#but she is not buying these actors as teens
aflawedfashion · 2 years
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stairset · 2 years
I think it's funny how all these recent interviews about Bo-Katan are making her age an even bigger point of contention than it already was and so far Wookieepedia refuses to update her page, even they're like we ain't touching this shit with a 10 foot pole and I respect that.
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steddietogo · 1 year
Wait wait. What if Eddie is the one that meets famous Steve and doesn’t know who he is. Now with a Part two!!
They meet at a run down bar Eddie works at which doesn’t get a lot of patrons that are easy on the eye, so Eddie happily responds to the flirting. They exchange numbers and Steve leaves him a hefty tip.
They almost never go out in public, Steve says he has a thing about crowds and Eddie doesn’t think much of it. They spend a lot of time together. Steve’s house is nice and is a lot more quiet than Eddie’s place with the paper thin walls. He lets Eddie work on his novel there whenever he wants.
Steve’s funny and nice and always actively listens to everything Eddie has to say. He meets Robin who narrows her eyes at Eddie the first couple times (Steve swears she’s just over protective) but eventually warms up to him. He also meet the neighborhood teens that constantly barge into Steve’s place to bully him for fun.
Steve who’s an excellent fucking lover, who cooks for Eddie, buys him stuff despite his protests (does that make him his sugar daddy?). Steve who pretends his hair brush is a mic and sings along to Mariah Carey. Steve who always says sorry first. Steve who kisses Eddie like he’s something precious.
Eddie never stood a chance, he’s head over heels in love.
The rude awakening comes one afternoon at Eddie’s place during a dnd session (which he willing hosts to get back at his neighbors) when Gareth looks up at Eddie from his phone during a break, eyes as wide as saucers. “Dude, is this you?”
He hands Eddie his phone, display lit up with a picture and— yes that’s him from that morning, hand in hand with Steve in his big ass grey hoodie, shopping at the farmers market. He swipes and there’s another one of them laughing at something. Then another one of them kissing. It’s an insta post by an account he doesn’t recognize and has over two million likes. And the caption says, ‘omg guys I just saw Steve Harrington with his boyfriend’.
Eddie doesn’t pick up any of Steve’s calls that night. When he finally looks Steve up, he just feels impossibly stupid. He’s been dating an actor who’s basically been in a bazillion movies (Eddie’s even watched one of them a while ago) with a net worth he can’t even imagine? He can’t think of why Steve would even give someone like Eddie the time of his day when he works with so many actors and models.
He scrolls through the thousands of comments on the post, ranging from ‘they’re such a cute couple’ to ‘why is he dating an ugly skank’ (he’s never been called a skank before, it’s an experience).
His phone doesn’t stop blowing up but Eddie resolves to go see Steve first thing in the morning. It’s 3am when he finally falls asleep.
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JJK Actor AU. Kinda headcannon to what their “out of character” persona would be like. Basically you have plushies of them and they have opinions about it.
Inspired by another fic, can’t remember the name and I scrolled for an HOUR for it. All the character had texts prompts in them.
Maybe spoiler???
Nanami Kento
Continuation of this post
- Between you simping so hard for his onscreen self and the plushies, he is so tierd.
- He’s been acting since his late teens but had one big breakout role. Since you two started dating you have made it a mission to collect any fan content that involves a role he is in.
- Even in the roles where he’s evil you have a mountain of merch!
- He loves that you are so supportive but the Nanami obsession is next level. He’d be more upset if it wasn’t just his face.
- He loves you so he puts up with the Nanami plushies.
Gojo Satoru
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- Date an actor they say! It’ll be fine they said! Literally wtf.
- He’s a lot like his character in terms of playfulness. You have gone on record to say they are pretty 1:1 with each other.
- So naturally, when you bring home a Gojo plushie he is distraught.
“I can’t believe you would cheat on me!”
- He kicks Gojo off the bed all the time. Now Gojo Plushie sleeps on the living room couch.
- He still gets up every morning and complains that there’s another man in your apartment when he isn’t there (completely disregarding that you are at work half the time)
- He is secretly looking for artist to commission to make a matching plushie of you.
Geto Suguru
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- He HATES it.
- Not just because it’s a plushie of Geto in his Kenjaku era but also because you got it from a con. It’s not licensed merchandise. Meaning stuff he would have gotten for basically free.
- In fact “Sugu-Mini” was just the beginning of a small empire of Suguru plushies you acquired over his duration on the show.
“Why are they all so fucking ugly? Why don’t you ever buy the cute ones?”
- Would rather die than admit that he’s jealous you hold one in you lap while working or lean on them when on the couch.
- Finally stops complaining when you move them to your home office and cuddle with him again.
Kamo Choso
- Sweet angle baby. He actually loves that you love plushies so when he got casted as Choso he would made it a mission to get you one of the first plushies they made.
- It makes you happy so he is ready to get you as many as you wants. He posts on insta a lot so when he mentions looking for more Choso plushies it practically goes viral.
- The next con he went two it took like three attendants to help him lug all the plushies he got. He later posted on insta that night a picture of his bed covered in Choso plushies.
- Eagle eyed fans noticed something though. The layout of the bedroom look eerily similar to another person who made a post about their brand new Choso plush. What are the odds?
- You both turn it into a game, posting photos with an increasing amount of Choso’s everytime.
- This actually starts a trend, #chosoplushietakeover. There’s not a single cast member or crew mate that doesn’t have a Choso plushie. It’s wild.
Ieiri Shoko
- She’s always been a natural beauty, so graceful and ethereal like. Playing someone collected and laid-back like Shoko was a welcomed surprise.
- Even though her role is smaller compared to everyone else, she loved it anyway. Any video from production has her somewhere in the background.
- As another devoted con-goer she also gets a bunch of plushies and brings them all to you. You two have at least 1 plushies in every room in your home. You both even carry a keychain version on your bags.
Iori Utahime
- like her character she has a deep seated hatred for Gojo’s actor but in more of a rivalry way. They are both child stars that got casted a lot together. For a short amount of time they were a ship.
- she originally posted a cute (cropped) picture of her plushie with you sitting off to the side.
- then Gojo did the same.
- So she posted another handmade plushie on her story.
- So did he.
- At this point she wanted him DEAD cause she knows how he feels about those plushies so he’s doing this just to piss her off. It would be that bad if he wasn’t actively bragging about ratioing her.
- Soon enough it becomes the battle of the plushies between these two. Factors are formed in the fandom. No mercy, all glory, blood for the blood god.
Ijichi Kiyotaka
- Doesn’t have any official plushies.
- it isn’t until you buy one online that he kinda cares.
- He treats that plushie like it’s your son. He has a pillow on the living room couch that is HIS pillow. No one can use it, not even guests.
Fushiguro Toji
- He hates it.
- He thinks they’re creepy. He’s never liked stuffed animals ever since he was a kid. None of your kids even have stuffed animals outside of like, 1 teddy bear each.
- Everytime you enter the room he is practicing wrestling moves on the poor thing with your son. You’re just happy you got a good quality one cause it had lasted through some rounds of combat.
Ryomen Sukuna
- I imagine him also being a child star but his career took off when him and his younger brother (Yuuji’s actor) starred in a drama together.
- They did not fight the twin allegations. Sukuna is older though by 5 years. As they’ve gotten older, they’ve gotten easier to differentiate.
- He straight up stole his brother’s Yuuji plush and drew Sukuna’s tattoos on it.
-Combined you two have five plushies:
A pillow one that he uses as a back rest. Two keychain versions. The drawn on Yuuji plush. And an ugly one that got messed up in manufacturing that is your personal favorite.
- He is essentially a plushie thief, if you lend it to him you will never see it again. He is currently has the second most Choso plushie count cause he keeps stealing others. Yours included!
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givethemsmut · 1 month
The Pack | Chapter One
Characters: Dylan O’Brien, fem!reader
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien, Dylan x You
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Every female on the planet wanted a reason to be close to the actors on the hit TV show, Teen Wolf, except me.
I don’t dig wolves. Now some hot vampires? All day.
My dad loves producing so much that he was constantly trying to get me to join him on set in any shape of form. He wanted me to love his vice just as much as him so I would understand abandoning his entire life it. But I didn’t want to act or produce, I wanted to throw myself into college so I could figure it out.
The easiest choice would be the medical field… for so many reasons… but that felt like salt in my very much open wounds.
Twenty-three, living at home with my dad, while trying to forgive him should have been a course I signed up for in college. Instead I got to feel awkward being the light of his life. It wasn’t all bad - he was barely home and I got free rein over my life.
