#but thats just kinda something you have to shrug and go 'yeah thats how that works'
mae-i-scribble · 2 years
Okay so orv has some fairly confusing concepts just thrown at you in the final bits of the novel, and i’m here to throw my 2 cents in on how the dimensional stuff works. Or at least how I understood it after reading and thinking on it for a hot minute. Obviously major spoilers so keep that in mind.
The most ancient dream is the lifeblood of this universe, a world where ways of survival has come to life because 15 year old Dokja’s longing was so strong and so powerful it manifested into reality. Every worldline that exists (sort of) is based in ways of survival. So how is it that 28year old dokja’s world was drawn along? Based on how most ancient dream works, he literally cannot look at worlds that don’t involve ways of survival, because that’s not the story he wants to see. However, it was inevitable that 28yr kdj would eventually become “seen” by the oldest dream, because 28yr kdj unknowingly brought the 1863rd yjh into his timeline.
Okay so. We know kdj is transported to the 1863rd round of ways of survival by secretive plotter, whether in the “original” story or one of the many other timelines isn’t really important, just that it was the 1863rd round for one such yjh. When kdj brings back yjh’s hope, that desire to live, he inspires 1863rd yjh not only to regress, but to find the world where kdj is, because kdj is the one who promised him that he could have a happy life. So yjh not only regresses, he travels across worldlines to find kdj, a fact backed up by secretive plotter who followed 1863rd yjh as yjh was going to “a world he didn’t know.” The moment 1863rd yjh regressed into kdj’s world, that is when the most ancient dream began to look at 28yr old kdj’s world. It wasn’t a world that could exist within the most ancient dream until it became entangled with ways of survival, and it is only because ways of survival started playing out in that timeline that kdj was able to travel to the 1863rd round at all. It follows the same paradox that the other major time paradoxes follow; in a world dictated by novel logic, the past can write itself alongside or after the future, and the future can exist before the past.
It also explains why 28yr kdj is both a character and a candidate for the most ancient dream. They ultimately are one in the same, but 28yr kdj comes from a world most ancient dream never could have imagined, because forget only focusing on ways of survival, 15yr kdj never even imagined himself capable of growing up. Of course 28yr kdj is going to be a “character,” because how else is the most ancient dream supposed to rationalize it in his mind?
Off topic, but it is somewhat funny in that in trying to bring about his own demise/trying to prove a point to kdj secretive plotter actually is responsible for creating ways of survival and bringing about the entire plot of the novel by letting kdj inspire hope in 1863rd yjh. Like wow. Fucked up big time didn’t ya buddy. Good thing you found your absolution bc if not that would have fuckin sucked.
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hyukalyptus · 9 months
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something nice — sub!fem!reader x dom!yeonjun x servicetop!kai
cw. reader is in an established (open) relationship with yeonjun, cucking? (kai eats reader's pussy while yj watches lol), cunnilingus ofc, nipple play, orgasm denial, edging, pet names (baby, jjun), begging, mention of "punishment" but nothing's ever done, yeonjun and kai talk about reader and what they're gonna do to her (without her understanding—everything is consensual in the beginning, but read note below), let me know if there's anything else. notes. IMPORTANT: ok so the tea with this one. the idea here is that the reader doesn't speak korean well and kai and yj are speaking korean to kinda talk about the reader and what they're gonna do to her so she doesn't understand. nothing aggressive, just describing what to do to her body so she's kinda surprised? SO!! anything in italics is in korean. thats important!! also idk how i feel about this???? smut under cut. wc. 1.5K
“Did she give you a reason or did she just break up with you?” You’re eavesdropping on Yeonjun and Kai—not that they’re being very secretive. They’re talking about a woman Kai’s been seeing while you play video games and attempt to translate in your head, but you're not being too successful, catching a few words here and there. 
“She did say one thing,” Kai says hesitantly. “But it’s kinda embarrassing.”
“What is it?”
“Well,” he starts, scooting closer to Yeonjun to awkwardly whisper something to him, twiddling his thumbs, running his fingers through his hair.
“Oh,” Yeonjun chuckles. “That’s…man, if you get really good at that, you could date anyone.”
“What are you talking about?” You finally pause your game, curiosity getting the best of you. Looking up, Kai looks like you caught him stealing cookies from a cookie jar while Yeonjun tries to hold back a chuckle. The three of you exchange looks until Yeonjun rolls his eyes to bluntly say—
“Eating women out.”
“Yeonjun—!” Kai says, shoving his arm.
“What?” He chuckles, returning the shove. “I eat her out all the time. She knows what it is. She knows you eat pussy too.”
“But that’s why that woman broke up with you?” You ask. “Because you…you're bad at eating pussy?” He blushes, averting his attention to the floor while he clasps his hands together, nodding shyly.
“Be honest, babe—am I good at eating you out?”
Looking between the two of them, you sit up and say, “Yeah, you’re probably the best I’ve had, but we’re super compatible, you know? We’re, like, super in love. That makes a big difference sometimes.”
Holding back a cocky smile, he asks, “But, objectively, I’m pretty good, right?” You shrug and nod—really, he probably is the best you’ve ever had, but that’s another story. 
“What makes it good?” Kai asks.
Humming, you think before saying, “First, he doesn’t go straight for it.” Turning red and ears getting warm, you gush and— “Oh god, Kai, don’t look at me when I tell you this.”
“Ah, this is ridiculous,” Yeonjun exasperates. “Do you just wanna practice on her?” You both whip your heads in his direction. “If you’re comfortable with it, of course,” he says to you. “Just thought it might be helpful.” 
Oh, how did you end up here? Laying in Yeonjun's bed, clenching your thighs together out of nervousness. “Remember, this is kinda specific to her. Pay attention to what whoever you’re with wants.” Kai nods, kneeling at the foot of the bed.
“She already said this—” Yeonjun says. “I don’t go straight for it. I kiss her first, then make my way down there.”
“You want him to kiss me?”
He shrugs and says, “If you’re alright with that.”
“If you are,” you say, looking Kai in the eyes. Both of them can’t help but notice the confidence you seem to be exuding, especially compared to Kai. Trembling fingers reaching for your cheek, he looks at you for permission one final time. Finally leaning in, his lips press to yours. 
You’d forgotten what it was like to have a first kiss with someone. Kai’s kisses are different from Yeonjun’s. Kai’s are much more cautious, more careful—not necessarily shy, but careful. It quickly turns hot and heavy. But you remember Yeonjun is watching you, suddenly overtaken with bashfulness, you break the kiss to glance over at him. 
Him and that sinister smile. 
Turning back to Kai, you crash into his lips again, humming into his mouth and smirking to rub how much you're enjoying this in Yeonjun's face.  
“Touch her,” Yeonjun says. “Kinda slowly, but then a little more intense.” Kai does as he’s told, his hand dragging up your hip to squeeze your tits. “Under her shirt.” 
His hand on the outside of your bra feels new and exciting. Reaching around your back to unhook it, you break the kiss to take your shirt off, pulling at the hem of his. 
“Slow down for a second,” Yeonjun chuckles and Kai listens, placing gentle kisses to your collarbone. “Lick her nipples.” Swirling his tongue around your nipple, you gasp, reaching for his hair. “Pay attention to which one she likes better.”
Kai tests both, slyly licking between the two. After testing the waters, he picks correctly. You chuckle thinking about Yeonjun sitting on a chair across the room, smirking in approval. You could look for yourself, but you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes. 
“Keep licking her until her hips roll.” This is a bit crazy, isn’t it? The guy you love telling another man how to fuck you the way you like. “Not yet.” Yeonjun switches to Korean, making you roll your eyes. If you didn’t have the energy to translate in your head earlier, you definitely can’t focus enough to translate now.
Lips trailing down your body, he tugs at your shorts, but keeps your cute pink panties on. Yeonjun talks him through every move—to lick his thumb and rub your nipple, to press his nose to the outside of your panties, to skate his lips across your inner thighs. 
Your hips roll uncontrollably, practically begging him to taste you. 
“Kai—” You whisper, your body instantly burning at the sound of the both of them chuckling. Pulling your panties down and off your legs, he throws them to Yeonjun who happily wads them up to sniff them and smell how delicious you are. 
Licking his thumb again, he keeps rubbing circles over your nipple as he finally licks your clit, your back arching as soon as he touches it. 
“Fuck—” You say breathlessly, looking down at him as his eyes sparkle up at you, your head dropping to your pillow with a thud. “Who the fuck is this bitch that says you’re bad at this?” He shakes his head, digging deeper into your pussy. 
Smiling cockily, you look over at Yeonjun, trying to control his breathing. He can’t help it—the two of you are just too hot together. He's never been able to enjoy this kind of view before. Seeing how every part of your body reacts to being touched—it's an incredible view.
“Please tell me he’s allowed to make me cum, baby,” You beg.
“Of course,” he chuckles smugly. “If he can.” Kai’s eating you out like he’s absolutely starving. And it’s true—he can’t help it. You taste too fucking good. 
Your eyes squeeze shut as you start squeaking, throwing your head back. 
“Okay, that sound means she’s gonna cum soon. Try to bring her as close to the edge as possible and then stop.” 
“Fuck, Kai,” you breathe. “Right there—yes.” You can’t believe how good he is at this, especially given the reason you're under his tongue right now. He’s supposed to be bad at this, right? 
You’re so fucking close and he can feel it. “Don’t stop—” he brings you right there. And then he does it. He stops. “Agh, fuck you,” you groan. Looking down at him, his smirking at you, eyes flashing between you and Yeonjun. 
He doesn’t waste too much time before getting back to your pussy, flicking his tongue over your clit. 
“Take it away from her for a bit. Lick her nipples again.” He does just that. You’re aching, bucking your hips over and over, desperately trying to relieve some kind of tension. But his tongue does feel amazing on your tits. Threading your fingers through his hair, you tug at it hard. He groans, his mouth dropping open like you just unlocked a new kink of his. 
Now he can’t take it anymore. Hips jutting forward, you feel the roughness of his sweatpants drag against your center, relieving some of that tension. You gasp, resorting to begging him to get back to licking you. 
“No, don’t,” Yeonjun says sternly. 
“But I want to,” Kai whines back, looking at your pussy hungrily, sticking the tip of his tongue out, giving his best begging eyes. But Yeonjun just shakes his head, satisfied with watching you uncontrollably rolling your hips up toward Kai’s mouth. Kai compromises, wrapping his hands around the backs of your thighs to yank you closer to him and presses his lips to the skin right around your clit, teasing you even more. 
“Babe—” you breathe, begging Yeonjun with your eyes to let him continue licking you. 
“I know, baby, I know…” he responds, his voice low and rough. He finally lets him lick you again. But he doesn’t show much mercy. He repeats the same tactic over and over—having him bring you right to the edge, even to the point of tears, then he stops right in his tracks.
"I'm gonna tell you to stop, but I want you to keep going, okay?" Kai nods, agreeing to his instructions. Bringing you to the edge again, you're begging for mercy, begging to cum. "Don't let her cum, Kai," he says, making tears form in your eyes. "Stop—"
And he does.
"I told you to let her cum that time."
"Sorry," he smiles up at him, licking his lips. "It's so fun to see her beg like that though." Tilting his head toward you, he says, "Look at her...she's got tears in her eyes. Isn't that the hottest fucking thing you've ever seen?"
"It's okay, baby," he says, fingers flowing through your hair while Kai's mouth finds your clit again. You're moaning, gasping for air, swearing, screaming, anything to try to find a release. "Not yet. Don't let her fucking cum, Kai." You don't think you can handle this much longer. Edging is nice, yes, but this? This is bordering torture.
"Please, please, please, Jjun..." you trail off. "Just please let me cum. I can't take it anymore."
"I know you can take it, baby. Fucking taking it so well..."
It's building again. That knot in your stomach that gets tighter and tighter with every second. That white hot fire in the pit of your stomach waiting to explode.
"Don't stop, Kai," you blurt. "I'm gonna cum—" Slamming your palm over your mouth—you shouldn't have said that. He's gonna make you regret saying that.
