#leona x y/n
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seumyo · 14 days ago
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it-happened-one-fic · 11 months ago
Hi, sorry to bother you but I would like to ask for a post from Leona, where Cheka is trying to get her two favorite people married (ie Leona and the reader)
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to respond to your ask! I had a bit of trouble writing this one, but over all I had fun too. I hope you enjoy!
Duly-Noted - Leona
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ sfw/ featuring Cheka/ request
Word Count: 1790
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Leona huffed out a sigh as he watched Cheka play with you on the floor of the Ramshackle dorm from his relaxed lounging on the couch.
It hadn’t taken him long to figure out his nephew’s scheme when, as soon as the little fuzzball had appeared, he’d cheerfully stated that he wanted to come and play with you. Of course, Cheka had given himself as soon as he’d included his demands that Leona come along with him, even though he’d been to visit you at Ramshackle dorm plenty of times on his own.
Cheka was definitely fond of you, and Leona couldn’t really blame the kid considering how you patiently played along with the child. But that wasn’t what was really going on here.
What was going on here had more to do with Cheka’s pressing questions about why Leona so often told family members that he wasn’t particularly attached to anyone at school.
He could still see Cheka’s bright eyes looking up at him with an insistent frown on his face, “You know that is true, Unca! You like Y/n!”
Leona had snorted at his nephew, shaking his head at the child and, for once, was genuinely amused, “And what makes you think that?”
“You look at them the same way Papa looks at Mama. And Y/n likes you too! Why don’t you just take them home with you? Then you don’t have to worry about leaving them here while you visit us!” Cheka was as determined as Leona had ever seen him, but it was a drastic misreading of the situation.
Leona had plenty of reasons to not want to visit home, and none of them had a thing to do with you. But the moment he’d told the child that, Cheka had smiled. 
He’d been all but beaming up at Leona from where he sat on his lap, hands fisted in Leona’s shirt like he thought his uncle would run away, “But you do like them.”
There were moments, like right then, when Leona almost wondered if Cheka was more intelligent than his father. Perhaps he’d taken after his mother in that sense. But then Cheka’s hare-brained plot for tricking you and Leona into a relationship certainly hadn’t been well schemed.
After all, Leona wasn’t the only one who'd caught on. You had, too. Though, to be fair, Cheka wasn’t exactly being stealthy with his questions about how, “Wouldn’t it be great if we all lived together?”
Leona had fully planned on handling it, but you'd only smiled, shaking your head and saying you’d talk to Cheka about it, “He’s just a kid after all, and he doesn’t mean any harm. There’s no need to come down on him so hard.”
Leona had only eyed you with rising eyebrows before shrugging, “Have it your way. But he won’t drop this easily. He’s a stubborn little thing.”
You’d snorted, elbowing him lightly as you went by to rejoin his nephew, “Must run in the Kingscholar family.”
And that had been that.
Truthfully, Leona hadn’t known what you’d told his nephew, but Cheka had fallen largely silent on the matter of a possible romance with you after that. 
In hindsight, though, Leona really should have known better to think that was all there was going to be to it. Nothing was ever that simple. Especially when you or his nephew were involved.
He had to hand it to Cheka, though; he’d been completely caught off-guard when the child had suddenly questioned him about his wedding plans. Especially since it happened during a trip to Sam’s with Ruggie.
Cheka held up the little ring-shaped lollipop, and before Leona could even start to refuse to buy the treat for him, the child spoke with innocent curiosity, “What kind of ring are you going to get for Y/n when you two get married?”
Leona blinked, his eyes widening as he stared at the child who just stared up at him while Ruggie did a spit-take and Sam’s eyebrows lifted. The only sound that broke the silence was the occasional beep as Sam continued to scan items.
Leona finally frowned, crossing his arms as he eyed the child, “What makes you think I’m going to marry the Herbivore?”
Cheka frowned almost immediately, as if he were trying to mirror his uncle’s expression, “Y/n and you like each other. But Y/n said they couldn’t move in with us until you two had gotten married. They said people would talk since we’re royals and they aren’t if you didn’t.” 
Cheka’s expression slowly shifted to one of concern, his tiny hand reaching out and grasping Leona’s pants leg, “You are going to marry them, aren’t you, Unca? Y/n’ll be sad if you don’t.”
Ruggie only barely managed to contain his laughter in an ugly-sounding snort that had Leona shooting him a look while a smile began to creep across Sam’s face.
“Did they?” Leona’s gaze shifted back to his nephew as he spoke, his tone careful as he eyed the child. But he was already putting two and two together without Cheka having to say anything.
You certainly had talked to Cheka about it, but now Leona was going to have to talk to you about this.
Ruggie wiped his eyes lightly before kneeling, humor still flooding his voice even as he eyed Cheka, “Well, marriage is a pretty big deal, Cheka. Leona can’t just go proposing without putting some real thought into it.”
Cheka frowned, but Ruggie only titled his head, reasoning with the child easily, “Y/n deserves the best, don’t you think?”
Leona watched, eyebrows raised, as Cheka frowned thoughtfully before his tiny face cleared like a sun coming out from behind clouds, and he nodded, smiling widely, “Oh! I see! Leona wants to sweep Y/n off their feet like those princes in the stories Mama likes so much.”
Leona didn’t even bother hiding his groan as Ruggie snickered mischievously, nodding and egging on the child, “Exactly, so you’re going to have to give him some time to do just that.”
Ruggie paused, glancing up at Leona with a grin that had Leona glaring at him warningly. But the hyena beastman was hardly even phased as he looked back at the child seriously, his eyes sparkling with poorly disguised mischievousness, “We’ll both have to support him, Cheka.”
Cheka’s expression turned determined as he nodded before looking up at Leona, “Good luck, Unca!”
Leona sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out an annoyed, “Uh-huh,” as he watched Ruggie lead his nephew out of the store.
 He would get Ruggie for what a mess this was inevitably going to end up being, as well as deal with whatever the little mercenary wanted in exchange for his assistance later. First, he had a certain herbivore to find.
And he couldn’t complain that you were hard to find. But then you never were.
You were, as ever, at Ramshackle. Working on upkeep for the run-down building on your day-off, just like you usually did on the weekends when you weren’t working at the Mostro Lounge.
Leona didn’t even have to call out since Grim handled letting you know he was here for him.
You turned, blinking up at him in surprise, before a smile split its way across your face. Leona wasn’t really looking at you, though. Instead, he was staring at the busted chair you were apparently working on with a frown. 
How the crossbar had wiggled its way out, was beyond him, but that was evidently enough, what had happened.
“Leona! No little prince with you today?” Your voice was bright, and Leona found himself looking back your way as he propped himself in the doorway.
He crossed his arms as he looked down at where you were seated on the floor, tilting his head at you, “Nope, but a certain little prince did tell me what you told him the other day.”
You blinked in confusion before your eyes slowly cleared, and you let out a small chuckle, shaking your head slightly, “Oh, that. He bought the marriage excuse pretty easily, and at least that way I didn’t have to lie or something like that to him.”
Leona felt his eyebrows rise at your words as you twisted to go back to work on the chair, seemingly unconcerned by what side effects your words might have had.
“Yeah, but now that he’s found out we’re dating when no one else has, he’s going to report directly back to either Falena or his wife,” Leona pushed himself off the wall as he spoke, walking over to where you were.
You simply shook your head at his disgruntled words, a smile on your face, “I still don’t see why it would be so horrible for them to know. But even if he does tell them, they probably won’t believe him. Not if Falena is as concerned about your love life as you say he is.”
Leona frowned as he watched you before kneeling and reaching around you to help you support the chair while you fought the crossbar into place, “No, he’ll call and ask all sorts of questions or, worse, have his wife ask me all sorts of questions.”
You hummed, tilting your head slightly, “You’ll be able to handle it if it comes to that. But, like I said, I really don’t see why it’s a big deal if they know or not. I’d like to meet your family.”
