#but thats just me! different strokes for different folks and all that
I like to think that König maybe has a pretty nasty scar on his face from an “accident” when he was younger (bullies) but got swept under the rugs because maybe the kids involved had important parents or smthn like that. Would make sense given his anxiety + his desire to wear a sniper hood despite not actually being a sniper
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greasydumbfuck · 1 month
why was frank so hairless in the series anyway
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i want to care about the new arcs of fnaf so bad especially while being a vanessa stan but oh my goodness i cannot get into it and i want to say its because michael isn't there but honestly michael wasnt there before. but i hadn't had it broken down to me exactly HOW intertwined security breach was to the novels until very recently with the explanation of where glitchtrap came from and its sooooo ohhhh my goddddd oh my goddddddd (plugging my ears) LAAALALALALALLALA
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eldritchmochi · 6 months
(i hope this doesn't come across as rude, i'm just genuinely confused) i saw your tags on a post you reblogged about how you like to jerk off to the thought of your work crush, and that you're aspec. but i thought the whole point of being aspec is that you *don't* feel sexual attraction? isn't thinking of someone to gain sexual pleasure also sexual attraction to that person? isn't wanting to have sex with someone sexual attraction to that person? i can't imagine jerking off to someone i'm not attracted to so maybe i'm just close-minded but what you said really doesn't sound aspec at all. again i'm not trying to be rude, i'm just not aspec so i really don't understand how *not* feeling sexual attraction can be a spectrum, but feeling sexual attraction apparently isn't a spectrum??
not rude imo! i am happy to play educator!!
so tldr, i have a particularly complicated relationship to.... relationships. i tend to label myself as broadly "aspec" as a whole as shorthand for expressing that i dont really experience attraction but it, like basically all the labels i use, isn't wholly accurate for my personal experience because labels--especially queer identity labels--are a broad stroke generalization for very individualized personal experiences of the same general gestures thing. not everyone who shares the labels i use for myself will agree with the way i use them or even the fact that i DO use them (hi, he/him bi lesbian here, eat me) and thats totally okay, as long as they mind their manners
i find "aspec" used as a specifically nonspecific umbrella micro label is convenient shorthand for the whole not really experiencing attraction thing because its more true than not. i really dont "really" experience attraction, either sexual or romantic..... except for when i do. those instances of attraction however are so incredibly rare that they're an exception, not the rule. i'm in my thirties and consider that tally to be two people i have legit thirsted after and possibly two??? people i am Romantically In Love With (as opposed to just In Love With, which is different for me, because i love all my friends in unique ways because they're unique people i have a unique relationship with, but i digress) (ftr i am not 100% sure on the romance bit because its *incredibly* hard for me to sus out the difference between my feelings for these particular people compared to everyone else i love because i just kinda go on vibes: if i'm happy with someone, i'm happy, and i dont really feel the need to Officially Label things)
btw, "aspec" as in asexual (and in my case aromantic) spectrum is very much a spectrum my dude, and that spectrum people generally report on does include occasional incidental attraction. other axis often involved in the spectrum are things like libido or even general willingness or interest in interactions that involve sex (or romance, or both!). some folks enjoy having sex and seek it out despite not experiencing sexual attraction, with or without a libido. some people are completely sex adverse when it comes to sexual situations involving themselves but will engage with sexual content, such as porn/erotica/virtual roleplay. some people want nothing do do with bumping uglies literally or figuratively. some people are absolutely baffled when it turns out no they just wanna bump uglies with this one particular person and they will DIE if they dont why are humans wired like this its SO INCONVENIENT (shhhhh dont ask me how i know). there are a ton of microlabels for any and all generalization of experience within the a-spec spectrum because there is just a HUGE variety of experiences but i personally dont like them for myself cos im a vague-as-possible kinda guy
so: complicated relationship with relationships and a complete disregard for the "rules" some people wanna insist on when it comes to identity labels. a buddy of mine has described me as her friend who is "all queer identities at once" which, yeah, i'm into that, its a good summation
i would also like to note for our viewers at home that you are totally allowed to stick yourself in whatever box feels right at the time, even if you change boxes a bazillion times or put a peet in a bunch of different boxes all at once, or play musical chairs with the boxes, or whatever. theyre made up and the points dont matter, what matters is having some facsimile of language to communicate an aspect of your experience to allow for communication and conversation about that experience, not that you tick off a check list of required traits to get your box assigned to you by The Committee. go forth, be weird, love freely, eat the rich, and fuck the (thought) police
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pteren · 8 months
rope dart wednesday 22 - wrap stacking with X on back
helb me i am all tide up o no
now that we know a bunch of basic wraps, we can start stacking them!! wrap stacking is literally just layering wraps on top of each other. this has a whole bunch of different applications, but to get a good grasp of the concept lets start with x on back.
a bind is a way to wind the entire rope around the body, freeing the hands while the dartist isn't in combat. x on back is a bind created by stacking three wraps:
scorpion wrap + belt wrap + dragon wrap
entering the bind is as simple as entering each of the component wraps in order. the dart first travels over the lead shoulder (creating one stroke of the X across the back)... ...then circles the waist, completing the belt wrap... ...then passes under the lead arm (creating the other stroke of the X) and hangs from the anchor shoulder at chest height. you can tuck the dart under the straps
(ive been practicing cutting out the belt wrap by spinning into it as i cast the scorpion wrap, to save the stalls it requires. this is tricky but im getting the hang of it.)
to get out of x on back, we grab the dart with the lead hand, lift it around behind our head (undoing the dragon wrap) and throw it forward. as we do so , we pivot towards our lead side, making two full turns to spin out of the belt and scorpion wraps. we can then reel in the rope from the ground however we like.
or! if we're in the mood to smash something, we can do just one spin, remaining in the scorpion wrap. i love the scorpion shot so i do this frequently :3
thats all folks! come back next week for a fascinating stacked wrap shot :)
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lovesastateofmind1 · 7 months
ohhh you're in for it now buddy i cannot believe you had the audacity to send me an ask that special smh WELL
ok so like idk if i can match the eloquence of your lovely comment so im gonna go the other way and just drop a samcomment (i am so obnoxious i just am branding everything im like jason derulo ffs ANYWAY)
honestly like your style is not for the faint of heart which a) glad it's for me and what that says about me *hair flips* and 2) i need everyone to get with the program h2g so like i *know* it's an acquired taste which normally means different strokes for different folks etc etc but i feel like your writing is one of those things i WISH more people acquired the taste for because it's so good?? so exemplary??? the vividness of your prose--even the connective tissue people would stride past normally to get to the good stuff???? but like hello!!!! its all good stuff!!!! mm also the economy of your language, the strength and affective nature of your dialogue, like i am both in the fic and i am watching the fic i am the character i am watching the character i am in the walls i am the walls does this make sense its like whiplash but on a rollercoaster where you signed up for the adrenaline rush and you're like whoa buddy i sure did not anticipate it but i will wait 2 hours even on express lines just to go again.
like i see the vision i see the mission i see the beats the gut wrenchers heart breakers i am with you a hundred percent of the way you're holding my hand im letting you do it i trust you to take care of me even if the punch is a little too real and a little too rough but im with you all the way babe like that's the commitment the pact the contract i signed when i click on your fics and i have to actually really bring my heart up to speed to allow me to survive but it's so good??? and i don't feel like you are yanking my chain i feel like you're putting these characters through the paces and the paces are like hard level mode times 10 but i know you care about them?? and i think that's why i trust your judgment and why i hang onto every word it truly is a ride and even now im thinking of sweet dreams and LtM and i just honest to god am a changed person each time? like i've experienced mitosis?? im a single cell now a double cell im just not the same (im so sorry i butchered science things im an academic for crying out loud)
anyways i feel a little feral but i drank some water and i am back in my body and thats how i feel about your fics. ok thx love u bye ✌🏽
You're way cooler than Jason Derulo anyway, so brand away my friend. Also 🥹🥹🥹 who needs eloquence when you can have a winded ramble instead? I could say so many things about this, but I'm now having trouble finding the words too. Just know that in my head, I am barreling you over with the biggest hug ever. Thank you so much for this lovely comment. I adore you.
