404roki · 6 months
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404roki · 6 months
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Shawn and Topanga 7x19 - "Brotherly Shove"
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404roki · 6 months
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404roki · 2 years
btw i will be ignoring canon and using this as proof he is trans
ignore the fact that he is absolutely distraught.
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404roki · 2 years
The fact that people can take situations about Adrien/Chat being in distress and CHANGING it to make it all about fucking Ladybug is the most baffling, ass backwards thing I’ve ever bore witness to. Yeah, poor Marinette with her two loving parents, she has had the backing of most of her school throughout most of the show, she’s the guardian, meaning that although she’s as green as Chat, she makes all the shots without his input. She rarely gets any long lasting consequences. When she does anything, the fandom bows down at her feet. And now this bullshit. 
Chat Blanc was an episode displaying the absolute trauma Adrien would go through if he were to discover who Hawkmoth truly was and what his intentions are. But no, poor poor Marinette, how awful of it for HER to be burdened with this information. unlike Adrien, who has an overprotective, emotionally abusive father, his ONLY escape is as Chat, when he can get out from under his father’s thumb, so giving it up is to give up most of his mobility and outward freedom. A KID who has to endure creepy fans, side-kicked by his own just as green partner. Nah, this pussy has it EASY, unlike Marinette who… Gets almost anything she wants, including her own crush simping for her… Damn Marinette has it hard! 
Just, good fucking lord is it annoying. In canon his problems are more or less brushed off, but I had hope that that FANS would call this out. Somehow, Chat’s distress at being left in the dark somehow cycles back to how badly Marinette has it. Give me a fucking break, please.
And look, I get Marinette is suffering a little, but when I search the tag “Chat Blanc” I shouldn’t be seeing shit about how much Marinette is suffering… It’s a fucking episode about Chat having a fucking emotional breakdown, is there seriously no shame?
This is the equivalent of going to the funeral of a man and when his widow steps down from the stage, you take it and talk about how badly it sucks for YOU to lose him… Like learn some tact, simp for Marinette on some other tag. Everything in this damn show cycles back to Marinette, even though she has ZERO strings to the plot. Marinette has (virtually) everyone in the fandom on her side, and when Chat breaks a chimney someone on a keyboard types out a 100K word fic about how he deserves to lose his Miraculous and how “Marinette deserves better”.
To close it out. Yes, they’re both suffering, they both have a lot of pressure… But that doesn’t excuse co-opting Adriens moments of suffering to make Marinette seem sympathetic. “This is my angsty backstory filled with suffering, and misery, get your own!”
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404roki · 2 years
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lesbian protector adrien agreste
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404roki · 2 years
“that's not what sexual assault is”
- strokes his face.
- huffs him??? “it even smells exactly like him.”
- adrien makes a questioning face, does not move.
- mariners becomes suspicious of the lifelike feeling of ‘statue’ adrien. she sneaks
- strokes his face again.
- takes his hair ??? plucks it from his head and puts it IN HER BAG
- adrien’s eye twitches uncomfortably.
- she confesses love to ‘statue’ adrien.
- touches his chest
- wraps arms around his neck
- hugs him
- touches two fingers to his lips.
- confesses she dreams of kissing him, being with him forever. “waxed lips against waxed lips. entwined for eternity.”
- grabs his face
- goes in for kiss. pulls away.
- kisses him.
- adrien jumps away, disturbed.
- marinette begins to cry, hits his chest.
if that isn’t sexual assault to you, you need serious psychological evaluation:/
miraculous fans b like ‘adrien is harassing ladybug’ my brother in christ marinette sexually assaulted him thinking he was a statue.
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404roki · 2 years
‘an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that persons consent’ please go to school. or get a tutor in reading comprehension
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miraculous fans b like ‘adrien is harassing ladybug’ my brother in christ marinette sexually assaulted him thinking he was a statue.
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404roki · 2 years
miraculous fans b like ‘adrien is harassing ladybug’ my brother in christ marinette sexually assaulted him thinking he was a statue.
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404roki · 3 years
luka smokes weed!!!
ain’t no fuckin way he wasn’t zooted out of his mind in this scene.
let him be a stoner!1!1!!1
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404roki · 3 years
the way adrien is the blonde one and his name means dark but luka has black hair and he’s the light can be so special to me because adrien’s life is dark and luka is the bringer of light
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404roki · 3 years
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You two are a sight for sore eyes!
