#but talia is gomez
Bruce(in training in the LOA) waking up with a new ring on his finger every morning, confused: ??????????
Talia trying to figure out what ring Bruce likes the best when she proposes to him(they haven't met yet): *scribbling down in notebook* okay not that one either
Ra's -also obsessed with him : are ya winning (him over yet) daughter?
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bruciemilf · 4 months
Bruce: We didn’t even have a proper wedding, we just went to the courthouse on a Tuesday.
Talia: The judge sentenced me to life with no chance of parole :)
Bruce: You begged me to marry you.
Talia: It’s true, I did
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gotham-snark · 6 months
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"You're not Talia. Talia smells of Jasmine and Rose of Taif"
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smallandangry24 · 6 months
To keep up with the trend:
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic:
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Honorable Mention: Bruce Wayne
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150151 · 1 year
talia and bruce could be the morticia and gomez of DC but the writers won't let them be great
like look at the material !!
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Today on... Straight Couples that drive me unwell...
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soulsista04 · 1 year
mischa kneeling while his wife is doing goddess things is just so correct
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soupinaboot · 7 months
Bruce and Talia are like Morticia and Gomez but Bruce is Morticia and Talia is Gomez, do you see my vision????
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entiretorridaffair · 4 months
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ambrosethedarling · 7 months
The answer is I reference Morticia and Gomez Addams 😌😌
I just adore Talia and I have this thing where I turn every male character I touch into a lover boy. Love me a lover boy!
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redwiccanrobin · 4 months
One person said, “Bruce and Talia are the Gomez and Morticia of the DC universe.”
And the rest of us just went, “That son of a bitch is onto something!”
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Talia when she graphically lays out how she's gonna rail Bruce so hard he'll see heaven: >:)
Talia when Bruce calls her 'little rose/demon/love:
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gotham-snark · 5 months
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"You smell of sand and sweat. My dreams have better taste"
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froggyfics · 1 year
People can go from people you know to people you don’t.
This can be read from the point of view of either a romantic or platonic relationship. However, I think this is even more heartbreaking if you read it from a platonic relationship perspective, because sometimes friendship breakups are sometimes just as hard :( 
I know Damian Wayne stans will come for me on this one, but I can’t help it! I feel like his personality would definitely hurt some feelings and cause problems in some relationships. 
The summary is from Selena Gomez’s song “People You Know”, which I think perfectly describes this fic!
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome! 
Pairing: Damian Wayne x gn!reader
Theme: Angst
Word Count: 1,567
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You stop dead in your tracks. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Was that really him?
You squint slightly, examining him further. You instantly regret squinting though, because it only solidifies your hypothesis. It only confirms a recently acquired fear. A fear of seeing him in public. Up close. Alone. 
It's funny how seeing Damian used to bring you so much joy, but now, it brings you bone-chilling dread. 
Your breathing becomes abnormal. Sweat starts to precipitate in your palms and feet. Your heart skips a beat or two. 
What should you do? Should you continue in the direction that you were originally going in? Should you break out into a run? Do you keep your head down? Do you turn around? Should you wish for a black hole to swallow you up and spit you out anywhere else in this universe? Anywhere but here? Anywhere where Damian Wayne isn’t. 
His head was slightly down, as he walked with one hand in his pocket and the other scrolling through his phone. He hasn’t noticed you yet, but he was coming towards you. It would only be a matter of moments before the two of you be mere inches from one another. 
You shook your head in an attempt to get out of your trance. You knew that if Damian saw you in that moment, you would look like a deer in headlights. And then he would know. He would know in that moment that he still had an effect on you. He would know with just one look at your face that you were still hurting. He would know that you still thought of him. He would know that your heart was still broken. And if Damian knew all this, that would mean that he won. And you would be damned if you ever let Damian win again. 
It sounds childish to say, but having a relationship with Damian was like playing a game. Except you didn’t realize it was a game until your relationship disintegrated. You didn’t even know the rules, but Damian did, and he made sure that he changed those rules whenever it was convenient for him. That’s what being with Damian was like. His early childhood with his grandfather, Ras Al-Ghul, and his mother, Talia, primed him to be the next in line for the League of Assassins. This only inflated Damian’s ego, making him innately believe that he was truly better, stronger, faster, and smarter than everyone else. His father eventually was able to deflate his arrogance slightly, but being the child of billionaire and greatest detective alive Bruce Wayne further confirmed Damian’s belief that he was someone special. He was still better, stronger, faster, and smarter than most other people. He was meant for greater things. 
