#but she literally tells me if it's anything other than straight hate and harassment and does save screenshots for later either way
Story time about how being "inclusive" is often used as pretty jewlery to make workplaces seem less shitty than they are.
So I used to work for a place that did workers compensation claims. I was a data entry worker - essentially my job was to processes all incoming and outgoing documents and make sure they digitally got attached to the correct claim so other people could do their job.
I had been working at this place for about 6 months, and we had a MASSIVE turnover in people. Like over half my team/coworkers quit. Well, I just happened to be really, really good at data entry work. My pattern recognition skills and OCD compulsions were a perfect fit for this job. Even management constantly would say how impressed they were with the amount of work I could get done.
Here's the problem - the 2 other people who didn't quit during the turnover were my superiors. They had problems with the way I communicate (AuDHD). So instead of dealing with it, they openly harassed me in group chats. Our boss would see the chats and then call them out on it and tell them to stop.
Fast forward a few months later. Shit is getting crazy for our company as we were expanding. I'm getting harassed constantly by all my "teammates" and from higher ups. I go to HR about the concern and they decide to have me just directly report to our boss. But the problem wasn't solved. I still had to work with and ask questions to the team who obviously hated me. Simply because I communicate and work differently than I do. I was always willing to help them get caught up on work, but never the other way around.
So I've been at this place for about a year now and I'm testing a brand new method of cataloging data to the correct files. (Example- adding medical records for a specific person to their specific digital file so the adjuster assigned to the claim can review it). Turns out something broke with the process and over 700 files were lost.
So I get pulled into a very sudden meeting with me, the 2 teammembers who were my superiors and my boss. They are freaking out trying to figure out how to fix this. When I could finally get a chance to speak I told them I had backups of most of the files. They all went silent and just stared at me.
I explained that the way the process worked gave me anxiety because of this very potential issue. Once the files were uploaded to the claims, they were deleted from the storage location. Gone permanently. I didnt want to be the one responsible for losing important documents if something when wrong, so as a precaution (and a newly developed OCD compulsion) I would save most files to a different folder as a backup (usually just the files I had to convert from one format (ex: word doc) to a PDF).
Turns out I ended up saving the company thousands of dollars and thousands of work hours. My boss literally said to my face "your OCD saved the day! You're a hero!". The very next day everyone was back to being upset at me for how I did my job 😅
Well, over the course of my year there, management put together a COMPANY WIDE MANDATORY meeting about inclusivity and anti-discrimination. Of course I attended and I was having to hold back tears and laughter as everyone made all these promises to not judge people and to be open to "other working styles". The meeting was a 5 hour long meeting with different games and activities. You could tell the company execs were so proud of themselves for the meeting.
The very next day I received the perfect example of what NOT to do from my own boss who helped lead the company meeting! Essentially she heard a rumor that I was setting up meetings with other departments to work on things that hadn't been approved through the proper channels. She pulled me into a virtual meeting and, I kid you not, lectured me for 5 minutes straight about how that wasn't allowed. When I finally got a chance to speak I calmly told her I'd never done anything like that before. I admitted that occasionally I would ask someone else questions in a random email here or there when it related to what we were talking about. But I had never done any of the things she just accused me of and lectured me about. She was "assuming the worst and the negative instead of something positive" which was one of the core values we had spent almost an hour on at the meeting the day before.
I immediately went to HR crying. What was the point of that ridiculous mandatory meeting if the company superiors were still going to discriminate against me??? Well after a year of putting in hard work for them, fighting against all the harassment they threw at me, and doing my best to advocate for myself I ended up quiting. It was an amazing paying full time (40hr) job that fit my skills perfectly. But I had to quit because I couldn't stand listening to them say "we love your OCD and it really helps the company, but you need to stop doing things that way. It is really annoying and takes too long. Plus your coworkers don't like it. But keep giving us those same results! You really are our best worker!"
My OCD was turned into a joke. Something that was only okay when it benefitted them, but a disgusting trait to hide away when it didn't.
Tldr: I gave a year of my life to a company that outwardly toted being "inclusive" while simultaneously being harassed for my OCD and AuDHD symptoms. All while being told my "OCD saves the company money but like, can you please stop doing things that way? Thanks!"
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hectic-hector · 1 month
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I am not naming any of her victims out of respect for their privacy and safety, but if they wish to come forward in the comments, they are free to do so. I've been informed that @angelbabyspice has gone through her feed to delete the posts she has made for the sole purpose of mocking and bullying people, which doesn't surprise me. I do not condone doxxing bullies or threatening to contact their employers (except in extreme circumstances where local law enforcement should also be involved, e.g. terroristic threats, stochastic terrorism, intentionally driving a person to become suicidal). I hope @angelbabyspice sees this message, because I want to tell her a few things: 1. "I don't want to see it" Nobody is forcing you to see it. You are free to scroll right past it, just as we are free to blaze a post if we so wish. We all see things we don't want to see, but we are smart enough to know that we have the ability to look away and move on with our lives. You are making the choice to not only look at art you don't like, but to obsess over it to the point that you spend hours of your time harassing those who create and share it. You are choosing to do this to yourself when you could have just kept scrolling and forgotten about it. This is on you. Don't blame other people for YOUR issues. 2. You had said in another post that people should at least lust after someone "fuckable" like Gojo. I looked him up, and he is as generic-looking an anime character as they come, in my personal opinion. But that's all it is: my opinion. I would never mock you or anyone else for being a fan. If I don't have something nice to say, I don't say anything at all, because I know how it feels to be mocked and ridiculed for my love of a fictional character, and unlike you, I DO NOT want to make other people feel the same way. 3. So, you're really tired of getting messages from people who claim you're "trolling", eh? You ARE trolling, in fact you're straight up bullying with the sole intent of trying to make people ashamed of their own completely harmless hobbies and interests for no reason at all. You. Are. Trying. To. Hurt. People. Where on earth did you get the idea that what you're doing is even remotely okay? Where did you get the idea that your victims are demented and YOU'RE the rational one? 4. WE'RE really tired of YOU making dozens of posts about us in order to mock us behind our backs. It doesn't need to be a direct message. What you are doing is cowardly and cruel. There is NOTHING to be gained by treating people the way that you do. You are literally complaining about the fact that we are standing up for ourselves against your smear campaigns, which we are all well within our rights to do. You have a lot of nerve trying to make yourself out to be the victim in all of this. YOU made the choice to be a bully; you can make the choice to stop, own up to what you've done, apologize, and move on in a healthier direction in life. Wouldn't you rather have friends and allies than enemies? 5. I have no idea who doxxed you, but I know it's not the person you suspect, because we are both very much AGAINST doxxing. I am sorry that happened to you, but honestly, what did you expect? You have done nothing on Tumblr but go out of your way to treat other people like garbage. You have proudly made it your mission to hurt and humiliate them, and you know this. Where on earth did you get the idea that this wouldn't backfire on you? 6. Actions have consequences. Respect must be earned. You are bullying innocent people whose hobbies have NO effect on you whatsoever. There are so many horrible things happening in the world today: war, famine, hate crimes, animal abuse, child abuse, etc. etc., but total strangers sharing their love for fictional characters is the hill you are choosing to die on? Really? Churchill once said that a person is only as big as the things that make him mad. Think about what this says of you.
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literally hoping they break up in the last season
Why Mileven is shit - a submission-based essay, part 2/3
Mileven - a currently canon het ship from the Stranger Things fandom between Michael (Mike) Wheeler and Jane (Eleven) Ives/Hopper/Byers/IDK
they NEED to breakup (AGAIN) in the final season let's start w their character arcs rn. el was born in a lab and was raised VERY strict to be a weapon and shit. she escapes and now her whole arc is finding herself and being who she is separate to what people tell her she is. mike comes from a lowkey conservative family with parents who are married only to fit into the normal, not because they love each other. his arc, similar to his sisters' struggle in earlier seasons, is to not fall into conformity just because you feel like you should. both of these stories line up with the main moral of the show: be who you are even if it isn't "normal" ot whatever now how does mileven go against this? mike, and a bunch of ppl around el, in the earlier seasons keeps telling el what she should do/be. even in the later seasons we see mike refering to el as a "superhero" (which she doesn't like). neither of them feel free to be themselves around the other (shown by el lying to mike and mike being WAY out of character around el, etc). mike literally can't tell el he loves her while not under pressure. mileven sometimes parallels mike's parents' and sta.cy (a failed conformity relationship) and other bad relationships ANYWAYS it also reallyyyy pains will byers (who's been canonically in love with mike for like years, and mike's best friend) to see this. also, milevens keep harassing will/mike shippers on anon even months after the last season. like they have a hate discord server just for it. anyways i love mike and el but ohhh my god there is still SO much i haven't mentioned about how bad they are together (and how bad shippers often are, sometimes being violently homophobic and calling bylers delusional and shit)
they have no chemistry or buildup unlike the other st couples. they kissed season 1 right after she asked if he would be her brother. hes very obviously compensating for something. i think i gagged when they made out in season 3. speaking of. thats all they do. make out. they dont really have meaningful conversations. this also comes from the fact that when mike met her she was fresh out the lab that abused her for like 11 years. she was not socially ready to understand the bounds of a platonic relationship let alone a romantic one. anyway mileven break up s5 will happen i believe it. if nothing else. cross ur fingers gamers
the sheer homophobia and general toxicity that the fans of this ship create is absolutely insane when their perfect (read: mischaracterized) straight (read: homosexually-coded) couple is judged for having toxic or incompatible elements is insane. the only good romantic aspect between these two characters is in a cringefail "wow this really doesn't work at all" i-want-to-put-this-dynamic-under-a-microscope-and-study-it-because-it's-an-absolute-trainwreck" kind of way. el has been abused and cut off from society her whole life and at 12 years old she immediately gets together with this guy at whose earth shattered after his best friend went missing who then has surviors guilt after she almost does which is misconstrued as romantic rather than unhealthy obsession and trauma. and so on and so forth.. there's just so much wrong they lie to each other So Fucking Much despite truthfulness being very important to them and they ignore their friends to make out (which is filmed in a way that is meant to feel uncomfortable btw lmao) and el doesn't understand mike's trauma from bullying and he doesn't understand how she doesn't want to be built up into being a superhero etc etc. and it's just so increasingly bad I want to rub my temples just thinking about them. they're just so bad for each other and their relationship has done nothing but make them worse in general but for some reason their ship is viewed as fluffy or cute or whatever the hell. anyway mike is so heavily coded to be fucking gay and in love with his best friend (and el can be interpreted to be lesbian coded) and I just need to get them out of there amen
I'm gonna make a list bc the reasons are many: 1) their first casual interaction they get together but in the same conversation she asks him if she can be like a sister to him 2) all their "cute moments" are them making out in the 3rd season with still absolutely no chemistry 3) their only actual cute scene is them dancing at the snowball yet in the same scene they portray the same way two couples that are not romantic 4) mike becomes a terrible person when he's with eleven 5) eleven literally GOT OUT OF A LAB SHE WAS RAISED IN and this is the first guy she dated 6) she can't even say he's a good kisser 7) mike can't tell her that he loves her (bc he doesn't) and the only time he does he makes this whole ugly ass speech up about how she's his "superhero" even though she doesn't want to be seen only for her superpowers 8) in said speech, while listing the things that he loves about her, he only names her superpowers + he lies multiple times 9) EVEN AFTER SAID SPEECH she is still mad at him and won't talk to him (probably bc she saw right through his bs) 10) she spent a whole 6 months lying to him about all of her life 11) mike is clearly gay and is meant to be with his childhood best friend will 12) mike idolizes her and doesn't see her as an actual person 13) eleven needs to be her own person (ffs she just got out of a lab) 14) the ship sucks and even the authors and actors say so
they have NO chemistry. they kissed after one week of knowing each other when they were 12 and eleven didn't even know what a romantic relationship was at the time, given the fact that right before mike kisses her she says "will you be like my brother?". they spent the entirety of season 2 apart with mike calling el on his walkie and el watching romantic movies on the tv for a year (then will is in trouble and mike says 'fuck it' and goes full protective boyfriend mode but this isn't about byler so i digress) and start dating soon after they meet again even though they haven't had a SINGLE conversation and are barely friends. season 3 comes along and the writers do their utmost best to show us how incompatible they are. their makeout scenes are uncomfortable, they break up at the beginning of the season and neither one of them seems particularly bothered that their first relationship is over. in fact, the happiest we see el in the entire series is during the time they're broken up, when she gets close to max (who she actually has chemistry with, by the way) and finally experiences freedom, being a teenage girl and etc since mike had been "keeping her all to himself" for like, a year. aside from that, he doesn't go after her at all after she dumps his ass (literally) but when he and will have a fight, he bikes across town in the rain just to apologize, that boy is GAY. finally, the theme of season 4 is lies and once again, mike and el spend the season apart (once again, mike spends the season with WILL) and right before they part ways, they have a big fight about mike being unable to so much as WRITE "love, mike" on his letters to el, let alone say it, and he bullshits his way through it and refuses to say the actual reason until vol. 2, when he apparently "confesses" that he's afraid he'll lose her if he says it (okay, amigo, you're gonna lose your girlfriend who was literally begging you to say 'i love you' not even a week ago, aham, totally valid excuse). conclusion: they don't know each other and they don't act like themselves when they're together. mike hides his nerdy nature, el feels like she has to be the amazing superhero he's always viewed her as or else he'll lose interest and it just feels like they're both grasping at straws because this relationship has been dragged on for too long that they don't know how to break up permanently. they are afraid of losing each other, but not romantically, as mike was el's first semblance of family after escaping the lab and mike feels like it's his duty to protect and care for el. also, mike is gay. in other words, FREE THEM.
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inukag · 1 year
Hello, so I'm not heterosexual (I'm ace) and as you can tell I do like one of those ships in the poll. I thought your language was very harmful. Now, I'm not here to say those characters are nice people but that doesn't mean their fans like them because they are "hetero" and just like a hot guy. They are good characters and had cool dynamics with Kagome (yes that's subjective and you might disagree with it but some people did enjoy it). I do agree that Sango should have been on the poll but there are legit reasons people enjoy darker ships or enemies to lovers trope, they can be engaging to some. So to dismiss it as just "hetero girls liking a hot guy" is very bad. The reason I'm sending you this ask is because I think you are a good person and might recieve well my comment. I considered sending an anon but I wanted you to "see" me as we talk and I hope I don't get any harassment over this from others. Anyway, thank you for reading.
First of all thank you for sending this message non-anonymously! I know it can be stressful but it is definitely better for discussions. If I see anyone sending you hate over this I will fight them personally.
When I said “this fandom is painfully straight” I did not mean “every single person who likes these ships is straight”, that would be ridiculous. But it IS a straight ship. My point is that gay ships are almost never taken seriously in this fandom, as shown by the fact that people ship Kagome with all the male characters she canonically doesn’t like before shipping her with girls that she actually likes. I find that sad. Literally the only gay ship in this fandom that has a sizable fanbase is Inu/sess, but that’s another can of worms.
I’m not here to change anyone’s mind about sess/kag or kog/kag, I’m very much a ‘ship and let ship’ person. Those ships have existed for years so I know very well that me saying “Kagome Higurashi would never canonically love these guys” is not going to change anyone’s mind. So I’ll spare you the whole rant but I’ll say that I’ve read some sess/kag stuff (Raindrops and other fanfics I found years ago) and I’ve never seen Sesshomaru portrayed as anything other than a kind, suave, gentleman who saves Kagome from Inuyasha the toxic, two timer. His canonical racism and lack of empathy for others is gone. So I have a hard time believing people when they tell me they love the ship because it’s a “sexy villain/heroine, enemies to lovers ships” lol. Anyway like I said, I’m not going to change your mind and you won’t change mine, so no need to argue about this.
Also for added context regarding the “gay ships aren’t taken seriously” issue, a couple weeks ago a bunch of people on Twitter (inukag shippers) made tweets saying they were “disgusted” by the fact that many people headcanon Moroha to be a lesbian. That her blushing at and complimenting girls is “not evidence that she’s gay” and that the “real canon” is that she will end up with Koga’s son (who doesn’t even exists in any Inuyasha media!!!). It’s not an isolated issue with Sesshomaru or Koga fans, as I pointed out the people doing this were inukag shippers and they were called out by other inukag shippers. This fandom as a whole is just not the most friendly when it comes to lgbt+ stuff.
So yeah, I have nothing else to add. I don’t see how my language was harmful if I’m being honest. Regardless of people’s own sexual/romantic orientations this fandom mostly talk about and support straight ships. This isn’t really a call to action either, I’m not telling people what to ship, I was just jokingly pointing that out and hoping that next time people would just consider the fact that gay ships exists as well.
Thanks again for the message and I’ll take this time to remind everyone following me that I use the tag #<ship/character>-critical tag when I criticize stuff, so you can blacklist that if you follow me and don’t want to see negativity about characters or ships that you love. I didn’t tag my first reblog of the poll so that’s my bad, I’ll go back and fix that.
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dbphantom · 1 year
[H2O s2 spoilers] Charlotte has literally done nothing wrong up until now and yet the show STILL paints her as such a bad person in Pressure Cooker.
She admits if she knew Don was Cleo's dad she wouldn't have shown up and looks visibly uncomfortable (but still trying to be polite) when she realizes it's Cleo's house and has to sit there and watch Cleo openly be rude to her mother by giving away a gift bought as a gesture of goodwill.
Charlotte KNOWS Lewis and Cleo are talking about her and instead of being rude and nasty about it (LIKE CLEO WAS IN EPISODE 3 WHEN SHE MADE ASSUMPTIONS) is just like "yeah, your dad is really struggling right now, you probably wanna go back in there and help him..?" like OMG that was so sweet of her. Yeah she interrupted their conversation, but come on she was trying to be nice. Characters interrupt each other all the time on this show- it's a teen drama, that's how it works. Despite everything Cleo had already done to her, Charlotte was still looking out for her dad.
