mind wandering again, back to those horrible, horrible thoughts. But there was a hint of truth behind them, wasn't there? If I hadn't-
He felt a tingling sensation in his body, the hairs on his arms standing up and a weird, almost nauseating feeling entering the front of his forehead. His spider-sense. It was detecting something.
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this fanfic, there's a link to a form in my master list that you can fill out <3
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Chris and I- bringing our Baby home for the first time
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18+ just in case ALL FLUFF (slight mention of parent death) bringing baby home from being born choose ur own Chris (its an AU) COMMENTS & REBLOGS APPRECIATED no permission to repost republish or tralnslate.
"Chris why are you driving so slow?" I'm with our baby in the back while he's driving the Audi, (always my favorite car)
"Yea but hon it's our private road my baby's gunna turn three before we get to the house."
"Um excuse me its our Baby"
"Sure let's just so with that." I playfully roll my eyes and see Chris pout in the rear view mirror.
"That's not funny you know how long I've wanted a family for."
"I do and I'm sorry." I pause for a few second. "Actually I'm not because you're taking forever and I am in desperate need of a bath and she is going to need to be changed soon and you should get rest. Because I am not letting her cry herself to sleep. A d-"
"You think I'd do that? Hell no."
"Good because I'm not going to be the only one getting up so if you can increase to may at least 10 miles an hour. I'd appreciate it."
"Fine. "
"Dare I even ask for 30?" I flirty teases.
"Don't push it." His lip curls a bit.
My phone dings
"Scott left us cheesecake in the fridge and your mother will be bringing us dinner! God I love your family."
My tears well up
"I know. I'm sorry hon. I'm sure your mother would've loved to be here but I know she's watching over us. "
"I know I just....."
"Hey it's ok you've got my family and they love you more than me so"
I laugh
"It's gunna be weird without dodger there but I can't wait until he gets to meet his baby sister." I changed the topic in a dime-I know. And I know Chris knows I did that on purpose- it's too painful to talk about right now; especially with emotions all over the place.
"I'm glad everyone understood we wanted some alone time."
"Well it was that or we leave them on a porch to freeze."
"Oh my sweet little one you have no idea how much you're loved." I caress her cheek.
"Oh she knows did you see how much she loved people. Who visited her she drank it up."
"Oh I saw. I'm glad she has a big family who loves her. She's so beautiful."
"Just like her mama."
"What? Its true. She is practically your mini me. Franky I'm thrilled I was terrified."
"Yea gorgeous sexy actor who'd want to look like-"
"You do remember those scene where I had to dress up like a woman."
"Good point I'm still traumatized."
"We all were" he laughs
"Chris did we move at all?"
"Yes I'm getting there. Relax."
"Well she gunna be hungrey I know and you know I know when she is gunna get hungrey."
"And exactly how is that."
"Mommys intuition."
"I want daddy's intuition" he pouted
Oh thats easy see carry the child for 9 months and push them out through-"
"Ok ok I was there I don't need to relive it."
"You asked. We almost there I wanna cuddle. Honey we have plen-"
"Who said you I wanna cuddle with my baby girl."
"Me too."
"Well you know how we solve that?"
"We all cuddle together. Wait you seriously didn't think of that?"
"Hon I am just focused on the road."
"Chris you realized if you go to 30 miles we would've been there 5 minutes ago. Especially since Mama here is getting Hangrey" I cross my arms.
"Ok good point."
Within 2 minutes were back at home.
Chris and I unlock the carrier I go to get out he tells me to wait. He get the car seat/carrier he puts her down on the porch and we can see her from where we are.
"You left our child alone? I look at him with" widened eyes.
He pauses in mid movement not sure what to do or say
"I'm just kidding we can see her from here but hon I can walk by myself."
"I just want to help."
"Nothing I say will change things will it?"
"Worth a try. Anyway. Alright go. She needs to eat I want to sleep and you are on diper duty."
"Got it."
That was easier than I thought," I thought.
"Mother knows best." He replies
"How the hell do you know what I was thinking."
"Because we are that in sync."
"I had that inadvertent smirk on my face going didnt I?"
Before we bring her in he opens the door and goes inside for a moment. Then he comes back out.
He won't let me bend down to pick up the carrier so he picks her up but he are holding both sides of the carrier as we walk in together. Thankfully he has huge doors.
"Home sweet home baby girl."
We get the tiniest tiniest yawn.
"That was the cutest thing ever awww."
"I got it all on film baby."
I put my camera to record this. So I can send it to everyone.
Can you not send it to everyone on your acting friends list, that didn't go over well like anytime but just to our close close friends and family I don't trust everyone and its my baby and I-"
"I know I know calm down mama bear. I already have a baby list and got NDAs."
Ok so he's even more paranoid than me.
There was a moment of silence.
"What do we do first with her?"
he pauses
"I dont know."
"She's sleeping I dont want to take her out of her carrier."
"Me either dont wake a sleeping baby. We leave her on the floor and get changed?"
"I guess"
Were besides ourselves but we change and we sit on the floor and just stare at her.
"She's still asleep how is this possible"
"I don't know."
"We must have the most perfect baby ever- look at her sweet little breaths."
We stare at her, intensly for a while longer ok, for a lot while longer. He keeps trying to take his phone out. I put my hands over his. I mean after the 200th photo we can give it a rest and just take it in.
Chris mom, who has a key, had came and knocked with her finger to get our attention
"Why is she still in her carrier?"
"She's still sleeping."
"I dont want to wake her. I know she's gunna be hungrey and you know when she wakes up but I can't I can't help it. She's so."
We don't want to miss anything.
Ok you two how about you get some sleep and let grandma take care of her
Me and Chris both pout
Now go. You two sleep while you can.
Chris helps me up why I don't know. But he does and we crawl into bed and cuddle up and I fall asleep in his arms the next thing I know his mother is gently waking me, telling me she's hungrey.
Our sweet angel is brought in to me and Chris wakes up a second before she's brought into me.. she grabs onto my finger as she feeds.