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snekdood · 4 years
people expect schiophrenic people to all just be unhinged when in reality we're all just unhinged in different unique ways djrjkeke
no but seriously, its very weird having the experience of my mom saying my sister is more likely to be schizophrenic than me, which i think she probably evidences in her mind because my sister has had many more breakdowns than me, she sometimes down plays my delusions while upscaling my sisters, when when i look at my sister, i see a lot of the same weird conspiracy shit i believed in, so i dont understand why she keeps trying to say im JUST schizoaffective whereas my sister is entirely schizophrenic. the only reason i was able to escape those delusions was when my ex started to use them against me and when they left they just dropped it immediatly, like it never happened, like they didnt enable my delusions and make them worse- they just dropped believing in that stuff and switched immediatly to villifying me for believing it at a time. so i realized once my beliefs were used as a tool to manipulate me, i just cant bring myself to believe this shit anymore. but that doesnt mean those delusions dont still haunt me, they're extremely hard to unlearn especially when you were essentially using conspiracy theories and new age spirituality and shit as a guide to life since you felt you had no guidance. maybe i dont believe in that stuff anymore but new delusions pop up from it, i can still be effected by these beliefs and the fear they bring even though i know it rationally to not be true! another thing that sucks is trying to figure out the conspiracy theories on the left vs the ones on the right, because i think i digestes both growing up so seprating them now can be kind of hard. idk. im rambling. but to get back to my point, im still really effectes by this stuff, new things to necome paranoid about pop up all the time, one od my delusions is thinking everyone on tumblr hates me lol, even though i factually know this not to be the case, theres probably mollions of users, i cant stop myself from feeling that fear, and i cant stop myself from sometimes believing its true even when its not. idk. i dont like that my experience and pain is being downplayed, i think i have schizophrenia 100%, because i will say that when im mot on anti psychotics i feel fucking worse and i feel more of an urge to entertain my delusions.
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
I was wondering, what are your thoughts and opinions on Thomas Connor? And Scott if you've read TLO?
Oh man. THATS PRETTY BROAD, THIS WILL BE, UH, A LONG ANSWER!! Thomas Connor is REALLY POTENTIALLY INTERESTING in TLO, too… like, he’s being affected by the Ink, right? That’s what’s happening? That’s why he’s still working on this dang machine and can’t seem to articulate the “why” to his girlfriend? ANYWAY,
I’ll start with Scott because: I don’t have a lot of thoughts about Scott! He’s fine. Neat that there’s more GENT folks than just Thomas. I like his horrible driving. He lost his mind pretty generically so that wasn’t really compelling to me. THATS IT, THATS ALL I HAVE FOR SCOTT.
Thomas Connor as a human is the more intriguing version of him to me, though his portrayal is, uh, sort of all over the place? A lot of BatIM interpretation involves taking the things that the different characters say about each other and sort of adding up a cobbled-together picture of what they might’ve been like and how they might’ve interacted with each other, but if you try to add Thomas up this way it’s even more of a mess than Sammy is imo. 
There’s a pretty solid characterisation for a bunch of it – he has this great, tired, Tech Support Guy Trying To Explain For The Fifth Time Why An Email Can’t Physically Deliver Cash energy that I love, grumbling about how corners are being cut and Mr. Drew is asking the impossible, but he’s also regretfully complicit as the person who understands best what they’ve done, getting a bad feeling about it all in the BatDR tape, haunted by what he’s created in DCTL, and flipping back and forth between desperately justifying his work on the machine and growling that he really, REALLY ought to destroy it in TLO. I genuinely like his characterisation in the novels; I ran into a comment on tiktok once describing him as “the only valid man” in DCTL and I think about that CONSTANTLY LMAO. Rough and intimidating and demanding but with a sense of… responsibility and duty that few characters in BatIM have, smothered into inaction by his conflicted feelings.
Also, like, Thomas has PTSD, right, from serving in the war? That’s why he gets so tense every time anyone touches him unexpectedly? It never explicitly says this but it was the way I immediately read that detail.
But then when you try to put everything together, it doesn’t add up. The ink seems way more out of control for his BatIM audiologs than it is in DCTL, yet he just grumbles about doing jobs for Joey like he’s casually annoyed at his boss, and his report about creating Bendy doesn’t have any of the recognition or horror of what he’s done, just a sort of a “huh, that’s kinda spooky” vibe, which is strange held up against how much turmoil he’s obviously feeling in DCTL. And then what’s going on with the BatDS audiologs? Are we meant to see Thomas as the toolbelt thief in Shawn’s, because that sure doesn’t match, uh, ANYTHING else we know about him??? Thinking you can just wear the thing you stole to the place you stole it from is either stupidly self-centered or deliberate bullying, and both are so hard to reconcile with what we know of Thomas that “some other Gent employee we’ve never seen did that” honestly makes more sense. Thomas comandeering the coat closet and claiming it’s a “laboratory” is less wildly outlandish but like, still weird to try to mash into everything else we know about him?
It just feels like, while there’s the broad strokes of an interesting character here, the creators have never really nailed down who he is behind the scenes, so with every new piece of information he just becomes whoever they want him to be in that moment, rather than new pieces of info revealing this person’s character.
Thomas Connor as a toon is… I don’t care for him.
On the surface, it seems like he should appeal – gruff guy who knows more than the others but, frustratingly, can’t communicate it? THATS MY KINDA TROPE! But Tom makes so little sense and has so little reason to be here that it’s hard for me to really get invested.
There’s no reason, narratively, for Tom to even be Thomas Connor instead of a random badass Boris. Him remembering his name is potentially interesting, but doesn’t go anywhere; he’s just defined by being Aggressive and Tough and overprotective of Allison in a way that would raise red flags in any human relationship. We don’t know what it is he knows, or what he wants, or what he thinks Henry is. There’s no personal connection to his human self – his knowledge of the Machine or the Demon or any of the things he really should have strong opinions about – but there’s not a strong contrast with him, either; still just grumpy and irritable, but now he’s met with an unfortunate fate. I’m not convinced that there was ever any mystery or motive intended behind the Connors – it seems more like they were added to the last chapter just to make sure we still had a Boris and an Alice in the game after the other ones were killed off, and their main distinguishing quality was “they’re sooooo badass, isn’t that cool and ironic for toons to be?” 