Then Charlotte accidentally knocks a thing of flour into Cleo and goes up to her room after Cleo storms off to personally apologize for even BEING THERE because she can tell Cleo is Absolutely Furious about her showing up, and openly asks her if she can spend time with/date Lewis because she understands the two of them were together and she SEES how Cleo is reacting, and CLEO GIVES HER THE GO-AHEAD, BUT STILL TREATS HER AWFULLY ANYWAY. She didn't HAVE to ask for permission, but she does anyway!! AFTER APOLOGIZING FOR SIMPLY SHOWING UP TO HER MOM'S WORK EVENT.
and THEN at the end of the episode Cleo is like "even if it IS Charlotte (who I hate for literally no reason other than she stood up for herself when I tried to shame her in public for hanging out with my ex-boyfriend who I broke up with), it's Lewis's choice" but then gives her an actual death glare at the very end of the episode when Charlotte is literally just looking at her and evil music swells all because Charlotte smiles. WHAT!!!!!
anyway brb making a list of all the times the girls openly use their powers or are just straight-up reckless in public SOLELY IN SEASON 2 so i can compare it to them getting really mad at Charlotte and holding her to a huge double-standard because she used her powers to mess with Nate a little bit because HUUUUUUH??? if you have any examples hit me up because im currently doing a rewatch and im on ep 6 and already have a few... most notably Emma using her powers during the soccer game to dunk on a seven-year-old, but also Cleo using her powers at school to [checks notes] take a shortcut across a field with a sprinkler instead of just walking around. I have a few from memory as well that i just haven't gotten up to yet (like Emma and Rikki harassing Lewis at his job and almost getting him arrested because they left the gate open)
>>>>>oh i see... tumblr desktop does not warn you if you have over 30 tags. noted... rip my essay on how Lewis also isn't 100% in the right here [with Charlotte. with Cleo he did nothing wrong (being overbearing... ok i get it, but she could have sat him down and talked to him abt how she was feeling before immediately jumping to breaking up) and even took her aside more than once to ask her if she was okay, if this is what she really wanted, and where he stands with her- to which she lies to his face during and says everything's fine, she's just protecting the secret, she isn't jealous At All, she doesn't want to get back together] because he unintentionally is leading Charlotte on bc he's not communicating the best, and then when they DO get together he's clearly not as invested in their relationship as she is, or how Charlotte was kinda jumping the gun a little but while their relationship is kinda messy in itself, it just doesn't compare to how annoyed Cleo makes me this season, i won't lie. also i did rant about the marine park incident again. it still really bothers me lolol
#H2O: Just Add Water#H2O Just Add Water#H2O JAW#maybe im just not picking up on subtle facial cues but Charlotte is literally just a sweetheart in the first 90% of#this season. a sweetheart who also doesn't take shit from Cleo trying to embarrass her publicly and reading her diary.#you'd think Cleo would know how shitty it is to do that to a person given Kim did it to her but NO! SHE DOES IT ANYWAY!!#cleo is so immature in s2 it is SO embarrassing... especially the fishing rod bit... girl that is like 100 dollars at the cheapest!!!#i get she's the main character so she gets to get away with everything ever but MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN...!#i don't think she ever actually apologizes to lewis or charlotte for the way she acted in this episode. solely to annette so she could get#the business deal for her dad... it's so SO shitty of her. like oh my god charlotte apologizes and you can't even give her the same grace#also THE ROD THING!! you unspooled his entire line (sending this massive bout of fishing line into the ocean) and dragged it into the#water where he likely wouldn't be able to get it back. and he's still SOMEHOW willing to show up to your house to speak in person and u#don't even give him the time of day to Actually Listen because you are being SO IMMATURE about EVERYTHING#Cleo you literally did ALL OF THIS TO YOURSELF!!!! PLEASE GET A GRIP GIRL!!!!#YOU broke up with Lewis. YOU embarrassed yourself trying to call Charlotte out and she stood up for herself. YOU threw a total fit over#Lewis and Charlotte fishing together to the point he felt it was necessary to talk to you in person. WTF!!!!!! <- angry#aaaAAAAAAAAA-#this is what i MEANT when i said I CAN'T WATCH SEASON 2 WITHOUT GETTING ANGRY!!! I C A N ' T#also minor thing but Emma being so OOC in this episode she doesn't try to stop them from harassing Annette and Charlotte with their magic#THAT IS OBSCENE EMMA WOULD'VE PUT A STOP TO THAT BEHAVIOR IMMEDIATELY!!! INSTEAD SHE JUST GOES ALONG WITH IT#as if Emma wouldn't be very willing to give Charlotte a chance after everything she saw Cleo do like 3 episodes ago reading her diary and#snooping on her life because she's 'sus' when she literally isn't she just has a crush on Cleo's ex-boyfriend#who. and i cannot emphasize this enough. CLEO BROKE UP WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!#why does it take until EPISODE <S I X> FOR CLEO TO REALIZE *SHE* BROKE UP WITH LEWIS SO SHE'S TREATING HIM UNFAIRLY???#SDKJGHKAFJGHAKLJHGKLJH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#im fine im fine.#spoilers#H2O spoilers#H2O JAW spoilers#H2O Just Add Water spoilers
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poplohours · 6 months
wanted to blather about the one fic i wrote but hate the idea of doing it on twitter and tumblr means i can hide it behind a read more for me alone.
The thought of lying to her was repellant.  As long as he didn’t lie.  And he wasn’t lying.  There just wasn’t much to tell.
makes me insane. always hung up on the idea of someone who is hiding so much from even themself because 'there's nothing much to tell.' as though it makes it easier.
Did it count as voyeurism if she knew he had looked?  Or if they stood in the same office?  The thought alone fills him with enough fear that he casts his eyes back down to the screen before him.
the idea of feeling completely unwelcome in a space that you're inherently being allowed into, the fear of being a voyeur just for the fact of existing and being able to see, the idea of one's eyes being harm and betrayal.
Three weeks pass at the Wright Anything Agency before Apollo realizes that, while Trucy is frequently there with him, Mr. Wright is never present at the office without his daughter. 
the original line for this was "she never leaves apollo alone with her father." but i felt like that was too obvious so i said the same in more words. i think a lot about trucy seeing a lot of people go in and out, and the way that nick handles things, and the fact that apollo is someone she wants to have stay.
Currently, however, Apollo wishes that it wasn’t so sturdy, as Mr. Wright is right beside him, full weight against the edge.
i love the horrors and discomfort of workplace harassment. part of my fixation on this kind of thing is just the hyper-casual way that nick interacts with apollo and how ... there's this implication to me because that's so unprofessional and even unethical. in a court of law referring to apollo by first name, when apollo is literally his lawyer, and everyone else engages with apollo at a far more respectful level. the way that he talks about lamiroir or others in front of apollo. the way he jokes about apollo 'carrying his daughter's panties.' so much of it feels so inappropriate and it makes my eyes vibrate.
Wine must have spilled on his clothes at some point, as Apollo can smell the sour mixture of sweat and alcohol with how close he stands.  Mr. Wright puts a hand on his shoulder.  “I knew you’d be perfect for this place.” Revulsion, embarrassment, or excitement, Apollo can’t determine the feeling that contact invokes.  He mumbles, “Thanks, I guess.” “You guess?  Apollo, you can be a bit more grateful than that, can’t you?” 
i specifically like 'you can be more grateful than that' here because i think a lot about how nick constantly frames apollo working for the agency as though it's something 'good' for him. or how nick constantly internally comments in DD about how apollo is too full of himself. just . discomforts.
Mr. Wright stands straight into a slouch 
i just like this line. i think i did a good job.
“And, um.” The way it comes out of her mouth makes his neck itch.  There’s no way for her to say it properly, so Trucy simply says, “Sorry that Daddy’s so annoying.” Though his throat should have closed up, he hears his words get out.  “It’s alright.  Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
the neck itch is a higurashi reference lol. the idea of stress and fear. "nothing i haven't dealt with before" as a line meant to make one worry, as a line meant to invoke a sense of horror, without any context needed.
This time wasn’t strange.  But Apollo found himself surprised nonetheless.
i like this because the point is often how the scenes that are kristoph change seamlessly into a scene with nick, because they're meant to be the same. changing from past to present tense depending on the scene as well. referring to 'him' or 'he' without an explicit name because of how things like this all blend together at a certain point because you can't allow it to matter.
It’s an awkward fit as he’s blocking the left of the stairwell.  Offering a formal nod, Apollo walks closer to the wall.  The stairwell isn’t wide, barely enough for two people shoulder to shoulder.  He has a placid smile as Apollo walks by – yet – he puts an arm up, palm pressed into the wall, before Apollo can make his way past.
much the point of my horrors ...
Apollo keeps his stare even, rigid and unchanging eye contact.  He will not counter with the reality that he has had excuses in the past, but employers never like them, he has had written notation from doctors of illness that meant nothing, and that even if he did have an excuse, it was nothing he wanted to share and nothing he wanted to hand over of himself.  He will not and he does not.
Frustration about having to disclose too much about oneself to someone else, especially someone who is supposed to be "an employer", and frustration about a history of constantly being denied sympathy, no 'excuse' is ever good enough, nothing matters enough to let anyone have compassion for you.
He looks at him in such a way that Apollo’s jaw tightens.  Somehow he steals so much space before him and it is only with a moment of thought that Apollo realizes he gave it away reflexively.  Though the difference in height between them should not be so vast, Apollo’s mind blanks and all he can think is that one stupid meme.  See, he isn’t crouching down, he isn’t trying to pick you up.  He is following a pitch-perfect procedure.  Berating himself, Apollo claws back into the moment.  He can’t avoid the situation.  Yet no matter how he tries to focus, Apollo is forced to pour his energy into maintaining stoicism so as to not burst into laughter.
dissociation honestly. also.
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“You know, you could just ask.”
Nick leaning into the idea of Apollo's 'idolization' for him. I'm insane and think a lot about Nick engaging in sex as something transactional, especially in his business, and oh this is a 'repayment' right, Apollo? Making Apollo's vision swim.
Despite himself, Apollo’s heart races – he hates that – no matter what he means to say or do, some stupid aspect of his body betrays him.  It shouldn’t be real.  
I'm insane. Stares into the void. I think a lot about physical reactions to things you don't want at all.
“This is a friendly invitation from one interested party to another.” Somehow. That makes some small part of Apollo’s brain snap. “I am not interested.”  There’s a sense of pleasure in hearing how harshly the words leave his mouth.  “I would like to get to work.” He is quiet.  And then, “Do you think this is all that different from work?”  And, mocking, he goes on.  “For you, I mean.”
since i do the Horrors of apollo wrt kristoph and nick knowing more than apollo would ever want him to know.
“There’s only one kind of work my daughter needs from you.  Leave the rest outside the office.  Apollo.”
nick once again holding apollo's previous affairs against him. both of them know he wouldn't ever do that, but it's this way of stabbing him through again, again, again. lol. uncomfortable with himself and distrusting and insane.
 But that is all it takes for the horror to strike and settle like detritus below still waters.  Trucy knows.  
Trucy knowing too much about her father's affairs also and that just chilling Apollo to the bone.
Apollo doesn’t allow himself to speak, nor to take the next logical deduction.  It does him no good now.  Kristoph is imprisoned for murder.  The Gavin Law Offices are defunct.  Two years of work, study, shadowing, maintaining, all under Kristoph.  Within that tightly wound reality, Wright knows what Wright knows.  Therefore – to linger is to cede oneself to that which has since been lost.  Much like every other part of his life, it is something to file away.  It’s a matter of the past.  There is no changing it.  So it isn’t worth considering.  It isn’t worth discussing.  Thus - Apollo smiles at Trucy.  The corners of his eyes crease in what is more genuine, more grateful, than anything he could ever say to her.
this is kind of the entire point of this piece ... 'it's a matter of the past so it isn't worth considering, it isn't worth discussing.' painful. sad. ... it's the point. how painful it is. how much we close ourselves off. how much we pretend nothing has happened to us and ensuring that anything but the present is burned away.
“So don’t forget, Polly,” she says.  “You’re my responsibility.”
also important. like recognizes like.
He smiled through it.  It was pretty easy to believe.  He’s just not the kind of guy, apparently.  He was probably from some weird midwestern town with six siblings and annoying puritanical parents.  He was only just coming to terms with being gay.
because no one would ever believe the absurdist horrors that have made up your life.
Year of 1933, a “good year”, or something along those lines.  
year hitler came into power. kristoph thinks it's a funny joke.
"Only the foulest vermin on this earth would be so uncouth as to dirty a vintage Riesling.”
you don't age a riesling for more than 30 years usually. kristoph is a wine snob but he acts like he knows more about it than he really does. he bought this just flatly believing it without looking into it because it's about the prestige and the image.
That’s a small difference between the two.  One was a stickler for the specifics of wines.  The other only cares enough about wine to determine where on the scale of tipsy to drunk a single bottle lands him. 
i like this transition from kristoph to apollo as well.
“How’re you able to make virgin drinks anyway?” Neutral voice, Apollo reminds himself – he answers, “It’s just a drink without alcohol.”
once again holding this kind of thing over apollo's head to get a reaction out of him.
This didn’t used to be so difficult.
the more things change the more difficult they become the harder it is to repress your actual feelings.
Indeed, even Trucy appears to be smiling with a wide-eyed exuberance.  No one else sees the way her pupils flutter around the room.  Anxiety or manic intense focus, he is the only one who begins to have an idea.
bit of a reference to AA6 and how trucy's eyes vibrate as she lies.
It is, in effect, a peace offering.  Neutrality.  They both care about her enough that there is good reason to avoid unpleasantness, disagreements, bitterness.  Wright gives Apollo a nod.
this is important to me becuase it is nick ceding a little ground. not enough. but it is kind of genuine.
It could always be worse.  It could be nervously sitting in the closet with a kid at the same foster home because he said you looked like you knew about that kind of stuff. 
this whole section is also Horrors.
It made him feel hollow, at times, organs pulled and stripped, but 
horrors horrors horrors horrors. the point is obviously like. horrors of sex without explicitly saying what it is, but also like ... again, repression of difficult memories and things you can't really unravel.
Wiping it off the desk made him gag, leaving him to wonder why it didn’t set off his gag reflex otherwise.  Maybe it was a matter of whose it was.  Apollo sprayed copious amounts of disinfectant on the table and on the inside of his own hands, as if that would help.
me writing this: this is normal
me reading this: oh this isn't normal, this is actually horrifying. ok.
again, i think it's pretty obvious what this is about. trying not to have to Say it though.
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once again the horrors ...
There was that Mormon group home that had around five other kids all sleeping in one room in three sets of bunk beds.  That might have actually been the point he first had sex, he thinks, distantly.  The meetinghouse after sacrament.  More out of spite than anything.  It’s pretty funny, thinking back on it now.  Mormon guys had such an insane attachment to proving they weren’t gay.  Much like their insane attachment to “saving” kids through the foster system.  But that was why he could argue that he “liked” confident men.  At least they wouldn’t try to play off literal gay sex and roll their eyes at him for being attracted enough to men to sleep with them.
'it's funny thinking back on it now.' it isn't, not really. it's just horror. this is the first time sex is explicitly mentioned. i think its important, again.
It was a far cry from living with Nahyuta, who would curl over his back with disgust and gratitude as they watched Apollo take over on gutting the carp they’d fished up.
leaning on the scene with kristoph about apollo's organs being 'stripped'.
no scented candles or acetone in the air.
nail polish remover btw.
As if on cue, knowing what he needs before he grasps it, he hears, “Polly?” “Yeah,” he croaks as a question.  “Trucy?”
grounding, safe, careful, utterly removed from the idea of sex or that kind of discomfort and peril and the way you say yes to things without really meaning it.
She gives him a look – what am I ever going to do with you – and answers, “Apollo, I already told you.  You’re my responsibility.”
younger but understanding and protective. apollo doesn't have the emotional maturity he should for his age. hasn't been able to be safe... neither of them, but the two of them help make each other safer.
He can hear the grin with which she said the words and it makes his chest ache.  There is an effusive kindness in her every move. Trucy times her knock so well that, if it weren’t her, Apollo would assume she’d been watching him change.
also again, comforting to know that she respects those boundaries.
Trucy knows too well what he has never told anyone, not even what he has wholly realized for himself. Would he detail exactly why her father’s behavior made him squeeze a stress ball hard enough to make it explode?  There wasn’t even a way to construct the words, the memories, organized and filed away with pointless procedure.  He is a lawyer. He trains himself to forget, teaches himself to give up, and he has been doing this for years.  It seems unfair that Trucy Wright would break into his life with the worst father and the worst events.  It seems unfair that her life is just as unreasonable.  It seems unfair that she’s the one person who recognizes anything within or around him that deserves scrutiny. 
more explicitly saying what was said earlier. haha.
He looks in her eyes.  She’s not asking for anything of him.  Not asking for explanations.  She expresses exactly what she means through her gaze alone.  You cannot take that which is freely given.
this kind of thing makes me cry most of all.
She had entrapped him once already.  She would do no further.  He would be beholden to no one else but her.  She had made him her responsibility. That. Apollo could accept.
entrapped by forged evidence but no other can take advantage of that and she won't allow anyone else to consume him.
anyway done rereading my weird thing. gweh.
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blackhellokittys-blog · 11 months
I don’t wanna say that I experienced sexual harassment like many of the girls but today I experienced 10% of that. I just met today literally I was chilling he seemed like a nerdy dude I like nerdy dude especially if your personality is nice I don’t really care about your looks cause I don’t really have a good taste like I don’t care about looks but only like personality and stuff like that so ill give u a chance I thought he was nice and doing all that during lunch, he proceeded to ask for kiss and I’m like no i don’t know no lol n I passed conversation up and then he proceeded again and I was like oh he was like maybe just like a peck like a cheek kiss yk that’s what I’m thinking llike kiss on cheek whatever I don’t wanna do that like in front of people and I guess he didn’t wanna do that too,so he bring me to coner I’m just like chilling like to like kiss me on the cheek or whatever because I never experienced like a kiss or anything else my first time, but then he lied to me and proceeded to stick his tongue down my throat. Disgusting was disgusting absolutely disgusting and then as I push him Like. and I want to cry so bad in the moment, but I didn’t because I had lashes on and then I was like trying to move to that people come in to like disgusting that was disgusting and he proceeded they got my face and then take his tongue down my throat again. I was like now I want to cry so much in the moment as I was telling my friend I’m officially being gay because of that experience , and then I and then I sit back down and trying to be nice because I don’t. I don’t know what to do in that moment. I don’t know. I never happened to me like I don’t don’t know I didn’t. I didn’t like comprehend what happened that moment and they even bother me. I said bother me because how disgusting it was absolutely disgusting nothing like anime n manga of that all trust me is nothing like that at all all and I literally was gonna cry having an anxiety attack but I couldn’t do any of that why because I have my eyelashes on and I would rather suffer in silence then have my eyelashes fall off in the middle of class but anyways i told my cousin she said she gomna speak to him n was gonna meet up today but my nanny came early and like so she was like dont tell nanny rn. His one of his friends told me to block him and stuff because that was disgusting so now I have his friends hating him in a hunt out to him which is my cousin but today I’ve felt 2% of how most girl do with sexual harassment like dudes only want like to do sexual things like he didn’t ask me when my favorite color was my favorite movie, my favorite nothing he went straight to do you wanna kiss and I happened to me many times before especially with guys but yk i thought he was different he look like a nerd but no he was not different. He the same as everybody else and actually, this time was in real life all the time online it was like send me a pic whatever and i say no no no it’s actually disgusting because they sent me a pic of their thing is actually disgusting. Absolutely disgusting guys are absolutely disgusting and so you know I’m now officially either not dating no one ever. I will grow up with a dog for the rest of my life and my two little brothers r I’m just fully gay now because boys disgust me but with girls hurt me I’d rather be rather be hurt than traumatized I’m not gonna lie i rather be hurt than traumatized, but other than that I just can’t do boys no more disgusting absolute disgusting and I just thought about for my friend, like her trauma, like like full sexual abuse, like full sexual harassment, like rape and I just I didn’t I would never really understood like damn that is bad I know it’s bad like mentally duhh obviously bad but like now like physically that I understand it like 10% of it to hurt having that full hundred percent is absolutely disgusting and it makes you wanna cry for her because like that’s disgusting absolutely disgusting having there hands touch you and everything we don’t want them to disgusting absolutely disgusting
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thenovelartist · 3 years
And there was only One Bed - Tears of Themis Headcanons
Premise: There’s only one room left in the hotel, meaning the guys have to be roomies with MC for a night.