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404roki · 3 years
adrien & marinette are so incredibly toxic for each other it’s actually impressive.
[this is literally just marinette bashing from the pov of an adrien sympathizer/apologist/enjoyer/whatever the fuck ppl say, btw and most of it barely makes sense but it’s important for me that my hate doesn’t bump around in my head until i go insane]
obviously, they’re endgame. (i think that’s been confirmed, but i’m not sure.) the beginning of the story literally starts with marinette falling in love with adrien after he gives her his umbrella.
which is fine, and when i was 11 i thought it was very cute! but recently i’ve rewatched it, and being older now i’ve got more critical thinking skills & i have been thinking a LOT.
basically the way marinette falls for adrien is pretty cliche, she begins by thinking hes an ass and then he performs an act of kindness, which in turn, makes her fall in love with him.
but then it quickly gets weird. early in the show, she confesses her feelings via voicemail, and then when she gets embarrassed she reveals that she had been STALKING him. [knows his schedule from the time he wakes up in the morning to when he goes to sleep, where all his classes are, when they end. and she has it memorised.] in the same episode she steals his phone to delete the message. (and she doesn’t even admit she has it, doesn’t lie and say ‘i found it’ or anything like that, she sneaks it back in his bag?)
later, she gets annoyed with chat noir’s advances, and admits that she’s in love with someone else. despite that, she continues to flirt with him, but complains when he flirts with her?. she continues calling him affectionate nicknames, (and even once calls herself his lady) she makes fun of him. ‘‘we’re not a couple,’ ‘don’t call me bugaboo’ (but she calls him kitten.)
[another thing to mention is how marinette stans call this harassment on chat’s part, and then ignore the fact that 1) mari thinks it’s funny. canonically. she admits it in ‘truth’ 2) she flirts with him too.]
flipside of the abuse with the excuse she’s annoyed he’s in love with her [since ‘chat blanc’ she has treated him like absolute garbage. literal bullying/abuse/whatever you want to call her bad attitude. in ‘kuro neko’ plagg even tells her she needs to get her shit together], she keeps him in the dark about EVERYTHING. tell me, why did she think it was okay for carapace and rena rouge to know each other’s identities? that it was okay to tell alya hers, but if chat even mentioned the idea of wanting to tell someone she goes all guardian on his ass. she isn’t even inadvertently hurting him, she’s just straight up lying to him.
and she knows that too. she says she trusts him, but she thinks it’s faster and more convenient to find another miraculous holder instead of calling chat. still, in spite of all of this, he still ‘loves’ her. hell, in chat blanc he watches her commit B&E, but he’s still in love with her.
[also during chat blanc, she gawks at his things after breaking in, runs her fingers across his desk(?!?!) LAYS in his bed, sniffs his pillow “ahh, adrien's scent ♡” (EWW?) that is SO WEIRD]
she says they’re friends, and that he’s more than a partner [which, if it were me who confessed to the only person i felt truly happy with, and they told me they’re in love with someone else but emphasised that i was ‘more than a partner,’ i would HATE them]
but adrien doesn’t hate her. and maybe you could say that he’s truly in love, but reading between the lines of his backstory, and knowing how abuse victims [and adrien has been abused A LOT, but that’s a whole different thread] i’d say the reason he fell so fast for her is a product of abuse and neglect.
she gets angry with him when he’s cold with her after she hurts his feelings, which is wrong of them both. he’s human, and ladybug often treats him like he’s only there to be her lapdog (lapcat?). chat almost threw the fight because he let his emotions get the better of him, but ladybug’s reaction was awful. it’s like she doesn’t think about how her actions can effect chat.
in fact, a lot of mari’s reactions are downright disgusting. when adriens ABUSIVE father prevents him from going to see his friends in ‘felix’, marinette ends up sulking and making it about herself. and nobody ever calls out her selfishness, instead, she’s supposed to be the ‘everyday ladybug.’
and yes, adrien is the one who that, but 1) he’s unaware about what marinette does, 2) he’s reasonably nice to chloe and lila, and those are people he knows are bad. adrien, because of his sheltered life, his ENTIRE life, is capable of recognizing bad behaviour, but a lot of adults and probably peers, were objectively bad people, so he’s been forced to look past unacceptable behaviour.