Sleeping in was the best part of not having class. It was just past noon when I dragged myself downstairs at the allure of the coffee pot. I had it set for noon just so I wouldn’t sleep my life away. I didn’t even notice my dad in the corner of the room, at the large dinning room table we never used, busy on his iPad.
“Sleeping in again? Another finger pointing to you coming to work for me.” He didn’t even look up at me when he talked, neck deep in his night shoot edits.
This was a constant battle we waged. “Dad, I have school full time. I don’t have time to come play on set with you.”
He sighed almost defeated for the day on the topic, “only girl in the world who doesn’t want to be on the Teen Wolf set.”
Laughing to myself I didn’t relish being some kind of gatekeeper. Every one of my friends had asked every question you could think of about the show’s star: Tyler Posey but I had no answers. My dad hit the nail on the head.
“That’s because I’m a beautiful, unique snowflake. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky and I’ll surprise you for your birthday next week.”
We both knew I wouldn’t crack so easy. So happens that fate had other plans for me and my boundaries.
The following week my dad left his wallet and house keys at home which honestly wasn’t strange. He was constantly forgetting the essentials. He would buy conditioner without buying shampoo. He would invite you to lunch just to forget his wallet. He would blame being on set when part of me believe he was just that absent minded.
I was casted to the forgot parts of his brain the same way.
He texted me go bring them to set for him which was fine because my lecture was over early and I had zero weekend plans.
Being on the lot reminded me a lot of my mom. We had a bond because of this lot that kept her King and my keeper from us. We would make our own adventures, explore and pretend to be other people all day while he worked tirelessly.
Until she couldn’t pretend anymore. That was when she decided my dad loved his work more than her. That betrayal extended to me when she moved us into another house, quietly divorcing him and securing half of everything just to make sure we survived.
Everyone called her the gold digging failed artist. Everyone called me a spoiled brat.
I snapped out of my thoughts when the guard handed me my ID back through the car window printing the gate to lifted to let me in. With a big inhale I could almost smell her perfume again, earthy and seductive. Pulling through the stages I found him in the same place he always was, back of the lot, taking up the most space.
I breezed in like I, in fact, owned it. Snatching my sunglasses off my face I found my dad coaching the star through the scene with too much passion. “You love her! I need to see that protective side, Ty. That need. That sacrifice. This isn’t some crush but the mate you’ll have forever.”
She needed that side of my dad when she was dying of cancer alone in a big house without her husband.
“Dad. Keys and wallet?” Turning around he took his belongings from my hands and attempted to awkwardly hug me when it failed.
Shifting my eyes I could feel Tyler digging his gaze into me even deeper. He was wondering why he hadn’t seen me until now, if I was some hostage, if I was absent for a reason. I could see the gears shifting behind his eyes.
Beaming my dad’s hand hovered along my spine as he introduced me, “Tyler, this is my daughter. And a hero. Now I can order sushi.”
Tyler laughed and went back to rehearsal with a couple girls whom I can only assume are in the show too. I told my dad, “Well. I’m gonna get going. I’m gonna see if Alex wants to hang. Maybe a frat party is happening.”
My dad pulled over the chair that was already near him, “We’re about to start. You can’t leave yet.”
So that’s how he was going to force me to be here, cool.
I dropped my head as let my bag drop on the floor loudly, purposely, and I watched the cast hit their marks before a clear action was shouted. I couldn’t deny a shirtless Tyler Posey was easy on the eyes for sure. The scene was dark, emotional and ended with a kiss. Even someone who didn’t watch the show, like me, could feel the impact of the episode. After the director yelled cut my dad started speaking again, “I’ll be home late okay? I have a date right after this. That’s why I really needed my wallet and keys.”
I was shocked. I had a million questions. “Wait, excuse me? You’re dating now? How did you meet? Who is she? Where are you going?”
He laughed, “I downloaded a dating app. Okay? I’m going go to Don Antonio’s with her. She’s a nurse. Busy like me so she should understand how it is.”
Being excited for my dad was one thing, finally he wouldn’t be alone yet I couldn’t help but hate him for it. A part of me expected him to pin for my mother his whole life.
I gave him a giant hug before I told him I was taking off but he held me tighter while saying, “You may be over 18 but I sure as shit will ground you, take your phone and car if I found out you went to a frat party with Alex. Have a great night at home with Netflix’s!”
We both laughed, he trusted me and for good reason.
I was still a virgin. Which was rare for a kid in LA let alone an industry parent.
I grabbed my bag and headed for my car before they locked me in silence with another take or scene. On my way out I crashed into a hard body who apologized immediately, “Shit. I’m sorry. I was rushing. I’m late.”
I nodded signaling it was okay but that didn’t stop him from shouting after me when I walked away. “Hey! Are you new? Do I know?”
I stopped walking backwards while answering, “Nah. Just stopping by. Visiting someone.” With that being all I said I opened my door and smiled before getting in.
I knew I wanted to make myself invisible incase my dad came home with his date. It’s not the cool thing to do when you have to introduce your adult age kid after a good meal and before making out.
After I got home from the lot I texted Brody to come over for while. I don’t know how to describe that relationship at all. I’ve known him since we were 5 years old and we were always friends but when we started dating - everything changed.
He was very cute and accessible. All innocent until high school when hormones came into play. We had done everything but go all the way. Lately that wasn’t enough for him…
He came through the door without knocking carrying some beer while I stood at the counter pouring my wine. I felt him push against me, kissing my neck while I pushed the cork in the mouth again.
“Hey beautiful. How was class?”
Brody graduated two years before me and already had a job as a business consultant for a popular firm who advises people on how to be successful, handling money and recruiting for them.
He was stable. He was hot. He was older.
I was feeling frustrated as I took my very full cup of wine and dragged him upstairs behind me by the hand to my bedroom. Every time we were alone with alcohol I always contemplated that I would have the courage to go all the way with him.
Being a virgin still shows anyone how well that went. We got comfortable on my bed fitting like puzzle pieces as I scrolled through Netflix for over 10 minuets searching for the perfect movie.
I felt his hand on my thigh, slightly rubbing as his lips crashed against the side of my face. He felt comfortable so I don’t know why I wouldn’t give in.
I felt his familiar lips against mine and our warm tongues touch. He pulled off his shirt and his husky voice crashed into me, “Take this off baby.”
It was déjà vu all over again. Every time we were alone it was a replay of the same events. There wasn’t any feelings, not the way the movies shaped my expectations.
As he kissed my neck he whispered, “Come on baby. You’re dad isn’t home. Just take off your panties.”
His kisses felt good but not convincing. I whispered his name when I felt his fingers lace inside my panties as he tugged them down my legs.
We fooled around before, he had seen every inch. We kept kissing with our tongues and I felt his body settle between my legs. Reaching for his wallet and he pulled out a condom before his mouth collided with mine again. Pressing my palms again his chest, gently giving myself space, enough to decide on no.
I whispered again, “Brody. I’m not ready. I’m sorry.”
I felt his felt him tense at the rejection, “Why are you being a fucking bitch? How long are we gonna keep playing this game? I’ve seen you naked, I’ve licked your pussy, we’ve showered together.”
His warmth on top of me left as he sat as it came when he pushed his legs off the edge of my bed to put his shoes on. I didn’t even walk him out.
She smelt like butter and home. She felt safe. She was the most beautiful, sarcastic, tiny firecracker I’ve ever met.
We met on the set of a movie called The First Time back in 2011 and been together ever since. She just got back from Canada filming a TV show Girl Boss for the last 3 months and I couldn’t wait to have her myself.
We both had our own places with our own roommates but we wanted as much time together so she was crashing in my room. And let’s be real, I hadn’t had sex since she left months ago.
She was straddling my legs in her panties and nothing else as I coaxed her out of them. Her hips were rocking over my crotch as she leaned down to kiss me.
Sex was never our problem. We met and practically fell into bed together. Pushing her down onto the bed below me as I pushed myself further between her legs. She felt every inch of my excitement caress her thigh.
I kissed her chest and neck, every exposed inch when my head flicked up at the sound of her phone loudly alerting her she had a text. We both ignored it as I pulled my shirt off.
Another ping. We ignored it again.
I saw her look over almost like she expected a text but couldn’t get to it. Her face went from ecstasy to disappointment. Looking down at her, “We good babe?”
She shook her head, “Yeah, yeah, we’re good. Okay I’m ready, Dylan.”
On my knees, my hands smoothed up her legs until my fingers laced into the straps of her panties. Pulling them down was too easy when I got a glimpse of her wet pussy.
Ping. Ping.
Exhaling loudly, stopping to grab her phone off the night stand I had lost focus enough times to get annoyed. I was going to put it on do not disturb but the texts content was right there on the lock screen.