Anyway, I've seen fan stuff (New Soul AU, La Vie En Noir) that takes them at face value and makes it compelling, but my favourite take on them is that they’re kind of putting on an act. Both Allison and Tom read as being so, like, tropey in a generic way – the things they say and the way they behave is very shallow, defaulting to cliche, and doesn’t make a lot of sense when examined – and so the idea that Allison and Tom are doing an intentional good cop/bad cop routine with Henry, not telling him the whole truth, playing up what they think he’ll expect them to be, appeals to me a lot more, and feels like it has more connection to their human selves.
DCTL added a lot of humanity to these characters that just didn’t seem to be there – Thomas’ overwhelming guilt and Allison’s flippant charm finally raise the question of… what happened? What did you lose? What are you two up to, really? …And then it also added something more complicated:
Is Thomas Connor black???
I don’t think this is as conclusive in the text as it’s sometimes made out to be. The line that started this whole thing can be read a couple of ways: “I wonder if Sammy just does this, or if it’s only when he’s talking to women (Abby) and black people (Thomas)” or “Sammy did this to a white person (Thomas) so maybe he just does this, but… I wonder if this is the kind of discrimination my friends told me about.” Technically, the second one makes more sense and is a less troubling reading – we already know Sammy calls Mr. Drew “Joey”, but this reading would imply that even if it’s a habit, that doesn’t make THIS instance okay. Based on the rest of DCTL, a book that seems to be genuinely trying to inject humanity and diversity into a franchise that lacks it, I don’t think the author would’ve shied away from having Thomas obliquely imply being black in his final conversation with Buddy if that had been intended – I think there's a good chance the clumsiness here may have been simply leaving “Thomas is white” assumed.
But, I, like a lot of fan creators, still portray him as black, which… was a choice I thought a lot about. The thing is, in the context of the novels, Thomas being black is kind of great – he’s a complex character with a lot of depth, and he’s not just a big angry guy; as much as he’s gruff and prickly, he’s deliberate and thoughtful with his actions and words, and his personality honestly comes across as a bit of a nerd despite the fact that people keep being intimidated by his being physically buff. He’s the genius behind the machine, who’s realised what that means and struggles to know what to do with the unexpected horrible responsibility it brings. His whole backstory – someone who served in the war, presumably was well-regarded for his skill, but then came home to find no one willing to treat him as the brilliant engineer he was until he met Joey Drew, a man who canonically hires quite progressively – fits really nicely with his demand to be respected as a professional. It would be a shame to dump all of that just because it makes Sammy messier. Thomas Connor is INTERESTING, in a way that fits into history but doesn’t slot into stereotypes… until you get to the games, where he’s transformed into a cartoon dog that’s almost exclusively defined by being physically violent, threatening, and possessive of his girl, which ISNT GREAT. And if Shawn’s line in his BatDS audiolog is meant to refer to a black man… it becomes a slur.
That’s way beyond troubling if it’s intended – and if Thomas IS black, canonically, that’s something that the creators really do need to address. This sort of thing is why a content creator can’t just leave it up to fans to headcanon characters however they want and call that diversity – because the creator has to think about the choices they’re making and the consequences they’ll have in context. But for me, person making fan content who didn’t create the character… in the end, I favoured the novel over the game. The game is already steeped in a lot of iffy tropes, and Allison and Tom’s part in it is so uninteresting to me that I much prefer the idea that they were both putting on an act. Ultimately, bending over backwards to headcanon the Shawn audiolog as being about Wally is a small price to pay for keeping this version of Thomas from the novel that I got a lot more attached to.
I share all this because TLO does something… interesting.
Scott specifically mentioning they’ll be meeting Thomas in Northside (which my quick googling identifies as having, historically, a largely African American population), and then calling attention to it by asking Bill if that would make him uncomfortable, creates a weird little arrow pointing at this detail that’s hard to ignore. There’s no other narrative reason for this aside, it never goes anywhere and Bill never puts together what Scott meant. It seems like the sort of thing we’re usually supposed to read into in these novels, but it’s also… hidden.
It’s still absolutely worth critiquing the problems with making Thomas Connor a black man. And it’s impossible to truly know the author’s motives from the text. But after the company has steadfastly refused to give any explicit diversity, hidden behind the claim that they’re just staying neutral about their characters’ race/gender/orientation!! while making plenty of characters explicitly white and implied straight… I have to respect what feels like an attempt to hang onto this, because it accidentally made it through. Maybe it was originally unintentional, maybe not, but a bunch of fans now think of Thomas Connor, a major character of this franchise and "the only valid man" in DCTL, as black – something that JDS, Inc. will probably never allow again – and, unable to address it directly, Adrienne Kress seems to have responded by actually giving the idea more evidence (though still nothing concrete) and giving Thomas more screen time. I can’t know that’s the intention, so this is, just my little conspiracy theory I guess. And it’s still problematic. But at the same time, we’re all just working with what we’ve got. Like….. Norman isn’t a LESS problematic choice…
Anyway, TL;DR, I find Thomas surprisingly compelling, to be honest! He’s an interesting character with a lot of conflict and I’m grateful for the depth the novels gave him, even if the content as a whole struggles to add up cohesively. His toon self feels contrived and random, and I don’t really care for him. Scott is fine.
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wickedpact · 3 years
Crim pls do a J/N fic rec post at some point in the future I trust you more than I trust myself looking rouge through AO3
im kinda eh abt the concept of fic recs myself just bc the whole 'Different Strokes For Different Folks' thing (idk how many times someone i liked in a fandom made a fic rec list and i ended up not liking anything they posted). plus i have weirdly specific tastes and i.. .. honestly havent read a ton of joenicky fic! (i have a FAT to-read list) but ive been asked this a couple times now so i will slap together a couple joenicky fics i like (not comprehensive, i only spent like 15 minutes making this. also not in any particular order.)
Kiss Each Other Clean by moodlighting
i like this whole fic, but the last 6 or so paragraphs in particular SEND ME TO SPACE, i love cuddling. also [joe voice] nickel neekee
what you seek is seeking you by bankrobbery
i actually recced this one once before. idk its cute i just Like It. (also nicky pretending not to know english bc a customer is pissing him off is Very Funny and i love it)
with every inch of my heart by smilebackwards
i like this one a lot, i think nickys pov should Always be this tender. i dont like miscommunication trope much, (esp with joenicky) but i do like this fic-- the miscommunication in question is far-fetched but its joenicky so of course it is. just enjoy the Angst™
i love michelangelo seeing nicky all dirty and bloody after a fight and being like 'DAMN this bitch is fine' (same). (AND the fact that nicky only agrees to travel with him in the name of wasting the pope's money lmao). the fact that joe and nicky broke up But They Still Snuggle. nile knowing like 2 things about joe and nicky's breakup & pretty much immediately taking nicky's side. joe looking at the creation of adam and bein like 'EH'.
nicky carrying around his little joe drawing? nicky carrying around a spare toothbrush for booker? nicky telling little children stories about a princess locked in a coffin under the sea? ('perhaps someday, if an iron coffin is caught in a net or washed up onto the shore, they’ll remember the princess, a victim and not a monster' EXCUSE ME)
(also 'I have drawn you a thousand times since we parted. I sculpted your likeness, just so that I could pretend to cup your cheek. You are so much warmer than marble, hayati.' R O M A N C E)
Pas Un Ange by inlovewithnight
there are a lot of fics i love in a way thats like 'this fic is fun but it doesnt feel like something that would happen in the Actual Canon' (which is fine!) but this one Does feel like it could happen in The Actual Canon which is cool
this fic also has probably my favorite depiction of nicky's relationship with god/religion in any fic ive read ('[nicky's] peace had come only after walking away from faith as a competition of intensity in favor of faith as a steady compass that he followed like the beat of his heart in his chest.'). i love the whole Drama played out by the background characters and how they all have their own ideas and motivations & nicky is just kind of resigned to being caught in the middle of it.
