#official employee of myself
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aka-indulgence · 2 years ago
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radgeorgie · 8 months ago
had an amazing interview yesterday.... was told I'd know by Monday.... but it's alleged they DRUG TEST and I just bought 6 packs of weed edibles 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
#AND!!!!! AND!!!!!! IVE GOT THE HOUSE TO MYSELF FOR A SOLID WEEK!!!!!!!#i guess ill know monday if i can get high that night or tuesday but like.... i want to have one now lmao#like.... the paper i signed was more worried about being drunk on the jo#and OBVIOUSLY i wouldnt show up to my folder customer service job high off my ass..... but that thc can stay in your system for awhilw#i had one last nigbt tk celebrate the interview so idk if im even in the clear to begin with#and like.... i told them my start date would ve the 20th & im out of town vefore that so the goal is like.... they go to achedule#and we have to schedule it way out so i have time to like.....not worry & get my pee clean#like.... it wouldnt matter so much if my parents werent LEAVING this E N T I R E week... like.... this is MY vacatioj too!!!!!#and i just bought it after a horrid week 😭😭😭😭😭 worked my ass of it for it in order to relax this week#like#i know i shouldnt be dependent on it and im really trying not to ve#but the anti-anxiety relaxing of it all helps so much#and im reeeeeally not the biggest fan of drinking....i pee too much 😭😭😭😭😭 ironically 😭😭😭😭😭😭#like.... at this point.... its like..... do i care about getting this job more than i care about letting my brain and body relax this week#i always put myself first & listen to my heart & soul to dictate what to do#but my mind just keeps thinking about getting that failed drug test back and going back to the job hunt#but im still IN the job hi t#*hunt#AND HERES THE THING!!!! walking around that damn office.... seeing what people were wearing.....#its professional but i know damn well theres people in there smoking weed#like.... 25 of the 50 employees i saw showed up in casual loungepants these people are not prestigious#and like.... the paper i signed.... they didnt even edit to include the company name????#it kept saying “the Company will not like you to drink on the clock and assumes you will not get behind company vechiles drunk either”#like.... tooooootally understandable i just wanna eat some edibles before im an official employee of your folder business my loves#let me have a 50mg and zone out for the night while im finally free from all these losers..... PLEASE#anyways......personal problems that my brain needs to expel so it doesnt tumble all around for the next few houes#WHILE I DOORDASH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 fuck me#like..... i got this interview through indeed ill just keep going till i cant if it fails
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quantum0459 · 2 years ago
I tried to make my sona's cutie mark a file cabinet for a bit there. Before I even worked oh god
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lovethroughdelusions · 2 years ago
Some of you may have heard this already, but rural carriers in the USPS just got fucked over. (note: i myself am not a usps employee, but my partner is)
USPS and the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association (NRLCA) have disagreed on how to price the volume of work for the rural routes. City (walking) routes get paid hourly, but rural routes get paid salaried. After disagreeing, the matter went to arbitration and the arbitor chose a complicated algorithm for determining the pay by volume, and it goes into effect this week. People are losing thousands of $ a year. Most between 5%-30% of their wage just.. gone. My partner only lost $4000 off their wage, but someone he works with lost $10,000 off their yearly income. A person on reddit is saying they lost $18,000.
The USPS always gets the short end of the stick, but this is going to throw things into chaos. USPS workers are unable to strike, so they don't have much ability to fight back. (though some have been talking about illegal strikes...) They can file a grievance within their union, but it's a gamble on if it will work.
How you can help: please make a fuss about this. Contact your local reps. Share this on social media. Tell your friends.
Thank you. ❤️❤️
Route Changes Survey by ruralinfo.net
official NRLCA site
USPS and Striking
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evermoredeluxe · 4 months ago
as proud as i was (and will forever be) after seeing the official tour gross, i am literally brought to tears by seeing the bonuses news. just thinking about how taylor is not just setting precedent in the industry, but also how she is inspiring me and millions of other fans to kind and generous, whether it’s to your employees or by being philanthropic. little kids are going to see this news and be inspired.
and then i spiraled into thinking how she has also inspired me to be resilient (how she always rises up no matter however many pushbacks she faces), be kind to myself and be proud of my past instead of be embarrassed by it, be hardworking and just to keep going. one of my fav things she’s said is that if you’re facing turbulence, it probably means you’re rising higher and higher. the biggest adventure of her life has just ended and im just very proud and emotional and i love her so much. she started doing this feeling lonely in life and now she makes millions of people not feel that way. she is there for us and we’re there for her, and it’s all just so beautiful. changed my life for the better, and i don’t even wanna know where i’d be without her.
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blorger · 2 months ago
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-Draco Malfoy, Sept 1, 1991-
Here's my newest hot take: it makes no sense for the Weasleys to be poor.
Like, I get why, narratively, the Weasleys are poor : poor=virtuous in jkr's mind and the Weasleys represent the perfect family so they need the be the bestest most virtuous of them all, especially since they are set up to be in direct contrast to the rich, morally bankrupt Malfoys.
That is all well and good, I understand the use of poverty as a narrative choice, but at the same time I also have a problem with how jkr chose to depict said poverty in her worldbuilding; even as a single income household with too many kids (as per D Malfoy), it makes no sense for the Weasleys to have no money.
Arthur, the sole earner in the family, is portrayed as a government insider: he heads his own department, seems essential to the working of the ministry and is overall well connected.
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(from GoF, this is a bureucratic brag if i've ever seen one)
Arthur appears to be on a first name basis with a huge variety of ministry employees
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Some of which are his fellow department heads
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which definitely puts him on the same level as a Diggory or a Crouch, and none of these people are implied to be poor or even remotely struggling, so why is he?
Arthur is not only well connected but also far more powerful than one might expect from his job title alone:
He is somehow able to write and/or enact laws (something he shouldn't be able to do since he's neither an elected official nor part of a legislative body)
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(from CoS)
Arthur has the power to restrict trade (again, something way above his paygrade)
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(from GoF, Arthur's power is apparently equal to that of Crouch, the wizard equivalent of a foreign minister)
Arthur can easily get huge favors form fellow ministry personnel
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(from Gof, those world cup seats are Malfoy and Fudge level and it doesn't seem like Arthur did anything special to get them)
We can also see how incongruously important Arthur Weasley is to the inner workings of the ministry by his responsibilities:
when things go tits up at the world cup, Arthur behaves very much like someone much higher up the chain of command.
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(from GoF)
All of this is over a newspaper article that didn't even quote him by name. What can the biting teacup guy do during a pr crisis, exactly?
Arthur's (civilian) presence is for some reason necessary during night raids, even though he is not a law enforcement agent
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(from CoS)
Arthur (a civilian) is somehow the only person who can calm Alastor Moody (an accomplished auror) down
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(from GoF)
I find myself to be very confused by the picture painted by these excerpts. jkr clearly wanted to have it both ways: she needed Arthur to be a ministry insider so that he'd be able to funnel all sorts of information to Harry (and into the story) but she also wanted the Weasleys to be underdogs or, as Harry calls them,
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but the two things just don't mix because Arthur, as described in the books, does not read like an underdog, he reads like a vital part of the system.
tl;dr: Arthur is a Big Deal and his family shouldn't be poor, even if they do have too many children
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skufdaddyswansea · 6 months ago
!!Termination Letter Update!!
Just a heads up, the recent update to the game that fixed the timeline also updated the termination letter I posted about a little while ago!
I went ahead and grabbed the screenshots myself this time. Fair warning that I struggled a bit so they might not be super legible, but I've also included a transcript this time.
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Instructions for Termination
Tulpar Captain,
This letter is the official confirmation of the closure of the PONY EXPRESS SHIPPING CO. As Captain, it is your responsibility to convey this news and information to the members of your vessel.
Please ensure you maintain crew morale after delivering news of employee contract termination.
Questions and concerns can be referred to HR once the active contract period is concluded. Crew is still expected to complete the remainder of the haul to PONY EXPRESS standards - failure to do so will lead to fines and legal action. Please be reminded that the shipment contract is active until completion despite immediate termination of employee contract.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have lived up to Pony Express' high employee standards and will be promoted by the end of the Tulpar's current shipment contract completion. PONY EXPRESS always aims to encourage work-loving and efficient employees and acknowledging and rewarding such behaviours even in these trying times.
Please enjoy the rest of your contact and thank you for years of exemplary work.
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anorlondo00 · 6 months ago
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MarAce One Piece Fic - The Apartment Above the Auto Shop
Edward Newgate had a terrible habit of hiring fatherless, trouble-making punks in need of direction to work at his auto parts garage.
Recently, he’s hired a 20 year old who’s currently on parol and struggling to raise his 12 year old brother on his own.