All that might be true. Damian is a very special person. He may very well be a more well-rounded human than 99% of the population. Most people in his life catered to his every whim. Most people didn’t care to discipline him or teach him a lesson in kindness. Bruce, Alfred, and other people in the bat-family tried their best to steer him in the right direction. But ultimately, people just excused his behavior because…well, he’s Damian! And Damian is just special, and he doesn’t face the consequences of his actions like most other people do. 
So, if other people couldn’t set him straight, why did you think you could? Why didn’t you let him continue using you as a doormat? Why couldn’t you just take it like everyone else? 
It’s because you loved him and saw his potential. Not his potential as a crime-fighting superhero, or a super genius, or a businessman. You knew it was in him. You knew he had the ability to soften up. You’ve seen it with your own eyes before. The kindness he exhibited towards animals was unlike anything you’ve ever seen. His ability to connect with other life forms that were considered “lesser than” humans was unbelievable. You saw how he cared for his family and friends by showing up when they needed him. You even saw how he secretly waved and smiled at babies and toddlers whenever he thought no one was looking at him. 
But you eventually became emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Resentment began to build up. Every argument had to end with Damian triumphing over you. His word always mattered more than yours. His opinions were more important. He was always right, and you were always wrong. The last time you saw him was the night when things permanently changed. You would never forget his stone-cold expression as you cried for him, begging him to change. Begging him to treat you the way you wanted to be treated. You were pleading with him to show you some mercy from his harsh criticism and unwanted advice. You poured your heart out to him about how you were hurting so bad it felt like you couldn’t even breathe around him. You cried like you never cried before, bawling like a baby, wishing that he would scoop you up in his arms and whisper apologies in your ear. You wished that he would make promises to treat you like the fragile object you were.
What good did your outburst do? It only led to the end of you and Damian as you knew it. The two of you hadn’t spoken since then. You’ve seen glimpses of each other on social media, and caught each other’s glances at a few mutual gatherings. But now is the first time the two of you didn’t have the luxury of hiding behind screens or friends. 
You wanted to walk past him with an air of confidence, as if Damian was any other person. A stranger. Someone you never shared secrets with. Someone you never laughed with. Someone who never had a piece of your heart. Someone who didn’t infiltrate your thoughts almost daily. Seeing Damian in person brought buried memories to the forefront of your brain. Both good memories, and bad ones.
You felt like your feet were glued to the floor. But you had to move. You had to continue walking forward.
He got closer and closer. You gulped audibly. Your eyes began to water. Not because you were sad. Or mad. No, of course not. Your eyes were watery because you couldn’t blink. Or at least that’s what you deluded yourself in thinking in your frozen state.
His eyes were still glued to his phone. He was walking closer and closer. Your feet felt like they weighed tons. Your breathing became so erratic that you thought you would pass out. Your ears were ringing, the world around you was muffled. The only sounds you could hear were that of your own heart beating and his steady footsteps.
You were still frozen just as he nearly brushed your shoulder. He was so close you could see just about every vein and artery on his neck. Your eyes widen exponentially as you see his green eyes travel from his phone to your shoes, to your knees, to your waist, to your collarbone, and finally, to your eyes. You two lock eyes for the briefest moment, but it felt like an eternity to you. He caught you in your flustered state, with your shocked eyes, red face, and mouth gaping open. But Damian doesn’t stop walking for a single millisecond.
Just as you began to register what was happening, the moment quickly ends. He blinks and returns his gaze to his phone. Your jaw drops open. He knew who you were. He recognized you. And he still walked past you without so much as a hello. But that didn’t matter to Damian. You were someone that he didn’t know anymore. 
Anger ravages through your body. Tears threaten to leak down your face. Your hands form fists and you began to shiver as your icy hot fury spreads like an infection to your entire body. You weren’t even sure why you were so hurt. Didn’t you want to ignore him anyways? Why did it matter that he did the same to you?