“I love you” he kissed my temple
“I know.”
He kisses her head and she gives him the dirtiest look.
I let out a huge laugh.
"You're just like mama" he boops her nose which does nothing to dispell her dirty look.
"Mommy doesn't like to be disturbed when she's eating either."
"Ignore daddy" her eyes turn back to me, turning soft, "hes crazy."
"She likes you better."
"Baby im sure its just cause she loves food and I'm her only source. And she doesn't like me better its just baby moods." I don't know if that’s a thing but its worth a shot to comfort Chris.
"I know she loves you too. She made grabbed hands towards you before she fell asleep."
"Yea. Right my little angel you love daddy too."
We turn on the TV low and Chris put on C-span.
"One way to get her to sleep. But maybe save c-span for night time. Put on a movie."
"Which one?”
“I don't know."
We finally settle on Disney's Snow White and not soon after she finishes eating and fals right back asleep. I hold her as Chris puts one arm around me and one arm around the baby.
His mother comes in without us realizing and apprently took a few pictures before she told us to say cheese.
"I'm tired"
"Sleep my love."
"We should put her down in her crib first I wanna do it together its the first time." I pout. So I'm exhausted I'm barely able to make it to her nursery but I'm determined for us to do this as a family. We gently placed her in the crib And Chris is apprently a master at hiding camera because he got the whole thing on film. We placed her in her crib and
and back before I'm out like a light. Chris later told me he held me while watching the baby monitor like a hawk until he fell asleep. I mean she's safe and were home and safe. Theres nothing I need more than what I have right now, snuggling into my husband the perfect first time home.
Ok sure she woke up up for feedings (which Chris got up to get her, and diaper changes and swaddling but she's a baby they do that but she's still a perfect baby... our baby... mine and Chris' perfect baby
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@sapphire-rogers @nana1000night @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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A timeline of every time a Spacelander has visited Flatland! Starting with...
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Flatland's Year 0!
My friend @frau-line had the idea of a messiah and an apostle that fell in love and lived in Spaceland together. I also saw an idea for a god myth that included a picture of a sphere with a line orbiting around it and thought that that was a banger design for a god(s). Though I cant for the life of me find it now... its a small fandom I'll see it eventually.
With that out of the way, heres these two nameless but lovely ladies. I think at this point Flatland would be in like, caveman times or something, but the line is a fast learner and quickly absorbed all information that the sphere gave her.
As for Spacelands society, theyre far ahead of Flatland, but still not nearly as technologically advanced as they are in the film. Maybe like aztec times...?
Theyve just found Flatland and know exactly nothing about it. They sent the sphere to go check it out, and when she came back a month later they had a Flatlander with them.
They study the line and Flatland and they find out... something... that makes it so they set a concrete rule to only ever visit once every thousand years to impart knowledge upon the primitive Flatlanders.
I have no idea why they decide to do this every 1000 years. Perhaps the line dies shortly after her ascension to Spaceland (due to gravitational forces) and the sphere is heartbroken and bitter and shes like "Flatland is extremely fragile we must only interact with it rarely or we will FUCK UP and KILL things"
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Year 1000
frau-line fuels this scenario and the next as well. Her ideas are some of the most interesting and compelling I've seen so its hard not to steal :P
The messiah of the Year 1000 wasnt exactly thrilled to do this job, but the first official visit was something highly anticipated and that he was specifically taught to do, so he studied hard and practiced well. He thought it easy and simple until, well...
Unfortunately, the year 1000 apostle must have been at least a little unhinged before enlightenment, so this messiahs mission went wildly off the rails. As soon as he finished his geometry homework, he started a massive country-wide riot, and martyred himself before anyone could ask what he was rioting for.
As for his shape I think he was either a hexagon or an octagon i cant remember im so sorry frau line 😖😖😖
Any fucking ways the messiah is like
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And he has some like. Idk not trauma, but he is a little fucked up by it and thinks he should have taken it more seriously or whatever. Who cares though
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Year 2000
Saturnius and Areia. Thanking frau-line every day for creating these guys, their plot is so captivating and I have a huge soft spot for Ariea specifically.
Saturnius is a noble sphere prince that takes his job deathly seriously, and Areia is a low class line determined to spread the gospel no matter the cost. The cost ends up being a holy war that is far more destructive than the year 1000 apostle could have even imagined...
Nothing I could say about them could live up to Suovetaurilia, so please give it a read!
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Year 3000
You know who these guys are.
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Year 4000
Finally, my home grown boys!
Xerxes is very lacking in the self confidence department and is trying to be the best most effective messiah to date to prove himself. His hopes are shattered when he happens to pick Claude, an average pentagon working an average 9-5 job, who doesn't give a singular shit about the third dimension at all. Xerxes doesn't give up easily, and secretly interacts with Claude even after the millennial visit in order to convince Claude to become an apostle. Unfortunately, it turns out Claude is just as stubborn.
...And thats all I have! This is all just my personal headcanon, so I'd really love to hear what you all think the timeline looks like!!
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
PLS YOU’RE SO FUNNY your pspspsps is too strong I’m back with more asks hello how are you I’m loving your takes on sagau! I thought of a contribution by the power of the pspsps imagine like the languages in teyvat are based on the nations’ real life counterparts (like Japanese for Inazuma) but like only loosely. So creator knows like exactly 3 words in Japanese and think they’re gonna take that and somehow make it work but they get there and understand NOTHING. They finally understand like one word but turns out it means something completely different in this version of “Japanese” so they think someone told them hi and they said hi back but they’re just going around saying “fuck” and no one wants to tell them
ANOTHER ONE YUHSSS LURING BACK IN FOR MORE im doing well tysm for asking ya flatterer!!
aw u think im funny??!! 🥰 well geez here i thought i was just going feral over sagau/isekai genshin stuff and it was like a dam burst and all yall were just coming down with me funny or not 🤷‍♂️
(Hey askers look ive got cookies 🍪🍪🍪 :) if u ask smth ill give u one!!)
