#but she doesn't actually have a tail in the art
shenanaginag · 7 months
Been a while since I've done a SLARPG one minute draw from memory challenge.
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Next one up for the main villains: Paula!
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I feel like I captured... Something about her here.
I overestimated how much armor she was wearing tho. Definitely didn't miss anything else of course...
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yidhras-staircase · 4 months
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Foxgirl Outis my beloved
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Royal Polycule Adventures in Parenting and some general Kid Doodles
#Emile's Arts#Royal Polycule#I dunno man I'm iffy bout these doodles some of them don't look right to me for some reason#to BE FAIR to ME#It's my first time drawing Sonic#I don't know WHEN in my brain Mario adopts Sonic and Tails but it Happens before Rosalina shows up#Mario and Bowser both share the bad habit of Collecting Children#It just happens to them#I dunno what this is man I was in my head think thonkin and then Father's Day happened#and I wanted to draw all the Koopalings and Bowser again for it and then I wanted to draw Mario and all his kids#And I was like 'Well I HAVE to include Peach sense SHE'S Rosalina's mom'#and then I wanted something with Luigi but Luigi doesn't actually HAVE kids with any of his partners#And then for NO reason at all I was like#'What if Luigi is the only one to have kids the Real World Way'#(in the 'Mario' World pregnancy isn't really a THING babies just like. Show up. Stork or otherwise. And someone CHOOSES to take them)#But I mean Daisy IS human and not from this world so TECHNICALLY she can get pregnant right?? right#That's. That's the brain flow I went on for no reason fkdgjkgj#And then I also don't have any kids of my own but I do uncle everyone else's kids mega hard#irl I'm good with kids so that works out for me#I dunno a big Polycule raising a buncha kids together is just very... Comforting to me??#Polycule anything is very comforting to me I love a polycule sooo much#The Bowser doodle btw is like. 7am he's gotta get the kids up and ready for school he#He' not just super tired from his several children it's just very early#Robot Mario my beloved I am STEALING them from E Gadd actively#I meant to draw the rest of the Gadd Family but eeeeeeh I'm also so eeeeeeeeeeeh about these sketches#I need to post them now or I never will fdkgjkfgj#Aight sorry for the probably kinda weird post??#It's my blog and I'll post what I want to and all that#Y'all should ask me my Mario World Functionality headcanons some time#I have more thoughts about the physics and science behind it all than you'd expect
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as-rare-as-trees · 1 year
My fatal flaw is that if my friends jumped off a bridge I'd do it too
#hope that expression isn't used only here#you know when you excuse you doing sth by saying -x friend did it/told me to- and the adult/parent usually tells you#-oh well if they jumped off a bridge would you follow along then? 🤨-#in a gotcha kind of way#so that felt fitting for the kind of post i wanted to do#it's juuust#i have a feeling I'd do anything if some friends asked or suggested it#it's the remembering a friend told me she think I'd look good with a lip piercing and really fully considering getting one cause of that#or like when friends suggest they like sth or comment positively on sth I've done and it's like my brain is wagging a tail like a puppy#oh yeah? yeah? you like it? i'll do it for you#i'll learn woodwork so you can get that thing you like#oh you think I should sell those? i have never ever been consistent#but if you support this project....#you want to start that hobby? i'll find all the resources I can and drop them subtly towards you#or just the -I could learn to do pretty much anything if it's for a friend-#yeah never done a notebook with a pretty embroidered cover but I think you'd like it so-#nope never made jewellery but for you-#oh you would like to see an art piece like that? let me just-#i wish this motivation would also actually make me be more consistent but it doesn't always work#just the life of a -sottonə-#i guess the english equivalent would be simp?#vaneggiando#weird brain got me thinking this is all a little too much a little too weird might delete this later
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poppy-metal · 3 months
i need to be the nerd that frat boy art decides to fuck, because he’s bored, and he’s horny, and he thinks it would be easy. you don’t really talk to guys, he’s thinking it would be pretty simple to get into your pants. a little of the old donaldson charm would set him up nicely with you. need him to approach you while you’re studying in the library, ask what your major is, smile lopsided and charming like he knows girls like. but it isn’t easy. you look at him like he’s dirt, only removing one side of your headphones and saying “what do you think want?” pushing your glasses up your nose and turning back to your work. he’s hurt. he’s dumbfounded. he turns around, ego bruised, tail between legs, and glumly walks back to where patrick waits for him, laughing hysterically because art just got rejected by little miss no name. he was never living this down. he didn’t see the violent blush that was spread across your face or that fact that your hands were shaking as you picked up your pen. your look of disgust was because the sun was in your eyes, and your attitude came from the fact you couldn’t hear him over the blaring music. oh god. oh fuck. art had tried talking to you. art. fucking art. you had had the biggest crush on his since the start of the year, he’s so fine and tall and fit and you’ve gushed to your friends about how bad you need it. and now you’d dashed your chance altogether. god. you were so bad at boys. you were going to die alone. but what you don’t know is patrick is hyping art up, talking about “you just have to try harder. nerdy girls are it man, i swear. low body counts, massive freaks.”
“yeah, whatever man.”
“naw dude think about it. can’t you just see her begging for it.”
“alright, alright.”
art does go home that night, and he does think about drenching your face in spit after fucking your throat, and you smiling at him as he cums all over your glasses. maybe he will try again. maybe.
please and reader being into him she's just terrible at socializing and it often comes across as her being rude when she's just awkward <333 thinking of him trying to flirt with her again and she's just so quiet and he's kinda like :/ "look, I'm sorry for bothering you. I just think you're really fucking pretty -"
and you're so confused - flushed and wide eyed. "you're not bothering me!" you feel so bad. "im sorry I'm just - you make me nervous."
it changes everything once he realizes you like him back, you're just on the shyer side. he thinks it's cute. you remind him of him, almost, before stanford. he's so used to women being all over him - he's hardly has to chase anyone. but he thinks going after something you want makes it more meaningful.
it's not that he's timid - but he's never been typically aggressive like his other frat brothers when it comes to pursuing a girl. he's always kind and polite and more laid back - but he takes a more forward position now, with you, finds himself liking it alot. the way you swallow and can't meet his eyes when he slides closer to you.
"oh yeah? good nervous, I hope."
you nod, looking down at your hands on your lap. "it's a good nervous." you mumble. you're horrible at flirting. atrocious. you don't want to scare him away so you try to think of something else to say. "I think you're - I mean. I think you're pretty, too. or handsome. both. you're both."
art laughs and it's loud and genuine. it makes your tummy flutter.
"thank you." he tells you. "you're definitely prettier, though." his arm is behind you, resting. his knee bumps against yours. "you're beautiful, actually."
you press your fingers to your lips to hide your smile. your cheeks feel warm. on fire. he smells good, like something minty and intoxicating and you want to lean into him, think he'd probably like that, but you're too nervous to move.
"stop." you say softly, in a way that definitely doesn't mean to actually stop.
so he doesn't.
"no really." he comes closer - his arm brushes the back of your neck. you peek up at him, god, hes so attractive. blue eyes and golden halo of curls. he's not wearing his snapback today. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. was ready to cry myself to sleep when I thought you hated me."
you shake your head. "could never hate you."
"well, that's good." he smiles. "considering I want to take you out."
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murdrdocs · 5 months
thinking about tashi and art from challengers. thinking about being another tennis player at stanford who actually shows promise. you go to the courts religiously every morning and every other afternoon to perfect your groundstrokes and your volleys. other students barely play against you anymore, and it’s tough to find a partner for any sort of match. that is, until you catch tashi’s eye. well, according to tashi— art claims he saw you first. she says it doesn’t matter anyway, because she’s the one who approached you when art didn’t have the balls to do so.
tashi starts playing you more often and—granted— you don’t stand a chance against her either way. but you love the challenge. it starts becoming a common reoccurrence, until it reaches the point when you don’t even consider asking anyone else to play you. you simply sit by one of the benches, toying with your racket until tashi arrives. you’re not sure when it became routine, waiting around for tashi, nor when art began watching your matches against her from the bleachers. his presence was easily discardable during the matches… at first. but then you slowly grew aware of the other set of eyes watching you during practice.
you thought he was tashi’s boyfriend. you thought he was her boyfriend— until your shared afternoon in the locker rooms with tashi. you could barely stand up when you left, cheeks flushed and tennis skirt crooked. little did you know, tashi told art every single dirty thing about you in detail. the way you moaned, the way you bucked, the way your back arched and you begged her for more.
needless to say, they both made it their mission to see you like that again.
- 🍒
threesomes; oral (f receiving); MDNI 18+. 1.1k+ w/ ART DAVIDSON & TASHI DUNCAN
art finds you in the dining hall a few days later.
you're by yourself, sitting under tashi's poster and flipping through a mass market book the size of art's hand. he doesn't hesitate to approach you, a friendly smile on his face as he asks you if the seat in front of you is taken.
you shake your head, dog-earing your book at the same time as you slouch in your seat and kick the chair out for art. easily, he sits, places his tray on the table, and slides the peach your way. 
you don't have a tray in front of you. art doesn't know if you just finished eating, or if you were planning to eat at all, but he knows you like peaches. you take the peach, peel the sticker off, and take a bite.
you open your mouth as if you're going to speak, but art beats you to it.
"you and tashi are getting pretty close." he doesn't mean anything malicious by it. at least, he doesn't think he means anything malicious. he's still smirking, maybe less friendly and a little more teasing by now, and he's tapping the edge of the plastic tray with the blunt nail on his pointer finger.
you lift your eyebrows and chew slowly before you bother responding.
