#but she comes from a background of much/potential smashing
casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
What kind of D&D character would these Aot characters play as?
Armin: forever DM. He'd love to play but no one else is organized enough to run games. This man is an excellent storyteller, able to vividly describe events unfolding. Players find him to be very scary sometimes.
Annie: Barbarian. She likes smashing, she likes raging. Hit first, ask questions later! No multiclassing, she hates when things get complicated. Has to constantly check what her abilities do beside HIT.
Mikasa: Rogue. Assassin usually. No one ever sees her coming. Does the most damage in one go out of everyone somehow.
Jean: Fighter, Battle Master. Absolute control of the battlefield. Always in the spotlight! He loves the Gladiator background. He also has a massive collections of painted miniatures.
Connie: Bard, College of Creation. He loves cheering everyone up with his songs but also loves using riddiculous spells against the enemy. His most used spell is Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
Reiner: Paladin. Righteous. Classic, balanced, elegant. But his character somehow always ends up in a bad spot. He's been on saving throws more times than he can count.
Pieck: Warlock, Pact of the Fiend. A literal devil. Her characters are usually extremelly attractive and use spells like Charm Person. She likes fucking with everyone and often gets the team into trouble. Also often late to sessions.
Hange: Wizard. And she loves multiclassing, so much so that she ends up forgetting her abilities all the time. Loves Polymorph especially if it's friendly fire.
Sasha: Ranger. Comes naturally. Also, she likes being able to control the field from all the way over there! Plus, she gets a cute wyvern!
Historia: Cleric, Life domain. She's the mother of all healing. Always there to bring people back up if needed.
Ymir: Druid, Circle of the Moon. Loves transforming into big scary beasts. Dire wolves are her favorite form.
Levi: Blood Hunter. He just thinks it's neat. As much as Levi didn't want to start playing D&D, he's now got the most kills of everyone.
Onyankopon: Monk. Way of Astral Self. This man knows how to fight! But he's also so elegant. Like a punch ghost! Sadly, his rolls are almost never succesful.
Gabi: Swashbuckler Rogue. Flamboyant, over the top charistmatic characters. She's surprisingly good at roleplaying and likes putting on a show.
Falco: Wild Magic Sorcerer. He has loads of potential, but random things keep happening to him out of nowhere. He also enjoys drawing out maps for them to play on.
Eren: Fighter, Champion. Often likes stealing kills from Jean. He always asks Armin: Can I do this?? Can I do that??
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Is it me, or is Vivziepop bad at writing romantic relationships? It feels like she wants to write "problematic", drama-filled romance where the characters start out toxic, there are misunderstandings, betrayals etc cuz the show is supposed to be about "problematic gays", and that's perfectly valid, but she can't write chemistry. So far, it feels like Blitzo clings to Stolas because he's afraid he will end up alone and unloved, but doesn't actually care for him as a person. He often looks uncomfortable with Stolas' flirting even if he reciprocates sometimes.
I've seen couples in children's media with much better written-relationships and chemistry, like Roxanne and Megamind. It's clear they enjoy each other's company, they have mutual banter and flirting and he respects her intelligence.
I know Stolitz is supposed to be "toxic" pre-character development but at this point it still sucks that so far, it's impossible to tell what the characters like about each other other than the sex.
(I've been told that Stolas enjoys how Blitzo made him laugh when they met during the circus but that's not been developed enough as a concept to count).
Yeah here's a thought: When has he made Stolas laugh during adulthood?! Where was that moment? What do they even have in common other than liking dudes?
Oh shit. I think I get why fans of this show accuse critics of being homophobic. It's because this relationship has literally no substance other than "they're gay". (Or Stolas might be, anyway. Their specific orientations are never clarified in the show that I can recall.) Oh, you don't like this mlm relationship? You must hate ALL mlm relationships. Funny how the fans are the ones fixated on that aspect while no one I've seen criticize the show has ever cited the homoerotica as evidence that this relationship sucks. No, it sucks because there's absolutely no depth to it. There's nothing to make us root for it to work.
Sure, the characters have their own personalities as individuals, and there's potential for chemistry in how those personalities and backgrounds oppose each other, but the show never explores it. What would happen if Stolas tried to fit into Blitzo's poverty-stricken school of hard knocks, or if Blitzo tried to fit in with high society? What if they just had a conversation about what life has been like for each of them? Where are the bonding moments that show us this is more than just a transactional arrangement (or at least that it could be)? What made Stolas suddenly fall in love with Blitzo offscreen between Episodes 6 and 7, after treating him like an object the entire season? Why the fuck does he care if Blitzo comes to see him in the hospital or not? Why should we care as viewers?
Funny enough, this neat video by LocalScriptMan just came out (check out this channel, seriously), and it talks about going deeper into writing relationships than just smashing two characters with differing personalities together. Again, differing personalities can create potential for chemistry (as each character learns new perspectives from the other), but a pairing of opposites isn't chemistry in and of itself.
If Helluva Boss's writers gave us a good mlm relationship with actual substance, more power to 'em! Maybe we'll get one with Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, but... ehh. It's doubtful at this point.
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mutantthedark · 3 months
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Name: Kendra Smith
Age: 28 (1981)
Alias(es): Smith, Owl
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 10th, 1953
Nationality: British
Place of birth: Manchester, UK
Languages: English, French
Affiliation: MI6, CIA and NATO
Hair color: Blonde (dyed)
Eye color: Green
Scars: A few on her arms and wrists
Piercings: None
Face claim: Florence Pugh
Height: 5’4 (162 cm)
Weight: 124 lbs (56 kg)
Build: Slim
Blood type: A+
Family: [REDACTED]
Siblings: [REDACTED]
Personality: INTJ
Kendra has a serious demeanour, expressing very little emotion. Due to this aura, she often comes off as intimidating. She is neither impolite nor an antisocial person, but she has a kind and warm heart. She spends most of her time with Helen Park. Which shows a sensible and respectful attitude toward others, often being discouraged by discourteous behaviour.
Color: Green
Season: Spring
Food: Healthy Chicken curry
Drink: Tea
Dessert: -
Has excellent intelligence and can communicate well.
MI6 training
Weapon skills (Mostly pistols)
Kendra's name means "Knowing". Other potential meanings of this ancient name include “royal power,” “bold power,” and “chief hero.” It can also mean "Owl".
Kendra tries to cover her scars with tattoos as much as she can.
Most of her friends called her "Owl" because of her thinking and intelligence. The Wise Owl represents the logical thinker.
Clothing she choose is polo shirts.
Kendra wears glasses, only for reading and working on paperworks, but she can see far.
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Drawn by me.
Kendra was born and raised in Manchester, UK. There is no information about her parents, but she had a strict relationship with them. After her parents had to move to another city to work, Kendra went to University of Oxford, her dream was to be an analyst. One day, when she graduated, a few agents went to visit her and offered to join MI6 because of her intelligence and communications skills. Kendra, being a kind hearted young woman, agreed.
A few months later, she met Helen Park. They had been working together non-stop for international assignments and met Adler Russell during the CIA’s sponsored project. During career, Kendra met another fellow MI6 named “Madam Shell” who was really close with Park before. An intuition happened of Park’s suspicions, Madam attempted to kill Park, but Kendra protected her and earned a few scars from her on her wrists and arms, after failing to curse the inconsequential words, Madam pushed her out of the way and she left the scar on Park’s neck as a parting gift. Hovewer, Kendra didn't renouce, she smashed Madam's head to the wall with great force, which cracked her skull and caused her to kill her. She had to lie to the agents that Madam's been through the "Serious accident."
In 1981, Kendra joined Russel's team in CIA's safehouse E9, tasking to stop the infamous spy named "Perseus". Until then, she met a new teammate with a codename "Bell".
(I'll add more when Black ops 6 will release)
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jewishcissiekj · 11 months
One of the things that upset me most about Dark Disciple & the Quinlan/Asajj romance is just how much it's the writers smashing their action figures together. In general, the entirety of Asajj's TCW storylines also severely lack thought other than somebody playing a game with their dolls.
Let me explain. Asajj has a lot of potential. Her character and themes from the get-go (concept art for AOTC Sith) are full of intrigue and mystery. You want to know this character and whatever is behind her, why is she doing all this, and how she got there. And TCW answers that question pretty well. She was a Nightsister baby who was given to a slaver and later trained by a Jedi Master who died, she encountered Dooku and trained under him, only to get betrayed by him and return to her Nightsister roots, causing the murder of almost all Nightsisters and her transition to a Bounty Hunter and …redemption? leading to her eventual death at the hands of Count Dooku.
The thing is, this story feels so all over the place for me. There are themes, sure, but other than a clear motivation, something is missing. There's no point to her character. When she's introduced in The Clone Wars movie, she's just a flirty villain for Obi-Wan to quip and play off of. In the end, when she dies, she furthers a male character's character development we never even see afterward. TCW has plenty of pointless characters, don't get me wrong. But her story starts nowhere and goes nowhere, only affecting her and having no real story importance or relevance outside of that. It also means nothing. There are no repercussions to Dooku taking on an apprentice, no, uh, how do I put this. Her story is full of themes but no meaning. No underlying plotline or development that feels natural and beneficial to her character. That wouldn't be a problem if she was just a throwaway villain, coming in once in a while to flirt with Obi-Wan or fight with Ahsoka. But because of the natural interest in her, the intrigue and mystery, they gave her a story. Not even a motivation, a story that came out of nowhere and in watching back might feel like just an elaborate build-up to Maul's return. Instead of looking at the character and, idk, thinking about how you can develop her current character and the yet-unexplored background with Obi-Wan and her relationship to the Dark Side, they threw her into that whole Nightsister bullshit. And then that wasn't enough and they made her a bounty hunter because they wanted a Boba Fett & friends episode. For the love of god, if she knew about the Nightsisters, why wouldn't she go to them earlier? You didn't tell us how she found out and who told her, so why THE FUCK would she go to Dooku after her mentor's death and not to her people? What of all things made her go to Dathomir in Nightsisters? Why would an ex-dark sider with (probably) knowledge of Dooku's most secret plans who just lost the people she just found go and be a Bounty Hunter? And what about that redeems her? What the fuck was she doing on Coruscant? If she hated Dooku so much and knew she couldn't kill him alone, why would a single Jedi help her do it? What is her motive and why was she so loyal to Dooku if she's just going to throw the Dark Side and her hate for the Jedi out of the window like that? Does she have principles? Character motivations? Is there a point to any of that?
Legeneds version aside, what does she mean? Is she the last survivor? Is she a failed apprentice? Does she just want to be loved but gets consumed by the Dark Side? She's all of these things but none of them consistently. If character development happened, I'd have no problem with her character changing. But it DOESN'T. Things just happen to her and we barely see any reaction to it from her. To me, she's kind of like Thrawn if we never got the (canon) books, empty and lacking any character motivation.
In Dark Disciple, instead of expanding on the actual character, they just kept on putting her in situations. Because we don't really see her POV anywhere in the book, and she's not written to express emotion openly, she feels like she was molded to fit the story instead of the story being character-focused and following her and Quinlan's development through a situation. The only time her character feels well-written in the canon era to me (not just in a fun comic story) is in Dooku: Jedi Lost, which actually shows us her perspective for once, and even if she still lacks motivation, it feels like a story of her character and not of her action figure. She has a character and a personality throughout all of Canon, don't get me wrong. I can't accidentally write her like Ahsoka. But a character and what the writers do to put it in a story are two different things.
And I know I said I wouldn't get into the Legends part of it all, but even in a few shorts and a handful of comics, there seems to be a much more consistent line of thought and an arc to her character than there is in the canon version. The best way I can describe it, tbh, is that something just clicks with the way her story and role are in Legends, while in canon it feels like 10 different people trying to put together 15 different jigsaw puzzles. Maybe it's the fewer writers, maybe it's the different approach to story-telling in general, it's just very different to me. Right now (since a May comic issue and excluding the mention in Ahsoka), there isn't any new Asajj content, so it's not really a problem. But if they ever do something new with her I need them to get their fucking shit together and make it make sense.
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notasapleasure · 2 years
EastEnders run (2000-2001), Part 1/4
COME GET YOUR (so many) (bad quality) SCREENCAPS, BABES
I’ve split this into four parts (1: four episodes, 2: three episodes, 3: three episodes, 4: the two episodes from 2001), and posting the rest of the parts may be interrupted by other recaps if I need a break from Albert Square... Apologies for the many unexplained references to long-standing EastEnders characters. I have walked through the shame I thought I was already free of and come through fully cleansed and at peace: yes, I remember this era of the soap fairly well.
God the visceral response I have to the theme tune like 'switch it off switch it off flee the room!!' I mean I do remember phases where I saw it regularly - Sonya's surprise baby, Ian Beale being miserable, Frank wearing nothing but his spinning bow-tie...
I'm still traumatised.
I am only here because young Chook is described as a heart-throb. And it's accurate.
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Fuckkkkk me i am slain
Jack Robbins’s first appearance was on 17 August 2000, his second on 21 August, but unfortunately those are two of the three episodes I couldn’t find on YouTube. if I turn them up later I’ll do another post for completism’s sake.
22 August 2000
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He’s following his ex. Jury’s out as to whether we’d call it stalking yet.
Oh look it's Ian Beale! God, maybe I saw this when it aired? Scary thought.
So from what I understand, Chook is Jack, whose ex, Sandra has moved back in with her ex (big menacing guy I forgot his name - BEPPE! Blast from the past Beppe). Jack's desperate to see Sandra and talk about things. There's something iirc about Sandra being unable to have kids and Jack being ok with that, while the guy she's with doesn't know. Squick potential: high.