“Did your flight land? Can’t wait to see you ;)” “He can wait until after I see you first.” “Meet me at my place. I miss that little body.” “Ditch Dylan.”
I felt my heart stop.
Pushing myself to the edge of the bed I contemplated if I was dreaming. Did I fall asleep and have some kind nightmare? Britt, my girlfriend of 6 years was cheating and me. I had proof. I threw her phone across the room in her silence letting it crash against the wall.
She tried to touch my shoulders from behind, on her knees, forcing me to jump up. Pacing I pointed towards my bedroom door. “Get the fuck out. Get out.” She tried to touch me again but I pulled myself away quickly. “Go! Get out of my face!”
All she could say, “Dyl. Baby. Don’t be mad. I can explain. It was a mistake. Just one mistake.”
I was pacing, arms not able to stay by my side and I couldn’t even look at her. “How can you explain that? It’s pretty fucking clear!” She started getting dressed giving up explaining.
As she got dressed she said, “It was one mistake, Dyl. We were apart so long. We were just friends I swear! Please forgive me.” She picked up her phone and jacket to leave. She stood against me best she could at her short height, kissing my chest and still apologizing before exiting my room.
A party couldn’t have came at a better time. I was ready to get wasted. My only hope was that Posey heard everything and would be there as she walked out. His disappointment was damning when he wanted it to be.
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Quentin Smith - In a relationship Sfw
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warning : fluff, comfort, trauma, sleeping pill abuse,
Info : So the second piece for a Kyle Gallner character here (I really need to write more for his charcters) as always have fun reading ;)
°Caring, anxious and loving
°Quentin and his girlfriend went to the same class, in fact they were in the same music class and started talking about The Cure together after she saw his t-shirt. ,,Cool cd...I'm Quentin Smith" he had introduced himself to her when he saw the cd in her hands, the latest album and still sealed. He knew she'd probably skipped school for it to queue it up at the store.
°But it was this encounter over a cd that led to a conversation after class and the conversation went so well that they decided to meet. It was a meeting in one of the city's cafes where they both sat eating pancakes, knowing they both had hearts beating too fast to eat. ,,Good food don't you think?," Quentin began, and his counterpart nodded in agreement, catching them both staring at each other, too focused on the other and completely uninterested in the pancake.
°Her smile, the friendly look in her eyes, the warm hands that touched him every now and then as they walked side by side only to look away awkwardly. They were both in love and it was only a few times after that that Quentin confessed his love to her with rosy cheeks and his fingers tucked into his cap.
°She had never seen him so nervous but her own heart was beating just as fast before she fell into his arms and was simply overjoyed. The two of them had become a couple and even though the school didn't pay any attention to it (they were both just two weird music teens to the other students), Nancy was all the happier for her friends and it had to be celebrated with pancakes at dinner.
°But even after that, their love didn't fade because she quickly realized how caring Quentin was, always holding her hand, usually only giving her kisses with permission until she assured him a thousand times that it was okay. He loved to cuddle when they both lay on his bed with their heads snuggled together on his chest.
°They both watched horror movies, old black and white movies, talked about the camera work, the music and the actors. He even started to play a guitar and tried to learn some of her favorite songs for her, she in return would always give him a cap and as a small reward after school they would buy new cds and new music together and go out to dinner every now and then where somehow it all started.
°It was a quiet and sweet but above all peaceful time, but only up to the point when it came to hitting. What was initially just mumbling and she ignored through the mumbling and tossing and turning sleep became a worry as he seemed to really suffer.
°He had tried to sugarcoat it for her, but she could see his eye rings getting worse, he was getting more and more tired and even during music class he would fall asleep and lean on her, only to almost cry out at the end of the lesson. He gave her a tired smile and she had to keep propping him up so that he threatened to fall asleep. And only slept when she promised to stay with him, which of course she did. Just as he did everything he could to help her when she had her days, for example. He was just too overprotective and yet cute at the same time.
°,,Quentin, how can I help you?" she had tried to find out what was happening and why he was suffering so much in his dreams, but she hadn't learned the history of the town, she was from out of town, she didn't know the nightmare demon. She didn't know the dangers that came with knowing and didn't know why Quentin always looked at her so apologetically.
°She noticed how his touch seemed to become more and more desperate as he held on to her longer and stronger. That he was consuming more and more coffee and Redbull almost startled her so much that she had tears in her eyes when she saw the sheer number of pills he was carrying.
°Until the incident when he was bleeding, when she saw the cut on his arm, she ran out of the bathroom and saw him cowering in the corner. ,,Quentin!" she had shouted his name, trying to hold him before shaking him so hard that he seemed to wake up. His fear and confusion hurt her as much as his injury.
°,,My-my star, you're safe," he stated brittlely, still calling her by her nickname despite everything before falling into her arms and embracing her as if he could have lost her at any moment. ,,Everything will be fine...we'll get through this" she replied not knowing what to say and just held him there for him until he too realized that there was no point in explaining to her what haunted this town, haunted him and why sleep meant death.
°It was a realization that also frightened her, that she knew he might haunt her too. But whenever they were together, cuddled up next to each other, it seemed that the demon had no chance. The kiss their shared was like a shield for the fear. That their love kept him from invading her dreams and for the first time Quentin seemed to be able to sleep peacefully with his love by his side.
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kalena-henden · 11 months
Wow. I really enjoyed the first two episodes of Castaway Diva. The teen actors were fantastic setting up the heartbreaking backstory! I was 100% sold. Park Eun Bin shines as a fish out of water. Bringing joy to everyday circumstances and big moments as well as showing grief in her desire to find meaning in her stunted life.
As for the brothers, Woohak is giving total little brother vibes to Bogeol's annoyed responsible big brother vibes. Even though he's supposedly older, Woohak seems like a shadow to Bogeol: wearing matching clothes, working in the same field at the same company, wanting to be like him but also rebel when he feels like it. He's got that carefree baby of the family vibe. Whereas Bogeol seems like he's caring the weight of the world, helping with his family and diligent in his work but not letting himself stand out too much.
This makes sense if Bogeol is really Kiho because he would feel responsible for Mokha being lost at sea. It's interesting that Bogeol only sees a random girl hugging Woohak on the beach from a distance; then it cuts to all of them on the boat ride back. We never saw Bogeol's face when he finally saw her up close and introduced herself as Mokha. This is a huge omission. Bogeol is the one who regularly volunteers for trash cleaning on random deserted islands and knows how many of them exist in Korea. We see that Mokha is eating kimbap on the boat ride off the island. This is the exact meal that Kiho gave Mokha when they were waiting for the ferry ride. Did Bogoel give her the kimbap? While Bogeol cautiously keeps his distance from Mokha, he immediately buys her new shoes when they get off the boat. This hails back to the shoes Kiho gave Mokha when they ran away.
I think the guilt that he (Kiho/Bogeol) failed Mokha is what is making him keep his distance. Along with the fear of his father, not just for himself but for everyone he cares for if his identity is ever revealed that is keeping him from getting close to Mokha. However, Bogeol is also the one to suggest they use Ranjoo as their next variety show subject. It's like he just can't help himself. Deep down he desperately wants to be by Mokha's side.
As for Woohak's memory loss, it was the perfect cover to switch the brothers ages and give Kiho the new name of Bogeol. It wouldn't surprise me if the mother had already changed her name. Given the amount of memories that Kiho had of his mother before she ran away and the relative closeness of the brothers ages, they may not be related by blood. It is also possible that Kiho's dad found their new family and abused Woohak to the point that he was so badly beaten it caused the permanent memory loss. I wouldn't be surprised if their new family is under witness protection so Kiho's dad can't find them again. Man, that's dark.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Mokha breaking down Bogeol's walls just like she did the first time around and helping Woohak when he discovers why he has memory loss. While the brothers support Mokha as she finally begins her journey to achieve her dreams.
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inkcurlsandknives · 3 months
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You’re invited to a Pride Watch Party - Cult Classic! But I’m a Cheer Leader (1994)
June 15th at 7pm CST
 Natasha Lyonne stars as Megan Bloomfield, a high school cheerleader whose parents send her to a residential in-patient conversion therapy camp to "cure" her lesbianism. At camp, Megan realizes that she is indeed a lesbian and, despite the "therapy", comes to embrace her sexuality.
Features the amazing Filipino Actor Dante Basco (voice of Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender) as Dalph a gay teen wrestler who will also narrate Alon in the Saints of Storm and Sorrow Audiobook
Watch Free Here: https://tubitv.com/movies/447913/but-i-m-a-cheerleader?start=true&tracking=google-feed&utm_source=google-feed
Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter at gabriellabuba.com. A hour before the watch party at 6pm CST I will send out the Teleparty Watch Party Link!
