#but starkid has officially become one of my special interests and i love it so darn heckin much fr
wigglys-dikrats · 1 year
a year ago today i was watching a vine compilation and saw the ‘i don’t wanna do the work today’ clip for the thousandth time
i knew that it was lauren lopez, and i knew she had played draco in avpm which i had watched a decade previously
it piqued my interest and i looked up and watched firebringer and i am so glad it was the show that got me sucked into the wild word of starkid
i watched all their shows over the course of a few days, completely awestruck with everything they’ve created
i’ve been in this batshit crazy fandom for a year and love starkid more every day because it feeds into my already existing insanity in the best way
happy to be here, y’all! and looking forward to everything these goons have to offer in the future!!
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