When Marco (29) moves back to his home city, he’s hesitant to trust the new hire, who’s living rent free above Pop’s auto shop.
Sunday night. 
“Hold on,” Marco navigated over the maze of suitcases and half folded clothes on the floor of his apartment, “You’re not charging him rent? Who even is this kid?”
“I knew his father, years ago.” In the incredibly rare circumstance that Whitebeard had to lie to Marco, he would do so, effortlessly. “An old friend of mine. The kids’ had a hard life, he’s raising a twelve year old on his own— ”
“Sorry, there’s two of them?”
Marco had to hold his cellphone an inch off his ear while Whitebeard laughed, “The little ones’ in school, the older one works hard enough to earn their rent! Relax, Marco. Ace is a sweetheart.”
“This is the one you let steal food out of your fridge for half the summer?”
“That’s the one!” Whitebeard replied, “He doesn’t do that anymore.”
Edward Newgate had a terrible habit of hiring fatherless, trouble-making punks in need of direction to work at his auto parts garage. He’d been teaching scrappy kids how to keep their heads down and put their hands to work for the better part of the last twenty years. Now, he’s accumulated a crew of mechanics that he considers family. 
Marco was one of the first front desk employees Whitebeard hired and his most talked about success story. As of the end of this school year, Marco had officially earned his medical degree. He was a doctor. A very proud one at that. 
“When should we be expecting you for dinner?”
“Sure.” Newgate’s voice filled with warmth, “I’ve been teaching Ace how to cook. He’s pretty decent, now, I can actually keep it down!” Again, Marco kept his phone off his ear for the laughter that followed. “We eat at—”
“Six and not a minute later. I remember.” Marco attempted to rub the feeling of burnout from under his eyes. A home cooked meal sounded nice if it weren’t for the addition of a twelve year old and his fresh-out-of-prison older brother. “I’ve got an entire apartment to unpack so, I’ll have to see you Tuesday.”
“Everyone’s excited to have you back.”
Marco smirked at the campus outside his window, a view he was more than ready to say goodbye to. “I’m pretty excited myself.” 
“Drive safely, alright? And, don’t keep us waiting too long.”
Marco had a week before orientation. One week to unpack, re acclimate, and check on the shop before his entire life was signed away to the emergency room.
 His home was in a densely populated, urban oasis just outside a much larger city. Nothing like the wide empty fields and quant college town his medical school was at the center of. It’d take him four hours of driving to get back to the chaos of pissed drivers and electric bikes zipping through tight lanes of traffic.
No place like home. 
Tuesday Afternoon.
Whitebeard’s Auto Parts and Mechanic was printed in beautiful white penmanship across the top of an old brick building. It stood proudly on a corner off the city's main boulevard. 
Just as Marco remembered, the two, truck sized garage doors were wide open, giving the mechanics plenty of room and fresh air. 
Marco walked through the garage like he’d never left and was more than pleased to see how little things had changed. It could only be Thatch’s playlist blasting that music. Izou’s artwork, while updated was unmistakably his, decorating the brick walls. And, Teetch’s old chevy in the same damn parking spot outside. 
“No… fucking… way.” A voice came out  from under the hood of a truck. The man had a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and red hair gelled back out of his face. “Is that Marco?!” Thatch got to him first. Which was a little terrifying, considering the man was about six feet too big to be hugging someone with a tackle. “Marco!!”
The blond scrambled to stay on his feet, “Okay! Alright—Hi Thatchy— ” 
“Marco’s home, you guys! Holy shit, I can’t believe it! Look at you!” 
The mechanics under cars and occupied in the adjacent office all came to have a look. The prodigal son had returned and Whitebeard’s shop erupted in celebration. Marco had to abandon his backpack on the floor, there were just too many hugs that needed to be given. Izou came sauntering out of the front office, looking beautifully overdressed as always. His gold and silver bracelets rang as he wrapped his arms around Marco’s shoulders. 
“Thatch, do you even realize you’re talking to a medical professional now?” Izou smiled widely, “Congratulations, Doctor.”
“Thanks, Izou.”
“I saw your graduation pictures. Pops has them hung up in his office, you’ll have to take a look.” 
“He’s blushing!” Thatch delivered a solid punch into Marco’s arm. “How cute. Yes, we’re all very very proud. You’re gonna hook me up with a medical marijuana card, right?”
“Thatch, you gotta stop telling people that.” 
“Right, right—” His best friend smiled, “I missed you, man!”
“I missed you too.” 
“Where the hell is Marco?!” Whitebeard’s gravely deep voice could shake the walls. The old man emerged from his office and while his question sounded hostile enough to make a normal person run for their damn lives, it overwhelmed Marco with nostalgia and a sense of home. “Lets see him— What the hell is wrong with you, boy? Moving so far away from me?!”
Marco smilied, “I came back! That doesn’t count for something?”
“Yeah it’s the only thing keeping my foot out of yer ass!” Newgate hugged him. His mentor smelled like cigarettes, booze and motor oil. While age had been shrinking him for years now, Newgate was still built like one hell of a beast; he made most grown men feel short. 
“Hi Pops.”
“Hi yourself!” Newgate dropped a heavy hand against his back. “Have you eaten yet? We’re having lunch. Thatch, get over here, it’s time for your damn break.”
Thatch grabbed onto Marco’s arm and pulled him towards the back door with all the enthusiasm of a little kid. “I’ll make us something. Pops! Did Ace pick up groceries for you yesterday?”
“Yeah.” Newgate retrieved Marco’s forgotten backpack and gestured for Izou to follow them. “Have a look in the kitchen, Thatch, it’s stocked up.”
There was plenty his mechanics liked to do for the old man but grocery shopping wasn’t one of them last Marco remembered. 
Whitebeard lived by himself, out of a small home directly behind the auto parts garage. As they crossed from one location to another, Whitebeard's uneven, slow gate seemed so much more severe than how it had been a few months back. As the four of them filed into the kitchen, Marco couldn’t help his curiosity. “The boys have been taking good care of you, then?”
“Oh spare me.” Newgate retrieved a fist full of beers from the fridge and set them on the counter, “Like I need to be taken care of.”
“We try.” Izou supplied, “But, you know how he is. It’s nice having someone living in your old apartment again. Ace is usually around if he needs anything.” 
There were old metal steps that lead out of the warehouse of Newgate’s shop. On the second floor there was a dusty little apartment Marco lived out of for nearly ten years before leaving for medical school. “I can’t imagine someone else being in there.”
“Yeah, you definitely decorated better.” Izou got a laugh out of the room. “You haven't met Ace yet, have you? You’ll like him.” 
“What will I like about him most, the ankle monitor?”
Surprisingly, it was Thatch that gave him a quick slap to the shoulder. “You seriously need to be nice to him, dude”
“I do?”
“Marco, I’ll strangle you with my own two hands.”
“Alright alright, damn.” Marco cracked open the bottle of beer he was given. Marco knew damn well he had no place to be judgemental. It was Pops he worried about. “So where is this new golden child then?”
“A check-in with his parole officer.” Whitebeard said more seriously, “He’ll probably pick up Luffy from school on his way back this afternoon.”
“Luffy’s the younger brother?”
Thatch, who had gotten to work seasoning chicken breast, sang over his shoulder, “And possibly the cutest little kid in the world~” 
“Next time we’re all together, I’m sure they’d let you look around your old apartment again.” Izou chimed, “If you're dying to go up there and reminisce.”
Marco smirked, “A little. It’s been such a long time.” 
Marco would have to wait a bit longer before he met Whitebeard's new pride and joy. He inhaled Thatch’s cooking— which he missed far more than he would ever admit— finished a second beer and a dozen more stories about the hospitals he rotated through. 
Marco left that afternoon with a box of leftovers and the promise that he’d bring his car in for an oil change before the week was over. 
Tuesday morning.
Marco would remember the auto shop’s schedule until the day he died and Tuesday mornings were always dead. One, maybe two mechanics would run the whole place until the afternoon. Considering Pop’s would rather keel over and die before accepting money from him, Marco preferred his car be as little an inconvenience for the shop as possible. 
Marco could feel the heat stick to his skin the second he left his apartment. Considering summer was nearly over, there was no reason for it to be this damn hot outside. 
AC. He needed to ask them to take a look at his AC while he was at it.
Like he’d done for the past 15 years of his life, Marco pulled his 2012 Subaru directly into the empty garage of Pop’s auto shop. He would have made an immediate comment on the pop-punk garbage blasting in the speakers if it weren’t for the loud string of curses he heard coming out of the front office to greet him. 
