#but thats my main genre
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strawberrybyers · 8 months ago
the footage we got today had so much will byers in it,, he really is the main character of season 5 i love winning
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just-null · 16 days ago
PET AU?????!!!! Oh mighty cult leader please give us, your greatful pitful annons, your divine words and opinions (I would cuddle the heck out of all of themm!!!)
As you wish, my beloved cult member!!
this is more of an explanation of the universe than headcanons. Those will be next, but I hope it's still interesting!! This will be tagged under "null kny pet au" to not be confused with anyone else's version
Long story short— reincarnation is a thing here! Bad people turn into animals and go through an endless cycle over and over until they've truly repented for their misdeeds.
To make things interesting, I bent the rules of how things usually work! This is my version of a pet au, and of course, is still yandere because your cult leader is an addict. I'M SORRY IF YOU WERE EXPECTING FLUFF.... THATS LATER. TRUST!!!!!!!!!
[CW! dark themes, alluding to past trauma and "self exit," self destructive behaviors(?), sedation and drugs, dehumanization(?), yandere obsessive goodness]
The pet aspect of this au!
Demons are hybrids who're likely to restart their cycle, giving them their nickname of lost souls. Human characters are hybrids at the pinnacle of rehabilitation, referred to as guiding souls. And you, who's nearby their hybrid shelter. Either working in it or being in its vicinity.
Guiding souls are allowed to be housed by responsible candidates, but it's unlikely for lost souls. Either way the problem is they turn everyone away except you.
Both guiding souls and lost souls have a deep rooted affection towards you. You definitely don't remember it, but they've been with you for many, many, MANY life times, always restarting and eagerly awaiting for stage three and four of the cycle to find you again.
Lower and Upper moons + Muzan have reincarnated more times than you can fathom, yet they can remember most of them. Their psyche is fragile and incredibly hostile towards almost anybody. Not recommended for new staff or housing candidates.
Slayers + Ubuyashiki reincarnated more than average. They committed sins they're ashamed of and show great promise for change. They're practically regular model citizens, except for the occasional outburst. Very well liked by staff and potential housing candidates!!
Guiding souls and lost souls are separated in the shelter but are occasionally allowed to roam and interact with each other. They bicker at best and get into full fist fights at worst. It's highly recommended to be gentle but firm with both. Only guiding and lost souls have both seen and experienced the worst of what life can offer, and staff don't want to cause a frenzy by startling them.
They're not always transparent with their thoughts. It's more than likely that they don't tell you about their experiences as most would rather focus on their life now rather than how it used to be or what's coming next. Some will tell you if asked, others will dance around it, and others initially refuse.
Still, they'll go through the agony and pain of life after miserable life again and again if it meant being blessed by your light in one of them.
If they're able to have feelings this intense for one being, lost souls refuse to see themselves in the wrong. Feelings like this should be praised. They should be considered good in the eyes of the divine, shouldn't it? What if the universe is wrong for once, huh?! They've lied, cheated, stole, hurt, even killed all to be able to get to you sooner. To feel you again! Their feelings for you are so pure, there's no way it could possibly be another reason to restart!! Even if it was, does it really matter?! What the universe dictates is irrelevant anyway, you're their choice and always will be. So long as you have a soul that continues to shine brightly, they'll find their way towards you when the cycle restarts. Guiding souls are.. anxious. They want to do good by you, want to be seen with love like they've achieved before, want to get to know every version of you and fall in love with every iteration. The finish line is RIGHT there, they know this, it's always been so close, and they'll be able to live by your side as equals.. But they know if they complete the cycle, complete stage four, become fully reborn, they won't remember you. After so many horrible lives lived, they finally understood what it meant to be remorseful about what led them into this mess. Saying that, they can't bring themselves to let go of you. What's the point in living a peaceful existence when there will always be a part of them missing? That's why they "personally restart" their cycle, uncaring that they're so close to forgiveness.
Not every life was kind on them. Silver lining, at least they know they have a new body without the physical scars of their experiences anymore, and of course, you! Though.. even you were harsh sometimes, but they'd rather pull all their teeth out than leave your side. Preferably, they hope you'll throw them a bone and be cordial at least, but if you want to beat, scream, or drive them away, they'll always come back. No matter what you do, they'll forever be loyal to you and you only.
If this is what it takes, they'll love you over and over in this never ending torturous loop until time ends, so until then, spare them a glance, yeah? You don't know how much they've missed you..
Unnecessarily detailed lore:
SHORT STORY LONG, reincarnation is real here, and it's commonly known that when bad people die, their soul is reborn into an animal. Bad meaning murder, assault, ruining someone's life, intense crimes like that. It can be avoided if the soul had no other choice or feels deep remorse prior to their human life ending.
Failure to meet those requirements begins "the cycle." Each lifetime is a show of dedication to turn back into a full human. A step towards forgiveness from the world they wronged. Souls will retain the excruciating memory of their lives before, only given the mercy of forgetting and keeping the wisdom they earned once they're reborn into a full blooded human.
Animals who're just animals exist, but it's extremely difficult to tell who's a soul under trial and who's not.
It starts off simple, an insect. Depending on how bad the soul was, they'll be something that has a difficult life, like those moths that starve to death upon entering adulthood. Souls will always progress to the next stage after this one, temporarily forgetting about their previous lives.
The next life is exactly the same, but souls regain the ability to remember all their past lives again.
Next is a land mammal or aquatic creature, something easier than before, but still not strong enough to cause havoc. They have a little more intelligence than before.
Then souls become half human, half animal, or more commonly known, hybrids. They might as well be human with animal characteristics, but due to societal interference and their history, they're regarded as subhuman. Like pets.
Lastly, they are fully human, where they get to keep their appreciation for life and forget the past.
The real test is during stage four. If the soul proves to have learned nothing from their previous lives, they'll restart the cycle from the beginning and try again. Ending their life will not count and only restart the cycle. They must die of natural causes.
Extra notes:
There are souls who've restarted numerous times that when they reach stage four again, they're very fragile or aggressive. Due to this, humans adapted to shelter them and help give them another chance at life. It's not uncommon for these souls to try and use their memories to give themselves an upper hand in their next life, forcing humans to give them less autonomy. The more aggressive a soul the more humans will have to use force to keep them down such as sedation, muzzling, restraints. It's often used for lost and guiding souls out of any other type of hybrid but used as a last resort. Risks like these are one of the main reason why hybrids aren't allowed on the streets without supervision or an owner. Souls under trial can get attached to one another, familial wise, platonically, or romantically. As a twisted sense of both mercy and punishment, the world allows them to be reborn together. The cruel part comes when the older of the pair is the first to be reborn, leaving the younger to follow when it's their time. At least they know that the world will allow them to find each other once again in the next life. Sometimes, souls under trial try finding the human soul they've grown attached to in stages three and four, in this case, you. Because of the never ending cycle of punishment, they crave your hold, your care, your love. You. They want to get back to you as soon as possible, and if that means coming to you as a small animal first, then so be it. Some have probably done that numerous times before.
Truly, reincarnated souls who've grown attached to someone are dangerous both to others and themselves. They'll do anything for their human and let their human do anything them.
The current life cycle where this au takes place is one of the best life times they've all had. So yes, cuddling them is like winning the jackpot!
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moodlesmain · 2 years ago
Hi. Look at this.
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I just spent two days straight making a digital conspiracy board trying to piece together my favourite genre that isn't really a genre and more just a very particular niche which doesn't really have a name.
If you want to look I reccomend downloading and zooming in on the image to read everything LMAO, I want to try and convert it to a page on my neocities at some point so its easier to view but for now you guys just get a big ol' jpeg. You're welcome :)
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skunkes · 7 months ago
at dis point when i hear about a game i like coming to the switch (very rare occurrence) my only thoughts are damn thats going to be really awesome to play once the switch is old enough to be hackable with little to no consequence like the 3ds
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rubber-glovs · 2 months ago
Oooohhh the urge to yap about my ocs and the world they live in......
#is this the product of growing up lonely with one best friend for 11 years of your life so when she wasnt in school you mae up imaginary#friends and it started off as one but then steadily increased and now your 14 with an entire kingdom with a high population of around 132#and couting because you couldnt stop making ocs based on your interests or hyperfixations or literally anything else to the point where you#could scroll on insta or tt for 5 minutes and think about your little kingdom and think of a character that would fill about 50 plot holes#and this kingdom got so out of hand in your head that you decided to make religons countries languages royal families politics new laws of#physics powers and more because one day you watched avatar the last airbender and decided people could now do water manipulation and#suddenly 50% of characters now possess some sort of magical ability and they all live in a world together that somehow retains peace and#love because the actual name of the planet they live on is peace but just in the language that you made up in your mind. just a little#reminder i started this at 6-7 years old with my gacha life phase going strong which is also how i designed each and every one of my ocs btw#going back this is originally being my imaginary friends I MYSELF AM IMPLEMENTED INTO THIS STORY as it started with my old online persona#that has now become a separate character and now I am a character inside this whole lore so every day i am always thinking about this planet#i made in my head and did i mention ive my favourite genres are action mystery and fantasy??? yeah so thats a main theme#so like theres tons of fighting and betrayal outside of the planet which dives deep into character lores and the whole story line that#this planet follows and i have separated aus of if this wasnt a peaceful planet and if there was some sort of intergalactic war because yes#i am a voltron fan where influential ocs die and thinking or writing that causes me to genuinely tear but because like ive said THESE ARE MY#IMAGINARY FRIENDS they may be imaginary but ive had them for YEARS and theyve been friends with me longer than 99% of my friends so they#mean the world to me so i tend to stray away from the war aus and push that mkre towards my other fics and headcanons thag are heartbreaking#... so anyways!!!#kadens yap session#no but srsly if i were to actually talk to people about this id be shaking in my boots i could not and itd take HOURS#its just a silly world i live in thays all :3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
Why is the red underline missing underline missing under LWJ's and XL's names in the mario kart comic? /gen q /love your stuff /have a nice day
Truthful Answer: I forgot to ink it and didn't want to rescan the comic.