"Don't let her cum," he orders.
But his grip gets tighter. His tongue licks furiouser. His face digs deeper. You're so fucking close. Closer than you've ever been tonight.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kai..." your orgasms crashes over you like a bolt of lightning. "Yes, fuck yes, that feels so fucking good." You feel like you're having an out of body experience. It's one of the best fucking orgasms of your life. "Don't stop, right there." You chest heaves with heavy breaths.
Coming down from one of the best orgasms of your life, your vision clears up and all you keep thinking is how much Yeonjun's gonna make you pay for this. You came without his permission—what's he gonna do now? Everything flashes across your mind: not letting you cum for a week, spanking you until your ass had his hand print on it, tying you up for hours, you're not sure.
But he doesn't do any of that. His hand caresses your cheek as he smiles down at you, "Did that feel good, baby?"
Confused, you nod, "Mhmm." You're still nervous, looking around at everyone's reactions. Kai's smirking while he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Bad at eating pussy my ass," you say, shoving his shoulder with your foot.
"Ah, I knew you a had a little crush on him...I've seen how you look at him." Your face turns beet red. He's noticed that? Oh god... "I just wanted to do something nice for my baby."
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princessbrunette · 6 days
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edging. thats what was being done to you apparently. not that you could remember the word for it by that point, you were in too deep. infact, you think, as you lay there on your back with your thighs splayed open — you may have forgotten every word in the english dictionary.
you’d spent the weekend doting after john b and jj, having them stay in your free house — cooking for them, running around after them, doing anything they wanted to do — and now, they were repaying with a token of their appreciation.
“so here’s the thing, i’m like — 99% sure i can make you squirt. tonight. but here’s the catch, i kinda have to treat you a little mean first. keep working you over and over, and just when you’re gonna cum? i take it away.” john b explains as he helps you out of your clothes, the brunettes voice huskier than usual from arousal.
“s’called edging, dude.” jj stands in his boxers, a halfie poking up against the fabric already as he hurriedly moves your discarded clothes off the bed.
“i was getting there, actually? if you’d just, y’know— let me finish?” the two bicker like they always do, john b shrugging a dismissive shoulder at the blonde who ignores him to tackle you down and start mouthing hungrily at your neck. again, you didn’t really remember or care what the conversation was — the details a little fuzzy due to how much you needed them.
that’s how you ended up laying spread eagle, john b laying a warm hand on your inner thigh, soothing you by stroking your skin with his thumb as you cry out at another stolen orgasm. he pulls his lips off your swollen clit, brows raising and lips quirking up at a soft but amused smile. “ah, ah — i know pup. look, s’gonna feel so good soon okay? just let me be mean a little longer.” he disappears once more, you see him do so through your tears and his fingers start squelching on that squishy spot that made you shake.
jj reclines against the headboard, lazily fisting at his cock as he watches — prepping to eventually fuck the daylights out of you.
“yeah yeah, our girl likes it mean. don’t let those puppy eyes fool ‘ya.” jj drawls casually, tongue tucking between his lips in concentrated pleasure as you arch your back, humping against john b’s face.
“oh—oh m—oh it’s coming, s’coming!” you pant, voice high and desperate making the two chuckle. “please lemme have it, please lemme have it!” you beg, voice cracking and through the haze you feel your brunette boyfriend smirk against your parted folds.
“seeing as you begged so nicely. have at it, sweetheart.” he croons before doubling down on your clit, rolling his tongue over and over all whilst pressing up that spot inside you that made you explode. you mewl, crying and bucking against john b’s face until he eventually holds you down — and then you feel yourself really let go, liquid spewing out of you, a feeling you’ve never felt before.
you go to sit up in a trance, a little distressed and panicked at how overwhelming it felt and jj grabs your hand, rolling his thumb over your knuckles.
“nah you’re good pooch. just a lil squirt. never hurt nobody.” he chuckles and you flop back, rolling your hips up against john b’s face lazily but fluidly. “damn.” jj shakes his head, going to squeeze at his cock once more.
what happens next, you could swear you imagined. something out of a pornographic daydream you’d had. john b pulls back, sitting up from between your thighs and you swear he’s an angel. hair all tousled, skin glowing in the low light of the room on your pink bed sheets, your slick glossing his entire lower face. he holds the eye contact with you only for a little, that affectionate little smile of his not dying even when he breaks his gaze to look toward jj.
it’s then you realise that he’s not spoken, and it’s because he’s got your squirt in his mouth.
you’re panting still, coming down — and your brain is all over the place, unable to form a sentence even if you wanted to. you feel disconnected from your body, with no choice other than to simply watch from your post-orgasm paralysis as john b leans over with a playful smirk, grabs jj by the jaw, opens his mouth forcefully and spits your completion inside.
drawing back, a string of spit connects them both for a second— and whilst jj looks stunned, you noticed his fist tighten around his cock as he swallows it down, silenced for once in his god damn life. john b smirks, patting his cheek.
“uh-huh, get that down ‘ya, slick.”
“closest you’ll ever get to kissing me.” jj retorts, recovering his astonishment with red wet lips and wide eyes.
“i can live with that.” john b shrugs nonchalantly, coming back to lean over you like he didn’t just edge you for an hour. grabbing your hips, he effortlessly moves your body to be splayed infront of jj like a gift, and brushes a thumb against your cheek. “anyway, took that like a champ sweetie. you need a break? or are you gonna let jj in there?” he cups your cunt casually and you shudder.
usually you’d require a break, but after what you just witnessed — you needed it now.
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xoxo-greed · 7 months
idk this might be kinda too specific but like imagine the twst mc isn’t a prefect but a magic user aswell and they’re just some normal student in nrc but they keep using magic excessively and their magic pen is like so so dark and their housewarden s/o is like ‘you should stop’ and yhe mc is like ‘no’ so then the housewarden like fucks them for the whole day so they can stop using magic for the time being
—> minors dni. hardcore smut ig ? all chars aged up, all of them being absolutely meanies.
an - lets give this guy an applause 🗣️‼️ I was running out of ideas and you saved me 🫶 I don’t have a bunch of time, so instead I’ll do Leona only since he seems like the right call. Its pretty long, sorry I couldn’t do more </3 ily tho ! buybyeee and enjoy !
Pent up frustration that didn’t let him sleep, the fact that you look so tired and miserable because of your magic pisses him off. To him, he’s the one thats supposed to take care of you, for some reason he cares about you more than any other. Then he has an idea.
After a long day, Ruggie walks up to you, poking your shoulder with a cheeky grin. “Hey, Y/N! Leona wants you to go to the botanical garden with him.” He tells you, you raise an eyebrow “What for? He always tells me to leave when I go with him.” Ruggie shrugs. “I don’t know, but I think its something serious.” Upon those words, you decided to take care of it.
You leave to the botanical garden, where you find the hidden space Leona always resides in. In which, when you enter, he instantly jumps on you, pressing you onto the ground. “What the hell do you think your doing?” He says harshly. You’re stunned ‘Why is he acting like this?’ You never see him like this. You frown “If this is about the magic thing, forget about it.” You say, turning around, about to crawl away, when you feel him put his hand on your head, instantly pressing your head down onto the grass. “Le-Leona, what are you doing?!” You yell, startled as he covers your mouth. He looks down at you with an angry expression.
“I’m going to fuck some sense into you, thats what.”
Your clothes on the floor, his hands spreading your legs open. Everything was so.. exciting.. He had ripped of your clothes and his clothes alongside that. The pool of warmth that was in the pit of your stomach had now traveled down to your legs, Leona’s precum covering your wet lips, tongue lapping over them.
Everything felt so warm, your juices soon covering his mouth, and then helping his rock hard cock slip into you, all your thoughts getting fucked out when his first thrust registers into your body, legs bent onto his shoulders and claws holding your thighs open.
“fuck— how are you- god damn it your so tight” he groans out, long hair stuck onto his sweaty face. He missed this, YOU missed this, the feeling of his hips rutting into yours, the way you’d feel full with his cock, as if you’d just eaten a full course of food. It was too fucking good, too good. Its like the both of you became two wild animals in heat, you couldn’t say much about him though, he was technically one with the way he was acting.
“Leo- Leona- Ngh.. stop it.. I have to.. give me my pen b-“ Your cut of by your own moan, the feeling of your pens cold magical stone pressing onto your clit, bundle of nerves causing your back to arch and a dam to open inside of you as Leona releases his own batch.
Your legs felt like as if they’d been liquified.. a little.. too.. liquified?
“You put a spell on me didn’t you?”
“Sure did, bunny.” He responds, kissing your forehead and covering your naked body with his blanket, leaving you to rest inside his room.
All the black ink was gone by the time he came back.
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lust4life01 · 3 months
Hello there! Could you please write a Gregory House smut with a fem reader? I'm good with anything, maybe with a little exhibitionism with Wilson? Anything really, would love a dark House. Thanks!
Hello!! Sorry I took so long to reply <3 I think this is pretty dark but I’m sorry if it’s not exactly what you wanted lmao. I havent really written anything dark yet.
Let me put on a show.
(Warnings)18+!! Exhibitionism,almost prositition,smut,older man x younger woman, praise, being watched, darkish smut.
Pairing: Greg House x f/reader x James Wilson
You and Greg had been seeing each other for a little while, not necessarily in secret but private would suit the situation better. This was purely under your conditions as you didn’t want people to assume you were just fucking him to do well within your job or to have some sort of advantage. The only advantage you cared about was the advantage of fucking him almost every night. House on the other hand, he had been itching to brag about his new little toy he could play with, but under your wishes he resisted. Well for a little while. His main focus was keeping you happy, if you were happy he was definitely going be happy.
Despite this, it was clear to everyone around House that he was seeing someone as he was less of a jackass than usual and just seemed even more smug than usual. Which nobody thouht was possible.
“House, come on, I’m your best friend.” Wilson badgered on as him and house sat in the canteen.
In response to this House childishly grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them into his mouth.
“sorwy, moufs kinda full.” He attempted to say, the fries smooshed, breaking his speech.
Wilson rolled his eyes, desperate to know who had been fucking his best friend.
“I don’t understand why you won’t tell me.” He threw his hands up in annoyance.
House continued to stare at him with a blank expression, clearly trying to wind Wilson up.
“I’ll buy you a drink after work if you tell me.”
House tapped his face with his finger mockily pretending to think before answering, “um no.”
Wilson who was almost defeated but also driven by curiosity let out a sigh. “$100.”
Houses face lit up as Wilson placed the note in the table.
“Sold. Thank you sir” House happily snatched the note from the table and shoved it into his pocket.
“Alright fess up. How’s been ya know…” Wilson asked eagerly
“Emptying my balls?”
Wilson scoffed in disgust but nodded his head.
“The babe with sexy eyes, ya know the one working down in the maternity ward.”
Wilson cocked his eyebrow, clearly needing more information.
House rolled his eyes. “The one with (your hair colour) and she’s about yay high. Nice legs”
Wilson thought for a minute before a puzzles looked crossed his face. “Wait. You don’t mean (y,n?)
House smirked “thats the one.”
Wilson let out a loud laugh. “Yeah okay House. And I’m fucking Jennifer Aniston. Seriously tell me. I just gave you $100.”
House looked Wilson up and down in offence. “What you don’t believe me?”
“No. Of course I don’t. You’re a handsome guy House but a girl like that gets fucked by men like Chase.”
“My mature and stern demeanour clearly turns her on. Plus I told her Chase was gay."
“If you seriously don’t believe come to mine at 8pm sharp. Trust me you’ll believe me then.”
Wilson looked at him skeptically but nodded. Wilson wasn’t all hearts and rainbows, despite him not believing House, the thought of seeing you with your mouth open contorted in pleasure was worth the risk of being scammed by House.
You were stood in Houses kitchen, trying to decide what the two of you should eat.
“Ugh, you can’t have soup again (y,n)” House moaned.
“Why not? It’s tasty, easy and quick.” You shrugged.
House moved in front of you, trapping you between him and the counter and looking down at you.
“That’s funny. I remember you liking it long and hard.”