Your words caused his eyebrows to lift once more as he glanced over at you, watching as a frown crossed your face.
You glanced over your shoulder at him, confusion accenting your voice as soon as you spoke, “How did you find out what I’d told Cheka anyway? Did he just tell you?”
Leona let out a huff, his ears twitching as he glanced off to the side, “He saw one of those lollipop ring thingies at Sam’s and asked me what sort of ring I was going to get you for the wedding.”
You laughed aloud, earning yourself a look even as you shook your head in light-hearted amusement before glancing at him, “Hopefully nothing like a Ring-pop. That would be hideous.”
Leona grinned, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, “You don’t want something big like that?”
You snorted, shaking your head, “No. I think a rock that size, even a fake one, would be a little heavy.”
He let out an amused huff, turning his eyes back to the chair as he idly considered what sort of ring might actually be best, “Duly noted.”
After all, your thoughts on it all mattered too, even if you didn’t know that held actually had been looking at some rings already.
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telephoniii · 4 days ago
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☆彡 in which malleus and leona fight for your affections
leona kingscholar x gn!reader & malleus draconia x gn!reader
word counter: 4K
warnings: reader is prefect, cursing, love triangle, possible ooc
a/n: based off of the song “stepsister’s lament” from cinderella the musical— hence the title. one of my favorite works!! I had fun writing this!! both mal and leona are capital p PETTY and I'm living for it. i hope you enjoy :>
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No matter how much he claims he doesn't care, Leona finds himself hissing at the sight of you and Malleus together. He wants to deny it so badly— but deep down he knows. 
He knows as he glares at you, sitting on a bench beside the fae, giggling and having a jolly old time. He’s well aware of what he’s feeling as he scoffs, telling the greedy hyena beside him that he’s returning to the dorm.
And he’s fully conscious as he lays in bed, staring at the ceiling; unable to get the image of you and that spiny horned reptile out of his head. 
He’s jealous. Envious. And any damn variation of the sort.
Out of all the people you could choose to spend your time with, you pick that slimy lizard?! 
Your taste is questionable—who’s he kidding? Absolutely awful. Really, going for the guy who doesn’t age? Ever think about how awkward it’s going to be when you’re getting hip pains and he still looks like a teenager? Hell, he’s not one for settling down but wouldn’t you at least want someone with the capacity of growing old together?!
What does that scaley little scumbag do for you anyway?
Sure, Malleus does gift you little trinkets you’ve mentioned in passing. Leona isn’t blind; he can see the way you light up at these gifts. He distinctly remembers seeing a dorky gargoyle keychain on your bag. It stank of that fae freak. 
Yet you seemed to adore the tiny statue, so much so that you went on a small rant about the history. To Leona’s surprise, he listened to every single word you had to say about it. Gargoyles are always way more interesting when it’s you talking about it. 
Though, everything involving you is more interesting nowadays… He had to resist the urge to sand that stupid little toy right then and there.
And he’s well aware of the ‘secret’ walks the two of you have at unholy times of the night, talking about whatever that overgrown lizard is interested in. The way you speak of it like nobody knows is irritating. Only an idiot wouldn’t pick up on it. 
Too bad NRC is full of idiots.
It’s not like it matters too much anyway. He doubts Malleus has the charisma to charm you. The guy isn’t invited to a whole lot of events for a reason. While Leona knows he can come off as a prick, he’s still a prince nonetheless. He was taught how to flatter and flirt— he remembers being surrounded by a bunch of bootlickers as a cub. 
He isn’t intimidated by Malleus’s magic all too much either. Although he’s more than sure you wouldn’t fall for a person solely based on their strength, Leona believes he could take on Malleus. The lizard is painfully predictable after all. 
Not to mention most of his ‘shows of power’ are akin to temper tantrums. If dueling wasn’t banned, that pathetic excuse of a dragon would be dragged in the mud by him.
Everything Malleus does for you, he could do better. He’s sure of it. 
Beneath the surface, is he scared of coming second place to yet another person? Terrified that he’ll always be the second-best choice? That all the time spent with you would never be more than that? Maybe. 
But those night terrors are lessened when he sees you approach— knowing he was the sole reason you were there. 
Leona feels his heart race as you sit beside him, casually talking about your day and whatever hijinks you got into. He worries you might hear just how fast it beats for you when you nap with him, laying your head on his chest. 
As he hears you mumble his name in your sleep, he feels reassured that he’s your one. 
I mean— why would someone as great as you ever want a flimsy, little lizard? Especially when he’s right here, ready to be your pillow in hard and happy times. 
A green thunderbolt struck through the sky. Coincidentally, you happened to be napping on Leona outside when this happened— shaking the both of you awake.
Did Malleus do this on purpose?… Of course not. He’s not immature enough to do that, unlike a certain lion he knows.
It’s not his fault that you two were cuddling outside when he was ‘testing’ out something with his thunder.
That doesn’t mean he was any less satisfied watching you get up and walk back to your dorm, leaving that mangy cat by himself.
He never understood what value you gained from hanging around someone as…unusual as Kingscholar. A ‘prince’ who lays around, sleeping the day away? What a joke! Wouldn’t you rather have a prince— better yet a ruler— who’s proactive in his kingdom?
That flappy street cat is better suited to accompany Grim rather than yourself. 
He doubts Kingscholar would hold open the door for you like he does! 
Malleus has heard it’s a human custom to do so; ever since then, he’s now perfected the art of swiftly rushing over to a door and slamming it open for you. It delights him when you giggle at his antics. He bets that idiotic lion would never be able to do that— Kingscholar barely moves anyway. It’s like he’s glued to that bed of his.
Kingscholar seems as though he’d let the door slam in your face. That alone just shows how superior Malleus is to him. 
Although, Kingscholar’s words of advice indeed seemed to matter to you quite a lot. Every time you had attracted chaos, you commonly turned to the lazy loaf and asked for his perspective. And each time, without fail, Mal had watched you take the prince’s suggestion in stride and use it.
It pains him to admit it, sometimes Kingscholar can be rather clever. Malleus is somewhat glad that said lion uses his intelligence to keep you safe.
He doesn’t know what, but something about Kingscholar’s mere existence seems to relax you. Malleus has seen you look at ease in a way he’s never witnessed before when you simply just lay beside the other student. He watches with envy as Kingscholar’s tail protectively wraps around your thigh. 
As long as you’re safe… Malleus supposes he can bear through you hanging out with the lion.
That won’t stop him from interrupting the two of you whenever he feels the time is right. Sudden bolts of thunder, random objects falling from the sky and hitting Kingscholar on the head, out-of-the-blue power outages…
It’s all fair play to him. You still get to hang out with that lazy excuse of a prince anyway.
It doesn’t matter too much to him— at least that’s what he tells himself. It’s not as though you’d leave him to hang out with Kingscholar; no, you’d never. 
You’ll stay, won’t you?
He’s sure of it as you walk beside him in the dead of night. Nobody else knows, nor do they need to as you two stroll along the campus. Seeing your enthusiastic smile next to him as you talk about your dreams fills him with unexplainable joy. Malleus fights the urge to hold your hand, interlocking your fingers with his.
You seemed to have read his mind— you always do understand him like no other— as you glanced down at your hands. A small giggle leaves your lips before you inch your hand closer to his.
“Can we…?” You hum with hopeful and amused eyes.
Wordlessly, Malleus indulges now with your consent. The warmth of your hand compared to the polarizing coldness of his made him feel dizzy. In a good way. 
You’ll never leave him. At least not when you're hand in hand together like this.
“Man I’m starving— Hurry it up, henchman!” A familiar, squeaky voice demanded as Grim pushed on your shoulder. 