Starting at 7pm CST we will begin the watch party!  
Head to gabriellabuba.com to find out more about other fun pride events coming up
on the #SaintsOfStormAndSorrowPrideAdventCalendar to celebrate the Launch of
my debut novel Saints of Storm and Sorrow coming out June 25th with @titanbooks
In this an enthralling Filipino-inspired epic fantasy, a nun concealing a goddess-given gift is unwillingly transformed into a lightning rod for her people's struggle against colonization. For fans of R.F. Kuang, Tasha Suri, and The Hurricane War.
Preorder your copy today! 
Buy link:
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chemicallywrit · 10 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! What a week! Let's talk about audio drama!
⏰ Nine To Midnight has its own feed now, which I appreciate, as a listener to many of the involved pods, because I didn't get like six iterations of the show in my feed. I did have to go seek it out though, but I'm so glad I did. These stories!!! These STORIES. The second episode in particular stuck out, just banger after banger. Also, what's up David Ault! Always fun to watch David Ault flex.
😈 Dungeons and Daddies this week was on the short side, but woof. I. Love. The Stamplers. I love them. I love you Ron Stampler and Terry Jr. Stampler and Scary Terri Marlowe Stampler. They are ridiculous and excellent. Honestly though, their wonderful energy was just the prelude to the truly heartbreaking Close clan. These boys are so deep in denial they ought to be worried about the bends. Yikes. I'm really looking forward to watching them try to save hell and make up for lost time.
⚡️ Electromancy! Of COURSE it's all happening at the dance. What kind of school story would this be if everything wasn't going to go down at the dance? Like with all fantasy about young people, I love the mixture of extremely high stakes (colonialism and revolution) and extremely low stakes (but what am I going to WEAR). I can't wait for part two. @electromancypodcast
👟 Keep It Steady!!! New episode of Keep It Steady! Our teenage burnout is faced with the mortifying ordeal of having real friends who love him, which is a wild thing for a teen to have to accept when he has zero self esteem. And then on top of everything, he gets concussed! My boy! @keepitsteadypod
⚖️ The Adventure Zone Imbalance has appeared on the feed, which is a relief to me, a person who hates listening to things on youtube. And Davenport is there! My main man! If y'all need to know anything about me, it's that I love Davenport. I missed these guys so much.
🚀 Travelling Light is a new show from @monstrousproductions, and I am THRILLED. I love a travelogue, I love a character with ties to religion, I love a warm scifi show, I love a recipe. I know from their tumblr that the writer and narrator of this show is Quaker, which is a tradition I'm not very familiar with, so I'm interested to see how that perspective influences this story. It's just so NICE.
👻 I started listening to Magenta Presents this week, in an effort to listen to everything Lindsay Sharman has ever done, and this is spooky. Beth Eyre is always a treat to listen to, and Lucy Roslyn, whose work I am not familiar with, is also a fantastic actor. They have great chemistry. I love a true ghost story, and I love a protagonist who feels like she's slowly losing her mind. @longcatmedia
🪓 I've finally arrived at the bit of Woe.Begone where other actors are showing up, and surprise! It's David Ault again! He's everywhere! I haven't interacted with fans of this show, so I had no idea, and apparently fans hate his character. To be fair, I did too, but now David's here doing the voice, and it's so much WORSE. Well done, David.
🍕 I finished s1 of Gastronaut and started s2, and I find myself enamored with this guy, coming from a place of relative privilege, tearing his preconceptions apart with a fork and a knife. The writing is lush, the story is fascinating, and it really hits the spot for me of "moody thoughtful nonfiction." I love it so much. I can't believe there are only two seasons. How dare they. (I trust them though.)
🧛🏻‍♀️ Re: Dracula is done, and we have announced Carmilla! My role in Carmilla will be less than it was for Drac, but I'm still very excited to get in on making this story. It's going to be amazing.
🧟‍♂️ The Dead's second episode has appeared, and I am continually impressed with the people I work with. What a death scene from Marquis Moore! What good acting from Brandon Nguyen! They are a joy to direct.
As for me, I'm about to start getting Inn Between ready to post! Are you hype? I'm hype. If you like what I do and want to give me a hand, please check out my ko-fi!
See you next week!
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Do you think having to model would have been damaging to Adrien when his mother was still with him?
Potentially controversial take here, but no, I don't think child acting is a terrible thing that should be illegal and child models are just a variant of child actors. Acting in commercials or movies is arguably more serious than something like community theater or local ads, but the risks aren't actually all that different. No matter the level of the production, the risk for abuse is there. It's not something limited to Hollywood. So I have no issue with child stars as a general concept. I think I've only ever hinted at this in my stuff, but I can actually picture a scenario in which Adrien got into modeling as an act of love.
His mother was a professional actress and Adrien very clearly enjoys acting. I could absolutely see Emilie recognizing his talents and getting him involved in commercials and modeling shoots for the company so that he can try acting in an environment that she can fully control (which is not concerning given that Adrien has clearly been modeling for several years, so he started young.)
I think most "good" parents would be super hesitant to let a little kid work with people they don't know, but with Emilie's connections and the success of Gabriel's company? Adrien going into an acting career actually makes a lot of sense. Especially if Emilie acted as his agent and was always on set to make sure he was okay.
Adrien being a model only becomes concerning when we get things like the super creepy Alliance AI-Adrien. Stuff that Adrien clearly isn't okay with and that should never have been considered to begin with (you literally see the model in his underwear when Soquline is showing off the fact that you can dress him up in Jubilation.) If Adrien was actually enjoying the work and the work was all ethical? Then it wouldn't be a problem.
Creative fields are rife with abuse and poor working conditions, but they're also a source of joy for many. Minors working in these types of fields is an incredibly complex topic, but I can't view it as inherently bad. I've known too many kids who legitimately loved acting or playing sports or whatever creative thing they were into.
Oh, and random side note, but it's super weird how the show plays Adrien's fame. He's fashion model, not a movie star. He would not be as famous as the show tries to make him. I actually researched this a while back to make sure France didn't have some sort of model-obsession and I couldn't find anything (btw, please let me know if I missed something and this is wrong).
I mention all of this because I think fashion modeling is potentially a much safer way to let a kid do some acting. Commercials and one-off fashion shoots are much smaller commitments than movies and TV shows and they carry way less risk of super star fame. I actually get distracted when fanfics have Gabriel constantly pulling Adrien out of school for fashion shoots for two reasons: first, that appears to be highly illegal in France. Second, how much marketing material is the Gabriel brand supposedly producing??? Especially since Adrien seems to just be a teen model and not model for the adult line, which would be standard for the industry. You don't really become a full fledged model doing things like runways until you're at least 16. (Btw, guess what age I often scale Adrien up to? There's a reason for that.)
As far as I can tell, most models have to work with multiple brands and companies to make good money. An exclusive deal with a single company should mean that your schedule is pretty relaxed, which is another reason I could buy a loving parent letting Adrien model. Modeling, commercials, and voice acting are actually a fantastic set of options for someone who wanted to do some acting work while still going to school. It is incredibly easy to take the setup the show gave us and use it to make Adrien a child star who wasn't exploited.
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itsvivace · 3 months
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Cateye ( Korean : 케이트아이 ) is a sub-unit of the fictional girl group VIVACE under I-Teen Media. The unit consists of four members : SOOMIN, MEI MEI, KYURI, & XINYI who debuted on December 11, 2019, two month after VIVACE’s debut, with the mini album CATEYE.
Popular for their experimental music and darker concepts, Cateye took the industry by storm with their creative concepts and interesting music. The last sub-unit of VIVACE to debut, Cateye is formed with the youngest members of the group and their goal is to bring youth and freshness into VIVACE and show fans concepts that they don’t see commonly from the group. Their debut song, ‘No.’, quickly gained them popularity and overtime their concepts have given them a huge international fanbase. Cateye is is the second biggest sub-unit of VIVACE and has built a cult following.
NAME : Cateye ( 케이트아이 )
LABEL : I-Teen Media
DEBUT DATE : December 11, 2019
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ᡣ𐭩 Seo Soomin was born in Seoul, South Korea on May 11, 1999. She was born into the Seo-Park Family, a famous Korean family full of models, actors, and fashion icons. Soomin was born as the youngest of three snobby older siblings: her two older sisters, Soojin & Minju, and her older brother, Soobin. Due to growing up with a family with horrible personalities and insane amounts of wealth, Soomin turned out to be very spoiled and rude.