(Steps' cover of Tragedy is playing in the background of a scene and I just. Astral projected to the Smash Hits awards 1998 hhhhhhh)
Ooh Jack's going for a lunchtime pint with menacing boyfriend Beppe. Aren't you a copper, Jack?
I'd hit that too.
The video quality is tragic, I'm sorry...
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Having a cheeky fag outside so he can catch Sandra and get her name taken off the paperwork on his flat :')
Looks like all three of them are going for a pint after all! Sandra doesn't want to, and Jack's not exactly receptive to those vibes...if you love her that much have you considered respecting her wishes, Jack?
Beppe is asking if he doesn't have a girlfriend! Awks. Just fucknmng. Ficking. Fuck. Fucking look at him though
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It's a sore point. Beppe gloats about Jack the lad getting stung.
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"Look, if you really wanna know, we were living together. But she left me."
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🥺🥺🥺🥺 Sandra what's wrong with you love???
Beppe tries to help by pointing out that he and Sandra split up and then got back together "for good" so there's hope for him yet!
Beppe please note how little you are helping
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Drinking a tiny glass of wine (or gin?) and smoking fags (indoors! This is like archaeology!) And though Sandra told him to go, he gets another round in and says it's the only way he can get to talk to her.... Sandra: "There's nothing to talk about!" Don't be a creep babe.
Beppe volunteers his whole afternoon if Jack needs to work through anything :')
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Ah yes, Beppe and Sandra already have a kid - Jack says it must be hard just having the one when Beppe says they're trying for a second.
The expression of a man who knows that ain't going to be possible and can't say a thing about it:
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Jack.exe has encountered a problem and needs to shut down!
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Video rentals! History in action!
Beppe's so worried about his dear friend Jack. Hasn't seen him for years but he doesn't like seeing him like that.
Jack honey, I'd like you a lot more if you weren't behaving so much like a stalker standing in the rain outside Sandra and Beppe's place. Banging on the door and yelling.
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She doesn't 'owe' you squat, dude :(
Oh mai gawd TAMZIN OUTHWAITE. this is. This really is the Era.
He wants to know why she just up and left with nothing but a note, says he gave her the space she asked for but doesn't know why she's here with Beppe now. She says it's because of the kid (who we haven't even seen crol).
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"Maybe I wanted to be with Joe too!" Soft. Kicked puppy whine. We could have tried for custody, visiting rights, all very noble and then again SHOUTY. >:(
*squirts him with spray bottle*
Bad. I don't care if it's compulsory on EastEnders. Behave yourself.
He does, a bit. Can't understand why it matters that Beppe still loves her.
"After all I've done he still loves me."
"After all you've done? Sandra he's the reason you left in the first place."
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Sandra tells him she always loved Beppe even when they were together and, I repeat myself from Casualty: "Look, Lise, you can pinpoint the exact moment etc etc" :(
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"You really reckon you love this guy?...So why are you lying to him? You promised him another kid. How you gonna do that?"
Jackolas I am warning you about your tone and I have the spray bottle at the ready again >:(
He just sound ls a bit defeated now when she asks what he's going to do next, but immediately asks "What are you scared of?" when Sandra is cagey about telling Beppe she can't have kids anymore.
Jack was there for her when she had a miscarriage and hysterectomy, and can't understand why she'd stay with Beppe if she's afraid he'd leave her on finding out :(
Sandra, quite rightly: "This is not about you!"
But he's very attached to the baby they didn't get to have and he thinks she's blaming him.
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She refuses to leave Beppe, he refuses to be left by her etc etc round and round again. It's believable I guess but oof.
Also fucking weirding me out how much Sandra looks like Felicity Jones...
And now he's acting like it's "all because I couldn't provide you with a kid" yiiiiiikes
*furiously spritzes big man with squirty bottle but has to cover her eyes because it's not like that kiss was BAD I mean -*
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I’m so sorry for the image quality, lighting, camera angle, etc etc.
I will just say that the way he breaks the kiss, by taking her shoulder and pushing her back, is identical to the way he breaks the hug with Cassian in Rix Road, though :3
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"You tell Beppe it's not him, it's me you love."
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Sweetheart you are SMOKING but that is no excuse. I think Sandra and Joe need some space away from all of you, and I'm certain this would have been my feeling if I saw this in 2000 because I never liked the big shouty men of EastEnders.
He did get the bombshell line before the credits though, so kudos young Chook!
24 August 2000
One assumes Jack is not, in fact, leaving. Well he's certainly not going to leave if Sandra's the one calling him 👀
God look at all these people having their lunchtime pints! (Yes that was jealously you detected in my tone)
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Sandra, helping yourself to a man's fag while he's smoking isn't a neutral gesture, just ask Merab and Irakli...
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She's mainly worried he'll tell Beppe about things and he's no fucking gent about it, saying why should he keep quiet *reloads spray bottle*
(I feel like a PI taking long lens snaps of these two on the park bench smh)
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"I don't care what you say", no matter how nice what comes after this is.... it's not something you should be saying to express your love here 🙃
She does kind of agree that there's still something though. "Can't have it all, can I?"
I already knew I had no maternal instinct but if I could go and live child-free with *gestures* then I'd say that's close enough to 'having it all'. [N.B. *gestures at husband* I do actually Have It All]
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Sandra: "Please don't mess things up for me."
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And.... it's probably just because he hasn't said anything for a bit, but that scene left me sympathising with him more. Sandra hasn't exactly handled the break-up well and expecting him to 'not mess things up for her' when she's just messed up everything for him is a bit rich.
We've interrupted this programme for a theological discussion of euthanasia!
Also yeah, Tamzin Outhwaite early bi crush, for sure.
There's plenty of other entertaining stuff in this episode (oh god what am I saying) but no more Jack!
4 September 2000
Seeing Ian Beale happy brings such a feeling of foreboding. This can't last, mate.
Here's the infamous Joe! Sandra and Beppe seem happy. How nice for them.
Phil Mitchell and your face like a slapped arse! I forgot you'd be here too!
Lunchtime drinks with his best mate Beppe! Oh Jack...:/
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Jack love, if you can't handle seeing your ex back with her previous guy, maybe stop going for drinks with said guy in the only local drinking establishment :')
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Smoking sure is a filthy habit when you look like that doing it (don't @ me)
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Ooh, Jack's in CID, specialising in illegal gambling. Fancy!
Beppe leaves the table and Jack looks at Sandra: "This must be fate..."
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"Why don't you just drink up and go, eh?"
He pulls SUCH a face at this but the video quality is horrible.
Oh lovely, now Beppe's inviting him to come round and hang out with him and Joe while Sandra's out. Just form a polycule already guys!
Ohhhh Jack, back on your bullshit
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Leave her alone! Sympathy has expired - I'm getting the spray bottle again....
Oh Laura :( pleasure derived from seeing Ian Beale happy: eliminated. Billy's slut-shaming Mel, Sonya's Backstreet Boy-bangs boyfriend is going to get her knocked up...all the men are AWFUL. Actually Beppe is one of the only well-behaved ones right now. Yikes.
21 September 2000
The 5 September episode isn't up on YouTube so, we're on to 21 September, how will I ever catch up?
Oh, little Mo and co have moved in!
Mate, are there no buttons on that shirt?
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Sandra thought he'd gone for good. "What made you think that?"
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I mean ok, following her to the launderette is bad, stop it Jack, but then again:
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"If I fell apart every time you decided to drop in I'd be a right mess wouldn't I?"
You're a stronger woman than I am Sandra 🫡
Presumably he has gone away for a bit because he asks if she fell apart when he left - to which she says he doesn't have the right to ask that sort of question anymore. It's like watching a fight in a nursery playground smh.
Thank u YouTube gods for the slightly better quality video this time
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He's applied for a transfer to Bristol and says she and Joe should come with him. He thinks she's 'hiding behind' Joe, because she won't try for custody and would "rather play 'appy fam'lies wiv Beppe than wiv me!"
Sandra says that's not true, which uhhhh isn't exactly going to put him off
Rights for Sonya's big thighs! Actually she was so important to me for that.
Ohhhh Sandra's subtly quizzing Ian's property lawyer about custody cases...
Frank's getting in on the All Men Are Awful act, and Dot's really getting into her crisis of faith, wow! We're trying out some Biblical textual criticism, go girlies! (Aww, old Ethel has died since last episode - and it sounds like Dot helped her). Blimey Dot Cotton having a Shakespearian soliloquy alone in the church sure was A Scene! They did not have to go that hard!
So let's lighten things up with a bit of teenage larceny :)
Dot's turned herself in for murder. This isn't Jack related, I'm just. It's wild, ok?
End of Part 1! Can’t believe how much more enjoyable this is than like....any modern police procedural. Jack’s scenes are pretty repetitive, and because I haven’t seen the first two episodes he’s in I don’t know if we ever see what his life with Sandra was like. He talks about how nice and normal it was, and I can imagine the kind of desperation he shows if she’s really acting like a cultist who’s gone back inside, but it’s really not clear enough that that’s what’s going on, so he does come over as somewhat too intense and entitled. Pretty, though. I’ll give him that. My one piece of constructive criticism? All those buttons undone and no chest hair - I don’t believe it for a minute. I will track down whoever waxed him and wax every inch of their body and douse them in dettol.
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noodlyappendages03 · 2 months
We had a wonderful night together. DD took me for a spin in his sports car and we picked up burgers and had a sunset picnic in the park. He looked really sexy in his Ray Bans. He took me to a picnic table overlooking the river and we had dinner and talked and laughed over some goofy things. Before that, we had incredible sex. After dinner, he led me to this old oak tree that had a romantic canopy of leaves and proceeded to make out with me under the tree, hidden away from everyone. It was like something out of a romcom movie - just us, covered by a thick canopy of oak leaves under a live oak tree so old all of its branches touched the ground, creating a bubble of foliage. It was just us in this secret bubble, lost in a kiss. We plan to bring a blanket next time so we can go back to our secret spot. 😉 Later, we continued our romantic stroll, holding hands and talking, and at one point we sat on this bench and kissed passionately. We talked about our childhoods and turns out DD had lived in Nairobi, Paris, New York, New Jersey, Wellesley, MA, Houston, Denver, and here. He loves to travel, much like myself.
After dinner, we went back home for some, uh, dessert. The man made me come 6 times. That's a new record. The gummies made us feel so relaxed. DD gazed into my eyes and kissed me so much I could hardly breathe. We curled up on the bed and cuddled. He wanted me to sleep over and we were so comfy nestled in each other's arms, but it was a school night. That date was the most romantic one I've been on in a long time. Maybe the most romantic date I've ever had. No one has ever taken me on a romantic picnic and a walk hand in hand to these picturesque, beautiful places.
He told me wants to get married again, but for the right reasons. He had a shotgun wedding at his ex's insistence. According to him, he gave her everything she wanted. And he really did - left his hometown, bought the house she wanted, had a baby (she wanted kids, he was done but changed his mind for her), and had the wedding she wanted. Turns out he wanted a big fat Jewish wedding with a woman he loves and not a quickie wedding to make an honest woman out of them. He was honest and visibly heartbroken over the whole thing.
I'm down so bad for this man. Trying not to fantasize about marrying him and smashing the glass at the ceremony. 😂 My life has become very Charlotte coded. Also, he's considering leaving the job for not only $, but for me, to avoid potential conflicts of interest so it wouldn't jeopardize my job, yet we could still be together. Imagining the looks on everyone's faces and the clutching of pearls when we hard launch our relationship and I bring him as my date to the holiday party! 😂 The thought of me saying, "This is my boyfriend, DD. You may know him already." They would lose their shit over the big reveal! 😂
I also found out he talks a big game but the recreational drugs he bought were 5 mg gummies. Microdose stuff. The gummies at the CBD shop are stronger than that! Also, the marriage talk is because of his Jewish upbringing. I didn't know that dating was with the intention of marriage in some circles, which is why he was so quick to explain. Jewish men are not like the men from my spiritual background. They are much more egalitarian, which I love. DD also mentioned how it hurt him to hear how I was treated by my boss behind our shared partition. My boss is not as kind to me as his is to him. He wants to defend me so much but knows that would blow our cover.
He is really keeping deep cover when we leave work to avoid suspicion. It's because if DD looks at me, he goes completely gaga and makes serious heart eyes. Someone would be bound to notice. ☺️ He gets a bit shy around me the morning after our nights together, too. It's cute, really. I managed to sneak him a big smile this morning and he smirked, then put on his "all business" face as he walked past so nobody would notice. I told him I had an amazing time on our date last night and said I would love to see that tree again. He said he wanted to as well - it was very nice! 😉 I'm looking forward to our next picnic. I've got it bad...
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higheldertala · 9 months
the giggle commentary
please presume i am holding this sign whenever im watching dw
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nice that the overlay text isn’t bright orange this time 😅
the bad fake german accent gets very annoying very quickly
i think the invention and history of television is quiet fascinating, so bit of a shame we don’t go more into it.
humanity in chaos really does drop off into the background very quickly, i’ll come back to this later
the stranger in street expositing seems random seeing as unit will repeat this 5 minutes later
the doctor and mel hug is certainly cute
i would have perhaps altered the ‘i used to be like you’ line. maybe have the doctor say that mel used to travel with him or something. the ‘i used to be you’ they keep doing with past companions somewhat implies there’s interchangeable/ replaceable which im not a fan of.
‘although don’t say companion’ to say rtd specifically changed this term back, it seems weird to make a point about a seemly negative connatation to it? i suppose you could argue this is just an in character line for donna tho. i’ve never had an issue with the term, idk why we have to make a deal about it
‘gold protocols, the doctor’s in the room’ 🙄🙄🙄
i know russell likes doing his political angle but uh i have heard this story from russell many times before
the vlinx is a very random addition. feels very lets add a droid in star wars style idk
is it pedantic to say that the everyone in world still wouldn’t have access to the internet or a screen? or is that what’s not going on?