“What the fuck are you doing?! Hey asshole!” The young man wore a mechanic’s jumpsuit with  the top half of it hanging loose around his hips. Sweat stuck his jet black hair to the sides of his face and neck. “You can’t just roll your car into the garage!” He threw his arms out to gesture to the rest of the shop, “You gotta check in, I need information from you and shit.” 
Marco climbed out of the driver's seat and leaned over the top of his door. “Whitebeard knows I’m dropping off for an oil change today.”
“I don’t give a shit. You see all the equipment to run over in your cute little Subaru? Park in the lot next time like everyone else.” He propped up the hood of Marco’s car. 
It’s not like he was wrong, it was just the sheer hostility that was unexpected. Marco couldn’t help the chuckling that bubbled up in his throat. “Okay. If it helps, I sincerely apologize.” 
In his adult life, Marco considered himself picky who he found attractive. He wasn’t one to leer at little waisted, broad shouldered, young men with freckles and shaggy haircuts. But, here he was leering while he was getting yelled at. 
“When was your last oil change Mr. Subaru Outback?”
“I’m overdue,” Marco admitted, “Sixteen hundred miles ago?”
“Yikes.” He cleaned the dipstick from Marco’s car with a rag that was within reach. “You’re friends with Pops and he let you go this long without an oil change?”
“I’ve been in school.”
“So, you’re a smart guy?” 
“I’d like to think so.”
The raven haired man took a few steps closer to Marco. The half a foot height difference between them didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. He tapped the tip of the dipstick against Marco’s chest and challenged him with a smirk. “Five thousand to seven thousand miles would be my recommendation, Smart guy.”
Punk . 
“Got it.”
“Are you going to wait around or pick it up?”
Marco couldn’t help himself, “Does it take you so long to change the oil that I should leave?”
The mechanic’s eyes snapped up from the car to Marco. “Twenty minutes, Dick.” 
“Then, I’ll wait.” 
He pulled a clipboard off its hook on the wall. He crossed one ankle over the other, clicked the back of his pen against his hip and began filling in what would eventually be a receipt. While he waited. Marco finally noticed the ankle monitor, blinking a little green light just above Ace’s boot and peeking out from under the right leg of his jumpsuit.
This was Ace? Gorgeous face, insufferable shit starter? Right up Pops’s ally.
As if on cue, Whitebeard’s old truck came rolling into the parking lot behind them. The old man climbed out of it slowly and made his way into the garage holding an ice coffee in each hand. “Marco!”
“Marco!?” Ace echoed, his nose crunched up into a sneer. 
Whitebeard put one of the coffee cups in Ace’s hand, who took it despite the fact that he looked completely stunned. Marco had never seen the wheels in someone’s head turn so visibly. 
“I told you about him, Ace. Don’t look so surprised.” Newgate plucked the clipboard out of his hands and held it at arms length while he read it. “…And you were going to over charge him… If he was paying, which he won’t be. It's sixty eight for an oil and filter change, you wrote eighty six.”
“Sounds like me.”
“Yeah, sounds like you.” Whitebeard smacked his arm with the clipboard. “This is Marco, my first protégé. He’s been upstate for medical school, just moved back this week. He used to live in your apartment.”
“You’re kidding.” Ace said between sips of his coffee. He extended his hand out to Marco and Marco shook it. “Fuckin— my bad man. I thought you were just some asshole.”
“Is it an eighteen dollar surcharge for assholes?”
“Wrong.” Whitebeard said as he turned away from them. “I have to make a few calls. Give Marco’s car a thorough once over. Whatever he needs and do not accept a fucking dime from him.”
The kid might have been a lost cause for numbers and customer service but at least he knew what he was doing under a car. Ace kicked over one of the old scooters that had probably been around since before Marco’s time. He laid back on it and rolled beneath the Subaru with the kind of grace only muscle memory could provide. 
Marco watched his boots while he worked. “So, how long have you been here? Considering you don’t know the price of an oil change.”
“Can you say that a little louder? I want Pops to hear you making fun of the dyslexic kid.” Marco heard the flow of old oil as Ace removed the drain plug, “Two years— I don’t know. I worked for Pops for probably…  four—five months. I got put away for six months and he hired me back when I got out. I’ve been here since.” 
“What’d they get you for?”
“Arson. Burned the last shop I worked at to the ground.”  Ace rolled himself out from under the car in time to get a look at Marco’s deeply troubled face. He flashed the tips of his K9s while he smirked. “I’m kidding. It wasn't anything interesting, I promise.” He pulled himself to his feet and moved onto addressing the old filter that’d been rotting in Marco’s Subaru for the past seventeen hundred miles. “Since we’re on the subject of asking personal questions, are you responsible for the vomit green paint in my kitchen?”
“Your kitchen?”
“Yeah, and the tiny little couch with bricks for cushions. You graduated medical school and thought that couch was okay? I couldn’t even sell that fucking thing, Marco.”
“The space you’re filling is hardly big enough to be called a living room.” Marco hummed, “It was the only couch that fit.”
No one could match the level of sheer animation in Ace’s repulsed expression, “If I knew my doctor thought it was reasonable to buy that couch, I’d find a new doctor.” 
It was difficult, deciding whether Ace was the most annoying person he’d ever met or a half decent comedian. He’d never seen anyone enjoy bickering so much. “If I keep listening to you complain, you’ll take a look at my AC while you’re over there, right?”
Ace clicked his tongue, “What’s wrong with your AC?”
“You tell me Mr. Mechanic. It doesn’t run cold.”
Ace released a long, mournful sigh, “Poor little Subaru. Falling apart at the seams.”
“It’s not that old.”
“Really? Because, Rush’s greatest hits on CD would suggest otherwise.” Ace chuckled, reading off the open black CD case tossed on the passenger's seat. “Don't get me wrong, I like classic rock. AC/DC, The Beatles, and Queen, are all on this playlist—”
“I can’t stand AC/DC.” 
Ace’s jaw fell open. Clearly, he had a love for theatrics because the way he set down the oil filter looked choreographed for a dramatic stage play. Ace turned his shoulders slowly to face Marco, the very epitome of heartbreak and betrayal warping his expression. Ace swallowed, “Tell me you’re kidding.”
“I’m kidding. I just wanted to see how wound up you’d get.” Marco's relaxed demeanor finally cracked. He started laughing the minute Ace became self aware. 
“Oh—you can go fuck yourself!” His pretty bronze skin flushed with warmth. “I’m glad you’re fucking with me becahse I’d never let you leave this garage alive if you ment that. Don’t scare me like that. Shit!”
“You’re saying you’d kill me if I didn’t like AC/DC.”
“Marco, I don’t make the rules of the Garage, I simply abide by them.”
His laughter snapped off the second he heard his name. “Marco.”  Whitbeard’s voice cut through their conversation suddenly enough to make him jump. Newgate had taken to standing in the doorframe off his office, arms folded over his chest. There was a pause before he stated very simply, “C’mere a minute.”
The younger men exchanged glances before Marco excused himself. 
He was let into the office first, then Newgate followed and shut the door behind them. The unmoving, fierce look in the old man’s eyes reminded Marco of the old days at the shop. Whitebeard was infamous for shaking down customers who refused to pay, or thugs who thought it’d be a good idea to steal motorcycle parts from the garage. Marco cocked an eyebrow, “Everything okay?”
“Listen— I’m only going to say this once.“ Newgate crossed the office towards his desk in heavy footsteps. He rubbed at the deep elevens between his eyes. “Don’t get involved with Ace.”
“Hm?” Marco’s confusion only grew, “I…beg your pardon?”
“Whatever it is you’re doing...” Newgate waved his hand in the general direction of the garage, “None of that. Don’t flirt with him, don’t distract him, don’t confuse him.”
Marco couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Flirting? He was pretty sure he hadn’t tried to flirt in the past four years of his life. He let out a breathy laugh and looked over his shoulder like Whitebeard had to be talking to someone else. “…You’re not being serious.”
“I’m serious. He’s got too much on his plate right now and frankly, he’s too young for you.”
“Wow.” Marco had to repeat Newgate’s words in his head a few times to fully digest it. He scoffed. Ace was a hyperactive, one volume only, shit starter. The very idea that someone interpreted their conversation as flirtatious had to be a joke. “First of all—” He could feel his face heating up, “I’m not sure what kind of sleazy character you think I am. Secondly, you honestly think my type is the guy with a tattoo of his name spelled wrong?”
Whitebeard leveled Marco with an unamused glare. Clearly, the idea that he may have  misinterpreted things, hadn’t crossed his mind. “Listen, I gave Teach the same lecture.”
“Teach? I’m on the same level as Teach?” Marco clicked his tongue in disgust, “Well, you can rest easy. I promise you— I guarantee you, I have zero interest. Not my type.” Marco propped a hand on his hip, “But truthfully, I’m a little insulted you think you can dictate who I flirt with anyway.” 