You scoffed at him, not breaking eye contact.
“Screw the food, I’m hungry for something else.”
He bent down and attached your lips hungrily.
You made out as you slowly walked over to the couch, being mindful of his leg.
You pushed him, his back hitting the armrest of the couch and you gently straddled him.
“Is this okay?” You ask sweetly as you lightly bit his neck.
House grabbed your hair into a make shift pony tail and brought your lips to his.
As your lips were glued to one another’s House took the time to peer over at the clock which read 7:55pm.
He slowly undressed you, taking off your top and admiring the way your tits sat in your bra.
“Fuck so pretty.”
He unclip your bra with one hand and it wasn’t just his smile that grew bigger.
“Even prettier.” He smirked, looking at your exposed chest.
You giggled and started to take off Houses shirt as he slipped his fingers under your skirt and panties.
“Mhm nice and soaked for me baby, good girl.”
He circled your clit with his two large fingers and you practically cried out, desperate for more. You started to grin onto his hand and let out a pathetic whimper.
House looked back over to the clock- 7:59pm-
Show time.
He unbuttoned his jeans and waisted no time in entering you. It was sudden, he didn’t even take off your skirt or panties, just moved them to the side.
You let out a pornographic moan as he push up into you so suddenly and started to bounce up and down, your eyes screwed shut and your mouth hung open.
“Say my name baby.” House ordered you. Knowing he wanted Wilson to know exactly who was making you feel this good. He wanted Wilson to know he was in fact the one who could make you cum whenever he decided to.
It was exactly 8pm as Wilson stood outside House's apartment door. He was hesitant to enter. He could hear the sounds of two bodies slamming against one another and the chants of his best friends name over and over.
Fuck the idea of seeing you on the verge of cuming made his blood rush to his pants.
He open the door carefully, the sounds of you already becoming louder.
House heard the door and circled his fingers around your clit in hopes you would become louder.
Now Wilson could see you in all your glory. Your face contorted in pure pleasure.
“Fuck. House gonna cum. You fuck me so good.” you whined.
Wilson stared with his mouth agape completely in awe of the way your body moved and the sounds that graced your lips. He felt like such a creep, but he couldn’t stop watching.
“Cum for me baby” House grunted out whilst peering over at Wilson.
Your head jolted back, exposing the veins in your neck as you reached your peak. You let out a pathetic whimper as House continued to fuck your overstimulated cunt.
Wilson couldn’t bear it any longer. He swiftly made his way out of the apartment completely horny and with an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Little did he know, you knew all about this little arrangement.
House had told you before hand and showed you the crisp $100 dollar bill he’d received if you put on your best show. You were hesitant at first, but your were a broke trainee and $100 is $100. You could put on a show. Make the dirtiest moans you could.
Once House pulled out of you, you both stared at each other and began to laugh.
“Well how was I?” You asked, feeling pretty proud of the performance you just put on.
“Excellent. You could be a real porn star.” He smiled at you.
“How do you know I’m not” you cocked an eyebrow.
“ I would have seen it by now.” he mocked
You both laughed and sat for a while.
“Okay on a real note I am actually very hungry can we get food now please?” You whined as you began to dress again.
“After that show, how could I refuse” House grabbed the $100 and placed it into your bra.
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qtboni · 11 months
ugh i cant get out of your fucking page. its like i live here like a rat
im back, hi, have another req bc i just thought of it and needed it in my veins.
how about some comfort from fatherfigure!price? like reader is sad kinda and he helps? maybe reader "accidentally" calls him dad, nothing to /srs
(im mentally okay i swear😭)
idk if you even do price tbh, i haven't seen it on your page tho
anyways i needed to write this somewhere or ill forget and like wither away into nothing or sum shit
im being dramatic. i think.
okay thats it bye bye dearest boni.
(sorry im constently blowing up your asks😭😭)
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PAIRING: Captain 'John' Price X Reader
C/W: comfort & humor! + gn!reader, explicit words, price playin' wit chu, somebody ate your cake (it was soap don't tell him tho /hj)
W/C: 1.3k
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"What's got you looking so down today, sergeant?" Captain Price asked in his usual stern voice as he entered the living room, noticing the dejected look on your face.
You had been sitting on the sofa for hours now, cleaning your holster and moping around. He approached you with a glass of water in hand.
"Somebody ate my cake," you slowly replied, your voice heavy with emotion. You didn't usually get sad over such small things, but today, you feel so tired.
"Are you telling me that you're this upset over a slice of cake?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. Captain Price raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised to hear something like that coming from you.
"I guess I am," you said, your voice barely audible. You shrugged and looked down at your holster, not wanting to admit to being such a crybaby. "I was saving it for this specific rest day to ... indulge myself with sweets.."
Captain Price's expression softened as he placed the glass of water down next to you. He sat down on the sofa next to you and put an arm around your shoulders.
"Listen, sergeant," he said in a comforting tone, "It's okay to be upset about something. Everyone has their own quirks and things that are important to them. And in our line of work, we need to be able to deal with any situation and not let little stuff like this get us down."
"Thanks, Cap'," you said, a hint of embarrassment in your voice. You smiled at him, grateful for the reassurance.
"Any time," He replied with a soft smile. He then stood up and left the room, returning a few minutes later with two fairly large cookies, handing it to you. "Here, this should cheer you up."
"No way," You were overjoyed, your face lighting up with a smile.
"Yes way," He replied, playfully eyeing the cookies then to you. "Have it, yeah?"
"Dad, oh my god," You squealed excitedly, taking a bite out of the cookie, savoring the taste of the sweetness and the tenderness. "This is so sweet of you. Thank you so much!"
Oh no. Dad? Did you just call your captain, 'dad'?
Avoiding the embarrassment of calling your captain 'dad' in a moment of vulnerability, you silently prayed that he hadn't heard it. This was going to be awkward, and the thought of having to explain yourself was making you cringe.
Just play it off...
Now as much as Price wants to give you the other cookie for you to eat, he retracted his hand away from your grabby hands, not letting you get one.
"Cap?" Your hands stay levitated, clearly ready to munch on the cookie on your Captain's grip.
Did he caught on?
You had to think fast. Change the subject before things got too awkward!
"Are.. are you going to eat that?"
"Then why- actually no, just- isn't that for me?"
"Correct," He chuckles as he continued dangling the pastry infront of you.
You stared at him incredulously, your hand visibly itching to just pounce on the cookie and munch on it.
What was your captain doing?
"See, the funny thing is, kid," He trailed off as he waves the cookie back and forth with his hand up in the air. He smirks when your eyes followed the cookie's movement. "I haven't thought much of being a father."
Shit. Play it off...
You hummed in confusion, tilting your head in curiosity.
Where was he going with this? And also, can he just give you the cookie? After all, he gave it to you, right?
Just give me the cookie, dammit.
"Let alone..." He paused and looked at you in the eyes. Shit. "Someone calling me one, aye?"
You feel like you could sink into the ground and vanish from existence. The embarrassment was too much to bear!
Captain Price chuckles at you, "Don't play dumb on me now, sergeant."
Your mind is racing, trying to think of something to say. You stuttered a reply, "I- Capta-"
But before you know it, he interrupts your thoughts with his sharp wit.
"Oh? It was 'Dad' a second ago, wasn't it?" He retorded with a proud smirk playing across his lips, looking at you with an air of amusement and teasing. He knows exactly what to say to get under your skin and he's not afraid to use it to his advantage.
It's clear that he wants an answer, but all you can do is sputter a few incoherent words before retreating back into your shell. You feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration, wishing you could come up with a clever come-back, but the only thing that's clear right now is that Price has you stumped.
"Sergeant?" He calls out to you teasingly, awaiting for your reply to his question.
"Mhm?" You can feel your ears slowly turning red as your Captain's teasing hits a nerve. You can't seem to quite meet his eyes, instead looking at the ground with an embarrassed blush. You fidget with the straps of your holster, unable to quite figure out how to respond.
"Wasn't it 'Dad' a second ago?" Captain Price repeated as he raised an eyebrow, looking at you with a mix of amusement and confusion.
You blush in embarrassment as you realize he wouldn't let you get off easily withyour slip-up. You look down at the ground.
"I'm sorry, sir," You quickly clear your throat, hoping to regain your composure. Still unable to break your gaze from the floor, you mutter, "It won't happen again."
Suddenly, the cookie appeared in your line of vision that was still situated at the ground. You heard your captain sigh and tutted, drawing your attention back to him.
The cookie! The cookie?
He held the cookie out to you, a small smile playing on his lips as he waited for you to accept it. You were initially taken aback, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude toward your captain.
"Didn't ask for an apology, kid," He said with a playful frown, seemingly amused by the situation. He took your hand and placed the cookie on it, his gaze locking onto yours. "Was just surprised is all, hm?"
"Still," You cleared you throat as straightened your posture and looked up at him, albeit still feeling the sting of embarrassment. "It's my bad."
"Mhm," He hummed softly and raised his hand up to your head. He gently pats your head affectionately, yet his hand ruffled your hair, leaving it disheveled. "Whatever floats your boat, kid."
The soft pat on your head sends shivers down your spine, and you give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Cap', again." You beemed up with a smile, raising the cookie to his vision.
He gives a small nod before turning to leave, leaving you with a sense of warmth and contentment that stays with you long after he's gone. You watch as he offered a small wave goodbye and you respond the same, feeling a sense of gratitude for his kindnesses and understanding.
You were about to take a bite out of the delicious cookie he had given you. But just as you were about to revel in the sweet taste, you heard his voice once more calling out to you and startling you.
Turning around, you saw him standing there infront of the doorway, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he continued to speak.
"Though," he began, his voice low but full of laughter spilling through, "The cake's delicious, kid. Would have it again, 10 out of 10," he finished with a wink, and you couldn't help but gape at his leaving form.
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navi / masterlist
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jeansplaytoy · 5 months
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part four !
part three here. > if u didn’t read it. no proof read , sorry for the wait 😣 this parts kinda boring butttt i gotchu later.
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you were confused. really confused.
“what’re you doing at my window?” you whispered after opening it. “can you let me in? this ladder ain’t that sturdy.” armin muttered, glancing down.
you glanced back at your door and sighed, shaking your head and stepping back to let armin in. you went over to your door and locked it. “you should be happy we’re friends, because if we weren’t-“
“i know. i know.” armin mumbled, stumbling through the window and closing it behind him. he placed his backpack to the side and sat on the edge of your bed. “fuck.” he whispered to himself, resting his face in his hands.
“you okay? what happened?” you frowned a little and stood in front of him.
“what doesn’t happen at that dumbass house?” armin mumbled, laying back on your bed. you pursed your lips together. “was it your dad?” he looked at you. “hell yeah. it’s nobody else but him.”
you didn’t know much about armin, or learn much about him that night, other than the fact that his dad was a complete asshole and his mom was basically helpless when it came to him.
“you know.. theres not a lot i can say about the situation. but i think you need to talk to somebody about that. because it goes left.”
“tryna get me killed?”
“i’m tryna help.”
armin scoffed. “yeah, ‘cus telling somebody that my dad got physically with me is gonna help.”
“i didn’t know that.”
he stayed quiet after your statement. you couldn’t do anything but sit beside him and stare at the wall. “ion wanna involve you in nothing but…. you think i can stay here?"
you frowned. "what? are you… dumb?"
"no. or i would've ran away by now. but im asking someone thats actually willing to help."
"how do you know if im willing to help?"
"you cant say no."
you smacked your lips. "armin, you really piss me off sometimes. but i’ll help, just because i don’t want you to get in trouble or sum shit.” you stared at him with bored eyes. “but we gotta keep this a secret. if you’re gonna stay here, you have to stay in my room, unless you wanna go home.”
“believe me, i don’t.” he yawned.
as you looked at armin, you couldn’t help but notice the small bruise forming on his collarbone. “is he always like that?”
you could tell the question surprised armin, like he didn’t know you were gonna even bother to ask more about what him and his dad had going. but he answered anyway.
“he never got physical as in punching and shit like he did today. but ion really care.”