‘everyone know arpeggios’ i don’t know what an arpeggio is mel 😅
i feel like we make a humanity is bad point every now and again and then that’s it. it’s giving trying to be self aware but needing the doctor to always be on earth saving humanity anyway
and the episodes ends with 14 essentially assimilating into humanity anyway so can’t be that pressed about it hey
‘international consequences’ were there any consequences to this? blowing up the satellite doesn’t even stop the toymaker’s plan in the end, like i said this plot gets dropped a bit
‘waiting for permission’ again making the doctor the whole authority over humanity/ president of the world is so icky 🙄
i really hate the all past companions should join unit. maybe some of them shouldn’t want to join the military?
‘it’s like you’re staggering, you are staggering along. maybe that’s why you’re all face came back. You’re wearing yourself out ’ it all well and good russell writing this, but there’s been no build up or anything to explicitly back this up in in the show, even in the specials themselves. this is something we’ve literally just made up now
i feel like we should have kept to either the toymaker’s realm or just kept to reality. i think splitting this up loses time
i just don’t buy the salt thing let in the toymaker into. its very silly.
‘i played a game and let him in’ how was that a game?
‘maybe i’ll save you’ i loved this bit!! i’m so gutted donna didn’t save the day instead we played a game of fucking catch 😭😭😭
‘dice don’t know what the dice did last time’ i like this quote, it quiet clever
the premise of the toymaker and the toymakers maker realm is so open and allows for anything and i just think there’s so much more potential for a story than playing a game of catch
the scenes in the toymakers realm are great, they’re creepy and suspenseful.
on viewing the human size marionette seems cgi but it’s actually real which is good to know, i don’t know why it’s come across as fake
‘If this is a trick i will kill you’ donna my queen
donna smashing the doll is great
there’s so many times we just Reference™️ things and i want writers to understand there’s so much more to homaging the past than just listing things
i don’t understand the point of showing donna the fate of her successors, as she doesn’t really have any emotional reaction and it’s not like she’s not aware of the dangers of travelling with the doctor, again she’s a seasoned companion
also is this a dig at moffat for how he treated his companions 🤭 lol
when i said i wanted bill in the 60th this isn’t what i meant 😭
i hope we stop mentioning the flux after this
‘The one who wait’ I for one am very tired of season arcs/ teases where we basically just keep a phrase until we get to final. it’s really adds nothing to the story for me, it’s literally just key jangling. I don’t think we need season arcs and just because series 11 didn’t work doesn’t mean they need to be a permanent fixture. we literally just need to write good stories that’s it.
‘they shout and they type and they cancel’ I wish boomers would stop talking about cancel culture. boomers whine about cancel culture when the root of it is just accountability (the rest of it is just twitter).
‘im already running’ 😂
donna doing the coding template is pretty redundant in finding the entrance/ exit for the toymaker
spice up you life scene is fun
biregenation silly and we’ll leave it at that
i don’t know why both 14 and 15 couldn’t just have the same outfit like no one would have questioned it
‘bigeneration is supposed to be a myth’ can we please have a rule about adding lore is that if you’re gonna do it, it can’t be shit
it is sort of weird to stop midfight to do the whole bigen, messes with the flow a bit
that line by donna is crazy why did russell think that was okay??? jesus
i think it’s shit that ncuti has to share the screen and he should be able to have the sole spotlight as the doctor
having the climax of the episode being playing a game of catch is… silly. time to stop writing russell
this being ncuti first act as the doctor 😭
the consecutive shots of them all clearly not throwing/ catching the ball 😭
it really isn’t clear that 14 will become 15. it does just seem like 14 is just a copy. it’s really not explain well and it’s just silly
the repeat of the hand picking the tooth/ring isn’t a callback it’s just lazy writing
getting into the slightly insulting territory that 14 is explaining the tardis controls to 15 🙃
also really don’t see why 15 can’t get dressed yet
‘one thing you need in this place is a chair’ so true bestie
i’m begging stop trying to make the doctor retroactively care about adric. it’s been 40 years
again creating a copy of the tardis… silly
so rtd says the one 15 gets into is the ‘original’ tardis but the execution is so poor because he literally gets in the copy… how can you not see this? silly
boomer does ‘gen z is a vegan’ gag 🙄
the doctor has had multiple opportunities at settling down but always go back to their life of travelling because that’s the show character, i don’t buy how the doctor settling down with a nuclear family is this character’s happy ending
and also is the doctor (15 i should add) now just free of Trauma™️? 😖
concluding thought: i think there’s so muc wasted potential here and yeah ends pretty disappointing :( positive (singular), ncuti is great, he has so much charisma and confident and is so joyous to watch. he seems like he’ll be perfect for the doctor and particularly a fresher take on the doctor. okay negatives, the ending is underwhelming and borderline patronising. bewildering that rtd thought that playing a game of catch and the toymaker simply misses the ball makes for a thrilling conclusion 🙄 the bigeneration is super silly and unnecessary. there’s no reason for it other than to wank off a certain doctor. the spilt means 14 still is the main protag of the episodes and 15 becomes a side character and a second thought. not to mention all the icky tropes 15 endures similar to the fugitive doctor. ncuti and jo deserve better. repeating the ending of journeys end is even more frustrating in that russell has literally done this plot before. also repeating other elements is lazy writing but at least it’s only his writing he’s plagiarising this time(!) annoying there no real plot reason that the ‘old face comes back’ and the insinuated reason is because of Trauma™️ which we’ve only address this episode. idk to say this changes regen lore of not being able to change back into an old face as written by russell himself is frustrating, again if we’re making lore please at least make them good and not waste everyone’s time. it would have been so easy and simple to attribute this to the toymaker but no, dt gets another go at being the doctor because… fuck everyone else that’s why. the specials overall certainly did not feel like a celebration of a breadth of dw’s history and felt more like simply stroking a certain person’s ego. im sure another story could have been written. imo ncuti could have helmed the special(s) himself with other elements added to pay homage to the show. despite this seemly being an unpopular opinion i do think ncuti has been done down in his regeneration and now has to continually talk about dt in his press run instead of being able to talk about himself and his doctor. other points being that donna doesn’t really do anything to contribute and just follows the doctor around and mel is… here. big ch*bnall companions vibes 🙃 i don’t know if i have any more energy to waste on this episode but i least i don’t have to watch it again. 4/10
i pray the christmas special and ncuti’s era will be better
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faerulviir · 10 months
Fae as a companion in BG3 is a town guard from Oakhurst, a farming community outside of Waterdeep. He is a half elf of drow ancestry, who was adopted as an infant by two surface elves and taken above ground to live. He knows nothing of his biological family. He is a level 1 fighter with the folk hero background and looks to be a young adult. His personality is kind and sincere - if a bit naive. He approves good aligned actions and helping others. He disapproves evil or cruel actions. Neutral or chaotic actions may draw his approval or disapproval circumstantially. Even though he hates conflict, he is a very difficult character to keep in the party during an evil run. He can be provoked to fight the player or leave the party if the player tries to harm innocents such as children. He can first be seen on the nautiloid but is unconscious in his pod, which has a smashed control panel and can't be opened.
After the crash, you can find him nearby. He'll explain he's on his way to Baldur's Gate to investigate the disappearance of Sharwyn Hucrele, a noblewoman from Oakhurst. He'll explain they haven't been able to keep consistent contact with the Flaming Fist there about the investigation, so investigative party was sent. Upon inspect, you'll find his coworkers died in the crash. If the player mentions wanting to go to Baldur's Gate, he suggests travelling together, as it's safer. Fae will then join your party.
His character arc largely revolves around his sense of identity. You learn he tried desperately to learn to be a wizard, but never could. You can also learn that he struggles with his identity as a drow and how it makes people view him. He struggles with being read by people as potentially 'evil' or 'violent' just because of his race, and it lead him to join the town watch, so he'd be seen as a protector.
The player can encourage him to view himself by his own actions, not how others see him, and be proud of himself and his heritage. The player can also encourage him to 'give the people what they want' - if they want violence, give them violence. This requires a pretty hefty series of persuasion checks, but can be done.
Another part of his character development is magic. If you class him into eldritch knight, you can unlock a cutscene where he asks you to spar with him. He will cast Chill Touch. The player will have the opportunity to hit him back but then combat ends. Fae will be excited, saying he's realized that hands-on experience has taught much more than the books ever could, and that he thinks he's found a way to cast. If the player encouraged him to continue to try and study magic early in the game, he thanks them here, and his approval rating generously improves.
When it comes to companions, Fae is amiable with all party members except Minthara. Minthara will initially speak degradingly both of and to Fae. If recruited to the party (and the player avoided helping in the grove raid so that Fae doesn't go hostile to the player), Minthara will eventually begrudgingly acknowledge Fae as a capable fighter (and mage if you select the Eldritch Knight subclass), though she still acts rather bossy to him.
Finally, when it comes to Sharwyn, she can be found as a few-months-old spawn in Cazador's cells (though she wasn't turned by Astarion). She will ask Faer'ulviir to mercy kill her. You can tell him to kill her or try to help her. For the former, once Cazador is defeated, Faer'ulviir will tearfully stake her. For the latter, Faer'ulviir will try to help her learn to control her hunger around others so she can return to her family, and will ask Astarion for help (if he is alive/still part of the party).
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ishgard · 5 years
smash or pass - Riol and Lucia!
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“Oh, Riol and I almost a time or two, but I suppose you could say cooler heads prevailed. So would I smash? Yes, but I’ve no inclination for it these days.”
“As for Lucia? …I respect and cherish her as friend and ally both, and she is… one of the most breath-taking women I have the honor of fighting alongside, so yes, I guess that’s a ‘smash’. Alas, these days there are any number of factors that would make that difficult and… awkward.”
[Smash or Pass] - thank you frand!! :D
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kwsoojung · 2 years
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hello!!! i’m so glad to be here after a few months of not being in the rp scene due to school and other messy responsibilities @_@ my name is clem (they/them) and i’m the mun of miss tak soojung, your local theater kid who thinks she is the star of the entire universe! she goes by another name (kira) and she will do all that she can to introduce herself as that, but just ignore her and call her soojung because she’s just being annoying with it. i’m going to list the basics about her underneath the cut but if you guys are interested in plotting, SMASH that heart button and i’ll hit u up in the tumblr dms!! i also have a discord and twitter (just ask for them and i’ll share) if that makes communication easier for u (i actually prefer plotting on there anyways hehe) 
that being said, let’s get this show started!
basic background 
born in gangnam to a loving mother and father. a few years down the line, she gets a new baby brother named soohyuk whom she absolutely ADORES and would do absolutely anything for
soohyuk, however, is quite the weakling in health compared to her. while he was able to have a mostly normal childhood, that started being messed up because of how sickly he was. he would have to visit the hospital often and it got so bad to a point where he ended up staying there for a few years. 
before he got admitted in the hospital for a long while, the two kids were taken to a musical by their parents and it inspired soojung so much. what’s most important though is she took immediate notice of her brother’s bright smile because she was always used to looking at him be a little more sadder. she also noticed how everyone else was smiling while watching the performance and basically gave herself a goal: to make others smile like these performers did. 
her first official “performance” was actually her playing pretend with her brother’s toys in the hospital room just so he could laugh and cheer up from being sad that he was missing out on “normal” life because he was stuck in the hospital all the time. 
she decided to fully invest herself into that goal by becoming more involved with performing and also just general theater activities!!! took part in theater clubs, acted in lots of plays until more people noticed her steady improvement. 
her brother does eventually get healthy enough to leave the hospital and be able to live the normal life he wanted! 
he even went to see soojung’s last high school show in person and when she saw him, she almost cried onstage and then when the show was over, she immediately got out of the back doors that led to the hallway and like was a whole baby about it
that explains how she ends up at kyungwon in the performing arts dept!!! she’s majoring in musical theater, is the president of the glee club (i promise she will not be rachel), and is just trying to get through her life as a student with big dreams!!!! 