"yeah. we're friends."
art knows that's not necessarily true. he nods, dropping his head briefly.
when he speaks, it's to his salad. "right."
"what's that supposed to mean, art?"
art shrugs, sticking his bottom lip out a bit. he looks behind you at the picture of tashi in her element. he remembers that match. one of the early ones in the season where everyone had been excited to see tashi duncan play in her newly acquired red gear. art had arrived early that day and caught the tail end of your match on the court next to where tashi was going to play. he remembers the immediate infatuation he had with you. how graceful you looked on the court, yet you were able to put just enough power into your shots.
his eyes find yours again. you look like you're ready to accuse him of something, and likely be right. he's not being the most subtle person ever, but that wasn't his aim. he wanted what tashi has and this time he wants to do something about it.
"nothing. i just think you two are a little close for friends."
you sit and watch art. you take another bite of the peach and juice drips onto your lips and under your chin. you lick it clean without a second thought.
art leans forward, pushing his tray out to the side. "she told me about that day, you know."
you scoff and mirror art's position.
his eyes flicker to your lips when he says, "come on, you had to have known she would've told me. we're friends, remember? all of us."
"are we friends in the way that you and tashi are friends, or in the way that tashi and i are friends?"
you take another bite from your peach and once again, juice drips down. art doesn't hesitate in the way he reaches out, swipes his thumb under your lip to catch the liquid, and then sticks his thumb into his mouth to clean it up. he was likely smooth with it, but his heart pumps so hard that he can feel it in his throat. he swallows before he speaks.
"is there a difference?" he phrases it like a question, but you both know it isn't. you both know the answer.
it's a good thing that you, tashi, and art are such good friends who can do things like this together. sitting on art's bed, combatting your mutual boredom with something much more interesting. art sitting beside you, his back pressed against the wall and his legs spread to accommodate your body. he has a hand on your back, sometimes trailing down to your ass which has your feet folded beneath it. you face tashi who sits just on the outside of art's left leg, her position mirroring yours.
her hands cup your face at first, but once you tug her closer by her fitted jacket, she trails her hands down to lift the hem of your sweatshirt just enough to press her hands into your abdomen. she starts to lift the fabric completely, but it's then that art takes over. you feel his hand sliding up your back and your sweatshirt going with it until he gets to where your bra should be.
except, there's nothing there.
you can hear art's breath hitch as he slides his hand around to your front and swipes his thumb over your nipple. you make a startled noise, and tashi drinks it right up. she digs her fingers into the waistband of your shorts and pulls you closer, as close as you can get with art's leg between you both.
sensing the boundary created, art switches his position. he slides up behind you, giving you and tashi free reign to press your bodies together. meanwhile, he gathers your sweatshirt in both hands and lifts it, gently urging you to separate from tashi for long enough for him to throw the fabric off of your body and onto his floor completely.
tashi is quick to attach her hands to your tits and art is quick to pepper kisses along your shoulders and back.
the rhythm is so easy, completely void of any hesitation, except that which exists for consent.
it's a rhythm that only such good friends could have created and mastered. 
here, like this, hidden under the pretense of the three of you being such good friends, do they finally get to see you how they wanted. tashi gets to see you again, and art gets to put her words to visuals. and tashi was so right. her words had seemed almost unnecessarily vivid at the time, even though art greatly appreciated it. but how could she not describe this sight vividly?
the way your chest reached towards the ceiling as tashi used her mouth on you, your pert nipples sitting prettily at the peaks of your breasts. the veins in your arms poking through your skin briefly as you placed your hand in tashi’s hair, which art is sure she left loose for this exact occasion. your sounds, god art doesn’t think he’ll ever forget them. the prettiest whines almost mewls slipping past your parted lips and greeting the air. only when art didn’t have his mouth attached to yours that is. 
it’s like he couldn’t keep himself away. he had to touch you however he could. but he wasn’t good at this, he didn’t know where he should fit into he equation with tashi occupying the spot he usually aimed for. so he explored. he pressed his lips anywhere they could reach, and he found a favored spot along your tits. he couldn’t help but suck marks along them, even though he didn’t exactly know how you would feel about it. 
but when he looks back on his work peeking out through your tank top hours later, he’s glad he left them there.
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sillygreenrat · 8 months
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Introducing The Smiling Critters!!! This isn't entirely an AU persay but i like to call these guys the 'Better Bigger Bodies'. Toys that are ACTUALLY SENTIENT without the need for child testing and experimentation! Hurray!!! Might draw more of the B3's eventually but for now u get the sillies bc i LOVE them...
more spammy headcanon info under the cut!
DogDay: -he/they (demiboy) -ageless (mentally 21) -cocker spaniel -leader of the group by default due to outgoing personality -people pleaser at heart, loves going along with the group once the ball is rolling -can tend to get lost in his own thoughts, bottles thiings up for the betterment of others Catnap: -he/they/it (nonbinary) -ageless (mentally 23) -russian blue -second in command by default (hates it) -always tired but is also an insomniac, lavender gas has stopped being effective for them -very bad add that doesn't mix well with the insomnia
Hoppy Hopscotch: -she/her (cis) -ageless (mentally 19) -white tailed jackrabbit/hare -motivational backbone of the group -sets high expectations for herself that she does her best to acompish -she hates it when shes told she can't do something
Kickin' Chicken: -he/him (trans ftm) -ageless (mentally 18) -leghorn chicken -youngest of the group (and shows it) -usually the one to innitiate games. loves having fun, very adhd -has really bad abandonment issues, covers it up with entertainment
Bubba Bubbaphant: -he/him (cis) -ageless (mentally 26) -bornean elephant -oldest of the group (and shows it...) -talks a bit too much, but is only try to help and usually only has the best intentions, just a bad way of showing it -remembers too much about things that probably shouldn't matter anymore
Bobby Bearhug: -she/her (trans mtf) -ageless (mentally 21) -black bear -the all forever mighty mom friend -always there to be a shoulder to cry on. she'll be your #1 listener and reassure you as much as you need -she doesn't quite know her own strength sometimes
Craftycorn: -they/them (nonbinary) -ageless (mentally 19) -unicorn -shy, introverted friend who draws on napkins at dinner -loves to express themself through art, whether that be drawing or writing, maybe singing -horrible at reading people, constantly worried for friendships but doesn't outwardly say it
Picky Piggy: -she/they (demigirl) -ageless (mentally 20) -red wattle hog -always inviting people over, loves planning get togethers -loves to cook and bake, always making something that she gets her friends to try -has horrific intrusive thoughts they kind of just spout out sometimes
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On Kurapika's Self-Imposed Isolation
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While I recognize that probably everything I'm about to say is going to be super obvious, I just wanted to briefly touch on Kurapika's self-isolation, and the reason behind his not picking up his phone or exchanging anything more than clipped words and business after Yorknew.
I think the obvious answer is that Kurapika doesn't want his friends in harms way, or to be used as a bargaining tool against him. This is an understandable and probably accurate conclusion. After all, Gon and Killua did get taken hostage, and Kurapika was forced to negotiate an exchange. Chrollo picked up on Kurapika's "weakness" right away - that he values his friends' safety before his revenge. Fortunately for Kurapika in this situation, Pakunoda was a whole lot more similar to him than he would've cared to admit, as she placed a value on Chrollo's life even though everyone in the Spider was intended to be replaceable. So, now that he's been through Gon and Killua having potentially gotten killed or seriously hurt, and Chrollo knows that he has a soft spot for them, it does make sense that he would try to push them away for their safety and for the sake of not having an exploitable "weakness" in future. He may also not want to burden them more when they have their own lives to live - he does slip off without telling Gon and Killua for the sake of not distracting them from Nen training, after all.
Except that he already tried all this earlier in Yorknew arc. He tried to tell them they shouldn't get involved, and they all agreed that the risks were massive - but his friends agreed to undergo the risks anyways to help him. Kurapika was even grateful for it - "I have been blessed with good friends."
So, for him to push them away solely for this reason after the fact, knowing that this was very much a likely situation to happen, is a little odd to me. Kurapika knows full well that Leorio would be frustrated, Killua would be offended and Gon would worry. So, I think there's a little more to it than that, and I actually would venture to say that "keeping his friends out of danger" is more a secondary reason for his actions - one that would come across as more of a reasonable excuse to others.
The primary reason is likely a lot more selfish than that. Kurapika has to ensure his mission comes first. And unfortunately, he is fully aware that his path and choice in abilities is deeply self-destructive.
Kurapika needs to make sure that he doesn't have exploitable weaknesses, sure, but he also just as much needs to purposefully worsen his headspace - and he can't do that with those three around.
Think back, what are the happiest moments we see from Kurapika in the series? The one that comes to mind first, and the one I'm sure most of us will think of immediately, is this:
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[ID: A screenshot from the 2011 anime adaptation. Kurapika smiles - he looks at ease. End ID.]
It's one of the sweetest scenes of the series imo, right before the whole group is reunited for the first time since the Zoldyck Family arc, and it's even more notable because it comes immediately on the tail end of this...
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[ID: Three panels from HxH Chapter 101. Kurapika removes his contacts over the sink. His expression is distant. End ID.]
...and this...
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 101. A close up of Kurapika's vacant and furious expression, his eyes wide and dangerous as he says "It might as well be you." Though the art is in black and white, it's apparent his eyes have gone scarlet. End ID.]
...and this.
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 101. A distant Kurapika speaks on the phone on a rooftop at night, the cityscape of Yorknew around him dark, but speckled with lights and stars. He says "The Spiders are dead." His face is not visible to the reader. End ID.]