Err… his cheeks are red now.
He’s having to check with MC if she’s okay with it. Not that they had much of a choice.
They take the room, only to discover one bed.
And forget his crush on her; that’s the least of his problems.
He knows she shifts in her sleep.
“You take half and I take half?” MC offers. “Like when we were kids?”
He sighs, lamenting his fate. “I’m so gonna end up on the floor.”
When it comes to who showers first: rock, paper, scissors.
He’s the least phased of all the guys by the whole “share one bathroom” situation. They grew up together. They sometimes used to have quick conversations through the bathroom door, normally just a question or two about what they wanted for dinner or if their phone went off and it was their parents.
Which happened this time. “There was a vending machine down stairs. You want anything? And if you mention that diet, I’m getting you two of your favorite candy bars.”
“Just one and only one.”
“You got it.”
(@gavin-plz-call-me once called them the “King and Queen of No Boundaries” and I will never forget it.)
Eventually, Luke makes sure MC’s settled in for bed while he’s planning to stay up a little and figure out tomorrow’s game plan.
Until she literally drags him to bed.
He can’t protest against her.
Contrary to what he thought, he did not end up on the floor.
But it was kinda hard to sleep when the girl of his dreams decided his chest was her new snuggle pillow halfway through the night.
He’ll cave and roll with it. Be selfish just for tonight and hold her there.
Come morning, she apologizes for disrupting him, he dismisses it. And both their cheeks are red.
But it doesn’t phase them. Give it half an hour, they’re back to normal.
(Bonus: “So, kid. Let me get this straight,” Aaron Yishmir started. “You spent the night with her, and you’re still not gonna tell her anything?”
“It wasn’t like that!”
“You’re hopeless.)
Well… this is a predicament.
However, they come to some awkward agreement that if it’s the only place to sleep for the night, they’ll take it and figure it out as they go.
However, things only go from bad to worse when they learn there’s only one bed.
There were very few times since becoming an adult that Vyn ever found himself at a loss. And this was one of those times.
“Um… are you comfortable splitting?”
His glasses almost fell off his face at MCs suggestion.
Before he can even think about suggesting to take the chair, MC is putting up a blanket wall. “Like this?”
Er… aha…
Oh geez, this woman…
He caves to that deep, ugly part of him that’s begging “yes” and agrees.
Then comes the new revelation there’s only one bathroom, which rose the question of who was going to shower when.
He just lets her take the first shower while his mind is still storming.
During that time, he realizes this may be the only time he has the privacy to actually record his voice diary.
It’s a total disaster. He’s in mental turmoil and can barely think straight.
But MC is acting normal, meaning he’s got to try to act normal.
Normally, he takes his showers in the morning, but he takes it at night this time just so he can have another moment of privacy to get his thoughts in order.
This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement. This is just a practical arrangement…
Bedtime rolls around, and poor, unsuspecting Vyn believes they are each going to stay on their respective sides of the bed.
However, Author has a headcanon these two both sleep like dead logs.
Morning rolls around, and they’re still both asleep, only they’re totally entangled.
MC wakes up first, laying on top of Vyn.
And when she freaks, flailing and falling off the bed in the process, that’s when Vyn wakes, too.
It was… an interesting morning to say the least.
They come to the agreement to never speak on it again.
(Until a few years down the line after they’re together and can look back on that day with amusement.)
When the person at the front desk said there was only one room left, Artem about had a heart attack.
He cannot possibly share a room with MC. That’s super improper.
Will call around to any other hotel in the area, but no avail.
MC will literally have to drag this poor man up to the room.
“It will be fine, Artem.”
Except, it wasn’t. There was one bed.
Cue almost heart attack number 2.
He almost left to go sleep in the car. MC had to restrain him.
“We can share right? Like, if we—”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Not even if we put a blanket—”
“No. I’ll sleep in the chair.”
There was no convincing him to sleep anywhere else.
And MC tried.
Eventually, she had to surrender. “Fine. Then do you want the first shower?”
Oh… there was only one bathroom… that they’d be sharing…
Cue almost heart attack number 3.
Will legitimately leave the room while she’s showering. He just feels too awkward and like he’s invading her privacy.
Then bed time rolls around and he’s unable to sleep, so he works on his laptop for the time being.
Ends up pulling an all-nighter, which MC anticipated.
She set an alarm for early in the morning so she could then force him to bed for a few hours.
While he insisted he was fine, he was too tired to protest as she pushed him down into bed. “Sleep, will you. I know you didn’t sleep all night.”
Thought he’d have trouble, but he was so wound up all night over everything that had happened that he’s passed out in fifteen minutes.
And stayed out cold for a few hours.
When they left, MC made sure to thank him for being such a gentleman. She thought it was the least she could do for his troubles.
That, and she quite liked the way his ears and neck turned red.
(Bonus: He hopes Celestine never finds out what happened on that business trip.
But when she finds out curtesy of MC, she will never let him live it down.)
The moment he finds out there’s only one room, he actually gets super flustered.
And as he does, instantly goes in to deflective Playboy Flirt mode.
“Get your head out of the gutter, you little—”
MC shut that down, real quick.
Most he could do then is just say “It can’t be that bad, right? What’s the worst that could happen?”
Well, apparently only be one bed.
Flustered Marius = Playboy Persona
“That’s it,” MC says. “You take the bed.”
“What? Don’t you wanna share?”
But really, he wants to find some way to get her to take the bed because he really will feel awful otherwise.
Then comes the single bathroom realization.
“You wanna shower together?”
“Marius, I swear I will kick you out of this room and take the keycard from you.”
“Oh, my feisty Miss Attorney.”
“Miss Attorney will sue you for sexual harassment.”
He gets to shower first, and then ends up giving her some excuse for leaving the room entirely.
He loves teasing her, but this might be the most he’s ever pushed his luck. And he actually doesn’t want her to hate him, so he’ll give her this space at least.
As for the bed situation…
MC tries to sleep on the couch, but he can’t stand it, so he decides to push his luck and simply carry her to bed.
“I won’t pull anything, I swear.”
“The only reason I’m agreeing is because I know I’ll sleep better here than the couch.”
“I’ll shut up.”
Regrets his decision halfway through the night when Mr. Light Sleeper realizes Ms. Dead Log moves in her sleep.
She was snuggled up against his back, and his heart was going doki doki too hard to even think about going back to sleep.
Eventually, he rolls over and snuggles her, not just because he wants to, but he hopes it will keep her still through the night.
Unfortunately, she was not happy in the morning.
“Can’t we talk about this?”
She kept her face turned away from him the rest of the day, but he knew it was red with blush. “Shut up.”
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404roki · 3 years
adrien & marinette are so incredibly toxic for each other it’s actually impressive.
[this is literally just marinette bashing from the pov of an adrien sympathizer/apologist/enjoyer/whatever the fuck ppl say, btw and most of it barely makes sense but it’s important for me that my hate doesn’t bump around in my head until i go insane]
obviously, they’re endgame. (i think that’s been confirmed, but i’m not sure.) the beginning of the story literally starts with marinette falling in love with adrien after he gives her his umbrella.
which is fine, and when i was 11 i thought it was very cute! but recently i’ve rewatched it, and being older now i’ve got more critical thinking skills & i have been thinking a LOT.
basically the way marinette falls for adrien is pretty cliche, she begins by thinking hes an ass and then he performs an act of kindness, which in turn, makes her fall in love with him.
but then it quickly gets weird. early in the show, she confesses her feelings via voicemail, and then when she gets embarrassed she reveals that she had been STALKING him. [knows his schedule from the time he wakes up in the morning to when he goes to sleep, where all his classes are, when they end. and she has it memorised.] in the same episode she steals his phone to delete the message. (and she doesn’t even admit she has it, doesn’t lie and say ‘i found it’ or anything like that, she sneaks it back in his bag?)
later, she gets annoyed with chat noir’s advances, and admits that she’s in love with someone else. despite that, she continues to flirt with him, but complains when he flirts with her?. she continues calling him affectionate nicknames, (and even once calls herself his lady) she makes fun of him. ‘‘we’re not a couple,’ ‘don’t call me bugaboo’ (but she calls him kitten.)
[another thing to mention is how marinette stans call this harassment on chat’s part, and then ignore the fact that 1) mari thinks it’s funny. canonically. she admits it in ‘truth’ 2) she flirts with him too.]
flipside of the abuse with the excuse she’s annoyed he’s in love with her [since ‘chat blanc’ she has treated him like absolute garbage. literal bullying/abuse/whatever you want to call her bad attitude. in ‘kuro neko’ plagg even tells her she needs to get her shit together], she keeps him in the dark about EVERYTHING. tell me, why did she think it was okay for carapace and rena rouge to know each other’s identities? that it was okay to tell alya hers, but if chat even mentioned the idea of wanting to tell someone she goes all guardian on his ass. she isn’t even inadvertently hurting him, she’s just straight up lying to him.
and she knows that too. she says she trusts him, but she thinks it’s faster and more convenient to find another miraculous holder instead of calling chat. still, in spite of all of this, he still ‘loves’ her. hell, in chat blanc he watches her commit B&E, but he’s still in love with her.
[also during chat blanc, she gawks at his things after breaking in, runs her fingers across his desk(?!?!) LAYS in his bed, sniffs his pillow “ahh, adrien's scent ♡” (EWW?) that is SO WEIRD]
she says they’re friends, and that he’s more than a partner [which, if it were me who confessed to the only person i felt truly happy with, and they told me they’re in love with someone else but emphasised that i was ‘more than a partner,’ i would HATE them]
but adrien doesn’t hate her. and maybe you could say that he’s truly in love, but reading between the lines of his backstory, and knowing how abuse victims [and adrien has been abused A LOT, but that’s a whole different thread] i’d say the reason he fell so fast for her is a product of abuse and neglect.
she gets angry with him when he’s cold with her after she hurts his feelings, which is wrong of them both. he’s human, and ladybug often treats him like he’s only there to be her lapdog (lapcat?). chat almost threw the fight because he let his emotions get the better of him, but ladybug’s reaction was awful. it’s like she doesn’t think about how her actions can effect chat.
in fact, a lot of mari’s reactions are downright disgusting. when adriens ABUSIVE father prevents him from going to see his friends in ‘felix’, marinette ends up sulking and making it about herself. and nobody ever calls out her selfishness, instead, she’s supposed to be the ‘everyday ladybug.’
and yes, adrien is the one who that, but 1) he’s unaware about what marinette does, 2) he’s reasonably nice to chloe and lila, and those are people he knows are bad. adrien, because of his sheltered life, his ENTIRE life, is capable of recognizing bad behaviour, but a lot of adults and probably peers, were objectively bad people, so he’s been forced to look past unacceptable behaviour.
[no doubt this would’ve been touched on more in canon of the show was aimed at an older audience .]
when marinette realizes adrien likes kagami, she instantly starts to hate her and she doesn’t even know her. she even goes through kagami’s phone out of jealousy. she isn’t dating adrien, she chickens out every time she even thinks about confessing. what’s her right to hate kagami? she has none.
and it’s like she sees adrien as an object, which is toxic in itself. she memorizes his schedule, interests and his favourite things. she stalks him in real life and online, watches videos of him on repeat. and the pictures of him under her mattress! what the actual fuck were the writers thinking? the fact that she has so many pictures of him, how many do you think she took of him without him knowing? at least 1, you see him looking in different directions in multiple.
[“they’re from photo shoots! they’re all public!” even so, she put time and effort into finding pictures of him, printing them out, hanging them up, and didn’t once think ‘this is wrong.’]
in partycrasher she gets mad and sneaks in when adrien’s bodyguard is only letting his male friends in. she practically had a tantrum over the fact that other people were seeing adrien and she could not.
and you could actually argue that she was mad at the ’misogyny’, but she was there when the girls were planting the trees and she left to see why the boys were making excuses to not come. she only became jealous when she found out they were with adrien.
this is made worse when her friends only fuel her obsession. alix is the only one who protests and calls her weird, but in the end she goes along with their complicated and problematic plans.
alya even pushes them both into situations they’re both uncomfortable with. with adrien and luka.
and speaking of luka,
marinette accepted his confession KNOWING she didn’t like him the same way she liked adrein. she knew she wasn’t over him. she was using him. not even as a rebound, but as a stand-in for adrien.
luka is still in love with marinette, and even if luka is truly okay with helping her be with adrien isn’t it literally just self torture? marinette is so wrong for that.
luka’s acceptance for ‘going with the flow’ i think, if it wasn’t a children’s show, would absolutely be replaced by the trauma of being the eldest of of someone named ANARKA and overall mental health issues. [because being an older sibling in a dysfunctional household is traumatic enough on its own. seriously]
luka comes across as someone who’s in control with everything. his job, his future career, his entire life. him being the elder sibling, and probably the caretaker since anarka is… anarka. with a mother like her, he has no choice but to play the cards he’d been dealt. and marinette was shuffling them and handing them out.
he was in love with her, and she barely liked him. she still let herself use him as a stand in.
but back to adrien.
in ‘kuro neko’ the writers suddenly blame ladybug’s abuse— [yes i will keep using that word. it’s true. since becoming the guardian she has been neglecting and bullying him. “marinette is scared of chat blanc that’s why she’s pushing him away!!!” so… you’re afriad your parter is going to be overcome with negative emotions, so to avoid that, you knowingly hurt them?] — on cat noir being in love with her and somehow this is getting in the way.
he feels excluded and treated unfairly, betrayed and abandoned because ladybug was pushing him to the sidelines and choosing other people to help fight along side her, episode after episode. and this had nothing to do with him being in love with her. even plagg was telling marinette she was being an ass
anyway there’s probably a billion other ways i could criticize marinette , adrienette and all thinks akin but this is such a long rant and i am so tired and now i’m pissed too
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animentality · 2 years
im gonna self identify as bisexual and nonbinary before i start this post, and get stupid people mad at me, alright? proceed with that knowledge before you get your straight woman-burning torches out
i hate how every time a lesbian show comes out, people immediately rush to say, “all y’all mlm lovers had better show up for this show too or else you’re homophobic and fetishizing!”
how about you not decide what other people should be interested in??? 
what gives you the right to say what other people should like?
no one has to like anything. 
so straight girls aren’t as into lesbian shows as lesbians. 
why does this shock you?? if they’re straight, they’re into guys making out. 
they have different romantic and sexual interests than you!! does it shock you that gay men prefer gay shows over lesbian shows? 
are straight men allowed to like first kill, or is it a lesbian only event?
Why do we equate activism with our entertainment tastes??? 
Liking First Kill doesn’t make you a queer activist, the fuck?
Like listen. 
I haven’t watched the show. I don’t really like vampire stories. In fact, I kind of hate them. So I probably won’t watch it, not because I’m homophobic or whatever, but literally because I didn’t like Twilight either. 
But why does this count as some kind of crime? 
Why are we playing this game of, “you’re required to watch this if you’re queer or support queers?” 
no, the fuck, you are not. 
why do you require all queer people, and straight people, to love every single gay show you like, or else they’re bad, nasty people who probably harass lesbians and burn pride flags?
what is this bullshit rhetoric too, where you’re like:
“Oh you’ll watch heartstopper but you won’t watch first kill???”
the two are not alike other than being gay. 
maybe people are into teen high school dramas (I don’t fucking get it, I actually am not interested in heartstopper either). 
maybe they’re not into teen vampire stories.
maybe first kill sucks.
i don’t know, i haven’t seen it.
my point is just this, ok. 
stop. insisting. everyone. love the same shit you do.
just because it’s a lesbian show.
im sorry that you feel people don’t support wlw shows as much as mlm.
im sorry that there are straight women who are gross and fetishizing and problematic and creepy. 
i know there are. 
im not defending all of them here. 
I just resent this implication, every time that a wlw show comes out, that it’s because ohhh straight women are the issue!
there are plenty of lesbian shows that were really fucking popular. with like, everyone. 
orange is the new black, killing eve, the l word. lesbians are also more likely to show up in cartoons like steven universe, she-ra, owl house. 
these are popular fucking shows. but for a multitude of reasons. 
and people tell us about the lore, the world building, the characters.  
it’s not just people saying oh watch it bc its gay. 
i say this as a bisexual, that’s actually not good enough, for me anyway, to watch something. i resent being told that i NEED to watch a vampire show im not interested in, or a teen romance show im not interested in, just bc a pack of social media activists say that i should be. 
consider that your tastes are not universal. 
and you can promote first kill without trying to gay guilt people into watching it by insisting they aren’t allowed to like heartstopper if they don’t like first kill. 
im sick of it. 
can you say the show is good for this or that reason, or are you just gonna lean on everyone, straight woman or man, by saying HOW DARE YOU NOT WATCH A SHOW THAT I LIKE?
Get off your gay high horse. I’m bringing you down with my bisexual lasso to tell you to chill out and stop tearing down gay shows to prop up others. 
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hi I’m here to review the Clementine comic. it’s not good.
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Does this even need an introduction? You know why I’ve gathered you all here today. You know the comic exists, and you probably know that it’s not great and we’re all upset about it. 
Myself included. I am not okay. At all. 
Skybound could’ve literally spit in my face and I’d come out feeling better than I did reading this comic, because this comic is an insult to the original Telltale games and Clementine as a character. 
This comic is a fancy fanfic. Glorified fanfiction. It’s not canon, and Skybound and Tillie can pretend that it is, but it’s not. Bold of them to assume we’d just accept this from people who didn’t work on the original games and never wrote for Clementine before, and based on this comic alone, any chance of us taking it seriously is gone. 