(for my weeb rhythm game fans: she is based on yohane yoshiko tsushima from love live sunshine and tenma tsukasa from project sekai/colorful stage)
this video explains her soojung vs kira dynamic 
this video explains her overall attitude 
loud as HELL. whenever she says something that makes her sound cool, she always ends it with a loud “HA HA HA HA!” with her chest puffed out and her hands on her hips. 
if she is not loudly proclaiming how amazing and cool she is, she is most likely making a loud screaming noise
despite her acting as though the entire world revolves around her and that she is great and almighty, she actually genuinely cares about those around her. she works her hardest as a member of her clubs, even if she does come off as arrogant. she will also hype up her fellow glee club members and theater club members because she sees great potential in all of them and wants to encourage them every step of the way 
the only time you’ll see her stressed out is if things are going wrong for everyone during a show because she thinks that she can pull of things well on her own but she gets worried for her fellow castmates if they get hurt / flustered / sick, etc.
she’s also very much vocal about how wonderful her brother is and how she wants the best for him. whenever she’s able to, she drags him to the mall with her so that they can talk and also enjoy doing “normal, teenager” things together. 
making others smile if they look down is definitely her biggest priority. if you look sad at all, she will do anything to make you laugh or smile even if it’s her making a fool out of herself. 
works at an escape room just because she’s able to act in character and get people excited about getting themselves in a puzzle and seeing how they react in the trapped situation they’re in, but also sees teamwork as admirable... as a performer who is fond of teamwork in her own field. 
you will not see any “scary” rooms that have big bugs in them because she hates bugs. when she was training with the one scary room that had a big giant spider, she quite literally passed out. for her sake, they had to change the room into something else and never brought that room back. 
a soprano (obviously). has a humidifier in her room so that her voice remains perfect to a t. also has her own tap shoes and dance shoes (for other choreographies) 
good at piano. will willingly play any show tune song just so she (and others who know the songs) can sing to them. 
she’ll probably play a few pop songs too... like wedding dress by taeyang or all of me by john legend bc she’s dramatic.
basically lives life as if she’s a main character. 
fellow club members!! specifically glee and theater so she can bother the hell out of u 
broadcast members too, but she will most likely be annoying with you.
you call her by her nickname in a /gen way bc u like how excited she gets hearing u call her that
you call her by her nickname in a /j or /s way bc u like messing with her and making fun of her 
the theater club president... her arch enemy... bc she wanted to be theater club president... BUT U TOOK THAT FROM HER 
the one dumb friend who gets her into shenanigans and she’s always trying to get u out of trouble 
the one daredevil friend (in theater) who wants to see her get herself into wild and crazy situations aka u suggest having a wire tied to her during a show so that she can fly. she thinks ur ideas are crazy as hell, but she does them anyway so that u arent disappointed
the one person who pranks her all the time or jokes around w her bc u think she’s a weirdo. fake plastic bugs or saying there’s something on her shoulder when there’s not. whenever u see her being all loud, ur like “OH BROTHER NOT THIS HEADACHE” 
childhood friend with a little sibling (in high school) who is also a seoul native !!!! u guys reunite in this school and basically go on about how different ur siblings are now than when they were smaller </333 
a childhood friend who saw comfort in her presence, as she was always willing to make you and her brother smile no matter what. you had a rough past and she was there there to treat u like family and that u were appreciated. she basically sees u as a sibling figure. 
the one friend she goes to for advice. her “mom” friend, if u will... bc she’s such a mess
customers of the escape room who think she’s good at her job !! or not !!! idk she tries her best even if the pay is not the greatest
i am currently empty brained.... so brainstorming is also always an option!
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On Livewire
You know Leslie is probably the most popular and well known female Superman Rogue mainly because they use her so heavily in outside media.
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Which makes sense given her debut in Superman: The Animated Series, but it still kind of fascinates me. They didn't bring her into comics continuity until 2006 apparently, with Gail Simone and John Byrne (Byrne of all the creators!) being the ones to finally fold her in. Even after they brought her in, they still have never given her that much attention or focus which is a disappointment for me frankly, because Livewire is honestly fantastic in Scott McCloud and later Mark Millar's Superman Adventures runs, and I would say with complete sincerity that those two are probably her best writers. "Millar writing a female character well?" you scoff at in disbelief. I know, I was shocked too! But she's funny, clever, and a huge pain in the ass for Supes. Reading how she was used there, and rewatching her STAS incarnation recently, really made a big realization for the character hit me like a lightning bolt (couldn't resist):
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She's basically an evil superpowered Lois Lane! I know I can't have been the first one to realize that, although I haven't seen anyone else actually outright state it anywhere, but c'mon it's so obvious! She's a reporter of a sorts as well thanks to being a disc jockey, her debut in STAS even has her interviewing Lois and Clark! She's got strong opinions on Superman that conflict with the general opinion about him (Lois being pro-Superman when everyone else is more hostile towards him at first, Livewire being anti-Superman when everyone else has embraced him as their hero). She's rude and abrasive, and doesn't care if her opinions offend people, which sure does remind me of Lois at her meanest.
Livewire to me is an examination of what Lois would be like if she abandoned her morals or never really had them in the first place. Leslie doesn't care about the "truth" which is the big difference between her and Lois. Lois can be headstrong, willful, and outright rude, but it's all in service of her pursuit of higher ideals. Livewire doesn't care about that, she carries about getting people to pay attention to her, and getting the recognition and wealth she believes she's owed.
What I'd Do With Livewire
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It wasn't until I had that big realization about Leslie that I figured out what role she should play with regards to Clark: She should be Clark's old college ex who was the one who got him into journalism in the first place.
Clark's college years are unexplored territory narratively, typically we jump from his childhood in Smallville right into his debut in Metropolis. Now I know Clark dated Lori that mermaid back in Pre-Crisis during his college years, and while that's a fun bit of trivia, it doesn't really add anything meaningful in the same way that I think Leslie and Clark dating could. So I'd rather go with Leslie because I think she makes for a better foil for Clark and because the two of them would benefit from having a deeper connection established, plus Leslie could get fleshed out as a character more.
I like the explanation that Clark chose journalism in part because it challenges him in ways his powers can't, but in the comics they've rarely bothered to explain how he chose that field in the first place. I would have meeting Leslie at college be that big moment where he starts to figure himself out. She's assertive and confident, and Clark is attracted to that for similar reasons he's attracted to Lois. Leslie would start out as an optimist and idealist in the same way Clark is, and the two would bond and go into journalism together, with Leslie being the one who really believes in the field initially. They'd both be big believers in the duty of the press to inform and the presses ability to shape public opinion, with Clark attracted to investigative journalism and Leslie attracted more to broadcast and digital journalism. They start to date and for a moment, Clark seriously wonders if this is the one.
The big break between them comes when Clark and Leslie go on a trip around the world during their senior year of college. That trip would be where both of them learn how crappy the world is. Clark always had some idea of how bad things were because of his powers, but the trip is where he really starts to realize that there is a real need for someone of his powers to step up, and that there are hard limits to just how much he can accomplish as a member of the press. That same realization is what shatters Leslie's idealism and optimism. She loses faith in the ability to make a difference, to punch through the wall of public indifference, and as a result she gives up that dream. Instead she decides that if you can't beat them, join them: she switches instead to telling the masses what the powers that be want them to hear in exchange for money, to saying whatever the masses will give her attention and prestige for, embracing tabloid journalism that prioritizes clicks and engagement over information. Ultimately it destroys the relationship between Leslie and Clark with her viewing him as a sap and him viewing her as a sellout.
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I think that origin really would help flesh out her worldview and motivation a lot more. She's a former idealist who has been broken by the world in a similar way to Poison Ivy. Leslie thus acts as a foil to Clark and Lois in that she's someone who let the world rob her of her idealism and sold out on the truth in exchange for material success. She's what Clark or Lois could've been if they took Lex's offer to work for him, and they should recognize that to some degree. Clark should have conflicting feelings for her, not romantically that relationship is dead, but in terms of sometimes he wonders if he's just wasting his life trying to fight for truth and justice. So few people seem to care about those principles, why hold on so tight to them? Why not just look out for his own self-interest the way everyone else seems to? It's the refusal to give up even when it looks pointless that makes the two of them different, and makes Clark a hero and Livewire a villain.
How I'd Like Livewire To Operate
There's a lack of imagination in how Livewire is used on the comic side as I see it.
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Like most Superman Rogues the typical Superman writer doesn't seem to have a clue what to do with her beyond generic "villain" stuff, but that does a disservice to what Livewire brings to the table. Livewire does want to fry Superman to a crisp, but that's not what her daily goal is to accomplish. More importantly, she wants respect and she wants money, and the way she gets both is not by trying to rob banks, it's by leaning into her background as a media personality combined with her new powers. Unleashing electric bolts is honestly the least impressive part of her powerset in terms of her ability to manipulate anything and everything technology.
The Internet? Livewire can crash the entire thing with ease, or restrict access to portions of it. She can do the reverse and smash through firewalls and encryption like it's made of paper. Imagine Livewire shutting off the power grid or causing it to explode, secretly using your "smart" tech to record your every move, uploading ransomware to every piece of technology in Metropolis, emptying the bank accounts of anyone who annoys her, or bringing Metropolis to it's knees thanks to the "City of Tomorrow" being a test ground for the Internet of Things, so everything is connected and thus easily manipulated. Smart cars crash into each other, elevators randomly drop, trains are unable to stop and simply accelerate onward unceasingly, plans attempting to land find their instruments on the fritz, anything and everything is Livewire's to control. But terrorism, while entertaining and occasionally profitable, isn't Livewire's main focus either.
One of my favorite Superman Adventures stories with her had Livewire manipulating TV broadcast signals so that any time there was a male news reporter on screen, the signal wouldn't come through. Stuff like that, where Livewire is making life hell for people in a way that isn't immediately life-threatening is what I envision as her day to day operations, but her bread and butter is fake news. What Livewire is REALLY good at doing is manipulating the public due to her journalism background plus her powers. She can make fake videos that look totally authentic, fake articles that seem to come from credible sources, fake voice recordings, she can make anyone appear to do or say anything through the Internet, and then she can upload that to the devices of every single person in Metropolis.
You can get stories about the mayor being framed for taking bribes, local activists cast as grifters, and supposed upstanding citizens such as Lois Lane and Clark Kent appearing to take orders from criminals like Intergang on what stories to run. Basically you lean into the journalism aspect for Livewire stories where Clark and Lois have to investigate to see whether what Livewire is putting out there is fake or legit, with peoples lives and reputations at stake (including frequently their own).
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And when Superman and Livewire actually do clash physically? I don't care how it gets justified, Livewire simply being that powerful, her lightning being "special", she has the ability to manipulate Superman's bioelectric field, whatever: she can hurt him. When she hits Supes with lightning, it burns. It's painful as all hell. Livewire needs to be a threat and I'd like her to be treated as a powerhouse since I don't see a reason why that shouldn't be the case. Livewire is a really cool Rogue, there's a reason she's managed to keep getting used long after the DCAU ended. I hope the comics creators start utilizing her to her full potential.
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 years
Spring 2021 anime overview: Quick Takes
Now for my Spring 2021 anime thoughts! I’ve decided from now on if a season’s like, 20- to-24 episodes I’m just going to wait ‘til it’s done to review it unless I feels super passionately, so though I watched To Your Eternity (it’s good!) and MHA (eh), I’ll comment on them next time. Also, for the record, I watched the first eight eps of Joran: Princess and Snow of Blood but I dropped it because it had clearly crossed the line from entertainingly dumb to boring dumb. 
I will probably give Supercub and some other stuff a shot later, this was a stacked season! May give updates on all that later, but this is what I have for now.
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Quick Summary: A mild mannered middle-aged walrus taxi driver is drawn into a case involving a missing girl, yakuza, Youtube clout-chasers, manzai comedians and idols with big secrets.
It’s rare to walk away from media and be like “that is a singular experience I will definitely never see repeated again” but ODDTAXI is definitely one of those. A tense noir thriller murder mystery starring cartoon animals that spends an entire episode detailing the one (cat)man’s very fall into darkness triggered by addiction to gacha games and an online auction for a novelty eraser? Also there’s a porcupine Yakuza who speaks entirely in rap? Also there’s tons of meandering conversations about stuff like manzai comedy and the struggle to go viral on Twitter?
Admittedly, I had a hard time getting into the first episode, the dry meandering humor not being enough to hold my attention while I was sitting still, but once I watched this while I was working out at the end of the season, I found it an easy binge. A ton of characters with dark secrets or dangerous ambitions, each with their own part to play in a tableau of intersecting events- and it all actually comes together really well.(As for the female characters, it’s a pretty dude driven story, but they do get nuanced characterization and even some good heroic moments from one of them.)
 It’s a great example of a carefully planned narrative paying off, with all the twists appropriately seeded and foreshadowed to reward viewers who paid attention. Even when it ended on a perfect “OH SHIT” moment and denied me closure, I couldn’t help but respect it. If you that all sounds interesting to you, definitely check out the first couple episodes and see if you like it- you’re likely to have a memorable, satisfying experience!
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Shadows House
Quick Summary: Emilyko is a ‘living doll’ who’s told she was created to act as the ‘face’ of her shadow master, Kate. The shadows and their ‘dolls’ all reside on the mansion and are required to pass a ‘debut’ to prove they’re a good pairing. If they don’t pass, they might be disposed of. And so the mystery of the Shadow mansion grows...
This slice of gothic intrigue was my favorite of the season, tied with ODDTAXI. With an interesting premise, slightly tense undertones and a strong focus on character building and relationships, it kept me hooked the whole way through. And for any squeamish fans put off by the hype about it, don’t worry, while there are some suspenseful elements, I wouldn’t qualify it as horror. I thought the relationship between Kate and Emilyko might end up being a completely sinister one, but it’s thankfully a lot more complex than that and it’s really interesting to follow how both their characters and relationship grow. The focus of the show is, unsurprisingly, on the “dolls” slowly discovering their autonomy and personhood as they struggle under the rigid system imposed on them by the mysterious elders of this weird Victorian mansion. Can they develop a more equitable relationship with their shadow “masters” (who are also shown to suffer under this system)? There’s a lot to dig into there, and the show has the characters develop through learning to understand and appreciate each other, which is pretty heartwarming. Our hero, Emilyko, is the typical plucky ball of sunshine (they even nickname her sunshine), but she’s also shown to be clever in her own off-the-wall way and she bounces off the far more subdued and cynical Kate well, not to mention the other ‘dolls’ she ends up befriending. 
What’s more, the show spends plenty of time to developing several other character pairings and combinations, and they all have their own interesting dynamic that makes you want to see more of them. Same-gender bonds are at the forefront of this show, and many of them are ripe for queer readings (I definitely appreciated the healthy helping of ladies carrying ladies), but even outside that it’s nice to see a show where a strong, complex bond between girls is at the forefront. My only real complaints about the show are the anime original ending is noticeably a bit rushed (though it’s not too bad, and leaves room for a season 2) and I wish the animation used the whole “shadow” theme more strikingly (like the opening and endings do)- instead the colors are a bit washed out which makes the shadows blend into the background sometimes. The “debut” arc also drags a bit in places, but it makes up for it by having a lot of good character integration.