This is, up to this point in the series, Kurapika at his lowest. In contrast to Gon, who is happy to hear that the Spiders are dead already because now Kurapika can focus solely on finding his peoples' eyes, Kurapika... is clearly not happy - and that's because killing the Spiders himself isn't just revenge. It's penance. It's survivor's guilt. Kurapika's powers, which Izunavi even comments sound much like he is chaining himself in the process of chaining his enemies, are oh-so-beautifully prophecied to destroy him - and Kurapika was aware of this from the moment he set off down this path of revenge.
(As a side note, this is why I'm really hoping we see Gon and Kurapika interact again after the Chimera Ant arc - while Gon has always been pretty attentive to Kurapika's emotional state, in Yorknew, he lacks a true understanding of why Kurapika would go so far... but as of now, he understands rage fueled by guilt and grief all too well. I know we're all rooting for Leorio to reach Kurapika, but barring that, I really think Gon could get through to him - after all, they are similar in several ways, and I find it fairly apparent that Gon reminds Kurapika of Pairo.)
But back to the main point here - I do suspect Kurapika expects (if not wants) his revenge mission to destroy him. I think a lot of times, we forget just how young Kurapika is, and how much his character is dictated by honour, and the abandonment of it.
Certainly, he can and will go against his principles for the sake of his mission... yet, almost paradoxically, he's bound to his promise to his fallen clan; a promise to avenge them made in anger.
But Kurapika... doesn't come across as a naturally angry person to me at all.
He seems like the stoic, vengeful type on his initial introduction... and then we get his panic at Gon's recklessness
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 2. Kurapika and Leorio wear matching expressions of panic in front of Gon, calling him out for his recklessness. End ID.]
...and his near-immediate forgiveness of Leorio after getting the first inkling of his character - of someone who cares just as fiercely as he does.
And after that point? Almost all through the Hunter Exam? Kurapika smiles so readily at them. He's sharp and funny. He mediates at times, but is stubbornly prideful in others. He's very amused by his friends' antics, and it really does seem like he starts to enjoy himself, with them. And, more than that, he counters Leorio's initial impression of him as an independent loner - on several occasions. He decides to follow Gon because Gon intrigues him. Asides from Gon, it is Kurapika who is the most unwilling to fight each other at the bottom of Trick Tower. Kurapika who makes the first move to team up with Leorio, even though that arrangement benefits Leorio much more than it does him. Kurapika who refuses to abandon Leorio to his fate in the cave, and who checks on Gon after noticing his bad mood. Who was furious enough watching him get beat down by Hanzo that his eyes went scarlet for the first and only instance outside of Spider mentions and Emperor Time. Who quite readily detoured to help rescue Killua.
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[ID: Three screenshots from the 2011 adaptation Hunter Exam arc. In the first, Kurapika smiles at a sleeping Leorio. In the second, Kurapika stifles laughter as he pretends he's asleep. In the third, Kurapika has an open-mouthed smile as he acquires the airship tickets for them, Leorio and Gon standing behind him. End ID.]
Look at him! He's so bright! So happy!
...too happy. Too happy to do what he promised himself he would do. And that's his biggest fear, isn't it. Without his rage... what is he left with?
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[ID: A panel from HxH chapter 2. A close up of Kurapika's eye as he says "I do not fear death. What I fear is that my rage will one day fade away." End ID.]
Kurapika is far, far less mired in anger when he's with his friends. I actually dare to say that at certain points, he was able to go for lengths of time without thinking much about it - alternating between almost forgetting in one instance and being hit like a sledgehammer on exposure to a reminder in the next. This violent swing is... actually the beginnings of the natural process of healing from loss and trauma. But to Kurapika, who's made a promise to his people's memories, this is not a relief. This is betrayal.
I think that actually scares him, that he can almost picture it. A life beyond his guilt. That he, too, could learn to be happy, even after unimaginable loss.
And so, as Kurapika continues his mission offscreen, finding more and more gruesome reminders of the cruelty inflicted on his people and losing more and more pieces of himself in the process (in his own words, no less), he prioritizes his responsibility to them, and pushes away his distractions. He cannot be a soul at peace until his work is done; he must be in turmoil. He pushes people away who he cares for, and binds himself, and keeps his people's eyes on him, quite literally, because respite, for him, is unacceptable. Perhaps that guilty part of him even hopes, by the end of this, that his soul will be so unrecognizable as to be fundamentally unsalvageable. But the truth of the matter is, or at least what comes across to me, is that Kurapika cares much more fiercely than he hates. He knows what matters most. And for as long as he does, he still hasn't truly lost himself.
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[ID: A panel from HxH chapter 350. Kurapika looks down at baby Woble with a gentle, yet complicated expression. The inking is somewhat softer. End ID.]
Kurapika's soul is kind, really. And it wants to heal - but for the sake of his mission, he needs it damaged and bleeding. And so, he forces himself to exist in that pain. All alone.
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[ID: A panel from HxH Chapter 344. Kurapika, dressed in a black suit, sits with his back to the reader, looking down at a photo in his hand. He is slumped a little before the church vigil he has prepared, all his clan's eyes lined up in their jars and honoured with flowers and candles. He thinks to himself "There is no home for me to return to... and nobody to welcome me back. I have nothing left." End ID.]
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holdupjack · 11 months
You're An Idiot…My Idiot
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
AU: Reader is a Ravenclaw
WARNING: Injury and awkward fluff
Third Person P.O.V:
7th Year
Hermione sat in the bleachers with Luna as they watched the final Quidditch game of the season before the Championships. People cheered and booed all around them as they watched the Gryffindor VS Ravenclaw game.
Ron and Harry sped over the stands they kept their heads in the game, Harry soon took off towards another area as Ron stayed near the goal.
A flash of blue almost smacked Hermione in the face as it went by, but the familiar scent of a certain Ravenclaw made her eyes roll.
Y/n Y/l/n.
What was there to say about such a girl?
They weren't the best of friends, but they weren't enemies either. It's more like an artful dance of flirting and annoyance that they both have mastered around each other.
Hermione despised her arrogant and cocky attitude, with a fiery passion. The way she walked around like her shit didn't stink, always sent the Gryffindor up a wall.
Yet Y/n seemed to make it her life's mission is spin around the drain of Hermione's inner circle, almost like she wanted to be sucked into her presence even more.
The brunette wouldn't let that happen, just because Y/n was attractive, didn't mean Hermione had to give her a seat in her lifestyle.
"Y/n is very much showboating this game," Luna says as she watches her team zigzag around the field.
Hermione watched as the y/h/c girl seemed to be making a show as she chased after the golden snitch. She dodged wooden beams and pillars as she followed it closely, Harry was on her tail but seemed to be lagging behind.
"When doesn't she showboat?" Hermione grumbled as the blonde beside her gave a dreamy laugh.
"I've never understood your dislike for Y/n, I understand she can be a bit much, but she seems to genuinely enjoy your company," Luna says as people cheer around them because of a Gryffindor Chaser scoring a goal.
"She is so sleazy! Why would I entertain that type of person with my time?" Hermione says, to which Luna just shrugged. Her eyes looked at the brunettes for a moment but then flicked back to the game.
The tense grit in her jaw, how straight her back was, and the fiddling of her fingers gave Hermione away quite easily.
Luna had begun to spot Hermione at every Ravenclaw game since the beginning of the fifth year. It didn't matter if Gryffindor was playing or not, she never missed a game.
There had been a rumor going around that Y/n and Hermione were seen talking in an empty hallway, and it looked more like flirting than actual conversation.
Those rumors were quickly thwarted when everyone saw them back in their bickering behavior in the coming days.
"You fancy her" she states.
Hermione's eyes widened at the statement. That was outlandish! She had never felt any romantic feelings for Y/n!
Ugh, she couldn't believe she had been figured out by one of her friends, and that she had actually fallen for the Ravenclaw's charms!
It was humiliating, honestly.
Y/n had caught her alone in an empty hallway sometime at the early start of the fifth year. It had been normal, for the most part. Hermione rolled her eyes and scoffed at every pickup line she tried, but then she said something that caught her off guard.
"I need your help"
Y/n had never been one to ask for help, EVER.
So, to hear it come from her mouth was almost like hearing the devil say 'please'. It even made her slack-jawed in awe from hearing it as they stood in that empty hallway.
The Ravenclaw soon pulled out her grades from last year and showed Hermione that she had completely failed Alchemy the entire year.
She was being forced to retake it.
Hermione had shifted from foot to foot in the debate about whether she should help her greatest annoyance.
"Please Hermione, you're the smartest girl I know...and I truly need your help"
Something changed in the Gryffindor's heart, maybe because of the overzealous ego that Y/n seemed to be missing at this moment, or how she started to notice how beautiful her eyes were in the sunlight.
"Alright, alright. Meet me in the dungeons after dark, I'll help you."
Hermione then smiled at her. Another historic moment for the two, Y/n almost wanted to take a picture. If only she had a camera on her...
That was years ago now, and both had been meeting up in the old Potions classroom every night to study or just talk.
Y/n acted completely different when they were alone, so soft and caring. Her smile wasn't cocky, and her laugh was light and airy.
So, you could imagine when Hermione started to be pulled in by her charms.
"That's ridiculous!" Hermione replied with a face as scarlet as a letter, Luna just chuckled and looked back onto the field.
Harry and Y/n flew side by side as they chased after the snitch, both had grins on their faces as they tried to outmaneuver one another.
They were good friends, both having practiced together many times during their time at Hogwarts. They were the best of the best when it came to school level, and Hermione wouldn't be surprised if Y/n went on to be a professional.
