#but thank you for taking the time to read it if you did 💖💖
safyresky · 3 months
Frostmas Year 6: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP on ao3 | ff dot net]
Holy shit. Year SIX. This one was a DOOZY and NOT for the reasons you think. For those who don't know, the year it was published (2016) was deffs one of if not THE worst year I'd had. 2023 was brutal too but 2016 was fifty shades of FUCKED UP.
Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one with a whole ass diary entry before we even GET to the proper BTS notes!
I was having a bad go of it in general because:
I was forced, after a year out of my parent's house and half a summer away, to move back for the next summer and that was a terrible environment at the time
(it still is but I have had THERAPY and have COPING MECHANISMS and RESOURCES and I know HOW to take myself OUT of the pattern and that walking away ISN'T a bad thing)
(still have ways to go, espesh after last year, BUT WE WILL GET THERE)
My mom essentially strong armed me into working with her for the summer and I fucking HATED IT
I wanted to find a job here in KTown and stay away but she managed to set me up with a job and I couldn't take no for an answer because I had just gotten back from the UK and I had SO MUCH TRIP RELATED DEBT TO PAY OFF, AND NOBODY IN KTOWN HAD CALLED ME BACK!
Richard was away in Europe for half the summer and we had our first really big test of the relationship (AND WE DID IT WE MADE IT THRU)
I finally had had eNOUGH of cramps that were almost killing me dead and decided to go on the pill, but getting the right dosage/brand was a TIME and it seemed every one I tried made me want to straight up DIE
If ANYONE is ever like "oh, Birth Control Pills don't make you depressed" THEY ARE. LYING. Some do!
All of this was one thing, but the piÚce de résistance was this: my laptop fucking DIED. It FELL off a KITCHEN PENINSULA, ONTO A STONE FLOOR HARD DRIVE SIDE DOWN.
It blue screened. Then black screened. And would not boot up. And my writing wasn't saved to the cloud bc the cloud kept draining my laptop battery (she was old), so I was saving locally.
I lost everything.
All of Crystal Springs, all of my notes, old WIPS, and all of the progress I had made on Frostmas Y6 at the time (and I had just cracked out like 3k the week before!) and the Winter's Birthday oneshots. Not to mention, my photos from the last 5 years up to that point! And while I did manage to recover Frostmas and make it BETTER than it was before, Winter's Birthday is still hanging by the wayside and this was almost a DECADE ago! There are STILL photos I lost that I will NEVER get back bc the hard drive itself is FUCKED!
So the wait between Y5 and Y6 was nearly 3 years. Almost as long as the wait for Y11 is shaping up to be, though that's for whole other reasons! My laptop did NOT fall and I save everything to the cloud now, I'VE LEARNED.
Anyway, I managed to recoup most of my loses but I did lose: a soulmate au wip, a baby Dite wip before she was developed more as a character and became Hedone, Winter's bday outline, a rewrite of an old fic I thought had potential (so I decided to rewrite it for my me to enjoy), old Jacqueline and CHARLIE shipping oneshots if you can BELIEVE it (one of which was HELLA ANGSTY and involved him DYING of old age and her trying to avoid him about it) and I think Into the Shadows? It was still up at the time tho so I was able to download it and my other stories from fanfiction dot net and I sorta. Started back up from where I left off.
And I HATE to say this bc it SUCKED so much (I was a mess, I couldn't even explain to my parents why I was so upset—I mean, how do you? How do you explain to your emotionally immature parents that you had built this entire little world that ended up being your way of healing your traumas, made so many amazing friends from it, and had just lost all of that because THEY were FIGHTING? How do you cope when your own Mother says "I can't deal with you when you're like this" as you are BAWLING your EYES OUT at this loss, and she straight up WALKS OUTSIDE TO SIT IN A LAWN CHAIR AND AVOID YOU INSTEAD OF COMFORT YOU AND TRY TO HELP YOU EXPLAIN THINGS? AND YOU'RE NOT QUITE 21 YET? AND YOU'RE ALREADY HAVING SUCH A SHIT TIME?), but it's true: after the laptop fell, my writing took an ASTOUNDING upswing! It improved SO MUCH! And Dite became Hedone and had a more developed back story that made SENSE and Frostmas Y6 turned out WAY BETTER THAN IT WAS and I managed to plot out the rest of the Years (I had not written down notes for what would happen until halfway through Y6! By June 2016, about 3 months post-harddrive gate, Y12 notes were DONE) and I only went UP FROM THERE
But it still SUCKED to deal with all of that.
I felt so bad that Y6 took so long to go up, and when I did post it and it was (checks notes) 14,206 words (we'll see if that changes as I read through it and prep it for cross posting next week) I decided to put the AN in my profile and wrote this at the very top of Year 6:
A/N-14,206 words sans these blurbs. Sorry for the length, and for the delay! I have the explanation on my profile page, under the PSA and Frostmas Year Six AN. Please enjoy this mess of a year! Here is a previously on Frostmas for your convenience: Previously: Jacqueline revealed her decision to freeze as a farce. She showed Bernard and they decided to test it on Jack, who seemingly accepted it. Jack made a deal with Jacqueline for bygones to be bygones, so she could stay at the Pole and help him instill some order. Instead she, aided by the Elves, sabotages the Pole, deciding to be Jack Frost in all ways—including the pain-in-Santa's-neck way. Jacqueline takes to exploring the Workshop when she's not following Santa around, and discovers an old area, stumbling upon Jack's secret rooms
and making a shocking discovery.
I EVEN INCLUDED A PREVIOUSLY! BC I THOUGHT IT HAD BEEN THAT LONG! I think a few reviewers mentioned having to go back to reread so I figured this'd be way more convenient for them! :) (And me too, tbh)
The A/N in the chapter was as follows:
A/N-You can see my full author's note on my profile, I think this chapter was long enough. Thank you for reading it! Please please PLEASE do review! I cannot begin to tell you how much going back to these reviews helped me keep writing Year Six and getting over the hump. I look very forward to your thoughts! And thank you all for your patience :D PS-The breathing trick is legit. Try it, it works wonders.
And the long one I put on my profile RIGHT AT THE TOP for people to see and read it (bc I really didn't wanna bog people down with what was going on in my life. FUNNY bc nowadays I get on hellsite dot faesite and I'm like BUCKLE UP COWPOLKS BECAUSE YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT BULLSHIT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY) was as follows:
Frostmas Year Six AN: My heart is racing, I finished year six like 10 minutes ago (1:48 AM December 16th, 2016) and it is 14188 words. I am honestly so sorry about the length and hope that if anything, it is at least a decent apology for the long break in updates. Year Six took me much longer than I should've to write, because I had to rewrite the bit of Year Six that I already had written prior to the death of my laptop. I started rewriting it when I got mad at myself for being so sad in August, but then ran out of steam and just couldn't do it because I kept comparing it to what I remembered having already written, and thought that it was not as good as it originally was and never would be. It wasn't until I got back to my home (i was staying at my parents house which is never a Fun Time), fixed my prescription and began taking the time I needed to help myself feel better (seriously my Summer was a train wreck) that I was able to slowly trudge through what I began to call the hump—everything I had already written and had to rewrite. After getting through the semester, in November I began planning the Years again. And I was determined to get through the hump. I had already written stuff for Year SEVEN and had Year Eight basically written in full in note form. I just had to get through the hump. And so by the first week of December, I did it! And then just had all the new content to write...which was a LOT especially because Jacqueline decided to break into Bernard's house! I promise, Year Seven won't be as delayed as Year Six. And I really hope you enjoyed all 14k of that Chapter! And most importantly thank you for sticking around this long, it really means a lot to me :D
And my heart WAS racing. I cannot begin to describe to you guys how it felt, after ALL OF THAT BULLSHIT IN THE SPRING/SUMMER, finally seeing Y6 go up after ALL the struggle. My god. I was flying high. I may have cried. I was so, so relieved and so, SO proud of it and let's get into this behind the scenes now to see if I still am proud of it—survey says yes, I think I will be!
And thank you for reading this lengthy prelude to the Y6 BTS. NOW, without FURTHER ado, THE BTS FOR THE INTRO AND ON!
Okay so the decision to have, not only Jack almost discover her, but her parents also discover her dumbass plan, was brilliant on my part
The DRAMA this 900 word intro has! AH!
It didn't even need much work—just a bit of sentence spacing and some awkward turns of phrase fixed and that's that on that!
I can definitely tell I was marathoning Doctor Who for the first time at this point, given Jacqueline's repetitive "I'm so, so sorry"'s as she is RUNNING AWAY from very confused Blinter
Who promptly give her space after THAT
I'm not sure how she managed to avoid them through to FEBRUARY tbh
ALSO it just occurred to me. Upon rereading. Jacqueline being like AM TRAPPED! Oh wait. I'm MAGICAL is a clever bit of foreshadowing on my end for the REST of Y6 lol
It's funny, reading this a wee bit older I'm like. WOW. I feel so bad for blinter—they're trying so, SO hard and poor Jacqueline! She knows she could go to them but she is so, so afraid
Anyway. Onto scene 1!
Scene 1: You won't be in trouble, I swear! Jack lied.
Because he totally did. He is a liar. (smacks head of Santa Jack) this baby can fit SO much malice in him
I wonder if he waited for Jacqueline to be around just to try and catch her up. I'm gonna say he deffs did. And that I totally planned that (I did not)
In terms of references, there isn't a lot! this whole scene is msotly me being a Bernard stan in the "I love the way he acts with the elves and how he cares about them all and how he is able to placate a huge crowd every god damned time", not the usual "I want this elf" kind of way
I do not want him. I want to see him grow strong and be safe and that's that on that
And I also want to see him bug Jacqueline. And be bothered back in return lol
BUT YEAH I really love Bernard as a character, espesh the leadership bits. the scene in tsc2 where he talks to the elves? the smooth, nervous cadence and silly "and do not use the word "plastic" bit? This blorbo has EVERYTHING—anxiety, sass, jokes, AND great public speaking/charisma skills!
So this whole like. Getting into gear bit? SUPER fun to do.
Especially with him consistently not letting Jacqueline say HEY MAN HE'S BRINGING BACK THE FUCKING THEME PARK IDEA! Writing her get consistently more and more irritaited and frustrated was delightful >:)
The BIG bit here is CURTIS!
So like. He gets all. Manager-y and very into his role when we see him at the Theme Park in the Frostmas bit in the movie, right? So the whole time I wrote this I was like, okay. How does Curtis get from wanting to help and be progressive to capitalist hellscape master? How?
And that's where this bit came in—along with the list reading bit back in Year 2? 3?
Which is why, when Jack is like "hmm I need to keep track of theme park related things without giving it away—ah yes! Curtis!" is what comes to mind
And why he's so ACTIVE in the Resort, you know? If that makes sense. Idk, I wrote this bit at 3am.
Scene 2: A cold front heart-to-heart
Jacqueline and privacy. Hehe. I loved carrying that bit over from CS.
She's awful, just. BARGING in places with little to no warning!
I'm sure she'll mellow out with age
Unless you are Jack
She'll probably bug him forever.
This scene DID need a little reworking! Jack read as slightly OOC and there was some weird repetitiveness. Which checks out—this scene was the scene I wrote days before the laptop ko'd
This scene also felt like what I imagine an elaborate game of chess feels like. Trying to think of what Jack does and doesn't know, and what Jacqueline does and doesn't know, and both their motives, ALL WHILE WRITING FROM JACQUELINE'S POV? My god. Brain exploded
But it reads much better now! Their motivations are way more clear!
Poor Mason. He's a good kid! Unfortunately for the plot to continue on I needed SOMEONE to come forward to get their ass FROZEN
It's funny bc like, reading it again (and I don't think I ever reread this chapter after posting it! I think this is my first time since it originally was written reading it again!) the ideas were THERE! Just
not fully formed. And given everything I was going through slash dealing with at the time, that checks out.
I briefly had this whole dilemma about if Jack freezing the elves was Too Much. Then I remembered a number of things: he canonically freezes two whole ass people. He tells Lucy he's had people beg him to freeze people for them. The whole POINT of putting him post-Frostmas and post-tsc3 in a redemption arc is to show CHANGE so YES, mans could, would, and has frozen people before and will do it again
or in this case, make Jacqueline do it
and of course she'd agree to it bc. y'know. she's trying to keep her cover going and what happens if she says no? and gets banished? then what? what will Jack do?!?!
she's caught in quite the conundrum, isn't she?
anyway I remember when I wrote this scene I wasn't expecting Judy to pop into the scene but she did and I kinda like that that's how it went
Jacqueline ending the section saying "B-Man location secured" I think is also me reminding myself what the purpose of this scene was, lol
Scene 4: Bernard's Office
not me doing the bts read-through and realizing that Jacqueline acts like she had 0 idea Mason was there, when Judy JUST TOLD HER he was heading that way. FIXED, LOL.
I am referring to the carnival in Quebec when Jacqueline says LIKE QUEBEC. I've been a handful of times and the ice/snow sculptures ALWAYS got me. They're gorgeous.
The breathing trick was the very first one I learnt that year (for obvious reasons lol) and it worked every time! I was excited to use it and share it as it'd been helping me quite a bit. Twas one of the ah, early tumblr mental health posts I had seen AGES ago!
“It’s too bad we can’t take Mason and push him somewhere else,” Curtis mused.
^This is a meme reference, yes indeed!
"I’m not great at clandestine operations," Jacqueline says, as I yell through the screen, "YOU AIN'T SLICK GIRLIE! YOU! AIN'T! SLICK!"
(she's really not)
"An airline? Like planes? Air planes? In the frostbitten sky? He bought an airline?!”
This is a NEWLY ADDED reference! From this post :)
Believe it or not, Bernard saying "wait and see" was NOT a reference to Mr. Gaiman's famous refrain regarding Good Omens spoilers—but I thought it was hella funny with that context rereading it in 2024 now lol. (It originally went up late 2016!)
The evidence bit is new too—makes much more sense now, why they lollygag enough for Jack to initiate Lockdown lol.
Hence the long gaps between years, too, it's a LOT of info to churn through and back referencing and such
but damn if it isn't a fun project >:)
Scene 5: Time Out/Lockdown
So this is where I picked up POST laptop falling. I could only recover Year 6 up to the office scene, I believe
What I lost? A whole scene after it where I had written nearly 1400 words about this whole subplot I had in mind involving how Jacqueline's frozen elves would look more sculpture like than Neil and Laura did when Jack frosted them up
There was this whole bit about her lamenting on how it looked different, more opaque, and Jack would be able to see right through it (pun intended on my part) because he'd KNOW it wasn't done properly, the way he did it? I think it involved a story about a frozen squirrel?
I had started writing it, went back and read it, went "huh this makes no sense"
Moved on the plotting out Winter's bday before bed
The next day I stationed myself in my parent's kitchen, and before I could even LOOK at the document and what I'd done before, my laptop crash landed on the stone floor
ANYWAY I obvi AXED that scene, it wasn't making sense then and when I finally got back into it, I didn't even BOTHER attempting to recreate it, just skipped it and went right into the freeze day
anyway, I'd like to take this moment to recognize Mason. He is taking this like a CHAMP!
I'd always pictured him as one of the elves in Porkchop's squad, lol
"Get my nose right" is a Tangled reference, lol. Fun fact! It's one of my top 3 disney princess movies (the other two are Moana and Princess and the Frog :)
I just strongly relate to Rapunzel (given the mom-nanigans I mentioned in the diary entry before this you can see why) and Eugene makes me laugh and the soundtrack SLAPS
okayokay. frostmas time
Perhaps one day I will write the little silly thing that explains why Jacqueline insists Jack taught her everything despite not being around for most of her formative years! Maybe one day :)
Lockdown is also NOT a reference to OS CORONAS. This predates that, too, lol. It was an idea I'd been sitting on for Into the Shadows (Dark Shadows at the time), and I was excited to use it (and have Jack abuse it) in Frostmas!
I had to keep Jacqueline from going to the Council, after all!
“Because it’s exactly what I would’ve done.” The full impact of what he said hit as he turned around, surveying me with an unreadable look. “And you did it.” I came to a grounding stop, my heart falling in my chest. Jack chuckled quietly to himself. “Exactly. Now, I’ve got tons to do! We will chit chat later, Jacqueline—I’ll make sure your rooms are done up for your stay. Ciao!” And, shooting me a smile and double finger guns he disappeared, leaving me alone in the corridor as the crushing weight of what I had just done—and what I had agreed to do—came falling down on me. I stood in the hallway, motionless. The sounds of the chaos of the Workshop dulled before disappearing completely, nothing but a white noise as the world faded out from me and I realized that yes, Jack would've done it. And I had done it. I was turning into Jack.
Writing this scene was so fun. Jack's little villain monologue after he figured he'd one? EXCELLENT. I'll take two, please.
Scene 6 (5.5 really): BREAKING INTO B-MAN'S HOUSE
I couldn't believe Jacqueline did this, lmao. But I absolutely LOVED it
What's breaking and entering to a sprite who does not give a shit about privacy on a good day? đŸ€­đŸ€­đŸ€­
This whole brandy bit is once again brought to you in part by how much I love love love Just An Elf, and am once again STRONGLY ENCOURAGING YOU GO AND READ IT. They're such good oneshots, my GOD! PRIME B-Man characterization and I will shout it to the moon and BACK
"Point being, you wouldn't have frozen them. See? That's the thing. You're not Jack. You're Jacqueline. You think and act differently from Jack, and that's what makes you you"
Bernard is out here spitting facts that take Jacqueline a whopping 12 plus years to learn đŸ« đŸ« đŸ« 
"It's what friends are for"
Oh my god I have some fun BTS for this. Okay, so, I NEVER planned for Jacqueline and BMan to be buds. In earliest drafts of CS (and I'm talking EARLY, the notes I made while posting MtF early) the MOMENT Bernard clocked Jacqueline he'd march her to Santa like LOOK WHAT THE POLAR BEAR DRAGGED IN
But THEN Jacqueline managed to invade shittyelfwriter's brain and made her way into Rules of Engagement (The Emissary Clause, at the time) and she and BMan like, vibed in that fic
So THEN I assumed they became pals after all THIS in Frostmass, right? And had this whole passage initially showing that yeah they had become friends because of this, and it came over into Crystal springs and that's why they were so buddy buddy
But man. The more I wrote them, the more I went "B-Man wouldn't look at Jacqueline and judge her because of Jack. He just WOULDN'T."
And then When Bernard Met Jacqueline happened (I really oughta post that to ao3!) and I realized okay, they've. They've been friends for a hot minute
SO upon crossposting to ao3, I have properly edited this WHOLE PART to just further underline how much of a TIME Jacqueline is having
Forgets she has a whole ass friend
Also has had a rough go of it with friends growing up, but that's neither here nor there right now lol. She explains it well enough in the next bit and of course, I myself had to tease her about the Dite thing :)
I am once again mentioning Elle and her status as ??? purposely to hurt shittyelfrwriter >:) it's okay tho it's a friendship stab, don't worry about it! :D
Sleepy Jacqueline just happened this edit. I don't know why, but I love it. It had me wheezing. "hot diggity dog" lmao
Newfies comment: fun Canada fact for you: most of the stereotypical accent, the HEAVY one, is because in Newfoundland and the Maritimes they sound like that, lol.
We sound sorta like that here too the farther away you get from Toronto! A lot of my friends in uni were from small Letterkenny towns so they have that Canadian lilt going on and now I find myself sounding more like that some days too 😅
Scene 6 (for real): Plan Time
"My hair a half frozen, half thawed mess": FUN FACT! This is the first in your face hint I've dropped at the freeze becoming real! Were she fully thawed, her hair would be the next day too...but it's not 👀👀👀
The TUNNELS! I've always thought they had tunnels under the Pole, and I've read a few fics where they do, and it's one of my favourite tropes in this fandom so I used it for Frostmas! :D
Also a gr8 excuse to drop CS lore re: Kringle Elves >:)
Scene 7: Dig a tunna, dig dig a tunna~
I started condensing things when I got to this point bc it was at the time approaching 15k and that was way too long by my books at the time
Now, post refinements for ao3/2024 glow up, it's a solid 21.6k words
I didn't even add anything crazy new! Just dialogue!
The mental image of Jacqueline, Bernard, Curtis, Quinitin, and Mason tossing pencils and shit into the ring and nothing happening is hilarious
The mental image of Jacqueline conjuring a little snowy guy, and gesturing to the elf ring, and it standing there like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ is somehow funnier (and new!). I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did :)
For all you non-metric system users: 5km is equal to about 3 miles, I believe.
Scene 8: in which Bernard comes up with a brilliant idea that Jacqueline simply cannot resist acting on >:)
On that note, I vaguely recall doing a HECK of a lot of research to see how feasible it was for 5 magibeans to be able to dig one kilometre with just shovels mostly
I don't remember my results at all. I remember chatting with my housemates and with the husbando about it and the conclusion I came to was "yeah. makes sense" or "SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF" if it was my friend near!
Which is a good lesson we should all keep in mind when reading fantasy/sci-fi and fiction and the like in general. Anyway
Jacqueline is losing her mind digging, I'm losing mine writing this whole thing, we are ONE
Scenes 9-whatever: In which Jacqueline does her own version of Super Giant's hit rogue like dungeon crawl Hades
Oh this was the BEST montage I ever got to write. EVER. I genuinely don't think I could top this!
I did tidy it up/refine it! I added more dialogue so Jack was in character and increased Jacqueline's annoying Jack stat tenfold! VERY fun to write!
Needed to do some slapstick bc it's fun to slapstick Jack
Jacqueline HAD to extract revenge bc her snow cloud ideas was GREAT (I concur)
This whole myriad of scenes had me thinking of what ways my siblings really annoyed me and turning the dial UP on them as I wrote Jacqueline's bits, lol.
YER A BLIZZARD, SANTA is an outdated reference to YER A LIZERD, HARRY. I really should like, axe it, but it makes me giggle. Anyway, jay kay arr sucks and Jacqueline Winter Frost HERSELF said TRANS RIGHTS, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Candyland, I am proud of myself for THAT reference
Half of writing Frozen?Jacquie is me trying to think of the most JACK LIKE THING she could say, and then having her say it
Foolproof formula, 10/10 would recommend.
"The physical appearance of the please makes no difference, Jacqueline.”
Despicable Me reference, It's one of the husbando's fave movies and that is my fave line in it I think, and there are a lot of bangers tbh
Jacqueline would think stopping snow was an actual crime
Her least favourite movie is probably Frosty Returns bc of the asshole adults who make the snow-be-gone spray and try to murder frosty with it and also, all the lovely SNOW
also, did not mean to indirectly quote frozen in this last bit? But the "it's a green christmas everywhere. EVERYWHERE?!" bit is really giving "You kinda made it Winter everywhere. Everywhere?!?!"