Nice to know the humor translates, but holy fuck this ask is like 10x funnier than anything ive written so far or come up with LMAO PLEASE NO ONE WANTS TO TELL YOU-
This is exactly what Portugese vs. Spanish is like i stg
Im not fluent yet but i know a decent amount of spanish at this point, but when i was first learning it i ran into some Portuguese and couldnt really read it and was like?? Oh ok maybe this is too many vocab words i dont get yet, and showed it to another person who spoke some Spanish and they were like ".. Uh, wtf is that?? What is that???🧐😟 Thats not even Spanish, but why is it almost???" And they just kept trying to read it so hard bc they thought it was so close it should work 😭
Anyway the point is i feel like that is just you in this scenario over and over again lol
Its like teaching a little kid language and they happen to pick up the cusswords the best,
Omfg ur around Beidou about to head to Inazuma (bc i like to think u traveling with Aether/Lumine and they r sweet enough not to abandon ur weird ass)
And Beidou just keeps cussing in Liyue's-almost-Mandarian-Chinese-but-not, and ur like trying to pick smth up bc it sucks none of ur little bits and pieces of lang. from ur world have worked so far, and she keeps saying this one word over and over again, to this angry looking Liyue guy, oh hey wait a minute, that's the Mandarin word for "hello"!! Maybe she's using it sarcastically?? She smiled afterward, oh Kazuha's laughing!! Maybe it means smth different? But they still look positive abt it so eh, cant hurt, and you sort of know how to say it!!
"你好 !! (nǐhǎo)", you do a little wave too :)
(I just used straight mandarin for this pls tell me if not right-)
Hey you did it! Sort of, you didn't really do the tones right, and you look over to see if they got it, and oop-
Everybody froze and looked at you, before Beidou starts screaming laughing, Kazhua's wheezing so hard he's leaning on a barrel nearby, the traveler is trying to keep it together, but u can see Beidou's ridiculous laugh is contagious and is spreading rapidly to crew members and to the traveler,,
The angry Liyuean man no longer looks angry, oh, he's leaving, welp, you can tell u did smth funny, but u havent a clue what u actually said
Every now and then Beidou will come up to you and try to teach u more Liyuean words, but anytime the traveler sees it they shoo her off, she has a shit-eating grin on her face, while the traveler looks unamused or is at least trying to hide their amusement
(There r so many characters that will take advantage of this and only try to teach you cuss words, at least at first, CHILDE, kaveh, VENTI, Itto, BEIDOU, Xinqiu the little prankster, ppl i can think of quickly god i gotta look at a character list)
Beidou BEAMS anytime u say "nîhâo" now, and gives u a thumbs up everytime 👍
You learn much later that you probably should just give up trying to say any of your world's lang. That sound equivalent to each genshin country's lang. bc apparently the few words you know from them are either random shit like "egg, bowl, etc." Or straight up explicit "fuck, shit, piss etc."
I didnt have too much to add bc that is a GREAT AND HILARIOUS idea all on its own (esp if u did it in front of more serious characters or situation)
So pls forgive if lackluster writing happened!!
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kat651 · 19 days
diary (Sherlock x reader)
He knew it was wrong. He truly did, but curiosity had gotten the best of him, and it was just sitting there. Sherlock had found himself liking you more than he should for someone that worked for him, but he wanted to know what interested you. Sherlock scanned the contents of your diary with interest.
You liked chocolate, certain flowers, he found your favorite color, what books you liked, your hobbies. He paused at the last entry. 
I know it's wrong, especially considering the fact that he hates sentiment, but I can't help but make a special place in my heart for him. He may be hard to read but thats what makes him so special, if Sherlock Holmes was just a regular person with regular hobbies and interests i probably wouldn't have even noticed him, save for those eyes, but because he's so different and so unique i can't help but want what i can't have. Maybe I need to move out, being flatmates with him and John makes it even harder for me to think straight. 
I know for a fact that John knows exactly how I feel. If Sherlock was anyone else besides my boss, I'd tell him the truth. But I can't lose this job because my heart wants something it can't have. Our friendship may be nothing more than work related but I cherish it. A lot.  
Update: I found an apartment for sale a few blocks away. If I save up, I should be able to pay the rent by the end of the month. How on earth am I supposed to tell them I'm moving out? John will understand but he won't be happy about it. But sherlock? How will he react? 
Sherlock closed the diary and ran to your room,tossing it on your bed, his heart was racing. You were leaving? You loved him? He stood and began to pace, mind going a mile a minute. He felt a pit in his stomach and realized he felt the same way you did. 
Sherlock threw on his coat and ran to the store, picking up some chocolate and a few other things he now knew you liked. He knew that John knew you liked him so John would immediately pick up on Sherlock's feelings. He brushed it off and bought everything anyway. 
You walked into the flat and slipped your shoes off before going into the living room. “Hey john… where's sherlock?”
“He left about a half hour ago, probably something about the case…” 
You nodded and sat down. “Well since hes gone now is probably the best time to tell you. Im leaving.”
“I can't do this anymore… it's too hard seeing him every time i step through the door. I'm not quitting i'm just moving down the street… maybe ill come back if i can get everything inside under control but for now i need to leave…”
You hadn’t heard sherlock come back. “Your leaving?”
You turned around to see sherlock standing in the entrance to the livingroom with a bag in his hand. 
“I… yeah, at the end of next week, im just heading down the street. I need time to myself… i might come back after a few months i just i cant…” you hung your head. 
“Ill leave you two to talk,” john said, heading to his room.
Sherlock slowly walked to you until he was standing directly infront of you. “Is there anything i can say or do to change your mind?”
‘There is one thing,’ you thought. ‘If you loved me. It wouldnt hurt if you did…’ you sighed. “I dont think so…”
Shurlock gently grabbed your hands. “Is it me?” he asked, pretending not to know. 
John was standing with his ear against his door, listening.