“well you should care because that’s not something a dad does.”
“well it’s something my dad did so what.” armin sat up and looked at you. “just because your dad doesn’t do that to you means my dads not gonna do it to me?”
“i never said that.” you stared blankly at armin.
he started back before resting his eyes. “right.” he muttered before standing up and reaching in his backpack. “there’s a shower in this room? or i gotta risk going out?” he looked at you. “there’s a shower in here, but make it quick. it’s already late, and my moms knows i don’t shower late.” you said.
armin nodded in response, taking his clothes in the bathroom. he stopped at the door. “is there men’s soap in here?”
you looked at him for a second.
“you fuckin serious?”
you couldn’t even get your words out from how long you were laughing at how armin smelled.
“you smell like a babyyy.” you said, wiping the tears that formed from laughing so hard. he basically used your soap instead of whatever soap you told him to use.
so there he was, standing there with shorts on, no shirt, pursing his lips together at how awkward it was.
“it’s literally not even a problem armin. you used my soap, i didn’t tell you to do that.” you shrugged as you got up to get your clothes ready for a shower. “you’re annoying.” he raised his eyebrows and sat down on your bed.
“well you’re gonna be here for a while, so you might as well get used to it.” you poked his head.
as time passed of you showering, armin looked around your room.
“peculiar ass room.” he mumbled, standing up to look at your dresser for things to cure his boredom.
you had random things on your vanity, like a random journal that he didn’t really care for looking in. or he did, he just didn’t wanna invade your privacy. and then random little glass figures like angels and stuff.
as his eyes glanced over almost everything, he picked up a bottle of perfume. he opened it and smelled it, it smelled good. like you, most of the time you were together. but as he shook it he saw it was almost gone. he bummed and put it back down.
then there was a picture. looked like you as a chubby little toddler. and someone else. armins eyes softened. he knew what he was thinking. he just didn’t wanna ask. yet.
that was until you walked out of the steamy bathroom, sighing loudly. “i’m done. after boiling for forty minutes.” you mumbled, waving yourself to cool off. he didn’t look up until you went over to him. “whatcha lookin at?”
“who’s this?” he pointed.
you tilted your head before raising your eyebrows. “that’s my dad.” you said, staring at the picture. “what happened?”
you thought about it. what did happen? “my mom ran him off. but she tells me he left because he didn’t want anything to do with a kid anymore.” you muttered while turning around to lay across your bed.
“fucked up.” armin said, picking up the frame. he looked at it. it looked like there were more pictures underneath. as he took the main picture out, smaller ones started to fall out. like little polaroids and cut outs.
“ain’t then when we was little or sum?” he held up another picture for you to see. “why’re you looking at those?”
“cause you’re life’s more interesting than mine.”
“so tell me about it.”
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part 5 soon.
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toska-writes · 4 months
“Where the stars can shine”
Summary: the fighting never stops, and it never will so it’s in everyone’s best interest to find the calm moments when you can.
Pairing: The Bad Batch x padawan!reader (OF COURSE THIS IS PLATONIC)
Warning: none just so much fluff!
Word count: 1261 (not proof read but what did you expect)
Notes: IM WATCHING THE NEW BAD BATCH SEASON AFTER THIS! So this is my way of manifesting everyone being alright to end the show 🥲
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The war never ended, nor would it for anyone who has endured it and its intensity.
One fight always rolled into another and nothing could be done to stop it. The only way to get through it was to find the little cracks in all the bad. The place where the sun could shine and the flowers could grow.
Or in this case, the stars could twinkle.
"This is already too high for me." Wrecker stated loudly hauling himself up the side of the Marauder.
Crosshair, who was currently under Wreck scoffed to himself before clambering up the side like it was nothing. "You never seem to have that problem when we're in the air." He quipped.
"Well I'm inside then." He whined finally being assisted by Hunter who had the small hands of Omega making sure he didn't fall.
You could only laugh at the scene, leaning back on Echo you could feel him laugh too.
"Who do you think's falling off first?" You ask with a smile that was masked by the moonlight.
"The real question is," Echo leaned forward, surprised a little bit that the top of the marauders could fit 5 fully grown clones plus omega and the Jedi padawan. "Who's going to be pushed off first."
You looked back towards him and in an instant you spoke the same word together. "Tech."
Speaking of the devil, Tech's voice rang out as you looked over to where he had an arm pointing something out beyond the horizon.
"-and if you look there you'll be able to see Endor"
Omega's eyes lit up brighter than they have been in the past few days, nothing seemed to be going right for that bad batch no matter how much they tried.
"Have you guys been there?" Omegas eyes scanned the rest of her family that sat gazing with her. The sky on this backwater planet was surprisingly clear, clearer than you thought it would be.
"Eh once or twice." Hunter shrugged it off with a smile as all that Omega could do was gawk up at her big brother.
"Thats an understatement." Crosshair added quietly from beside you. With a nudge to your shoulder he added. "That meat-head over there blew up more than half the forest and got us kicked out. For life."
"Hey!" Wrecker let go of his strong grip of the Marauder with one hand to wave it at the sniper.
Omega giggled giving you a glance as you could help but laugh at the exchange. "Have you?"
You could only smile at the found memories the question brought you. Landing with your Master on a planet you've never even heard of at that time. The trees the towered over you and the abundant shades of green that you didn't even know existed. The faint sound of your master laughing as you stared up from the base of the tall trees fathomed by the hight.
"Yeah I went once I think during the Clone Wars. It was beautiful there." You spoke, the smiles spread from Omegas face to Hunters as he watched you retell the fond memories.
"Well I also did kinda crash into a tree there but other than that the rest was beautiful." Echo hide his laugh behind you as you told the more embarrassing part of the trip.
"I think I did hear about that one." The ex arc trooper spoke out. You shoved him back slightly as your gaze returned to the stars above.
"Now if you all turn your gazes eastward you can spot the Orion constellation which should also mean the Canis Major is pretty close." Tech pointed upward now, his own eyes locked tightly on the stars.
"That one has the brightest star in the whole galaxy right?" Omega filled in, whether Tech wanted to continue himself or not he could only beam down at the girl, who clearly heard this from him before.'
You smiled also recounting when Tech probably told the group for the first time.
The bounty hunters came from nowhere that day, Omega gripped on the back of Echo's armor plate  with tears streaking down her face clearly scared.
Tech stood above you the, a data pad scanned over you as Hunter tried to apply some pressure to a wound you sustained on your side. Wrecker and Cross stood around the group, the sniper's gaze fixed on the darken horizon beyond.
Panicked breath sounded out and flown into the barren night, as much as you didn't want to scare Omega more you really could help it. You were scared yourself.
"Do you see that over there." Tech took your free arm in his hand and pointed up to the looming sky with it. "That really bright star?"
You were pulled back from your thoughts with the slightest nudge from Crosshair who spared you a glance, nobody else seemed to notice his movements
"I want to go to all of those planets one day." The words were light from Omega, a smile still evident in her voice.
"You'll definitely need to learn to fly then." You added shooting a look at Tech who finally spared a glance at someone else and was immersed in taking pictures of the different planets and constellations.
"If you can find another ship." Tech said mater-o-factly with a finger in the air.
"Aweeee Tech." Omega did the only thing she could think of, huge tooka eyes found Tech and with the pout of her bottom lip you could almost see the moment Tech cracked.
"More contemplation will be needed for that"
Though Omega wasn't disappointed for long as Crosshair whispered to her. "That's practically a yes."
Hunter laughed now shoving Crosshair back into a lying down position. He noted that his brother looked quite different without his armor, but it was a sight he could get used to.
Opening his mouth Tech was about to defend himself before a snore racked through the air. 
"Put someone else to sleep too Techy." Crosshair jabbed a finger at wrecker who still seemed to gripped the ship tightly.
You couldn't blame him though, and is wasn't just because of Tech talking, but you did insist the stars and planets were best to see in the late night. A yawn stifled through you, Echo wasn't the warmest person but the arms that wrapped around you from the clone seemed to do it.
"It's not even that late." Omega protested but her heavy eyelids seemed to contradict her own words.
"No no, we all can't fall asleep up here or it's going to be a pain getting down." Omega curled up into Hunters chest as he spoke. He slowly started to get up.
"One of us should get Wreck." Your own eyelids battled against you as you fought to sit up.
"On it." Crosshair was the last person who you thought would offer but as his leg extended you watched Wrecker rolled over the side.
His startled yell was masked by the thud of him hitting the soft grass below. 
"See it wasn't even that far." The skipper shrugged pushing himself over the edge and landing gracefully with even using the side to get down.
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes at the brothers were up to their old antics.
The chill air was a good contrast to the heated days that came before, so much fighting it seemed that it would never end.
Moments like these would always be cherished, and surprisingly Tech wasn't the one to get pushed off the Marauder.
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @gregorsmissingarmor
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tainted-liquor · 10 months
'Ease on Down₊ ⊹
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Earth42!Miles Morales x BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of smiles! TWs: N word usage, cussing, n thats it! W/C: 1.1k A/N: A lovely lovely request I got! Tysmm♡
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For the past week or so, you and the girls in your friend group have been planning a secret spa trip for you and the boys! You had especially agreed considering how tense and stressed your boyfriend, Miles, had seemed to be. Even during the wee hours of the morning or the weekend, he always seemed to be a little stressed out about something you didn't quite know about. So here you are, sprawled out on the couch on the phone with Dior. "Nah yeah, we'll be able to make it there don't worry." You whispered into the phone. "Just get yourself dolled up n focus on bringing the other guys, aight?"
"Already done! The girlies already fooled they asses so they'll be meetin' us down at Tierra's house!" she laughed. "Aight girl lemme call you back. I gotta get ready." She blew a faux kiss to the phone that I reciprocated almost instantly. "Bye boo!" I giggled before running back up to my room. I stopped at the door to calm my giggles, before entering and making direct eye contact with Miles. "C'mon, get ready we finna go walk to this new shoe store that just opened" you lied, but he didn't really need to know that. "We're gonna go with gang n them."
You got ready in your room as Miles patiently waited for you downstairs, seeming a little more giddy than his normal stoic personality. "Mami!" He shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, Miles?" you answered as you slipped your shoes on, stumbling slightly down the hallway. "What kind of shoes they got there?" he asked as he held out his hand to help you down the stairs. "Uhh, sneakers? Y'know, Nike, Puma, Adidas. That kind of stuff?" You shrugged as you grabbed your bag and a plush headband from the coffee table. You kind of felt bad for lying, but he wouldn't be mad at a little bit of self-care, right?
When you all got to Tierra's house, you opened the door and joined the cluster of giggling girls as Miles made his way over to the boys who were discussing the types of shoes they'd get when they got to the store. You all confirmed the reservations before rounding each other up and setting off for the spa. It wasn't really a long walk, so when you arrived Miles immediately asked what was happening. "Princesa, ¿dónde estamos?" He asked as he shuffled behind you and snaked both arms around your waist. "Alright, don't get mad at me but...I kinda lied..." you sighed.
"Whatchu mean ma? We not getting sneakers?" he asked as you all walked into the spa, confused murmurs coming from the male half of the group. "Nah, we're not. I wanted to take you to a spa! I'm sorry my love, please don't be upset or nothin'" you pouted as you placed a series of kisses on his face. "Could never be mad at you, Mami. But if you wanted to go with me you could've asked" he chuckled briefly. "I know my love, 'm sorry. Just had to get you down here without you knowing." You shrugged as you made your way to the dressing rooms, exchanging your initial outfits for fluffy heated robes and swimsuits. You watched as the rest of the group emerged in the ivory robes, pure comfort donning their faces as the group decided what they wanted to do first.
Since nobody could actually agree, you all broke apart and went to different stations, but agreed to meet up at a certain time to be in the hot springs. "Alright, so we can get like massages, there's a mud bath, there's a sauna-" You began to list the various stations before Miles's expression caught you off guard. "Stop stop stop, what the fuck is a mud bath nigga?" he muttered with a look of disgust. You laugh loudly, immediately deciding that that would be the first place you drag him to. "I'll show you! C'mon, guapo." You giggled as you dragged him to a room with beige tiled floors and individual little "baths" filled with mud.
