#but thank you for indulging me :D
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mcrololo · 4 months ago
Hello what are your headcanons for how the bellas like to game 👀
Beca and Stacie both are puzzle game fiends. Stacie loves a good brain teaser and Beca just likes to make connections/make her hands work with her. She absolutely shreds in Guitar Hero too and enjoys music games with the same mechanics. I also picture Beca being incredibly good at the Taiko mode in Osu! (she will forever be a dweeb in my heart ♥)
Chloe is always in for a good party game. Especially the Mario ones with all the minigames. She can get competitive with those, but I can see her sit back and laugh at all the different ways Amy, Lilly and Jessica try to cheat.
CR definitely plays mobile games. She falls victim to the FOMO/gacha system a few too many times and then the other Bellas have to intervene. She joins Jessica in tactic RPGs (Fire emblem, Final Fantasy etc) because the fantasy genre tickles her brain enough.
Emily gets banned from playing platformer games because, as it turns out, this girl has a LOT of unresolved rage. She plays any and all visual novels because she enjoys a good storyline, though.
Aubrey is the type of gamer who gets addicted to winning. She'll tell the rest she'll take five more minutes on a level and the next morning she's still going at it.
I always headcanon Lilly as a horror fan, so she loves playing those type of games. But I can also see her enjoy a good FPS with Amy and Ashley. Amy knows literally every cheat code to any given game, and Ashley accidentally finds all the best loot always. Ashley also loves playing race games, especially Burn-out Revenge because it's a good rage game <3
Flo adores Wii-era games because of the balance board and motion controls. Whenever she starts up Just Dance, Chloe appears out of nowhere beside her and they don't stop until their muscles whine.
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jquarze · 4 months ago
1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
For any of your OCs.
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Ly'rill - Erica Lindbeck
Astrel - Sumalee Montano
Rania - Claudia Black (specifically her Matriarch Aethyta voice)
Quinn - Yuri Lowenthal
Azrel - Jennifer Hale
Kena - Britt Baron
If I'm home rn, I will definitely make a proper voice claim video for them. But alas, I am not 😔
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hanakou-often · 7 months ago
hanakou often tysm for feeding me
im a starved man
ASSHFGFYUAGYUH You're so SO welcome!!! The whole reason I started this blog was because I, too, related HEAVILY to feeling like a starving man in the midst of a famine when I’d search for Hanakou content so it's really amazing to hear I can support other Hanakouers in these trying times!! It took me a while to start this blog since I thought Hanakou wasn't going to be well received but now I see that the people CRAVE the sillies together just as much as I do!!! Feeding Hanakou nation is a wonderful duty and I am more than happy to fulfill it!!! CCC:
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sysig · 23 days ago
No TV Guide this week, but there will be more SCII posts for the next couple days, and Gaster on Wednesday <3
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fadefromthelight · 11 months ago
hold your breath
Nobuhiko just stares down at him with that look Wataru's come to associate with him trying to solve a difficult problem. "What do you want?" Wataru asks, barely above a whisper.
"You're going racing, right?" Nobuhiko's voice is low, just as aware of their parents in the next room as Wataru is. "Take me with you."
Read on: Ao3
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fonulyn · 1 month ago
I owe my involvement in this fandom solely to you ;)
oh shush 💖 you're making me blushhhhhh.
i am so very happy to have you here 💖
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angelmichelangelo · 9 months ago
woodyangelo anon again (im not feeling shy anymore so i'll stop sending on anon from now on lol)
that is UUGUGHHH not mikey begging leo not to... oh my god that would HAUNT leo even though he knows he made the right call and saved his little brother's life.. and i'm sure on darker days when he and raph are fighting raph throws that in his face too on top of blaming him for splinter dying....
i'm picturing some real dramatic rain, mud and blood and gunfire everywhere, but all they can hear is mikey sobbing into raph's shoulder as leo uses anything he can to bandage the wound, his hands shaking so hard... the boys are Not having a good day
hello friend :D
and ugh yes. sainw is just the angst train that keeps on chuggin’… ;__;
bonus points for raph begging him under his breath to just pass tf out from the pain when it happens, but the adrenaline is what is keeping him awake and aware, and as leo is wrapping it, he tries to look, when leo’s bloody hand pushes his face away and it’s up to raph to distract him through his own shaky tears.
eventually he does pass out and raph scoops him up into his arms (trying to ignore how he feels a touch lighter than he had done before) and he runs like hell through the bullet spray and the rain and the horrors to get him home.
more bonus points that the arm ends up infected. maybe room for some missing donnie angst as leo tries to control his fever knowing that don would be the turtle to do the amputation right because of course leo blames himself for that..
and ooohhh yes raph absolutely would!! they’d get so loud and ugly at each other about everything that’s gone wrong, and when leo tries to stand up for himself, about everything he’s sacrificed for his family raph would scream ‘and what about mikey?! huh?! was that one of your sacrifices for this family??’