Hallmarkian isn't a word but I will damn well MAKE IT a word
And finally! She escapes!
And I leave you with this fact: Jack only lets her go because in his heart of hearts he knows it's too late. She can come and go, but nobody else can—she can tell everyone what happened, what's going on, but only she can go in and out. So what can they do? Nothing, tbh
I explained this bit to the husbando and he was like >=O that SUCKS. That's SO frustrating
That's the point >:)
Oh how fast a glimmer of hope can be snuffed out.
ANYWAY! If you read all the way to the bottom, thank you! It means a lot. Enjoy the BTS, the Dani lore, and enjoy the freshly swept Frostmas! I'm gonna try to actually have Y7 up on the 13th of July, lol, but we'll see how that goes. Trying not to rush but I just. THE AESTHETIC, YOU KNOW? I MISS POSTING ON THE 13TH!
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RAW [M] — Lee Seokmin
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✧ If you're a freak and you know it, clap them cheeks ✧
In which Seokmin, your sweet doting boyfriend, fucks you raw for the first time, and ends up discovering his kinky side.
✧ Genre: domestic AU; SMUT [18+], established relationship ♄ Pairing: female!reader x boyfriend!Lee Seokmin ✧ Word count: 6.3k+ ✩ Warnings: nsfw warnings under the cut! ✎ Notes: hope y'all enjoy this little seok fic I wrote for you đŸ€­ was feeling a little feral, so this concept fit my mood perfectly hehe ♕ Shout out:  thanks to my amazing bestie @whipped-for-kpop-fics for making me this masterpiece of a banner AND helping me brainstorm for this one. This one really couldn't have happened without you and your shrexy brain! I love youuuuu 💖 and thank you thank you thank you @wonuvs for beta-reading this for me!! Very much appreciated :3
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nsfw warnings: outdoor/public sex, fingering, cunnilingus, squirting, spanking, raw sex (the title is there for a reason hehe), heavy breeding kink, feral seok dirty talk, messy creampie (pls let me know if I missed any!)
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You had every intention to hang the wet laundry out to dry on this beautiful sunny day. It was a simple task, really, one you could have completed in less than five minutes had you not let yourself get distracted. 
Said distraction came in the form of Lee Seokmin, your sweet doting boyfriend of four years, who had decided to take advantage of the nice weather and switch his usual gym session for a home workout in your garden.
It was quite the sight as he sat on the weight bench, his gorgeous sun-kissed arms and legs on full display, toned muscles pulling and coiling with every raise of his arms. His skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat, making his brown locks stick messily to his forehead. It was almost as if he was chiseled by the gods themselves with how absolutely breathtaking he looked in the bright and glowy sunlight.
You had to resist looking over every few seconds as you attempted to put the laundry pieces on the clothes line. But as the minutes passed, you quickly discovered that trying to suppress the urge to gawk at your hot boyfriend was a battle you weren’t going to win, especially when he was constantly releasing those sinful grunts that sent your mind into a frenzy. 
Before you knew it, the laundry was long forgotten. The only thing that was going through your mind in that moment was how much you wanted — no, needed — to feel Seokmin’s sweaty body against yours. Thanks to your busy and exhausting schedules, it had been a few days since you and your boyfriend last had sex, which, with a sex drive as high as yours, had driven your need for the man to an all time high. 
It was time to do something about that.
Your legs were already moving on their own accord as your hungry gaze settled on Seokmin’s thick thighs, a mischievous smile overtaking your features as you planned out your next move.
Your boyfriend was completely lost in his own world, totally oblivious to the thirsty thoughts floating around in your head as you crept up on him. The headphones he wore drowned out any distracting sounds as he focused on his reps, and with his eyes fully closed, he did not hear you approach him until it was already too late. 
“What the f— baby?!” Seokmin nearly dropped the two 8kg dumbbells he was holding when you jumped him out of nowhere, trapping him with your arms and legs like a clingy koala. 
“That’s me.” You giggled at the dazed look on your boyfriend’s face as you uncovered his ears.   
“What’s the meaning of this?” he breathed, carefully lowering his arms to place the dumbbells into the grass.
You licked your lips, shifting your hips slightly to get more comfortable. “What does it look like?”
“Like you’re trying to kill me,” he groaned before firmly planting his hands onto your sides to get you to stop rubbing against his crotch. 
A sly grin tugged at the corners of your mouth. “That’s what I was trying to go for.” 
“Oh, were you now?” He raised his eyebrows. “I was almost done with my workout, you know?”
“Hmm, that really sucks then.” You tangled your fingers in his messy hair. 
“Give me five more minutes,” he mumbled, briefly closing his eyes at the feeling of your nails scratching along his sensitive scalp. 
“No,” you whined, immediately stopping all movement, much to your boyfriend's disappointment. “I need attention now. It's been too fucking long already.”
You didn't care how whiney you sounded. You needed him right at this moment, and you sure as hell weren't going to wait another minute, especially not for him to finish his damn workout. 
“But I'm sweaty,” he argued with a scrunch of his nose. 
You smirked at that, tightening your grip on his hair as you moved in closer, your lips now less than an inch apart. 
“Even better,” you whispered before teasingly brushing your lips against his. “You're fucking hot when you're sweaty,” you continued, which was followed by you shifting your hips once again, this time with a little more force. 
Seokmin released a sharp hiss at the throbbing sensation your hips left in their wake. The muscles in his thighs automatically tightened, and so did the grip on your waist, all of which you were more than excited about. You got him right where you wanted, and it was only a matter of time before he would take the bait. 
“You're the devil.”
“Only when I have to be.” You grinned, your big twinkling eyes glued to his face as you slowly began to trail one of your hands down his chest. You only stopped when you reached the now very prominent bulge in his black shorts. 
“Fucking hell,” Seokmin cursed under his breath when you gave him a little experimental squeeze. It was just a simple touch, but he already felt the arousal gradually starting to overtake his mind and body. Just a minute ago, he’d been in full workout mode, but now he suddenly couldn’t stop imagining you stuffed full with his cock, begging him to make you cum again and again until you could no longer move. 
You took advantage of the moment and closed the little bit of distance between you to pull him into a deep kiss. Seokmin didn’t resist, already having decided that he’d much rather spend his time pleasuring his pretty and horny girlfriend instead of finishing the remainder of his stupid arm reps. Besides, you were right. It had been a while since he’d gotten his dick wet, so if you wanted to change that, who was he to object?
It only took a few seconds before Seokmin’s lips were just as hungry and forceful as yours, pulling at your mouth with an eagerness that made your gut clench with anticipation. 
His hands navigated down to the swell of your ass, fingers digging roughly into the soft fabric of the yellow sundress you were wearing to press you into his growing erection. You moaned into the kiss at the sudden shift, your own hands moving to grasp at whatever piece of bare skin you could find as you felt yourself grow hotter by the second. 
Your patience was slowly beginning to run thin the longer you sat in his lap with your panties soaked and your neglected cunt begging to be filled. You honestly hadn't felt this needy in a while, so you really didn't want to deprive yourself of Seokmin’s dick for much longer. And you prayed that he felt the same. 
You knew the man liked to drag the whole thing out with a shit ton of foreplay, which often included endless make out sessions and bringing you to multiple squirting climaxes before he even got to fuck you. It was the whole reason sex with Seokmin had become one of your favorite pastime activities in the first place. 
Your boyfriend was a natural at pleasuring you, and he had been since day one. You quickly learned that faking pleasure and Seokmin could never belong in the same sentence. In fact, more often than not, you’ve had to beg him to stop making you cum for fear of passing out from over stimulation. But even in those moments, he usually still managed to pull another few mind-shattering orgasms out of you like the magician he was, and you were certainly not complaining. 
It was just that right now, in this particular moment, you needed him to skip the long foreplay and fastforward to the part where he fucked you stupid. 
“Min, I need you inside me so bad,” you whimpered in between kisses, hoping your boyfriend would get the hint and give you just that. 
He did not get it. 
All you got out of it was an appreciative grunt and a harsh squeeze to your backside that did nothing to satiate the pulsing ache in your pussy. 
Accepting that you were just going to have to speed things up yourself, your hand sneakily found the waistband of his shorts, fingers already tugging the material out of the way to grab a hold of his hard dick. If everything worked out in your favor, you'd be sitting on it within the next twenty seconds. 
“Fuck, baby,” Seokmin groaned, one of his hands clasping around your wrist before you even had the chance to wiggle your hand inside his shorts. “Why don't we go inside before we start ripping off clothes, hmm?”
“No.” Confusion. That’s the emotion that flashed across your boyfriend’s face at the sound of your outright no. 
“No? But I thought you wanted to
?” He frowned, slightly loosening his hold on you when he thought you didn’t want to continue. 
You quickly wrapped his arms back around your waist before grasping his face in your hands. 
“Oh, I do.” A cheeky grin pulled at your mouth. “Right here. You're fucking me here.”
“Right here? O-outside?” Seokmin stuttered, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head as he seemed to process your words. 
Although your sex life was pretty active and more than satisfying, you couldn’t exactly call it adventurous. Despite many of your close friends believing that you and Seokmin were a couple of kinky fuckers, your sexual escapades were usually limited to your bedroom and definitely more on the vanilla side of the spectrum. 
Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course. On the contrary, even the most vanilla sex with him felt a hundred times better than the riskier and more experimental sex you’d engaged in with some of your exes, so you didn’t even really miss it. Still, sometimes — like right now — you wished he’d just throw you around and fuck you into the next day for everyone to see. 
You were, however, very much aware that asking him to fuck you in the garden was a complete one-eighty from your usual bedroom adventures, and it could potentially get you caught by your nosy old neighbors, which was definitely a con. But then again, you were feeling unusually risky today, so you honestly couldn't care less who got to see you getting railed. Your only concern right now was soothing the ache in your throbbing cunt. 
All you had to do was convince your lovely, handsome boyfriend to make that happen. 
“Yes, right here.” You nodded and reached up to undo the first two buttons of your dress, taking note of how your boyfriend's eyes automatically gravitated towards your fingers. “Got a problem with that?”
“Well, uh
” Seokmin swallowed thickly as you popped three more buttons, exposing the strapless, lacy, white see-through bra you were wearing underneath. Your hard peaks were poking right through the flimsy material, which made it nearly impossible for him to rip his eyes away from the arousing sight. Your boyfriend was a sucker for your boobs — or any part of your body for that matter — which is exactly why you hoped the next part of your plan would work.
“I think— uh
” He tried to form a coherent sentence, but failed terribly when you popped another three buttons, his eyes following diligently as your action revealed the smooth skin of your stomach. “What I’m trying to s— that
By the time you popped the remaining three buttons, Seokmin had completely forgotten what he was going to say. His eyes were practically glued to your body, in particular to the matching see-through panties that left little to the imagination. They gave him a perfect view of your puffy folds and the arousal seeping through the already drenched material. 
Seokmin was — understandably —  having a hard time keeping it all together.
“Well?” You suppressed a grin to hide the fact that you were thoroughly enjoying the effect you had on your handsome boyfriend. “You gonna help me undress or do I have to do everything myself?”
You got your answer when he planted his lips back on yours without another word, hardly giving you a second to breathe as he pushed his tongue past your lips. You instantly melted against him as your body flooded with heat once more, your hands fumbling to grasp onto his shirt in an attempt to ground yourself. 
Seokmin’s fingers made quick work of your bra, skillfully unclasping the constricting garment and throwing it carelessly in the grass. He took a moment to admire your newly exposed flesh, eyes darting from one nipple to the other before they drifted back down to the drenched panties hugging your cunt. 
He subconsciously licked his lips as he imagined his face buried between your legs, drowning himself in the taste of your sweet juices while you screamed out his name. 
“Stop staring like a creep and do something, please.” Your hand was back in his hair, fingers tightly gripping onto his locks as you pulled at his head, forcing him to rip his eyes away from your pussy and back up to your face. 
“You want me to do something?” An amused smile took over your boyfriend's features as he took in your desperate expression. 
“Yes!” you nearly cried, feeling seconds away completely losing your shit. “I swear to god, Seokmin. If your dick is not inside me within the next twenty seconds I’ll d— ah!”
You didn’t get to finish the rest of your sentence as you were cut off by your own shriek, eyes going wide with shock as you gaped at a smug-looking Seokmin. Just a second ago, you’d been sitting in his lap, but now you suddenly found yourself trapped beneath him, sprawled out on the metal workout bench and completely at his mercy.  
“You'll do what, baby?” Seokmin smirked triumphantly at your stunned face.
“Forget that,” you breathed, using the grip you had on his hair to pull him in for another kiss. “Fuck, that was hot. I want more where that came from.”
“Noted.” His eyes darkened as he pulled back slightly, and you released the grip you had on his head to allow him to lean back further. 
Your belly fluttered with anticipation when he moved the fabric of your dress aside to make contact with your bare skin. His hands teasingly began to trail down your sides, sending a series of tingles down your spine as you let your mind run wild with desire. 
A shaky breath left your mouth when your boyfriend hooked his fingers into your underwear, excitement filling your body instantly. You were already starting to lift your hips, eager to help him get rid of the one thing separating your cunt from his hungry gaze. 
What you didn’t expect was for him to pin you back down and tear your panties right off your body with a single move. You were left speechless once again, watching as your boyfriend proudly held up the torn lace before letting it fall to the ground. 
That was definitely going on your ‘Hottest Lee Seokmin Moments’ list.  
“You’re really trying to drive me insane over here,” you mumbled when you’d finally found your voice again. 
“You ask, I deliver.” Seokmin chuckled and continued to pull his shirt over his head in one smooth movement, revealing a set of mouthwatering glistening abs and a little dark happy trail that disappeared into his black shorts.
“Good.” Your eyes shifted back up to his with a new determination, your legs slightly opening to give him a nice view of your slick cunt. “Then I’m asking you to fuck me next.” 
With one hand, you reached for the waistband of his shorts, fully intent on tugging it down just enough so you could pull his dick out and guide it into your dripping hole. 
But Seokmin had other plans. 
“Now what?” you whined when his hands stopped you mid-move, wrapping themselves around your wrists just like he’d done before.
What would it take for a girl to get some dick from her boyfriend?
“Not so fast, baby. I'm gonna take care of you first.”
You shook your head in protest. “But I don’t want to wait any longer, Min. Please.”
“Do you want my dick or not, baby?” You’d never nodded faster. “Then be a good girl and spread those legs wider for me.”
That little command had you automatically spread your legs wider, a soft moan rolling off your lips as your walls clenched hard around nothing. Never in the time you’d been with Seokmin had he called you a good girl, but you found that you liked it
 a lot. And you wouldn’t mind if he called you that more often from now on. 
“Oh? Does my baby like being called a good girl?” Seokmin smirked, his dark orbs burning into your own as he pushed your legs back as far as you could manage.
“Yes, fuck
 so hot,” you whimpered, your legs twitching when you felt his hot breath ghost over your glossy cunt. 
“Keep being good and I’ll keep calling you that,” he murmured right before dipping his tongue between your slick folds.  
The debauched moan you released in response was enough to make Seokmin’s cock jerk uncontrollably inside his shorts. In return, he released a deep groan of appreciation, sending a wave of delicious vibrations to your core that automatically had you try to clamp your legs around your boyfriend's head. But Seokmin, who was way ahead of you, had such a tight hold on your thighs that it was nearly impossible to move. 
He used that grip to bury his entire face in your pussy, hardly giving himself room to breathe to completely drown himself in the taste of you, determined to get you to squirt your juices all over his face. 
With his skillful tongue alternating between flicking and sucking on your sensitive clit, applying just the right amount of pleasure in all the right spots to bring you to the edge, it took less than a minute before you were moaning his name like a mad woman.
Seokmin relished in the lewd sounds he pulled from you, and the way you desperately gripped at his hair to steady yourself as he devoured you, completely drunk on the taste of your pussy. His dick was painfully hard, straining against the inside of his shorts, practically begging him to relieve some of that agonizing tension. But in all honesty, chasing his own pleasure was the last thing on his mind right now. All that mattered was you, your climax, and nothing else.
It was even at the point that he'd momentarily forgotten you were doing all of this outside, in the garden, where any neighbor would be able to hear or see the obscene things he was doing to you. Not too long ago, Seokmin would have reeled at the thought of engaging in risky public sex, but now, here he was, eating you out in the garden and enjoying every bit of it, not a single fuck given. 
You found yourself in a similar position, eyes rolled to the back of your head and your body twitching and shuddering from the overwhelming sensations coursing through your nerves. It wasn’t exactly how you’d planned things to go — still no dick — but it certainly helped quench the worst of your sexual cravings. The way the coil in your stomach got tighter and tighter with every swipe of his tongue said enough. 
“F-fuck that’s gonna make me cum so fast, holy shit!” you whimpered when your boyfriend suddenly slid two of his long fingers inside you, immediately curling them up to press against that sensitive spot he knew would make you lose your mind. 
Seokmin only hummed against your pussy, his eyes catching yours as the corners of his mouth tugged up into a devilish smirk. Then, his hand was speeding up, fingers mercilessly batting against your sweet spot while his tongue lapped at your swollen clit. He watched you succumb to the pleasure with hungry eyes, your face contorted in pure ecstasy as your moans got louder and louder the closer you got. 
“You like that, baby?” your boyfriend rasped, his mouth briefly detaching from your clit. 
Your cunt clenched around his fingers in response, the only sound coming out of your mouth being a needy whine since you couldn’t find it in yourself to come up with a sane response with how scrambled your mind was.
That was met with a sharp nip at your swollen nub.
“Answer me,” Seokmin growled, apparently not satisfied with your lack of words.
You yelped loudly at the unexpected but very welcoming stinging sensation that had your nerves singing with pleasure. “Shit— yes! I fucking do!”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised with a harsh slap to your inner thigh before taking your clit back between his wet lips.
The sound of the pet name unraveled something inside you, drawing every muscle in your body taut as you were abruptly thrown over the edge. The full force of your toe-curling orgasm caused you to cry out your boyfriend’s name, your legs trapping his head between your thighs while drenching his pretty face with your arousal. 
Seokmin was perfectly content like that, groaning into your cunt like a starved man as he tried to catch every last drop of your slick with his mouth. Even when you began pushing at his head to get him away from your overstimulated pussy, it took him another twenty seconds before he finally detached himself, looking up at you with a dopey, satisfied grin and his chin dripping with your arousal. 
“You’re insatiable, Lee Seokmin,” you rasped, chest heaving as you tried to recover from the intense high you’d just experienced. 
Said man leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss right below your belly button.
“Yes,” He moved up slightly, this time placing a kiss right above it, “I am.” His lips trailed over your breast, goosebumps forming along the way, “But
” He nipped at your neck, “you
” he whispered, his lips hovering right above yours, “were so good for me,” he finished, capturing your lips into another heated kiss.
The taste of yourself on your boyfriend’s lips lit a new fire inside your belly, your skin flushing hot with a new surge of desire. It also didn’t help that his hands were back on your thighs, kneading and rubbing at them, making every one of your nerve endings come back to life under his scorching touch. 
“Min, get your dick out and fuck me,” you mumbled against his lips, determined to not take no for an answer this time. 
Seokmin was fully prepared to give into your demands this time, no longer wanting to tease you because he was feeling just as desperate and eager to be inside you. There was, however,  just one little thing he hadn’t thought of before. But now with you sprawled out before him in all your naked glory, begging for his cock, the little voice in the back of his mind decided to make an appearance. 
“Fuck.” He grimaced. “Just hold on, okay? I’ll be right back,” he said, leaning forward to kiss you softly before making a move to get up. 
You quickly grabbed onto his arm to stop him, confusion taking over your features at the sudden switch in mood.  
“Wait! Where are you going?”
 don’t have any on me. I’ll quickly grab one from inside.”
“We don’t need them,” you blurted out, immediately biting your bottom lip when you realized what you'd said.
Seokmin’s eyes visibly widened at your bold suggestion. “But you're not on any birth control. I could actually get you pregnant.”
“Would it really be that bad?” At that, the man’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. 
The topic of kids was nothing new between the two of you. It had come up on multiple occasions during the span of your relationship, and it was pretty clear that both you and Seokmin loved kids. The both of you always jumped at the chance of babysitting his two year-old nephew whenever Seokmin’s sister and her husband needed someone to watch him, happy to spoil him and play with him as if he was your own. 
It was no secret that you wanted a big family, and so did Seokmin, so that wasn’t the reason he was a little hesitant to fuck you without protection. He just really didn’t want you to regret anything if you did end up pregnant by the end of it, because a child was a big responsibility after all. 
But he also couldn’t deny that he wasn’t tempted by the idea of your warm walls hugging his dick without anything in the way, and being able to empty his load inside your greedy, slick-covered hole like he’d always wanted to do. 
It was hard not to give in to that, especially when you were looking at him with those big, seductive eyes of yours.
“Baby, I’m serious.”
“So am I,” you shot back, a mix of determination and lust adorning your face as you challenged your boyfriend. 
Seokmin frowned, running a hand through his damp hair. “We should think about this
“I already did, and I want this. I wanna feel you
 all of you
 inside me.” You looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes you could muster. 
“Fuck, you’re not making it easy for me,” your boyfriend sighed, feeling completely torn between doing the responsible thing and giving in to his carnal desires. 
“Then stop thinking and just fill me with cum.”
Seokmin gulped, letting out a shaky breath as he felt himself slowly start to lose the battle.
“Shit. Are you absolutely sure about this? Is this really what you want, baby?” he asked, placing his hands on either side of the bench to cage you in.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning up to touch your nose to his. “If you're asking me if I want you to fuck a baby in me then yes, I totally want that,” you breathed, a small smile gracing your face.
Seokmin’s dick twitched in his shorts at your declaration, unlocking a new level of desire that he didn’t know existed. His body was full-on buzzing, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he felt the gears in his mind switch to a whole different setting. 
You noticed the change in your boyfriend the moment the words had left your lips, the uncertain expression that had been on his face just now making way for a much more ominous expression, one you didn’t quite recognize. 
“Bend over.” 
“O-okay.” The slight edge to his tone had you scrambling to turn around for him, nearly causing you to fall off the bench in the process as your legs got tangled up in your dress. You planned to rip the clothing piece off your body to make your life easier, but the sudden hand pinning your wrist to your back made that impossible.
“Dress stays on,” your boyfriend’s low voice sounded from behind you as you felt him flip up the material to reveal the supple skin of your ass.
You were about to protest, but the harsh slap to your behind that followed made you think twice about opening your mouth. The impact of his hand connecting with your tender skin pulled a soft whine from you, leaving you with a pleasant stinging sensation that sent a hot streak of arousal right down to your pussy. 