“Patience, patience. This is very important. It can determine my mood for the rest of the day.” You murmured, standing strong despite Grim’s efforts. Narrowing your eyes, you stared at the different lunch options. 
What were you going to eat today?
“Prefect has a point. Your nutrition affects the way you function.” Jack shrugs behind Grim, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“You say that like they’re going to eat something healthy.” Ace yawns, stretching out his arm and lightly hitting Deuce. “Hurry it up, Prefect! Clock’s ticking!”
“Fine! Fine!” Quickly, you grabbed the same thing you’ve gotten for the past week. A series of groans emerged from behind you.
“All that time just to get that?” Ace crossed his arms, giving you an unamused look. 
“Okay, I’ll get something else then—“
“—Nononononono!” Practically everyone behind you yelled in a panic.
“Just go sit down ‘n secure us a table already!” Epel huffs, to which you happily comply.
You scout out the area, looking for a free table to sit at. Geez, was the cafeteria always this packed?
A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you spot a familiar, robotic Shroud waving to you from a table.
“Prefect!” Ortho chirps, his voice synthesizer going a pitch up. Just as you were about to walk over, you felt your blazer being pulled on from the back. Suddenly, you were yanked away.
“Ay! Watch it—!” You grab the hand that was pulling on you, turning around to come face to face with a smug Ruggie.
“Leona’s callin’ you.”
You rolled your eyes.
“He didn’t want to send a text or call? He just had to send a goon to come and get me?” 
Ruggie nodded with a cheeky grin.
Groaning, you turn towards Ortho and wave him goodbye, signaling that you are going to leave. “Lead the way, hyena.”
And with that, you found yourself walking through the hallways on your way to Savanaclaw. You hope Ortho told the others about you leaving. It kinda slipped your mind to tell them.
You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard munching coming from Ruggie— “Wait, that's my lunch you’re eating! How’d you even…!? When did you…?!”
It also slipped your mind that Ruggie is both a great thief and greedy when it comes to food.
“Shishishishi… you left yourself open, Prefect! I’m sure Leona will get you something else to eat. He always does.”
“Always is a stretch.” You grumble, watching Ruggie eat your food. “Is it?” You didn’t want to ponder his question. 
Instead, you turn your gaze ahead of you and focus on walking… At least that’s what you would be doing if you didn’t walk face-first into somebody. 
“Gah! I’m so sorry—“ “Child of man.” 
Only one person used that nickname for you. Looking up, you were met with Malleus’s amused smile. 
“Impeccable timing,” The fae seemed happy to see you. You could see his fangs the way he was smiling. Ruggie was unsettled but thankful that Malleus was ignoring his presence. “Would you accompany me for lunch? Lilia, Sebek, and Silver will be there too, of course.” 
You were about to accept right away before you felt a light hit to your side. Ruggie sneakily elbowed you. Before you could curse at him, he gave you a look and— Oh, right. You were going with him to spend lunch with Leona already. A small frown made its way on your lips as you turned back to Malleus.
Great sevens, it was hard to turn him down. Especially when he was all cheery like this. 
Fortunately— or unfortunately, you didn’t have to. A roaring voice from behind you did it for you.
“Herbivore’s coming with me. They agreed to it already.” Leona huffed, a scowl clear on his face as he approached. Ruggie seemed surprised.
“Leona?! What’re you—“ “Did they now? I didn’t exactly hear them say no to my proposal though.” Malleus interrupted Ruggie, whose ears went flat against his head. 
“They don’t need to. They’ve already got plans.” The lion growled, narrowing his eyes at the other third year. 
Malleus stepped forward, the fae’s irritation growing. “Why do you insist on speaking for them so vigorously? My dear child of man, don’t let him dictate your choices—“
“I’m not doing shit. Just stating what they already agreed to.” Leona also stepped forward, refusing to back down. 
You were starting to get worried and turned your head to murmur something to Ruggie. Except Ruggie wasn’t there. The hyena snuck off already. Bastard. A voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Well, Prefect? Who would you rather accompany? Kingscholar— who’ll likely laze around the whole lunch— or I?”
“Damn lizard…” Leona grumbled under his breath before shaking his head and facing you. “Well? The choice is yours. I wouldn’t force you to do anything.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, your gaze flickering between the two. “Well… I—“
Before you could finish, you were interrupted by a loud ring.
The lunch bell had rung. It was time to head back to class.
“Are you doing okay?” You ask, shifting closer to Leona. He lets out a small grunt in response, his eyes closed as he sprawled out in his usual spot inside the Botanical Garden. 
For as tough as Leona was, he was unusually soft when tired. He carried this relaxing air around him. That no matter what happens, you’ll be okay with him around. The thought makes you smile as you tilt your head at him.
He was also kinda cute when he laid there like that—
“Quit staring.”
Leona abruptly huffed out. Blinking in surprise, you soon realize that one of his eyes was cracked open. A tiny blush finds its way on your cheeks while he stutters out an apology. The lion’s lips soon form a smug grin.
“You were looking at me pretty attentively, herbivore…” His words are slow and agonizing. Leona’s tail swishes up and down as he leans in closer. Your eyes widen as he comes mere inches away from your face; from your lips.
“…Got something you want to tell me?” You feel your breath hitched at the sudden, feather-light touch of Leona’s hand against yours. Just as you were about to respond—
“Roi du Lions!” 
The romantic atmosphere Leona so carefully built went down the drain, along with his motivation. A groan left his lips.
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt.” Trey soon appears behind Rook, an apologetic expression on his face. You shake your head, standing up. 
“You’re good! What’re you two up to?” 
Leona had an annoyed look on his face as you engaged with the other students. He tried to ignore and drown out everyone’s voices. At least he was, till Rook caught his attention.
“During an exploration for new ingredients that we could bring to our club, Roi de Dragons made a magical appearance.“ You raised a brow while Leona’s ear flicked.
Trey let out a small chuckle at Rook’s dramatic storytelling.
“Malleus just asked us to find something for him in the Botanical Garden.” 
Leona’s scowl deepened. That damn lizard.
“Maybe we could help! What’re you looking for?” You offered.
Trey soon fiddled with his pocket, searching for something. Shortly after, he pulls out a piece of paper. “A… toy? It looks like this. Malleus said he last had it here.”
You made an “O” shape with your mouth. “His virtual pet! Gao-Gao!” Trey lets you hold the paper, letting you get a closer look at the drawing that resembled Malleus’s Tamogachi. 
“I know what it looks like, I’ve got no idea where he could’ve left it though…” Soon enough, you, Trey, and Rook are scouring the Botanical Gardens for this little toy. Leona finds this stupid. 
Slightly bitter about his ruined moment, he lays back down to take a nap.
That’s when his ear flinched after hitting something hard. Turning around with a displeased look, Leona’s eyes narrowed.
There, in his favorite sleeping spot was Malleus’s dumb toy —which wasn’t there literally minutes ago might he add. Picking it up, Leona contemplated crushing the small electronic. However, as he held it, the lion was quick to notice a bit of ink getting on his fingers. 
He turned the Tamogachi around. Written on the back with a blue pen was “Kingscholar :)”
Oh, that fucking Draconia did this on purpose.
Sitting up from your bed, you rub your eyes. With an annoyed groan, you get up and go to the door— trying not to wake Grim in the process. You could feel the ghost watching with curiosity. Not that you blamed them. Hell, you were curious too!
Who was knocking at 2 in the morning!?
The sun wasn’t even up. Ramshackle probably looked horrid, inside and outside, at this time.
You weren’t looking too great either: bags beneath your eyes, saggy pajamas, slouched posture… Vil would die on the spot if he saw you. Internally, you prayed it was anybody but him. And thank the Sevens that your prayer was answered.
You titled your head in confusion at the one in front of you.
“Malleus?” He smiled back at you. As though his appearance on your doorstep at the crack ass of dawn was the most normal thing ever.
