#but seriously is this like normal behaviour or do i need to seek help
goldenblueomens · 7 months
how many times can you watch a show before it becomes doctors appointment worthy
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beguines · 7 months
As I have outlined earlier in this book, the institution of psychiatry does not work in a vacuum, somehow above the everyday norms and values of wider society; rather, they are a profession with a particular conservative zeal for upholding the current social order through their work. When behaviour becomes unacceptable to the needs of capitalism, the profession seeks to pathologise such deviance. This process does not happen overnight but through a progression of debate, research, and movement towards a collective focus on such areas. In this case, the research on shyness from Philip Zimbardo (1977)—the former president of the American Psychological Association—is seen as key towards the development of social phobia as a category of mental illness. Significantly, his research did not suggest that shyness was a mental illness, but rather noted a concern that people with such characteristics were likely to be seriously disadvantaged as society began to change. Zimbardo (emphasis added) commented on the "condition,":
"Shyness is an insidious personal problem that is reaching such endemic proportions as to be justifiably called a social disease. Trends in our society suggest it will get worse in the coming years as social forces increase our isolation, competition, and loneliness. Unless we begin to do something soon, many of our children and grandchildren will become prisoners of their own shyness.
The traits of shyness—including timidity, mistrust of others, and a lack of self-assertion—were conceptualised as increasingly problematic within contemporary society and therefore a justifiable focus for psychiatric activity. This is tacit acceptance that such behaviour has not been found to be a mental disorder as a result of rigorous testing but rather is socially dictated and culturally relative; shyness becomes a "social disease" (i.e., a social deviance) in need of treatment. Thus, "the rise of social phobia," states Cottle, offers a glimpse not so much at the anatomy of a specific illness as at the still inherently subjective nature of psychiatric medicine and the cultural forces that help draw the boundary between what we are told to think of as normal and what we are told to consider pathological."
Concerned with the need for workers to conform to the desired norms and values necessary to "succeed" in neoliberal society, the psy-professions have stigmatised and "othered" those once considered only shy, introverted, or reticent co-workers. This process of psychiatrists labelling the shy as mentally ill has also been previously highlighted by Scott who acknowledges that, in comparison, the non-shy self "embodies the cultural values of contemporary Western societies: ambition, assertiveness, competitiveness and individualism. This dominant ideal can be used to stigmatize those who fail to live up to such expectations, whose difference is attributed to individual pathologies rather than to an unrealistic cultural ideology."
The success of psychiatric hegemony here is that since the original construction of social phobia in 1980, workers have become more inclined to self-label and entertain the possibility of therapy and drug treatment for their failure to be more sociable and assertive at their place of work. This situation has further legitimated the extension of the psy-professions in the areas of unemployment, job training, and work, reinforcing the neoliberal focus on the self as the site of change, while simultaneously depoliticising the increasingly alienating work environment and constant pressures on employees to upskill and be "more employable" in the jobs market. Through the pathologisation of such "non-sellable" traits, Lane argues that what counts as acceptable behaviour within the population has been narrowed to such an extent that "we now tend to believe that active membership in community activities, the cultivation of social skills (becoming a 'people person'), and the development of group consciousness are natural, universal, and obligatory aims."
Bruce M.Z. Cohen, Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness
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dazaisreason · 17 days
corny. ! do not read ignore
I hate the internet and I hate the stupid fucking people who made me think this is normal and basically kept me stuck in a répétitive cycle without me even knowing.
"I know why I am like this and I know how to help myself but I don't know why it doesn't help."
I never took it serious. For fucks sake coping mechanisms arent suppose to be forever and I dont mean shaking your leg during a test or clicking a pen when stressed ITS SUPPOSE TO BE SHORT NOT LIFE
Oh. Get better. Seek help and therapy.
But because I kept on distancing myself from the sanity of life and its people by soaking myself deeper and deeper in trauma, my coping mechanisms of avoiding instead of confronting my problems.
Confronting. I think that is the problem with all of me. I never really thought of it. I haven't really seen as to why I shouldn't cut if it is just every four months, it isn't enough to make me die- or to say why should I not age regress (quietly might i add) to the point I wouldnt fucking know what is happening around me instead of seeing the danger in my eyes.
It sounds so harmless but it isn't good. How am I suppose to be independent when I am either in dissociation or hate? To function? To have normal relationships? To actually go out and enjoy life? To show up at the party everyone is already dancing at?
It isn't normal for me to act this way, it isn't normal for the trauma that had happened to me to have happened. Yes it is a result and that is what HAPPENS. Like how the sun goes up and down but it isn't normal for it to stay. To burn my eyes to the point everyday I walk pass a mirror my eyes are red.
I need to be independent and to work myself back into a normal mind, one that is okay. An adult mind might I add because I am going to be one in the upcoming years. Not a sore child pretending to be one, to be destined to be like that forever.
This sounds so so so little for others and it is common sense but not for me cause haha Cptsd with no fucking treatment everything has been shit and it is shit. It gets so bad that I sometimes felt like I could take a gun and just shoot innocent lives.
But that isnt normal.
I shouldnt need to have coping mechanisms when I am just living. I should cry when I am sad. I shouldnt be trying to put a knife to my skin. I should confront and stand up for myself or completely distance myself rather than age regressing/dissociating.
I should also surround myself with my kind friends. I always forget about them.
Sugarcoating what is happening will turn me into a madman.
People will tell you stuff is normal and make you associate with your trauma rather than removing it. It isn't normal. Sometimes behaviours should be explained, where it stems from and undone. How else will I live?
This reminds me of those fake feminists who say you should embrace misogynistic stereotypes because it is empowering but rant finished. I really need therapy asap
.I identified with my trauma, with all the hatred, the worst parts and wanted to expand on them. I didn't acknowledge how bad it truly was nor did I ever take myself seriously or the harm it has caused me (and others). I consistently used coping mechanisms instead of looking at what I am coping from and shoving it into the bin. It has done an enourmous amount of damage and I want to be better.
Coping mechanisms shouldnt be something that is forever, and I need to realise its not normal 💀
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nothing0fnothing · 10 months
heyo! i would just like to apologise on behalf of the NPD community for the idiots that are frothing at the mouth trying to claim that narc abuse isn't real. yeah, we get it, pwNPD ≠ abusive. doesnt mean you get to dictate how victims should view their trauma, much less make it seem invalid. pwNPD make things so much worse if they aren't grounded! do they seriously think pwNPD are cute little bunnies who just want validation? i myself am a pwNPD, and it is soo cringe omfg. all this so-called npd positivity sickens me. you're convincing pwNPD that their problematic attention-seeking behaviour is acceptable. if pre-aware me saw all those posts, i would've never sought to change my behaviour and seek a healthier source of supply. i admit, i was abusive. no BS. i literally took pleasure in others being scared of me, to the point i would bully my own sister to tears and gaslit her into thinking it was her fault. i was fucking 10. i needed that slap on the face to finally realise this was not how i was supposed to be. i got my help, i got the support i need, i'm trying to be a better person. now thats the type of positivity we need. i dont want people telling me that 'i just want to be acknowledged'. no, wanting to be acknowledged is normal. my desire was unhealthy and violent. i needed someone to beat me up and tell me not everything about me and that i shouldn't want to beat someone up for doing something better than me. Thanks for listening to my TedTalk! 😊 - 🩹
A super well considered and realistic view of what it means to be a narcissistic abuse denier and its roots in anti therapy/anti recovery rhetoric from the POV of a person who actually has NPD.
You're very right, to be a pwNPD and to argue that victims and survivors shouldn't have a community based on their shared experience of abuse because you feel personally victimised by the conversation is trying to dictate our recovery to us. It's attempting to invalidate our experience and its hella indicative of real life abusive behavior.
Thank you for sharing personal details of your own experience with NPD. I know it's hard, I know it's not fun for you and I'm sorry your safe spaces have been hijacked by wannabes and fakers pretending that to have this disorder is cool and edgy. You don't feel cool and edgy for having this disorder, because it's a real mental illness that effects your life daily, not a quirk you get to take off when you close the app and go into your life.
Support is out there for people with NPD or people who suspect they have it. It's not as fun or exciting to get help than it is to run a edgy tumblr blog that perpetuates further abuse and stigmatises people with NPD, but our mental health is our responsibility, and anti recovery and anti treatment narcissistic abuse denial blogs are just perpetrating further harm and stigma. The people who beleive in it will never get better, and it's sad, but you didn't fall into believing the narrative that NPD is untreatable. You got help though it was hard and you learned to be better.
I don't condone violence to correct bad behaviour, I don't think you needed to be hit to learn better. The desire to do better and be a good person is in all of us, and I hope you know that the decent human being you are today is thanks to your own hard work, your commitment to consistency in therapy, your strength to understand your disorder, not the time you were hit to learn better.
Thank you for your support, plaster emoji, I really appreciate it. Your Ted talk was an incredible read and I'd be pleased to hear from you again 💕
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hi, im the person whos sent you those rude asks trying to get a reaction, but after thinking about it, id like to apologise for my behaviour. i realise now how immature and ridiculous it was, and that i was just trying to get negative attention because i was bored and too miserable to be able to have any better form of interaction with anyone. but whatever immature reason, i know taking out my personal issues on a stranger i found mildy annoying is really bad behaviour and i shouldnt have done it. im really sorry if i caused any genuine offence when i criticised your writing of which i know nothing about, and im sorry for all those rude and immature and completely random asks i kept spamming you with just because i was bored. it wasnt personal or anything it was sort of random and i dont even know why i did it, it sounds nuts when i think about it. ill stop doing all this rubbish and leave you alone from now on, i wont even do it to anyone else. i just wanted to say that i recognise now that im in the wrong and was acting really rubbishly
Honestly, it became apparent almost immediately that you were trying to goad me into giving you attention because you weren't getting any and you were likely jealous I have figured out how to get attention, and...honestly...
That made it easier to keep ignoring you. Because it was so incredibly apparent that what you were doing was entirely about you being upset and jealous and not having the emotional maturity to admit that or do anything productive about it. It wasn't interesting, or relevant to me.
I've never sent anonymous hate mail to anyone (or signed hate mail), but I definitely had a lot of very unstable years where I reacted very badly in social interactions and behaved honestly embarrassingly for the same reasons. You said that you find actually admitting things and liking attention is embarrassing...but I would rather be embarrassed by that than embarrassed about lying to myself.
It's social media! We all want interaction and attention!
But the thing is, making friends and getting attention is often rooted in being positive and loving and affectionate about things. I have so many followers on here because I talk about the things they love with ardent passion. I had a huge surge of followers recently for making a positivity post for original fiction writers encouraging people.
One of your first messages to me told me I don't respond to hate mail "normally" because I actually express genuine hurt when people are mean to me. But that is a normal human reaction. And you know that. I have always been a very open, genuine, and earnest person, so I cannot relate to wrapping yourself in hate, but I spent many years wrapped in anger and jealousy, and the thing that got me out of it was therapy.
Seriously. Therapy, and psychiatric medication. Because my personal brain chemistry means I need that.
And I encourage you to also seek out some kind of professional medical help, because you seem so genuinely miserable and directionless in your life that you need help finding a direction to pursue.
So I genuinely hope you do do that and it helps make you a happier person who hopefully doesn't go into social spaces intentionally poisoning things and making other people miserable because you are miserable. That's what you're doing right now.
But you can also choose to make social spaces more heartfelt and welcoming and warm and kind by adding that to the environment instead. It's a lot of work, sometimes, but it's worth it to me and to people in general.
And you did still hurt my feelings, even though I knew it had nothing to do with me. That's the cost of how you're behaving: you hurt people, and they don't like you very much or want to interact with you, and then you end up lonely and ignored because you're not acting like the kind of person anyone wants to pay attention to.
I'm glad my inbox will return to normal. I hope you find a great hobby that has absolutely nothing to do with me whatsoever.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
my mother prioritizes going to church over buying groceries. she works five days a week, and goes to church five days as well, or sometimes more. i cant sleep because of the hunger and i hate the fact that I have no control over this.
that's insanely fucked up!! im so so sorry you have to put up with this - that's so traumatic and abusive, i have no idea what would possess her to act that way and neglect her kids basic needs like this. i really don't think this is normal behaviour, she genuinely needs help. is there anyone at all you can reach out to for help in your community about this - if you're underage, please alert a teacher, a family member or call child services/ the authorities. they may be able to offer extra support and intervention, work with your mam to ensure that she is providing you with the care you deserve. i understand that this is a big, nerve wracking step to take for a multitude of reasons and it is completely ok to process those negative emotions for what they are - it's ok to be scared. it's also ok (and absolutely necessary) to put yourself first. i know it doesn't feel that straight forward, often it's not - im sure there is a lot of nuance and pain involved with your dynamic with your mother than im not aware of you. i dont wanna undermine or overlook that for a second. if you need to work up to seeking support, thats fine. i just want you to know that you can help break this cycle, little by little. i also hope you consider looking into any food banks, soup kitchens and communal resources that may be be able to help you out, even just with food and simple necessities. seriously, i can't stress enough how messed up this is and how much better you truly deserve. she doesn't seem like she is in her right mind, and it is very very unfair of her to expect you to just take this treatment. if there's anything i can do for you, or if you just need a friend, please feel free to give me a message whenever you want. sending you a massive hug. X
resource / resource / resource/ resource
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Story of M: How things went to hell, Part 2
CONTENT WARNING: Drug addiction
Antabus was a miracle drug for me in many ways, but it has one major flaw: it only prevents alcohol use. I had conditioned myself to the general feeling of being on something, be it alcohol, weed or other substances and my brain was not ready to give up that. While I had succesfully given up alcohol, I quickly replaced it with excessive weed smoking. After about six months I stopped taking Antabus and began drinking again, although not as much as before.