There was barely any time to recover from the first slap before he delivered a second one, this one even more intense and brutal than the last one, forcing you to fight down a scream as you jolted forward, barely able to keep your balance since you only had one hand available to steady yourself. 
Your boyfriend was no stranger to delivering the occasional slap to your ass, but it had always been in a loving kind of way and never like this
 so rough and thrilling. So if this kind of spanking was your boyfriend’s reaction to seeing you bent over in your half-discarded dress, then you had no problem keeping it on.
“Such a good girl for me,” Seokmin groaned, his cock twitching once again as he watched your ass jiggle for a third time when his hand reconnected with your delicate flesh. You could only moan in response as you felt yourself get wetter with every slap, hand gripping onto the bench for dear life while you let your boyfriend have his way with you. 
Only after the tenth slap or so, when Seokmin noticed your legs were close to giving out on you, he released the wrist he was holding and allowed you to take a breather while he rushed to shove his shorts and underwear down his legs, finally freeing the raging boner he’d been neglecting for the past twenty minutes.
The man didn’t waste any time as he grabbed onto your waist with one hand, lining up his engorged tip with your dripping cunt with the other. 
A shudder ripped through him when he pushed forward, greedy eyes fixed on his cock disappearing between your ass cheeks, slowly getting enveloped by your tight walls as they made room for him. 
It was unlike any feeling Seokmin had ever experienced. Although he was barely halfway inside, he was sure he wasn’t going to last as long as he usually would have. Without the usual barrier in the way, he was able to feel it all, every little sensation — the warmth radiating off your walls as he slid in further, your creamy slick drenching his cock from head to base — it took everything in him to stop himself from bursting as he imagined how good you’d look with your ripe cunt stuffed full of his seed. 
Seokmin’s pupils were fully blown by the time your ass connected with his pelvis, his jaw clenched and the grip on your waist bordering on bruising as he momentarily stilled to let you both get used to the new feeling. 
You weren’t doing much better, trying to deal with the blissful ache whirling in your stomach as you tried to accommodate the familiar stretch. Only this time, you were able to actually feel the bulging veins forking along his length as they throbbed against your inner walls in the most intoxicating way. 
“Shit, Min,” you moaned, tightening your grip on the bench, “Just fuck me already. Feels so damn good like this.”
At your plea, Seokmin pulled his hips back slightly, slowly dragging his throbbing tip along your sensitive walls before abruptly burying his entire girth back inside your warm cunt with a loud groan.
“Yeah? Like that?”
 harder,” you whined, impatiently wiggling your ass in search of more of that delicious friction. 
“Fucking gladly,” he muttered, moving one of his hands to your shoulder before repeating the motion again, only this time with a lot more force and speed, which earned him a series of salacious moans that went straight down to his pulsing cock.  
It didn't take long for Seokmin to completely lose every bit of sanity he possessed as he vigorously drove his hips into your ass, your pussy squelching loudly every time his cock slammed back inside your slippery hole. 
He’d never felt like this before
 fully overtaken by this primal need to breed you like the good girl you were, completely set on ruining you with his cock and stuffing load after load of cum inside your hot cunt until you couldn’t fit anymore. 
The regular Seokmin, aka the sweet man who made you breakfast every day and made sure you had absolutely everything you could wish for, would have been a messy blushing puddle with all these nasty thoughts running through his mind. But this Seokmin, the pussy drunk, sex-crazed man who was fucking you as if his life depended on it, only felt himself get more riled up with every new lewd thought that entered his mind, not feeling bashful in the slightest. 
You honestly didn’t know where the hell this Seokmin had come from, but you hoped that this wouldn’t be the last of him. His rough thrusts had you feeling like a complete wreck in the best sense of the word, causing you to release an obscene number of sounds you didn’t even know you could make. It was no doubt the best dicking your boyfriend had ever given you, but too much for your body to keep up — you discovered that when your legs suddenly decided to give out on you mid-thrust. 
Fortunately, your boyfriend was prepared and caught you just in time, firmly wrapping one of his beefy arms around your tits to press you against his bare chest, while his free hand clamped around your neck, forcing you to tilt your head up to the clear blue sky as he continued to pound into your sopping cunt. 
“Fuck, gonna fill this pussy,” Seokmin growled into your ear, his breath hot against the side of your face. “Gonna fill it with my cum, fucking show the world you’re mine
 get your pretty belly round with my baby,” he continued, never slowing down his unrelenting pace.
“God, yes!” you moaned, eyes once again rolling to the back of your head as your walls fluttered in response to the filth rolling off your boyfriend’s tongue. 
“Dirty girl. You like the thought of me fucking a baby into you?”
”Y-yes, fuck
 want it, want your baby!” 
You didn’t think it was possible but Seokmin’s hips sped up even more after you’d said that, making you cry out loud as you clung onto his forearm to center yourself.
“Gonna fill you up like you deserve, stuff you full till you can’t walk. This pussy is fucking mine
 mine to claim.” Seokmin had fully lost himself at this point, spewing all the filth he could think of, completely and utterly enthralled by your sweet raw cunt sucking him in so deliciously.
“Oh god, Min, need you to cum in me,” you rasped, feeling the coil in your stomach start to wind and tighten as your boyfriend continuously battered against your sweet spot. 
“So fucking desperate. Such a good girl.” That was the moment Seokmin released your throat and lowered his hand to attach his fingers to your clit, rubbing sloppy figure eights into it while his dick continued to stretch you out.
 faster,” you urged, feeling your body tense at the sudden surge of pleasure shooting through you. 
Seokmin listened to your pleas and sped up his fingers.
“Oh, fuck, right there,” you whined, feeling like you couldn’t hold it anymore. “Gonna cum
 gonna cum!”
White briefly flashed before your eyes as you came with a choked gargle of your boyfriend’s name, your cunt clenching around his cock as your body shook violently from the overwhelming sensations. 
Seokmin didn’t stop at that, feeling like he was seconds away from reaching his own high. With your fluttering cunt continuing to hold his dick in a chokehold, and you begging for his cum in his ear, it didn’t take him long to get there. 
With one last well-timed thrust, Seokmin buried himself all the way inside you, letting his own orgasm wash over him as he felt the first spurts of cum coat your inner walls. Both of you groaned in delight at the unfamiliar but arousing feeling of Seokmin’s cum filling you up for the first time. 
Heat bloomed inside you as your boyfriend continued to spill inside you, holding tightly onto you as he rode out the remainder of his climax. 
“Fuck, Min, so much cum,” you whimpered when you felt his seed begin to drip out of your swollen cunt and down your thighs. That’s how much there was. It felt like there was no end to it. 
“Pussy feels so fucking good, can’t stop cumming,” he panted against your neck, moving his hands to rest on the smooth skin of your stomach.
You smirked, tightening your walls momentarily to pull a little whine from your boyfriend.
“Well, let’s say that I’m not complaining.”
Only when Seokmin’s cock had fully softened and there really was no more cum to give, he reluctantly pulled out of you, not being able to stop himself from gawking at the big globs of cum dripping out of your pussy with his cock no longer holding it in. 
Despite your extremely wobbly legs, you managed to turn around and threw yourself at the man in front of you, wrapping your arms around his neck as you stared into his eyes with a cheeky smile on your face. 
“I love you, you know that? You’re a fucking freak!” 
Seokmin’s cheeks began to flush at your exclamation, his eyes quickly averting yours in an attempt to escape your intense gaze. 
. uh, that? Well
” he stammered, one of hands coming up to rub at his neck.
“Are you seriously acting all shy on me now when you just fucked my brains out?” You giggled, shaking your head in disbelief. 
“Well, when you put it like that
” He chuckled, a dopey grin on his face.
“Promise me you’re gonna show this side of you more often.”
Seokmin raised his brows in surprise. “You sure? It wasn’t too much?”
“Fuck no.” You shook your head. “It was definitely some of the best dick you’ve given me.”
“I guess I have no choice then, do I?” He smiled widely.
“Nope. Besides,” You leaned in to kiss him softly before whispering seductively, “if you wanna give me a baby, we better do that many more times, just to be sure.”
“You’re absolutely right.” Then your boyfriend scooped you up without another word, your surprised shriek echoing through the garden as he hurried to rush you inside the house, eager to do it all over again.
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© All rights reserved — ourdawnishotterthanourday // Please do not repost or edit any of my works without my permission!! If you see any of my works outside of this Tumblr, pls report it to me asap. Thank you in advance!
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HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS LITTLE SEOK SMUT HEHE! Would be amazing to hear your thoughts on this one 😋 and PLEASE look forward to the next one 👀 I got some good ideas planned for y'all!
☀ if you want to be added to my PERMANENT tag list for upcoming works (MAINLY NSFW, SO 18+), leave a comment below or send me an ask, but be sure to mention PERMANENT TAG LIST if you choose to send an ask! If you wish to be removed, also send me an ask!
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ariestrxsh · 25 days
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⚠ content warning: ⚠ smut, mentions of porn, mentions of masturbation, corruption of innocence, oral, praise, slight daddy kink, manipulative!matt, manipulative!chris, innocent!reader
📝 author's note: 📝 this is part two of 'playground love.' 💖 you can read part one here, and i'll be adding more parts to this storyline soon. :)
✍ Summary: ✍ You're an innocent virgin who has fallen into the hands of Matt and Chris, who decide to have a contest to see who can eat you out the best.
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playground love part two 💖
The next day, you floated into seventh period, and Matt greeted you by glancing you up and down, giving you a look that said I know what you did last night. You wore your hair in two braids while a few loose pieces framed your bright smile. You were blushing and having a hard time looking into his eyes while you elegantly placed your textbooks on your desk and slung your backpack over your chair.
"Hi, sweetheart. You're glowing," he complimented you, grinning and taking in how pretty you looked. "Thank you," you whispered, smoothing out your sundress and taking your seat. "I'm dying to know. Which video did you cum to, darling?" Matt quietly wondered, fidding with his pencil. "Cum?" You'd never heard that word before, but you had an idea as to what he meant. "It's a fancy word for that really good feeling before all the tension goes away," Matt explained, giggling at your innocence.
"Oh! I know what feeling you're talking about," you smirked at him, recalling the way you came all over your fingers the night before. You started to describe the video to him, and he immediately knew which one you were talking about. "Yeah? What was it about that one that you liked so much, princess?" Matt asked, reaching over and stroking your cheek. You bit your lip and peered down. "Well, I loved how gentle the guy was and how much he focused on making the girl feel good for her first time. Plus, I liked that he kind of looked like you," you admitted, looking back up at Matt to study his reaction.
"That's so flattering, darling. Did you notice the girl in the video kind of looked like you?" He asked, biting his lip. You shyly nodded. "That's why I sent you that one, princess. So you could imagine me and you together," he whispered, making really intense eye contact with you. You felt yourself growing wet at his words.
"Matt, you're making me all horny again," you quietly whined, reaching under your dress to soothe the sensation arising. "What are you doing?!" Matt asked in a loud whisper while he watched you starting to rub your clit in circles over your panties. "I'm masturbating," you quietly answered. "Sweetheart, not here," he said, looking at you with wide eyes and an embarrassed smile. "Why not?" You moaned quietly while you continued to touch yourself under the skirt of your dress. "I'm serious. You could get in trouble! Stop that," Matt responded in a hushed voice while he felt his jeans growing tighter around the erection forming in his jeans as he watched you.
"Oh," you naively answered him, stopping what you were doing and discretely removing your hand from under your clothing. "Is it bad?" You asked, wondering if Matt had taught you something he shouldn't have. "No, it's not bad. It's just something you do in private, that's all. Not at school," he explained to you. He was so turned on by your innocence that he almost wanted you to keep going, but more than that, he was looking out for you. "Oh, okay," you said, growing red with embarrassment. "Don't worry. No one saw," he assured you since the two of you sat in the very back corner of the class.
"Hey, are you busy this afternoon? I want you to meet my brother Chris. Do you think we could all go over to your house after school?" Matt hungrily licked his lips while he imagined all the things they were going to do to your sweet, innocent, little pussy. You knew of Matt's brothers. You had a class with Nick the year before, and you'd seen Chris around, but you'd never spoken to him.
"Okay, sure. I'm not busy. What are we gonna do?" You eagerly asked. "Well, Chris and I are gonna hold a contest, and we want you to be the judge," he smirked at you. "What kind of contest?" You wondered. "It's gonna be a surprise, okay, princess?" Matt replied with a mischevious glint in his eye. "Sure. You guys can come over," you eagerly nodded at him. "Okay, sweetheart. Your parents working again today?" Matt inquired. "Yeah, my mom's pulling a double at the hospital, and my dad left town this morning for a business trip," you responded. "Perfect. Let's walk to my car together after class, and I'll have Chris meet us there," he smirked.
"Meet me at my car after school. Her parents are both gone all night.. Operation Tag Team is on," Matt quickly typed out and sent to Chris. "Oh, the things we're gonna do to her.." Chris texted back immediately.
You and Matt walked to his car after class was dismissed. It was another cloudy, spring afternoon, and it wasn't raining today, but the humidity lingered in the air like it could start at any moment. Matt opened the passenger door for you. "We're gonna wait here for Chris," Matt smiled at you once he'd gotten into the driver's seat and started up his car. The faint smell of lemon and gasoline filled your nostrils while you felt the rumbling of the engine beneath your seat. You were starting to grow extremely comfortable and safe with Matt, but you were nervous about meeting Chris. You didn't know what he would be like.
Before you could imagine the qualities of his personality, Chris was pulling on the handle of the backdoor of Matt's car and jumping into the middle seat. "Hi, I'm Chris," he grinned at you breathlessly from having run across the parking lot. "Hi," you smiled back, picking up on his scattered and playful energy. "Matt tells me your parents got a big house," Chris smiled at you. "It's a decent size," you humbly responded. You studied his blue eyes that were the same shade as Matt's, the rosy color in his cheeks from being out of breath, and his sharp jawline. You felt a bit guilty, because you really liked Matt, but you couldn't deny how cute Chris was.
"She's being modest, Chris. It's like a mansion," Matt smiled at Chris through the rearview mirror while he threw the transmission in drive and started to pull away from the school. "Matt tells me you're a good girl. Never get into trouble or nothing," Chris seductively spoke, eyeing you like he was hunting you. You picked up on his dark stare, and it made you feel a bit uneasy, but at the same time, intrigued. His demeanor reminded you of an excited dog, but one whose bite was just as mean as their bark. "I guess you could say that," you responded to Chris, dancing over his lips with your eyes.
"Matt told me he showed you some videos yesterday," he smirked at you. "Chris!" Matt exclaimed, knowing his comment might make you shut down. "He did. I really liked them," you mumbled under your breath, growing nervous at the subject change. "You know what Matt forgot to tell me? How cute you are," Chris cooed while he gently poked your button nose with the tip of his pointer finger, teasing you. You blushed. "Did you touch yourself to them?" Chris deviously smiled at you. Your defenses went up. You became a little more red and hesitantly nodded your head.
"Did you have an orgasm, princess?" Chris inquired, reaching out and gently running his fingers along your braid while you were turned around in your seat looking at him. You nervously shot a look over at Matt, who had just stopped at a stop sign and was turning on his blinker. "Is that the same as cum?" You bit your lip. Chris' cock twitched at how innocent you were, how you didn't even know what the word orgasm meant. "Yes, princess. Good job," Matt praised you.
You turned back to Chris to answer his question. "I did. It was my first one," you replied, your eyes twinkling. "First ever?" Chris raised his brow and his lips fell slightly open while he imagined you experiencing an orgasm for the first time. You nodded at him. "Tell me how it felt, baby. How did your body react?" Chris eagerly asked, leaning in closer to you. You noticed the bulge in his sweatpants while he spoke to you.
"It felt like the end of a firework show, where they have to use up the rest of the fireworks, so it's just a bunch of colorful explosions in the sky," you said getting really excited. "And my whole body was shaking I couldn't control it, and I had to try my best to be really quiet. Then I got this gooey stuff on my fingers. It felt really amazing, and it's all I've been able to think about all day," you smiled at Chris, wondering if maybe you'd overshared, but both Chris and Matt seemed to like the details you gave.
"Wow, princess. That sounds lovely," Matt whispered, glancing back and forth between you and the road. "I'd kill to see you like that," Chris gnawed on his lip. You blushed and let out a nervous giggle. Matt glared at Chris in the rearview to let him know he was coming on too strong.
Finally, the three of you pulled up to the house, and Matt parked in your driveway. "Wow," Chris whispered, taking in the view of your home while he stepped out of the backseat. "Wait until you see the inside," you whispered, dropping the humble manner your parents trained you to speak in for just a moment.
When Chris walked in, he ogled at the high ceilings, the big windows, the spiral staircase, the bookshelf built into the wall in the main room, and the few pieces of expensive art on the walls. "Not bad," Chris replied with a look of disbelief on his face at how gorgeous and fancy your house was. "I'll show you my room," you told them, starting up the spiral staircase. Chris and Matt lagged behind you, eyeing your legs, your curves, and your perfectly-shaped ass as you led the way.
"Wow, princess. Your room is almost as pretty as you," Chris told you once the three of you were standing in front of your bed, and you swooned at his comment. Chris and Matt both soon turned their attention toward you, undressing you with their eyes and hungrily licking their chops like begging dogs. "What was the contest you were talking about earlier, Matt?" You asked, taking a seat on your bed and looking up at the two brothers.
Matt walked up to you and started carressing your face. "We wanted to start by making you feel really good," he whispered, looking down at you. "Really? How?" This sparked your curiosity. Matt and Chris both sat on either side of you. "Well, first, we were gonna get you out of this dress," Matt said, pushing up the hem of your clothing and seductively tracing circles on the inside of your thigh. "And then we were gonna take turns putting our mouths right here," Chris cooed, his voice dripping with lust while he took his pointer finger and placed it on the wet spot on the front of your pink cotton panties. You gasped and bit your lip. Chris and Matt both delighted in how responsive you were to their words and their touch.
"You wanna put your mouth there?" You asked, shocked that anyone would want to do that to you. "Only if you're okay with it, princess," Matt whispered, his hands wandering from your thigh to your perky breasts. You gasped as he flicked his finger over the smooth fabric, stimulating your nipple and making it hard under your soft sundress. "I think I'd like that," you nodded in agreement. You watched the way the girls in the videos reacted when they that done to them, and it made you curious about what it was like.
"So, we're gonna take turns licking your pussy, and then after we both make you cum, you're gonna tell who was better at it, okay?" Chris cooed, rubbing your clit through your panties. You moaned and nodded at their request, dying to know how each of their tongues felt. Their hands all over your body had you in a trance.
Matt tilted your head towards him and locked his eyes on yours before leaning in and passionately kissing you. His lips were smooth and soft, and his kiss was gentle and sensual. He cupped your face and moaned against your bottom lip before slipping his tongue into your mouth. Once he pulled away, you were left with a warm, tingly sensation all over. Matt started to remove your dress. "Lift your arms, pretty girl," Chris whispered as his lips bumped your earlobe and sent goosebumps all over your body. Matt pulled your clothes off over your head and tossed the fabric to the side.
At the same time, they both locked their soft, wet lips onto each of your nipples. You let out a moan while their mouths engulfed the little bumps on your chest. You were pleasantly surprised by how wonderful of a feeling it was. Their tongues swirled around delicately while they each looked up at you, longingly, to see your reaction. "Who do you want to go first, hmm?" Matt cooed, moaning with your sensitive bud between his lips.
"You, please," you responded quietly, still getting to know Chris and not feeling quite as comfortable with him yet. Chris pulled his mouth from your sensitive nipple and started kissing your neck. His kisses were rushed and aggressive, and you felt his teeth gently sink into you, causing you to whine from how nice it felt.
Matt got down on his knees in front of you and started leaving pecks on your knees and the tops of your legs. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, spreading you open and leaving wet kisses on your inner thighs. His eyes flicked up at you, and your breath hitched in your throat while he teased you through your panties with his mouth, making your pussy drool. He motioned for you to lift your hips while he took off your underwear, and he spread open your lips, admiring the way your vulva looked up close.
"You're so wet," he whispered before slowly lowering his mouth onto you. You felt your whole body begin to buzz with pleasure. It was unlike anything you'd ever felt, even better than your fingers the night before. Matt was gentle, and he licked you slowly and tenderly, taking his time and flicking his tongue thoughtfully over your swollen bundle of nerves. He closed his lips around it and hummed. "Oh," you softly moaned while you felt the vibrations against your clit.
While Matt worked his skillfull mouth below your waist, Chris continued running his hands all over your breasts, and he continued leaving sloppy kisses and love bites on your neck, your collar bones, and on your nipples. You were feeling rather shy by sharing such an intimate moment with the two brothers, so you closed your eyes and went to block your face with your hand. "Sweetheart, I wanna see you. Look at me while I lick you. Please," Matt pleaded with you. "Don't get shy on us, darling," Chris hummed against your chest.
Despite how self-conscious you felt, you removed your hand and peered down at Matt while he worked wonders with his tongue. You watched as he made slow circular motions with it while he held intense eye contact. "Good girl," Chris whispered in your ear while he watched Matt. Matt pulled away for a moment and started rubbing you with his fingers.
"How does it feel, baby?" He asked you, his chin glistening with your wetness. It was the best feeling in the world. "I know why the girls in the videos like this so much," you cried out while he went back to work with his mouth. "Mmmmm. Good," he hummed against your folds again. This time, he moved his lips down further while he started to tease your hole, gently prodding it with his tongue. You let out a few less controlled whimpers while Matt slurped up your juices and sensually explored your sex.
You felt a familiar feeling welling in your lower belly, but before the feeling could build up, Matt pulled away and said, "I want you to sit on my face." You'd seen this in one of the videos Matt sent you, but you didn't think you'd ever be sitting on anyone's face, much less the boy you had a crush on. "Are you sure I'm not going to hurt you?" You nervously asked, worried you'd break his neck or suffocate him. "I promise, princess. I can handle it," he giggled, laying back on the bed.
You put your knees on either side of his head and lowered yourself onto his tastebuds. He enveloped your thighs with his arms, pulling all of your weight onto him while he amorously drank from your center as if you were a sweet piece of fruit. "Oh, Matt!" You cried out while his tongue methodically fluttered all around your most intimate spot. You started to relinquish control of your movements, involuntarily rolling your hips forward and riding Matt's face while his lustful blue eyes peered up at you.
Your eyes began to roll back, and your lips fell open while you lost yourself in a euphoric, climactic sensation that drained all thoughts from your mind and momentarily altered your consciousness. Your pussy throbbed against Matt's tongue as you came undone, every nerve ending sensitive to the highest degree. Matt delighted in the taste of your sweetness, the cute sounds you made while you came, and the way your body jerked against him.