You shook your head, still waking up and trying to make sense of the situation. “Do… Do you need something?”
Now he looked confused. Which only heightened your confusion.  The fae furrowed his brows. “Did you not want to talk, child of man?” 
“I like talking with you! Just, preferably not this early in the morning— Look, why are you here? Did you just want to hang out, Tsunotarou?” You tried being as polite as possible, but damn you were tired. 
Malleus looked just as lost as you.
“…Perhaps you’ve forgotten about the letter you sent me?” You look to the side, slightly scrunching your nose as you try to remember what ‘letter’ he was referring to. 
“Uhh— When did I send this letter?” You give him an apologetic smile. It wasn’t too far-fetched; the idea of you giving him an invitation to Ramshackle. 
However, you feel as though you would’ve remembered if you had actually done it. And you would’ve hoped that past you would be smart enough to set your invitation time to anytime BUT 2 AM. 
“I recall receiving this letter yesterday, in the library,” Malleus explained, his hand reaching into his pocket to find said paper. “You slipped it to me when you walked by—“
The fae grabbed his invitation, only for him to be met with sand that trickled down his hand.
“—with Kingscholar…” He fell silent as he stared at the tiny particles in his hand. You seemed to catch on quickly, giving him a sympathetic look as your eyes flickered between the sand and him.
“Tsunotarou, did you see me give you this letter?” 
The way he averted his eyes to the side, his pale cheeks faintly turning pink from embarrassment, already gave you the answer you needed. It’d be cute if not for the circumstances. As expected, Malleus shook his head.
“My apologies… I assumed it was you since I had acquired it right after you had waved at me and it was an invitation to Ramshackle.”
You let out a small chuckle before brushing off the sand that still dirtied his hand. “Don’t sweat it. It’s not your fault that Leona is… well Leona and he does stuff like this.” Offering Malleus a smile, your hand soon intertwined with his. The blush on his cheeks subtly brightened.
“Well, you did come all this way just to hang out. It’d be a shame to turn you away now. Here, come.” You kick the door to open it wider and pull the fae inside Ramshackle. Leading him to the couch, you could gauge that Malleus was amused by your antics. Practically dragging one of the top mages in the world by the arm into your dorm…
“Let me just freshen up first! Wait here— I’ll be right back. Then we could watch some movies or whatever.” You shrugged with a grin before running upstairs to wash up. Malleus gave you a polite and happy wave as you exited.
Once you left, he let out a sigh and leaned back on the couch. His hands balled into fists as he felt more sand pooling in his pockets. A green bolt of lightning struck from the sky.
That measly fucking lion.
You let out an aggravated sigh. Did they not think you realized what both of them were doing to each other? Between the Tamagotchi incident and the whole letter debacle a few nights ago, they were being so obvious.
Jeez, you get that they had a rivalry going on and whatnot, but why did they have to involve you? Fed up and rambling, you look to your side at Grim to get his thoughts on the matter. He sat next to you in the kitchen, munching away on a can of tuna.
“They’re getting really annoying! Stealing my henchmen’s time like that…” A chuckle left your lips at Grim’s bitterness, causing you to pet him on the head. 
“Mhm. I just want them to quit it— at least around me. I’m good friends with both and care a lot about them… Also, don’t talk with a mouthful.” You lightheartedly huff, getting up from your seat to grab Grim another can of tuna as he was beginning to finish his first. He usually ate two to three cans before bedtime.
“Why don’t ya just tell 'em?” The cat curiously asked with a tilt of the head, staring at you. You let out a snort. “Yeah, just tell two extremely powerful mages with an intense hatred for one another to stop. Like that’ll work.”
Grim let out an annoyed groan at your sarcasm. You opened a new can of tuna and slid it to him. His frown quickly disappeared as he began to dig in.
“Eh— sounds like Leona and Malleus could use some quality time together.” Grim offhandedly comments, chewing away on his food. 
“What did I say about talking with a mouthful, man?” You roll your eyes before falling silent, pondering his words. Quality time… Leona… Malleus…
“Grim! You’re a genius!”
“Herbivore, what the hell.” Leona’s tone was unamused, giving you a deadpan look.
“I thought it’d be nice if we hung out all together! As a group?” 
The two men stared daggers at each other across the small, dusty table in Ramshackle. With a nervous chuckle, your eyes flickered between the two as you slowly passed out cards for some random board game that Idia lent you.
Leona and Malleus didn’t take their eyes off one another. It was at this moment you were starting to think that Grim, in fact, was not a genius.
These two were definitely going to kill each other.
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jd-loves-fiction · 2 months ago
congrats on the milestone!!! your event looks so cute!! can i request leona first meeting?
💐catman menace ❤️ 
Second-born prince, whom you come upon, sleeping by a river and decide to recruit him to help you loot the royal palace. He agrees, solely out of spite for his brother… and hopefully to delay his arranged marriage. Which becomes even more of a problem the more time he spends with you…
❧ Wc: 1.3k
❧ A predator's gaze
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❧ Water is scarce in Sunset Savanna, everywhere but close to the Royal Palace, built to take advantage of the biggest river in the kingdom to keep its noble denizens cool. But even such a palace, impressive as it is in size, can be large enough to monopolize all the water.
Water collecting is a daily activity in some parts of the kingdom, for you it's only weekly. This week, collecting day fell close to the day of your mission and so you decided you pass by one of the streams that breaks off from the main river relatively close to the palace to watch your prey.
When you set off towards somewhere cool and with a good view of the palace, you didn’t expect to get company. It’s a fairly out-of-the-way place you scouted some time before, higher than average athletic abilities are necessary to reach it. Though from what you can see, this company of yours did not struggle to reach the place.
It’s mostly quiet, save for the sound of the running water and the buzzing of bugs, so even your carefully measured steps are heard by the man resting in the sun, ears twitching in your direction as you approach.
The man opens one of his eyes, green like fresh grass, something very rare around these parts, to focus on you as you bend down to gather water.
He lays on his back atop a rock in the middle of the river, glowing, skin like the mighty cliffs of Pride Rock, dark and earthy. Hair long, brown and braided, somewhat ruffled but still soft-looking. You can tell he’s watching you just as you watch him, a hint of predatory instinct in his gaze. 
"Need something?" He asks you, somewhat hostile from the scowl on his lips. Though, that just seems to be his default expression.
“Just… getting water.” You make yourself seem innocent and unthreatening, motioning to your bucket with your eyes cast low. There’s… something familiar about him.
“Is all that staring necessary? It’s getting on my nerves.”
“If that’s all it takes…” His eyes turn venomous upon your features, so you purposely trail off.
Suddenly, as if you’ve caught his eye somehow, his gaze turns calculating, tail moving thoughtfully slowly instead of the agitated quickness of before. He’s observing you closely and you can't help but feel sweat building at your hairline, from more than the heat in the air.
“What’re you really up to? This place is quite out of the way…” he sits up, facing you with the grace of a predator.
Keeping silent ceases to be an option in your mind when he doesn't seem to lose interest as you thought he would.
Damn it, no scouting for you now, not while he's around.
“Oh, the views here are just–” Boring. Dry, empty and dirty. He sees through it easily, raising a dark brow at your unconvincing answer. Your expression sours as you put down your bucket.
“Why do you care so much anyway? You know what they say about curiosity and cats, don't you?”
His sneer is so cat-like you have to hold your tongue instead of berating him for being offended when it’s just an obvious connection.
He suddenly looks around himself, ears twitching every which way, before your breath catches as his gaze settles on the view of the castle. The only thing worth looking at around here.
Lips curve deviously, expression as smug as can be all of a sudden, “I think I understand now…” he almost seems to purr in delight.
The water between you is shallow, hardly a deterrent if he truly wants to approach you. Your breath seems to quicken suddenly; what if he’s figured you out? Takes you in for treason?