“Oh, don’t misunderstand me, Marco. I haven't ordered you around in the past ten years. You’re an adult. The people you date should be none of my business.” Whitebeard's reply was very matter-of-fact. Marco had thought he heard the threat from his tone disappear completely before it all came rushing back. Whitebeard leaned in, his voice fell an octave and Marco swore he saw death themselves behind the old man’s eyes, “Unless it’s my kid you’re talking to. So, I’m telling you right now Marco, knock it off.”
If you liked this, there’s more on AO3 ;)
Thanks for reading!
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jadeshifting · 2 months ago
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  .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .            
5:30 AM .  .   ˚ . the soft glow of dawn filters through the curtains of the modest cabin nestled just on the edge of Jurassic World’s sprawling jungle. i stir beneath the blankets, the distant, guttural calls of the velociraptor pack pulling me from the dream i was having. the morning air is crisp, tinged with the scent of dew-kissed foliage and earth. i rub the sleep from my eyes and slip out of bed, the worn wooden floor cool beneath my feet
6:00 AM .  .   ˚ . the cabin is teeming with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and i pour myself a mug and step outside onto the small porch. Jurassic World and the island are waking up—birds chirp, and the distant roar of a tyrannosaurus echoes like thunder through the misty canopy. my dad, Owen Grady, is already up, and he’s doing a little bit of work in the small vegetable garden by the side of the cabin. he nods good morning at me, and i wave back
6:30 AM .  .   ˚ . wearing my beat-up park uniform, i head to the raptor paddock. the walk through the jungle is a symphony of rustling leaves and distant dinosaur calls. as i approach, i hear Blue, the lead raptor, chirp in recognition. my bond with the pack is palpable, built on literally years of mutual trust and respect. i greet each of them in turn, their scales glinting in the early morning light, their eyes sharp and intelligent
7:00 AM .  .   ˚ . training begins. dad isn’t far behind me, and i assist him with the morning routine, guiding the raptors through their exercises. it’s a combination of hand signals and verbal cues, my movements confident after so much time spent dealing with them. the raptors respond with precision, their bodies moving with a predatory grace. it’s all trust and understanding, a daily ritual that reinforces the balance between human and dinosaur—kind of like reminding a stubborn employee that you’re their boss, and you have their best interest at heart (and begging them please don’t eat you)
8:00 AM .  .   ˚ . with training complete, i head back to the main park complex for a quick breakfast. the cafeteria buzzes with the hum of employees gearing up for the day. i grab a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, and fresh fruit, sitting for a while to enjoy the brief respite before i dive into my next set of the day’s responsibilities
9:00 AM .  .   ˚ . i settle into the research lab, poring over data collected from the raptor pack. i meticulously log their behavior patterns, noting any changes or anomalies. my fingers dance across the keyboard, the hum of the computers blending with the distant chatter of scientists and researchers. the lab smells faintly of antiseptic and paper, a stark contrast to the wildness outside
10:30 AM .  .   ˚ . next on the agenda is a down-low talk with a few members of the park’s administrative team—see, i’m not technically supposed to be involved in official park business, but i present my findings, and discuss the implications of the raptors’ behavior on park operations and guest safety. my voice is steady, my insights are sharp. it’s a testament to years of living and breathing the intricacies of Jurassic World, and the reason why i’m allowed to weigh in at all
12:00 PM .  .   ˚ . lunchtime rolls around, and i take my sandwich outside to the open air. i find a quiet spot outside the park, by a small pond, the water reflecting the lush greenery around me. the scent of tropical flowers mingles with the faint musk of the jungle, and i eat peacefully, the occasional flutter of wings or distant dinosaur call my only companions
1:00 PM .  .   ˚ . back at the raptor paddock, i conduct individual check-ups on each raptor. i examine their claws, check their teeth, and ensure they’re in peak condition. the raptors tolerate my presence with a mix of curiosity and familiarity, their eyes watching my every move. sometimes they’re calmer with me than they are with my dad—they’ve known me since i was a toddler, after all. if they attacked me, it would be like trying to chow down on the kid you’ve been babysitting since they were born
3:00 PM .  .   ˚ . the afternoon is dedicated to guest interaction. i lead a small group of visitors on a guided tour, rambling about the raptors and the vital role they play in the park’s ecosystem. my voice is animated as i go on and on about the prehistoric world to my captivated audience, even more invested in it myself than they are. it’s Jurassic World, after all—it never gets boring to me
5:00 PM .  .   ˚ . as the sun dips lower in the sky, i return to the cabin. the jungle is bathed in a golden glow, the air thick with the scent of impending rain. dad and i prepare dinner together, grilled fish and some assorted roasted vegetables, with herbs from the garden. it’s simple—neither of us are exactly culinary masters
6:30 PM .  .   ˚ . i hang out with dad while we eat dinner together in the cabin. he laments the absurd requests the investors have for the dinosaurs, and i tell him about the notes i took on the raptors. it’s an uneventful, good dinner
8:00 PM .  .   ˚ . after cleaning up, i unwind with a book on prehistoric ecosystems, the flickering lantern on the front porch casting shadows on the walls through the window. the sounds of the jungle lull me half to sleep, the distant calls of dinosaurs a familiar lullaby as i thumb through my book
9:30 PM .  .   ˚ . i step outside one last time before bed, the night air cool against my skin. the stars twinkle above, the jungle never quiet and instead roaringly alive with nocturnal sounds. i watch the property and listen to all the island’s sounds before i retreat back to my bedroom for the night
10:00 PM .  .   ˚ . snuggled up under a fuzzy blanket AND a quilt, i drift off to sleep. it was a normal day, fulfilling—boring is preferable to scary, i think. the line between past and present blurs here, and it can be easy to lose track of time when every day is a new chapter in Jurassic World’s story
  .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .            
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thecaptainamore · 5 months ago
OOOOKAYYYY yapping for upcoming TADC episode predictions/things I think would be neat💥💥
SO we know that this next episode is focused on Gangle, something to do with trying to figure out why her comedy mask always breaks and/or preventing it from breaking for once. We also know that this episode will be in the fast food place! (Spudsy’s yayyy)
Now this art came from a collab with Tower Records Cafe in Japan (so it’s official as far as what people are saying?)
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Notice how Gangle looks more like a manager while everyone else is in matching employee uniforms. My theory is that Gangle will have to undergo the absolute joys of managing customer service (eye twitches in former Disney cast member) while the gang tries to keep her from breaking her mask. I think it would be neat if instead of some external force, it’s Gangle’s own stress that cracks the mask, eventually breaking it down completely. Then we get all her deep stuff woooo
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We’ve got this neat screenshot of a baseball stadium from the season teaser (which could be just a gag but I’d imagine it’s a hint for episode 5). We know that ep 5 will focus on Ragatha, then ep 6 on Jax. People have claimed that Goose said Jax will get what’s comin to him for being a jerk (I haven’t seen this but hey what do I know), and I think it would be neat if we saw that peak in these two episodes. Maybe in ep 5 the gang will compete in a baseball game, with Jax pushing Ragatha to her breaking point & she abstracts. Then the next episode he has to face the guilt of his actions & we can learn what his deal really is🤷🏼‍♀️ also I would just LOVE a baseball themed episode as a baseball girlie myself
ANYWHO ramble over, carry on
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a-very-tired-jew · 10 months ago
The very peaceful protests and their very peaceful actions. I previously posted about how the Columbia SJP has an infographic on terrorist groups and uses language justifying and endorsing their actions. Well here is the UCSC SJP's Instagram.
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Fig. 1. Depicts a police car that was damaged by an IED on June 1st at the UCSC student Palestine protests.
Listen, I'm as ACAB as the next person. Hell, I'm an independent forensic consultant. I get to see first hand the fuckery that goes down when I get called in, regardless of what side I'm on. But this? This action here on the official UCSC SJP Instagram page? That is employing the same methods that recognized terrorist groups have used around the world. Jews have said for months that these "peaceful" protests were on track to becoming violent. When you shout and endorse the same rhetoric as terrorist groups that have repeatedly stated they want to kill Jews there is the eventuality that you will start using their same violent tactics. We've already seen these student protesters engage in the same behavior as Nazis by preventing Jewish students and faculty from attending their classes and buildings. We've seen them spit on us, threaten us, shout vile insults, attack us, and attempt to burn down / bomb / destroy our places of worship and business, and we have repeatedly said that it will get worse. Well here it is. Once you start trying to blow up vehicles in the street you're too far gone to call yourself peaceful protesters anymore, you’ve become terrorists. Plain and simple. And guess what? The picture on their Instagram has a descript that is equally chilling.