Y/n flew to the other side of Harry as they slipped past the high-rise stands. Hermione was sure that one of them was going to kick someone in the head.
People began to murmur as they saw the Beaters looking around frantically. They seemed to have lost sight of the Bludger. Never a good sign.
"Bouncing Bludger!" People called out as a warning.
Harry suddenly ducked down as he heard a loud zipping noise headed his way. He obviously had flashbacks to the second year when he broke his arm because of one.
Sadly, Y/n didn't take in the noise before it was too late. A collective gasp took over the crowd when the ball smacked into Y/n's side at high speed, knocking her off her broom and slamming her into the walkway between the bleachers and railing.
She skidded for a few moments her body rolling and slamming onto the ground as friends and teammates ran/flew to her aid immediately. Harry watched in anguish as he saw his friend lay on the floor of the bleachers, unmoving.
"Oh my god," Hermione whispers as she pushes her way down to the main floor with Luna on her heels. People murmured around them as Madam Hooch ran to Y/n's side and checked her over.
"We need to get her to Hospital Wing, any able-body boys, I need you to carry her!" she yells as Ron lands beside them and drops his broom.
Hermione shoved her way through the crowd, whispering quiet apologies as she basically elbowed everyone in front of her. Luna held the back of her shirt as she followed in her wake.
When they finally broke through the barrier of people, Ron slowly picked her up into his arms. Y/n looked so fragile as her arm dangled.
Hermione stood there, staring as Ron walked away with Madam Hooch in quick steps. People's whispers seemed to get louder when she began to follow close behind them.
Harry flew down near the railing and called out to his female best friend as he followed beside her. Yet, she completely ignored him and everyone else as she stared at Y/n's head, which was lobed over the edge of Ron's forearm.
Luna stayed back and watched Hermione's actions with a knowing look. The way her body was loose and nervous, yet she just gazed at the unconscious Ravenclaw in her friend's arms like she was witnessing a car accident.
Hermione didn't know how to feel, or think.
Her body went into autopilot.
She sat on the bench outside the hospital wing as friends, teammates, and some teachers went and checked on her. Y/n had woken up once, but Madam Promfrey quickly put her back to sleep due to the broken ribs and her groans of pain,
It was now almost one in the morning, everyone had gone to bed for the night. The only people in that part of the castle were the biggest rivals in the school.
Hermione's foot shook as she gathered the courage to get off this bench and finally walk in.
She was nervous to see Y/n in a state that wasn't what she was used to. To see her broken and bruised...was going to be foreign.
Quietly she stood up and walked towards the big doors, she slowly opened them, and they squeaked loudly.
Hermione cursed to herself as she decided to leave it open. Her eyes scanned the moonlit room to find only one occupant of the beds.
Y/n laid on her back as her chest rose and fell slowly. Her white school shirt showed that her sides were bandaged and tightly wrapped around her skin.
The Gryffindor carefully stepped closer as she watched for any sudden movements or to hear any discomfort leave Y/n's lips.
When she finally sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed and looked upon the Ravenclaw's face. She was peaceful, oblivious to the amount of pain her body was in.
Hermione didn't know what to do, or why she was even still up this late at night for someone she only knew in the dark.
Maybe that's why? Nighttime was the only place where they saw each other's true colors. Spoke without any malice or anger.
Her hand slowly laid itself beside Y/n's, her finger caressing the girl's knuckles. Silent affection, something only she would know about when day broke again.
"You've done it Y/l/n. You've got me under your spell...I hope you're proud" Hermione whispers as she stares her their hands, feeling how cold Y/n's hand is compared to hers.
"You're freezing" she whispers as she stands up and walks over to a cabinet full of blankets and other equipment.
"I don't know why Madam Promfrey insists on keeping the wing so cold!" Hermione grumbled as she grabbed a blanket and shut the cabinet closed with a small 'huff'.
When she walked back over, she unraveled the folded polyester and draped it across the injured girl. Her hands glided carefully around Y/n's sides to make sure the heat of her body helped her broken ribs heal a little faster.
Hermione leaned over her unconscious form as she carefully tucked the blanket around her, as she moved up towards her shoulders, their faces were almost nose to nose.
She leaned away slightly but stared for another moment as she noticed the bruises along her jaw and cheek.
"That fall did a number on you too" Hermione whispered as she reached up and took a hold of Y/n's chin, gently moving her head so she could get a better look at the purple marks.
She sighed softly and sat back in the chair, her legs crossing as she debated on what to do next. A big part of her wanted to stay, but another didn't want to put any more suspicion on their 'unlabeled relationship'.
Was it friendly or turning into more?
It was obvious that Hermione had grown quite fond of the Y/n under the cover of the dark, but was that truly who she was?
Or was the arrogant and cocky asshole during the day her true personality?
This question made Hermione want to rip her hair out. It was the only part that she couldn't get a clear answer on.
"You are so infuriating" Hermione mumbled quietly as she looked away and out threw the window. She could see owls flying out of the Owlry, their silhouettes dancing across the moon.
She heard a big intake of breath before a pained grunt came from Y/n. Hermione's eyes quickly fell back on her as she brought the chair closer to the bed.
"I know" she whispers as her hand reaches up and pushes away some hair that was stuck to Y/n's forehead.
It was quiet as Hermione calmed down Y/n by running her fingers through her hair. Watching as the Ravenclaw seemed to be craving her touch.
"You're such an idiot sometimes. Why don't you listen to your teammates?" She asks in an annoyed tone as she thinks back on the incident from many hours ago. Y/n silently groaned in pain as she nudged her head against Hermione's palm.
"You can't guilt me out of giving you a lecture once you wake up" she hums as her hand caressed Y/n's forehead, she could feel the heat radiating from it.
It's silent as Hermione does more than any rival should do, but she feels guilty that the Ravenclaw didn't have anyone who wanted to stay and watch over her during this.
"You need to find a girlfriend. I can't be the one to take care of you during times like this" she hummed quietly as she moved her hand away. Y/n groans again, whether, from the pain or the now sudden lack of contact, Hermione isn't sure.
"Then again...I'd more than likely come sit by you if this happens again" she sighed as she started to use unconscious Y/n as a therapist. It made her chuckle slightly about it.
"This is ridiculous! Why are you so charming to me now?" Hermione huffs in annoyance as she crosses her arms. A small hue of scarlet red flooded onto her face.
"Fine. You're cute, I'll give you that." She admits with an annoyed sigh as she looks everywhere but Y/n.
"How can I fancy you? I've despised your very presence since we've met!" The Gryffindor mumbles as her eyes follow the detail of the stone walls.
She was silent for a while, listening to the soft breathing of the Ravenclaw beside her as her mind stumbled over itself with different thoughts.
"I'll admit it. Alright?" She sighs with another annoyed tone. Hermione hated admitting she had been wrong, especially about how she truly felt about things.
"I've fallen for the sound of your voice, and the kindness you show me when it's just the two of us. Or how you seem to look at me like...I can't explain it, it's like-" she's cut off.
"Like you're the only person in the room that matters"
Hermione turned in shock to hear a dry and raspy voice coming from the bed beside her. Y/n eyes were open, but tired still. She had a weak smile, yet it seemed very genuine.
They stared at one another, Hermione's breathing was audible but soft. Her hands gripped her jeans, trying to convince herself that she wasn't hallucinating. Y/n's hand slipped out from under the blanket and waited patiently to be taken.
Hermione sat nervously as she hesitated, her eyes flickering between Y/n's hand and eyes. The Ravenclaw waited patiently, continuing to look at her with a soft smile.
"How can I trust you?" Hermione asked as she looked back at her, their gaze tense and unbreaking.
"I've loved you since our first Potions class together" Y/n whispered, surprising the Gryffindor once again. All the way back to first-year?
"Then why..." Hermione drifts off as she thinks of every time they've gotten into an argument or pushed each other's buttons on purpose.
"It's the only way you'd talk to me! Thank Merlin I failed Alchemy, or else this might of never happened" Y/n chuckles softly as Hermione slips her hand into hers. It was warm now.
Y/n's thumb subconsciously ran over Hermione's knuckles as they continued to stare at one another.
"Go out with me Granger, tomorrow," Y/n asked with a grin, which Hermione chuckled at.
"You're still on bed rest for your broken ribs" she states, to which the Ravenclaw groans about.
"I'll sneak out, meet me in Irondale" Y/n says and Hermione rolls her eyes with a playful smile as she places her other hand between the space below her chest and above her stomach.
"I'll bring you some Ice Cream tomorrow as compensation, please stay in bed," Hermione asks nicely and Y/n grumbles like an upset first-year.
"Alright, but as soon as I'm released then?" Y/n asks with a smile as she squeezes the Gryffindor's hand.
"Maybe" Hermione teased as they began to quietly laugh together, their chuckles echoing around them in the empty Hospital Wing.
Y/n hissed and touched her sides.
"Don't make me laugh" she whispers with a pained smile, to which Hermione quickly apologized and moved her chair closer. Looking at the potions on the nightstand beside the bed.
"When did you take these?" she asks as her hand leaves Y/ns and starts to pick up bottles, reading the labels carefully.
"You tell me," Y/n says with a grin as she tries to lay at her side, but Hermione quickly scolds her.
"Don't you dare! You have broken ribs!" she says with a sigh as she watches Y/n roll her eyes and lay back down.
"Here, this is for pain relief. It says take every four hours, and you've been knocked out long past that" Hermione hums as she pours the liquid into a small cup, Y/n makes a face as the smell of it hits her nose.
"Please don't make me pour it down your throat" Hermione states as she holds the cup for her. They looked at each other with playful glares.