Her family’s fame opened the door for Soomin to get a bunch of opportunities she didn’t earn. When she was sixteen, her parents paid for her to her music career as a soloist despite having no prior experience in performing. Although she didn’t earn her career fairly, her visuals and surprisingly good vocals attracted South Korea, and her debut song debuted in the top 10 on the global charts. When Soomin turned nineteen, she announced her hiatus as a soloist because she would be joining a survival show the following year to debut in a group.
Soomin participated in I-Doll in 2019 and ended up ranking #10. Despite her being a nepo baby, most people hated how obnoxious her family was, and she even had a lot of backlash for being on the show in the first place and making it into the debut lineup. Soomin debuted in VIVACE on September 17, 2019, as a Vocalist, Rapper, & Dancer, and in their third sub-unit, Cateye, on December 11, 2019, as the Leader, Main Rapper, & Lead Vocalist. Soomin has claimed she isn’t like her family anymore, but a lot of people don’t buy it and have said she’s very passive-aggressive and rude behind closed doors.
BIRTH NAME : Seo Soo-Min ( 서수민 )
STAGE NAME : Soomin ( 수민 )
BIRTHDATE : May 11, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
SEXUALITY : Lesbian & Asexual
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 1 year ( 2018 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Cateye
CATEYE POSITIONS : Leader, Main Rapper, & Lead Vocalist
VIVACE POSITIONS : Vocalist, Rapper, & Dancer
FACE CLAIM : Choi Yena
HEIGHT : 162 cm ( 5’3)
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tw : injuries, chronic pain
ᡣ𐭩 Cai Yumei was born on June 13, 1999 in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China to former professional dancers. Yumei’s parents taught her how to dance from a very young age, and she participated in many dance shows and competitions. By the age of thirteen, she was named one of the most talented dancers in the country, but later that year, during practice, she fell and had to be rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, her doctor informed her that she had fractured her knee and would have a high chance of never dancing again.
Yumei was devastated by her injury and had to stop dancing to focus on school and starting physical therapy. Her love of dance never vanished; she could even begin to slightly dance at eighteen after years of recovery and physical therapy. To her surprise, a talent agency located in South Korea reached out to give her a contract as a dancer, and she immediately accepted. Yumei moved to Korea and trained her dancing more as a trainee under the company and was amazingly regaining functions in her injured leg.
In 2019, Yumei’s company sent her to audition for the idol survival show I-Doll, where she ranked last place at #13, just barely making it into the debut lineup. Yumei debuted in VIVACE on September 17, 2019, as a Dancer & Vocalist and in its third sub-unit, Cateye, on December 11, 2019, as the Main Dancer & Sub Vocalist. To this day, Yumei’s injury still isn’t fully healed, and she experiences a lot of pain if she dances too much, but her story has inspired a lot of people to chase their dreams despite the difficulties.
BIRTH NAME : Cai Yu Mei ( 菜玉梅 )
STAGE NAME : MEI MEI ( 메이 메이 )
KOREAN NAME : Choi Yu-mi ( 최유미 )
BIRTHDATE : June 13, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
SEXUALITY : Straight
PROFESSION : Dancer, Idol
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 2 years ( 2017 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Cateye
CATEYE POSITIONS : Main Dancer & Sub Vocalist
VIVACE POSITIONS : Dancer & Vocalist
FACE CLAIM : Shen Xiaoting
HEIGHT : 168 cm ( 5’6 )
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tw : abusive father, alcoholism, domestic violence
ᡣ𐭩 Katherine Kim was born in New York City, New York, USA on October 12, 2001 to a newlywed Korean couple. She grew up close to her mother due to her father's growing alcohol addiction, and her mom gave her the nickname Kitty, which stuck through her childhood. They even ended up making it her legal name on her tenth birthday. Around the age of twelve, Kitty accidentally found out about the long-time abuse her mother had been facing at the hands of her father after walking in on him hitting her mom after an argument.
Kitty’s mom told them not to worry about their father, to keep quiet around him, and to focus on her education. So with that, she lived four more years having to deal with her father’s abuse towards her mother until the night before her fourteenth birthday when they and their dad got into a horrible argument about Kitty wanting to pursue a music career instead of going into business like he was. Kitty’s mother walked in the middle of her husband, hitting Kitty, and then immediately grabbed Kitty and ran.
Her mother filed for divorce and took Kitty to move with her back to South Korea. Being away from their father was the most free Kitty had ever felt in her life, and they could start doing the things they liked, including singing and dancing. At sixteen, she got into a talent agency to pursue a singing career and auditioned the following year on the survival show I-Doll. Despite having no prior fame before the show, Kitty quickly became a fan-favorite contestant and finished the show ranking #9. She debuted as a Rapper, Vocalist, & Dancer of VIVACE on September 17, 2019, and the Lead Rapper & Lead Dancer of their third sub-unit, Cateye, on December 11, 2019. Kitty is known by fans as the OT13 Fairy because, despite the members disliking each other, they always finds a way to get them together for photos/hangouts and seems to be the glue holding them together.
BIRTH NAME : Katherine (Kitty) Kim
KOREAN NAME : Kim Kyu-Ri ( 김큐리 )
BIRTHDATE : October 12, 2001
BIRTHPLACE : New York City, New York, USA
SEXUALITY : Bisexual & Nonbinary (She/They)
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 10 months ( 2018 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Cateye
CATEYE POSITIONS : Lead Rapper & Lead Vocalist
VIVACE POSITIONS : Rapper, Vocalist, & Dancer
FACE CLAIM : Huh Yunjin
HEIGHT : 174 cm ( 5’8 )
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tw : death of a family member, mentions of drug dealing
ᡣ𐭩 Zhao Xinyi was born on January 4, 2002 in Shanghai, China to a low-income family with her mother, father, and older brother, Xuejian. Her family struggled a lot with money issues, and her parents took up multiple jobs to support them. Xinyi had always felt like she deserved better than what she had with her surprisingly strong singing abilities and natural beauty. Even from a young age, she knew she would be a star. When she was only eight years old, her mother and father ended up passing away in a freak accident, and Xinyi was sent away to live at an orphanage with her then sixteen year old brother.
Only a year after living at the orphanage, Xuejian ended up falling into a life of drugs and started selling them to make money. One night, he ran away from the orphanage without even telling Xinyi, and due to her getting adopted a few weeks later, they lost contact with each other and haven’t spoken since. Xinyi’s new family was everything she had ever wanted. Rich, famous, superstars, everything she had looked up to as a child, and anyone could see she was letting it get to her head, gaining a massive ego. Her parents commonly moved to different places worldwide for work, including France, Greece, and Canada, but they decided to stay in Seoul, South Korea, for a while to settle down.
To no one’s surprise, Xinyi was scouted by a bunch of major companies over the years, but declined a lot of them because they didn’t fit her standard of perfection. At fifteen, she was scouted by a super famous company that even offered to pay her family to get her to join. She joined the company and was known as the Ice Princess trainee for her cold personality, and some trainees were even scared of her. In 2019, she auditioned on I-Doll and ranked #7 and debuted as a Vocalist & the Maknae of VIVACE on September 17, 2019, and in Cateye on December 11, 2019, as the Main Vocalist & Maknae. Xinyi is regarded by the members as possibly the meanest member in the group and doesn’t even try to hide her dislike for the other members, even going as far as publicly slandering them multiple times. Although she has a huge ego, she knows her talent and visuals make up for it, so she doesn’t really care about repercussions.
BIRTH NAME : Zhao Xin Yi ( 赵欣怡 )
STAGE NAME : Xinyi ( 신이 )
KOREAN NAME : Jang Si-Eun ( 장시은 )
BIRTHDATE : January 4, 2002
BIRTHPLACE : Shanghai, China
SEXUALITY : Unlabeled
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 2 years ( 2017 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Cateye
CATEYE POSITIONS : Main Vocalist & Maknae
VIVACE POSITIONS : Vocalist & Maknae
FACE CLAIM : Ningning
HEIGHT : 161 cm ( 5’3 )
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CATEYE : debut mini album ( 2019 )
I GOT A BOY : mini album ( 2020 )
DUSK : single album ( 2020 )
COVEN : mini album ( 2021 )
KISSY : digital single ( 2021 )
BLACK DRESS : single album ( 2022 )
BLACK CAT : full album ( 2022 )
ROCK UR BODY! : digital single ( 2022 )
RLLY BAD BOY.. : mini album ( 2023 )
SPACE PRINCESS : full album ( 2023 )
CATGIRLZ : mini album ( 2024 )
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
IMPORTANT! This is @bergarasunsolved 's new writing blog, it's jules :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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chaifootsteps · 19 days
Hello chai. SacAnime has ended, and with it I come bearing news on the goings-ons of the Hazbin/Helluva fandom within the real world. Note that unless I specifically say what my feelings regarding something are, I am giving this information neutrally. The reader can form their own opinion.