"Good girl," Matt whispered in your left ear after it was over and you were sitting at the edge of your bed drinking a cold glass of water Chris had brought you from downstairs while you caught your breath. Sitting on your right was the other brother, eagerly waiting for his turn. "I can't wait to make you finish all over my tongue, princess," Chris whispered, kissing the side of your face and trailing his lips down to your jaw.
"Look at me," he demanded, and when you did, his lips crashed into yours. His kiss was needy and demanding. Matt took the cup of water from your hands while his brother ventured the inside of your teeth with his tongue. Despite having just had a mind-shattering orgasm, Chris' wet, plump lips engulfing your own sent waves of pleasure throughout your nervous system, and you felt a nagging sensation between your legs, begging to be taken care of once again. "How do you feel, princess?" Chris asked, after pulling back from the kiss and looking at you.
"You're making me all tingly again," you whimpered to him. "Where? Right here?" Chris said, delving between your legs with his hand and gently rubbing your pussy. "Mhmm," you purred. "Tell me what you want, pretty girl," Chris whispered, taunting you with his fingers dancing between your thighs. "Put your mouth on it," you responded in a sultry sigh. "Beg for it," he smirked at you. "Please put your mouth on my pussy," you whined, growing needier by the second. "How bad do you want it?" He murmured into your ear. "More than anything. Please. I need it," you cried out, growing increasingly more impatient. "Of course, princess. Daddy's gonna give you what you need," Chris whispered, descending to his knees.
He pulled your legs apart, grabbed you by your waist and pulled your pussy closer to his face. You let out a squeal as this pulled you from a sitting position to a reclined one. Matt adjusted, so you were leaning up against his chest while you eagerly watched Chris as he started eating you. Matt caressed your arms and whispered into your ear how beautiful you looked. The second Chris' lips wrapped around your clit while he flickered his tongue across it fervently, your head fell back against Matt and you let out a moan. He smirked up at you, admiring your responsiveness, your eagerness, and your innocence.
His velvet-like tongue slithered around your folds, sloppily teasing your clit. "You like when daddy eats your pretty pussy?" Chris cooed, taking your vulva into his mouth once more. He adored the way you couldn't help but nod and bite your lip while you suppressed a whimper. You didn't know why Chris referred to himself like that, but for some reason, you kind of liked it. He devoured you, urgently exploring your heat, tweaking your clit with his tongue at such an incredible rate, it felt like his mouth was vibrating against you. "Oh, Chris," you moaned, bucking your hips and grinding against his tongue.
"You're mad cute when you can't get enough of my tongue," he whispered right before he took your little bundle of nerves between his lips and started sucking on it. The suction sent an electric current throughout all your extremities, causing you to pathetically writhe around while Matt supported you.
"Can you believe we just met an hour ago, and I already have you squirming around, moaning my name while I give you head?" He snickered, delighting in how special he and Matt must have been to you for you to feel safe enough to let them have you in such a way that no one else was worthy of up until now. You shook your head, nibbling on your lower lip and wondering how they'd talked you into this, but extremely thankful they did.
The way he spoke to you and watched you while he did such incredible things to you was almost enough to make you cum, but he drew back and stopped for a second, leaving you craving more. "I want you to turn around and stick your ass in the air for me," he demanded. You scoffed at the absurdity of his request. You weren't sure what he meant or why he wanted that, but you reluctantly followed his direction.
There you were, your face buried in a pillow, your knees beneath your hip points, and your bottom sticking up. Suddenly, you felt his wet mouth attacking you from the back. "Oh my god," you cried out while Chris worked magic with his remarkable tongue, swirling it about your pussy, leaving nothing untouched. He hungrily licked, picking up the pace, drawing faster and tighter circles around your clit while he spread you open with his fingers, causing you to lose all composure. "Chris, I think you're gonna make me cum," you cried as something took over your body. You began to shake, the muscles in your core began to twitch, and you could no longer see or think straight.
Your orgasm hit you like a wave, cresting and cascading over you, pulling you under, and leaving you breathless while you drowned in pure satisfaction. Chris cleaned you up with his tongue, slurping up your sweetness and not drawing back until he fully finished you off. "You taste so good, baby girl," Chris whispered, lapping up the last of the mess.
Once you regained your composure, Matt handed you your glass of water again, and they sat on either side of you at the edge of the bed again. "So? What did you think?" Matt questioned, fiddling with your braid and caressing your cheek while he admired your flushed expression and your glazed over eyes from the high you were still riding. "I can't pick who was better. You were both so good for different reasons," you pouted looking between the two of them, knowing they wanted a definitive answer but unable to give it to them.
"What did you like about it, princess?" Matt wondered, dying to hear your answer. "Matt, I loved how you were so slow and gentle, and the way you looked at me the whole time. It was also really fun to sit on your face," you responded, a bit embarrassed to admit that.
"And Chris," you said, turning to the other brother, "I loved the way you talked to me, and the way you moved your tongue so fast.. I didn't even know that was possible. And I really liked it when you called yourself daddy," You bit your lip, also a bit embarrassed to admit that.
"It's okay that you can't choose between the two of us, princess. It's flattering, really. We're just so happy we could make you feel good," Matt smiled at you. "We have a couple more things we want you to judge us on if you're up for it," Chris sneered, giving you a mischevious look. "Yeah, what else?" You eagerly wondered, hoping it would feel as good as what they'd just done.
"Well, we want to know which one of us you think has the prettiest cock."
part three posted here 💖
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-ykwho @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @schlutt4matty @sofieeeeex @matts-myloverboy @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut   @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturnioloss @sturniolosweetheart33 @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @sturnrc @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @alexisxena @matthewsturnsgf @willowrites @blahbel668 @mattslolita @freshlov3 @2muchofaslvt @wonnieeluvvr @fratboychrisera @envykaulitz @slxtformatt @winnie13 @pip4444chris @aaliyahrosesblog @littlebookworm803 @weirdratperson @watchu-mean-baby-keem @lydi2718 @chratts-left-ball @hrtz4alex2211
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skyrigel · 4 months
Hi! I love all of your writing, could please do Benedict and best friend reader at a ball and he over hears some girls bullying reader and goes OFF and reader runs off and he thinks he’s embarrassed her but when he finds her she explains she found it super hot and then some smut please! 💖
You are in love 1 || B.B
Part 2 of " you are in love"
Pairing: Benedict bridgerton x best friend! Reader, + Polin
Warning: fem! reader, no description of reader, friendly flirting and teasing, mutual pinning, use of inappropriate words, reader has a step sister. Fluff and angst, part 1 of you are in love. Part : 2 will be smut
Rigel's note đŸȘ©: Thank you for requesting, and the compliment<3333 *smooches* I hope you don't mind me doing it in two parts :) the title is taken from Taylor Swift's song " you are in love", it popped as soon as I read best friend reader, hope it's not as bad as it's in my head, sending love back, also part 2 soon.
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" Perks of being a woman, you don't have to dance with Eloise bridgerton." You remarked when it was the fifth time Eloise stepped on lord White's toe.
Benedict snorted on his lemonade as he looked at you sideways, his iconic lop sided grin plastered to his smug face.
" I was her dance partner, " Benedict fake sniffed, wiping the fake tear, ", that too, before she started lessons."
You winced at the idea of Eloise before her lesson and gave Benedict a pat on his back for being ever the sacrifice.
" I thought that's why you danced wierd " you told him, smiling when he looked at you scandalously.
" Excuse me ?! " He narrowed his eyes, " you take that back ! " He slammed the glass down with force.
" Will not, you dance like...like a snowman ! " You beamed, slamming your fan down and glaring back, nose to nose, eye to eye.
" That never stopped you from dancing with me." He said smugly and retreated to his space with a satisfied look in his eyes when your jaw slacked slightly.
" You don't dance like a snowman with me." you told him in a small voice and that's when it hit you how gracefully he twirled you around when he was practically running away from other beautiful young ladies.
Benedict smiled, his eyes twinkling at you as he raised his brow, like in a question.
" And why would you think that ? " His mouth twisted and you didn't know what to say.
" Perhaps because I dance well...? " You tried and despite it being not the answer he expected, he laughed all the same.
" You dance like a ... a Kangaroo." Benedict thought hard and a muscle in his jaw twitched, he smiled proudly when he got the right word to annoy you.
" What's a kangaroo ? " You asked, you had heard it somewhere but it was easier to ask him than think hard.
" It's like..." Benedict motioned with his hands something like a vase," it's a cute animal." He finally said when nothing more could be made out from his gestures.
"Oh." You nodded and then it hit you, " Did you just call me an ANIMAL ?! " You snarled at him and he shaked his head with a chuckle.
" I called you cute too." He squabbled.
" Kangaroo's aren't cute ! " You jabbed at him and he chuckled, grabbing your wrist firmly, a spark so bright jolted inside you and you felt your face grow hot.
" Then I don't dance like a snowman—" you sticked your tongue out at him and he was lost in words, just looking, you saw the opportunity and yanked your hand away from his grip. He relented like a gentleman.
" You are always like..like running away and leaning off while dancing and it's so so snowman like." You argued and Benedict's eyes twinkled like moon.
" Have you seen a snowman waltzing ? " Benedict asked and you shaked your head, while clutching at your chest, you couldn't help the giggling.
" Yes if we are talking about a tall, handsome and smug snowman."
" You think I am handsome ? " Benedict ducked his head closer to your face and you felt your breath hitching in your throat, like air was punched out of your chest.
You rolled your eyes when it became too apparent that no word would come out of your traitorous throat and you couldn't help but gaze back at him, he looked back just the same, all fire and blaze.
" You didn't answer my question." He said slowly, each word carefully and it squeezed your heart how close his face was, how beautiful those eyes were, and that nose, and those cheeks, those lines when he smiled, he oftened and it was so warm and gorgeous, how you never noticed how captivating he was, every atom of his body was tied with an invisible thread with yours, a golden one. And you would be damned to think of that mouth, your lips parted at the ethereal site and Benedict smiled at that.
" No." You just said it, eager to say anything and break this moment, it was swirling you around in a storm.
" No ? " He questioned, frowning and he was handsome at that too, you were so doomed.
" You are silly like handsome, like some lord Byron poetry." you murmured softly, safe guarding the hammering heart in your chest and blinking at the sudden burn from his gaze on you, drinking you in, his brow knitted in funny way, a mock annoyance crossed his face.
" Lord Byron ?! Really, " he dropped back to his seat and you finally took a breath, then he covered his face like a damsel in distress and when he glanced sideways at you, he was smiling his brightest, oh, you just realised how goofy and precious and mesmerizing his smile was, you wished to stop time and paint it under your lids so everytime you close your eyes, you could meet him there, in your secret gardens and then a death like that would be sweeter.
" What ? " You exasperated when he refused to look away, even when your nose wrinkled and face basked in it's warmth, he wouldn't let go of you, taking each and every detail in like he was wishing to stop time too and paint you. He could, he was an artist.
" You called me poetry..." His mouth quirked up in a delightful grin, like it explained all the merry and you groaned, looking away as you huffed the tingling in your body that wouldn't go, your eyes landed on a very eventful moment.
" Is that our Colin ? " You raised your brow at Benedict who sat up straighter and turned his gaze to the other side of the hall.
" Why is he eye murdering lord Debling ? " You asked him, he winked and pulled your chair closer, not caring if any mama saw or perhaps lady whistledown herself.
" Penelope is dancing with lord Debling, and well she's laughing at something too, oh—" Benedict whispered in the shell of your ear and you barely nodded, Colin looked like he had enough, he was making his way through the crowd towards Pen.
" Forty shillings if he punches lord Debling." You piped up, Benedict shaked his head.
" You are gonna lose cupcake, he's gonna take Miss Featherington's hand and—" you gasped when Colin stopped abruptly, said something urgently and took Penelope's wrist between his hand, Benedict cocked his head to his side and winked smugly.
" And ? " You drawled and it amused Benedict beyond limits, like he has been waiting for it.
" Birds and bees." He said in a code like hushed whisper, you smacked the back of his head.
" I don't have a mother, you know." You told Benedict and he touched his upper lip with the tip of his pink tongue, he nodded along knowingly.
" Well, someone's gotta teach you."
" Mm.. you are my best friend." You would look anywhere but at him but your eye's were locked in his, he was being brave then so can you. One step, not much.
" I can not tell you birds and bee." Benedict said sincerely.
" Colin helped Pen ! " You said, nose flaring as he worried his jaw but didn't say anything.
" He told her how kids are made, something like going to a farm and then...well he kissed her but that's not the point." You blurted in a whisper, he listened intently.
" He kissed her already ? "
" Well a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell but a lady can, but that's not the point! " You pouted, his resistance crumbled but then again, bloody bridgerton.
" That's not my place cupcake." He was breathing hard, his mouth would open and snap close again, taking back all the things left unsaid.
" Well then—" you hated how choked your voice got, you tried, didn't you, it's not like you left it on god's cue, this was the biggest hint you could have given him and if he didn't got this, then only bricks might work.
Give him one more, a small voice said in your head, it was yours, but stronger and braver than you.
" —then you can tell me about love."
Benedict laughed on that, like it was the funniest thing you had said.
" You know what? I take it back, I am gonna ask someone—" you smoothed your skirt and began to get up when he pulled you down.
" Sorry, I didn't mean that, sorry, don't go leaving me stranded." He pleaded.
You looked at him hard, looking for any sign of humour and you found none, he was glittering when he clapped his tongue and opened his mouth, his soft tongue resting like a tired cat.
" Love," he began," is like music."
" Like music." You repeated, struggling with the fit laughter that shook your shoulders.
Benedict glanced at you offended but when he spoke next, it was how the poets said, with longing and desire, like bleeding for your beloved and when no blood was left then it was ink and parchment.
" You can hear it in the silence." He said, you remembered those afternoons when no word was said between you and your bestfriend and yet nothing was hidden and left unsaid.
" You can feel it on your way home." He said, penetrating his gaze in you eyes and he remembered damn well that night after he rescued you from the lake when you almost drowned, the terror of losing you, the spark of holding you closer than ever.
" You can see it with the light's out, it's so bright and golden." Everything is more beautiful with you Benedict, you told him one Sunny afternoon, basking under a tree while he read you poetry, Better than Byron.
" Loving that one person will make you love yourself, with them, you are enough." He was whispering now, chest heaving as his hand trembled and unknowingly yours found his under the table, locked eye's and joined hands and sacred whispered chants. It was enough.
" You aren't too much, or too little, or loud or boring, you don't have to be interesting or witty or anything, being youself with them is enough." I like myself with you, he had told you when you were sixteen.
" That's love, being safe with them is love, being their home is love, to be able to leave all shades behind and be naked in just body and soul and not being afraid, not being embarassed is love."
" Benedict..." Your voice was soft and sweet and it took him a moment to realise he was crying, when you gently wiped it's proof with your handkerchief.
" I...I will be back in a moment—" he stumbled out, still smiling a small smile and oh god what you have done, you have ruined him as well your self and nothing will ever be the same.
" Yes...." You said, because he was waiting for your approval, he nodded back when he got it and disappeared amongst the crowd as you watched him leave.
Love was indeed like music, the one you liked, it could be light as bee buzzing and sharp as thunder roaring in clouds, it could be slow and rhythmic and soft like water flowing, it could be the sound of his laughter and the way he drew his breath, it could be how he whined and joked and played and teased, for you, love was the music and muse of Benedict bridgerton and yes, you were very much doomed.
" What a pleasant site, a spinster smiling on her own, have you planned some scandalous plan of yours to bag some noble man ? " Claire wheezed in a duckling like laughter, shared with Asha Patil and Gissele Turner.
You refused to say anything, it only further added spice to their boring marital lives, with their husbands out and wombs empty.
" Would you look at her ? She's giving us that attitude, no wonder she's still unmarried ! " Scowled Asha, with her frizzy hair and crooked nose, her eyes coated in loathing of most tainted kind.
" She might had gotten the ring if she wasn't being Mr. Bridgerton's bitch." Gissele whispered it down to you and anger shot up through your veins and your eyes snapped to her, it didn't matter if she was your elder sister and the rage that blinded you was so fierce that you didn't feel when two big tears rolled down your cheek.
" Don't cry now, you can always be his mistress atleast." They all laughed, loud and big and white teeth flashing, with their fake diamond rings rubbing in your eyes but it was too blur, you saw nothing, you heard nothing, everything was drowning around you.
" Speaking of mistresses, Lord Hasting has bought a bigger estate for his mistress than your home in east London and I wouldn't blame him lady Hasting."
You can hear it in the silence.
It was your love's voice, it was your Benedict speaking and you lifted your mascara stained lashed eyes at him.
If you had known him less than you couldn't have known of the terrible anger that was shaking him, that smile was no ordinary, it was feral and stray, wanting to tear anyone who dared to come near, he was burning in anger that was beyond words.
Claire sizzled at that remark, turning her hand to her palm side and only moments ago she was flashing her ring and now, she was hiding it.
" Don't ruin your reputation by showing ungratefuls such as her your pity Mr. Bridgerton." It would've hurt less, were it Claire or Asha, but it was your own half sister, be it half blood but blood all the same.
" Lady Turner, i have no wish to speak to you, you have hurt my best friend beyond words, you had taken her affections for granted so if someone's ungrateful then it's sorely you, you don't deserve a sister like her, she's too good for all of us." He was carefully placing the word and his anger slipped between, his teeth grinded and breath hitched, you stared, just at him and him, everything was getting dimmer but you knew in that moment, you would know him in darkness.
you can feel it with the light's out.
He had done many things for you, Benedict stole Anthony's horse to take you out on a midnight ride, he nicked Colin's sword and taught you fencing, bought ribbons of your favourite pastel silk, saved your favourite sweets, and so many and so more, but this was something you couldn't have done yourself if you wanted, he had done it, he had stood up for you and it was the most gleaming moment of your life, he wasn't playing hero, he wasn't being mean, he was protecting your with your honour and Benedict, the gentleman who wouldn't hurt a fly, he was going to dagger them down with words alone.
He was speaking and speaking and they were all quiet, their eyes low and nose bowed down, he was speaking and speaking, words clear with pure affection and respect and then your felt it.
The warmness aroused in your womanhood and an inaudible gasp parted through your lips as you felt the slicky wet feeling caress your inner thigh and the sensation was so electrifying that you had to close your eyes in order to take a breath and even then, you could feel his words, soft and praising, " ......if you were half good as a woman she is....." He was breathless and he wasn't stopping and something inside you wanted to cup his face and tell him, don't Stop, never stop.
And then his eyes looked for you, he found your gaze and held it and you felt the shame, you couldn't do this to him, this burning desire would take you both down in flames and what it would be to become one, only in ashes, it was scaring you.
And before you could think of say anything, you were already on your feet, stumbling through the crowd with your gown kissing the floor behind you.
You didn't know where you were going but far, away and this feeling wouldn't let go, you knew well but you wanted air, the warmness that was spreading was maddening and the hunger was tugging under your skin.
He was calling out your name, you hated yourself but you needed to run, this love would ruin you, what if Benedict hated you if you told him how you felt, how you thought about him, would he call you a whore along with Gissele, would it hurt more ?
More than anything.
His voice turned to pleading as crowd thickened and you were getting out of his sight. You wouldn't look back, because if you did then you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from doing something very stupid.
You were out of the gates, descending down the stairs as one heel slipped out but you didn't care, you were on a run.
Johnny was already motioning the horses as you frantically climbed in, you could see Colin chasing down Penelope's carriage in a distance as you opened the window to inhale heavy gulps of air.
Would Benedict Chase you down too ? Would he come and look for you ? And if he did, what would you tell him ?
You are my best friend.
Part 2
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deerspherestudios · 7 months
Mushroom Oasis is now one year old! 🎉
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And belated Happy Birthday to the skrunkly himself, Mychael! 🎂
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His birthday was on the 15th this month, but I didn't have the time to draw something for it so I'm posting these two celebrations in one go! Clean version without the shadows + dev rambles under the cut:
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I'd just like to say thank you thank you thank you!! as always to the community of this small silly game I'm making. I genuinely didn't think it would grow the amount it did. Like, it blows my mind to even consider it having a fandom?? ;;v;; It feels like it grew so much in one year and for that I'm eternally grateful <3!!
All of the fanart, fanfics, messages and questions and comments, and even donations!!? just blows me away every single time. Seriously, I wouldn't enjoy making the game as much as I do if not for you all giving me encouragement along the way and being excited for the game ;v;
((I feel like I oughta give a personal thank you to donators as well, you have no idea how much it's helped support me throughout the months during my studies. Thank you <3 Even a dollar means a lot!))
I won't ramble too much but for those who's reading here's an update for the game! Day 3 script is already done, but of course I'll be refining it some more over the course of coding it into Ren'py. I can't wait for March to begin as I'll have much more spare time to manage the blog and continue development on the game! In between irl matters of course, haha!
Anyways, that's all for now. Take care, fireflies! â€ïžđŸ„
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mariasont · 15 days
hiii! I read your last spencer one shot AND I LOVED IT! IT WAS SO SWEET AND YOU'RE SO TALENTED!! Would you write something about post prison reid and shy reader? I was thinking of her as the media liaison (in my mind she is old-fashioned in music and clothes I'd wear skirts everyday, her emotional intelligence makes her good at her job, despite her shyness). Maybe she's clumsy, especially when she gets nervous and more especially (I don't even know if that's grammatically correct) when she's around Spencer.
Thank you so much for reading this, you're doing an EXCELLENT job, your works are a masterpiece!! 💕💖💝💓💓💖💞💕💖💓
Make a Wish - S.R
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a/n: eekkkkkk post-prison spencer reid has me in a CHOKEHOLD! thank you so much for requesting, i'm so sorry for the delay! i hope i did your request justice!! I LOVE LOVE YOU!
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pairings: post prison!spencer reid x shy!reader
wc: 0.9k
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You had been meaning to give the reports fastened in your hands to Spencer for give-or-take two hours now. Each time you gathered the courage to approach him, just one glance, one simple stupid glance from those piercing eyes set your nerves on fire and sent your brain in overdrive.
As the new media liaison from the narcotics unit, you were warned about the BAU's intimidating figures, particularly Rossi and Emily. However, no warning came regarding Spencer Reid. They mentioned his tendencies for long-winded explanations and awkward social interactions but not the aura of intensity he exuded. Whenever he entered a room, you instinctively started looking for an exit, not because of his criminal record, but because you found yourself hopelessly mesmerized by him.
He was perfect in every sense of the word—brilliant, compassionate, selfless, and an exceptional agent. At least, this is what you had observed from afar. A part of you was scared that any real interaction with him would shatter the idyllic image you had crafted in your head, and you weren't confident you were prepared for such disillusionment. However, you needed to give him these damn papers, dreading the alternative, which was getting summoned to Emily's office.