Funny Answer: They never finished the course.
(post for context)
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permanentbottombunk · 2 months ago
I really like the songs "It's Called Freefall" and "Cocaine Jesus" by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Something deep in my lizard brain thinks it reminds me of That Amazing Devil (y'know the one that made "The Calling" and "That Unwanted Animal") even if it isn't even the same genre. They both scratch my music itch the same way, y'know?
Anyway, something about the harmonies they use just put me in a trance and I get so tired and it's so nice
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intomybubble · 8 months ago
I'm just about finished with My Little Inferno, and the ML (the LI) is so pathetic omfg. I feel like I'm reading Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudsai due to the main leads both being fucking losers (the FL in Dame na is in a dead end relationship and is practically a sugar mommy who ends up in debt to support her BF which almost leads her to being sold into prostitution. Her attitude isn't great either). Like if I could get a hot guy to fall head over heels in love with me even after he witnesses me puking, pissing, and crying myself out of fear and getting hassled by old bullies (if only I were a BL protag bc he'd think I'm cute), I would think something is wrong with him and that I probably made it in life. The ML isn't particularly... useful. The only thing he has going for him is being cute and short, and being needy towards the LI. The LI makes for a good house husband.
Based on the cover art for the manga, I would've thought it was really dark (like Killing Stalking or Blind play) but its mostly just about cyber crime and embezzlement and sorta the yakuza (mostly mentioned, briefly seen). To an extent, this series sorta reminded me of Semantic Error, but only because of the computer stuff though. Otherwise, I sorta like the slice of life aspects. I think the crime stuff is sorta underbaked. I wish there was more risk or something to make things tense bc the only thing was ML's mom getting get info stolen and getting $300k in debt.
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#desiree talks#desiree reads#speaking of which i havent really read BL since i decided on trying to actually clear my manga tabs#like i decided on lowering priority to the following genres: BL#action; manhwa; isekai#main reasons there is too many BL manga and after a while the tropes got repetitive and i needed a break#action to me is boring i need good character moments and dynamics in between fights#(me with demon slayer [and technically yowamushi pedal] all the flashbacks during the fights/races bc there's no where else to put it#i wish demon slayer had more group moments apart from recovering since a lot of characters didnt have any moments until the final battle#especially when fights can end up lasting like a year of updates (lookism gave me ptsd)#and action scenes can get confusing if the artist isn't good at drawing/planning them out#it can also get hard to tell whats going on#isekai- too many and there are a lot of bad ones and i am the type to get fomo and try them all#i technically prefer otome isekai#but only really like regression wherre theyre able to get revenge or make s#a better outcome like I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life#i dont like the idea of actual isekai bc what happens to the original soul of the body that the MC takes over#i'm also not a fan of serie where the MC is automatically doted over by everyone#its annoying#and for manhwa its more of a format thing#and i think with webtoon format there is a lot more being published than mn#manga so its even more to try and read#it doesn't help that a lot of series end up with like 100+ chapters#like a decent shoujo is usually over in like 50 chapters#though thats like 4 years of publication#its less overwhelming when the series is over
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eyepatchdate · 2 years ago
There is something deeply flawed and just wrong with s4 of the harley quinn show and im like. Trying to make a concise point about it but its really difficult to not make this a 20 min rant
#Shitpost#im trying to tldr this but i cant#talked to my sister for like an hour about it lol#the MAIN issue is that its trying to be vbros in a universe that doesnt WORK as vbros#like. A crux of vbros is that. 1. It isnt a superhero genre focused story. It is a boy adventurer hanna barbara cartoon spinoff#Vbros is Johnny Quest before it is superhero genre#And 2. In vbros the paperwork and systems of arching are developed slowly AND inherently work. Because in vbros THE VILLAINS AND HEROES.#ARE. TO A DEGREE. PLAYING A GAME. a ridiculous pretend where sometimes people die and like. If anyone takes it too seriously they are seen#as psychopaths that need to be put down. Etc#the harley quinn show is trying to have the same universe while using the dc universe which has over 80 years of history#and established characters. And it is NOT working#like on a fundamental thematic level#S 1-2 werent that strong. S3 was the best so far. S4 is hot garbage though its such a fucking mess#Another factor is that this show doesnt treat its characters with respect which leads to like#there is almost no engaging secondary cast. It doesnt use its characters well#because it isnt taking them seriously#the only character other than harley and ivy who is taken seriously is batgirl#So a show full of characters has 2 main characters and 1 secondary one#and like. Thats SUCH a terrible design#also the forced joke writing is a mess#and the 'mystery' of this season just shit the bed so hard in the ep that just came out#legitmately making this entire season pointless and. Sort of miserable to watch tbh?#just. Wow. I am amazed at how theyre using so many moving parts and literally none of them are fitting together#even the harlivy feels so forced and nonexistant this season#like their chemistry fucking died#And harleys arc is just so fucking shit this season. Like. Wow it shit the bed hard#i was giving it a chance but this most recent ep. Wow. It was so bad.#I dont think the season can be fixed now
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berryblu-arts · 2 years ago
Pt 2!!!
Some glow stage doodles, mainly Nat/firefly + Ara with a lil cat ^^, I was honestly having kind of a bad art day on these hahah, but eh, might as well post em :3
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Some Iris sibs ^^, they're actually Akemi's neice and nephew, that family is a disaster lmaoo
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somer-writes · 1 year ago
god i have too many but here we go XD
Laser Beams by Wintersleep
notre dame by Paris Paloma (i almost wrote a time angst fic for this song)
The Four Seasons: Winter I by Antonio Vivaldi (or any of the Four Seasons Recomposed by Max Richter)
Vivaldi Variation (Arr. for Piano from Concerto for Strings in G Minor, RV 156) by Florian Christl
On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter
Clare de Lune by Claude Debussy
touch tank by quinnie
Our Song by Radiator Hospital
Pine Point by PUP (honestly this whole album is phenomenal)
Roma Fade by Andrew Bird
Blood Bank by the Mountain Goats
anything off Wish You Were Here or The Division Bell by Pink Floyd
A Journey (Dream of Flight) by Joe Hisaishi
Senbonzakura by WagakkiBand
Starlight by The Wailin' Jennys
My Body is a Cage by Arcade Fire
Lung by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
City Lights by Motionless in White
yarom bia by Kiosk
Sastanàqq��m by Tinariwen (or Nànnuflày)
@hotcheetohatredwastaken @sappytrees @arecaceae175 @needfantasticstories @linktwilibeast @unexpectedstormy
Hey eyeone! I want to know what your favorite songs are, if you see this post you are CONTRACTUALLY OBLIGATED to reblog with at least 1 song you have listened to and enjoyed but if you have more you'd like to share then go ahead! Also tag your friends!
I'll start, I'm going to list 5 of my favorite songs
Dr Sunshine Is Dead by Will Wood
134340 Pluto by Cojum Dip
Vulture by Bear ghost
Dear John by I monster
And finally: playing places: Oceans by Cosmo Sheldrake
Here's the people I want to tag
@f4y3w00d5 @ashen-the-tiefling @terrencetheshark14 @underpaid-guard @blacktipreefsharkwizard @the-gnomish-bastard @thatgayforkcrow @lixorloveslicorice @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @agentldiddy @aileaxthevoidien @slutty-wizard-council @monsterfucker-research-wizard and anyone else who wants to play!!!
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violetaeons · 6 months ago
tired of seeing endless youtube comments like "nowadays women are just written as men" "female characters are being turned masculine" "they're stripping women of their feminine softness and giving them toxic masculinity"
yet people praise like, three female leads from the 80/90s who 1) had many of the qualities they claim to hate. 2) one of these women is Ellen Ripley - who was actually written to be a man
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avatar-aaang · 1 year ago
#personal#so i try to never involve myself in Fandom stuff much#aside from the occasional art piece or fanfic#but like... i like this one ship. its 'het'. and easily one of the most hated ships lmao#and like. theyre doing that thing again of shoving the girl aside bc they want their uwu gays to be canon instead#which like i get it you want gay rep thats fine and completely understandable#but this character has just as much chemistry with the main girl who is a real character and i think people just hate it bc#if (and probably when) it goes canon itll make the main straight#which like first off thats not how it works in the real world lol im in a straight passing relationship but im not straight#and i know they wouldn't make him queer officially but its still there in the subtext#but its okay if he ends up with this girl bc it still works. and it might not even be for romantic reasons they get together lmao#anyway im not against the gay ship but people fr need to remember what genre we're in lmao#and being upset about it maybe going canon is fine but like. tbh the ending of the story has much bigger fish to fry like pls pay attention#him possibly getting with a girl isnt the end of the world#but the stupid shit theyre doing might be. good god. what a weird direction theyre going in. but ill see what happens#ANYWAY. im gonna continue to like this ship bc i think it's cute and just block people who dont like it lol#like not to be petty or whatever but im curating my experiences bitch!