and of course mikey doesn’t blame anyone but the atmosphere doesn’t help him emotionally heal so he becomes withdrawn and so more reserved….. wehhhh the sainw boys makes me so sad :(((
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aka-indulgence · 2 years ago
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chitinleg · 1 year ago
so if someone was theoretically going to write a fic based off of the tags on that one very excellent garashir artwork you did... what would be a suitable villain role and/or scheme for garak to play? i know basically nothing about spy media and even less about james bond. i googled "most homoerotic james bond villain" and that was interesting but not helpful for this scenario... idk i want to really do this justice so i figured i could ask, since you came up with the idea in the first place and i guess that means this is a gift for you? and everyone else who liked that piece? thank you for your time :)
this is SUCH a charming question to receive!!! it's an honor that my art might inspire others to create! that said, here is my advice: i think you should follow your heart, mainly! i say this to everyone about everything but its very true, with writing especially, i think, you might want to write things that are especially interesting to you so that its exciting to keep going with them
personally, i don't watch a lot of spy media, i disliked james bond as a kid and i still dislike him now, so the character archetypes and plots from that wouldn't interest me enough to write a fanfic off of—i could read ds9 fic based off of them easily bc i love the ds9 characters!!! but. i couldn't write like that. therefore, i can't give you useful answers from that canon. i can give you this, but i don't know if it will be helpful: i think i would first start with the question—what about garak excites you? what puts you on the edge of your seat with him? what about julian—what actions do you like to see him take? what decisions of his make you giddy? how do you like to dig into his character? how do you like to dig into garak's? if you write down the answers to your question, it becomes the puzzle of how you can get everything you want out of the fic. the beautiful thing about the holosuite is that anything can happen at all, and while you're telling a spy story, it doesn't have to all be spy tropes. you could, if you wanted, play out a shakespeare play (your favorite shakespeare play, assuming you don't hate them all) as if it were a spy thriller! Sure, what's Twelfth Night as a spy thriller? We already have many characters playing with the fluidity of identity, going by different names, taking on different roles, gaining trust and acting on their own best interests. Just raise the stakes a little. is this insane? i feel insane. is it worth anything? i hope so. my ending point is: i am not so good at writing advice! i'm a much better drawer than a worder, but it's a gift already that you've said my art has motivated your desire to create!!!!!!!!! from there on—don't worry about what i want at all, don't worry about doing my work justice!!! take what excites you about the idea, take what excites you from your own ideas, and build it into something that makes you giddy to work on!!! i believe in you, and you have the world at your fingertips!!!!!!
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good-beansdraws · 2 years ago
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Matching icons for you and the person you want to beat the shit out of <3
I was halfway through drawing Fuuta when @gunsli-01 mentioned the remix design would suit Kotoko -- it really does work so well :0 (Version without her fire under the cut)
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despairforme · 1 year ago
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Why can't he be a cool fantasy character??
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 8 months ago
KICKS DOWN DOOR. multiples of 3 for the oc ask meme (for tritchett OR val)
WAHHH THAT IS MANY!!! Thank you!! I will do Odds for Val and Evens for Tritchet. :>
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
HER TRIDENT!! God, she misses her trident. She loves polearms, both for the reach and the versatility, and while she'll be the first to admit that handling a sword alongside a shield is much easier, she feels like her trident was sort of her calling card! It's what people remembered!
She originally chose it because she spent a good long while on a monster hunting ship pre-campaign, and ended up favoring a harpoon. The trident seemed a natural choice when she stumbled across one while back on shore, and she kept it...basically until my DMs put a dragon slaying sword in front of her that was just TOO powerful to leave behind.
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions
Val is a terrifically simple woman; she will pick a handful of fresh blackberries over just about anything else. At this point, most of the love for them is simple nostalgia. She spent a lot of her youth getting scratched to shit while digging the little bastards out of the wild bushes that she and her family found, and now they are a taste of simpler, better times.
That said, her simple taste means that she's also not particularly adventurous? She's kind of a simple eater, which means she's kind of a picky eater, and she is hyper sensitive to sweet things, which she actively dislikes. Her family were wandering tradesfolk, so she grew up on road food, and I'm very sure it absolutely destroyed her sense of taste LMAO.
15. how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
Oh, very small, if we're talking blood family. She grew up almost exclusively with her parents, and with the occasional visit from her very cool, definitely-not-part-of-a-thieves-guild uncle, and almost no one else. She has...met...her aunt on her mother's side, and her cousin, but since her mother passed, Val has felt no urge to reconnect with them.
Her parents passed something like eight years before the campaign began, and she is under the (incorrect) impression that her uncle is also gone, so at this point? Her family is this group of weirdos that she took up with on a whim. And she loves them so, so much.
21. their favorite place to be?
ON THE ROAD!!! Anywhere on the road!! Traveling is her hobby, her passion, and her oath!! Val took up with the god of travelers a few months back and pledging herself to his cause has only renewed her sense of peace and joy while traveling the world's highways. She LOVES the outdoors, and she loves helping people love them too.
It's really no wonder she fell in love with a druid.
27. if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
Val has never sat down to watch a particular sport in canon, but I could see her being a soccer nut. God. Actually, now that I say it out loud, I'm so afraid that she would be obsessed with soccer. Not to play, naturally. She's not that dexterous. But to WATCH....