[no doubt this would’ve been touched on more in canon of the show was aimed at an older audience .]
when marinette realizes adrien likes kagami, she instantly starts to hate her and she doesn’t even know her. she even goes through kagami’s phone out of jealousy. she isn’t dating adrien, she chickens out every time she even thinks about confessing. what’s her right to hate kagami? she has none.
and it’s like she sees adrien as an object, which is toxic in itself. she memorizes his schedule, interests and his favourite things. she stalks him in real life and online, watches videos of him on repeat. and the pictures of him under her mattress! what the actual fuck were the writers thinking? the fact that she has so many pictures of him, how many do you think she took of him without him knowing? at least 1, you see him looking in different directions in multiple.
[“they’re from photo shoots! they’re all public!” even so, she put time and effort into finding pictures of him, printing them out, hanging them up, and didn’t once think ‘this is wrong.’]
in partycrasher she gets mad and sneaks in when adrien’s bodyguard is only letting his male friends in. she practically had a tantrum over the fact that other people were seeing adrien and she could not.
and you could actually argue that she was mad at the ’misogyny’, but she was there when the girls were planting the trees and she left to see why the boys were making excuses to not come. she only became jealous when she found out they were with adrien.
this is made worse when her friends only fuel her obsession. alix is the only one who protests and calls her weird, but in the end she goes along with their complicated and problematic plans.
alya even pushes them both into situations they’re both uncomfortable with. with adrien and luka.
and speaking of luka,
marinette accepted his confession KNOWING she didn’t like him the same way she liked adrein. she knew she wasn’t over him. she was using him. not even as a rebound, but as a stand-in for adrien.
luka is still in love with marinette, and even if luka is truly okay with helping her be with adrien isn’t it literally just self torture? marinette is so wrong for that.
luka’s acceptance for ‘going with the flow’ i think, if it wasn’t a children’s show, would absolutely be replaced by the trauma of being the eldest of of someone named ANARKA and overall mental health issues. [because being an older sibling in a dysfunctional household is traumatic enough on its own. seriously]
luka comes across as someone who’s in control with everything. his job, his future career, his entire life. him being the elder sibling, and probably the caretaker since anarka is… anarka. with a mother like her, he has no choice but to play the cards he’d been dealt. and marinette was shuffling them and handing them out.
he was in love with her, and she barely liked him. she still let herself use him as a stand in.
but back to adrien.
in ‘kuro neko’ the writers suddenly blame ladybug’s abuse— [yes i will keep using that word. it’s true. since becoming the guardian she has been neglecting and bullying him. “marinette is scared of chat blanc that’s why she’s pushing him away!!!” so… you’re afriad your parter is going to be overcome with negative emotions, so to avoid that, you knowingly hurt them?] — on cat noir being in love with her and somehow this is getting in the way.
he feels excluded and treated unfairly, betrayed and abandoned because ladybug was pushing him to the sidelines and choosing other people to help fight along side her, episode after episode. and this had nothing to do with him being in love with her. even plagg was telling marinette she was being an ass
anyway there’s probably a billion other ways i could criticize marinette , adrienette and all thinks akin but this is such a long rant and i am so tired and now i’m pissed too
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404roki · 3 years
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Adrien's depressive episode
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404roki · 3 years
can we PLEASE talk about the fact that adrien is suicidal ?!
well, maybe he’s not suicidal. but his self-sacrifice and lack of reaction to near-death is fucking insane.
imagine if this wasn’t a kids show? how absolutely heartbreaking adrien’s character would be? his story, if you put some things together, read between some lines is already awful in canon.
the all-around abuse from his mother and father (no doubt from chloe, too, even if she is ‘just a kid’, so is adrien) and then later from characters like lila and wayhem and marinette (DONT even try and defend her that isn’t what this post is about. it’s still freaky if the victim isn’t aware)
in chat blanc, he tries to kill himsef with a cataclysm, but in the end he’s the only one that survives. that’s so fucking tragic??? having killed everyone in the city, reinforcements would’ve been called. to stay alone for as long as he did, and not be taken down, he’d have had to kill superheroes from other countries. imagine being alone, suicidal, constantly murdering masses of people who you don’t want to hurt for months.
in gorizilla , he jumps off a skyscraper, albeit thinking ladybug would save him, but even when plagg tells him he’s going to die, even when he continues to fall, he just closes his eyes. this implies that even if ladybug didn’t save him, he wouldn’t care.
i don’t remember the details of guilt trip, but from what i do remember, he was the only person who the sentimonster drove to suicide. these aren’t even all of the concerning moments.
can somebody get this boy some help ⁉️😭
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404roki · 3 years
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Did you kiss him?
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