I’m gonna go through every single page, every panel, of this comic and give you my review. So I guess if you’re worried about spoilers [though at this point why would you?] then be warned, spoilers for the entire comic ahead. 
I also wanna add that I have nothing against Tillie Walden. I know a lot of dingdongs are harassing her on insta over this comic and that’s not okay. You telling her how much you hate her isn’t going to change anything. If anything, you keep being assholes to her and she’s just gonna block everything out, even things simply critiquing her work in hopes that it helps her improve. 
You’re allowed to be upset about the comic and share your feelings about it, but don’t take it out on the actual human being like that. Besides, like I’ve said before, if Tillie wasn’t gonna make the comic, Skybound would’ve found someone else to do. This was coming no matter what because Skybound wants that coin. 
That being said, I’m not going to hold back my opinions on this comic. Skybound and Tillie made this comic, they put it out there and asked for money for it, therefore I’m allowed to explain why it’s garbage as well as ponder over the questionable intent and whether or not Tillie actually has played these games. Y’know, it’s like how I have nothing against Kent, but sometimes he says things I disagree with and well, y’know how it goes. 
Alright, this is gonna be long, so let’s go--
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The first few shots we get are of the school, two people sleeping, and Clementine’s empty bed. Nothing super note-worthy, we have no idea who is sleeping in the beds, it’s just there to establish that it’s early and everyone’s still asleep. 
The drawing of the school looks fine? Not super accurate, but I can give it a pass since it’s a few years later, I assume. What I can’t give a pass is how you managed to already mess up on the first page of your comic. 
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Because..... why are you implying that Clementine’s room is upstairs? First of all, seems kinda dumb to put Clem, who has only one leg and has to walk with crutches, upstairs. Also, if you’ve played TFS and paid any attention to where her room is actually located [the dorms] then you’d know there isn’t any stairs leading to their floor. It’s the side building next to the admin building, you walk through the door, go down the hall, take a left and their dorm is right there sooo..... 
Oh right, it’s probably done this way so that we can have such a suspenseful moment where Clementine is sneaking out while the others are asleep and her foot makes a creeeeeeakk that could wake everyone up, thwarting her plans of abandoning everyone quietly so she doesn’t have to deal with any consequences. 
Because yeah, Clementine is sneaking out with all of her supplies because apparently, she’s been planning an escape from this place for a while. 
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And just look at how gosh darn happy she is about it. You can’t see or hear me, but know that I’m laughing. Don’t worry, I will talk about her abandoning everyone later.
But first, I have a gripe with Clementine's design in this comic. It doesn’t look like her. This art of her right here is the most accurate we get throughout all 12 pages, and it’s the best looking, too. 
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Moving on, she slams the door shut while this walker changes faces and hair between panels, so that’s cool. I will say, I like the idea of the Ericson crew putting spikes on the door. That’s fun. 
Though Clementine slamming the door shut while trying to sneak out seems counter productive but it fits with the theme this comic has of inconsistency, so it works. 
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Next we have Clementine going to what I believe is the fishing shack by the river, and she’s going through some things that she’s stashed away, telling us that she’s been planning this escape for a while. 
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Oh good, she has a map. Well at least now she won’t get lost out there in the woods while she makes her escape... also that last panel with her profile.... why does it look so funny? Like this page of the comic doesn’t look too bad, but there is something off putting about her eye there and how she has zero expression. 
And it turns out that rustle was a walker, and Clementine is super inconvenienced by this and gives us our first piece of witty dialogue.
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Yeah you dumb walker, can’t you see Clementine is busy running away from home and abandoning all of her loved ones without a single goodbye so she doesn’t have to witness the consequences of her selfish actions?? Gosh, so rude.
Just a heads up, the dialogue in this comic is stilted, emotionless, and bland. The words have no flow, no charm, and never feel like they should be coming out of Clementine’s mouth. Then again, the upcoming graphic novels this is tied to are for young adult/middle graders so I guess we have to dumb everything down so their baby brains can process it. 
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.....Why does her face look like that? Also, interesting that she decided to move her ponytail to the other side of her head.... which is a thing that happens throughout this comic, her hair will randomly change sides. 
I believe it’s a metaphor for her changing and inconsistent personality. 
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So yeah, Clementine is just making off with the supplies she gathered [I’m sure Ericson doesn’t need ‘em anyway] and she’s just so gosh darn annoyed at all these small inconveniences bothering her.... because it’s just too early for this. 
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.....Again, why does her face look like that?
I’m sorry, like I get it, Tillie’s style is supposed to be purposely messy yet minimal but it doesn’t work. When you do a comic in a more messy style, usually it has charm and heart put into it. Effort goes into the messy look, and when things are minimal, that usually means more clean, yeah? So you put them together and just..... that is nothing resembling Clementine’s face. 
Can we just--
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Look at canon Clementine’s face. Look at the way her eyebrows are shapes, how wide her eyes are with her eye lashes. The dirt on her skin, the lines-- there is so much personality in her features. It doesn’t matter if she’s wearing a neutral expression or she’s expressing anger or joy or sorrow or whatever. 
Now, is it fair to compare a model of Clem from the games to the Clem in this comic? Well, I assume that if Tillie is doing this comic, she would use references from the game to ensure that Clementine is recognizable, especially now that she’s no longer wearing her signature hat. 
So why does she look like this? Why do I look at these drawings of her face and see nothing but a pair of eyes, a nose, and a mouth? You might as well draw me a simple smiley face. And I get that it’s a comic, and it’s a lot of work to draw the same character over and over again and you gotta cut corners somewhere, but maybe put some effort into the close up shots of her face so that we can actually see it’s her? 
Other fan artists have made comics in their styles that shine bright with Clementine’s personality, so what happened here? 
Anyway, surprise..... it’s not a walker annoying Clementine. 
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........Why does AJ look like that??? I’m sorry, I hate to do the same thing I just did but--
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Just because you put Clementine’s hat on AJ that doesn’t automatically make it him. I just.... wow. This feels like there wasn’t a single reference involved, like if someone gave Tillie a basic description of AJ and she just did this. 
But appearances aside, what is AJ saying? He says that he knew it, that Clementine’s leaving and I cannot stand this dialogue. It’s unnatural. Again, I know you wanna dumb it down for all of us because I guess we dumb.... but this conversation does not feel natural. 
“I knew it. You’re leaving.” “AJ....” “I’m coming.”
Even if you changed it to, “I’m coming with you.” it would sound more natural. Hell, he doesn’t even question WHY she’s leaving, he just stands there like “I’m coming” like??? I’m sorry, have you ever heard a single word this murder baby has said? I assume you have because I assume you actually played TFS, right? Soooo.... what happened here?
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So now we’re getting into it.... into the bullshit. 
Clementine tells AJ to go back to the school, and AJ says that she wasn’t even going to say goodbye..... and then more bad dialogue that sound unnatural when you try to fucking read it. 
First off.... AJ’s reaction to Clementine attempting to leave is barely anything. Again, I hate to keep questioning if you actually played TFS, but AJ would throw a fucking fit if he caught Clementine out here ALONE like this, attempting to leave. 
And then he says “Like last time? You were going to come back?” this sentence makes my brain hurt. I just.... “Like last time, right? You’re coming back?” UGH
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Wow, I feel nothing. 
I’m sitting here watching these two imposters with fucked up faces who are supposed to be Clementine and AJ and I feel nothing. 
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I’m not even going to comment on the faces anymore. You can see it. You know. 
So yeah... AJ tells her the #1 rule, and reminds her that she promised.
Y’know.... she promised that she would never leave him again? Remember? At the McCarroll ranch? That flashback that was in TFS? The one you would watch if you played the game? 
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Why is she looking straight at me when she should be looking at AJ as she says this? Is this Clementine’s way of telling me she’s sorry for what a shitty direction this is taking? I wouldn’t know because her face isn’t doing anything. Just because you draw a couple of tears that doesn’t mean I’m feeling the emotional heartbreak you’re attempting to convey. 
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I don’t have enough middle fingers for this.
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Well, my hat’s off to you. Ya did it. Ya fucked up everything single part of Clementine’s character in the span of two pages, I’m almost impressed. 
First off, the baby thing is weird. Why is she calling him that? She’s never called him that, which you should know.
Second, she’s not happy and that’s why she’s leaving. Clementine isn’t happy, and AJ can’t make her happy. Ericson can’t make her happy. So she’s going to go out on the road to.... what, be unhappy by herself? 
I’m sorry, but apparently we need a few reminders here of who Clementine is, because this isn’t her. 
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This is Clementine. 
Clementine fought for years to find a home, something she hasn’t had since she was an eight-year-old girl before the apocalypse. The motor-inn wasn’t a home, the cabin wasn’t home, the ski-lodge, Howe’s, Wellington, Richmond, Prescott, none of them were home. 
She struggled for years, dealing with trauma after trauma while out on the road. She went from group to group, watching people she cared about die and she was powerless to do anything about it. Whenever she let her guard down and become comfortable, it bit in her in the ass and left her heartbroken.
She was there when AJ was born. She grew close to Rebecca while she was pregnant, she let herself do that even after everything she went through with Christa. Clementine had a bond with AJ even before he was born, and after Rebecca died, she did what she could to keep him safe, despite play choice. 
She cried when she thought AJ died and when she found him in that car again. She swore to protect him, to raise him right and love him. All they had was each other. 
And when she joined the new frontier and AJ got sick, she risked everything to save him and she was devastated when they took him away from her. When she found out he was alive, she is willing to go as far as helping Lingard overdose [INJECTING HIM HERSELF IF SHE HAS TO] to figure out his location. She did shitty things to find him, she killed people at McCarroll Ranch to find him again. 
Clementine raised him and he is her family, do you understand that? She went to hell and back for him, she taught him how to protect himself, and even though she made mistakes she sacrificed everything for him. She promised him that they would have a home of their own one day, she talked about how much she wished for a world where she didn’t have to worry about fighting and killing and AJ could just be a happy kid. 
She fought for Ericson, she watched her friends die or become mutilated by someone from her past. She allowed herself to be vulnerable enough to pursue a romantic relationship with Louis or Violet because she felt safe with them, felt safe at Ericson because it’s their home now. 
And when Clementine was bit, she thought she was going to die but she still fought to make sure AJ would be safe and happy without her and it was heartbreaking. She’s dying and the only thing she cares about is AJ. Not herself, not what’s going to happen to her after she dies or turns... no, she tries to make AJ smile again, she makes sure he remembers the rules, and she tells him that she loves him. 
Then he cuts off her leg, and she survives. AJ saved her fucking life, and she got to wake up at home and live to see her family again. She got to push AJ on a tire swing, she got to eat a hot meal and laugh with her friends, she got to make plans with her lover/best friend for what’s next for Ericson, and she got to talk to AJ and tell him the truth... and she asked him if she did a good job, and he’s honest with her right back. 
Hell, she tells him to keep her hat. Her iconic hat. The one thing she has left of her father, possibly her more cherished item. She lets him keep it. 
The last time we see Clementine, she’s happy. She’s sitting on the steps by herself, staring at her family with such fondness in her eyes and a smile on her face because she finally did it. She finally found a home where she can breathe. She has a bed to sleep in, she has AJ with her, she has a boyfriend/girlfriend who loves her and who she loves back, she has friends she can rely on. 
Clementine smiles, and lets out a small laugh. 
She doesn’t have to run anymore. 
And now you have the balls to tell me that AJ and Ericson don’t make Clementine happy anymore. 
She abandons everything to go back out on the road again, and that’s proof enough for me that you don’t understand a damn thing about Clementine or her journey. 
“ I don't even know the person I'm talking about... It's like all we have in common is the same name.” 
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Wow, Clementine found a car and kept is stashed. How lazy and convenient for this bullshit plot. 
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And this is the part where I have to tell this comic to fuck off. 
What, you think if you throw in an incredibly inaccurate flashback next to a current pair of hugging Clem and AJ that I’ll feel anything but anger? That flashback is a slap to the face. It’s snowing, but the only time we’ve seen snow is in S2 when AJ was a literal new born, so why is he that big? Is that supposed to be from ANF because that ALSO doesn’t look like that AJ, and that’s not the outfit Clementine had on... AND there was no snow. This is cheap and meaningless. 
Any fan of the series who has played through the games could tell you this. 
So.... AJ runs into the woods and then we get this garbage.
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This comic is awful. It misses the point of everything TFS, and the rest of the series, stood for. There is no heart here. I feel no happiness in reading it, and I don’t detect any passion behind it. It’s a lifeless comic that retcons everything in order to throw AJ away and start fresh with a new adventure for Clementine that makes no sense because the cow isn’t profitable unless it’s milked. 
This isn’t canon, and it won’t ever be canon, and honestly? At this point, I have no faith in the graphic novel trilogy. It will take a lot to do a turn around from this, and I don’t even know if that’s possible. 
Again, to reiterate, I don’t have anything personal against Tillie Walden herself. She’s just doing her job, and from what I’ve seen of her as a person, she seems like a sweetheart. I don’t want anyone giving her shit because I think the comic isn’t good or that you agree with me. All of my anger is directed at the comic itself, her work, not specifically her.... and a little bit at Skybound, because they’re the reason this is even a thing in the first place. 
So yeah.... there ya have it. 
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transmascrage · 2 years
julia serano was a bad example to use in your 4 whole paragraph response bc she literally is a transandrophobe and you can find plenty of evidence of that in her writings. but that doesn't stop me from using the word transmisogyny because i also never said not to use the words saint has coined. i never even said i don't believe in transandrophobia. all i said is that saint is a lesbophobic racist sack of garbage because he is. like i don't know how to tell you how unhinged you came off there but chastising me for "giving snarky responses" when you were talking to yourself is unwell person type behaviour. deciding to ignore and simply "disagree" that it's wrong for a man to openly fantasize about raping lesbian women is deranged. people should be aware of hymn whether you are or not. i think his contribution of the word transandrophobia is useful and we should keep using it, but i also know that even a broken clock is right twice a day. he's a dangerous person with dangerous ideas and he shouldn't be promoted as some martyr who people only hate because he's ~☆such a good activist uwu☆~. at the end of the day he is another man who wants to rape women, another non-Black person who shamelessly appropriates Black culture, another "she just needs a good fuck!" brand lesbophobe, another "everyone is bi!" flavour homophobe... the list goes on and on and on. get a clue, or a better soapbox. p.s. i can't "just block" saint (or his alt account/#1 fanboy nothorses lmao) to be rid of hymn; losers like you will still be out here praising hymn day in and day out like he pays your damn light bill.
It's true that you never said anything about transandrophobia, sorry for assuming, usually people use the two arguments hand-in-hand.
So here's the thing. I was "talking to myself" because you're on anon. You wanna be a big kid and come off and argue with me without hiding? We can talk about this in a conversation if you want.
Second. I'm not going to explain why having "problematic kinks" is not something to chastise people over, because so many others have explained it already. The base, the very core of kink is consent.
That's why it doesn't make sense to me to harass someone over their kink, who they perform consensually, on their private blog.
He wasn't going onto random people's blogs and misgendering or leaving inappropriate messages. His blog was password protected for a reason.
It's like if someone was doing kinky shit in their bedroom, someone barged in and went: "Oh my god, what's wrong with you?? Why are you pushing your kinks onto me?"
It's true that he's a man, but he's not a cis man. We're not talking about a cishet man who gets off to the idea of "turning lesbians straight". Transmascs have, surprise surprise, different experiences than cis men!
How do you know Saint didn't identify as a lesbian before and developed this kink as a coping mechanism? I don't, because I don't know hymn. And he's not obligated to tell anyone jack shit.
I can't stress it enough that you don't know what I'm into, or why I developed certain kinks.
If it bothers you that I'm defending hymn, block me and blacklist our tags. Or maybe stop bringing up this subject. We literally only talk about it because you keep mentioning it.
Also, you opened your first anon message with: "Why are you telling people to block someone who's calling out Saint?" but he wasn't, he reblogged something and reached so hard to find a reason to "incriminate" two other people. This isn't about Saint.
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simsadventures · 4 years
Gilded: Chapter 1: To Bride or Not to Bride
Mob! Steve x Reader
Summary: Your life is a mess and you need a little help from time to time. But, when somebody proposes a plan to rid you of all your problems all the way to the far future, you’re suddenly not so sure it is worth it. Especially since the plan is proposed to you by the most notorious gangster America has seen since Al Capone: Steve fucking Rogers. 
Warnings: mafia AU, swearing (like, a lot this time), angst, struggles with money, loan-shark, sleazy men, harassing
Word Count: 7969
A/N: It’s finally here! It only took me around 6 months to bring it, and I apologise for the delay, but I hope I will make up for it with introductory this chapter :) Share your thoughts, let me know what you thought and what do you think will happen next :) xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist 
“Just, wait a second,” you said, your brows knitting together as you tried to piece together all the information the man in front of you had just given you. He was gorgeous, there was no question about that, but that wasn’t the issue here. There were many gorgeous people in New York, and you didn’t marry any of them. Yet, that was. 
“You want to marry me. But you still haven’t told me why, so?” You asked for what felt like the hundredth time that evening, and the man just smirked again, playing with his cuffs, never answering to your satisfaction. 
“I told you, honey, what I want, I get, and I decided that I wanted you, so, what is going to be? Are you gonna be a good girl for me or am I gonna have to force you, hm?” He smiled sweetly, but even you knew better. Behind that oh-very-sweet smile, there was venom and a ton of it. You rubbed your temples and plopped down on the nice-looking couch, thinking about what he was proposing. 
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2 weeks ago
“Coming!” You yelled through the loud music at the guests seated by the table number 5 where a group of guys was seated, hollering at you every two seconds as if you didn’t hear them the first time. You rolled your eyes at your colleague, who just laughed under her breath as you strode towards the clients. You put on your best fake smile as you approached them, and from the whistles, you assumed they appreciated it. 
“Thank God you came, sweets. We thought you were getting tired of us,” the loudest of them laughed, and the group followed his suit, making your clench your jaw even more. Oh, how you hated this type of men, who had nothing better to do than calling a woman pet-names, making her feel uncomfortable just so his friends could have a laugh and a story to tell. 
“What can I get you, gentleman? Another round of the same?” You asked as sweetly as you could, but it was getting harder by the second as they all eyed you like a piece of raw meat, ready to be devoured. 
“I mean, that would be nice, and could you serve us a piece of that sweet ass of course as well? We’d really appreciate it, pretty face,” the loud guy smirked sleazily, and you fought the urge to vomit in your face. One of the guys made the mistake of actually making a move to swat you across your butt, but your reflexes were quicker. 