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maxtermind · 4 months ago
Loooved part 3!
But pretty please make them make up 🥹
( texts masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request )
★ : feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris, oscar piastri ★ : genre :: crack for the first 3 because i was in a silly goofy mood + hurt/comfort for the last 3
⋆ PART 1 ⋆ PART 2 ⋆ PART 3 ⋆ PART 4
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©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
★ : a/n :: ANDDD thats a wrap😚 feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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ajdrawshq · 2 years ago
got a shit ton of 3ds games recently n am going thru the ones that interest me whenever i have time that isnt being used for taking the cat off the curtains. so far that has been Ever Oasis n Code of Princess n FE Fates. i like them :]
#i havent gotten to finish ever oasis bc it requires a controller n im not sure if i have any that work ..#its a very cute game tho i enjoyed what i could get until that point#code of princess was an interesting find bc like. i never wouldve guessed at first glance that it was a fighting game ?#genuinely thought it was an rpg but to be fair the characters seem to think so too. which is funny#i never play that genre so i have no idea if its technically good but i got thru the whole story and i liked it :]#theres a lot of extra stuff i havent bothered with tho so the gameplay may not be my favorite thing (still fun tho)#but the characters are like. really really charming. even the ones that are sorta cliche archtypes have something fun abt them to me#big fan of ali n zozo but theres a lot of good ones#at first i thought ali was the classic het romance for the main character but then i realized shes not a man. then i fell in love with her#zozo just rules#and fates is a LOT more fun that i thought itd be. like i thought itd be not great bc people seem to talk abt awakening or 3h more#and i tried to play awakening before this but the tutorial n earlygame just wasmt doing it for me so i was worried for this one#but its?? really fun?? ive already finished birthright n im abt halfway thru conquest#it has a lot of charming characters as well but i like Leo n Takumi. for reasons u can probably guess if u know me. or the characters#i also like Kaden n Keaton.. n the whole Nohr sibling group.. the Hoshido sibling group are good too tho.. also the maids n butler..#so yeah thats what ive been doing :] havent had much actual free time bc ive been playing these on n off#while making sure Sunny doesnt get into shit#on that note ! back to fates#i wanna like. draw a page of characters i like from all these games after i finish more of em. thatd be fun
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awrkive · 6 months ago
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there haven't been a lot of people who have come into your life that became important to you – and you didn’t expect jeon jungkook to be one if it – not at all. but what started as a casual relationship turned into more than that, and now you find yourself deeply in love with him – and happily so.
or; your first "i love you" comes out completely wrong.
PAIRING cnbl!jungkook x cnbl!female reader
WORD COUNT 11k of pure fluffy and smutty nonsense 😍 literally 90% of this is smut
WARNINGS/MISC fluff galore, cnbl jk is the father of all simps all men need to be like him fr, angst if u squint but like not really 😭, oc's tendencies to be avoidant of her feelings show up lol i still love u saur, best boy cnbl jk ):, he will disintegrate if he cant call her by a petname [ explicit sexual content: unprotected s*x (its just a fanfic its not that serious), panty sniffing (like very quick), dirty talking lol, c*nnilingus, they hold hands during it <3, VERY SLIGHT foot action but like its very fleeting lol u dont need to worry about it lmfao, multiple s*x positions, cowgirl position cos her eyes are pretty trope, good ole cre*mpies ], L b*mb drop and an ily kink develops. literally every paragraph theres an ily crying. anyways i think thats all feel free to inform me if i left out any
NOTES i have like 11 asks on my inbox asking about how cnbl couple is and what their label is are they official now etc etc and they've sitting there since bush administration </3 after two years of drought we are finally so back. i purposefully didnt answer any of th asks since i want to make a drabble for when they finally make things official so this is it awrkive nation🩷 this can be read as a standalone?? but like pls read cnbl first lol (also i thought i ate this title when i thought about it but now i realize it kinda sounds ass but its 2am so give me some slack. also this is unedited skjfdjkfhdk AND this will also be my last post before i go mia for the next few weeks due to big life happenings. leave ur thoughts in my inbox or reply section to get a cnbl jk to go🫂
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Jungkook loves when he gives it to you slow. Loves the heavy breathes that puff out of your mouth, the drawl out moans that give your mouth that lovely, erotic O-shape which image burns in his head for the next few days (two days, at the very least), and the way he can feel the exact moment when you clench and unclench around the ridges of his hard cock. 
But he also loves it when he jackhammers into your pussy, pounding in and out of it at a quick pace that your eyes roll to the back of your head, your fingers digging into his skin (or scalp), the staccato rhythm of your “oh”s and “ah”s that sound like real music to his ears, and the way your mouth hangs open as you utter sweet gibberish into the air because the pleasure he’s giving you feels too much. 
“Give it to me, give it to me,” you whisper against his mouth. On your back, you’re sprawled across his bed, your thighs resting on the crook of Jungkook’s elbows as he pounds  into you like he’s trying to win a contest.
There’s dried up tears on the side of your eyes, your lips swollen from the way you’ve been kissing for minutes, and Jungkook finds it hard to focus on one thing when you have your pussy gripping around him like a fucking vice, your breasts bouncing at his every quick thrust, and your pretty face looking at him like you just want nothing but cock. 
“Y-yeah, fuck—” Jungkook grunts, repeating the same motion of fucking into you at a pace so fast he can hear his bedframe hitting the wall when he thrusts back. He grips your thighs tight, veins popping out of his arms. “You like this, baby? Love when I fuck you quick and fast?” 
You nod your head, bottom lip caught in your teeth, looking up at him with those hooded eyes that Jungkook is near to losing his goddamn mind. God, you’re so fucking pretty it genuinely hurts him. Most especially his dick.
“Am I fucking you stupid, angel?” He slides out, and then enters you abruptly, making you cry out in pleasure. “I'm taking care of you so good you can't think straight, huh? Hm?’
“Y-yes!” You squeak out, grabbing to try and hold onto his biceps. Jungkook leans forward so you can find leverage on his body, his dick hitting deeper into your core at the movement. At the mewl that you let out, he stretches your legs higher until you almost feel like you’re being folded in half, with Jungkook jackhammering his dick into your tight pussy. 
"S-so good…" you whimpered, almost out of breath. 
Jungkook groans at the pretty sound. “Ngh– I feel fucking good, too, baby. You're so fucking pretty. Squeeze those tits for me.”
You oblige, grabbing your boobs and squishing them together. Jungkook revels at the sight, wanting nothing but to burn every second in memory. Sometimes, he wishes he can have some sort of copy of you two doing this… just a little something for your own private enjoyment. He hasn’t brought it up to you, mostly because he thinks you won’t necessarily be into the idea as much as he is. Will probably say no, or be partial to it at best.
Next time. He tells himself. 
“Fuck, fuck – fuck!” Jungkook grunts, sliding in and out of you, picking up his pace more, beginning to sound delirious at the sensation of your walls fluttering around his cock. It’s impossible the way you just grow tighter every second, clenching around him like you don’t have any intentions of letting go. 
“J-Jungkook—!” You cry out, arms reaching out for him, and when Jungkook sees the small stream of tears falling out from your eyes again, he can’t help but fuck you senseless. “Oh my god– ah– fuck, i-it feels so good, don’t stop, don’t stop.” 
He continues his movements, pounding into your pussy, tightening his hold on your hips. Your nails dig into his forearms, and your chest subtly moves up and down at every action that he makes. When you close your eyes, that’s when Jungkook knows that your climax is near, and so he stays consistent in his pace, just fucking into you deep and fast – just like how you like it now.
“Ah– there, Jungkook— oh god–!” You yelp, choking in your words, your pussy spasming around Jungkook’s cock until he feels that burst of hot white around his shaft. You reflexively let out a loud moan, but what you say next completely catches him off-guard. 
“It feels so good– I love you.” 
Jungkook staggers, dick slipping out of you momentarily at your sudden confession. But as he lets his gaze fall to your face, you have your eyes closed, lost in the moment, like how you usually are when you just orgasmed – and Jungkook knows he can’t talk to you at that state, nor can he ask to confirm what you just said.
So he looks down at where your bodies meet, shakily breathes when he sees the base of his cock getting covered in your cum, your juices dripping all over his dark sheets making a wet spot underneath you.
“F-fuck,” He hisses, quickening his pace to let himself go. 
He thinks about the sound of your “I love you”, how it falls prettily on your lips, and how good it would be to hear that one more fucking time.
Letting out a guttural groan, the thought completely tips him over the edge, and he grips his cock to shoot his cum into your swollen hole, painting your walls white just as you painted his shaft the same color with your own orgasm. 
Unexpectedly, he feels you gush the second time.
It’s cold and it’s hot at the same time – the sensation. It’s top three one of the best feelings a man could ever experience, and Jungkook is greedy – always greedy when it comes to you – that he pushes his cock back in to put it all in you, not wanting any to be wasted on the mattress. And just because he wants to hear that pretty moan from you again when he enters your cunt.
You do, making the hair on his body tingle. 