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Fig. 2. Is a message that is attached to the photo in Fig. 1. and includes language that emphasizes violence and terrorist actions. This reads like a manifesto that is attempting to garner support from minority populations here in the USA by appealing to the issues they face. However, the language they are using is a giant warning klaxon because it undermines the actual severity of what these groups face by couching it within the ProPal Western Activist lexicon. Many people, myself included as a death expert, have pointed out that the term genocide as applied to the conflict is improper and does not meet the criteria. That doesn't stop these protesters from using it to appeal to emotion and attempt to guilt others into supporting their cause. It's clearly an attempt to gather support and drive others to violence. Nothing in here says that these are peaceful protesters. They are ready to lay down their lives for the Cause™ in a violent manner.
Glorifying martyrdom.
Red flag.
Death to amerikkka.
Red flag.
Knife to the throat of zionism.
Red flag. You already complained about the more benign Finding Out portion of employers flagging certain degrees from specific universities and wanting to know if their possible employee is an antisemite. The Finding Out portion of actually planting IEDs is much, much worse. At a certain point people will have to accept that the SJP/PSC system blatantly endorses and justifies violent terrorism. This is what Globalize the Intifada means. It means engaging in the same violent acts of the Second Intifada. It's a call to engage in violent terrorism. But ya'll don't want to accept that, regardless of how many times it's pointed out.
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justastraymoa · 4 months ago
Unwilling Alpha
Chapter 16
WC 3,254 (not including text message pictures)
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Warnings ⚠️ swears, abo dynamics, mentions of slave trade, mentions of rape, mentions of abuse, mentions of death, fear, manipulation. Dom/sub vibes in this one briefly.
Nothing within reflects anyone or anything irl. Pics off pinterest.
I came prepared for the overstimulating chaos of hair and makeup. I had my earbuds in and playing my favorite K-pop playlist before the stylist even began. Channie and Lixie sat on either side of me, with earbuds of their own in.
“Go really light on her hair and makeup, please.” Chan asked as my stylists began. I looked at him, shocked. They had been teaching me makeup techniques since my reveal, so I was more used to how I looked in it, but I still went pretty light and avoided changing the shapes of my face too much. “We are more comfortable keeping a natural look on her.”
The stylist scrutinized me for a few seconds. Assessing. “We can do that. We were told casual, so it works well.”
I smiled at Channie in thanks, and he winked back at me. “I gotcha, babe.” He teasingly flirted. It still made me blush and fight not to hide my face.
“Fucking flirt.” I mumbled making Channie chuckle.
The results were better than I had dared to hope. I was actually done before Channie and Lixie and in wardrobe.
This interview and photoshoot were part of a ‘Pride of Australia’ series they had been working on. As such literally everything was Australian made or company based. All clothing was either created by Australian designers or made in Australian companies. All provided food and drink was from Australia, right down to Australian raised cows for the coffee creamer. The employees, cameramen, photographer, and stylists were all Australian.
In fact, I was the only thing or person not Australian, and I felt it. I felt like a foreigner. Which is off to say since I am a foreigner – it’s just the first time I felt it so predominantly.
Channie, Lixie and an official looking and harried worker joined the wardrobe stylist and myself as I was putting on the shoes they provided. I smiled at them, reaching to brush their hands as they passed.
“Markus and Tad are going to do a short interview with y/n first before bringing Chris and Felix in.” The employee started, looking only at the clipboard in their hands. “We are going to go ahead and get y/n set up with a mic and start the interview while Chris and Felix finish getting ready.”
I met Lixies eye and raised an eyebrow. Why was this woman speaking at us like we weren’t all right the fuck here? She wouldn’t even look at us!
Lixie shrugged. “Just go with it.”
Since Channies pants had pockets and mine didn’t I gave him my phone and wallet to hold before following clipboard woman out of the room. It didn’t escape my notice that I was now separated from all my Omegas, and I very much did not like it.
Unlike Channies and Lixies security, who stayed outside, Duri stayed nearby. I figured it was in response to the threats and recent attack, but I didn’t mind. It was comforting to see a familiar face in the hustle of strangers.
The show was filmed in front of a live audience, which took up one side of the room while the stage was on the other. Cameras, boom mikes, chairs, equipment, and workers were in between the two, blocking most of the view of the audience, which kind of confused me.
The stage was set up to look like a city skyline with a frame around where the two hosts currently stood. The skyline was familiar and famous sights around Australia that I recognized, even if I didn’t know the name of most of them.
Markus and Tad both wore tacky bright patterned outfits. I had a feeling they were the outlandish, obnoxious type of hosts that would surely be high energy and way too loud. It had the potential to be a really fun interview.
I smiled wide and joined them when they introduced me, standing in between them when they gestured.
The live audience cheered and both hosts pulled me in for a hug as they welcomed me with wide, toothy smiles and a lot of invading my personal space.
And I was right. They were very loud and very obnoxious, but their energy was infectious. It was just the right amount of too much without going overboard.
“So, the whole world wants to know.” Tad started swinging an arm around to encompass the whole world. “What is it like being Stray Kids Alpha?”
Easy question. “It’s truly wonderful. They are the best and – “ I stopped as Markus waved me off.
“Nah, nah, nah, nah!” He kept waving and shaking his hands. “We don’t want to hear how great it is! Boring! Tell us the juicy bits!” He ordered.
Thrown off, I struggled to find my train of thought again. Juicy bits? They wanted secrets? “What you see is who they are. Stray Kids have always just been themselves.” I shrugged.
Both men groaned dramatically. “You’re killing me, Alpha! We brought you on specifically to spill the tea!”
“Sorry, the only tea is Seungmin’s teatime.” The hosts and audience laughed at my reference, boosting my ego and confidence a bit.
“Okay, okay. But you all live together, right?”
“Yes. I have my own room that I just decorated before we left for the mini tour.” I knew they were hinting at spicier things. We didn’t need those rumors. “Even here, I have my own hotel room. The kids are very respectful of my personal space.” Mostly true. If I had been uncomfortable with it, they would never have slept in my room. The fact that last night was the first night we slept apart was something no one needed to know but us.
I chuckled awkwardly as Tad groaned again dramatically. I couldn’t give them what I didn’t have. “Tell us about the bonding? It happened rather suddenly, yeah?”
“Very, yeah. We were on a time crunch because of me, so there really was no time for the celebration and fanfare that Stray Kids deserve. I hope to one day make up for it.”
“And im sure you will. I tell you, what we have seen from you so far is truly impressive.”
“That attack at the airport is all anyone can talk about! Scary stuff!” Markus exclaimed.
I nodded in agreement. “I am very lucky I had both security and my Omegas with me.”
“So JYP is taking your safety seriously then?
“Oh yes! I have my own bodyguards and everything. I am definitely safe.”
“That’s good. JYPE has a pretty decent reputation for protecting their idols, at least. It's not as bad as some companies.”
Channie and Lixie were brought out soon after that and the questions went back to lighter topics. Tad and Markus spent a good amount of time trying to get the skinny on me from the boys – who all too happily complied without giving away anything too personal. Just enough to satisfy the hosts. They really were very good at all this stuff. I needed to practice and get better.
After the interview was over and there was the bustle of everyone wrapping up, Tad approached me. His whole being was significantly less now that the show was over.
“Miss l/n. I just wanted to come see if you were really okay after recent events.” He explained.
This question felt more genuine. Like he was actually worried about me and not ratings. “Um – ya know. On edge, but okay.” I answered honestly.
He nodded understandingly. “I have an Alpha of my own, so I understand some of what you are facing.” He began getting a soft look as he thought of his Alpha. “Just being apart was hard for several months and I’m just one Omega. You have eight! It’s truly amazing and inspiring – what you are doing. How well you are doing it.”
My emotions swelled. It was a different feeling to be praised by someone outside of the situation like this. More convincing somehow.
“Thank you. That means a lot. It’s nice to hear.”
With an understanding smile he handed me a post – it note with two phone numbers. “If you ever need anything at all. Even just a question or to vent – we are here for you. Jeff, my Alpha, has been trying to get more in touch with other Alphas in the spotlight like you two. To have a support system for everyone.”
I accepted the paper in awe. The support from an absolute stranger touched something deep. “Would he – would Jeff be upset if I hugged you?” I was mindful of leaving my scent on a bonded Omega that’s not mine, but I also have the need to hug this stranger. This Omega and his Alpha wanted to help me, another stranger, feel more comfortable and not alone in this insane world we live in.
In answer Tad just pulled me in. “He will understand.” He spoke lowly as I wrapped my arms around his ribs and closed my eyes. He patted my back gently and held on until I was ready to let go. A longer hug than what was considered normal, but he could tell I needed it and was willing to oblige.