I hope to check out the (full color)! manga soon and see more of this quirky, shadowy story. There’s some physical abuse depicted, sad things happening to characters and naturally the whole “oppressive familial system” thing, but otherwise not much I can think of to warn about. I give this one a big rec, especially If you’re a fan of gothic fairytales and stories of self discovery.  
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Zombie Land Saga Revenge
Quickest summary: In this sequel season, everyone’s favorite zombie idol group must claw their way back into prominence after a disastrous show- the fate of the Saga prefecture LITERALLY depends on it!
This was a fun follow-up to the first season- if you liked the first zombie-girl romp, you’ll probably enjoy this one. In fact, there were a couple areas it improved on- namely, Kotaro failed, ate crow and embarrassed himself a lot more this season, which made him more likeable (as did the fact the girls gained a lot of independence from him). This season also shed more light on what the ‘goal’ of this zombie raising project is and what kind of shit Kotaro got involved with to make this happen, and it’s appropriately off-the-wall and ridiculous. We finally got some backstory for Yugiri too! I wish it had focused on more of her interiority, but she got to be a badass in it, and it was a treat to see this zombie idol show turn into a period piece for a couple episodes (also her song ruled).
 Tae also got a cute focus episode and there was a particular SMASHING performance early on! Also That revelation last season that had the potential to turn creepy hasn’t yet, and hopefully never will. The finale was heartwarming with big hints of more drama to come- I’m definitely down for more zombie hijinks!
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Vivy: Flourite Eye’s Song
Quickest Summary: A songstress AI named DIVA (nicknamed Vivy) is approached by another AI named Matsumoto, who says he’s from the future and they must work together to prevent AI exterminating all of humankind 100 years from now.
This show is absolutely gorgeous visually with some really nice action scenes, but when it comes to the story my feelings basically amount to a shrug. It’s fine! I guess! Vivy starts out as an interesting layered character- and I guess still is by the end- with her stoic but stubborn determination bouncing off her fast-talking bossy partner Matsumoto well. She never listens to him, which is delightful. The way the show took place over the course of 100 years was an interesting conceit as well. However, it bought up a lot of themes and then sort of... dropped them. For instance, Vivy interprets her mission (PRIME DIRECTIVE if you will) as protecting humans at all costs, no matter how destructive said humans are or what their fate is supposed to be, and is perfectly willing to murder her fellow androids to do this, showing she inherently thinks of androids (herself and her own people!) as less worthy. Which is a little alarming! There’s a very dramatic point in the show where they bring this up as a potential conflict for her character but then it’s sort of...dropped. Pretty much.
Actually, despite the premise, the show doesn’t dip into the “AI rights” as much as you think it would with the main theme being more about Vivy’s search to find her own creativity and discover what it means to ‘pour your heart into something’. Vivy herself doesn’t actually care if she has rights or anything. Which is in some ways fine, because ‘AI as an oppressed class’ has been done to death, but IT’S ALSO KIND OF IN THE PREMISE, so that means that the show just shrugs really hard at a lot of the questions it brings up  basically just going “humans and AI should work together probably” and that’s it. There’s a lot that feels underexplored. The antagonists in the show also either have motivations that don’t really make sense or have boring hackneyed motivations. In the finale in particular, it feels like a lot of things happen “just because” and it falls a little flat.
I also have to warn that one of the arcs focus on a robot ‘pairing’ where the dude-coded robots actions toward his partner are straight up awful and rob her of her autonomy, but it’s played like a tragic love story. I suppose you could read it differently too, but it definitely made me go ‘ew’ the story seemed to want me to sympathize with this robo dude,
Overall, I wouldn’t anti-recommend this show, it’s an all right little sci-fic romp (and definitely SUPER pretty). My favorite element was definitely the episodes where Vivy develops an entirely new (an loveable) personality, because it played with the idea of of an AI getting “rebooted” really well and interplay between her two “selves” was done really well. But there are a lot of other parts of the show that just feel...a little underexplored and empty, making me have an ‘eh’ feeling on the show overall. It’s definitely an ambitious project, and while it didn’t quite stick the landing, there’s something to be said for a show that shoots for the stars and falls short over a show that just languishes in mediocrity.
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Fruits Basket The Final
Quick summary: The final season of that dramatic drama about that weird family with a zodiac curse and the girl who loves them.
It’s very weird that after not cutting a lot out, they kinda sped through some material for, you know, the finale. I guess they thought they couldn’t stretch this final arc to 26 episodes? Or weren’t cleared for another double cour? However, though there were a couple places that felt awkward, despite being a bit condensed it mostly held together pretty well for a D R A M A T I C and ultimately heartwarming conclusion. I was really disappointed they kept the part where Ritsu cut their hair for the ‘happy ending’, I thought  their intro episode not showing them in men’s clothes meant the anime had decided their presentation didn’t need to be “fixed” but WELL I GUESS NOT. That was the only big upset for me though, otherwise the adaptation went about how I expected, sticking to the source material. Furuba has a lot of bumps, from weird age gap stuff to ...gender, but it also has a lot of important feels and great character arcs. It was a gateway shoujo for many and has its important place in animanga history, so I’m glad it finally got a shiny, full adaptation.
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sepublic · 3 years
I was trying to avoid as much of Metroid Dread as possible to be surprised... But then I learned KRAID is back, in glorious HD as part of a mainline game and...
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Oh, he’s beautiful!
Seriously, I’ve always wanted to see more of Kraid! Dude was one of the OG Space Pirates alongside Mother Brain and Ridley, who are present throughout the series; And as someone who is apparently Ridley’s Brother-in-Arms, I’m just really curious on what he could be like?
I doubt we’ll get much if anything in terms of personality, but that’s how Metroid games work anyway! Hopefully we get more lore on Kraid, how is he still alive? Does he have regenerative abilities, is he just really incredibly durable? An X-parasite imitation? Fake Kraid has grown up and this is Sclayd? Did the Chozo clone him, maybe even somehow resurrect him from a dead body, or even the afterlife considering their borderline mystical abilities???
Either way, that’s clever of the designers to have Kraid be restrained, as a meta explanation as to why he doesn’t just charge forward- Thus allowing the developers to start off with a traditional take on the Kraid fight... But since he manages to break an arm free in the trailer, the fight might progress and get more deadly, as Kraid becomes more free.
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His neck brace will probably be the last to go, to show a sort of natural transition from the traditional style of Kraid fights, to a more modernized take and I am all FOR it! Everyone’s wondering if Ridley will return, but Kraid alone would MORE than make up for his absence, especially since Ridley is already so prevalent while Kraid has only gotten bread crumbs and the Brinstar Depths stage in recent years!
This is like a dream come true... And obviously Kraid is set up to fight Samus, but it’d be kind of neat to see an arc where him and Samus recognize a mutual enemy in the Chozo, and work with each other over it? Probably not, but I feel this would be more plausible than Samus and Ridley working together; A fun thought exercise I’d always entertained, but there really isn’t that personal vitriol between Samus and Kraid.
...I mean, there COULD be if Kraid takes Ridley’s death personally, but who knows, he might hold off on revenge just long enough for a practical escape! Regardless, I utterly adore just how gnarly and twisted this guy looks, it reminds me of Ridley’s Smash Ultimate renders that really modernize his look, breathe a new and alien life to it while still being the same! And the added, slimy body horror, borderline insectoid, like Smash Ridley!
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But yes, I appreciate Metroid Dread taking the opportunity to be new, instead of trying to cater to the mainstream audience as an official return to pull them back, especially since we already had Samus Returns do that, especially with Proteus Ridley being thrown in! And with how Proteus was by far the best Ridley fight in the series, I can’t WAIT to see how Mercury Steam gives a new action to a Kraid boss battle!
And it looks like there might be a passageway behind Kraid that he’s guarding... Kind of like his previous appearances, I love Kraid being a giant guard dog- His girth and weight alone makes him an impenetrable wall! Plus he gives immovable object vibes, VS Ridley as an Unstoppable Force.
Ridley moves fast and aggressively leads the charge, while Kraid is less mobile, can’t even fit through most passageways; But holds down the fort and line of defense, tanking damage and shrugging it off compared to someone who heals from it!
Seriously, this is great seeing this under appreciated Space Pirate represented! I’ve always been salty about Meta Kraid being left out of Metroid Prime... And Kraid’s got a distinct identity of his own as one of the biggest bosses in the entire series by a long shot!
His big, colossal, green and chunky frame, that brutishness to Kraid, the size and brawn- It’s a nice contrast and foil to Ridley’ who is memetically huge in general, but from a relative standpoint averagely-sized as a boss, and MUCH scrawnier than the Awakened Behemoth; But he makes up for it wit speed and agility, flight, etc.!
Plus the concept of taking on a full-on Kaiju of the series, Metroid’s Godzilla... I always felt like there was a wasted potential to Kraid and how he stood out as a counterpart to Ridley’ more of the lumbering mountain to scale compared to the acrobatic Cunning God of Death! His Kaiju size, the way the ground could easily tremble from each footstep like Jurassic Park...
If Ridley is a Xenomorph, make Kraid into Godzilla and Rexy and every giant monster whose sheer scale inspires a horror based in awe, one that is huge and grandiose and demands attention and seizes all of it, gloriously basking in full view, in contrast to the more stealthy and subtle Ridley!
They’re both reptilian Space Pirates who debuted with the franchise, serve Mother Brain alongside one another as the two guardians to Tourian. And just like Ridley taking one of the recurring boss themes from Super Metroid and adopting it as HIS theme, Kraid seems to have done the same by Zero Mission!
Plus, Brinstar Depths, AKA Kraid’s Lair, is SUCH a metal soundtrack! It doesn’t necessarily apply to Kraid himself, but I feel like there’s an enigmatic personality hinted with the eerie, melodic tune of this theme... So as someone who’s tried to write him, mostly in my head;
What kind of person is Kraid? What archetypes and roles would he fit? As a more casual type of arch-nemesis, compared to the personal intensity of Ridley? A dumb brute, or smart in his own way? What personality and vibes would make Kraid’s Lair fit as a theme for him?
At the very least, I wonder if we’ll get Space Pirate lore, maybe even origins as to Kraid and Ridley’s species? They’re both huge dragons who took over Zebes... Could there be a connection between Ridley’s species and the Chozo? Will we get a bit of sympathy for Kraid, seeing him captured like an animal by the Chozo, perhaps to test experiments upon and clone?
Will Dread encapsulate the realization of just how much of a bigger scope villain the True Chozo are, experimenting on Kraid the way the Galactic Federation did with Ridley’s clone, another parallel between them? Will we explore the dark past of the Chozo, and a potential tragic look into Kraid’s species- So Samus has a better understanding of how her people have been terrible in many ways, even if that doesn’t at all justify Kraid the person’s actions?
Just... Imagine a storyline where Samus realizes that Kraid was made by the Chozo, or his species was, or they were genetically augmented or massacred, or something like that. Just a twisted moment of realization that explains but doesn’t justify. Which could lead to Samus and Kraid teaming up for a prison breakout at a pivotal moment, Kraid’s girth would make him a helpful ally.
Perhaps Samus could weaponize Kraid in the background to take the brunt of the True Chozo’s attacks, while she takes on the leader? Could he help with environmental terrain, blind to the background as a colossal feature of the environment, a kaiju briefly on your side?
Could we get a Kraid fight where he attacks from the background, instead of to the right? Will he ultimately die helping Samus- More for his own gain and revenge, but still? Maybe even leading to a reluctant salute from Samus as she recognizes them both as people captured, as experimented upon by the Chozo? Apologies for all of the fanon conjecture, my mind is racing...!
I think there’s SO much potential with Kraid and seeing him full, unadulterated HD glory... It’s glorious. It’s magnificent! This is a dream come true, and I hope Kraid finally starts to get the recognition he deserves! Even if he’s just A boss fight, I’m already sated and content here- And I can only imagine the new wave of fan content that will spawn for Kraid, as he’s recognized a defining moment of Dread!
Plus, I’d love to see people characterize and give lore to Kraid... All in all I am LIVING and in triumph here!!! I know I keep using this meme but
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Literally this alone, just these shots... Are ALL I really want and need, in the end! Bless you Mercury Steam for this food, for breathing new life into this franchise while renovating what really needs it! I don’t even care if Kraid’s return is never really explained, I’m incredibly happy here!
This new design... It just FITS and works as a new, evergreen design for Kraid honestly! Compared to Ridley who is a lot more varied and arguably inconsistent, even with his Smash render... THIS is the new and definitive Kraid for me, now! I am having the time of my LIFE here!
Ridley the Cunning God has cheated death... is Kraid the Behemoth has reawakened!
(With the idea of Prime Kraid being reused for Metroid Prime 4... I’m wondering if we’ll begin to see an all new Kraid renaissance? 👀 More frequent content as Nintendo starts giving him and more appearances and attention, including in other media and advertising, alongside Ridley???)
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cherry-interlude · 3 years
Lana Del Rey Unreleased Ranked (1)
This is a re-ranking of Lana's unreleased songs, after making a first a few years ago. This is all my opinion, which I don't mind anyone disagreeing with but don't come for me for it - honestly, I like every song, despite any criticism, and this ranking is very vague. It's based on objective and subjective opinion.
This is the first of five posts, beginning with my least favourite.
Just Lana’s unfinished acoustic, Bentley is strangely haunting. From the eeriness of her isolated vocals, the lack of a finished tune and the suicidal lyrics, this track is something that I don’t find easy to listen to. It’s fascinating and clearly had a direction but it doesn’t come across as anything but music from a horror movie.