You took a step back and breathed in, trying to calm your beating heart. This was, however, nothing new in your line of work, and you just learned to ignore it, or, at best, politely turn them down. Because, as you learned very early on, the manager didn’t appreciate if his “girls” were nasty to his customers. He almost made it sound like you were to provide your bodies with the beers, but you told him straightforwardly that that wouldn’t happen, and if his pub was one of these, you wanted to have nothing to do with it. All you were there to do was to work the evening and night shift to get some extra money on top of your regular job, and that was it. He even made a few remarks how he wanted you all to himself, but you politely declined every time and just tried to ignore it altogether.
“This ass is not for sale, I’m sorry, boys. But, the vodka shots are coming right up,” you tried to give them your best wink but didn’t wait long enough to see if they accepted their loss or not. You genuinely didn’t care. 
The night continued in a similar manner, some people being inappropriate and you just ignoring their behaviour, and some people actually nice, even leaving you a few tips which always made you smile. You were beat when it was 11, and your shift ended, and you were thrilled today wasn’t one of those days when you had to stay there till 4 AM. It was then that people got really disgusting and you even had to resolve to hit a guy this one time because otherwise, you were pretty sure he’d manage to rape you. You sighed at the memory as you continued on your way home, just now remembering you left the tips meant for you in your locker.
Sighing you turned around and walked back towards the bar, and when you were in, you noticed three men in black suits talking to your coworker, who looked stunned and scared at the same time. You cocked a brow at her, and she discreetly shook her head, telling you that you shouldn’t come nearer. 
This time, you really frowned and looked around, but the rest of the pub looked exactly the way you left it, even with the assholes by the fifth table. But you listened to her and took a step back to one of the dark corners, watching what was going on by the bar. It didn’t take long, definitely not longer than 5 minutes before the men turned around and left the building. 
Your coworker looked positively alarmed by now, and you almost ran to her to ask what the fuck did just happen. 
“I have no idea, Y/N. I noticed them by table 10 like an hour ago, but I didn’t pay them any attention because that was Christy’s sector tonight and I had the veranda. And when you left they just came here asking about you,” she breathed out, and it was your turn to look alarmed. 
“The fuck? Why would they ask about me when it was Christy who took care of them?” You screeched, your brain not really comprehending the situation. 
“I have no fucking idea, Y/N. But, like, they asked your name and stuff, and like, if you were a regular waitress here or what. I didn’t want to tell them anything, I swear, but they didn’t take no for an answer. So I just told them your first name, I wouldn’t budge on your last, I promise, and told them that you sometimes worked here but that I didn’t know when was your next shift,” she finished, a little scared of your reaction now, but from the look of those guys, you knew they were bad news and that Anja did the best she could.
“Nah, it’s ok, An. I would do the same. I’m really grateful that you didn’t give them my last name, though, that was really thoughtful of you,” you smiled at her, and it obviously put her at ease as she hugged and hurried back to the veranda, where you both saw a few guests waving that they needed a refill. 
The hell did just happen, and why would three mysterious men ask about you? 
It couldn’t be that they found out, right? No… you made sure all the traces were hidden, forever, so, that wasn’t an option. 
No, you told yourself, there must be another reason for them to ask about you. But you didn’t want to find out. It was a one-time thing, these men were just confused, or one of them liked you or something like that, and you would never see them again. This actually calmed you down enough to start functioning again, and you remembered that you came for something specific, took the money and went straight home. 
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“This can’t be happening,” you muttered as you looked over your bills. There was so much to pay and so little money on your account that you actually started to sweat. You worked two jobs and still wasn’t able to afford to live a life where you didn’t have to worry about money. What was more, with the high taxes, your rent, subway card and food you went into red numbers, and that was something you definitely didn’t want. Nobody told you that as an Arts Major, you could still be struggling to stay alive in the city of New York. 
You went over the bills again even though you knew your math was correct and that you didn’t have enough to pay your landlord this month. 
Fuck, you muttered again and considered your options. You could ask your friends, but you didn’t want to bother them since you knew they were struggling as much as you were. You shared your apartment with two of your best friends who you considered a family by now, Caroline and Aidan. And while you knew they would do anything to help you, neither of their jobs paid enough to be able to help you as much as you needed this month. 
Your other option was asking your landlord to give you some more time before more money arrived, but just imagining the conversation gave you goosebumps because you could picture the kind of service he’d want from you, and you’d literally rather go and beg on the street than to sleep with that middle-aged pig. 
So, as you summarised it, the only option remained the loan shark. Tony was actually a nice guy, once you got to know him, and he was nice to you because you always paid precisely what he told you to when he told you to, and never asked too many questions or begged for more time. You were smarter than that, and, besides, you’ve seen too many movies with loan sharks to know what could happen to you. 
The first time you went to him was probably 2 years ago, straight from university when you still thought you could make it big in New York. Well, safe to say that you didn’t make it, and while you remained hopeful, you had bigger problems than becoming a renown painter, like not starving to death and other fun stuff like that. 
You were awfully scared to go to Tony, he had a reputation of being kind of an ass, but people also said that, compared to the other guys in the business, he actually had the fairest demands, and as you had no other choice, you just went to him. And because life was a bitch, you ended up going there on more occasions. Tony was kind enough always to lend even small amounts of money because you really didn’t need 100K. No, you always need like 1 or 2 thousand, and while the other loan sharks turned people like you down, Tony didn’t, and he never wanted more than like 400$ as a return, which seemed quite fair as the other guys always wanted 100% or more. 
Well, Tony, it was, as you sighed looking around your room, thinking how you even got where you were. But there was no time to waste pitying yourself, and so you shot Tony a quick message, as you always did, and to no surprise, he was very quick to respond that you should come by later that afternoon. 
You were just getting ready when Aidan burst through your door. He stopped mid-step, looking at you confusedly because you didn’t tell him you were going somewhere. 
“Got a date or what? You never go out on Saturday afternoon, not if you can help it,” he said sceptically, looking around the room as his eyes landed on the fumbled papers on your table, and the look of realisation hit him. 
“You going to Tony again? Y/N, we told you, we can help you, babe! Let us help just this once, please?” He pleaded with you even though he knew it was useless. 
“C’mon, babe, you know you and Caroline are not making much either, and you’re both glad to get by another month. Tony is like an old friend by now, really. I don’t mind it that much, and it’s definitely a better option than burying you two with me under this pile of shit,” you huffed as you finished applying mascara, but you didn’t even check yourself in the mirror, really not caring that much how you looked. You went to Manhattan just to meet Tony and would go straight back, quick mission, in and out. 
“You need to find a better job, Y/N,” Aidan smirked at you, and you just laughed because you both knew it was pretty much impossible, especially since you loved your day job with the only issue that it paid like shit. 
“You know this is my chance to be close to art and I really want it. I mean, it could happen that they promote me from being a receptionist to like, I dunno, being a secretary to one of the curators of the gallery, right?” 
He just huffed and kissed the top of your head, striding towards the door. It was only then that you noticed he was dressed to go out as well. 
“And where are you going, mister?” You asked with a mother-like tone, and he just laughed, turning around as if he was caught in the act. 
“So, you remember John?” He asked, sitting on your bed, and you actually laughed out loud at him. 
“Which one? I mean, there has been so many Johns and Peters that I swear to God I’m starting to think there are only men called John and Peter in the whole fucking New York. So, more info, babe, please,” you scooted to him and listened to which John it actually was he was meeting and was pretty excited about this. This was John the Ballet dancer, and he looked really nice, so far. 
John the Fake Mobster was a lying bastard, John the Hairdresser wanted Aidan for just that one thing but would never admit it, and then you didn’t even have John-the for the guys because they were all just idiots who didn’t see your best friend for what he was: an amazing, although a little extra person with a very good heart, great sense of humour and amazing hair. 
“Alright, well, you know the drill. Keep your phone on data so we can use Find your Friend if needed, keep your eyes open for anything sketchy going on, but, most importantly, enjoy yourself, babe. I’ll see you tonight,” you hugged him tightly and walked out of the apartment and into the busy streets. 
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If it were all up to you, you’d live in a secluded place, somewhere in the north probably, like outside Seattle, where you’d have a lovely little house, maybe by a river or by the ocean or something, where you’d have enough inspiration for your art and where you wouldn’t be annoyed by the little things, like the car horns blaring all the way to the night, people shouting underneath your bedroom’s window, and little things like that. 
But life was not a factory for fulfilled wishes, and you had to endure another day trying to make it in New York. You thought about all of this as you walked down the street to where you knew you could find Tony. You weren’t happy that you had to go to him, again, but you also knew that you didn’t need to worry anymore. You would have the money for your landlord by the end of the week, and when the gallery paid you, you would pay Tony back. Again. 
“If it isn’t my favourite girl!” You heard a familiar voice hollering from the shop, and you laughed lightly as you walked into the pawnshop Tony had set up in the lower Manhattan. 
“Hello to you too, Tony. Today a yellow day, or what?” You greeted him as you looked at his outfit, which was just a canary yellow tracksuit and a matching hat. He looked like a character from a bad movie, but you knew better than to say anything like that. 
“Yellow is very classy and trendy, thank you very much! Yesterday I wore this really nice green velvet tracksuit, and you should have seen some ladies walking by, they almost ate me with their eyes! I swear!” He added as he saw you stifling a laugh, but you just nodded in fake understanding, and both of you shared a relaxed laugh. 
“So, what can I do for you today, sweetheart?” He drawled, and you shuffled on the spot, always feeling slightly uncomfortable when it came to this part. 
“I need a thousand this week. Ton. I’ve been working my ass off, but the bills keep building up, and every time I think I’m out of it and I can live normally, there is always something holding me back,” you sighed, scratching your arms which was a nervous habit of yours that Tony grew quite fond of. 
He was almost sorry for saying the next thing, but this was way above his pay grade, and while he really did take some liking to you, and he would always give you enough time to pay him off, he knew who he couldn’t piss off. 
“Listen, Y/N, I have a proposal for you,” Tony started, and you frowned, not really knowing where this was going, but from the look on Tony’s face, you could tell it was nothing good. 
“There is somebody who would like to get to know you, and he has a proposal for you that he believes you can’t refuse. I don’t know any specifics, I just know he is willing to pay you a lot of money, and I’m talking thousands and thousands, Y/N. He said that nothing sexual would be involved because I told him that if he was looking for a one night stand, you weren’t his girl, but he assured me that this wasn’t it. He would like to meet with you and tell you all the details if you let him. And before you say no, Y/N, think about it. All you gotta do now is to meet him and listen to him, and he is one of those guys who don’t take no for an answer,” Tony finished, and while you saw it pained him to give you the message, you were too stunned to care. 
“What the hell are you talking about, Tony? Is this some kind of a sick joke? Like, did this guy tell you he wanted to talk to me specifically or just a girl desperate enough to come here?” You blurted, still not getting what he was about. 
“He asked for you, sweetie. I don’t know how, but he knew you’d come and told me when you did to give you the message and give you his address. Which is here,” he said, handing you a piece of paper with an address and a date with the time written on it, “and he told me that if you came and agreed to his plan, you wouldn’t have to worry about money this week or any other week. It could be your chance, Y/N. Look, the guy is extremely powerful, so, please, just go and meet him, and you’ll see, ok?” He was scared, and it made you scoff out loud. 
Great, so a loan shark was giving you a message to meet some mysterious, powerful asshole who wouldn’t take no for an answer and who probably stalked you as he knew you would be coming to Tony sooner or later. Just great, really. 
“It seems I don’t really have a choice, do I? Sheesh, Tony, at least tell me who this guy is and like how scared I should be. You gotta give me something because I can’t just go to some random house and be totally ok with it. Nobody can’t expect me to do so,” you pointed out, and Tony nodded in understanding. 
“Totally, yeah. I even asked if I should come with you, but I was told you should be alone. You should be alert, let’s put it that way. If I were you, I’d really think before I speak, because this guy doesn’t take anything lightly. And I think it would be best if you didn’t know his name, Y/N. Just… he doesn’t want to hurt you, all he wants to do is speak to you, so please, just do it,” Tony finished just as some customer came into the shop. 
You waited patiently because the conversation was far from over, but you knew better than to start shit in front of some stranger. Tony was evidently scared shitless of the guy, and it only fuelled your already growing anxiety. Tony was determined not to share too much information with you, but you didn’t understand why. Why could you not at least know the guy’s name? Who could it be? 
Your brain took a detour to a few nights ago back at the pub where you saw the men asking about you, and a cold sweat broke on your skin. It must have been connected, there was no doubt in your mind about that, and it filled you with so much dread you actually had to catch your right hand with your left to stop yourself from shaking violently. 
The doorbell rang signalling the customer left, and your eyes gazed at Tony, who was already staring at you apologetically. 
“And what about the money, Tony? It’s Saturday, and I need to pay my rent by Friday next week. Nice of the guy, whoever the fuck he is, that he wants to see me, but he won’t if I’m on a fucking street next weekend,” you seethed, and Tony was quick to walk around the counter behind which he was standing this whole time and walked closer to you. 
“He wants to see you on Wednesday, Y/N, and he specifically told me not to lend you any money, that he would take care of it. Whatever the fuck it means.”
“The fuck? I don’t even know his fucking name, and he will stop me from getting money to survive? What the actual hell, Tony? You can’t be serious right now,” you cried out in utter desperation because none of this was supposed to happen. You were supposed to come, chat a little with the goatee man, get the money and walk back home, where you’d watch some stupid TV show and drink shitty wine. 
But no, of all the people living in New York this shit must be happening to you. As you didn’t have enough on your fucking plate as was, some mysterious fucker had to be interested in you for whatever reason, and he wouldn’t let you live without talking to him first. 
“Can’t you just call him and tell him that I want to have nothing to do with him?” You asked when you felt calm enough to talk again. You didn’t even know whether you were scared or desperate or angry, but at best, you were feeling a mix of all these and some more, that was for sure. 
“No can do, sweetie, but I promise it will be alright, ok? You’re a strong one, I know that and whatever he wants from you, you can either give or can talk to him,” Tony smiled sweetly, and while you knew he was full of bullshit you let it slide because you just didn’t have it in you to fight with him when he was clearly just the messenger. Whoever wanted to speak to you, however, he would hear it from you because where were we that a guy just asks for a girl and the whole of New York delivers her to him on a silver platter?
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“You gotta be kidding me, Y/N. Are you seriously considering going there? For all you know it might be some elaborate trap and somebody’s gonna jump you and kill you in some dark alley,” Caroline screeched at you as she saw you getting ready after you came home from work. 
You had to ask for a night off from the pub since mister nobody wanted to meet you on your night of work. But you knew you couldn’t say no. Whoever it was, Tony was afraid of him, and Tony was a tough guy. And not that you wouldn’t be brave, but your bravery was mostly concentrated on being able to throw a spider out of the apartment or walk the corridor with the lights out, not really crossing some powerful guy who could do God-knows-what to you if you didn’t come. 
“C’mon, guys. You know I gotta do it. And I honestly think if they wanted to kill me, they would have already done it,” you muttered, trying to pick something to wear, that wasn’t too revealing, but you also didn’t want to go wherever you were going in a pair of baggy sweatpants you were currently rocking. 
“But like, what if they want to make a personal slave out of you, huh? Like, cuff you to a ceiling and serve them with your body, like a personal kind of slave, you know what I mean? You were not made to be strapped to a ceiling, babe,” Aidan panicked, and you actually had to laugh. 
“Your imagination never ceases to astonish me, Aid. Or are you speaking from personal experience?” You smirked as both you and Caroline laughed out loud at Aidan’s expression of utter disgust. 
“You two are disgusting, and I hate you, but that doesn’t change the fact you still don’t know where the fuck you’re going,” Aidan countered and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“I’ll keep my data on so you can see me this whole time, and if I don’t call you by 9 PM you can send the cops there, deal?” 
They both nodded in agreement, knowing this was the best they were getting. You were glad you had them in your life and that you had people caring enough to try and stop you from doing something stupid, but something in your told you that your life would be even worse if you didn’t go. At least this way you’d know the whole story, and you would be able to make an educated decision based on all the variables. 
“A’ight, but if anything sketchy happens, you run, ok? We can figure out the money, but we can’t figure out shit if you’re not here with us,” Caroline reminded you, and you nodded solemnly. 
God, you just hoped you weren’t making a mistake by listening to Tony. He even shot you a message in the afternoon, reminding you to go there because if you didn’t, it could end up badly for both of you. And it was actually one of the decisive arguments in the whole thing, surprisingly. You didn’t want anything happening to Tony, especially not because of you and your decisions, and so you just told yourself to suck it and prepared for the evening. 
You really couldn’t afford the cab, so you had to leave super early to be at the given address at precisely 7 PM. You also grabbed the book you were currently reading, Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140, so that the ride to Manhattan wouldn’t be as dull and dreadful. You could think of the utopian future he depicts rather than thinking of your journey to the lion’s den, and that was the most promising image you created in your head about the place where you were headed. 
Not that you didn’t try to find the place on Google maps, but all the buildings on the address looked the same, and, actually, quite nice, so you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. 
Meanwhile, Tony texted you again since you didn’t reply to his previous text, and this time you took the time to craft a message telling him that yes, you were indeed headed to the manor and he didn’t need to worry about his own neck because you wouldn’t let others be hurt because of your incompetence or your cowardice. 
You knew you were getting off on Chambers St station and you actually took the time to think how many people living in Tribeca had to take the subway. The answer was, very obviously, zero, as the majority of the people in the subway were either passing or were clothed in a way you knew they worked in either one of the restaurants there or as a help. And you felt like one of them, because you too didn’t live in the wealthiest village in New York, and you too were going there mainly for business. Well, at least you hope you did. 
Checking every house number when you got to the street you were supposed to meet the mysterious guy at, you tried to find where exactly was the bat cave, and when you saw the number 112, you knew you found it. 
Your breath came in ragged huffs as you tried to gather the last remnants of your bravery as you walked up the stairs and buzzed on the door. Your head was spinning lightly, and you actually had to lean against the wall beside you to regain your composure. 
The door soon revealed a massive man dressed in a black turtleneck and a pair of black jeans, and you were actually quite surprised not to see him with sunglasses and an earpiece. If the situation weren’t so tense, you’d probably joke about it, but as it was, you just followed his lead as he beckoned you inside. 
“Miss Y/L/N, I presume? I need to see your phone and your belongings, ma’am,” he stated, and you raised a brow at him. 
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a standard procedure, ma’am. Everybody here to see the boss needs to be checked, just in case,” he stated, leaving no room for discussion, and while you sighed exasperatedly, you still handed him your bag and made a point by fishing out the phone and shoving it in his outstretched hand. He took a quick look through your belongings, pushing it against what you assumed was some kind of a metal detector before he pulled out another device. This looked like a big phone, and he scanned your bag once again. 