“No. i mean yes, i mean… its complicated…”
“Please tell me, if ive done something to cause you to feel that you have to leave just tell me, i- please stay…” sherlock pleaded, squeezing your hands and looking at you with puppy eyes. 
“Sherlock i cant-”
He grabbed your face in his hands, looking into your eyes with his now sad ones. “Please stay…”
“No ive made up my mind, im going…”
“Oh come on Sherlock its not like im- what are you so afraid of?!”
“You want to know what i'm afraid of?!” he asked, tears welling in his eyes. 
“Yes i do!” you shouted. 
“Everything!” he screamed.
You looked at him confused.
“Everything that involves you scares me! Im afraid to move to think im…” he reached out to touch your face but recoiled. “Im scared to touch you! I-im afraid you step out that door, every time i let you help me with a case! I let you in, i let myself love you and now your leaving! I cant loose you! I-i wont survive…” at some point he had fallen to his knees and now he was crying at your feet. “Please stay…”
You knelt in front of him. “You love me?”
Sherlock nodded, looking up at you. “More than anything…”
You chuckled and threw your arms around him, placing your lips on his. “I love you too…”
Sherlock kissed you repeatedly “y/n… please… don't go…”
You hugged him tighter. “I'm not going anywhere, i'm staying right here… with you.”
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ilovehimyourhonour · 1 year
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the art of coffee 005.5 : you should have minded your business (written) . previous ! next !
park j. jongseong x fem! reader . university au , written chapter . reader is anxious , shy/awkward jay tehehe .
a/n mmm idk exactly how I feel about this one , but kinda thought we should see shy/awkward jay 🤭
taglist open !
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the knowledge of jay park’s whereabouts in this particular moment was definitely effecting you mentally, and the classmate seated next to you would say you were definitely being effected physically as well. your hands shook as you attempted to bring the paintbrush to your canvas, your sneaker tapped gently against the tiled floors, and your top teeth now sunk into your bottom lip.
“I cant do this,” you mutter beneath your breath, dropping the paintbrush into the little cup of water next to your tray of paints.
“are you alright?” the girl next to you questions, you muster what little calm you posses and give her a weak smile—she isn’t fooled but she doesnt press on. giving you a weary glance before turning back to the canvas sat along her own easel.
you take a deep breath, then another, and then another. your hands glide up and down your thighs, an attempt to calm your nerves. willing your anxiety to come back down to earth, for at least a moment—you’d beg for just a second of peace. why are you getting so worked up about this? and where was jungwon?
it had been a little over a week now, jay hasn’t done anything to effect your social status, honestly you’ve barely heard or seen jay throughout the campus over the last several days. its all in your head. he probably doesn’t even remember you. youre just some clumsy girl who ruined his shirt. you mean nothing to him. everything’s gonna be fine.
“has she been like this all day?” jungwon’s volume brings you back to reality, he stands next to the girl who was most likely questioning your sanity. “what’s got your pretty head in the clouds?” he hums, you sigh and push yourself up from your stool. taking the lead, you direct the two of you towards a table along the back of the room.
“is he still out there?” you whisper as you pass by a window, not daring to peek out.
“this is what’s got you so worked up?”
“is he?”
“yeah,” he frowns, setting the paper bag onto the table. “hes just out there sitting on the front steps, it looks like hes waiting for something.” jungwon reaches into the bag and begins unloading the boxes of food. “but lets not worry about it, im sure he’s just waiting for this weeks hookup.” jungwon turns to you with his brightest grin, and you cant help but let your own smile peak through—he was just too cute.
the two of you settle into your chairs, separate your chopsticks, and dig in. jungwon mumbles about something that happened earlier in one of his classes, the food stuffed into his mouth making it hard to understand what he was saying—but you simply nodded, trying to catch as much information as you could.
“I just cant believe she would say that, you know?” you hum and turned back to your food. “oh lord,” jungwon whispers. you glance up at him, assuming he dropped food onto his white shirt, but he is staring straight past you.
“what?” you frown, turning to face the same direction he was.
you should have never looked, you should have minded your business and continued eating.
jay park stands near the entrance, along with one of his minions and a boy thats very unfamiliar. the taller, older boy meets your gaze, and he smiles softly—taking a few steps in your direction in the process.
“hi,” he says. “um, one of the theatre teachers sent us to check on the props,” he rubs his hands together—almost as if he’s nervous.
“oh, um,” you glance past him. jay still stands by the door, his gaze focused on the ground. “I didn’t work on them,” you chuckle awkwardly as you rise from your seat. “but,” you turn to where your classmate had been sitting, only to see her space empty. “oh, she left.”
“its okay, we can come back later.” the younger boy smiles, taking a step forward.
“I think that would be best,” you sigh. “im sorry I couldn’t be more help.”
“oh no, its all good. thank you,” you smile as the two boys retreat back towards jay—who stands with his back turned attention lingering on the wall of past projects, his fingers gently trace a drawing tacked to the wall.
a drawing made by you…
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@heeseungsim @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @yizhoutv
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© ilovehimyourhonour
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mm-lurking · 9 months
Al-Haitham, The Jealous Scribe
Just a (not proofread) drabble I wrote a month-ish ago. Its Al-HaithamxMaiya (my oc), but tbh you can also read it as reader since its written in second person. Hope you enjoy! No content warning is needed, just Haitham being Haitham and fluff
--- Al-Haitham who doesn’t understand jealousy because he never experienced it himself, but when he sees Maiya with another man enjoying he can’t help but feel something awkward in his chest.
Al-Haitham who ignores the feelings, saying it must be nothing as he continues to read his book yet the words on the page blur and he can’t read with a clear mind as he sees his woman conversing happily with some man that’s not him.
Al-Haitham who knows that logically she’s just discussing work and socialising as expected of her job yet emotionally he feels strange, almost like something is whispering to him making him want to pull her away from that dude.
Al-Haitham who watches and watches them closely while pretending to read a book, this feeling in him growing more and more until he realises the term for it- jealousy.
Al-Haitham who scoffs at himself, mentally rolling his eyes as he chides himself. Me? Jealous? no way, he thinks, yet a part of him knows that’s exactly what it is.