Crooked Cop
Another unfinished acoustic track with instrumental thrown in, this song is so incomplete that it’s hard to decipher my feelings for it. Lana has the right kind of panache and aptitude for this track to be good but it’s too much of an unknown.
Daddy’s Girl
It’s simply a demo for Be My Daddy and doesn’t have the pizazz of Pussycat Kittycat (another demo), but of course Lana owns daddy kinks and potentially-incredible rough demos all the same.
A low-key, relaxed track that just sort of exists; it isn’t anything particularly amazing. It’s better as something to shove on in the background than listen to with deliberate consciousness.
Ghetto Baby
Ghetto Baby is a song that was picked up by another artist and it does sound like it isn’t Lana’s. It’s gaudy enough but doesn’t do enough to keep me from skipping, despite the familiar, recycled themes and garish flair.
Live Forever
It just doesn’t strike me in any way. Lana has plenty of pop unreleased songs but this doesn’t compare to a lot of them. The fun clapping beat and the mainstream-feel doesn’t do anything for me, though objectively it is a standard decent track.
Jesus Is My Boyfriend
It’s like a nightmarish, religious tribute to Lana’s saviour – the eerie vocals and lack of music make it uncomfortable to listen to. Lana takes some interesting direction with her repeating lyrics and throwing in how Jesus finds her “smashing” and “comes to her in the night”. Perhaps edging on blasphemous but Lana likes to include her religion her way in several tracks.
Wolf T-Shirt
Lana plays around with this song in its early stages, honouring a man in a wolf t-shirt like an indirect reference to the big bad wolf of her other unreleased song. The track gets better as the chorus hits, a little slice of melodious seduction Lana could turn into a hit.
Midnite Dancer Girlfriend
A very rough demo, Midnite Dancer Girlfriend definitely has promise. Lana’s vocals are captivating, her lyrics – though unfinished – sparkle with vivaciousness as she takes the stripper role on again. Aside from the poor quality, I do get enjoyment out of the pieces of the song in terms of sound and vibe (kind of creepy stripper?).
Betty Boop Boop
Unfinished as it is, it’s incredibly unnerving. The harsh instrumentals following the gentle “boop boop boopy doop”, the weird electronic sounds and Lana’s delicate voice make this a weird mish-mash of sound. The outro of pure sound is brutal but I can’t help humming along and wondering what this song would have been had it been complete.
I Learned How To Make Love From The Movies
Lana’s click-happy acapella demo is a very rough demo for what would surely be a catchy, tongue-in-cheek little song.
My Song 57
Lana has fun on this directionless, incomplete track, her voice high and sugary. A few times her voice takes the kind of schoolgirl, thumb-on-nose showing off which adds to the youthful feel of a lot of her unreleased music.
Don’t get me wrong, I love this song – it's a definite guilty pleasure – but it is damn awful. Yes, it’s a very unpolished demo, but it comes across as cringey as much as it’s fun. Lana whispers and growls her insults, pants sensually as if mid gunfight and samples Scarface (the film) multiple times. I enjoy listening to it when I’m in the mood but I can’t help but be amused and intrigued what the song could have been.
Pussycat Kittycat
The mashup of Be My Daddy and Delicious serves as a coy, sugary pop song that works better as the songs it becomes.
I still find this song hilarious - years later, Lana’s harsh ”they’re disgusting, I’m delicious”, pouting baby voice and gangsta-girl lingo are overkill in Delicious. It’s something she’s tried before but there’s something about this song that makes me imagine it just must be satire. Of course, I enjoy the song and sing along but it is impossible to take seriously.
Making Out
It isn’t a bad song by any means (though the ultra-autotune version is just confusing) but it just doesn’t feel like Lana. The lyrics certainly match up to her vibe, but it just feels like something from another singer. It’s still a decent song, if not a bit limp compared to the rest of her sparkier efforts.
Daytona Meth
This is a mash-up of plenty of Lana’s fleshed-out tracks, with the feel of Heavy Hitter, references to Every Man Gets His Wish and the instrumental of Party Girl. It’s unfinished, thus a bit messy, and feels like it’s trying to do too much, but as I’ve said plenty of times, even Lana’s ‘worst’ has charms to it.
So Legit
This diss track is not the expected badass rap but instead a gentle and sneering acoustic song, with strange vocals that lift and drag where they please. You can feel the confusion in Lana’s voice, the offence that someone she thought highly of could sell-out and be so poor now in her eyes. It’s catchy and tongue in cheek but not her best in terms of song (though the insults sting).
Baby Blue Love
Unsettling as Lana practically shouts her choruses, Baby Blue Love recalls corrupt youth and choir singers looking for trouble as she riffs on her past as a boarding schoolgirl who liked to run around with guys not good for her (Boarding School and This Is What Makes Us Girls as examples). The whole feel of the song isn’t rollicking fun or nostalgic but instead uneasy, the music beneath sinister. The song isn’t finished but it would be interesting to hear these sorts of lyrics instead paired with a strange instrumental rather than pop fun.
Heart-Shaped Chevrolet
In this demo, Lana lists off her typical Lana-isms (7-Eleven, Jersey Shore, heart-shaped sunglasses) but it isn’t anything different to what we’ve heard before lyrically. With the early On Our Way lyrics thrown in, it’s mainly a song that led to various other tracks with a bit of flair and smirk to her tone.
Match Made In Heaven
Lana feels a world away from her albums in this song, gone more gangta than Nancy Sinatra (from her own self-description). Autotuned and reminding of her tracks like Playground and Delicious, Lana does much better when she isn’t trying so hard to be a bad girl.
Come When You Call Me
A weirdly uncomfortable song, Come When You Call Me has issues with sound (thanks to the lower quality making it far too loud) and the lyrics are barely heard beneath the music. It is a jazzy, bright song that has you bopping but it’s easily lost in the rest of her work and sounds too overproduced. Stripped back is where it might stand a chance being even better.
Old Money’s demo, Methamphetamines has the same aesthetically pleasing feel but instead of old, rich Americana, Lana takes us back to the Lizzy Grant days of cheap thrills like pink flamingos and Coney Island. It isn’t as mature as Lana’s later output but it clearly shows how many of her unreleased, incomplete works are a stepping stone to greater things.
Coca Colla
This soft track is essentially a demo to Television Heaven, not too imaginative as it has recycled lyrics but still pretty with some fresh lyrics thrown in. Sweet and perfect to develop a fleshed out song on.
Roll With Me
Literally just a dance track (which, aside from singing “I know, baby” and “on the radio”, is a lyric), Lana has fun with this earworm that was made for moving rather than thinking. It doesn’t do anything special but it’s not too bad for a song that repeats its lyrics throughout.
Joshy and I
Like her other guitar-driven songs, there’s something raw about Joshy and I in that it’s pure Lana in her foundation stages of crafting a song. With a random exclamation of “so pretty!” thrown in, Lana is clearly trying something new in this song. It doesn’t sound like a bad song by any means but it’s too far back in the process of the drawing board to reach higher on the list.
Party Girl
It’s a quick, short track but it puts a fun spin on Us Against The World’s lyrics by making them more upbeat and fun alongside Lana’s near-rap verses. It isn’t complete, still messy and with imperfect backing track, but it’s charming enough.
Bad Boy
Going from a sweet rap to clunkily sampling Clair De Lune, it’s certainly imaginative but doesn’t really work well overall. Lana tries her best to match her chorus to Debussy and ends up with an endearing tribute to bad boys.
You and Me
It has a strange feel that I can never really sit with. You and Me is quite dreamy but quite vapid, not really saying or doing anything as it gently drifts along lightly, no weight to it. With a little bit more to it, it could improve greatly.
Me and My Boyfriend
Lana and The Rich Whores are quite a good combination, Lana getting a bit dirtier and hard-edged in her delivery, yet the lyrics for this song still remain firmly honouring Elvis and Marilyn imitations with not much else to say.
Run Motorcycle
Lana mopes about sobriety and fame, dreaming of escape as she contemplates what she will do if she doesn’t have fun. It’s the bare basics of a song but with the rain in the background (likely accidental but still adding to the feel), Lana lets her emotions guide her like the motorcycle running her thoughts away.
Maha Maha
Lana absolutely seduces with her voice, playing the character of a near-supernatural temptress with a backdrop of, in her words, ‘Bollywood Hawaii’ (the demo name). The choruses are very jarring to the much smoother verses, but this track has a way of hooking me in, from the multi-lingual lyrics to the warning tone of her voice.
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 8
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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With firm hands on her hips, Angel led Nina in front of him; only letting go to hold the door for her to enter the clubhouse. Inside, they found both clubs neck deep in their first beers. Tig was seated on a chair with Chucky on his lap; bouncing the little smiling man up and down on his knee, while he hugged him tight. “I missed you so much, Chucky! Are they treating you ok? Do they feed you?”. He looked at Hank who was laughing at the scene. “You know, he likes his eggs sunny side up. And you need to make sure he doesn’t drink diet coke. It upsets his tummy”. Letty had showed up while she was getting ready, and was seated by the bar nursing a coke; Coco hovering over her, and giving any Son who looked in her direction a death-glare. Leticia was wearing a turtleneck, as she’d been told. The fact that it was a crop-top didn’t seem to matter to her.
Nina pulled at Angel’s cut to make him lean his ear down to her lips. “I’m gonna go spend some time with my other family, before VM rolls in, and I have to pretend not to know them”, she said. “Please don’t get all macho again”. “Can’t promise anything”, Angel said, and placed a possessive kiss on her neck. She pushed him away, and went to sit down with her brothers. After taking a chair between Rat and Happy, Ratboy gestured at her neck. “You got a little something…”, he smirked. Letty jumped off her chair, and handed Nina a pocket mirror, to examine the hickey Angel had left there, just below the one he’d made the day before. “Shit. What are you; 13?”, she growled at Angel. He smiled smugly, and grabbed a beer, before going over to stand by EZ.
Rat gave Letty a shy once-over, and Nina patted his arm. “Don’t… Her dad was a sniper in Iraq”, she muttered. Letty smiled at Rat, before going back to the bar. “That’s her father?”, Rat whispered, and looked at Coco. “Yup…”, Nina replied. Coco took a huff of his smoke, and leaned against the bar; moving his cut so that his gun was visible. Rat swallowed thickly, and moved his focus back to his beer.
Happy elbowed her softly, and pulled out his phone, to show her a picture on the screen. “Wendy checked in”, he said. The picture was of Thomas with his face covered in chocolate. Abel was running in the background, wielding a supersoaker. Nina let out a soft sigh. “God, that kid looks like Jax”, she said. “Which one?”, Happy grunted. Nina chuckled sadly, and the biker put an arm around her. “Yeah… I know”.
“So, you’re coming back with us, right?”, Tig asked; having finally let Chucky go. “No, she isn’t…”, Filip said, having appeared at the table with a glass of scotch in hand. “What?”, Happy said, his expression suddenly angry. Filip sat down, and Bishop pulled up a chair next to him. The two presidents gave each other a knowing but hard look. “It seems our Nina has sold herself into servitude”, Filip said. Tig leaned forward and shook his head. “Nah… Nuh uh. What the fuck is this shit?”, he said. “She’s not some piece of ass for you to…”. “Relax, Trager. It’s not like that”, Bishop said. “Then tell us what it is!”, Quinn said. Filip gestured for Bishop to continue, an irritated but defeated expression on his face. “As you know, Vatos Malditos are coming to Santo Padre. They’re going to offer us money to help them search for Nina”, Bishop said. “You told them…?”, Tig roared.
The Sons jumped to their feet, hands on their weapons. The Mayans responded in kind, and it seemed that what had just been a nice get together, now was about to turn in to a massacre. Letty and Chucky dove behind the bar, and Nina got on her feet. She grabbed Filip’s glass, and flung it at the wall; smashing it into a thousand pieces. “Enough!”, she roared. “Fuck! It’s like dealing with overgrown children…”. She scowled deeply at all the men. “Sit your asses down, and listen!”. “Yeah, fucking listen!”, Creeper growled. Nina drew her lips back in a snarl. “Shut the fuck up, Creep; or I’ll superglue your dick to your balls!”. Creep looked dumbstruck. “Are you gonna let your girl talk to me like that, brother?”, he asked Angel. “Fuck, yeah”, Angel said. “Oh, and you and me are in the cage tonight”. Creeper sat down, cursing bellow his breath.
Once everyone was seated, and more or less calm, Bishop continued. “You know how it is… We can’t risk money and potential war for an outsider. You wouldn’t either…”. “I’m staying here, working for San Pad for a year”, Nina explained. “That way, the Mayans couldn’t hand me over, even if they wanted to. It would be against their rules, because I’ll be a part of the family here”. “And we’re supposed to trust that they won’t do it anyway… Why?”, Happy asked. “Because Nina does…”, Filip said, giving her a meaningful look. “Look, I don’t like this any more than you do; but as it is, I don’t see another way out. We brought our girl down here; put her in the care of not just another charter, but another club all together. I blame myself… But this is a better solution than all-out war”. The Sons all shared angry and defeated glances. “And after her year is over?”, Tig asked. “That’ll be up to Nina”, Bishop said. “She does good work around here. If she wants to stay…”. “Niña is family”, Coco said, getting concurring nods from the rest of the Mayans. Filip got to his feet. “We’ll deal with that 12 months from now. But you better treat her like a fucking queen, or we will come back down here, and burn this shit-hole to the ground”, he said. “I need a new drink”.
A few hours later, after Bishop had explained the plan of letting Nina disappear into the crowd to SAMCRO, the first guests began arriving. Nina rushed around, dealing out orders to the hangarounds who were going to take care of the guests that night. She was overseeing the setting up of the sound equipment outside the clubhouse, while simultaneously refilling the bar set up by the porch. Daniella had decided to show up, in spite of Angel’s rejection. She kept to herself; once in a while sharing some words with some of the other guests. Angel didn’t pay her any attention, though not for her not trying to catch it.