The ride to the photoshoot was oddly quiet. Neither Omega spoke and I was still in my feels over the conversation with Tad. It was actually a good idea. I was in a position to change things for the better. Help other Alphas. I could begin just by getting in touch with the other Alphas withing JYPE and the other companies. Start a support group of my own. To share experiences and advice and even warnings. So, none of us were so alone.
I was in my thoughts all through the second round of hair, makeup, and wardrobe of the day. Too in my head to even be overstimulated or nervous. I was busy making plans for my support group.
I did, however, have to forcibly pull myself into the moment once we got on the photo set. Simple white background and Australian brand/made clothing, just like the interview. There were three pedestal like stools for us to pose on. I was directed to the one in the middle.
“Don’t overthink it or it will come off as stiff and unnatural. Just let it come naturally.” Channie advised without looking at me.
I got my first sense that something was wrong. Neither Omega would meet my eye and had barely spoken a word to me. “Everything okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, fine.” His words were short, clipped. Most definitely not fine.
I looked over at Lixie in question, but all he did was purse his lips and look away from me, not meeting my gaze or offering an explanation for either of their odd behavior.
I shrugged. Maybe they were tired. Or focused on the photoshoot. I crossed my legs at the knee and settled in my stool, which was slightly shorter than the other two. I felt both Omegas close behind me, but they did not touch me. They were purposely avoiding touching me.
The photoshoot started and I relaxed my face into something I hoped looked good. Someone turned on some house music, which made me chuckle. I thought the music was only done in movies. The photographer started snapping, yelling for one or more of us to move or make a different look – mostly me, honestly. But he was being super patient with me, so I didn’t even feel singled out. He is truly a good photographer. Able to make his subjects comfortable.
But about ten minutes in he suddenly put his camera down and stood up. “What’s going on? This is starting to look like an awkward family photo session.” He inquired gesturing to the three of us. “Are you fighting?”
Neither Omega answered right away – which was an answer. I shrugged. “Not as far as I’m concerned. They haven’t said anything.”
“Well, whatever it is, let’s nip it in the bud. This is supposed to be an uplifting piece about two national treasures finding their Alpha!” He lifted his camera again.
When after a few more shots, neither boy was giving any more than before and the atmosphere was more awkward than ever, I had had enough. I snapped to my feet with a huff and turned to them. In their shock of my sudden movement, they forgot they were avoiding looking at me. I glared both down, hands on my hips.
“That is enough! I don’t know what has your panties in a twist, but you’re professionals! Act like it!” I snapped at them. I felt my brain get heavy as a sunk into a more controlling Alpha persona. Letting more instincts than usual take over to exert a dominance over my Omegas that I usually avoided.
The effect was instantaneous. Their pupils blew and their posture stiffened while simultaneously becoming more submissive. And I hated it. This wasn’t the Alpha I wanted to be. It was the Alpha that was needed right now. To knock some sense into them. There was time for guilt later.
“Honestly! You’re acting like petty toddlers!” I continued to chastise them as I went to stand behind them for a pose. I reached around their heads to grip their chins and make them look up at me. “If you have a problem, say something. I can’t read your minds and I’m not begging you to tell me.” I looked first at one, then the other, speaking slowly and firmly. Pausing for the photographer.
I changed poses, turning their faces front again and resting a forearm on each shoulder. “You are the seasoned professionals here, you’re supposed to be helping me, not the other way around! You promised, Felix, and you broke that promise! First Chris breaks my trust by keeping things from me, now you are breaking your promises and leaving me hanging!”
The Omegas slowly started to get their shit together as I kept yelling at them. Their movements were halting and unnatural, but they were putting in an effort.
They both started to help me position and pose. “Honestly. Being so ridiculous over I don’t even know what! Leave your shit off set!” I was on a roll now, a low constant displeased rumble deep in my chest. I felt bad for making the photographers’ job harder because of their shit. I knew what it was like to have uncooperative subjects. To struggle to pull something usable out of them when they just would not give you anything to work with.
Sitting in Chans lap I felt him hide his face in my hair, lips close to my ear. “Alpha.” He almost whined. Hearing him call me so formally brought me up short. His hands, squeezing my waist rhythmically, shook slightly. “Please – im sorry. We’re sorry! Just - let up a little – please. It’s hard – hard to –“ He broke off with a soft whine, really struggling to get his words out.
It took me a second to figure out what he was asking for. Felix almost looked scared. Eyes big, reflective, and shiny as they begged me. Focusing, I quieted the rumble in my chest and let go of the controlling instincts – feeling my brain lighten up again. I was still annoyed as hell at them, just without the added Alpha control. They both visibly relaxed, no longer struggling to do as I asked while submitting to their Alpha.
“Finally. Thought I was going to have to carry this shoot all by myself.” I huffed.
That’s when I realized that besides the music, the room was still and quiet. Even the camera flashes had stopped. I looked around, confused and finally back in the moment around us.
The photographer looked at me in awe. “I’ve never had an Alpha do that. That was intense.” He explained taking a second to flip through the pictures. “The photos are fucking amazing, though, holy shit! I think we got the shots.”
I pointedly removed Chans hands from my waist and stood, making my way to the photographer to apologize and thank him. “I’m not sure what I did, but they are upset with me. This is all still very new to us, so I apologize. We are learning to navigate all this.” I explained while shaking his hand.
“I’m going to be honest with you, these are my all-time favorite photos I’ve ever taken, so I don’t mind at all.” The photographer gestured to his camera. “I was expecting more of a struggle with you since this is your first shoot and you’re also a photographer. But you handled it like a seasoned pro.”
I chuckled. “Thank you for today. And for being so patient. Next time I see you hopefully I’ll be much better at this.”
I practically ran back to the ready room to grab my things and change. Felix stopped me on the way out. “Love, can w-“
I held up a hand to stop him. Both he and Chan were still in their photo outfits, looking ready for a long conversation that I wasn’t. “No. You two didn’t wanna talk when it was time to talk, and I don’t have time now.” I looked at the time anxiously.
“Where are you going?” Chan asked confused. He probably knew my schedule better than I did and knew I had nothing else for today.
“Whether it bugs any of you to be apart or not, it bugs me. I’ve been away from six of my Omegas for too long and I only have a short time before schedules separate us again.” I gestured for them to hurry since we rode together. “I will leave your asses!” I threatened.
While I waited for them, I opened the group chat.
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I cursed traffic and slow drivers. Checking my phone every few seconds in frustration and ignoring the tense atmosphere in the car. The awkwardness settles over us. I was not going to be the one to bring it up. This was all on them now.
“Angel, I’m sorry. We fucked up.” Felix finally said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “That has already been established.”
“I didn’t mean to break my promise. I was being stupid. Jealous.”
“Jealous? Of what?”
Felix looked at Chan for help. “We saw you talking to Tad after the interview.” Chan explained.
“He is bonded to an Alpha who is in the limelight because of him, and they thought since I’m in a similar situation I could use some support.”
“Support how?”
“I have their numbers if I need to talk or vent. Or have a question. Another Alpha who understands our situation and the dangers.” I shrugged. “I didn’t think you would care if I had friends.”
“No, we don’t!” Felix quickly and frantically denied.
“Of course we don’t. It was just…harder than expected. To share you.” Chan tried to explain, searching for the right words.
“That doesn’t explain why you acted that way. Or why you are acting weird now! You still won’t touch me, and you can barely look at me!”
Chan scratched at the back of his neck nervously. “We are still a little…raw, I guess, from earlier. From what you did during the shoot.” He explained. Felix nodded in agreement.
I huffed, feeling the guilt creep in. “Fine. Let me know when you are back to normal. Then we can discuss what really bothered you when I was talking to Tad.” We were getting nowhere like this.
General Taglist @stellasays45 @beebee18
Unwilling Alpha Taglist: @xxeiraxx @hanniemylovelyquokka @breadedloafs @songleepark @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hyunjinhoexxx @kayleefriedchicken @vietjeb @hityoulikebahng @juju-227592 @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @royal-shinigami @bangchansfavoritenoona @straykidslvr @bookswillfindyouaway @h0rnyp0t @Svmmerstime @jennibahng @kpopandmusicpassion @jasmin-loves-k-pop @cookey-lock @possum-playground @demigoddreamon-blog @rei-reia @dreamerwasfound @jasmin-loves-k-pop @ms-flowergirl @princess-sunshyn @technicallyimportantsweets @mbioooo0000 @jisungs-iced-americano @bluesoobinnie @threeopossumsinacoat
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official twst light novel in english!!
