#but that’s not proven yet so
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years ago
All right, late night head-canon for Scraptrap time. One that I think I’ve brought up before, but I’ll give it here in more detail.
Speaking of late nights, Scrap has a very hard time falling asleep when his area is pitch black. Whatever the reason for this newfound phobia, he just reverts back to a scared little kid for a second and just shivers in a corner until his body gives out... Well, on a decent night. If his sleep’s filled with nightmares, then he’s going to be shivering on the floor for a good part of the night like the Crying Kid from Fnaf 4. This is not good for the other three Salvage robots who need their strategist at full strength... Or who just want to have an uninterrupted sleep.
However, Helpy and Lefty have teamed up to provide something that might work. Helpy goes with the more indirect approach of leaving a nearby light on or pretending to leave Michael’s radio on by accident. Lefty, meanwhile, aims for a more direct approach— Only if needed, of course. Something like triggering one of the pre-programmed stories in her system or playing one of melodies in her music box. The only consistent tricks so far have been the ones relying on audio, strangely enough. Maybe the thought of someone else being there eases him a bit..?
Anyway, Molten Freddy couldn’t care less about his second-in-command’s phobia while Scrap Baby has no clue because neither of the bears have had the heart to tell her yet. Mike figured it out pretty fast thanks to accidentally stumbling across him one late work night. All he did was leave the light on, though.
...Oh, and before I forget: The Scrap Baby plush does have some glow-in-the-dark yarn to make it look “spookier”, so it being used as a nightlight could be a good alternative. Why I didn’t mention that before astounds me.
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cloud-ya · 5 months ago
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drew this a while ago but I kept it until I'd get to lunastra
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spitblaze · 3 months ago
there's a million things that can be said about innocent until proven guilty and the history of the NYPD framing people and fabricating evidence just to say that they have any sort of success rate and the guy who somehow evaded the cops for like a week for some reason never thought to dispose of any of the evidence and the guy who should supposedly be reveling in being everyone's favorite felon because like 80% of the country saw what he did and went 'hell yeah' going 'I didn't do it and the cops planted evidence on me' but to me one of the biggest red flags that this whole thing is a setup is the 'manifesto'.
if you shoot someone a high profile person within a well-beloathed industry with bullets that you handwrote 'deny' 'defend' and 'depose' into that's a manifesto in and of itself. only a cop or someone who REALLY thinks that people won't understand the message would say 'well just to make sure everyone gets it let's just write three entire pages worth of reasoning behind why i shot an insurance exec and carry it with me at all times'. like be real
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see-arcane · 5 months ago
As a fan of the book Dracula and Dracula-adjacent media, I am very used to disappointment. I can still clap when the media is impressive while pretending the characters do not have the names they have. After enough trailers and interviews, I see Nosferatu 2024 is now sadly in that category, RIP to Thomas and Ellen Hutter, the un-Harkers set to get the Francis Ford Coppola treatment ala Robert Eggers. But if directors can play dolls and make the Mina/Ellen character do bloodstained kissy kissy with Dracula/Orlok, I can do this:
Idea I’d Be Least Cool With, But Seems Eggers-shaped:
Ellen goes full Thomasin x Black Phillip, giving into the darkness~ ooh she loves her some Orlok, talk cadaverous to me babey~ And they make out bloody style and devour the puritanical human society because Eggers will pull a del Toro and make 99.99% of the human characters assholes not worth saving from the Horrors. Maybe Thomas and un-Van Helsing are left standing, maybe not. But it’s basically the Eggers MO of Monsters/Myths > Humans, however innocent or evil, extra dark ominous ending.
Idea I’d Be Somewhat Cooler With:
Ellen is 2 goth 4 U Thomas. But she’s also not oblivious to how Orlok is going to drink everyone. Which is bad. So she’ll 1) embrace her own dark inner lust and monstrosity~ while also 2) pulling a Bride of Frankenstein climax (We belong dead.) to see to it that she and Orlok are destroyed by sunrise. Not a ‘She was too pure for this sinful Earth!’ ending, but a ‘She was too gothique and eager to monsterfuck to hang around with you prudes. But fiiine she’ll destroy herself and her beloved Orlok to save you all or whatever. :/’ Which is slightly better than the scenario of un-Van Helsing and/or Thomas executing her and Orlok. So. Sure. Vampiric murder suicide, dying with her True Orlok Love (Orlove) uwu
Idea I’d Actually Be Pretty Cool With:
Eggers says he’s focusing on the sex/death drive and love story of Nosferatu (many asterisks here). If he has the guts for it, he’ll turn it on its expected heel and do the unthinkable—put a magnifying glass on Orlok getting very weird with Thomas. Who he drinks from first. And leaves imprisoned rather than outright killing him.