Miles gave the most unamused glare of all time, sighing loudly with a deep scowl. "This mud touches my braids and erbody dyin'" he spat as he slowly sank down into the mud, cringing and gagging with each slow movement. "What the hell is this supposed to do anyway?" He barked as he shifted uncomfortably in the mud. "It eases your muscles, exfoliates your skin, and kinda works like a vitamin for your body I guess" I shrug as I lower myself down into the small tub, slinging my plastic bonnet on my head because I'll be damned if I let that bullshit touch my hair either. We stayed there for about 5 minutes before Miles just couldn't take it anymore and hopped to. "Yeah nah, Ion fuck with this mud shit..." he huffed as he rinsed himself off in the nearby shower. You giggled as he eagerly scraped the rest of the mud off his hands and retched silently as he turned off the water. "Next station."
You moved on to the sauna, both of you shuffling into sauna C and setting the time for roughly 20 minutes before closing the door behind the two of you. "I think I've been in one of these once...it was a lil while back though," he recalled as he wrapped both ends of his towel around the back of his neck. And DAMN did he look attractive. Sometimes you forgot how lean and toned his torso was, with each individual scar decorating his neck and shoulders. Jesus Christ you fucking won. "You don't even know how fine you are," I pouted as I rolled my eyes, "Like that shit ain't even fair..."
Miles laughed loudly, throwing his head back and giving you a kiss on your cheek. "The G in Miles G. Morales stands for game," he shrugged, "I'm just him." You gave him a sharp glare before giggling quietly. "Yeah, yeah, shut yo ass up." You panted as the room began filling with steam. He chuckled lowly as he leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes in bliss. When the 20 minutes were over, you both emerged feeling drowsy and like you were just cooked alive. "It's almost time to go and meet the others at the hot springs, c'mon."
You both shuffled in your fluffy robes in the direction of the pool area, being greeted with a massive hot spring and pool. You watched as your friends attempted to drown each other in the water, giggling and shouting at each other like the teenagers that you were. You ran in and joined, tackling Tierra with a splash and a fit of giggles. Nobody was mad, and everyone had an amazing time! You even actually went to the shoe store afterward, so you'd consider today a win.
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luna0713hunter · 9 months
Can you do an established relationship Zoro or Sanji x autistic reader? If you don't want to thats totally fine, I just don't know if there's any out there and I NEED one so bad.
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Author's note : hello darling!!so about this request,i must say i had to ggl up everything so i really apologize in advance if this doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to be!and also,its gonna be Zoro x reader cause i dont write for Sanji. Hope you enjoy it!!
Where the light goes
Zoro Roronoa x autistic!reader
Summary : having autism was never easy. Ever since you were small, you've been struggling with this disorder. But growing up,you learn from the man you love that its not something to be ashamed of
Warnings : none i think,reader has autism,gender neutral,hurt/comfort, insecurities,panic attacks and such,mention of eating habits,fluff and happy ending
The streets were awfully busy today.
As you walk alongside your crewmates,you hug your bag close to your chest and try to make yourself impossibly small.
There were so many people. Too many loud voices. Everything was too much
And when someone bumps his shoulder to yours for the third time that day,you swallow down the lump in your throat;this was exactly why you always chose to stay back in the ship , where there would be no loud voices or people around. So when Luffy suggested that all of the crew go out for lunch and give Sanji some well-deserved break,you had no choice but to comply.
And gods above,how much you regretted that decision.
Ever since you were small,you had trouble with crowded places; being diagnosed with autism when you were only 4 years old,had turned your world upside down. Playing with other kids,being called weird and other humiliating names,and not being able to walk the streets in daylight without breaking down into a full panic attack,were only a few problems you'd to deal with daily.
Your life felt short, cramped and suffocating. The way your parents would fuss over you when you did the smallest things had you crazy. So when one faithful night,you stumbled upon the StrawHats, you gave yourself a chance to live. The best decision of your whole life, specially since joining them,you immediately fell head over heels for your crewmate.
"hey,you alright?"
The same man who always seemed to know exactly how you felt.
You swallow around the lump in your throat and nod.
"y-yeah. Thank you."
Zoro stares at you in the way that you know he doesnt believe you. You try to give him a wobbly smile but it only makes his lips pull down into a frown.
He leans down,and talks in a hushed voice so its only you who hear him.
"wanna ditch lunch?we can go back to the ship."
You glance nervously at your loud crewmates and look back at your green hair crush.
"are you sure?"
"i wasn't a fan of the whole idea of 'eating out' anyways," he says with a shrug and folds his arms against his chest, "I'll gladly ditch it to go back."
You give him another smile,brighter this time and giggle.
"you just want to go back so you can drink."
"your point being?"
And when Zoro informs everyone that the two of you will head back to the ship,they oddly enough let you go.
Once you step inside the ship and the quiet hits you,you let out a sigh of relief;you were finally home and away from the busy street.
You sit yourself against the back of the ship,where Nami's tangerine trees give you some peace of mind. the feeling is so relaxing,that you dont even notice that Zoro has arrived to where you're sitting. He clears his throat and knocks on the wooden wall to get your attention;to which you sluggishly turn your head to. He raises his brow at you and jerks his head toward the front of the ship.
"you're not hungry?"
You shake your head;your eyelids oddly heavy.
"no,not really."
"your eating habits acting up again?"
"maybe," you smile bitterly,and start to chew on your nail, "today was...a bit too much.to be honest, I'm kinda sleepy ."
To that, Zoro nods and after that,doesnt say anything. He just...stands there,and stares so intently that has you chewing on your nails harder.
Was he disgusted?was there anything wrong?did you offend him in any way??
You could've never read people's emotions,and the emotionally constipated Zoro?
It was an impossibly task.
Just when your thoughts were getting out of hands,a heavy weight suddenly drops on your lap.
The action has you jumping a bit and you let out a surprised squeak.
"Z-Zoro?what are you doing?"
"what does it look like?" He grumbles and opens one eye to stare up at you, "I'm taking a nap."
Your eyes soften at his answer,and tentatively,your fingers start to comb through his soft locks.
And when he lets out a satisfied groan at your action,you swear you'd died and went to heaven.
"aren't you hungry?"
"no. Just sleepy."
You smile and nod your head understandingly.
"then sleep."
Zoro slowly shifts,until his face is buried in your stomach and you can feel his hot breath through your thin shirt when he speaks next.
"tell me next time,when you're not feeling well."
Your heart warms,and you lower your head to drop a loving kiss on his hair.
"will do. Thank you."
When Zoro dozes off in your lap,you own eyes watch him for few more minutes before you're falling asleep yourself as well.
And when the crew comes back later that day,for once in their lives,they decide to keep it down and not wake you up.
*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘˚˳°*.✧∘P.S : Zoro doesn't eat or sleep unless you do so as well :) i hope you liked it,dont forget to leave comment
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beefboyandbabygirl · 1 year
can i request pleasee? wonwoo oneshot based on taylor swift's song "the very first night" because i'm in need of smutty with extra fluffy in it ☹️😔
Very First Night
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
pairing: ex!wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, exes to lovers
warnings: this is SMUT MDNI!, oral (f receiving), regular smegular missionary, making out, exes getting back together, brief mentions of clubbing and alcohol, petnames (baby, darling)
quotes from beefboy: "it's FIERCE" (sorry thats the only one i dont feel like scrolling thru all our messages AHHA)
wordcount: 1k
a/n: first request yaaay!! i know im a little late into the game by now (my summer vacay is pretty packed lol), but in case ur confuuuuused, hiii im the bbygirl to the beefboy (aka user @joshibambi), im taking care of all the requests xx. And im gonna be v honest here and say i hadn't heard this song until this request lol, but i took this task SERIOUSLY and i love basing fics on songs (i make a playlist for all of beefboys fics, its true), so like keep em coming. i rlly hope u like it!! (this was a v long a/n lmao i promise they wont all b like this).
You watched his name on your phone screen, displayed in your contacts in a row amongst many other w-names. Wiliam, Wade, Walter- Who the fuck was Wylan? You tried to pay attention to any other name but his.
And then you thought, fuck it. It wasn’t like things had ended on bad terms. They had ended on we-are-busy-and-maybe-we-should-try-something-new terms. It was easy. An honest talk on the couch during a chilly Friday afternoon, and you had decided it was the best option. For the both of you.
And it was only after the fourth weekend out with your friends after the breakup, you realized what had happened.  
You missed him. You missed him so bad, you wished you could abandon the strong drinks and sweaty air of the bar that reminded you so much of your very first night with him. But you didn’t. You didn’t say a word as you danced under flashes of pink and red with strangers. Nobody knew.
Nobody knew how much you missed him. Not until now.
He sounded confused, maybe even a little startled when he answered your call. Maybe you should have told your friends so they could have talked you out of this afterall.
“Hey Wonwoo.”
You realized you hadn’t actually planned what you were going to do from here. 
“Do you- Like, wanna come over?”
It went silent on the other end again, and the question echoed in your head, suddenly sounding pretty wrong.
“I mean- Not like that, just like if you wanna talk, you know? Catch up and stuff, I just wanna make sure you’re okay and-“
“Y/n, let me stop you right there.”
Well. That didn’t seem too good.
“I, uh- Okay, fuck, this is really embarrasing, but I’m- I’m already here.”
“…What the fuck?”
“Yeah, and I was gonna do this whole- I don’t know this whole thing, and now you’ve ruined it, actually. So thank you.”
The familiar sarcastic tone of his voice made you giggle as you got up from the couch and sauntered towards the door.
“Really? What kinda thing?”
You were teasing him now, but hell, you had already decided to call your ex on a lonely late night. Might as well go all out.
“This whole…Romantic thing, I know it’s stupid, I’m sorry, but I just-“
Before he could continue, you pushed the door open, and there he was. Not a particularly spectacular sight, to the average person. Dressed in sweats with his glasses (your favorite pair. The slutty ones), sliding down his nose a little, exposing the fact that he probably ran all the way up the stairs. 
And still he was beautiful. The most beautiful you’d ever seen him.
“…So do we talk first, or do you wanna-?”, he asked. 
“I was thinking fuck first, talk second?”
“I wanna kiss you first though.”
“Kissing is an integral part of sex.”
“I know, but I wanna kiss you now.”
“Was that your romantic thing? Burst into my apartment and kiss me?”
He shrugged.
“I figured you’d like it.”
You took a step closer to him.
“You were right.”
At some point during the kiss you both made it past your doorstep, lips pressed together tightly and limbs intertwined in all sorts of impossible ways. 
Once again you were brought back to your first night together. How you practically jumped into his car, and he pressed the gas as hard as he could, and the lights and neon signs were so pretty it felt like they were there just for you. How you stumbled through the hotel room door all smitten and giggling, the sounds of the busy city life behind the window not even coming close to drowning out the sound of your pounding hearts. It was written in the sky that night, the longing, the want, the need you felt for each other. 
You were brought back to the present when the air got punched out of your lungs, as your back hit the mattress of your bed. Wonwoo crawled on top of you, his eyes meeting yours. 
You kissed again. Your limbs intertwined again, and clothes flew all over your room as you scrambled to get back to each other after all this time. you knew then and there that your very first night together was going to be incomparable to this feeling. This feeling, in this moment. 
His lips kissed their way down your body, not leaving a single spot missed until he met your clit, his nose brushing against it ever so lightly. 
“Don’t tease, Won- Ah.”
He couldn’t dream of teasing. Not now, when you were right here, and even though he didn’t get to tell you the words he had memorized, he couldn’t really care. Not when all he could think of at this moment, with his lips wrapped around your clit and tongue prodding at your hole, was you.
“God, so fucking good, missed this fucking pussy”, he mumbled into your dripping core as you gripped his hair tighter and gave in to the inevitable urge to grind against his tongue. 
“I know you’re close baby, come on. Cum for me darling.”
With one last flick of his skilled tongue you were falling over the edge, a rush running through your body that couldn’t compete with any other feeling.