Remember the troubled guy I was in a "relationship" with? From now on I'll refer to him as Shitty Boyfriend. Our relationship was transactional: I gave him money (he didn't work) and he gave me drugs. At some point I felt like I needed to help him gain some control of his chaotic life, so I gave him money for a psychiatrist. He saw one, and got a prescription for an anti-anxiety medicine (a benzodiazepine) which he quickly became addicted to. The meds did nothing to improve his life: he just took a pill to temporarily feel better about things so he didn't need to actually change anything, and whenever the effects wore off he'd pop another one. He gave pills to me whenever I asked and I would take them with or without alcohol (this is a dangerous combination, don't do it) and I regularly gave him more money so he could get his prescription renewed. Edit: I should add that he saw the doctor at a private practice and therefore had to pay out of pocket.
Our friend group at the time was very drug-seeking, so there were a lot of various substances to try. I tried everything except strong opioids (I'm scared of them). Every time I visited Shitty Boyfriend we would gather and spend an evening playing video games, board games and doing drugs. I'm not going to lie: I sometimes miss those times.
I still went to work every day like a normal person, but as soon as I got off and closed my apartment door behind me I'd pop some pills or blaze it. As I've said before, I justified this by the stressful nature of my job. Eventually the facade began cracking and I got in trouble at work for my erratic behaviour. A lot of things happened and as a result I was transferred to a different deparment, which turned out to be insular and toxic. I was already in a bad mental state, the working environment worsened things and I began using amphetamines to cope.
For the next few months I lost all my savings, so I began taking payday loans to pay for my addiction. I even lied to my parents to get money from them. My life revolved around speed: it was all I could think about. After nine months I weighed around 48kg (106lbs), my mental health and finances were in shambles and I was seriously considering IV use (never did though, thank deity). Then I woke up.
I clearly remember that day. I had gotten my pay on friday and after paying rent, utilities and some of the the payday loans I had about 100€ left until next payday. I gave the money to Shitty Boyfriend who was visiting, and he went to buy us drugs for the weekend. By sunday evening all of it was gone and Shitty Boyfriend had left. I was sitting in my kitchen with no money and no drugs. It was almost like an out of body experience: I suddenly saw myself from outside and realized what I was doing was wrong. My lifestyle was unsustainable. My behavior was unhinged and I had gotten in trouble at work again because of it. I basically had two choices: either to quit or to become a full-time drug addict. I would lose my job. I would lose everything that really mattered to me. I would lose my life.
On that day, at the age of 30, I quit drugs.
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nackseo2 · 5 months
What is Mental health? Let’s talk about it
Mental health is not always easy to understand and in turn can be frightening to most. However, not talking about it doesn’t make it any less of a problem.
As a culture, we often see not talking about sadness or mental health conditions as a way to safeguard people and their health, which doesn’t make sense – it’s like never talking about safe sex, it doesn’t help us at all. But what is mental health really?
The keyword to highlight here is illness – the same as physical disease. When we use words like distress or emotional issues, we downplay the seriousness of actual diseases like depression or anxiety which have the potential to cause significant emotional and physical harm if left untreated.
Mental Health And The Pandemic
The pandemic saw a huge surge in mental health conditions – it left behind holes in family photographs and group selfies. It’s incredibly humanising – for a situation like this to impact us not only physically but mentally as well. It opened our eyes to another underlying issue – the state of our collective mental health.
It left us wondering – how can we help? Arushi Singh, a senior psychologist at Mindpeers, and Dr. Naveen Kumar, founder trustee at Manas Foundation offered some insight on signs of deteriorating mental health to look out for, starting a dialogue about mental illnesses, and the importance of therapy and counselling.
What Signs Can We Look Out For?
Feeling a small amount of anxiety is normal and can be, to some extent, adaptive. It’s also fine to be unhappy on occasion – it’s a normal human emotion. But, if you start to feel sad all the time, it’s a cause for concern. If you’ve lost interest in things you used to enjoy, if you’re feeling unusually alone and helpless – you might benefit from seeking assistance and talking through these feelings with a professional.
The biggest signs of a downward spiral are negativity, hopelessness, helplessness, and the inability to see a way out. Also, energy shifts – which might be anything out of the ordinary.
Don’t ignore whatever the change is for you. Notice if you’ve started drinking more, if you’re going out more or staying busier to avoid feeling something. Pay attention to yourself and to those around you. If you’re not feeling good, don’t tell yourself that you’re fine. Stop and ask yourself – why am I feeling this way?
How Can We Open Up This Conversation?
But what is mental health and how should you bring it up? There’s a lot of shame and fear in starting a conversation around mental health. Many of us believe we should not ask questions to which we do not have an answer – we shouldn’t ask questions because we might not know how to help.
But, you don’t have to have all the answers! If you’re worried about someone, don’t be afraid to ask them how they’re doing. It doesn’t mean you’ll be able to assist them. It means you’re willing to help them look for assistance.
Having said that, you don’t necessarily need to be struggling with your mental health to feel like getting through daily activities is hard because of persistent, or occasional negative thoughts. Whether you have a mental health disorder or occasionally feel overwhelmed, you could benefit from talking about your feelings and learning healthy coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with anxious thoughts. Instead of drowning in our emotions, let’s start taking our mental health seriously!
According to a recent study by WHO, many countries (70%) have adopted telemedicine or teletherapy to overcome disruptions to in-person services. Given the current requirement for support, Näck’s conscious step from the beginning has been to support mental health awareness hence its collaboration with Mindpeers, Asia’s first digital behavioural healthcare platform was launched where you can book a chat session with Mindpeers who are our mental health expert. If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, please reach out for help.
To know more: https://nack.life/blogs/news/what-is-mental-health-let-s-talk-about-it
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patnaneuro · 7 months
Warning Signs of Mental Illness -Know Here!
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Understanding and noticing the warning signs of mental illness is super important for everyone. Mental health problems can affect anyone, no matter who they are or how old they are. That's why it's really crucial that we know about these signs to keep ourselves and others safe.
By paying attention to these signs, we can make sure we take care of our mental health and get help when we need it. Whether it's seeing these signs in ourselves or in someone we care about, it's really important to take action and get support. Don't hesitate to seek support from the top psychiatrist in patna 
In this article, we'll talk about the common warning signs of mental illness and give tips on what to do if we notice them.
Warning signs of mental illness
Signs of mental illness vary for each person but some common ones include:
Mood Changes: Feeling sad or hopeless a lot, or having big mood swings might mean depression or bipolar disorder.
Anxiety: Excessive worrying, irrational fears, or panic attacks could indicate anxiety disorders.
Trouble Concentrating: Difficulty focusing or making decisions might be a sign of ADHD or depression.
Behaviour Changes: Acting differently, like avoiding friends or being more irritable, could signal a mental health issue.
Suicidal Thoughts: If someone talks about wanting to die or hurts themselves, it's crucial to get help right away.
Physical symptoms of mental illness
Sometimes, our bodies can tell us things about our mental health. Mental illness not only affects our thoughts and feelings but can also show up in physical ways.
For example, if someone often gets headaches or stomachaches without any clear reason, it could mean they're feeling stressed or anxious.
Changes in appetite can also give us hints about mental health. If someone suddenly gains or loses a lot of weight without changing their diet or having any health issues, it might be a sign that they're going through emotional distress or have unusual eating habits. Sometimes, people eat more or less than usual as a way of coping with their emotions.
Having trouble sleeping is another sign that something might be up with mental health. Whether it's struggling to fall asleep or sleeping too much, these sleep problems can make us feel tired all the time and affect how we do things during the day.
It's essential to take these physical symptoms seriously and consider if they could be related to mental health. Even though physical symptoms alone don't always mean there's a mental health problem, they can be a clue to explore further. Talking to a mental health professional can help understand what's happening and find ways to feel better overall.
Signs of madness
Having Strange Beliefs: Sometimes, people believe things that aren't true, like thinking they have special powers or that someone is trying to hurt them.
Seeing or Hearing Things: People might hear voices or see things that aren't really there. This can be scary and confusing.
Trouble Thinking or Talking: Sometimes, people have trouble organizing their thoughts or speaking clearly. This can make it hard for others to understand them.
These signs could mean that someone is going through a really tough time with their mental health. It's important to get help from a professional who knows how to support them and help them feel better.
Do i have a mental illness or am i overreacting
It's common to feel unsure if what you're going through is normal or something more serious. Sometimes, we might think we're making too big a deal out of things, or our feelings might seem too strong for the situation. This can leave us feeling confused about whether we should ask for help.
You might notice changes in how you think, feel, or act that seem strange or worrying. Maybe you're feeling more nervous or sad than usual, or you're having trouble sleeping or focusing. It's okay to wonder if these changes will go away on their own or if they mean something deeper is happening with your mental health.
Behavioural signs of mental ill health
Behavioral signs can tell us about our mental health. Sometimes, when we're struggling with mental health issues, our behaviour changes. These changes can affect how we act around others.
For example, you might notice you're not interested in things you used to enjoy, or you're spending more time alone instead of being social. You might also find yourself easily getting mad or upset over small things, or having trouble controlling your feelings.
Changes in behaviour can also show up in how we take care of ourselves. You might notice you're not keeping up with hygiene like before, or you're forgetting important tasks like paying bills or going to work or school.
It's important to pay attention to these changes and think about if they're related to your mental health. 
Mental illness symptoms
Mental illness symptoms affect different parts of our lives, like our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Thoughts: Mental illness can make us have strange or confusing thoughts, like thinking things that don't make sense or having trouble concentrating. These thoughts can make it hard to do everyday things and can be confusing.
Feelings: Mental illness can make us feel really sad, angry, worried, or empty inside. These feelings can make it hard to get along with others and do our work.
Feelings: Mental illness can make us feel really sad, angry, worried, or empty inside. These feelings can make it hard to get along with others and do our work.
Actions: Mental illness can make us act in ways that are different from usual. We might avoid being around people, do risky things, or change how much we eat or sleep. Sometimes, we might not take care of ourselves like we should.
Prevention of mental illness
Preventing mental illness means finding ways to keep our minds healthy and avoid problems before they start. There are different things we can do to help with this.
First, it's important to learn how to deal with tough situations and stress from an early age. This means finding ways to stay calm and handle problems without getting too upset. Doing things like exercising, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and doing activities we enjoy can all help us feel better.
It's also important to talk about mental health and make sure people know it's okay to ask for help if they need it. This can help reduce the stigma around mental illness and encourage people to get support when they need it.
Creating supportive environments where people feel included and connected is also important. Having good relationships with others and access to helpful resources and services can make a big difference in how we feel.
Overall, preventing mental illness is about taking care of ourselves and each other, creating supportive communities, and making sure everyone has what they need to stay mentally healthy.
Causes of mental illness
Understanding why mental illness happens means looking at different factors that can change how we feel and think. While we don't know everything, we do know that several things can make mental health issues more likely.
Genetic Factors: Sometimes, if someone in our family has a mental health issue, we might be more likely to have it too because of our genes. But it's not just about genes; other things around us matter too.
Biological Factors: Changes in how our brain works or the chemicals in our brain can lead to mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. Hormonal changes during puberty or menopause can also affect our mental health.
Environmental Factors: Tough life experiences, like abuse or trauma, can affect how we feel. Social things like poverty or feeling alone can also impact our mental health and make us more at risk for mental illness.
Psychological Factors: Our personality, how we deal with stress, and the way we think can all change our mental health. Negative thoughts or feeling bad about ourselves can make mental health issues worse.
Social and Cultural Factors: The society we live in, its rules, and how others treat us can affect our mental health. Being treated unfairly or feeling judged can make mental health issues harder to deal with.
It's crucial to understand that having a mental illness doesn't mean you're weak. Asking for help when you need it is a sign of strength. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health.
With the assistance of the best psychiatrists in Kankarbagh, Patna, and the right treatment, it's possible to manage and overcome mental illness.