(also love how near the beginning joe's like 'the Right thing to do in the situation would be stay at this river and help these people.... ... ....... ... .... ... anyways see ya guys later gotta go find nicky'.)
also joe chatting up a pig and the five minutes later chatting up some goats was so cute. & nicky trying to tell the baby's mother how to save it!!!! </3 AND THEY ARGUE ABOUT CHARITY on the way home (not before joe injects a comment abt nickys ass into regular conversation bc Romance™) its a bit of a sad fic tho, that poor baby 🥺
Intercession by PrincessDesire
can i interest you in some Swamp Man Nicky in this trying time?
someone recced this fic to me and i dont remember who. but note that the major character death tag is not, in fact, for a major character but for a background one. neither joe or nicky perma!die in this. also normally i dont like fics where joe or nicky are bi bc Thats Not Canon Babey but i do like this one, i love joe's relationship with Grace and how nicky's perception of that relationship gets flipped on its head halfway thru the fic. i also love joe's Weariness Of Immortality, like when joe talks about how 'youthful' nicky makes him feel. his pov just kind of Feels like an old man and i like it
theres a smut scene in this fic which im personally not big on smut scenes but theres this bit where joe tries to figure out condoms and its very cute. also 'You have many kinds of magic, Nicky. All your spells have worked.' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
also i just like how WHIPPED joe is from like the first 3 seconds he sees nicky. theres one bit where nicky's like 'ill come visit you!' and joe's like 'when🥺' and nicky's like 'as soon as you like!' and joes like 'now?????🥺🥺🥺 literally come home with me???' incredible.
also the Magic System was cool. i also love how nicky just Accidentally made himself immortal. what a man. also i like this line 'it would never occur to [nicky] to attend any service that wasn’t going to have a direct outcome. Grace takes comfort from it, so maybe that’s the only outcome needed.' idk its so sweet
edit: also i cant believe i forgot the iconic line 'Yusuf is a man of two minds, one large and underutilized, the other small and underutilized.' absolutely iconic & relatable
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vaveyard · 3 years
I just finished Realm Breaker and I'd just like to start off by saying it was pretty good and can't wait to see where all of this goes. Second of all, I think I know why some people complain that's it's boring and say not much happens. I'd say a lot of those people read Red Queen beforehand, which was definitely more fast paced that RB (mainly because there is literally never a dull moment with Mare and Maven) and assumed that your newer book would be similar and kind of had that expectation from the beginning. Or at least that's somewhat that kinda of happened with me. From time to time things were a predictable and slow going and I had to keep reminding myself that it isn't RQ (if any of that makes sense). All in all I'd say a fair amount of it would simply be that it's much more detailed than RQ and that might bore people (and people simply didn't want to give it a chance), and some might've had the expectation that it'd be fast pace like RQ. I have no idea if my thinking is in absolutely anyway correct or even makes sense honestly but thats kind of my thought process.
Also I can't wait for the second book and to see what Erida and Taristan mess up next (I'm very aware of the fact that they're antagonist atm but they're also kinda a power couple and antagonists are usually more interesting anyways)
Have a nice day/night <3
Absolutely, Red Queen is an entirely different pace, feel, and genre than Realm Breaker. I completely understand that and expected some readers not to enjoy RB. I'm pleasantly surprised by how many people didn't enjoy RQ, but decided to give me another chance and found themselves loving RB instead. Different strokes for different folks!
Erida and Taristan definitely get messy in the next installment. :)
Happy holidays!
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ticklefits · 3 years
maybe keith (vld) for the tickling ask meme? :D
character tickling ask meme! | @fandomsnfluff
keith kogane:
on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
i’d say probably an 8. keith definitely seems like the broody touch-starved type whos actually very sensitive but you wont know until he lets you get close.
where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
neck, lower back, and the just below his ribs. all very specific places that will get you a broken hand if you try to touch there.
which spots are they not ticklish?
sorry folks, keith isn’t all that ticklish on his sides or hips, which are some pretty common places to be sensitive. you might get some giggles if you catch him by surprise and tickle him in those places, but nothing of significance and you bet your ass he’s going to retaliate 
what is their laugh like?
it’s higher in pitch than someone might expect looking at him, but you sort of get it once you hear his voice, cause the man aint all that deep. it’s still cute though, and he gets choked up and wheezes sometimes when he laughs too hard since he hasnt had all that much to laugh about growing up, so its foreign to him ):
do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
to a degree, yes. it depends on the person, and you’d better be close to him if you’re tickling him, because you can and will get hurt if you arent. if you’re his lover, chances are, it’s gonna be considered both a wholesome, platonic thing and a bedroom thing, dependent on the situation 
are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
i definitely feel like its both, but keith can give off some serious ler energy. remember that scene when allura snapped a spoonful of food goo and got pidge in the face, and not even seconds later, keith growls out a “go loose, pidge!” and flips that shit right back at A PRINCESS? shit gave me chills and yall cant look me in the eyes and tell me that man wouldn’t WRECK YOUR SHIT if he wanted to 
who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
he probably doesn’t initiate tickle fights often because a) he’s very ticklish himself and b) he has a problem with vulnerability. those issues get better though and once keith gets closer to the others, tickle fights deffo become more of a thing and yes, lance is definitely always a consistent target because that boy mouth be runnin marathons. sometimes keith goes after shiro, but mans quickly regrets that one LMAO
who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
shiro is a terrifyingly good tickler and adam could attest to that. chris can also attest to that. keith had to deal with some real ticklish nightmares as a kid growing up with shiro, and even after he became an adult and found shiro again, that didn’t stop. lessened a little bit sure, but if shiro needed to make keith feel better or punish him for being the brat he is, he knew what to do
does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
if hes the lee in the situation, then yes it does. if hes the ler, then he will absolutely use it against whoever hes tickling and has no problem saying it, hes simply that bitch sometimes
are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
not so much embarrassed, he just knows that he would be a target for constant tickle attacks if the people around him found out about his ticklish secret. so yes, he does deny it/hide it and will go into fight or flight if you start teasing him about it.