You did it, okay, first step complete. You opened your mouth, determined to get out the next part you had practiced a little over twenty times in your head, but the words seemed to dissipate into a misty fog in your brain.
"Um, these are for you," you said, rocking back onto the balls of your mary janes, placing the report on his desk. "It's the Henderson lie detector test transcript?"
"Is it?"
You realized you had said it like a question.
You paused, the part of your brain stuttering for a second, trying to flip over the thousands of scenarios you had rehearsed in your head for this interaction. None of them had included those words.
Just a little off script and you felt your fight or flight kick in—nails digging into your palms as you avoided eye contact.
"Yes." A little more confident this time, not by much, and it quickly deflated as you second guessed yourself, stepping closer to peer over his shoulder at the document. "At least I think."
"I'm just messing with you, it is." He said, eyes flickering down to the document, then to you. "You okay?"
"M-Me? Okay? Yeah, of course." The words were stumbling out of your mouth at a rate that was hard to keep up with. "Do I not look okay?"
"No, of course you look okay," he responded, brows knitting together as his gaze traveled down your body, no doubt dissecting your every thought. "You just seem... a bit nervous."
You opened your mouth, aiming to articulate a coherent thought, but it fell short and was quickly interrupted by Spencer.
He suddenly leaned in, his eyes narrowing. "Wait, hold still; you have an eyelash."
He was so close, you swore you feel his breath on your cheeks, instantly warming them. Your body was in overdrive, trying to recalibrate as his finger grazed the area under your right eye. You closed your eyes, almost unwillingly, relishing in the unexpected touch.
This was weird. Every nerve in your body was on high alert, and you balled your hand into a fist, attempting to mask the way you were shaking.
The sound of your name snapped you out of your daze. Your eyes followed suit, meeting Spencer's prying eyes. His finger was raised, your eyelash perched on the tip. Your face could have been a furnace, flames of heat spreading from your neck to your nose.
"Do you want to make a wish?"
He looked at you expectantly, eyes darting from your face to his raised pointer finger.
You closed your eyes, forming the wish in your mind before blowing on the lash. You watched it float to the ground, settling gently on the toe of Spencer's shoe. 
"What did you wish for?"
"I feel like I'm not supposed to tell you that," you say, pulling at the ends of your hair.
He was undeniably good-looking. It wasn't like you were just realizing it; you had eyes and you were only human. But up close, you could see every detail—the dark circles under his eyes, the rough stubble under his jaw.
"I think you're right."
The sudden intimacy of the moment made your heart skip a beat. You stepped back, nodding at his words and also nothing in particular.
"Anyway, yeah, those are the papers—," you began, turning to walk away. As you did, you bumped your hip into the desk beside you, hissing under your breath in response.
"Christ, are you okay?" His hand was on your hip as the words came out of his mouth.
The touch only seemed to intensify your embarrassment. You stepped out of his grip, dropping your phone as you did which you quickly bent down to pick up.
"Sorry, yeah, I'm fine, just forgot I have a meeting with Emily, so I'm just gonna—," you pointed towards her office, quickly making your escape from Spencer as you tried to catch your breath.
Once you were a distance you deemed safe enough, you allowed yourself a quick glance back at him. He was smirking, and you felt that all familiar heat rising into your chest once again.
You really hoped that wish would kick in soon.
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taglist: @readergf @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @broadwaytraaaaash @r-3dlips @sunfyyre @sleepysongbirdsings @trulycayla @reiderrambles @pansexualhailstorm @averyhotchner @hbwrelic @looking1016 @sky2nd @messylxve @alexxavicry @yaykeira @spencerssatchel @doigettokeepyou @pleasantwitchgarden @kodzukenmaaa @perpetuallydone @hiireadstuff @spenciesslut @phoenix-le-danseur-de-pole @deadofnight0 @just-here-to-read13 @c-losur3
join my taglist here!
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starkwlkr · 1 month
I really love your work, and if my message comes out as awkward, I apologize
I just had a brain fart while reading that hot to go fic and just imagined the Jackman family at a Chappell Roan concert. I don't expect anything, just sending :). Keep doing the good work💖
hot to go part 2 | hugh jackman
an: CHAPPELL AND HUGH?? yes pls <3 thank you for the request!!
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Gov ball 2024
Ever since you and Hugh got Olivia and her friends tickets to the governors ball music festival, all she did was play Chappell Roan’s music on repeat. Occasionally she would play Fleetwood Mac or Joan Jett, but Chappell Roan was always at the top of her playlist.
You and Hugh had days off and they happened to land on the same days as the gov ball so you decided that a music festival was the best way to spend time together.
Your boys were in Los Angeles with friends so Olivia gave the tickets to her two friends. You were grateful you didn’t have to fly to another city for the festival.
“Who are we seeing again?” Hugh asked, probably for the tenth time. He was more old school when it came to music, but he still liked to listen to Olivia’s music.
“Chappell Roan, dad. Remember the dance I was showing mom the other day? That’s her song that goes with the dance.” Olivia explained.
“I really like her song ‘red wine supernova’. I hope she plays it.” You looked down at your phone. Alex and Reese had texted you pictures of them and their friends at the beach. You missed them, but you were glad they were having fun.
“So how does the dance go?” Hugh asked.
It took a while but, after many attempts, Hugh finally got the hot to go dance figured out. Olivia felt so proud when he finally got it.
“See that, honey? This old man can still dance.” Hugh said with a smirk on his face.
“Not to brag but it took less tries for me to learn.”
After waiting in the crowd a for what seemed hours (Olivia’s words), Chappell Roan finally arrived on stage. Hugh, like the dad he is, took out his phone and recorded both Chappell Roan and his daughter having the time of her life with her friends, singing and jumping along to the music.
“When is she playing the hot to go?” Hugh asked you.
“It’s just called hot to go, there’s no the in front.” You clarified.
Eventually hot to go did play. That’s when Hugh and you got told by Olivia that this was the song that they had to dance to. Some fans had spotted the celebrity couple dancing along and recorded them. It’s not everyday you see the wolverine dancing to Chappell Roan.
Hugh ended up having a few mistakes when it came to the dance but he didn’t care. He was having fun. At one point he was being recorded by you.
“You can take me hot to go!” Hugh sang along. “That’s all I know! I don’t know the words, but I’ll learn!”
In a matter of minutes, you and Hugh were on trending everywhere. You even got several messages from Alex and Reese about your viral videos. At the moment, the boys wished they were there either you, Hugh and Olivia.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
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(ID provided in Alt)
Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana -- available for pre-order now!
A Library with a deadly enchantment.
A fae lord who wants in.
A human woman willing to risk it all for a taste of power.
In a land ruled by ruthless Fae, twenty-one-year-old Lore Alemeyu's village is trapped in a forested prison. Lore knows that any escape attempt is futile–her scars are a testament to her past failures. But when her village is threatened, Lore makes a desperate deal with a fae lord.
She convinces him that she will risk her life for wealth, but really she’s after the one thing the Fae covet above all: magic of her own.
As Lore navigates the hostile world outside, she’s forced to rely on two fae males to survive. When undeniable chemistry ignites, she’s not just in danger of losing her life, but her heart to the very creatures she can never trust.
Release day September 5th, 2023
More pre-order links are incoming as they generate.
Hey booklr! I'm posting this on behalf of my friend Analeigh Sbrana (@literaryxqueen on insta), who doesn't have a Tumblr. Her debut novel, Lore of the Wilds, went live for pre-order this morning, and I'd love it if we could show it some love.
Analeigh tried for two years to sell her story to trad-pub, but the vibe was that trad-pub didn't want to take the risk on a Black Fae fantasy adventure set in a breathtakingly descriptive magic kingdom in a market currently flooded with white fairy romances. So, she took matters into her own hands and joined the ranks of self-pub.
Full disclosure: I worked on this book as a proofreader, and I loved every minute of it. I kept forgetting I was supposed to be working and reading ahead. I scheduled a week to finish reading it in did it in 3 days, and the only reason it took so long was that I had to actually pause and work on it 😅.
So, if you like:
-🍄cottage core -✹fairy core -📚light/dark academia vibes -🌈a diverse cast of lgbtqia+ Black characters -💘romance -đŸ§đŸŸâ€â™€ïž being kidnapped by a fairy prince to tidy up his cursed/enchanted library and coming into your own magical powers as a result, then Lore of the Wilds might just be for you!
Here, have a sneak peek of what the physical books will look like:
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(ID in alt) The book will eventually be available in eBook, paperback, and hardback--Ana's just having a time getting the links to generate. I'll post them as soon as they're live.
Please do consider giving LoTW some love. It's such a fantastic book, and I'd love to see it thrive where trad-pub left it to fail. Thank you 💖
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Giving In
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Summary: You've finally given in to what you've wanted all this time but will it be enough?
Pairing: ? (whoever you want it to be) x Female!Reader
A/N: This is a new format I was experimenting with while also practicing...well...smut. To a low degree. I've come across fics in the past for all different fandoms, on here and AO3, that have featured this "whichever character you want it to be" format. So this could be Dean, Russell, Beau, Soldier Boy, Jensen, whoever you want. I'm going to tag the ones I just mentioned just to give it somewhere to go but it was purposely kept vague to be whoever the reader wants it to be.
All unbeta'd.
Thank you @rieleatiel for pre-reading! I was so nervous lol. Once again, your input is invaluable and your time spent appreciated. 💖
Warnings: smut-ish (18+ - minors DNI); language
Word Count: 978
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
This work was recc'ed by @winchestergirl2 here
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“Oh fuck,” you moaned as he moved in and out of you.
You felt his breath near your earlobe. “There it is. Let me hear some more of that, sweetheart.” He purposely moaned into your ear as an example.
You dug your nails into his back at the sound, matching the indentations that now resided in your bottom lip from your teeth. Fuck, that was hot. No wonder he wanted to hear similar sounds coming from you. “We shouldn’t—” You loudly gasped when suddenly without warning, he hiked your leg higher on his side, causing him to go just that little bit deeper. “Be doing this.”
“Yes, we should,” he whispered, feeling him trailing kisses down your jawline until he reached your lips. “I’ve wanted this for so fucking long,” he grunted into your mouth, squeezing your hand in his almost as if to echo his sentiment.
You let him kiss you passionately, make love to you, but the guilt weighed heavily in your chest. You meant what you had said before — neither of you should be doing this. Yet as his hips moved steadily against yours, as he broke away to lift his head up and lock eyes with you, panting harshly, you couldn’t help but admit to yourself that you had wanted this for some time as well. It was a truth you kept hidden deep down inside that you refused to acknowledge. Even when you’d taken a picture together last week with your friends and his hand had stayed glued to the small of your back until the last possible second. When his gaze lingered on you longer than it should in polite company. When the discreet tender touches began, the inconspicuous feathery brush of his lips on your earlobe happened repeatedly when your head was a little too close to his, and when his hugs lasted a little too long. Each time any of those things occurred, you knew that you were heading in a direction that would only lead to trouble, getting closer and closer until one of you couldn’t take it anymore. Like a rumbling storm cloud that was close to breaking, the electricity in the air around you two became more and more charged until eventually lightning would strike and the downpour would be sudden and both of you would be drowning in it. You should have put a stop to it, to any of it, but you hadn’t. Because deep down in that secret place, you hadn’t wanted to. 
And now here you were, underneath the man who had as tight of a grip on your heart as he did your body — tighter even. He was staring down at you with a mix of desire and something akin to reverence; you stared back at him, the same feelings coursing through you alongside pleasure and — well, love. You loved these eyes now, the ones that watched your expressions closely as he moved within you. You loved these lips, the ones that parted to let out a deep groan when you reflexively clenched down on him to slow him down. You loved the deep voice that followed, telling you, “Fuck, baby, you’re squeezing the shit out of me” as lust brightened the sheen in his eyes. You loved the warm yet prickly skin you felt underneath your hand when you placed it against his cheek, causing his eyes to shut halfway before he turned and pressed his lips to your palm.
You loved this man. You’d loved him when he insisted on playing you song after song from the playlist on his phone. You’d loved him the first time he’d laughed at something you said, appreciating your steady stream of snarky commentary from movies to news to every possible topic in life you two could find to discuss. You’d loved him when you turned to say something to him about the tv series you were binging together one day to find him already watching you with an affectionate smile and a soft, faraway look in his eyes. You’d loved him when he fell asleep on your couch one night after several drinks between the two of you, his head in your lap and his lips resting against your hand that he had brought to his mouth and placed soft kisses on before drifting off. You’d loved him when you saw an act of kindness from him to a stranger that wasn’t meant to be witnessed by you or anyone else nor was he aware that it was. You loved him beyond words with every smile; every conversation; every laugh; every exchange between you without words; every look; every phone call and facetime; every touch; every text message he sent; every embrace; every thought he had and shared with you; every time he spoke your name with that adoration attached to it — all of it. You loved him.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, straight from the heart.
He turned a dopey smile down on you, kissing the tips of your fingers reverently. He didn’t say it back; he never said it back. And you knew why. It was the very same reason you two should not be tangled up in each other like you were. 
But you knew that he loved you, too, even if he couldn’t say the words. The way he leaned down to kiss you; the way he moved your hand back over your head and slipped his fingers into yours; the way he continued moving both of your bodies anew; the way his mouth lingered near your ear and breathily encouraged your quiet moans with “That’s it, baby, let me hear all of it”; the way he held you to him as you shuddered in orgasm and pressed his lips to your temple — you knew he loved you. And that would have to be enough.
For now. 
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Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for any works.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
banner by @cafekitsune
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
Joel Miller x f!reader x Dave York || 2,7k
Part 2 of Table for Three (can be read alone)
Summary: Joel Face Times you.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, mfm (kinda), not specified age gap, dom/sub dynamic, daddy kink, praise kink, light degradation, squirting, m!oral, f/m masturbation, cum eating, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pet names (baby, kitten, babygirl, sweetie). Pics are for the mood only, reader has hair, but no other specific physical descriptions.
A/n: I saw that video and had to write this. Pedro is such a menace! Warm hugs to @iamasaddie for the gif in the m/b❀Kisses to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing💖 Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💕 Hope you’ll like it! Love you all😘
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“Who’s your daddy?”
“Fuck off, Joel, you know it’s not you.”
Joel is Face Timing you while you’re still lying in bed in the early afternoon after a night of passionate fucking with your boyfriend Dave.
You are surprised by your ex’s call but can’t deny that after last week when you sucked him off at a restaurant, meanwhile sitting on Dave’s cock, the surprise is pleasant.
Joel’s in his bedroom, judging by the background, and he looks so hot, you immediately gush. His hair is slicked back, chocolatey eyes sparking with mischief and his five day stubble is calling to be rubbed against your pussy.
“Yeah, I know Dave’s your dom daddy now. Is he with ya?”
“Dom daddy,” you snicker, rolling your eyes, “you watch too much porn, Joel.”
“Yeah, ya think I’m beating my own meat every day, cryin’ over you, babe?
“Aren’t you?”
You both stare at each other but Joel cracks first as a smile tugs at his lips and you both laugh. After a few moments you remember the question he asked.
“Dave’s in the kitchen. Why are you calling? I thought you had me blocked. Or vice versa.”
“Well, i reckon, none of us could say ‘goodbye’”.
“Oh, I can now. Bye, Joel!”
“Wait, wait, baby,” he gruffs hastily through the phone speaker, stopping you from hanging up.
“I need to ask ya somethin’. ‘s important”. He narrows his eyes, his expression is serious.
“What is it?”
Joel’s squinting at you for a few seconds while you’re taking in his combed back curls, his handsome tanned face, broad shoulders under a plaid shirt. Every time he talks, his voice makes your pussy tingle, sounding even sexier through the phone. Finally he breaks the silence.
“What are you wearin’?”
You can’t help but laugh.
“You’re an asshole, Joel.”
“I’m just a man in love.”
You giggle, raising your brows and shaking your head in disbelief.
“You hated me a few days ago.”
“I did, baby. But I let the past go.”
You take a deep breath, feeling your guilt for what you did years ago slightly lifted off your heart.
“So?” He presses.
“I’m not telling you, Joel.”
“Ok, then just show me.”
You bite your lip, contemplating your next move. Your eyes dart to the door where you hear Dave, making breakfast for you two. You don’t think he would mind you flirting with your ex a little, considering he let you give the older man a handie in front of him. Besides, you look very cute in your sexy nightie with nothing else underneath so you change the angle of the phone so Joel could peek at your body, splayed on the bed, a blanket covering just a part of your leg.
You hear a whistle and your heart sings.
“Pretty, babygirl. Did he buy it for ya?”
“He did,” you reply with defiance in your voice.
“‘s he rich?”
“Dave’s doing fine. But I’m with him not because of money if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Ain’t implying anythin’.”
Then you just look at each other as the air in the rooms gets heavier and a light flirting morphs into something else. Joel breaks the silence first.
“I’m happy for you, sweetheart.”
You haven’t expected that and suddenly your throat gets squeezed with emotions.
“Thank you, Joel,” you say softly.
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“Who are you talking to?”
Dave walks into the room with two mugs of coffee and the aroma quickly fills the bedroom. He’s wearing a gray tee and a pair of sweatpants.
“Joel’s FaceTiming me.”
“Joel?” Dave repeats with his brows raised.
He puts the coffees on the nightstand and lies down next to you and your mouth waters as his scent engulfs you.
You shift the position of the phone so Joel could see you both and Dave greets your ex.
“Joel says that he’s happy for me,” you tell your boyfriend with excitement in your voice.
“Oh, thank you, Joel. I’m glad that you two solved your past issues.”
“Her apology really helped, man. I wouldn’t say no to another one though.”
Joel winks at you and Dave smirks, “I understand. She’s very good at apologizing.”
Your eyes are darting between the two men. You can’t shake the feeling of wanting them both and your pussy tingles with desire. Dave’s body pressed to yours sends a surge of arousal to your core and you feel the cold air of the room on your bare wet folds and shiver with excitement. Joel is making you even hornier. He looks hot and masculine with his slightly wet hair. He must have had a shower.
For a second you remember how he made you squirt for the first time. On his knees in the shower in front of you he licked at your pussy and sucked your clit until your legs started trembling but he didn’t stop and began pumping his thick fingers into you, curving them and pushing on that sweet spot in your burning core. In no time you were spraying your juices everywhere, his hand squelching against your folds as he was repeatedly hitting your clit with the heel of his palm. Only your hands on his broad shoulders helped you not to collapse on the floor.
Dave calls you, not for the first time apparently, and you blink at him trying to shake the images of the past that were occupying your mind just a second ago.
Joel laughs, “Babygirl, were you thinking of us just now?”
“No,” you mumble, averting your eyes from both of them.
“You’re lying,” Dave says, not asking, and you see his gaze darken. It’s filled with curiosity and lust.
“Tell me what you were thinking about.”
“I—I just,” you stutter, looking at one man and then the other.
“It’s ok, kitten. You two had a past. Daddy wants to know.”
You swallow loudly and reply, “I was remembering—.” It’s so quiet in the room. “—how Joel made me squirt for the first time.”
Joel’s smug grin can be seen from fucking space. He looks sickeningly proud of himself and you immediately regret telling them.
Dave smiles carnally, as if he was waiting for that, and asks,
“How did it happen?”
“In the shower. He ate me out and fingered me.”
Dave turns his face to your phone and asks Joel, “Did you plan on doing it?”
“Yeah, I wanted her to squirt all over me. Does she squirt with you?”
“Yes, she’s a talented girl. Thank you for giving her her first time,” your boyfriend says to your ex and you’re afraid that you’re going to soak through your nightie. But Dave doesn’t give you a respite.
“Kitten, say ‘thank you’ to Joel.”
“Thank you, Joel,” you purr obediently and the older man winks at you through the screen.
“You’re welcome, babygirl.”
You see Dave adjust himself and notice that his prominent bulge has grown even bigger since he joined you two on the bed. He’s enjoying Joel’s call just as much as you are.
Not being able to wait any longer, you get closer to your boyfriend and put your head on his shoulder. With your big eyes looking up at him, batting your lashes the way you know makes his cock twitch, you ask,
“Can we fuck, daddy?”
You hear Joel curse under his breath and then groan. It’s clear that he wishes to be here with you.
“It’s a little rude, baby,” Dave chides you, “We haven’t finished talking to our friend, have we?”
You whine, pouting your lips and he turns to you and pecks your nose.
“How about you put your pretty mouth on my cock and I’ll talk to Joel.”
You hear Joel’s half chuckle-half grunt and almost drool at the suggestion and swiftly reply with an ‘ok, daddy.”
Then you give Dave your phone and climb down the bed, getting comfortable between your boyfriend’s legs, your head hovering over his huge bulge.
“We can talk, Joel, but maybe you’d like to watch as well?”
You don’t see your ex but you know his eyes are obsidian with lust right now.
“Fuck, yeah. Show me what our— your little slut is up to.”
Dave presses the reverse camera button and positions it with his big hands so Joel can see you perfectly.
By now you have already freed Dave’s semi hard cock and it twitches as you’re holding it inches from your lips. You smile at the camera and give Joel a wink.
“Show daddies what that mouth’s good for,” Joel encourages you and Dave smirks, “You’re right. Sucking cock is truly her calling.”
Eager to prove them right you wrap your hand around the base of Dave’s cock tighter, open your lips and circle them around the fat head.
Your boyfriend bucks his hips, impatient to slide his whole length into your mouth, but you decide to give them both a show so you lick a wet languid stripe from the base of Dave’s cock to the weeping tip, covering the underside with your warm saliva.
Then you kitten-lick the slit, gathering his clear precum, and a moan escapes your lips at the taste, as you flutter your eyes shut.
“Shit, Dave, ya lucky bastard.”
“Her mouth is fucking heaven, Joel. Baby, show our friend what you can do to daddy’s balls.”
You smile and nod, before lowering your head. Your hand is still holding Dave’s cock but your tongue is now licking at your boyfriend’s balls, and you tilt your head to get a better angle.
“Fuck, babygirl. Doin’ real good,” you hear Joel’s praise, followed by a sound of a zipper.
Your ears immediately perk up and you ask, parting from Dave’s balls for a moment,
“Joel, are you gonna jerk off?”
“‘m afraid so, sweetheart. If Dave doesn’t mind.”
“I don’t, Joel,” Dave says, his half lidded eyes shifting between you, gliding your cheek against his cock, and the man on the screen, “let’s see if this little slut can make two men come. A bit of a challenge for my kitten.”
You purr at his words, feeling your heated pussy ache with need and pressing your thighs together.
“Can I touch myself, daddy?” You ask as impatience paints your words.
“Not yet, baby. Work my balls a little more and maybe I’ll let you come.”
The hope is all you need so you get back to Dave’s heavy balls and start sucking on them, licking the seam and then open your jaw wide to take one in your mouth. As you’re rolling it with your tongue, you hear Joel’s growling and the sound of him fucking his fist.