- I did not attend the panel, as it was very late (5 pm, my friend and I arrived at 11 am) and I simply do not have the stamina to make it through that long of a day. Because of this I have no comments on the panel, though if by some miracle someone else who sees this *did* go to the panel, I would appreciate any information they are willing to relay. That said, the panel WAS listed as 16+, and encouraged parental guidance for what was appropriate or not for their child. I personally disagree with this, if Hazbin wants to be an adult show it should be fully 18+, but this lines up with the 7 of 8 episodes that are 16+.
- There were fan meetups scheduled as well as fan panels, which I did not attend as I did not want to disrupt the experience of those who do enjoy the show. I will say that in the book listing, all of the fan panels and meetups were 18+ exclusive, which is good due diligence. How this was enforced I am unsure, but my guess is that they were allowed to use a room in the 18+ section of the con despite the meetups not being listed as part of that wing of the con.
- I would like to reiterate that this is an anime convention. Putting aside that Hazbin is not an anime (it was far from the only non-anime work there, Tom Kenny and the voice actors for Bandit and Chili from Bluey were also featured guests) I find it supremely funny that the latest short, Weeaboo-boo, was released Saturday. The day Viv and other assorted Hazbin cast members were set to host their panel. I have no clue if this was intentional or not, but something to think about.
- As there was a Hazbin panel, many people cosplayed as Hazbin (and Helluva) characters. I am pleased to say that I did not see any repeats of the blackface incident.
- However. I did see at least four children (oldest being perhaps eleven? It's sometimes difficult to tell) and the youngest being closer to six or so. They were accompanied by parents, though for one of the kids I saw the parent was not in Hazbin cosplay of their own, suggesting this was a personal choice for the kid (this was for the oldest kid if I'm remembering correctly). It's also entirely possible there were more than the four children in Hazbin cosplays, as I am one person and some days, *especially* Saturdays, are busier than others, making it difficult to pick people out of a crowd. Goes doubly for kids, since they are much shorter.
- While walking the vendor hall, I happened to overhear one of the parents (a mother, I presume, but I could be wrong) talking with a vendor who must have brought up their concern with the child's cosplay being related to Hazbin Hotel. The parent responded by saying the child doesn't watch the show, and she only knew the characters and the songs. Personally I find this concerning, as some of the songs are very vulgar, and some songs are especially unsuitable for kids (Poison and Loser, Baby come to mind due to subject matter).
Other than this, all con-goers were respectful enough (that I saw), and the same goes for the artists who were selling Hazbin merch. Honestly the worst experience I had at the convention this time around was with a group of older teens who were taking a VERY long time at a booth because they couldn't decide what to buy, while I was already sure of what I wanted. Very mild, however, and they were not Hazbin fans (to my knowledge; they were not in cosplay and had no Hazbin merch). Hopefully this gives people who may be concerned about HH/HB fan behavior at cons (especially after the blackface incident) a more well rounded opinion and offers some perspective.
Thanks for the info from the outside world! I've got some thoughts about this as well, but I'm going to follow your example and just put it out there objectively for everyone to draw their own conclusions.
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macaroonsims · 8 months
The Evermore Legacy challenge
Inspired by Taylor swift’s album evermore, each gen will focus on one song. Complete all objectives + aspiration + reach top of career. Use cheats if you want. Enjoy :)
gen 1: Willow
‘Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind’ traits: loner, romantic, creative
aspiration: soulmate
career: musician
Reach level ten of guitar skill
Live in willow creek
become a spellcaster after ‘stumbling’ onto the portal in the magic realm
marry your childhood best friend (you’re the one who proposes)
gen 2: Champagne Problems
‘she would have made such a lovely bride what a shame she’s fucked in the head’
traits: non committal, erratic, gloomy
career: up to you
aspiration: any wellness aspiration
Your fiancé proposes during a Christmas party and you reject them, you then never marry, while they move on. You then spend the rest of your life focusing on yourself
Reach level ten wellness skill
reach top of chosen career
gen 3: gold rush
‘Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you’
traits: creative, romantic, Child of the ocean
aspiration: bestselling author
career: writer
write romance novels
fall in love with someone but never make a move in fear of rejection.
become a mermaid (the song sounds like sirens) and move to Sulani
gen 4: ‘tis the damn season
‘wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm fakin’
Traits: romantic, good (third one up to you)
aspiration: master actress
career: actress
be born in winter, have the ice proof trait (must be bought with experience points or whatever they’re called)
have a relationship in your teens, break up when you become a young adult and move away
move to del sol but return home to your family for the holidays.
every time your back in your home town, you rekindle that past relationship, only to be just friends again when you leave. be a five star celebrity
do you eventually make your way back to each other, or do you finally move in for good? Up to you
gen 5: tolerate it
‘my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it’
traits: romantic, creative, art lover
career: painter
Aspiration: painter extraordinare
marry young (young adult while they’re an adult), and while you are still in love, your spouse falls out of love with you. You don’t divorce, but stay in a loveless marriage that you constantly try to salvage.
most of your paintings are portraits of your spouse.
gen 6: no body no crime
‘He did it’
traits: loyal, genius, up to you
aspiration: public enemy
career: crime
buy a boat.
Your best friend’s husband cheats on her, one day she disappears, and you know he’s behind it, so you seek revenge. You and her sister murder him, but no one ever finds out. (In game, he should die by drowning). The mistress is instead blamed
Gen 7: happiness
‘There was happiness because of me’
traits: gloomy, hot headed, loves the outdoors
Career: Gardner
aspiration: outdoor enthusiast
have a messy break up, it takes you a while to heal, you then focus on yourself
Gen 8: Dorothea
‘Do you ever stop and think about me?’
traits: romantic, good, loyal
Career: any
Aspiration: drama llama
You dated your childhood best friends when you were in your teens, before they moved away as a young adult to pursue their dreams. You stayed behind in your home town, and never truly got over them. You have a normal job in a normal tiny town, while they are a famous actor in del sol, but every time they return home, you rekindle your relationship, only to break up each time at the end of the holidays, breaking your heart all over again.
gen 9: Coney Island
‘Break my soul in two looking for you’
aspiration: beach life
career: any
traits: child of the ocean, gloomy, up to you
reach level 10 of painting, video gaming, mischief skills
live by the sea
go to the fair ground in copperdale on dates, break up, and never return to that date spot.
gen 10: ivy
‘I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bone’
traits: loves the outdoors, romantic, gloomy
aspiration: soulmate
career: Gardner (other branch not previously used)
you’ve always been in love with your best friend, but fate forces you to marry their sibling. You have an unhappy marriage and see your friend in secret, with whom you still have a relationship. Your spouse is suspicious, but never catches you. You and your lover must only meet at night
Live in Glimmerbrook
be a spellcaster
max gardening skill
gen 11: cowboy like me
‘I’m never gonna love again’
traits: loves the outdoors, horse lover, rancher
aspiration: championship rider
career: up to you
live in chestnut ridge
master riding skill
own a horse
gen 12: long story short
‘Long story short, I survived’
aspiration: world famous celebrity
Traits: cheerful, creative, outgoing
Career: actor
become a five star celebrity, after a scandal you ‘get cancelled’ (book one of those cleansing sessions) but then it’s proved you are innocent, and you re-become a five star celebrity
Max acting skill
gen 13: Marjorie
‘Watched as you signed your name Marjorie’
traits: good, genius, music lover
aspiration: musical genius
career: musician
be born in autumn
Growing up you were always close with your grandparent, who was a musician. Their death really affected you. You became a singer like them.
gen 14: closure
‘It cut deep to know ya right to the bone’
traits: hot headed, self-assured, creative
aspiration: any
career: actress
A controlling agency. After the switch, they keep on reaching out to smooth things over but you don’t want to, after so many betrayals and all the times you forgave them, now you just want to cut contact and move on, you know they don’t mean it, it’s just so they stop feeling guilty.
pick any acting agency but once you reach mid level of acting career switch.
gen 15: evermore
'I've been down since July'
Internal struggles, your partner is the only one who keeps you from falling apart.
traits: gloomy, romantic, up to you
Aspiration: soulmate
Career: up to you
Max writing skill
keep a diary since childhood and write an entrance per day
have a fire place in your home
be born in winter
be consoled by partner whenever sad
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readingreylo · 2 years
Grab the tissues....
Tumblr media
Who's ready for some Angsty fics?
But don't worry, I'm a big baby so all these have HEAs.