Just as soon as the anger covers your body, it dissipates and is replaced by overwhelming melancholy. You knew why it hurt you. It hurt because this was once Damian, your Damian. You secretly hoped every single day that Damian would swoop back into your life, with a grand apology and promises of kindness. With every step that he took farther and farther away from you, you realize that your hope was shattered. Because Damian was never really your Damian anyways. It was your own fantasy version of him. No matter how much you wanted him to change, Damian had to make the decision to change for himself. In just a few short seconds, you realize that there was no one to really be angry with but yourself. Damian showed you who he was unapologetically. You chose to blind yourself to indulge in your imagination. You chose to let him treat you like that. You had only yourself to blame for being so naive.
You watch as his form becomes smaller and smaller as he walks away from you. As far as you can tell, he was completely unaffected seeing you. It was almost as if you two never existed. You let out a chuckle as you allow just one tear to escape. You gave yourself just one tear, before you inhale deeply for what felt like the first time in years. You then continue to walk, away from Damian, and away from your past. Who knows? Maybe you two will reunite in the future. Or maybe you two will forever continue walking past each other like you two were always strangers. 
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lexreadsdiversely · 4 months
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Sapphic Book Recs by/about People of Color, Part 1
These are some of the books I've read/are on my tbr. A mix of YA and Adult, across various genres.
Image 1:
Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt
Monstrous - Jessica Lewis
This is how you lose the time war - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Souls Aligned - Najee Jamerson
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them - Junauda Petrus
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy - Alyssa Cole
The Final Strife - Saara El-Arifi
Image 2:
The Fall that Saved Us - Tamara Jerée
Rosewater - Liv Little
A Báhn Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen
The Taking - Celeste Castro
Outdrawn- Deanna Grey
The Sun and the Void - Gabriela Romero Lacruz
The Map That Led to You - Ella McLeod
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez
Escaping Mr. Rochester - L.L. McKinney
Image 3:
A Guide to the Dark - Meriam Metoui
And Don't Look Back - Rebecca Barrow
The Weight of the Stars - K. Ancrum
The Name-Bearer - Natalia Hernandez
Thirsty - Jas Hammonds
So Let Them Burn - Kamilah Cole
Where Sleeping Girls Lie - Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson
The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes
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blinday · 6 months
It's a halloween gala happening in the mannor. Jason is going as a zombie, Tim also as a zombie (Jason pesters him abt it when they see each other with the exact same costume). Jason changes into his Wonder Woman costume. Dick is going as a trapezist (he hung so. many. things. on the ceilling to give a show through the night), Babs is going as a Siren, Cass is a Mummy, Steph is wearing the stupidest and most off brand costume of Spoiler you could find and being a total fangirl of herself, Bruce is going as Zorro, Duke is going as Batman. Everyone is fawning over the Waynes but they notice a lack of Damian.
Where is Damian, omg. They start looking around. Jason stumbles on a girl dressed as Wednesday Addams and spills red punch on her - she nailed the unblinking glare, and he apologizes. Another girl, dressed as Enid, comes and starts yelling at him about disrespecting her gf and he apologizes like "I'm sorry miss", which makes Wednesday cosplayer blush very hard. Enid looks at her with an absolute smitten and endeared look.
"Aaaww Dami, we talked about this before! You can't blush every time someone uses girl pronouns for you, that's gonna give us away!"
Jason freezes. He looks over the Wednesday cosplayer and notices the very much Talia features. Oh my God, this is Damian.
He gathers everyone and they change costumes.
Bruce comes out as Morticia, Jason changes into Lurch, Tim goes as Pugsley, Dick as Fester, Cass puts on a gigantic octopus costume, Steph also goes as Enid, Duke dresses as Gomez and walks hand in hand with Bruce EVERYWHERE. They all dance to Goo Goo Muck AND Gaga's Bloody Mary. Damian's dance ends with Enid kissing her Wednesday. It's on the news the next day that there were 2 mistery girls who stole the scene in the Waynes' party and the whole family threatens the newspaper if they dont write that Wednesday was Damian. There was only ONE mistery girl, thank you very much.
It was Flatline, and Bruce almost has a heart attack when he hears it. Everybody glares at him so he doesn't actually voice his concerns but still.
Cass uses she/her to talk about Damian sometimes after that. Damian always blushes and everyone coos at him.
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