Dave’s eyes are set on your lips wrapped around his ball but from time to time his gaze flicks to the phone where Joel is pumping his cock and you moan at the fact that the image of your ex, pleasuring himself turns on your boyfriend.
Dave’s dominant, always controls the situation, but you’ve noticed that he loves seeing what you do to other men, how much you affect them. You suspect that’s one of the reasons why he loves such a giant slut like you.
“Ok, kitten, get to the main course,” Dave commands and you part from his ball with a pop so you could give his cock your full attention.
Through the squelching sounds coming through the speaker you hear Joel encouraging you,
“Yeah, deepthroat that cock, babygirl. Still can’t forget how good you could swallow me. Remember, sweetie?”
You slightly nod with your boyfriend's tip already breaching your puffy lips. You unhinge your jaw and slowly take him all in, soon nuzzling his trimmed hair. Dave groans and clenches your hair with a tight grip, gently rolling his hips to help you swallow him.
“That’s my good girl. Take everything I give you. Make daddy proud.”
Your throat contracts around your boyfriend’s cock while the fap-fap-fap noises, coming from the phone, are getting faster.
“Fuck, Dave, are we gonna come at the same time?”
Dave chuckles as his dark eyes almost close with pleasure.
“Yeah, I’m gonna feed it to her soon. Get ready.”
“Let’s do it, man,” Joel almost moans.
“You too, kitten. Play with your little pussy. Bet it’s so messy right now.”
You take Dave’s cock out of your mouth and croak, “Thank you, daddy.”
To give them both the best view, you lift your ass in the air, getting on your knees, and the bottom of your nightie slides down to your waist. Now Dave and Joel can see your naked ass as a background of the blowie. Your hand slithers to your pussy and your fingers dip between your folds. Dave’s right — you’re dripping like a faucet.
You easily insert two fingers into your hole as your mouth swallows Dave’s cock again. You start plunging your digits in and out of your warm cunt, slightly rolling your hips while your head bobs as you’re massaging Dave’s manhood.
The groans of your boyfriend and your ex fill the room, mixing with your muffled moans and whimpers.
Dave’s leaking a lot into your eager mouth and you know he’s close.
“Fuck, if I was there with ya, we’d fuck all your holes, babygirl,” Joel grunts, his teeth clenched, as he’s probably trying not to bust his load just yet.
“Would you take her ass or her pussy, Joel?” Dave asks and your cunt clenches around your own fingers.
“You’d share her with me like that?” Joel asks.
“I’m a generous host, Joel. You can choose.”
“I’d fuck her pussy, pal. I miss it more than anything. She’s sloppy all the fucking time. Loved her sweet cunt.”
“‘k, I’d be fine with the ass. I work her open fast now. She sometimes wears a plug. Pretty little toy. We’ll show you one day.”
“Be happy to see it.”
Your ex and your boyfriend’s discussion about fucking your holes like you’re their mindless fuck toy is the final drop in a full glass of your pleasure and you overflow with ecstasy as your pussy spills squirt all over your hand, between your thighs and on the bed under you while you’re moaning loudly around Dave’s cock.
The vibrations of your throat and your euphoric expression makes him explode too and he satisfies your thirst, spurting his cum down your throat. Dave gives you so much, you almost choke on his thick load but swallow it swiftly again and again.
“Fuck yeah, babygirl, drink it up,” Joel groans, probably seeing the creamy seed, seeping out of the corners of your lips, and makes a loud grunt, the sound so familiar and dear to you.
You know he’s coming.
The noises from the speaker get wetter and you regret not being able to taste your ex too.
When you take everything Dave gives you, you pull your mouth away from his cock and rest your head on his hairy thigh, catching your breath and licking your puffy lips.
“You did it, kitten. You made us both come. And at the same time,” Dave praises you, gently patting your head, and you purr, closing your eyes with satisfaction. Your body is pleasantly tingling after a great orgasm.
“Can I talk to her, Dave?” you hear Joel’s tired voice and lift your head up.
“Of course,” Dave turns the screen to you and you see your ex’s face on the screen, cheeks redder than before, his eyes hazy. He smiles at you warmly and rasps,
“Thank you, babygirl. I enjoyed the show. Now I need another shower,” he laughs and you and Dave both follow.
“Ok, Joel, was good talking to you. Among other things,” Dave says, turning the phone back at him, “We should meet. We have a lot to discuss. And share.”
“Yeah, Dave. Any time.”
The promise of them both fucking you makes your pussy tingle again and you bite your lip, already daydreaming about it.
Dave hangs up and throws your phone on the bed.
“I’m proud of you, kitten. You did great. Now go get your prize and sit on daddy’s face. Let me clean this messy pussy.”
You almost squeal with excitement, immediately following his order.
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Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic, it motivates me to write more stories for you, lovelies!💖đŸŒș
Table for Three || Get a Taste || Masterlist
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If you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, let me know!💕
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eupheme · 4 days
okay yk the scene in deadpool & wolverine where wade asks "what's the wind resistance on those blowjob handles?" SOO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS logan eating out reader with his cowl on and her using the so called "blowjob handles" (i need him so bad it's not even funny)
ooh omg YES, I’ve been wanting to write something with Logan in his suit, and this is so perfect! 💖 thank you so much for sending over this idea - they really do look so grab-able!
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logan howlett x mutant!f!reader | oral & piv | 600 words
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The leather of his cowl bites into your thighs, cool against your heated skin.
Could’ve taken the time to remove it, but that would’ve been another minute between him and what he really wants.
To devour you.
You don’t even make it inside. The thrum of adrenaline still echos in your veins - something hushed, in the dark corridor outside your room. Mouths that met as he felt your pulse kick beneath the press of his thumb, hand fitting around your throat.
Swallowing the whine of need, when it slipped from you. Teasing you with a promise, as his tongue licked against yours.
The zipper of your suit yanked down, as he sank to his knees. Grime and smears of long-healed red still streaked across yellow and blue - a thigh hooked over a broad shoulder.
There’s the firm press of his nose against your mound, shielded in leather. His eyes beneath the mask matching the blown-wide white, as he inhales you - barely swallowing the stifled moan.
Finger hook beneath the gusset of your underwear. His tongue already pressing to the fabric, even before he’s fully bared you.
Needing this - needing you, as your fingers scrabble against the suit for purchase. An urge to ground yourself, before you’re pulled under.
There’s a grunt, as you find the ears of his cowl, grasping on. The sharp tug as you guide him to where you throb - the words lost between your mind and your mouth.
Slipping out of your thoughts instead, as they often did for him - projected emotion buzzing against his skin, shooting straight to where his cock already strains against the tight suit.
He’s learned to read them. The shaky throb of desire hitting him just before he could smell the sweet tang of your cunt.
Already panting, from how he’s kissed you. How he looked at you, on the trip back - something sparking then, before words were ever exchanged. Simmering beneath your skin.
Broad hands trace up your thighs - palming your ass, if only to further tilt you against his mouth. Letting him lick you from hole to clit, tasting every inch of you.
Unable to get enough. Content to lose himself in the warm clutch of your cunt. How you tighten around the curl of his tongue, when his head angles.
Your grip means nothing, then. Not more than an anchor, as your back begins to sag against the wall. But you’re no longer guiding.
Now, you’re just taking.
Taking the open-mouth kiss against your thigh. The sharp sting as his teeth skate across your skin. Tongue lapping at your clit, tracing out things he can’t yet say.
Intent on feeling your pulse around him. Intent on tasting how your arousal drips against his tongue, as you tremble against him.
The feeling of his name in your thoughts, as your teeth bite down to muffle your cry - this sweet hum that he can never get enough of.
Logan won’t stop, not until your legs give out completely.
And only then, will there be the rough fumble to free himself. A gritted-out moan when he can finally fit his fist around his flushed cock. Hitching your thighs around his waist, inching himself inside where you’re soaked through and dripping.
A low growl at the bliss, head tipped back as you clench down around him. Finally hilting himself, as you taste yourself on his tongue.
Giving you a moment to inhale a breath, before he starts to pound into you.
It’s worth the wait. Never had much patience.
Except for this.
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thank you so much for sending this! 💖
360 notes · View notes
adams-angels · 7 months
reader and sick adam idk yay
This is perfect because both me and my partner are sick atm and unfortunately for him I'm a total baby when I'm sick. I wrote this one slightly differently?
Also it's a bit short, sorry.. 🧡
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Poor baby
Big baby
Like the biggest baby when he's sick. I'm not kidding.
The slight tickle of a cough and he's at home in bed snuggled up.
Will text lute he's dying again
Won't do anything for himself. Not like he ever did anyway. But now he's extra bad.
"sex will is the best medicine" queue coughing fit.
Extra needy
Extra need means extra cuddly too
Also grosser than usual
Will show you his snotty tissue telling you how gross it is while you try not to throw up
Will want to be touching you constantly
If he's not in a position to be cuddling into your chest he will want to hold your hand
Even though he's ill he'll still talk nonstop
Will talk himself to sleep
Loves being babied but will never admit it
"Poor, baby. Poooooor, baby Adam." You coo'ed with a smile, bringing the man some soup. "Shut up..." Adam groans pulling the duvet over his head. You were both sick. In fact, you were sick before him but no, his is much worse. 'Man flu' and all that.
"Oh, don't be like that my love." You pulled the duvet off his face. It was really the only times you'd see him without a mask on. You brushed his hair off his sweaty forehead, he whimpered at your touch. "Poor boy." He scowled, "man. Poor man." Correcting you. "First man." Muttering to himself. You can't help but chuckle.
"Come on. I brought you soup." You place the bowl on his night table. He looks over to the bowl and whines. "Feed meeee." "Seriously, Adam?" "I'm not weeellll..." "I'm not well either you know? You know what you did when I was ill? Got me to suck you off." "But it's meant to heeelllpppp." You stare at him unamused. "Please, y/n?" He knew you'd say yes if he said your name. He'd always call you "babe", "sweet tits", "Adam's Apple" so he'd say your name when he really wanted something. You roll you're eyes. Not really at him. More at yourself for giving in so easily.
You pick the bowl back up and sigh, "fine. Sit up." He did as he told, but if course with small whimpers and whines because in his words "his body is extra sensitive right now." You stirr the soup before bringing the spoon to his mouth. "You're such a baby." You smile softly at him.
Once he's fed his sighs in satisfaction. You blow your nose because, again, you also have this cold. "baaaabe.." you looks over at him in the bed, tucked in, looking all cozy. "Where are you going? Come to bed." You can help but smile and crawl into bed next to him. It takes seconds before Adams arms are wrapped around you, pulling himself into your chest. His wing covering your body as he purred in comfort. "You know, Lute says that you need to take better care of me." "Oh? Really? Because Lute told me that I baby you." He removed his face from your chest, "what?!" His voice cracking. "You- I - she did not!" He burrows himself back into your chest, wrapping his arms around you, tightly holding you in place. You could hear a very muffled "shut up."
You run your fingers through his hair with a smile.
"Poor, baby."
ïœžâ â™Ąâœ§â ïœĄ I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! ïœĄâœ§â â™Ąïœžâ 
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ariestrxsh · 5 days
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⚠ content warning: ⚠ smut, innocence corruption, eating pussy, fingering, use of vibrator, praise, almost getting caught
📝 author's note: 📝 this is part two of show me how. sorry it took me a month to put it out. here is part one. 💖 thank you and enjoy.
✍ Summary: ✍ After confiding in Matt, your best friend, about the weird sensation you've been feeling down there, he buys you something to help with it for your birthday.
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show me how part two
A few weeks had passed after your best friend Matt had shown you how to touch yourself, and ever since, it had become a nightly ritual. You'd lie awake in your bed in the dark, your fingers exploring yourself the way Matt had taught you while you bit down on the sleeve of your sweater, desperately trying to keep your new favorite activity a secret.
Every time you rubbed your clit in slow circles, your mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of Matt, his smile, his eyes, his fingers.. And he was such a good teacher. You secretly wanted him to teach you even more about your body, but you couldn't find a way to slip it into casual conversation.
"What do you want for your birthday?" Matt asked you one day while the two of you were having lunch together. You looked up at him with your big, innocent eyes and nibbled on your bottom lip. "I know what I want, but I'm too nervous to say," you replied hesitantly.
"Come here. Come sit on my lap and whisper it in my ear, princess. You don't ever have to be nervous around me," Matt cooed, reaching for you. You sat on his knee and leaned in, "I want you to teach me more ways to make myself feel good," you told him quietly. "I love the way my fingers feel, but I just need a little more," your soft voice lingered in his ear while he delighted in your request.
"Of course. Anything for you," he smirked at you, blood rushing to the tip of his cock. It took everything in him not to tear your cute little dress off and fuck you right there. He knew exactly what he was getting you for your birthday after that conversation.
When your special day rolled around, Matt showed up at your doorstep with a nicely-wrapped gift with a pretty, pink bow on it and a card attached. "Oh, hi, Matt," you smiled, surprised to see him an hour before your birthday festivities were to start. You had decided to keep it casual this year, just celebrating with a few close friends and family members, eating cake and opening presents. "My mom won't be back with the cake for another hour."
"That's okay, princess. I came over early on purpose so I could give you my gift. I want you to open it now before anyone gets here," Matt smiled at you, offering you the pink box with little hearts on it. "Thank you, Matt," you smiled, taking it from him, admiring how much time and effort he put into making it look as nice as it did.
"Let's go to your room and open it there, princess," Matt suggested, motioning down the hall with his eyes. You naively led him into your room where you sat on your bed, and he stood over you, admiring your simple, white dress.
"For the sweetest, most beautiful girl I know. I hope this gift helps you fulfill every urge you'll ever have, and may you look damn good while doing it. Love, Matt," the attached card read.
You carefully pulled the tape from the wrapping paper, not wanting to damage something Matt had put so much care into, and when you opened the box underneath the paper, the first thing your eyes landed on was a really pretty lingerie set. You held it up and admired the craftsmanship. It was beautiful.
"Put it on, princess," Matt suggested, already having imagined you in it a dozen times. You blushed as you removed all your clothing and replaced it with the lingerie Matt had bought you. You felt so pretty with the way Matt ogled you while you stood in front of him in the pink and white lace.
"Wow, look at you. Give me a little spin," Matt whispered, biting his lip while his erection fought against his corduroy pants. You twirled around while he admired you from all angles. "You look so good that I could eat you," Matt ran his tongue over his lips while he admired your beauty.
"Eat me?" You laughed, scrunching your nose in that way that Matt always thought was so adorable. "May I?" Matt requested, his eyes dancing all over your body. "I'm not sure I know what you mean by that," you tilted your head and looked at him inquisitively.
"Not literally," Matt chuckled at your innocence. "Come here, baby girl. I'll show you what I mean," Matt responded, grabbing you by the waist and steering you into your bed. He laid you down on your back and looked passionatley into your eyes while he softly smoothed out a few stray hairs on your head.
"So beautiful," he whispered before leaning down and grazing your soft, wet lips with his own. The kiss was slow and sensual, and it felt magical sharing such an intimate moment with your best friend that you trusted so deeply. You parted your lips, giving admission to his tongue that gently explored the inside of your mouth. His hands cupped your sweet face while the wet sounds of your lips smacking against one another filled the air.
Matt nuzzled into your neck, and you let out a cute sigh as he located a sweet spot and began kissing it and running his delicate tongue over it. He handled you with the gentleness of a bee landing on a flower, and all he could think about was getting a taste of your sweet nectar, but he didn't dare rush the process.
He slowly pulled back the strap of the bra he'd given that fit you so perfectly until your breast was exposed. He tenderly took your nipple into his warm mouth, fluttering his tongue over the little bud as it stiffened from the stimulation. "Oh," you let a soft whine slip past your lips. He pulled down the other strap, repeating the process on the other side.
You never knew there were so many nerve endings there until Matt was softly licking and sucking on your nipples while his hands enveloped your breasts. He gently grabbed both, pushed them together, and started shaking his head from side to side with his tongue out, stimulating them both at the same time. You felt a warm, wet sensation forming between your legs as Matt treated you so nicely.
He started planting a trail of kisses down your tummy while he lowered himself between your legs. He kissed that spot of flesh where your inner thighs meet your pussy, and you squealed and squirmed beneath him. "That tickles!" You giggled. He looked up at you and smiled at how cute you looked.
"So, when someone tells you they wanna eat you, what they mean is, they wanna kiss you right here," Matt muttered pushing the pretty panties he bought you to the side and tenderly running his finger up and down your intricate folds. "Why would you wanna kiss me right there?" You skeptically asked, but you secretly desired to have him show you the appeal.
"Because I love everything about it. I love the way it tastes, the way girls wiggle around and whimper while I do it, the way they shake and tremble while they finish on my tongue," he whispered. Just feeling his breath on your heat while he spoke to you, you could understand while girls would behave that way when Matt would eat them.
"Want me to eat you, princess? Wanna know what it feels like?" He asked, spreading your pussy open with his fingers and watching the way you were clenching around nothing. You bit your lip and nodded at him. "I can tell how bad you want it by how wet you got when I told you what I liked about it," he mischeviously grinned at you.
"Please eat me, Matt," you softly whined. The anticipation was killing you. "Of course, princess," he cooed, his face inching closer to your sex. You let out a sigh of relief as he engulfed your sensitive bud, twirling his tongue in circles the same way you liked to rub yourself when you were in bed all alone.
He savored the sugary and salty taste of your pretty pussy like you were his dessert and he was overcome by a sweet tooth. His hunger for you was insatiable and his thirst for you, unquenchable. He took more of your vulva into his mouth as he feasted upon your delicious flavor, still exploring you slowly and softly.
However, his approach became more sensual and passionate, creating more pressure with his tongue while he licked and sucked on your clit. "Oh, Matt," you whimpered, grabbing a hold of your pink comforter as the feeling intensified. The anticipation welled in your core, building and building while you threw your head back in sheer ecstacy.
Your legs began to shake, and you started writhing around as Matt spread you open, tantalizing your most sensitive spot with his curious tongue. "Mmmm," he groaned against your pussy, the vibrations reverberating through you and tilting you over the edge. "Matt!" You called out, clenching your thighs around his ears while he peered up at your expression, your climax overtaking you.
You gave into the feeling, allowing it to take its course, radiating pleasure through you. Your toes started to curl, your knuckles lost color from how tightly you were gripping the sheets, and a ringing echoed in your ears. Matt relished in the way you crushed his head between your legs, the way you shivered your way through the peak, and the way you finished on his tongue.
Once you came down from your orgasm, you peered down at Matt wide-eyed, breathless, and pink in the face, and you whispered, "that was the most intense one yet." He grinned up at you, wiping his chin and chuckling. "You like it?" Matt asked, already knowing your answer. "Best birthday gift ever," you responded, slowing down your breathing.
"That actually wasn't part of your present. I just got a little carried away. There's another gift in there for you, princess," he handed you the gift box he brought over. You sat up and poked around the glittery tissue paper in the box until you came across a little black bag.
You reached into it and pulled out a small pink cylindrical item. You looked up at Matt in confusion, unsure as to what you were holding. "Push the button," he urged you. There was a silver circle on the side, and as you held it down, the toy started buzzing between your fingers. "Do you know what it's for, sweetheart?" He asked you softly, and you shook your head no, studying the foreign object.
"Lay back. I'm gonna show you." You handed Matt the vibrating bullet in your hand, and you let your head fall back onto your soft pillow. You let out a surprised gasp as he took the toy and rested it over your panties. "This is called a vibrator. You know how good you've been making yourself feel with your fingers?" He asked, starting to move the cute lace panties he bought you to the side once more.
You bit your lip and nodded, following what he was doing with your eyes. "Some girls like using this even better," Matt intently fixed his gaze on you as he made direct contact with your clit with your new toy. "Oh," you moaned in shock at how powerful the vibrations felt against your concentrated bundle of nerves.
You were highly sensitive from having just cum, but it didn't take long until it started to feel good again. The soft buzz of the vibrator and the erotic noises that passed through your lips were like music to Matt's ears. Your facial expression was overcome by pleasure. You relaxed your jaw, tightened your brow muscles, and your eyes rolled back into your head.
"How's it feel?" Matt inquired, watching your reaction to your new gift. "So much better than my fingers," you lustfully sighed in response. Matt loved the sweet sounds you were making, but what he really wanted was to make you scream his name again, so he lined up his middle finger with your entrance, and it slid in easily.
Your moans became more urgent, more frequent, and more enthusiastic as he entered his ring finger as well and started to pump them back and forth at the pace you liked. "Matt," you softly whimpered. "Like the way it feels, pretty girl?" Matt tenderly asked, looking up at the way you reacted to the way he played with you. "I love it," you squealed, amazed by how heavenly it felt.
"I got you the extra quiet toy, so you can use it whenever you want," he smirked up at you, knowing this would most likely become the new focus of your nightly routine. "Oh, Matt. You're so thoughtful," you cried out. "Princess, your pussy is the wettest I've ever seen it," Matt pointed out in a seductive tone, while you drooled onto his fingers that were pumping in and out of your special place.
Matt couldn't get enough, his hard on throbbing at the way you were basking in the satisfaction he brought you. He felt you start to rhythmically clench around his fingers as your body convulsed under his touch. "That's it, pretty girl. Cum on my fingers," Matt said softly, unable to pull his eyes away from the beautiful scene that unfolded before him.
He held the vibrator in place and continued penetrating you with his digits while your second orgasm was drawn out of you. "Oh, Matt!" You cried out as you bucked your hips, riding his fingers until you were fully immersed in pleasure. "Happy birthday, princess," Matt whispered as you reached the finish line.
"Honey, I'm home with the cake! Some of your friends are here!" Your mom shouted to you from downstairs after walking in the front door.
part three posted here 💖
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-delicious @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @lvrsturniolo @sofieeeeex @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @matts-myloverboy @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturniolosss @jaysturniolo @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @aaliyahhasacrush @hrtz4alex2211 @luvhsien @sp3ncerslvt @sturniolo-munch44 @jakewebberswifee @karttpet @ssturniolooss @thenickgurl @sturniolo-fann @sst7niolo @slxtformatt @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @camzeecorner @mattsturnixlo @annedebeijer @scorpioosworld @mynameisuser834 @mattlover-00 @sweetlikesug4rvenom @m11rx @sturniolocharms
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littlefreya · 4 months
Neptune's Snare
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Summary: She came to take revenge on the loathsome man who murdered her fiance, only to become his captive.
Read Chapter One
Pairing: AU!Pirate August Walker x Virgin OFC (for now 😏)
Word count: 3k
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI. Sexual themes, dark themes mentioned, historical inaccuracies, kidnapping, captivity, graphic descriptions of sex, intimidation, slow burn, sexual tension, foul language.