He drops down beside your body – more like on top of you, but a little off to the side – making sure to not put all his weight on you lest he hurts you. As usual, you receive him wholeheartedly with open arms, humming when he begins to suckle on your still rock-hard nipples, his hand shooting up to fondle the other one. Instantly, your hand caresses his hair.
“Hm?” He hums against your breast. 
“I’m sore. Get your dick off me.” 
Jungkook frowns, but nonetheless acquiesces and slides out of you. He hisses when he feels your cum leaking out, about to insert a finger in you to stop it, but you take his temporary separation from you to stand up from the bed, leaving him on it alone. 
“Baby,” Jungkook calls – whines – really, looking at you with furrowed brows. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m not cockwarming you tonight. I’m going to the shower–” When you see him moving to get up from the bed as well, you shoot him a glare. “No. No funny business. I’ll just go clean up and you can too and then we’ll sleep.”
“I can clean you up.” Jungkook looks at you, wide-eyed. You look at him dryly. He sighs and then lets himself fall back to the bed, naked and all that, his dick still semi-hard against his stomach. “Okay, fine.” 
He stares at your ass as you go to the bathroom, enjoying the view of your naked back before you disappear inside the room. 
Jungkook closes his eyes as he crosses his arms on the back of his head, thinking that maybe it’s good you didn’t let him in the shower with you because… how does he bring up the fact that you just said… it?
“I love you.” 
Did you… mean that? Like… you love him? Like, actually, love love him? 
It’s been eight months since your whole set up started. Four months of solely fucking and another four months of more fucking but you’ve actually both established that you like each other.
Of course, Jungkook feels more than that. He has for a long time now. He’s liked you since the first time you had sex and he started having deeper feelings for you every other day since then.
Needless to say, Jungkoon loves you.
Has for a long time now. 
But he didn’t say anything because he was scared that you would be scared. He felt like the luckiest guy on earth when you told him you liked him – and he felt pretty much untouchable when you two started exclusively dating each other four months ago. You’re definitely his girlfriend now and him your boyfriend – and sure, you haven’t had The Talk yet, but… now that you said you love him… that pretty much changes the course of everything…
However, he finds himself pondering on it. 
Did you really mean that? Jungkook doesn’t think you’re the kind of person who just spout words as heavy as that confession, so you couldn’t have been insincere when you let that out. 
But… you were in the middle of sex, though. Did you just say it because you were in that position? Maybe you figured him out long ago now, have already known that he loves you, so you just said it to get him off? 
That’s probably not the case, he physically shakes his head. He knows that you know you don’t need to do anything else other than be underneath him or on top of him so he can release. Hell, your mere voice is even enough to tip him off the edge; there are countless incidents where he feels a certain kind of desperation for you, in the morning or in the middle of the night when you’re away and not in his arms, and he presses your name on his contact last, then what’s supposed to be an innocent call turns into something very much far from wholesome when he feels his dick twitch at the very sound of your voice and embarrassingly cums in his pants when you goad him about it. 
You know your tight hold on him. You don’t need to say I love you to get him off. 
But damn, did that really get him going more than usual.
“Shit.” Jungkook hisses, his head throbbing at the thoughts going haywire inside his head. His dick has calmed down now, soft in between his legs, and he’s starting to feel sticky, especially with the ruined sheets on his back. 
Standing up, he picks them up to put them in the hamper, grabbing a towel real quick to wrap around his lower half. 
When he finishes changing the bedsheets into fresh and clean ones, that’s when you step out of the shower. 
“I turned on the hot water for you.” You say, tightening your baby blue robe which is a pair of Jungkook’s own robe that he bought for you two two months ago.
Jungkook walks over to your direction and takes you by the waist to plant a quick kiss on your lips. 
“Thank you, angel,” he says. You give him a smile and he can’t help but give you a peck once again. “I made the bed.” 
Jungkook stands there and he doesn’t notice that he’s staring until you point it out with an arched brow. 
With a surprised look, Jungkook takes himself out of his trance. “Oh, uh, nothing.” He gives you a hesitant smile. He’s actually thinking of asking you about the thing you said earlier. But right now, as he looks at you again, he finds himself a bit reluctant. “I’ll shower now.” 
You look at him weird and Jungkook chuckles as he leans down to kiss you again. 
When you break the contact, going over to his closet where a huge portion of your own clothes have already made its own way to, Jungkook thinks that maybe he’ll bring it up when he finishes showering. 
But as he steps back out of the shower ten minutes later, you’re already sprawled across the bed with your nightie on.
And as Jungkook steps closer to you, you���re fast asleep, soft snores coming out of your mouth, pretty and peaceful in your slumber. 
Jungkook smiles at the sight. 
Tomorrow. He’ll bring it up tomorrow instead. 
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In the morning when Jungkook woke up, he didn't find you in his arms like he expected to. And when he looked through the notifications on his phone, your text told him that you already went for your 10 am class. Jungkook’s first one is at 2:30 in the afternoon. 
He intended to take you out for lunch in the afternoon, but when he called you, you said you had a meeting with your club and you’d only be free in the evening onwards. 
At 9:30pm, when all of Jungkook’s classes have ended, he sent you a text again, hoping you’d be free by the time. 
One whole day of not seeing your face and he was starting to feel a little on edge. 
[9:31pm] Jungkook: hi baby classes ended [9:31pm] Jungkook: hru i havent seen u at all today
Jungkook couldn’t help but send another one.
[9:32pm] Jungkook: i missed u. can i come over?
At that point, he was already over at the uni’s parking lot, going to the direction of his car and unlocking it when he got near. When he buckled himself into the driver’s seat, he hoped to see a reply from you. 
But nothing came.
When he arrived home at the end of the day, he took a quick half-bath and ate some leftovers in the fridge. 
As of now, as he settles himself onto his bed, he scrolls through your text thread, the Delivered button on his last text taunting him the longer he looks at it.
With furrowed brows, he begins to type up another message but then soon, the Delivered stamp changes to Read, and the three dancing dots on your end play on his screen, which somehow lightens his mood.
[10:45pm] princess🥰💓: Hello, Kook! So sorry for the late reply. I got caught up with classes and the long meeting with the club today [10:46pm] princess🥰💓: We apparently have to push the fall edition of the print a week earlier and I also have to revise some stuff in my thesis so I’m a bit tight on sched
Jungkook nods to himself upon reading the text message, feeling bad for you.
[10:47pm] Jungkook: ohh ic ic [10:47pm] Jungkook: do u want me to bring u food? 
[10:48pm] princess🥰💓: Like, youre coming over? 
[10:48pm] Jungkook: yeahh [10:48pm] Jungkook: if u want 
Jungkook waits as the bubbles appear and disappear on your end, until he receives your final reply.
[10:50pm] princess🥰💓: Hmm I appreciate it but Im over at Hana’s right now. Club stuff. And then I’ll go home later to work on my paper
Pouting, Jungkook sighs as he reads your message. He really wants to see you today… he misses your pretty face and your voice and your touch.
But he doesn’t really want to push. You’re very anal about your personal space, especially when it relates to your academics. 
Letting out another heavy sigh again, he tells you to give him a call when you’re at your place. 
He doesn't receive any.
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“What the—” You see the librarian from across the room immediately eyeing you with a deadly stare. Mouthing a shameful “sorry”, you clutch your chest, turning to the embodied voice again properly this time. Only to get taken aback. “Oh hey… hi.”
Jungkook stands in front of you and he looks so… handsome – nothing new or groundbreaking, per se. He always looks like that. With only a simple combo of grey hoodie and black cargo pants, his backpack slung over one shoulder, he can probably outmodel professionals on the runway. Though, the way he looks so comfy is making you want nothing but to snuggle him. 
“Busy day?” He asks, pertaining to the laptop and stack of books on your table. Placing his bag on the floor underneath the table, he takes the seat beside you. 
“Yeah… I'm writing an essay right now.” You offer him a small smile. It feels like you haven't seen each other for weeks, but the truth is, it's just been over two days since you were at his place.
“I see. Do you mind me here?”
“Nope. You can do whatever you want.”
"Can I kiss you then?" He asks and that makes you pause. 
Looking around, you take note that there aren’t a lot of people in the library anymore as it’s already late. There’s the librarian a few feet away from you, but he’s currently busy doing something on his computer. With a quiet chuckle, you face Jungkook and say, “Do you need to ask?” 
Jungkook shrugs, already leaning towards you. “I just feel like it.”
“It's fine, Kook.” you turn your head to him, and he does not waste any second, closing the gap between you both and capturing your lips in his for a soft kiss.
You sigh in his mouth. You miss him so much and he smells so good it calms your insides. You've been stressing over the essay you’re writing, but all that seems to die down as a result from the exchange with Jungkook.
God, you really need to talk to him. 
“Missed you.” He says once your faces are apart. He pecks your lips one more time for good measure and gives you that adorable bunny smile of his.
“We saw each other, like, two days ago.” You chuckle, making sure to muffle the sound.
Scooting his chair closer to you, Jungkook whines in your ear, “Too long.” When you look at his face, there's a small hint of pout on his lips. 
“Well, we're here now.”
“Really?” Jungkook raises his brow. “Then let's get out of here. You can write your essay at my place and I'll cook you dinner and then we can binge watch the third season of Twin Peaks.” 