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The Twisted Wonderland light novel is being localized!! The first volume will be available to the public starting on the 27th of August 2024 according to this Barnes and Noble listing.
The price is around 18 USD (tax not included) and the book itself is about 400 pages.
ADDENDUM: the link no longer works; my guess is that maybe a B&N employee made a mistake (?) and listed the preorders too soon so they had to take it down. However, I can confirm that I have seen the listing for myself, that the English light novel does exist, and that the (tentative) date in this post is correct. Here is a screenshot of it from when it was still up:
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SECOND ADDENDUM: VizMedia has made an official blog post confirming that the Twisted Wonderland light novel is coming to us in summer of 2024.
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sturns-mermaid · 7 days ago
this post is a collection of writing ideas that popped up in my head, anyways feel free to use these. Also, tag me if you use them because I would love to read them. (please let me know if there is already something like it out, then I could tag the person or remove the idea) I will add to this whenever I get an idea
Hannah Montana au/fic - I told Shay about this but I think this would be so fun to read a kind of a unique spin on Popstar Reader, you could even switch it up and make one of the boys the Popstar
here - done by @evangelinescherryblossom
Wizards of Waverly Place - am I just naming my favorite childhood shows? maybe... anyways this would be so cool
Cruise life - I got this idea when I went to my aunt's house and my cousin was watching the sweet life of Zach and Cody
"The Love Boat" - this would be such a cool au idea it is based on the show Love Boat which tells the story of the passengers and crew members (helps passengers find love or fix their relationship)
Claw Machine - so this is a little based on the scene in the squid game where he pays the kid to try and get something from the claw machine but also one of my friends has this "queen of the claw machine" shirt because she always gets things from the claw machine every time she said the employees gave it to her (I just thought this could make a cute idea for a fic)
13 going on 30 - I was going to do this one myself but I don't want to anymore, anyways this would be such a cute idea. based on the movie is where this came from, I also have a board I made if anyone wants to see it for pic inspo
Supermarket - I think there's a show about this? I have no idea but I felt it gave the office vibes but in a supermarket
Storm Chaser - I got this idea when my mom was driving me home from work and there was a storm coming, could also be inspired or related to the movie Twister
Dear Diary - imagine you go to a thrift store and find an old diary, you start reading it, all the entries. But then the pages turn blank. your determined to find who owns the diary (this could be like horror/mystery)
or it could be romance and the diary has love notes addressed to the person reading, despite them not knowing who the writer is
Mind reader - in a world where soulmates can receive each other's thoughts, the character has been getting thoughts of someone else. They try to find the person whose thoughts they are getting
or one day the thoughts get scary thinking they need help or the person is in danger and the other tries to find and save them
Breakfast Club au - based on the movie this would be so amazing omg (about a group of kids who all have differences and have detention together, one is a popular girl, the other is a nerd, etc.)
here - done by @overflowingteacupoflove
The Goonies Au - is one of my all-time favorite movies I love it so much and would be such a good au idea
Freaky Friday - the reader gets stuck in one of the triplet's bodies or vice versa (could also be kinda like the drama switched which is good btw definitely recommend it) you could add something like they have till midnight to switch back or like in switched it was something with moon phases
Assassin/ hitman - what happens when you're hired to kill someone and end up getting so close you fall in love with your target?
Escape room - you are stuck in an escape room with one of the triplets or vice versa, trying to escape it takes a sinister turn when you soon realize they planned it all (I'm a sucker for thrillers okay...)
Missing number - your loved one died and you keep texting their number because you miss them (even though it's not in service anymore) until one day they reply back
Secret Spy - You are the child of a very high authority figure (government official maybe?) you are certain someone is spying on you at school. One day there is a new student who you become friends with, but what happens when you start to suspect they are the one spying on you
Offline - you've been texting with your online friend for weeks now, getting super close and you guys are planning to meet soon. When one day they mysteriously go offline. Not answering your calls or texts, you begin to get worried.
Little artist - your child has been drawing and painting pictures ever since they were young, one day they come to you with a family portrait. They drew a little family, you laugh at first when you see the drawing of a man labeled "daddy" ( or mommy) knowing your child doesn't know their father. Until you look a little closer and it looks like the famous influencer (one of the triplets or vice versa)
TBHK - there's a ghost stuck in the girl's bathroom on the third floor of your school (based on the anime toilet-bound Hanako) you heard he has magic powers
Find my killer - you're a college student (or vice versa) taking a criminology class, for your final project you have to investigate and try to solve a cold case. you learn that the case has been unsolved for years, and the person is deemed deceased. But as you investigate you start to wonder whether there is more than meets the eye?
Laundry mat - your washer and dryer has been acting up so you go to your local laundry mat, but every time you get your clothes out of the dryer there is always a piece of clothing missing. Your start to suspect people of stealing your clothes when you notice someone wearing your hoodie. (could be cute vice versa)
Payphone - you're stranded. but you see a payphone in the middle of nowhere, however none of the numbers work. You see a number scratched into the glass of the phone booth. You call it and someone picks up. (could be horror/thriller maybe the person who answers tries to help them escape or warns them) could be related to the black phone
Newspaper - your school has a school newspaper (or blog) no one knows who runs it. But they spread rumors about you and people start to ask questions. One day you see one of the triplets leaving the newspaper class (or vice versa) and you go to confront them
Yearbook - while you're looking through your yearbook you notice a picture of someone who you have never seen before, there is no name underneath so you think it's pretty strange. You try to look them up on socials and find nothing, you ask students and teachers about them, and nothing. They might as well not exist. That is until you start seeing them around the school, they always seem to disappear right when you go to talk to them.
Love Spell - you're a wizard or witch, you often make spells. You love your best friend. But they don't love you back so you try to make a love spell/potion to cast on them. But what happens when the spell backfires and they end up falling for your best friend instead? (angst)
or the spell backfires and you end up casting the spell on yourself and start to fall for your best friend's brother?
or the spell backfires and they become overly obsessed with you (horror/thriller)
The other Zoey - what happens when you get in an accident causing you to lose all your memories, even the memory of your boyfriend. (could go with either triplet or vice versa) You think Chris is your boyfriend or does he look just like him? he has to be right? (based on the movie with Drew Starkey)
Truth or Dare - in a game of truth or dare, you dared to fake date your enemy for a full two weeks. What happens when you start to fall in love with the one person you hate the most?
or you are dared to ask the school "weirdo" to prom (could be one of the triplets or vice versa) you soon find out they are actually really sweet and you start to develop feelings (romance + angst?)
The exorcist - the whole town is convinced you passed, so what happens when they kidnap you and force you into a ritual. more so what happens when the exorcist doing the practice tries to save you? (idk but could be good)
Cut the cameras - you are an actress and are playing in a movie with your costar (one of the triplets or vice versa) in a romance movie. But what happens when you start to develop real feelings for them off-screen?
Mailbox - you are just learning to drive when you accidentally get lost not knowing the directions. And to your luck, you crash into someone's mailbox. A very wealthy person's mailbox that you definitely can not afford to repair. They offer to hire you as their maid until you pay off your debts. What happens when they start to see you as more than a maid?
or one of the triplets (or vice versa) is the child of a wealthy person and you fall in love with them.
"You have to marry your third @" - in which a silly little game actually comes true. one day you were scrolling on your phone when you saw a post saying you have to marry the third person that comes up when you mention someone. That someone being the and only Matt sturniolo (or Chris), you mention him thinking nothing of it. He probably won't see it anyway. To your surprise you hear a knock on your door the next morning It's him. "Babe, what are you doing? the weddings in an hour!" he says as you look him up and down noticing he's dressed like a groom
The girl/boy stuck in the TV - one day you're watching your favorite show when your program gets interrupted and it's a clip of someone you've never seen before. You think nothing of it until every day at a certain time another clip comes on of the same person, and soon you're determined to get to the bottom of it.
The end of the world - the world is ending?? When you were 16 (or vice versa) you made a huge list of things you wanted to do before you turned 22 and now here you are 21 years old. your birthday is in three weeks but who knows if the world will end before then. Your best friend Chris (or Matt) tells you he will help you complete the list, you get halfway through the list in a couple of days until you see the last thing on the list. "Fall in love" will you finish the list before the world ends?
Backstage pass - You go to a concert of your favorite band (or popstar) you think you grabbed the bag that you packed specifically for the concert. Little did you know you grabbed some other back which contained your diary. As you reach into the bag to grab your portable charger for your dying phone, your diary falls out you try to grab it but it gets lost in the crowd. the concert goes on and you forget about trying to find it telling yourself it will be easier once the concert is over. however you forget and the concert ends and they won't let you back inside to find it, what happens when your idol finds it instead?
alt title "Small talk"
or you could make the reader go on the triplets tour (where they find the diary and make a TikTok about it or something trying to find the person) or one of them picks it up and starts to read the pages not noticing the mic is on while they are doing sound checks and everyone hears what you wrote about them
Evil twin - what happens when your evil twin tries to steal your life? you and Matt (or Chris) have been dating for years your life is perfect, but what happens when your evil twin resurfaces and has some kind of spell over him. Will you win him back or will your love be lost forever?