Al-Haitham who snaps his book close and walks a little over his natural speed up to his wife, whose still engaged in a conversation with the other man. She doesn’t see him approaching as she’s so engrossed in her topic.
Al-Haitham who slowly puts a hand on her lower back and smirks slightly when he hears her soft gasp as he narrows his eyes to look at the man opposite of his wife.
Al-Haitham who tries his best to watch his tongue yet the jealousy seeps into his mouth and he says a few polite words wondering what such topic could occupy his wife completely.
Al-Haitham who turns slightly red when he hears his wife giggle a little as she has probably figured out that he’s jealous. She turns her face around and gently looks at him and he immediately softens.
Al-Haitham who knows it’s irrational to feel this way yet the fingers dig deeper into her skin as he looks back at the man in front of her, whose starting to shake a bit after realising this is the scribe of the Akaydemia.
Al-Haitham who turns red again when he hears his wife giggle harder as she apologises to the man in front of her and introduces him as her husband. The man’s eyes widen further and he stutters.
Al-Haitham whose smirking is very obvious now from how the man seems afraid after knowing the scribe is married to the woman he’s talking to. He watches as his wife assures the guy to not panic.
Al-Haitham who cannot wait for the man to leave and lets out a sigh of relief as he watches the man end the conversation, leaving his wife confused slightly as she sadly says goodbye and tells him she will see him later.
Al-Haitham who scowls when he hears her say so, rolling his eyes mentally as he doesn’t want to think about his wife seeing that man again.
Al-Haitham who denies the accusations his wife brings up, calling him jealous in a playful manner and teasing him saying that he just wanted to make sure she’s safe and alright.
“If thats the case, you should have no problem in me meeting him in the Akaydemia itself right? Since it’s safe there?”
Al-Haitham who grabs her wrist as she pretends to leave and only when she laughs does he realise she was kidding. He turns red further and avoids eye contact at her antics.
“You know I am only yours right?”
Al-Haitham who blushes as she kisses his cheek and wraps her arms around his bicep. No matter how well versed he was in knowledge, his heart was a matter he could never fully comprehend, especially if it belonged to a woman like her.
--- Hope you liked it! ©mm-lurking do not repost, copy or steal.
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the-last-f2p · 2 years
Yandere promt day 9
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Featuring:Dark era Dazai + Chuuya as a normal nice friend!
9. “I’m doing you a favor. You’re just too irrational to see that, right now.”
Tw: Swearing, Murder, Bewarwe of Yan Dazai!
Y/N is like a magician/very competive cus of their ability, also heads up you scare loads of people.
"Hey (nickname) have you heard about this dude who completly iradicated a gifted orginazition by himself? Sound cool right!" One of your friends told you this one really liked weird stuff like the thing they just told you about to a degree that it could've happened 5 seconds ago and they would already be on their way to tell you about it. It was weird..
"COOL!" But so were you. You had a few friends who were in the mafia as well you don't know exactly how you met but hey they were fun to hang out with.
1 day later
"Chuuya!" You crept up behind the short ginger .
"SHIT ITS A DEMON!" Your short-tempered friend screamed before you recived a kick to your stomach . good you fooled him.
"Ehe~ Y/N: 187 Chuuya : 0!" You told him trying to flex your beutiful ability 'Things Not Seen' which allowed you to turn invisible until you came into contact with an inanimite object usually being you're phone if you want to be visible.
"Next oppenent.... Osamu Dazai!" You said turning invisible leaving Chuuya to wallow in his loss while you go find Dazai! You're just so nice aren't you!
It had been a minute and there he is Osamu Dazai the Port Mafia's resident Suicdal Emo! You slowy crept up behind the bandaged boy before...
"Y/N I know you're there by the way." Dazai says then throwing a rock on your feet.
"You found me! That should be your 153rd win Dazai!" You say wrapping your arms around the Mafia executive.
"Ehe~ Yes I'm just great aren't I!"
1 week later
"Y/N did you hear that a bunch of highschoolers have been going missing even (random name) has gone missing! Didn't he confess to you?" Your friend told you again another weird thing that was releated to crime.
"Yeah its creepy right? So did Tsukasa... I'm getting kind of worried." You say completely honestly the crimes your friend told you these past few days have been getting closer and closer intertwined with you.
"I've been looking into it and I have a feeling the mafia has been ivolved as they are all killed Port Mafia style ya know?" Your friend was theorizing who the killer could be. At this point join the ADA (friend name). But after your friend said Mafia you started to think two things.
So for the first time in ages you excused yourself from your conversation with your friend saying that you might have uncovered some valuble info to confirm if the Port Mafia was involved and you would call them later.
1 hour later
"Chuuya." You called the fancy hat boy over to you this was probably the first time you didn't sneek up on him so he new it was seirous.
"Are you ok Y/N why aren't you trying to sacrifice me to the Prank Kami?!" Chuuya said panicing but completly seirous you would've probably laughed so hard even rembering that but Chuuya saying it that seirous you would've probably died but there is more pressing matters!
"Do you know anything about this chain of murders my friend says that they might involve the Port Mafia so I though to ask you and Dazai." You tell him half-praying that he wouldn't be like Oh thats me!
"Oh- I think... um- Dont tell Dazai bout this K?" You nodded Chuuya then looked around for the Bandage Squwandering Machine. Nowhere.
"I'm pretty sure Dazai is involved he told me if you askes say nothing but I couldn't I'm sorry if I got you in trouble or anything Y/N-" "No I'm sorry if I caused you any problems Chuuya... I'm gonna see Dazai now wish me luck! K?" You gave Chuuya a hug and then...
Abilty: 'Things Not Seen'
Blue rings surronded you before you turned invisble and then ran off looking for Dazai....
You took light footsteps as you thought you neared towards Dazai... You turned the corner. And what you saw...