“But how do you explain him coming at Ellen’s invitation? What about the whole locket scene??”
Well, that’s where the bittersweet bit happens. Heavy on the bitter. Because if Eggers wants to really put his heel down on the horror part of vampirism and Dracula’s original MO, this would be the perfect point to do a bait and switch with Ellen herself. She wants Orlok? Wants him to ravish and drink her and make her one of his undead so they can be vampires together forever and ever?
“You want me. My touch, my gift. This I know. But the question remains,” cue that sharp little rat grin, “why would I ever want you?” Remember; the only one that explicitly craved what Dracula had to offer in the novel and in Nosferatu was the Renfield character. The one who saw the Count as a means to their end, who pined for him and what he could give. Bar the more sexual/amorous elements with Eggers-Ellen, she’s going after the same thing. This, when Classic Dracula is very much about preying on those who are terrified of and/or loathe him—he’s a conqueror, not a suitor. If you want it, he doesn’t want you. So it’s very possible that Ellen’s unwittingly set herself up for not only disappointment, but a potentially violent end.
“Sounds fucked up. But again, where’s the ‘love story’ bit? What’s up with him taking the locket?”
The locket that Thomas had. Of his wife, who he loves. Who he risked death and worse to crawl his way home to. Who, if he’s anything more like the novel Jonathan Harker he was based on, would become aware of Ellen’s condition/Orlokian preference and simply be heartbroken, yet still unable to turn against her. Ever.
Thomas Hutter’s heart belongs to Ellen, breaking or not. Thomas is also the one who Orlok clings to like his own shadow for the entire stay in the castle. The locket is taken not because it’s an image of Ellen <3, but because it’s an image of the competition/distraction for Orlok’s pet real estate agent who he is Very Normal about. And this is all supposing he doesn't just outright destroy the locket in a petty rage, per the vile thing-mirror scene.
The climax comes with Orlok about to off Ellen, only for Thomas to arrive and offer a trade. Him for her. Orlok takes the deal, latching happily onto Thomas and setting himself up for the sunrise trap. It would make sense. It would boot the old Reinforced Hetero rule of ‘he has to be drinking a pure maiden for it to work!!’ It would be genuinely subversive and tragic as a gothic love triangle, perhaps capped with un-Van Helsing arriving too late and finding Ellen grieving over the corpse of Thomas, Orlok having gone to burning dust as he fed.
Which could lean toward a special knife twist ending in itself:
Ellen mourns not just what was lost, but what she threw away, not realizing what she had in Thomas until he died for her. Tragique. ...Unless.
Ellen refuses to let un-Van Helsing ‘desecrate’ Thomas’ corpse with stake and saw. In fact, she kills him outright when he tries. Cut to the next evening, where Ellen sits patient and unblinking at Thomas’ bedside. The sun goes down. Cue some implying beat in which we realize that Ellen’s clocked that she’s been misinterpreting her prophetic dreams all this time. An epiphany that comes to fruition as we see her smile at some sudden change off-screen while facing Thomas’ cadaver on the bed.
The Embodiment of Death she was pining for was never Orlok, but Thomas. Rather, Thomas fully metamorphosed into Nosferatu.
“Come to me,” she whispers. “Hear my call…”
Thomas hears. A claw-tipped hand raises up to hers. The wedding ring on it gleams.
The End. (?)
It won’t happen. I know it won’t happen. But goddamn would I love to be proven wrong.
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crismakesstuff · 1 year ago
i love that if nolan’s hair isn’t styled back or it grows out enough it just falls into a natural middle part, he just like me fr
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har-har-harvey · 11 months ago
also, since tumblr won’t let you post more than one video unless they’re links or embeds, here’s a link to another clip i posted that adds a bit more context to the scene :)
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ember-not-amber · 1 month ago
I recently started watching The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu (the last episode I watched was S2 ep 7) and I'm curious what the general consensus is on Luke & June vs Nick & June bc I really like Nick for June and Luke doesn't seem terrible at all. Still, that one flashback scene where he reassures June that they should stay together even though they started their relationship while he was still married to another woman, "she doesn’t matter because we’re going to get married. I’m going to make you happy." gave me the ick.