Still in a daze, his chin coated in your wetness, Wonwoo made his way back up your body until his lips were on your neck and his hard cock was grinding against you. 
“Need you Won, need you so bad, please.”
Your voice was barely a whisper, as you ran your nails down his toned back and nipped at his earlobe in a desperate attempt to get him to do something. Anything. Everything.
“I know, I know. Need you too baby, you have no idea.”
He was almost panting, and soon enough his struggling breaths became a long content sigh as your sweet pleas and whines had him pushing into you, your familiar warmth sucking him in.
His thrusts were sharp and deep and fucking perfect. You didn’t want it fast, didn’t want it hard or rough, you wanted it real, wanted it to be just him and you and nothing else.
“Do you know-“
Now he was truly out of breath, heavy sighs and grunts tumbling from his swollen lips right next to your ear as you shut your eyes in pleasure.
“-How much i missed you? Missed you so fucking much, I should have never, fuck, never let anything get in the way.”
God, how nice it felt to know he had missed you. And how nice it felt for someone to finally know how much you had missed him. 
Between a hundred more I missed you-es, you dragged each other through the fall, him after you (ever the gentleman), and between many quick kisses and a few drowsy ones you fell asleep in his arms. 
Just like the very first night.
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surshica · 1 year
ohmygosh I'm still so shocked you're a pipino as well TT fellow filo here hehe
Anyways, may I request a Chishiya x reader,,,
We all know how observant Chishiya is, well, I would like a scenario where he and reader are just gossiping about every other player there is!! ^^
The setting would be in the game Solitary Confinement, and they would just chill in the cafeteria thingy and share cookies and just trash talk everyone 😭😭
Tysm ♡
request: chishiya x reader
genre: crack fluff
warnings: swearing — ooc chishiya (PURR) — broken humor — gossiping/shit talking — not proofread!!
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
spilt up with the group was one thing but heading to a jack of hearts game with chishiya was another thing, you were unsure if chishiya was one to throw you up for grabs to win on his own. that idea penned you in the heart, a casual frown shown.
“why are you frowning now?” chishiya walked closer to you. he had came back from his walk around the jail like building. he wanted to see what he was dealing with this game so he took the chance to venture off. “i miss kuina thats all, she was my gossip buddy” you sighed leaning your had against the smoothen brick wall.
“who says i cant gossip with you?” he lifted an eyebrow at you causing you to laugh out-loud. “you? gossip? lets come back down to earth.” you had held in some giggles. chishiya opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but just shrugged with a grin spread across his lips, “well there was something i was going to tell you BUT i guess since im no gossiper you don’t need to know” he walked over to the corner near yiu putting in his headphones.
“wait what.” was all you said before quickly making your way over to chishiya taking out his earbuds, “you have to tell me now. you cant leave me hanging like this!” you whispered yelled as more people started to enter the building. “nope since you want to be all mean” chishiya closed his eyes relaxing himself into the corner. “boo you’re a party pooper” “am not.” “are too!”
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
a round had passed and nobody had died yet, surprisingly. everyone was gathered in the cafeteria like area eating snacks and drinking, chishiya had grabbed a bag of his own; the cookies were in this yellow like bag and he claimed they were the best cookies ever. “okay, tell me what you heard when you walked around chishiya” you sighed with a bored expression stealing one of his cookies from the bag. chishiya lifted his eyebrow slightly, “firstly my cookies, secondly remember the two people who looked like a boss and a secretary? i heard them fucking in one of the rooms before the game started.”
chishiya threw a cookie into his mouth nodding in approval of the flavor. “WAIT WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?” you looked at him in disbelief as chishiya slowly nodded. you had stared with a slight amused face. “i mean he is kinda cute i don’t blame her..” you giggled putting your hand over your mouth, chishiya flicked you on the forehead with a disgusted yet disbelief look. “seriously? in front of me and my cookies?”
you had shrugged while rubbing the spot he flicked, you had taken a bite out of the waffle cookies you took from the display. “well since you told me something there is something i have to tell you” the pink strawberry artificial cookie had crumbs on the side of your lips. chishiya looked at you waiting for you to say something, maybe he already knew maybe he didn’t. “well you know that urumi girl? the one in blue, from what i heard she might start killing people off. not because she is the joker but just because!” you laughed a little
“and how do you know that? we are only in the first round of many rounds.” chishiya furrowed his lips into an a line. “well didn’t you notice the way banda talked to the dude that was getting bullied and lied about his symbol? yeah that dude is gonna die and urumi is gonna tell them to kill him off since he might be the joker.” you had stolen another cookie from chishiya.
“you know if that does happen i’ll literally let you wear my hoodie for the rest of the game” chishiya smugged very confident it wouldn’t happen and guess what happened. everything you had said and he’ll be dammed. you were like a fortune teller.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
“with this new found hoodie i feel even more confident in my skills. i’m like sherlock holmes!” you smiled proudly eating your artificial strawberry pink cookies. you had your own but you still wanted to steal from chishiya.
“you know for someone like urumi her dress is kinda underwhelming” you munched on your pink cookie staring at urumi’s dress. chishiya looked at you with a small side eye, “and how so?” chishiya was quite curious on your take about the dress. “well for starters it makes her look like a grandma baby respectfully i guess. i just don’t like the small holes in the dress it definitely looks like something my grandma would wear.”
“for starters i would keep the length of the dress since it’s not too bad but i would make due of the top part of the dress..” you pointed at the top half. of the dress; chishiya looked at you not knowing a single word, “get rid off. get rid of that and make it more of a flat dress give it some lacey look! keep the ribbon tho. its cute. as well get rid of the sleeves they aren’t it. makes her arms look like sticks. if she wants a puff look definitely decrease the size of it make it smaller. overall its a cute outfit just needs some work done” you smiled at the vision of it. definitely something you could imagine wearing.
“what.” was all chishiya said, he tried to understand it but it was too much fashion talk for his doctor sized brain. “what i’m trying to say is that it doesn’t flatter her looks” you smacked your lips stealing a cookie—chishiya simply nodded. “no and you know what! while we are in the talks of outfits let’s talk about what’s his faces hair..he hangs out with that cutie banda..” “Enji?” “YES HIM! okay.”
“why what did he do this time? is he going to die next?” chishiya snacked on his cookies watching you stare down enji as he walked to get a pack of cookies. “probably not since banda is with him but if anything he has the ugliest fucking haircut to man.” you tried to copy his hairstyle on your hair but it annoyed you so much you couldn’t do it anymore.
“like why are you having your hair over an eye and it looks untrimmed you can see the dead ends..i get it we are in what an apocalypse but there are scissors!” you huffed taking another one of chishiya’s cookies, “he looks like a walmart light yagami from death note” chishiya said outloud causing you to snicker at that. “he makes justin bueber look good with his bowl cut” you snarked—trying to keep in the laugh you held in your stomach.
“its not funny..you’re being a bully” chishiya let out a few chuckles but cleared his throat. “stop laughing you are causing us to get weird stares from urumi’s group” chishiya kicked your feet underneath the table but that only caused you to laugh some more. “i’m sorry i’m sorry but he just looks so silly..he looks like someone all the girls would have a crush on in elementary” you wheezed at that so more, “and no i’m no bully i’m just real.”
“i hope you die the next round.” chishiya rolled his eyes, “HEY THATS NOT NICE! what would you do without me?” you pouted slightly. “quite literally everything.”
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🌟 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
“i have something to tell you missy!” chishiya looked a little too excited to tell you this. many rounds have passed and urumi’s group is slowly starting to become undone with a lot of players dying. “ooh you have something gossiping related?!” you cuffed your face propping your elbows onto the table.
“well i overheard that the two players that have been so ‘loyal’ to urumi are planning to kill her off next because they think she is the joker..” chishiya side eyed the two players who were obviously shaking. they were nervous urumi would catch them on their plan. “really?? i would have never thought..they seem very loyal to her.” you opened chishiya’s cookie bag taking some cookies. “this could very much be the last round. you can see how everyone is betraying eachother and want to leave” chishiya pointed out causing you to nod.
“you also know what i noticed! i noticed that walmart light yagami and the kotoko girl have been getting the same cookies and I THINK they are communicating through that..” you bit on your nail slightly. “i noticed that too..i was going to say that but i was hoping you saw it as well” chishiya hummed with a smile plastered on his face. “you really can call me sherlock holmes!” you confidently smiled placing your hands on your hips.
“i will not be calling you that.” “BOO YOU PARTY POOPER.” you wiped away fake tears, before remembering something you had saw last round. “chishiya do you remember that one girl urumi tried to kill off?”
“which one there was a lot”
“the one with the short hair? she looked no older than probably a sophomore in college.”
“oh yeah her”
“well i saw her talking to these boys asking for the symbol and they told her completely different symbol, she was so happy thinking it was the right one and guess what. she died now. it’s sad, she was too naive” you dramatically faked reared up. chishiya stared at you blankly, “so literally you as well. i could be the joker for all you care.”
“you wouldn’t let me eat your cookies and have your jacket if you were the joker so don’t even try it mister” you snarked back at him, he was slightly taken aback. “plus i don’t think you would be a joker. you would be like a king of hearts no joker.” you shrugged grabbing a handful of cookies.
“i dont think you’d survive here without me though, i mean who would keep you company and gossip with you?” you smiled eating the cookies you held in your hand, “kuina” “well is kuina in the room with us now?” chishiya formed an ‘im tired of you’ face making you smirk. “i win per usual!”
“i always win though..” chishiya looked at you confusingly. “nah i do as always. no need to be jealous” you had gotten up from your seat and walked over to chishiya pushing his hair aside to see his symbol; it was almost time for the jail cells again. “you’re a diamond.” you told him turning around pulling your hair apart so he could see your symbol, “heart.”
“see you love me too much to be the joker! if you were the joker you would’ve killed me off sooner” you shrugged as he intertwined his fingers with yours. “me in love? you’re being delusional.” he said, “well you’re holding my hand soo..” “you know too much.”
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tags — masterlist is open<3
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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My Alpha Ch. 3
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 Donations | Share your Thoughts & Feelings | My Alpha Series (coming soon) | Chapter 2
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you leaned closer to the campfire. The quarterly pack camping trip, you hated this damn camping trip and for the last two years, you’d been lucky enough to get your heat during EACH one. But, you should have guessed your luck would run out eventually. “Hot chocolate?” Declan's voice came from above you, looking up, you saw him extending a hand with a small, steaming cup in it. 
You smiled and graciously took the cup, “Thank you very much,” you said sipping the hot beverage. Declan took a seat next to you and smiled nodding, “Of course, you looked like you were ready to throw yourself into the flames to get warm.” he chuckled as you laughed some. “Yeah, I haven’t been on one of these trips in a long time, forgot how cold it gets.” you said quietly. 
Declan stared at the fire for a few moments, just enjoying being near you, before he looked in your direction, “Do you mind if I ask you something?” he asked as you looked at him and shook your head. “Where’s your mom?” he watched as you flinched slightly at the question. “I’m sorry, it's not my business, I shouldn’t have asked.” but you shook your head, “No, it's fine. I just…haven’t thought about my mom in a really long time…” 
You turned more toward Declan, wrapping both hands around the hot chocolate to keep them warm. “My mom and dad were killed by a passing pack. Since I was a baby, pack master became my dad.” you shrugged as he looked on with sorrow etched in his features. “He became my dad after I was orphaned…” you looked from the cup in your hands up to meet his eyes as Declan laid a hand on your arm. 
“I’m so sorry, that sounds awful, did you ever find out who was responsible for their deaths?” he asked as you shook your head, “No, dad just said it was another passing pack, I guess there's some packs that act on wilder tendencies than we do.” you sighed softly looking over at the fire, as Declan nodded, “That’s why I left my previous pack. The Alpha pack master always wanted to fight over all the omegas, he felt he was entitled to “own” them.” he shook his head, “Omegas, I think, are greater than Alphas…everyone looks at them like they’re this weak, timid, mindless, baby making, homemaker machines…but they’re strong…they not only take care of the younglings, they make a home for their alphas to come back to, they hold the entire family together…” he smiled looking down. 