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
STRONG. A huge sap. Bit of a goody-two-shoes. A little too overprotective for the sort of bullshit they get into. Cheesy and fond of really stupid jokes. Willing to throw down for any one of the idiots she's traveling with at the drop of a hat. Hot.
(She is deeply embarrassed by this last one.)
6. how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
Tritchet has worn her hair short since leaving home, and she will probably keep it short forever. It just makes sense! She is usually trying to cultivate a very specific Look, and thus cares a lot about how her hair looks at almost any given time. Cutting it off means it's less of a hassle for her to manage. She also just thinks long hair is kind of silly when you're jumping around all over the place in a fight.
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
Tritchet has been around since...2022? Ish? Her birthday is canonically on November 17th (thank you FFXIV for saving that data for me so I can remember) and she is very keen to let almost no one else know about it! She loves to be the center of attention, yes, but she thinks that attention just because she happened to be born on a specific day is very silly.
That said, she will absolutely go all in for someone ELSE'S birthday. That's all fair game!
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Lying - something that happens, but that she would be devastated to find out happened to her. She takes being lied to VERY personally, and certain people who have done it in the past *coughcough*Urianger*coughcough* have had to claw their way back into her good graces.
Stealing - generally bad, but not wholly damning. She actively doesn't support the idea of stealing to get by, since she spends a lot of time with struggling craftsfolk and traders for whom their business is their life, but folks that are starving need coin too, y'know? She won't ENTIRELY hold that against them, even if she will try and step in to stop them.
Killing - something that she would love to avoid overall, but that tends to run rampant in her line of work. Tritchet values freedom intrinsically, and will do her damnedest to avoid handing down a consequence that you can't walk back. But...she's also not going to roll over in a fight. And in the case of Zenos, it was a matter of giving him plenty of fuckin chances before he forced her and her sisters' hands.
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
Goldsmithing! Tritchet likes the fiddly little work it calls for. It calms her down and gives her something to laser focus on. :> She also likes making accessories for herself that are totally one-of-a-kind, and she finds that it makes gift giving SO much easier. Typically, if you find her sitting still for a long period of time, it is because there is food involve, or because she's working on a Project.
30. do they smell like anything notable?
There is a...fairly notable scent of warm scales that comes about whenever the weather gets hot. Tritchet got a pretty nasty wound during the end of Endwalker that was compensated for by Dragoon Shit, which left her with a sizeable patch of scaling that healed up over the scar. So she gets a touch of Warm Lizard smell during the warmer months. It's one of those things that SHE hasn't really picked up on yet, and that she would be absolutely mortified to find out about.
Present company has yet to mind, though. :>
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koscheicore · 1 year ago
What's your favourite Ainley episode?
It has to be Castrovalva atm!! I LOVE that serial sm. Perhaps bcs it was of the first classic who episodes I watched (and Logopolis, ofc) but it just fascinated me. It shows a bit of his creative side and he's just HAVING FUN there with the silly disguise. He's not in pain anymore and it really shows. Yeah I couldn't take over the Universe? well let's design a whole place. With people in it. Let's do a little play. He's going all out. He's taking care of the Doctor only to eventually turn around, say LOL SIKE ITS ME!! and destroy him once and for all (except of course not). HE MADE AN ENTIRE TOWN FOR HIM!! Well technically Adric did I think but. The town has LORE. And he's all hehe Doctor you're so silly. Idk it's a really fun episode between Fivey's regen failing and how confusing everything is. The bullshit tapestry is just ridiculous. I wish I could watch it again for the first time!
But ALSO I can't just leave Mark of the Rani unmentioned. The sheer desperation the Ainley!Master has here to just see the Doctor suffer is way too funny, he'll throw the entire plan away just to make sure he BELIEVES that he's about to destroy the TARDIS?? plus of course the RANI!!!!! She's AMAZING. And she's tired of their gay ass flirting. She was just doing science and she had to see her two classmates being a mess as usual. OH AND THE FIVE DOCTORS ok sorry I just !!! Yeah comfort special. I could talk abt that one for ages too.
Also I just love seeing Ainley in general bcs the way he acts, you can tell he's having lots of fun. This man just decided to be the Master and he LOVED every second of it. He would have played this character forever if he could have. Idk where I read that he would sometimes answer phone calls in character too.
Thank you for the ask!!
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astro-inthestars · 1 year ago
do you know merg, the guy who did a bunch a undertale no-hits? well he's been posting ship art of himself and muffet.
if a popular youtuber can post ship art of himself i dont see why you can't either
wait really???? he is????? that's so cool I'm so happy for him!
And it is like, super sweet that you thought of sending this information to me to reassure me, it means a lot! Yeah. Nothing about showing your true self makes you any less. I think I'm getting there
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secondserves · 1 year ago
a bit late but happy new year tennisblr! i made this sideblog around this time last year as well & it's truly been fun keeping up with this sport with all of you <3 hoping for a great year ahead for everyone!!! (and our favs aksdkkdk)
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good-beans · 1 year ago
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