“What is that?” You asked, unable to stop your curiosity. 
“Checking if you’re not bugged,” he answered matter-of-factly as he continued before he put the device down, clearly not finding anything. Where would you even get a bug, and why would you do it? You rolled your eyes inwardly but kept a straight face in front of the man, just in case he was watching. Which he was, as you found out by him waving in front of your face and showing you to follow him. 
You braced yourself for whatever was awaiting upstairs and obediently walked behind him. 
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As you walked through the house, you got the impression that whoever lived there was wealthy, but that kind that didn’t really put on a flashy show. There were no chandeliers, no heavy curtains and stuff you pretty much imagined this place would look like and that image had nothing to do with the Beast and the Beauty dance room, nothing at all. 
But this was… modest. Everything was very contemporary, some prominent brick here and there with mostly grey floors and the furniture was most definitely customary but, again, it was plain yet luxurious. You assumed that’s how the really rich people lived. They knew they had the money, and the people around them knew it as well, so there was no need for diamond stairs and a golden toilet. 
A few names surged from memory as you heard your coworkers discuss the wealthy New Yorkers, but you didn’t want to assume anything before you actually saw the person, so you just walked by the halls before the man stopped in front one of the rooms and quietly knocked. 
It was not surprising when another man dressed exactly like the guy leading you appeared from the room and took a quick look at you before he said something to whoever was behind him. When the affirmative came that you could indeed go in there, they shoved the door open and what you assumed was a living room appeared in front of you. It corresponded with the whole house, but your attention was caught by one specific thing. Your brain had its own world, and when you saw one of Tunji Adeniyi-Jones’s paintings from his last year’s exhibit, you almost fainted. He was your favourite contemporary artist. And seeing his work outside of the gallery was practically an otherworldly feeling. You gaped at the beautiful play of colours, and your heart swooned at the perfection of the brush strokes. 
“Ehm,” you heard somebody cough beside you, and it startled you so much you actually jumped to the side, your hand flying to your chest in a feeble attempt to will your heart to stay calm. 
You took the intruder in and found out that unlike every other man in the room (and there were a few, as you noticed) this guy wasn’t wearing all-black attire. He was in a comfortable-looking creme sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans, everything fitting him as if the clothes were sawn to his body. 
Which, as far as you could tell, was the body of a Greek God. 
“See something you like, honey?” The man interrupted thoughts, and it just crossed your mind that he was really rude, not letting you breathe even for a second before he had to make his presence known. 
“Yes, actually. I’m quite a big fan of the artist whose painting you have there, so I admired that. And you are?” You trailed at the end, signalling that while he was very handsome, you had no idea who he was and why it was that you needed to come to him this evening. 
“Straight to business, huh? I like that. I’m quite surprised Tony didn’t tell you who I was. Was he scared you wouldn’t have come if you knew?” He didn’t wait for your answer, however. “Well, honey, I’m Steve Rogers, and I am very pleased to meet you,” he smirked at your stomach dropped. 
Steve Rogers? That Steve Rogers? It wasn’t possible. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” you muttered as you scratched your arms nervously. 
“Oh no, on the contrary. I’m all too real, Miss Y/L/N, and from the looks of it, I’m glad Tony didn’t tell you, you look like you might faint. Are you feeling alright?” He asked like the smug asshole he was, and you just turned away from him, taking a deep breath before you finally turned back around to face him with a pokerface. 
“I’m alright, thank you. So now, can I know what it is you want from me so much you stalked me and made me come here, pretty much by force?” 
He scoffed but showed you to follow him to the sofa. When you didn’t budge, he simply took you by your elbow and pretty much shoved you down to the plump sofa. 
“Force, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I simply asked you to come visit me, is it so wrong? But yes, you are right, we should talk about why I invited you here. You see, Y/N, I’m in need of a wife, and after long calculations, I came to the conclusion you would be perfect for the job,” he said straightforwardly, and it was now that you felt like you’d faint. 
“Marry me? Are you fucking insane?” You couldn’t hold it in any longer. Form the pissed off expression on his face, you could see it was not the right move, but he couldn’t expect any other reaction, really. 
“Easy, honey or I might have to use the said force to shut that smart mouth of yours,” Steve mumbled dangerously, and you swallowed harshly. 
“Right, you’re a notorious mobster, and I’m literally nobody, and if you killed me, nobody would miss me. Good, now that’s out of the table, why do you want to marry me? And what does it mean you are in need of a wife? I mean… you are notorious for dating a different girl every week, can’t you just marry one of them if you’re in such a great hurry?” 
“No, honey, I can’t. All you need to know right now is my proposal. So, here it is. You will marry me, we will stay married for a year and then get a divorce. You will have everything every girl ever wanted: loads of clothes, all the time in the world to do whatever the fuck you want, you won’t have to work, and I will pay for everything and more. You will live here so you won’t have to worry about your rent money, and I will also pay your student loan, on top of which you will be paid 20.000$ every month for playing your role. And when the year is over, you will walk away rich, without any debts slowing you down and you will be able to do anything you want. How does that sound?” 
“It sounds like it’s not a proposal but a directive,” you smiled sweetly and stood up, pacing the room and scratching your hands like crazy. This was not happening, no, no, no!
You needed the money, you really did, and getting rid of the debt from your student loan that would have been sweet too, but at what price? On the other hand, you thought, how bad could it be to just be somebody’s wife for a year? He did make it sound pretty easy. 
“What would be expected of me?” 
“Well, you would go with me to every event and pretty much listen to everything I say,” he shrugged as if it was the most natural thing to say to another human being. 
“Like, you’d ask me to spread my legs for you here, and I would do it?” You asked, suddenly very angry that the man just assumed what kind of a person you were. You were desperate, but not that desperate. 
“Oh, no, honey. That is one of the reasons why I chose you: I’m not attracted to you, so no, I wouldn’t ask you for any sexual favours. We could even put that to our contract if you’d feel better, but, really, you have nothing to worry from me,” he again said with ease, and you didn’t know if you were glad he just told you this or really pissed and ashamed.
Not that you thought you were some kind of a beauty, far from it, but he also didn’t have to be so upfront about it. And now you understood it even less why the hell he chose you.
“Just, wait a second,” you said, your brows knitting together as you tried to piece together all the information the man in front of you had just given you. He was gorgeous, there was no question about that, but that wasn’t the issue here. There were many gorgeous people in New York, and you didn’t marry any of them. Yet, that was. 
“You want to marry me. But you still haven’t told me why, so?” You asked for like the hundredth time that evening, and the man just smirked again, playing with his cuffs, never answering to your satisfaction. 
“Honey, what I want, I get, and I decided that I wanted you, so, what is going to be? Are you gonna be a good girl for me or am I gonna have to force you, hm?” He smiled sweetly, but even you knew better. Behind that oh-very-sweet smile, there was venom and a ton of it. You rubbed your temples and plopped down on the nice-looking couch, thinking about what he was proposing.
“Then why choosing me if you don’t find me attractive? Not that it’s an issue, I’m just really trying to understand the situation here,” you said, totally ignoring the threat in his voice as you needed some much valuable answers. 
“Right, well, first of all, as I already mentioned, what I want, I get, honey, and you should always remember that. Secondly, it was your ability to keep a straight face, even though I can see the ability is not endless. I need somebody who will be sickly sweet to both my friends and enemies alike, who won’t mind a few sleazy comments from the old fuckers, and who will look like an obedient wife. I need somebody who will blend in and who will look trustworthy, and not like she was to stay only for a week. And when I saw you in that pub where you used to work, I could see you had what it took to be in this life, even if only for a year,” he finished, and you were glad you were right at least about the guy, Steve, also sending the people to sniff around your workplace. But then it hit you. 
“Where I used to work? I still work there,” you said dumbfounded, and Steve chuckled humorously. 
“Oh no, you don’t. You see, I need my wife free all the time and I need her here with me. Look, Y/N, this is getting tiring, and I really need an answer now. What is it gonna be, huh?”
“Like I even have a choice. You just said you would use force if I said no, so, what am I supposed to say, huh? I don’t want to get married, but I don’t have any money and your snoopy ass is getting in the way of my life, and you ended one of my jobs, and before you say you terminated my contract in the gallery, please think about it again. That job is very important to me, it has always been my dream to be in a gallery surrounded by beautiful art, and, by chance, having my art there as well. 
I don’t know Steve, your offer is very generous, it really is, but I don’t think I’m the right one,” you sighed finally and looked around the room, ignoring the boring looks from Steve. Then you saw the clock and you almost panicked, it was two minutes before 9. 
“Oh my God, I need to call my friends, or they’re gonna call the cops,” you said quickly already dialling Caroline’s number. You told her you were fine and that no, you weren’t a personal slave yet, but that you’d tell them everything when you got home. When the call ended, the venom was back in Steve’s eyes. 
“If you think you can talk to people about anything I have just said, you are terribly wrong, doll,” he seethed, and you were taken aback, but you didn’t want him to think he intimidated you.
“Well, if you think I’m not gonna tell my family about this, then it’s you who is terribly wrong, Steve. We tell each other everything, and if I considered this proposal of yours, it would mean Aidan and Caroline would know about this, at least that I’m marrying you for more than my undying love for you,” you spat back, and Steve saw the determination in your eyes. He knew he had to compromise with you, even if only a little bit. 
He already found out everything about you, he knew your whole life, your past, everything his people could find on the internet. And what he got from the search was that you and the people you lived with were extremely close. He considered getting rid of them but realised it would only push you away from what he needed from you. And he needed a wife ASAP. 
The mafia was still very conservative, and as he was the only boss without a constant woman by his side, he was sometimes excluded from important meetings that happened on “family retreats.” And he needed all the info there was if he wanted to be the best of the best. Or, the worst of the worst, if we were being literal. 
“Fine, but they will need to sign a contract saying that they will keep their mouths shut,” Steve smiled back, and you nodded, your head already spinning. 
Were you really considering it? But was there any other option? You needed the money, and it would’ve be great if you didn’t have to care about your student loan for the rest of your life. You would see the world, just like you wanted, you would have time for your art, and you would be free after only a year. That didn’t sound that bad. Sure, you’d be affiliated with a known mafia boss, but that was nothing you couldn’t handle. But there was still a question Steve didn’t answer. 
“What about my job at the gallery? If you made them fire me and I’m gonna find out tomorrow, I can’t even begin to consider this. I want that job, I want to work at that gallery, Steve.” 
“Fucking hell, I could buy you the gallery if you agreed!” He shouted, exasperated that it was taking so long. He really didn’t get it. He was proposing a life in luxury, and he knew that the majority of women in New York would be more than happy to be seen by his side. But you? You had to be difficult and even demand stuff. Fucking hell…
“But whatever, you wanna work there, fine. Whatever, I don’t give a fuck. Do we have a deal or not? I have better things to do with my evening than just bargain with you, honey,” he accentuated the pet name that you already hated.
Well, this wasn’t how you imagined your proposal to go. Not that you were too keen on the whole idea of a marriage, but still, a girl could dream. Yet, here you were, actually considering getting tied up with a mobster for a year just because he offered you enough money and a life that you felt like could be interesting, if only for a year and with a man who blatantly told you he wasn’t interested in you in that way. This was the only reason you didn’t feel as dirty as you expected because you knew he would never touch you and never want you to do something sexual against your will. 
You were used to lying through your teeth ever since you were little, your parents made sure you knew how important it was to keep your secret, and dangerous life wasn’t something you only heard of on TV. All this made the decision slightly easier, as you finally made up your mind. 
“Fine, but we still have a lot to talk about, Mr Rogers,” you set your jaw and outstretched your hand to shake on it with him. 
“Whatever, Mrs Rogers. Consider your rent paid and I’ll see you on Friday when we discuss our matter in greater detail. Now, if you excuse me,” he kissed the top of your hand and walked away. 
Well, this would be fun, you told yourself as you watched the man you would soon call your husband walk away from you, and contemplated whether you made the right choice. But your life wasn’t great as was, as much as you tried to fill it with laughter and happiness, and, in a sense, Steve offered you an out, even if only for a little bit. 
Here was to nothing, you hollered at yourself in your mind and followed one of the turtleneck-guys out of the manor and into the chilly air of evening New York.
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strawberrystar7 · 3 years
The Miraculous Fandom can be misogynistic. And I can prove it. Just look at the different characters.
Also: Please read this until the end.
Luka vs Kagami:
Kagami is straight-up being hated for no reason just because she's an alternative love interest for Adrien while Luka is literally being loved even tho he is an alternative love interest for Marinette. And why is that? It's not because Kagami is less interesting of a character. If anything she's even more interesting than Luka is if you consider her background. I get it most people think Luka is more likable than Kagami but the only reason why Luka is loved while Kagami is hated is that Kagami is female and Luka is male. The majority of the fandom consists of teenage girls. They find him attractive and sexualize him. So the only reason for this is literally because they find him attractive.
I bet with you if Kagami was a dominant, powerful and independent male everyone would call her "hot" and everyone would love her. But she isn't she's a female so everyone calls her a "bitch" and "Cacagami" just because she's a damn love interest.
Lukanette vs Adrigami:
Kagami is being hated because apparently, she is a bad girlfriend. But if anyone was a bad girlfriend/boyfriend in that relationship it's Adrien. In that world, Adrien and Cat Noir are seen as two different people but we know better. We know that Adrien and Cat Noir are the same person. He had been in a romantic relationship with Kagami yet he STILL went on to flirt with Ladybug and danced romantically under the moonlight with Marinette. Adrien was NOT being faithful towards Kagami. Even if you don't count the New York Special he had STILL been flirting with Ladybug as Cat Noir.
Marinette is being called out for being a bad girlfriend towards Luka because she is using him to get over Adrien but Adrien is never being called out for what he did to Kagami! Not only did he use her to get over Ladybug but he also kept flirting with Ladybug while he was in that relationship.
And why is that? Because again: Adrien is male and most of the fandom consists of teenage girls who sexualize him. So the only reason is that Adrien is hot.
Again people say Luka deserved better but Kagami deserved what Adrien did to her. And why is that? Because Luka is a hot male.
Kagami vs Cat Noir:
The fandom hates Kagami for not letting go of Adrien but they also love Cat Noir for not letting Ladybug go.
Adrien/Cat Noir vs Marinette/Ladybug:
The fandom hates Marinette for being a stalker but Cat Noir is straight-up harassing Ladybug. Yet no one calls him out for that.
Every once in a while, Adrien crosses a line. Despite the show's attempts to frame his crush on Ladybug as sweet and endearing, he sometimes exhibits obsessive, borderline stalker-ish attitudes and behaviors.
He repeatedly professes his love for Ladybug as Cat Noir, time and time again. He is forcing her to endlessly rebuff his affections. He literally sometimes does this in the middle of their battles against supervillains. There's even that part in the episode Animan when he tries to stealthily smell her without her noticing.
There also is this part in Frozer when he didn't want to work with Ladybug because she didn't accept his advances. He also sometimes tries to force kisses on Ladybug, Prime Queen is an example of that. Heck, there even is this one part where he tries to kiss the Ladybug Sentimonster.
The fandom hates Marinette for trying to kiss Adrien's wax statue but they don't say anything about Cat Noir trying to kiss a Sentimonster. The fandom hates Marinette for smelling Adrien's pillows but they love Cat Noir for trying to smell Ladybug in Animan. They hate her for having Adrien's schedule and a lot of pictures of him but they love Adrien for doing that. And I bet with you if Adrien was able to get Ladybug's schedule he would get it.
I have seen someone calling Adrien out for having those Ladybug and Cat Noir dolls he uses for who knows what. Those toxic Adrien/Cat Noir simps literally tried to counter that with Marinette having those Ladybug, Cat Noir, LadyWifi, Evillustrator and Rogercop dolls. Like what? Those are two completely seperate things. Marinette has them for her babysitting duties. Adrien has those for who knows what. Probably to imagine himself kissing with Ladybug. Marinette has those to play with children like Manon. Now tell me where is this not misogynistic?
The Fandom hates Ladybug for rejecting Cat Noir but they are happy when Cat Noir rejected Marinette because it showed he's loyal towards Ladybug. Where is the difference here? Ladybug is rejecting Cat Noir because she is in love with Adrien. She doesn't owe Cat Noir to love him back just like how Adrien/Cat Noir doesn't owe Marinette to love her back.
What do you want her to do? Accept his advances and play with his feelings? Because that is what she would be doing if she would accept his advances. She would be doing what she did to Luka. After all, she is in love with Adrien. Yes, Adrien and Cat Noir are the same person but she doesn't know that. And yes, I know Marinette was in love with Luka. Truth, Gang of Secrets, and even earlier Episodes showed us that much. The same goes for Adrien and Kagami. They showed us Adrien was in love with Kagami. But that isn't the point. Even if both of them were in love with Luka and Kagami it doesn't change they had been using them. Yet only Marinette is being bashed for that. Even Kagami is being bashed for her relationship with Adrien even tho that had not been her fault. Adrien was the one who had been unfaithful. But again no one called him out because he is a hot male.
Do you really want Ladybug to do to Cat Noir what Marinette and Adrien did to Luka and Kagami? At least she's being honest with him and telling him straight up that she is not interested.
Don't you guys find it weird how only the female characters are being called out and trash-talked? The point I am trying to make is that a large part of the fandom is being misogynistic. The male characters are being loved but the female characters are being hated. And the only reason for that is because the majority thinks the males are hot.
People keep calling out Marinette and Kagami for "being in love with the perfect side of Adrien" or idolizing him yet they are doing exactly the same thing they have accused those characters of. They are literally idolizing Adrien/Cat Noir and Luka (and possibly other male characters).
Yes, Marinette HAS her flaws but SO DOES everyone else. Also, a show with main characters without flaws would be extremely boring to watch. That aside, EVERYONE has flaws EVEN Adrien/Cat Noir. People seem to forget that these characters are teenagers.
The human brain isn't fully developed until 25 years of age. Everything is there except for the frontal cortex, which is the last thing to mature. An immature frontal cortex explains the spectrum of teenage behaviors: it's what makes adolescents adolescent.
The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences.
So of course the characters in MLB act accordingly.
Humans ARE NOT perfect. They are flawed. We all can agree that Marinette's crush on Adrien IS unhealthy but did you ever come to think that Cat Noir's crush on Ladybug IS ALSO unhealthy?
I probably could find even more proof that Adrien's crush on Ladybug isn't as healthy as people think but that's not the point I'm trying to make.
The point I'm trying to make is that a large part of the fandom (not the entire fandom) is being misogynistic.
People see Marinette as this creepy stalker while Adrien is perfect and could never do a mistake. People are literally criticizing Marinette for thinking he's perfect while they do the same. And the only reason for this is because they sexualize him and the other male characters.