“My mom and dad were true mates, and she used to tell us that Alphas were the biggest and best, because she knew, that one day my brothers and I would become alphas, She was correct by the way, we all became alphas, and last I heard my younger brother just had his 6th child.” he chuckled as you smiled, “thats awesome, congratulations,” you smiled up at him as he smiled back at you. 
Arthur glared from across the campsite, this could not be happening. You were not going to be taken from him, he refused to let you go. His plan may not have gone the way he wanted, but dammit, he’d come too far to lose out now. He had to get you away from Declan. 
“So, I'm sure you believe in true mates and all that?” you asked as he nodded, “yeah, I mean, I know it’s rare but I do, I believe there are two souls that are destined to be together.” he refilled your hot chocolate, and took his coat off, draping it over your shoulders as he noticed you getting colder. “Thank you, it's never been this cold before, but I also don’t remember us ever coming up this high on the mountain for these trips.” you said, shivering. “What’s the point of this trip anyways?” he asked as you bit back a laugh, “It’s supposed to bring us all together, and make us a better pack…but really I think it used to be a way for betas, alphas and omegas to just kinda...hook up, without their parents finding out…and dad just kept it going, but usually the alphas go out hunting, and the rest of us ladies stay here and…as you said “home make”” you laughed as he chuckled, “But it's not all bad, we really get to bond as a pack, which is nice. The guys usually share hunting tips, and they all usually come up with some project, dad usually talks to you guys about anything we need to be aware of, while the women bond, some of us like to sew, so we bring that along with us, others really enjoy books, recipes, even just talking. I think my dad misses how it was when he was a kid, and the women would all kinda….come together to raise and manage the kids, while the men hunted for dinner.” you rolled your eyes as Declan laughed, “your dad is not that old.” 
“Well, what’s got you two laughing so much?” Arthur asked as he stepped in front of you and Declan, “oh, I was telling Declan about why we do these camping trips.” you smiled softly as Declan nodded, “she’s actually given me quite the history lesson of them, I’m really glad I get to experience it this time, my old pack never did anything like this.” he smiled at Arthur who eyed you before nodded and forcing a smile on his features, “yes, pack bonding is important, it’s important we all remember our roles in a pack too. Declan, I wanted you to join us alphas tonight on a hunt. We’re hunting boar…have you ever hunted boar before?” Arthur asked as Declan and you both stood, “I have not, but it sounds exciting, I’d love to join you.” he glanced over at you, and Arthur could feel the time slow right before his eyes. 
An Alpha….checking in with his omega. 
It’s a silent exchange, one that usually happens without either party knowing, Arthur knew exactly what he was staring at and he had to stop it before it progressed any farther. True Mates. He watched as you looked up under your lashes at Declan, blinking once before a small smile crossed your face. Giving permission….to him. He felt his temper growing more and more as each second passed. “Great. We leave in 5 minutes, best go grab your stuff.” he forced out as Declan nodded at him before glancing back at you. “I’ll see you later,” he smiled as you nodded with a smile. “Of course!” 
Arthur watched as Delcan walked over to his tent before grabbing your arm. “Stay. Away. From. Him.” he growled using his alpha voice on you, but something in your eyes, you weren’t entirely buckling before him this time. “I was just being friendly…dad.” you said quietly. “Bonding...as a pack….the whole point of this trip. Declan is part of this pack right?” you asked, raising an eyebrow as Arthur flared his nostrils. “Just stay away from him.” he snapped, growling as others glanced over at the two of you. 
You watched as Arthur stormed off, gathering supplies and others for the hunt. You were standing in your tent, when you heard someone clear their throat behind you, turning around, you smile, seeing Declan holding the tent door open, “Mind if I come in?” he asked as you nodded, “Sure.” you nodded watching him duck and stand hunched over slightly. “I wanted to apologize for earlier if you got in trouble for talking to me…I don’t like seeing you get into trouble.” he said as you shook your head, “Don’t worry about my father, he’s just over protective…he thinks you're going to hurt me or something.” you wave your hand dismissively but Declan nodded, turning his head to listen before looking back at you. “I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed talking with you tonight and I hope we can continue our conversation over breakfast in the morning.” he smiled as you bit your lip, “I’d really like that,” you said softly. 
The small tent caused the two of you to stand closer than you usually were used to. His scent of pine and campfire filled your nostrils. As you looked up at him again, you could feel the blood rushing into your cheeks, “I overheard your father telling you to stay away from me,” he said softly. You nodded, “But I don’t want to, please be careful out there hunting with everyone else.” you whispered as he leaned down and let his cheek graze yours, “I hope you don’t stay away from me,” he whispered as his lips brushed over the shell of your ear. 
You let out a shaky breath as he slowly pulled back some, and pressed his lips gently to your cheek. “I’ll be fine sweetheart, you stay safe too. I won’t go far, so if you need anything, call me okay?” he stared down at you, his eyes soft as he smiled. You pressed yourself against his chest, rubbing your face into his shirt sighing, “I will. Thank you Declan,” you whispered as he wrapped his arms around your smaller frame. “Of course,” he stayed there for a moment before he pulled away and left your tent without anyone seeing. 
You stood with everyone else as the guys loaded up and headed out to hunt for the night, you kept an eye on Declan as he glanced at you, before they all left. “God he’s so fucking hot, Devin would kill me if he heard me say that, but damn what I wouldn’t do to let that alpha fuck me.” Marlene said as she and Christie walked back toward their tents, your father left a list of chores for the women and betas to take care of while he and the other alphas were gone. As the night went on, most of the women finished their chores and laid down in their tents. 
You however, were still sewing on some items when an alpha broke through the trees, “Pack Master has been injured!” he yelled waking the camp up.
Tag List:
@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @forgetmenotsexy @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @wolfieeebbbyyy @dontbescaredtosingalong @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot9889 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @seraph-ulysses
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sierrrraaawwwwwcgtcvh · 7 months
hai !!! is it cool if i request a
Velvet x GN!Reader
maybe like a ,, worried velvet ? Maybe an interviewer said something about her crush on reader (preferably like reader and velvet are known close friends or known friends and reader is also a popstar?) and it caused Velvet to get pissed off and when she says something, she thinks she said the wrong thing (ex ; she thinks her words were worded wrong so she believes reader thinks she doesnt like reader) So she avoids reader and then reader confronts her and she spills everything ?
Velvet x GN!Reader
Warnings: cursing?
Velvet and Veneer were currently doing an interview, with the interviewer only asking Velvet questions as Veneer sat quietly. 
"So.. Velvet! Some rumors have been circulating the media." The interviewer said, a bright smile on his face.
"And..?" Velvet had an eyebrow raised. 
"Is it true that you really have a crush on (Y/n)? Apparently, some fans seem to think you look and treat (Y/n) in a certain way that's different from others! So, we have to know. Do you like (Y/n)?" 
Velvet held her composure, even though inside she was internally screaming.
"Hmm, well.. I, personally.. think they're just alright." Velvet shrugged. Why did I say that!? She screamed inside. 
"Oh.. so you don't have a crush on them? Ah.. I see. Well, you heard it from Velvet herself everyone! See you next time with the popstar, you know and love.. (Y/n) (L/n)!" Velvet immediately got up and left the interview area, heading over to a dress room designated for her.
Velvet entered the dressing room, groaning as she shut the door behind her. She didn't even want to THINK about opening her phone. She could already think of all the tweets or things that people would say about her and (Y/n). She had already begun to regret what she had said.
She heard a knock at her door, "What do you want!?" She shouted. 
"Um.. it's me, Veneer. Can I come in?" 
"Yeah." She said, loud enough for him to hear. She sat on a couch as the door opened, and then shut. 
"I thought you said you liked (Y/n)? Why the sudden change of heart?" Veneer walked over to his sister and sat beside her on the couch. 
"I do like them! I don't even know why I said that.." Velvet groaned.
"Oh.. well, you probably shouldn't check any social media apps. The fans are going crazy, and not in a good way." Veneer sighed.
"Fuck.. I just.. I do want to tell them how I feel but I'm scared they won't like me." Velvet took the pillow next to her and held it in her lap.
"It's always better to just say it y'know? You shouldn't lie about how you feel." 
"I know. Great, now I'm gonna have to avoid them like the plague.." Velvet groaned, for what.. the 50th time already? 
“You could just talk to them?” Veneer was confused, why couldn’t his sister just confront them?
“But I can’t! Not after that.. It’d be sooo awkward!”
“It’s not that bad, Velvet. I ended up explaining how I felt to my partner and it turned out great!”
“But that’s you! I can’t tell if they even love me like I love them.” She mumbled.
“True.. well, I guess it’s ultimately your decision.” Veneer shrugged as Velvet rolled her eyes.
(Y/N)’S POV:
You’d just gotten back from an interview. You couldn’t believe what Velvet had said. She thought you were just.. alright?
You frowned as you laid on your bed, pulling out your phone from your pocket. You texted Velvet.
“Hey, can we talk..?” 
sent at 08:23 p.m.
You watched as Velvet had read your message, but didn’t respond. You texted again.
“I know you’re seeing my messages Velvet. Please, text me.”
sent at 08:24 p.m.
You huffed as she read your message again, still not responding. You then decided that you’d text Veneer.
“Hey Veneer! I’m trying to talk to Velvet but she keeps leaving my messages on seen. Is she okay??”
sent at 08:29 p.m.
He read your message immediately as he responded.
“Hi (Y/n)!! Velvet’s okay :)) I’m not sure why she’s not responding..”
sent at 08:30 p.m.
“Oh…” You frowned. You then texted him back,
“Oh, okay!! Thank you for letting me know. :D Sorry if I bothered you.” 
sent at 08:31 p.m.
You then turned off your phone, setting it on your dresser after plugging it into your charger. Hopefully you’d get a response from Velvet soon.
She couldn’t focus on singing at ALL. Velvet was thinking about your messages and what she said earlier. 
How am I supposed to even face them after this? She pondered, as she sang with Veneer. They were singing their newest song, “Watch me Work”.
Her thinking caused her to mess up a move, but she quickly recovered. Fuck, I need to think about this later. Velvet held back a groan as her and Veneer finished the song as the audience roared in excitement. At least their concert was over for the time being. 
Velvet and Veneer walked off stage and headed to their dressing room.
“Sis.. you really need to talk to (Y/n). They’re worried for you.” Veneer wanted to at least convince his sister to talk to them.
“Veneer, you don’t think I know that!?” Velvet snapped at him as they entered their dressing room. 
Velvet sighed, “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m just.. stressed out.”
“It’s okay. But vel you should talk to them, like seriously.” 
“I know, Veneer. I just.. can’t.” 
“Well, why not?” He asked, checking the time on his phone.
“I don’t know what they’re gonna say and I’m scared. I’m mad at myself for what I said! I’m pissed, like seriously pissed. I should’ve said something better! What was I even thinking..” She grumbled, walking over to the couch in the dressing room and sitting on it.
Veneer sat beside her, “It’ll be okay.” 
She scoffed, “Easy for you to say.”
(Y/N)’S POV: 
You walked through the long, longgg hallway of dressing rooms. You were heading to one in particular, Velvet and Veneer’s. You knew they’d be there as they just got done with a concert. Well, you didn’t really have to look for their’s as you knew where it was. You’d been there a LOT before.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood in front of Velvet and Veneer’s dressing room. You hesitated.. but knocked on the door after gaining enough confidence. 
“Coming!” You heard Veneer shout. 
He opened the door and saw you standing there, his face turned into shock. 
“Oh.. I should probably leave you two alone for this. Haha..” He laughed awkwardly as he moved out of the way to let you in. You walked in after he shut the door and left. You saw Velvet sitting on their couch. 
“Veneer, who was at the door-.” She cut herself off as she looked up and saw you. 
“Velvet..” You started as she got up immediately.
“Why’re you here?” 
“You make it sound like a bad thing.” You sighed as walked up to her. “What’s your problem?” You asked.
“I don’t have a problem.” She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.