“You haven't even started on the first season, why are you watching the third.” You say with an incredulous tone. 
“Doesn't matter.”
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It does matter. 
Jungkook has driven you both to his place. When he turned on his TV, you told him you can just start Twin Peaks all over again so he can understand what he's watching, but he insisted that he was gonna know the context eventually – fast forward, he did not. So here he currently is, asking you who everybody is and what’s the context of what they’re saying, and as much as you love his company, people posing questions after questions while watching something will never not be a pet peeve of yours. 
“Baby,” you start. Jungkook looks at you with doe eyes. You cup his face and stare at him seriously. “You're annoying me.”
He lets out a gasp. 
A literal, audible gasp. 
“That hurt. Please tell me you're joking.” Jungkook says that, but you can see the playful glint in his eyes as you squint yours at him.
He made you bulgogi and you both devoured the last of it five minutes ago – and you're thankful for his kindness and generosity but god—
You push on his chest lightly. “Then stop asking. I told you we can just watch the first season but then you want to jump into the last one, of course you're gonna be confused.”
“Yeah but you already watched all of it. I didn't want you to get bored.” Jungkook pouts. You stare at him for a while and you kind of hate that he’s so handsome and so cute at the same time it makes it hard for you to completely be annoyed with him.
There's a fond look on your face when you roll your eyes again. Scooting closer to him on the couch, you plant a quick kiss to his cheek. 
“You're really sweet, Kook, but why don't we just watch a movie or something.”
He leans down to kiss your mouth. “Alright. You pick the movie and I'll go grab some chips from the pantry.”
You smile at him before he disappears to fetch some food, leaving you to browse through the catalog. When he returns shortly, you muse, “You're really nice and sweet to me today. What's up?”
Jungkook scoffs, as if offended by what you said. “Am I not nice and sweet every other day?”
“That's not what I meant. You're just extra sweet and extra nice tonight— I mean, you usually put up a fight on who picks the movies.”
“I let you win every time though?” He says and you nod in thought. 
“True.” Looking back to the television, you hover over the Notting Hill poster. Thinking that the description sounds interesting, you click on it. As the movie loads, you turn your gaze to Jungkook and nudge his leg. “But still…”
He can’t help but chuckle at your persistence. Gathering your feet on his lap, he leans back and retorts, “I just missed you so much. Is that bad?”
You don't anticipate the way he lifts one of your legs, holding your ankle up and then putting a kiss on it. 
It makes blood rush to your cheeks. With his mussed hair and the grey hoodie and cargo pants from earlier changed into a simple white shirt and grey sweatpants, he looks comfy you just want to jump him and bite him and kiss him all at the same time. 
Damn. He really makes you feel a whole lot of things you're starting to think you need an intervention.
You’ve never been so attracted to somebody before. It may be because you know you’re past the point of being just attracted to him.
And then there’s that beat in your heart again. The flip-flopping and the weird feeling in your stomach.
You look away from his intense gaze. “No.”
You hear him let out a low chuckle, a sound so attractive you feel the hair on every part of your body standing up. 
“Come here.” he puts your legs away from his lap, much to your little disappointment. But he beckons you to come close to him, and so you do, leaving your lying position from the couch to go over to where he is. You don't know whether you're gonna place yourself beside him or what, but he beats you to it as he takes your thighs and guides you to straddle him. 
You do so without any words, following his lead. You feel heat creeping up your neck when you finally land on his lap, his arms circling around you. 
“Why do you still smell like flowers even after a whole day?” It's followed with him sniffing the juncture between your neck and shoulder, inhaling your scent. 
You flinch 'cause it tickles a little. He always does and says that shit and you can't help but laugh, always not knowing what to say to that. But Jungkook doesn’t seem to need your input, anyway. 
He squeezes your body, hugging you tighter to him. 
“I really missed you, you know?”
You giggle. “Yeah, you said that the third time now.”
“You're keeping count but why can't you just say you miss me too?” He pulls away, making sure to face you so you see the pout on his face. 
You peck his lips. “That's because I don't.” You joke, earning a glare.
“Wow, first you say I'm annoying and now you apparently didn't miss me?” You're sure he's joking but the frown on his face makes you think that maybe somewhere in his head, he's thinking otherwise.
You smile at him. “I was just kidding, Kook. Of course I missed you too. And thank you for the food.” You say against his lips, leaning down to kiss him again. 
“Does that mean you’re done avoiding me now?” 
Breaking away from the kiss, you look at him in surprise, taken aback by his words. 
“What?” you say, confused. 
Jungkook arches a brow. You both stare into each other’s eyes but then his gets way too intense that you can’t help but look away. That’s when you hear him sigh. 
“Baby, talk to me.” Jungkook cups your jaw with his palm, gently directing your face towards his. “I don’t like when we don’t talk. You clearly have something on your mind. What is it? Is it something I can fix?” 
Hearing his words makes your heart melt and your brain turn into mush. Is it something I can fix? Jesus.
How can you not fall for him when he says things like that? 
“Did I do something wrong?” Jungkook asks when you don’t say a thing. 
That earns him an instant, aggressive shake of your head. 
“No, Jungkook. You didn’t do anything wrong, not at all,” you say, planting your palms on his shoulders to assure him. You see the slight hint of smile on the curve of his lips. “It’s, uh, it’s me…” you trail off, not sure how to navigate your next words. You take note of the way Jungkook’s eyebrows meet in confusion. “I’ve just been… feeling weird lately.” 
At that, his confusion grows even more, but it’s more out of concern instead of perplexity. 
“What’s wrong, angel? You don’t feel okay?” He says, caressing your face as if he’ll find the issue there. He looks so willing to just get you to okay and it makes your heart beat a little faster than usual.
“No– I mean, I feel okay. It’s not that,” you shake your head, shy at his doting. When he waits for your next words, you can’t help but bury your face in the crook of his neck as you say— more like whisper— against his skin, “I told you I love you the other day.” 
You feel Jungkook stilling under you. And it makes you nervous. Heart racing against your ribcage, you can’t find it in yourself to break away from your hold on him because that would mean you have to look into his eyes – and you don’t want to. Your cheeks feel so hot and you feel like throwing up. Your emotions are all over the place and Jungkook’s prolonged silence isn’t helping at all. 
But suddenly, those thoughts die down when you feel him relaxing underneath you, his arms wrapping around your waist. You feel a weight on the crown of your head and with a gentle rub on your back, Jungkook whispers against your hair, “I love you, too.” 
That makes you instantly look up from him. When you see his face, his lips are curved into a soft smile. 
With furrowed brows, you voice out your concern. 
“You don’t need to say it back just ‘cause I told you that.” 
Now, it’s Jungkook’s turn to be confused. 
“I’m not saying it just ‘cause you said it, baby.” He looks so sincere and for a moment, you feel bad for doubting him for a second. Jungkook must’ve noticed the look on your face as he cups your jaw again, angling it towards him. You feel his smile against your mouth when he presses his lips to yours. “I'm in love with you, __. I have been for the past few months now.” 
Your eyes widen a bit when he calls you by your name.
Jungkook has always liked calling you by every endearing pet name in the world that you’re lowkey convinced he forgot your real name at this point, but when the sweet syllable rolls off his tongue, you can’t help but melt. 
He doesn’t seem to notice your surprise, though. Just breaks away from the contact you’re both engaged in and he takes your wrist in his hand, lifting it to his face to kiss the skin on the side of your palm. 
The action was so momentary and brief but it doesn’t deter the fact that it made your heart jump. 
You think it’s funny how you feel so much whenever he’s around. You think it’s funny that you feel so giddy – even after all this time. 
You think it’s funny that before the whole thing started, you’ve never considered this ever happening but here you are, completely elated over the fact that you’re in love with Jeon Jungkook and he feels the same way too. 
“You have?” You say, voice quiet. He nods, humming, leaning to your palm when you put it over his cheek. “Since when?” 
“The first time we went to that abandoned house.” 
Your lips part at the declaration. That was… that happened so long ago. Nearly four months from the present.
“That long?” You blink a few times at him, not really sure how to react to that confession. 
Jungkook chuckles lowly, pressing a kiss to your thumb again. You like how his instinct is to always have a form of physical contact with you whenever you’re around. You don’t know if he knows that himself, but you’ve definitely observed that for the past few months you’ve been “exclusively” seeing each other and it just… absolutely melts you. 
“I know… I’m a bit of a coward for not telling you sooner. But I didn’t want to scare you off.” Jungkook says admittedly, and his last sentence makes your heart twinge. 
He didn’t want to scare you off. Of course he’d think that. You had a total breakdown at the prospect of him opening up to you just four months ago – before you told him you liked him.
You swallow the sudden lump in your throat. “I— yeah. I was in my head over the past two days, you know?” 
Jungkook’s face etches into a look of concern. “Hm?” 
Nodding your head slowly, you find comfort in tracing random shapes and lines on his chest instead. 
“These feelings… they’re not new. I didn’t just wake up one day and realized I love you. I felt it during the time when we woke up together in bed for the first time at your place. I felt it when you drove three hours from your parents’ house to my dorm just ‘cause I told you I missed you. I felt it when you stayed up late with me just so you could help me make my flash cards. I—” you look away, suddenly embarrassed at what you’re saying. It’s not like you to say so much. Not like you to show and voice out this extent of your emotion. “I remember the times I felt I loved you for the briefest of moments in the past three months, but lately, I can't stop thinking about it and suddenly, I can’t count on my fingers anymore how many times I felt I love you. I loved you every hour of last week and yesterday I loved you even more.” 