There's just something about the extreme lows that make the happy endings so much more sweeter.
I didn't add my 2 cents to each of these recs because I am pretty sure every comment would be "It hurts so good 😭😘👌"
Oh and whoops these are all AUs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We will start things off with the fic that inspired this entire list...
You Can Have Manhattan by reylo_addict | @thereyloaddict | Explicit | 41k | Complete | Modern AU | Manhattan | Established Reylo | Break ups | Flashbacks | Falling in love | Devoted Reylo | Angst | Break up sex | HEA | Rey POV | In the past: Rey falls in love with New York at the same time she falls in love with Ben Solo. In the present: Rey is angrily (and drunkenly) phoning her Ex from the otherside of the country.
(The rest are organized shortest to longest)
Porch Swing by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 2k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Witness Protection | Mafia | Angst | HEA | Rey POV | "When Ben’s past catches up with them and they’re separated, it would be easy for Rey to give up. Except that he promised her a pink house. And a porch, with a swing."
tomorrow by diesirate | @diesirate | Explict | 7k | Complete | Modern AU | Established Reylo | Rey needs a hug | Body Dysmorphic Disorder | Self esteem issues | Angst | Past Bullying | Devoted!Ben Solo | Hopeful ending | Rey POV | Rey can only orgasm when she pretends to be someone else. One night her husband finds out.
earthbound by trailingviolets | Explicit | 7k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Parrot!Kylo | Human!Rey | Angst | Trauma healing | Past abuse | Past assault | Therapy | Anxiety | Time gap | Human!Ben | HEA | Rey POV | Multi POV | Struggling with her own demons, Rey buys an abused Bird. Once they both have healed she sets him free -- only for him to return to her years later as a man.
For Now by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 8k | Complete | Modern AU | Soulmates | Co-workers | Angst | HEA | Ben POV | Ben realizes that he and Rey are soulmates, but doesn't tell her because they both hate the whole concept. Instead they start a no-strings-attached thing.
Into your heart (I’ll beat again) by ElixirBB | @elixirbb | Mature | 9k | Complete | Modern AU | Non-linear storytelling | Lawyers | Car Accident | Attempted Murder | Angst | Bendemption | Rey had abandonment issues | HEA | Rey POV | "Rey doesn’t love Ben Solo. She doesn’t. Obviously, this doesn’t explain why she jumps in front of a car for him."
Rupture by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 9k | Complete | Modern AU | Heartbreak | Break ups | Angst | Texting | Big-shot-lawyer!Ben Solo | Villainous!Snoke | Reconcilliation | HEA | Ben POV | It’s been a year since Ben broke up with Rey. It never gets easier.
all things bright and beautiful by freewalrus | @sandhateclub | Teen | 9k | Oneshot | Modern AU | A/B/O | Alpha x Omega | Established Relationship | Unplanned pregnancy | Misunderstandings | Angst | HEA | Rey POV | An unplanned pregnancy throws Rey's relationship into chaos.
The Rogue and the Pearl by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 10k | Complete | Modern AU | Actors | One night stand | Missed connection | Angst | Rey POV | Two years after an unforgettable one-night-stand, Rey is cast in her breakout role. Alongside Kylo Ren, the one that got away. Tensions are high as they both dance around their past while trying to bring their characters to life.
One Last Thing by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 12k | Complete | Modern AU | Near-death-experience | Allergic reaction | Hospitals | Angst | Co-workers | Pining | HEA | Ben POV | Multi POV | "What if, in the seconds before you die, you were allowed to know everyone who was secretly in love with you?" Ben's quick thinking saves his coworker Rey's life. Rey, in a coma, has an interesting near death revelation.
Breath of Ashes by Denzer | @denzerwriter | Explicit | 15k | Complete | Modern AU? | Dystopia with Magic Powers | Dragons | Devoted Reylo | Charcter death | Pysch! | Mourning | Angst | Were!Dragons | Monsterfucking (kinda) | Size Kink | HEA | Rey POV | In a world burnt by dragons, survivors Ben and Rey face unimaginable challenges.
What You Deserve by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 18k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to lovers | Angst | Emotional Baggage | HEA | Rey POV | Rey has never had an orgasm before. Het Tinder date is determined to change that.
honey sweet (lips zipped) by lachesisgrimm | @lachesisgrimm | Explicit | 20k | Complete | Modern AU | Fake Marriage | Marriage of convenience | Secret relationship | Texting | Pining | Misunderstandings | Wedding | HEA | Rey POV | Friends Rey and Ben secretly marry so Rey can utilize his insurance. It's all smooth sailing until Ben's mother finds out. Now Rey is on a collision course with her deeply-buried feelings for Ben.
Almost is a six letter word by ElixirBB | @elixirbb | Mature | 21k | Complete | Modern AU | Break ups | Flashbacks | Falling in love | Angst | HEA | "Rey meets Kylo Ren before she meets Ben Solo. They’re the same man and she loves and hates both versions of him. Until she doesn’t. (Throughout the years, they almost had it all.)"
a mind of winter by myownlittleinfinity | @myownl1ttle | Explicit | 20k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to lovers | Falling in love | Friend group dynamic | Top!Rey, Bottom!Ben | Break ups | Angst | Reconciliation | Rey POV | "The winter that Ben and Rey meet, they fall in love."
Those We Love by Everren | Explicit | 21k | Complete | Modern AU | Charcter death (Han Solo) | Funeral | Mourning | Angst | Friends to lovers | Flashbacks | Pregnancy | Misunderstandings | HEA | Ben POV | Ben and Rey reunite at his Father's funeral. It's been months since they've seen each other - Rey moving to the city, Ben dealing with his father's palitive care - and to top the day off - Rey is pregnant.
Primae Noctis by pontmercy44 | Explicit | 21k | Complete | Medieval AU | Bodice Ripper | Class Differences | Forced marriage | Underage | Primae Noctis | Loss of virginity | Childhood friends | Serf!Rey | Baron!Ben | Mistress | Pregnancy | Angst | HEA | Rey POV | "After invoking Primae Noctis, the baron takes a young bride as his Mistress"
follow in your form by violethoure666 | Explicit | 23k | Complete | Modern AU | Nurse/patient dynamic | Serious injury | Injury recovery | Quadriplegic!Ben Solo | Nurse!Rey | ANGST | Domestic | Ben POV | "Ben Solo wakes up paralyzed and angry about it. A story about dealing with change, holding onto hope, and finding love."
It's been a while since I dreamed this by CoinToYourWitcher | @coin2urwitcher | Explicit | 24k | Complete | Modern AU | College/University | Song Fic | Scotland | Roommates | Drama | Angst | Poverty | Loss of Virginity | Mention of Suicide | HEA | Rey POV | "Rey walks into her dorm room for the first time to see her new roommate making out with some guy. The girl leaves—because it’s not her room—and come to find out Rey was put on the guy’s floor by accident because of her god damn boy’s name. The RAs promise that someone will drop out within a month and that she can simply wait for a spot to appear in one of the girl’s rooms. But in the meantime, her new roommate, Ben, has nightmares and she has to keep waking him up."
Could We by kalx58 | Explicit | 26k | Complete | Modern AU | Rivals to lovers | Dating | Falling in love | Cycling | Cycling culture | San Francisco | Bike messenger!Rey | Programmer!Ben Solo | Recreational drug use | Break-ups | Angst | Reconciliation | HEA | Rey POV | Rey can't stand the douchebag on her morning commute. But soon annoyance turns to attraction and Ben and Rey embark on a relationship that will change both their lives. It's a shame that all good things must come to an end.
Killing Me Softly by AlbaStarGazer | Mature | 32k | Complete | Modern AU | Amnesia | Angst | Marriage | Car accident | Trauma | HEA | Rey POV | Multi POV | "Rey clings to the hope that her husband will regain his memories after he survived a car crash that left him with amnesia. During her monthly visits at a medical facility with Ben, who now calls himself Kylo, she struggles to cope as he tries to make her let go of the past, and in turn, him with it."
The lamb's thirst by animal | @ao3animal | Explicit | 36k | Complete | Futuristic/Dystopian/Vauge setting | Angst | Mention of suicide | Rey needs a hug | Intimacy/trust issues | Strangers to Lovers | HEA | Rey POV | Multi POV | "Rey thought she felt lonely in the presence of her two colleagues, but now that she's actually alone, now that she's the only Guard in charge of the station, in the middle of nowhere, she's starting to have a better grasp of the concept of loneliness. When she sees a silhouette walking far, far ahead on the side of the road one day, she first thinks she's hallucinating."