"It smells like horse piss 'Mione" Y/n says as she slowly sat u. Her ribs felt as though they were on fire, causing her to curse and hold back some tears.
Hermione took her hand and held it against her back to alleviate some of the pain. It seemed to help slightly.
"I know, but it's good for you" she replied as she placed the cup in the Ravenclaw's hands.
"Maybe so, but I need a little convincing" Y/n says through pained breaths as she smiles. Hermione raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"How so?" She asks as Y/n places her hand on the side of her neck and pulls the brown-haired girl towards her.
Hermione smiled when she stood out of her chair and kissed the Ravenclaw. Their lips moved simultaneously, their hands grasping each other's faces with passion.
Each kiss felt more irresistible than the last, to the point that Y/n desperately whispered 'no' when Hermione began to pull away.
"Drink, then we'll see about another one " she whispered back as she sat back in the chair, her face pink and her lips smudged with Y/n's peppermint chapstick.
Y/n was quick to down the potion like a shot of Fire Whiskey. To which she soon regretted when her face contorted and she started to cough from the taste.
As she gagged and hacked from the horrendous flavor, she grasped her sides in pain.
"Sweet Merlin, knock me out" she said through wheezes as Hermione rubbed her back comfortingly.
Eventually Y/n was able to calm herself and lay back down on the bed. Hermione covered her back with the blanket and sighed softly.
"You're an idiot" she said with a sigh as Y/n grasped her hand and smiled.
"Your idiot"
"I haven't claimed you"
"Yet! I'm putting it into the universe now" Y/n hums as she shuts her tired eyes and lets the potion start to relax her body.
"Oh god," Hermione whispers as she stands up and dusts off her jeans. Owls booted as they passed by the window.
"Get some sleep-"
Y/n quickly grabbed her wrist and gave a soft, but pleading look. This shocked the Gryffindor. Y/n was never this openly touchy.
"Don't go"
Hermione looked at her as a small smile crept into her lips, she looked away to hide her charmed facial expression.
"If you wish" she says as she sits back in the chair and takes Y/n's hand into hers. Their palms fit perfectly against one another.
Y/n relaxed as she began to fall asleep again, her eyes fluttering shut to the comfort of Hermione's watchful gaze.
The room felt safe.
Hermione soon woke up to the sun shining in her eyes, she groaned as she sat up and cursed the chair for putting a knot in her back
When her eyes focused, she found Y/n reading the Daily Prophet with an annoyed look on her face. Hermione yawned and caught her attention.
"Look at this! I look like roadkill!" Y/n huffed as she showed the front page of the article, it was a moving picture of Y/n passed out on the bleacher floor.
"Quidditch Player Bludgeoned!" Hermione read out the headline and snickered slightly as Y/n just huffed in anger again.
"That's a stupid play on words" she grumbled as Madam Promfrey walked back with a snicker of her own.
"I liked it" she said with a smile as she took care of a sick third-year a few beds away.
"Hey!" Y/n groaned as Hermione placed the paper down and chuckled, the air between them was light and fun.
Y/n looked back at her and sighed, the sun shining on her back as it cast her shadow on the bed.
"So...do you want to talk about last night?" Y/n asks and Hermione feels her cheeks heat up at the remembrance of it.
"Yes, we should" she replied as she scooted closer, hoping to keep the conversation as private as possible.
Y/n gently gazed upon her, her eyes seemed to glow as the backlight of the sunshine shimmered around her.
They both were nervous to hear what the other would say, which led them to just look at one another to start the conversation.
"Would you still like to go out to Irondale with me? After I get released, of course." Y/n whispers as her eyes fall to the palms of her hands. A nervous silence grew between them as Madam Promfrey pretended she wasn't listening in.
"I would like that, a lot" Hermione whispers as a shared smile breaks out on their faces. The room felt warmer as their cheeks turned a cotton candy color (or candy floss if you really want to get British).
They spoke quietly together as the day turned to night once again, Y/n eventually convincing Hermione to go back to her dorm and get a good night's rest.
But as soon as Hermione's head hit that pillow, she began to toss and turn. To the point that Ginny threw a pillow at her to make her stop moving.
"I can't help it!" Hermione whispered as she sat up and threw the bundle of feathers back at her. Ginny just sighed as she caught it and laid back with it covering her face in annoyance.
"Just go see her then! Everyone has been talking about you two today" Ginny muffled through the cloth as a few other girls hummed in agreement as they pretended to be asleep.
"Of course, this school spreads gossip quicker than the flu" Hermione grumbles as she throws the covers off and slips on her shoes. A few of the girls chuckled as they sat up as well and turned on the light.
"I find it cute," Lavender says with a smile as she yawns softly. Ginny snickered and moved the pillow off her face, watching as Hermione seemed to be burning with embarrassment.
"I hate you all" the leather-haired beauty grumbled as she walked towards the door.
"But we love you!" The girls yelled back in a fit of giggles as the door slammed shut. Hermione could hear them cackling as she quickly made her way down to the common room.
It was empty and dark, it looked as though someone had put off the fireplace for the night. Her feet made the steps creak as she walked down to the main floor, her arms crossed against her chest as the chilly air hit the skin of her forearms.
She huffed softly as she shimmied her way through the tunnel and out to the hall on the other side.
The paintings snored softly as she made her way to the Hospital Wing. Only a few were up to ask the young Gryffindor where she was off to, to which she replied 'Better sleeping arrangements'. It was a strange response, but they didn't push any further.
When Hermione made it to the wing, it was dark and cold, just like the night before. Except, Y/n was up.
"Hermione? What are you doing here?" She asks when she hears steps enter the room. Hermione just grumbled something incoherent and got into the empty bed next to Y/n's.
Y/n chuckled and watched the Gryffindor get under the covers and turn her back towards her.
"Missed me?"
"Shut up."
Y/n began to laugh, now that her ribs were almost fully healed it didn't hurt as much to do so anymore.
"Just admit it, Granger, you're in love with me already" Y/n says to which Hermione flips her off and covers her head with the pillow.
Hermione felt her face burn so hot that she was sure the pillowcase could catch ablaze. Y/n's continuous chuckles didn't help either. Soon enough, it got quiet, and the sound of the wind rattled the windows near them.
Hermione rolled over and rested the pillow back under her head as she caught eyes with Y/n across from her.
"This doesn't mean anything" she whispers as the Ravenclaw grinned.
"It means everything" Y/n replied.
"You're overthinking things"
"I'm your overthinker"
"Still trying to get me to claim you?"
"Slowly but surely!"
Hermione chuckled softly as she looked at her with a soft gaze, her heart thumping inside her chest.
"Fine. You're an idiot...my idiot"
They both began to laugh as they lay on either bed and started to talk the night away quietly, soon falling asleep with their hands dangling over the sides. Fingers brushing the others whenever a breath was taken.
Futures started to form in their dreams.
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catsharky · 9 months
May I ask for some details about your Tav? What do you mean by hasnt really lived as a tiefling before? Like literally has never seen another tiefling? Seems like being abducted by the mindflayers introduced major life changes to your Tav
I'm sorry this took so long to answer, but I ended up doing a whole bunch of art to answer this!
Ember has a really extensive backstory that's kind of long, but the short version of it is: she was caught in the crossfire of a deal her parents made with a devil. They couldn't have a child of their own because her mother was too severely ill, so they made the deal in the hopes of returning her health and along with it the ability to bear children. Unfortunately devil deals being what they are, they ended up with Ember who the devil stole from her birth parents.
Her mom was a high elf and her dad a half-elf, and her mom's side of the family were quite vocally anti-Tiefling. Because of her mother's health problems, however, they couldn't just sever contact with her parents because they relied on their money to cover the cost of healers, expensive potion ingredients and the like. They couldn't be trusted not to be a threat to Ember though, so the decision was made to disguise her as their biological daughter throughout her childhood.
Here's an age chart!
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As a result, Ember didn't even know she was a Tiefling until she was around 4 or 5, when she began to present as a sorcerer and accidentally undid the disguise spell (she ends up a bard thanks to her mom, but her control of magic comes from sorcery).
Before the events of the game, the most time she ever spent as a Tiefling was when she was 13- when her mom died and her dad disappeared, the disguise spell having relied on her mum's magic. She went through hell for a while after that and as soon as she could learn how to cast the spell herself, she jumped at the chance and went back to living as her old half-elf self. So when she gets taken by the Nautiloid, it's her being forced to actually live as her real self and as a Tiefling for the first time. As a result she doesn't have great control over her tail, because she's just straight up not used to having one.
She also spends a lot of Act 1 jumpscaring herself whenever she walks by a mirror lmao.
I do plan to do some comics that are set earlier in the game at some point, and those ones will explore more of her backstory. What I've done so far has just happened to be set in Act 3, after she's already sorted a lot of her shit out. I just have no idea when that'll actually be!
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
TRAGIC NEWS???!!!!! Wasn’t there a “bonus info” graphic (like the Nifty is Straight one) that said Valentino was good at art? We do not see it we do not perceive it the Lucifers Commissions crack thread lives ON
At least in that scenario Vox would be equally pathetic, bugging Val to draw him Alastor pictures or Val drawing pictures for Vox because he knows it will get a reaction
Alternatively, Vox leaning over Val’s shoulder like [sfw edition] “and and and make his tail fluffier. More.” and Velvette looks over “put him in the 2017 winter collection.” vox: “yeah he is a winter. Now give him real messy hair! More! More!!” “Di-she-velled!”