You watch as Jungkook looks at you with parted lips. Awe-struck? You don’t want to hype yourself up too much. So you look away, keeping your eyes focused on his white shirt. 
“And what about today?” Jungkook suddenly speaks. 
You free your bottom lip from your teeth and finally look Jungkook in the eyes. “I love you more than I did yesterday. And tomorrow I’ll do the same.” 
“Fuck.” Jungkook utters, bowing his head. His tone's a mix of incredulity, amusement, and joy at the same time. When he looks up at you again, he looks at you with so much sparkle in his eyes you’re starting to think you’re a fool for not noticing earlier the love they hold for you in them. “I just… wow.” 
Your eyebrows meet in confusion. 
Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. “I just… I had this huge confession in my head, you know? I– uh– I wrote it in my notes app.” 
Suddenly, the serious atmosphere breaks as you can’t help but laugh. “What?”
With a small pout, Jungkook continues, “I’m not good with words, you know that. So, I had this big confession planned out. I was gonna tell you in detail how much I love you, but after hearing what you just said… I forgot about everything I tried to memorize last night.” 
Now you’re giggling in his lap. Just trying to visualize him typing on his phone while figuring out what to say to you and him studying it, memorizing the lines…
You're so glad it's him you fell for.
“Don’t laugh,” he scolds, but there's a hint of playfulness that lies underneath it. Jungkook inserts his hand under your shirt and starts rubbing the skin of your waist. “Truth is that I was afraid when you started avoiding me. Thought I’d lose you again.” 
His vulnerable confession makes you stop completely. There’s a certain melancholy in his eyes when he mentions it, and you feel like scolding yourself for even causing that. 
“What I did wasn’t the most mature way to go about it. I’m sorry,” you start. Sighing, you adjust yourself on his lap to get more comfortable. “Uh… I guess I was just embarrassed and wanted to have time to compose myself.” 
“What were you embarrassed for?” 
There’s heat that spreads to your cheeks. For a brief second, you consider lying, but then you remember honesty. It’s what got you both here. Just being open to each other and communicating. 
“Jungkook, no one wants their first I love you said during sex.” You deadpan. 
“Oh.” He blinks. 
At that, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “Exactly.” 
“What’s wrong with that, though?” Jungkook furrows his brows. But his tone borders on teasing when he continues, “You know what they say? Make a girl cum one and she’ll love you, make a girl cum twice and she’ll actually tell you she loves you.” 
“Oh my god.” you groan, jabbing at his chest slightly and taking off your legs off the couch so that you stop straddling him.
Jungkook bursts into laughter and is quick to grab your waist, effectively pulling you back to him again. It results in you falling haphazardly into his lap, which he takes as an opportunity to cage you in a hug and guide you on your back to hover on top of you. 
“I’m kidding, baby,” he whispers against your cheek. “I’m kidding.” 
You inhale a sharp breath when he starts kissing along your jaw. “Good.” 
“I really appreciate you for saying all those things. I wish I can be as eloquent as you,” He tips your jaw with his fingers so that you look at him. “You’re a poet, __.” 
That makes you smile. You secretly like when he calls you by all these petnames... but the way your name rolls of his tongue just hits a lot more different.
“As long as you love me back, Kook.” you say, pushing his bangs off his forehead so that you can look at his face wholly. 
“I love you.” He confesses, kissing your lips.
“I love you too.” you smile. 
Jungkook pecks your lips one more time and suddenly follows it up with another one. Soon, you’re a giggling mess underneath him on the couch when he keeps it up until it tickles. 
“Jungkook,” you whine, wriggling under him and avoiding his mouth.
This only makes Jungkook chuckle in the crook of your neck, halting his cute assault on your lips. When the high of the laughter comes off, you feel a wet trail of kisses down to the base of your neck, and suddenly, Jungkook’s hands are under your shirt, rubbing along the bare skin of your waist. While he peppers open-mouthed pecks on your neck, his fingers trail upwards until they’re on your bare tits. 
“Oh,” you let out a low moan when his palm squeezes around the flesh.
It earns a groan from Jungkook, who presses himself closer to you. And it’s when you feel the growing need on his crotch area – his dick poking your stomach as he stays lapping up your neck. 
“Jungkook,” you call him again. It takes Jungkook a few seconds to look up at you. When he does, his long hair is a mess on his head and his eyes are hooded in that drunken-like state, lips wet from his previous ministrations. 
“Hm?” He hums, gives both your boobs a good squeeze again, making you sigh out. Jungkook continues to touch you, fondling your breasts in his hand as he starts kissing up your jaw instead. 
“I want you.” you whisper against the air, closing your eyes at the sensation of his touch. 
He feels so good on you. You want to take off your stupid clothes.
“Shit,” Jungkook hisses, giving an involuntary thrust against your crotch that made you both groan. “Fuck. I want you, too, baby— god, let me just—” 
You whine when he breaks away from you, but you watch in awe as he makes quick work of kneeling in between your legs, peeling off the white shirt from his body with one arm from the back in a swift motion. He throws it on the floor and swipes his hair out of his face, and in that brief moment, with his toned abdomen and inked arm, you nearly melt.
“Can I take off your shorts?” He asks, but he already has his fingers hooked over the bottom you’ve changed into when you got into his apartment. Giving him a nod, you help him in taking off the garment by lifting your bum off the sofa. Jungkook, ever the expert in the art of taking off your clothes, does it quick, the shorts landing on the floor together with his shirt, forming a small heap. Bottoming out, he takes your thighs in the crook of his elbows and scoot your body closer to his. The angle is a bit awkward from where you lie, and Jungkook makes your cheeks burn when he turns his head to the side to kiss your knee. “So beautiful, baby. Your legs are so smooth.”
“Stop talking,” you say, embarrassed. 
Jungkook chuckles at your reaction, already used to it. His face leans even closer and soon he has the tip of his nose on your panty-cladded core. Like clockwork, he takes a subtle sniff, closing his eyes for a little while at the scent, gripping your thighs tighter at the action. 
If you weren’t a heating mess before, you’re near on combustion now. Surely, Jungkook knows what this does to you. 
“You smell so good. Such a pretty girl,” he grunts. Then, he presses a kiss to your pussy which makes your breath hitch. 
“Jungkook,” you let out a whine for the nth time. “Don’t tease.” 
He shushes you out, clicking his tongue as if you did something wrong. 
You capture your bottom lip in your teeth. Jungkook cups your jaw so you can look at him when he says, “Be patient, princess. I’ll give you what you want. Always.” His voice is gentle and soft, and you know he means it. 
Still, you give him a pout. 
“I wanna fuck.” 
He chuckles, low and sounding so attractive when he brings his fingers through his hair again. It doesn’t help that you can clearly see the outline of his dick getting bigger inside his grey sweats. Damn those joggers for real. 
“Okay,” Jungkook smiles down at you. “Take your shirt off.” 
You make quick work of removing your shirt off to reveal your naked body to him. At this point, only your underwear and his pants are the only things keeping you apart. 
As usual, Jungkook zeroes in on your body instantly, paying the most attention to your tits. According to him, they’re two of his most favorite things in the world and as much as you’d like to call bullshit on that, it really does seem like he’s not joking about it at all. 
“Oh, baby,” Jungkook brings your legs down gently, sliding on top of your body and hovering as he quickly fondles your boobs with his huge palms. “Fuck, you’re so soft.” He says, pressing a kiss to your cleavage. Not wasting any more time, he latches his tongue around a nipple, and you automatically hold onto his head for support when the sensation nearly knocks you off the couch.
Despite that little movement from you, Jungkook continues to lap at your breasts. Licking and tugging at your nipple to get it hard, paying attention to the other one by pinching it and simultaneously squeezing. As seconds pass, Jungkook alternates between your breasts, and as he does so, you feel your core starting to heat up, your need growing bigger. 
“B-baby,” you sigh out, gripping his hair tighter which makes him grunt. “I want you.” 
“I know, baby, I know.” He whispers against your skin. You’re about to whine some more when Jungkook finally leaves your chest to pepper kisses down your stomach. When he gets near your nether region, he guides your legs to hook over his shoulder. “These gotta go.” He says about your panties, and you’re more than willing to help him take it off you. 
The moment it's no longer on you, Jungkook hisses at the sight, head leaning down to finally plant his mouth on your pussy. 
The first lick feels ecstatic just like it always does. With Jungkook lapping up a big stripe over the length of your core, you keep your bucking to a minimum, holding onto his hair instead.
“Taste so fucking good, I can never get enough of you,” he says before he dives in again. Jungkook has this thing when he eats pussy. He always does it like he’s making out with your mouth, his tongue prodding at every seams, wrapping your labia around his lips and being messy with it.
Jungkook breaks away for a while as you hear a sound of spit, followed by the cold sensation of his saliva dripping down to your hole. Soon, you feel Jungkook’s thumb beginning to rub your clit, resulting in a ragged breathing from your lungs. 
“F-fuck,” you moan, tightening your hold on his hair you’re sure you’re pulling on his scalp. 
“You’re so fucking wet for me. So sensitive,” Jungkook says as he picks up the pace of his thumb. “Ain’t that right, pretty girl? All for me, right? This is all for me, hm?” 