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missmentelle · 3 years
What makes a codependent relationship? Is it healthy for someone to rely on you as a constant source for support, talking all the time? Getting seperation anxiety and experiencing extreme stress when they are without you? Is it selfish to not necessarily reciprocate that stress?
Let's start by defining what a codependent relationship is.
In a codependent relationship, one person (the codependent) consistently enables the dysfunction of another person, often assuming a "caretaker" or "protector" role. The dysfunctional person usually struggles with a serious issue that may make it difficult for them to function on their own - often addiction, mental illness, or serious underachievement/irresponsibility - and the codependent partner will make extreme personal sacrifices to take care of this person and shield them from the consequences of their actions.
Codependent relationships aren't always romantic relationships - they can be found between friends, parents/children, coworkers, other family members, or any other type of relationship. Wherever they exist, are very unhealthy for both of the people involved in them. The codependent person focuses so heavily on the dependent person's needs that they entirely neglect their own, while the dysfunctional person is enabled to continue being dysfunctional and is often prevented from making any kind of progress toward recovery.
Common traits of codependent people include:
a fear of being alone. They often seek out relationships with people who will depend on them and encourage that dependency to ensure that the other person will not leave them.
extreme fixation on the feelings and needs of others. They often view their own needs as unimportant or secondary and prioritize the needs of others, even when this has not been asked of them.
a compulsive need to "fix" the problems of others. when they see a person who is struggling, they feel the overwhelming need to step in and start "fixing" the situation, even if doing so is not their responsibility.
low self-esteem. They often have chronic issues with self-esteem, and don't feel that they "deserve" to have their own needs prioritized. Their self-esteem is often tied to their ability to maintain their caretaking role at all costs, even when it is incredibly harmful to them.
controlling and perfectionist tendencies. Codependent people often struggle to cope when they don't have high amounts of control in their relationships, or when things aren't done "just so". They gravitate towards caretaking roles where they have high amounts of control, and struggle to let go.
external locus of control. They often feel powerless in their lives, and feel that they simply have to accept their circumstances and the way that others treat them.
high capacity for denial. They often cannot or will not see problems that are right in front of them, and refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of a situation - the house will be burning down around them and they'll refuse to even admit that it's getting a little warm.
a history of interpersonal trauma or abuse. Codependency is often a learned behaviour - many people who fall into these patterns experienced codependency from their parents, or witnessed their parents' codependent relationship at a young age. Many have also experienced extreme emotional abuse, from their parents or a past partner.
a strong need for approval. Codependents need to be liked. They need approval. Doing things for others and letting others walk on them is the best way they know how to gain that.
boundary issues. They often cannot and do not set personal boundaries - they take a "Giving Tree" approach to helping others, endlessly giving even when it seriously hurts them. At the same time, they may overstep boundaries to try to fix others' issues, even when it is not their responsibility to get involved.
a lack of personal identity. The codependent relationship often becomes the focus of their whole life. They invest so much time and energy into it that without it, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
a tendency to be drawn to close relationships with substance addicts, alcoholics, people with personality disorders, or other codependents. Codependent relationships are usually not a one-off thing - they tend to be a recurring pattern in a person's life. In particular, people with untreated BPD often seek out relationships with codependent people, as they tend to prefer relationships with people who don't set personal boundaries and are willing to provide the extreme amounts of reassurance and caretaking that they need. People with BPD also tend to be codependent themselves, further complicating things.
an appearance of being "addicted to chaos". Codependent people often appear to gravitate toward drama, dysfunction and chaos. Having relationships with people who have healthy boundaries, autonomy and stable personal lives often holds little interest for them - they prefer relationships where they feel needed and depended upon.
Codependent people often have a "martyr" or "victim" complex - they often feel that it is their lot in life to suffer for others, that self-sacrifice is a key part of their identity, or that suffering is simply a part of loving someone. The idea that they should set expectations in a relationship, leave a relationship where they aren't treated well or have an identity of their own outside a relationship is something they struggle with. They often hop from codependent relationship to codependent relationship, becoming steadily more beaten down and burnt out in the process - breaking free from codependent tendencies can be a long process, and often requires professional help.
There is a lot of variety in what codependent relationships look like. Some examples of codependency in action would include:
A mother allows her chronically unemployed and irresponsible 38-year-old son to live with her, and does everything for him. She never confronts her son about the fact that he doesn't contribute financially or help out around the house, even though it's placing a great financial and personal strain on her. When other family members ask why her adult son isn't taking steps to get his life together, the mother becomes highly defensive, and may make up lies about the progress he's made, or insist that he's still young and that this is normal for his age.
A woman assumes the role of "caregiver" for her unstable and very mentally ill partner. She bends over backwards to keep her partner happy, and doesn't seem to notice or mind that her partner never does the same thing in return. Her partner constantly burns bridges with their own family or friends with their explosive anger, and she rushes in to make excuses and try to fix the situation. When friends raise concerns about the relationship, she brushes them off, insisting that she's happy and everything is fine.
The parent of an autistic teenager infantilizes their autistic child, and insists that the child needs much more care than they actually do. Being an "autism parent" is a huge part of their identity. The child has never been allowed to attend an overnight camp, go for sleepovers or stay at home with a babysitter, as the parent is highly fearful and believes that other people will not look after their child properly. The parent strongly resists all of their child's attempts to gain more independence, insisting that it's too dangerous or that the child cannot handle it.
The US version of the television show Shameless is almost entirely centered around codependent relationships. The main characters are all in codependent relationships with their alcoholic and dysfunctional father, Frank. Although the main characters are often angry with their father, they constantly allow him back into their lives no matter how horribly he treats them - at times, they give him money, provide him with alcohol, let him move back into their house, visit him in the hospital and cover him with a blanket when he passes out on the floor. The boundaries they set with him never last long, and they always resume having a relationship with him, even after he does things that most people would find unforgivable.
So with that said: is it healthy for someone to rely on you as a constant source of support?
It sort of depends.
Relationships are supposed to be a reliable source of support for both of the people in them. That's sort of what they're for. I worry sometimes that the internet is making us too transactional in our relationships, and too quick to think that someone is taking advantage of us if they constantly turn to us for support. It's normal to find comfort in your relationships, and to turn to your loved ones whenever you need someone to talk to. I talk to my partner, my parents and my closest friends every day - that often means mentioning things that we’re stressed or anxious about, or venting about problems in our lives. Sometimes people are going through something and need extra support for a while - that’s just a normal part of close relationships. 
With that said, there are times when someone leans on you too hard. If helping someone is starting to take a serious toll on your own life, that’s a problem. Every relationship needs boundaries; if your boundaries are consistently pushed or broken in the name of supporting that person, it may be time for a serious talk. Staying up until 4am to talk someone through a crisis is fine if this is a rare occurrence. Staying up until 4am to talk someone through a crisis multiple times per week, every single week, is an issue - that’s you sacrificing your own need for sleep, and something needs to change. Are you willing to set boundaries and balance your own needs with your friends’ needs? Is the other person willing to respect boundaries, or do they lash out with anger, guilt-trips, accusations of not caring for them or threats to harm themselves? 
If you and a friend are both willing to communicate and work on establishing boundaries, I think it’s fine for one person to need a lot of support. If the relationship is damaging for you and one or both of you just isn’t able or willing to discuss boundaries, that’s a sign there could be some codependence going on. 
A person experiencing separation anxiety and extreme stress when you aren’t around could be an issue - but again, it depends on how it’s being handled. Is your friend able to cope with this anxiety on their own, or are they constantly putting this anxiety on you? Are they blowing up your phone and getting anxious if you’re 10 minutes late answering a text? Do they ever try to guilt-trip you or blame you for triggering their separation anxiety? Do they accuse you of not caring about them if you try to take time for yourself? Are they jealous of your other relationships? Is their extreme stress taking a toll on your life and preventing you from having other relationships or having personal boundaries and space? If your friend is willing to work on boundaries and find healthy coping mechanisms for their stress, this might be something you can overcome. If your friend is burning you out and one or both of you is unable to set boundaries, this might be a very unhealthy situation. 
Not feeling the same stress and anxiety, however, is definitely not selfish. It’s not healthy for someone to feel that level of extreme stress and separation anxiety - it’s not your friend’s fault that they experience that, but it’s still very unhealthy. The fact that someone feels an unhealthy attachment to you does not mean that you should feel an unhealthy attachment right back. No one benefits from that. In any healthy relationship, both people have a life and identity outside the relationship. This is, fundamentally, the issue at the core of many different unhealthy relationships - whether they are codependent, enmeshed, or abusive.
 Being so attached to someone that you can’t handle them needing friends, hobbies, space and independence isn’t a compliment or something to aspire to - it’s just unhealthy.
Hope this answers your question! MM
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literatikoo · 3 years
Jess Mariano's alleged communication problems
If there is one thing the Gilmore Girls fandom agrees upon, whether you're team Jess or Dean or Logan, it's that Jess isn't great at communicating. There's just a consensus that he's not great at discussing his problems and that's the number 1 reason why his and Rory's relationship blew up in their face in season 3. But... this is a (somewhat) unfounded complaint? Don't get me wrong, I know Jess can be harsh and rude and really knows how to hit the nail on the head sometimes but there are also multiple instances where he talks after being pushed a little. Like every single time he's talked to Luke about Rory problems ("The girls I like don't give a damn about me," "I told her I loved her" and the infamous swan episode) or when he tells Rory, a girl he barely knows, that his mom doesn't want him back for Christmas.
The problem with Jess is that he picks and chooses who to communicate too. He definitely doesn't talk about Liz to Luke because he knows that Luke just doesn't believe that Liz is a bad person and a neglectful mother. And seriously, we've seen Luke enable Liz' terrible behaviour multiple times on the show, do you really think he would've believed whatever Jess had to say about her? He talks to Rory about Liz that one time and she doesn't believe him either and both we and Jess know that she has a right to that because she's never met Liz, but this is still enough for Jess to never bring her up again (at least from what we see) because he's a 17 year old kid with a terrible relationship with his parents. NO 17 year old kid who's been treated bad by their parents would want to open up about it because it's pretty strongly ingrained in us that having negative emotions against your parents is WRONG. On the other hand, Jess knows that Luke sees his and Rory's relationship and may even help because he has his own unique relationship with the Gilmore Girls, which is why he's much more open about Rory and even seeks advice on occasion.
Now, let's talk about Jess' less than stellar communication moments:
1. Lying about school and Walmart: Jess skives off school a LOT to work at Walmart and save up money. He doesn't tell anyone about it. Why? Because for everyone else in Stars Hollow, and for most of us too, school is important and education is a positive thing needed for growth. But who knows how often Jess went to school before SH, we already know he has a bad relationship with the educational system but why? When he goes back to NY in s2 it's obvious he's not going to school and we know Liz moved around a lot so he may be a lot more behind in school than we know. Yes, he's smart and he reads a lot but that's not enough to do well in school; you need to be able to conform a fair amount and I don't think Jess even went enough to know that. Jess already wasn't planning on going to college and he knows that living with Luke is temporary, which is why he puts more importance into saving up money. He was already working for the future, just in a different way from everyone else. It's obvious that he also wasn't planning to flunk out of school, it happened because he wasn't attending enough not because he was failing (which pisses me off so much don't even get me started). He was going to graduate and then he was going to use the money he saved up while looking for a job that suited him. And that's a pretty solid plan honestly, especially since he didn't have the luxury to suddenly decide to go to 4 year college because his girlfriend told him too like Dean. But this is something else he just couldn't talk about to Luke or Rory, who both think he's capable of great things within the academic sphere. Mind you, once Luke found out he was skipping school he didn't deal with things in the best way either. He stole his car, effectively cutting off Jess' last bit of independence. I really feel like Jess was just waiting to graduate before he had THE talk with Rory about their future, and it was obvious he was thinking longterm ("22.8 miles"). That is before everything goes to shit.
2. Keg! Max!: Let me preface this by saying that Jess definitely made irreversible mistakes in this episode... but it wasn't for the lack of trying. This is the episode that he finds out he's not graduating and we can see him struggling with this information, he's tense and angry and his emotions are simmering. His interactions with Rory, which are usually so easygoing, are surrounded by this air of finality. At this moment, he knows he's going to lose her and his home with Luke because that's what the deal was. But he still goes with her to that party and he still does the bare minimum of mingling. Throughout the party he tells Rory that he wants to leave, I'm guessing to talk to her about what happened. But they don't (this is NOT Rory's fault btw, she had no way to know what happened either) and instead Jess' emotions get the better of him. This is the first of the two instances where we really see how non communicative Jess can be. However I still maintain that if Dean hadn't gotten involved, Jess and Rory would've been able to talk. (fuck Dean)
3. Jess leaves: This is the second case where we see him being truly non communicative, and unfortunately I don't have much to say in his defence. Except that he probably was still reeling from losing his home and meeting his Dad and just didn't know how to put that insane amount of emotion into words. He also probably thought that Rory just didn't want to talk to him anymore because of how terribly he treated her, especially since he was just going to give her more bad news. He could see himself self destructing, and didn't want Rory to be collateral damage.