Suddenly, there was a roar of bikes coming up the driveway. Nina instantly froze in place, only to move again, when EZ came up to her, and pulled at her wrist. “You good?”, he said. “Is it them?”, she whispered. EZ looked towards the incoming bikers, and nodded slightly. Nina let out a slight gasp. She turned around, and saw a group of men dressed in denim cuts; none of them looking friendly. They got off their bikes and walked up to greet Bishop, and Filip; who’d followed him outside. The Mayans and the Sons all took their places on the porch, each with their own faction. The leader of the group stepped forwards. He was a brusque and serious looking man, with a long braid down his back. His eyes were cold, and she recognized the family resemblance to Gael. El Palo.
Angel shot her a short look, before looking at EZ. His eyes would have seemed indifferent to anyone else, but Nina could see what he was saying. We got this, querida; and; take care of her, brother. “They’re just gonna stare each other down a bit”, EZ said, trying to calm her. Nina nodded slightly, but was unable to control her breath. It was like someone had a vice-grip on her lungs. EZ looked down at her, and frowned slightly. “I need…”, she heaved. “Time to disappear”, he muttered. Slipping an arm around her shoulders, as if they were about to find a quiet corner together, he led her towards the trailer. Most of the people around them ignored them. It was perfectly normal for couples to get a bit frisky, and needing to release some steam at these kinds of parties. They passed a group of women chattering excitedly. Daniella was among them, and smirked when she saw EZ’s grip on Nina.
As soon as he’d opened the door, Nina stumbled inside the trailer, and grabbed her inhaler from the table. In her shaking state, she dropped it on the floor, and EZ picked it up, handing it to her. She took a hit, and felt her lungs relax. “I’m sorry”, she panted. EZ put a calming hand on her shoulder, and smiled. “You’re ok”, he said. “Just breathe”. Nina took a few deep breaths, and put her forehead on his shoulder. “Thanks”, she said. “Is one brother not enough for you?”. Daniella was standing outside the open door. Nina scowled at her, but didn’t reply; still too wound up to be able to form a proper comeback. Ezekiel went down to face Daniella, and stared her down. “If you wanna stay, behave”, he said. “Otherwise, get the fuck out”. Nina put down her inhaler on the table, and walked outside; closing the door behind her. EZ put his arm around her shoulders again. “Puta…”, Daniella mouthed. Nina shot her the middle finger, and let EZ lead her away.
The staredown seemed to be over, and all three clubs had scattered to enjoy the party. “I have to go take care of the grill”, EZ said. “Will you be ok?”. “Yeah…”, Nina lied. He squeezed her shoulder, and left her to go tend to his job.
She stood for a long moment, looking over the frivolities. Happy and Gilly were looking on, as Angel revved the engine of his bike by the gate separating the scrapyard from the clubhouse area. The Son looked impressed, and let a pretty girl crawl under his arm, and press against him. Hank was studying the tattoo on the arm of a VM. Coco was pulling Letty off a table, where’s she’d been dancing. Nina made eye contact with Filip for a second, and he winked at her quickly, before going back to nursing his beer, and the gorgeous brunette on his lap.
She went up the steps to the porch, and opened the door to the clubhouse, to go inside; when she bumped straight in to a denim-clad chest. “Perdóneme…”, a raspy voice said. She looked up, and locked eyes with a Vato, with inquisitive and cold eyes. She parted her lips – unable to speak – and let out a short, nervous breath. “Let me get this for you”, he said, and held the door open for her. “Thanks…”, she muttered, and walked by him as calmly as she could. Taza was seated by the bar, and when he saw her expression, his eyes flickered for a moment, looking at the VM-biker. “Yo, sweetheart. Get me a beer, would you?”, he called out. “Uh huh”, Nina croaked, and slipped behind the bar as fast as she could. She grabbed a Sol from the fridge, and placed it in front of the VP. Sala disappeared off to somewhere. “You’re doing good, kid”, Taza said quietly. She nodded, and tried to smile.
Tig joined them at the bar, and looked in the bowl of apricots. “I see you’ve let Nina take care of the snacks…”, he chuckled; while looking around to check that none of the VM who were spread around the room were listening. “You have so much to learn”. Taza patted his shoulder. “Educate me, brother”, he smiled. Nina handed Tig a beer, and wiped down the bar, as the two men began sharing stories. After a few shots with the VP's, she felt about as embarrassed as EZ must have felt, after Felipe had told her the story of how he wet himself on the Ferris wheel at a state fair. “… I’m telling you, Taza. Her face was as green as the absinth-liqueur she’d been drinking; and she was dancing on the bar to the national anthem”, Tig said. Taza roared with laughter. “Happy and I had to carry her to bed; and we came back to check on her, she’d snuck out the window of the dorm – the door was unlocked, mind you – and she was running around the lot demanding piggyback-rides from every patch in presence”. Nina cleared her throat. “I think I’m gonna go check on the bar outside”, she said. “Aw, am I embarrassing you, muffin?”, Tig said. “Yes”, Nina said shortly, and shot both men a smile, before grabbing a case of beer, and walking towards the door.
One the porch, she was met by the Vato she’d bumped in to earlier. He gave her unpleasantly leering once-over, before reaching for the case in her arms. “Let me help you", he said. “You don’t have to do that”, she replied. “I insist”, he said, and took the case from her. Nina gave him a polite smile, and gestured towards the bar by the garage. “I’m Sala”. “It’s over here”, she said, avoiding giving him her name. She was just a random hangaround, she kept reminding herself; no one special. She walked ahead of him, not wanting to make it seem like she was interested in having a conversation. Once they arrived at the fridge set up behind the table set up as a makeshift bar, Sala set down the case. She nodded at him. “I can take it from here”, she said, and went to open the fridge. The biker grabbed her arm, and made her turn around; getting a little too close for comfort. “Have someone else do it. Let’s go somewhere private…”, he smirked. “No thanks”, Nina croaked, and pulled her arm from his grasp; backing away. “I don’t think my…”. She didn’t know how to label Angel; it was still too fresh. “I’m here with someone else”. Sala frowned teasingly. “Come on…”, he said, and took a step towards her again. “You look like you like to have fun…”.
“Hey, mami. How are you doing?”, Angel said from behind her; placing his arm protectively around her waist. Nina almost gasped in relief. Happy came up next to them, giving the VM-biker his trademark stink-eye. “This your girl, Reyes?”, Sala said. “Yeah, is she?”, Happy said, looking towards Angel for a split second; and took a sip of his beer. Angel tucked Nina into his side. “Yeah… she is”, he said. “Want to make something of it, carnal?”, he asked Sala. A smile ghosted Happy’s face, and he met Nina’s eyes; nodding shortly. “Sala!”, someone barked from across the lot. Palo had been observing the interaction, a displeased scowl on his face. He nodded his head for Sala to come join him, and the Vato walked off; cursing bellow his breath.
“Thanks…”, Nina muttered. Angel looked down at her. “Ain’t nothing to thank me over”, he said. “He’s just marking his claim”, Happy said. Nina frowned. “Are you gonna pee on me next?”, she grunted. Angel winced. “Don’t tell me you’re in to that shit…”, he said. “That’s nasty”. Happy laughed, and patted Angel’s shoulder; before walking over to join Quinn at a card-game he had going on.
Nina pulled out of Angel’s grasp, and went to fill the fridge. He came up behind her, and grabbed her hips; kissing the back of her neck. “You know you’re not the only one here to do this shit, right?”. “Just keeping busy”, she muttered. “It’s a party. Try to have some fun", he said. “I have to finish this…”. “You have to look like you’re enjoying yourself". He turned her around, and pushed a lock of hair out of her face. “You’re tense as fuck…”. She sighed deeply, and put her forehead against his chest. Angel waved for a female hangaround to come take over; before taking Nina’s hand, and pulling her with him, to go sit on the steps to the porch.
By the looks of it, everyone around them were having fun, but Nina found it hard to get into a partying spirit. She looked over at a table by the garage, where Bishop was deep in conversation with Filip. Palo came over to join them. They all nodded at each other, and the conversation continued with the VM president adding his inputs. Angel noticed Nina looking at them. “You afraid?”, he asked. “Only as much as the next possible murder-victim”, she muttered. He put an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her close. His other hand went to her knee, and he let his fingertips draw small circles on the inside of it. “I know something that might relax you…”. She began to feel her cheeks burning, and bit her lip. “What’s that?”, she asked. He squeezed her thigh, and put his soft lips to her ear. “Watching me fuck up Creeper in that cage…”, he smiled. Nina let out a wanton sigh. “God, yes…”, she breathed.
Angel chuckled, and got up; giving her a hand to stand up herself. “Creep!”, he called out to the other Mayan. His tongue was down the throat of the red-head Coco had had some trouble getting rid of the week before. He pulled back, and looked at Angel. “What, brother?”, he asked. “It’s time”, Angel replied. Creeper gave the ginger one last kiss, and made his way to the cage. Angel went in the same direction, his arm around Nina’s waist.
A crowd gathered around the cage, as Angel and Creeper got their hands taped up. Nina let herself be mesmerized by the sight of her bare-chested champion, who was already jittery with adrenaline. Once Riz had finished with his hands, Angel went over, and grabbed the back of her neck; pressing his lips to hers. His kiss was deep and greedy, and he had no shame in pressing his groin against her in front of the crowd. His tongue danced against hers, and he let out a wanton grunt. “Let me just take care of this motherfucker, and then we can go somewhere and finish this”, he said against her lips; and stepped away from her. Nina was surprised her knees were still carrying her, and she felt lightheaded from all of her blood running to her groin.
Once inside the cage, Angel and Creeper circled each other like two lions, until Riz called out for them to begin. Angel flew forwards at the flash of an eye, and slammed his fist into Creeper’s face. Creeper fell backwards, and covered his mouth. Letting Angel think he was disoriented, he stumbled forwards again, and jabbed Angel in the ribs. Nina gasped at the sound, and her heart skip several beats, until Angel straightened back up, and put his arm around Creeper’s neck; continuously jabbing at his sternum. Breaking free, Creeper managed to get a hit in to Angel’s head.
As the fighting continued, Nina was caught off guard, when Palo appeared next to her. He handed her a beer. “As an apology… for my enforcer’s behavior”, he said. “Thank you”, she croaked. Palo gave her a half smile. “I’m just trying to keep him out of that cage…”, he said, and looked towards the two fighters. Angel had Creeper in a headlock. Nina chuckled nervously. “He’s strong… Your man”, Palo said. “Is he doing that for you?”. “I guess…”, Nina said, trying to avoid letting her voice shake too much. Angel looked up at her with a smile; but when he saw Palo, his eyes went cold. Creeper began tapping his arm, to forfeit; but Angel didn’t seem to notice, and only held on harder. Nina’s eyes widened in fear. “Angel! He’s tapping out, man!”, Riz called out. Angel was pulled out of his trance, and immediately let go of Creeper, who fell forwards, gasping for air. “I’ll leave you to it”, Palo said, and walked away.
Riz proclaimed Angel the winner, and he and Creeper hugged. They walked out of the cage together, and came over to Nina. “Are we good, Nina?”, Creeper panted. “Yeah. We’re good, Creep”, she said with a slight smile, and stepped forwards to pat his shoulder. Creeper winced at the touch, blew out a deep breath, and let himself be led away by the readhead, to be pampered.
Angel looked in the direction Palo had gone. “Everything ok?”, he asked. “Yeah, I think so”, Nina muttered. “He was apologizing for that thing from before, with that Vato”. “Huh”, Angel said, before turning to accept a towel from Riz. He had a small cut over his eyebrow, and his ribs were bruised. Nina stroked her fingertips over the mark, and Angel winced a bit. “Are you ok?”, she asked. “I’m good, querida. Don’t worry about it”, Angel replied, and kissed her temple. The scent of his adrenaline-fused sweat and his cologne hit Nina’s nose then, and she let out a soft moan. He smirked down at her. “Who’s the horny little shit, now…? Got something you need, cuervo?”. She bit her lip to keep from grinning, and got on her toes to kiss him deeply; making it very obvious what, in fact, she needed. Angel grabbed his shirt and his cut, and put his arm around her, letting his hand rest on her bottom; before leading her towards the trailer.
They were halted in their tracks, by a whistle. “That was some stellar fighting, brother”, someone called out to them in a Scottish drawl. Nina groaned, and looked over her shoulder disgruntledly at Filip; who was nursing a bottle of Jameson with Tig, Bishop, Sala, and Palo. “Thanks, man”, Angel replied. “Have a seat”, Filip said, and gestured for a chair next to him. Angel shot him a displeased smile, and led Nina over to the group. In spite of her disappointed expression, he put on his shirt and cut again; and sat down next to Filip. Tig smirked at Nina. “Aw, looks like we ran out of chairs. I got a lap right here for you, sweetheart…”. He patted his thighs, his eyes full of mischief. “I have a feeling you’re a dirty old man”, Nina replied, and raised a knowing brow at Tig. “You don’t know the half of it”, he said, and reached out his hand to shake hers. She did actually know much more than she wanted to, but held her tongue. Tig was as dirty as they came, but since hooking up with Venus a few years back, he’d mended his ways somewhat. “Tig Trager”, he introduced himself; keeping up the ruse of not knowing who she was. “And you are?”. “Not interested”, Angel said, and pulled Nina down to sit on his lap.