would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
being a warrior, keith is definitely used to harsher things and with all the training he’s always doing, i wouldn’t be surprised if you needed to dig in there to really get him howling if thats what you want. but i feel like, gentle tickling would not only affect him physically, but also mentally and emotionally, and it would be such a sight seeing him melt like that 
is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
if you’re his lover, keith is actually partial to having his lower back tickled. soft, little strokes can be soothing to him and lull him right to sleep. and, on the other side of the coin, full blown tickles on his back just feel good in a different sort of way (:< if you’re just a friend, don’t tickle him -- thats what he prefers LMAO
is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
his neck is a big no-no unless you are, you guessed it, his lover. it doubles as an erogenous zone and if you tickle him there, as a friend, chances are, hes gonna smack you away and maybe even run
would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
nah, he wouldn’t. he’s not big on asking for tickles for himself, even when hes feeling touch-starved; theres nicer, less embarrassing ways to curb that craving for touch, so, the other person would have to decide to tickle him of their own accord
does teasing affect them?
yes, no matter whether hes lee or ler. as a lee, teasing embarrasses him and he acts out because of it, and will definitely become more sensitive because of it. when he’s a ler, good fucking luck to the lee, because his teasing as a ler is so AWFUL. he’s the why are you laughing, im not even doing anything to you type of ler, the oh, not here? how about here type of ler, the mock laughter and pleading type of ler. mans is pure evil when hes a ler and if you’re a cute lee, he gets even WORSE
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okay okay i never thought i’d end up making a tumblr but, here we are. these two idiots broke me, i swear. Anyways, here are my top three trobed songs and analysis on Why lol:
1. We’re Going to Be Friends - The White Stripes.
Okay hear me out. I know they’re not little kids just becoming friends in kindergarten, BUT this song is so incredibly soft and cute for a “fell-in-love-with-my-best-friend” song. It just fits them, really. I mean, “We will rest upon the ground / And look at all the bugs we found / Safely walk to school without a sound” if that’s not peak repressed season one trobed then idk what is. They’re in love your honor. “Here we are, no one else / We walk to school all by ourselves / There’s dirt on our uniforms / From chasing all the ants and worms / We clean up and now its time to learn” They’re together, and honestly that’s all that matters to them. They have a beautiful friendship going on, they have fun together and they don’t care what anyone else thinks. They just need each other to be happy. “Playtime we will throw the ball / Back to class, through the hall / Teacher marks our height against the wall” They’re growing up together, and people realize. Not that it matters to them, though. They have their own little world. “And we don’t notice any time pass / We don’t notice anything / We sit side by side in every class / Teacher thinks that i sound funny / But she likes the way you sing” They’re so blinded by their love for each other that the rest of the world is just a blurry mess. Nothing matters but being together and basking in their relationship. They just want to be with each other, any chance they get. They are Gay.
2. Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John.
Shut up this song is so fluffy trobed it actually hurts. Everything about it. “If i told you things i did before / Tell you how i used to be / Would you go along with someone like me?” We all know Troy was a huge jock in high school, and he probably took part in the whole shoving-weird-kids-into-lockers thing. Maybe he’s nervous about Abed thinking differently of him, and he wonders if they would still be friends had Abed known him in high school. “It doesn’t matter what you did / Who you were hanging with / We could stick around and see this night through” Abed doesn’t care who Troy used to be, he’s changed and thats partly thanks to him actually letting him be himself. Troy had to be like that in high school, that’s what was expected from him, being a football player and all of that crap. Abed knows the real Troy, and so his past doesn’t really matter to him. He likes present Troy, and that’s what’s important. “Usually when things have gone this far / People tend to dissapear / No one will surprise me unless you do” Abed is used to people leaving when they realize they can’t “fix” him. They think he’s too weird, or he’s not capable of human emotion, or simply that he’s not right in the head. But not Troy. Troy sticks around and listens to him infodumping about Kickpuncher and Batman and Cougar Town and Inspector Spacetime. He’s patient, and he actually listens to him. Him looking like a lovesick puppy never registers in Abed’s mind. “And we don’t care about the young folks / Talking bout their young style / And we don’t care about the old folks / Talking bout their old style too / And we don’t care about their own faults / Talking bout our own style / All that we care about is talking / Talking only me and you” Troy and Abed are aware that people talk about them. They’re aware that they’re different from everyone else, but they don’t really care. They just care about being together, any way they can.
3. The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes.
Look, i could go on for hours analyzing this song and how i think its a perfect fit for trobed, but, for the sake of simplicity, i’ll keep it short. So like first of all just the name of the song. The Adults Are Talking. How many times have Troy and Abed been referred to as children by other people? Everyone thinks they’re immature, and im pretty sure that in any serious conversation they would get stepped on. People are just crappy like that. Then we have the chorus, “Don’t go there ‘cause you’ll never return / I know you think of me when you think of her / But then it don’t make sense when you’re trying hard / To do the right thing but without recompense / And then you did something wrong and you said it was great / And now you don’t know how you could ever complain / Because you’re all confused ‘cause you want me too / But then you want me to do it the same as you” like dude. DUDE. This is clearly about Troy going on that stupid boat (I hate that boat i hate it i hate it so much. Thats another post though.) and Abed staying behind. I mean, we all kinda know that Abed is scared of Troy never returning, after all it is a possibility, and it must be heartbreaking. Then we have the whole Britta thing, that was comphet and i’ll die on this hill. There is no way that Troy didn’t think about Abed everytime he thought about his relationship with Britta, it’s actually shown in several episodes that he was constantly worried about Abed even when he actually was with Britta physically. So, thats canon. If i think that he was secretly pining over Abed and wishing that He was the one he was kissing then that’s on me i guess. Then back to Troy’s trip, he thought it was the right thing to do, and he’s trying. He’s trying so hard to find himself, find out who he really is and what that means for everything in his life. He has to become his own man, or whatever P*erce said (screw P*erce i hate him so much man), but he’s struggling. He looked so sure getting on that boat, but it would be unrealistic not to assume that he misses everyone. The Study Group, Neil, even Leonard. And of course, Abed. Was it really worth it to give all of that up? But of course he can’t complain, he’s gonna win millions of dollars!! well screw money and screw capitalism he found his soulmate you fucking asshole oh my god i hate P*erce. Anyways i could go on for hours about this song but im gonna stop now. Maybe i’ll make a separate post about it. Maybe.
Anyways that was me dumping my thoughts and love for music onto all of you. Bye bye.
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yandere-ac · 4 years
Tom Nook X Reader
10 pm on a Sunday and Tom was sitting alone in the residential services, typing away on his computer, trying to ignore all the sounds outside. The sounds of everyone running around, the sounds of people having fun, the sounds of fireworks going off. But most importantly, the sound of him. It’s been years and nothing has changed with him. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, trying to attract customers to his little raffle. Tom knee he was out there, that’s why he simply couldn’t go. The simple muffled sound of him shouting was enough to make his heart stop. “Come one! Come all! Step right up to redds raffle! For the small fee of 500 bells you’ll be guaranteed to win one of these fine prices! That’s right folks! You’ll never know what you’ll get but you are guaranteed to win!!!”