4. Smaller instances (Swan song, Not calling Rory, fighting with Lorelai): Okay, I think the swan incident was Rory's fault, because he was telling her the truth and just didn't want to get into it in front of Emily. But she wasn't ready to hear it until she talked to Dean, which honestly was a sucky move on her part. The not calling her when he said he would while they were dating in that one random episode was also a similar misunderstanding. The thing in common with both of these instances was that he was ready to learn afterwards; he said he was willing to go back to Emily's house and he bought them tickets to the Distillers and from what the show tells us they had a lot more consistent date nights after that. This was Jess' first proper relationship and he was really trying. Now the Lorelai thing... he just didn't want her in his business. They had no relation to each other and she was very condescending to him the first time they met, he wasn't great either but when an adult talks to you the way she did after you've just been uprooted at your mothers whims, you tend to hate them a little. And honestly I always thought that Jess being weirded out by Lorelai's involvement in his and Rory's relationship was more normal 17 year old behaviour than Dean being overly friendly with her.
So, in conclusion, because he made two big fatal communication mistakes, he's labelled as the broody non talking type. When we see most of the characters actually do the same (Rory drops out of Yale and cuts off ties with her mother, Lorelai sleeps with Christopher after months of miscommunication with Luke, Luke doesn't tell Lorelai, his fiance, that he has a daughter), seriously, they've all made mistakes and this doesn't diminish the mistakes that Jess has made and the hurt he has caused, but he also doesn't deserve to have non communicative as a personality trait. If it was seriously that big of a problem, he wouldn't have been able to grow from it that quickly (by the end of s4) and by reading self help books of all things. I also think it comes off like that because he was in the show for so little time, and that's what the writers chose to focus on.
So tldr, Jess isn't as non communicative as the show wants us to believe and he definitely isn't broody.
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
An Iron Box - The Answer
@cheshiya @tenseoyong @szallejhscorner @something-more-original-please @ofsunsetsandpoetries @nek0dzuken @allozaur @hiqhkey @serenzippity
That rooftop scene is growing closer, and so is my excitement :D
I’ve noticed a few new readers, and I just wanted to add a heads up that you can find the Tumblr post links and the AO3 links to each of the three fics at the top of my Tumblr, if that helps at all! 
Here’s the AO3 link to this chapter too.  
I hope you like it! <3
‘Chishiya, I’d hate to be your enemy.’ 
When Arisu had spoken those words right as he punched in the code, he’d already made his fatal mistake.
You are all my enemies, in a way.   
I stood back, watching as Arisu’s bloodied and unconscious body was slung over a militant’s shoulder and carried out of the royal suite. Usagi went next, kicking and screaming her boyfriend’s name. Just as she was dragged out the door, her eyes locked on me, and I could see the sheer betrayal there, the hatred burning and seething under her skin. 
I simply smiled. 
It wasn’t personal. It’s just how this world works.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice a pawn to reach the king. 
The rest of us meandered out into the hall where the two traitors were being hauled towards their fate. I felt a hand clamp firmly on my shoulder, and fought the urge to move away when I saw Aguni standing beside me.
‘You did good, Chishiya. I never did trust those two.’ 
You should rethink where you put your trust. 
‘Don’t mention it,’ I said. ‘It’s the least I could do.’ 
There was a furious cry down the hall as Usagi bit someone’s hand, followed by a slap, and then silence. I already had an inkling about what would happen to the two of them. Knowing Niragi, he would have some fun with Usagi before disposing of her. Perhaps I should’ve felt guilty. Some people certainly would. But there was a small, satisfied part of me that was glad it was her instead of... 
‘That reminds me,’ Aguni said. ‘How did you know about them?’ 
‘Ah… that.’ I took the walkie talkie out of my pocket and flashed it to him. ‘They tried to get me to join them. I went along with it to find out the details, and you know the rest.’ 
Aguni’s brows furrowed at the sight of the device, but he didn’t ask to inspect or keep it. That’s when I knew I had him wrapped around my finger. 
‘I understand. If you see any other suspicious behaviour, let me know.’ 
‘Of course.’ 
I nodded politely as he disappeared down the hall and submerged himself in his room.
Now that those two were taken care of, the militants would be distracted for a little while. That left us a generous amount of time until dark, although the real plan wouldn’t take long to execute, especially now I knew where the actual safe was.  
Aguni may have been observant, but not nearly as observant as I was. Knowing that he had come so close to having the cards snatched from right under his nose, it would’ve unsettled anyone. And in such an unstable situation, it was only human nature to seek stability by making sure that your precious items are untouched. 
I guess I was wrong about the blank sheet. 
There was a room on the top floor that I knew wasn’t currently being used. In such close proximity to the royal suite, it was the perfect hideout where I could talk into the walkie talkie without worrying about eavesdroppers. 
Slipping inside, I pulled it from my pocket once again to tune it to a radio frequency I had told Kuina about earlier. Knowing her, she would have tuned (name’s) to the same one right after Arisu’s capture. 
I lifted the walkie talkie to my mouth. ‘Kuina?’ 
There was a drawn out moment of static, then Kuina’s voice crackled through. ‘I’m here. (Name) still needs a minute though.’ 
I figured as much. Once she realised what was happening, it was inevitable that she would react badly. Having Kuina there to keep her away from Arisu and Usagi had been for the best. And now she knew that I had unwillingly involved her in a plan like this, her opinion of me had probably sunk lower than before. 
Is this also for the best? 
I sat down on the unused bed, deciding that yes, it was. She would only be a distraction. If it came down to it, I needed to survive. And once we left the Beach, if she despised me so much that she chose to go down a separate path, it couldn’t be better. 
But still… 
‘Chishiya.’ Kuina’s voice interrupted the quiet. ‘I hope you feel guilty for this. I seriously hope a small part of you realises how screwed up this was.’ 
I smiled at her lack of understanding. I realised perfectly well, but for the sake of surviving in a world like this, you couldn’t allow yourself to slip to the bottom of the food chain.
‘You’ve changed your tune,’ I replied. ‘Are you backing out all of a sudden?’ 
‘Of course not. I can’t afford to, and neither can (name).’ She paused, then tentatively asked, ‘Did you know? About her… and you, you know.’ 
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’ 
‘Did you know she had feel—’ Kuina’s voice stopped, then she hushed, ‘She’s coming out now. We’ll be upstairs soon.’ 
The communication cut off, and all I could do was wait until they were in position. Wait, and mull over Kuina’s unfinished question. Obviously, they had been talking about me, but I almost didn’t want to know what they had said. 
I waited fifteen minutes, and there was still no sign from either of them. If they carried on at this speed, we would run out of time. Growing restless, I held up the walkie talkie. 
‘You two, how are things on your side?’
There was no response, but they would have to reply eventually. What I didn’t expect was her voice to come through. 
‘You’re all good to go from where I’m standing.’ Her voice was still dripping with unspoken anger and betrayal, and it was surprising she was even willing to talk to me. 
So you’re not as childish as you act. Who would’ve thought. 
‘Aguni’s still in his room,’ Kuina followed up with a sigh. ‘We’re getting bored now.’ 
‘Then should we get going with the plan?’ I suggested. The reply I got was scathing. 
‘We’ve already gotten going. It’s you who needs to hurry up.’ 
That attitude, it was almost laughable. How commanding (name) had become in an instant, as if she weren’t tagging along on someone else’s plan.
‘Patience,’ I reminded her, and turning down the volume on the walkie talkie, I cracked open the door. 
In the hall, there wasn’t a soul in sight. It couldn’t have been more perfect. The royal suite was unguarded, and I easily slipped by unnoticed. Inside, the room was bathed in darkness, and it became apparent Aguni hadn’t yet bothered to move his belongings in. There were still traces of the incident earlier. The carpet by the open wardrobe was spotted with blood. Arisu’s blood. 
I turned the volume on the walkie talkie back up. ‘I don’t know if Arisu is stupid or intelligent. Hatter was paranoid. He wouldn’t have hidden the cards in a normal safe.’
‘Where’s the real one then?’ Kuina asked. 
I turned to the deer painting on the wall. It didn’t particularly stand out as anything special, just a deer’s face and antlers against a blue toned background. And yet earlier that day, despite all the commotion and Arisu’s screams of pain, it had captured Aguni’s focus. 
‘When Arisu was caught,’ I said, slowly approaching the painting, ‘Aguni wasn’t paying attention. He was looking towards a certain picture on the wall. It turns out the paper wasn’t empty after all. It contained a drawing instead.’ 
Briefly placing the walkie talkie on a side table, I lifted the painting from the wall, uncovering the hidden treasure that I had been hoping for. The plaster had been carved up, forming a hole large enough to jam a small safe inside. And sure enough, there it was. A hotel safe, much like the one Arisu had tried, was embedded deep into the wall. 
Her voice, sounded through the static. ‘So, you had no idea where it was until then?’ 
I picked up the walkie talkie again. ‘Exactly. What happened to Arisu was necessary if we were going to find the real safe. Speaking of which, I’ve found it.’ 
Now it was the moment of truth. The final test to see if my code was correct. I punched the numbers in one by one. 8022. Each one held its own magnitude, and I half-expected an alarm to ring out. 
Except it didn’t. The safe display read ‘OPEN’. 
‘You used him just for that?’ was Kuina’s tired response. 
Really, after all this time, did she not realise that this was the price one had to pay? This world had a certain dynamic. In order to survive, you couldn’t allow yourself to get caught up in guilt or shame. 
‘In order to gain something, you have to lose something,’ I said. ‘He’s just a sacrifice. Things like this happen a lot, don’t they?’
'No, they don’t. Not at all. I really don’t want to be your enemy.’
I smiled, remembering the betrayal in Arisu’s expression. ‘I get that a lot.’ 
The deck was like a weight, swinging in my pocket. A surefire sense of power and danger, all hidden within a stack of cards. There was no way of knowing whether collecting them granted any passage back to the old world. But there was also nothing to prove that they didn’t. 
Either way, I’m certain something will happen once the deck is completed. 
These cards couldn’t be for nothing. 
After replacing the painting, I told Kuina and (name) to meet me near the patio exit at the east of the hotel. I could’ve caught up with them on my way down from the top floor, but I wanted to make a small diversion. 
I’d never felt any attachment to my room, and even now as I took one last look, there was nothing in particular keeping me here. 
Well, maybe just one thing. 
Pulling open the second drawer down on the desk, I felt around at the back for the tiny box. It was only small, and the ring inside even smaller. It sat open in the palm of my hand, the silver fashioned into a small sun with a glistening green centre. 
Somehow, its weight was even heavier than the cards. 
Is there any point?
I could’ve easily slipped it into my pocket, but it was practically useless. Even if I gave it to her, she would instantly reject it. 
I placed the box back in the draw. It would stay a secret for the next person moving into this room. As I shut the drawer, I suddenly remembered another, darker secret hidden inside the one below. I opened it up, seeing the little souvenir I’d taken from my first game. 
The pistol glistened inside, metallic and dangerous. Now that would certainly keep Niragi at bay. But again, was it worth it? It didn’t hold many bullets, and it wouldn’t stand a chance against a rifle. Once we were out of here, I could probably find something a little bigger, perhaps in Tokyo’s empty Yakuza hotspots. 
I left it there along with the ring. Even walking away felt like tugging at a string that kept pulling me back towards that tiny box. I would have to rip that string apart. 
Making my way down through the hotel, I strolled outside, dipping into the smaller paths where the patio was peaceful. The only sounds were the faded music drowned out by wind, and the soft trill of crickets. Two silhouettes came into view, one basking in the glow beneath a lamppost, the other hidden against the wall in its shadow. 
‘I guess we won’t be needing these anymore.’ I pulled off the wristband I had gotten so used to wearing. Just as I reached the brick archway at the edge of the grounds, Kuina spoke.
‘Don’t you feel sorry?’ 
I paused. ‘Sorry?’ 
‘About what happened to Arisu,’ (name) said. ‘I feel really sorry for him. We both do.’
Kuina hummed in agreement. ‘Don’t you?’
I turned, glancing from Kuina’s frown to the figure behind her. No matter how hard she tried to hide in her friend’s shadow, I could always find her, especially when her eyes looked so full of anger and hurt. Standing there, both bracing themselves against the cold, the two of them echoed off one another in perfect harmony. 
‘I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.’ 
I knew what line came next. She didn’t have to sing, so long as she was still breathing. Perhaps I could make her understand. 
‘Is there anything we wouldn’t do in order to survive?’ 
Clearly, there was. Their eyes widened, as if the truth of this world hadn’t fully hit them yet. As if all my efforts had been for nothing in their eyes. 