A/N: I was unsure whether I should do part 2, but @deandoesthingstome (💖) motivated me to do it, so I truely hope you will like it. Many thanks to @agniavateira, for beta'ing. I am no longer using my old tag list, but I will tag those who specifically asked to be tagged for this story via my new Writing Update Blog @littlefreyaslibrary.
Thanks for reading, and please reblog with a comment đŸ–€
Chapter Two
Hours had passed since the Captain left—hours of futile attempts to escape the cruelty of the heavy iron binds. By now, the ship was deep into the ocean, miles away from any harbour or piece of land. The notion that she’d been abducted by the most ruthless murderer known to authorities had only just begun to sink. 
As hot tears stung at her cheeks, Lizette couldn’t help but chuckle at the stupidity that led her to this fate.
‘Did you really think that a foolish girl could succeed where great men had failed?’ 
If Lizette had dared be honest, she would admit she never thought that plan through, not that it mattered much anymore. Soon enough, she would be yet another shiny trinket in Blackbeard’s gaudy collection.
Exhausted from a fierce yet futile battle, she leaned her head back against the plush, gold-paneled wall. Her weary gaze drifted through the open window, where the dark skies and black seas merged into a desolate void. No light shone through tonight; the darkness has devoured the stars and the moon. Lizette felt as if she was drowning in it too, sinking into a thick, tar-like liquid. With each breath, the collar around her throat grew heavier, the iron pressing into her skin and dragging her deeper and deeper until everything faded to black.
When she blinked again, it was still night but the cabin was lit in deep shades of honey and amber. Her heart skipped—once for the iron still hanging from her neck and twice as her bleary eyes caught sight of a shadow by the edge of the big table.  
It appeared that her host had returned. 
Boots flung across the food-abundant table, the Captain sat back in his royal velvet chair. One hand cradled a silver chalice whilst the other toyed with the edge of his thick whiskers. Silver trays of food, wine, and books were splayed before him, surrounded by dozens of fat, wax-dripping candles. The flickering flame guttered upon his eyes, painting them bright red while he observed the girl intently. 
The curiosity was mutual, at least to some extent. As loathsome as the pirate was, Lizette could not help but scrutinise. Never in her life did she see a man so crude and yet so regal at the same time, He looked like a washed-out king, holding himself to a higher status amongst the scum aboard his ship. Surrounding himself with fine art, books and scientific obscurities, one would assume that this low-life man was educated, or at least aspired to be. His appearance, too, was of some sort of false elegance,  with his moustache carefully groomed and his hair neatly combed save for an errant curl that fell upon his tanned forehead. However, the white cotton shirt that hung partially unbuttoned and loose from his shoulders exposed him for what he truly was as it revealed a myriad of tattoos, scars, and coarse hair. 
‘Nothing but a filthy scoundrel.’
“At last, sleeping beauty is awake.” 
Lizette kept her tongue knotted. The blazes on her stare answered on her behalf. 
August scoffed at the silent response. ‘Precious little thing,’ Had only she known how much he enjoyed obstinate women. The only thing that was better than bending a spitfire to his will was getting a nun to kneel before his cock.
A slight twitch tugged at his cheek; his smirk widening at the fond memory.  
‘Ah, Mary
 you sure pray hard.’
Letting go of his whiskers and the chalice in his grasp, the Captain reached for a loaf of bread and split it in half. Steam rose and coiled to the air.  The scrumptious scent of the freshly baked goods quickly filled the room and wafted over Lizette in a tempting invitation. Absentminded, she suckled her bottom lip, almost able to taste the sweetness on her tongue. 
The pirate held out one piece of the loaf, an unmistakably provoking grin lighting his face. “Would you dine with me, pet?”
Weakness unfurled through her, reminding Lizette that it must have been hours, if not an entire day, since she last ate. Her empty belly flipped and gurgled so loudly that the pirate could hear it even from where he sat. Joy immediately cascaded about his glance; the impish grin between his cheeks further stretched. 
To his delightful surprise, the girl was a lot more stubborn than she appeared. Instead of begging, she offered a spiteful glare and turned her face away. 
“I’d rather starve!” 
“Suit yourself.” The Captain shrugged and bit on one of the pieces. Hums and moans sputtered from his mouth, all exaggerated to taunt his brazen prisoner. As he finished chewing, he sucked on each of his inked fingers. 
“Got a name, pet?”
“What matter is that to you?” The girl spat.
August shrugged again and returned to the chalice, dragging it on the table's surface in circular motions. A deep-red whirlpool briefly formed in his drink. He stared at it indifferently as he retorted, “Matters not, pet. But since you’ll be spending some time here in my quarters, I will require a moniker to approach you by. Question is, would you rather I choose a name for you myself? It won’t be a nice one. I can promise you that.” 
Keeping her eyes averted, the girl folded her knees and hugged them, a deep sigh sinking from her. She couldn’t even bring herself to imagine the horrendous name he would choose.
“My name is Lizette.” 
A touch of dark delight kissed his face—as if he had heard the enchanting hymn of a siren. Thoughtful, he stopped stirring his drink to the sound of her name, licked his lips, lifted the chalice and pressed it to his lips. “Ah, yes, you are definitely a Lizzy.” 
“It’s Lizette!” she vehemently corrected.  
“Oh!” The pirate abruptly twirled his free hand in the air, his brows lifting in a sardonically submissive gesture. “Forgiveness! Mercy, milady!” That had earned him the attention he was hoping to receive, as finally, Lizette snapped to glare at him. 
The pure ire on her face did nothing but feed his amusement. 
With a slanted grin and his thumb brushing his whiskers, he eyed her back. It’s been a while since a girl piqued his fascination, and this one was indeed something else. Fear seeped from her like dewy nectar from a ripe fruit. The sheen of sweat clinging to her skin and the throbbing at the crook of her neck gave away her true emotions. Yet, she exuded the unyielding fury of a harpy, the shackles around her throat barely deterring her brazen spirit.. 
‘Bold little thing. As ferocious as the ship’s cat
’ August thought and then frowned, ‘Where is that ungodly creature, anyway? Haven’t seen it in a while.’ 
“Lady Lizette
” the correct moniker rolled smoothly on his tongue in an inherently sinister sweetness. “Are you always such a rude guest to your hosts?”
“Guest?!” Lizette seized the chain that held her collar to the wall and lifted it in front of him—a deep frown decorating her weary face.  
“I am not a guest! I am a prisoner!”
“Ah! Ah!” The pirate lifted his inked index finger in an unbearably pretentious manner. "It was you who came aboard my ship willingly, and let us not forget—uninvited.” 
Lizette felt a chill in her chest, the same chill she always sensed when getting an answer wrong in her Latin lessons. He was right, and there was more to it. Pirate or not, doesn't every man deserve respect in his own home? 
That notion made her cheeks hot. 
“And if I may
“ the pirate drawled huskily and shifted into his seat. Lizette’s eyes followed his movement with the wariness of a skittish cat. Initially bemused, she realised his hand had snaked below the table and was now fumbling with his waistband. 
A deep, pulsating pang bloomed in her core as the primordial anxiety every maiden is doomed to suffer from awoke within her. Alarmed, she shook her head and blurted hoarsely, “Wait!” 
The pirate paid her no mind; either he didn’t hear or didn’t care. Then, his hand sprang back sharply with a pistol in his grip—the same one he had confiscated from her merely a few hours before. 
“Did you not attempt to murder me in my own home?” 
With those words, he slammed the pistol on the table, the dull thud booming through the cabin wall and causing Lizette to jump with a start.
Sinking back to his red regal chair, August crossed his fingers together and pressed his lips together with the contempt of an authority figure. The many golden trinkets around his fingers chimed as they collided. 
“Answer me, Pet.” 
Lizette regarded the pistol carefully. The golden floral embellishments upon the handle sparked with the candle's light.  For a fleeting moment, she wondered how fast she needed to be to grab the pistol and shoot him dead in his rotten heart. Instead, she simply nodded, much as she could with the heavy collar around her neck. The spots where the sharp edges grazed her flesh burnt as sweat dripped over the bruised skin.
“Dumb as your plan was, I do appreciate the gesture, las. It wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to murder me, but it’s definitely the first time it was a beautiful young lady. Was all of this because of a boy?” He challenged, crooking one eyebrow. 
This time, Lizette did not hesitate to answer. 
“You robbed me of my future!” She corrected, and though she tried to maintain a fierce demeanour, the quiver in her voice gave away the rageful grief. 
Sympathy, sadly, was not in August’s books, especially not whilst being distracted by the way her breasts pressed against the confines of the corset with every fervorous breath. A small, almost inaudible groan left his lips. He wondered if she, indeed, was a virgin. Did he deny her of her wedding night? Were these lovely tits ever in the hands of a man before? 
Surely, he would find out. One way or another. 
With a glare still fixed on her cleavage, he grazed his dimpled chin and simply shrugged. 
Lizette hissed in response. Defiant, she snapped her arms across her chest to hide her cleavage. 
“So I robbed you of your future,” August continued, mimicking quotation marks with his long, inked fingers. “And thus, you thought you should rob me of mine?” 
“And what future would that be? Murdering and whoring?” she muttered hatefully.  
The pirate swatted a hand over his chest, giving her a fake, exaggerated pout. “Now that pains me, love.” 
Lizette could sense the blood seeth beneath her skin. She was used to men belittling her, but never did she experience such sheer mockery and humiliation. Trembling, she yelled back, “Good! I wish you nothing but pain!”
“And so she continues to insult me in my own home.” August clicked his tongue and shook his head with sardonic disappointment. “You highborn ladies sure lack respect. ‘Funny thing is, no matter how uppity women like you act, they all want the same thing
” his voice slurred and deepened, coaxing a baffled look from the maiden who abruptly forgot her wrath and ate the bait. 
“And what would that be?” 
The pirate stood and calmly paced to the fore of the table, where he leaned against the edge to peer down at his prisoner. Lizette remained guarded. he was fairly far away yet close enough for his shadow to fall upon her face and for his manhood to be situated at the level of her mouth. She struggled to avoid staring at it directly, which only made that wretched smug smile light his face again.
“What you ladies truly want is to be violated by none other but us ‘lowlife scoundrels’,” August nibbled his bottom lip, a dry chuckle escaping him as more fond memories came to mind. “Truly, the lots of you are bored by the castrated virility of the poised gentlemen. All you fantasise about is to be fucked dirty like a whore by a brute who has no sense of propriety.” 
The pirate held his fist before him and mimicked a slow pumping motion. Although Lizette did not quite understand it, his words alone were enough to leave her gravely unsettled. 
“You are an animal,” she snarled, not realising that her nails were biting into her forearms as she clutched herself so protectively. 
But that merely fueled him.    
“Tell me, Pet, did your boy satisfy those dark desires before he left a delicious bonny lass like yourself all alone? Did he split open and plundered your sweet little cunt, ass, and mouth, or did he leave you wet and miserable?”
Heat crawled at Lizette’s cheeks, yet she wasn’t sure whether it was from outrage or shame. Never in her life had she even considered the possibilities he had suggested, and now those horrifying images poisoned her mind.  
Amused by her obvious mortification, the pirate tilted his head impishly. “No? Not even a finger or a tongue?”
“Stop it!” She implored, her voice cracking.
Ignoring her plea, he clicked his tongue. “Aw, sweet, tender flower. That’s the problem, isn’t it? He left you all alone and uncharted—that lonesome seal, begging to be invaded. Well, milady, you didn’t have to threaten me with a pistol in that case. All you had to do was ask.” 
The pirate reached for his bulge and squeezed it, much to Lizette’s dismay.
”Trust me, one night with me, and you’d forget you ever loved him.”
That was enough to send Lizette over the edge. Not thinking twice, she jerked to her feet, the chains around her rattling along a furious onslaught that sputtered from her mouth. 
“Love?! What do you know about love? You are a monster! All you do is kill and rape! You are incapable of love, and I’d be damned if anyone could ever love you!” 
All the candles in the cabin flickered with a sudden gust of wind as the pirate suddenly lunged forward. He moved so fast, too fast. Lizette hadn’t even had the chance to sway from his touch, and already he was upon her. Crude fingers dug deep into the hollows of her cheek, forcing her to face his terrorising stare. 
“You think this is a game? You think you know anything about me, little girl? About what I’ve done!?” 
It was not a question to be answered, and even so, Lizette couldn’t bring herself to speak; she was suffocating, drowning on the surface. All around her, the air stood dense with the scent of iron, wine, and musky sweat, whilst the weight of his body crushed as it clung to her. 
Closer, deeper. Layers upon layers of silk and wool separated their skin from one another, and still, she sensed the curve and firmness of his robust figure. The woven map of muscles that adorned his torso and the flex each muscle made as he tensed were evident 
But none of this came close to what she saw as he forced her to look into his eyesa wrathful maelstrom pregnant with sinister urges beyond her darkest fears. It felt as if it was trying to draw her into a deep sense of anger, and grief submerged her.
Dread began to spill into her veins. He was going to kill her.
Lizette sucked in a deep shuddering breath. She was not going to join her Edward. Not tonight.
“Let go of me!” She squealed and began to punch his shoulders repeatedly. It felt like hitting iron, every blow more painful than the other, yet she refused to stop. 
Indeed, she was just like that sea monster of a cat.
Stoic as an icy sea breeze, the pirate tilted his head at the girl. Despite her desperate efforts, her battle did nothing but vex him. Quirking one eyebrow, he released his grip from her jaw and swiftly reached for her hands. Lizette did her best to evade, squirming erratically, but to no avail. With a swift single hand, he seized her wrists and pinned them above her head with a booming thud.
The girl gasped out with surrender, strands of her hair blowing back and forth upon her face as she heaved and panted exhaustingly. With his hand around her wrists and his body slightly bent to meet her height, he stood  closer to her than any other man had before. So close that she could taste the wine and sea salt on his breath and study every freckle and every scar that marked his skin. He was nothing like her Edward, she thought; he was coarse and terrifying, and despite it all, she found him tragically beautiful. 
She hated him for that. 
“Listen to me now and listen carefully,” he finally spoke, tightening his grip around her wrists.
Liaette lifted her chin disdainfully; it took every ounce of self-restraint not to spit at his murderous, smug face. 
“You’ve mistook my hospitality and playfulness for kindness, but let’s get this straight; I am not a good man. Upset me, and I will pluck that little flower between your thighs without blinking and then throw you to my crew once I have my fill.” 
His words brought a stark shiver down her spine, yet it wasn’t just fear this time but something far more primordial. Between her trembling thighs, she sensed dewy wetness. A desperate gnawing need she had never known before. Trying to ease and brush it off, she squirmed and ground her thighs. 
August’s brow rose with realisation, an immediate knowing grin spilling upon his malicious face. He leaned closer, his lips and whiskers brushing against her ear as he spoke. 
“Seems like there won’t be much resistance from you, isn’t that so, pet? Soon, you’ll beg me to fuck y
His words were cut as warm saliva splattered on his cheek. 
He shut his eyes momentarily, releasing a deep, exasperated grunt and then moved an inch away to fish a silk handkerchief from his pocket. Lizette watched proudly as he wiped his face. 
The pirate, however, was not amused. Throwing away the handkerchief, he offered her a deadly frown. And then he leaned in, his mouth drawing voraciously closer to hers as if meaning to devour her.
“I warned you
A low, sonorous call followed from the door, drawing both August and Lizette to turn their heads toward the uninvited guest. 
Lizette blinked twice. The man in question was almost the spitting image of August, though his hair was wild with earthy curls and his beard fully grown, pointy, and tended with wax. Indifferent to the scene before him, he drew a pipe from his pockets and lit it with the flame of a candle that stood on a shelf near the door.  
August regarded him with slight respect, yet not without annoyance:." What is it? I am busy.”
“I can see that,” the other pirate puffed out, grey lines of smoke following through his nostrils, “you are needed at the brig.”
“Flint might finally speak.”
Eyes ablaze with sudden intrigue, August straightened to his fall height and drew a step back from the girl yet kept his grip around her wrists. 
“I assume your methods worked, brother?” He crooked one eyebrow at the other pirate curiously. 
‘Brother, of course,’ Lizette nearly chuckled. The men must have been twins, although she could tell the other sibling had far more grey in his untamed mane. 
“My methods always work.” He answered with dry arrogance. “Finish her off later. This is more important.”
August lingered, his fingers brushing over his moustache as he contemplated what to do with his sweet little prisoner. The possibilities were endless, yet the more interesting ones would take some time, and with the trouble she gave him, he definitely wanted to give her what she deserved. 
A deep, exasperated sigh left his lips. “A moment, Gus,” he requested, finally unhanding the girl. 
The man, now known as Gus, bowed his head and threw Lizette a quick glance before disappearing into the darkness behind the door.
“It seems like I have some business to attend to, love. Shall we continue our little fun later?” August teased, slight annoyance still lingering at the tone of his voice.
Lizette did not answer. Rubbing her aching wrists, she watched him cautiously while he searched within his pockets.  She wondered what new cruel method of torment he would inflict to her now. 
To her surprise, it was a small silver key.
He lifted it to her face and offered her a razor-sharp  stare." The water is close to freezing; sharks and eels are swimming within them, and every man upon my deck is probably plotting to use you as fuckhole since the moment you stepped onboard. I trust you won’t try anything stupid in my absence.”
“Like what?” Despite her physical and mental exhaustion, she dared to speak back, “Seduce one of your crew members to fornicate with me so he would betray and murder you?” 
Her weariness must have brought out the worst in her because she would have never thought of such an inappropriate, vile thing. Then she realised it was  him who, in less than a few hours, corrupted her soul. 
August paused and contemplated for a moment as if this was an actual possibility he did not consider. However, he brushed it off with a burst of taunting laughter while proceeding to unlock the collar around her neck. “I wouldn’t  recommend it, love. They all come with so many exotic afflictions on their cock s that no doctor has even heard of.” 
As the iron was removed from her little neck, the girl rested her hands around it, massaging the cuts and bruises that formed beneath. It ached even worse as the chill air of the night pecked at the raw flesh. 
The pirate waltzed toward the table, reclaiming the pistol in an obviously provoking manner. He sheathed it back at the front of his waistband and paced toward the door. 
“I won’t be long, love,” he promised, and with that, he left and locked the door behind him.
Lizette listened carefully to the sound of his footsteps, counting them one by one until she could no longer hear him. And then, she began to search around the cabin for anything, anything that can be used as a weapon. 
‘I will not be a pirate’s whore.’  She vowed to herself while absentmindedly grazing a palm over her cheeks where August had touched her. 
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happy74827 · 6 months
Can you make more Joe Goldberg? You did such aan amazing job on the first one that I NEED a second one. Just please consider. Thank. Love your fics btw 💖💖💖
Lily of the Valley
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[Joe Goldberg x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Coffee might not be his favorite, but things can change when it involves a person like you.
WC: 659
Category: Fluff
Fortunately, I already had this small idea in mind for our lovely stalker man and this request really just put the icing on top of the cake. Hopefully it fulfills your needs 🙌 (also you’re too sweet
 thank you so much for the kind words 💞)
Coffee. The hard, hot, and bitter drink that is the reason many people get out of bed each day and the reason why some people stay up until the early hours of the morning. He never understood the appeal.
But that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the smell of coffee beans roasting, the smell of fresh ground beans being poured into a filter, and the smell of the finished product. He didn't understand how something so bitter and disgusting could have such a calming and comforting smell.
Joe had been sitting in a booth in a coffee shop for the past few hours, watching the world outside go by, sipping a small mug of tea, and his current read, "The Woman In The Window" by A.J Finn, in front of him. His eyes were trained on the people going by, not really taking much of anything in. He was on autopilot, a default setting he slipped into whenever his mind was full of something else.
It was only when a waitress with a short, black pixie cut walked over to his table that his eyes come back into focus, and his thoughts began to slow down. She didn't look like she belonged in a coffee shop. With a long, floral dress, combat boots, and a cardigan, she was far too pretty and too interesting to be serving lattes. She was a rose in a garden full of daisies, a peacock among chickens.
Then, like a snap to reality, the sound of his name pulled him away from her and onto
 you. The whole reason he was here in the first place.
If he thought the waitress was a rose, you were a whole bouquet.
"Jonathan! Are you going to order anything, or are you just going to keep sitting there, scaring all our other employees?" You said a laugh in your voice.
He hadn't even noticed the waitress had already left, and now, you were standing by the table, holding a coffee pot.
Yeah, he needs to stop letting his thoughts take over.
"No, no, I was just, uh, reading."
"Reading a book, or reading her?" You said, cocking your head to the side, indicating the waitress who had moved on to another table.
"Reading the book."
"Mhm, sure." You said, not at all convinced. God, he just wanted to kiss the smirk off your face. Those pretty lipstick-covered lips moving against his.
You shook your head, smiling.
"You want a muffin
 or something? On the house, since you're a regular and all."
He looked down at the book again, then back up at you. Unlike the waitress, you were dressed for work in a black, collared shirt tucked into black pants and a black apron tied around your waist.
It told him a lot about you, like the fact that you were a rule follower organized. The other waitress played confidence to stand out. You wanted to blend in, but still, he noticed.
How could he not notice you?
"Blueberry, right? Your usual."
"Okay. I'll be back in a second."
You had just turned to leave before you spun on your heel and stopped.
"And, Jonathan,” you paused. "That book in your hands? Wonderful read."
As you walked away, he realized how his heart had started to beat faster, and he couldn't stop the grin on his face.
A bouquet? No, you were something far more rare and far more beautiful than that.
You were an orchid.
And when you returned with that perfectly shaped muffin and that award-winning smile, Joe decided this would be the last time he ever chased a woman. Because this one?
It was as though you were a mix between all his past loves and yet someone entirely new.
You were that new orchid in the greenhouse, the lily of the valley, and he wanted to nurture you and make you grow.
It's time to stop blending in; he would bring you out to bloom.
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maidragoste · 6 months
VI. Fury
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Harwin Strong x Velaryon!Reader (unrequited love), Alicent Hightower x Velaryon!Reader, Larys Strong x Velaryon!Reader
Series masterlist
Part 6 of this
I still can't believe writing more than 5000 words, there were times when I thought this would never come to light and it frustrated me so please give it a lot of love and let me know what you think of this chapter đŸ„°đŸ’–đŸ’–
As always comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading 💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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When the Queen was informed that Harwin had been seen leaving your chambers in the middle of the night she felt her heart skip a beat. She was afraid that for some reason you had decided to forgive your husband for his indiscretions with the princess and give your marriage another chance.