“You want to be careful with this one, mano”, Sala said. “He’s possessive of his girl”. “Good”, Filip said. “A man should take care of his woman”. Angel nodded shortly at him, and wrapped his arms around Nina’s waist, as she sat sideways on his thighs. Planting a soft kiss on her shoulder, he then accepted a beer from a passing hangaround. Nina looked up at her, and saw that it was Daniella; a fake smile plastered over her face. “Anything for you?”, she asked Nina. “Scotch…”, she replied. “That, I can help with”, Filip said, and got a glass from the table, filling it, and handing it to Nina. “Chibs Telford”, he said. Nina nodded, and took the glass. Daniella had an ugly sneer on her face for a second, before leaving them to it; giving Sala a view of her butt as she passed him. “Mami, get me another cold one”, he said. “Coming right up”, Daniella smiled at him, and moved towards the bar.
Bishop cleared his throat. “Palo was just telling us about a situation up north”, he said. Nina focused on running her nails through Angel’s hair. She was there as arm candy, not to listen; and she needed to keep up her ruse. “Business?”, Angel asked. “Yes… for you”, Palo said. “For me, it’s personal”. “Never good to mix the two”, Filip said. “Maybe not; but in this case, I’m willing to make an exception”, Palo grunted. “Esto se trata de la familia. I know Alvarez is your primo, Obispo; but I don’t trust him and Oakland with this anymore”. There was a pregnant silence, before Bishop spoke again. “As far as I know, Marcus is keeping his end of your deal. He’s been reaching out to all our charters, to find this woman…”. “This whore, shot my cousin down in cold blood!”, Palo growled. “Then she left him behind in a dirty alley to die alone. I want her dead!”.
A shudder went through Nina’s body. “Are you cold?”, Angel asked, trying to cover for her. She shrugged and nodded; and Angel pulled her closer to his chest. He put his lips to her ear, as if he was kissing her. “Breathe, querida”, he whispered, and squeezed her thigh gently; before taking a sip of his beer. “Didn’t she shoot him in the head?”, he said to Palo. Nina’s heart skipped several beats. “What are you saying?”, Bishop asked, his voice warning in its tone. Angel shrugged. “Just that if she shot him in the head…”. He pointed at his temple. “… he was probably dead the second the bullet hit… So, it’s not like he bled out alone on the ground…”. Nina wanted to scream; please shut your himbo mouth!; but, once again, held her tongue. “How does that change the situation?”, Sala asked. “Whoever shot him, didn’t want him to suffer… They were probably just trying to save themselves… Your cousin had reputation of being a bit rough with his women, is what I heard”, Angel replied. Nina hadn’t heard about this before, and was beginning to wonder if Angel had been asking around about Gael, to help her in some way. “Or mug him”, Palo said, obviously indifferent to his cousin’s reputation with women. This seemed odd to Nina, after how he’d handled her situation with Sala.
“Was anything stolen?”, Filip asked. Something cold ghosted Palo’s face, making him even more terrifying. “No… Nothing seemed to be missing from his body”, he said. “The puta did leave something behind, though”, Sala said. He grabbed the beer Daniella sauntered over to give him, before running his hand up her thigh. She smiled sweetly at him, taking it as her que to take a seat on his lap. He took a sip of his beer, and looked down her cleavage; seemingly satisfied with his catch of the evening, now that he couldn’t have Nina. “An inhaler…”, Palo said. “Was there a name on it?”, Tig asked. “No… But we know she used a .38”. “Those are some pretty weak leads”, Filip said. “Perhaps. But it’s something. And I’m going to use it to track her down… With your help”.
“What is it you want us to do? This happened in northern Cali", Bishop said. “I suspect she’s moving towards the border, trying to get across somehow, to avoid police investigation", Palo said. “As I understand it, your charter has been known to find ways to cross over with goods, without suspicion from authorities”. “What are you trying to say? That we helped her cross, in spite if your deal with El Padrino?”, Bishop said. “My deal is with Oakland", Palo said. “Different charter, same club", Tig said. “From our experience, Mayans are loyal to their brother-charters deals. They back each other". Palo looked at him with a scowl. “Maybe so…”. He turned his head towards Bishop. “I meant no disrespect. I am sure you back your brothers up north. “The same brothers you are saying you don’t trust", Bishop said. “That’s disrespect in itself".
Palo folded his hands, and smiled congenially. “Maybe we can rebuild that trust right now".
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #788: After a Cliff Falling Experience (SSBU X Persona 5)
3:40 p.m. at Smash Mansion's Living Room.........
It was a relaxing, peaceful day at the mansion for the Phantom Thieves (Shiho and Lavenza included) as they watch some TV together. That is until......
'Door Open'
Pit: (Weakly Made his Way to the Living Room While Being Covered in Ashes) I'm.....hoooooome......(Fells Down on the Floor in Exhaustion)
Phantom Thieves: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock Once They've Seen Pit Lay on the Ground) PIT!?
Makoto: Oh my god! (Immediately Makes her Way to Pit Along with the Others) Are you okay!? (Starts Helping Pit Back Up With Ren's Assistance)
Pit: ('Groans a Bit in Pain') Yeah......I think so....
Futuba: Dude, what happened to you?
Ann: Yeah. And why are you covered in ashes?
Lavenza: Were you hit by a nearby fire perhaps?
Pit: Not exactly.....I was uhh....(Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Chuckling a bit Awkwardly) Kind of, sort of got thrown off a cliff......
Phantom Thieves: You WHAT!!?
Yusuke: Who on Earth would do such a thing!?
Pit: I dunno....Some guy name Kazuya or some-
Ryuji: Waitwaitwait! You said Kazuya?
Pit: Uh....I think that's what his me is, yeah.
Ryuji: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock as He's Almost Speechless) Holy fucking shit.......
Shiho: (Covers her Mouth in Complete Shock) Oh my god.....
Ann: (Turns Ryuji and Shiho in a Not of Confusion) You guys know him or something?
Ryuji: KNOW HIM!? That's the guy from Tekken!?
Shiho: He's the guy with literal devil powers!!!
Lavenza: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Oh my.....
Ren: Ah yeah.....Tekken. (Turns to Ryuji) I remember you telling me about it that time school. (Turns to Pit) What makes you wanna go after that guy?
Pit: Well, for starters, we really haven't heard from Ganondorf all day yesterday. So Kirby and I decided to look for him all night. Once we eventually arrived at this....Volcanic Mountain looking place, the first thing we saw was that Kazuya guy carrying Ganondorf to a cliff and throwing off there.
Ryuji: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) FOR REAL!?
Haru: (Couldn't Believe What She's Hearing) I-I don't understand! Why would he do such a thing!?
Pit: I'm not entirely sure myself, but he did say something about wanting to fight worthy opponents or whatever.
Yusuke: So he's like Ryu then?
Ryuji: Yes......
Shiho: ......And no..... He's way more cold and ruthless than Ryu is in his Messatsu Form.
Ryuji: And that's all because the whole Mishima Family in general was messed up from the start.....
Ann: (Turns to Ryuji and Shiho) How do you two know all of this?
Ryuji: Shiho and I used to play a lot Tekken growing up.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly at her Girlfriend) You should play it with us sometime, Ann. It's really fun.
Ann: (Shrugs While Smiling at her Girlfriend) Sure. I'm down.
Makoto: Guys, we're going off topic here! (Turns Back to Pit) How exactly did you gotten yourself like this? Did you.....
Pit: Yeah....I tried to fight myself, but...beat me to the punch. (Winces a bit in Pain While Placing His Hand on his Stomach) literally.... And then after that, he tries throwing Kirby off the cliff too-
Pit: (Gets Startled by Everyone's Sudden Outburst Before Speaking Again) Y-Yeah. After I got beaten up and thrown off a cliff, he immediately grabs Kirby by the head and threw him out there too!
Futuba: (Had Enough) OKAY, SERIOUSLY!? What is with this guy and throwing people off CLIFFS!!!?
Pit: That's what I wanted to know!! It's like he has some kind of sick, twisted enjoyment out of it too! I even saw a glimpse of him smirking while I was falling!
Ryuji: I mean, he was thrown off a cliff when he was six. So.......
Futuba: (Starts Pinching her Nose in Disbelief) Oh my freaking God........
Makoto: (Turns to Pit) Pit, do you have any idea where Kirby must've fallen down to once you were on the ground?
Pit: I.... can't say that I do really. All I remembered is seeing was Kazuya preparing to toss Kirby off there with me. After that, I blackouted....
Ren: Wait a minute. Couldn't Kirby fly or-
Ann: I'mma kill him.
Ren/Makoto/Pit: (Slowly Turn their Heads at Ann with a Surprised Look on Each of their Faces) What?
Ann: (Turns to the Trio With Anger in Her Eyes) You heard me. I don't know who this Kazuya guy is and I don't care at this point!! I am going to find the jackass and pulverize him myself!!
Shiho: (Turns to Ann with a Determined Look on her Face) I'll go with you.
Ann: (Gently Grab Both of Shiho's Hands) No, Shiho. I don't want him to hurt you.
Shiho: (Gently Squeezes Ann's Hands) It's okay, Ann. I may not have Personas like you guys, but I've been training for a while now. I can fight too.
Ann: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fine. But you are staying right by my side in all of this, alright?
Shiho: (Nodded in Agreement) Right.
Ryuji: (Turns to Girls With Anger in his Eyes as Well) I'm going too! I don't give a damn he has crazy devil powers! Ain't no way I'm letting him get away with hurting our friends like that!!! And maybe even Ganondorf!!
Yusuke: You know.....(Puts on a Dark Look in his Eyes) It has been a long time since I've used my blade in action.....
Haru: (Has a Darken Look on her Eyes as Well) Couldn't agree more.....My axe has gotten quite dull as of late.....
Morgana: Normally I don't join in on the violence bandwagon immediately....(Puts on a Anger, Determined Look on his Face) But patience be damn! That devil's paying the piece!!
Haru: Well said, sweetie!!
Morgana: (Turns to Lavenza) Lavenza, you're coming with us?
Lavenza: (Already Has a Darken Look on her Face as Well) Of course.....I will punish thee for his cruel and thoughtless actions that was stow upon our two companions. And I will not hesitate to use my full potential in the process. In other words.....(Summons a Blue Colored Chainsaw on the Palm of Her Hands With a Loud Ripping Sound to Boot) The bastard will pay.
Futuba: (Angrily Pumps her Fist Up in the Air) AH YEAH! Let show that punk who's boss!!
Morgana: (Turns to Futuba) Futuba, you don't even know how to fight.
Futuba: (Pours at Morgana) Oh yes I do! Big sis Sae has already taught me the ropes of Self Defense and everything!
Ryuji: We can talk about that later! Right now..... (Points at the Front Door Fiercely) LET'S GET HIS SORRY ASS!!
Everyone: YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Makoto stomps her feet to the ground loud enough to get the rest of the Phantom Thieves' attention.
Makoto: ('Sigh') Calm down and think rationally on this, people! We can't go out there and recklessly fight him like that! He could be powerful enough to stop ALL OF US for all we know!
Ren: Makoto's right, guys. And fighting him is not our main focus at the moment. What we need to do right now is find Kirby and bring him back home.
Lavenza: (Stares at the Couple for a Brief Second Before Sighing in Defeat) The Joker and Queen are right....(Makes the Chainsaw Magically Disappear Out Thin Air) It would be foolish of all of us if we rush in without a proper plan of some kind. We must find Kirby at once.
Ryuji: But how are we gonna him in a huge ass town like this? He could anywhere for all we know!
?????: Poyo!
Ryuji: Hey, Kirby. But as I was saying, I- ('GASPS')
Everyone in the room immediately turns around and sees Kirby happily waving at them.
Kirby: Poyo! Poyo!~
Everyone: (Smiles Brightly at the Smiling Pink Puffball) KIRBY!!~
And with that, everyone (with the exception of Ren, Makoto, and Pit) immediately rushes over to Kirby and express how worried and happy they are about his whereabouts and return.
Makoto: (Watches Everyone in the Background While Sighing in Relief) Well....at least Kirby's back home.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) And not a spec of ashes in his body.
Pit: ('Sighs in Relief and Happiness') I'm so glad......I thought I would actually lose him forever. I would've been really pathetic if that were to happen....
Ren: (Eyes Widened at What Put Just Said) You would've been what now?
Makoto: (Turns to Pit with Worry in her Eyes) Pit, what are you talking about?
Pit: Oh....Well, before or....maybe after Kazuya threw me off of a cliff, he...calls "pathetic".......(Starts to Frown Sadly) And I'm starting think he's rig-
Ren/Makoto: NO HE'S NOT, PIT!!
Ren: Don't believe a SINGLE word from his mouth!!
Makoto: You are NOT pathetic, Pit! And you never will be!
Pit: B-But I lost a fight against him! A-And I wasn't even strong enough to protect Kirby.....
Ren: But Kirby's fine now. He knew he was able to float and use that opportunity to fly away safely.
Pit: I-I mean.... You're right, but-
Makoto: (Gently Place her Hands on Pit's Shoulders) But nothing, Pit. We know what happened to the both of you last night was terrible, but you still did everything you could to stop that man regardless of how strong he was at the time and we couldn't be anymore proud. So please.....(Gently Hugs Pit Lovingly) Don't ever think that way about yourself again.....
Pit: (Almost at a Loss of Words) You guys.....(Tears Starts Falling Down From his Eyes) ('Sniff') I'm sorry.....('Sniff') We didn't mean to worry you....
Ren: (Joins in on the Hug) Hey man, you have nothing to apologize for here.
Makoto: Ren's right. We're just happy that you and Kirby are back home safe.
Ren: We love you, Pit. (Kiss the Top of Pit's Head) Always.
Pit: I....('Sniff') (Gently Hugs Ren and Makoto Back) I love you guys too.....('Sniff') So much.........
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