Potato talk - every day you get a notification about a damn potato a text message asking something along the lines of a potato. "What's your favorite potato dish?", "Waffle fries or curly fries?" you never reply thinking it's just spam. Until one day you get fed up and decide to answer the message. "What's up with you and potatoes?" you message shocked when you get an instant reply. "Tell me your favorite kind of potato and maybe I'll answer" (based on Chris's love for potatoes)
or one day you're looking for a new podcast to listen to and you come across one called "Potato Talk" it barely any listeners. you decide to listen and it's a guy talking about potatoes the whole time (could also be a Twitch stream)
Anonymous - you run a tumblr blog and everyday you get an ask from a certain anon (insert emjoi) what happens when they start trying to convince you they are one of the triplets?
A bad case of stripes - no idea why i randomly thought of this but it reminds me of @oopsiedaisydeer anyways this would super cute (based on book)
Transformers au - the movies have been replaying non stop on tv and I'm addicted
That's all I have for now, this will be ongoing. if you're going to use one of these please comment so I can tag you. Also, these can be changed to your liking and to your pairing I just tried to make it less confusing :)
tags & mentions:
@itsmaddielouis @oliviasthatgirl @brianna-grace12 @scorpio1205 @submattenthusiast @courta13 @mattsplaything @conspiracy-ash @anyaa2s @hazedsturns @eclipsturns @sofia-is-a-sturniolo-triplet-fan @immaqulate @t0riiiis @heartsonlyforchris @blushsturns @hearts4werka @mattsbows @sweetshuga @leoslaboratory @pair-of-pantaloons @riasturns  @lezleeferguson-120 @slut4christopherr @alexturnersgooch @sturniolosluttt
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shyamanuensis · 3 months ago
love your work! any chance for some sad sebastian? you write sad ominis with such grace i'd love a little more drama if possible. xoxoxox
I swear someone is listening in on the conversations @eva-fitzgerald and I have because we literally were talking about this earlier today. A lazy oneshot written in the car as we drive home for Christmas. Enjoy xx
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“So, what do I tell everyone if you don’t come home one night?” “The truth – that I died doing my job.”
The small black box I held in my hands was standard government issue. A ‘goodbye box’ was what most widows of ministry workers called them, however only being engaged, I wasn’t sure the lingo applied in my situation. What was usually delivered by a high-end ministry official, had been brought by instead by his best friend. Waking up to the sound of knocking at my cottage door a little after 3am, Ominis was the last person I expected to be standing there. His choice of words deliberate – tone cold, yet soft as he spoke. As if hearing what he was saying with a more sympathetic, yet straightforward voice would make things easier. However, irrespective of what he saw, experienced and recollected throughout the current ongoing wizarding war; it was obvious that the requirement of delivering bad news never got easier.
“And you think the kids will understand?” “Sweetheart, I’m doing this for them.”
Stumbling back into the house, I left the door open for Ominis to follow through and took a seat on a sofa; balancing the small black box on the tops of my thighs as hands cradled the lid to lift it and peek inside. I could feel my breathing hitch, my skin begin to burn, hot tears fall into the corners of my eyes. I knew however, I had to stay quiet and not wake the sleeping toddlers in their bedrooms. Feeling Ominis hand on my shoulder; gently rubbing as it travelled along onto my back I sighed softly, knowing this day would have to one day come.
“Sebastian you’re being unreasonable.” “No, you just aren’t being supportive.”
The first thing my eyes flickered over in the box was his auror badge; employee number etched into the back as if that’s all he was. Beside this, the trusty broken teal checkerboard wand handle I knew had failed him. There were a few folded pieces of parchment, notes maybe or letters unsent. Beneath them a photo of the children poking out from behind the cover of a leather-bound journal I’d one day bring myself to read. That was what made the first tears fall. In silence. The photograph of the children.
“You know what, I’m sick of this argument. Just... go.” “Promise you, we’ll talk more about it when I get home.”
Closing the lid; I managed to keep it together only barely as I placed the box on the coffee table and picked nervously at my lips. A quick look at Ominis which held vulnerability, naivety and despair without a single word spoken had him responding that he’d stay until the children woke up; knowing that right now, solitude was not what I needed. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed dryly, remembering our last conversation before Sebastian left for work the previous evening. A heated argument: words left unsaid, tensions high as they had been the last few weeks; knowing through whispers, rumours and phone calls what he’d be dealing with and going through.
“…fine.” “I love you.”
I’d never have the chance to turn back time and reply. The image of him leaving home for work one I’d forever have etched into the back of my mind. We’d promised each other we’d never argue before work or before going to bed; but the regret of our last conversation would haunt me now forever. Ominis rubbed my knee gently before whispering that he’d go and check on the kids. And once alone; in the darkness of this house with a fireplace dying out which no longer felt like a home, the cries came crashing down uncontrollably.
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tg-headcanons · 8 months ago
Frothing at the mouth (positive) over the fact you're the only person aside from myself to put their whole ass into the fact the CCG is largely propaganda-based and they barely know shit about ghouls, and only publicly share twisted "facts" about ghouls to get further government money for their ghoul-genocide activities. Whats some CCG propaganda you think they push most aside from "ghouls wre animals and can't think/feel like humans can?"
The CCG does a lot more propaganda work than the general public, and even most investigators, realize. It’s human nature to want to bond and relate to one another and even things that aren’t human, and if people tend to humanize animals, plants, and even machines, a big part of what the CCG does is work to ensure they don’t try to humanize things that look human
Within the CCG there are rules policing language. Ghouls are to be referred to as “it,” and described as male or female rather than using man or woman. Reports referring to them with “he” or “she” are corrected to remove human language from them, and if a superior wants to they can easily use “humanizing language” as an excuse to punish an underling
Because the higher ups rely on their employees not understanding ghoul minds and social structure, they withhold information and most investigators don’t understand how intelligent they are. A study was done on particularly unwell ghouls in cochlea in order to engineer the conclusion that ghouls have the base intelligence of a nine year old child, and that their skills and language ability are mostly mimicry of humans. Because of this, a lot of ghouls have gone under the radar because they’re simply too complex or intelligent to be suspected. When some measurably intelligent ghouls are discovered, the higher ups take over quickly and the ghoul is either declared an odd outlier, or some cover up is utilized to deny their accomplishments
Because the only ghoul research happens in cochlea, a place designed to be as distressing and unhealthy as possible, the results are incredibly skewed. They do not understand social behaviors because the only captive interactions are between stressed and doomed ghouls. They do not fully understand kagune usage because they’re all drugged with rc suppressants. They do not know about ghoul hormonal cycles because the rc suppressants tend to make them fatal. As far as there doves know, ghoul are all erratic, mindlessly violent, and prone to unexplainable deaths in captivity. What little research there that is a good representation of ghoul complexity is often destroyed and falsified
The CCG makes an effort to locate people with violent tendencies or struggle with connection for their academy. Staff there knows that if a student is suffering socially or gets in fights, they are to be fast tracked to training. Many of them could have gotten help and thrived elsewhere, but the CCG training program encourages and enables these behaviors so long as it’s directed towards ghouls. They engineer investigators who are taught to cope with otherwise treatable issues by taking them out on something that looks human, but is okay for them to harm. These people are quickly promoted so when there are “complex cases,” they have someone they can trust not to humanize the ghouls and kill them as quickly as possible. They end up struggling to acclimate to anywhere else, more or less trapping them there to be attack dogs
A lot of news about ghouls has to be run through the CCG for approval. There’s a law on the books prohibiting the spread of dangerous misinformation regarding ghouls, which requires “professional input” on any officially released pieces about them. There are some public personalities and so called Ghoul Experts who absolutely don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, but the CCG allows them to speak on it because they parrot the dehumanizing propaganda they feed the public and it helps to have supposedly independent researchers confirm it. They all know Hisashi Ogura is full of shit, but his fearmongering makes their job much easier
Many investigators die every year because they were not allowed to know what the higher ups know. Countless employees were killed by ghouls they didn’t know how to locate due to misinformation about ghoul psychology or were killed with fighting techniques that were kept confidential for use by the washuu family. A good amount of deaths are preventable, but the CCG will never tell the lower ranks the things that would have saved them. Besides, having a brutal, fatal ghoul attack in the news every day is good for image
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