No no no, your plan hasn't even been put into motion and yet you feel it coming down around you beneath this stranger’s knowing gaze.
Your lips part to speak before you can stop them, desperation and frustration bending you to the point of breaking, “Listen, ok? I’m sick and tired of that rotten family getting to live lavishly just because they were born while we have to toil about and crawl our way through each day, some of us barely surviving. How is that fair?!”
His ears twitch up in attentive listening, but you barely notice, so caught up in your passionate rant that you forget entirely that you’re not supposed to be saying this to anyone at all.
“It’s not fair! Argh! I wish someone would just do something about it, instead of just accepting it.” 
It’s as if a spark from the fire burning inside you lights up the long slumbering embers in his heart. ‘Why doesn't anyone do anything about it?’ He thinks to himself, ‘When did I stop fighting it?’
“And that person would be you?” He asks lowly, suddenly a mere three steps in front of you, calculating, fanning the flames on purpose. You can be useful to him – you and your fire.
“Yes– I mean–” Realizing your mistake too late, you flinch back at his proximity, warm-faced and lightly sweating. Shit.
“What could you possibly do? The castle’s no playground – it’s the most heavily guarded place around.” His amused tone sounds condescending to your ears, further fueling your frustration.
You’ve been planning this for months! What does he know?
“Why do you care? Who are you, anyway?” Your finger digs into his (surprisingly sturdy) exposed chest – he doesn't even flinch. You might as well be a stray fly buzzing around him with the reaction you get, or rather don't get out of him.
“I care because I’d hate to know some idiot got themselves captured doing something so stupid– I mean, brave.” With the way he says it, you’re sure he meant for you to hear that. “And you may call me whatever you like. Take your pick, I truly could not care less.”
You look him over skeptically, a myriad of questions swirling around in your skull, like a terrible potion in the making. Who is he really? What’s he doing here? Why does he care so much?
Why did you just admit all that to him?
Shame and suspicion melt around in your core, along with a sprinkle of dread. What if he’s a spy? Is your plan about to fall apart before it’s even started?
The mysterious man sighs deeply, as if employing a great effort, “Look, I’m not about to rat you out. That’d do me no good. And I care because if you plan on doing what I think you are – I could be of some use to you.”
His words make it seem as if he’s unsure of his value, but the way he says them communicates the exact opposite. You have never in your life seen someone make an offer quite so smugly as him.
Skepticism colors the gaze that sweeps over him, ”...how?”
“I know the palace better than anyone you could find.”
“Why’s that?”
“My mother’s part of the royal guard.” The lie passes smoothly through his smirking lips.
“So, what? You wanna stick it to her, or something?”
“Something like that.” You’re unsure if his words sound unconvincing because he’s lying or because he just sounds like that naturally.
A million reasons to refuse his aid enter your mind, but then again, having a guide would be immensely helpful and if he wanted to arrest you for treason he easily could – those muscles are hard to miss.
Then again also, he could just be waiting to catch you in the act…
“Fine, you’re in.” If he so much as breathes suspiciously, you’ll leave him behind. Shouldn't be too difficult with the laziness he seems to practically embody. “And I’m calling you… Scar, since you apparently don't mind.”
The eye covered by said scar seems to twitch in annoyance but he holds his tongue – you could be a chance for him to get back at them in a way that both hurts them, helps his people and, hopefully, makes them call off that fucking wedding of his. He won't throw it all away because of a stupid nickname.
Though if your plan is anywhere near as creative as your name-calling, you might both be in trouble.
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jamil-s-wifey · 2 years ago
If you're taking any scenario request. Maybe could I request funny/silly one where Leona and his S/O are married and live in the Royal Palace. Leona's S/O has gotten lost somehow in their own home and when found their response is "This place is too damn big I'm sorry!"
You have NO idea how much I love these types of fics! Wholesome crackheadedness at its finest✨ We love a spouse with 0 orientation skills. (I'd know, I get lost in supermarkets) This was ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I've EVER written. I hope you enjoy!
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"What the actual fuck."
A turn here. A turn there.
Oh, would you look at that - the exact same vase you passed 5 minutes ago. But was that really the same vase? Or was it its evil twin, trying to further confuse you, only for you to get lost even more and die of starvation, eventually BECOMING ONE WITH THE PALACE...
God, whoever built this palace should have their head on a stake. Haha, that sounded a lot like the Red Queen of Hearts. Perhaps Riddle was rubbing off on you. You two did text occasionally since graduating from NRC.
Speaking of graduation, you married Leona. (yay!) And it's not like you weren't happy. Life was relatively peaceful. You two moved back to the palace. Arrangements had begun for you two to take over a certain part of Sunset Savannah, as something akin to a *Peerage. (They had their own name for it, you are currently far too annoyed to remember.) A lot of (semi-forced) communication set the road to reconciliation between the two brothers. (Admittedly a very long road. A road that puts Gulliver's travels to shame.) The Royal Family™️ accepted you with open hearts. (albeit a tad wary at first)
Really there was only one major problem.
The ROYAL PALACE IS LIKE A GODDAMN LABYRINTH. And that's rich, given your history of painting the white roses with Ace and Deuce in Heartsabyul's maze. So here you are, lost.
Scratch that.
Lost: again.
And all you wanted to do was find Cheka's room. You had a gift for the little cub.
"An architectural masterpiece, my ass. This is an architectural disaster. A disaster with a capital D. D for Vitamin D - what I won't be getting, because I'm trapped within these walls, where the SUN CAN'T REACH ME-"
Okay. Calm down. It's not that bad, sure there isn't a soul in sight, but you're bound to stumble upon somebody at some point, right? There had to be servants, or guards, or somebody! UNLESS! This is all an elaborate plan to get rid of you.
Aha! That must be it. The Royal Family wants you dead and they intend to make it seem like an accident! But Leona wouldn't allow that, right? He loves you! Dearly! You're his spouse, his one and only! Ah, cruel fate.
Is it just you...or are these walls moving in on each other. So this IS an assassination attempt! And you presented yourself on a silver platter. Good job, s/o. Splendid work. A royal for a few months and you're already about to be assassinated. Your name shall remain the book of "Dumbest ways to die." Goodbye cruel world-
Leona's voice rang through the empty hallway, "What are you doing out here."
Ah! And so tragedy was avoided once more!
"Leona, my LOVE! Thank God."
"Did you just- get lost in the palace... again?", his eyes read annoyance but his tone was teasing.
"It's not MY fault this place is so damn big, what do you need all this space for anyways? Indoor badminton? Hide and Seek or Die?"
"Definitely that last one. That's how we get rid of our enemies."
"AHA! I knew it! So this IS an assassination attempt!"
He simply rolled his eyes, pulling you towards him to wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you on the forehead.
"This isn't an assassination attempt. You did this yourself. It's called idiocy."
"You should build a better palace."
"What I should do is put a collar on you. With a tracking device on it. Like a pet."
"Oh, Leona~ Who knew you were into that~"
"Next time I'm leaving you here to rot."
"Then I'll haunt you to Hell and back."
He smirked, pinching your cheek as you were both making your way far from the cursed looping corridor.
"At least you won't be able to get lost."
"I told you, it's not my fault."
"Nah, of course not. The Palace is just cursed."
You both knew this isn't the last time you'll be getting lost. And Leona was seriously considering the tracking device.
Perhaps he'd already ordered it too.
You were about to find out.
*Peerage - collective noun for titles like Duke, Duchess, Count, Earl etc. Comes from "Peers of the Realm" where one could hold one or more of these titles. It differs from monarchy to monarchy. THAT'S YOUR WORD FOR THE DAY FOLKS!