It was Osamu Dazai standing over your friends bloody body who was cowering in the background traumatized they looked like they has only been beaten until they bled maybe someone could save them? Like you ! Maybe if you snuck up on Dazai he would lower his guard letting your friend escape! It was worth a shot .
You took even lighter footsteps till you were in arms reach till. He took out a gun... Nonnonononononononononno. Your friend couldn't die right? So you bolted to Dazai touching your phone and making yourself visible.
"No!" You shouted tears in your eyes as you mangaed to get hold of the gun that Dazai had after a minute of struggling. You ran over to your friend asking if they were ok almost forgetting about Dazai.
"Ehehe~ I think that your first win Y/N but you really think I didn't plan that far?" Dazai chuckled you looked at him scared tears threatining to fall out your eyes. " I thought you new me better how sad." Dazai then took another gun shooting your friend.
"(Friend name) no !" You looked at them and then their bullet wound.
"Y/N if I die run don't think back K?" Dazai then shot another bullet into your friend you were now crying pretty loudly.
"I think its your time to run? Hey look at me Y/N... Imagine this Person gets shot multiple times by Mafiosa Osamu Dazai found dead at 13:30 by Y/N L/N. That would be cool..." Your friend said their lasts words before getting shot another time. And another. 5. 6. 7 . 8 .9 . 10.
"DAZAI STOP THEY'RE DEAD!" You pushed Dazai into a wall.
"Yay ! Osamu wins !" Dazai smiles
"Y-You monster!"
"Calm down Y/N"
“I’m doing you a favor. You’re just too irrational to see that, right now.”
He then knocked you out...
"Next oppenent Nakahara Chuuya!"
A/N: Sorry I'm behind schedule but I've been quite busy these days! Next one should be 10. “You’re lucky I’m so nice. Anyone else would’ve done something horrible, by now.”or Unkown?
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Im the rem x otto anon, so just to be clear bc i dont think i was in that ask
Rem is an amazing character and has a key role in the story, her character arc in arc 1 and 2 was amazing. BUT after she falls in love with Subaru, i feel that everything we saw of her gets sorta of erased? Its not the same Rem, and even though she did go through a major cathartic event, i think her character could have taken another direction than of being resumed as Subaru's love interest (when she is not fighting)
I feel tappei wasted some potential, bc i wanted to see her being confident about herself without the Subaru obsession (and we got this on arc 7 and 8 and i loved it)
oh yo hello again!! :o and oohh ok i think i kinda see what you mean? bc i do agree. (also my bad im gonna ramble again aljdflsj but i thought this topic is pretty interesting :o)
ok so. while i know the whole point of rems development in arc 3 is that while she means well, shes ultimately developed an unhealthy devotion to subaru, i still feel like arc 3 rem kind of. narratively speaking, i feel like her arc 2 traits and all her traits pre-subaru get kind of flattened. or ignored?? im not quite sure how to explain this but ill try my best aljdflsd. like ok this is complicated to talk about bc yeah rems arc as it is does serve a purpose, and arc 2 rem was different bc she was operating off of what she knew at the time and she only knew subaru as a stranger and/or enemy at first. her arc 2 to arc 3 development was rem trying to move on from her fixation on ram, but in the process ends up moving that fixation to subaru. but i do wish that tappei emphasized her personhood outside of subaru more EVEN WHILE she was placing her whole life around him. bc thats exactly what tappei does when hes writing otto.
otto as a character is a whole fleshed out person, and if you cut away all the parts that have to do with subaru, otto the character still stands on his own. with rem, the moment you hit arc 3, everything pre-arc 3 kind of. fades away, almost? of course its not that rem cant stand on her own as a character. the rem and ram prequel novel for example takes place from rems pov and shes absolutely fascinating throughout the entire story. but when you look at arc 3 rem and compare her to pre-arc 3 rem, i feel like tappei forgets to still show her outside of subaru. i feel like the narrative needs to call out rem a bit more for her unhealthy behavior bc tappei doesnt hold back when it comes to someone like otto. so where is the equal treatment for rem....??
i do feel like theres smth to be said about the writing being a little more neutral when rems doing smth Unhealthy bc of her subaru obsession. its fascinating. we have to read into it. but also then tappei turns around and takes the time to shit on otto for doing subaru obsession things and also tappei shits on subaru for being obsessive too and its like. tappei ............ what about rem........
roswaal too is another character whos big motivation is devotion for a love interest (yeah ok i know i too am metaphorically crying and vomiting at the idea of calling echidna a love interest for roswaal but that IS how he sees her) but he also stands on his own as a character even if you ignore everything connecting him to echidna. with roswaal and otto you get a good balance of them being Heavily connected to the people theyre respectively devoted to while also being able to stand on their own Narratively. bc i know the whole point of roswaal, otto, rem, etc is that theyre Dependent and Obsessed, but writing wise, they should still be able to take the spotlight when the spotlight is on them even when the person theyre devoted to has nothing to do with it.
and when you have multiple characters whos motivation is being Dependent and Obsessed, the differences are gonna be a bit stark. its a very fine line to walk with characters like this bc you cant have Everything about them revolve around another character. but also thats the point at the same time. its a very Very thin line to walk. subaru himself is also/was a Dependent and Obsessed character and like. well we all know how nuanced subaru is as a character. you could write essays and essays on him alone.
rem though, i feel, gets a little too flattened into the role of subarus love interest, but at the same time i can sort of forgive it for arc 3 bc of the plot beats being one after the other and her general Purpose in the story. but at the same time i really do wish tappei still emphasized WHO SHE IS outside of subaru. bc even while someone like otto is thinking about subaru A Lot (see: the ottos diary shorts, aka the episodes where ALMOST EVERY DAMN SHORT is about subaru), you still get a sense of ottos personality. hes analytical but easily flustered. he does get a little jealous. hes anxious and a bit of a coward. but also hes so brave when it really counts. hes in denial about how much he cares about people sometimes, even when its abundantly clear. hes practical but kind of emotional at the same time?? hes very perceptive. but also he can be a little dumb with perceiving himself and his own feelings bc of the aforementioned Denial and also theres the fact that he doesnt know Why he gets jealous of emilia talking about subaru. but also hes pretty smart with reading other people and their emotions. but at the same time hes a little egocentric at times and overly focuses on himself and forgets things like how other people actually perceive him. but at the same time hes focused on how people see him bc hes a merchant. thats the basis of his job. and also he has anxiety so he does care about that. etc etc.