Like, you married Annie, too and you still cheated on her so how is that at all reassuring? I'm still waiting for a flashback that shows what Annie and Luke's relationship was like bc I have absolutely no clue why he cheated on her. I can understand why June technically cheated on Luke with Nick which was bc she was trapped in a terrible system where she was abused and felt unloved and unwanted and she was separated from her loved ones and she just wanted to feel something. So far I haven't seen any dialogue from Luke saying anything about what his marriage with Annie was like but if I had to guess, based on the episode where Annie stalked June and accused her of "stealing her husband" as if he's not also a human being capable of making his own choices, maybe they had differing views/ideas on what they wanted out of marriage, or he fell out of love with her, or he cheated just to cheat like a lot of douchebag guys do.
And yes, I am aware that June is also in the wrong for knowingly going after a married man, she isn't innocent in this either. She did seem to consider ending the relationship after Annie confronted her (which, why did it take his ex confronting you for you to consider not getting with a married man? Did Moira not give you any criticism for it? She seems like the type who would bc real friends tell you when you did sth wrong and they hold you accountable but judging by how they act around each other Moira seems very supportive of their relationship) whereas Luke didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with staying with the woman he started a relationship with while he was still taken at any point in time but that means nothing since she did end up staying with him despite that.
Sorry for how long this is, I originally meant for this to be shorter lol I'll put a Keep Reading tab in case ppl just want the tl;dr at the top. So, with all this considered I'm wondering if everyone else that enjoys this show wants June to end up with Nick or stay with Luke and which one is supported by the majority of people?
#no spoilers please!#original post#the handmaid's tale#luke bankole#nick blaine#june osborne#tht#the handmaids tale hulu#june x luke#june x nick#osblaine#i'm very curious to see if june reunites with luke and stays with him or she ends up with nick and starts a family with him#or if she reunites with luke and breaks it to him that she fell in love with someone else and she doesn't want to be with him anymore#right now I can't tell where the show is leaning bc they're not trying to make either of the guys look really bad so the other guy looks#more appealing.#also just to clarify the romance/relationship aspect is not the sole reason I am invested in this show. I went into it knowing it's based o#a feminist novel (that i haven't read...yet) and tbh i wasn't expecting there to be any romance aspect of it at all and i still would've#been hooked without it since I love feminist media.#idk if i've made a post saying this before or not but one thing about me is that I usually can't get into a piece of fictional media like a#movie show or book without there being some aspect of romance even if it's not the main focus of the plot and it's just a b-plot. I think#feminist media just might be my exception but I was pleasantly surprised to be proven right when I thought there was a vibe between June &#Nick in S1 like I thought my brain was way too rotted by all the romance media I consumed throughout my life that I thought Nick was#interested in June like that but it turns out I wasn't that crazy after all.
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edda-grenade · 2 months ago
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wounded by the same knife
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tallfroggieart · 1 year ago
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All it took was at least 30 hours, some gender-bending but only in the most lesbian way possible, and blorbos from my shows. Easy-peasy!
Go check out @jopzer for more fem royjamie!! Their art is truly the blueprint.
(And also please please please fucking click for higher quality. Tumblr I hate you <3)
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ganondoodle · 4 months ago
honestly i dont know how many times i can keep trying to like and engage with things if they always end up disappointing me so badly i cant like what came before it anymore
im not trying to center this around me or something, but im having a hard time coping with arcane doing it too (to me)
few things can catch my attention and all interests in media i have ever had fumbled everything later so badly i often never want to see or think about it again
its happened with transformers (prime specifically, i think the ending of season2? i dont remember everything but after the fucking new guys show up and it killed my hyperfixation on it back in the day), one piece (stopped since whole cake island and anything new i see of it only makes it more clear i cant stand it anymore), zelda (ahah .. totk, fuck that game, basically killed my hyperfixation on the franchise and im only holding on for some projects and cool people i met through it), (edit; how could i forget fromsoft/elden ring and what the DLC did.....), arcane/league (arcane, lore retcons, and now its ending, but it happened before it turned into a hyperfixation so theres that bit of mercy lol) and those were only my super special hyperfixation ones i still clearly remember im sure im forgetting some, its happened with movies and other series i gave a try too (even mob psycho ... the series i thought couldnt disappoint me ...)