Fine. Very well. 
I smiled, no longer caring to hide the bitterness. ‘If you both feel so worried, then maybe you should go and help him.’ 
And of course, neither of them budged. They knew they couldn’t. They were both so happy to come with me if it meant escaping the Beach, yet they still felt the right to criticise my methods. I turned back towards the arch and took the first step forward into freedom, only to hear that tiny, oh-so-familiar sound. 
A buzzing. 
‘It can’t be,’ I muttered. 
This was always a possibility. But why here? Why now? Why, when I was so close to winning? Any other time, and I wouldn’t have minded. This, however, was simply annoying. 
I was so deep in thought, I barely registered the footsteps behind me… the familiar form sliding past me… walking closer towards the arch. 
My hand moved on its own, grabbing her wrist and tugging her back just in time. For one small second I felt the heat of her skin, right before it was yanked out of my grip. 
‘What do you think you’re doing?’ She touched her wrist as if it had been burned, unaware that it had been the other way around. 
I couldn’t answer. The cold had settled back in, the emptiness. It only confirmed that nagging suspicion I already knew. The reason I couldn’t rip the string apart. She was the answer.
Kuina appeared at my side, waiting for an explanation. Her presence reminded me that there was something far, far more pressing at stake. Suddenly remembering the wristband I was holding, I tossed it into the arch. 
A glowing red laser shot through the centre and it clattered to the ground. 
The timing was almost ironic, too perfect to be true. Almost like the gamemasters had been watching us all along, just as they had with that little stunt they pulled in the Eight of Hearts. As frustrating as this was, I had to admire their creativity. 
I sighed, turning around to see a wall of lasers appear along the parameters of the hotel.
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incoherentbabblings · 3 years
I love your content, your love for TimSteph, and I was actually going to ask what you love so much about them. I, for extra credit for English, decided to write an analysis of Stephanie (and why I love her so much), but I just got into comics, and cannot really put my feelings for her in words ... which is odd, considering how much I love her and writing. Also, I was going to do a section on why TimSteph is narrative genius, and I needed help elaborating on that too.
Could you help me out, please? Thanks!
(I feel the need to mention that I have read quite a lot of comics with Stephanie in them, though not all. I'm not much of a comic book fan, but I'm really interested in the Batfamily!)
I'll be very happy to write out bullet points that you could talk about, and feel free to go through my ask and I'll babble/TimSteph meta tags for anything that you think may be worth discussing in your own words - there's like four or so years of stuff there to spark your brain.
HOWEVER!!!! Keep in mind though that much of what I have written is half based on textual evidence and half me just writing what I like/wish would crop up in canon.
For example, yes I like to draw comparisons between Tim being cold and Steph being warm, moon and sun and so on, but there's genuinely nothing in text to hint as this being an actual character trait or symbolism. If anything Tim's stated to be warm several times, more than Steph.
So, and I am sorry to be so blunt, but if I take your request in bad faith for a moment, don't use either directly or indirectly what I've written for your work. Especially without actually going and reading the arcs I talk about. A lot of the time it doesn't hold up under genuine textual scrutiny, and we want to be good academics here! There's Death of the Author and then there's me making crap up because I want to include it in a fanfic. Not the same thing! My blog is called IncoherentBabblings for a reason after all!
I will therefore say this: If you want to write about Steph as a character, I would use the below video as a point of reference. Using the below, you can then go into why she resonates with you the way she does, or why her relationship with Tim is so interesting to you.
If I were you: focus on her dynamic character development: cynical to idealistic. And use three points in her publication history to do this: her introduction in Detective Comics, War Games, and Batgirl. I am sorry to recommend War Games as something to read but it is important to her character. Use the Stephanie Brown Wiki to help!
That lends itself to a biography of her character, a look at her motivations and values, her role within the batfam, and so on. You can also use this to make comparisons with her peers, specifically Tim moving in the exact opposite direction development wise; Babs and Cass in their approaches to Batgirl; and the other Robins through her similar character progression as Dick, which in turn allows her to be a good mentor to Damian, and finally how her character arc runs perpendicular to Jason's. Does that make sense?
Anyway, let's get going! If I were to write an academic piece on Stephanie, these are the main points I would work through. In other words, this is what I would do. You probably will not need nor want to go into this level of depth, and you will want to make it much more personal about why she resonates with you, which may be different to why I love her. So don't worry about touching base with all of them. This is like... 10,000 word essay level stuff. And don't get overwhelmed. I've taken your request far too seriously is all.
Again, I can't write it for you! You gotta do the reading and writing I'm afraid.
...But I still wrote 1,500 words anyway. Gosh darnnit.
Steph’s Character Development
Always keep three points in her character history in mind – her aged 14/15 in her introductory arc in Detective Comics, her aged 16 in War Games, and her aged 18/19 in her Batgirl run.
How does she change? How does she grow as a character? What events caused these changes? Compare that angry 14-year-old trying to choke her father, to the 19-year-old crying happily on the roof. A lot happened between those two points! Outline the main plot beats.
Steph's Role as a Batfam Character:
Protagonist or Antagonist: Supporting Protagonist
Static or Dynamic: Dynamic (think of her character development - angry to alturistic; she softens in her life outlook and in the way she treats others as the years go by)
Minor or Major: Minor and we all mourn that fact :(
Foil or Symbolic: A foil to Tim Drake (and to a lesser extent the other Robins, specifically Jason Todd)
Importance of the character/Position in Society: Fourth Robin, third Batgirl, own superhero. Tim's girlfriend, Cassandra's best friend, one of many of Bruce's 'children'. Initially introduced just as a one-off character for a small arc in Detective Comics, brought back with the intention of being a supporting character to Tim Drake, and eventual love interest. Eventually gained enough popularity on her own terms to support her own solo comic, but has since returned to a supporting role. The character she supports, at the end of the day, is Bruce Wayne.
What influences their decisions?: Stephanie's dynamic characterisation comes in here. Compare her motivations during her introductory arc, versus why she does what she does in War Games, versus why she dresses up at Batgirl - Stopping her father, getting Batman's approval, need for redemption.
What do they value?: Values emotional openness, vulnerability, second/third/fourth chances.
Goals/Hopes/Dreams: No long term goals/hopes/dreams in the domestic sense... Continue to be vigilante. Be respected by her peers. Continue to improve self worth through deeds. Graduate college?
What are their views: Views the justice system and police as corrupt, but still trusts in the inherent goodness of people. Focus is usually on the individual, rather than societal or structural.
Behaviour, Attitudes, Impact on Story and other Characters, Internal Struggle (Wants versus Needs): This is why I think you are best to look at three points in her story - Intro Arc, War Games, Batgirl. Focus on her Wants versus Needs - Steph's take a very long time to align, but they finally do in Batgirl.
Character development is usually driven by the conflict between what a character wants. The plot forces them normally to confront the fact that what they want is not gonna work out, and what they needed instead takes priority.
Everything usually goes tits up for Steph when she is in the driver's seat of the narrative because what she wants from a situation is rarely what she actually needs to happen. See every time she seeks Bruce's approval. She wants it. She absolutely does not need it. And only as Batgirl do we get that acknowledgement, which coincides with her being at the healthiest point in her life emotionally. Look at what she wants as Spoiler during her introductory arc, as Robin/Spoiler during War Games, and then as Batgirl. Why is she so unhappy in the former two? Why have her wants finally aligned with her needs with her time as Batgirl?
Character Traits
Personality: Cynical but perky. Sardonic but sincere. Think about how she changes over the time. This can be attributed to her different writers, but - for example - is there a universe reason for why Batgirl Stephanie is so much more socially awkward than Spoiler Stephanie?
Strengths & Weaknesses: Link these two together because Steph is a very good example where her strengths as a character can simultaneously be a weakness. Her determination can lead to her making ill conceived decisions. Her empathy can lead to her putting her trust in the wrong people. Her forgiving nature can lead to her being taken advantage of. Her temper, whilst landing her in hot water, can also just as often get her out of it.
How do they interact with others: Focus on which characters pop up in all three arcs – Steph and her parents; Steph and Bruce; Steph and Tim. I am chucking Cass out the window here, sorry Cass, but if you’re focusing on these three arcs, Cass doesn’t really fit in.
How others view them: Conditional love/affection from her father and Bruce. Unconditional love/affection from Tim and her mother (though both are not without serious pitfalls).
How they view others: Stephanie has explicitly never loved her father. She has also never explicitly hated him either. What does that say about her? Look at her changing closeness with her mother. What changed between them, and again, what does that say about Stephanie? Crystal got sober, supported Stephanie through her pregnancy, Arthur was removed from their lives, Stephanie makes a conscious effort to be closer to her after returning ‘from the dead’, though continues to lie consistently to her. Stephanie admires Bruce, whilst also right from the get go insisting she does not answer to him. She never quite lets go of wanting that approval.
How does society view them: Her outsider role within the Batfam. She never quite belongs, and at points her closest relationships are actively discouraged from seeing her. Which Tim specifically never entertains. This outsider nature bites literally everyone in the butt during War Games. Her outsider status is still in place by the time Batgirl concludes, due to its largely self-contained nature as a book, but this is less being an outsider more having earned to right to operate independently. Trust has been given and earned.
What does she say and how: A teenage girl in New Jersey from a working class background has a very distinct voice. She does not mince words, nor does she hide what she is feeling. If she is happy, she will say so. If she is annoyed, she will say so. What she won’t do is ask for help when she needs it, due to her background formulating a need for her ‘to do things on her own’.
Think of famous/important Steph quotes from the three arcs I keep talking about – the excuse me if I don’t jump when you bark, the I really was part of the legend, the only variable you can control is yourself. These show how Steph views others and herself.
When I was writing I Would Have Loved You, I literally made a spreadsheet where I have picked out what I think are pertinent quotes from every New 52 issue featuring Tim or Steph along with a synopsis that explained what they were up to/what the main theme of the issue was. Not saying you should do the same because I’m just that goddamn anal when it comes to this sort of stuff, but the point is – look for quotes by/about Steph which highlight the above things we’ve talked about. You have thirty years to go through!
Author Intention
What purpose does this character serve?: A character that young female readers could get attached to – the every girl/girl next door archetype or a character that young boys could have a crush on – the kind of girl who’s into the same sort of stuff as you, I think Chuck Dixon once said of her, from her initial appearance. Fodder for Bruce and Tim’s man pain in War Games. Batgirl it’s a combination of filling the void for a female lead solo character in the batbooks, but also tonally taking on a much lighter and self-contained book that new readers could jump into very easily, directly compared to the more lore heavy Batman, Detective Comics, and Red Robin books.
What is the author trying to communicate: Steph’s character shows that determination can only get a person so far, a support system and doing things for the right reasons (again remember that want versus need argument) is the only way a person will genuinely succeed.
What is her main theme?: Balancing cynicism and idealism – doing acts for the right reasons, and discovering what these reasons actually are.
Is this even usable for anyone but myself? Possibly not!
Still... Go write! And good luck!
21 notes · View notes
keepcalm-and-beyou · 4 years
Serial Killer Boyfriend
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YoungFP x Reader
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Werewolves howl, Phantoms prowl, where witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon full and bright whispers tis Halloween. 
It feels like magic in the night when you see the pumpkins light. Time for the ghouls and ghost to seek goodies, for people hoping for treats not tricks. 
Halloween time in our town with pep. Everyone from school invited and some not invited to this years Spooktacular Party surely must be getting ready as i am. 
🎃Now I have a story that I'd like to tell About this guy you all know him, he had me scared as hell! He comes to me at night after I crawl into bed He's burnt up like a weenie and his name is Fred!🎃  
As A nightmare on my street song plays on my radio I apply my lipstick and smile when the song mentions the name Fred as it makes me think of my friend Fred Andrews, i also cant help but love the nightmare on elm street movie. Freddy Kruger what an intense killer to get you in your precious dreams i hope they make more movies like that. A noise interrupted my thoughts slightly making me jump. heading towards where it had come from i look out my window to the left then right side seeing some children running around on my street dressed up in their costumes trick or treating, the street lights shinned on my street sign that read ELM STREET. 
Thinking the noise must of been from those who are outside simply wanting candy i turn away from the half way open window i scream as i felt something grab my arm from where the window was i turn fast to face it seeing my boyfriend trying to climb through the window. I let a relived sigh leave my lips and step back in no mood to help him through my window but to watch his struggle he sure deserves it after that stunt. 
“Thank for the help babe” FP says sarcastically while finally getting him self through my window his eyes not yet even looking really at me until he stands up straight turning to fully face where i was standing by my bedroom wall. 