rem in arc 3 though is like. shes soft sweet protective caring loyal....................... which is nice and all but its definitely a big difference from arc 2 rem and pre-arc 3 rem in general where we see a whole RANGE of different traits, emotions, etc. like even in her relationship with ram theres complexities - theres the envy, theres the kind of "debt" that she owes ram for saving her life, the kind of brief sick burst of joy that ram lost her horn and is now "equal" to rem in status, the guilt from feeling that way, but also is her life even worth Anything if shes not making herself useful, etc etc. and also - yes the softness the loyalty etc etc is part of rem. a crucial part of rem that she shows to her loved ones (ram and subaru) the most. but yeah as you said anon - arc 7 and 8 was really fascinating bc we finally get to see her outside of her fixation on subaru. i mean one example is that we see her act Cold in some parts of arc 2 and the coldness does carry over a bit in some parts of arc 7 (see: rem being mean about natsumi, rem defending herself against subaru bc being an amnesiac she used to just see subaru as Some Guy who was acting a little too chummy with her, etc etc).
but also in general. its nice to see her stand more on her own now. i do wish though that tappei emphasized her more even while she was deep in the subaru obsession, bc tappei has made MULTIPLE characters with similar plot beats to her and they were still very nuanced and complex :o !! not that rem isnt that bc she HAS all this depth and i adore her for that!! but shes definitely a little lacking in a few areas of her writing, imo. i am however interested to see where she goes in arc 8 for sure!!
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littlefroginthegarden · 10 months
Sold to Heartsteel 1/24
its a liiiittle bit late but whatever... im trying to write an advents calendar fic, theres some buffer but ill write during the month so im also open to input if you have any good ideas :)
hope you enjoy!
Tags: semi-ironic adaptation of 'sold to one direction' trope so yeah theres obv selling involved, angst, fluff, friendship, romance, maybe smut, mlm, transmasc character, some transphobia but mostly just parents being shit but nothing explicit or slurs or stuff, yeah i think thats about it, ill update this if anything changes xoxo
Part 1
Hi, my name is Hwei and I’m a misunderstood artist. Well, that’s not exactly true. My Parents hate my art and they think it’s just a waste of time. But under the name DemonBrush I’m known all around the world, my art account just recently hit two million followers. Which didn’t help me at all in my real life. I’ve been 18 now for a few months but my parents still act like I’m 16. I haven’t finished school yet and I can’t move out because my anxiety has made working impossible so far. My parents don’t allow me to get therapy or meds and I’m on their insurance so there’s nothing I can do. I sigh and try to think about something else but looking out my small window into the dark December morning isn’t helping. I go and pull the curtains, turn on my fairy lights and sit at my small desk that is crammed between the bed and the heavy wooden dresser. 
My reflection stares at me in the mirror, dark shadows under my amethyst eyes, a sign that I slept terribly, once again. The nightmares wouldn’t leave me alone. I sigh and start doing my makeup, nothing bright, just some smudged dark eyeshadow and black eyeliner on my waterline. My mom was probably gonna complain again but I don’t care. Last week she told me “People might think you’re gay!” Yeah, sure mom. I mean, why do you think I have all these Heartsteel posters hanging in my room? Because I love their one song so much? But when she says "gay" she means "lesbian". She would have an aneurysm if I tried to explain to her that I’m trans. And then she would probably throw me out. As if she could read my thoughts, I hear her shouting from downstairs “Come down immediately, Hwa! I can hear that you’re up.”
I throw on a black oversized hoodie that matches my skinny jeans (also black) and put my dark juniper green hair in a messy bun before I run downstairs as quick as I can. Better not make mom wait, she’s awful enough as is.
When I enter the kitchen, I almost bump into a large man in a suit that is standing next to my mom.
“Oh fuck, sorry!” I quickly say, getting a death stare from my mom but for once she doesn’t even berate me for swearing. She just looks between me and this dude, who was wearing dark sunglasses (in December!) for some fucking reason.
“Who is this?” I ask after a few moments of awkward silence.
“My name is Mr. Mundo, nice to meet you, Hwa.” His voice fits his impressive stature perfectly.
My mother steps forward and puts her hand on my shoulder, looking at me more seriously than I have ever seen her. “You know that we haven’t had the easiest time since dad lost his job. And since you refuse to work and pay your share, we had no other choice.”
“What do you mean? What choice?” I ask, slowly starting to panic.
“You’ll go with Mr. Mundo, he has a job for you where you’ll work for six months. You’ll get a room and food and the money goes to pay back all the debt you owe us.”
“Debt? What do I owe you?”
“Darling, you've been living and eating here for free for 18 years!”
“This is insane!” I yell at her. “You’re selling me? You are a monster!”
“Selling? It’s just temporary honey, and it’s a decent job, don’t make it sound worse than it is!”
“You can’t do that, I’m an adult, you can’t force me!” At this point I’m full on panicking. This can’t be happening, it should just be another nightmare. But I know it’s real. My nightmares are way different.
“You are right and nobody is forcing you. But think about this, it would give you the perfect opportunity to get some good job experiences while at the same time helping out your family! Also –” she adds “if you don’t take this offer then you’ll have to pack your bags, we can’t pay for you any longer.”
“If you stayed off the booze you could.” I press through my teeth, anger winning over panic.
She just ignores it and tells me “Please Honey, think about it. If you go with Mr. Mundo at least you’ll have a roof and food. We just want what’s best for you! You’ll thank us in a few years, mark my words.” With this she turns around and leaves me alone in the kitchen with this absolute hunk of a man.