Huh. You’ll never know what you’ll get. Thats funny. That’s sort of how Redd and Toms relationship used to be. Tom however, did not get a guaranteed win. No, he got scammed out of 500 000 bells and was left in a ditch to rot away and die. He never thought Redd would be able to do something like that to him. Tom thought that he was different to Redd, that he actually cared for him. But Redd proved him wrong that night. He proved that Tom was no different than all the other fools that Redd tricked on a day to day basis. Because that’s what he was to Redd, he was just another one of his pawns in his big game of chess. He meant nothing to Redd and was easily disposable. And here he was, just outside his window, trying to make quick money off of his fellow islanders. And Tom was letting it happen. Because he was too much of a coward to go and do something.
Another firework went off. Tom could see the ground light up from outside his window. Oh how he wished he could be outside. But he knew he wasn’t strong enough to face Redd. He never wanted to see him again, and he hadn’t planned on doing so. And he would do anything to avoid seeing his past partner.
The soft sound of the little bell that was attached to the door dragged Tom out of his thoughts. Someone had entered. And that someone was you. You were laughing and were holding a balloon. At least someone was having fun out there. You made eye contact with him and smiled, running up to him. You had a star bopper on, probably something that Isabelle gave to you. You looked very cute in it.
“Hi Tom!” You said as you sat down in the chair on the other side of his desk. “Why hello hello Y/N! Having fun out there I hope?” He said, giving you a genuine smile. “Yeah! It’s been awesome! The fireworks are really pretty and we’ve all had very fun! The boys are really happy as well! They’ve been running around for hours now! It’s really cute!” You said, very enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. Tom has asked you to take the kids with you to the festival. They both had been cooped up in the store for too long and deserved a break. And there was no one he trusted more than you. “But....I think they would enjoy it more of you were out there with them...” oh boy. So you would pull this card huh. He let out a slight sigh. “Yes, I would also enjoy it...but I can’t Y/N...you know that...” as he said this he felt two soft hands grab his paws. “Is this about Redd?” You asked, and just hearing someone else say that bastards name made him tense up and made his eyes widen. “...I take that as a yes...come on Tom! Who cares what that guy thinks! He’s a sad man who’s only enjoyment in life comes from watching other suffer! He’s not worth your time!” Tom knew Redd wasn’t worth his time, yet it didn’t exactly make it any better. Just stating the obvious isn’t going to help his case.
“...I’m sorry...look, how about we go to a secluded spot, far away from the plaza. Do you think Redd will leave his precious money making station to go after you? Trust me, you need to get out of the residential services. You won’t have to see Redd okay? I promise!” Once you said this, you took one of your hands and cupped his cheek. Tom responded by closing his eyes and leaning into the touch. How bad could it be. If he would just ignore Redd and get away as soon as possible, things might work out. And so, he took one of his paws and pressed it on the hand that was cupping your cheek. “Alright then”
Walking out from the building, Tom and you were holding hands. Tom could see all of the islands inhabitants running around, clapping or cheering. Some were sitting on the ground, others were standing up. And he could see one islander sitting on another shoulders as they ran past him and Y/N. “Oh hello Mr Nook!” The one on top shouted as they passed the two. The loud announcement of the name made a certain fox turn his head to see if what he heard was really true. And once he made eye contact with Tom and gave him a wide smirk, Tom knew it was game over.
“Well well well. If it’s isn’t Tom Nook himself. I’ll be honest, I thought you died or something nookie, but here you are! Nice of you to visit your good ol pal Redd!” Toms ears fell done on his head. All of a sudden he could feel memories of Redd and him wash over him. But not the good memories, no, rather the memories he wished he could lock in a box and throw into the ocean. Redd walked closer to the two and Tom tried to regain his posture. “Hello Redd. How are you doing this evening?” Tom looked at the fox. He was wearing completely different clothes than his usual “only an apron” style. He hated to admit, but he like the foxes outfit. Should he say something? “You look nice. I like the new clothes.” Tom didnt want to give the fox any sort of encouragement In any way shape or form but he hoped that the compliment would at least soften Redd up in the slightest. He refused to look into the foxes eyes. “Pff, thanks! I wish I could say the same for you.” this made Tom freeze for a few seconds, that’s was, until he felt you squeeze his hand. Slowly stroking it with your thumb. Once he looked into your eyes and saw nothing but support, he felt better. “Uncle Tom!!!” The tension was interrupted by the sound of two younger voices accompanied by the small pit pats of four small paws running against the ground. Tom could see Timmy and Tommy running up towards him. Both of the boys jumped into his arms and he managed to catch both of them swiftly. He felt a pair of small arms wrap around his neck. Tommy was giving him a hug and Timmy was enthusiastically explaining what they had done this evening.
“It was so cool!!! You should have seen it! Y/N made custom fireworks with us! I made a dinosaur and Tommy made a jellyfish!!! And then- then Y/N made their custom firework look like me and Tommy!!! It was so pretty!!! And then aunt Isabelle gave us these boppers! Look, look!” The two brothers were indeed wearing two boppers. Timmy was wearing a flower bopper and Tommy was wearing a heart bopper. Tom chuckled slightly at their frenetic nature. It was obvious the two was running on sugar and adrenaline at the moment. He was certain that the two small tanookis were gonna have a tummy ache the next day. He could hear the faintest sounds of a little bell coming towards them. He turned to see that, yup, Isabelle was coming towards them all.
“Oh! Tom! Great to see you out here! I’ll be honest, I felt a little guilty leaving you alone while I got to be out here” Isabelle said, huffing slightly as she talked to him. “Oh yes. I finished all my paper work you see.” That was a lie, however, only three people knew it was a lie. “Oh yeah I’m sure you had so much paperwork huh?” Redd said, inserting himself into the conversation. This is when you started to lose patience. “Why don’t you shut your trap Redd!” Redd was a bit taken back by this. You always acted so quiet when you bought art of off him so to see you be so audible was strange to be sure. “Oh I’m sorry? Where you involved Y/N? What are you gonna?” Redd said, irritation plaiting his voice. “I would love to tell you what I would do but there are children present you selfish-“ “enough! Y/N, you said it yourself. He’s not worth it. Just let it go.” Tom told you, stroking your shoulder in an attempt at calming your nerves. You looked into his eyes, and in one fell swoop, you picked up the two brother that were now standing besides him. The two of them let out screams of delight and laughter as you started to run off. “Come on! Follow me!!!”
Isabelle and Tom were trailing behind you. How were you so fast when you were carrying TWO children!? Just like always. You never cease to amaze. You finally stopped at the highest hill on the island. There grew a single tree full of the islands native fruit. You put down Timmy and Tommy who were still giggling like crazy. You sat down besides the two boys and leaned up against the tree. Soon Tom and Isabelle caught up with you, both extremely out of breath once they got there. “What in the world was that for?” Isabelle asked as she looked at you. “I felt like we needed a change of scenery. Tom needs to see the fireworks! And I thought, what better place then the hill! And so, I grabbed the kids and ran here!” As you said this, you scooted over, patted the place next to you. Tom sat down next to you and Isabelle sat next to the boys. And for the first time, Tom could actually focus on the sky. It was beautiful. Absolutely stunning even! The sky was filled to the brim with colours after colours. Exploding like big balls of flames. It took his breath away. Even Isabelle seemed amazed. She had seen the fireworks sure, but from up here, they were even clearer! All five of them just watched the fireworks in silence for 15 minutes straight. It was only when the three adults heard a soft groan that they turned the attention away from the sky and to the small tanookies. Tommy was resting his head on Isabelle’s lap and Timmy was using Tommy as a pillow.