What I also do not understand is this "Cat Noir is way better than Adrien" nonsense. Like why? That makes zero sense. Those two are the same characters.
Don't get me wrong. I do not hate Luka or Adrien. Luka is an amazing guy and Adrien is literally a cinnamon roll. Those two are amazing but I can't stand all the hate Marinette and Kagami are getting.
And I know not all Cat Noir/Adrien fans/simps are like that but a lot of them are. And I think not all of them are even aware of this.
I also know that a large part of the fandom isn't even aware that this is happening. So I thought I should make people aware that this happens.
I don't even know if "misogynistic" is the right word for this or if I should have used "sexist" but I hope what I am trying to say came across. Because this really is a problem the fandom does have.
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crescentsteel · 4 years
Keeping a Secret - Part 3
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pairing: Tsukishima x f!manager of Sendai Frogs genre: sexual tension/crack/fluff/slow burn warnings: lots of swear words, tsukki being a a closet softie wc: 7.3k (Ill just stop apologizing for this long chapter updates at this point)
Let me know if you want to be part of the taglist uwu
Part 2 || Part 4 || masterlist
“Remind me again why are we here.” Tsukishima tells you as soon as he steps foot inside your room. 
He scans the room and immediately notices the mess that it is, particularly the top bunk of the bed which he doesn’t doubt must be your share of it.
On the wall on the left side of the room are posters of seascapes and sea animals of different varieties while the desk bolted under it are framed photos of Sendai Frogs. He recognizes them all;, one was taken from the first win of the team on the first year you joined as the manager. The second is a photo of the team at the gym with the new members that year, including Kyoutani who had just recently joined. The last one is a selfie of you on the bus doing a peace sign and winking at  the camera while everyone was sleeping.
He kinda feels bad for your roommate now. You’re practically hogging the whole room.
You put down your bag on the floor and shoot him a confused look. “To do our project?” 
When you told him to meet in your dorm, he agreed because he thought you meant the common area. After all, he had no reason to think you’d invite him to your room. You two may have disregarded the club incident, tucking it away as a sordid memory from a night of insanity, but that doesn’t mean it is forgotten. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case with you as you appear to genuinely find nothing wrong with the current situation. 
You seat yourself at your table, taking out your laptop and notes from the trip last time.
“Go sit, Tsukishima,” you say without even looking at him as you spread out your notes on the table’s surface as your laptop boots up. 
“We could’ve just done this in the library, or at least in the lobby,” he says as a matter-of-factly.
“True, but I also don’t see any problem with doing it here,” you answer passively, still occupied with arranging your papers. 
He was right. It really does not bother you at all. So, he shouldn’t be bothered with it either. This way, at least, no one would see you and him together. You’re a person he doesn’t want to be associated with hanging around with anyways. 
“Do you always invite your groupmates to your room?” He asks out of curiosity since it didn’t seem like anything for you to just invite him in, as if you didn’t care much about your privacy. 
“Hmm. Depends,” you answer. 
He takes out his own laptop, but still eyes you as he prods further. “On what?”
The curve of your lips tugs up slightly as you sit up straight and lift your gaze away from the notes you took out and finally turn your attention to him.
“I welcome those who won’t get handsy with me.”
“Even if you’re the one who’d get handsy with them?” he boldly counters.
You cock your head to the side with hints of amusement playing across your features, which vexes him. The question was supposed to tear your composure, not entertain you. 
“Alright, let’s get the fucking elephant out of the room since it bothers you so much,” you announce with levity. 
If you’re going to be honest, the kiss still finds its way to your mind sometimes. You just keep pushing it off so that you won’t get stressed out by it. What you find interesting is that he still keeps shoving that fact that you kissed him as if you wanted to do so.
Well, you literally did kiss him, but it’s not like you sought for it prior to the incident. 
It just … happened.
“I’ll come clean, good sir, if you’ll allow me,” you declare sarcastically before setting a more serious tone. “I admit it. It was one hell of a mistake to kiss you. But I didn’t mean to. As ridiculous as it sounds, I really didn’t. It was just one of those stupid, off-the-cuff things people do.” 
Your voice takes an accusatory note when you ask, “And why do you sound like I harassed you or something? Hmm? ‘Cause if I remember correctly.”
You cross your arms and look up, pretending to be deep in thought before facing him again with a fraudulent shock. “Oh right!” you exclaim exaggeratedly. “You kissed me back,” you add in almost a sing-song manner.
You put an elbow on the table and rest your cheek on your palm as you hold his glare with a snide grin. “How about that?” 
He continues shooting daggers at you but you don’t falter. Quite soon enough, he lets up and returns to the passive, apathetic face he usually wears, which signals your victory for the argument. “Like you said, it was one of those dumb on the spot whims.”
You nod agreeably. “Alright, great. Now that that has been established, let me reassure you. It’s never ever gonna happen again. Ever.”  
Your eyes are devoid of any humor while your words drip with firm resolve. Yet, he finds it off that you’re not asking him to do the same given that you both just agreed that you are equally accountable for that imprudent act. He is almost just as guilty. 
“Aren’t you going to ask the same from me?”
Your somber expression breaks into a humored one as a laugh rumbles from your throat. You shake your head in comical delight while you look at him. “No, I won’t. Actually...” you drift off as you scoot closer to him until you’re right beside him. “Give it your best shot.”
You close your eyes and tilt your chin up. Did you really just dare him to kiss you? Kiss those stupid lips and have a repeat of that appalling night? 
Should he?
He would do it just to erase the smug off your face, just to prove you wrong. But similar to that night, he can’t bring himself to do it. He hates the idea of instigating such a thing. 
Even more so now that he’s already had a taste of those lips. Those lips that felt too exquisite that it infuriated him. Those lips that took away his logical thinking. With you offering those lips to him so generously, you make him hate them even more. That pretty face and that playful smile of yours do nothing but add to his fury. 
“Can you get your face away from me?” 
You peek one eye open before bursting into laughter, making his displeasure towards you skyrocket. Why the fuck is he always your laughing stock?
“See? This is why I don’t mind you coming over, Tsukishima. I bet if I strip naked right now, you’d walk out in a heartbeat.”
His scowl deepens. The mental image of your unclad body is very much unwelcome and unappreciated. “Bring that up again and I really will leave,” he snaps. 
Even with your smile intact, your humored expression dissolves a bit and is replaced by a curious guise.
“You know, everyone likes me except you,” you say with no shred of diffidence.  
You really are full of yourself. You might be ‘likeable’ for a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean every single person you meet actually likes you. He’s certain there are people who you rub off the wrong way -- people like him. 
“Isn’t that a bit too conceited, even for you?”
You shrug your shoulders indifferently. “Maybe so. But you’re the only person who shoves your blatant dislike on my face.”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem with it for the past three years,” he replies as he flips his laptop open and boots it up so he can turn his attention somewhere other than you. 
“I didn’t need to work with you like this for the past three years.”
He doesn’t know where you’re going with the conversation so he doesn’t respond anymore. He’s certain you know why he finds you a pain in the neck. You constantly get on his grill with every opportunity you get. Maybe if you didn’t, he could actually tolerate your topsy turvy persona. But it’s as if it’s your personal mission to aggravate him.
“I’m putting the deal I offered during the trip,” you announce.
“What deal?” he asks as he starts typing bullet points of what should be done today so he can go home already.
“Forget I’m the annoying manager when it’s just us two. And I won’t deliberately piss you off.”
He types the last bullet point before returning his attention on you. “Then what? I suddenly become nice to you?”
“Hell no! I’m not asking for a fucking miracle. It’s not like you’re ever nice to anybody. Geez!” you explain derisively. “I just want us to have a conversation where you’re not giving me death glares.”
You give him a smile, one that lacks your usual haughtiness. Still, he can’t tell if you’re being serious or if you’ll actually manage to hold the deal you’re proposing. Truth be told, he wants it. He can’t handle you being your usual if you two have to meet beyond training hours and, even worse, in private. 
If this keeps up, he might end up cursing this subject by the end of the semester, which would be a waste because likes this subject way too much for you to taint it with your idiocy.
“Deliver your end of the bargain. Then you’ll have mine.”
Your eyes twinkle with glee at his semi-approval. “We have a deal then.” 
You go back to where you’re seated a while ago and proceed to start discussing at hand.
With the start of the game season, training has become more intense. Coach Mira had the team work on the weak points she identified with the help of  the data you tallied from last season’s games.
“Kyoutani! Do not lower those arms just yet. Keep those elbows up when you block,” Coach yells at him, as Kogane spiked from the other side of the court.
She looks over at the other players practicing their jump serves. She furrows her brows at something. Following her line of sight, you see that it falls on Tsukishima. 
On his next serve, the ball spins ferociously but is of low height that it hits the middle of the night. 
“Y/n,” Coach calls out. She didn’t have to say anything else as she cocks her head to Tsukishima’s direction with a telling expression on her face. She’s asking you to handle him, and you know exactly why. 
Before he can toss the ball for another jump serve, you yell out merrily which you know will definitely catch his ears, “ Tsukki!! ” and jog to where he is. His blank expression turns into a scowl when you reach him. 
“Can you stop calling me that?”
“You’re so mean. Aren’t we close enough for me to call you ‘ Tsukki ’?.” You ask with a dramatic pout and exaggerated false woes that he visibly cringes after hearing it. 
He doesn’t respond to your pretentious act. “Why are you here?”
You instantly lose the cheeky act and get to what Coach Mira wants to let him know. You’re just going to twist the words a bit to his ‘liking.’ 
This is the problem you noticed with Tsukishima, one worse than his rotten way of interacting with the team. He can be incredibly unmotivated at times, and when he is, he only gives the bare minimum amount of effort. 
It’s the one thing you can say you truly dislike about him because he’s a professional athlete for crying out loud. It doesn’t matter if he’s unmotivated, uninspired, or doesn’t feel like trying. He should be disciplined enough to push himself to put as much work as he usually does when training.
“You’re not going to get those serves in with that half-assed attitude of yours,” you say sternly while you eye him with a threatening stare. 
His face scrunches in utter displeasure. He’s well aware that he’s not feeling his best today and he’d rather do blocking drills for the whole raining than do ten consecutive jump serves. 
“Since enthusiasm is the answer to everything else, why don’t you try it?” He bites back, which you obviously weren’t expecting. He’s always irritated when you point out his mistakes, but thus far he has always stayed silent. 
Maybe the amount of time you’re spending together outside the gymnasium has made him reach the limit of his patience… which isn’t even a lot to begin with.
“Are you serious?” you ask incredulously.
Of course he wasn’t. You might have some sort of experience with volleyball (although he doesn’t know to which extent), but jump serves are difficult. The coordination of the toss and the run up to hit it at the right angle is aggravatingly hard to pull off, especially for him since jump serves need tons of practice.
He detests the practice for it; he needs to run, jump, and swing his arm over and over. It is boring and tiring for him because it is purely based on physical prowess, compared to practicing blocking where he’s actually thinking. 
He thought you’d leave him alone when you stepped away. Instead, you come back with a ball in your hand. You dribble it off the floor with unbendable focus as if you’re trying to recall something.
“Are you serious?” he’s the one who asks this time. He was just fucking around. He didn’t expect you’d actually respond to his provocation.
“Yep,” you answer with your full concentration on the ball in your hand as you spin it vertically. Some of the players notice what you’re up to and briefly stop what they’re doing to watch.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You bat them open with burning determination before you toss the ball. 
Instead of watching the ball, he watches your form. There’s no trace of awkwardness in your movements, almost like you’ve done this frequently before. The three-step approach is nearly perfect as you propel yourself up to jump. 
The sharp sound of the ball hitting your hand causes the rest of the gym to look at you. The ball spins ferociously at a height he’s not sure is sufficient to get over the other side of the court. He wishes it won’t. That would be the second worst thing you could ever do to him, the first one being that certain occurrence he’d rather not think about again. 
You falter on your feet when you descend from your leap but you immediately look up to see if your serve makes it. Everyone else, including him, is on the edge as they watch whether the ball will get in or not.
It roughly scrapes the edge of the net, effectively thwarting its velocity. Still, it bounces off and lands inside the opposing court, causing the rest of the team to cheer you on as the ball hits the floor.
You seem to forget for a short while that you did it to spite him as your face beams with inexplicable joy while his contorts with ire. 
Even if the momentum of the ball was broken, you still managed to get it over - the one thing he hadn’t been able to do from his last eight attempts. Meanwhile, you did it on your first. 
You definitely had a lot of experience in high school. No beginner can manage to do a jump serve like that, even if it was flawed.
‘Shit,’ he silently curses when you face him with a cocky grin disguised as a pleasant one. 
“Who knew that my experience being an outside hitter and captain of my high school team would still be useful as your manager?” you ask as you slowly walk towards him.
He doesn’ expect that your knowledge about the sport came from first-hand experience. He thought you’re manager of another team previously or just a crazy volleyball enthusiast.
You pick up another ball and softly push it against his rib as you look up to him with contempt. “Don’t tell me I can do better than you,” you spur him on with squinted eyes.
He snatches the ball away from your hands and steps back from the serving line. He spins the ball one time and tosses it high. Instead of a three-step approach, he makes it a four to increase his vertical jump. He tosses it high enough and channels all his rage for you at the ball. 
With how high he jumped, the ball easily goes over the net. Its trajectory curves when it crosses over and hits a spot a little bit just beyond the end line.
He clenches his fist at his another failed attempt despite exerting more than necessary effort for that shot. He avoids looking at you for he’d be put in an even worse mood if sees that taunting grin of yours. 
But of course you had to make yourself seen and intentionally go in front of him with an impressed look in your face instead of a condescending one. 
“That was great! Holy shit. It was just a smidge out. Wow.” You applaud him earnestly, and as much as he despises it, it makes him a little less bad about that missed shot. 
“Can you leave me alone now?” He drives you away to fend off the stupid feeling. He’d rather you just walk away and don’t say anything. “Not like that serve mattered,” he mutters in annoyance.
“What are you talking about? It was awesome!” you yell out with your eyes shining with flagrant admiration, which annoyingly strokes his ego. 
“Just a bit less and it would have been in a spot difficult to return,” you remark as you pat his shoulders approvingly before heeding his request to leave and go back to where Coach is. 
“Sorry, Coach. I distracted everyone else,” you scratch your head with an apologetic smile when you return. 
“I’d tell you off, but everyone seems more motivated now, so good work I guess,” she commends you with a satisfactory tone.
“He looks really pissed though,” Coach Mira adds as she glances at the blonde middle blocker.
“More than you know, Coach,” you reply with a wide smile as he serves another ball and gets it in this time. 
Prior to your meeting with Tsukishima today, you proposed to finish the project as soon as possible so you can both focus on other other uni subjects on top of training hours. He immediately agreed, which didn’t surprise you because even though it’s not game season, you’re pretty sure he can’t wait to stop having to see you.
The project’s deadline is in three months, but you believe you can finish it in less than two if you meet up at least twice a week to work on it.
It should be okay, given that you both agreed to have a truce of some sort from the usual dynamic of your relationship. You actually think that it’s not going to work out smoothly, but you still suggested it with the hopes of decreasing his animosity towards you. Yes, it’s fun and amusing most of the time, but outside the gym where you’re just a classmate and not his manager, it’s kinda draining to deal with it. 
“Won’t your roommate mind if there’s a stranger in your room?” he asks as he sits down and rummages through his bag. 
“Oh.” You thought he already figured it out because he didn’t ask about it on his first visit. “Didn’t I tell you before? I don’t have a roommate.” 
His eyes immediately go to your bunk bed that you didn’t bother getting replaced because it’s convenient when you’re too tired. You usually just mindlessly throw your stuff at the top bunk for a later clean-up.
“Wanted the whole room to myself,” you add.
“Spoiled, little rich brat, aren’t you?” He really doesn’t have much basis for his statement. He just wants to say something nasty and sneer at you because he wants to get back at how you called him out during training the other day.
When he meets your gaze, you raise an eyebrow at him, reminding him about your agreement while working on the project. He purses his lips to the side and returns to his passive expression without saying anything. You roll your eyes in response.
“Well if being a scholar while working as your manager is being a spoiled rich brat, then by all means. Do consider me one,” you answer before looking back on your screen. 
He would have never thought you were a university scholar. You don’t look like the type. You’re way too carefree and all over the place. He would’ve thought it was a joke, if not for the tiny offended glint he caught when he said you’re a spoiled brat.
That’s exactly the reaction he wants to get from you, yet it didn’t feel satisfactory. On the contrary, it’s making him feel like a prick. He is being one, but he doesn’t expect to feel like one, especially towards you who does nothing but get on his skin. 
Still, hell would freeze over before he apologizes. Instead, he prods on the topic.
“Why would you even work as a manager if you’re already a scholar?”
It doesn’t make sense to him. You don’t need the work if your university fees are already waived. It will just pile on to the academic requirements you will need to maintain. 
Your hand stops scrolling on your mouse as your eyes soften, still  remaining on your laptop. “Cause I love it,” you utter like it’s the simplest thing in the world.
The look in your eyes is instantly replaced by mockery when you lift them to meet his. 
“Someone’s being inquisitive today.”
He gets his headphones out and plugs it to his laptop. He really is curious why you chose you to be their manager, but you just had to be an obnoxious bitch and break the agreement you offered to him just the other day. 
He knows you’re too much of a chaos to actually pull it off, so instead of wasting his energy by being irritated by you for the day, he’d rather pretend you’re not there.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” you say loudly with a wide smile, yet he can see the sincerity of the apology through the slight panic in your orbs. You must have realized he’s had enough of your shit. “My bad. Old habits hard.” You laugh nervously. 
You speak again when he puts down his headphones on the table. “I may have quit the sport, but I still love it. I love taking care of players like you guys who have the same passion for it.”
“Doesn’t seem like it’s worth it,” he comments with unheld honesty. You could have a lot of time off of your hands if you quit being their manager. You don’t even need the job.
You plant your hands on the floor and lean back as your gaze drifts to the photos of the team displayed on your desk.
“You might be right. A marine science student dedicating her time on sports even though she’s not an athlete? It does sound impractical. But,” you revert your eyes back to him as you continue on, “it makes me happy. That alone makes it worth it. Even if I don’t get paid, I’d still do it.”
Your face glows with pride and joy with your last statement, completely undeterred by his earlier cynicism. If anything, you look even more convinced that you’re doing the right thing. 
He can’t tell if he finds it admirable or disturbing. Probably the latter.
“There’s more to life than just sleep, study, and survive, don’t you think?” 
It was a rhetorical question that he would’ve still refuted if someone told him that years ago. Back in his freshman year in high school, he thought overzealous passion was stupid. Unless an individual is some sort of prodigy, it wouldn’t get them anywhere even if they keep trying to death.