“Chefs fucking kiss Val”
Valentino is likely way too busy to paint a detailed full body alastor though. So Vox would have to outsource
(just. just go to this entire saga for context)
HELP I actually remember hearing that before but I never actually watched the whole video (I literally just click citations on the wiki).
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tbf it would also be funny if val himself drew sexy alastor art to placate vox in an argument. he's done it so much he doesn't need to use references anymore. but dw this only applies to VAL so specifically val wouldn't need to commission lucifer after an argument with vox. but it's not like val would ALWAYS be willing to do a fully rendered artwork of alastor. you're right. vox would have to outsource. this is how lucifer's commissions still come into play.
alternatively, like a fool, vox tries his very best to pretend he is actually normal about alastor so he commissions outside sources in secret without consulting the other vees as if they don't already know because it's so obvious. this is where val gets to be the responsible one for once and step in at the monetary loss and just offer to draw for him sexy alastors himself (lucifer already got a lot of money from vox's commissions though)
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nocturnalfandomartist · 2 months
Favorite Hildavio headcanons?
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Oh, it's so hard to choose them in a particular order... but here are a few below the break! :)
+ Some old art from earlier this year I never posted as a bonus! I'm sorry it took so long to answer this ask, things got a bit busy. ^^"
Ravio may be a klutz, but he's actually a very attentive gardener! Folks have been jealous of his ability to keep plants alive for years - especially when Lorule was in such a dead state. The large purple flowers in front of his house, for example; he planted those because they reminded him of Hilda! For a long time, he would practice what to say to her... including the days before he decided to leave, when he was still considering the idea of confronting Hilda directly before backing out on the idea. When he returns to Lorule after the events of ALBW, he is overjoyed to see the flowers persisted without him and looo even healthier than before! And now, tending to them isn't so loney... because Hilda's there, too!
He slips up now and then, but he's quite the gentleman and gives Hilda flowers almost every time there's a remotely special occasion (it could even be something like, "A gift for you, my princess, for the sunniest day of the year!") Ravio is a sweet and dignified goofball with Hilda, and she thinks it's the CUTEST thing (although she'll deny it behind his back, she'd bluntly admit it to his face if someone else were to protest to the idea).
Also, Sheerow has a tail because 1. I said so. 2. I like to imagine throughout the game, it's less stressed out in Hyrule and stops picking out its tail feathers/molting. I know that still doesn't apply to the first drawing... but I don't care. Maybe this is before things in Lorule went TOO crazy!!
Also, also... is anyone else really weirded out about the way Sheerow's talons bend? Originally, I had them bend like an actual bird's, but then I checked the official art. I know I could have changed that too because I felt like it, but this unnatural bend is kinda funny and makes Sheerow even weirder.
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frnchgirls · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/frnchgirls/756638518747545600/okay-hear-me-out-because-regencyartrick-is begging and pleading respectfully for the full thing OR even prince!art looking for a queen as he’s supposed to be king
ahh my first request!! thank you for sending this in <3 i felt more inspired to try my hand at your second idea but i'd be more than happy to do more with regency!au in the future if you'd like :)
prince!art has always been a romantic. he blames it on his late father who shared with him countless stories of true love matches when he was a young boy, something the members of the royal family seldom get to experience for themselves. but now, he's no longer a boy, he's a man and his father is gone and his mother is pressuring him to find a suitable wife if he intends to be the next king. now more than ever does art mourn the loss of the days of his youth spent without worry.
he arrives at the first ball of the season and quickly realizes that the tabloids say he's looking to marry and suddenly he feels like he's in shark infested waters. art's being followed around the room by some particularly persistent girls and they're fanning themselves too hard and laughing too loud and he thinks it might be giving him a rash. at one point he actually engages in respectable conversation with a woman, but then he asks about her hobbies, and she looks at him as if she doesn't know the meaning of the word, and he wants to run away from it all.
art's taking a much-needed respite by the refreshment table when you approach, tapping his shoulder. "excuse me?" you say, clearing your throat as your gaze bores into the back of his neck. he's so frazzled he doesn't even turn around before he blurts, "look, if you want me to dance with your daughter, i'm afraid the answer is going to be no." but then he sees you and you're not some old crone, hell and the devil, you are a young lady and a wonder to behold.
you arch a brow and tell him he's standing in front of the lemon bars and you're hungry and if he had a tail, it would be between his legs now. art moves out of your way so fast he almost knocks over the man next to him. "i'm so sorry, my apologies, forgive me!" he pleads with you both, smoothing down his coat and you can't help but smirk because why is he so cute and why do you have the urge to take care of him?
after he regains his composure, he's asking for your name and your favorite color and if you'd be so gracious as to dance with him. "i thought you weren't interested in dancing?" you tease, and he's blushing and shrugging cause he's not, but he'd surely make an exception for you. it's not long before you're talking up a storm on the dance floor and arranging to see each other again and when you find out art's next in line to be king, you're not particularly phased. your family, however, is ecstatic and tells you that you'd be stupid not to marry him.
so, a few months later, when you're standing at the altar, and you've said your vows and art's kissing you so tenderly, he's sure he's going to be the happiest king that ever lived.
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summary: killing kim myeong-gil would bring many people satisfaction. as hyeon-ju, gun-woo, woo-jin and the others begin to plan on how to do it, choi knows that there's someone in seoul who would take part in it with much pleasure.
wordcount: 3.348k (i got a little bit excited, the other chapters gonna be shorter don't worry)
tw: swearing, almost-fighting, so just plain bloodhounds-things (i update this section with every new part of the story)
author's note: i watched the k-drama in one day, it's wonderful. a little explaining for the "y/h/c", i wrote it with creme-blonde haired character so i'd recommend some extreme or light color. other than that, it's free for every hair color!!
in the burger shop, the pregnant silence after gun-woo's confession about the loan and his mother's café shop was broken by the arrived burgers, brought by woo-jin. hyeon-ju's face became hard again.
"as you heard, my grandpa is no longer a loan-shark. he provides zero-interest loans to people in need. but we occasionally come across punks who try to take advantage of his good heart. yang jae-myeong was one of them. he lied about his mother needing to get an operation. he borrowed ten million won and vanished. it took me half a year to track him down. i saw him begging in front of a train station. at first, I thought he had really become homeless, but i noticed how clean his teeth were as I was passing by. so i tailed him, I found out that he and his goons were pretending to be homeless and stealing IDs from actual homeless people. they use the IDs to create shell corporations and open bank accounts. then they con loan sharks and take out loans anywhere from tens to hundreds of millions of won. this tactic was so professional, we thought there could be someone behind yang jae-myeong. i heard that this person had connections to yang jae-myeong. do you know him?"
after the photo was shown, they talked about how to follow yang jam-myeong's gang, but before the trio stood up from the table, hyeon-ju nodded to the guys to stay sit. digging into her jacket's pocket, she took out a piece of paper that seemed to be like a photo.
"before you begin stalking the gang, i want you to find this girl. i didn't have the time to talk to her, since i was searching for yang jae-myeong, but now i want you two to talk to this girl. gun-woo, tell her about the loans your mom signed and what happened after. she's hard-headed and kind of keeping to herself."
"fine, but who's she?" woo-jin asked, as gun-woo looked at the picture. long y/h/c hair, the mask was on her face, but she had wide, clear speaking eyes. ones like woo-jin's, the ones you look in and can read from them without a loud word.
"she's y/n. i heard my grandpa talk about him on the phone, this was the only picture i could get about her. she doesn't have instagram, facebook or any of these apps, i took this from my grandpa's office. it's possible that she won't open up to you, but it's a must to talk to her."
"yeah, i get it. but why do you want us to find her?" gun-woo was also interested about this question. was she an enemy? young kids can also be stolen by criminals and raised by them, to be as loyal as a dog can to do anything for theirs.
"y/n is good, don't worry. as far as i know from what my grandpa said on the phone, she is someone whose parents were close to my grandpa. she followed her father's track and trained herself in the most brutalist martial arts, like the israelite krav maga, the russian systema or muay thai."
"aisssh, i wouldn't want to confront her in any way", woo-jin said. gun-woo thought about these fights; he only saw muay thai on tv, and that seemed really dangerous in itself. he knew that as soon as they begin to track the girl, he's gonna search up the other two martial arts on his phone.
"yeah, me neither" gun-woo added.
"will you two do? and asking for her phone number?" hyeon-ju asked, the guys nodded.
"yes, of course. but i'll bring a white flag just in case", woo-jin answered as they stood up from the table.
a few hours later, gun-woo and woo-jin were on the streets, wandering around buildings.
"fuck, how can we find someone in a town where nearly ten million people lives?" woo-jin asked. gun-woo looked at the picture. 
“hyeon-ju said that she’s a pro in martial arts. maybe we should look in the gyms?” 
woo-jin patted his chest, “look, a real genius here.” 
going to every gym around the town, gun-woo and woo-jin began to lose hope. 
“maybe she’s working today or just doesn't feel like coming down to train.” gun-woo began to think about what to tell hyeon-ju if they don’t find the girl. she sure will be pissed or angry, but this is a really difficult task. 
“aish, gun-woo, don’t be like that! would you say something like this? people like us, people who train daily, their safe place is the gym. feeling sad? go to the gym! feeling happy? go to the gym! did your date went well? go to the gym! you just broke up with your girlfriend? go to the gym! look, for every problem, there’s a solution, and the solution is called–”
as woo-jin talked and talked, gun-woo thought he’s hallucinating. on the other side of the crosswalk, a girl tapped on her phone. same (y/h/c) hair, same (e/c) eyes, the same way she dipped her shoulder as she looked behind her, even the black sweater was the same. she wasn’t tall, the arms of her sweater weren't puffed from muscles. maybe she isn’t y/n, but they can try. 