“Whoops. Looks like someone’s energies run out. Poor things, it’s way past their bed time. I’ll take them home.” Isabelle said, gently picking up the boys in her arms. She was about to leave when Tom stopped her. “Wait Isabelle. Before you leave... could I have one of those boppers?” He asked. It felt silly of him to ask but he thought they were pretty and wanted to participate. But Isabelle wasn’t a judgemental person, far from it. She simply giggled slightly and bowed her head before him. “Here, take mine.”
And so. Isabelle was off. She was off to put the kids to bed. That left Tom and you completely alone. Tom was readjusting his bopper and you were simply looking at him with a smile. “Hey look at that! We match!” You said, nudging his shoulder slightly. “Huh? Oh yeah! I guess we do ahhah...hey Y/N? I wanted to thank you. Thank you for fixing the Redd situation, thank you for taking care of the boys, just thank you for dragging me out here. And umm...” he took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. The tanooki placed a quick kiss on your cheek. It took you a second to realise what had just happened. But once you did, you smiled to yourself, grabbing his hand slightly.
“You’re welcome Tom.“ And so. The two of you continued to watch the fireworks, you leaned your head against his shoulder.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
So yeah...another out of the blue fic that I wasn’t planning on writing!!! But listen, @mrmr-uwu told me about this headcanon she had about how the reason Tom isn’t present at the festival is because he can’t be with Redd because it’s to painful for him. Like do you expect me to hear that and NOT write a 2000 word fic about it??? Don’t be ridiculous I don’t have that self control! But this was really fun. Like I’ve said before I will take ANY excuse to write for Tom Nook. I will now get back to your normal Yandere content
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storge · 3 years
seeing people's reaction to utsukare is disappointing tbh, like are 'problematic/toxic' contents not allowed to be produced nowadays? smh lmao. im glad the drama is still getting attention (still much better than given drama that i equally enjoy for a jp bl this year, remember how only 2-3 people posted abt it here 💀😂😭). for kiekoi, idk man, the series is getting boring after ep4, the writing is so bad that im not that excited abt it anymore, shame that i love the manga alot though.
Friend, i see you are telling me how you really feel huh 😂😂😂😂. I wanna answer all you said, so i split it in 3 parts.
1. Dramaland audiences are different then they used to be friend. It'a a double edged sword lolol. While disappointed i can't say i'm surprised by the comments
it's a jdrama so it's already a hit against it
The relationship isn't fluff and both characters are very flawed so people tend to be more critical of that in dramaland.
The subs they have are probably not the best so they are interpreting scenes and context differently
And finally different strokes for different folks lol. I myself could name a few dramas i just cant stand that are raved by others sooo if a drama doesn't click with you.. it just won't.
Yessss i have noticed tho that slowly it is getting a little more attention, which is greattttt. Now all we need is a great ending and then maybeee justtttt maybee people will be swayed more.
At this point tho... i dont care about the negative comments/tags. I just glaze right over them. None of that is gonna damper my enjoyment. I'm gonna keep my positive dramaticccc attitude till the end 😜😜😜😜
2. Ayyyyyyyeeee so you were also a member of the small goup of people that watched and posted about Given when it aired 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I too liked given but i agree that utsukare is better. 🤝🤝🤝🤝
3. Frienddddddd... why you gotta hurt Kiekoi like thissss 😂😂😂😂 i never read the manga so i cant compare,but the drama is a mini cherry magic. I'm gonna be honest thoo... after i started utsukare my interest in kiekoi dropped by a little. I still love it but not like the other lololol. The writing is predictable yeahhhhh.... but I don't really have any expectations when i watch. I just want fluff and nice youngins sooo im happy with it. (I'm lowkey mad about akkun and hashimoto but thats another thing...)
Okayyyy thats enough talking for now. Frienddddddd.... i hope we will watch another jp bl together in the future 😘😘😘😘😘
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tempestuous-cosplay · 4 years
just cuz
Ask me these probing NSFW questions ‘cuz I’m bored
1. How many people have you had sex with?
13? somewhere around there.
2. Can you remember the names of everyone you’ve slept with?
if I try hard enough, yeah, but off the cuff, no
3. With whom did you first do the sexytimes? Was it good?
My first Bf, and hahahaha no. Not at all.
4. What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
a close friend and i took MDMA and fucked for, like, 4 hours and it was lovely.
5. What’s the worst sex you’ve ever had?
this guy i banged in collage who was just bony, small, boring, and ignored me after.
6. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
In a tent? Or the time in a church.
7. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve masturbated?
I don't have any fun or interesting stories about that.
8. Have you ever been caught doing the sexytimes?
9. If you masturbate, when did you start, and how?
around middle school or early highschool but it was very rare bc i didn't get much from it. But the first time I actually orgasmed was when I hit 22 and got on T. then jacking it became a regular thing.
10. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
My dad walked in right before I was about to get started. that was the worst.
11. How would you describe your sexuality using only adjectives (describing words–busy, fluffy, squishy, etc.)?
weird and complicated but friendly
12. Have you ever been in a queer relationship?
a solid 95% of my relationships have been queer. Only 1 wasn't.
13. Have you ever been in a straight relationship?
Just one. Gross
14. How and when did you realise you weren’t straight?
the moment i knew it was something that was possible. so very early.
15. Are you out to everyone you know?
p much
16. Where do you meet queer folks to date? Do you find it difficult?
I don't really date. But I made my friends through cosplay and then by meeting their friends and it just keeps going.
17. If your parents know about your sexuality, how did they react?
They always knew. I never really "Came out". I have p chill parents
18. Does your best friend know about your sexuality? How did they react?
Duh. I've slept with a number of them.
19. Describe your first queer kiss.
Much better than my first straight kiss.
20. What’s the queerest shit you’ve ever done?
My queer platonic partner :3
21. Are you happy with your body?
happier than i was and on my way to making it exactly how I want. Tho i do wish I was taller.
22. What’s the raddest part of your bod, and why?
my eyes are very pretty
23. What do you do with your body hair (pubes, underarms, legs, etc.)?
I don't do jack shit. Im lazy
24. Do you have stretch marks? Where?
Some where my tits used to be, inner thighs, and my love handles.
25. Describe your nipples in too much detail.
theyre kinda lopsided bc of how they were reattached during top surgery. the right one is super sensitive to touch and its kinda painful bc NERVE DAMAGE and the left one is totally numb
26. (Vagina-owners) Do you have an “innie” (small, tucked-in inner labia), or an “outie” (more visible/larger inner labia)?
supper innie. I, like, don't have an inner labia at all. Its WEIRD
27. (Vagina-owners) Is it very obvious when you’re turned on (swelling, wetness etc.)?
Yeah bc my clit is HUGE now thanks to T. It gets HARD
28. (Penis-owners) Describe the size and shape of your penis. Are you happy with it?
its, like, an inch an a half long and really small :3. I like it
29. (Penis-owners) Have you tasted your own cum? Did you like it?
Yeah, its kinda tart
30. (Breast-owners) How does the size of your breasts compare? Is one bigger than the other?