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ashieeeesh · 5 months ago
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Soulmates in another life i fear
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xoxopuffsz · 1 year ago
idk this might be kinda too specific but like imagine the twst mc isn’t a prefect but a magic user aswell and they’re just some normal student in nrc but they keep using magic excessively and their magic pen is like so so dark and their housewarden s/o is like ‘you should stop’ and yhe mc is like ‘no’ so then the housewarden like fucks them for the whole day so they can stop using magic for the time being
—> minors dni. hardcore smut ig ? all chars aged up, all of them being absolutely meanies.
an - lets give this guy an applause 🗣️‼️ I was running out of ideas and you saved me 🫶 I don’t have a bunch of time, so instead I’ll do Leona only since he seems like the right call. Its pretty long, sorry I couldn’t do more </3 ily tho ! buybyeee and enjoy !
Pent up frustration that didn’t let him sleep, the fact that you look so tired and miserable because of your magic pisses him off. To him, he’s the one thats supposed to take care of you, for some reason he cares about you more than any other. Then he has an idea.
After a long day, Ruggie walks up to you, poking your shoulder with a cheeky grin. “Hey, Y/N! Leona wants you to go to the botanical garden with him.” He tells you, you raise an eyebrow “What for? He always tells me to leave when I go with him.” Ruggie shrugs. “I don’t know, but I think its something serious.” Upon those words, you decided to take care of it.
You leave to the botanical garden, where you find the hidden space Leona always resides in. In which, when you enter, he instantly jumps on you, pressing you onto the ground. “What the hell do you think your doing?” He says harshly. You’re stunned ‘Why is he acting like this?’ You never see him like this. You frown “If this is about the magic thing, forget about it.” You say, turning around, about to crawl away, when you feel him put his hand on your head, instantly pressing your head down onto the grass. “Le-Leona, what are you doing?!” You yell, startled as he covers your mouth. He looks down at you with an angry expression.
“I’m going to fuck some sense into you, thats what.”
Your clothes on the floor, his hands spreading your legs open. Everything was so.. exciting.. He had ripped of your clothes and his clothes alongside that. The pool of warmth that was in the pit of your stomach had now traveled down to your legs, Leona’s precum covering your wet lips, tongue lapping over them.
Everything felt so warm, your juices soon covering his mouth, and then helping his rock hard cock slip into you, all your thoughts getting fucked out when his first thrust registers into your body, legs bent onto his shoulders and claws holding your thighs open.
“fuck— how are you- god damn it your so tight” he groans out, long hair stuck onto his sweaty face. He missed this, YOU missed this, the feeling of his hips rutting into yours, the way you’d feel full with his cock, as if you’d just eaten a full course of food. It was too fucking good, too good. Its like the both of you became two wild animals in heat, you couldn’t say much about him though, he was technically one with the way he was acting.
“Leo- Leona- Ngh.. stop it.. I have to.. give me my pen b-“ Your cut of by your own moan, the feeling of your pens cold magical stone pressing onto your clit, bundle of nerves causing your back to arch and a dam to open inside of you as Leona releases his own batch.
Your legs felt like as if they’d been liquified.. a little.. too.. liquified?
“You put a spell on me didn’t you?”
“Sure did, bunny.” He responds, kissing your forehead and covering your naked body with his blanket, leaving you to rest inside his room.
All the black ink was gone by the time he came back.
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cyath · 2 years ago
This is an animated bit inspired by @dilatorywriting Monsters Mayhem: A Lion's Pride
*read it for context*
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Anyway~ To the author, their writing is just a m a z i n g. Each time they post it makes my day and just KSBSNAKKA i can't put it into words. They are one of my favorite writers and following them was one of the best decisions I've made on my short time of Tumblr. I send them much love and hope they are doing well and continue to grow with much love and support(•̀ᴗ•́)و Go follow tHeMMM, they are amazing
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demon-lover-669 · 2 years ago
Leona: *trying to flirt* so tell me about yourself
Y/n: WOW! No one ever asks about me unless I’m under investigation!
Leona: what? What’s wrong with your life?
Y/n: uuhhh it’s a long story
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exhaslo · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 22- Leona x Reader (Dry Humping)
*Requested by Reader, I only just started Twisted Wonderland, so I hope to every god I got his character right. Sorry in advance if anything is wrong!!!*
        It was a mistake. A huge mistake. You had convinced yourself that everything that was happening was a dream. The fact that you had been kidnapped and brought to this so-called college for magic; the fact that there was no way for you to return home; the fact that you were scared and alone; and the fact that you were now the only female at the college. It had to be a dream, no a nightmare! What were you to do if you could never return home. Sure, the Headmaster was nice enough to let you stay in an abandon dorm and that he would let you study in private, but it was still wrong!
        You were currently sobbing in your room as you stared at the magic books in front of you. You were deemed a 'Beast Trainer' or something along those lines. It was all a blur. The weirdest thing about everything was that all of the students here reminded you of Disney characters, but they also didn't? It was a weird state you were in. All you wanted to do was go home, lay in your own bed and probably eat your favorite meal.
"And I have to join their classes? I was working...My bills....My apartment," You whimpered.
        The only light in this whole mess was that all of the men were hot. Yes, it was something small, but it kept you going. One person caught your eye in particular. You were still getting to know the dorms and the student leaders, but you could have sworn the man had ears. Once you saw the statues of the 'seven greats' you immediately knew it was Scar. Or, at least what you wanted to believe was Scar. You were still confused and still unsure of anything yet.
        You were a special Herbivore. Leona had taken an interest in you when you first fell out of that coffin. A female at the college. There were a lot of special rules in place because of you. It was fascinating to watch you. Whenever you entered the gym in a hurry, Leona kept his eyes on you. He made it seem like he did not care, but he did. He was waiting for his turn to get to know you. 
"Oof, this sucks!" You whined as you tripped over your own foot, "Why do I get stuck jogging around the track while everyone gets to practice broom flying?!"
"Because you have no magic," Leona said with a yawn, hiding behind the benches. He watched as you flinched, "Back here."
"Uh, I don't think the teacher would like you sleeping during class."
"I'm doing yoga," Leona lied as he closed his eyes once more. You glanced back at the others before sneaking behind the benches,
"I don't think we properly met. I'm (Y/N), I think I remember you were napping in the greenhouse, right?"
"Hmm....That's right, you were with those fools," Leona muttered before slowly sitting up, "So, in your world, do you always approach strangers?"
"Huh?" You grew flustered, "I mean, it's not...safe, but well...I'm not exactly in my world and this is all super interesting." You explained. Leona was observing you,
"Likewise." He yawned, laying back down, "You seem like a tolerable herbivore."
"Haha, that's different, but I'll assume it's a good thing," You noticed his ears and tail. This was Scar, "Is it okay if I visit? I'd like to get to know more about you all and this place."
        Leona resisted a chuckle as he replied with a simple, 'sure'. He wasn't going to admit that he was interested in knowing more about you. Perhaps you would entertain him.
        Eventually you got to understand more of this world you now lived in. Everyone was kind enough to talk to you and help you with classes, everyone expect Leona. He always brought out the worst of you. Leona was smart, but he always managed to convince you to laze around and worry about stuff later. It was hard because you liked him. You easily listened to him and did what he said.
        Just like now. You had some questions about a certain dream you had about Leona's world, or at least the Disney world you know of. You wanted to ask him some questions, but here you were, sitting on the floor. Leona was on his bed, snoring away. He had, once again, convinced you to be lazy and sleep.
"Leona," You whispered, leaning against his bed.
        Leona let out a grunt, turning towards you. His bright emerald eyes made you melt. Leona was so beautiful. Sometimes, you were lucky that you were the only female on campus. You watched as Leona gave his usual irritated look. He reached his hand out,
"I'm trying to nap," He grumbled. You gave him a soft pout,
"Nap with me." 
        You immediately felt you cheeks burn. Leona must have read your mind because he snickered. He pulled you onto his bed, holding you on top of him. You could feel your heart racing a mile a minute. There you were, sitting on Leona's lap. He just stared into your eyes.