“woo-jin, look. do you think that is her? y/n?” he asked, cutting off his friend. woo-jin looked at the picture, than at the girl, than at the picture again, and the girl again. 
“honestly, how could we know if we don’t ask her?” woo-jin smiled, just as he always does when he’s in some doubtful situation. they began to walk behind the girl. she wore earphones. woo-jin went to tap her shoulder, but when he touched her shoulder, the girl turned around, grabbing woo-jin’s wrist to keep him still so she could punch him in the face, gun-woo hurried to stand beside woo-jin. the girl took out the earphones with her free hand. 
“what the fuck do you want from me?” she asked, looking up from under her eyebrows, looking from one second to another at each of them, like she waited for some attack. she really was a pro, gun-woo said to himself. gun-woo had to admit that she was quite pretty. not like pretty girls from clubs or his high school and university, or the nurses at the marine, but some pretty girl that his mother would like to date him. he bent deep down. 
“we are sorry to disturb you, but we have a question. we don’t mean harm, we don’t intend to hurt you” he said fast, and the girl let go woo-jin after looking at the guy, and making sure he nodded. the girl turned, pointing to one of the restaurants. 
“can we talk while i eat? i just came out from training, i’m starving.” woo-jin and gun-woo nodded, following the girl. 
“so, what did you want to ask?” the girl began eating. woo-jin looked at gun-woo, who watched her dainty fingers grabbing the utensils. he sighed and took out the photo, placing it down to the table so the girl could see, she stopped eating instantly. pulling up her eyebrows, she distanced from the table a little bit. before any of the guys could talk, the girl began to speak fast and stark. “are you from the police? the secret service or some fucking spy-bullshit? what the fuck do you want from me? it doesn’t matter, i shouldn't talk to any of you, i’m not gonna do this shit. how did you get this photo of me?” gun-woo wanted to talk, but the anger in her eyes made his mouth shut. “doesn't matter, i hope i'll never see you again.” she began to pick up her things. gun-woo thought about hyeon-ju, sir choi, her mother, and the ugliest guy that beat him up that night in the coffee shop. 
“we just want to ask you about your name,” he spoke clear. “we’re just curious if you’re y/n or not. anyway, my name is gun-woo, and he’s woo-jin.”
“yeah, why? you probably know this because you have every information about me.” she replied, her chest rising and falling a little bit faster than usual. 
“no, we don’t. we… so, well… we know a man who’s name is sir choi. and her granddaughter… her granddaughter told us to meet you.” 
y/n looked around herself, like checking if someone else was there as a spy or some third wheeler, but when everybody was lazily chomping down on their dinner, being on their phone with some boring video or tweet, she slowly sat back down. sir choi’s name moved something in her, because she leaned closer to the guys. 
“if that’s what about i think it is about, then this is some serious shit. really, maybe the most serious shit in seoul’s money and business history, so if you truly mean sir choi’s name, than i really recommend you two to turn around and walk away from all of this. understood?” gun-woo sighed. 
“i think that i’m deeper in this than i wanted to”, he replied, the girl looked at him from under her lashes. 
“what do you mean? is this about loans?” gun-woo nodded, the girl looked up to the ceiling, sighing, letting out a long whisper of swearings. “then we aren't talking about the price of my dinner, aren't we?”  
“we don't talk about money, we talk about catching the men who are behind this.” woo-jin continued, y/n looked up at him, smiling sadly. 
“i hope that you are alright in the head, so you can understand that this is nearly impossible.” 
“it is not, believe us. we gonna find a man who’s in contact with them.” y/n sighed, looked to the side, looking at her phone. 
“how can i trust you two? really, anyone can talk to me about this, anyone who took loans from the old man.” “we found this photo of you in sir choi’s office.” 
“you two? how did you get into sir choi’s office? not even his closest people could get there.” gun-woo looked at woo-jin, sighing. 
“well, not us, but his granddaughter. her name is hyeon-ju, we are her so-called bodyguards.”
“i don’t know anyone who’s name is hyeon-ju. so, summing up, not sir choi, but his granddaughter wants to talk to me? why?” 
woo-jin looked at gun-woo. “can we talk a little bit?” 
“sure.” y/n responded, turning back to her food. woo-jin gulped. 
“should we tell her about the plan? yang jae-myeong? but what if hyeon-ju wants to tell her this?”
“i think she would understand it better if we told her. she doesn't know who we are, and sir choi’s name means something to her, but in this case, sir choi doesn't know about our mission.” woo-jin shrugged his shoulder, turning back to y/n. 
“it’s about catching a man who’s in connection with the loan-sharks, and the one smile capital. since hyeon-ju told us to find you, we think that you’d be interested to catch these guys.” 
“this is real, they have some repayments for me.” gun-woo somehow knew that this wasn't about money, but how could he ask when they knew each other for two hours? 
“so, are you in it, or not?” woo-jin leaned forward, offering his hand for a handshake. y/n pointed up her forefinger. 
“one talk. only one session with hyeon-ju, and then i decide whether i'm in or not.” she stated, woo-jin and gun-woo nodded, while they smiled lightly. looking at each other, they shared the ‘we made it’-look, making the girl scrunch her eyebrows. “okay then, where and when should we meet tomorrow? i guess this can't wait, if that’s so important that you found me.” y/n brushed her hair behind her ear, gun-woo didn’t miss the tattoos on her fingers, and the 
“maybe… tomorrow at noon? here, in front of this restaurant.” gun-woo offered, the girl nodded. 
“deal. see you guys tomorrow!” she said as she stood up, gun-woo stood up too. he didn't know why, he just felt that he needed to accompany the girl, no matter where she went home. 
“wait, y/n!” the girl turned around, woo-jin looked at him like he had some shock or something. “where… where do you go home?” 
‘to yongsan, and you?” she asked, gun-woo’s eyes lighted up. 
“me too. would you mind if i… so, maybe we can go home together?” he asked, hoping that the girl wouldn't mind. 
“yes, we can. goodbye, woo-jin!” she answered easily, bidding goodbye to the guy beside gun-woo. after she went out of the door, woo-jin began to lap gun-woo’s back. 
“aye, gun-woo! did little y/n just trickle some love into your heart?” he asked grinning, gun-woo shook his head. 
“no, it’s just… what if she gets into trouble at night? it’s dangerous.” gun-woo answered innocently, making woo-jin do a little ‘tsk’ in the corner of his mouth. 
“by her grabbing on my wrist before he almost punched me to death, the one who needs protection is me!” woo-jin dramatized the situation, pointing at his wrist. 
“she didn’t do anything, and she won’t again. she seems… peaceful.” 
“yeah, well, stopped beating me because she found his prince.” woo-jin continued the teasing by adding some eyelash flutter that girls do when they find someone really handsome, making gun-woo roll his eyes. “okay, well, just go. and tell me everything when you get home. or… if you haul up at hers. or i hope that your house has thick walls and your mother doesn’t mind the constant whining noise!” he giggled, having fun. he could tease his friend forever, now that this girl was in the picture. 
“woo-jin-ah! don’t do this!” gun-woo replied, making woo-jin laugh. 
“okay, okay! have fun, and bring her too! don’t forget to ask for her phone number!” 
“goodnight, woo-jin.” 
stepping out into the chilly night air, y/n waited for him. they began to walk to the bus station. gun-wo thought about what he should ask from her. family? no, that's too personal, and they just met today. he wasn’t good with girl stuff, only had one girlfriend and she dumped him after two months, when he applied to the marine. 
“so, since when do you box?” she asked, making gun-woo looking at her wondering. 
“how… how did you know that i box?” y/n snapped with her tongue, looking at him. she had pretty eyes, and although her mask was on, she seemed like this was the easiest question in her entire life. 
“when your friend grabbed my shoulder, his grip was firm, his palms are not too big, but they are strong. he lifted his other arm, just in case he needed to protect himself. i think i even saw your friend on the tv. you two are muscular, it can be seen from under jackets, but your legs’ aren't as muscular as your torso. in other martial arts, you need to train your legs too, to kick as strong as you can, but in boxing, you only use your arms. oh, and bodyguards are most of the time professional agents, but you two are young. or am i wrong?” 
gun-woo didn’t know how to respond, he wanted to tell her how cool it was to deduce what they did, just from looking at them. 
“no, you are right. and… hyeon-ju told us that you are a pro in many martial arts, so… since when do you train?” 
“since my childhood. it’s not that difficult, many movements and styles are similar.”
“did you fight competitively? like, in championships?” 
y/n shook her head. 
“no. only in gyms, i don’t like championships. you can get burned out easily. but i guess, since you asked that, you do championships. what is it like?” 
gun-woo smiled under his mask. y/n was really cute as she asked about him. otherwise, maybe he could never tell her these things. he wasn’t a man of words, and only a few times he knew what to say. 
“you would like it, really much. before covid, the arenas were filled with people, and the energies, the mood was really high and good.”
y/n hummed as they got on the bus, sitting beside each other. gun-woo protested that he should sit on the outer seat, and as y/n didn’t sense any dangers from him, she accepted and sat down. 
“i hope that this hyeon-ju girl is cool, because i had some cat fights with others in the last weeks. girl fight in the gyms, you know.”
“cat fights? with girls?” 
“yeah, but it wasn't so serious, i wondered where all the girls were, who'd ripped each other apart. a year ago, those fights were brutallic, like some freaking mma-cage fight, and now… at there, we say about these lazy gym-championships that there were no claws, but only strokes.” 
gun-woo snickered. 