Back when I had them, the left one was a lil bigger than the right one, but i had huge badonkers. Just MASSIVE. They were nearly perfect, but they were on me, so it was horrible.
31. Describe your most unusual/taboo fantasy.
consensual non-consent in fiction. I don;t think i could do it IRL.
32. Do you fantasise more about real situations, or imaginary/impossible ones?
It fluxuates, but mostly its very fantasy.
33. Who’s the oddest person you’ve fantasised about?
The Devil from The Arcana
34. Do you ever find yourself fantasising absent-mindedly, or is it something you do on purpose?
it fluxtuates, but horny daydreams are common
35. Do you always fantasise while you masturbate?
sometimes, yeah
36. When you fantasise, does it usually lead to masturbation?
it actually doesn't more than it does.
37. Have you ever had sex with someone while fantasising about someone else?
38. Do you have any celebrity crushes that you fantasise about?
Hozier has had more than one sex dream in my head.
39. Have you ever fantasised about something by accident, and felt weird about it after?
oh sure. thats p normal.
40. Describe your most sexy fantasy.
hah, no. THats too much to type.
41. How do you feel about BDSM?
im fine with it
42. What’s your most unusual kink?
probably being a living sex doll
43. In an SM context, do you prefer giving pain, or receiving it?
Im not the biggest fan of either but I would rather receiving bc im too scared of accidentally really hurting someone
44. Do you consider yourself to be dominant, submissive, both, or neither?
Im a sub leaning switch.
45. Describe your most recent bondage experience.
got tied up in cosplay for a photoshoot.
46. In a BDSM context, have you ever referred to anyone as “daddy,” “mommy,” or any similar term?
nope but i've been called daddy
47. Do you have a kink for any bodily fluids (pee, saliva, blood, tears, cum, etc.)?
cum, blood, and spit to a small degree.
48. Have you ever revealed a kink to someone and had them react negatively?
not yet tbh.
49. Do you have any kinks that you’re ashamed of?
nah, not really
50. How much money have you spent on equipment for your kinks (toys, whips, chains, etc.)?
OOF!!! A good several hundred dollars. Like...... its a fairly high number.
51. (Vagina-owners) Do you ever squirt when you come?
I have a few times!!
52. Have you ever come solely from penetration (anal or vaginal)?
no, that I haven't managed.
53. Can you have an orgasm without your genitals being touched?
HAH I WISH but no
54. Describe how you like your genitals to be touched.
Nice slow strokes on my clit like a dick with some gentle rubbing on the lips.
55. How sensitive are your nipples? Does nipple play turn you on?
One is numb and one is very painful. So no.
56. Do you find it easier to orgasm with another person, or through masturbation?
Jacking it. I almost never cum with a partner. Sex is more for bonding than personal pleasure tbh.
57. Have you ever had an orgasm that you weren’t expecting?
A few times, yeah!!
58. Do you get off easier from rough contact, or gentle?
rough ish??
59. What’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had?
the few times ive squirted.
60. Did it take you a while to have your first orgasm, or were you an early starter?
took until i was 22
61. Do you enjoy giving oral sex? Why?
YES!! Its a good mouth feel.
62. What’s your favourite position in which to receive oral?
not sure yet.
63. Describe your oral sex technique.
suck and wiggle. suck and wiggle
64. Do you find it easier to give oral to someone with the same genital configuration as you (eg., you both own vaginas/both own penises), or different?
theyre about the same amount of effort for me.
65. Describe the worst oral sex you’ve ever received.
too much teeth.
66. Describe the best oral sex you’ve ever received.
I was..... on some drug or another, can't remember what, and bro, i mELTED
67. Do you ever simulate oral sex while masturbating (sucking on dildos etc.)?
rarely but sometimes
68. How sensitive is your mouth? Is it an erogenous zone, for you?
not much? but its fine
69. Do you like 69ing?
never tried, not super interested
70. Can you deep-throat?
anything smaller than 6" yeah.
71. Do you like it in the butt?
yeah but it takes a lot for me to be willing to do it.
72. What’s the strangest object you’ve had in your butt?
a phallic shaped kite handle (I was young and stupid)
73. Do you enjoy being rimmed?
74. Can you take a lot in your butt, or just a little?
just a lil
75. Describe your most recent experience with buttsex.
I was, again, on drugs a little under a year ago and let my best friend pop that particular cherry.
76. Do you like doing stuff to other people’s butts?
im indifferent leaning on rather not.
77. (Prostate-owners) Have you ever received a prostate massage?
78. Do you own any buttplugs?
79. Have you ever had an embarrassing buttsex experience?
not yet, hopefully never
80. Have you ever pegged someone (ie., worn a strapon and fucked them in the butt)?
not yet
All questions assume you’ve done group sex of some kind
81. Describe your most recent group sex experience.
got one coming up in about a week? but an orgy at a furry convention.
82. Have you ever had sex with more than two people at once (eg., foursome, moresome)?
sure have
83. Have you ever had an orgy? Would you?
yup, and YUP!!!
84. Do you enjoy watching your partner(s) having sex with others?
ehehehe yeh
85. Do you prefer to arrange group sex beforehand, or allow it to happen organically?
both are fine!
86. Have you ever felt left out during group sex?
nah, im too sexy for that
87. Have you ever done a gangbang (ie., lots of people have sex with one person, but not each other)?
not yet but i WANNA
88. Have you ever teamed up with someone and given a double blowjob/double cunnilingus?
not yet :O,,,, WAIT!!! YEAH I HAVE!!!!
89. Have you ever been penetrated by more than one person at the same time?
not yet but god I wanna
90. Have you ever been ejaculated on by more than one person at the same time?
not yet
100. Send me $500.
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
I can see being with Juan involving...yearning. All the time, even if you’re in an outright relationship. And a lot of tender slow sex, even when it’s stolen moments. And they always feel stolen. A love where a quick grasp of hands makes your spine shudder with the joy of the touch. It’s romantic- but capital R Romantic, like poetry can be, the kind that always hurts a little.
But it would almost be better if they were both each other’s mistress- both married to Venezuela or some other cause. Then at least it’s equal. Everything else would end too sadly I think. I’m all about that, yearning is my Jam, but having the ending be bittersweet isn’t for everyone, especially in the escapist fantasy of fanfics.
I can easily see Juan falling in love with someone and just holding it inside him until he dies. For a fellow fighter under Ruiz, for his secretary, hell for a CIA agent. Juan could hold that inside him forever. Diego never could and wouldn’t even try (want take have is practically his motto)
Ah yes, very much this. Juan is stoic and strong, silent type. Yeah, its hot as fuck, but I just wanna be happy, you know? Constantly hungering for something to emotionally fulfill can be exhausting, I know from personal experience.
Also, in case you hadn't noticed, emotional intimacy is tough and terrifying for Princess (therefore me). For someone who is frequently nonverbal, and lives basically inside her own head, that level of raw intimacy is intensely uncomfortable.
And you're right, fanfic is different strokes for different folks. I know lots of people enjoy the yearning and angst, others need the happy ending (hurrr)
Juan would definitely respect someone who is noble to a cause, thats all he knows. I think a hedonist would disgust him lol
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