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FP’s eyebrows raised in what looked like surprise “Wow babe, damn you look good not like that’s anything new” 
“Well i tried thank you, uh what are you suppose to be, some poor victim of a serial killer stabbing, some messed up boy with mommy issues and a daddy who just doesn't seem to love him the same these days who has a issue filled girlfriend that seems so awkward all the time who probably kills his own girlfriend because ya know always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend, he must of watched way to many movies” I ask him as he slowly creeps closer to where i have been standing. This is when i notice the knife in his hand. It sure don’t look like the typical cheap fake ones used for such things as Halloween costumes. That makes me raise an eyebrow at the sharp metal in his hand. Fps eyes caught my reaction to his choice in accessory for his costume and he smirks getting closer to me. 
“Nah babe this blood is of my victims” he smirks wider as his eyes seem to burn into mine “I’m the killer” he adds while he brings his knife up to his bottom lip resting it there. 
“Shit does that mean i’m the girlfriend you want to kill for some bullshit reason” i fake seriousness.
“Hmm I think ill keep you around you look to good to ruin that tight outfit” he smirks checking me out. 
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“Thanks. Oh and next time use the front door you ass”
“Did i give you a fright” FP stalks even closer to just inches apart. Like he is  stalking his prey. I deny that he frightened me and i lightly push him backwards from my bubble of space done with his creepy killer vibes in my bedroom and wanting to get my party on. 
Walking out my front door like a normal none creepy person uses i turn to FP “Your not really gonna walk around with that legit knife are you, because that seems like big ole trouble to me” 
“You have no idea” FP says quietly but loud enough to hear him. I watch as he passes by me down my steps and put the knife into a holster on his jeans.
“Wait what?” I ask confused on his statement. only for him to act as if he never heard me. 
I spot a boy who looks like our friend a small ways down coming from his front lawn as we approach and it is indeed my best guy friend! 
“Oh my gosh Fred i love it i absolutely approve of this years choice in costume” I say excitedly going to hug him not caring for his eyes to slightly open wider at my revealing chest area. 
“You look.. uh wow yeah wow a good wow very good wow” Fred rambled 
“Watch it Fred” FP warned in what seemed to be a half joke half serious threat as he slaps Fred’s check lightly and they do a quick bro hug. 
“Awe my guys, my killer boyfriend and killer best friend, my Freddy as Freddy i love it, glad you didn’t go with a mask of Freddy Kruger though i prefer your pretty face” I smack Fred on the same cheek FP had done. 
“I knew you would” Fred smiles. 
“Okay i could use a drink and Hiram douche as rich as he is must have plenty at his party so hurry up move it along” FP says nodding his head ahead of us indicating for us to start walking that way. 
Hiram Lodge, rich and rude mostly describes him. someone who many of us don’t particularly like. Fred dislikes him for many reasons one being Hermione Gomez the girl Fred was into and thought she could be the one. Until she chose Hiram and his pearls over Fred and his heart. FP dislikes him for many of the same reasons Fred does but one being Me the ex girlfriend of Hiram, I thought he could be the one until our once fun filled relationship turned into a cold one into a distant one into me choosing FP over Hiram. But hey a party with free booze is our kind of party and we got the invite well me and Fred did anyways. 
Walking through the streets of Riverdale seeing all the Halloween decorations like the lights from jack-o lanterns and ghosts hanging from trees, feeling the chilling vibes of the magic that is Halloween night run through my body, the feel of a cold hand in mine making me smile at my serial killer looking boyfriend. 
I watch as few children pass us by seeing the looks shared by Fred and FP raising my eyebrow at what they could be thinking then suddenly the two teenagers yell and jump forward towards the little kids scaring them making the children scream and run off. Rolling my eyes at the two men in front of me laughing like hyenas. 
“Real mature boys” I say unimpressed at the child like behaviour 
“Its Halloween y/n lighten up” Fred laughs 
“Yeah babe its meant to be scary” FP adds
“True but no need to terrorise little kids” I shake my head at them. And continue our walk.
Nearing the house holding the Halloween party hosted by Hiram i notice some familiar faces as much as i can being with all the Halloween costumes. my eyes came upon sierra dressed as wonder woman, a perfect costume for her and her girl power woman on a mission thing she has going on. a short distance a way as well seeing tom Keller in a army costume, another typically perfect costume for the boy.
The outside of the house isn't much decorated i try to push through some of my fellow classmates with FP and Fred hot on my tail walking through the front doors. I’m impressed by what my eyes are seeing the many outstanding lights making the house look like a nightclub ready for teenagers to dance the night away, i see Halloween theme streamers and garland, hanging bats all over the roof of the house, your typical mini orange pumpkins and some painted black placed on tables, and my favourite of all the creepy images on the walls that change. 
“Boy Hiram of course with all the crap” FP looks around at all the decorations as i was. “Think he’s compensating for something Fred” FP chuckles looking to Fred who’s standing next to him. Fred laughs at his best friends remark. 
“No comment” I smirk barley looking towards FP to see his glare thrown my way. 
“Speak of the devil” Fred nods his head to where Hiram is walking towards us. Hiram lodge strolls head high nearing us wearing a medieval king costume, it makes me want to laugh at another super typical costume for the boy who think’s he is a real king, only kind of royal he happens to be is a royal pain in the ass. 
“Well well well a sight for sore eyes, in all her black beauty” Hiram steps closely in front of me with that stupid smirk and ignorant eyes. I simply fake a big smile as my only response. 
“Fred” Hiram greets in a major Hiram way that doesn't sound very greeting like. so Fred does the same. My eyes moves back and fourth between the two and landing on Hiram as his eyes land on my exposed chest thanks to my Elvira costume. This doesn't go unnoticed by my serial killer boyfriend who steps in front of me chest puffed out and eyes murdering the rich man who only smirks more at the exchange. 
“Ah FP Jones i do believe you were not sent an invite but by all means enjoy my humble adobe, oh but please don’t let your serpent behaviour disturb my gathering” 
“Hiram” is heard from behind him of course coming from Hermione. I roll my eyes at her presence dressed as a medieval queen. “Hello glad you guys can attend” she says playing the dutiful girlfriend.
“Mhm thanks” I say in the most super fake tone i can muster up and a smile to go with it as i move past them farther into the home of the devil incarnate. 
Pouring my self a much needed beverage as FP pushes some guy lightly out of his way to reach a bottle of whiskey taken the whole thing for him self.
“Are you really just gonna take the whole thing?” i chuckle
“What like he cant afford to lose out on one damn bottle y/n” 
“Okay then” i let out a small sigh hoping FP doesn't get to hammered. 
“Hey it saves me from having to stab someone to move out my way for a drink” FP pulls out his knife he had in his holster waving it around near our faces with a wide smile. I’m not sure if its because it Halloween that this whole dressed in blood serial killer thing is legit creepy, but hey its pretend right. 
“Stop waving that thing in my face before you make me lose an eye you psycho” I tell him half jokingly. he just stares at me for a moment like contemplating on something, maybe something i said. But finally after making a clicking noise with his tongue he puts the knife back into his holster. 
“Good boy” I teasingly say to him as i grab his chin giving him a kiss to his cheek. 
Hand in hand we walk around for a bit saying a few hellos to some friends of mine as FP stays silent drinking from his bottle and eyeing a few people dangerously creepy. We enter the dining room seeing people including Fred playing beer pong. 
“Y/n come be on my team I’m kicking Tom’s ass” Fred shouts to where i stand with FP by the entrance. FP looks annoyed at the thought but i don’t care he can brood and mood alone for 5 minutes well i kick some major Keller toosh. 
“Oh Keller boy its on” i challenge as Fred cheers at my comment. 
I stand tall and elegantly yet cockily toss the ping pong ball, it lands perfectly into a cup filled half way with beer in front of Tom. Tom of course drinks it. Fred and I throw a few more times ultimately winning which causes us much joy giving us the need to jump around cheering for our self’s along with others in the room, i jump into Fred’s arms smiling at our victory he spins me around laughing. 
“That was awesome y/n” Fred smiles as he put me down. 
“Tha-” I’m cut off by the dark voice of FP
“I thought i said watch it” he remarks dryly to Fred as Fred gives him an unsure look. 
“Wow okay babe laying on the crazy tonight real hard don’t you think” I tell FP furrowing my eyebrows at the bloody boy. FP scoffs and Fred backs away slowly to leave me to deal with my crazy boo. 
FP moves close to my ear and says “Nah what would be crazy is if someone losses a hand because they can’t keep them off you” and he tilts his head in that weird way like a challenging way. Then all of a sudden he’s laughing. I can’t help my face reacting as if he has gone mad. 
“Let’s keep checking out the place babe” FP says in his normal tone as if he wasn't just a crazy jealous boyfriend. And put’s his arm around my shoulders. 
We came across a room that seems like a second living room it looks like the teenagers in it are playing a game as they all sit in whats suppose to be a circle. 
“Oh look its Y/n, care to indulge us in a game of secrets and sins” Penelope’s voice rang out. she use to be a decent human being but it seems her adopted family the blossoms have really done a number on her after she accepted to be with Clifford her adopted brother. honestly I’m unsure if its even legal. 
“I don’t know about that one” I shrug not really in the mood to share a secret of any sorts. 
“Are you scared to tell us something” Clifford chimes in as he is sitting next to the red headed sister girlfriend of his. 
“Let’s go babe” FP grumbles in my ear. But i shake my head at his words. 
“No no i’ll stay” I smile and take a seat on one of the few couches in the room that have space. FP stay’s standing by the door.
“Well that makes it your turn y/n, any sinful secrets you might wanna share” Penelope asks with a wicked smirk plastered on her face as if she already knows any secrets i may have. 
“Hmm i cheated on a math test once, no that’s a lame one, uh i keyed Hiram’s car after we broke up” that last so called secret made FP chuckle. but Penelope rolled her eyes not amused by my choices of secrets. 
“I have a obsession with the movie the heather's i do as well imagine poisoning my classmates, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate” i tell Penelope with a small smile. She lets out a huff still not amused.  
“So that’s your big secrets? Really. I think not Elm Street girl” she says smiling at me. Causing me to raise my eyebrow. And she continues on. 
“You know who else lives on Elm Street, Fred Andrews right? Your friend, your boyfriends friend” she drags on
“So do you have a point or are you just obtuse” I laugh in my head at my own joke sense obtuse is opposite of something pointy. 
“Funny. You like to do a lot with that mouth of yours, like talk when know one cares to listen or make out with Fred Andrews when you think know ones looking” she smiles deviously as my eyes widen in shock. 
“What?!” is heard from the door FP in fit of rage.  
“Wait let me explain” I say to FP but he doesn't hear it he’s to busy pushing his way out of the bedroom door so i follow him. 
“FP can you slow down what are you doing let me explain” I yell for him to hear me but all i see is him on a hunt. oh no probably for Fred. Poor Fred. 
Fp reaches Fred who is in the big living room area where the drinks are and teenager’s dancing. FP grab’s Fred by his shirt throwing him into a wall swiftly reaching for his knife 
‘FP no” i shout as i near the two boys. 
“What the hell FP” Fred asks his best friend. 
“I outta kill you boy” FP barks in Fred face now holding his knife to his throat. 
“FP stop please its not what you think i swear” I plead with my now looking like a real serial killer boyfriend. 
“Y/n whats going on? Why do you have a knife? wait is that a real knife FP?!” Fred asks a bunch of questions in his nervous and scared state. We all barley notice the music had turned down a bit and people were gasping and whispering amongst them self's. 
“You touched my girl!” FP says lowly very low dangerously low. 
Fred looks beyond shocked at the news his best friend knew. He was speechless. 
“FP please let’s talk outside or in a quite room” i beg of him. 
“Screw this” FP says angrily and grab’s Fred again by the shirt only to throw him into the wall once more before backing away. “You better watch out boy” FP threatens Fred. FP disappear’s into the house and I tend to Fred. 
“Oh my gosh are you okay i cant believe he just went that psycho” I held onto Fred’s head looking over his neck and face for any injuries. Seeing a small cut from the knife on is neck, making me cringe at the fact my boyfriend did that. 
“I’m okay y/n how did he find out?” Fred asks looking guilty 
“Secrets and sins and one red headed bitch of a blossom” I remark coldly.
“I’m going to find the bathroom see if i need anything for my neck” Fred tells me as he starts to move towards the door way. 
I should look for FP to tell him the truth the whole truth to that secret. The fact that it was before i chose to be with FP, it was a drunk bad judgement call right after my break up with Hiram. 
Its been some time looking for FP i think its safe to say he left the party. Maybe that’s a good thing give him some space to calm down and when he wants to talk i’ll gladly talk to him. I haven't seen Fred in awhile either, if he ditched me i’m going to kill that athletic guitar playing boy. No sign of my best friend and the party has majorly died down with only a few students i barley know from school and the few i do know decently well like Sierra, Tom, Penelope and Clifford, Marty Mantle and Darryl Doiley and of course the host him self and his little girlfriend Heromine. 