Still, he put in a lot of work -- more than he should -- when he was playing in Karasuno. What was just a club became entirely something else for him, which, up until now, he still hasn’t put quite a finger on. 
When he graduated from Karasuno, he wasn’t sure what to do. He wanted to continue playing, but there was a nagging feeling behind his head that he shouldn’t. He thought that that part of his life was already over and while it was good while it lasted, it was time to move one. 
Yet, when he was handed out an application form for the university’s college team, he found himself grabbing the sheet of paper. 
He didn’t have any reason to pursue it beyond high school. He knows he’s good, but he’s not that good. He was at university already. It was time to focus on his future and ignore the itch to hold the ball with five other players on his side of the court.
What’s even more absurd was the next day, he submitted the application form and tried out for the team. He said to himself it wouldn’t hurt to go on playing until he has finally had enough. He’d just ride it out until he got tired of it. 
In his sophomore year, he was scouted by Sendai Frogs and that’s when he knew that the unreasonable passion he has for volleyball is not going to go away. Even now in his graduating semester, he’s still not ready to give it up.
He won’t admit it in your face, but, in a way, he can agree with what you just said. Life is more than just getting by and surviving. That’s the only reason he can think of to justify his choice to continue volleyball: so that he wouldn’t have this constant dissonance that pursuing the sport is a vacuous path he’s treading on. 
“Anyways, back to work now, yeah?”
You smile briefly at him and return to the research you’re tasked to do. He puts his headphones back in his bag and gets back to his own task as well.
He thought all is well and you won’t pester him until you both finish what you’re supposed to accomplish for the day. Unfortunately, he thought wrong. 
You suddenly close your laptop and start whining. 
As usual, he does his best to not acknowledge your existence. 
“Tsukkiii, ” you whine louder. 
For the love of God, you sound the most annoying when you use his nickname. Even though you’ve used it several times now, he’s still not used to it. In fact, he does not believe he will ever get used to it. Shimizu and Yachi not even once called him that, and they were more respectable managers than you are. Sort of. It doesn’t matter that you’re more active and hands on when managing the team.
“Tsuuuk -”
“What?!” You successfully manage to get his eyes off the screen.
“I’m bored,” you pout. 
He glares at you unbelievably. What are you, a five-year-old? 
“And that is my problem, how?” he asks with disdain. 
“Aren’t you getting tired?” you ask back, unfazed by his blatant irritation. But then again, you never are. 
He is getting tired too, but he’d rather drag his brains and eyes out than rest and extend the time he’s going to spend with you. 
“Let’s take a break, please, ” you cry out with pleading eyes. 
“I don’t care what you do. Just leave me out of it.” He puts his attention back on his laptop and looks for the journal article he found significant among the other tabs he opened. 
“I’ll feel guilty if I see you still at it while I goof around,” you admit. 
He really couldn’t care any less. None of what you’re blabbering about is any of his concern. If you keep at it, he’ll just take out his headphones again to drown out your childish whining. 
“I know!” You suddenly perk up. “Let’s review for our quiz,” you suggest eagerly. “We have one tomorrow, right?”
He almost smirks at your suggestion, but he manages to suppress it. He’d rather not let you see that he’s pleasantly amused with your suggestion. 
He didn’t expect that that was your idea of taking a break. He thought you were going to propose something completely absurd like watch stupid videos online because that’s something he could totally see you doing on your free time. 
But yeah, he can definitely use a review. It would be a productive break from the strenuous researching and writing you two have been doing. 
Even though he still hasn’t verbally agreed, you continue on. “To make it interesting, there’s a penalty for every wrong answer.”
He sits up straight, pushing his glasses closer to his face as you successfully gain his full attention. “What penalty?”
Your smile widens when you realize that he’s finally acknowledging your idea of taking a break. 
“Okay, okay.” You rub your hands together in excitement before you clasp them together. “For every wrong answer you get, you need to say something nice about me. And of course vice versa.”
He scowls at the idea. “I prefer the opposite. Get the answer wrong and you get insulted. That sounds more of a punishment.”
You shake your head with your lips pressed into a thin line from disapproval. “Nope. If I get even one wrong answer. I’m sure you’ll get into a litany of rude shit you piled up against me over the years. And I’ll just sit here uncaringly receiving your fury. Does that excite you?”
Hell no. It will infuriate him even more if he throws something at you and you just take it apathetically. But he still doesn’t agree with your initial mechanics. It’s not fair to him.
“No, it doesn’t. But the consequence of a wrong answer is too easy for you.”
You place a palm on your chest and gape at him. “Me? Too easy for me ?” 
You break into a boisterous laugh while still maintaining eye contact with him. He just stares back at you stupefied with no idea what you found so hilarious.
“Tsukishima,” you say after recovering from your disparaging hoots of laughter. “I can think of literally one nice thing about you. Maybe two if I tried hard enough,” you explain with your face still crinkled with the laughter you’re trying hard to contain. 
If you’re trying to provok him to take on your challenge, you definitely succeeding. “Fine,” he hisses. 
Your laughter is completely thwarted when your eyes widen with delight as he succumbs to your plan. 
“Great! Okay, two more rules. One, objective questions only. Two, we can’t say anything that involves Volleyball. For example, you can’t tell me that I’m a great manager, because I’m very much aware of that already, okay?”
His frown only deepens from your conceitedness, only to realize that that’s the only aspect of you he’d consider complimenting you about. 
“But there is nothing else nice about you other than that,” he says without any trace of sarcasm or ridicule, only stating what he considers the truth. 
But you don’t take any offense in his statement. You’re expecting as much. That’s why you added two more rules to push the both of you to take the review seriously.
“Better not get anything wrong then,” you counter easily because it’s as simple as that. It’s a review just for a quiz after all. He shouldn’t be that worried.
“Thirty minutes to review. Then let’s start the quiz?”
You take that he’s fine with it since he closes his laptop and gets his set of notes from his bag.
You get your phone and set a thirty minute timer. You do just as he does and focus on your own notes, skimming over the last two chapters covered during lectures. You concentrate on your learning materials but the alarm sets off after what seemed like ten minutes to you.
You frantically check your phone to see if you put the wrong time, but you didn’t. Thirty minute have indeed passed. 
When you glance at Tsukishima, he’s already looking at you with crossed arms and a self-satisfied smirk. He must have finished before the timer went off. He wouldn’t have that smug expression if not. 
Even though you haven’t fully gone over the last parts of the lesson covered, you can’t help but be enlivened at how competitive he is. He must really hate losing. 
You notice it too with the way he plays volleyball. He might look calm on the surface, but you know he wants to crush his opponents. And right now, that opponent is you. 
His muted excitement affects you. Even though you’re not totally prepared, you’re confident with your own wits. 
“Ladies first, so go ahead, Tsukishima.”
He clicks his tongue, his usual habit when he’s irked with something, but this one was forced to make it appear as if he didn’t like what you said. But you can tell that he doesn’t give a shit about that and he actually can’t wait to ask away just to so you can get it wrong.
Unfortunately for him though, you two are just exchanging questions when your mini game starts. He answers your questions without hesitation and you do just the same since most of his questions are in your own list that’s supposed to be for him.
“What’s the movable membrane found on the eyes of amphibians?” It’s his sixth question that has you racking your brain for the correct answer. When you don’t respond immediately, he sniggers like he’s already won. 
But you do know the answer, or at least the first letter of it. It's the letter N. N-something membrane.
“Nictaling membrane,” you answer unsurely. 
The spread of his wicked smile immediately tells you you’re wrong. “It’s nictating,” he corrects you. 
“Oh come on! I’m just one letter off,” you strongly reason out.
“Yeah, and that would still be marked wrong in the actual quiz,” he refutes.
Damn it. He’s right. That one letter makes a whole lot of difference your professor will definitely not let go.
He places one elbow on the table and rests his chin at the back of his hand, keeping his eyes trained on you as he silently anticipates for you to pay the price of your penalty.
You bite your lip disquietly when you realize the rule you set was a double-edged sword for you can’t also think of anything nice to say about him. There’s that terrible attitude of his which is usually your source of fun, but not exactly something you can call nice. 
You have something in your mind, but your pride won’t let you voice it out. 
He starts tapping the table with his fingers. “You’re wasting both our time, y/n.”
You accept your defeat and tell him anyway. “Fine. I think you’re smarter than me,” you confess. 
You expect him to agree unanimously, but instead he looks at you stupefied, blinking a few times without saying anything. 
“But you’re a scholar,” he remarks. You’re not sure if he just disagreed with you or he’s just putting that fact out in the open. 
“Well, yeah. But I’m just really good at studying and have good time management. You’re actually smart. You’re critical with stuff,” you explain. 
You cheated a bit with your answer since most of your basis is from volleyball games. Although your trip last time is also proof of that. He provided really good input on how you should go about with the project. 
“Okay! Moving on,” you proceed before he can comment further on what you just said and milk it to his benefit.
You ask another question, which he also knows that correct answer to. Originally, you just wanted a fun but effective way of reviewing, but now you kind of want him to get at least one question wrong so you can get even. 
“What do you call the structure the lower vertebrae of anurans is fused into?” he asks another difficult question. 
You rub your palms on your face, your frustration clouding your mind from recalling what it could possibly be. You push your hair back and sigh when you realize that you’re not getting this one either. 
“I don’t know,” you surrender. 
His current expression is the most lively one you’ve ever seen from him outside volleyball games, but it isn't a pleasant one. He looks like a villain whose evil master plan is coming to fruition. 
Maybe you should’ve just agreed with his earlier suggestion to get insulted when you get it incorrectly. You would’ve just sit it out and brush it off afterwards, not make your brain hurt even more from thinking about non-existent good traits from the guy across your table. 
You look around as you desperately try to think of something remotely nice about him.
“Oh,” your eyes meet his right the moment you recall that instance, and form a genuine smile as you remember it once more. 
“It was real nice of you to let me lean on you on the way back to Miyagi last week.”
He removes his elbow from the table and fixes his posture, losing the lax and confident aura he had two questions ago. 
“You would have woken up face down on the bus floor if I didn’t,” he says defensively as if what he did needs that explanation for it to be acceptable. 
You honestly thought he’d rather let you fall flat on the floor. You’re about to ask him back then if he was sure, but you just accepted his angry, yet generous offer which you didn’t expect to come from him.
“I know. I just didn’t think you’d let me rest on your shoulder, so thanks,” you say earnestly, not a trace of your usual cheekiness present. 
“It felt nice and comfortable” you add reservedly. You’ve been wanting to thank him but you didn’t know how to bring it up without being awkward for you’re only used to dealing with grouchy Tsukishima.
It’s only then you realize that despite his palpable dislike towards you, he’s not a complete asshole and still cared enough for your welfare that time.
He remains expressionless with his eyes drifting down to his notes, avoiding your gaze as he does so. “The answer is coccyx, also called urostyle,” he ushers back to the question you got wrong, dismissing what you just divulged, which you’re thankful for because you feel like fidgeting with what just dawned on you.
“My turn again then!” you said too loudly as you try to shake off the feeling and put your focus back on the review.
You read the only item left in your list, still hoping that he gets it wrong since this is the last. 
“What part of the amphibian nervous system regulates heart and respiratory rates?”
Unlike previous questions, he doesn’t answer off the bat this time.
“You’re wasting both our time, Tsukishima,” you repeat what he said to you earlier even though it's only been seconds after you uttered your question. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I know the answer,” he declares with reassured confidence. “It’s the cerebrum.”
You decide to hold his gaze for two second before you burst his bubble. “Fucking finally!” you rejoice in his defeat. 
“Close enough, Tsukishima. It’s the cerebellum,” you announce all too cheerfully.
He hurriedly gets his notes and cross checks if you’re actually telling the truth. You just watch him scramble with a very pleased smile on your face as he goes rigid. 
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself. He must have seen that you were telling the truth.
You start squirming in your seat. Oh man, you’re way too excited to hear what he has to say about you. You want to egg him on, to tell him to hurry up but that might affect what he’s going to say so you force yourself to shut up. 
He raises his gaze at you while you make sure you’re not smiling too wide to annoy him even though you’re reeling from anticipation. 
He still doesn’t say anything, but you know he’s thinking based on the way he’s studying your face. 
“You have a slightly above average face.”
You run that by again in your head, not understanding what he meant by it at first. 
Above average face? Did he just say you’re pretty if translated from a socially incapacitated person’s language? Is that why he was staring so hard at you?
Of all the things he could choose to say something about, he decides to compliment your appearance? You know that you're a bit good-looking, but you don’t think he notices it. He doesn’t seem to be the type to care about that stuff.
Even when you first met, he just looked at you with a vacant expression and greeted you blandly out of courtesy while the rest of the team ogled at you. His apathetic eyes eventually turned scornful over time because of how often you pick on him, and despite that, he does acknowledge that you are pretty.
You’re used to being showered with admiration because of your face so you’ve developed a natural response to it: a gleeful smile with a spritely ‘aww, thanks!’
But with Tsukishima, it doesn’t kick in. Instead, you avert your gaze away from the unwanted fluttering in your chest. You can’t even look him in the eye as you try to collect yourself and think how you’ll respond to that without looking flustered. 
What the heck is wrong with you? That could hardly be called a compliment. Now that you think about it, it actually sounded sort of like a product review with its lack of any fondness. 
With that in mind, you manage to regain some of your composure and offer him a faint. “Um, thanks.”  
Tsukishima looks at his two remaining questions he listed and even though he’s winning the game, he doesn’t feel victorious at all. Your confessions did nothing to make him feel good about himself. They were too sincere that they made him uneasy.
He also doesn’t like that he had to admit you’re pretty. He expected you’re gonna make a fuss about it. He actually would’ve preferred that than you being uncharacteristically embarrassed about it.
Something weird is definitely going on. You’re not acting like yourself and neither is he. There had been too many opportunities to badger you, but he just let them pass by. Same with you. You could have easily teased him about letting you know he finds you attractive.
“I’m out of questions,” he lies to end the damn review. 
“Me too, actually,” you say with an apprehensive laugh.
So it’s not just him. You also feel the change in the atmosphere between you two. Your smile is uncertain and you look like you don't know what to do to remedy the situation -- that is, if you even know what’s wrong with it because he sure as hell doesn’t. 
But even if he has no idea what’s going on, fortunately, he knows how to end it.
“I’m tired. I’m calling it a day,” he says as he starts packing up his stuff. 
You seem to agree since you don’t say anything and just watch him collect his things. You only react when he stands up. 
“Oh yeah. Sure!” You stand up as well.
“I can see my way out on my own,” he stops you when you start to head for the door.  
You freeze on the spot then nod timidly. “Okay.”
As soon as he steps out and closes the door, you plop yourself back to where you were sitting. You grasp the edges of your table as you softly bang your head against it, gasping a heavy breath of relief when the air becomes undoubtedly lighter after he is gone.
“What the fuck was that?” you mumble with your cheek against the wooden surface. 
Part 2 || Part 4 || masterlist
taglist (those crossed out can’t be tagged)
@ameliaxo @suikrem @akaashisslave @tsumurai  @babythotshq @loving-unicorns106 @flairlust @geektastic84 @anaiss97 @berna-dette @just4readingfics @suteorra @xxekitten69xx @simp4tsukkii @music-is-all-i-need @keshinslittlegirl @raspberrysunshinebby @iminlovewhaikyuu @pdiddy11 @lightyagamami @sailorscout1902 @lovershaikyuu  @expectonothinfromme @mitzuya @yamigoop​
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Y’all please don’t hate me for this.
I just want to talk about Terushima real quick.
Before we start, a PSA: I’m not defending his and behavior in any way, just trying to get a different message across.
TW: I mention rape.
So all the hate for Terushima that I see in the fandom stems from what he did to Kiyoko, continuing to flirt with her without her consent.
That was not a good thing to do and isn’t a good example to set for people.
Bad Terushima!! Bad!! *spritzes with spray bottle*
But what I’m trying to say is that we shouldn’t make his character someone he’s not.
I see content creators hating on Terushima and saying stuff like “Omg I’m so sure he would rape me if we ever met.”
Terushima is not a rapist. He has never explicitly touched someone without their consent.
He sort of backed Kiyoko into a bit of a corner while he was flirting with her, but he never put his hands on her or touched her.
Please please don’t hate me for what I’m gonna say next. I’m not in any way hating on this character.
Tanaka is safe. He is our respectful king. The most flirting he ever did was offer to carry her bag
But remember when Noya first came back to the club?
The minute he saw her, he straight up pounced on her.
And I’ve seen people try to justify it by saying “Oh he’s her friend! She’s completely comfy with that!”
For those people, I’m asking you to go back and watch that scene again, watch her face and actions.
Did she look comfy?
But I’m not hating on Noya in any way. It’s obvious Kiyoko considers him a friend and is comfortable being with him, other than those actions. Which he probably later stops when Tanaka marries her.
Noya is also an amazing character and one of my faves in the series. His actions that one time don’t take much away from the fact that he’s a lovely character.
So what I’m really saying, is that you shouldn’t reduce Terushima’s entire character and spread lies about him based on one event.
The problem I see with Terushima is kind of similar to the Denki-Mineta parallel in BNHA.
People compare Denki to Mineta saying that they are both perverts when this really isn’t true.
Denki Kaminari is a flirt. He has a character outside of flirting with people and he’s a genuinely nice person who hasn’t done anything without consent.
Mineta has never gotten consent and does things that are sexual harassment and his entire character is just perversion.
Terushima falls on the Denki side of the spectrum. He’s a flirt, but he’s a character outside of that.
Let’s go more into his character.
He’s in Class 7, meaning college prep. It’s the highest class number out of everyone in the series. Meaning he’s just a giant-ass nerd.
The tongue piercing is the tongue piercing.
Now look at these:
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(They obvi aren’t mine, credits to Furudate) He can’t rape you y’all! He has the attention span of a literal toddler and likes DBZ!!
He also does respect women to a certain extent. Look at how he treats the managers!!
And he has TWO elder sisters.
He was such a nerd in high school, but then he became a hairdresser.
In conclusion, Terushima Yuuji is not a rapist. He is a very energetic high school volleyball captain and complete nerd who likes DBZ and doing peoples hair.
What he did that time is wrong, but don’t ever reduce his character to exclusively that. Every character and person has their ups and downs, making them balanced. He’s just another one. He shouldn’t flirt with people without consent.
I also do understand that he might be a character who brings up some uncomfy memories for some of you and that’s why you don’t like him. That’s perfectly fine!!
But to all of you, who slander him and say he’s a rapist without any reason to or do so because other people do, I am respectfully telling you to go fuck yourselves. Thank you for your time.
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