“Go pack your stuff, we leave in an hour.” He hands me a big suitcase before sinking down onto the washed-out red leather couch in the living room, turning the TV on, unfazed by all of this as if it was his daily job. Which it probably was.
Still in shock, I go back to my room and just stare at the mirror for a solid minute. I still haven’t processed what just happened but I start throwing my most important stuff into the suitcase. I have a lot of clothes but most of them are from my parents and I hate wearing them. So it’s not too difficult to fit all my favorite pieces into the suitcase, some skinny jeans, flowy tops and hoodies and of course accessories, I can’t leave my choker collection here. Then I go to my bed and from under the mattress I pull my binder. I put it under all the other things so it won’t be visible if my mom checks my suitcase. She would freak out. I gather the rest of the stuff, making sure I have my laptop, makeup and favorite books, and check the time. I still have 15 minutes left but at this point, the quicker I’m gone the better. I grab the heavy suitcase and try to carry it down the stairs. Two steps in I nearly slip and the suitcase crashes onto the step with a loud Thud. Before I’m even up I can hear heavy steps on the stairs.
Mr. Mundo grabs the suitcase without saying a word and carries it down. I awkwardly follow him, hoping my mom is distracted and hasn’t noticed the commotion. For once I seem to be lucky, she’s nowhere to be seen. At the door, Mr. Mundo turns around and asks me “Are you sure that you have everything? You won’t be able to come back here anytime soon.”
“Yeah I’m not planning on doing that anyways. Can we go?” I ask impatiently.
He doesn’t answer and just opens the door and walks down the driveway towards the black car with darkened windows that is waiting at the end of it. He puts my suitcase in the back of it with ease and opens the door in the back, gesturing for me to get in. I hesitate for a second, but when I can hear the front door of the house open again, I quickly get in before I can hear whatever my mother wants to tell me. He slams the door behind me and gets into the driver’s seat, which I can’t even see from back here because there’s a divider between the front and the back of the car. Like in a limousine. Or a cop car. It feels more like the latter, like I’m a prisoner.
The car rumbles to life and even though the windows are heavily tinted, I can see the shadows of trees racing past us. Where are we going?
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kasaneteto · 5 months
my ppl who i wanted to move in with should i get to stay in this apartment just informed me that they arent gonna be able to by august 😭 so that’s it then… gonna have to move. now all thats left is to wonder whether out friendship will survive this. and its not looking good. im trying to communicate with him but its like talking to a brick wall. he won’t even look at me when we’re in the same room. it blows. i really hoped this could be the wake up call he needed to realize that he is the arbiter of his current unhappiness but he seems to have done the exact same thing he did with his breakup. refused to communicate well and instead cry to whoever his closest friend is at the moment about how much his life sucks and get sympathy, then protect himself from feeling shitty by turning me into the bad guy. thats exactly what he did with his ex, bad mouthed them to me and finn and made them seem like nothing but a cheater… granted ive still never heard their side of things but i knew that guy and i knew he was more mature than erik. it wasn’t okay for him to cheat on erik but im sure he felt driven to that point. the same way ive felt driven to this point. he makes it impossible to communicate with him and then blames it me when i try to communicate. whatever man. if this is how he’s gonna treat me for being honest with him then im done, i dont need people like that in my life. i hope it doesnt have to be like that. i really hope he can find the strength to look inward. but im not gonna expect much atp
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 35
HERE WE GO BABIES...spoilers under the cut
Finn continues with his marriage proposal and explaining why he is choosing MC. Suresh does speak up a little here but not in a jealous way...just filler convo about the fact that MC has had it hard in the villa. Finn and Kat walk off...Kat is mad but not as nuclear as I wanted her to be
Lulu gets a text that the public has been voting for Favorite Boy/Girl and least faves will go home tonight 😏 BYE BYE LOSERS✈️
FINN GEM SCENE - he asks you for a one on one...WHEN WILL IT BE OUR TURN WITH SURESH 😭...finn tells u he didnt plan on saying all that or making it a big show. that it might've looked like he was being cruel to kat but that wasnt his intention. he just wanted everyone back on MCs side 🤗 marriage thing came out without him thinking. He confesses he wants more and you get an option to tell him to stick with Kat, focus on me, or im not sure. I chose focus on Kat 😭 THERES NO TIME FOR DILLY DALLYING FINN I NEED SURESH 😭😭😭😭
Kat pulls you for a chat and says everything we do here in a challenge matters 😩😩😩😩( suresh why'd u kiss gabi ) I really feel terrible for Kat here and Im glad I told Finn I dont want to be with him...she REALLY likes him and pours out her heart to MC 😭 "It made me feel invisible" got me.
omg omg omg its happening!!!! SURESH CHAT....ok ok he apologizes for literally everything. And if you've read my theory its EXACTLY TO A T what I said (PAT ON BACK for knowing him so well) but im at a loss....like he apologizes and asks if we can forgive him but thats it. Nothing more. I told him I do forgive him 😭
Dana and Gabi were both eavesdropping and you can follow one of them...I followed Gabi...She wanted to know whats up between us and Suresh bc shes keeping her options open. She came here with a game plan to set things straight but being around Suresh made her have feelings for him again 😩
After the girls get dressed and start heading to fire pit, Meera says you look nice. You can be mean to her. DO IT. you walk down and overhear Alfie and Meera talking (why are we Eddie now?) OH SHIT...MEERA SAYS TO ALFIE IF U GET DUMPED IM WALKING WITH U...And he was SHOCKED...she asks him if he'll leave with her and then MC interrupts with a text ping. You can pretend to have just walked in or eavesdropped on the entire convo. AWKWARD
Firepit time WEEEE...Suresh and Johnny/Nicolas were at the bottom two 😭😩 obviously Johnny/Nicolas is sent packing but hes happy about it 🙄. SURESH SMILES AT US.
meera is voted off by public ...thank you public we love you!!! She asks alfie should WE go pack our bags then 🫣🫣🫣🫣 alflie looks at us. meera freaks out 🤣🤣🤣 again alfie locks eyes with MC.
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