I look around some more for Fred so we can leave, i check anywhere i can including upstairs. I come across a room at the very end of the hall and open the door slowly “Hello anyone in here?” I ask not wanting to intrude on anyone's personal business. There’s no answer. I cant make much of what’s in the room it’s very dark until i find the nearest light switch flicking it on my eyes instantly see a body on the ground. 
“Oh my god Fred?!” I move fast towards the body now seeing the crimson colour seeping through his shirt as if he has been stabbed. I couldn't control it my mouth had i mind of its own as it let out a screeching sound of horror at the sight of my best friend bleeding not a single movement made on the floor. 
I stood in shock for a moment after my scream rang through the walls catching the attention of a few of my fellow classmates as they run into the room. 
I hear gasps and what happened and omgs come from a few mouths as i stare eyes wide open at Fred on the ground. I see Tom get closer to Fred’s body when i snap out of my trance of horror. 
“Wait don’t touch his body!” i spit out before anyone can lay a finger on the boy. 
Everyone looks at me as i’m insane. 
“Finger prints and moving a body is like what tampering with a crime scene and if you have your finger prints on him guess who’s a suspect of murder” I tell everyone sternly. 
“We need to see if he is breathing!” Tom says freaked out. 
I move closer to Fred’s unconscious body not enough to touch and tell everyone to shut the hell up so i can listen for his breathing, I hear nothing. I then put my hand in front of his nose and mouth to see if i can feel air coming from his bloody body, I can not. 
“He’s not breathing guys.. he’s dead” i cry out covering my mouth in more shock. I hear little cries from the girls Heromine and Sierra. 
“This can’t be happening my parents will kill me if i through a party and there happens to be a dead body laying around” Hiram sighs
“My dad is probably gonna kick my ass” I hear Marty say in a fearful tone.
“We need to call the cop’s” Tom says
“I don’t know about that” Clifford chimes in. 
“What are you talking about that’s what your suppose to do, unless you killed him?” Tom shouts back at Clifford. as Clifford scoffs
“This could ruin our life’s what colleges are wanting to accept people involved in a murder” Penelope say’s. 
“Was that a confession?” Darryl Doiley ask’s The red head rolls her eye’s
“Who would do this” I let tear slip from my eyes. 
Everyone looks around at one another eyes scanning each other with possible thoughts that one of us killed Fred Andrews. 
“Hiram. I bet it was Hiram” Penelope says smugly as always these days. 
“And why would I do that?” Hiram asks in almost to good to be true calm manner. Everyone turns their heads to Penelope so she can further explain her accusations.
“Oh please you never did like the boy so much you even stole his girlfriend” she replies nodding towards Hermione who still have many tears on her face. 
“Please you strike me for the killing type both you Blossom’s and your weird family” Hiram spits back to the red headed girl. 
“This is so not cool guys we need to do something” Sierra says. 
“Yeah like the cops’” Tom says again 
“No, no cop’s, not until we figure who might have done it” Hiram speaks.
“We can all point fingers at each other but nothing proves either of us did it” I tell them hoping their madness would stop i haven't even had time to really wrap my head around the dead body of my best friend. 
“What about FP” Darryl Doiley speaks up from the corner of the room he’s been hiding in sense he came in after my scream. Everyone turns to look at the Doiley boy at the same time with looks that say what about him. 
“He had a knife right he held it to Fred’s throat and went all psycho doesn't that prove anything” Darryl continued 
“This is true, FP did have a weapon and is well crazy” Hiram says as a matter of fact. I roll my eyes at him. 
“No way he wouldn't .. I don’t think he would, oh my no no he couldn't” i say unsure in my own words that my boyfriend and Fred’s best friend would commit such a crime. 
“I don’t know the look in his eyes sure showed insanity” Penelope spoke
“Y/n it might be true look at the facts he was mad at Fred, he held Fred at knife point, and threatened him. It doesn’t look good for FP” Tom states
“What doesn't look good for me” FP appears in the door way of the room giving us all a fright many of us jumping at his voice. Some of our eyes wide in fear to see him in front of us hearing us talk about him. The girls Heromine, Sierra and Penelope move further away from him as they practically huddle together, Darryl and Marty look terrified, while Hiram and Tom have no expressions on their faces, then there’s me standing in the middle of everyone beside Fred’s body not knowing what to say and trying hard to keep my face a normal looking way. 
“Say hey what happened here” FP says what almost seems like a question but more of a taunt, he takes a step inside the room with his head tiled in that creepy way he does.
“Get away from us you murderer” Penelope shouts at him. 
“Hmm that’s not very nice” FP smirks deviously at her as he pulls out his knife pointing it at her “You are not very nice” he tell’s her. He looks at everyone in the room ‘In fact none of you really are. Not to me that’s for damn sure” he clicks his tongue. 
“Hey man we no what you did and its cool we wont say anything to anyone” Marty tells FP in hopes to get out of a killer situation. FP just laughs at the boys attempts. 
“FP tell them you didn't hurt Fred i know you didn't right?” i ask my own hopes rising
“We know you killed him FP” Hiram says to him
“How do we know your not the killer? huh? you like scary movies maybe your movie freak mind lost its reality button ever think of that” FP says challenging Hiram's words. Hiram scoffs. 
“Okay well if FP didn't do it and none of us did lets just call the cops” Tom says starting to walk towards the door when FP’s knife ends up nearing his face
“Na na na Keller get back” FP demands so Tom goes back to his spot by Fred’s body and near me. I look to Fred’s dead body and to FP, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me finally seeing it feeling it , that FP killed him. My eyes water as i take small slow step to FP who bares his knife still in front of him. 
“Why FP.. please tell me why” I cry slowly moving toward my killer boyfriend. 
“Why y/n! why!” he shouts manically making me jump. He turns to face the door he had just shut then back to me. 
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Suddenly FP steps to me grabbing me by my throat facing me to everyone has his grip is tight on my neck keeping me in place close to him. 
“Listen FP” Sierra says trying to defuse the ticking bomb 
“No you listen you little bitch! Anyone moves and ill be happy to see what your insides look like. Takes the strength of a man to gut someone ya know” FP barks
“You all and your privileged life’s, you northsiders think your so better then everyone else!” FP shouts and his grip gets even tighter on my throat making me whimper. “Not anymore” FP drags his knife on my face as he speaks but not hard enough to cut into my skin. 
“We are sorry i’m sorry we all are sorry!” Sierra shouts
“You don’t have to do this FP let y/n go” Tom says calmly reaching his hand out
“Let her go FP” Hiram says more demanding
“Please FP you don’t have to hurt anyone” Heromine chimes in
“Oh my ” Penelope mumbles 
“Dude come on please” Darryl cries out 
“We’re sorry dude” Marty says but not enough meaning to believe it.
“If any of us made you feel less then us we are sorry if any of us picked on you we are sorry or if we made fun of you FP” Sierra speaks again apologising for everyone. And everyone’s voice rings out say yes and yeah’s agreeing to what she had said in fear for their life’s. 
“Nah” FP says then quickly spins me to face him and send’s his knife into my stomach instantly my hands go to the wound i feel the wet substance and my knees hit the floor as horror painful sounds escape my lips everyone runs to me as i turn around best i can hands red and dripping, the girls faces wet with tears the guys faces filled with horror i take one last look at my stomach hand covering it again.
“Gotcha” my head snaps up to everyone as i smile wide
“Really I’m dead no one calls the cop’s ” Fred says from the floor with his face looking towards us all. 
“What?!” everyone shouts with wide eyes and still horrified yet shocked faces all around. 
“Good job FP” Fred smiles getting up from the floor. “Man that’s tough playing dead for that long so glad no one saw me breathing when i needed to” 
“You did great man” FP smiles 
“But the blood” Hermione asks
“Corn syrup” I reply with a smile
“You are all seriously insane” Sierra says 
“That was not funny” Hiram adds sternly 
“Holy heck thank god” Tom sighs of relief 
“I can’t believe you guys” Heromine says shaking her head in dismay.
“Not cool” Marty adds 
“You had us all going” Penelope says in boredom
“Yeah” Clifford adds not making eye contact with anyone probably embarrassed that he got fooled. 
“Well can’t say you guys didn’t deserve it” FP smiles a normal smile not a creepy one at last. 
“Happy Halloween guys” Fred smiles 
“I got me one hot serial killer boyfriend” I put my arm around FP’s waist as his arm goes around my shoulder. 
“Happy Halloween” FP and i say at the same time to everyone. 
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
How 'bout a Bakugou fic where he's in love with an older woman, lets say his senpai. I just love the idea of Bakubae pining after someone who's a little bit older than him 🤤
Not my senpai
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Bakugou stared at the big red zero on the test paper in his hand with an angry expression. Ofcourse he, THE Bakugou Katsuki couldn't get a fucking zero on a test! There must have been some sort of mistake! As if Aizawa was reading Bakugou's mind, he looked at Bakugou and stated, "Bakugou, there hasn’t been any mistake in my grading if that's what you're thinking. You got perfect scores in every other test except for English. If you want to be a top hero, your English speaking skills need to be top notch since famous pro heroes are sometimes sent on missions abroad. You need extra tutoring and we'll talk in details about it after classes are over.". "Yes, sensei.." Bakugou grumbled, almost blowing up the test paper in his hand as he crumbled it and shoved it in his bag. The worst part of it all was that he was the only one in class to fail English. Iida, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu came from expensive middle schools which gave them good English skills since they already learnt it all from back there. Midoriya was always good at taking notes which is why he managed to keep up with English as he also took help from Iida and Todoroki. Uraraka and Tsuyu took help from them as well and managed to pass the English exams. Kaminari and Sero knew English from video games while Mina and Kirishima learnt it from american fashion and fitness blogs. Koda learned English from cooking videos while Jirou learnt it from singing English songs. Satou apparently had relatives abroad and therefore, he was taught the language by his parents. No one knew how Ayoama knew such good English while the others simply seeked guidance from Yaoyorozu. Hell, even Mineta knew enough English to pass the exams thanks to watching way too many English porn videos! Bakugou was the only one with the massive ego to not ask for help from anyone which in turn came back to bite him on his own ass.
When class was finally over, Bakugou sat at his chair angrily, waiting for his discussion with Aizawa. He knew that getting extra tutoring would improve his English skills and ofcourse, he didn't want to be topped by "shitty deku". Then again, taking help from people was rather embarassing for him. However, it's not like he had an option in this case. While thinking of all these, he didn't notice the third year student slip in the classroom. Bakugou was currently in the second year of UA. During his first year, he was able to manage English classes somehow but now that lessons got way harder, he managed to get his first failing grade in his entire life. Bakugou's trail of thoughts was broken by Aizawa speaking to him. "I don't have any extra time to give you extra tutoring and nor does the other teachers. (L/N) here would be helping you with English because of that. She's one of the big three of the third year and she's got the top marks in every year so don't underestimate her and behave. Talk to her and set your extra lesson timings." Aizawa drawled before getting out of the class with his sleeping bag, leaving Bakugou with you. "Hey, I'm (L/N) (Y/N) from 3A and I'm glad to help you out with English. So, Bakugou-kun, tell me when you're free and we can work out a time to study together?" you told him with a small smile as you sat on the chair infront of him. "Am free after classes everyday for 2 hours." Bakugou muttered with a scowl. "I see. You're not too friendly are you? Well, it doesn't matter. As long as you cooperate and as long as your English skills get better, you don't need to play friends. I'll see you after class on Wednesdays and Thursdays alright? See ya tommorow." You stood up, your polite smile gone to replace your face with seriousness. Well, atleast you successfully broke his expectations of you being a random extra cause it was like you read him by his expression alone.
"(L/N)-SENPAI IS GIVING YOU EXTRA TUTORING? GODDAMNIT WHY DID I NOT FAIL ENGLISH?!?!?!??!" Kaminari wailed at the information passed onto him for the 100th time. "Why is dunce face acting like that?" Bakugou asked Kirishima, tired of Kaminari's fanboying over you. "You really don't know anything about (L/N)-senpai do you Bakubro? Her quirk is similar to principal Nezu and she pretty much is smarter than a computer. She can tell exactly what you're thinking by just looking at you cause she's so good at reading a person's body language and she apparantly got into the hero course without having any physical quirk just cause she apparantly made a different student hit a building in a certain place that made all the other buildings in Ground beta fall over crushing all the robots. Principal Nezu already requested her to take over his position as soon as he retires. She won the sports festival three times in her year cause she uses everyone's quirk against them somehow. As far as I know, no one really understands what's going on in her mind cause she always has this polite smile on her and so far, no one has been able to befriend her or get anywhere close to her cause she somehow always shuts them out. She's pretty much the prettiest, smartest and the most untouchable girl in UA. Which is why, Kaminari is shitting himself cause (Y/N)-senpai would never go out of her way to tutor someone and you're seriously lucky cause she's probably the smartest person in Musutafu besides Principal Nezu." Kirishima explained. At the moment, Bakugou clearly understood why your expression suddenly changed just because he scowled. You probably understood that he thought you were an extra when in reality, you were anything but one. The whole ordeal, somehow, made Bakugou feel embarassed about judging you without knowing shit.