“Y-yes!” you squeak out when you feel him prodding his tongue at your entrance again. His finger is fast against your sensitive bud, with his tongue lapping up the juices that eagerly come out of your hole. Jungkook makes out with your pussy like he would with your mouth, and with the tip of his nose touching your skin at this proximity, you can't say you’re not close to the edge. And embarrassingly so – because he’s just gotten started and you already feel like cumming.
“Sh–shit,” Jungkook hisses. He shifts his thumb with his tongue this time in stimulating your clit, using two fingers instead to stretch your pussy out open just so he can see the way it throbs and flutters at his every action. It’s a sinful sight, really, the way you’re so open and wet for him. 
Soon after, Jungkook’s getting a little more aggressive in the way he pushes his head closer to your core, jaw working to devour your mound, two digits inserting themselves in your aching hole that somehow satisfies your need to be filled at the very moment. 
And you’re a panting mess beneath him – trying so hard to muffle the moans from your mouth. Jungkook’s gotten a total of three noise complaints for the past 4 months you’ve been fucking at his place – and even though he tells you not to worry, you find that it’s hard to believe when the one time that you got to ride in the elevator with his neighbor, she looked at you both like she knew you’ve done something. 
Never again. 
As if having read your thoughts, Jungkook breaks away for a while to say, “Don’t hold back, gorgeous. Let me hear those pretty moans of yours.” 
Your cheeks burn with heat as you see his wet jaw and plump lips when you glance down. When your gazes meet, Jungkook inserts his middle and ring fingers in his mouth, and when he pops them back out all wet with his saliva, he pushes them into your hole, lax in his movements, looking right into your eyes as he does so. 
“Oh my god,” you gasp, holding onto his wrist automatically when he pumps his digits into you faster than his pace earlier. 
“There,” Jungkook smirks. “Moan for me, angel.” 
“J-jungkook– oh my god– ah–!” 
Jungkook goes back to leaning his head down and soon enough, his mouth is back on your pussy, simultaneously sucking your clit and licking around your labia, all the whole sliding his fingers in and out of you, you can feel yourself dripping down the leather of his couch. 
“Fuck,” you sigh out, suddenly feeling overstimulated. 
Jungkook picks up his pace and you feel a sting on the sides of your eyes as the pleasure begins to build up. Your hold on his wrist falls off and as if he knows exactly what you’re looking for, he reaches for your hand with his free one, interlocking your fingers together as you see him look up at you while he eats you out. 
“Oh god,” you mewl, reaching down with your other arm to swipe his fringes off his forehead so you can see him better. 
Jungkook stares intently at you as you do the same watching him licking your core enthusiastically. You let your head fall back at a particularly delicious lick, and soon after, you feel that familiar zap that starts on your toes that goes right up to your stomach. 
“K-kook,” you call pathetically, swallowing the lump in your throat. It feels somewhat dry at this point. Closing your eyes, you focus on the sensation of his tongue flicking your clit, saying, “I’m cumming.” 
Jungkook keeps his movements of your pussy, not relenting even when you grab his hair a little too tight, and you feel like you’re breaking off his fingers’ joints by the way you’re gripping it so hard.
“I’m cum– there, fuck, that feels so good– I’m cumming!” 
The knot in your stomach snaps and you feel a gush of wetness coming out of your pussy when it does so. You hear Jungkook groaning in between your legs, his licking becoming more messy as you feel him use three fingers to rub over your core like a greedy man wanting everything to be his. 
“Jungkook…” you sigh out, your fingers easing their hold onto his, already feeling sensitive after your release. You look down at Jungkook only to see the crown of his head as keeps lapping up your wetness. He hums in your pussy and you know you can’t keep him off there for awhile so you wait, running your fingers through his hair soothingly, feeling bad for almost ripping it out awhile ago. “Kook, I’m sensitive.”
“Hm.” He hums to acknowledge you. He licks one last stripe before he lets go, easing off your thighs on the sofa and trailing kisses on your stomach and breasts until he’s eye level to you. “Love how you taste,” he says, kissing you, and your cheeks burn with heat when you feel your orgasm off his mouth. When he breaks the kiss, he looks at you with a smile you can only identify as lovesick. “I love you.” 
That makes you melt. 
You thought it would feel weird to hear him say it. But you think about the future and how there would be more like this, with Jungkook telling you he loves you in more shared random moments and you can’t help but mirror the smile he has on his stupid handsome face. 
“I love you.” you say, initiating another kiss. 
When Jungkook presses his body to you, that’s when you feel his cock poking into your stomach. You assume he’s even more rock hard now, given the previous events. 
Sneakily inserting your hand between your bodies, you try to reach for the bulge in his pants and when you take a hold of his dick, Jungkook grunts. 
“Babe,” he whines and breaks away from your lips and buries his face in the crook of your neck instead.
“It’s completely unfair how you still have your pants on while I’m completely naked.” You say, palming him through his sweats. You feel Jungkook tense above you, and when you give him a particularly hard squeeze, he retaliates with a bite on your shoulder that makes you squeal. “What the hell was that for?” 
“For teasing me,” Jungkook says, finally looking at you. He grabs your arm, kisses the side of your wrist before he hauls himself off you completely, planting his feet on the floor while you lay there on the couch bare and cold. But that doesn’t last long as you feel him picking you up with ease — bridal style. 
“Jesus,” you bury your face in his chest out of embarrassment. You’re all naked and he’s carrying you towards his bedroom in this ridiculous position. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook just laughs and as he reaches his bedroom, he closes the door lightly with his foot. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” He says when he puts you down on the mattress. He has that smarmy smirk on his face as he gets out of his grey sweatpants slowly. You’ve had the inkling he wasn’t wearing any underwear considering that it felt like there was not that much of a barrier when you held them there earlier – but it still takes your breath away when he’s left completely in his naked form, stiff and red-tipped cock standing to attention in his lower abdomen. Arching a brow at you, he trudges over to the edge of the bed and with the deep timbre of his voice, he calls you, “Scoot over here, love.” 
The new endearment definitely catches you off guard. Love. Is that something he’s gonna be calling you from now on? 
You definitely don’t mind. 
You follow his instructions and let your body move closer towards the bottom, making Jungkook hum in approval. 
“That’s a good girl.” Suddenly, Jungkook yanks your legs to his direction and you gasp in surprise, only to realize the position you’re both in. 
He’s standing right over the edge of the bed while he guides your legs to rest over his shoulders.
Jungkook and you have tried a lot of positions since you established your thing, but surprisingly, this has never been one of them and you find yourself curious as to what he’ll do next. 
His tattooed bicep flexes as he trails his finger up your naked thighs, making the hairs on your body tingle, especially your pussy which is all bare for his own viewing. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you watch as Jungkook turns his head to the side, and a gasp catches in your throat when he begins kissing up your calf. When his mouth nears your toes, you nearly yank it out of his hold. 
“K-kook,” you stammer, but all Jungkook does is pay you a momentary look and a non-committal hum, turning back to your feet again where he presses a tentative kiss to your big toe. When he feels you wriggle it in his hold once again, he turns to you with furrowed brows. You look away. “It’s uhm…” 
When you don’t say anything, Jungkook fills you in. “You don’t like it?” 
You feel your cheeks burning even hotter. Fucking hell. 
“No– I mean. Uh. I don’t know?” You knit your brows, confused yourself. You’ve never really thought about dabbling into the more adventurous aspect of sex but Jungkook has changed that ever since – right now, though, what he’s trying to do is confusing you. You’re sure you’ve never thought about feet and sex at the same sentence – but when Jungkook kissed your toes, that might have— 
Oh god. No freaking way he’s trying to give you a foot kink. 
“That’s okay,” Jungkook smiles at you warmly. “I was just gonna kiss them, baby. I love every part of you—” he presses a kiss back to your calf again. Staring deep into your eyes, he tells you gently, “But I’m not gonna do anything you don’t and won’t like, love.” 
It seems like the new unlocked petname is doing all things because you could just feel the sudden gush of wetness coming out of you as soon as he said that. Jungkook must’ve noticed, paying a quick look to your pussy and scoffing in amusement as he sees it. 
“You like that? Love? Hm?” He caresses your thighs again, his other fingers trailing dangerously close to your core. “Seems like me calling you love gets you wet. What about I love you? Does it get you wet just like how it gets me hard when you say it as well?”
When Jungkook presses his thumb to your clit again, you moan, feeling him continue his ministrations. You hold your breath when he begins picking up the pace of his rubbing, and with your position, it gives you an opportunity to spread your legs even more, feeling Jungkook hiss at the action. 
“Fuck. You really are so pretty. I’m so fucking lucky you love me,” Jungkook says. He talks sweet but you hear a sound of spit coming from him to your pussy, his saliva dripping down your core, making you mewl. “I’m gonna make love to you all night. Show you how much I love you.” Jungkook whispers as he pushes a finger into your hole, sliding in and out. “Look at what you do to me, love.” 
You open your eyes to see what he’s talking about, and when you zero in on his cock, it impossibly became bigger, the tip an angry shade of red now. It looks so tight and rigid and veiny that you want to whine to touch it – but you decide to lay still, anticipating his next move. 
“Put it in me,” you say, sounding challenging. 