“and these gym fights, do they pay well? or… do you work somewhere?” 
the girl looked at him, scanning him from bottom to top while leaning to the glass window, leaning on her elbow, tilting her head. “you don’t look like a drinker, so i don’t think we would meet at my workplace.”
“you're a bartender? woo-jin would like this! he likes to drink, sometimes, always saying how good he can bear alcohol.”
y/n laughed. 
“yeah, he looks like the typical tough guy who grew up on the bad side of the river, but when the two of you constantly looked at each other, i knew that he’s just as rookie as you.”
“yeah, that’s right. we began to work recently at sir choi, we are his granddaughter’s, hyeonju’s bodyguards. but she said she don’t need bodyguards.”
“but if she doesn’t need you, then how did you stay?” 
gun-woo sighed. 
“i… i begged for her to stay. i have a debt to work off to sir choi.” 
“oh, so you work down the loan sir choi gave you, and this is the way you are affected personally by these loans?” 
gun-woo thought about that night. when in-beom beat him up, when the boss threatened him not to call the police because his mother would end up dead, when he felt like he can’t do anything. looking at y/n, he didn’t want this girl to get involved in this business. gulping, gun-woo nodded. 
“yeah. my mother too.”
“you work for your mother and her protection? you take life danger upon yourself so that she doesn't get hurt?” y/n asked, pulling together her eyebrows. 
“we could say so.”
y/n sighed, looking forward, leaning back on the seat. looking at her hands, picking at the tattoos she had on her fingers. after a few seconds, she bent closer to gun-woo. she had dauntlessness and bravery in her eyes, without a blink of her eyelashes. her lashes were longer than usual, giving her the attitude on the outside as on the inside. pressing the get-off button of the bus, she gathered her bag in her lap. 
“i understand it now. in this case, count me in, too.” 
gun-woo looked at her. 
“why? you doesn’t even know what is this about, this is serious danger, y/n.” 
y/n shrugged her shoulders as gun-woo let her out from her seat, as they stood, y/n gave her a piece of paper. 
“because it’s personal for me, too. see you tomorrow, gun-woo.” 
gun-woo bent deep down as the bus stopped. 
“thanks, y/n, for talking to us, and not beating up woo-jin.”
y/n giggled, and bent slightly down too. 
“thank you for giving me an opportunity.”
as she got off, gun-woo sat back, folding out the paper. it was her number, they didn’t even ask for her number and she gave it to him! on the paper, there was a little message too. 
show this to hyeon-ju. you guys forget everything. make sure she notes my number. and don’t worry, we are going to figure this out, one way… or another. y/n. 
author's note: i hope you liked the first chapter. sorry for my english, it's not my first language, and i just got back to writing after a looong break. leave a like or comment if you liked it!! by babes
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honey-ink · 3 months
Hoarah Loux may have been a part of a Dancing Lion?
So DLC spoilers under the cut of course, but I was once again theorizing with @dan-from-onami about base game and DLX connections- more specifically Hoarah Loux/Godfrey and their origin!
So I think Godfrey/ Hoarah Loux may have come from the land of shadows and might have been a Hornsent without horns as well as a Dancing lion- specifically the back of the dancing lion. This might explain a few things from his children/origin/allies/why Marika casted him away. This might explain why Morgott and Mohg have their horns, but also lose them upon death. This might also explain why if Godwyn was born with fish features, it was also a crucible features without Marika knowing since she's only used to horns, wings and tails.
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Now for origin I think Godfrey is a more domesticated version of what Marika wants for a lord, and that's why he wears armor and wields an axe. However, I think in the past as Hoarah Loux he might have escaped Messmers/Marikas genocide and abandoned the front half of the lion or escaped somehow before joining Marika and without her knowing his origins since he doesn't have horns. This would explain why in his boss fight (ESPECIALLY AS HOARAH LOUX) both him and the dancing lion are constantly jumping and using no weapons to attack (probably dried leaf arts? Or another form of art), In the frost phase of the dancing lion the back dancer also uses similar moves like horahfrost stomp (will link videos to compare because they are weirdly similar?). This might also explain why Serosh is actually a lion instead of the typical wolf/canine shadow like Blaidd and Maliketh.
Divine Dancing Lion Boss Fight
Godfrey/ Horah Loux Boss Fight
This probably also explains why the crucible knights were specifically Godfrey's knights/ why he chose them to be his knights, and chances are once Marika found out or at least clued in that Godfrey was probably Horsent was the real reason why she cast him and his men away because she didn't want to risk anything happening to the golden order. That would also explain why in our own character creation we can be any race or class we want, but no matter what we are tarnished because we once worked in allegiance with Godfrey/Hoarah Loux.
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@dan-from-onami brought up a good point though because he didn't know how much he could believe Hoarah Loux is a Hornsent in particular because Marika at the first sight of any omen-hood will either murder them or boot them into the sewers- which makes a lot of sense now given her past. That's when I went back into the game and realized that in the intro Hoarah Loux is- like us- waking up from death. and in that cutscene he is chained up and impaled.
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I'm also not sure if the Badlands and the Realm of Shadow are different, or if it might just be a situation where sometimes the Realm of Shadow is called the "Badlands" due to it's unwelcoming nature. A bit of a long rant haha but I never realized until now that we only know Godfrey/ Hoarah Loux as First Elden Lord and Chieftain Of The Bad Lands, but we don't really know what those titles entail for him or the rest of his story outside of the Lands Between.
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syoddeye · 5 months
🥺🥺🥺 your drink headcanons are precious 💕 farah, alex, nik, and alejandro’s are my favorites. idk if you do requests but could you do first dates too?
hi friend! i'm glad you liked the asking them to watch your drink post. i do not formally take requests but i love when people pop in with ideas. and i really really like this one! i gave it a go
price. he’s never beating the traditionalist allegations. he is arranging the entire thing, picking you up right on fucking time with flowers, and taking you to dinner somewhere you’d never take yourself. does a poor job of hiding how pleased he is to pay, even worse when he persuades you into a walk and has you on his arm. he asks a lot of deep questions that coming from anyone else would put you off, but he’s not dating to fool around, if you catch my drift.
gaz. this man is so plugged into the music scene. follows bands, artists, and venues religiously because he doesn't get many opportunities to see live music and actually enjoy it. so he asks you for a genre, then sends a redacted screenshot of concert tickets. you grab drinks then head to a hole-in-the-wall. it's always nerve-wracking seeing a musician you know nothing about, but gaz nails it. three dates later and he sends you a personalized playlist. ugh, dreamboat.
soap. listen while i do picture him as a very outdoorsy and active guy, i think for a first date he's going to take you to a drink and draw. it's casual and scales to the mood, meaning it can be both an intimate and cozy experience, or fucking hilarious and a rowdy time. plus it gives him the chance to show off. draws a mini you and him at the end surrounded by trees. what’s that? oh that’s date two. a casual camping trip.
ghost. dinner and a movie. no, he did not just look up 'first date 101'. he's just not big on public places, and he knows that's a hurdle in dating. so he video chats you a few times before arranging the date to get you comfortable with him and to see his place, because babe, he's hosting. he's not the world's best cook so he'll order takeaway if you prefer, and if that goes well, he'll let you pick the movie. what happens after who knows
alejandro. he's the guy that knows the guy that owns the farm that supplies the bougie restaurant you've been wanting to try. and that guy owes him a favor. he drives you out there in his truck and has a table with candles and flowers waiting. he has you sit with your drink of choice and watch him prepare dinner, busting out all the tricks to impress you. yeah, he could’ve taken you to his ranch, but that’ll happen when he figures out he’s serious about you. date three.
rudy. rudy the foodie has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? it’s weird at first when he insists on picking you up in the early afternoon, but when you arrive to a local food festival, you get it. you need the hours to slowly walk around, and to digest the amount of bite-sized dishes and snacks you sample. he gushes about his family’s cooking, how he wishes he had more time to dedicate to cooking and play around with recipes. gets a little sheepish. you have him eating out of the palm of your hand when you take him to a cookbook store on date two.
kate. in my heart she is a patron of the arts. similar to gaz, she doesn’t get a lot of time to soak it up, so she finds galleries and museums through personal recommendations. she’s got a broad network, why not use it? she’s not a snob either. elbow to elbow at some gallery opening, staring at a befuddling piece of art, she’ll swirl her glass of wine and lean over to whisper, “do you want to get out of here? i can’t make heads or tails of this.”
nik. you are going up in that heli. asks if you want to take a nighttime helicopter ride to see the city by night. jokes about this time a young sergeant fell out and he thought he killed him. ha ha ha. the ride culminates with him landing on the rooftop of a friend’s building, and taking the elevator a few floors down to said friend's restaurant. not feeling fancy? that's okay, to the basement then for gambling and drinks.
farah. it's a surprise. she asks for your physical limitations. hm. what is she playing at? but you trust her. you receive strict instructions on what to wear, and then what extra clothes to bring. hmm. you end up at a rock climbing gym. at first you think, oh god, exercise and a new skill in front of someone cute? but farah is so encouraging and supportive. after, when you clean up, she whisks you away to a reservation that just so happens to be at your fave place. you compare biceps over dessert, and she’s shoots you a sly look when she squeezes your muscle.
alex. if you're up for it, he’d love to take you somewhere in nature. a hike or simple walk at the local park, doesn’t matter to him. he’s more relaxed and himself outdoors, and has the kind of energy that makes you open up. you find a good spot to picnic and talk for hours. real sweet, a good listener—so it surprises you when, at the end, he’s a smidge forward. “so next weekend…”
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