When it was time for lunch that Alicent, Larys, and you had, there was no need for the Queen or Larys to ask you about your husband's sudden visit because you told them yourself. Harwin offered to help the twins put to sleep and you accepted because you were tired Alicent instantly offered to hire more maidens to take care of the children at night so you could rest but you refused saying that you didn't want other women to take care of your children. While you were saying that Alicent couldn't help but notice that you were looking askance at Larys as if you were expecting a reaction from him but she thought it must have been her imagination because when Larys changed the subject you didn't seem disappointed or upset. Unfortunately, the Queen's worries did not disappear throughout the meal so when you left to go spend time with your sister and mother she shared them with Larys.
"I'm afraid that he will once again occupy a place in her heart," the woman admitted, clasping her hands under the table. "What happens if he convinces her to give him another chance? What if she leaves us?" As she spoke, she took off part of the cuticle of the thumb. If her father was watching her he would be scolding her. She knew it was a horrible habit but the anxiety she felt at the thought of losing you was too great. Alicent wouldn't know how to live alone as your friend again, not now that she had tasted what true love was. No one cared about her like you do.
"You heard her, she only let him stay because of the children" the man reminded her as he poured them both more wine "She will never forgive him" he declared and the Queen was envious of his trust. Larys must have noticed that her concern was great because she added "Besides, she will never leave us, especially you. She always seems to want to kill Criston Cole for daring to breathe the same air as you."
Alicent hurriedly brought the wine glass closer to her mouth to hide her smile. Larys' statement had to upset her, after all, Criston Cole is one of the few people she trusts and she should be upset that you want to hurt him, but instead, she managed to calm her down a little.
But Alicent's worries soon grew worse as the days went by because Harwin kept coming to your chambers and the worst thing was that now the two of you with the twins were walking around the castle together. At first, Larys wasn't worried that Harwin would spend time in your chambers after all you made it clear that you were only using him to babysit the twins. But now Larys felt sick every time he saw the four of them together at court. They seemed like a happy family. Aethan shouldn't look so comfortable tied against Harwin's chest with one of the special clothes your mother had ordered for you from Essos, and you shouldn't look so calm when Harwin's hand is on your back while you hold Alyn. You should move away every time his brother kisses your forehead but you don't. You're never the one to initiate the physical contact but Larys still doesn't like it, he's not sure if you're really not pulling away because you don't want to make a scene or because you're bonding with Harwin now that he's spending so much time in your chambers.
One day Larys reaches his limit. You, Alicent, and Larys are eating together again but the man instead of joining the conversation you two are having is too busy thinking about the image of Harwin with his hand on your back again while you were both talking to some Lord and how later his brother left the conversation but not without kissing you on the cheek before leaving.
"Why do you let Harwin spend so much time with you?" he suddenly interrupts your conversation with Alicent. She looks at him surprised but at the same time seems grateful for him to dare to question your closeness with Harwin since she would never do it for fear of upsetting you.
"I told you he's just helping me with the twins," you replied, frowning at his rude interruption.
"You shouldn't be depending so much on Harwin to take care of your own children."
"Larys" Alicent's intention was a reprimand but he could detect the nerves in her voice and her eyes.
Larys knew he said the wrong thing when he saw how your eyes seemed to spark and how you abruptly dropped the cutlery.
"Our" you corrected him. "And maybe I wouldn't be depending on Harwin so much if you took charge" you spat every word like it was poison.
"We should take a moment of silence before saying something that we regret," the queen proposed in an attempt to calm the waters as she tried to take your hand but you pushed her away and barely looked at her.
"It's not fair. We both knew that when you got pregnant the child couldn't know the truth" Larys said, appearing calm, not wanting to let you see that your words bothered him.
"Of course, they won't grow up knowing the truth but you're not even trying to help me" you crossed your arms. "Even Daemon and Rhaenyra seem more interested in them than you," the bitterness in your voice was clear.
And the only reason for that was because they both wanted to fuck you but Larys wouldn't tell you that because it would only make your anger worse so instead he told you the reason for his distance.
"I stay away to avoid making people suspicious"
Not wanting the court to suspect him of being the father of your children was not the only reason for his distance. The truth is that Larys had no idea what to do with the twins. He saw the immense love you had for children. Not just you, your parents and your siblings too. Everyone seemed to love Alyn and Aethan from the minute they saw them but he didn't. Of course, he was worried about their safety the second you announced to Harwin and Lyonel that he was the father. He didn't want anything bad to happen to them but he wouldn't say that he loves them and he's sure they don't either, especially Aethan because the few times he carried them, they became instantly agitated and cried demanding to come back to you. Their crying made his head hurt and he's sure it made your head hurt too so he stayed away thinking it would save both of you the stress of hearing the children scream.
"People think you're their fucking uncle, no one will suspect that you spend time together. You're family." It was obvious that you were dissatisfied with his defense by the exasperation in your voice. "And don't tell me that you're afraid that someone will realize the truth because Aethan has the same eye color as you because months went by and no one said anything. So stop being paranoid and spend time with your children" You got up from the table "I'm sorry, my queen, but I lost my appetite and I have to continue with my duties"
Neither Alicent nor Larys had any doubt that you were angry but you confirmed it when you left without even giving them both a measly kiss goodbye.
"You have to fix it," Alicent ordered, looking at him furiously. "If we lose her because of you..."
"That's not going to happen," the man interrupted, throwing his napkin at the table angrily. "I'll fix it."
Of course, after that argument, Larys couldn't allow you to get even closer to Harwin so that same afternoon he sent you a message through one of your maids. He asked you not to allow his brother to come to your chambers tonight because he was thinking of coming to see you. In the middle of the night, Larys entered through the secret passage that had your chambers hidden behind one of the paintings. A snort left your mouth when you saw him appear with a small bouquet.
"If you think I'll forgive you because you brought me flowers, you're wrong," you warned him but your anger shouldn't have been so great because you didn't leave his side when he sat next to you on the bed, in the middle were the twins lying awake. Face up they seemed entertained trying to turn around on their own. Larys was relieved that neither of them burst into tears when they saw it.
"I'm not stupid to think that, I know your character.," he said and extended the bouquet to you waiting for you to take it, you looked at it doubting whether to take it or not "It see like someone wanted it more than you" he commented when you saw Alyn stretch out her small hand as if he wanted to touch one of the flowers. "Do you mind sharing?" you shook your head and couldn't help but smile when you saw him remove a flower from the bouquet to give it to Alyn. You hurriedly pulled another flower from the bouquet and gave it to Aethan before he got jealous. "I will get better at this parenting thing. I will come at night and help you take care of them" he wanted to see your reaction but his attention went to Aethan when he saw him put one of the petals in his mouth so he moved the flower away from the baby making him squeal. Not wanting Aethan to start crying, he gave him the flower again but he had to take it away because he put the petal in his mouth again.
"Why does he want to eat it?"
You laughed as you saw the frustration on Larys's face because every time he gave the flower to Aethan he kept wanting to eat it and then squealed when Larys pushed the flower away. But he wasn't a squealer like when he was about to throw a tantrum, it was one of the ones he did when he played with you or your brothers.
Alyn must have also thought his father was making a funny face because he joined in with your laughter.
"I'm sure that at first the color of the flower caught his attention, but now he just thinks that he's playing with you," you reassure him. "Larys, I want actions, not just empty words. I want you to be there for us," you asked, returning to what your lover had said before.
And Larys showed that he was serious. He started coming to your chambers in the middle of the night to help you with the children. You noticed that at first, he seemed to struggle when they cried but after you taught him that skin-to-skin contact helped calm them down and told him that talking to babies helped too, Larys seemed to handle it well, although the first few times you had to stop yourself from laughing at how uncomfortable and lost the man looked because he had no idea what to talk to babies about. You had to tell him to stop thinking about it so much and just talk. Larys didn't make silly voices like Laena, Laenor, or Harwin but Alyn didn't seem to mind because he happily responded to his father with babbling. It didn't take long for Aethan to join in as well because she didn't want to be left out of the "talk."
You will never forget Larys' smile when for the first time he was greeted by Alyn's excited screams as soon as he saw his father enter your chambers. You feel happy with all this development, not only that but Larys also starts to join you during the day, of course not every day, but sometimes he happens once at the nursery with you or they meet by "chance" with you in the gardens and show the twins the flowers together. Even Princess Helaena joins you a couple of times but she soon loses interest in the flowers and entertains herself with the bugs she finds on the ground. At those times Larys and you have to make sure the twins don't try to put any insects in their mouths.
Everything seems to be fine again...Except for Harwin, who feels displaced when you no longer allow him to spend the nights in your chambers and starts seeing you and Larys together during the day. Harwin knows that he should be happy with the fact that you no longer seem to hate him and with the rapprochement that the two of you had during the time that he helped you with the twins. You don't seem angry when you meet him at nursery, nor do you reject him when during the day he insists on spending time with you and the twins. You don't even yell at him when he proposes that Jacaerys join the four of you. He should settle for that but he can't. He just wants to get your love back.
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You should not have been surprised when one of your maids came to inform you that your husband was in the princess's chambers. You didn't expect that now that you could stand his presence and have the occasional civil conversation with him, he would magically forget about Rhaenyra. You weren't stupid, you knew he was still seeing her but you hoped he would at least have a little respect for you. You couldn't believe he dared to be in Rhaenyra's chambers while she gave birth. People were already talking about you three but this would only make it worse. You didn't think they could dare to humiliate you any further, at least at the birth of Jacaerys, Harwin hadn't dared to do this.
Fury took over your body. You ignored your maid's calls as you strode out of your chambers.
You felt the blood in your body heat up, noticing that you were getting closer to your destination. You couldn't stop thinking about your hands around Harwin's neck. You wanted to kill him. But you couldn't do it. If you kill your husband you will not go unpunished and you will suffer some punishment, your death, or your exile, and the last thing you want is to leave Alicent and Larys. So you'd have to settle for making a scene.
If Rhaenyra and Harwin wanted attention then you would make a damn spectacle. Tomorrow there wouldn't be a single person who wouldn't talk about you three.
When you finally reached your destination you abruptly opened the doors making as much noise as possible. You entered, leaving the doors open with the intention that anyone who passed by could hear you. You found Rhaenyra lying on her bed with Harwin kneeling next to her and holding her hand.
All eyes were on you, Laenor looking at you with fear, the midwives tensed while the princess and your husband looked at you with pure surprise. For a moment Rhaenyra thought that you would be at her side and accompany her while she gave birth.
“I tried to get him away from her,” Laenor said quickly, from the corner, seeing the fury in your eyes not wanting to be on the receiving end of it. Not when he had struggled to obtain your forgiveness.
You ignored your brother and headed straight for Harwin. One of Rhaenyra's handmaidens thought you would try to hurt the princess so she tried to stop you by standing in front of you. You barely bothered to look at her before pushing her in Laenor's direction. Your brother, as you expected, caught her before she could fall to the floor. The screams of the other maids irritated you even more. You hadn't even put all your strength into the push, of course, they had to be just as dramatic as Rhaenyra.
“What are you doing here?” with every second that Harwin passed in silence you felt your fury grow even more, the worst thing was that he didn't seem to have any intention of separating himself from the princess because he was still holding her hand. “Why does a sworn shield need to be here? “You questioned but again you didn't get any response causing you to lose what little control you had “You can't protect her from the birthing bed, you idiot! You shouldn't be here! Do you understand how humiliating it is for me, for my children, that you are here?!” As you spoke, you raised your voice more and more to the point that you ended up shouting, you were sure that at least your complaint had been heard by anyone who was there. will be found in the hallways. You were sure that from today the court would be sure that Harwin was the father of Rhaenyra's children.
You saw Rhaenyra flinch, you didn't know if it was because of your screams or because she was having a contraction. You didn't care anyway, she did this to herself you thought. If she were smarter she would not have gotten pregnant by your husband again and much less would she have allowed him to accompany her during her birth.
“She needs me,” said Harwin, looking at you with pleading eyes, hoping you would understand, you should, you know Rhaenyra and you know that she is afraid of childbirth after everything her mother suffered.
“Harwin, we're leaving,” you demanded.
Harwin loves you but he loves Rhaenyra too so he couldn't leave her alone right now, not when she knew she was scared and needed him.
“No,” he said painfully, knowing that the little process he had done between the two of you would be forgotten. Now you would get angry but then he would work hard to win you over again.
Your dragon blood or your Baratheon blood had to have taken over your body because suddenly your hands were on your husband's scalp. Years ago you had caressed his curls tenderly but now you found yourself pulling him with all your strength, if he wasn't willing to get out then you were willing to drag him. You would embarrass him in front of the maids and anyone in the hall.
Harwin quickly let go of Rhaenyra's hand to prevent you from ending up dragging her with him. The princess didn't know what to do as she watched in shock as Laenor grabbed you by the waist and tried to pull you away from Harwin, but you didn't give in, your hands seemed to be clinging to him. All Rhaenyra could do was shake her head as one of her handmaidens approached the door ready to call the guards and silence the rest. The last thing she wanted was to get you in trouble.
“Please, sister, let go. Please,” Laenor asked desperately. He feared that at any moment a guard would walk in and you would end up having an audience with the king for disturbing the princess in the middle of her birth and attacking her sworn shield. The worst thing is that he saw you capable in your state of the fury of telling Viserys to rot for pretending not to know what was happening right under his nose, how his grandson was a bastard: "It's not worth getting in trouble for them. Please release him. If the king and queen find out about this

He stopped talking when he watched you loosen your grip on Harwin carelessly causing his head to hit the floor. Laenor couldn't help but grimace at the noise. He had to have pushed you away instantly because you once again grabbed Harwin by the hair, lifting his head and then slamming it back onto the floor. This time when you let go, Laenor took the opportunity to lift you up and left Rhaenyra's chambers with you on his shoulder while you shouted curses in Valyrian.
They hadn't even reached the end of the hallway when Laenor stopped, a few seconds passed before he put you down. But you understood his reaction when you saw his father standing in front of you. He was looking at you angrily and again you felt like you were a little girl getting into trouble running away from your babysitters. Laenor must have felt your anguish because he took your hand and intertwined your fingers like he used to do when you were children and you were both scolded, not only that but he put his body in front of yours.
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"Did you expect me to stand by and do nothing while they humiliated me?" you questioned your father once he finished scolding you and Laenor. During all of Corlys's talk, your brother didn't let go of your hand and you loved him more than ever for it. He could have avoided witnessing this, he could have left you alone but he didn't. Your brother wasn't to blame for your attitude but he was still scolded for not being firm enough to stop you before making a scene. You were sure that if Laenor had excused himself, your father wouldn't have bothered to scold him later.
"You humiliated yourself," he declared. It didn't matter that he had been ranting for what felt like hours he was still angry.
His words were like a slap. Unconsciously you tried to make yourself smaller in your seat as you felt a lump begin to form in your throat. He is your father, he should be on your side, he should be furious with Rhaenyra and Harwin, not you. He should be shouting and defending your honor. But instead, he's yelling at you.
You remained silent without knowing how to respond, feeling small, pathetic, and humiliated under your father's gaze. Not being able to take it anymore you lowered your head looking at your lap. You didn't like feeling like this, you hated it.
You loved your mom. It was a silly and childish thought but if she were here you believed she would take your side. She may not agree with your actions but she would never make you feel this way.
"Tomorrow the whole court will be talking about how you lost your mind, entering the princess's rooms and beating your husband," your father said making you feel worse. You had wanted to make a scene to get people talking but you thought it would be to your benefit, you thought the court would side with the poor faithful wife but maybe your father was right, maybe in the end you would be the one who would end up badly. Perhaps Rhaenyra and Harwin would not be the ones to make the Velaryons the laughingstock of the court but you. The pain in your throat worsened at that thought. "What if this reaches the king's ears?"
"That will not happen, Father," you were surprised by the firmness in your brother's voice. "Despite the distance between my sister and Rhaenyra. The princess still has great esteem for her and does not want to get her into trouble with the king. If Viserys decided to act and punish my sister that would only encourage people to talk more about the true paternity of Rhaenyra's children" he said as he gave your hand a squeeze hoping to get you out of whatever was scheming in your head knowing that it wouldn't. It must have been nothing good."Besides, I doubt people will think my sister is crazy. "The court will side with her after all it is normal to see a woman hurt by her husband's cheating."
"A maester had to see Harwin," Corlys reminded them with a frown.
"An accident. One of the maids dropped hot water and the idiot slipped and hit his head. It's his fault for being in the delivery bed when he shouldn't be" You couldn't help but laugh at the easy lie your brother made up. You wouldn't be surprised if there were people who believed her. Laenor turned to look at you with a smile, feeling satisfied to see that you were settling back down normally in your chair instead of trying to hide. "The only thing my sister did was go yell at her stupid husband for daring to snub her like that."
Before Corlys could say what he thought about it there was a knock on the door. After your father gave permission to enter a maid reported that Rhaenyra had given birth to a second son named Lucerys and that the three of you could now go and meet him.
"Come on Laenor, we have to meet the future lord of Driftmark," the Lord said once the maid left.
The fury you felt when you heard those words made you forget any feeling of smallness that your father caused you. You could allow your father many things but not this. You weren't going to stay silent while he took away your son's birthright and gave it to Rhaenyra's bastard. You knew that your father was an ambitious man and wanted to go down in history—that's why he had pushed you to spend time with Viserys as soon as Queen Aemma died and when you didn't become queen he made Laenor marry Rhaenyra even though he knew his preferences—but you never thought he would be able to deliver the legacy of your ancestors as if nothing had happened. It was insulting. This was outrageous.
When you least expected it, your father always found a new way to disappoint you.
"You can't be serious," you said, standing up abruptly from your chair while resting your hands on the desk.
"Please don't start again," your father said as if he was treating you like a tantrum child making your fury only grow even more. You could feel your blood heat up.
"He can't be Driftmark's heir," you said, emphasizing each word to get it into his head.
"He is the son of Laenor. It is his birthright"
"He is my son in name only," Laenor reminded him. He loved Jacaerys and was sure he would soon love Lucerys too, but he still knew he couldn't give any of them Driftmark. It would be an insult to Laena, to you, to his uncles and cousins.
“And why is that?” Corlys accused him. He didn't need to say any more words, the three of them knew that he blamed the lack of legitimate children on Laenor's preferences. You would think that after years your father would have accepted it by now.
“Driftmark belongs to Aethan,” you said, watching as Laenor clenched her hands into fists clearly frustrated, putting her attention back on you “He was born before Lucerys, it is his birthright” You tried hard not to raise your voice thinking that if You looked calm and confident. Your father could listen to you for once.
“You know perfectly well that the line of succession follows the lineage of Laenor.”
“That's the point,” you exclaimed. “Lucerys has no Velaryon blood and no offense to Laenor, but we all know you will never have descendants. "You turned when you saw your brother but he didn't look offended by your words so you turned your attention to your father "If Laenor doesn't have children then the line that follows is Laena's but she still doesn't have children so until that happens follow my line. Alyn was born first so he will have Harrenhall but Driftmark belongs to Aethan.”
“Lucerys will inherit Driftmark after Laenor,” your father stated as if he hadn't heard anything you said.
“He doesn't have Velaryon blood!” you argued, losing your patience, a part of you wanted to throw yourself at the desk and beat your father to the point of exhaustion. Maybe this way he would come to his senses.
“History does not remember blood, it remembers names”
Again he was looking at you like you were a little girl, like you were stupid and couldn't understand what she was talking about. But you understood, he was always going to care more about his ambition than his family. This time you did not hide from his gaze but instead took refuge in your fury.
Nightwing shouted angrily from the Dragon's Pit.
Your father looked at you in shock. You didn't feel guilt or regret, in fact, you felt satisfaction. You hoped the mark of your hand would remain on his face. You weren't going to apologize, he deserved it for choosing Rhaenyra and his bastard over you and your son, his own blood.
Laenor was the first to react, taking your arm and pulling you back and then standing in front of you, ready to protect you in case his father tried to do something to you. But you weren't afraid. Your father had never hit you before and you didn't think he would start doing it now, not when you were already a grown woman, not when you could still hear the furious screams of your dragon, not when you both knew that if he dared to touch you your mother wouldn't hesitate to feed him to Meleys
“Get her out of here,” Corlys ordered, regaining his patriarchal composure.
You broke free from your brother's grip. You didn't need an escort. You could go alone but you had one last thing to say. You expected this to torment him.
“You will be the one to ruin our name, you will make us a laughing stock if you leave that child as heir.”
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Of course, your fury can't last forever. That's why when Larys entered through the secret passageway that your room had, he found you curled up in bed.
"Are you angry?" You turn your back on him as you feel him lift the sheets to get into the bed next to you.
Your voice was weak and unsure like you were afraid to know his answer. And Larys didn't like it.
"Just for not being able to see how you hit my brother" he replied and you wanted to laugh but it came out more like a sob making the look in Larys' eyes soften. If it was someone else they would find it annoying or feel uncomfortable but you are the exception. He just wanted to make your pain go away. "What happened?" he asked, ready to listen to you complain about Harwin and Rhaenyra.
"My father wants Lucerys Velaryon to be heir to Driftmark instead of Aethan" You turned around and dared to sneak into your lover's chest now that you knew he wasn't upset with you.
You took Larys by surprise because he didn't expect that to be the reason for your discomfort.
"That's not going to happen," he assured you as he gave you comforting strokes on your back. "Not many children make it to the age of two. Even if they do, they can always have an accident during their childhood. And if that doesn't happen, then we'll take care of Lucerys."
You should be horrified by what Larys just said and its implications. You should be scared at how calm he seems at the idea of murdering his own nephew but instead, you feel more in love with him. It's twisted but his words gave you comfort, knowing that you weren't alone in this, that you had someone on your side who was willing to do something so heinous just for you and so that your child would have his birthright. You and Larys must be crazy thinking about the death of a newlyborn baby. You're probably not as good a person as you thought and you don't know how to feel about it. You send a silent prayer to the gods and apologize for your thoughts because that's what a good person would do. You convince yourself that your fury is still poisoning your head and that's why you think of Lucerys dead. Your usual self would never think of that. How would you wish for the death of an innocent baby?
"We won't do anything," you say but both you and Larys can notice the lack of determination in your decision. But he's smart enough not to highlight it, it would only worsen your mood. "It's not Lucerys' fault that my father chose Rhaenyra over me," your voice breaks at the end and it seems like you're about to cry again.
"He didn't choose her, he chose the power he thinks she possesses," he said in an attempt to make you feel better.
"I'm sorry that your father disappointed you," he gently wiped your tears with his thumb. "But you don't need it. You have your siblings, and your mother and you have me. I'm always on your side."
At his last statement, you felt your heart warm up along with a sudden huge need to kiss him. So you obeyed your desire and leaned towards him and then captured his lips. You kissed him again and again, you tasted his lips as if it were the most exquisite wine you had ever tasted, but the thirst you felt for him did not seem to disappear.
"Be good and make me forget about today" you asked with heavy breathing.
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