"Well, aren't you brave for a herbivore."
"Y-You're the one who pulled me up here!" You huffed. Leona hummed tiredly, rubbing circles around your waist, "H-Hey....that..."
"I quite like this reaction,"
        Leona kept his eyes on you as you began to tremble from his touch. This was something he could get used to. Something that was new. He was already enjoying the fact that you were breaking one of the rules for him. As the only female on campus, you were not allowed to go to any of the other dorms alone. It was deemed too dangerous, you had to have Grim or one of the teachers with you. So the fact that you kept coming alone to see Leona was enough for him to want to keep you.
        You were a pleasant part of his day. Leona actually enjoyed your company. You were also one of the only people to actual allow him to do what he wanted. It was a nice change of pace. Returning his attention to you, Leona was enjoying your expressions. Perhaps this would be a good time to make you his. If you could not go back to your world, Leona would be more than willing to take you back to his.
"You're not stopping me," Leona whispered. You glanced down at him, avoiding his stare,
"W-Well.,..It feels good," You muttered under your breathe.
        Leona chuckled lowly as he started to grind his hips against yours. You gasped lowly, biting your lower lip as you moved along with him. How lovely. Leona glanced down at your skirt, feeling his pants getting damp. Now this was entertaining. Leona held you hips and motioned you to get closer to his face. You, being his cute obedient partner, did so.
"You like this too?" He whispered. You muffled a moan, your damp panties rubbing against his bulge,
        You gasped as Leona held your waist down. You leaned towards his lips, giving him a light peck. It wasn't fair how he got to have his fun. The least you could do was steal a kiss from the so called King. Leona seemed to have liked your reaction. He immediately reached for your head and kissed you again. It felt like you hurt his pride when you went to kiss him first. Leona would never admit it, but he hated stuff like that. It was cute.
        Leona sat up with you, licking the inside of your mouth for dominance. He easily won due to his strength. You whimpered a moan into the kiss as his grinding got faster. The pool between your legs staining his pants. Each time the tip of his bulge rubbed against your clothed pussy, you felt another jolt travel up your spine. You were getting close to the knot in your stomach to blow. You needed that release. Leona must have sensed it since he started to dry hump faster.
"If I wasn't so tired, perhaps we can be a little more...intimate," He said, thinking about his words carefully. You moaned lowly, not wanting anyone in the other rooms to hear you,
"T-This is you tired?" You buried your head into his shoulder. Leona licked his lips as he bit down against your neck,
"You interrupted my nap."
"L-Leona," You moaned, reaching your orgasm. Leona held your hips tightly as he shook for a moment,
"Interrupted my nap and made a mess," He grumbled, sucking on your neck, "You owe me,"
"Haha, yes your highness," You teased, panting softly for air.
        Leona fixed your hair, laying back down with you in his grasp. He inhaled deeply, nuzzling his head into your neck. You tried to escape, complaining about washing up, but Leona ignored your cries. Instead, he reached down and pulled your panties off, throwing them across the room. You squeaked in response and grabbed his blanket to cover your skirt. Leona chuckled lowly, closing his eyes for a nap. He was going to enjoy having you by his side.
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red-viewe · 1 year ago
Leona spending 60% of his time texting you in the botanical garden, chuckling and cheeks warm.
Ruggie noticing that Leona is spending more time checking his phone, and looking slightly disappointed sometimes.
Jack realizing Leona actally got up and went to pick you up at your class when he saw you and him walking together.
Malleus bring wary of Leona when he realizes you too habour the same feelings for Leona.
Silver watching as you talk to Leona more and more as he eats the snack you gave him.
Lilia shushing Sebek before he ruined a special momment between you and Leona.
Leona huging the lion plushie you gave him, inhaling your sweet sweet scent.
You gifting that lion plushie to him, knowing damn well you sprayed your perfume on it.
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months ago
Twisted Weddings: The Video Ad - For Better or Worse - Leona
Summary: Time for the final ad. The video one which you were going to be starring in with Leona at your side as possibly the most grudging groom ever. But even then, you couldn’t quite help but enjoy yourself at the antics you got into with the beastman.
Type: Female reader/ 800 Followers Event/ Series/ sfw/ fluff/
Twisted Weddings Series Masterlist
Word count: 1059
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I really didn’t know how I’d managed to forget that the final model for the groom’s clothes was Leona. But I had.
And, in true Leona fashion, he managed to look perfectly amazing in his suit. Infuriatingly so.
Though that wasn’t to say that any of the other guys hadn’t exactly looked exactly. It was just that they somehow weren’t as annoying. Though, to be fair, none of them had been smirking at me the way he was as I walked over to him. Doing my best to ignore the way the train on my dress dragged along the ground behind me or the way my veil fluttered around me.
But I couldn’t deny that my outfit was perfectly glorious, and I had no doubts it had to be.
After all, I was going to be standing next to a prince for this ad.
“I’m surprised you're not drowning in all that white, Herbivore,” Leona didn’t even bother to hide his amusement as he crossed his arms. Leaning up against the doorway of the chapel we would be walking out of for this video.
Because Crewel had already explained it. 
The road was going to be lined with our classmates, who were going to be dressed as wedding guests and throwing petals at us the very second we opened the door. The video itself would be of us walking out of the church.
Hence the train on my dress.
I met Leona’s grin with a largely unimpressed expression as I came to a stop, lifting one shoulder in a half shrug, “I’ve gotten used to wearing this much white over the past few days.”
He snorted at my dry tone, pushing himself off the wall and offering me his elbow even as he eyed the door with a rather impressive level of distaste, “Well, let’s get this over with then.”
I felt myself grin at his muttered words, and I glanced his way as I rested my hand in the crook of his arm, “Hey, for better or worse, right?”
“And something tells me it's definitely going to be worse. There’s no way a single one of those idiots is going to hold back,” I almost snickered at his words, earning myself a slight look even as I reveled in his mild annoyance.
“It won’t be so bad. It’s just petals,” I patted his arm in a faux show of comfort, and he rolled his eyes, looking back towards the doors as we both braced for them to swing open.
“You obviously haven’t ever been caught in a frenzy of confetti,” I felt my eyebrows lift at his bitter words. Idly wondering exactly when he’d been caught in a so-called ‘frenzy of confetti.’
“No, I can’t say I have,” I shifted idly, wondering exactly what our cue would be for us to take off.
Leona reached over, adjusting his tie as he continued to eye the doors in front of us, “Count yourself lucky then, Herbivore.”
As if his bitter words were a signal, the doors swung open, and we were immediately greeted by loud cheers that almost had me stepping backwards in surprise. The only thing that stopped me was Leona starting forward purposefully and hauling me along with him.
“Remember to smile,” I mumbled the reminder right as he tugged me into a veritable explosion of petals as everyone laughed around us. Utterly delighted to drown me and Leona in flower petals for the sake of advertising.
“Speak for yourself, Honey,” His words were perfectly saccharine, and I almost shot him a look at the way he emphasized the perfectly mocking endearment.
But I hardly had the time as we sped up, and distantly I wondered if our hurried footsteps would ruin the video, but I hardly cared as more petals rained down around us as if everyone were attempting to blind us.
Frenzy of confetti, indeed. I could hardly see anything for all the soft, white petals that we were being pelted with. In fact, from my and Leona’s perspective, it looked more like a snowstorm than any shower of petals.
Distantly, through the cheers and whoops of our classmates, I heard Leona mutter something, and then next thing I knew, I was getting yanked towards him.
I let out a startled sound as he scooped me up and took off at an even more brisk pace as I wrapped my arms instinctively around his shoulders.
Cheers and whistles broke out all around us the moment I was in his arms, and I could almost perfectly imagine Crewel’s annoyed face.
Because this was definitely going off-script.