i feel so bad about it, i feel like i am somehow wrong to dislike or even hate how media goes, and bc it happens every time i feel like .. theres something wrong with me .. theres gotta be soemthing wrong with me right?.. i SWEAR i do NOT find joy in hating or disliking things, it is not fun for me, i hate hating things, especially when i once loved them, even if it may seem like there is nothing i can ever like i am NOT doign it on purpose, i feel the same, i feel like theres nothing i can ever just like, and i hate myself for it .. but also cant help it, i cant force myself to like thingsi dont either, i just want to rip my hair out and cry
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 6 months ago
idk if y'all have seen about the old pokemon game design stuff leaking, like beta mons, concept art/character pages, and design inspiration, but inb4 anything submas, just know these are BETA CONCEPTS AND IDEAS and aren't canon! Take what you want, yeet what you don't, don't treat it as solid fact bc it never made it to the game.
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garlic-sauc3 · 17 days ago
south character study
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kaijukebox · 2 years ago
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Must be hot out☀️
Today’s Reference
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kingfishers-pond · 4 days ago
people keep commenting on Luigi Mangione's looks, but to me this incredibly thoughtful mail catalog system is probably the sexiest thing he's ever done <33
he wanted to let people know whether he's gotten their letters or not, so he came up with a format to list ALL of his received letters in jail, while still preserving the anonymity of the senders. and he's written the whole catalog in alphabetical order too!
Luigi's handwritten message: I am overwhelmed by – and grateful for – everyone who has written to share their stories and express their support. Powerfully, this support has transcended political, racial, and even class divisions as mail has flooded MDC from across the country, and around the globe. While it is impossible for me to reply to most letters, please know that I read every one that I receive. In lieu, of a response, the least I can do is acknowledge each person who took the time and effort to write. So, below is a catalog of all non-photo mail I have received in my hands at MDC, as of 2/7. The format is: “[sender initials] – [last 2 digits of return address zip code] ([postmarked date])”. For example, a letter from John Doe from zip 11232 sent on 12/22 would be “JD-32 (12/22)”.
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when he said he reads every letter he really wasn't lying - they clearly mean A LOT to him! 🧡
you can find Luigi's catalog updates in the FAQ section of his official website
(image transcription & rest of the text under the cut)
[images: 7 lined notebook pages of Luigi's handwritten catalog, listing 300+ letters with sender initials & dates between december and february + appendix for february] Closing paragraph: Forgive my engineering background if this feels a bit technical, but I know the people who took the time and spent the money sending letters will appreciate verifying their letters’ receipt. I hope this catalog provides transparency into the mail process, which is my means of communication with the outside world while in pre-trial detention. The above format is chosen to maintain anonymity, while simultaneously allowing self-identification. Note that in instances where part of a return address did not survive the photocopy gauntlet, I have substituted a “?” for the missing name, zip, or date. Thank you again everyone who took the time to write. I look forward to hearing more in the future. - Luigi
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mooifyourecows · 19 days ago
im about to say something racially motivated so watch out
black american women are my favorite people on the planet.
i just saw a video where an artist is painting publicly in what i assume is a tourist location and she recorded a bunch of strangers' reactions when they pass by and see it and its good vibes all around just in general. old white men telling her its beautiful, old white ladies telling her its beautiful, latinas/latinos telling her its beautiful, and then the black american women come strolling in like "DID YOU DO THAT? NO THE FUCK YOU DID NOT! LOOK AT YOU! NOW THIS IS TALENT. NO FUCKING WAY. YOU ATE DOWN BITCH." just endless loud gushing and making this artist feel like shes an honest to god celebrity merely by being excellent in public.
when a black american woman is giving you a compliment, its like she takes your head in both of her hands and forces you to maintain eye contact while she runs through all your best features that even you didnt realize you had until you walk away feeling like you just had a brush with god
and its not even unusual at all. the amount of times i see a black american woman throwing a whole mini party for someone just for one tiny thing is insane. you're wearing a cute outfit? a black american woman is gonna let you fucking know. youre displaying any skill whatsoever? a black american woman is your impromptu cheerleader for a few minutes. youre in trouble and need help? a black american woman is the first to step in.