Wednesday came sooner than he expected and Bakugou knew that he had to compensate for embarassing himself. Ofcourse you probably thought that he infact was the extra cause you were clearly way smarter than he was. While you tried to find his issues with English, he was feeling uncomfortable thinking about the events from back then. "Bakugou-kun, I'm not looking down on you cause you looked down on me. I can understand that you figured out my quirk from someone but it's alright. People tend to judge others and that's normal human behaviour. Now that you feel bad about it, that's enough for me and we can just forget that happened." you told him, again with that polite smile. "Okay." Bakugou muttered feeling awkward since he wasn’t used to people reading him like that. Like Kirishima mentioned, you really were extremely smart and you figured out exactly what made his English skills weak in a matter of minutes. While he had a good understanding of grammer, he clearly had no practice when it came to implementing it. After talking to him for a while, you figured out his interests quite easily and for the next few months, you brought him books that he might like for him to read out loud to you. Bakugou was a smart person as well and it didn't take him any more than the next three months to master English well. By then, the two of you read over a hundred books together in the library. The two days of tutoring turned into all seven days a week and Bakugou found himself drawn to you after the first month. While you were polite and cold at the begining, you started to laugh at Bakugou's dry offensive humour. Bakugou found your smart remarks funny as well, letting out a deep chuckle at times. The books you got him were all up to his interests at the beginning but with time, they ended up being books that you genuinely enjoyed which made Bakugou learn more and more about you. You, like him, were a misunderstood person. You understood exactly what others thought of you which made you detach yourself from people. Everyone always thought of you negatively behind your back and they believed that you wouldn’t figure it out. The only problem was that you always did. People were easy to read after all and you understood why people found you to be too intense. People are naturally made to be scared of the unknown and no one really knew you. Well, except Bakugou. You opened up to this certain boy because he always showed what he felt. To him, there was no reason to hide his feelings, he would say that he dislikes someone on their face. You liked that bold attitude and you found yourself opening up to him, thinking of him as a friend or maybe more.
When Bakugou looked at the red 100/100 written on his English test paper, a smirk formed at his face. He couldn't wait to show it to you and brag about his English skills. He knew that he wouldn't be here without you but then again, you already knew that. He loved that he didn’t have to voice his appreciation out loud to you since you always picked up on his subtle gestures of appreciation unlike everyone else. Hell, you were smart enough to see the good in him, to see everything else other than his prickly exterior. He finally knew why Kaminari was fangirling over you months back since ge found himself doing the same. You were the embodiment of perfection to him and now, three months later, he knew that he was head over heels in love with you. However, unlike you, he didn't have any way of predicting you. You were older than him by an year. Hell, you were a senior student and you always rejected everyone who asked you out. You'd be starting out as a pro hero in less than a few months while he'll still be a high school student and ofcourse that meant that you’d most probably reject him. With all that negative thoughts, he went to the library to meet up with you for tutoring sessions. Given that he already aced his exams, there was no more reason for you to tutor him anymore. The thought that you probably wouldn’t talk to him again made him feel sick at the stomach. "Hey Bakugou-kun! How did the test go?" you asked him with a genuine smile as you sat at one of the tables in the library. With a cocky smirk, Bakugou held out his test paper, showing off his perfect grade. To his surprise, you stood up and did a little weird victory dance as you clearly looked extremely happy. "Damn, (L/N), you seem more happy about my grades than I am" Bakugou teased you, making you blush furiously as you realised that you literally danced like an idiot infront of him. "It's (L/N)-senpai Bakugo-kun! Besides, all teachers feel happy when their students get perfect scores you know!" you tried to defend yourself by teasing him. Usually, he would tease you back with some sort of insulting remark but this time, he was quiet. You knew about his feelings for you for a while. After all, Bakugou wasn’t very hard to read. To be honest, you found yourself falling for him as well. However, you wanted him to make the first move. You were older than he is but that didn't mean that you’d have to take charge in every case. Unfortunately, it seemed as if he couldn’t gain that confidence and now that your tutoring sessions came to an end, you didn't know what to do. "Senpai huh..." you heard Bakugou mutter, his hair hiding his eyes as you saw a small smirk on his face. "I refuse to call you my senpai, (L/N). You may be an year older than I am, you may have a quirk that makes you a hundred times smarter than I am but I saw through you. Don't think that I didn’t notice those blushes on your face whenever I teased you or how you look like the world ended now that our tuition sessions are over. I seriously was confused at the begining but now, I'm pretty confident that you like me, don't you, (Y/N)?" Bakugou asked, looking straight at your eyes as he called you by your first name. To say that you were blushing would be an understatement as you were completely red by his boldness. "As far as I'm concerned, you're not my senpai from now on. You'll be my girlfriend instead. If I'm wrong, then you can walk away from me and I'll not bother you again." Bakugou stated, a blush forming at his face. He didn’t think this through. Infact, as soon as he saw your sad expression, he decided that he needed to confess now. It as now or never. Bakugou was never good with feelings and you understood why his confession sounded more like a declaration that you were his. A small shy smile formed on your face as you looked at him and said, "Alright, I'm not your senpai". The next thing you knew was that you were pulled into a deep passionate kiss.
Bonus: "YOU'RE DATING (L/N)-SENPAI??!?!?!?! WHY DID I NOT FAIL ENGLISH GAHHHHHH" Kaminari was bawling in the 2A common room while Bakugou looked at Kirishima with an annoyed expression and told him, "Tell Dunce face to shut his trap." Kirishima only looked at Bakugou with a shocked expression thanks to the news that Bakugou was dating you being thrown at him moments ago.
[Author's note: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while. Hope you liked it!]
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - The Quest for Varian
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This is one of the better episodes of the first season and arguably of the whole series, but like most arc episodes from season one, it’s let down by the events of later seasons. 
Summary:  After another nightmare about her hair, Rapunzel receives a message from Varian saying he may have solved the mystery of the rocks and needs her help finding the bronze Graphtyc. Rapunzel and her friends journey to Old Corona, which is now overgrown by the Black Rocks. Along the way, they come across a group of masked figures who are out to stop Rapunzel from seeking the answers she wants.
These Prophetic Dreams Go Nowhere
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Rapunzel has had them previously in What the Hair and she has them again during The Return of the Alchemist, but they don’t add anything outside of this one episode. 
Rapunzel learns nothing from them other than to be a vague warning of what she is ignoring. They don’t actually show they future, they reveal no hidden meaning, and they just disappear after the first season for little reason. We never find out why she was having them, why Varian was the only other person connected to them and not say, Cass, nor what was causing them. 
Dreams and prophecies can build tension, but you gotta explain where they come from, their place within the world, and how they tie back into the narrative. 
Rapunzel Only Cares About Varian When It Affects Her Personally
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I want you to keep in mind that it's been nearly three months since Queen for a Day. Season one takes place over the course of six months, ending with Rapunzel’s birthday. Queen for a Day is meant to be the mid-season finale and we are already planning for her birthday in this episode. Also for further evidence, if you’ve watched the series in production order as intended, then we’ve had seven episodes between the two. 
During this entire time Rapunzel hasn’t thought of Varian outside of how letting him down has made her feel. She doesn’t actually care that he’s in trouble and is only getting involved now because she’s having nightmares and personally needs answers. 
You can’t constantly claim that Rapunzel is this kind and compassionate person when she abandons children for months on end while only thinking of herself, and then never actual apologizes for it.    
Rapunzel Knows About the Rumors and Does Nothing
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Nigel is literally repeating them to her point blank and she says nothing. She doesn’t correct him nor tries to stop them from spreading, and then dares to act shocked when Varian mentions how they affected his life in the next episode.  How hypocritical can you get? 
Oh yeah, the King exists...
Frederic is a Liar
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The lie about the rocks is obvious, but there’s more to it then that. He’s also lying about the rumors as well. We don’t know who started the rumors about Varian attacking Rapunzel, whether it was Nigel or Frederic, but we do know that Frederic does know the truth because he’s read Rapunzel’s diary. He’s using the rumors to his advantage in keeping Varian quiet regardless if he started them or not. This is an abuse of power. 
Frederic has Chased an Orphan Out of His Home
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Varian’s letter tells us that the guards have been after him and the scroll for awhile now. That’s why he needs Rapunzel to go get it for him and why he has to go through these elaborate means to reach her. He’s not just been abandoned for months; he’s been unfairly hounded by the authorities and forced to survive on the run. 
Also keep in mind that it’s been shown that Corona has an unjust legal system that unfairly and harshly punishes poor people. The king could very well imprison, banish, or hang Varian if he catches him and it wouldn’t be out of character for Frederic to do so. 
Varian Shouldn’t Have had to Ask for Help a Second Time
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Rapunzel’s defenders try to act like her helping Varian here somehow makes up for her abandoning him for months, and no. No, it doesn’t. 
First off, three months. Second off, this is her responsibility as both a princess and as an adult, and she’s ignored it until it was convenient to her; till she had something to gain from helping. Last off, Varian is a child. 
There’s no excuse for abandoning a child, ever. I don’t care for how long. Rapunzel does not have any sort of defense when it comes to her treatment of Varian; end of story. I do not care how much you personally like her as a character. Accept that your fav did a bad thing and move on. 
I Actually Like Eugene’s and Cassandra’s Relationship Here and How it’s Grown; Shame Future Seasons Never Focus On It Again
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Like seriously, does Cass and Eugene even have another conversation during season two? Do we see them spending any time together outside the group? They get zero focus after this season. Also, don’t get me started on how season three screws them both over. 
Upon Figuring Out the Truth About Quirin, Rapunzel Decides to Throw a Pity Party
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No, “Oh no, Varian is alone in the world!” or, “Oh crap, this is what Varian needed me for’; not even a “Oh poor Quirin.” Just a “Poor me, I feel guilty now” instead. And not even guilty for treating Varian badly, just guilty for touching the rocks, i.e. something that she can’t be held accountable for by the narrative.
Once again, do not try to pass off your main character as a kind and caring person if all you’re going to do is have her selfishly focus on her pain all the time. 
Why Would You Say that Cass? 
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No seriously, why would you say that? Aren’t you supposed to be Varian’s friend? Weren’t you also there with Rapunzel when he asked for help? Did he just not warn you in his letter that he was being chased by someone for the scroll? What possible reason would you have not to trust him at this point in the narrative? Also, you’re wrong. They aren’t with Varian, so this isn’t a case of foreshadowing either. 
Cap Fights His Own Daughter Here Out of ‘Duty’ and The Show Never Calls Him Out For It
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Look, I like Cap. He’s the best father, nay, best parent, in the show, hands down. And this situation is mostly Frederic’s fault. But he’s not blameless either.
In season one he constantly chooses loyalty to the crown over doing what is actually right. He chases down a defenceless teenager who has been recently orphaned and drives him from his home on the excuse of ‘orders’. He attacks his own daughter and the princess on the excuse of ‘orders.’ Even in the finale he chooses ‘orders’ over his own daughter’s happiness. 
This all could have tied into season three’s narrative, but the show is so hyper fixated on Rapunzel and her relationship with Cass, that any attempts to call out this behaviour falls flat. There’s no proper focus on his and Cass’s relationship and no real resolvement of their issues. 
This Isn’t Foreshadowing 
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Look, if your only ‘hint’ for the big plot twist in season three is a split second shot in season one of a character doing a totally normal thing, that you have to send the viewers on a quest to find, then you’ve failed at writing. 
Sorry Ricky, but your ‘quest’ sucks and this story sucks. 
Cass Has No Excuse For Not Knowing What Gothel Actually Did to Raps Because Eugene Is Literally Telling Her the Whole Story In This Scene
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Speaking of dumb twists, the writers pointed out this scene as a clue for the Gothel twist but it actually undermines the narrative because now Cass has no logical reason to ever think Gothel wasn’t anything but abusive. She should very well know that Rapunzel had a sucky childhood because she’s actually seen it. 
Rapunzel and the Mains Now Know About Frederic Framing Varian and Do Nothing About It
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Varian sent them a letter telling them he’s being hunted down for the scroll. They get chased when they find the scroll. They’re informed by the people chasing them that Frederic sent them after the scroll. Yet, all they care about is why Frederic order this in the first place and not about the obvious abuse of power that this is. Nor about the kid that still on the run for his life. 
Look it may seem I’m being harsh on Rapunzel here, but honestly the problem isn’t that she’s made a mistake, or is selfish this one time, or that she did a bad thing. No, the problem is that narrative never holds her to account. She never acknowledges that she was wrong. That is the biggest failing of the show. It takes what is, at first, a fun, complex story and turns it into a cringe fest. So much so that once good episodes now become painful to sit through. 
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