But even knowing that we might get in serious trouble with our alchemy professor over this, I felt myself start laughing. Slowly at first, with just a few giggles at the ridiculousness of the situation, before I was laughing aloud and slumping slightly against Leona in the throes of my own amusement.
But who would have ever pictured Leona, in a suit, toting me, in a wedding dress, as our classmates effectively attempted to commit murder via petals?
By the time we emerged on the other end of the street and free of the petals, I had my face buried in the side of Leona’s neck as I strained to catch my breath between giggles as our classmates laughed behind us.
I straightened slowly, out of breath, as Leona turned with me to glower at our classmates, and I watched as Crewel emerged from the sidelines.
And, despite all my expectations, he looked grudgingly pleased.
Next to him, the cameraman looked elated as he stumbled over towards us, words streaming from his mouth as he looked towards Crewel, “That was amazing! It was so natural and fluid! People are going to love this. I guarantee it.”
Crewel crossed his arms, idly surveying the lot of us as he shook his head with an expression that bordered on fondness even as Leona shot a look over at the cameraman. His words leaving no room for argument even as I grinned at both him and the way his tail whipped around behind him, “Good. Because we aren’t doing it again.”
And despite Leona’s irritable words I knew quite simply that, for my part, if Crewel were to ask again, I would be more than willing to model clothes with these boys again.
If you would like to read more:
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schoenht · 2 years ago
congrats on 1k!!! for the event (which is still open i hope, timezones are hard), i was wondering if you could do an s/o who posted or rtd something about matching couples icons, and never asking their bf to do it bc its embarrassing--and leona and jade confronting them about it? please take your time w it and no pressure if you cant do it!!!
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↝ matching icons
characters: leona kingscholar, jade leech
note: ahhhh tysm !!! <3 this was actually so fun to make i hope you enjoy !!
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rae-pss · 2 years ago
— RAE'S NOTE: this is once more a repost from my old account. the premise in this case is: malleus & leona when their gn! s/o kiss them unexpectedly
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༉‧₊˚. ─ who would have thought that seeing MALLEUS talk about gargoyles would be such a cute thing. you even could tell the joy that talking about his passion gave him.
༉‧₊˚. ─ and how could you resist? that was impossible! please!
༉‧₊˚. ─ the brightness of his eyes, his tender smile, the almost palpable happiness in his words, etc, everything about him at that moment was simply too beautiful to resist you.
༉‧₊˚. ─ you calmly approached the passionate fae until you were right in front of him. in an oversight that he had, when he turned to look at you better, you shortened the distance between you and kissed him on the lips.
༉‧₊˚. ─ your intention wasn't to interrupt him, never that. but, how could you not kiss him? not when he looks so delighted.
❝sorry for interrupting you, mal-mal.❞
༉‧₊˚. ─ slowly MALLEUS brought his hand to his lips, and with his fingertips he touched where you kissed him.
༉‧₊˚. ─ with a slight blush adorning his cheeks, the fae returned his gaze to you.
❝child of man, why did you kiss me?❞ ❝you just looked so adorable. i couldn't resist, sorry.❞ ❝you don't have to feel sorry, i've enjoyed that little surprise of yours.❞
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༉‧₊˚. ─ fascinating. simply fascinating.
༉‧₊˚. ─ how did you manage to catch him off guard? the same distinguished gentleman who says he is always on alert?
༉‧₊˚. ─ although, well, to be honest, LEONA loves to sleep and Leona trusted you one hundred percent, his lovable herbivore.
༉‧₊˚. ─ why should he be aware of his surroundings when you, who are normally awake, are there to do this work for him?
༉‧₊˚. ─ because that same blind faith leads us to this moment.
༉‧₊˚. ─ the lion was about to fall asleep, again; however, a gentle pressure on his lips caused all traces of tiredness to leave his body.
༉‧₊˚. ─ he quickly opened his eyes so he could know exactly what had happened. and with the only thing he found face to face with the cute face of (y/n).
❝sorry for disturbing your sleep, LEONA.❞ ❝oi, did you just kiss me?❞ ❝yes...?❞ ❝do it again.❞
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kaisers-house-of-desires · 2 years ago
Psssst, it's me, J, I may have a wonderful little request, but may I offer
Leona x ray of sunshine nonbinary reader, with top Leona trying to corrupt the reader with any kink of your choosing?
Oh, my dear, you have no idea how much I adore corruption~ This one may be a bit longer, but nonetheless, please enjoy~
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Title: A King's Corruption
Characters: Top!Leona x Bottom!Enby!Reader
Contains: corruption, rough sex, choking
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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"Hey...I wanna try something new."
Leona gazed down at you from his hovered position, arms resting on either side of your head. His expression was serious but laced with hesitance. You two were in Leona's bed together, his large blanket over the both of you as if to cover the devil's dance when he asked his question.
"Oh Leona, of course! You know I don't mind trying new things with you." You softly smiled, gently caressing his face to further reassure the beastman. "What is it?"
"Well...it's a couple things but...first. I was wondering if...I could go rougher tonight."
He was always gentle with you. Despite his demeanor, he always played with you like you were fragile, and you didn't mind it. You adored how soft he could be, how careful yet filling he felt when thrusting into you. Though you had to admit, you felt as if something could be done to spice that up, you were just unsure of how to bring it up.
Though this didn't mean you were without hesitation. "Well...rougher how?"
"I'm...not sure? I just...I want to use my hands a bit more, move harder..."
In all honesty, you weren't sure how you would feel about this, but instead of shutting him down, you replied, "Let's try tonight. Nothing crazy, but you can use your hands a bit more, okay?"
Leona carefully thrusted into you, his speed his typical, gentle pace, though this time he had your wrists pinned with his hands, the tips of his claws pressing ever so carefully into your skin. The air was full of sound, moans and gentle skin slapping.
You had to admit, being pinned like this was quite blissful. Despite his gentle movements, you felt at his mercy, and it was quite exciting to feel. This was definitely more than okay with you now, considering just how incredible it felt under his hands.
Then, without thinking, you uttered, "H-Harder...~"
Leona's thrusts sputtered before stalling, as if he had to reach deep within himself to keep control. "A-Are you sure?"
You nodded with a hum, more than certain.
Though you consented, Leona was still careful as his roughness increased, yet that small bit was enough to pitch your moans, your head digging into the pillow. Who knew such little changes would feel so pleasant?
"F-Fuck~! L-Leona~!"
Whenever you two were together in bed, a little bit would always be added at your approval. At one point, Leona had brought up the other thing he wanted to do, which was choking. Now that one you were hesitant on, but after your trial sessions similar to the roughness tests, you found that it was just as exhilerating. Throughout it all, you had wondered why you never brought it up before, or rather why you couldn't, but you were always greatful that Leona did so, saving you the trouble.
It wasn't until one night, after many many nights of boundary testing, you two were once again in Leona's bed. He was moving at a pace and roughness that would make demons blush. His hands clutched at the bedsheets beside your head, growling and panting as he fucked your hole with wild abandon. The way you screamed his name had urged him on so much that he was practically feral.
"L-Leona~! S-So good~ S-So fucking good~!"
Though one thing he wasn't expecting just yet was for you to grip at his wrist, startling him to let go of the sheets as you directed his hand over to your neck, gazing up at him with pleading eyes.
His heart throbbed with desire, his cock twitching inside of you as he gripped the sides of your neck, cutting off the bloodflow to your head as it gave you a blissful, fucked out expression. This was what he wanted to see. That sweet face he saw everyday, that sunshine-like, sweet person, reduced to a cock hungry mess.
Leona released your throat, giving you a moment's rest before gripping once more, slightly tighter. He gave a breathy, gravely chuckle as he watched you squirm below him with pitching moans.
"Y-You're doing so good for me~ Now...l-let's get you to cum like this~"
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ashieeeesh · 3 months ago
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Sneak peak of my leona x oc. Im really having an art block and school has me on chokehold
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