and black american men arent far behind them. one time a black dude said he liked my shoes and im still riding that high 4 years later. when a black american gives you a compliment, it feels like you just got handed an award. not because their opinion is more valuable than everyone elses but because they are so good at making you feel good about yourself. its authentic and sometimes jarring because they dont let anything get in the way of them and delivering a compliment they mean deep down in their soul. and then they walk away and probably forget all about it while you replay it in your head for years to come when you need a boost in confidence.
im so envious of this ability. all my compliments are said with the most nervous and overly polite tone you ever heard in your life and it never lands the way "you look fucking hot as shit" from a black american woman does. PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO GIVE COMPLIMENTS LIKE YOU IM SO ENVIOUS. like do i just need to get hot and confident? i feel like nobody would want a compliment from me because i look like i dont have my life in order. BUT if a black american woman who looked like she didnt have her life in order complimented me it would probably still make my whole day WHAT MAGIC IS THIS AND HOW DO I GET SOME IM FURIOUS
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epicness1000 · 5 months ago
I'm Disappointed in How Honkai Star Rail's 2.6 Update Handled Boothill
I posted this elsewhere, but I thought to post this here.
If you're unable to take criticism of HSR and its writing, then don't read.
Is it just me? Well, it probably is, but I'm going to make a post (more like an essay) about it anyway.
I think a character like Boothill– one driven by anger, hate and revenge– isn't one to just be ignored or accepted. This is the kind of character that should be deconstructed. He claims to protect the innocent, and kill those who are evil– but who is he to decide who is innocent, and who is guilty? If he claims to spread justice– well, what is justice? Is it really as simple as the deadly means he uses, or is this all just a wall to justify his embracing of violence, a method of lashing out he uses in response to his trauma? I mean– he's killed a lot of people, and if those people include IPC lackeys (they almost certainly do), then there's no doubt at least some of them were innocent by most definitions of the word. And, if they're all truly just evil and guilty– well, that just feels like a weakness of the narrative, and its unwillingness to genuinely explore the possible issue it raises, an easy way out so to say. Boothill comes across as hypocritical to me, since who's to say that in the eyes of another, he's not also a villain/criminal to be put down? Is he not guilty in many ways too, maybe even within his own moral framework?
I'd LOVE to see the HSR narrative tackle these things, and I was hoping it would– but this update doesn't seem to have done any of that, even if it tried to open up his character.
I don't like that the fact that he genuinely doesn't seem to have any qualms with killing goes unquestioned. Don't get me wrong– I love morally grey/dark characters– but only if they're handled well. And I don't think that's the case here, since it feels like the narrative fails to frame his acts as something questionable. Even the robot ape guy he threatens brings up that taking a life the first time would make anyone hesitate, even the most heinous of villains– yet Boothill doesn't, and this... isn't really brought up again? Even though I think it really should be? If a couple things were flipped, Boothill could easily be a (really cool) tragic villain, or questionable anti-hero– but it feels like hoyo is just trying to make him marketable without really exploring these interesting ideas, because they might make him look less innocent/likeable.
I make this analogy a lot, but I think the best character to look at when it comes to 'anti-hero who is convinced that he's spreading justice and defending the weak, when in reality it's just a front for violence/trauma, and their morals desperately need to be deconstructed' is Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. If you know, you'll probably understand what I mean– if not, I'm happy to elaborate.
Either way, I just hope that when Boothill inevitably gets more development, these things are explored in some capacity. I love him as a character, I just don't like how the narrative is dealing with him so far.
(I'm very happy to have a discussion about this– I'm not aiming to change anyone's mind if they enjoyed the update's contents– but I did want to speak my opinion).
(ALso- I brought this up in a discord chat, and I want to bring it up again. This is kind of comparable to Light Yagami's mindset– OBVIOUSLY they are literal opposites in personality and character, but the whole concept of 'I eradicate the guilty and protect the innocent' seems to be driving both of them. The difference is that Death Note bothered to analyse this idea and point out how ultimately wrong it is for one person to decide who is innocent or guilty, who deserves to live or die– while Honkai Star Rail not only avoids this, but almost seems to frame it as heroic? To be blunt– I think that is incredibly stupid.)
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