“I will, just gotta make sure you’re all ready.” Jungkook muses before he inserts his finger once again. It glides in pretty easily, and you’re sure that you’re more than ready to take his cock. 
Grunting, Jungkook pulls you closer and lets go of one of your thighs to grip his dick. He gives it a good squeeze twice before he puts it against the lips of your pussy. 
“Oh god,” you moan at the weight of him. 
“Shit.” Jungkook hisses. You know he’s feeling the exact same way you do. 
When he prods the tip at your entrance, you nearly squeal in delight. Instead, you grip the sheets behind you and look at the way Jungkook’s brows knit in concentration as he grips the base of his cock to enter you fully.
You both moan in unison when the first inch gets inserted, with Jungkook gripping your other thigh tighter and inhaling a sharp breath. Jungkook enters you slowly and arduously, like he’s savoring every second that your pussy swallows every part of his cock. 
“You– fuck– you love a big cock but you’re so fucking tight,” He groans as he begins to slide in the remaining inches, getting both your thighs together again. 
“It’s your fault,” you retaliate, hissing when he begins to move a little inside you. It doesn’t hurt the least bit – you were already way too wet from your first orgasm on the couch of his living room – but in this position, his cock feels deeper and it just feels so damn good. 
“How is it– shit– my fault?” Jungkook grunts, beginning to pick up his pace. “I fuck you almost everyday.” 
“Oh god—” you moan when he hits a little too deep at a particular thrust. “You’re so big, that’s why– fuck.”
“Hah.” Jungkook scoffs, bottoming out to enter you again. “Play with your tits for me, baby. Fuck, I love them so much.” 
You grab your breasts, thankful at the suggestion because they’re bouncing a little from his pounding and you’re sure they’re gonna be sore the next day. 
Needless to say, Jungkook likes what he sees as he continues to slide his cock in and out of you at a steady, slow pace. 
There are two sides to Jungkook when it comes to sex. Sometimes, he likes to do it fast with jackhammer thrusts that makes you question his stamina and strength – not rough, because he told you you’re too much of a pillow princess for that (you rolled your eyes at him so hard and he only laughed at you, telling you it’s actually because he didn’t like the thought of hurting you in any way), and you admittedly love that. It’s what got the words “I love you” out of your mouth in the first place. Intense fucking coupled with intense emotions are a combination you now realize is dangerous – but right now, as he pounds into you slowly, making you feel every ridge of his cock, you realize it’s your favorite. 
There’s something so intimate about the way Jungkook closes his eyes when he seemingly tries his very best to contain his strength as he enters you with his dick. It’s weirdly hot when he inhales a sharp breath to regulate his breathing, brows furrowed in concentration. Like this, you get to feel every moment of where you both started and where you end. 
And when Jungkook leans down on the bed, folding you in half at the action, his dick hits deeper as he plants his palms on the mattress, is cock continuing their ministrations in your cunt. 
He grunts in your hair, grabbing your breast and squeezing it hard in his palm which earns a moan from you. Jungkook looks at you and kisses your parted mouth. 
“I love you,” he says when he breaks away, kissing your cheek. Then the tip of your nose. And then the space between your eyebrows. “I love you so much.” 
You giggle. In the middle of sex. When his cock is snug deep in your pussy. 
“You’re a sap.” you can’t help but cup his face in your hand, grinning at him widely. 
“Where’s my– shit– I love you back?” Jungkook knits his brows, thrusting in and out of you still. He grips your hip with one hand, and there are balls of sweat on his forehead starting to form at the exertion from his body. 
“Of course I love you too, baby,” You say. “Kiss me.”
Jungkook doesn’t wait any more second and leans down to capture your lips into an open-mouthed kiss. You don’t break away until his hips stutter, indicating his impending orgasm. 
He’s usually the one who whispers all those sweet nothings in your ear when you’re on the brink of your climax, but this time around, you tell him how much you love his cock, how it’s made for you, and how much you want to keep making love to him all night – and that’s how he breaks.
“F-fuck,” Jungkook groans as he shoots his hot white orgasm inside you, his voice strained as he finishes off with a few more erratic thrusts. “Oh god.” 
“That’s it, Kook, cum for me,” you whisper against his lips, your legs already sliding off his shoulder. You can’t help but moan against his mouth when you feel him cumming more.
“I love you, angel.” Jungkook says and kisses you again. 
You reciprocate the kiss and hope he feels the smile you have on your lips. 
You don’t really expect to cum again – but then Jungkook suddenly palms your ass and taps both cheeks. 
“Cum for me a second time.” He says, pecking the side of your lips. 
You shake your head. As much as you’d love to, you feel like you’re actually about to break tonight. 
“It’s fine—” 
But Jungkook cuts you off quickly. “Please?” 
And how can you say now when he looks like… that? His sex afterglow puts every man in the movies to shame. And you’re just human prone to giving in – especially when it comes to him specifically.
“Okay.” You say, tapping his cheek with a smile. “How do you want me?” 
“Want you to ride me.” He whispers. “Wanna see your pretty eyes while you’re bouncing on my cock.” 
You ignore the flutter in your heart at his words.
Jabbing at his chest lightly, you roll your eyes at him and let him get off you to position himself against the headboard of the bed. Jungkook grins when you soon plant your folded legs on both sides of him, helping you put his still erect dick inside your still sopping wet pussy. 
You both hiss at the sensation, with you closing your eyes at the way he feels. Meanwhile, Jungkook doesn’t waste any second and dives into your breasts immediately, tugging and sucking at your nipples, squeezing and fondling at the flesh, and moaning when you begin to move up and down on his lap. 
“S-so good,” you mewl, wrapping your arms around his neck, fumbling with the hair on his nape. 
“That’s it, love. Doing so well.” He leaves your breasts in favor of your jaw, peppering kisses there until he makes a stop at your lips again. Jungkook finds solace in holding your hips as you move on your own, and as he watches your closed eyes and parted mouth, he leans back to the headboard, looking at the image of you at the very moment – wishing he could burn it into memory. 
“My god– ah—” You begin to speed up your pace, concentrating on the way Jungkook’s cock seemingly hardens at your every drop and fall. 
Soon after, you feel Jungkook sneaking his hands in your pussy, and when you plant one of your palms on the mattress leaning back, Jungkook rubs your clit to help you reach your climax.
You feel yourself leaking on him from both your orgasms in your pussy earlier, and at the thought of that, you feel another wave of ecstasy that snaps in the bottom part of your stomach.
“Oh my fucking god.” 
You bury your face in Jungkook’s neck the moment you cum, breathing erratically against his skin.
“You did so well, baby,” Jungkook kisses your hair, caressing your head lovingly. “I love you.” 
Humming, you let your body fall lax against his, feeling like your bones just lost all its joints, unable to move. Thankfully, there’s Jungkook to take care of that. When you refused to move, he teases you about being a baby and carries you to the bathroom instead where he tells you to pee while he prepares the shower for the both of you. 
Minutes later when you’re both done cleaning yourselves, you lay in Jungkook’s bed beside each other. Or more like, you lean almost all of your weight on top of him, your legs and arms wrapped around his body with Jungkook’s arms underneath your neck, serving as your pillow. 
“I think I just unlocked a new kink.” Jungkook says, alternating between kissing your forehead and caressing your head. 
“You discover one, like, everyday.” You tell him, eyes shut closed. You’re starting to feel sleepy from everything you did tonight. 
Jungkook snorts. “Fair. But for the record, nothing beats this new kink of mine.” 
“What is it?” 
“The I love you kink.”
Even if you can’t exactly see him, you’re sure he has that stupid cute bunny grin on his face.
Chuckling, you say, “God, you really are so corny.” 
“Hey, can a boyfriend not be turned on when his girlfriend says she loves him?” 
At that, you freeze. Jungkook must’ve noticed because he stops caressing your head. You move away from his chest and lean on your elbow so you can look down at him.
“We’re girlfriend and boyfriend now?” You ask with knitted brows. 
Jungkook looks just as confused. “I mean… yeah?” 
“Oh.” You nod. Looking to the other side of the room, you ponder, “Well, that makes sense.” 
Jungkook looks offended when your gaze falls back to him again. “What do you mean that makes sense? We’ve been boyfriend and girlfriend since you told me you liked me.” 
“You told me you liked me too,” You roll your eyes. “But… really? You think that?” 
Now, Jungkook’s pouting. 
“Wait, you didn’t think we were boyfriend and girlfriend all these months?” 
“Eh…” You think about the past four months since you both established an exclusive relationship with each other. You’ve always thought it was just this unlabeled thing. But apparently… “I guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend.” 
“I literally introduced you to my friends as my girlfriend last month, though?” Jungkook asks. 
You jut your bottom lip out. “I have no idea.” 
He sighs. “Forget about it.” 
“It’s okay. I love you.” You say, blinking at him. 
Jungkook visibly melts at that. 
“I think you just found a new way to get away with anything…” he says, eyeing you suspiciously. 
You snicker and cheekily press a quick kiss to his lips. 
There haven't been a lot of people who have come to your life that became important to you – and you didn’t expect Jeon Jungkook to be one if it – not at all. But what started as a casual relationship turned into more than that, and now you find yourself deeply in love with him – and happily so.
Meanwhile, Jungkook thinks the same as he caresses your hair, staring at your serene face while you sleep in his arms, thinking it couldn’t get any better than this.
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