Knight in Sooty Armor by Graendoll | Explicit | 45k | Complete | Modern AU | Firefighter!Ben | Alcoholic!Ben | ANGST | Ben Solo is a disaster | Past sexual abuse | HEA | Multi POV | "Ben rescues twelve year old Rey from a fire. When she returns at sixteen they form an unlikely friendship."
full fathom five (little lies) by lachesisgrimm | @lachesisgrimm | Mature | 45k | Complete | Modern AU | ANGST | Unplanned Pregnancy | Hurt/comfort | injury!recovery | Broken friend group dynamic | Villian!Luke | Rey needs a hug | Devoted Reylo | HEA | Rey POV | Ben ghosts Rey. He wont even answer her texts when she tells him she's pregnant. Then one day a phone call revealing that Ben has been in a coma for 5 months and he wants to see Rey. Slowly the truth comes out that a master manipulator has been pulling strings behind the shadows.
what if the storm ends by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explicit | 61k | Complete | Historic AU | 1950's | WW2 flashbacks | England/Yorkshire | Growing up together | Estrangement | ANGST. SO MUCH BLOODY ANGST | Author!Rey | Widower!Ben | Ben was happily married to another | Farmer!Ben | Rey has PTSD | HEA | Rey POV | "As a child, Rey is evacuated from London to the Yorkshire Dales during the Blitz. She spends the war in the care of the Solos on their farm, wandering the moors with their son looking for a legendary family artifact long lost. When the war is over, she returns to a city she no longer recognizes, and she writes a popular series of children's fantasy books based on her childhood in the Dales. After amassing fame and fortune with her stories, tragedy brings her back to the farm to see Ben Solo, once her greatest inspiration and now a widower."
i could have been wild and i could have been free (but nature played this trick on me) by reylo_garbagecan | Mature | 61k | Complete | Historical AU | Regency AU | Arranged Marriage | mildly dubious consent | Pregnancy | PTSD | Illness | Character Death | ANGST | Injury recovery | HEA | Rey POV | Ben Solo arranges a union with the sharp tongued orphan. Enough of love follows.
A Few Small Repairs by TourmalineGreen (need ao3 account to read) | Explicit | 70k | Complete | Modern AU | Neighbors | Enemies to lovers | Evil Property Devlopers | Coroprate espionage | Alcoholism | Angst | Poverty | HEA | Rey POV | Multi POV | Rey is the last hold out on the block-- preventing First Order Industries from starting their next gentrification project of her beloved neighborhood. Rey expects their offers, their underhanded ways, their pompous suits ad briefcases looking down at her little antique shop -- what she wasn't expecting was for one of the assholes moving in next door to her. And Ben Solo is nothing like what she expects.
A Cailín Came to Town by mzladybird | @mzladybird | Explicit | 74k | Complete | 1920's London AU | Peaky Blinders AU | A/B/O | Alpha x Omega | Organized Crime | Graphic depiction Violence | Irish!Rey | Mob Boss!Ben Solo | Boss/Employee dynamic | Mysticalism | ACTION | DRAMA | ANGST | Period typical prejudices | Slow(ish) Burn | Mention of abortion | HEA | Rey POV | Rey calls in a favour to find protection and work with the Black Knights of Birmingham. Her past is catching up with her as Ben Solo must deal with his burgeoning attraction to the cailín, and a turf war of unknown origins.
Hanging On A Star by Yours_Truly_Commander_Shepard | Explicit | 81k | complete | Modern AU | Musicians | Music Industry | Eniemes to lovers | Non-linear storytelling | Angst | Falling in love | Break-ups | Mechanic!Rey | Viral YouTube sensation Rey | Musician!Ben Solo | Minor drug/alchohol use | Road trip | Minor finn/Rose | HEA | Rey POV | "Today, Rey Johnson is a breakout star with a rising single, a major label contract, and a five-year-old photograph of her kissing the lead singer of the Knights of Ren that she just can't shake. Five years ago, Ben Solo was a lonely American musician on extended holiday in the West Midlands without a working car, new material, or a friend in the world."
Mitan, Midi by animal | @ao3animal | Explicit | 83k | Complete | Modern AU | French Countryside | Strangers to lovers | Language barrier | Depression | Angst | Rey needs a hug | British!Rey | French!Ben Solo | Rey POV | "After a French notary contacts Rey to inform her she's inherited a house in the Drôme (France), she decides from one day to the next to quit her job and move there. The house is pretty secluded, there's no service, no internet, no way to reach other people aside from the landline in the living-room. Ideal conditions, by her standards, as those theoretically should allow her to be perfectly alone. Theoretically."
I Was Lost (For You To Find) by LadyReylo | Explicit | 90k | Complete | Modern AU | Adoption | Single Parent!Rey | Strangers to friends to lovers | Co-parenting | Angst | Class difference | HEA | Rey POV | After unfathomable circumstances bring Ex-marine Ben into Single Mom Rey and her son Rian's lives, Ben and Rey must figure out how to co-parent while dancing around their attraction to each other.
Children and Other Wild Animals by Virginia_Tradescant | @silmarilliant | Explicit | 90k | Complete | Modern AU | Multi POV | FBI | Witness Protection | Bodyguard | Organized Crime | Undercover agen!Ben Solo | Hitman!Kylo Ren | Teacher!Rey | Schools/Children | Forbidden relationship | Pining | Drama | Action/violence | Angst | All-aboard-the-pain-train | HEA | Multi POV | Ben Solo's return to field work should be easy, but a sting operation to draw out a mole within the FBI, disguised as Witness Protection will test his every resolve and push him to his limits. Caught in the crossfire is Rey Niima, a early childhood educator who is just trying to teach children and not fall in love with her very own special agent.
Comfort Zones by Emmyjean | @emmyjeanb | Explicit | 101k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to friends to lovers | Porn star!Kylo Ren | Awkward!Ben Solo | Anxiety/depression | Dating | The Friend Zone | Drama | Past substance abuse | Angst | Multi POV | Rey finds herself working behind the scenes of a porno - and just her luck to run into one of the main stars at her other job as a bartender. Drawn together over their shared love of literature Ben and Rey embark on a rocky road to happiness.
hereafter by voicedimplosives | @voicedimplosives | Explicit | 104k | Complete | Post-apocalyptic AU | Alternate 1920s | A/B/O | Alpha x Omega | Pandemic | War | Wilderness Survival | Road Trip | Gender/designation roles | Enemies to lovers | Slow Burn | Angst | Despair | Drama | Action/Violence | Falling-in-love/Realization of feelings | Flashbacks | Homesteading | Hopeful ending | Rey POV | Ben POV | One of a few survivors after a pandemic (and pointless war) that decimated the population, Rey is trekking across north america to find her lost family. She crosses Kylo Ren and it dramatically changes his life, while Rey must complete her journey and face her destiny and herself.
we could plant a house, we could build a tree by Like_A_Dove | @likeadove | Explcit | 124k | Complete | Modern AU | 1990's to 2014 | Growing up together | Artists | Slow Burn | Ode to 90s music | Drama | Angst | Bendemption | HEA | Rey POV | 7 year old Rey is an orphan taking art lessons at Luke's studio where she become friends with his moody teenage nephew. The story of their lives over the course of 20 years. Friendship, love, loss, consequences and finally redemption and forgiveness.
Friday Special Comes With Something Sweet by deathbyhumidity | Explicit | 160k | Complete | Modern AU | Small Town | Strangers to friends to lovers | Character study | Angst | Drama. So much drama. Mostly internal | Rey needs a hug | Ben needs a kick in the ass | College student!Ben | Complex family dynamics | Past bullying | Falling in love | Dating | HEA | Ben POV | "Being Chewie’s kitchen assistant at his dad’s diner wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened to Ben Solo after he went back home from university with his tail between his legs, but in typical spectacular fashion, he managed to ruin the peace with his runaway mouth just three weeks in. Really, he should have remembered there was a good reason Han kept him out back, but at least now the memory of wide, wet eyes spitting fireballs at him made sure that he won’t likely forget again anytime soon."
The Trail Bride by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explict | 160k | Complete | Western AU | Oregon Trail | Strangers to lovers | Marriage of convenience | Secrets/lies | Outlaws | Angst | Action/violence/drama | Languid pace | Rey POV | Rey Niima's husband dies on the Oregon Trail. She settles on marrying the mysterious Ben Solo to continue the journey. They might have come togther by chance but their chemistry and devotion are undeniable. But of course Ben has a past - he is not a respectable banker, but the outlaw Kylo Ren and Rey has gotten caught up in one of his schemes. After seemingly freeing him from the First Order Rey must seek out her own happiness -- even if that mean leaving her husband behind.
Happy Reading!
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bergarasunsolved · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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