“It sure seems like it. You didn’t reply to my messages.” 
“So? I don’t have to reply to what you say all the time.” Velvet looked away from you.
“Velvet, what was that about? The interview I mean. You really think I’m just.. alright?” You watched as her face faltered, turning into a frown. 
“No..” She had her head turned, but she finally looked at you.
“Then what? What do you really think of me, huh?” You crossed your arms.
Velvet gave no response as she looked away once more.
“Oh.. I see. You don’t wanna tell me? Fine.” You scoffed as you began walking to exit the dressing room.
“Wait!” Velvet grabbed your arm. 
“What? You made it clear you don’t like me.” You didn’t even turn to face her. 
“I do.. I do like you! I’ve liked you for so long..” You heard Velvet begin sobbing as you turned around, her hand still gripping your arm.
“I don’t know why I said it.. I was scared.. scared you wouldn’t like me.” Velvet held your arm as she cried. 
You frowned as you pulled her into a hug, “How could I not? Your smile is beautiful, I love everything about you Velvet.” You heard her begin sniffling, signaling she’d began to stop crying. She let go of your arm.
“You mean it?” Her voice hoarse from crying.
“I mean it, Vel.” You pulled back from the hug. You held her right cheek with your hand as you smiled.
“Now, please.. don’t ignore me like that. I seriously thought you hated me.” You laughed a little bit.
“I won’t ignore you like that ever again. I’m sorry.” Velvet frowned.
“It’s okay.” She smiled at that. 
You heard the door open as you both turned your heads to look at who had just walked in. Your hand falling from her cheek.
“Are you two together yet or what?” Veneer asked as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.
You looked at Velvet as she looked at you for a second, before nodding. 
“Yeah, we are.” You replied.
“Ugh, about time!”
(I’ll prob edit this later if I see any mistakes)
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scribble-brain-aced · 1 month
for pride month, i have:
a list of how the hazbin hotel had their gay awakening. (or lesbian, or bi, or trans, or aroace, pan, etc)
Charlie: she watched Sleeping Beauty, the year after it came out. she looked at Snow White and thought “wow, she’s so pretty.. but also Price Florian.. wait.” because this was in 1938, she didn’t know what bisexuality was, but she knew and accepted her feelings, because it wasn’t a big deal to her. in the 1970s, she found the label for it— bisexuality— and thought “OH THERE’S A NAME FOR THIS, YAY!” and that was that.
Vaggie: when she was still alive, in 2010, a friend sent her a photo of a genderbent character from some TV show, and her first thought was “oh, okay, i see why everyone’s in love with them now. …wait.” she spent the next 20 minutes looking up female versions of characters and realizing “oh. OH THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH” (based on my own story)
Angel: honestly, he can’t really say. he just kinda knew from the beginning that men were just hot, and he’d marry a guy if he could. molly just assumed he meant “yeah, men are just better than women” and went along with it, even though she personally thought both were radiantly beautiful. (she found out what pansexual meant in 1972.)
Husk: he has no idea. if asked, he just shrugs and goes “any hole is a goal, i couldn’t care less.” at one point, Angel just shoved a poster at him, Husk read it and was like “oh. i guess that’s me.” pretty chill reaction, just continued his normal day, but kept thinking “okay, wow, that’s ME.”
Sir Pentious: he just thought all people liked both men and women, but because of societal rules and whatever, they had to wait until they had a crush on the opposite gender. ..what do you mean thats not what being straight is. (he only found out what bisexuality was after he came to the Hotel and Charlie had a bi flag pin. he asked her what country that was, and she had to sit him down to explain the concept of LGBTQ+, and no, it is ABSOLUTELY NOT a mental illness, wtf, you’re fine, buddy, go be happy.)
Alastor: post-season 1, like three people separately wished him a happy asexual awareness week and he was so confused, he asked Angel to look up ‘a sexual’ on his phone because he couldn’t find anything at the library. (he was looking at the outdated library in cannibal town.) he read the definition, and locked himself in his room for the rest of the day. if anybody heard muffled screaming and somehow-happy-sounding swearing, nobody mentioned it.
Vox: pfft, what? no, he’s not gay! he’s perfectly straight! is it gay to say that men are just as good at women? …Val, what do you MEAN ‘no but yes’? (Valentino explained the entire history of LGBTQ+, stressing bisexuality. Vox just said “okay, okay, hear me out.. there’s a whole month for them, right? their whole thing is rainbows? what if we paint all of our logos rainbow-colored? they’d buy it!” Valentino gave up, because Vox just COULD NOT comprehend what he was trying to say. but he keeps sending bisexual memes to Vox.)
Valentino: he just always knew. come on, everyone’s hot, unless they aren’t. even better if they can be exploited. that’s all there is to it.
Velvette: pfft, she grew up with social media, she’s known about this shit since she was a kid. fuck love, fuck fucking, she’d rather pester Vox into making cheesy garlic bread. the guy’s a bitch, but he makes good cheesy garlic bread.
Baxter: back before he and sir pentious became bitter enemies, they were both talking about.. whatever. at one point, they got on the topic of clothing, and Baxter— then Bella— griped that he hated how dresses felt. too heavy, too annoying, and it made him feel sick, anyway. suits were just better, not just because they’re lighter. man, he wished he were a boy. pentious asked if he wanted to be a boy in general, not just for the suits, and after a moment, Baxter excused himself quickly to go find something in his library, shooing Pentious out of the house. a couple days later, he came out, transitioned, all that. the only reason he doesn’t cut off his light-lure thingy is because it’s useful. other than that, he avoids looking at it as much as possible.
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Maybe I’m your soulmate. || Robin Arellano
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Summary- the week you move to Denver, is also the week robin gets suspended. what happens when Finney welcomes you with open arms and you two quickly become friends, bestfriends even (I'll give you a hint, robin isn't too happy.)
Tags- studying, enemies to ??? flirters?? , group project, best friends, fuckin moose, jealous robin, that's all i think
CWS- cursing ..? i think thats it
Notes- HIHI uhm idk if im gonna write a part 2 for this atm but if you guys want one i will! uhm also sorry for shitty grammar LMAO i suck at stuff like that
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Moving was never easy, especially not when you join a new school in the middle of the year.
Although you quickly got situated when you met Finney Blake, you and he had been friends for a little over a week & it was safe to say you considered him your best friend.
That Friday morning when you walked to school with Finney and Gwen like usual, the second you neared the school, chanting was heard
“FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” the group yelled while a taller, much paler boy spoke, “I will pound you like a nail you scrawny little shithead.”
“then do it, unless you’re scared.”
You looked at Finney, “Who the fuck has the balls to fight moose?”

“Robin Arellano.” Gwen answered, “Who? Am I supposed to know him?” You were bombarded with questions as a fight broke out.
You watched intently while listening to your answer, “Robin was Finney’s best friend until he got sent to his grandma's for a week because he got suspended, he’s also the toughest kid in school next to Pinball Vance Hopper.”
“Was Finney's best friend?” you repeated
“Yeah Robin could never call so we kinda just drifted, I was sad for a while but then you came into the picture,” Finney spoke up at last.
you were about to say something else until the actual fight broke out, Robin demolishing Moose, he probably broke his nose.
“Holy shit!” Gwen gasped, her mouth agape, “Let’s go guys.” Finney tugged at Gwen’s arm that wouldn’t budge. When the girl finally moved she was already yapping about it.
“What the hell!! That was Moose!” the brunette said agitatedly.
“I don’t care” The short-haired brunette rolled his eyes, looking to the side.
“He probably deserved it!” You laughed, “Moose is a giant asshole, Finn.”
He nearly responded but someone else did for him, “Hey Finn, what’s happening” You rose your brow at the nickname, a hand snaked around his shoulder.
“Robin, you just came back! You can’t be getting into fights already” Finney laughed, shrugging off his arm.
“Moose needed the beat down if you ask me, ain’t that right Gwen?” He leaned forward, turning his head towards Gwen and your direction.
When he saw you instead of Gwen his eyebrows furrowed in confusion; “Who’s this? Your girlfriend? ooh, Donna won’t be too happy to hear that you’re two-timing Finn” He joked.
You smiled, “Nah me and Finn are just friends. I try giving advice but uh you know how he is, stubborn and hardheaded." you gave Finney a nudge in his side, and he rolled his eyes in response.

"finn? yo i thought i was the only one who called you that? since I'M your bestfriend n all. is she a bully? i don't fight girls but i know people who do." the long haired brunette said intimidatingly.
"hey man chill, finney is allowed to have other friends! especially after you ditched him!" gwen defended.
"i didn't fucking ditch him! i was suspended and couldn't talk to anyone for like a week!" the bandanaed boy exclaimed, an offensive look on his face.
you and finney both opened your mouth to say something, but the bell rung, and students started filling to their classes. "gotta go. later finn, later gwen. Arellano" you nodded before walking off, making your way to your class. shuffling with the other students.
"alright class, as you know.. or not seeing as most of you cannot read," the teacher sighed, his monotone voice staying through out his lecture, "you will have two big projects, middle of the year and end of the year. today marks the OFFICAL start of the end of the school year, hold your applause. you will be working in pairs of two, on the classical big bang theory." the teacher huffed and began explaining the rest of the project.
youy groaned quietly, putting your head in your hands, what if you get paired up with braxton rose? he was the worst! he put gum in your hair before winter break, it took hours to get it out.
"now i will be announcing the pairs. boo who cry me a river ashley. you're not getting paired up with vance OR kamala." vance was the boyfriend, kamala was the bestie. if you couldnt tell.
"right so first we have.." the names ran through and through your ears until you heard your name at last. "Y/N and.. Robin. thats all class, now you can go. projects are due next week."  you gasped, robin was in this class? the fuck? you hadn't even noticed. i mean you could always ask mr green to switch partners, but his divorce was already stressing him out. being a middle school teacher is even worse, so nah not a chance.
begrudgingly, you pushed your self out of the plastic chair, stretching  your joints. you grabbed your stuff and turned to find robin, your eyes didnt have to strain themselves for long because he was right at your desk. "hey robin, meet up at the library, five? bring your shit. we'll start planning?" you asked assertively.
"uhm can't we do it right after school? maybe i've got plans. plus we have study hall, we can do it then?" he tried his best to reschedule.
you sighed, "do you have something to do at five exactly?"
robin smiled, shaking his head left to right, "Nah, sorry. I'll see you after school?"
"alright see ya," you groaned, mentally slapping yourself in the face, robin areallno? of all people. Braxton would be better than this.
the day finished swiftly. leaving you an hour and a half to get home, freshen up and get to the library on time.
Keep reading
you had barely made it on time. three minutes till the clock struck five, when you entered the deserted library, apart from a few nerds studying, robin was nowhere to be found. you scoffed, sitting down at a table in the back, pulling your books out, shaking your leg anxiously until he showed up.
it was about five-ten when he did. you had sat there looking like a loser! he walked in coolly, sliding into a seat next to you. "you're late."
"sorry I fell asleep anyways I'm ready to work now." he cheesed, opening up his notebook, and helping

you two had worked for about twenty minutes before you hit a gigantic boulder. a boulder that stopped your work entirely for half an hour. "this isn't gonna work. you're too overbearing." he ran a hand through his hair.
had it always been that pretty? maybe it just looked better now that there wasnt crimson colored liquid in it.
you shrugged the thought off, "would you be more comfy in more well know space? we could go to yours and work on it there?"

"fuck no! you could be a murderer for all i know." he tried his best to look intimidating but his eyes weren't completely objecting to the scenerio.
you smiled cheekily, looking him in his eyes for the first time in a while leaning up in your seat slightly to get closer to him, "maybe i'm your soulmate." you could see him get flustered. it was almost embarrassing for you.

just then the old timey grandfather clock rang, "ah thats me. see ya robin." grabbing your things and walking out.
robin sat there however, what the hell just happened? were you flirting? wasn't this a rivalry for the companionship of finney blake? yeah okay that was weird. however, what was weirder is the fact that he wasn't absolutely disgusted by the fact that you were flirting with him.

well shit
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